Class hour sobriety choice of the strong. Sobriety is the choice of the strong! rules on what a sober lifestyle is based on

No matter how popular regular cigarettes are in our society, they have a real competitor, which, perhaps, does not yet claim to displace them entirely, but at least is fighting with them almost on an equal footing for new consumers. This is, of course, e-Sigs– not just devices, but a real fashion trend recent years. Now a huge number of people smoke them, without sometimes wondering whether it is possible to do this. For example, there are some groups of people who cannot smoke, but they still enjoy electronic cigarettes without thinking - maybe they are not at all as safe as their manufacturers say, but, on the contrary, are harmful? For example, you can often see pregnant women smoking such cigarettes. But can they do this, smoke directly during pregnancy?

General principle

First, let's figure out how such cigarettes work in principle. They work based on the principle of evaporation. When tobacco is burned in a regular cigarette, it produces smoke that further man inhales through a filter, a special capsule containing liquid is inserted into electronic cigarettes. This liquid gradually evaporates due to strong heating. As a result, steam arises, which is inhaled by a person. As a rule, the liquid contains nicotine, although sometimes manufacturers insist on the opposite.

Is there any harm?

Now let's look at the general impact of such things on human body. Are they harmful? Very for a long time There are debates about whether there is any harm from electronic cigarettes, or whether it is more far-fetched than real. The problem is that there are not enough data on these devices to study them in any detail. possible effects. But we can still say that there is some harm from them, although manufacturers, as a rule, insist on the opposite.

If the liquid contains nicotine, then there is nothing to prove. Yes, of course, maybe there won’t be that large amount of harmful tars that are found in tobacco, but nicotine is inherently very harmful - everyone knows how bad it affects the lungs, the heart, the skin and other organs.

Well, if there is no nicotine, then you shouldn’t be happy either. Most liquid capsules for such cigarettes are made in China. But they are produced without sufficiently strict control of the manufacturer, which leads to low quality and the presence of all kinds of harmful substances, which will definitely not be something positive for your health - especially since their effect has not been fully studied.

Harm to pregnant women

Now let's move specifically to pregnant women who decide to smoke during pregnancy. Under the influence of such smoking (or as it is also called “vaping”), an impressive number of various negative effects can occur. Here's what can be harmful to the fetus if you smoke such cigarettes during pregnancy:

  • Miscarriage may occur very early.
  • Spontaneous abortion or premature birth may occur.
  • There is a risk of oxygen deficiency in the fetus.

Also, if you smoke during pregnancy, a fairly rapid accumulation of nicotine in the blood can occur. fetus, which will lead to the fact that he already has early stages will be damaged various organs, including liver, kidneys, heart and so on.

But the damage is not only caused to the fetus. The mother will also be very uncomfortable, because she is already not ideal condition will become significantly more complicated. She will feel dizziness more often, experience nausea, weakness, toxicosis - all this is provoked by the electronic cigarette during pregnancy.

Even if you do not take into account all the harm to which the fetus is exposed, you should not expect anything good from such smoking; the effect from it is purely negative.

So no matter how they try to convince us that such smoking is relatively harmless, in reality this is not entirely true. It is possible that smoking electronic cigarettes during pregnancy is indeed much less harmful than smoking in the traditional sense of the word, but for the fetus the content of harmful substances in the body will still be hundreds of times higher than is acceptable. So if you allow smoking electronic cigarettes in principle and are ready to take an informed risk, then at least refrain from smoking during pregnancy - and then you can be sure that your child will be born without any problems and abnormalities that may cause various negative substances contained in the pair.

General principle of wipe operation

To find out the answer to the question whether pregnant women can smoke electronic cigarettes, you first need to understand the general principle of the wipe. This device It works by converting liquid into steam, which the steamer inhales. A special filament inside the device turns liquid into steam. Many smokers choose an e-cigarette for the following reasons:

  • a wide variety of liquids for refilling;
  • the absence of substances hazardous to health that are formed during the combustion of tobacco;
  • savings and much more.

Of course, a wipe is much safer than classic cigarettes, due to its operating principle, which is similar to a regular inhaler. Each vaper can choose nicotine-containing or nicotine-free liquid for refilling, and in this circumstance lies the answer to today’s question.

Damage to health

Now is the time to understand the effects of e-cigarettes during pregnancy. Is it as harmful as many people believe? Manufacturers of wipes insist on the opposite, claiming that there is no harm to e-cigarette smokers. When vaping, no carbon dioxide is released, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances.

However, when it comes to nicotine-containing vape liquids, there is nothing to prove.
During pregnancy, the use of such gas stations is extremely undesirable. Everyone knows that nicotine is inherently a rather harmful substance that contributes to addiction. This substance negatively affects the lungs, heart, brain, skin and other organs human body. Nicotine also has an extremely negative effect on the fetus.

This begs the second question: what if you use vaping liquids that do not contain nicotine during pregnancy? The fact is that almost all liquids for refilling a wipe are made in China. There is no strict control during their manufacturing process.

Even nicotine-free liquid may contain a complex of harmful substances that will not benefit the developing fetus.

The only way out of this situation is to give preference to refill fluids from a quality manufacturer

Harm to pregnant women

What happens if you use an e-cigarette during pregnancy, despite all the doctors’ warnings? The process of smoking or vaping can cause a number of damage to a pregnant woman. negative impacts, we are now talking about the use of nicotine-containing liquids. Under these circumstances, e-cigarettes for pregnant women may cause the following problems:

  • onset of premature labor;
  • miscarriage;
  • the risk of nicotine addiction in a child;
  • deterioration of blood circulation;
  • influence on brain activity.

We can conclude that an electronic cigarette and pregnancy are not compatible things, unless you give preference to nicotine-free liquids.

During the smoking process, the baby's blood is saturated with nicotine. This could lead to extreme Negative consequences. In the early stages of fetal development, problems and abnormalities may occur internal organs. The risk of developing heart disease increases significantly. The condition of the mother herself will also worsen. She will feel dizzy, general malaise, weakness, and fatigue.

Of course, many people agree with the fact that vaping is much safer than smoking tobacco, and this is true. But this statement should not be applied in cases when it comes to pregnancy.

No matter what the manufacturers of electronic cigarettes try to convince us of, the fact remains that nicotine is extremely harmful to humans, and even more so to a pregnant woman.

Way out

What is the way out of the situation when the expectant mother cannot refuse the process of steaming even during pregnancy? In this matter, the main thing is to set priorities that will help preserve the health and life of the unborn child:

  1. It is necessary to use only nicotine-free liquid to refill the vape. In this way, it will be possible to protect the baby from nicotine and prevent the development of many pathologies.
  2. You need to choose only high-quality liquid. You shouldn’t skimp on this and buy a refill from a dubious manufacturer.

A reasonable approach to this issue will help protect the unborn child from unpleasant consequences.

Pregnancy as a special period - is it worth quitting smoking?

Of course, there are many scientific confirmed facts that smoking during pregnancy leads to the birth of weakened children, sometimes even with developmental defects. Therefore, doctors strongly advise expectant mothers not to risk the health of their unborn child and to stop smoking.

But some scientists believe that long-term smokers are not recommended to suddenly give up their usual cigarettes during pregnancy, since their body will experience a very severe severe stress– and it is unknown whether such a strong shake will benefit the baby. Probably, in such cases, it is worth paying attention to electronic cigarettes, in particular to E-CIGARETTE 650 Dualcoil, which allow you to gradually reduce the amount of tobacco you smoke, and then quit altogether bad habit.

How harmful are e-cigarettes for pregnant women?

Research on tobacco substitutes - whether they are harmful to pregnant women - has not been carried out in the world, therefore any of these products, including electronic cigarettes, must indicate that they are not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

However, the results of experiments conducted by a group of scientists from the Center for Cardiac Surgery in Athens (Greece) under the leadership of Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos - the level of toxicity of electronic cigarettes - were worthy of attention. The results were impressive: the indicator was 0.001 for e-cigarettes versus 0.2 for conventional tobacco products, which is 200 times lower.

Harmful effects of e-cigarette ingredients for pregnant women

According to doctors, the greatest harm to the health of a woman and her unborn child, if a pregnant woman does not give up smoking but uses substitutes for tobacco products, can be caused by nicotine and propylene glycol, the ingredients contained in e-cigarette liquid.

However, the level of nicotine in an e-cigarette can be reduced, up to the point of switching to completely nicotine-free refills. As for propylene glycol, this component of e-cigarette liquid is known in both the food and pharmaceutical industries as a solvent and preservative. It is included in cosmetics and personal care products - body lotions and foams, toothpaste, shampoos and even lipstick.

Experts say that propylene glycol can be harmful to health if its concentration in the blood plasma exceeds 1 g/l, which is only likely if a large dose of this substance is administered intravenously or if it is ingested. For a smoker who uses liquid in e-cigarettes, the entire volume of which does not exceed 10 mg per week of vaping, propylene glycol is unlikely to be harmful to health.

General information about the principle of operation of cigarettes

To obtain objective information, you should know how an electronic cigarette works. It is based on the principle of evaporation. A regular cigarette assumes that smoke will be released during the combustion of tobacco. It is this that the person will inhale (the smoke first passes through special part cigarettes are a filter, but it is not always present).

An electronic cigarette does not contain the usual tobacco - it contains a special container (made of glass) into which a specially produced liquid is poured. In turn, the device has an on/off system that causes the liquid used to heat up. As a result, it gradually evaporates, which leads to the formation of steam. This is what a person inhales.

The popularity of such devices forces liquid manufacturers to produce a variety of product options. Today you can buy liquids from different content nicotine (it is one of the most harmful substances contained in a regular cigarette). Percentage nicotine is indicated on the packaging, so a person can choose the most suitable option for himself, including nicotine-free formulations, in which the aromatic components are of paramount importance and play the role of a placebo for those who want to quit smoking altogether.

Harmful or not

Can an e-cigarette be a source of danger during pregnancy? To answer this question, you need to know what general principles These devices have significant effects on the body. Modern community, including how ordinary people, and specialists in the field of medicine, cannot give a definite answer. Research also does not provide 100% proof of the harmful effects of cigarette fumes. Some users and experts are convinced that all the talk about the dangers of this method of smoking is nothing more than a far-fetched fear of a new device.

Difficulties in the debate arise because the researchers themselves, who are searching for an answer to the question of the dangers of electronic cigarettes, have not received enough information about this. The effects and consequences of exposure on the human body have also not been studied enough to systematize them and present them as significant scientific work or a conclusion that will be impossible to challenge.

In turn, a pregnant woman should understand that liquids contain nicotine, albeit in small quantities, and other components that can have a certain effect on the body and the unborn child, so it is recommended to abandon the idea of ​​using them.

Nuances and important points

A pregnant woman should also take into account a number of nuances:

  • Even if the liquid does not contain nicotine (the packaging indicates “0%”), there is no guarantee that the information is true;
  • The ingredients in liquids, including flavorings, have not been studied well enough to ensure complete safety for use by pregnant women.

In addition, nicotine has a negative effect on the lungs and skin, heart and other organs, so you should not think that if an electronic cigarette does not contain tar, then it is less harmful to health. It is also important to remember that a large number of liquids are produced and placed on the market without adequate measures to control the quality of the composition. This, in turn, leads to the fact that they may contain all sorts of harmful substances that will definitely not be something positive for your health - especially since their effect has not been fully studied.

Why should you give up e-cigarettes?

In general, e-cigarettes do not cause health problems when used in moderation, but pregnant women should avoid using them. If the decision to start smoking comes during this period, then you should weigh the pros and cons to understand whether it is necessary to do it at all. The following factors speak in favor of quitting smoking (vaping):

  • The liquids include different components, including those that may harm the fetus;
  • Due to the changes that have occurred, the likelihood of miscarriage increases early stages;
  • The risk of premature birth increases.

In addition, according to available information, the risk of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) increases, which leads to irreversible changes in the development of the fetus and even its death. Another factor against starting to smoke an e-cigarette or being in the room while someone else is using the device is the rapid accumulation of nicotine in the blood. Consequently, negative components also accumulate in the fetal blood, which leads to the development of the most various violations, including heart defects. Other organs and systems also suffer, so it is better to stop using electronic cigarettes while pregnant.

Not only the fetus, but also the pregnant woman herself experiences harm from the use of electronic cigarettes. The body experiences great overload during this period, so additional Negative influence substances that make up the fillers for “vaping” lead to deterioration general condition. Nausea and dizziness may develop. Also, an electronic cigarette can cause toxicosis, which in the later stages of pregnancy is very harmful for the pregnant woman and the baby. Weakness is another signal to give up e-cigarettes, as the body experiences the negative effects of the substances and cannot cope with them.

In general, even without taking into account the harm from smoking electronic cigarettes to the developing fetus, the overall negative impact on the body from compounds and liquids (especially those containing nicotine) is too great. That is why pregnant women should not expect anything good from this type of smoking; the effect from it in 99% of cases is extremely negative.

Even when choosing mixtures that do not contain nicotine in their composition, you should remember that some of the components may contain allergens that are harmful to health. expectant mother. Manufacturers are trying to convince potential buyers that e-cigarettes do not cause harm to pregnant women, but in fact this is far from the case. Research is just beginning, but it is already clear that there is a negative impact on the unborn child and the woman’s body.

There is no doubt that smoking in the usual form brings more harm to the fetus and the pregnant woman than using an e-cigarette, but for the fetus the content of harmful substances in the body will be hundreds of times greater than is permissible according to standards. This factor must always be remembered.

Thus, before allowing the use of an electronic cigarette during pregnancy, you should remember not only that the vapor contains fewer harmful substances, but also that even a small amount of them negatively affects the development of the fetus. That is why you should not take big risks and experiment, since we are talking about the life and health of not only the pregnant woman herself, but also the unborn baby. If a woman smoked regular cigarettes before pregnancy and cannot find the strength to give them up, then with the doctor’s permission she can switch to “vaping”, but for this purpose she must only use formulations where the nicotine content is zero. It is important to remember that the birth of a child without developmental disorders can be guaranteed only if the woman can completely quit smoking, including electronic cigarettes, during pregnancy.

General principle of electronic operation

To smoke or not is the choice of every person. The harm of traditional tobacco smoking has long been proven. But whether smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful during pregnancy is a controversial issue.

Before we figure out whether pregnant women can vape, let’s talk about the operating principle of such vaping devices. Essentially, an electronic cigarette works on the principle of evaporation.

Oddly enough, the first electrons were simple inhalers. In principle, the mechanism of operation of such gadgets has not changed since that time. The only thing that is constantly updated is design and functionality.

So, if in a traditional cigarette the process of smoke appearance involves the burning of tobacco leaves, then in the case of a vape, steam (namely steam, not smoke) appears as a result of the evaporation of a special liquid with which the device is charged.

Is vaping harmful?

Now let's talk about overall impact electrons on the human body. Is such a device harmful?

Since the very beginning of these vaping devices, people have been arguing about whether there is any harm from electronic vaping, or whether it is more of a far-fetched fact than a real one.

To understand what can harm a vaper’s body, let’s talk in more detail about the composition of liquids for refilling electronic devices. After all, it is this component of vaping that poses a danger to humans.

Regardless of the brand of liquid or the manufacturer, it contains several main components, which everyone probably knows about. Propylene glycol and glycerin are basic components such a filling. Distilled water can also be used. There are also flavorings, where would we be without them? And of course, nicotine, which is the most harmful for vapers.

So, is vaping harmful? I would like to say right away that everything is learned by comparison. It makes no sense to deny that e-cigs pose a danger to the vaper’s body. You just need to understand how critical this is for both steamers and pregnant women in particular.

Of course, the absence of tars that are very harmful to the body is a proven fact, but at the same time, nicotine used in the production of vape refills is inherently very harmful. It affects everything inner fabrics and human organs.

This carcinogen has a negative effect on:

  • brain;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • bronchi;
  • liver;
  • organs of vision.

In addition, nicotine increases the risk of developing cancer. In vapers who vape nicotine-containing e-liquids, the heart beats much faster - 15,000 times more than the required norm in 24 hours. This load leads to rapid wear and tear of the heart muscle.

Moreover, the risk of developing such serious diseases increases:

  • ischemia;
  • heart attack;
  • angina pectoris;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • myocardial infarction.

If there is no nicotine in the vaping liquid, then this is not a reason for joy and confidence in the harmlessness of the refill. Most vaping mixtures are Chinese-made products. And this, in turn, is due low quality finished product.

To be more precise, Chinese gas stations are not produced using certified technology and, believe me, they are not made from the highest quality consumables. And there’s no talk of controlling the manufacturing processes of refills for e-cigarettes. So be careful in your choice, and whenever possible, choose higher quality refills for your vapes.

Harm of electronics for expectant mothers

Now let's talk specifically about the compatibility of vaping and pregnancy, or more precisely about the harm this activity has for pregnant women.

The consequences of vaping nicotine-containing liquid during pregnancy may be as follows:

  • increased risk of miscarriage, pregnancy regression or premature birth as a result of fetal poisoning with nicotine;
  • constriction of blood vessels, which leads to the development of oxygen deficiency in the gestating fetus;
  • If you use a vape during pregnancy, a fairly rapid accumulation of nicotine can occur in the blood and, accordingly, in the organs of the unborn child, which will lead to early destruction of the tissues of internal organs and their dysfunction both during pregnancy and after birth.

What are the dangers of vaping for the expectant mother:

  1. If we talk about expectant mothers, it is worth recalling that in the first trimester of gestation, global changes occur in a woman’s body that directly affect the immune system, significantly inhibiting it. And every responsible woman is simply obliged to do everything possible so that the existence of a new life in her womb is as safe as possible. And the use of electronic cigarettes, to put it mildly, does not have the most favorable effect on health ordinary person. Needless to say, how harmful this activity is for a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
  2. A pregnant woman will experience discomfort, since her already not entirely ideal state of health with numerous hormonal imbalances will be significantly complicated.
  3. A person who smokes feels nausea, pronounced weakness, and increased fatigue. In the case of using vaping during pregnancy, all these symptoms intensify significantly, plus the most terrible toxicosis is added to it.

And even without taking into account all the harm to which unborn child, nothing good should be expected from electronic vaping; the effect of this process is purely negative. So no matter how hard manufacturers try to convince you that this activity is harmless and that in the process of making the vaping mixture, only some kind of medical nicotine is used, in fact this is far from the case.

Let's summarize

Yes, compared to traditional smoking, this option is less dangerous for the health of a pregnant woman. A person who smoked regular cigarettes puts others at risk, while in the case of vaping everything is a little calmer. And yet, the harm to the fetus will be very, very great.

If you accept electronic vaping in principle and are willing to take an informed risk, then at least try to refrain from using a vape while pregnant. This is what will allow you to be sure that the future baby will be born without any deviations or problems that can be caused by harmful components of the electronic refill, as well as their combustion products.

What do you think, is it possible for pregnant women to smoke e-cigarettes? Perhaps you have your own arguments regarding this issue?

The effect of nicotine on the body of mother and fetus

The undoubted advantage of electronic cigarettes lies in the principle of their operation - a person inhales the vapor that is formed by heating the smoking liquid on the coil. This is not smoke from regular tobacco cigarettes containing tar, heavy metals and almost the entire periodic table. Accordingly, there is much less harm from an electronic cigarette. But still he exists.

Nicotine is narcotic substance, addictive and poisoning the smoker's body. It has a detrimental effect on oxygen metabolism in the lungs and, accordingly, throughout the body, settles in the respiratory tract, affects the functioning of the heart and many vital functions. important systems body.

In addition to harming the mother’s body, nicotine can cause irreparable harm to the health and even life of the unborn baby.

If a woman does not quit smoking during pregnancy, nicotine accumulates in her body and in the fetus.

Are electronic cigarettes harmless – a myth or not?

Many vapers argue that e-cigarettes are completely harmless, without even knowing that they contain nicotine. What can we talk about if even scientists have not fully established the fact that vaping is “harmless” on the human body. What can we say about the body of a pregnant woman and her unborn child?

You shouldn’t delude yourself and think that you can easily quit smoking with the help of electronic cigarettes. Initially, they were invented so that a person could safely smoke in in public places without breaking the law or disturbing others.

Few people know that there are special nicotine-free e-liquids for vaping. They, as many mistakenly believe, are also not so harmless. After all, the liquid contains propylene glycol and glycerin, which can release carcinogens when heated.

In fact, the vast majority of e-liquids are made in China without any control over the product quality or manufacturing process. That's why true composition liquid remains a mystery.

How to reduce the harm from smoking if you are unable to quit?

Of course, not everyone has the willpower that will help them easily quit smoking once and for all. Unfortunately, even a threat to the health and life of the unborn baby does not become a powerful incentive for every smoking woman to quit this harmful habit.

Of course, it is best to take care of your baby’s health in advance and, if possible, quit smoking even before conception (at least three months in advance).

Is there any harm from nicotine-free e-cigarettes?

As mentioned above, even nicotine-free e-cigarettes can have hidden danger for the body of the smoker due to the composition of the smoking liquid. Of course, if you take them in comparison with regular cigarettes, the harm is not so great.

If a pregnant woman nevertheless decides to switch to electronic cigarettes after tobacco ones in order to quit smoking, then in 7 out of 10 cases she will succeed. You need to choose e-cigarettes with less nicotine every time in order to switch to nicotine-free ones and completely quit smoking. It would be a completely absurd act if a woman who had never smoked before suddenly started smoking, even if it was an electronic cigarette.

After all of the above, we must conclude that there is still harm from electronic cigarettes. And for a pregnant woman, this harm is doubly amplified. It doesn't matter whether they contain nicotine or not. Until now, many have proven that electronic cigarettes are harmless, but all this is just talk of people who do not recognize the obvious facts.

Sad statistics modern world suggests that more and more more women start smoking. Unfortunately, their dependence is so great that many continue to smoke while carrying a child under their hearts. Some women switch to vaping electronic cigarettes to reduce the harm from smoking. Later in the article we will look at whether e-cigarettes are harmful during pregnancy.

The undoubted advantage of electronic cigarettes lies in the principle of their operation - a person inhales the vapor that is formed by heating the smoking liquid on the coil. This is not smoke from ordinary tobacco cigarettes, which contains tars, heavy metals and almost the entire periodic table. Accordingly, there is much less harm from an electronic cigarette. But still he exists.

Nicotine is a narcotic substance that causes addiction and poisons the smoker’s body. It has a detrimental effect on oxygen exchange in the lungs and, accordingly, throughout the body, settles in the respiratory tract, affects the functioning of the heart and many vital systems of the body.

In addition to harming the mother’s body, nicotine can cause irreparable harm to the health and even life of the unborn baby.

Most frequent consequences nicotine consumption:

  • the likelihood of miscarriage in the early stages increases several times;
  • premature birth is possible;
  • asphyxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus and, as a consequence, its death.

If a woman does not quit smoking during pregnancy, nicotine accumulates in her body and in the fetus.

This leads to irreversible consequences:

  • Pathology of the development of the respiratory organs. As the child grows, respiratory tract diseases will become more frequent, and the risk of developing bronchial asthma.
  • Heart disease. Among women who smoke regular and electronic cigarettes during pregnancy, the risk of giving birth to a child with heart disease increases to 70%. And it doesn’t matter whether the expectant mother smoked early or late.
  • Mental development. Among babies born to smoking mothers, speech and language delays are most common. mental development, antisocial behavior, problems in education.
  • Allergy. Atopic dermatitis is an almost constant companion of children developing under the influence of nicotine;
  • Physical development. Children of smoking mothers are born with low birth weight and lag behind their peers in physical development, often get sick, grow poorly.

Are electronic cigarettes harmless – a myth or not?

Many vapers argue that e-cigarettes are completely harmless, without even knowing that they contain nicotine. What can we talk about if even scientists have not fully established the fact that vaping is “harmless” on the human body. What can we say about the body of a pregnant woman and her unborn child?

You shouldn’t delude yourself and think that you can easily quit smoking with the help of electronic cigarettes. Initially, they were invented so that a person could safely smoke in public places without breaking the law or disturbing others.

Few people know that there are special nicotine-free e-liquids for vaping. They, as many mistakenly believe, are also not so harmless. After all, the liquid contains propylene glycol and glycerin, which can release carcinogens when heated.

In fact, the vast majority of e-liquids are produced in China without any control over the product quality or manufacturing process. Therefore, the true composition of the liquid remains a mystery.

How to reduce the harm from smoking if you are unable to quit?

Of course, not everyone has the willpower that will help them easily quit smoking once and for all. Unfortunately, even a threat to the health and life of the unborn baby does not become a powerful incentive for every smoking woman to quit this harmful habit.

We offer you several effective advice that will help cope with nicotine addiction:

  • psychological help. Participation of relatives and loved ones, support of the expectant mother, positive experiences of other women who quit smoking during pregnancy;
  • Consult your doctor about the possibility of using anti-nicotine patches, chewing gum or lozenges;
  • For the first time after quitting smoking, drink milk, as it removes nicotine from the body well, therefore, speeds up the process of withdrawal.

Of course, it is best to take care of your baby’s health in advance and, if possible, quit smoking even before conception (at least three months in advance).

Is there any harm from nicotine-free e-cigarettes?

As mentioned above, even nicotine-free e-cigarettes can have hidden dangers for the user’s body due to the composition of the smoking liquid. Of course, if you take them in comparison with regular cigarettes, the harm is not so great.

If a pregnant woman nevertheless decides to switch to electronic cigarettes after tobacco ones in order to quit smoking, then in 7 out of 10 cases she will succeed. You need to choose e-cigarettes with less nicotine every time in order to switch to nicotine-free ones and completely quit smoking. It would be a completely absurd act if a woman who had never smoked before suddenly started smoking, even if it was an electronic cigarette.




Class hour on the topic:

"Sobriety is the choice of the strong!"

Developed by: Semenova Marina Olegovna,

classroom teacher groups No. 161/162

by profession "Cook, confectioner"



Class hour on the topic:

"Sobriety is the choice of the strong!"

Target: attracting public attention to the need for active and healthy image life.


Formation negative attitude for use various types psychoactive substances;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Progress of the class hour

introduction teacher:

Good afternoon, Dear Guys! September 11th is celebrated as Temperance Day in our country. All-Russian Day of Sobriety is a mass cultural event aimed at showing the benefits of a sober lifestyle, awakening civic initiative and uniting society in opposition to addiction.

Today there is a threat looming over our country, and you and I need to pay attention to the enormous social problem, on the decision of which the fate of Russia depends. Alcoholization Russian people has assumed alarming proportions. The Russian President said that “alcoholism has acquired the character of a national disaster in our country,” and called for decisive measures to be taken to correct the situation.

Let's look at the statistics:

Every third working-age man suffers from excessive alcohol consumption. The scale of its per capita consumption has reached 18 liters per year for every Russian - old man and baby - and is in currently main reason demographic crisis, the rapid extinction of our people. Let's compare the numbers and be horrified. During the 10 years of war in Afghanistan, people died

14,000 of our compatriots. According to academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, first deputy chairman of the Committee State Duma for health protection N.F. Gerasimenko, alcohol in Russia takes away at least one million human lives in year.

The age at which teenagers start drinking alcohol has dropped over the past twenty years from 16 to 13 years. 80% of minors in Russia constantly drink alcohol, and 33% of boys and 20% of girls drink it daily. It undermines the physical and mental health, mental development of the younger generation. Russia ranks first in childhood alcoholism. Abandoned children, old people, broken families - these are all facets of the same problem. If the situation does not change, our country has no future. We have reached the point where only sobriety can stop our headlong rush towards inevitable death! After all, alcohol is more terrible and insidious than any of the most merciless enemies; it is a weapon of mass destruction.

IN Lately associated with alcohol:

72% murders;

42% suicides;

52% of deaths from injuries, accidents, etc.;

67% of deaths from liver cirrhosis;

23% of deaths are from cardiovascular diseases.

Alcohol kills 500-750 thousand people a year. Alcohol means accidents, equipment damage, psychosis, poisoning, illnesses, disabilities, neglected children and many others. terrible phenomena»

The tradition of holding Temperance Day is being revived these days in order to mark public consciousness sobriety as social norm life as natural state person.

And now, guys, I offer you the beginning of the proverb, and you must finish it by choosing from the answers we have:

Proverb competition

Well done! Now, let's answer the questions:


1. You can’t buy it for any money? (health)

2. What gives a person energy? (food)

3. A person who smokes and drinks alcohol is extremely susceptible to any infectious diseases. About damage to which body system? we're talking about? (About immune system)

4. Training the body with cold. (hardening)

5. The smallest organism that carries an infection. (bacterium)

6. How does smoking affect the functioning of the heart? (makes your heart beat faster)

7. What disease is most often associated with smoking? (lungs' cancer)

8. What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to treat colds? (raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden)

9. What time of year is best to start hardening? (in summer)

10. What do you call people who swim in an ice hole in winter? ("walruses")

11. Name winter views sports

12. Name summer sports.

13. Which plant leaves are used for bruises and scratches? (plantain, burdock)

14. Why can’t you drink water from a puddle? (dirty water contains various microbes that cause dangerous diseases)

15. The science of body purity. (hygiene).

And now, I propose to play the game “Believe it or not.” If you agree with me and believe in this, then raise both hands, and if you disagree, put your hands down.

Competition-game “Believe it or not”

(agreement - raise two hands, disagreement - lower your hands)

Do you believe that

Is exercise a source of vigor and health? (Yes)

chewing gum saves teeth? (No)

Do carrots slow down the aging process? (Yes)

Are there any harmless drugs? (No)

In summer you can stock up on vitamins whole year? (No)

drink ice water on a hot day does it help with hardening? (No)

To protect ourselves from germs, should we not wash vegetables and fruits before eating? (No)

mobile, active image Does life promote health or not? (Yes)

Our today has come to an end Classroom hour. Please tell me what you learned today and what conclusions did you draw from it? What surprised you the most from today?

Students' answers: …………………………….

Final word teacher: Some people have written wonderful lines promoting a healthy lifestyle. I suggest you think about the problem that has arisen in society, pay attention to it and give up bad, destructive habits.


Annex 1.


Know how to work,... (know how to have fun too).

Drink vodka - ... (to ruin yourself).

In a puddle of vodka... (and the heroes drown).

Walk, dance, ... (don’t kill a soul).

Loved wine - ... (ruined his family).

Whoever gets drunk on the brew... (he washes himself with tears).

Drink and walk - ... (no good in sight).

A drunkard among the people... (like a weed in a garden).

A river begins with a stream, ... (and drunkenness begins with a glass).

Enough wine - ... (the young man passed away).

For it to work, it can be activated in any usual way, for example with the words:
This runic form protects (name) from cravings for alcohol and alcohol addiction, helps (name) maintain health and longevity. Considering the fact that alcoholics almost never admit to addiction and extremely rarely consciously seek help, their loved ones can also work with them. But since stav involves working with clients who have already recovered, they need to be introduced to the stav, and the person must be informed about the features of the runes and the meaning of creating the stav. I think there will be no internal protest. If the person still rejects independent work with a stave (for example, carrying it in a pocket), it is possible to place the stave in the house so as not to violate his personal comfort zone.

Application of stav

The best option is to apply it to reverse side photographs of a person who was healed. He should be alone in the photo, without glasses and from a direct perspective. It is possible to embroider it on textile items (for example, a decorative pillow) and place it in the house. You can draw on accessories (vases, panels). There are quite a lot of options, some sew an image of these runes into the pillow or plant a plant and bury it in the ground. If you want to ensure that there are no celebrations with alcohol in the house, place it in a visible place in the kitchen or where you usually celebrate. If an object with a stave crashes or disappears, this is a sign that an outsider is performing rituals to make a person dependent, planning to get him drunk for certain purposes. In this case, you need to work out the protection. Usually staves are painted and placed in the house several times. He's quite positive.
Decoding by runes
The stave uses seven runes. Each of them 1 time.
What does each rune give?
Mannaz - symbolizes the person himself, his modest desires, lack of excesses, moderation in life. Gives clarity of desire to change. New interests in life. Help in solving addiction problems. Receipt practical recommendations, regarding giving up drinking.
Uruz - gives inner strength not to resort to alcohol in difficult situations, for depression. The end of the alcoholic's journey, the beginning healthy life. End old negative habits. Forms a decent environment, sober people nearby. Revealing the true will of a person. Encourages manifestation inner strength will. Rune of courage. Efforts to achieve results.
Dagaz gives a person the desire to be healthy and the strength to give up bad habits. Rune of transformation and breakthrough. Leads a person from a period of darkness to prosperity. Helps you believe in success, even under the pressure of external circumstances. 180 degree changes in life. Adoption important decision in life.
Perth - rebirth, qualitative change consciousness. Rebirth, psychological death, intense experiences and after that - dawn, rebirth.
Laguz is a heightened perception of the world, thanks to intuition. A firm awareness of the harmfulness of a bad habit - alcohol consumption. The rune gives correct knowledge, guides you on the path to healthy and happy life, introduces you to good people. Feminine power from the inside (for women) and from the outside (for men). Success in new activity, good memory.
Ansuz - receiving blessings, support and signs from Higher powers on the path to recovery from alcohol addiction. It pushes away from a person those who have not overcome addiction and influences him in every possible way (invites him to drink in company, and so on). Every addiction, as we know, is due to idleness, lack of opportunity to realize oneself in the area and extent in which one would like. Therefore, this rune again helps a person to switch his energy to new creative hobbies and activities, introduces interesting people. Gives others patience towards the person.
Inguz - fruits after effort. The rune helps to consolidate the result and rewards a person in every possible way for voluntarily giving up alcohol. Gives various benefits, thereby encouraging him to completely forget about alcohol and past life during periods of drunkenness. Relief, satisfaction with the current situation. The rune attracts positive changes in a person's life.
Teyvaz gives a person a warlike attitude; he wants to be healed at all costs and win the war against his drinking self. Fight to the end, to the result. Strong motivations. Full speed ahead, no failures. Great determination and victory.