Interesting activities teacher of the year activity arctic. Lesson outline (grade 1) on the topic: Lesson on the course of extracurricular activities “Learning to create projects” Topic: Arctic animals in danger

Scenario extracurricular activity

Subject:"To the Arctic!"

View: a game.

Class: 6-7

Objectives of the event:

Development of educational interest in the Arctic, the history of its development, and human researchers of this region;

- development of the ability to draw conclusions, inferences based on various sources and knowledge in various branches of science;
- development logical thinking, creativity students, ability to work in a group.

Organization of the game:

The game involves four teams who have received several tasks in advance. Teams are asked to choose a captain, team name and motto. The answers are evaluated by the jury.

Org moment. Declaration of the goals and objectives of the game. Jury presentation.

Leading. Guys, today we will go to the land of many unsolved mysteries, courageous people and countless natural resources. We are going to the Arctic.

Reader . Are floes of ice sails? Are the sails like ice?

Only wrinkles scatter across the water.

The pieces of ice float away as if they never happened.

Again the water is like a mirror, and above it is the sky.

There are clouds in the sky like birds, the sea does not sway.

The Arctic greets you with sister ice floes.

Reader - Hey, you guys are awesome! Burn, cut, blizzard!

And from where did you come out! Let's ssssssssssssssssssssss around!

- Let's measure our strength! We are not afraid of the cold!

We left the White Sea. From Archangel City!

Leading Since ancient times, this harsh and beautiful land has attracted people. She beckoned with her cold beauty, the opportunity to test herself and her character. But not everyone returned back... Many geographical features The Arctic bears the names of researchers, many of them Russian... And, perhaps, everyone who decided to study it is already worthy of admiration.

Now you will present your teams named after the great people - George Sedov, Ivan Papanin, Khariton and Dmitry Laptev, Otto Schmidt.

(As homework, it was suggested to prepare a business card, telling about the person whose name the team bears)

Leading. Along the entire North Coast Arctic Ocean, on the nearest islands, as well as on drifting ice, scientific observation points are scattered - polar stations. People who lead scientific observations. Today we will try to visit there to get acquainted with the great mystery of the Earth - the Arctic.

Reader The moan of glaciers giving birth in the night

Lifeless huge icebergs.

And the wind sounds like a cannonade,

Throwing snow charges into the darkness.

The iron gnashing of ice fields,

Yes, frozen hummocks rearing up...

Crosses from the masts of lost ships

Here the sailors were appointed captains.

They stand among the darkness and frozen ground

Alone forever with the ocean

Like monuments to Russian Magellans,

Having reached the immortal latitude.

Station "Istoricheskaya"

"Historical mistake "(you need to find errors in the specified facts from the history of development and exploration of the Arctic)

1. From the 19th century. Russians, engaged in marine fishing, discovered the islands of Kolguev, Vaygach, New Earth(no, since the 12th century)

2. On the initiative of Peter the Great, the expedition of V. Ya. Chichagov was sent to the Arctic. (No, M.V. Lomonosova)

3. In 1878-1879, for the first time northern by sea Swedish polar explorer N. Nordenskiöld managed to pass (with a winter on the way) on the ship "Vega" from Pacific Ocean to Atlantic (No, from Atlantic Ocean to Quiet.)

4. In 1941, in search of the expeditions of Sedov, Brusilov and Rusanov lost in the ice, Russian military pilot I. I. Nagursky made the first flights over the Arctic. (no, 1914)

5. G. Sedov in August 1912 on the steam ship “Saint Foka” made an attempt to cross from Murmansk to Franz Josef Land, but was covered in ice near the island. Pankratova. (No, from Arkhangelsk)

6. The crews of V. Chkalov and M. Gromov flew to Australia across the pole in the summer of 1937 (No, to America)

7. I.D. Papanin led the first drifting station " North Pole-1", it was a group of twenty-five people. (No, four people)

8. Summer 1932 Northern sea ​​route was first overcome in one navigation by the expedition of O.Yu. Schmidt on the icebreaker Rossiya (No, on the icebreaker Sibiryakov.)

9. Soviet nuclear boat in 1962 it reached the North Pole region among huge ice. (No, under the ice)

10. In 1977, the Soviet icebreaker, the nuclear-powered icebreaker Arktika, reached the shores of Novaya Zemlya. (no, North Pole)

Reader Diesel engines are either exploding or thundering,

Jets of gas swirling into the sky like fountains.

Pushing with the nose and crowding with the sides,

The ship's strength is measured against the ice.

Under the stern, ice floes beat in white foam.

The ship overcame the ice wall!

So summery, menacing and bright

For the first time in the world I saw the Arctic.

(Victor Batura "First meeting with the Arctic")

Geographical station

« Geographical dictation"

The pieces of paper provide text in which you need to insert the missing words.

The Arctic (from the Greek αρκτικός -________) is the northern polar region of the Earth, including the _________ocean and its seas: Greenland, _________, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi and Beaufort, as well as the Baffin Sea, Fox Basin, numerous straits and bays Canadian Arctic Archipelago, northern parts of the Pacific and _____________ oceans; Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland, Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land, _________ Land, Severnaya Zemlya, New Siberian Islands and about. Wrangel, as well as northern coasts continents Eurasia and ____________.

The area of ​​the Arctic is about 25 million sq. km, of which about 10 million is occupied by _________ and about 15 million sq. km by _________. The Arctic territory occupies approximately _________part of the Earth.

The landmass of the Arctic consists of parts of the territory of Russia ( northern regions Murmansk, ___________ and Tyumen regions, _________ Territory, Republic of _________, Magadan Region) and ___________ (Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Quebec, Newfoundland), as well as the possessions of _________ (Alaska), ______ (Greenland) and ____________ _ (Spitsbergen).

IN Arctic zone large ones were built modern cities: Salekhard, _________, Norilsk, large industrial enterprises, sea, air and land transport routes pass through the Arctic.

Text to check

Arctic (from the Greek αρκτικός -northern ) - the northern polar region of the Earth, includingNorthern Arctic ocean and its seas: Greenland,Barentsevo , Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi and Beaufort, as well as the Baffin Sea, Fox Basin Bay, numerous straits and bays of the Canadian Arctic archipelago, the northern parts of the Pacific andAtlantic oceans; Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland, Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land,New Land, Severnaya Zemlya, Novosibirsk Islands and about. Wrangel, as well as the northern coasts of the continents of Eurasia andNorth America .

The area of ​​the Arctic is about 25 million sq. km, of which about 10 million is occupiedland and about 15 million sq. km -water surface . The Arctic territory occupies approximatelysixth Part of the land.

The Arctic landmass consists of parts of Russian territory (northern regions of Murmansk,Arkhangelsk and Tyumen regions,Krasnoyarsk territories, republicsYakutia , Magadan region) andCanada (Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Quebec, Newfoundland), as well as possessionsUSA(Alaska), Denmark(Greenland) and Norway(Spitsbergen).

Large modern cities have been built in the Arctic zone: Salekhard,Murmansk , Norilsk, large industrial enterprises, sea, air and land transport routes pass through the Arctic

Reader All years and centuries and eras in a row

Everything strives for warmth from frost and blizzards.

Why do these birds fly north?

If birds are only supposed to go south.

They don't need fame or greatness,

Here the ice will end under the wings -

And they will find bird happiness,

As a reward for a daring flight.

(V. Vysotsky “White Silence”)

Station "Biological"

Leading . Vegetable and animal world The Arctic is unique. Some are found only here. Many are listed in the Red Book. Unfortunately, humans have often destroyed or destroyed the fragile ecosystem. To protect nature in the Arctic, reserves and National parks.. You need to name the animals and plants that you will see on the slides.

(Animals: polar bear, polar wolf, weasel, arctic fox, white owl, musk ox, reindeer and etc.)

(Plants: arctic pike, buttercup, snowy saxifrage, polar poppy, polar willow, moss, etc.)

Reader Young ice floes and lines of ice,

The hangers were covered with snow scarves

Ice floes are curious. How many of them there are!

They surrounded the ship, blocking the road.

Ice floes are curious! Ice floes have sharp edges!

Move your backs, let's go to the island!

(Victor Batura "First meeting with the Arctic")

Station "Poleznaya"

Captains competition

(the captains take turns naming what the Arctic is rich in, what attracts people to it)

Examples of answers: oil and gas reserves, commercial fisheries, tourism, climate research, international aviation route, test sites, military bases of various states, fresh water in the form of ice, untouched nature, etc.)

Leading People must first of all remember to take care and respect for the unique region called the Arctic, even with some traits of admiration. We have a responsibility to ensure that human presence in these places is minimal and environmentally friendly for vulnerable nature. Often, even unknowingly, a person can cause harm wildlife. One thing to remember simple truth- a person in the Arctic is only a guest, welcome and, perhaps, sometimes even necessary. But the owners of these amazing places There have always been, are and remain animals and plants. Let's draw up a set of rules on how to behave in the Arctic.


Reader I will deeply breathe in the air of the snowy plains,

and the polar night will bewitch me,

I'll let go of the dog sled straps,

and my huskies will run faster than a horse.

And an experienced musher rushes next to me,

on the same team of funny dogs,

wolf fur coats are sewn from skins,

Let's not freeze, playing all-in with the frost.

Let's stop, smelling the wormwood nearby,

illuminated by the low floating moon.

(January is frosty here and June is frosty,

and the teams stand next to the earth's axis.)

Under the runners there is diamond dust of snow,

that they are closely related to the stars of the North.

There are flashes of lavender ink in the sky -

mischievous polar light...

Station "Literary"

Teams represent homework- presentation - illustration of a poem or song about the Arctic.

(for example, T. Efimova “ White Arctic", M. Biryukova "Arctic Tern", Z. Avdotien "Arctic", V. Vysotsky "White Silence", V. Batura "First meeting with the Arctic, etc.)

While the jury sums up the results, high school students talk about two books - Ven. Kaverin “Two Captains” and V.A. Obruchev "Sannikov's Land". If time permits, you can show excerpts from films based on these books.

Leading. It is not for nothing that our Arkhangelsk is called the “sea gate” to the Arctic. This is the first Arctic port of our country, from where all famous Russian ships departed. polar expeditions. Our port is used for the delivery of goods to the Arctic; Northern Federal University and the Arctic Maritime Institute named after Captain Voronin are training specialists to work in the Arctic, and large projects are being implemented. educational projects. The Arctic needs to be developed from Arkhangelsk. And you and I also took our first step.

Summary of the organization directly educational activities in the preparatory school group

Subject:"Wildlife of the Arctic"

Educational areas:

priority: cognition (formation complete picture world: acquaintance with nature)

in integration:communication, artistic creativity, health, socialization

Target:formation of elementary ideas about the fauna of the Arctic zone


priority:provide basic knowledge about animals living in the Arctic zone, their appearance, habitat, food production, reproduction and benefits to humans; develop an understanding of the interconnection of all phenomena in the natural world and interest in the life of animals, as well as the imagination and thinking of children; educate good careful attitude to animals;

in integration:develop children's speech, enrich their vocabulary; improve the technique of depicting an object using a model, develop the ability to notice the characteristic features of objects and convey them through drawing, observing proportions and shape; maintain the physical health of children in the process of educational activities; consolidate the ability to play didactic games; develop volitional quality by doing established standards behavior in direct educational activities

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations of wild animals; reading books by N. Sladkov “In the Ice”, “In the Tundra” about the life of Arctic animals

Methodical techniques: method of story, conversation, visualization, method of examination, creation of a problem situation


for children:unfinished graphic drawings animals, pencils, emoticons for reflection

for the teacher:

model of the globe - globe; photographs of animals on a magnetic board; multimedia complex; presentation “Animal World of the Arctic”; diagrams of elements of gymnastics exercises for the eyes, in order to relieve eye strain; graphic drawings of Arctic animals for sample; stand with transparent pockets for smiley faces

Progress of the lesson

IIntroductory part

1) introductory conversation

Today, children, I invite you to go on a journey to an amazing land called the Arctic. Having been there, you will learn about the life of many animals that live in this area. Do you know where the Arctic is? The Arctic is located very far from where we live. Look on the globe where we will go with you (showing on the globe the place of birth and the travel destination): the Arctic border covers the North Pole of the Earth, the entire Arctic Ocean with islands and the coastal continents of Russia, America, Denmark and Iceland. The border line is also called the Arctic Circle. To get to the cities of the Arctic, you need to travel from our region by train for several days, and fly for several hours by plane. So, let's go?

IIMain part

1) the teacher’s story and viewing photographs depicting the nature of the Arctic using multimedia equipment

What and who will meet us in the Arctic? The nature and climate of this area are very harsh. This is the kingdom eternal ice and snow. Summer here is short and cold. This happens because the sun's rays enter the Arctic zone at too low an angle. Despite the fact that the sun is above the horizon here for six months! Half the year here is day, and the remaining six months is night! The Arctic is the kingdom of permafrost. The ice does not melt completely even in summer . Due to constant icy winds, plants in the Arctic Circle are very stunted. . Therefore, tall birch and spruce trees do not grow here. But dwarf birches, willows, many herbs, moss and lichen grow. For example: if a mushroom grows next to a polar birch tree, it will be slightly lower than the dwarf tree. But there are green snow algae here that grow right on the ice floes.

A lichen called reindeer moss covers huge territory Arctic - tundra. It is the main food for wild reindeer , living in the tundra . What do you know about these animals? (listening to children's answers). Listen now to my story. Reindeer – live and graze in large herds. To do this, they constantly move from one place to another in search of moss. Resin moss is a medicinal plant for deer: it relieves them of intestinal infections. Deer smell lichen even under thick snow, tearing it apart with their hoofs. Deer's hooves are very wide. What helps these animals not to fall into snowdrifts and run quickly across the tundra. Therefore, people domesticated deer and, harnessing them to sleds, use them as a means of transport. . Reindeer provide the indigenous inhabitants of the Arctic with milk, meat and warm skins, from which they sew clothes, shoes and even build homes - plague. The chum looks like a huge cone-shaped tent.

A female deer sheds her antlers after giving birth to her fawns. . And people use shed horns (antlers) to prepare medicine. Deer are the only animals that, in case of danger, run towards people to escape predators. (slide number 9). People look after the cubs and feed them hay and salt. Many species of deer are listed in the Red Book. What does this mean? (children's answers).

We continue our journey. Who else will we meet in the endless expanses of the polar tundra? And this is another herbivore - muskox . They named him so that in appearance he resembles a huge bull, and in some habits he resembles sheep and goats. Just like sheep, musk oxen graze on mountain slopes tundra and eat its forbs. They graze in places where the thickness of the snow is thinner in winter, tearing it apart with their hoofs. If there is too much snow, then the musk oxen may die before reaching the dry grass. People specifically breed herds of these animals. Because they get very valuable warm down. Muskox down is eight times warmer than sheep wool. Dresses, sweaters, mittens and socks are knitted from it. So from the down of one musk ox you can knit thirty sweaters. Sensing danger, musk oxen flee quickly. And if running doesn’t help, then the animals line up in a tight ring . And the strongest bull makes a powerful lunge forward at the predator. The rest of the bulls immediately follow him and stand next to him. This attack helps protect against polar and brown bears, wolverines and wolves. But not from a person. A female muskox gives birth to one calf per year. . After the mother licks the cub, it gets to its feet and follows the mother. He feeds on her very rich milk. But after two weeks it can be fed with soft moss.

Let's move on. Do birds live in this cold region? It turns out that they live here in large numbers. On the shores of the Arctic Ocean, colonies of such migratory birds nest and breed:fulmars, gulls, cormorants, guillemots, Arctic terns. But with the approach of the long polar winter, these birds fly away to warmer climes.

And here White Owl permanent resident Arctic . What do you think the polar owl eats? This is a bird of prey, it feeds mainly on rodents: polar lemmings . Lemmings are similar to mice. But unlike them, lemmings have a very short tail. Why do you think? (Children's answers) This little rodent is very voracious. He eats twice as much per day as he weighs. Therefore, snowy owls, eating lemmings, save plant food for large animals, such as musk oxen and deer. Although the white owl is a predator itself, other birds like to settle near its nesting site. The owl does not touch them, but carefully protects the territory from predatory arctic foxes that eat bird eggs.

Now meet the predator himself, called arctic fox These are beautiful fur-bearing animals with very valuable warm fur. Because of their beautiful fur, arctic foxes were destroyed by hunters for a long time. IN this moment, in order to preserve the population of this animal, people breed arctic foxes on special farms. Arctic foxes are mostly white or blue in color. Why? (This way they disguise themselves from enemies). They are also called polar foxes, since in appearance they are very similar to them. Only the muzzle and ears of arctic foxes are much shorter than those of foxes. Arctic foxes live and breed in burrows that they dig in soft sandy soil right down to the permafrost. Arctic foxes, like owls, mainly feed on lemmings. Therefore, if the number of lemmings decreases, owls and arctic foxes starve and may even die. But arctic foxes can summer period eat many herbs (seaweed, seaweed), as well as berries: cloudberries and blueberries . And this is an arctic fox in the summer . Why do you think its color turned brown at this time? (Children's answers).

Let's continue our journey around the Arctic and reach the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Do you think there are any animals in such cold waters? (Children's answers). Yes, the seas of the Arctic Ocean are rich in various fish. But not only fish, there are large mammals there. Such as polar dolphin, or beluga whale . Its length reaches six meters. And the weight of an adult male is two tons. The skin of a beluga whale is snow-white, under which there is a thick layer of subcutaneous fat. Why does this animal need such a layer of fat? (Fat saves you from the cold). The animal feeds on shellfish and fish, sucking in prey along with water. Feeds its young with milk. White dolphins can express joy and anxiety using their facial muscles, just like humans , since they are very mobile in the animal.

The next mammal living in Arctic waters is harp seal . He has a beautiful pattern on his skin and large, expressive eyes. Seals live in packs. They give birth to their young, which they call squirrels on the icy shore. They are very clumsy on land. But they are very fast swimmers in the water. In the sea, seals get fish for food.

The closest relatives of seals are walruses . The appearance of these animals is remarkable in that they have fangs. With their help, they lean on the ice and emerge from the water. They tear the bottom with their fangs and thus obtain shellfish for themselves, which they feed on. They also use their fangs to defend themselves from enemies.

Walruses, seals, and beluga whales have a large layer of subcutaneous fat, so they are a tasty food for the most formidable and powerful predators of the Arctic. In the water - for a whale shark killer whales , and on land - for white polar bear . Today he will tell us about the polar bear (the name of the child who was preparing to speak is mentioned). But before that, we will all rest together and take a short physical break.

2) physical education break

a) gymnastics for the eyes using diagrams of exercise elements. The teacher suggests following the movement of the pointer along the lines graphic elements eyes. Children follow the teacher;

b) movements to a funny rhyme:

Fast deer are galloping

In the white tundra all week.

(Children run with jumps).

Looking for grass and lichen

Under the snow early in the morning.

(Imitate the movement of a deer's hoof.)

White dolphins in the sea

They swim in snow and ice.

(Imitation of swimmers' movements).

White Bear walks nearby.

(Walking with bends to the sides, hands on the belt).

Watch out for him, guys!

(Wag your finger).

3) a child’s prepared presentation on the topic of the lesson in the form of a short report about one of the animals living in the Arctic (the polar bear)

4) didactic game"Guess"

First, the teacher summarizes the children’s acquired knowledge, asking them to name all the animals they saw during their “trip” through the Arctic. At the same time, he suggests using the images of these animals in photographs attached to a magnetic board to help answer: “We have completed our journey through the distant Arctic. Looking at these photographs, name the animals you met today.” (Today we met a polar bear, a reindeer, etc.).

Now, guys, guess which of these animals we’ll be talking about now?

The teacher reads out a text that indicates the characteristics of one of the studied animals: “This is a predatory animal. Feeds on rodents. Has white plumage (Snowy Owl). This is a herbivore. The main food is lichen, called moss (Deer). This small herbivore eats twice its own weight in food per day (Lemming). This animal lives in a hole, has beautiful, fluffy, white fur (Arctic fox). A very large herbivore. Gives people a very warm fluff. It looks like both a sheep and a bull (Musk Ox).”

Guess the riddle:

Head and tail, instead of paws - fins,

He is lazy on the ice and agile in the water,

His kids are called “squirrels”.

Tell me, what kind of animal is frolicking near the ice floe? (Seal).

Children identify the names of animals and justify their answer.

5) didactic game “Find the mistake”

In a number of images of animals, photographs of animals that live in another zone (zone of steppes, forests) are pre-attached.

Guys, have you noticed that there are photographs of animals here that I attached here by mistake? Find them and explain why these photos are redundant. (Photos depicting a fox, a wolf and a brown bear are attached to the board by mistake, because these animals live in forests, they do not live in the Arctic).

6) outdoor didactic game “Predators and Herbivores”

The teacher suggests: “Now let’s move a little and play. But to play the next game, you need to remember: which of the Arctic animals is a predator and which is a herbivore? Stand in a circle. If I say the name of a herbivore, you tilt your torso without bending your knees and touch the floor with your fingers. If I name a predator, you jump on the spot, show “claws” and “fangs”. Children complete the task in motion.

7) drawing Arctic animals

On the children's tables are pre-prepared envelopes with an unfinished drawing of an animal and pencils.

The teacher creates a surprise moment: “You have “secrets” in the envelope.” Open it and see what lies there? It was Grandfather Nature Scientist who decided to check whether you were attentive while traveling in the Arctic. And he sent you drawings of animals. But these drawings are unfinished. He gives you the task of identifying the animal from the drawing and finishing it with a pencil.” After the children examine the contents, the teacher hangs exactly the same unfinished drawings on the board and asks: “Is it possible to determine what animals are depicted in these drawings?” After the children answer, the teacher hangs photographs of these animals on the board. And then he offers, based on the sample illustrations, to complete his drawings. At the end, an exhibition of finished drawings is made.

IIILesson summary

1) final conversation

Children, what region of the Earth did we travel to today? Where is he located?

What new things have you learned from observing the nature of this region? (Children's answers). List the names of the animals you met today.

The teacher notes that most Arctic animals are included in the Red Book. This means that these animals need to be protected.

2) reflection

If you enjoyed today's journey? If yes, then go to the table where the emoticons are and choose a funny emoticon and insert it into the pocket. If you were bored traveling in the Arctic, choose a sad emoji.

Kildyushkina T.Yu., teacher of the group "Lesovichki"

Abstract of GCD on cognitive- research development in the middle group.

Subject:"Wild Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Prepared by: teacher highest category

Tokareva V.V.

Educational areas : cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Equipment: globe, pictures of animals of the north (walrus, seal, albatross, blue whale, reindeer, penguin, elephant seal, arctic fox, polar bear), picture – northern lights, glue, glue brushes, printed on blue sheets silhouette of a bear, napkins, cotton wool.

Target: Introduction to the Arctic and Antarctic, with features natural conditions Arctic region, with animals of the Arctic and Antarctic, their appearance, lifestyle and habits.



To form in children an idea of ​​the animals of the north;

Form generalized methods mental activity and means of building your own cognitive activity;

Extension vocabulary.


Develop mental operations of comparison and generalization;

Develop cognitive interest to all living things, the desire to gain new knowledge from books; curiosity, observation, imagination;

Children gain experience research activities, to develop the ability to realize interests;

Development of small and articulatory motor skills.


Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals of the north.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Org moment.

The teacher shows the globe

Educator: Who knows what this is?

Children: globe

Educator: Right! This is a scale model of our planet Earth.

Our planet is a huge, enormous ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to travel around it.

2. Main part.

Crown of snow on both sides

Our beautiful ball is surrounded!

Two poles, two brothers -

Antarctica and Arctic

Here is the North Pole, and here is the South Pole. You can get to it by plane or icebreaker. People do not live there permanently; they conduct research work, study the climate and animal life.

Educator: guys, what do you think? Why are they painted white?

Children: because there is the north, there is always frost, snow, cold

Educator: The sun here never rises high above the horizon. Its rays glide across the surface of the Earth, giving it very little heat. That's why here is the kingdom of ice and snow
The surface of the Arctic is covered with ice, the thickness of which is equal to the height of a three-story building. This is the harshest place on Earth.
In winter there comes a time when the sun does not rise at all. The polar night lasts. Only the pale light of the stars and the moon illuminates the endless snowy expanses.
In the winter Arctic sky you can see the polar lights, one of the most wonderful phenomena of nature.
The polar night is replaced by the polar day. The sun shines both day and night.
Only four months of the year the temperature rises above zero degrees.
A short summer is coming. It is very difficult to walk here. Guys, do you think anyone lives in the north? And one more thing: when it’s winter at the North Pole, it’s polar night, South Pole-summer is a polar day.

Children: yes, animals and birds

Educator: That's right, look who lives in the Arctic and Antarctica.

Stories about animals.
He is so well-fed - this layer of fat protects him from hypothermia, like your jackets. And fins help you move quickly in the water to hunt fish. Why do you think the seal is a predator?
What do seals eat? (fish)
Who else loves fish? (birds). They settle along rocky shores, forming bird colonies.
These birds dive and swim well. Why do paws look like flippers? (so that these birds can swim comfortably)
Their paws are powerful, with rough skin, adapted for walking on sharp ice and snowdrifts.
The plumage does not get wet, otherwise, when it got out of the water, it would immediately turn into an icicle.
What do you think these birds eat?

A large sea animal with very thick skin. The upper canines are extremely developed, elongated and directed downwards. The very wide muzzle is lined with numerous thick, hard, flattened whisker bristles. There are no external ears, the eyes are small.

The skin is covered with short, adjacent yellow-brown hair, but with age there is less hair, and old walruses have almost completely bare skin. The limbs are more adapted for movement on land than those of true seals, and walruses can walk rather than crawl; soles are calloused. The tail is rudimentary.

Blue whale

Blue Whale - The largest whale, the largest living animal, and also probably the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth. Its length reaches 33 meters, and its weight can significantly exceed 150 tons. The blue whale has no teeth. It feeds on small crustaceans. Having filled its huge mouth with water, the whale filters it through its oral plates. And he eats the remaining crustaceans. It happens that small fish come across and eat too. It eats a whole carload of crustaceans per day! (27 tons)


It is also a large animal, has branched horns, both females and males. Warm coat, wide hooves. They feed on tree bark and branches. A peaceful animal, but if someone attacks it, it can defend itself.

Elephant seals

A huge, enlarged nose hangs above the mouth with the nostrils pointing down. It is because of this nose that they got their name - elephant seals. Elephant seals' prey includes fish and cephalopods. Elephant seals are able to dive for prey to depths of up to 1,400 m. Like whales, breathing in elephant seals slows down when diving to depth, which reduces oxygen consumption. The natural enemies of elephant seals are white sharks and killer whales that hunt in upper layers water.


The albatross is an amazing bird that may not appear on land for many months! They spend their days and nights navigating the oceans and traveling hundreds of miles a day. Albatross – beautiful bird and the ocean distance is her only home. In addition to huge wings, these birds have a unique beak, which consists of separate plates. Their beak is thin, but strong and equipped with elongated nostrils. Small species tend to feast on fish close to the shore, while others fly hundreds of miles from land to find a tasty morsel.

Or a polar fox. A small predatory animal resembling a fox. Unlike the fox, the arctic fox's body is squat, its muzzle is shortened; The ears are rounded and protrude slightly from the winter coat. The soles of the paws of arctic foxes are covered with coarse hair. It feeds on rodents, but often follows the bear and eats what the bear did not eat.

The polar bear is the largest predator on our planet. His weight can reach 1 ton, and the body length is 3 m. Height The polar bear reaches 1.5 m at the withers. The polar bear differs from its relatives body structure, coat and skin color. The polar bear's head is narrower and longer than that of other bears, with a flat forehead and a long neck. The ears are rounded at the top. The coat is white without pigmentation. Black polar bear skin. The paw pads have long hair and small bumps. There are swimming membranes between the toes of the front paws. This body structure helps the polar bear survive in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. The polar bear's thick coat, consisting of two thick rows of hair, prevents it from freezing. In addition to wool, in order not to feel the cold, they have a thick subcutaneous layer of fat up to 13 cm. The wool and bumps on the paws prevent them from sliding on the ice, and the membranes between the toes help them swim. The bear climbed out of the water and shook himself off. Sprays flew from it in all directions. Why doesn’t the bear become covered in ice, because it crawls out of the water at such severe frost?

Educator: let's take a little rest.

Finger gymnastics.

The white bear lives in the North,

But just like the brown one, he doesn’t suck honey.

Our Umka is trying to catch fish,

To eat deliciously and live without hassle.

(Fingers are bent, starting from the little finger to the thumb, for each stressed syllable).

Physical exercise - self-massage.

To prevent your throat from hurting, we will stroke it boldly (children stroke their necks with their palms from top to bottom)

To avoid coughing or sneezing, you need to rub your nose (use your index finger to rub the wings of your nose) We will also rub our forehead, hold our palm with a visor (put your palms to your forehead with a “visor” and rub it with movements “to the sides - together”)

Make a “fork” with your fingers, massage your ears and neck. (Spread the index and middle fingers and rub the points in front and behind the ears).

We know, we know, we always, we are not afraid of colds! (rubbing both palms)

Educator: Let's make a polar bear out of cotton wool.

(children and parents are asked to cover the bear with cotton wool)

3. Summing up.

So let's summarize. Where is the Arctic located (at the North Pole).

What can you tell us about Artik? (It is very cold there, permafrost, snow, ice, polar night, northern lights).

What animals can you meet in the Arctic? (polar wolf, reindeer, polar bear, walrus, seal, polar owl, arctic fox, narwhal, killer whale, beluga whale, whale).

Why do these animals live in the Arctic? (they feed on fish, have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, can swim well, dive well, many animals have thick white fur, making them invisible in the snow).

Antarctica is located at the South Pole, it is colder and people do not live there. Penguins, elephant seals, and albatrosses live there

When they gave us the set " Geography” from the company “Umnitsa”, my daughter and I began to study our Earth. At first we looked rather enthusiastically geographical map, moved around it on their book-ships, repeating the names of the continents and oceans. I must say that Taisiya liked her classes, but the further we moved, the clearer it became to me that simply memorizing the names of the continents and facts about them (even if game form) will lead us to the wrong place. Still, the true task of geography is to form an idea of ​​the world around us, and not to memorize a map. And so that the continents did not remain just mysterious spots with meaningless names, it was necessary to change something in our games.

After experimenting with classes, I came to the conclusion that the most interesting and useful way exploring our world means taking mini-trips to different corners of it. Therefore, now we study geography this way: going on a trip to the next point globe, we, first of all, find it on the map and globe, and then we plunge headlong into the atmosphere of this place. We play mobile and role-playing games on this topic, we draw, conduct experiments, solve riddles, watch pictures and cartoons that help us get to know the environment we are studying better. Whenever possible, I try to make a themed sensory box so that we can also touch what we are talking about.

The first trip that I decided to talk about as part of the new “” section is a trip to the North Pole. Perhaps, at the moment, this expedition was our most emotionally intense. For a whole week, the whole family played Eskimos, jumped on ice floes, painted the sea with seals and walruses, looked at the northern lights (on YouTube, of course), sitting in a dark room. And a lot of other interesting things fit into this thematic lesson, stretching over 2.5 weeks, you can read about everything in detail in this article.

The games proposed in the article are well suited for children from 3 to 7 years old - for younger and older preschoolers. You should not try to play all the game options at once; it is better to stretch them out over 1-3 weeks, while constantly alternating active games with those that require perseverance.

Finding the Arctic on the map

First of all, we need to understand where we are going. So we get geographical map and see where the destination is. The map can be hung on the wall so that it is always visible. But we prefer to spread a map on the floor and move their favorite toys around on it in their book-ships.

Reaching the North Pole on the map, we simultaneously name the oceans through which we sail and other places that are already familiar to us.

It will be great if you find the Arctic not only on the map, but also on the globe. I discovered that after my daughter had gotten her bearings a little on the map and could show all the continents and the approximate location of our city, she was completely lost on the globe and refused to recognize seemingly familiar continents on it. Therefore, it is useful to study the globe in parallel with the map, in addition, this will form in the child the idea of ​​the Earth as a ball.

Presentation on the topic “Arctic” for children

For getting basic knowledge It’s probably best to watch about the Arctic with a child. It briefly describes the most Interesting Facts about the Arctic: what is the nature like here, what animals live, what peoples live and what their houses look like, the presentation will give the first idea of ​​the polar night and the northern lights. You can view our presentation DOWNLOAD HERE .

A didactic game with cards will help you consolidate the knowledge gained from the presentation; you can read more about it and download the materials below.

In addition to the presentation, you can watch various videos about the Arctic on YouTube. For example, Taisiya was very impressed by the video about the northern lights. We seem to have watched every possible video about this amazing phenomenon(Be sure to turn off the lights in order to create polar night conditions). Video about aurora you need to look at it, if only because photographs do not convey the full picture.

Sensory box “North Pole”

It’s one thing to look at pictures and listen to what you tell about the North Pole, and quite another thing to touch it with your hands. For this purpose it is impossible would be better suited, which, in addition to everything, also provides huge scope for role-playing games.

A little about what to make a sensory box from . With snow in our Arctic, I didn’t try too hard and took advantage of one of the most simple options- rice. I put some cotton balls on top, it turned out something like snowdrifts. Pieces of refined sugar can also become ice blocks.

What else can you make snow from? Semolina, coarse salt, cotton wool, real snow from the street, crumbled polystyrene foam and even shaving foam work well.

To make the Arctic Ocean, I added a little blue gouache and gelatin to the water, it turned out to be blue jelly with fish. After the jelly has hardened, you can put cotton pads on top of it - these are ice floes. Of course, to preserve the jelly after the game, such an ocean must be put in the refrigerator, but this has a big plus - during the game the ocean is always cold, which fully corresponds to its Arctic nature

The ocean can also be made from hydrogel or ordinary water. But the option with water is perhaps the most inconvenient; the water will splash all the time, moistening the snow and the entire surrounding area.

To create an atmosphere, various thematic sets are perfect, such as this.

In our games, the polar bear hunted for fish, attacked a seal, set up a den for himself,

Polar scientists who arrived on an icebreaker tried to get acquainted with the local Eskimos and photograph the animals,

the Chukchi rode a reindeer and tried to make friends with the Eskimos, etc.

Outdoor games

Outdoor games, as expected, are the most interesting and favorite part of children's activities. If viewing presentations and reading books about the Arctic are not alternated with active games, then it will simply become boring, and not a single child will want to do it. Game options:

  • Finger gymnastics
Who lives in the North? Who eats there and who drinks there? ( alternately clap your hands and hit your fists against each other)
The animals are unusual, accustomed to the cold. (we hug ourselves by the shoulders, show how frozen we are)
Here the arctic fox is looking out of his hole, (we make a ring from the thumb and index finger, look into the resulting “hole”)
The white bear walks importantly (“walk” with index and middle fingers)
Well, the walrus is like a captain,
Conquers the ocean ( We fold our palms into a “boat” and “swim” forward in waves)
Proud reindeer (cross arms above head)
He carries cargo all day long. (one hand “steps” with a large and index fingers, the other lies on her, clenched into a fist)

Experiments and other games on the theme “North Pole”

    Snow melting

If you started exploring the North Pole in winter time, then be sure to take some snow from the street with you during your walk. At home, put the snow in a light or transparent container and observe what the snow turns into in the warmth. To speed up the process, you can place a bowl of snow near the radiator. When the snow has finally melted, draw your child’s attention to the fact that the resulting water is very dirty (for comparison, we also poured clean tap water into another dish), and this explains why you can’t eat snow!

During our trip to the North Pole, I explained to my daughter that due to the long and cold winter The ground here freezes very hard, and therefore almost nothing grows in the Arctic. To better understand what “the ground freezes” means, we did the following experiment.

I prepared 2 cups of soil in advance and put one of them in the freezer. After the soil froze, together with Taisiya we tried to pierce the ground in the cups with a stick, but it turned out that it was impossible to stick a stick into the frozen ground. Then we began to pour water into cups, and the newly frozen ground turned out to be impregnable - the water remained on the surface of the earth. Thus, we saw with our own eyes that it is difficult for plants to survive in frozen ground.

  • We save frozen animals

Although this game does not meet the requirements of reality, it is still quite interesting. And so, the legend is that animals from Africa somehow got to the North Pole, where they froze in one of the glaciers. And we urgently need to save them, defrost the ice in any way available to us (water warm water, sprinkle with salt), and then send the animals back to Africa. I already wrote about this game earlier in an article about.

  • Putting the puzzle together

Our Arctic puzzle you can DOWNLOAD HERE .

  • Didactic game on the theme “Arctic”

This didactic game helps to consolidate the knowledge gained while watching the presentation. To play you will need cards with animals and other characteristic Arctic phenomena (Our cards can be used DOWNLOAD HERE ).

First, all the cards are placed face down in a deck. During the game, the presenter takes out one card from the deck and shows it to the players. The players' task is to name what is depicted on it. The one who guesses first takes the card for himself. Naturally, the player who scores greatest number cards.

Riddles about the Arctic for children

During breaks between games, you can solve several riddles about Arctic animals.

Sitting on a block of ice,
I catch fish for breakfast.
I am known as snow-white
And I live in the North.
And the taiga brown brother
I'm happy with honey and raspberries. (polar bear)
The lazy one has a bungler
Paws turned into flippers.
Sleeps on an ice floe all day
Fat little... (seal)
A strong animal, lives in a cold region,
Fights enemies with huge fangs,
He is not afraid of frost, he is smooth, thick-skinned,
The clumsy one loves to sleep on the ice floe... (walrus)
What kind of predator is this?
With blue and white fur?
The tail is fluffy, the fur is thick,
Goes to burrows to stay.
Birds, eggs, rodents -
They are always delicious for him.
Also a dog breed. (Arctic fox)
Like a royal crown
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen and green moss.
Loves snowy meadows. (deer)

Crafts on the theme “Arctic” for children

When I was preparing the sensory box, I deliberately did not put Eskimos in it, because I thought that my daughter would be interested in making the inhabitants herself Far North and their homes. The crafts really turned out to be quite unusual.

Eskimo . I thought that making an Eskimo from plasticine from scratch would be quite a labor-intensive task for a 3-year-old child, so we made our Eskimos by dressing Lego Duplo men in plasticine clothes. Both the fur coat and the hat are plasticine rectangles rolled out and stretched with our fingers, in which we wrapped our little men. On the left in the photo is an Eskimo dressed up as his daughter, on the right is mine.

An igloo made from a paper cup. Here you need to make a doorway in a paper cup in advance and cut small “bricks” from cotton pads. And only then, together with the child, cover the glass with cotton “bricks”.

Refined sugar igloo . I already wrote about this option for building an igloo earlier in the article “”. True, for kids, building an igloo from refined sugar, tapering at the top, can be a difficult task, so you can build a lightweight version, as in the photo.

Of course, an igloo made from refined sugar is not as durable as one made from a glass, but it is still sweet. Taisiya, naturally, could not resist eating sugar during construction

Drawing the Northern Lights . We painted the northern lights with regular gouache. I think it will also look great if you paint with watercolor water or, for example, soap bubbles. You can glue sparkles (glitter) on top of the drawing.

When the question arises, what to draw with? The Arctic Ocean, drawing with ice suggests itself. After all, in this case you can also feel the freezing cold

Water for ice can be tinted with gouache or liquid watercolor.

You can glue cotton wool, cotton pads or pieces of napkins around the ocean as snow, and make ice floes from foil. You can also glue pre-painted and cut out Arctic inhabitants.

Well, a couple more options for “Arctic” crafts:

Polar bear made from cotton pads and napkins

Walrus of three circles . The circles can be painted paper plates.

Various cotton wool applications look original and are quite simple to make. For example, you can paste cotton wool over images of a polar bear or an igloo (downloaded from the Internet).

If a child likes to color, then you can offer him coloring books with silhouettes of Arctic animals; they can also be easily downloaded on the Internet. You can also color with plasticine, smearing it over the picture.

Cartoons and books to help

And finally, I would like to mention a few good books and cartoons that will help you better get used to the atmosphere of the North. Here's what we read:

  • Spread from the book "" ( Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

By the way, this book will also help in studying Africa (there is both a desert and a jungle here). It quite clearly highlights all the main characteristic features one area or another.

  • Spread about Arctic animals in “ Atlas of animals » ( Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

  • Spreads about Alaska and the Northern Lights in " Adventure Atlas » ( Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

Concerning, fiction on the topic of the North, then for younger children we can recommend the book “” ( Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop), for older children - a book Sakarias Topelius “Sampo-Loparenok” (Labyrinth, My-shop)

Cartoons about the Arctic : for kids – “Umka”, for slightly older children – “There’s a fire burning in Yaranga”, “Sampo from Lapland”.

That's all for me, I wish you interesting activities!