Open lesson "wild animals of the Arctic and Antarctic." Extracurricular event “To the Arctic! With white-blue fur

Tatyana Yartseva
Lesson summary “Travel to the Arctic”

Lesson notes

Subject « Travel to the Arctic»

Teacher speech therapist

Yartseva Tatyana Vasilievna

Correctional and educational purposes.

Expanding ideas about the features of the natural world Arctic.

Developing in children the ability to observe, describe, construct sentences and suggest methods of verification.

Formation of ideas about the relationships, interactions and interdependence of living organisms with their environment.

Corrective and developmental goals.

Development of coherent speech, memory, thinking.

Corrective and educational goals.

Development of agility, speed, courage, and the ability to run in different directions. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: subject pictures; globe; illustrations for a fairy tale "Flower - seven-flowered"; ribbed board; canvas “Who feeds on whom?” etc.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher speech therapist: Children are an unusual land on our planet.

And the first sounds in the names of the pictures will help you guess the name of this land.

(On the board there are Pictures: stork, crayfish, cat, cake, needle, bed, watermelon).

Children determine the name of the earth based on the first sounds: ARCTIC

Teacher speech therapist: Depicting Arctic on the globe, used white color.

Try to find this land on the map.

Children approach the globe and find Arctic.

Teacher speech therapist: Children, Arctic from the Greek word Arcticos - northern.

Arctic- the country of Ursa Minor.

Arctic is the area around the North Pole, with an area of ​​21 million km.

In the center Arctic there is the Arctic Ocean covered with thick ice, and in the middle is the North Pole.

Teacher speech therapist: Children, why is this earth painted white?

Children: Because Arctic- This is an icy desert.

It's cold in these places all the time of the year: both in winter and summer.

Day and night do not alternate, as happens with us.

There, the sun disappears behind the horizon for six months, and then does not leave the sky for a long time.

The climate is very harsh, even in summer the air temperature rarely rises above 0%.

In winter it is night here 24/7. There is no morning, no afternoon, no evening.

There are never warm days or rain there. Only frosts crackle, snow falls, a blizzard blows, strong winds blow.

Teacher speech therapist: Arctic you're cold even in appearance

You're on a colored globe

You lie like an icy spot.

In the refrigerator and then

It would be hotter without a coat.

(Showing an illustration for Kataev’s fairy tale "Flower - seven-flowered").

Teacher speech therapist: Children, what fairy tale is this illustration from?

Children: "Flower - seven-flowered".

Teacher speech therapist: What was Zhenya’s wish?

Children: "Getting to the North Pole".

Teacher speech therapist: That's right, tearing off a blue petal and saying the cherished words words: “Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east...”

She instantly found herself at the North Pole and just as instantly asked to return. Why?

Children: It was cold there, and Zhenya was also afraid of polar bears.

Teacher speech therapist: Do you want to go to the ice kingdom?

Children: Yes.

Teacher speech therapist: What needs to be done for this?

Children: Dress warmly.

Teacher speech therapist: How will we get there? Arctic?

Children: On the ship.

Fizminutka (Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce words)

Cars are knocking day and night.

Water is leaking from the screw.

The ice floes have already floated

And the cold came.

Enormous icebergs float nearby,

And it’s already visible from the ship

Through the telescope

Ice land.

Small move! Our ship stops.

Hello, Arctic!

Teacher speech therapist: Along the way we met floating "ice blocks". These are icebergs. Where did these ice masses come from?

Children: Sometimes off the coast Arctic huge blocks break off from the glacier and are sent to ocean voyage.

Teacher speech therapist: And we will see how this happens during the experiment.

Put it in water (poured into a transparent jug) a big piece of ice.

Did he drown?

Children: No.

Teacher speech therapist: Why?

Children: "Ice is lighter than water".

Teacher speech therapist: Where is most of the iceberg, under water or above water?

Children: Under the water.

Teacher speech therapist: At an iceberg, only a smaller part of the ice floe is visible above the water in the ocean. The underwater part is very large.

Icebergs are very dangerous for ships. But our ship passed very carefully among the icebergs, and the ice did not interfere with us. Do you know why? We're on an icebreaker. This ship has a strong bow. He breaks even the strongest ice, paving the way for himself.

We're going down the ship's ladder (children walk on a ribbed board) and let's go explore Arctic.

We are moving forward

We are very surprised:

On the left is ice and on the right is ice,

There is also ice in front of your nose,

Where does it end?

Teacher speech therapist: The Arctic is a glacier, which never melts.

Do children live in Arctic animals?

Children: Live

Teacher speech therapist: To find out which ones, let's add the pictures.

D/game "Fold the picture"

(Children fold cut pictures)

Teacher speech therapist: So who lives in Arctic?

Children: Polar bear, walrus, beluga whale, seal, narwhal.

Teacher speech therapist: It's cold in the North. Let's get warm.

Children perform self-massage "Cheerfulness in one minute"

1. Quickly rub your palms together.

2. Rub your heated fingers up and down your cheeks.

3. Tap the drum frequently on the top of your head.

4. Make a relaxed fist with your hand. Vigorously stroke the inside and outside of your forearm.

5. Using your thumb, feel the depression at the base of the skull at the junction of the head and the spine. Press for a count of 3. Release.

6. Massage of reflex zones of the legs.

a) squeeze the tip of your thumb. Rub it.

b) quickly rub the top of the foot with your hand /or the heel of the other foot/.

7. With an open palm, pat the front, side and back of the foot upwards.

Teacher speech therapist: Children, who is this who is looking at us with interest?

(I ask a question, showing a picture of a polar bear).

What interesting things do you know about the polar bear?

A child's story: “The polar bear has a high neck, a beautiful head, and small ears. They spend their entire lives in ice and water. Its toes are connected by a membrane so it swims well, and its feet are covered with fur so it doesn't slip on ice. Polar bears feed on seals, fish, and birds.

Seeing the victim, the bear slowly approaches it, sliding on all fours, unexpectedly attacks and kills the victim with one blow.

Polar bears dig a hole among the snow and ice. In the hole, small cubs are born in December. The polar bear is an excellent swimmer. Swims 160 from the shore.

Teacher speech therapist: Guys, let's see how a bear becomes the prey of a polar bear?

Conducting the experiment. (Place a piece of foam plastic in a bowl of water "ice floe" with a seal made from papier-mâché, what happens if we tilt part of the ice floe? The seal will fall into the bear's paws. Walruses also become prey for bears.

Teacher speech therapist: Children, why isn’t a bear covered in ice when it gets out of the water in such a severe frost? To understand this, let's do an experiment.

Teacher speech therapist: Place your hand in a container of water and immediately pull it out. Look, it is covered with a layer of water. If frost hit, it would turn into a crust of ice.

Now dry your hands and lightly grease them. Place your hand in the water again. What did you notice?

Children: “The water no longer covers the entire hand, it has collected in droplets. Shake your hand and the drops will fly off. There is no water on your hand, which means there is nothing to turn into ice in the cold.

Teacher speech therapist: Now explain the incident with the polar bear.

Which animal uses this trick?

Children: "Geese, ducks"

Teacher speech therapist: Where does a person use the phenomenon of wetting?

Children: “They lubricate the metal parts of machines so that they do not rust from contact with water.

Fizminutka: "White bears"

(I outline a circle - an ice floe, on it there are two "bear", the rest "walruses" who are running around the site. “Bears go hunting, trying to catch "walruses" closing around "walruses" hands. The caught children stand on the ice floe).

Teacher speech therapist: Children, what interesting things can you tell us about walruses?

Story: The walrus is a real giant Arctic. The body is covered with skin without hair. There are whiskers on their muzzles, with the help of which they search for food on the seabed.

Walruses use their tusks to dig out shells and worms.

They cut ice with tusks. They use their tusks to climb onto slippery ice floes. They serve as a support for a heavy head. The walrus with the most powerful tusks is the most important. In May, walruses give birth to one calf at a time.

When the sea is calm, the walrus sleeps "drifting" on the water, with the help of two pockets full of air, located under the throat and inflating like balloons.

Teacher speech therapist: Who is it that is watching us? - I ask the children, showing a picture of a seal. What is interesting about this animal?

Story: “This is a seal. It got its name due to its color skins: dark spots on it are surrounded by white rings. To raise their offspring, seals build real caves in which babies are born. Mothers feed them milk. The baby ringed seal is dressed in a white skin and is therefore called a squirrel. The ringed seal weighs 100 kg.

The limbs are turned into flippers. The front flippers are short, the rear ones are extended along the body. The neck is short, the ears are absent. The hair is rough. A thick layer of fat under the skin helps retain heat.

Teacher speech therapist: Children, while we were exploring Arctic. Uninvited guests appeared here.

D/game: "Who's the odd one out here?"(I offer a panel on which depicted: brown bear, bullfinch, polar bear, duck, loon, seal).

D/game “Who feeds on whom?”

(I hand out pictures to each child image: walrus, fish, loon, seal, polar bear).

Children draw an arrow to show who eats who.

Children: “The walrus eats birds, fish, and seals.

The polar bear eats walruses and seals, the loon eats fish, and the seal eats fish.”

Teacher speech therapist: “How do the animals of the North protect themselves from the cold?”.

Children: “Animals living among eternal ice differ in physique from their relatives from warm latitudes. They have small ears and short legs. Therefore, the radiating surface of the body decreases.”

Animals of the polar regions are larger than their thermophilic relatives. The larger the body, the slower it cools, so they are not cold.

In animals Arctic thick skin, under the skin there is an additional thick layer of fat (up to 10cm), which protects them from the cold.

These animals have thick fur.

Polar bears roll in the snow to dry out, squeezing water out of their fur.

Walruses huddle tightly together to warm each other with their warmth.

Teacher speech therapist: “Children, do they live in Arctic people? Who?"

Children: "Chukchi, Eskimos, Nenets, Komi"

Teacher: “What are they doing?”.

Children: "Hunting, fishing, reindeer herding".

Teacher speech therapist: To survive in harsh Arctic, the Eskimos thoroughly studied the world around them and perfectly adapted to it. They live in harmony with nature.

When hunting whales and seals, they build a temporary shelter - an igloo. Using special knives, they cut out blocks of ice and place them on top of each other in a spiral. The top is covered with snow, and the entrance is covered with a snow slab.

Teacher speech therapist: Artik has a lot of useful fossils: coal, gas, oil.

Through Marines pass through the Arctic, air, ground transport routes.

Built in the Arctic Circle cities: Norilsk, Murmansk, Magadan. Today, Eskimos buy food in supermarkets and live in heated houses. But old traditions are honored and remembered during hunting.”

A child comes out dressed in national dress “Chukchi”

“Hello guys, thank you for your love,

treated nature and animals with care Arctic. We invite you to the holiday of “pure plague”.

Children playing games: “Jumping over chaat (whip)”,

“Young Reindeer Herder” and others.

KGBOU "Krasnoyarsk secondary school No. 4"

Open lesson summary

"Crossword" mug

"Arctic -



Compiled and conducted:

9th grade teacher

Parashchuk N. A.

Krasnoyarsk – 2016

Competition game “The Arctic is an amazing land”

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. “Guess the topic of the lesson.”

Two teams are participating: “Polar Bear” and “Polar Owl”.

Iceberg – large block of ice over water

River – water flow fed by rain, snow, glacial and groundwater

Bush- a perennial low plant that branches from a single root from the surface of the ground and, unlike trees, does not have a main trunk.

Taiga– coniferous forest

Frost– a thin layer of ice crystals on the ground, grass

Red Book– lists describing animals and plants that are in danger of complete extinction

Atmosphere– gaseous shell of the Earth

The result is a word A R K T I K A

In the white Arctic, in the white desert

A polar bear walks heavily on an ice floe,

The white tern flies across the sky,

A white squirrel lies next to its mother.

The iceberg turns white in the white fog,

White flocks of beluga whales in the ocean.

The wind sweeps whirlwinds like a white broom,

Sings a white song about the North.

2. General characteristics. Presentation.

The territory of the Arctic Ocean with its coastline is called the Arctic.

The name comes from the ancient Greek word “ἄ ρκτος”, meaning “bear”, “she-bear”. The region received this name because of the constellation Ursa Major located above it.

The Arctic region is located above the Arctic Circle and includes the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, several islands, as well as the northern tips of Europe, Russia (Siberia), Alaska and Canada.

The total area of ​​the Arctic is 14,500,000 square meters. km.

The Arctic's percentage of the Earth's total land area is 6%.

Most of the Arctic Ocean is covered with ice throughout the year. The thickness of the ice reaches 3 - 4 m.

The climate in the Arctic is very harsh. Ice and snow cover lasts almost the entire year.

In winter there is a long polar night. The sun doesn't show up at all - it's dark.

The night does not prevent people from working or children from going to school.

An amazingly beautiful polar light appears in the Arctic.

It's a polar day in the Arctic in summer. For several months it is light around the clock, but not warm.

The temperature is only a few degrees above 0.

The vegetation is very sparse: mainly lichens and mosses. There are also flowers: polar poppy, saxifrage, cotton grass, chamomile, and even trees: dwarf willow and birch. But they rise above the ground only a few centimeters.

The fauna of the Arctic is very rich. The owner of the Arctic is the polar bear. Also found: walrus, seal, musk ox, reindeer, white fox, hare, lemming.

Animals of the deep sea: killer whale, beluga whale, bowhead whale, narwhal, humpback whale, polar shark.

Birds of northern latitudes: snowy owl, northern loon, guillemot, glaucous gull, snow geese, arctic terns, wild ducks.

Fish of the northern seas: flounder, sea bass, cod, haddock, cod, whitefish, vendace, smelt, grayling, nelma.

Every year the expedition “On skis to the North Pole!” is equipped to the Arctic spaces of our country. From August 2 to 13, 2016, the IX Russian youth expedition “On skis to the North Pole!” will take place. on the icebreaker "50 Let Pobedy".

Students of general education institutions, colleges, correctional schools, orphanages and other state educational and social institutions born in 1997-1999, who at the start of the expedition are invited to participate in the expedition will be full 16, but not yet 19 years old. As in previous years, in order to be included in the list of candidates for the team, several conditions must be met, three of which are important:

    have experience of hiking trips of the 1st category of difficulty;

    take part in the mass competition “Ski Track of Russia”;

    answer the questionnaire and show your creativity.

As part of the IX Russian youth expedition “On skis to the North Pole!” The All-Russian lesson “The Arctic – the façade of Russia” is being held in all schools in the country. Our lesson is called “The Arctic is an amazing land!”

3. Competition No. 1 “Warm-up”.

Is it true that polar bears are the largest bears in the world, they are twice as tall as humans? (Yes)

Is it true that a baby whale is called a baby whale? (No)

Is it true that all dogs that bark loudly are called huskies? (No)

Is it true that the huge tusks of a walrus are its teeth, with the help of which it gets out onto the ice and protects itself from the enemy? (Yes)

Is it true that exactly half of the iceberg is visible above the water? (No)

Is it true that seals and walruses are clumsy on land, but light and agile in the water? (Yes)

Is it true that a glacier is a person who is very cold? (No)

Is it true that with the help of fur pads on their paws, Arctic foxes escape the cold and do not fall into loose snow? (Yes)

Is it true that polar bears cannot swim? (No)

Is it true that the narwhal's horn protrudes straight from its mouth, is 3 m long, and weighs 10 kg? (Yes)

4. Competition No. 2 “The letters ran away”

(collect the word - hang the picture on the board)





5. Competition No. 3 “What’s missing?” (stickers on pictures of animals)

6. Competition No. 4 “Video riddles”.

7. Competition No. 5 “Puzzles” (cut-out pictures of Arctic animals)

8. Competition No. 6 Crossword puzzle “Animal world of the Arctic.”

When they gave us the set " Geography” from the company “Umnitsa”, my daughter and I began to study our Earth. At first, we looked at the geographical map quite enthusiastically, moved around it in our book-ships, repeating the names of the continents and oceans. I must say that Taisiya liked her classes, but the further we moved, the clearer it became to me that simply memorizing the names of the continents and facts about them (even in a playful way) would lead us to the wrong place. Still, the true task of geography is to form an idea of ​​the world around us, and not to memorize a map. And so that the continents did not remain just mysterious spots with meaningless names, it was necessary to change something in our games.

After experimenting with classes, I came to the conclusion that the most interesting and useful way to study our world is to organize mini-trips to different corners of it. Therefore, now we study geography this way: when we go on a trip to another point on the globe, we, first of all, find it on the map and globe, and then we immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of this place. We play active and role-playing games on this topic, draw, conduct experiments, solve riddles, watch pictures and cartoons that help us get to know the environment we are studying better. Whenever possible, I try to make a themed sensory box so that we can also touch what we are talking about.

The first trip that I decided to talk about as part of the new “” section is a trip to the North Pole. Perhaps, at the moment, this expedition was our most emotionally intense. For a whole week, the whole family played Eskimos, jumped on ice floes, painted the sea with seals and walruses, looked at the northern lights (on YouTube, of course), sitting in a dark room. And a lot of other interesting things fit into this thematic lesson, which lasted for 2.5 weeks; you can read about everything in detail in this article.

The games proposed in the article are well suited for children from 3 to 7 years old - for younger and older preschoolers. You should not try to play all the game options at once; it is better to stretch them out over 1-3 weeks, while constantly alternating active games with those that require perseverance.

Finding the Arctic on the map

First of all, we need to understand where we are going. So we get geographical map and see where the destination is. The map can be hung on the wall so that it is always visible. But we prefer to spread a map on the floor and move their favorite toys around on it in their book-ships.

Reaching the North Pole on the map, we simultaneously name the oceans through which we sail and other places that are already familiar to us.

It will be great if you find the Arctic not only on the map, but also on the globe. I discovered that after my daughter had gotten her bearings a little on the map and could show all the continents and the approximate location of our city, she was completely lost on the globe and refused to recognize seemingly familiar continents on it. Therefore, it is useful to study the globe in parallel with the map, in addition, this will form in the child the idea of ​​the Earth as a ball.

Presentation on the topic “Arctic” for children

To gain basic knowledge about the Arctic, it would probably be best to watch it with your child. It briefly tells the most interesting facts about the Arctic: what nature is like here, what animals live, what peoples live and what their houses look like; the presentation will give the first idea of ​​the polar night and the northern lights. You can view our presentation DOWNLOAD HERE .

A didactic game with cards will help you consolidate the knowledge gained from the presentation; you can read more about it and download the materials below.

In addition to the presentation, you can watch various videos about the Arctic on YouTube. For example, Taisiya was very impressed by the video about the northern lights. It seems that we have reviewed all possible videos about this amazing phenomenon (while always turning off the lights in order to create polar night conditions). You need to watch a video about the aurora, if only because photographs do not convey the full picture.

Sensory box “North Pole”

It’s one thing to look at pictures and listen to what you tell about the North Pole, and quite another thing to touch it with your hands. For this purpose, it could not be better suited, which, in addition to everything, also provides huge scope for role-playing games.

A little about what to make a sensory box from . With the snow in our Arctic, I didn’t get too fancy and used one of the simplest options - rice. I put some cotton balls on top, it turned out something like snowdrifts. Pieces of refined sugar can also become ice blocks.

What else can you make snow from? Semolina, coarse salt, cotton wool, real snow from the street, crumbled polystyrene foam and even shaving foam work well.

To make the Arctic Ocean, I added a little blue gouache and gelatin to the water, it turned out to be blue jelly with fish. After the jelly has hardened, you can put cotton pads on top of it - these are ice floes. Of course, to preserve the jelly after the game, such an ocean must be put in the refrigerator, but this has a big plus - during the game the ocean is always cold, which fully corresponds to its Arctic nature

The ocean can also be made from hydrogel or ordinary water. But the option with water is perhaps the most inconvenient; the water will splash all the time, moistening the snow and the entire surrounding area.

To create an atmosphere, various thematic sets are perfect, such as this.

In our games, the polar bear hunted for fish, attacked a seal, set up a den for himself,

Polar scientists who arrived on an icebreaker tried to get acquainted with the local Eskimos and photograph the animals,

the Chukchi rode a reindeer and tried to make friends with the Eskimos, etc.

Outdoor games

Outdoor games, as expected, are the most interesting and favorite part of children's activities. If viewing presentations and reading books about the Arctic are not alternated with active games, then it will simply become boring, and not a single child will want to do it. Game options:

  • Finger gymnastics
Who lives in the North? Who eats there and who drinks there? ( alternately clap your hands and hit your fists against each other)
The animals are unusual, accustomed to the cold. (we hug ourselves by the shoulders, show how frozen we are)
Here the arctic fox is looking out of his hole, (we make a ring from the thumb and index finger, look into the resulting “hole”)
The white bear walks importantly (“walk” with index and middle fingers)
Well, the walrus is like a captain,
Conquers the ocean ( We fold our palms into a “boat” and “swim” forward in waves)
Proud reindeer (cross arms above head)
He carries cargo all day long. (one hand “walks” with the thumb and forefinger, the other lies on it, clenched into a fist)

Experiments and other games on the theme “North Pole”

    Snow melting

If you start exploring the North Pole in winter, be sure to take some snow from the street with you during your walk. At home, put the snow in a light or transparent container and observe what the snow turns into in the warmth. To speed up the process, you can place a bowl of snow near the radiator. When the snow finally melts, draw your child’s attention to the fact that the resulting water is very dirty (for comparison, we also poured clean tap water into another dish), and this explains why you can’t eat snow!

During our trip to the North Pole, I explained to my daughter that due to the long and cold winter, the ground here freezes very much, and therefore almost nothing grows in the Arctic. To better understand what “the ground freezes” means, we did the following experiment.

I prepared 2 cups of soil in advance and put one of them in the freezer. After the soil froze, together with Taisiya we tried to pierce the ground in the cups with a stick, but it turned out that it was impossible to stick a stick into the frozen ground. Then we began to pour water into cups, and the newly frozen ground turned out to be impregnable - the water remained on the surface of the earth. Thus, we saw with our own eyes that it is difficult for plants to survive in frozen ground.

  • We save frozen animals

Although this game does not meet the requirements of reality, it is still quite interesting. And so, the legend is that animals from Africa somehow got to the North Pole, where they froze in one of the glaciers. And we urgently need to save them, defrost the ice in any way available to us (water with warm water, sprinkle with salt), and then send the animals back to Africa. I already wrote about this game earlier in an article about.

  • Putting the puzzle together

Our Arctic puzzle you can DOWNLOAD HERE .

  • Didactic game on the theme “Arctic”

This didactic game helps to consolidate the knowledge gained while watching the presentation. To play you will need cards with animals and other characteristic Arctic phenomena (Our cards can be used DOWNLOAD HERE ).

First, all the cards are placed face down in a deck. During the game, the presenter takes out one card from the deck and shows it to the players. The players' task is to name what is depicted on it. The one who guesses first takes the card for himself. Naturally, the player with the most cards wins.

Riddles about the Arctic for children

During breaks between games, you can solve several riddles about Arctic animals.

Sitting on a block of ice,
I catch fish for breakfast.
I am known as snow-white
And I live in the North.
And the taiga brown brother
I'm happy with honey and raspberries. (polar bear)
The lazy one has a bungler
Paws turned into flippers.
Sleeps on an ice floe all day
Fat little... (seal)
A strong animal, lives in a cold region,
Fights enemies with huge fangs,
He is not afraid of frost, he is smooth, thick-skinned,
The clumsy one loves to sleep on the ice floe... (walrus)
What kind of predator is this?
With blue and white fur?
The tail is fluffy, the fur is thick,
Goes to burrows to stay.
Birds, eggs, rodents -
They are always delicious for him.
Also a dog breed. (Arctic fox)
Like a royal crown
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen and green moss.
Loves snowy meadows. (deer)

Crafts on the theme “Arctic” for children

When I was preparing the sensory box, I deliberately did not put Eskimos in it, because I thought that it would be interesting for my daughter to make the inhabitants of the Far North and their homes herself. The crafts really turned out to be quite unusual.

Eskimo . I thought that making an Eskimo from plasticine from scratch would be quite a labor-intensive task for a 3-year-old child, so we made our Eskimos by dressing Lego Duplo men in plasticine clothes. Both the fur coat and the hat are plasticine rectangles rolled out and stretched with our fingers, in which we wrapped our little men. On the left in the photo is an Eskimo dressed up as his daughter, on the right is mine.

An igloo made from a paper cup. Here you need to make a doorway in a paper cup in advance and cut small “bricks” from cotton pads. And only then, together with the child, cover the glass with cotton “bricks”.

Refined sugar igloo . I already wrote about this option for building an igloo earlier in the article “”. True, for kids, building an igloo from refined sugar, tapering at the top, can be a difficult task, so you can build a lightweight version, as in the photo.

Of course, an igloo made from refined sugar is not as durable as one made from a glass, but it is still sweet. Taisiya, naturally, could not resist eating sugar during construction

Drawing the Northern Lights . We painted the northern lights with regular gouache. I think it will also look great if you paint with watercolor water or, for example, soap bubbles. You can glue sparkles (glitter) on top of the drawing.

When the question arises of how to draw the Arctic Ocean, drawing with ice comes naturally. After all, in this case you can also feel the freezing cold

Water for ice can be tinted with gouache or liquid watercolor.

You can glue cotton wool, cotton pads or pieces of napkins around the ocean as snow, and make ice floes from foil. You can also glue pre-painted and cut out Arctic inhabitants.

Well, a couple more options for “Arctic” crafts:

Polar bear made from cotton pads and napkins

Walrus of three circles . The circles can be painted paper plates.

Various cotton wool applications look original and are quite simple to make. For example, you can paste cotton wool over images of a polar bear or an igloo (downloaded from the Internet).

If a child likes to color, then you can offer him coloring books with silhouettes of Arctic animals; they can also be easily downloaded on the Internet. You can also color with plasticine, smearing it over the picture.

Cartoons and books to help

And finally, I would like to mention a few good books and cartoons that will help you better get used to the atmosphere of the North. Here's what we read:

  • Spread from the book "" ( Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

By the way, this book will also help in studying Africa (there is both a desert and a jungle here). It quite clearly highlights all the main characteristic features of a particular area.

  • Spread about Arctic animals in “ Atlas of animals » ( Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

  • Spreads about Alaska and the Northern Lights in " Adventure Atlas » ( Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

As for fiction on the theme of the North, for younger children we can recommend the book “” ( Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop), for older children - a book Sakarias Topelius “Sampo-Loparenok” (Labyrinth, My-shop)

Cartoons about the Arctic : for kids – “Umka”, for slightly older children – “There’s a fire burning in Yaranga”, “Sampo from Lapland”.

That's all for me, I wish you interesting activities!

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  1. Morning gathering.
Communication game: Game "Good morning!"

Children stand in two lines facing each other.

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
When meeting, say hello:
-Good morning. right arms put forward and palms resting
-Good morning! - left arms put forward and palms resting
Sun and birds. raise their hands up, stretch
- Good morning! - they wave their right hand
- Smiling faces. smile at each other
- And everyone becomes
Kind, trusting...
May good morning
Lasts until evening.

Educator: “Today we will go on a trip, but you will find out where later. Let's play first. You need to get a map of the place we will talk about today. Each solved riddle is part of the map:

1. This bear – black nose –
Loves winter and frost.
Well, in the summer he’s looking for shade
And he swims all day.

(polar bear)

2. The beast is dressed in a white fur coat.

(polar bear)

3. Who lives in the cold seas,
Among the huge icebergs?
He's too lazy to move
Sleeps all day on ice seal.

4. His horns are branched,
And the sides are a little spotty.
He’s not too lazy to give everyone a ride,
Carries a sled deer.

5. Who's going fishing?
Walks slowly, waddles.
The old fisherman senses
That the rich man is waiting for a catch.

(polar bear)

6. In the deep blue ocean
Hitting the walrus with my paw,
On a polar slippery ice floe
I rest without trembling.

(polar bear)

The children fold the map, after which the adult shows where the Arctic is on the globe and atlas. How can we get to the Arctic? (children's answers) That's right, on the icebreaker, look at a lot of ice.

I'm walking on an icebreaker, arms folded forward in a triangle
The icebreaker is moving on the ice.
Then, the hard worker, he chops the field,
That's an ice ridge. Uh-uh-uh.

Educator: “Well done. We've arrived. What is the ARCTIC? Arctic(ancient Greek ἄρκτος - “bear” (from Greek. arktikos- northern), the northern polar region - the Arctic lies under the constellation Ursa Major) (pictures are hung on the board) - the northern polar region of the Earth.

Educator: “How did we get to the Arctic? That's right on an icebreaker. But before there were no such modern ships, how could people get there? On steam ships. Look (the teacher shows the children the model) how much water there is around: (the teacher sticks toothpicks with the inscriptions of seas, etc. into the model) Greenland, Norwegian, Barents, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Chukchi Sea, Beaufort and Baffin Sea, sea Labrador and this is not a complete list of seas that, together with the Arctic Ocean, are part of a single glacier with areas of permafrost.

This is the North Pole (red flag, look on the globe) - the center, the middle of the Arctic, the outskirts of the continents of Europe, Asia and North America(the teacher puts inscriptions on the layout).

The central part of the Arctic is the Arctic Ocean, which, regardless of the time of year, remains almost entirely covered in ice.

For a long time, the Arctic was considered a territory unsuitable for human life.("dead ground"), impassable either by water or land.

For many years, Russian and foreign sailors and researchers studied the Arctic, its landscape, flora and fauna.

One of the famous Russian explorers was Denis Gerasimov, based on his drawings a map of the Arctic Ocean was compiled. And the Norwegian polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen called the Arctic Land of icy horror .

How is the Arctic explored?

Russia is the first and only country to use so-called drifting polar stations. Each such station is a complex of station houses installed on a drifting Arctic ice floe, in which expedition participants live, and the necessary equipment.

And what animals they live there (the teacher demonstrates an encyclopedia and pictures of animals are hung on the board).

Now let's guess the animals that we have already met (the adult invites the children to take out toys from a closed box). Children arrange toys on the layout.

White bear in the snow

He walks and wanders, looking for something.

A pair of wonderful white owls

She flew off to hunt.

White flock of partridge

They play hide and seek in the snow.

Here the arctic fox crept up to them,

Also white, by the way.

Maybe he's cunning with the birds

Want to play a little?

Motor skills.

Sleeps on an ice floe all day long, on the open palm of his left hand lies his right hand folded into a fist

Fat little seal.

The lazy one has a bungler

Paws turned into flippers. pull your thumb and index finger out of your fist

Let's try to divide the paper foxes in half together, since there is a lot of ice and snow in the Arctic, and in your opinion, what color is the snow? (children's answers) White, we will leave the sheet of paper white. (glue the animals).

What do Arctic animals eat? Watch this food chain.

^ Games in the centers:


Activity Center

Game "Collecting fish."

Would need:

  • hoops

  • pictures of fish

  • polar bear masks

  • audio recording
There are hoops on the floor, 1 less than the number of players. Children in masks stand in hoops, around which pictures of fish are laid out, when the music starts playing, children go out of their hoops to collect fish, as soon as the music stops, all children b. The bears must run into the house hoops; the one left without the house hoop puts the fish on the floor and is eliminated from the game. An adult removes 1 hoop and the game starts over.


C. Manipulative games

Puzzles, lotto. Smart games "Animal World".


C. Experimentation

Multi-colored ice


C. Literature

Reading stories by Yu. Yakovlev “Umka”, “Umka is looking for friends.” Preparing a book about Umka’s journey (independent creation).


C. Mathematics

Count and compare the quantities.


C. Cooking

Knead the salt dough. "Fish made from salt dough." Sandwich "Fish"


C. Science and Nature

We glue the animal stickers into the Animal World atlas, and then lay out the polar bear with bugles.


C. Design

Iceberg applique made from crumpled paper.



We sculpt a polar bear from plasticine.


municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type "Solnyshko" urban settlement. Urengoy

Purovsky district

Abstract of integrated directly organized educational activities using SIRS technology

"Animals of the White Spaces"

for older children

Compiled by the teacher:

Izmailova A.Sh.



Target: Introduce children to the features of nature and living creatures of the Arctic.

Tasks :

Educational :

Formation of ideas about wild animals of the Far North by their appearance, lifestyle and habits;

Expanding children's horizons.

Practice finding geometric shapes according to a pattern, creating a specific pattern;

Practice using diminutive nouns

Developmental :

Develop coherent speech and the ability to construct sentences correctly

Development of attention and visual perception.

Promote the development of logical thinking;

Educational :

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, responsibility, initiative.

Cultivate a love for animals, an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic.

Preliminary work:

We got acquainted with the globe, the children looked at illustrations with climatic conditions and animals of the Arctic and Antarctica; children had the opportunity to watch the cartoon “Umka”; children drew “Northern Lights”.

Equipment :

Use of technical means: SIRS, video film “About the Arctic”;

Pictures from animals of the Arctic;

Box with a seven-flowered flower and a white bear;


Bear template for each child,

Cotton pads,

Glue jars,



Progress of the event

Invite the children to make an applique on previously prepared drawings:

Apply glue to the silhouette image of the bear;

Place the chopped yarn on the glue, carefully aligning the outline;

Press the yarn tightly with a cotton pad to the base;

Shake off any remaining thread.

Educator:Guys, come to me, let's play together.

Org moment.

The sun has woken up in the sky,

It made us guys smile.

We quietly close our eyes,

We raise our hands to the sky.

Let's take a ray of sunshine

And we’ll bring it to your heart.

Educator : Guys, now it’s winter, it’s cold and frosty outside, but warmth and kindness have settled in your hearts. Let's share this warmth, pass it through our palms to each other. How pleasant the warmth, kindness, and good mood spread across the palms of my hands. And may the good mood remain throughout the day.”

Let's give our guests a good mood (blow on your palms) .

Guys, this morning the postman came and handed over a parcel addressed to the children. group"Fidgets" . Do you want to know what is in the parcel? (Yes)

The teacher takes it out of the box "seven-flowered flower" .

Educator :

Look what an extraordinary flower it is, its petals are of different colors. What is it called? From what fairy tale?

Why do you think they sent it to us? And there is also a note: "Dear Guys! We invite you to visit our mainland and help our friend get home and learn a lot of interesting things. And the seven-flowered flower will help you with tasks.”

1 task: (take the petal) “Find out who we should help get home”

(children of the first subgroup assemble a tangram on the computer, children of the second subgroup assemble a tangram at the table)

Guys, what did you do? (Polar bear cub) Oh, who is this little white one? Yes, this is Umka. (The teacher takes out a figurine of a polar bear)

Educator: But where does our Umka live? We will learn from the 2nd task. Guess the riddle:

Every student knows

The uppermost continent.

We'll turn the globe over

And we'll find the name. (Arctic )

But where is the Arctic? We can find out this if we look at...what? Globe. What is a globe? (This is a scale model of the Earth.)

Our planet is a huge, enormous ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to travel around it.

I suggest that Umka and I go on a trip to the Arctic. Children, aren’t you afraid to go on a long journey?

Today our scientific expedition will go beyond the Arctic Circle, to the Arctic desert zone. And we will sail on an icebreaker. Rules of behavior on the ship:

1. You cannot leave or board the ship without the captain’s command.

3. You can’t shout or run around on the ship, pushing is prohibited

4. If there is a shipwreck, then you need to put on life jackets, we have them here, we are the first to save women and children

We will go there with you

Where is the kingdom of cold and ice!

Educator: But we need to complete the next task, tear off the next petal. (SIRS “Game for Attention”) Look, a strong wind blew, one element of our “snowflakes” was lost, let’s find them.

Guys, you are great! And we coped with this task well! But look, our Umka is sad. Let's play with him. (Presentation “Eye gymnastics”)

Well, let's sail!

Watching a video.

At the opposite poles of the globe lie deserted polar regions covered with snow and ice: Antarctica in the far south, the Arctic in the north. We are now on the Arctic Ocean, and huge icebergs - ice cliffs - are floating towards us. Children, do you think icebergs are dangerous to humans? Why? For six months in these parts the sun does not appear in the sky. The other six months it does not go beyond the horizon, but its rays are weak and provide almost no warmth, reflecting from the snow.

The Arctic is a zone of islands lying near the North Pole. The climate of this polar region is very diverse.

Cold gusty winds blow across the silent expanses of snow, pressing the already rare low-growing shrubs of dwarf birch and polar willow to the ground. Children look at their picture. How do you think they differ from birch and willow in the middle zone?

There are long cold winters and short cold summers, so the vegetation is sparse: mosses and lichens.

White deserts are the name given to the vast expanse of the north where there is only ice and snow. Everything is white—white to the point of pain in the eyes.

In the Arctic, the sun does not set for several months - the polar day continues. Remember, we talked with you - what is a polar day?

And there is also a polar night. What is it?

In the Arctic there is a very beautiful, unusual, fascinating natural phenomenon - the Northern Lights. Let's see it.

But the inhabitants of the north have adapted to these harsh conditions. Which?

Physical education minute

Here there is cold, ice and shadow everywhere, children hug themselves by the shoulders

Six months - night, cover your eyes with your palms

Half a year is a day. straighten up, raise their arms up

Here people build a house out of ice, join their hands above their heads - "roof"

And the ocean is completely covered with ice. spread their arms to the sides

You will hardly see any animals here. place your palm with a visor over your eyes

And you won’t notice the birds in the sky. swing their arms

Only a bear, white as frost, imitates the gait of a bear

Master of the Ice Desert. hands on the belt, standing still.

Educator: Magic snowflakes will help us find out what animals live here (children pick the next petal)

The long fur is white as snow.

Eats seals and fish for lunch.

He is an excellent swimmer -

And a caring father.

Three-meter giant

Weighs a thousand kilograms (polar bear)

Children, who will tell us about the polar bear? (child’s message)

The main inhabitant of the northern expanses is the polar bear. This is the largest predatory animal on Earth. Thick white long hair and a thick layer of fat protect it from severe frosts. The bear is an excellent swimmer; water is his native element; he can even swim underwater. A polar bear will crawl out of the water onto an ice floe, shake itself off, and be dry again. It feeds on fish, seals and walruses. When the time comes for the birth of her offspring, the bear climbs into a snow cave. The cubs are born very small, blind, deaf, grow helpless, and the bear does not leave the den. She warms them with her warmth and feeds the babies with milk. There are very few polar bears left on Earth, so hunting them is prohibited. They are listed in the Red Book.

A thick, folded hero -

With flippers and earless.

Picking from the bottom of the sea

Shells to eat.

He has fangs like sabers

The fur is short but thick.

Guess what guys

What a hero he is. (Walrus) .

The child talks about the walrus.

Walruses are brown, they have white tusks, with the help of their tusks they climb onto ice floes, stick their tusks in and rise. Flippers help them while swimming. The walrus has no hair, it has very thick skin and subcutaneous fat, which warms the walrus and is not afraid of any frost. Subcutaneous fat is better than a warm fur coat.

Like a royal crown

He wears his horns.

Eats lichen and green moss.

Loves snowy meadows. (Deer) .

A story about a deer:

Reindeer is a very cautious and timid animal. He has a keen sense of smell and keen hearing, and beautiful horns. Look how slender and strong the deer’s legs are. He runs away from enemies, the deer runs a lot in the snow. The deer needs wide hooves so that it does not fall into the snow. And he also gets food for himself, tears the snow to the ground with his hooves and takes out dry grass - this is the deer’s favorite food.

Educator: (take a petal) A game "Guess who?" Everyone has animals, even in such harsh conditions, babies are born, you will need to name them.

The polar bear... (little bear) ;

At the walrus (walrus) ;

At the deer... (fawn) ;

Penguin's (little penguin) ;

And a seal’s baby has a special name, what? (baby baby) .

Educator: Oh, look how sad the bear cub is. Why do you think?

Children:He is alone, he has no friends.

Playback:How can we help him?

Children:Let's help Umka find friends. You and I drew pictures about the Northern Lights. Let's depict friends for Umka in these drawings.

(Artistic creativity is carried out: application, to the song “About the Bear” from the cartoon Umka.)

Educator: Children, look, the Teddy Bear has become cheerful, he has made many friends, and these friends will show him the way to his mother. Thank you!

Educator: Guys, we have the last petal left. We are in the Arctic. What wish can you and I make? (go back to kindergarten) Do you remember what to say:

Fly, fly - petal

Through West to East

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle

As soon as you touch the ground

Be it my way!

Order that the children and I end up in kindergarten!

Lesson summary: Where is Arctic(At the North Pole) . What can you tell us about Artik? (It’s very cold there, permafrost, snow, ice, polar night, northern lights.) Who can you meet from animals in the Arctic ? (polar wolf, reindeer, polar bear, walrus, seals, polar owl, arctic fox, narwhal, killer whale, beluga whales, whales) Why these animals live in the Arctic ? (they feed on fish, have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, can swim well, dive well. Many animal thick white fur , makes them invisible in the snow).

There's a knock on the door. The postman comes in with a package.

Postman: Hello! What group is this? (“Fidgets”) Wonderful! You have received a parcel from the North Pole from Umka. (children receive treats from Umka)

Educator: Well done boys. You did a very good job today. Thank you.