Where the Oster River flows. A trip to an unusual reader and a waterfall on the Oster River

Types of fishing: float fishing, bottom fishing, spinning, fly fishing, live bait fishing, winter views fishing, other types of fishing

Fish: verkhovka, dace, perch, gudgeon, pike

Federal District: Central Federal District

Type of reservoir: rivers

Region: Smolensk region

Length: 274 km

Pool: 3490 km²

GIMS: Ministry of Emergency Situations Smolensk region

Status: free

Oster is a river in the Smolensk region of Russia, along the lower reaches of which there is a border with the Mogilev region of Belarus.

The Oster is a left tributary of the Sozh and belongs to the Dnieper basin. The length of the river is 274 km, the basin area is 3490 km². The source is located on the Smolensk Upland in the southeastern part of the Pochinkovsky district between the villages of Belik and Shmakovo.

In the upper reaches of the river, the floodplain is swampy and abounds in oxbow lakes. On average it narrows to 40-50 meters and deepens. The banks are indented with ravines and ravines. In the lower reaches the floodplain expands to 1.5-2 km.

Before flowing into the Sozh River, becoming its left tributary, the Oster flows along the border of Russia and Belarus. On the land of its neighbors, the river is only a few kilometers away, in the Roslavl district of the Mogilev region, and the city of Roslavl itself is located on its bank. Oster becomes part of the Black Sea basin in the Smolensk region, in the village of Kholmy, Shumyachsky district.

Having a winding channel, the Oster River often changes flow direction. Despite the gully banks and the presence large quantity ravines, the landscapes in a wide part of the river are very attractive, although in most cases they are inaccessible, due to the trees and bushes that have grown wildly right next to the water.

The river is fed predominantly by snow. The average annual water flow is 36 km from the mouth of 20.8 m³/s. It freezes in November - early January, opens at the end of March - April.

The right tributaries of the Oster River: Ostrik (34 km), Krapivnaya (16 km), Stomet (61 km), Trebrevka (16.5 km), Nemka (29 km). Left tributaries of the Oster River: Luzhanka (11 km), Polyasha (8.5 km), Bolshaya Navlya (27 km), Rydyga (15 km), Shumyachka (26 km), Smorodinka (12 km), Black Rydyga (13 km) .


On the Oster River there are minnows, verkhovkas, dace, and perch. There are also truly large specimens of pike.

Studying the small rivers of our big Motherland, this time we went to Oster, almost never visited by kayakers, in the Chernigov region. Despite some monotony of the landscapes, there were plenty of highlights along the route: deserted fields with hares galloping across them, ancient estates and temples, good swimming and even... a pirate schooner. And all this is just 80 km away. from Kyiv.

Where:Kozary - Kozelets (31 km.)
When: 16 .06 - 17.06.2012
Dima and Lesha - frame kayak “Trout”
Julia and Dima - KNB "Marinka"

We got to Kozelets by car, which we left at a truck stop near the Chernigov highway outside the city (50°56"06.2" N 31°06"58.0" E ). The pleasure costs 15 UAH/day, for two days and a night the guy asked for 20 UAH. We took a taxi to Kozar: four participants with two kayaks and a bunch of clothes had difficulty, but still got into the “eleventh” Zhigul station wagon. About 35 km. a taxi cost us 120 UAH: we could have looked for cheaper transport, but we didn’t bother. And without being tied to a car, it is more convenient to get to Kozary from the regional center of Nosovka, where electric trains go.

Day 1. 06.16.2012 (8 km.)
In Kozary they piled up on the right bank near the road bridge ( 50°56"51.9" N 31°23"34.5" E ). The weather was cloudy, but there was no rain. Oster in this place is rather unpresentable.

But as soon as we passed the village, the landscapes improved noticeably: forests and hills appeared along the banks.

In the place where the river comes close to the Kozelets-Nosovka highway, there is a chapel made of sand-lime brick (50°56"45.6" N 31°21"18.9" E ). Then deserted forests went again, and the sun came out.

There are plenty of picturesque clearings and meadows on both banks, but convenient exits They are not accessible from the river everywhere.

We stopped for the night at the edge of the forest: further on the river flows among the meadows all the way to Kozelets. The location is good (50°54"36.3" N 31°20"53.4" E ), there is a descent to the river, although it is quite steep.

Located next to the river large field with some agricultural crops, in the middle of it stood an observation tower menacingly. But there were no observers on it, so a trio of hares calmly galloped across the field.

There was plenty of dry firewood around - it seems that neither tourists nor fishermen look into this wilderness. Before late at night sat by the fire, looking at starry sky. The only reminders of the proximity of civilization were the planes landing one after another at Boryspil - Euro 2012 was in full swing.

Day 2. 17 .06.2012 (23 km.)
We decided to celebrate the sunny morning by swimming in the river. In this regard, Oster was a pleasant surprise: the water was clean, the bottom was good. As for small river Oster is very deep: on average, the depth was about 2 meters, and there was no such thing as a shoal on the route. Perhaps this is a consequence of hydraulic engineering work.

Further, if you look at the map, Oster is an artificially straightened canal - several kilometers of a perfectly flat line. The river here really didn’t look the most picturesque, but it was still not as dull as it might seem at first glance. The slalom between the reeds added variety...

...dam with valve lowered (50°53"07.1" N 31°17"05.5" E )…

...and tractors packing straw into beautiful “sushi rolls” - until I saw this shaitan machine, I was sure that these rollers in the fields were the work of aliens)).

And this is what the beginning of the Trubezh River looks like (50°52"25.2" N 31°14"41.3" E ), which then flows into the Dnieper in Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky: thanks to the efforts of Soviet hydrologists, Trubezh now flows from Ostra at a right angle.

A couple of times we came across dense thickets of duckweed, but we made our way through them without getting up from the kayak.
The canalized part of Ostra ends in the village of Danevka. Local swimmers are so tough that they made themselves a bungee from a railway spike and a tractor chain.

The village drags on for a long time, and from time to time you come across local vacationers. Had a snack for road bridge, opposite "gorplyazh". Closer to the exit from the village, a wooden ship suddenly appeared on the shore (50°52"21.7" N 31°11"10.2" E ).

Not far from the brigantine there was another installation: a plow on a pole. A shaggy “sculptor” was hovering nearby and greeted us with an incoherent patter: “Well done, canoe kayak, just like in Europe, you just can’t bear it, boys, you just can’t bear it...».
But to a wide circle of readers, Danevka is known primarily for the Danevsky Monastery with St. George’s Church from the middle of the 17th century. I century (50°52"33.7" N 31°10"43.7" E ). The temple is clearly visible from the water, especially if you turn right from the main channel into the canal.

Beyond Danevka, coastal habitability increased sharply. Local vacationers traditionally accompanied us with various questions. This time, Captain Obvious won the unofficial competition with the question: “You are tourists, right?”

In Kozelets we looked into the ancient Daragan estate (50°54 "02.0" N 31°07"28.6" E ). To get into it from the water, you need to focus on the gas pipe crossing the river. The estate belonged to the Cossack colonel Yukhim Daragan, who was married to the daughter of the famous Rozumikha, mother-in-law of Empress Elizabeth. From monuments XVIII century, a neglected house remained here...

...and the same neglected stone chamber where the Daragans kept weapons and valuables.

But the younger tourist liked the local fauna more than the architecture. The Kozelets animal turned out to be very friendly: the goat allowed itself to be stroked and tasted the children’s life jacket...

...and the frog jumped onto our kayak and rode with the breeze for a hundred meters.

In Kozelets a couple of times we had to cross thickets of water lilies, which slightly slowed down the progress. Then the domes of the famous Kozelets churches appeared behind the houses and gardens. In the photo - St. Nicholas Church late XVIII century (50°54"36.1" N 31°06"20.8" E).

Anti-stapelling at the bridge of the Chernigov highway (50°55 "18.9" N 31°05"50.4" E ). I went to pick up the car on foot - it was only 1.5 km from the bridge. to the parking lot. Taking another look at the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, beautifully illuminated by the setting sun (50°54"42.6" N 31°06"37.9" E ), we left for Kyiv.

Conclusion.The Oster, of course, is not the most picturesque river in Ukraine. But given its proximity to Kyiv, the depth, purity of the water and the unpopulation of tourists and local residents(almost everywhere except Kozelets and the immediate surroundings), Oster can be fully recommended for a two-day outing.

Written based on the results of a trip to the Pochinkovsky district, they were not only afraid to comment, but even to like it on social networks. Is it really that cruel?

Today we'll talk about a more optimistic story - a meeting with a reader from Stodolishche suffering from Parkinson's disease. Mikhail Ivanovich, an elderly grandfather, a pensioner, living in conditions where it would seem that there is not always money for bread, buys a very expensive book. Three people were involved in the reader's encounter with this book. Its author is Nadezhda Deverilina, who not only wrote the book, but also paid for the publication from her own own funds, Elena Minina - publisher, director of the Magenta publishing house, and your humble servant, who was the only one who announced the publication of the book. Also belongs to me title photo on the cover. Minina and I wondered for a long time how a pensioner from the wilderness found out about the publication of the book? I must admit, I flattered myself with hopes that my grandfather would have a computer in his house with Internet access, and he would read smolnarod.ru. As it turned out, everything is not so simple. Or vice versa, just... Most likely, the information from our site was reprinted in the Pochinkov newspaper “Selskaya Nov”, which grandfather receives.

And so, off we go. As you know, the routes that Elena Minina lays out are never straight. So yesterday we made several detours, one of which turned into an interesting discovery - it turns out that there is a waterfall in the Smolensk region!

For example, you can get from Murygin to Pochinok by an unbeaten road through Denisovo.

Along the way we find the place where the house of Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky stood.

The road, of course, is not ice.

The weather is gloomy. The eye picks up any aesthetics. There is a blade of grass, there is water flowing... And there a leaf turns yellow. And if there is a blade of grass and some water at the same time, you need to urgently stop and film!

As in last trip- we look around for apple trees. There is nothing tastier than winter varieties of apples that you pick straight from the tree. They crunch and squirt with juice. For example, these:

Finally, we find what we were looking for. The parliamentarian went to negotiate on the subject of managing the garden.

The lady of the house agreed to treat us to apples. True, she didn’t let us into the garden and took us a bag of apples out of the hut.

We are crossing the tracks. This is a diesel line that turns from Valutino, goes through Pochinok to Roslavl, and then to Bryansk. We are heading south along it.

The village has quite strong, lived-in houses, shops and even a market.

On the right, as it is fashionable to say these days, is a “portal”. We turn there. The road is dark.

As I already said, we rejoice in every puddle.

On one of the half-abandoned two-story barracks, an election campaign poster hangs like new since the summer.

Wow, the leaves are yellow!

And now - a masterpiece. No matter how many times we traveled around the Smolensk region, we never encountered such quirks of road repairs. Imagine: a fairly broken primer suddenly gives way to a couple of hundred meters of decent asphalt. Moreover, it was laid not on the territory of the settlement, but at the entrance to it. Then the primer begins again, which turns into broken asphalt. A team of road workers arrived here, a couple of tens of kilometers from Pochinok, to carry out pothole repairs. Here are his traces.

As you can see, the “asphalt” immediately ends, and the primer begins again. Attention, question: why the hell was this pothole repair needed? And those 200 meters of new asphalt in the middle of nowhere? It would be better with a grader once again passed...

And then the search for our reader began.

We managed to reach grandfather on cellular telephone, and he tried to explain to us where his house was. Grandfather's speech was not entirely clear. As we later found out, the pensioner suffers from Parkinson’s disease, which we initially mistook for the consequences of a hangover. We drove back and forth along Bolshaya Kolkhoznaya Street for about half an hour in search of house No. 52. Along the way, they filmed rural life.

As a result long search and almost 20 minutes of conversations with my grandfather on the phone, we found his house. I duplicate the title photo.

We go into the house. The unprepossessing life of a disabled person is supported by himself. It is clear that there is not enough strength for much. I would like to serve myself. My heart is healthy, my head is clear, but Parkinson’s, which appeared about ten years ago, complicates life. To move around the house, Mikhail Ivanovich built something like horizontal bars. Fortunately, my hands are strong.

Mikhail Ivanovich is a former driver. I've been driving the steering wheel since I was five years old. To prevent the little one from falling out of the adult seat, he was tied to it. Now retired. My son, who lives next door, helps with everyday life. He is writing an article about the 1917 revolution, which he plans to propose to the “Workers' Way” (see the sheets of paper on the table). I became interested in Nadezhda Deverilina’s book because I had been to Shmakovo myself. The book is not cheap - it was published in a small print run and has good printing. One copy costs 350 rubles. Mikhail Ivanovich without hesitation took out the money and paid for the purchase. Finally, he asked me to keep him updated on new products and, on occasion, to bring them to him.

But our adventures did not end there. We went to look for... waterfalls! Elena Alexandrovna discovered something similar either to a waterfall or a dam on satellite map, studying Oster. Well, another “wrong turn”.

Here is our further route:

We pass Krapivenskaya. On the right side we find a clearing and an inconspicuous turn.

We move along a flat road running through a dense pine forest.

The navigator shows difficult traffic. Is there a traffic jam ahead?

Suddenly a pond and a trail appeared from the forest economic activity person.

Further our path ran along scenic road. By right side We see some kind of farm where they raise poultry. In one of the pens behind bars we see an animal that looks like a deer. Almost no people. Only a few employees did housework. I didn’t take out my camera so as not to irritate people. Because the places here are remote... You can't shake your license.

Oster is a river that is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years. A huge number of legends, fables and fantastic stories. Where does the river begin? Where does it flow? And what is modern ecological state rivers?

Oster River (Chernigov region): general information

The length of the river is almost 200 kilometers, and total area water basin- about 3000 square kilometers. Oster is second order. On its way it receives water from at least 60 tributaries and streams.

Oster is a river that flows entirely within the Chernigov region of Ukraine. On its banks there are dozens settlements, the largest and most famous of which is the city of Nizhyn.

Where does the Oster River originate and where does it flow? Its source is located near the village of Kalchinovka, Bakhmach district. The river then flows into westward, crossing the Dnieper lowland. The mouth of the watercourse is located within the city of the same name Oster, where it flows into the Desna.

Oster is a predominantly snow-fed river. In the area of ​​the mouth, the water flow is quite significant and amounts to 3.2 cubic meters. m/sec. The riverbed freezes around the beginning of December and opens up by mid-March.

Oster River: photos and interesting facts from history

The beautiful Oster River flows through an area that has been inhabited by humans since ancient times. Scientists are still arguing about the origin of this oikonym. Interestingly, the root "str" ​​is quite common in geographical names region of Eastern Europe. One has only to remember such rivers as the Dniester, Stry, Styr and others. Researcher V.P. Petrov suggests that they all come from one ancient Sanskrit word sravati, which can be translated as “flow” or “flow.”

There are many legends associated with this river. According to one of them, somewhere at the bottom of Ostra there still lies a Roman ship with countless treasures in its holds. This legend arose after local boys found ancient foreign coins on the banks of the river.

“Was Oster navigable?” - this question has long haunted local historians and local historians. According to the memoirs of travelers that have survived to this day, in the 18th century Oster was as deep as the Dnieper, and ships sailed freely on it. Even in the upper reaches of the river, researchers found the remains of old wooden ships, which only confirms this theory.

Thus, Oster was most likely navigable before. But active human intervention in the life of the river has significantly modified it. As a result of the massive construction of dams and mills, the Oster became shallow, and its banks began to become swampy.

Oster and ecology

The ecology in the Oster River today remains very unfavorable. In July 2016, its waters were contaminated with hazardous chemicals discharged within the Nezhinsky district. Poisonous wastewater caused a massive death of fish. river water darkened, and a pungent and unpleasant smell was felt near the shores.

In connection with the current situation, the Ministry of Environment and natural resources announced a ban on swimming and fishing in the Oster River. Special Commission took water samples and tested them chemical analysis. The results were disappointing: the content of phosphates, ammonium and iron in the water exceeded the norm by 3-10 times.

Large-scale cleanups of the Ostra riverbed have been carried out three times over the past hundred years: in the 1930s, after the end of World War II and at the beginning of this century.

Treasures of Ostra

At the bottom of the river and on its banks, silver dinars have been found more than once - ancient ones. It is these finds that make romantics think that somewhere at the bottom of Ostra rests a huge ship filled with jewelry. The last such coin was found here in 1957, during a large-scale cleanup of the river bed.

No less valuable and interesting finds was discovered in the Ostra basin. So, in the vicinity of Nezhin, coins were found Kievan Rus still from pre-Mongol times. Even foreign publications wrote about this fact. In 1873, near the village of Pashkovka, the so-called Pashkovsky treasure was found, consisting of many Roman coins. This find once again confirmed the theory of close trade and economic ties of this region with the Roman Empire.

The city of Nizhyn and its bridges

Today, 15 bridges have been built on the Oster River within Nezhin different sizes. A hundred years ago there were only four of them, and in early XIX century - and not a single one at all.

Castle, Moskovsky, Lyceum, Magersky, Chervony - all these are names different bridges in the territory ancient city Nezhin. And they were given to these structures not by chance. The Castle Bridge, located near the Church of the Intercession, was previously also called Kerosene Bridge, since there was a shop with this valuable product near it. But the Lyceum Bridge was named after the city lyceum, founded by Prince Alexander Bezborodko in 1807. By the way, it was in this institution that I studied great writer Nikolay Gogol.

Of all the Nizhyn bridges, Lyceum Bridge is the most interesting and the oldest. It was built back in 1832, on the site of a dismantled city dam. Young Gogol I've probably crossed the Oster River along it many times. Not far from the bridge there is a monument to the writer.


Oster is a river that flows through the territory of the Chernigov region of Ukraine and flows into the Desna. There is a lot associated with this hydronym interesting stories, legends and real historical facts. In the summer of 2016, the river was heavily polluted with chemicals. Before today In some areas it is not recommended to swim or fish.

R. Smolensk and Mogilev provinces, tributary of the Sozh. Current length 180 in. O. originates at the borders of y. Elninsky and flows into the Sozh near the village. Belle. River valley O. up to 1 1/2 in. In spring O. spreads quite widely. Its width in some places is up to 20 fathoms, and its depth is from 1 to 8 arsh. Tributaries Maly O. and Stomyat.

  • -, chief of staff of the Abwehr, one of the participants in the conspiracy against Hitler. Born August 9, 1888 in Dresden...

    Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

  • - city in Ukraine, Chernigov region, pier on the river. Desna, 43 km from the railway. Art. Bobrik. 8.4 thousand inhabitants. Cotton factory, food factories. Museum of Local Lore. Founded in 1098. St. Michael's Church...
  • - American writer. Novel trilogy "Glass City", "Ghosts", "The Secret Chamber"; novel "Leviathan" ...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Grigory Bentsionovich, Russian writer. Works for children: fairy tales “A Kitten Named Woof”, “38 Parrots”, “Petka the Microbe”; books “How to give gifts well”, “Exercise for the tail”, “Escado Island” ...

    Russian Encyclopedia

  • - R. Chernigov province, lion. adv. Gums; originates in Borzensky district, irrigates Nezhinsky, Kozeletsky and Ski districts. Length 187 ver.; the banks are low-lying, often marshy and meadow; the valley is densely populated...
  • - a river in the Smolensk and Mogilev provinces, a tributary of the Sozh. Current length 180 ver. The lake originates on the borders of the Elninsky district and flows into the Sozh near the village of Bel. Valley of the O. River up to 1½ ver. In spring O. floods...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - river Chernigov province, left tributary of the Desna; originates in Borzensky district, irrigates Nezhinsky, Kozeletsky and Ostersky districts. Length 187 versts; the banks are low-lying, often marshy and meadow; the valley is densely populated...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - y. mountains Chernigov province, 92 versts, south-southwest from Chernigov, on the left bank of the river. Gums, near the confluence of the river. O. Residents by January 1 1896 4752: 89 nobles, honorary...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - I Ostr, a river in the Smolensk region of the RSFSR and the Mogilev region of the BSSR, the left tributary of the river. Sozh. Length 274 km, basin area 3490 km2. It originates on the Smolensk Upland. The food is predominantly snow...
  • - Oster, Ostr, a river in the Smolensk region of the RSFSR and the Mogilev region of the BSSR, the left tributary of the river. Sozh. Length 274 km, basin area 3490 km2. It originates on the Smolensk Upland. The food is predominantly snow...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Oster, Vostr, a river in the Chernigov region of the Ukrainian SSR, a left tributary of the river. Gum. Length 199 km, basin area 2950 km2. It flows through the Dnieper lowland. The food is predominantly snow...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - OSTER. briefly shape to sharp...

    Dictionary Ushakova

  • - OSTER * Severe wine: with a weak aroma, a predominance of acid and) or tannins. Typical Feature young wines Brief dictionary taster. Kuptsov 2001...

    Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

  • - See A LOT -...
  • - The water will take its toll...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Razg. About a witty, sarcastic person. FSRY, 299; DP, 414...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

"Oster, river" in books

Sharp, beautiful and loved

From the book Odessa cuisine author Potanina Irina Sergeevna

Canaris and Oster

author Deutsch Harold S

Canaris and Oster It is difficult to determine unambiguously the relationship between the two top officials of the Abwehr - Canaris and Oster. It is usually considered that the main driving force, a kind of locomotive of the opposition, was Auster, and Canaris either acted on his own or followed in

Oster and Beck

From the book The Plot against Hitler. Resistance activities in Germany. 1939-1944 author Deutsch Harold S

Auster and Beck Judging by the noisy publications that appear from time to time on the relationship between Auster and Beck, the existence of a close and fairly intimate relationship between them was extremely unlikely. Publications on this issue that appeared in Germany

Oster and Sas

From the book The Plot against Hitler. Resistance activities in Germany. 1939-1944 author Deutsch Harold S

Oster and Szasz Thus, the tasks facing Dohnanyi, as well as Groskurt on the “opposition front”, turned out to be broader and more varied than expected before the outbreak of the war, which brought into current life a lot of things that were not foreseen or foreseen



4.12.11. THE MECHA RIVER ON THE KULIKOVO FIELD AND THE MOSCOW RIVER, OR THE MOCHA RIVER - A TRIBUTAR OF THE MOSCOW RIVER According to the chronicle, the Battle of Kulikovo continued throughout the day, after which Mamai’s troops fled and were pressed to the Mecha River p.76, “where many Tatars drowned.” And Mamai himself escaped with

From the book Reconstruction general history[text only] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4.12.12. THE NEPRYADVA RIVER ON THE KULIKOVY FIELD AND THE NAPRUDNAYA RIVER IN MOSCOW ON THE KULISHKY FIELD. AND ALSO THE MOSCOW RIVER NEGLINKA The Battle of Kulikovo took place on the Nepryadva River, p.76. This famous river is mentioned MANY TIMES in all the chronicles talking about the Battle of Kulikovo. River

The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River - a tributary of the Moscow River

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River - a tributary of the Moscow River. According to the chronicle, the Battle of Kulikovo continued throughout the day, after which Mamai’s troops fled and were pressed to the Mecha River (PSRL, vol. 37, p. 76 ), "where many Tatars drowned." And Mamai himself escaped with

From book New chronology and concept ancient history Rus', England and Rome author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

The Nepryadva River on the Kulikovo field and the Naprudnaya River in Moscow on the Kulishki field. And also the Moscow Neglinka River. The Battle of Kulikovo took place on the Nepryadva River (PSRL, vol. 37, p. 76). This famous river is mentioned MANY TIMES in all the chronicles talking about the Battle of Kulikovo. River

2.13. The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River is a tributary of the Moscow River

From the author's book

2.13. The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River is a tributary of the Moscow River. According to the chronicle, the Battle of Kulikovo continued throughout the day, after which Mamai’s troops fled and were pressed to the Mecha River, “where many Tatars drowned.” Assam Mamai escaped with a few

From the author's book

2.14. The Nepryadva River on the Kulikovo field and the Naprudnaya River in Moscow on the Kulishki field, as well as the Moscow Neglinka River. The Battle of Kulikovo took place on the Nepryadva River. This famous river is mentioned many times in all chronicles talking about the Battle of Kulikovo. Nepryadva River, by

Oster, Hans

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

Oster, Hans (Oster), (1888–1945), chief of staff of the Abwehr, one of the participants in the conspiracy against Hitler. Born on August 9, 1888 in Dresden. In 1933-44 he served as chief of staff and deputy inspector in the department military intelligence first under the command of Major General Kurt von Bredow, and

Oster (city in Chernigov region)


Oster (city in Chernigov region) Oster, city (since 1961) in the Kozeletsky district of the Chernigov region of the Ukrainian SSR. Located at the confluence of the river. Oster to the Desna (tributary of the Dnieper), 43 km from the railway. Bobrik station (on the Kyiv - Bakhmach line). Pier. Factories: dairy, sawmill, bakery;

Oster (river in the Smolensk region)

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(OS) of the author TSB

Oster (river in the Smolensk region) Oster, Ostr, a river in the Smolensk region of the RSFSR and the Mogilev region of the BSSR, the left tributary of the river. Sozh (Dnieper basin). Length 274 km, basin area 3490 km2. It originates on the Smolensk Upland. The food is predominantly snowy. Average water consumption in

Oster (river in Chernigov region)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OS) by the author TSB

Oster (river in the Chernigov region) Oster, Vostr, river in the Chernigov region of the Ukrainian SSR, left tributary of the river. Desna (Dnieper basin). Length 199 km, basin area 2950 km2. It flows through the Dnieper lowland. The food is predominantly snowy. The average water flow 27 km from the mouth is about 3.2

OSTER, Grigory Bentsionovich

From the book Big Dictionary of Quotations and catchphrases author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

OSTER, Grigory Bentsionovich (b. 1947), writer 201 Bad advice. Cap. a series of poems for children (published since 1987; dep. ed..