History of the Darkness River in Tverskaya. Darkness, darkness, small rivers of Tver - etymology

Estuary - Location

3102 km from the mouth along the left bank

- Coordinates A country

Russia, Russia

Region K: Rivers in alphabetical order K: Water bodies in alphabetical order K: Rivers up to 500 km in length Darkness (river) Darkness (river)


Length - 142 km, basin area - 1850 km². The source is located south of the village of Denezhnoe, Staritsky district, Tver region, on the southeastern slopes of the Vyshnevolotsk ridge (the so-called Ilya Mountains).

The valley, narrow in the upper reaches, widens up to 40 m in the lower reaches. The channel (width 20-25 m, depth 0.5-0.7 m) forms numerous bends. It opens in early April and freezes up in early December. The average annual water flow is 13.7 m³/s.

On the banks of the river are located: Lukovnikovo, Malinniki village, Glazunovo village, Bernovo village, Staritsky district, Bogatkovo village, Kunganovo village, Remenevo village, Glukhovo village, Struzhnya village, Torzhok district, villages of Knyazevo, Strenevo, Novinki, Savino, Dudenyovo, Kalininsky district and etc.

The river is depicted in the works of Pushkin, Levitan and others.

Water register data

  • Basin District - Verkhnevolzhsky
  • River basin - (Upper) Volga to the Kuibyshev reservoir (without the Oka basin)
  • River sub-basin - Volga to the Rybinsk reservoir
  • Water management section - Volga from the city of Zubtsov to the city of Tver without the Tvertsa River

Photo gallery

  • Darkness near the village of Tutan and the village of Kumordino, Kalininsky district
  • Darkness in Bernovo

    Darkness near the village. Glazunovo (Staritsky district)

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as of March 29, 2009. (rar archive, 3.21 MB).

Excerpt characterizing Darkness (river)

- The general on duty, quickly! Very important! - he said to someone who was rising and snoring in the darkness of the entryway.
“We’ve been very unwell since the evening; we haven’t slept for three nights,” the orderly’s voice whispered intercessively. - You must wake up the captain first.
“Very important, from General Dokhturov,” said Bolkhovitinov, entering the open door he felt. The orderly walked ahead of him and began to wake someone up:
- Your honor, your honor - the courier.
- I'm sorry, what? from whom? – said someone’s sleepy voice.
– From Dokhturov and from Alexey Petrovich. “Napoleon is in Fominskoye,” said Bolkhovitinov, not seeing in the darkness who asked him, but by the sound of his voice, suggesting that it was not Konovnitsyn.
The awakened man yawned and stretched.
“I don’t want to wake him up,” he said, feeling something. - You're sick! Maybe so, rumors.
“Here’s the report,” said Bolkhovitinov, “I’ve been ordered to hand it over to the general on duty immediately.”
- Wait, I’ll light a fire. Where the hell do you always put it? – turning to the orderly, said the stretching man. It was Shcherbinin, Konovnitsyn's adjutant. “I found it, I found it,” he added.
The orderly was chopping the fire, Shcherbinin was feeling the candlestick.
“Oh, disgusting ones,” he said with disgust.
In the light of the sparks, Bolkhovitinov saw the young face of Shcherbinin with a candle and in the front corner a still sleeping man. It was Konovnitsyn.
When the brimstones lit up with a blue and then a red flame on the tinder, Shcherbinin lit a tallow candle, from the candlestick of which the Prussians ran, gnawing it, and examined the messenger. Bolkhovitinov was covered in dirt and, wiping himself with his sleeve, smeared it on his face.
-Who is informing? - said Shcherbinin, taking the envelope.
“The news is true,” said Bolkhovitinov. - And the prisoners, and the Cossacks, and the spies - they all unanimously show the same thing.
“There’s nothing to do, we have to wake him up,” said Shcherbinin, getting up and approaching a man in a nightcap, covered with an overcoat. - Pyotr Petrovich! - he said. Konovnitsyn did not move. - To the main headquarters! – he said, smiling, knowing that these words would probably wake him up. And indeed, the head in the nightcap rose immediately. On Konovnitsyn’s handsome, firm face, with feverishly inflamed cheeks, for a moment there remained the expression of dreams of a dream far from the present situation, but then suddenly he shuddered: his face took on its usually calm and firm expression.
- Well, what is it? From whom? – he asked slowly, but immediately, blinking from the light. Listening to the officer’s report, Konovnitsyn printed it out and read it. As soon as he had read it, he lowered his feet in woolen stockings onto the earthen floor and began to put on his shoes. Then he took off his cap and, combing his temples, put on his cap.
-Are you there soon? Let's go to the brightest.
Konovnitsyn immediately realized that the news brought was of great importance and that there was no time to delay. Whether it was good or bad, he did not think or ask himself. He wasn't interested. He looked at the whole matter of war not with his mind, not with reasoning, but with something else. There was a deep, unspoken conviction in his soul that everything would be fine; but that you don’t need to believe this, and especially don’t say this, but just do your job. And he did this work, giving it all his strength.
Pyotr Petrovich Konovnitsyn, just like Dokhturov, only as if out of decency was included in the list of so-called heroes of the 12th year - the Barclays, Raevskys, Ermolovs, Platovs, Miloradovichs, just like Dokhturov, enjoyed the reputation of a person of very limited abilities and information, and, like Dokhturov, Konovnitsyn never made plans for battles, but was always where it was most difficult; he always slept with the door open since he was appointed general on duty, ordering everyone sent to wake him up, he was always under fire during the battle, so Kutuzov reproached him for this and was afraid to send him, and was, like Dokhturov, alone one of those inconspicuous gears that, without rattling or making noise, constitute the most essential part of the machine.

Photo by Anton Dmitriev


“A village is not worth without a righteous man” - you fully realize the wisdom of the old saying when you study more closely the history of Russian villages and hamlets, when you learn to see them as more than just small dots on the map. There were no two identical villages in Russia, which means there were no two identical stories in them. human existence. Behind every hut and even an empty place where there was once a human dwelling, there is full of drama the history of “the cycle of earthly births, sorrows and deaths” (in the words of Boris Pasternak). How rarely do we remember, living in a village, coming to it for the summer, driving past it and habitually not noticing its great beauty even in desolation, that the rural Russian land is all watered with sweat and tears, warmed with prayers and songs, consecrated with the holy relics of the venerable and righteous known and unknown to us...

All the more striking on Russian soil, which is generally rich in righteous people, are such areas, one might say, “areas” where holiness not only existed, took place, but flourished. There are regions in which a special spiritual atmosphere is felt, the very air of which seems to have been sanctified for centuries by the prayers of many saints who once shone here. This can be said about the Nilova Hermitage and its surroundings on Seliger, the Assumption Staritsky Monastery or the temples of Kashin. Such is the area west of Tver in the lower reaches of the small but beautiful and clean River of Darkness. An area of ​​no more than one hundred square kilometers consecrated by the activities of eight only known and glorified saints. This is the holy noble prince and passion-bearer Gleb (1015), Rev. Savva Vishersky ( end XIV centuries), Saints Savva, Barsanuphius, Nectarius of Tver, Xenophon Tutansky (all - XV century), Saint Joseph of Volotsky (late XV - beginning of XVI century), Saint Akaki of Tver (XVI century). And how many righteous people there were, whose names are unknown among the canonized saints, but whose deeds and exploits are known to God and preserved by human memory. For example, these are the pious boyars Zaborovsky, owners of the village of Zaborovye in XVI century, whose graves four centuries later were sacredly revered by the village residents; this is the courageous and modest restorer of the Nektarev Desert after the Time of Troubles, the builder of Feodosia; this is Archimandrite Daniil (Chizhov) of the Nikolo-Malitsky Monastery, who revived the ancient monastery from desolation at the end of the 19th century; this is the minister of the Tutansky monastery, Andrei Ivanov, who left the memory of Xenophon of Tutansky, and the zealous shepherd, scholar-historian - priest of the same village, Alexander Sudakov, and many others. Confessors and martyrs - we know the names of only a few - these are hieromonk (?) Father Ieraks (village of Tutan, 1937), Zaborovsky priests Ivan Titov (1932) and Gennady Rubtsov (1938), but there were undoubtedly many more of them . Let’s not forget the benefactors and creators of churches, among whom there are a lot of people unknown to us and known only to the Supreme Court, but the number of names preserved in documents reaches several dozen - these are the Spechevs and Avaevs, and the Shalygins, and the Bernovs, and many, many peasants whose names preserved the only surviving Tutan Synodik. But, undoubtedly, there were more of them, and only the extreme paucity of documents due to the godless and wartime hard times does not give us the opportunity to find out their names.

Photo by Anatoly Maximov

And the military memory in this region is one of the strongest in the vicinity of Tver. This is a stern and holy memory of the feat of the 29th and 30th armies of the Kalinin Front, which in the most difficult October 1941 attacked the fascists rushing to Moscow at the ancient mounds and hills near the villages of Otmichi and Khvastovo. This is also the memory of the Russian girl scouts who were shot near the village of Kumordino on the same days of October 1941 - another small, but terrible and bitter victim of that war.

Enough said. About these people, about their feat, about what they did for native land, - in this small book. Let the example of our ancestors serve as a lesson and reminder to us that only through effort, tireless work, sorrow and suffering was a beautiful and great Russia created.

What should be our memory of them? The Church speaks directly - prayer. Everyone who lived here in the historical era were baptized, Orthodox people. Their prayer is our prayer, their God is our God. In prayer we can talk to them, turn to their intercession for us, we can pray for forgiveness of our sins and ignorance.

Prayer on the road, while walking on holy, consecrated ground, comes from the heart especially easily. Therefore, it is not the first year that in the days following the feast of the Council of Tver Saints (on the first Sunday after July 12), a five-day religious procession has been taking place along the banks of the River of Darkness. Comes with icons, including the icon of the “Cathedral of Tver Saints”. This is our attempt to restore historical memory, to tell new generations about what kind of land they inherited, to teach them to take care and appreciate it.

The path of the procession itself is a test and a small feat, a prayerful effort, so necessary for modern man. The lesson and prayer discipline of the procession later turn out to be useful in everyday life. In addition, as everyone who has ever participated in this journey unanimously says, the religious procession is also a wonderful relaxation for body and soul. No resort can compare with it. Our wise ancestors knew about this and preferred to relax, not lying stupidly on the banks of a river, but going on a multi-day pilgrimage to near and far holy places. Returning from such pilgrimages, with new strength and rest, they took on hard peasant labor.

Nowadays, rarely does anyone decide to walk, for example, to a monastery. The roads, people, and concepts of pilgrimage became different. But the desire to touch the shrine, to approach it, to “work with your feet” remained as before. And this goal is also fully consistent with the religious procession along the River of Darkness.

Photo by Anatoly Maximov


Trinity-Assumption Church in Annensky. Auto. photo by A.E. Dylevsky

The path of the religious procession along the River Darkness begins at the villages of Gorodishche and Kalenitsa, not far from the left bank of the Volga. The new highway to Brody and Staritsa comes here. Once in ancient times, these villages belonged to the Tver archbishops, but no monuments have survived from those times. Behind the Settlement there is a small but impassable swamp, through which there are bridges that are flooded in damp summers. Because of this obstacle in large villages behind it: Annenskoye, Tredubye and Lipiga - it’s not easy to get to from Tver. IN administratively they belong to the Torzhok district, from which there is a road leading to them. The border of the districts runs through the swamp. Borderland remains a “draw”, and this circumstance makes restoration of the magnificent temple in the ancient village of Annensky unlikely in the near future.

But in ancient times, all these settlements belonged to the Shostka volost of the Tver district. These are the original lands of Tver. The Shostka River, unlike the Darkness, is much narrower, but deeper, with a slower flow. It flows through a swampy floodplain; villages stand quite high from the water, on dry lands. There are beautiful, very intimate landscapes here, beautiful meadows. The fields are overgrown with forest, on the border of the Kalinin and Torzhok regions it is often difficult to believe that in the place of damp small-leaved forests not so long ago there were arable lands...

Unlike most other villages in the area, which have not yet been we'll talk, villages and adjacent villages along Shostka in the 15th-19th centuries. were landowners, and their churches were erected at the expense of the owners, who often lived here, nearby. The history of the construction of the Trinity-Assumption Church in the village of Annensky was preserved in the archives of the Tver Consistory - the office of the spiritual department.

Annenskoye is an ancient village 7 km from Gorodishche. The local servants of the bishop later became ordinary landowners, no different from others. In the 1760s. The owner of the village was the widow Pelageya Ivanovna Bernova, a pious and pious lady. It is amazing that the legend about her, that a certain “lady” built a church and lived near it until her death, is still told today. In legend, she is named Anna, and the foundation of the village is associated with her. Of course, this is a late speculation, but the church was actually built not in the village, which is located behind a large ravine, but in an estate, from which nothing has survived to this day.

"Evening in Tredubye" Author. photo Alexander Gorbunov

In 1772, Pelageya Bernova wrote a petition to allow her to build a church: “I am in the parish of the Tver district of Shostka and Kavi in ​​the village of Anninskoye, where there is a wooden church in the name of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, instead of which I now, according to my promise, wish to build a wooden church near it on the same churchyard there is again a stone church with the same name of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with two chapels of the Life-Giving Trinity and All Saints. I just don’t dare start building this church without a blessing... and without this letter.”

For a reason unknown to us, the Archbishop of Tver and Kashinsky Platon (Levshin) did not allow the construction of a three-altar church, but blessed it to be built with only two chapels: in honor of the Trinity (the main altar), and in honor of the Assumption (the altar in the refectory). In the 19th century, the temple was nevertheless expanded and became three-altar. But when the third throne was consecrated, no information was preserved. The red brick temple, richly and exquisitely decorated with white stone, with a magnificent bell tower decorated with delicate white stone ornaments, was undoubtedly built by the elder craftsmen - only they knew how to carry out such work. Moreover, one of the best artels that existed at that time worked. By 1775, the chapel of the Assumption was consecrated, and on July 31, 1780, at the request of “the widow Pelageya Byarnova,” as the landowner signed in her own hand, the main altar of the temple was consecrated.

During its history, the church in Annensky was completely renovated in 1848 and 1882, but the walls in the refectory were re-laid and the vault was built in exactly the same way as in the 18th century; now only a very experienced eye will determine the late masonry. All white stone parts were returned to their place. At the beginning of the 20th century, the church was painted, this painting would be intact now, but...

After the revolution, the church operated for a long time, until 1957. And after that, the whole building stood for a long time, with windows, doors, floors. Old photographs from the 1980s. give an idea of ​​the painting of good quality and good preservation. But their own vandals, some townspeople who came to the collective farm to harvest the harvest, started a fire - they set the floors on fire. The beautiful temple burned for several days, after which only charred walls remained inside.

In the early 2000s. the roof is leaking, something irreparable may happen in the near future - the vault will begin to collapse, then nothing will help the temple. Although prayer glimmers within its walls, to save this wonderful monument, urgent work is needed to re-roof it. Otherwise, there will be one less temple on Tver land.

"River of Darkness" Auto. photo Alexander Gorbunov

Eight kilometers from Annensky down the Shostka is the village of Ivanovskoye Shishkov. This large village was once the center of the huge estate of Prince Ivan Dorogobuzhsky, one of the descendants of the Tver princes. At the end of the 15th century. a church was founded here; probably, the name of the village came from Prince Ivan. The Dorogobuzhsky family male line stopped in mid. XVI century, but the village and patrimony did not go to any monastery, but were distributed to different landowners. They became the owners of the village in the beginning. XVII century landowners Shishkovs. “Behind Mikhail Frolov’s son Shishkov,” the Scribe Book of 1628 reports, “half the village of Ivanovsky on the river on Shostka, and on its half is the Church of John the Baptist, and the other Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, a landowner’s building, stands on his patrimony land.” The number of village owners increased by mid. XIX century up to three or four, it is clear that they were not very rich. Therefore, the churches remained wooden; in 1780, a two-altar wooden church of the Beheading of John the Baptist with a chapel in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was built. This church stood “firmly” at the beginning of the 20th century. It still stands now, only in a completely disfigured form, and the fact that this building is a church is indicated only by the impressive size of the log house and the thick logs from which it is made. There are no such trees in the surrounding forests for a long time. IN former church there was a stable, and now it’s just quietly rotting, useless and abandoned.

"On the Shostka River" Author. Alexander Gorbunov

The stone church in Ivanovsky began to be built in 1877, although funds for construction began to be collected earlier. Since the parish was poor, it was used for construction finished project stone cemetery Church of the Ascension in Torzhok. The project was simplified - without the upper tier of the bell tower, but even in this form the church turned out to be quite impressive, due to its beautiful location in the area, with a large onion dome, now collapsed. Above the entrance to the temple there was once a foundation board, knocked down and then accidentally dug up near the temple by the currently living summer residents. There is an inscription on it: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This church was founded in honor and memory of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John in 1877 on August 29th under the power of the Blessed Emperor Alexander Nikolaevich II with the blessing of Alexy Archbishop of Tver under the priest John of the Arkhangelsk under the builder Stefan Grigoriev Kudryashov.”

The church was built in addition to the existing wooden one, and was initially warm and heated. There was only one throne in it, in honor of the Beheading of John the Baptist. After closing, the church was used as a warehouse; when all the wooden parts were stolen, right down to the oak window sills, it was simply broken and abandoned, for a long time Cattle entered it and horses stood during the day. In the 1990s. The condition of the building began to deteriorate sharply, the roof completely collapsed.

The few remaining believers local residents and summer residents, including the large family The Pechernikovs from Khimki near Moscow have been trying to maintain relative order in the church premises for several years now; small services, prayers, and akathists are read there from time to time. But to repair the church, large funds are needed, which the parishioners in Ivanovo, unfortunately, do not have at their disposal.

Source in the village of Rozhdestvo

At the very mouth of the Shostka River there were in ancient times several churches and monasteries: the churchyard of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Sofronovsky, the churchyard with the Church of the Nativity of Christ, the small monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary at the mouth of the Shostka, according to some sources, female or mixed, since the throne of this particular temple was moved to late XVI V. in Tutan by the noblewoman Anastasia Zaborovskaya, who may have taken monastic vows here.

All these temples were abandoned in Time of Troubles, for a long time there were not even villages in these places. Only in late XVIII V. The village of Rozhdestvo was rebuilt at the mouth of the Shostka River. According to local legend, the Nativity Monastery was located not far from the spring, located in the middle of the village on the banks of the Shostka, near a small square. The main holiday in the village was the day of the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus (August 31), when, after a prayer service at the spring, water was sprinkled on the village horses. A procession of the cross, organized by priest Alexander Sudakov, took place in the village of Rozhdestvo from Tutani, to whose parish Christmas belonged.

Remains of Lake Mikhailovskoe

There are several springs in the village, and during the modern religious procession across the Darkness, the blessing of water is performed not only at the spring in the center of the village.

Not far from the village, on Lake Mikhailovskoye, where in 1941 Russian girl scouts were shot by the Germans and stands memorial sign, funeral services are being served.

Lake Mikhailovskoye has practically disappeared. This is a monument to the senseless and merciless attitude towards the nature of the Soviet collective farm power. It is located among a small raised bog, rich in berries and mushrooms. WITH east side the lake had a dry, wooded shore. Here is a memorial sign in honor of the executed scouts.

The lake was shallow even before the revolution. But, instead of cleaning the bottom, even before the war, around 1937-1938. it was decided to “use the lake for economic purposes.” That is, a canal (about two kilometers) was dug from the Darkness, which was supposed to contribute to the watering of the lake and the future breeding of fish there. The canal led to the drying out of peat bogs, which burned for several years in a row before the war, and often begin to burn even now (only in wet years former lake generally achievable - in dry summers everything is shrouded in smoke). With the destruction of the mills in Golykhin, the water in the Darkness dropped greatly and the watercourse went from the lake to the Darkness. As a result, only a few small overgrown puddles remained from the beautiful forest lake.

On the road from Lake Mikhailovskoye or bypassing along the Rozhdestvo - Kumordino dirt road, you can pass by a long dry ditch - all that remains of the former canal. Behind the forest, two kilometers away, is the central estate of the Oktyabrsky state farm, which actually unites two villages - Kumordino and Golykhino. Behind it, again behind the forest, two kilometers away, on the banks of the Darkness, there is a former village, now the village of Tutan.

What the word “Tutan” means is not known exactly. There are options for deciphering it from the Russian “tutoshny”, “local”. But this etymology is shaky and not very similar to the truth. What is certain is that the high hill above the Darkness was inhabited in ancient times, long before the Slavic settlement of this region. According to the stories of peasants, some slabs with strange signs made of intersecting squares were embedded in the porch of a stone church in the village of Tutan. Pre-revolutionary archaeologists who saw these stones believed that these signs were runic or close to them. It can be assumed that there was some kind of breeding center, maybe a temple. In ancient times this place looked completely different from what it does now. The high hill and the banks of the Darkness were covered with dense oak forests; there were so many oak trees that bog oak wood was mined at the beginning of the 20th century. near the Golykhin mill, a little higher than Tutani along the Darkness. These oak groves gave way to pine forests, which are still perhaps the best forests in the vicinity of Tver.

In the 14th century, the monk Xenophon settled here. Absolutely nothing is known about him, except for a late and not very reliable legend that he was a student of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Xenophon died at the beginning of the 15th century. Chronicles and his life have not survived. His veneration as a saint began quite early, but was always only local, and this was probably the reason for the relative obscurity of the Monk Xenophon. His memory is celebrated on the day of remembrance of the righteous Xenophon, his wife Mary, their children Arkady and John, as well as the Monk Xenophon of Robey - January 25/February 7.

The Tutan monastery he founded was not famous, mid-16th century V. had only a few villages and wastelands. The oprichnina pogrom, due to its location next to the road along which the path to Novgorod of the guardsmen of Ivan the Terrible lay, caused it very heavy damage.

For some, albeit short, time it was completely abandoned. But already in the early 70s. XVI century it was restored by the neighboring landowners, the boyars Zaborovsky, and invested, together with the family estate, Voskresensky-Zaborovye, into the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Thanks to this, the Tutansky monastery existed for another century and a half, already without monks, as the economic center of the Lavra's estate in this part of the Tver district. There were warehouses here, managers sent from the Lavra lived, there was a church in honor of the Ascension of Christ with a chapel of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. In the middle of the 17th century. The Trinity elder Averky, originally from these places, made a contribution to Tutan and built a wooden tomb in the church above the place where, according to legend, the Monk Xenophon was buried.

This wooden tomb was destroyed by order of the diocesan authorities in 1847, when a new stone church already existed and it even had a chapel in honor of the Monk Xenophon of Tutan. During this period, the veneration of all Tver saints was prohibited, since they were not included in the official lists of saints, and there was a struggle with local shrines everywhere (completely senseless and unjustified). However, at the end of this campaign, the veneration of the Monk Xenophon was restored and did not stop until the revolution. Unfortunately, during the period when the tomb of St. Xenophon was broken, his ancient icons and the covering of the tomb were lost.

But the synodik (memorial book) of the Tutansky monastery, the oldest surviving Tver synodik, survived. It was compiled in 1632-1633. In the synodikon, among other commemorations, there is the following:

“Remember, Lord, the soul of Your servant Holy Archimandrite Dionysius, who commanded to write this synod of the Life-Giving Trinity of the Sergius Monastery and the Tutan Monastery to the Church of the Ascension of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ and the Most Pure Mother of God for Her Honorable Nativity and to our Reverend Father Xenophon the Wonderworker, on his own and your parents...

Remember, Lord, the soul of Your servant Andrei, who labored with his own hands and wrote this synodikon to these holy churches for himself and his parents, and rest them with Your righteous, the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and the Reverend and God-Bearing Father Sergius and Nikon of Radonezh Wonderworkers and the Reverend Father Xenophon Wonderworker and ruler of this holy monastery and all Your saints. Amen".

Dionysius is the Venerable Dionysius of Radonezh, who died in 1633. His worldly name is David Zobninsky, he was a native of Rzhev and a monk of the Staritsky Assumption Monastery. During the terrible years of the Time of Troubles, he was one of the leaders heroic defense Laurels from the interventionists, and after that - by its rector. Dionysius suffered a lot and unfairly in the 1620s, when he was accused of incorrectly correcting liturgical books. Only the intervention of Patriarch Filaret, who returned from captivity, freed him from prison. Last years he remained the rector of the Lavra, and then, probably, a synodikon was written on his order for the Tutansky Monastery, the patrimony of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the abbot’s native place. As for the copyist Andrei, he is also known from other documents, his full name is Andrei Ivanov, he was a secular “servant” of the Tutansky monastery in the 1st half. XVII century He was originally from Staritsa, and managed the Tutansky monastery for a long time and fruitfully. Among the monuments of his activity, it is necessary to mention two surviving books “Menei” (there were more of them), purchased in the village of Kolyubakino, Ruza district in 1628, invested in 1633, and in early XVIII V. transferred from Tutani to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. There they have survived to this day. (Now in Russian State Library.) The books contain records that are very important for the history of the village.

First entry: “In the summer of 7141, this book was given by the month of December to the Troetsky Tutan Monastery for the Ascension of Christ and the Most Pure Mother of God and the Reverend Father Xenophon, also known as the Tver Wonderworker of the Tver Wonderworker of the Trinity Monastery of Sergius, by the minister Andrei Ivanov for his parents and for himself, and the parents are written in the former months in September and October and November, and in the synodikon, and I, Andryushka, signed with my own hand” (the menaion for September-October-November has not been preserved, and the synodikon is the same one that was just discussed).

Second entry: “On the 6th day of the summer of December 7142, this book was placed by the Genvar at noon in the Troetskaya Tutan Monastery in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ and the Most Pure Mother of God of Her honorable and glorious Nativity and our venerable God-bearing father Xenophon, who is also from The Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ has the grace to heal various ailments of those who come with faith, especially dental problems. Andrei Ivanov, a servant of the Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius, is an old man after his parents, and I, Andrei, signed it with my own hand.”

On the banks of the river are located: Lukovnikovo, Malinniki village, Glazunovo village, Bernovo village, Bogatkovo village, Kunganovo village, Remenevo village, Glukhovo village, Struzhnya village, villages of Knyazevo, Strenevo, Tutan, Novinki, Savino, Dudenevo, etc.

The river is depicted in the works of Pushkin, Levitan and others.

Material from Wikipedia

The right bank of the river near the Savinsky Bridge

Kayaking on the river. Darkness

Vysokoye - Strukhnya (31 km) - Volga (39 km).
May-June, 7.0 points.

The middle and lower reaches of the Darkness, where the route passes, belongs to the vast Upper Volga lowland, the sandy soils of which are dominated by pine forests. The upper reaches of the river (from Lukovnikovo) are accessible only in high water; here on it are located the villages of Malinniki and Bernovo, associated with the names of Pushkin and Levitan. During low water, you can sail along the Darkness from Vysokoye, which is located 3 km from the river of the same name. railway station line St. Petersburg - Torzhok - Rzhev. At the beginning of the journey, the banks of the river are low, mostly meadow, 15 - 20 m wide, the bed is loamy, rocky in places, with boulders and algae. After the confluence of the Rachina, the Darkness becomes fuller, the banks rise and become covered with forests.
The river in the Tutan - Novinki section is especially beautiful. Further, as we approach the Volga, the banks become lower, forests are replaced by meadows, and the current weakens. Sticking to the right bank of the Darkness, you need to enter the Volga and go upstream about 2 km to the Kokoshka pier, connected by suburban passenger service to Tver, from where, if necessary, you can easily take a tram to the railway and bus stations. In another option, you can swim to Tver (16 km) along the fairly wide (150 - 200 m) navigable Volga. Tram stop on the right bank near the first road bridge.

Prince Tverskoy Ivan Mikhailovich established a monastery
near the God-saved city of Tferi on the Tmatsa River...

Monk Thomas’s humble word of praise about the faithful
Grand Duke Boris Alexandrovich (c. 1453, according to N.P. Likhachev)

1) General information

A) Darkness flows through the Tver region, the left tributary of the Volga, length - 142 km, width 20-25 m, depth more than 1 -1.5 m, non-navigable, numerous bends, mouth 7 km from the center of Tver. The current is quiet, the banks of the river are sandy and clayey, overgrown with forests and shrubs, and there are meadow areas. The river basin has long been densely populated: Lukovnikovo (1524), the village of Bernovo (XIV century), Kunganovo (XV century), etc.

* ESBE/Darkness

"Darkness - r. Tver province, lion. adv. Volga. T. originates from the marshes of Staritsky district, flows through the lake. Monetary; general direction north-east, irrigates uu. Staritsky, Novotorzhsky and Tverskoy. Length 105 in; unnavigable. There are many mills, several of them commercial. The banks of T. are densely populated (63 villages). The coastal area is fertile, with good water meadows. Tributaries: Ryasna, Nashiga, Bol. Rachina and others.”

The hydronym is not recorded in the chronicles; it was not possible to find a mention of the river in the literature of the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The hydronym is interesting because it cannot be logically connected with the image of something; there is no etymology, there are only hypothetical opinions. Darkness of fish in the river, darkness of the forest, darkness - the predominant color of water (dark)??? The general opinion expressed by researchers, tourists and fishermen is that the water in the river is clean, visibility is 3 meters.

B) Tmaka - a river in the Tver region of Russia, flows into the Volga in the center of Tver (founded around 1135), length 73 km, depth 1-2.5 m (trend - shallowing), width 10-20- and up 100 m within the city. There is no etymology for the hydronym.

At the mouth of the Tmaka stood the wooden Tver Kremlin, which burned down in the 18th century; the Nativity of Christ is known convent, founded at the beginning of the XIV (XVI) century on an elevated place on the banks of the Tmaka River. The Assumption Zheltikov Monastery, 6 km from the center on the right bank of the river, is the oldest on Tver land, founded in 1394. The hydronym Tmaka (Tmatsa) was known in the middle of the 15th century (see epigraph), there is no other data.

* National Corpus of the Russian Language

I. I. Lazhechnikov. Basurman (1838): “They locked themselves with an army in a town that was washed by the Volga on one side and on the other; Tmaka; the gates were sealed, arquebuses peeped out of the fires (towers), the battlements were lined with warriors armed with tar, stone, and arrows.”

2) Opinions of researchers

Around Tver - Toponymy - Merjamaa merjamaa.ru

“The names Tmya and Tmaka were given by the same people, and the suffix “ka”, of course, meant a small river in comparison with Tmaka. The name of the River of Darkness was mentioned in the chronicle a very long time ago - in 1015. It seems to sound to us like Chernaya, but Darkness is in no way explained by this option. Also V.I. Kolosov wrote: “The names of Volga, Tvertsa, Tmaka, Orsha, Tsna, Msta, even the city of Tver itself, lakes Seliger, Mstino, Skobro, Volgo, Peno, Ovseluk, the cities of Vesyegonsk, Korcheva, the village of Kimry and many others have no meaning in our language." “...the word “darkness, theme” was used not only for rivers, but also for the land lying between them, that is, this entire region, once densely populated by Meryans. ...But there may be another option - “tyuma” - “forest”. ...
What conclusions can be drawn about the toponymy of the region adjacent to Tver? First of all, hydronymy was largely preserved by the people who lived here 2...4 thousand years ago - the tribes of the Dyakovo culture, and at the end of this period - their descendants of the Merians. These are the Ugrians who migrated from the northeast, possibly from beyond the Urals. Their language disappeared, but judging by the surviving names, it was similar to the languages ​​of the Mansi and Khanty.”

3) Socio-religious arrangement of the area, topography

A) P.S. Ivanov. Shrines of the River of Darkness/Tver: Factory Publishing House, 2008

“Such is the area west of Tver in the lower reaches of the small but beautiful and clean River of Darkness. An area of ​​no more than one hundred square kilometers is consecrated by the activities of only eight known and glorified saints. These are the holy noble prince and passion-bearer Gleb (1015), the Venerable Savva of Vishera (late 14th century), the Venerable Savva, Barsanuphius, Nectarius of Tver, Xenophon of Tutan (all - 15th century), the Venerable Joseph of Volotsk (late 15th - early 16th century), Saint Akaki of Tver (XVI century). ...

The scribal book of 1628 notes: “The youth of the monastery that in Tver on the posad patrimony in the camp of Chaglov, the village of Novinki on the river on the Darkness, and in it the temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of the wooden dumplings, without service, was deserted from Lithuanian War, there is no priest and sexton and sexton and no mallow maker, but in the village there is a monastery courtyard, where monastery servants live.” ...

Savvin Monastery on the Dark River, which gave the village its name, was founded in 1397. Its founders were the Monk Savva Borozdin, who later founded the Savvo-Vishera Monastery near Novgorod, and two brothers - Savva and Barsanuphius, whose origins are unknown to us. They were probably not from ordinary people, because their monasteries were patronized Tver princes. All three, even before the founding of the Savvinsky monastery, lived in different places, visited both Mount Athos and the Holy Land” (the monastery had a library, the works of Isaac the Syrian (c. 7th century) were copied and possibly translated).

B) Topography

* Special map of Western Russia by Schubert 1826-1840

* Map of Tver 1987

* See plan of Tver 1674 according to Palmquist

The maps show the TMA and TMAKA rivers (TMA, TMAKA on Schubert’s map) - topographically located symmetrically, in relation to the Volga and each other, “twins” separated by the Volga. Both rivers flow in a north-easterly direction, the Darkness flows into the Volga on the left approximately 7 km (3102 km from the mouth) from the center of Tver, on the right in the city center with opposite side The Volga flows into Tmaka (3085 km from the mouth).

4) Generalizations and conclusion

* It has not yet been possible to establish a lower date for the appearance of the hydronyms DARKNESS and TMAKA; they have been recorded in writing since the 15th century; most likely, they arose with the advent of Judeo-Christianity in these territories and are associated with the need to travel in the Volga River basin; rivers are the main transport routes.

* Tver was founded in 1135, in mid-XIII century - a principality, the department of the Tver diocese took shape ca. 1271, separated from the Polotsk diocese, the oldest religious and cultural center of Ancient Rus'. There is information that some church leaders from Tver visited the Holy Land, there were many monasteries, some had libraries, and monks were engaged in rewriting religious literature.

* We have identified the identity in the topography of the rivers Tma (left), Tmaka (right), Volga (center) - they flow similarly at a short distance from the Volga - hydronyms must necessarily contain in their graphics a representation (image): symmetry, similarity, correspondence, “ twin." The position of the river in space in relation to the prominent local landmark(Volga in our case) necessary condition for orientation on the terrain, communication routes were formed along rivers or along rivers.

* Symmetry - proportionality, proportionality of parts of something located on both sides of the selected middle or center.

It is advisable to consider the hydronyms Darkness and Darkness in connection with the sacred language of Hebrew, written sources appeared in this territory in connection with the development of Judeo-Christianity.

5) Hebrew terminology and biblical image

* Russian DARKNESS (TMA) = Hebrew. TAAM to correspond, to be similar; to be double, doubled, folded from two equal parts, connected.

TAAM pair, two; TEOM (TOM, TEOM) twin; TOAM symmetry; those. twin rivers, symmetrical.

The hydronym “twin” or “double, paired” indicates that there is a similar (symmetrically located) river nearby.

* Russian TMAKA (TMAKA) = DARKNESS + KA = Hebrew. TAAM similarity, double, paired, double + KA like, approximately similar: i.e. like Darkness, like the river Darkness.

“Double” river hydronymy with the root TAAM was formed for the purpose of orientation in the area of ​​​​the city of Tver, general meaning"Twin, Pair, Double."


*See Hebrew and Chaldean etymological dictionary to the books of the Old Testament, Vilna, 1878 http://www.greeklatin.narod.ru/hebdict/img/_510.htm

*See Strong Hebrew 8382, TAAM

B) Biblical image

* Song 4:5: “Your two breasts are like the twins (TAAM) of a young chamois grazing among the lilies.”

* Exodus 25:24: “they shall be joined (TAAM) below, and joined (TAAM) above to one ring: so shall it be with them both; for both angles let them be.”

Thus, using Biblical Hebrew, we received the rational content of the unexplained hydronyms DARKNESS and DARKNESS + KA. Ancient monastic explorers, describing the area, established similarities (symmetry) between two small rivers and designated them with the biblical term TAAM - pair, twins, twins, making the clause “KA” for the smaller river - like DARKNESS. Both rivers flow from west to east, parallel (like) the Volga at a short distance from it and flow into the Volga near the city of Tver.

Spinning. Catch: up to a kilogram

Fishing location: In the morning, the Darkness River behind the bridge in Savino. In the afternoon, the Volga opposite Migalovskaya embankment.

Long gone are those glorious times when the road to Tver took two hours, or even less. Now, God willing, we can do it in 4-5 hours. I have scheduled the opening of the spinning season for myself on June 11 on the Darkness River, which flows not far from Tver. Why exactly Darkness you ask? After all, there are a bunch of equally beautiful reservoirs in the Tver and Moscow regions. And you'll be right. But there is such a thing as tradition. It has long been the case for me that I make my first spinning cast after the ban there. Why? Well, you will understand this at the end of the report.
I called my virtual friend Sanya, a well-known Tver fiona as Comrade Sukhov, and agreed to meet early on the 11th, get to know each other in person and, at the same time, go fishing. Should I explain to you what the night before fishing is? There was no sleep in either eye, all my thoughts were already there, by the river, memories of past trips to this body of water... I tossed and turned, woke up before dawn. How slowly time passed. Well, it's finally time! In the car, a short drive to Sanya (fortunately not Moscow distances), meet and go. We flew as if on wings.

Well, hello, Darkness, hello, Temushka! Well, what's new with you? After all, almost eight months have passed since the last fishing in your bright waters. So. At first glance, the riverbed did not change much after the flood. Level like a tear clear water tall, half a meter above normal. What is the reason? Probably rain and prolonged flooding. In general, it’s not bad there is a chance that not all the fish have rolled into the Volga. I show Sanya a promising fishing area from my point of view. He has a fishing rod and a medium spinning rod. I changed into waders myself and collected old for years a proven Shimano Traut rais spinning rod, hung a small spinner spinner of a dark bronze color with a tungsten core, attached an overlapping landing net with an elastic band to the bag (a useful thing!) and off we went. I decided to make the first cast in the pool. The water is high and clear. I go into the water. All attention to your feet (luckily you have polarized glasses), so as not to fall into any hole or get caught on rocks. The first cast is right under opposite bank. Retrieving, a couple more casts. Silence. Now I send the spoon behind the stream flowing into the pool. The same is empty. I change the lure and cast again. The pool is silent. Not a poke. I put on a wobbler, but without results. So. The beginning is alarming. But no problem. I move along the shore to the next riffle. And everything repeats itself again. Casting downstream, against the current, around holes known from previous fishing trips, under bushes on the shore. In vain. The complete impression is that the river has died out. So I walked for two hours. I changed places, spoons and everything empty. To clear my conscience, I decided to go to the bridge itself, the first rift formed on the site of the old bridge, the piles of which are still visible from the water. On the way, my knowledge of the river almost played a cruel joke on me. I walk across the water to the island. Depth - no more than 20 centimeters. Water cannot be more transparent. I was staring at something and with my right foot I fell into a hole hidden by sand. Okay, what else? left leg I was left on hard ground, but I only got wet up to my waist. It’s scary to think what would have happened if I had flown there with both feet. And it’s been walked and crossed a hundred times on you too! Stormy floods sometimes leave behind even worse jokes. Be careful!!! I approached the riffle. The water rushes in a rapid stream, seething. The drops sparkle like gems in the sun. Beauty. Casting And while retrieving, I felt a faint touch of the spinner. So. Someone was interested in my tandem spinner. Cast again. Eat!!! Slowly, feeling that the landed fish is not of trophy size, I bring it to the surface beyond the riffle. Zhereshonok! Well hello, dear! I carefully take him out of the water, take a photo and take the teenager into the water. Grow, gain strength, God willing, we will meet again. Another dozen or two casts and all - silence. Eh! Anyway. It went from zero to good. Sanya came up. His is also empty. We decide to slowly call it quits and get ready to go home. A friend of mine from Tver has organized some family affairs. We reached Tver. Sasha showed me two good fishing shops, for which special thanks to him. And in general, San, thank you so much for the live communication, which cannot be replaced by any Internet or telephone, for the joint fishing. Don't be offended by the Darkness - everything is still ahead! But after saying goodbye to him, I still decided not to give up fishing that day. And I’ll probably go to Mother Volga. There is time. I decided to go fishing on the opposite bank from Migalovskaya embankment. There is one very interesting place there for ultra-light. Twenty minutes through the city and traffic jam on the Migalovsky Bridge, turn right along Cherkasskaya Street, straight to the end through the village, then right along the dirt road to the shore. I put on the waders. I change the Shimanovsky spinning rod to the “Silver Stream” Exstrim line 0.4-6 g. It is longer than Shimanov’s and making long casts is a pleasure. I find “my place.” And here's why it's interesting. The Volga here makes a completely imperceptible bend, the current accelerates and a kind of small sand and pebble spit is formed. I set up the already proven tandem and cast against the current about 30 meters. I move the spoon evenly, a light bite follows and the baby perch is spotted on the tee. I carefully take him off the hook and let him go with an insistent request to invite his parents to an “interview.” But dad and mom didn’t happen, but older brothers and sisters began to appear with enviable regularity. And catching even a 100-gram perch against the current with ultra-light tackle is a wonderful pleasure. Everyone was released, and some were given a photo shoot. But I didn’t come here for them. And now I see how circles from a good fish appeared on the surface of the water. A few casts and the long-awaited chub bite. The sensitive rod perfectly conveys the touch of the fish to the spinner. Sweeping. Squealing clutch. Slow struggle and fish in the net. Well, not “large”, of course, but “grub”. Photo session and into the water. Cool! The high spirits of perch fishing improved even further. I continue to fish, moving down the Volga. The same perches bite. A foal was also caught. And the little puppy sat down near the kuga. But fortunately, he took the spinner delicately, with the edge of his mouth and the spinner remained on the fishing line. Pike- main enemy classic ultra-light. He was photographed and, after our agreement with him to meet here in two years, he was released into his native element. Well, that seems to be it. I thoroughly enjoyed the fishing. Time to go home. Thank you, river Darkness and Mother Volga for the fish and for the first day of spinning fishing in your waters.
P.S. With your permission, my dear colleagues, I dedicate this report of blessed memory my Tver friend Dmitry Ivanovich Zyuzkov. A doctor from God, a fisherman for life, a famous yachtsman (participant of the Arctic stage trip around the world Commander Letau on the yacht "Apostle Andrey") and generally wonderful and kind person. How many rivers have you and I, Dim, discovered for ourselves in your Tver region? And our first experiments with ultra-light on the Darkness? And your handsome chub for half a pound, caught in the pool? I haven't broken your record yet, Dim. And I probably won’t beat you again. It's not the same river. Everything is smooth with us. Just you know, Dim, I began to visit our Darkness less often. Here I am standing, throwing a spinning rod and suddenly, it seems, there will be a splash of a large fish around the bend and I will hear your voice - Lekha! More like a landing net! I have grub! And after that the heart begins to beat every other time. The spinning rod is placed on the grass, I sit down on the shore, light a cigarette and remember our fishing trips. Cigarette follows cigarette (they will again scold me for dropping the pack), memories after memories. Happy fishing there, my dear friend. You live in my heart as long as it beats.