Galileo biography. Galileo Galilei - biography of life and his discoveries

Galileo Galileo
Born: February 15, 1564.
Died: January 8, 1642 (77 years old).


Galileo Galilei (Italian: Galileo Galilei; February 15, 1564, Pisa - January 8, 1642, Arcetri) - Italian physicist, mechanic, astronomer, philosopher and mathematician, who had a significant influence on the science of his time. He was the first to use a telescope for observation celestial bodies and made a number of outstanding astronomical discoveries. Galileo - founder experimental physics. With his experiments, he convincingly refuted Aristotle's speculative metaphysics and laid the foundation of classical mechanics.

During his lifetime, he was known as an active supporter of the heliocentric system of the world, which led Galileo to a serious conflict with the Catholic Church.

early years

Galileo was born in 1564 in the Italian city of Pisa, in the family of a well-born but impoverished nobleman, Vincenzo Galilei, a prominent music theorist and lutenist. Full name Galileo Galilei: Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de Galilei (Italian: Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de "Galilei). Representatives of the Galilean family have been mentioned in documents since the 14th century. Several of his direct ancestors were priors (members ruling council) Florentine Republic, and great-great-grandfather Galileo, famous doctor, who also wore name Galileo, in 1445 he was elected head of the republic.

There were six children in the family of Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia Ammannati, but four managed to survive: Galileo(eldest child), daughters Virginia, Livia and youngest son Michelangelo, who later also gained fame as a lutenist composer. In 1572, Vincenzo moved to Florence, the capital of the Duchy of Tuscany. The Medici dynasty that ruled there was known for its wide and constant patronage of the arts and sciences.

Little is known about Galileo's childhood. WITH early years the boy was attracted to art; Throughout his life he carried with him a love of music and drawing, which he mastered to perfection. IN mature years the best artists of Florence - Cigoli, Bronzino and others - consulted with him on issues of perspective and composition; Cigoli even claimed that it was to Galileo that he owed his fame. From Galileo's writings one can also conclude that he had remarkable literary talent.

Galileo received his primary education at the nearby Vallombrosa monastery. The boy loved to study and became one of best students in class. He weighed the possibility of becoming a priest, but his father was against it.

In 1581, 17-year-old Galileo, at the insistence of his father, entered the University of Pisa to study medicine. At the university, Galileo also attended lectures on geometry (previously he was completely unfamiliar with mathematics) and became so carried away by this science that his father began to fear that this would interfere with the study of medicine.

Galileo remained a student for less than three years; During this time, he managed to thoroughly familiarize himself with the works of ancient philosophers and mathematicians and earned a reputation among teachers as an indomitable debater. Even then he considered himself entitled to have own opinion on all scientific issues, regardless of traditional authorities.

It was probably during these years that he became acquainted with the Copernican theory. Astronomical problems were then actively discussed, especially in connection with the calendar reform that had just been carried out.

Soon financial position Father’s condition worsened, and he was unable to pay for his son’s further education. The request to exempt Galileo from paying fees (such an exception was made for the most capable students) was rejected. Galileo returned to Florence (1585) without receiving his degree. Fortunately, he managed to attract attention with several ingenious inventions (for example, hydrostatic balances), thanks to which he met the educated and wealthy lover of science, the Marquis Guidobaldo del Monte. The Marquis, unlike the Pisan professors, was able to correctly evaluate him. Even then, del Monte said that since the time of Archimedes the world had not seen such a genius as Galileo. Admired by the young man’s extraordinary talent, the Marquis became his friend and patron; he introduced Galileo to the Tuscan Duke Ferdinand I de' Medici and petitioned for a paid scientific position for him.

In 1589, Galileo returned to the University of Pisa, now as a professor of mathematics. There he began to spend independent research in mechanics and mathematics. True, he was given a minimum salary: 60 crowns a year (a professor of medicine received 2000 crowns). In 1590, Galileo wrote his treatise On Motion.

In 1591, the father died, and responsibility for the family passed to Galileo. First of all, he had to take care of his upbringing younger brother and about the dowry of two unmarried sisters.

In 1592, Galileo received a position at the prestigious and wealthy University of Padua (Venetian Republic), where he taught astronomy, mechanics and mathematics. By letter of recommendation Doge of Venice The university can judge that Galileo’s scientific authority was already extremely high in these years:

Realizing the importance mathematical knowledge and their benefit for other major sciences, we delayed the appointment, not finding a worthy candidate. Signor Galileo has now expressed his desire to take this place, former professor in Pisa, enjoying great fame and rightly recognized as the most knowledgeable in the mathematical sciences. Therefore, we are pleased to give him the chair of mathematics for four years with a salary of 180 florins per year.

Padua, 1592-1610

The years of his stay in Padua were the most fruitful period of Galileo's scientific activity. He soon became the most famous professor in Padua. Students flocked to his lectures, the Venetian government constantly entrusted Galileo with the development various kinds technical devices, young Kepler and other scientific authorities of that time actively corresponded with him.

During these years he wrote a treatise called Mechanics, which aroused some interest and was republished in French translation. IN early works, as well as in correspondence, Galileo gave the first draft of a new general theory falling bodies and pendulum movements.

The reason for a new stage in Galileo's scientific research was the appearance in 1604 nova, now called the Kepler Supernova. This awakens general interest in astronomy, and Galileo gives a series of private lectures. Having learned about the invention of the telescope in Holland, Galileo in 1609 constructed the first telescope with his own hands and aimed it at the sky.

What Galileo saw was so amazing that even many years later there were people who refused to believe in his discoveries and claimed that it was an illusion or delusion. Galileo discovered mountains on the moon Milky Way broke up into separate stars, but his contemporaries were especially amazed by the 4 satellites of Jupiter he discovered (1610). In honor of four sons His late patron Ferdinand de' Medici (who died in 1609), Galileo called these satellites "Medician stars" (lat. Stellae Medicae). They now bear the more appropriate name of “Galilean satellites.”

Galileo described his first discoveries with a telescope in his work “The Starry Messenger” (Latin: Sidereus Nuncius), published in Florence in 1610. The book was a sensational success throughout Europe, even crowned heads rushed to order a telescope. Galileo donated several telescopes to the Venetian Senate, which, as a sign of gratitude, appointed him a professor for life with a salary of 1,000 florins. In September 1610, Kepler acquired a telescope, and in December, Galileo's discoveries were confirmed by the influential Roman astronomer Clavius. Universal recognition is coming. Galileo becomes the most famous scientist in Europe; odes are written in his honor, comparing him to Columbus. French king Henry IV on April 20, 1610, shortly before his death, asked Galileo to discover a star for him too. There were, however, some dissatisfied people. Astronomer Francesco Sizzi (Italian: Sizzi) published a pamphlet in which he stated that seven - perfect number, and even in a person’s head there are seven holes, so there can only be seven planets, and Galileo’s discoveries are an illusion. Astrologers and doctors also protested, complaining that the emergence of new heavenly bodies“disastrous for astrology and most of medicine,” since all the usual astrological methods “will be completely destroyed.”

During these years, Galileo entered into a civil marriage with the Venetian Marina Gamba (Italian: Marina Gamba). He never married Marina, but became the father of a son and two daughters. He named his son Vincenzo in memory of his father, and his daughters Virginia and Livia in honor of his sisters. Later, in 1619, Galileo officially legitimized his son; both daughters ended their lives in a monastery.

Pan-European fame and the need for money pushed Galileo to take a disastrous step, as it later turned out: in 1610 he left calm Venice, where he was inaccessible to the Inquisition, and moved to Florence. Duke Cosimo II de' Medici, son of Ferdinand, promised Galileo an honorable and profitable position as an adviser at the Tuscan court. He kept his promise, which allowed Galileo to solve the problem of huge debts that had accumulated after the marriage of his two sisters.

Florence, 1610-1632

Galileo's duties at the court of Duke Cosimo II were not burdensome - training his sons Tuscan Duke and participation in some affairs as an adviser and representative of the Duke. Formally, he is also enrolled as a professor at the University of Pisa, but is relieved of the tedious duty of lecturing.

Galileo continues Scientific research and reveals the phases of Venus, spots on the Sun, and then the rotation of the Sun around its axis. Galileo often presented his achievements (as well as his priority) in a cocky polemical style, which earned him many new enemies (in particular, among the Jesuits).

Defense of Copernicanism

The growing influence of Galileo, the independence of his thinking and his sharp opposition to the teachings of Aristotle contributed to the formation of an aggressive circle of his opponents, consisting of Peripatetic professors and some church leaders. Galileo's ill-wishers were especially outraged by his propaganda of the heliocentric system of the world, since, in their opinion, the rotation of the Earth contradicted the texts of the Psalms (Psalm 103:5), a verse from Ecclesiastes (Ecc. 1:5), as well as an episode from the Book of Joshua ( Joshua 10:12), which speaks of the immobility of the Earth and the movement of the Sun. In addition, a detailed substantiation of the concept of the immobility of the Earth and a refutation of hypotheses about its rotation was contained in Aristotle’s treatise “On Heaven” and in Ptolemy’s “Almagest”.

In 1611, Galileo, in the aura of his glory, decided to go to Rome, hoping to convince the Pope that Copernicanism was completely compatible with Catholicism. He was received well, elected the sixth member of the scientific “Academia dei Lincei”, and met Pope Paul V and influential cardinals. He showed them his telescope and gave explanations carefully and carefully. The cardinals created an entire commission to clarify the question of whether it was sinful to look at the sky through a pipe, but they came to the conclusion that this was permissible. It was also encouraging that Roman astronomers openly discussed the question of whether Venus was moving around the Earth or around the Sun (the changing phases of Venus clearly spoke in favor of the second option).

Emboldened, Galileo, in a letter to his student Abbot Castelli (1613), stated that Holy Bible relates only to the salvation of the soul and scientific issues not authoritative: “no utterance of Scripture has such a coercive force as any natural phenomenon.” Moreover, he published this letter, which caused denunciations to the Inquisition. Also in 1613, Galileo published the book “Letters on Sunspots,” in which he openly spoke out in favor of the Copernican system. On February 25, 1615, the Roman Inquisition began its first case against Galileo on charges of heresy. Galileo's last mistake was his call to Rome to express its final attitude towards Copernicanism (1615).

All this caused a reaction opposite to what was expected. Alarmed by the successes of the Reformation, Catholic Church decided to strengthen its spiritual monopoly - in particular, by banning Copernicanism. The position of the Church is clarified by a letter from the influential Cardinal Bellarmino, sent on April 12, 1615 to the theologian Paolo Antonio Foscarini, a defender of Copernicanism. The cardinal explains that the Church does not object to the interpretation of Copernicanism as a convenient mathematical device, but accepting it as a reality would mean admitting that the previous, traditional interpretation of the biblical text was erroneous. And this, in turn, will undermine the authority of the church:

First, it seems to me that your priesthood and Mr. Galileo act wisely in being content with what they say tentatively and not absolutely; I always believed that Copernicus said so too. Because if we say that the assumption of the movement of the Earth and the immobility of the Sun allows us to imagine all phenomena better than the acceptance of eccentrics and epicycles, then this will be said perfectly and does not entail any danger. For a mathematician this is quite enough. But to want to assert that the Sun is in fact the center of the world and revolves only around itself, without moving from east to west, that the Earth stands in the third heaven and revolves around the Sun with great speed - to assert this is very dangerous, not only because it means to excite all philosophers and scholastic theologians; this would be to harm the holy faith by representing the provisions of Holy Scripture as false. Secondly, as you know, the [Trent] Council forbade interpreting the Holy Scriptures contrary to the general opinion of the holy fathers. And if your priesthood wants to read not only the Holy Fathers, but also new commentaries on the book of Exodus, Psalms, Ecclesiastes and the book of Jesus, then you will find that everyone agrees that you need to understand literally that the Sun is in the sky and rotates around the Earth with great speed, and the Earth is farthest from the sky and stands motionless in the center of the world. Judge for yourself, with all your prudence, can the Church allow the Scriptures to be given a meaning contrary to everything that the Holy Fathers and all the Greek and Latin interpreters wrote?


Named after Galileo:

The “Galilean satellites” of Jupiter discovered by him.
Impact crater on the Moon (-63º, +10º).
Crater on Mars (6ºN, 27ºW)
An area with a diameter of 3200 km on Ganymede.
Asteroid (697) Galilee.
The principle of relativity and transformation of coordinates in classical mechanics.
NASA's Galileo space probe (1989-2003).
European project "Galileo" satellite system navigation.
Acceleration unit "Gal" in GHS system, equal to 1 cm/sec².
Scientific entertainment and educational television program Galileo, shown in several countries. In Russia it has been broadcast since 2007 on STS.
Airport in Pisa.

To commemorate the 400th anniversary of Galileo's first observations, the UN General Assembly declared 2009 the Year of Astronomy.

Galileo in literature and art

Bertolt Brecht. Life of Galileo. Play. - In the book: Bertolt Brecht. Theater. Plays. Articles. Statements. In five volumes. - M.: Art, 1963. - T. 2.
Liliana Cavani (director). "Galileo" (film) (English) (1968). Retrieved March 2, 2009. Archived from the original on August 13, 2011.
Joseph Losey (director). "Galileo" (film adaptation of Brecht's play) (English) (1975). Retrieved March 2, 2009. Archived from the original on August 13, 2011.
Philip Glass (composer), opera Galileo.
Haggard (rock band) - The Observer (based on several facts from Galileo's biography)
Enigma released the track “Eppur si muove” in the album A Posteriori.

“ShkolaLa” welcomes all its readers who want to know a lot.

Once upon a time everyone thought like this:

The earth is a flat, huge nickel,

But one man took the telescope,

Opened the way for us to the space age.

Who do you think this is?

Among the world-famous scientists is Galileo Galilei. In which country you were born and how you studied, what you discovered and what you became famous for – these are the questions to which we will look for answers today.

Lesson plan:

Where are future scientists born?

The poor family where little Galileo Galilei was born in 1564 lived in the Italian city of Pisa.

The father of the future scientist was a real master in different areas, from mathematics to art history, so it is not at all surprising that since childhood, young Galileo fell in love with painting and music and gravitated toward the exact sciences.

When the boy turned eleven, the family from Pisa, where Galileo lived, moved to another city in Italy - Florence.

There he began his studies in a monastery, where the young student demonstrated brilliant abilities in the study of sciences. He even thought about a career as a clergyman, but his father did not approve of his choice, wanting his son to become a doctor. That is why, at seventeen, Galileo moved to the University of Pisa to study Faculty of Medicine and began to diligently study philosophy, physics and mathematics.

However, he was unable to graduate from university for a simple reason: his family could not pay for his further education. Having left the third year, student Galileo begins self-education in the field of physical and mathematical sciences.

Thanks to his friendship with the rich Marquis del Monte, the young man managed to get paid scientific position teacher of astronomy and mathematics at the University of Pisa.

During his university work, he conducted various experiments, which resulted in the laws he discovered free fall, body movements inclined plane and the force of inertia.

Since 1606, the scientist has been closely involved in astronomy.

Interesting Facts! The full name of the scientist is Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de Galilei.

About mathematics, mechanics and physics

It is said that, while a university professor in the town of Pisa, Galileo conducted experiments by dropping objects of different weights from the height of the Leaning Tower of Pisa to disprove Aristotle's theory. Even in some textbooks you can find such a picture.

Only these experiments are not mentioned anywhere in Galileo’s works. Most likely, as researchers today believe, this is a myth.

But the scientist rolled objects along an inclined plane, measuring time by his own heart pulse. There were no accurate clocks back then! These very experiments were put into the laws of motion of bodies.

Galileo was credited with inventing the thermometer in 1592. The device was then called a thermoscope, and it was completely primitive. A thin glass tube was soldered to the glass ball. This structure was placed in liquid. The air in the ball heated up and displaced the liquid in the tube. The higher the temperature, the more air in the ball and the lower the water level in the tube.

In 1606, an article appeared where Galileo laid out a drawing of a proportional compass. This is a simple tool that converted measured dimensions to scale and was used in architecture and drafting.

Galileo is credited with the invention of the microscope. In 1609, he made a “small eye” with two lenses - convex and concave. Using his invention, the scientist examined insects.

With his research, Galileo laid the foundations classical physics and mechanics. Thus, on the basis of his conclusions about inertia, Newton subsequently established the first law of mechanics, according to which any body is at rest or moves uniformly in the absence of external forces.

His studies of pendulum oscillations formed the basis for the invention of the clock with a pendulum regulator and made it possible to make precise measurements in physics.

Interesting Facts! Galileo not only succeeded in natural sciences, but there was still creative person: He knew literature very well and wrote poetry.

About astronomical discoveries that shocked the world

In 1609, a scientist heard a rumor about the existence of a device that could help view distant objects by collecting light. If you already guessed, it was called a telescope, which is translated from Greek as “look far away.”

For his invention, Galileo modified the telescope with lenses, and this device was capable of magnifying objects by 3 times. Time after time, he assembled a new combination of several telescopes, and it gave more and more magnification. As a result, Galileo’s “visionary” began to zoom in 32 times.

What discoveries in the field of astronomy belonged to Galileo Galilei and made him famous throughout the world, becoming real sensations? How did his invention help the scientist?

  • Galileo Galilei told everyone that this is a planet comparable to the Earth. He saw plains, craters and mountains on its surface.
  • Thanks to the telescope, Galileo discovered four satellites of Jupiter, today called “Galilean”, and appeared to everyone in the form of a strip, crumbling into many stars.
  • By placing smoked glass at the telescope, the scientist was able to examine it, see spots on it and prove to everyone that it was the Earth that revolved around it, and not vice versa, as Aristotle believed and religion and the Bible said.
  • He was the first to see the surroundings, which he took for satellites, today known to us as rings, found different phases of Venus and made it possible to observe previously unknown stars.

Their Galileo's discoveries Galileo united in the book “Starry Messenger”, confirming the hypothesis that our planet is mobile and rotates around an axis, and the sun does not revolve around us, which caused the condemnation of the church. His work was called heresy, and the scientist himself lost his freedom of movement and was placed under house arrest.

Interesting Facts! Quite surprising for our developed world, that only in 1992 the Vatican and the Pope recognized Galileo’s correctness about the Earth’s rotation around the Sun. Until this time, the Catholic Church was sure that the opposite was happening: our planet is motionless, and the Sun “walks” around us.

This is how you can briefly tell about the life of an outstanding scientist who gave impetus to the development of astronomy, physics and mathematics.

A famous science and entertainment television program was named after Galileo Galilei. The host of this program, Alexander Pushnoy, and his colleagues conducted all sorts of different experiments and tried to explain what they did. I suggest watching an excerpt from this wonderful program right now.

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“ShkolaLa” says goodbye for a while to look for and share useful information with you again and again.

Galileo Galilei was an astronomer, physicist, mathematician, philosopher and mechanic. He greatly influenced the science of his era and became the first person to use a telescope to observe celestial bodies. Scientists have made many brilliant discoveries in the field of astronomy. He became the founder of experimental physics and founded classical mechanics.

Galileo Galilei was born in the Italian city of Pisa on February 15, 1564 into the family of a noble but poor nobleman. After ten years he became a pupil of the monastery at Vallombroms, which he left at the age of seventeen. He entered the university of his hometown at the Faculty of Medicine, where he received academic degree and became a professor.

In 1592, Galileo became dean of mathematics at the University of Padua, where he was involved in the creation of series greatest works in mathematics and mechanics.

The first discoveries using the telescope were described by scientists in the work “Star Messenger”. This book had great success. Scientists built a telescope that magnified objects three times. It was placed on the tower of San Marco in Venice. Thanks to this, everyone had the opportunity to observe the stars and the Moon.

Soon a telescope was invented that magnified eleven times more than the first. The discoveries made with this telescope were described in the book The Starry Messenger.

In 1637, Galileo went blind. Before the incident he wrote last book, in which scientists summarized all their observations and achievements in the field of mechanics.

The scientist's many years of work, a book about the structure of the world, played a cruel joke in his fate. In it, he popularized the theory of Copernicus, so it was in dissonance with Holy Scripture. For this reason, the scientist was persecuted for a long time by the Inquisition under threat of death. He was strictly forbidden to publish works until the end of his life.

Galileo Galilei's death occurred on January 8, 1642. The greatest scientist was buried without honors as a common person at the scientist's villa. However, years later, in 1737, his remains were solemnly reburied next to the tomb of the great Michelangelo in Santa Croce.

A few decades later, a decree was issued to lift the ban on the works of Galileo Galilei. But the scientist was finally rehabilitated only in 1992.

Option 2

In the winter of 1564, in the city of Pisa (Italy), a boy was born into a poor noble family, who later became a famous scientist not only of his century. The works of Galileo Galilei have passed through the centuries, being confirmed and supplemented new information. From childhood, young Galileo loved painting and music, was fascinated by them, worked on his skills, thanks to which he mastered these types of art to perfection. Study also attracted the boy, so he was the best among his classmates.

Galileo's father saw his son's future in medicine, and therefore, when he was first accepted into a monastic order, and then became interested in studying geometry, he insisted on his son entering the University of Pisa. During almost three years of study at the university, Galileo studied and became imbued with many teachings and writings of antiquity. Further, his education became impossible due to the lack of funds from his family, but his keen mind young man, his curiosity attracted, and just in time, the attention of a certain Marquis Guidobaldo del Monte. He noticed the young man’s merits, and after 4 years Galileo returned to his university, now as a professor of mathematics.

In 1591, Galileo remained the eldest man in the family, since his father died, but a year later he was offered a place in a very prestigious university, where in addition to mathematics he taught astronomy and even mechanics. Over the years of work at the university, Galileo's authority increased significantly. Students and professors wanted to attend his lectures. The scientist himself designed the first telescope in 1609, and in 1610 he left Venice, moving to Florence to a profitable position at the duke’s court. Later this act will turn out to be a mistake for him.

Thanks to the telescope he designed, Galileo made new and new assumptions about the structure of the cosmos. In particular, he becomes an adherent of the heliocentric system of the world structure and defends it in every possible way, acquiring an enemy in the person of Catholics. In 1611 he went to Rome, trying to convince the religious authorities of the compatibility of science and Catholicism. Having found a good reception in Rome, Galileo conducts seminars, answers questions, explains the theory with scientific point vision. And in 1615, the Inquisition opened the first case against a scientist on charges of heresy. The Church cannot accept a theory that would refute the Bible, and the Inquisition recognizes heliocentrism as heresy. Since 1616, any support for this theory has been banned. His further attempts to get the ban lifted do not lead to positive results.

Until 1633, the Inquisition conducted an investigation into the case of the heretic Galileo. Numerous arrests, interrogations, including torture - the scientist had to endure a lot for his science. Last years Galileo spends his life near native land, but almost completely alone. The Inquisition, under threat of imprisonment, prohibits him from having visitors. Galileo Galilei died in 1642, but being blind and very ill, he continued to work in various areas science and over the past 7 years has created a large-scale work “Conversations and mathematical proofs two sciences." Only almost 200 years later, his works were again revised, studied and found to be beyond the prohibitions.

To talk in detail about everything that the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei enriched science with. He proved himself in mathematics, and in astronomy, and in mechanics, and, and in.


The main merit of G. Galileo to astronomy lies not even in his discoveries, but in the fact that he gave this science a working instrument - the telescope. Some historians (in particular, N. Budur) call G. Galileo a plagiarist who appropriated the invention of the Dutchman I. Lippershney. The accusation is unfair: G. Galileo knew about the Dutch “magic trumpet” only from the Venetian envoy, who did not report on the design of the device.

G. Galileo himself guessed about the structure of the pipe and designed it. In addition, I. Lippershney’s tube provided a threefold magnification, for astronomical observations it wasn't enough. G. Galileo managed to achieve an increase of 34.6 times. With such a telescope it was possible to observe celestial bodies.

With the help of his invention, the astronomer saw the Sun and guessed from their movement that the Sun was rotating. He observed the phases of Venus, saw the mountains on the Moon and their shadows, from which he calculated the height of the mountains.

G. Galileo's trumpet made it possible to see the four most large satellite Jupiter. G. Galileo named them Medicean stars in honor of his patron Ferdinand de Medici, Duke of Tuscany. Subsequently they were given others: Callisto, Ganymede, Io and Europa. The significance of this discovery for the era of G. Galileo is difficult to overestimate. There was a struggle between supporters of geocentrism and heliocentrism. The discovery of celestial bodies revolving not around the Earth, but around another object, was a serious argument in favor of the theory of N. Copernicus.

Other sciences

Physics in modern understanding begins with the works of G. Galileo. He is the founder scientific method, combining experiment and its rational understanding.

This is how he studied, for example, the free fall of bodies. The researcher found that the body's weight did not affect its free fall. Along with the laws of free fall, the movement of a body on an inclined plane, inertia, permanent period vibrations, addition of movements. Many of G. Galileo's ideas were subsequently developed by I. Newton.

In mathematics, the scientist made a significant contribution to the development of probability theory, and also laid the foundations of set theory, formulating the “Galileo's paradox”: natural numbers as many as there are squares, although most of numbers are not squares.


The telescope is not the only device designed by G. Galileo.

This scientist is the first, however, to lack a scale, as well as hydrostatic balances. The proportional compass, invented by G. Galileo, is still used in drawing. G. Galileo also designed a microscope. It did not provide high magnification, but was suitable for studying insects.

The influence exerted by the discoveries of G. Galileo on further development science, was truly fateful. And A. Einstein was right when he called G. Galileo “the father of modern science.”

Galileo Galilei was born in western Tuscany in 1564 in the family of lutenist Vincenzo Galilei. There were six children in their family, but only four of them survived. In 1572, the Galilean family moved to Florence, where art and scientific discoveries were held in high esteem.

He mastered the first stage of education at a school at a monastery. Galileo even thought about becoming a priest, but his father was not happy with his son’s decision. At the age of 17, the young man was admitted to the University of Pisa by medical direction, where he became interested in geometry. Due to lack of funds, studies had to be stopped in the fourth year, and the son again went to Florence. In 1589, under the patronage of the Marquis Guidobaldo del Monte, Galileo came to Pisa to lecture on mathematical sciences. Two years later, the father died, and Galileo became the head of the family.

From 1592 to 1610, Galileo lectured on various subjects in Padua. This period is considered to be the most fruitful for scientific activity. During these years, he met Kepler and other scientific minds in Italy. In 1609, on the general wave of popularity of astronomy, Galileo invented the first telescope, with the help of which he saw previously unimaginable things: craters on the Moon, the Milky Way in individual stars, as well as the satellites of Jupiter. These discoveries were described by him in the work "Starry Messenger", which made Galileo the most famous scientist of the Old World. At this time, Galileo entered into a marriage with a girl from Venice, Marina Gamba, and became the father of two daughters and a son.

In 1610, Galileo was forced to return to Florence due to accumulated debts. Here he continued to explore the sky and discovered the phases of Venus and magnetic storms in the sun. Intoxicated by his popularity, he made a series of mistakes, speaking out openly in defense of the ideas of Copernicus, which attracted the attention of the Inquisition to his person. Heliocentric system the world is declared heresy and Galileo decides to write a book with a neutral opinion on this issue. He has been working on the book for about 16 years, waiting for the right moment to publish.

After the church banned heliocentrism, Galileo published his Letters to Ingoli in 1624, part of which was later included in the Dialogue Concerning the Two World Systems. In 1631, Galileo moved to Arcetri, closer to his daughters.

In the winter of 1632, “Dialogue Concerning the Two Systems of the World” was published. Galileo sent 30 copies of the book to Rome, but miscalculated. Pope Urban VIII took the book as an insult to himself and Galileo was invited to Rome for trial Inquisition, which lasted until July 1633. The court decided on imprisonment and Galileo, bowing his head, uttered words of renunciation. The inquisitors did not leave the scientist until the end of his days; and at the death of Galileo there were two clergymen.

Galileo Galilei died on January 8, 1642, at the age of 77, in his bed. The Pope issued a ban on funerals with the rest of the family. It was decided to bury him in Arcetri without any frills.

For schoolchildren about the main thing, grades 5, 7

Biography of Galileo Galilei about the main thing

Galileo-Galilei was truly a great man. Today he is known not only as outstanding chemist and physicist, but also as an excellent designer, a wonderful inventor and a magnificent astronomer.

Galileo was born on February 15, 1564. His hometown- Pisa. Until the age of 11 he studied at local school. After moving to Florence, he received his education in a Benedictine monastery. After completing his studies at the monastery, Galileo entered one of the universities of Pisa, where he actively studied medicine for three years. higher mathematics, philosophy and geometry.

The future physicist was no longer able to pay for his studies and therefore returned to Florence. Very soon he meets the Marquis of Monte.

It was thanks to him that Galileo got a job as a mathematics teacher. University of Bologna. After that great person He taught at the University of Padua and Pisa. It was here that the most fruitful period took place. For Galileo. The work “Mechanics” appeared in 1593, where the physicist described all the studies of falling bodies, as well as the pendulum. It was in these works that completely new and previously unknown principles of motion were put forward, which was a counterbalance to the dynamics of Aristotle.

His passion for astronomy was so great that he managed to prove the truth of the heliocentric model of the structure of the entire surrounding world. After that, he created the first telescope. His passion for the sublime allowed him to make great discoveries large quantity previously unknown celestial objects. At this time, fame and recognition embrace the great scientist.

Galileo's philosophy about how the world works is very contradictory to Holy Scripture. After he began to actively promote the teachings of Copernicus, Galileo ends up in an inquisitorial court, where he makes a speech of renunciation, of course, not according to at will. The scientist was in prison for a short time, after which he immediately went home.

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Interesting facts and dates from life