What is the inner world 15.3 oge. The inner world of a person - what is it and how to develop it? How to develop your inner world

Here we present for you definitions with commentary on concepts such as:

  • Human inner world
  • Choice
  • Kindness
  • Precious books
  • Friendship
  • Life values
  • Love
  • Mother's love
  • Real art
  • Diffidence
  • Moral choice
  • Strength of mind
  • Mutual assistance
  • Happiness

Note: definition and comments depend on the content of the text!

HUMAN INNER WORLD- this is his spiritual world, consisting of feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas about the surrounding reality. There are people with a rich inner world, and there are people with a poor one. A person’s inner world can be judged by his actions.

CHOICE- this is a conscious decision-making from a set of proposed options, this is a preference for one option over another. A person is constantly faced with a situation of choice; it is a vital necessity. It is especially important to make the right decision when choosing a future profession, because a person’s future life depends on it. Sometimes making such a choice is very difficult.

KINDNESS- this is the spiritual quality of a person, which is expressed in a tender, caring attitude towards other people, in the desire to do something good, to help them. Kindness makes our lives brighter and more joyful. It can change a person and his attitude towards the world around him.

PRECIOUS BOOKS- these are books that develop a person’s imagination and imagination, give him new impressions, transport him to another world and lay the foundations of morality. Every child should have such books, because the acuity of perception in childhood is very great and early impressions can then influence the rest of their lives.

FRIENDSHIP- This is not just an emotional attachment, it is a close relationship based on trust and sincerity. A true friend will not deceive you under any circumstances. He will find the strength to tell the truth, even if it is not easy for him to do so.

FRIENDSHIP is a close relationship based primarily on understanding and support. A true friend will always understand when you need his help and will definitely support you in a difficult situation.

LIFE VALUES is what people consider important in their lives. These are their beliefs, principles, guidelines. This is a compass that determines not only a person’s fate, but also his relationships with others. Life values ​​are formed in childhood; they lay the foundation for the rest of life.

LOVE- this is the most intimate feeling that one person can experience for another. This is a kind of attraction, desire, desire to be close to the object of your love. Love ennobles, makes you perceive the world around you differently, admire and admire the one you love, and even perform feats.

MOTHER'S LOVE- this is the most beautiful and powerful feeling, it is a huge power that can work miracles, revive you to life, save you from dangerous diseases. Maternal love is multifaceted, it manifests itself in selfless dedication, care, and worry for one’s own child.

ART is a creative reflection of reality in artistic images. True art is like a powerful force that can awaken strong feelings in a person, evoke emotions, and make one think about serious life issues. Works of true art are national treasures, the most important spiritual values ​​that must be passed on to other generations.

ART is a creative reflection of reality in artistic images. A person’s contact with works of art contributes to his spiritual enrichment. True art is like a powerful force that can awaken strong feelings in a person, evoke emotions, and make one think about serious life issues.

ART is a creative reflection of reality in artistic images. Real art excites the soul and gives a feeling of happiness. It can distract a person from everyday life, transport him to the world of dreams and fantasies, and instill faith in miracles.

ART is a creative reflection of reality in artistic images. True art is not only capable of awakening strong feelings and emotions in a person, distracting for a while from the drab everyday life, giving pleasure, but also filling life with meaning, finding the key to oneself.

DIFFIDENCE- this is a lack of faith in yourself, your strengths, capabilities and abilities. Insecure people have low self-esteem and suffer from an inferiority complex. This trait is very disruptive in life. It is necessary to fight it, overcome it.

MORAL CHOICE- this is a conscious decision made by a person, this is the answer to the question “What to do?”: pass by or help, deceive or tell the truth, succumb to temptation or resist. When making a moral choice, a person is guided by conscience, morality, and his own ideas about life.

STRENGTH OF MIND- one of the main qualities that makes a person strong not physically, but morally. Strength of spirit consists of self-confidence, determination, perseverance, perseverance, inflexibility, and faith in the best. Strength of spirit makes a person find a way out of a difficult situation, look into the future with optimism, and overcome life's adversity.

MUTUAL REACH- this is helping each other, supporting each other in a difficult situation. Mutual assistance is based on the principle “you - for me, I - for you.” This means that the person who helped you expects reciprocal actions from you, but these actions may not always be performed for the good.

HAPPINESS- this is the state of a person’s soul, this is the highest satisfaction with life. Each person puts his own understanding into this word. For a child, happiness is a peaceful sky above his head, entertainment, fun, games, loving parents. And it’s scary when a child’s happy world collapses.

How do you understand the meaning of the expression HUMAN INNER WORLD? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic “What is the inner world of a person”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the text you read, and second– from your life experience.The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) As a child, I had a favorite soft toy about the size of a small sofa cushion. (2) It was a bear. (3) I carried him everywhere and didn’t even leave him in the crib. (4) Of all the toddler toys, the bear was the last to be forgotten. (5) In general, I grew up, became a guy with a big beard and tattoos, and instead of teddy bears I fell in love with motorcycles.

(6) And then one day I dreamed of a bear cub from my childhood. (7) The dream was unpleasant: the bear cub stood in the center of an empty room, in the flickering light of a light bulb, and outside the window it seemed as if a hurricane was brewing. (8) The bear looked at me point-blank and pulled its paw towards me, as if it was pointing to something behind my back, as if it was warning me about something.

(9) I didn’t attach any importance to the dream. (10) However, the next day I was driving to a motorcycle club, and the “nine” cut me off so that I flew over the handlebars and landed on a hedge planted along the road. (11) It was she who saved me. (12) I received bruises, a slight dislocation of my shoulder, and the motorcycle was seriously damaged and required expensive repairs.

(13) A week later everything happened again. (14) All in the same room with flickering light and an approaching hurricane. (15) Only the toy itself looked dirty and shabby, and in some places it was cut, and cotton wool was sticking out. (16) The little bear still persistently pointed at me with its paw.

(17) I decided to go to the dacha, which was practically abandoned, and find a bear cub among the junk in the attics and basements. (18) Break, everything is upside down, I found a toy in a dusty potato sack in the farthest corner.

(19) First, I took out the bear cub’s head, torn off “with meat,” then the body with half of the cotton wool coming out through the torn holes. (20) I spent another hour trying to find the missing eye ball in the small debris at the bottom of the bag, but I never found it.

(21) I took the bear home and repaired it myself, although I, of course, did not have such a skill. (22) I washed it, stuffed it with new cotton wool, carefully sewed it up and even went over it lightly with an iron; in place of the lost eye I attached a black bandage, like a pirate’s. (23) And later, with the help of a friend from the studio, the bear dressed himself in a leather biker jacket with small studs.

(24) From now on, the bear sits in my garage in a very visible place, and sometimes I install it on the fork of a motorcycle, and we ride around the city or in motorcycle convoys. (25) My colleagues from the club laughed at first, but then they got used to it, and the toy even in some way became our talisman. (26) I have long had a dream - my own club for bikers, and I will open it. (27) I even came up with a name for it - “One-Eyed Bear”. (According to Ostromir)*

* Ostromir modern young blogger.

Finished essay 9.3 “THE INNER WORLD OF MAN”

Human inner world- the spiritual world of a person, which includes emotions, feelings, aspirations, experiences and ideas about the surrounding reality. Everyone has their own unique inner world. I will prove my point of view based on the text I have read and life experience.

Ostromir’s text tells us the story of one biker - a guy “with a big beard and tattoos” who loved motorcycles. But, despite such appearance and interests, he goes to an abandoned dacha, finds a childhood toy there - a teddy bear, fixes it, washes it and puts it in the garage in the most visible place. The bear cub became a mascot for the biker (sentences 24-25). All this speaks of the rich inner world of this person; he can show sentimental feelings for his favorite childhood toy.

In Russian classical literature, the owner of a rich inner world is Tatyana Larina, the main character of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”. She loved to read novels, loved Russian nature, she is a girl with a gentle soul. This distinguished her from the flighty and empty Olga. Tatyana sincerely falls in love with Onegin.

Thus, the inner world is a person’s emotions, feelings, and experiences. Everyone has their own individual inner world, based on their own experience.

Essay-reasoning in OGE format (15.3)

What is the inner world of a person

In my opinion, the inner world of a person is the sphere of a person’s spiritual life, which includes emotions, feelings, beliefs and aspirations, determined by the variety of connections between the individual and society. This concept gives me an overwhelming desire to look inside myself in search of the true meaning of my life.

Arguing this thesis, let us turn to the text of V.T. Shalamov. “...The sketchbook reflected the harsh inner world of the young artist,” writes the author. Indeed, the boy perceived the world around him as one big concentration camp. A touch of prison lies on each of his drawings, and, as you know, it is in drawings that children express their emotions, feelings, beliefs - everything that makes up their inner world.

Let us turn to the series of works of art “Angelique” by the brothers Anne and Serge Golon. The main character has a rich inner world, the leitmotif of which can be the phrase “thirst for love.” Indeed, Angelica strives to give love and be loved throughout her life. At the same time, she is characterized by spontaneity, increased emotionality, courage, kindness, faith in a better future and the desire for harmony. In the struggle for her happiness, she commits actions that characterize her as a passionate emotional nature, possessing a non-standard, vibrant inner world.

In our lives, every day we have to deal with someone else's inner world: colleagues, friends, fellow travelers, passers-by. Since all actions are determined by our inner world, we unwittingly initiate everyone who, one way or another, enters our lives into it. Thus, the inner world of a person is not subject to complete reflection and verbalization, but can be expressed through actions and emotions.

Strekolovskaya (Savina) N.I.


(1) It was an ordinary school drawing book, which I found in a heap of garbage. (2) All its pages were painted with paints, diligently, carefully and hardworking. (3) I turned over the paper, fragile in the frost, the frosty, bright and cold naive sheets.

(4) And I once drew - it was a long time ago - sitting next to a kerosene lamp on the dining table. (5) From the touch of the magic brushes, the dead hero of the fairy tale came to life, as if sprinkled with living water. (6) Watercolor paints that looked like women’s buttons were in a white tin box. (7) Ivan Tsarevich galloped through the spruce forest on the Gray Wolf. (8) The Christmas trees were smaller than the Gray Wolf. (9) Ivan Tsarevich sat astride the Wolf the way the Evenki ride deer, his heels almost touching the moss. (10) The smoke rose like a spring to the sky, and the birds, like crossed out ticks, were visible in the blue starry sky.

(11) And the more I remembered my childhood, the more clearly I understood that my childhood would not be repeated, that I would not meet even a shadow of it in someone else’s childish notebook.

(12) It was a formidable notebook - it amazed me.

(13) The northern city was made of wood, the fences and walls of houses were painted with light ocher, and the young artist’s brush honestly repeated this yellow color wherever the boy wanted to talk about street buildings, about the work of human hands.

(14) There were many, many fences in the notebook. (15) People and houses in almost every picture were fenced with smooth yellow fences entwined with black lines of barbed wire. (16) State-issue iron threads covered all the fences in the children’s notebook.

(17) People were standing near the fence. (18) They were neither peasants, nor workers, nor hunters - they were guards and sentries with rifles. (19) Rain mushroom booths, near which the young artist placed guards and sentries, stood at the foot of huge guard towers, and soldiers walked on the towers, rifle barrels glittered.

(20) The notebook was small, but the boy managed to draw in it all the seasons of his hometown.

(21) Bright earth, monochromatic green, and blue-blue sky, fresh, clean and clear. (22) Sunsets and sunrises were beautifully scarlet, and this, of course, was not a child’s inability to find halftones, color transitions, or reveal the secrets of chiaroscuro.

(23) The color combinations in the school notebook were a true image of the sky of the Far North, the colors of which are unusually pure

and are clear and have no halftones.

(24) And in the winter drawings the child did not stray from the truth. (25) The greenery has disappeared. (26) The trees were black and bare. (27) These were larches,

and not the pines and fir trees of my childhood.

(28) The northern hunt was underway; a toothy German shepherd was pulling on the leash that Ivan Tsarevich was holding in his hand. (29) He was wearing a military style hat with earflaps, a white sheepskin coat, felt boots and deep mittens - leggings, as they are called in the Far North. (30) A machine gun hung over Ivan Tsarevich’s shoulders. (31) Bare triangular trees were stuck in the snow.

(32) The child saw nothing, did not remember anything, except yellow houses, barbed wire, towers, shepherd dogs, guards with machine guns

and blue-blue sky. (33) This drawing book reflected the harsh inner world of the young artist.

(According to V.T. Shalamov)*

* * Shalamov Varlam Tikhonovich (1907–1982) - Russian Soviet writer, prose writer, poet.

(1) When do I
I was probably six years old, or six and a half, I had absolutely no idea who I was
I will be in this world eventually. (2) Then my appetite flared up to learn
the kind of artist who paints white stripes on the street asphalt for those racing
cars (3) Otherwise it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler and
cross all the oceans on a fragile shuttle, eating only raw fish. (4)A
the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw in
European boxing championship drawing on TV. (5) How they thrashed each other
- just some kind of horror! (6) And then they showed them training, and then they pounded
already a heavy leather “pear” - such an oblong heavy ball; on it
you have to hit with all your might, hit as hard as you can in order to develop strength in yourself
blow. (7) And I also decided to become the strongest person in the yard.

(8) I said
to dad:

- Dad,
buy me a punching bag! (9) I will train and become a boxer.

– (10) Nothing
“wasting money on nonsense,” dad answered. – (11) Train already
somehow without a pear.

(12) And he got dressed
and went to work. (13) And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended and tried
help me.

(14) She got it
from under the sofa a large wicker basket containing old toys, and
She took out a healthy teddy bear from it.

- (15) Here.
(16) Good bear, excellent. (17) Look how tight it is! (18) Why not a pear?
(19) Let's train as much as you like!

(20) I'm very
I was glad that my mother came up with such a great idea. (21) And I made the bear more comfortable on
sofa, so that it would be easier for me to train and develop punching power.

(22) He was sitting
in front of me is such a chocolate one, and he had different eyes: one of his own
- yellow glass, and the other large white one - from a sewn button from
pillowcases. (23) But it didn’t matter, because the bear was looking at me with its
with different eyes and raised both paws up, as if he was already giving up in advance...

(24) And suddenly I
I remembered how a long time ago I never parted with this bear for a minute, everywhere
dragged him along with him, and sat him at the table next to him for dinner, and to sleep him
laid him down and rocked him to sleep like a little brother, and whispered different tales to him
right into his velvety hard ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my soul,
I would give my life for him then...

(25) And here he is
sitting on the sofa now, my ex is the best friend, a true childhood friend, and
I want to train my striking power against him...

– (26) What’s wrong
you? – Mom asked, opening the door.

(27) I didn’t know
What’s wrong with me, I raised my head to the ceiling so that the tears could not be seen, and said:

- I
changed his mind about being a boxer.
(According to V.Yu. Dragunsky)*

*Dragunsky Viktor Yuzefovich(1913–1972)
- Russian Soviet writer, author of stories for children.


The inner world of a person is his spiritual world, consisting of feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas about the surrounding reality. There are people with a rich inner world, and there are people with a poor one. A person’s inner world can be judged by his actions. I will prove my words with specific examples.

Let us turn to the text by V.Yu. Dragunsky. The main character, a six-year-old boy, has, in my opinion, a rich inner world. His actions testify to this. When the boy's mother suggested that the boy use a forgotten childhood toy - a teddy bear - as a punching bag, the hero was happy at first, but then he remembered how he loved this bear, how he spent his time with him, as if with a little brother or friend. The flood of memories forced the boy to give up not only training, but also the desire to become a boxer. The hero's behavior indicates that he has a kind and devoted heart.

Masha Mironova, the heroine of A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter,” also has a rich inner world. This fragile and timid girl at first glance was able to overcome cowardice and indecision in herself for the sake of saving another person. When Masha learned that Pyotr Grinev was facing the death penalty, she fearlessly went to the queen herself in order to save her lover. A person with a poor inner world would not dare to do such an act.

Thus, in order to find out what a person’s inner world is, you need to pay attention to his behavior in a given situation. (212 words)