Body in French with translation.

When learning nouns in French It’s best to start with body parts, as they can be easily explained to children without resorting to translation into native language. It is enough to simply point out certain parts of the child’s body, toys or any characters in the pictures.

During the lesson, the child needs to say phrases (whole phrases, not words) from the templates. For example, when showing your hand, you should say: “C’est ma main,” and not just “main.” All words must be accompanied positive emotions And active actions, thereby stimulating the child to repeat your movements. Try not to translate anything. And repeat phrases and words several times.

Les parties du corps

Using the picture below, name the parts of the body in French by pointing them out in the picture. For this purpose, you can use not only pictures, but also Stuffed Toys or a doll.

Then listen.

Phrase templates for working with new vocabulary

Following the example of phrases, you should try to combine all the words on the topic being studied.

Phrase in RussianFrench equivalentTranscription
I have legs

Do you have hands

How many arms/legs do you have?

I have 2 arms/legs

How many fingers am I showing?

I show 3 fingers

Where is my hand/head?

Here's my hand/head

I show my hand

Show me your hand

This is my hand

This is your hand

What am I showing?

Raise your leg/arm/head

Lower your leg/arm/head

I clap my hands

Clap your hands

Let's clap our hands together

I touch my/your hand….

You are touching my/your hand

Touch my/your nose

This is the left (right) hand/leg/eye/ear

J'ai les jambes

Combien de mains/ jambes avez-vous?

J'ai deux mains/ jambes

Combien de doigts je montre?

Je montre trois doigts

Où est ma main/tête?

Voici est ma main/tête

Je montre ma main

Montre-moi ta main

Lève ta jambe / main / tête

Omets ta pied / bras / tête

Je tape me mains

Je touche ma/ta main….

Tu touches ma / ta main

Touche mon/tonnez

C'est la/le main / pied / œil / oreille gauche / droite

zhe le ma(n)

Tue à le Jambe

kombien de mé(n) ave vu?

jeu de man

combien de duat je motre?

zhe mo(n)tr qatr duat

u e ma m(en)?

voasi e ta man

zhe motr ma me(n)

motr mua ta man

se m amen

se ta man

ke mo(n)trje?

lion ta jamb / man / tet

omet ta pye / bra / tet

zhe tap me man

tap thaman

tapon a(n)semble

zhe tush ma / ta men

tu tush ma/taman

tush mon / ton ne

se la/le man/pye/oh/orey gosh/druat

Lesson assignments

To complete the task you need to choose a suitable picture or toy. Make the child sit comfortably and begin to list body parts, showing them one by one on yourself, on the child, on a toy. In the task, use constructions such as “C’est ... / Ce sont” and possessive pronouns V corresponding number and kind – mon/ma/mes (my, mine, mine); ton/ta/tes (yours, yours, yours); vos(yours) nos(ours); son/sa/ses (his, her); leurs (theirs).

Show yourself:

  • C'est mon pied (this is my leg)
  • Ce sont mes pieds (these are my legs)
  • C'est ma main (this is my hand)
  • Ce sont mes mains (these are my hands)

Show on your child:

  • C'est ton pied (this is your leg)
  • Ce sont tes pieds (these are your legs)
  • C'est ta main (this is your hand)
  • Ce sont tes mains (these are your hands)

Show in a picture or toy:

  • C'est son pied (this is his/her leg)
  • Ce sont ses pieds (these are his/her feet)
  • C'est sa main (this is his/her hand)
  • Ce sont ses mains (these are his/her hands)

Show it to yourself and your child:

  • Ce sont notre pieds (these are our feet)
  • Ce sont notre mains (these are our hands)

Poem on the topic “Parts of the body”

Read the verse to the child, while performing all the movements according to the text. You can sing rhymes by choosing any melody. It is better to repeat the poem several times. You can connect toys and other things to the game auxiliary items.

J'ai deux pieds pour marcher, pour courir et pour sauter.

J'ai deux mains pour écrire, pour peindre, pour applaudir.

J'ai une bouche pour parler, pour rire et pour goûter

Ce qui est sucré,

Ce qui est sale!

J'ai deux oreilles pour entendre et pour comprendre.

J'ai un petit nez rond

Pour sentir ce qui est bon!

J'ai deux yeux pour regarder

De tous les côtes.

Je les ouvre pour voir.

Quand je les ferme, il fait tout noir!

Now watch the video, sing along and repeat the movements.

  • la poitrine breasts
  • le coeur heart
  • le ventre belly
  • le genou knee
  • la jambe leg
  • la tête head
  • le cou neck
  • le dos back
  • le bras arm (from shoulder to hand)
  • le doight finger
  • la main hand
  • le pied foot


Au rugby, on peut jouer avec les pieds et les mains. Rugby can be played with your feet and hands.
Je peux nager sur le dos ou sur le ventre. I can swim on my back or on my stomach.
Au football, je peux marquer un but avec la tête. In football, I can score a goal with my head.
Les sportifs ont les jambes et les les bras musclés. Athletes have muscular legs and arms.

La tête Head

  • un oeil (les yeux) eye (eyes)
  • le nez nose
  • la bouche mouth
  • la langue language
  • le menton chin
  • la gorge throat
  • les cheveux hair
  • le front forehead
  • les dents (f) teeth
  • une oreille ear
  • une joue cheek
  • les lèvres (f) lips

Remplissez la grille:

oreilles nez yeux langue dents lèvres tête bouche

J'écoute (I'm listening) avec les oreilles.
Je dis say) “oui” ou “non” avec la...
Je sens (I feel) avec le... .
Je regarde (I look) avec les... .
Je parle (I say) avec la... .
Je mords (I bite) avec les... .
Je goûte (I try) avec la....
J'embrasse (I hug) avec les...

Mettez les lettres dans l'ordre et complétez:

J'ai trop regardé la television alors j'ai mal aux yeux. XUYE
La musique est trop forte: ça me fait mal aux...... LRSELOEI
J'ai trop marché et j'ai mal aux......ISPDE
J'écris mal parce que j'ai mal à la ...... NAMI
J'ai mal au ...... parce que j'ai trop mangé. ETVRNE
Je prends du sirop parce que j’ai mal à la ...... GGERO
J'ai porté une valise lourde et j'ai mal au......SOD

Classez les noms. (N'oubliez pas l'article.)

bouche dents cheveux pieds jambes dos poitrine ventre genoux main joues menton gorge coeur doights

B/ Haut du corps

C/ Bas du corps

Associez les verbes et les parties du corps.

boire, sentir, courir, voir, mordre, écouter, goûter, tenir, toucher, sauter, regarder, caresser, frapper, observer, marcher, entendre
A/Bouche B/ Mains C /Jambes D/Yeux E/Oreilles F/ Dents G/Nez

Les activities:

Il lève les bras. He raises his hands.
Il écarte les jambes. He spreads his legs.
Il plie les genoux. He bends his knees.
Il se penche en avant. He leans forward.
Il tend le bras. He extends his hand.
Il baisse la tête. He lowers his head.
Elle se couche. She lies down.
Elle est couchee. She is lying down.
Elle est debate. She is standing.
Elle s"assoit. She sits down.
Elle est assise. She is sitting.
Elle se lève. She gets up.

Lesson Plan

Subject: French.

Subject lesson : UncorpsHumain(The human body)

Lesson objectives:

1. Lexical: mastering vocabulary on the topic “Parts of the body” for further performance of a communicative task.

2. Phonetic: teach the pronunciation of words and expressions on the topic, as well as expressiveness and intonation of speech.

Student level – teenagers, First level(A1).

Lesson duration – 60 minutes.

During the classes

First stage:

Organizing time (5 minutes):

Bonjour mes amis! Je suis ravie de vous revoir. WITH ommençons notre leçon par la gymnastique.Hello, friends! Nice to see you again. I suggest starting our lesson with a little exercise!
- Faitescommemoi: 1,2,3,4… Do as I do: one, two, three, four...

Posez les mains sur la taille et penchez le corps à droit, à gauche 1,2,3,4. Merci. Place your hands on your waist and tilt your body to the right and left: one, two, three, four...

Penchez le corps en avant et en arrière 1,2,3,4.Tilts forward and backward:one two three four…

Tournez la tête et faites comme moi 1,2,3,4.Turn your head and do as I do:one two three four…

Respirez profondement. Merci.Breathedeep. Thank you.

Using an unusual beginning of the lesson, the teacher prepares students for the topic of the lesson. At this stage, he uses both familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary that he will become familiar with during this lesson.

Devinez, quel est le sujet de notre conversation?The teacher asks you to guess the topic of conversation today. Students try to formulate the topic of the lesson.

- Mesamis, jevoudraisparlerducorpsHumain. (Setting lesson objectives)

Phonetic charger (3 min.) :

Commençons par la phonetique: Répétez apres moi!Let's start with phonetics. Repeat after me.

1. commencement
2. championnat sante
3. augmente quand
4. comment argent
5. grand pendant

Recognize which sound is pronounced (en-em-an-am). Reproduce the words correctly.

Speech charger (3 min.) :

Donnez les reponses negatives avec“ne... pas.”Students answer the teacher’s questions using the negative phrase “nepas”.

- Es-tu grande? Non, je ne suis pas grande.You are tall? No, I'm not tall.

Elle est petite? Non, elle n'est pas petite.Is she small? No, she's not small.

Il fais du sport? Il ne fait pas de sport.Does he play sports? He doesn't play sports.

Main stage of the lesson:

Input and synantization of vocabulary (10 min.)

The teacher points to pictures on the board depicting a human body and a close-up of a person’s face.

Ecoutez et prononsez bien les mots!Regardez les dessins. Cela va vous aider à comprendre le sens des mots.Listen and repeat after mewords. Look carefully at the images, remember what these words mean.

le corps – body les doigts – fingers

la tête – head le ventre- stomach

le visage - face la poitrine- breast

le bras – hand le dos - back

la main - wrist les yeux - eyes

les épaules - shoulders le nez - nose

la jambe leg la bouche mouth

le pied - foot les oreilles - ears

les genoux - knees les cheveux - hair

Students repeat in chorus after the teacher, the teacher gradually increases the tempo. Then he doesn’t say some words so that the students can pronounce them on their own.

Students write down new words with translations in their notebooks.

Practicing and consolidating vocabulary (25 min)

We are working on pronunciation of the word and recognizing its graphic formula.


1) Point to the parts of the body called the teacher.

2) The teacher distributes sheets with the names of body parts/faces. Assignment - oBring in only those words that denote parts of the face:

3) Team work: “Snowball” - which team remembered more words, she won.

4) Team work: name a generalizing word for a group of words - either “lecorps” (body), or “ levisage" (face).

5) “assemble the names of body parts from cubes” - connect parts of one word

Working at the level of phrases:

6) Restore the most commonly used phrases, for example:mal à latê te, legrosventre, lebeauvisage

7) Work in pairs: who can come up with the most phrases with a given word.

8) Select correct option words (in accordance with the specified definite article):

Sentence level work:

9) Rephrase the sentence, replacing the subject with another, for example:

Sonnezestpetitetrose(his nose is small pink) replace it withSaboucheestpetiteetrose(his mouth is small and pink).It is important to pay attention to correct use adjectives according to the gender and number of the given noun.

10) Connect parts of the sentence

11) Insert the missing words into the sentence.

Activating the use of words in speech (6 min):

To consolidate everything learned and develop the ability to use given material in a speech, the teacher suggests making a statement using the vocabulary learned:

Group work. Come up with a statement with the meaning “for what” for each word. For example:

J'ai deuxpiedspour marcher, pour courir et pour sauter.(I have two legs to walk, run and jump).

J'ai deuxmainspour écrire, pour peintre, pour applauder.(I have two hands for writing, drawing, clapping).

J'ai unebouchepour rire, pour manger et pour parler.(Mouth to laugh, eat and talk).

Control (6 min):

The teacher distributes pre-prepared pictures of people. It is necessary to describe the person so that the rest of the students recognize him. Thus, the teacher sees how well the studied vocabulary is remembered, controls the pronunciation of the word, and how correctly the student composes sentences. For example:

Il est grand. Ses jambes sont longues.He is tall and has long legs.

Elle a un visage rond. Ses yeux sont grands et ses chevaux sont noirs.She has round face, big eyes and black hair.

Il est gros. Son nez est petit et rose. Saboucheestgrand. He's plump. He has a small pink nose and a big mouth.

The teacher monitors the process and corrects if necessary.

D.z. Homework explanation(2 minutes.)

It is proposed to consider a pre-prepared image of a fictional character (for example, an alien). Assignment: Look at the picture, this guy is not like everyone else, because he is from another planet.Draw how you imagine the alien and tell what body parts it has, how many there are, and how it uses them.

For example: Iladeuxbouchespourmangerbeaucoup

The final stage lesson:

Je suis contente de vous, mes amis. Vous avez bien travaillé. Au revoir. Bonnechance! I'm pleased with you, you did a very good job in this lesson. Goodbye good Luck!