Human physiology general sports age download torrent. Alexander Solodkov - Human Physiology

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Solodkov A. S., Sologub E. B. Physiology of sports:

Textbook/ SPbGAFK im. P. F. Lesgaft. St. Petersburg, 1999. 231 p.
The manual presents modern data on the main sections of general and specific physiology of sports. The materials correspond to the physiology curriculum for universities physical culture and the requirements of the State educational standard of higher education vocational education.

The manual is intended for students, graduate students, researchers, teachers, trainers and doctors who study and develop problems of sports physiology and monitor individuals who engage in physical education and sports.

Table 9. bibliogr. 13.


V. I. Kuleshov, Dr. honey. sciences, prof. (VMedA); O. S. Nasonkin, Dr. honey. sciences, prof. (SPbGAFK named after P.F. Lesgaft).
St. Petersburg state academy physical culture named after. P. F. Lesgaft, 1999


The rapid development of physiology and the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in the country led to the emergence of a new independent section human physiology - sport physiology, although individual works devoted to the study of body functions when performing physical activity were published at the end of the last century (I. O. Rozanov, S. S. Gruzdev, Yu. V. Blazhevich, P. K. Gorbachev, etc.). It should be emphasized that systematic research and teaching of sports physiology began in our country earlier than abroad and was more targeted. By the way, we note that only in 1989 the General Assembly of the International Union of Physiological Sciences decided to create a commission under it “Physiology of Sports”, although similar commissions and sections in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, the All-Union Physiological Society named after. I.P. Pavlov and the USSR State Sports Committee have existed in our country since the 1960s.

The theoretical prerequisites for the emergence and development of sports physiology were created fundamental works I. M. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlova, N. E. Vvedensky, A. A. Ukhtomsky, I. S. Beritashvili, K. M. Bykova, etc. However, the systematic study of the physiological foundations of physical culture and sports began much later . Especially great credit in the creation of this section of physiology belongs to L. A. Orbeli and his student A. N. Krestovnikov, and it is inextricably linked with the formation and development of the P. F. Lesgaft Academy of Physical Culture and its department of physiology - the first such department among physical education universities in the country .

The formation of sports physiology was largely due to the widespread implementation of fundamental and applied research by subject. The development of any science confronts representatives of many specialties with more and more new practical problems, to which theory cannot always and immediately give an unambiguous answer. However, as D. Crowcroft (1970) wittily noted, “... Scientific research have one strange feature: they have the habit of sooner or later being useful to someone or something." Analysis of the development of educational and scientific directions The physiology of sports clearly confirms this position.

Knowledge of the history of any science is a necessary prerequisite for a correct understanding of the place, role and significance of the discipline in the content of the socio-political status of society, its influence on this science, as well as science and its representatives on the development of society. Therefore, consideration historical path development of sports physiology, mention of its most prominent representatives and analysis of the natural scientific base on which the basic concepts and ideas of this discipline were formed make it possible to evaluate current state subject and determine promising directions its further development.

To date, there is significant factual material on the physiology of sports, presented in relevant textbooks and teaching aids. However, in last years New data has appeared on some sections of the subject that were not included in previous publications. In addition, due to the constantly changing and complementary curriculum, the content of previously published sections of the discipline does not correspond to modern thematic plans, which are taught in physical education universities in Russia. Taking into account the above, this textbook is devoted to the presentation of supplemented and a number of new materials within the framework of today's educational and scientific information, in which the general and specific parts of the physiology of sports are highlighted. The relevant sections of the manual also include the results of the authors’ own research.

The authors are aware that when summary Some of the material was not adequately and comprehensively presented in the manual. They will gratefully accept all comments and suggestions aimed at its further improvement.

Alexey Solodkov, Elena Sologub

Human physiology. General. Sports. Age

Textbook for higher educational institutions physical culture. 7th edition

Approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports as a textbook for higher educational institutions of physical culture

The publication was prepared at the Department of Physiology of the National state university physical culture, sports and health named after. P. F. Lesgafta, St. Petersburg


V. I. Kuleshov, doctor med. sciences, prof. (VmedA named after S. M. Kirov)

I. M. Kozlov, Doctor of Biology and doctor ped. sciences, prof. (NSU named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg)

© Solodkov A. S., Sologub E. B., 2001, 2005, 2008, 2015, 2017

© Publication, LLC Publishing House "Sport", 2017

* * *

Aleksey Sergeevich Solodkov – Professor of the Department of Physiology of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after. P. F. Lesgafta (head of the department for 25 years, 1986–2012).

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Honorary worker higher professional education of the Russian Federation, chairman of the section “Physiology of Sports” and member of the Board of the St. Petersburg Physiological Society named after. I. M. Sechenov.

Sologub Elena Borisovna – doctor biological sciences, Professor. Since 2002 he has lived in New York (USA).

At the Department of Physiology of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. P.F. Lesgafta worked since 1956, from 1986 to 2002 - as a professor of the department. Was elected academician Russian Academy Medical and Technical Sciences, Honorary Worker higher education Russia, member of the Board of the St. Petersburg Society of Physiologists, Biochemists and Pharmacologists named after. I. M. Sechenov.


Human physiology is the theoretical basis of a number of practical disciplines(medicine, psychology, pedagogy, biomechanics, biochemistry, etc.). Without understanding the normal flow physiological processes and the constants characterizing them, various specialists cannot correctly assess the functional state of the human body and its performance in different conditions activities. Knowledge physiological mechanisms regulation various functions the body has important in understanding the course of recovery processes during and after intense muscular labor.

Revealing the basic mechanisms that ensure the existence of a whole organism and its interaction with environment, physiology makes it possible to clarify and study the conditions and nature of changes in activity various organs and systems in the process of human ontogenesis. Physiology is the science that carries out systems approach in the study and analysis of diverse intra- and intersystem relationships of complex human body and bringing them together specific functional formations and a unified theoretical picture.

It is important to emphasize that in the development of modern scientific physiological ideas A significant role belongs to domestic researchers. Knowledge of the history of any science is a necessary prerequisite for a correct understanding of the place, role and significance of the discipline in the content of the socio-political status of society, its influence on this science, as well as the influence of science and its representatives on the development of society. Therefore, consideration of the historical path of development of individual sections of physiology, mention of its most prominent representatives and analysis of the natural science base on which the basic concepts and ideas of this discipline were formed make it possible to assess the current state of the subject and determine its further promising directions.

Physiological science in Russia in the 18th–19th centuries is represented by a galaxy of brilliant scientists - I. M. Sechenov, F. V. Ovsyannikov, A. Ya. Danilevsky, A. F. Samoilov, I. R. Tarkhanov, N. E. Vvedensky and etc. But only I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov deserve the credit for creating new directions not only in Russian, but also in world physiology.

Physiology as independent discipline began teaching in 1738 at the Academic (later St. Petersburg) University. The Moscow University, founded in 1755, also played a significant role in the development of physiology, where the Department of Physiology was opened within it in 1776.

In 1798, the Medical-Surgical (Military Medical) Academy was founded in St. Petersburg, which played an exceptional role in the development of human physiology. The Department of Physiology created under her was successively headed by P. A. Zagorsky, D. M. Vellansky, N. M. Yakubovich, I. M. Sechenov, I. F. Tsion, F. V. Ovsyannikov, I. R. Tarkhanov, I. P. Pavlov, L. A. Orbeli, A. V. Lebedinsky, M. P. Brestkin and others outstanding representatives physiological science. Behind every name mentioned are discoveries in physiology that are of global significance.

Physiology was included in the curriculum of physical education universities from the first days of their organization. Created by P.F. Lesgaft in 1896 Higher courses physical education, a physiology cabinet was immediately opened, the first head of which was academician I. R. Tarkhanov. In subsequent years, physiology was taught here by N.P. Kravkov, A.A. Walter, P.P. Rostovtsev, V.Ya. Chagovets, A. G. Ginetsinsky, A. A. Ukhtomsky, L. A. Orbeli, I. S. Beritov, A. N. Krestovnikov, G. V. Folbort and others.

Rapid development of physiology and acceleration scientific and technological progress in the country led to the emergence in the 30s of the 20th century of a new independent section of human physiology - sports physiology, although individual works devoted to the study of body functions during physical activity were published back in late XIX century (I. O. Rozanov, S. S. Gruzdev, Yu. V. Blazhevich, P. K. Gorbachev, etc.). It should be emphasized that systematic research and teaching of sports physiology began in our country earlier than abroad, and was more targeted. By the way, we note that only in 1989 the General Assembly International Union Physiological Sciences decided to create a commission under it “Physiology of Sports”, although similar commissions and sections in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, the All-Union Physiological Society named after. I. P. Pavlova of the USSR State Sports Committee have existed in our country since the 1960s.

The theoretical prerequisites for the emergence and development of sports physiology were created by the fundamental works of I. M. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlov, N. E. Vvedensky, A. A. Ukhtomsky, I. S. Beritashvili, K. M. Bykov and others. However, the systematic study of the physiological foundations of physical culture and sports began much later. Particularly great merit in the creation of this section of physiology belongs to L. A. Orbeli and his student A. N. Krestovnikov, and it is inextricably linked with the formation and development of the University of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgaft and his department of physiology - the first such department among physical education universities in the country and in the world.

After the creation in 1919 of the Department of Physiology at the Institute of Physical Education. P. F. Lesgaft teaching this subject carried out by L. A. Orbeli, A. N. Krestovnikov, V. V. Vasilyeva, A. B. Gandelsman, E. K. Zhukov, N. V. Zimkin, A. S. Mozzhukhin, E. B. Sologub, A. . S. Solodkov and others. In 1938, A. N. Krestovnikov published the first “Textbook of Physiology” in our country and in the world for physical education institutes, and in 1939 – the monograph “Physiology of Sports”. Important role V further development The teaching of the discipline was played by three editions of the “Textbook of Human Physiology” edited by N.V. Zimkin (1964, 1970, 1975).

The development of sports physiology was largely due to extensive fundamental and applied research on the subject. The development of any science poses more and more new practical problems for representatives of many specialties, to which theory cannot always and immediately provide an unambiguous answer. However, as D. Crowcroft (1970) wittily noted, “...scientific research has one strange feature: it has a habit, sooner or later, of being useful to someone or something.” Analysis of the development of educational and scientific areas of sports physiology clearly confirms this position.

Requests for theory and practice physical education and training require physiological science to reveal the peculiarities of the functioning of the body, taking into account the age of people and the patterns of their adaptation to muscular activity. Scientific principles physical education of children and adolescents are based on the physiological laws of human growth and development different stages ontogeny. In the process of physical education, one should not only increase motor readiness, but also form the necessary psychophysiological properties and qualities of the individual, ensuring his readiness for work, active work in the conditions of the modern world.

Textbook for higher educational institutions of physical culture. 7th edition

Approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports as a textbook for higher educational institutions of physical culture

The publication was prepared at the Department of Physiology of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. P. F. Lesgafta, St. Petersburg


V. I. Kuleshov, doctor med. sciences, prof. (VmedA named after S. M. Kirov)

I. M. Kozlov, Doctor of Biology and doctor ped. sciences, prof. (NSU named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg)

© Solodkov A. S., Sologub E. B., 2001, 2005, 2008, 2015, 2017

© Publication, LLC Publishing House "Sport", 2017

Aleksey Sergeevich Solodkov – Professor of the Department of Physiology of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after. P. F. Lesgafta (head of the department for 25 years, 1986–2012).

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the section “Physiology of Sports” and member of the Board of the St. Petersburg Physiological Society named after. I. M. Sechenov.

Sologub Elena Borisovna – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor. Since 2002 he has lived in New York (USA).

At the Department of Physiology of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. P.F. Lesgafta worked since 1956, from 1986 to 2002 - as a professor of the department. She was elected academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, Honorary Worker of Higher Education in Russia, member of the Board of the St. Petersburg Society of Physiologists, Biochemists and Pharmacologists named after. I. M. Sechenov.


Human physiology is the theoretical basis of a number of practical disciplines (medicine, psychology, pedagogy, biomechanics, biochemistry, etc.). Without understanding the normal course of physiological processes and the constants that characterize them, various specialists cannot correctly assess the functional state of the human body and its performance in various operating conditions. Knowledge of the physiological mechanisms of regulation of various body functions is important in understanding the course of recovery processes during and after intense muscular labor.

By revealing the basic mechanisms that ensure the existence of an entire organism and its interaction with the environment, physiology makes it possible to clarify and study the conditions and nature of changes in the activity of various organs and systems in the process of human ontogenesis. Physiology is the science that carries out systems approach in the study and analysis of the diverse intra- and intersystem relationships of the complex human body and their reduction into specific functional formations and a unified theoretical picture.

It is important to emphasize that domestic researchers play a significant role in the development of modern scientific physiological concepts. Knowledge of the history of any science is a necessary prerequisite for a correct understanding of the place, role and significance of the discipline in the content of the socio-political status of society, its influence on this science, as well as the influence of science and its representatives on the development of society. Therefore, consideration of the historical path of development of individual sections of physiology, mention of its most prominent representatives and analysis of the natural science base on which the basic concepts and ideas of this discipline were formed make it possible to assess the current state of the subject and determine its further promising directions.

Physiological science in Russia in the 18th–19th centuries is represented by a galaxy of brilliant scientists - I. M. Sechenov, F. V. Ovsyannikov, A. Ya. Danilevsky, A. F. Samoilov, I. R. Tarkhanov, N. E. Vvedensky and etc. But only I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov deserve the credit for creating new directions not only in Russian, but also in world physiology.

Physiology as an independent discipline began to be taught in 1738 at the Academic (later St. Petersburg) University. The Moscow University, founded in 1755, also played a significant role in the development of physiology, where the Department of Physiology was opened within it in 1776.

In 1798, the Medical-Surgical (Military Medical) Academy was founded in St. Petersburg, which played an exceptional role in the development of human physiology. The Department of Physiology created under her was successively headed by P. A. Zagorsky, D. M. Vellansky, N. M. Yakubovich, I. M. Sechenov, I. F. Tsion, F. V. Ovsyannikov, I. R. Tarkhanov, I. P. Pavlov, L. A. Orbeli, A. V. Lebedinsky, M.P. Brestkin and other outstanding representatives of physiological science. Behind each named name there are discoveries in physiology that are of global significance.

Physiology was included in the curriculum of physical education universities from the first days of their organization. At the Higher Courses of Physical Education created by P. F. Lesgaft in 1896, a physiology office was immediately opened, the first director of which was Academician I. R. Tarkhanov. In subsequent years, physiology was taught here by N.P. Kravkov, A.A. Walter, P.P. Rostovtsev, V.Ya. Chagovets, A. G. Ginetsinsky, A. A. Ukhtomsky, L. A. Orbeli, I. S. Beritov, A. N. Krestovnikov, G. V. Folbort and others.

The rapid development of physiology and the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in the country led to the emergence in the 30s of the 20th century of a new independent section of human physiology - sports physiology, although individual works devoted to the study of body functions during physical activity were published at the end of the 19th century (I O. Rozanov, S. S. Gruzdev, Yu. V. Blazhevich, P. K. Gorbachev, etc.). It should be emphasized that systematic research and teaching of sports physiology began in our country earlier than abroad, and was more targeted. By the way, we note that only in 1989 the General Assembly of the International Union of Physiological Sciences decided to create a commission under it “Physiology of Sports”, although similar commissions and sections in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, the All-Union Physiological Society named after. I. P. Pavlova of the USSR State Sports Committee have existed in our country since the 1960s.

The theoretical prerequisites for the emergence and development of sports physiology were created by the fundamental works of I. M. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlov, N. E. Vvedensky, A. A. Ukhtomsky, I. S. Beritashvili, K. M. Bykov and others. However, the systematic study of the physiological foundations of physical culture and sports began much later. Particularly great merit in the creation of this section of physiology belongs to L. A. Orbeli and his student A. N. Krestovnikov, and it is inextricably linked with the formation and development of the University of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgaft and his department of physiology - the first such department among physical education universities in the country and in the world.

After the creation in 1919 of the Department of Physiology at the Institute of Physical Education. P. F. Lesgaft teaching this subject carried out by L. A. Orbeli, A. N. Krestovnikov, V. V. Vasilyeva, A. B. Gandelsman, E. K. Zhukov, N. V. Zimkin, A. S. Mozzhukhin, E. B. Sologub, A. . S. Solodkov and others. In 1938, A. N. Krestovnikov published the first “Textbook of Physiology” in our country and in the world for physical education institutes, and in 1939 – the monograph “Physiology of Sports”. An important role in the further development of teaching the discipline was played by three editions of the “Textbook of Human Physiology” edited by N.V. Zimkin (1964, 1970, 1975).

Approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports as a textbook for higher educational institutions of physical culture

The publication was prepared at the Department of Physiology of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. P. F. Lesgafta, St. Petersburg


V. I. Kuleshov, doctor med. sciences, prof. (VmedA named after S. M. Kirov)

I. M. Kozlov, Doctor of Biology and doctor ped. sciences, prof. (NSU named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg)

© Solodkov A. S., Sologub E. B., 2001, 2005, 2008, 2015, 2017

© Publication, LLC Publishing House "Sport", 2017

* * *

Aleksey Sergeevich Solodkov – Professor of the Department of Physiology of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after. P. F. Lesgafta (head of the department for 25 years, 1986–2012).

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the section “Physiology of Sports” and member of the Board of the St. Petersburg Physiological Society named after. I. M. Sechenov.

Sologub Elena Borisovna – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor. Since 2002 he has lived in New York (USA).

At the Department of Physiology of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. P.F. Lesgafta worked since 1956, from 1986 to 2002 - as a professor of the department. She was elected academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, Honorary Worker of Higher Education in Russia, member of the Board of the St. Petersburg Society of Physiologists, Biochemists and Pharmacologists named after. I. M. Sechenov.


Human physiology is the theoretical basis of a number of practical disciplines (medicine, psychology, pedagogy, biomechanics, biochemistry, etc.). Without understanding the normal course of physiological processes and the constants that characterize them, various specialists cannot correctly assess the functional state of the human body and its performance in various operating conditions. Knowledge of the physiological mechanisms of regulation of various body functions is important in understanding the course of recovery processes during and after intense muscular labor.

By revealing the basic mechanisms that ensure the existence of an entire organism and its interaction with the environment, physiology makes it possible to clarify and study the conditions and nature of changes in the activity of various organs and systems in the process of human ontogenesis.

Physiology is the science that carries out systems approach in the study and analysis of the diverse intra- and intersystem relationships of the complex human body and their reduction into specific functional formations and a unified theoretical picture.

It is important to emphasize that domestic researchers play a significant role in the development of modern scientific physiological concepts. Knowledge of the history of any science is a necessary prerequisite for a correct understanding of the place, role and significance of the discipline in the content of the socio-political status of society, its influence on this science, as well as the influence of science and its representatives on the development of society. Therefore, consideration of the historical path of development of individual sections of physiology, mention of its most prominent representatives and analysis of the natural science base on which the basic concepts and ideas of this discipline were formed make it possible to assess the current state of the subject and determine its further promising directions.

Physiological science in Russia in the 18th–19th centuries is represented by a galaxy of brilliant scientists - I. M. Sechenov, F. V. Ovsyannikov, A. Ya. Danilevsky, A. F. Samoilov, I. R. Tarkhanov, N. E. Vvedensky and etc. But only I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov deserve the credit for creating new directions not only in Russian, but also in world physiology.

Physiology as an independent discipline began to be taught in 1738 at the Academic (later St. Petersburg) University. The Moscow University, founded in 1755, also played a significant role in the development of physiology, where the Department of Physiology was opened within it in 1776.

In 1798, the Medical-Surgical (Military Medical) Academy was founded in St. Petersburg, which played an exceptional role in the development of human physiology. The Department of Physiology created under her was successively headed by P. A. Zagorsky, D. M. Vellansky, N. M. Yakubovich, I. M. Sechenov, I. F. Tsion, F. V. Ovsyannikov, I. R. Tarkhanov, I. P. Pavlov, L. A. Orbeli, A. V. Lebedinsky, M.P. Brestkin and other outstanding representatives of physiological science. Behind each named name there are discoveries in physiology that are of global significance.

Physiology was included in the curriculum of physical education universities from the first days of their organization. At the Higher Courses of Physical Education created by P. F. Lesgaft in 1896, a physiology office was immediately opened, the first director of which was Academician I. R. Tarkhanov. In subsequent years, physiology was taught here by N.P. Kravkov, A.A. Walter, P.P. Rostovtsev, V.Ya. Chagovets, A. G. Ginetsinsky, A. A. Ukhtomsky, L. A. Orbeli, I. S. Beritov, A. N. Krestovnikov, G. V. Folbort and others.

The rapid development of physiology and the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in the country led to the emergence in the 30s of the 20th century of a new independent section of human physiology - sports physiology, although individual works devoted to the study of body functions during physical activity were published at the end of the 19th century (I O. Rozanov, S. S. Gruzdev, Yu. V. Blazhevich, P. K. Gorbachev, etc.). It should be emphasized that systematic research and teaching of sports physiology began in our country earlier than abroad, and was more targeted. By the way, we note that only in 1989 the General Assembly of the International Union of Physiological Sciences decided to create a commission under it “Physiology of Sports”, although similar commissions and sections in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, the All-Union Physiological Society named after. I. P. Pavlova of the USSR State Sports Committee have existed in our country since the 1960s.

The theoretical prerequisites for the emergence and development of sports physiology were created by the fundamental works of I. M. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlov, N. E. Vvedensky, A. A. Ukhtomsky, I. S. Beritashvili, K. M. Bykov and others. However, the systematic study of the physiological foundations of physical culture and sports began much later. Particularly great merit in the creation of this section of physiology belongs to L. A. Orbeli and his student A. N. Krestovnikov, and it is inextricably linked with the formation and development of the University of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgaft and his department of physiology - the first such department among physical education universities in the country and in the world.

After the creation in 1919 of the Department of Physiology at the Institute of Physical Education. P. F. Lesgaft teaching this subject carried out by L. A. Orbeli, A. N. Krestovnikov, V. V. Vasilyeva, A. B. Gandelsman, E. K. Zhukov, N. V. Zimkin, A. S. Mozzhukhin, E. B. Sologub, A. . S. Solodkov and others. In 1938, A. N. Krestovnikov published the first “Textbook of Physiology” in our country and in the world for physical education institutes, and in 1939 – the monograph “Physiology of Sports”. An important role in the further development of teaching the discipline was played by three editions of the “Textbook of Human Physiology” edited by N.V. Zimkin (1964, 1970, 1975).

The development of sports physiology was largely due to extensive fundamental and applied research on the subject. The development of any science poses more and more new practical problems for representatives of many specialties, to which theory cannot always and immediately provide an unambiguous answer. However, as D. Crowcroft (1970) wittily noted, “...scientific research has one strange feature: it has a habit, sooner or later, of being useful to someone or something.” Analysis of the development of educational and scientific areas of sports physiology clearly confirms this position.

The demands of the theory and practice of physical education and training require physiological science to reveal the peculiarities of the functioning of the body, taking into account the age of people and the patterns of their adaptation to muscular activity. The scientific principles of physical education of children and adolescents are based on the physiological laws of human growth and development at different stages of ontogenesis. In the process of physical education, it is necessary not only to increase motor readiness, but also to form the necessary psychophysiological properties and qualities of the individual, ensuring her readiness for work and active activity in the modern world.

Formation of various organs and systems, motor qualities and skills, their improvement in the process of physical education can be successful subject to the scientifically based use of various means and methods of physical culture, as well as, if necessary, intensification or reduction muscle loads. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age, gender and individual characteristics of children, adolescents, mature and elderly people, as well as backup capabilities their body at different stages individual development. Knowledge of such patterns by specialists will protect the practice of physical education from the use of both insufficient and excessive muscle loads that are dangerous to people’s health.

To date, significant factual materials on sports and age-related physiology have been accumulated, presented in relevant textbooks and teaching aids X. However, in recent years, new data has appeared on some sections of the subject that were not included in previous publications. In addition, due to the constantly changing and supplemented curriculum, the content of previously published sections of the discipline does not correspond to modern thematic plans according to which teaching is conducted in physical education universities in Russia. Taking into account the above, the proposed textbook contains systematized, supplemented and, in some cases, new materials within the framework of today's educational and scientific information by subject. The corresponding sections of the textbook also include the results of the authors’ own research.

In 1998–2000 A. S. Solodkov and E. B. Sologub published three textbooks on general, sports and developmental physiology, which were widely in demand by students, approved by teachers and served as the basis for training modern textbook. The textbook they published in 2001 corresponds to new program according to discipline, requirements State standard higher professional education Russian Federation and includes three parts - general, sports and age physiology.

Despite the large circulation of the first edition (10 thousand copies), two years later the textbook was not available in stores. Therefore, after making some corrections and additions, in 2005 the textbook was republished in the same edition. However, by the end of 2007 it turned out to be impossible to purchase it anywhere. At the same time, the Department of Physiology regularly receives proposals from various regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries about the need for the next re-edition of the textbook. In addition, the authors have at their disposal some new materials that meet the requirements of the Bologna Process for specialists in physical culture and sports.

In the prepared third edition of the textbook, along with taking into account and implementing in it individual comments and suggestions from readers, Two new chapters are also included:“Functional state of athletes” and “The influence of the genome on the functional state, performance and health of athletes.” For last chapter Some materials were presented by N.M. Koneva-Hanson, professor of the Department of Biology at St. John's University in New York, for which the authors are sincerely grateful to Natalya Mikhailovna.

All comments and suggestions regarding the fifth edition, aimed at improving the quality of the textbook, will be gratefully accepted by the authors.

Part I
General physiology

To any trainer and teacher for successful professional activity knowledge of the functions of the human body is necessary. Only taking into account the peculiarities of its vital activity can help to properly manage the growth and development of the human body, preserve the health of children and adults, maintain efficiency even in old age, rational use muscle loads in the process of physical education and sports training.

1. Introduction. History of physiology

Formation date modern physiology is 1628, when English doctor and physiologist William Harvey published the results of his research on blood circulation in animals.

Physiology –the science of the functions and mechanisms of activity of cells, tissues, organs, systems and the entire organism as a whole.Physiological function is a manifestation of the vital activity of an organism that has adaptive significance.

1.1. The subject of physiology, its connection with other sciences and its significance for physical culture and sports

Physiology as a science is inextricably linked with other disciplines. It is based on knowledge of physics, biophysics and biomechanics, chemistry and biochemistry, general biology, genetics, histology, cybernetics, anatomy. In turn, physiology is the basis of medicine, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, theory and methods of physical education. In the process of development of physiological science from general physiology various private sections: labor physiology, sports physiology, aerospace physiology, underwater labor physiology, age physiology, psychophysiology, etc.

General physiology is theoretical basis physiology of sports. It describes the basic patterns of activity of the human body of different ages and gender, various functional states, mechanisms of operation of individual organs and systems of the body and their interaction. Her practical significance consists of scientific basis age stages development of the human body, individual characteristics individuals, mechanisms of manifestation of their physical and mental abilities, features of control and possibilities for managing the functional state of the body. Physiology reveals the consequences bad habits in humans, substantiates ways of prevention functional disorders and maintaining health. Knowledge of physiology helps teachers and coaches in the processes of sports selection and sports orientation, in predicting the success of an athlete’s competitive activity, in rational construction training process, in ensuring the individualization of physical activity and open up the possibility of using the functional reserves of the body.

1.2. Methods of physiological research

Physiology is an experimental science. Knowledge about the functions and mechanisms of the body’s activity is based on experiments conducted on animals, observations in the clinic, examinations of healthy people in various experimental conditions. At the same time, in relation to healthy person methods are required that are not associated with damage to its tissues and penetration into the body - the so-called non-invasive methods.

IN general form physiology uses three methodological techniques research: observation, or the "black box" method, acute experience And chronic experiment.

Classic research methods were removal methods and irritation methods individual parts or entire organs, mainly used in experiments on animals or during operations in the clinic. They gave an approximate idea of ​​the functions of removed or irritated organs and tissues of the body. In this regard progressive method studies of the whole organism have become conditioned reflex method, developed by I.P. Pavlov.

IN modern conditions most common electrophysiological methods, allowing the recording of electrical processes without changing the current activity of the organs being studied and without damaging the integumentary tissues - for example, electrocardiography, electromyography, electroencephalography (registration electrical activity heart, muscles and brain). Development radiotelemetry allows these received records to be transmitted over significant distances, and Computer techologies And special programs provide subtle analysis of physiological data. Using photography in infrared rays (thermal imaging) allows you to identify the hottest or coldest areas of the body observed at rest or as a result of activity. With the help of the so-called computed tomography, without opening the brain, you can see its morphofunctional changes at different depths. New data on the functioning of the brain and individual parts of the body is provided by studying magnetic vibrations.

1.3. Short story physiology

Observations of the vital functions of the body have been made since time immemorial. In the XIV–XV centuries BC. e. V Ancient Egypt When making mummies, people became well acquainted with the internal organs of a person. The tomb of the physician Pharaoh Unas depicts ancient medical instruments. IN Ancient China up to 400 diseases were surprisingly finely distinguished by the pulse alone. In the 4th–5th centuries BC. e. there the doctrine of functionally important points of the body was developed, which has now become the basis for modern developments reflexology and acupuncture, Su-Jok therapy, testing the functional state of an athlete’s skeletal muscles based on tension levels electric field skin in bioelectrically active points above them. Ancient India became famous for its special herbal recipes, the effects of yoga exercises on the body and breathing exercises. IN Ancient Greece The first ideas about the functions of the brain and heart were expressed in the 4th–5th centuries BC. e. Hippocrates (460–377 BC) and Aristotle (384–322 BC), and in Ancient Rome in the 2nd century BC e. – physician Galen (201–131 BC).

How experimental science physiology originated in XVII century, when the English doctor W. Harvey discovered the blood circulation. During the same period, the French scientist R. Descartes introduced the concept of reflex (reflection), describing the path external information into the brain and the return path of the motor response. The works of the brilliant Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov and German physicist G. Helmholtz on the three-component nature of color vision, the treatise of the Czech G. Prochazka on the functions of the nervous system and the observations of the Italian L. Galvani on animal electricity in nerves and muscles are noted XVIII century. IN 19th century the ideas of the English physiologist C. Sherrington about integrative processes in nervous system, set out in his famous monograph in 1906. The first studies of fatigue were carried out by the Italian A. Mosso. I. R. Tarkhanov discovered changes in constant skin potentials during irritation in humans (Tarkhanov phenomenon).

In the 19th century works of the “father of Russian physiology” I. M. Sechenova(1829–1905) laid the foundations for the development of many areas of physiology - the study of blood gases, the processes of fatigue and " active rest", and most importantly - the discovery in 1862 of inhibition in the central nervous system ("Sechenov's inhibition") and the development of the physiological foundations mental processes people who showed reflex nature human behavioral reactions (“Reflexes of the brain”, 1863). Further development of I.M. Sechenov’s ideas followed two paths. On the one hand, the study of subtle mechanisms of excitation and inhibition was carried out at St. Petersburg University I. E. Vvedensky(1852–1922). He created the idea of ​​physiological lability as a high-speed characteristic of excitation and the doctrine of parabiosis as general reaction neuromuscular tissue for irritation. This direction was later continued by his student A. A. Ukhtomsky(1875–1942), who, while studying coordination processes in the nervous system, discovered the phenomenon of the dominant (the dominant focus of excitation) and the role in these processes of assimilation of the rhythm of stimulation. On the other hand, under conditions of a chronic experiment on whole organism I. P. Pavlov ( 1849–1936) first created the doctrine of conditioned reflexes and developed new chapter physiology – higher physiology nervous activity. In addition, in 1904, for his work in the field of digestion, I. P. Pavlov, one of the first Russian scientists, was noted Nobel Prize. Physiological basis human behavior, the role of combined reflexes were developed V. M. Bekhterev.

Other outstanding Russian physiologists also made major contributions to the development of physiology: the founder of evolutionary physiology and adaptology, Academician L. A. Orbeli; who studied the conditioned reflex influences of the cortex on internal organs acad. K. M. Bykov; creator of the doctrine of functional system acad. P.K. Anokhin; founder of Russian electroencephalography, academician. M. N. Livanov; developer of space physiology – acad. V. V. Parin; founder of activity physiology N.A. Bernstein and many others.

In the field of physiology of muscle activity, it should be noted the founder of domestic sports physiology - prof. A. N. Krestovnikova(1885–1955), who wrote the first textbook on human physiology for the country’s physical education universities (1938) and the first monograph on the physiology of sports (1939), as well as well-known scientists - prof. E. K. Zhukov, V. S. Farfel, N. V. Zimkin, A. S. Mozzhukhin and many others, and among foreign scientists - P. O. Astrand, A. Hill, R. Granit, R. Margaria and etc.

Current page: 1 (book has 54 pages total) [available reading passage: 36 pages]

Alexey Solodkov, Elena Sologub
Human physiology. General. Sports. Age

Textbook for higher educational institutions of physical culture

6th edition, revised and expanded

Approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports as a textbook for higher educational institutions of physical culture

The publication was prepared at the Department of Physiology of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgafta, St. Petersburg


IN AND. Kuleshov, doctor med. sciences, prof. (VmedA named after S.M. Kirov)

THEM. Kozlov, doctor of biol, and doctor of ped. sciences, prof.

(NSU named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg)


Human physiology is the theoretical basis of a number of practical disciplines (medicine, psychology, pedagogy, biomechanics, biochemistry, etc.) Without understanding the normal course of physiological processes and the constants that characterize them, various specialists cannot correctly assess the functional state of the human body and its performance in various conditions activities. Knowledge of the physiological mechanisms of regulation of various body functions is important in understanding the course of recovery processes during and after intense muscular labor.

By revealing the basic mechanisms that ensure the existence of an entire organism and its interaction with the environment, physiology makes it possible to clarify and study the conditions and nature of changes in the activity of various organs and systems in the process of human ontogenesis. Physiology is the science that carries out systems approach in the study and analysis of the diverse intra- and intersystem relationships of the complex human body and their reduction into specific functional formations and a unified theoretical picture.

It is important to emphasize that domestic researchers play a significant role in the development of modern scientific physiological concepts. Knowledge of the history of any science is a necessary prerequisite for a correct understanding of the place, role and significance of the discipline in the content of the socio-political status of society, its influence on this science, as well as the influence of science and its representatives on the development of society. Therefore, consideration of the historical path of development of individual sections of physiology, mention of its most prominent representatives and analysis of the natural scientific base on which the basic concepts and ideas of this discipline were formed make it possible to assess the current state of the subject and determine its further promising directions.

Physiological science in Russia in the 18th–19th centuries was represented by a galaxy of brilliant scientists - I.M. Sechenov, F.V. Ovsyannikov, A.Ya. Danilevsky, A.F. Samoilov, I.R. Tarkhanov, N.E. Vvedensky and others. But only I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov is credited with creating new directions not only in Russian, but also in world physiology.

Physiology as an independent discipline began to be taught in 1738 at the Academic (later St. Petersburg) University. The Moscow University, founded in 1755, also played a significant role in the development of physiology, where the Department of Physiology was opened within it in 1776.

In 1798, the Medical-Surgical (Military Medical) Academy was founded in St. Petersburg, which played an exceptional role in the development of human physiology. The Department of Physiology created under her was successively headed by P.A. Zagorsky, D.M. Vellansky, N.M. Yakubovich, I.M. Sechenov, I.F. Zion, F.V. Ovsyannikov, I.R. Tarkhanov, I.P. Pavlov, L.A. Orbeli, A.V. Lebedinsky, M.P. Brestkin and other outstanding representatives of physiological science. Behind every name mentioned are discoveries in physiology that are of global significance.

Physiology was included in the curriculum of physical education universities from the first days of their organization. On created by P.F. Lesgaft in 1896 immediately opened a physiology cabinet at the Higher Courses of Physics Education, the first head of which was Academician I.R. Tarkhanov. In subsequent years, physiology was taught here by N.P. Kravkov, A.A. Walter, P.P. Rostovtsev, V.Ya. Chagovets, A.G. Ginetsinsky, A.A. Ukhtomsky, L.A. Orbeli, I.S. Beritov, A.N. Krestovnikov, G.V. Folbort et al.

The rapid development of physiology and the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in the country led to the emergence in the 30s of the 20th century of a new independent section of human physiology - sports physiology, although individual works devoted to the study of body functions during physical activity were published at the end of the 19th century (I O. Rozanov, S.S. Gruzdev, Yu.V. Blazhevich, P.K. It should be emphasized that systematic research and teaching of sports physiology began in our country earlier than abroad, and was more targeted. By the way, we note that only in 1989 the General Assembly of the International Union of Physiological Sciences decided to create a commission under it “Physiology of Sports”, although similar commissions and sections in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, the All-Union Physiological Society named after. I.P. Pavlov State Sports Committee of the USSR existed in our country since the 1960s.

The theoretical prerequisites for the emergence and development of sports physiology were created by the fundamental works of I.M. Sechenova, I.P. Pavlova, N.E. Vvedensky, A.A. Ukhtomsky, I.S. Beritashvili, K.M. Bykov and others. However, the systematic study of the physiological foundations of physical culture and sports began much later. Especially great credit for the creation of this section of physiology belongs to L.A. Orbeli and his student A.N. Krestovnikov, and it is inextricably linked with the formation and development of the University of Physical Culture named after. P.F. Lesgaft and its Department of Physiology - the first such department among physical education universities in the country and in the world.

After the creation in 1919 of the Department of Physiology at the Institute of Physical Education. P.F. Lesgaft teaching this subject carried out by L.A. Orbeli, A.N. Krestovnikov, V.V. Vasilyeva, A.B. Gandelsman, E.K. Zhukov, N.V. Zimkin, A.S. Mozzhukhin, E.B. Sologub, A.S. Solodkov and others. In 1938 A.N. Kreetovnikov published the first “Textbook of Physiology” in our country and in the world for physical education institutes, and in 1939, the monograph “Physiology of Sports”. An important role in the further development of teaching the discipline was played by three editions of the “Textbook of Human Physiology” edited by N.V. Zimkina (1964, 1970, 1975).

The development of sports physiology was largely due to extensive fundamental and applied research on the subject. The development of any science poses more and more new practical problems for representatives of many specialties, to which theory cannot always and immediately provide an unambiguous answer. However, as D. Crowcroft (1970) wittily noted, “...scientific research has one strange feature: it has a habit, sooner or later, of being useful to someone or something.” Analysis of the development of educational and scientific areas of sports physiology clearly confirms this position.

The demands of the theory and practice of physical education and training require physiological science to reveal the peculiarities of the functioning of the body, taking into account the age of people and the patterns of their adaptation to muscular activity. The scientific principles of physical education of children and adolescents are based on the physiological laws of human growth and development at different stages of ontogenesis. In the process of physical education, it is necessary not only to increase motor readiness, but also to form the necessary psychophysiological properties and qualities of the individual, ensuring her readiness for work and active activity in the modern world.

The formation of various organs and systems, motor qualities and skills, their improvement in the process of physical education can be successful subject to the scientifically based use of various means and methods of physical culture, as well as if it is necessary to intensify or reduce muscle loads. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age-sex and individual characteristics of children, adolescents, mature and elderly people, as well as the reserve capabilities of their body at different stages of individual development. Knowledge of such patterns by specialists will protect the practice of physical education from the use of both insufficient and excessive muscle loads that are dangerous to people’s health.

To date, significant factual materials on sports and age-related physiology have been accumulated, presented in relevant textbooks and teaching aids. However, in recent years, new data has appeared on some sections of the subject that were not included in previous publications. In addition, due to the constantly changing and supplemented curriculum, the content of previously published sections of the discipline does not correspond to modern thematic plans according to which teaching is conducted in physical education universities in Russia. Taking into account the above, the proposed textbook contains systematized, supplemented and, in some cases, new materials within the framework of today's educational and scientific information on the subject. The corresponding sections of the textbook also include the results of the authors’ own research.

In 1998–2000 A.S. Solodkov and E.B. Sologub published three textbooks on general, sports and developmental physiology, which were widely in demand by students, approved by teachers and served as the basis for the preparation of a modern textbook. The textbook they published in 2001 complies with the new program for the discipline, the requirements of the State Standard of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation and includes three parts - general, sports and age physiology.

Despite the large circulation of the first edition (10 thousand copies), two years later the textbook was not available in stores. Therefore, after making some corrections and additions, in 2005 the textbook was republished in the same edition. However, by the end of 2007 it turned out to be impossible to purchase it anywhere. At the same time, the Department of Physiology regularly receives proposals from various regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries about the need for the next re-edition of the textbook. In addition, the authors have at their disposal some new materials that meet the requirements of the Bologna Process for specialists in physical culture and sports.

The prepared third edition of the textbook, along with taking into account and implementing individual comments and suggestions from readers, also includes two new chapters: “Functional state of athletes” and “The influence of the genome on the functional state, performance and health of athletes.” For the last chapter, some materials were presented by N.M., professor of the Department of Biology at St. John's University in New York. Konevoy-Hanson, for which the authors are sincerely grateful to Natalya Mikhailovna.

All comments and suggestions regarding the fifth edition, aimed at improving the quality of the textbook, will be gratefully accepted by the authors.

Part I
General physiology

For successful professional activities, any trainer and teacher needs knowledge of the functions of the human body. Only taking into account the peculiarities of its vital activity can help to properly manage the growth and development of the human body, preserve the health of children and adults, maintain performance even in old age, and rationally use muscle loads in the process of physical education and sports training.

1. Introduction. History of physiology

The date of formation of modern physiology is 1628, when the English physician and physiologist William Harvey published the results of his research on blood circulation in animals.

Physiology the science of the functions and mechanisms of activity of cells, tissues, organs, systems and the entire organism as a whole. A physiological function is the manifestation of the vital activity of the organism, which has adaptive significance.

1.1. The subject of physiology, its connection with other sciences and its significance for physical culture and sports

Physiology as a science is inextricably linked with other disciplines. It is based on knowledge of physics, biophysics and biomechanics, chemistry and biochemistry, general biology, genetics, histology, cybernetics, anatomy. In turn, physiology is the basis of medicine, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, theory and methods of physical education. In the process of development of physiological science from general physiology various private sections: labor physiology, sports physiology, aerospace physiology, underwater labor physiology, age-related physiology, psychophysiology, etc.

General physiology represents the theoretical basis of sports physiology. It describes the basic patterns of activity of the body of people of different ages and genders, various functional states, mechanisms of operation of individual organs and systems of the body and their interaction. Her practical significance consists in the scientific substantiation of the age stages of development of the human body, the individual characteristics of individual people, the mechanisms of manifestation of their physical and mental abilities, the features of control and the ability to manage the functional state of the body. Physiology reveals the consequences of bad habits in humans, substantiates ways to prevent functional disorders and maintain health. Knowledge of physiology helps teachers and coaches in the processes of sports selection and sports orientation, in predicting the success of an athlete’s competitive activity, in the rational construction of the training process, in ensuring the individualization of physical activity and opens up the possibility of using the body’s functional reserves.

1.2. Methods of physiological research

Physiology is an experimental science. Knowledge about the functions and mechanisms of the body’s activity is based on experiments conducted on animals, observations in the clinic, and examinations of healthy people under various experimental conditions. At the same time, in relation to a healthy person, methods are required that are not associated with damage to his tissues and penetration into the body - the so-called non-invasive methods.

In general, physiology uses three research methods: observation, or the "black box" method, acute experience And chronic experiment.

Classic research methods were removal methods and irritation methods individual parts or entire organs, mainly used in experiments on animals or during operations in the clinic. They gave an approximate idea of ​​the functions of removed or irritated organs and tissues of the body. In this regard, a progressive method for studying the whole organism has become conditioned reflex method, developed by I.P. Pavlov.

In modern conditions, the most common electro-physiological methods, allowing to record electrical processes without changing the current activity of the organs being studied and without damaging the integumentary tissues - for example, electrocardiography, electromyography, electroencephalography (recording of the electrical activity of the heart, muscles and brain). Development radiotelemetry allows these received records to be transmitted over significant distances, and computer technologies and special programs provide subtle analysis of physiological data. Using infrared photography (thermal imaging) allows you to identify the hottest or coldest areas of the body observed at rest or as a result of activity. With the help of the so-called computed tomography, without opening the brain, you can see its morphofunctional changes at different depths. New data on the functioning of the brain and individual parts of the body is provided by studying magnetic vibrations.

1.3. A Brief History of Physiology

Observations of the vital functions of the body have been made since time immemorial. In the XIV–XV centuries BC. e. V Ancient Egypt When making mummies, people became well acquainted with the internal organs of a person. The tomb of the physician Pharaoh Unas depicts ancient medical instruments. IN Ancient China up to 400 diseases were surprisingly finely distinguished by the pulse alone. In the 4th–5th centuries BC. e. there the doctrine of functionally important points of the body was developed, which has now become the basis for modern developments of reflexology and acupuncture, Su-Jok therapy, testing the functional state of an athlete’s skeletal muscles based on the intensity of the electric field of the skin in the bioelectrically active points above them. Ancient India became famous for its special herbal recipes and the effects of yoga and breathing exercises on the body. IN Ancient Greece The first ideas about the functions of the brain and heart were expressed in the 4th–5th centuries BC. e. Hippocrates (460–377 BC) and Aristotle (384–322 BC), and in Ancient Rome in the 2nd century BC e. – physician Galen (201–131 BC).

Physiology emerged as an experimental science in the 17th century. when the English doctor W. Harvey discovered the blood circulation. During the same period, the French scientist R. Descartes introduced the concept of reflex (reflection), describing the path of external information to the brain and the return path of the motor response. The works of the brilliant Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov and the German physicist G. Helmholtz on the three-component nature of color vision, the treatise of the Czech G. Prochazka on the functions of the nervous system and the observations of the Italian L. Galvani on animal electricity in nerves and muscles are noted XVIII century. IN 19th century The ideas of the English physiologist C. Sherrington about integrative processes in the nervous system were developed, set out in his famous monograph in 1906. The first studies of fatigue were carried out by the Italian A. Mosso. Discovered changes in constant skin potentials during irritation in humans I.R. Tarkhanov (Tarkhanov phenomenon).

In the 19th century works of the “father of Russian physiology” THEM. Sechenov (1829–1905) laid the foundations for the development of many areas of physiology - the study of blood gases, the processes of fatigue and "active rest", and most importantly - the discovery in 1862 of inhibition in the central nervous system ("Sechenov's inhibition") and the development of the physiological foundations of human mental processes , who showed the reflex nature of human behavioral reactions (“Reflexes of the Brain”, 1863). Further development of I.M.’s ideas Sechenova followed two paths. On the one hand, the study of subtle mechanisms of excitation and inhibition was carried out at St. Petersburg University I.E. Vvedensky (1852–1922). He created the idea of ​​physiological lability as a high-speed characteristic of excitation and the doctrine of parabiosis as a general reaction of neuromuscular tissue to irritation. Later this direction was continued by his student A.A. Ukhtomsky (1875–1942), who, while studying coordination processes in the nervous system, discovered the phenomenon of the dominant (the dominant focus of excitation) and the role in these processes of assimilation of the rhythm of stimulation. On the other hand, in a chronic experiment on a whole organism I.P. Pavlov (1849–1936) first created the doctrine of conditioned reflexes and developed a new chapter of physiology - the physiology of higher nervous activity. In addition, in 1904, for his work in the field of digestion, I.P. Pavlov, one of the first Russian scientists, was awarded the Nobel Prize. The physiological basis of human behavior, the role of combined reflexes were developed V.M. Bekhterev.

Other outstanding Russian physiologists also made a major contribution to the development of physiology: the founder of evolutionary physiology and adaptology, academician L.A. Orbeli; who studied the conditioned reflex effects of the cortex on the internal organs of Acad. K.M. Bykov; creator of the doctrine of the functional system, Acad. PC. Anokhin; founder of Russian electroencephalography, academician. M.N. Livanov; developer of space physiology – acad. V. V. Pariah; founder of activity physiology N.A. Bernstein and many others.

In the field of physiology of muscle activity, it should be noted the founder of domestic sports physiology - prof. A.N. Krestovnikova (1885–1955), who wrote the first textbook on human physiology for the country’s physical education universities (1938) and the first monograph on the physiology of sports (1939), as well as well-known scientists - prof. E.K. Zhukova, V.S. Farfelya, N.V. Zimkina, A.S. Mozzhukhin and many others, and among foreign scientists - P.O. Astranda, A. Hilla, R. Granita, R. Margaria and others.

2. General patterns physiology and its basic concepts

Living organisms are so-called open systems (i.e. not closed in themselves, but inextricably linked with external environment). They consist of proteins and nucleic acids and are characterized by the ability for autoregulation and self-reproduction. The main properties of a living organism are metabolism, irritability (excitability), mobility, self-reproduction (reproduction, heredity) and self-regulation (maintaining homeostasis, adaptability).