Management of technical systems in vehicle service. Main disciplines studied


The main goals of the discipline are to study the system of car service products, the application of the legal and technological bases of car service, mastering the techniques and methods for calculating the organization and planning of vehicle maintenance and repair, which most influences the efficiency indicators of fuel and energy equipment, the efficiency of operational and technological factors of production and working conditions personnel, as well as the implementation of technological methods of maintenance and repair, diagnostics and organization of services of car service enterprises.

The objectives of the discipline are to teach students:

Fundamentals of car service systems and products;

Using the legal and technological bases of car service centers;

Methods for organizing management, planning and financing of car service enterprises;

Application of technological methods for diagnosing, maintaining and repairing vehicles;

Providing auto repair services at enterprises of various purposes and specializations.


As a result of studying the discipline “System, technology and organization of vehicle service,” the student must:

Nomenclature and classification, types and forms of organization of service services, as well as the mechanism for forming their market;

Organization of management of the production structure, as well as the regulatory and technological base of car service enterprises.

Draw up registration documents when opening car service enterprises, as well as carry out calculations of capital investments for construction, equipment and production capacity of service stations with a calculated analysis of the duration of the production cycle and assessment of indicators of the technical level of the vehicle;

Use technologies for carrying out diagnostic, adjustment and repair work.

· gain skills:

Planning and organizing the production process, as well as implementing methods for diagnosing, maintaining and repairing vehicles;

Modeling and application of calculation methods, main indicators of the technical and economic activity of the enterprise, taking into account consumer requirements, as well as car service programs;

Rationing and determining needs, accounting for consumption, storing material and technical assets and fuel and energy resources in service enterprises of various forms of ownership.


No. Topic name Volume of classroom sessions (in hours) The volume itself. slave. students, including the course. work (per hour)
lectures lab. slave. pr. zan. family zan. total
Section 1. Car service system and products
1. Introduction. The role of car service in the life cycle of vehicles and its development in Russia. - - -
2. Nomenclature, classification and market for car service services. - -
3. Marketing requirements for car service companies. - - -
Section 2. Regulatory framework of car service
4. Civil Code of the Russian Federation on organizational and legal forms of enterprises. - - -
5. The procedure for opening and registering legal entities. - - -
6. Regulatory and permitting documentation, licensing and certification of auto repair services. - - -
Section 3. Organizational and managerial structures, property, planning and financing of car service enterprises
7. Property as an object of entrepreneurship and management. - -
8. Leasing as a form of financing the creation and development of car service enterprises. - -
9. Organizational and management structures, production, pricing, sales and financial policies and their formation in the process of business planning of car service enterprises - -
Section 4. Regulatory and technological base of car service
10. Goals, objectives, classification and procedure for developing normative and technical documentation. - - -
11. Organization of operation of vehicles taking into account their reliability and consumer requirements. - - -
12. Mechanization of technological processes and rules for the provision of services for the maintenance and repair of vehicles. - -
Total for the semester: -
Section 5. Technology for carrying out diagnostic work
13. Technological principles, parameters and methods for diagnosing vehicles. - - -
14. Nomenclature and selection of diagnostic equipment - -
15. Determination of diagnostic frequency and residual life of vehicles. - -
Section 6. Organization of vehicle service
16. Forms of organizing communication with consumers of car service services. - -
17. Organization of main and auxiliary production for the provision of maintenance and repair services for vehicles. - - -
18. Rationing, determining needs, accounting for consumption, storing and supplying spare parts and materials. - -
19. Operational management, volume and calendar planning of maintenance and repair of vehicles. - -
20. Distribution systems and distribution networks for the sale of cars, spare parts and materials. - - -
21. Relationships and settlements with manufacturers and suppliers of vehicles. - - -
22. Methods for reducing order execution times. - -
23. Features of branded service during sales, during the warranty and post-warranty periods of vehicle operation. - - -
24. Vehicle assessment technology. - -
25. Environmental and social aspects of storage and disposal of vehicles. - -
26. Assessing the effectiveness of combining car service services. - - -
Total for the semester: - -
Total: - -
Forms of final control: Well. work (project) Counter. Job Test Exam
Semesters: -
For distance learning
Total: - -
Forms of final control: Well. work (project) Counter. Job Test Exam


Section 1: Car service system and products

Topic 1. Introduction. The role of car service in the life cycle of vehicles and its development in Russia.

Consideration of the features of the functioning of car services in the conditions of formation and development of market relations. Types and forms of organizing services, the mechanism for forming their market.

Topic 2. Nomenclature, classification and market for car service services

Nomenclature and classification of service services in the industry. Features of the development of the structure of car service and definition of concepts of service industries, competition and the competitive environment, based on modern foreign theories and practice, as well as on Russian experience.

Practical lesson:

Justification of goals, directions and strategies of action, demand and competitiveness of services.

Drawing up characteristics of TSA activities in the appropriate form. Comparison of indicators and determination of the competitiveness of services when performing vehicle maintenance and repair. Assessing the competitiveness of stations - competitors in terms of services.

Topic 3. Marketing requirements for car service companies

Organizational and administrative methods of managing marketing activities at car service enterprises. Features of the application of marketing methods in the field of activity of enterprises in the car service sector.

Section 2: Regulatory framework of car service

Topic 4. Civil Code of the Russian Federation on organizational and legal forms of enterprises

Consideration of the main provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the organizational and legal forms of enterprises. Organizational and legal forms of legal entities in Russia (commercial organizations: business partnerships and societies, state and municipal enterprises, production cooperatives; non-profit organizations: consumer cooperatives, foundations, public and religious organizations). Regulatory and legal framework of the service as an enterprise. Associations of enterprises.

Topic 5. The procedure for opening and registering legal entities

Types of service enterprises, the procedure for their opening and registration. Classification of car service stations (service stations). Classification of enterprises based on requirements for services and those providing car service services. Creation of a legal entity. Procedure and types of registration of a legal entity. The memorandum of association and charter, which define the goals, organizational structure, rights and responsibilities of management bodies, the procedure for reorganization and liquidation of the enterprise, as well as the main relationships between the founders and owners

Topic 6. Regulatory and permitting documentation, licensing and certification of auto repair services.

Study of legislative acts, as well as regulatory permitting documentation for licensing and the service quality certification system, basic provisions and procedure. All-Russian Classifier of Population Services (OKUN). Main objectives and requirements for certification of vehicle repair and maintenance services.

Section 3: Organizational and management structures, property, planning and financing of car service enterprises

Topic 7. Property as an object of entrepreneurship and management

Basic production assets of car service stations (service stations). Property as the material basis of entrepreneurial activity. Depreciation and amortization of property. Classification and essence of capital investments (investments). The composition and rights of an entrepreneur to property, as well as the protection of the rights of an entrepreneur to property.

Practical lesson:

Calculation of capital investments for the construction and equipment of car service enterprises.

Determination of the enterprise's rate of return, payback period for investments and net present value (NPV).

Topic 8. Leasing as a form of financing the creation and development of car service enterprises

Features of leasing. Fundamentals of the leasing process as a form of financial development of car service enterprises. The influence of market conditions on the leasing process. Objects and subjects, as well as types and schemes of leasing transactions. Economic fundamentals of leasing.

Practical lesson:

Determination of leasing payments.

Determination of various options for leasing payments depending on the type of leasing, form and method of payment. Option of constant leasing payments. Option with increased leasing payments in the initial period. Option with deferred leasing payments.

Topic 9. Organizational and management structures, production, pricing, sales and financial policies and their formation in the process of business planning of car service enterprises

Organizational and managerial structures of car service enterprises and their types. Analysis of the possibilities and limitations of car service enterprises. Peculiarities of pricing in car service centers. Organization of work with clients. Factors influencing the organization of production. Business planning for a car service company.

Practice 1:

Justification of pricing, assortment and communication policies in the business plan of the organized enterprise or service.

Determination of TSA opportunities (summary) and types of services, as well as markets for sales of services and competition in markets for sales of services

Practice 2:

Marketing, production and organizational planning.

Drawing up a marketing plan and its components (marketing goals and strategies, pricing, distribution schemes for works (services) and advertising). Development of a production plan with determination of capacity and fixed production assets, a scheme for the purchase of spare parts and material resources of ASP, balance of equipment load and quality control of work (services). Drawing up an organizational plan that characterizes the structure and management scheme of the TSA, as well as the composition of the TSA employees and their functions.

Practice 3:

Risk assessment, insurance, financial plan, financing strategy.

Provide a list of possible risks and expected damage, provide a risk insurance program and documents. Drawing up a financial plan with the development and presentation of planning and reporting documentation. Justification and assessment of economic indicators, determination of the goals of the TSA strategy and development of measures aimed at their implementation.

Section 4: Regulatory and technological base of car service

Topic 10. Goals, objectives, classification and procedure for developing normative and technical documentation.

The essence of the regulatory and technological framework and its impact on the efficiency indicators of technical operation of vehicles. Providing auto repair services at enterprises of various purposes and specializations. Regulatory and technological basis for service and technical operation in the industry. Technology for performing services in ASP in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation.

Topic 11. Organization of operation of vehicles taking into account their reliability and consumer requirements

The main tasks and indicators of organizing the operation of products. Basic characteristics and principles for determining reliability indicators of vehicles and its components. Methods and forms of organizing the operation of products at different periods of their use, taking into account the reliability of products, consumer requirements, service programs of enterprises for various purposes and specializations. Requirements for the system for ensuring the technical operation of automobile products.

Topic 12. Mechanization of technological processes and rules for the provision of services for the maintenance and repair of vehicles

Technical, economic and social significance of mechanization. The influence of the provision of automated production facilities with mechanization equipment on the efficiency of their activities. Rules for the provision of services (performance of work) for the maintenance and repair of vehicles. Information about services, the procedure for accepting orders and drawing up contracts. Procedure for payment for services provided. The procedure for providing services and the responsibility of the performer.

Practical lesson:

Methodology for determining indicators of mechanization of work on ASP.

Calculation of mechanization indicators for workplaces, posts, sections, divisions and TSA in general. Selection of technological equipment and their distribution into groups. Determining the level and degree of mechanization of production processes.

Section 5: Technology of diagnostic work

Topic 13. Technological principles, parameters and methods for diagnosing vehicles

Basic concepts and definitions of diagnostics. Fundamentals of technology for carrying out diagnostic and adjustment work. The essence of diagnosing the technical condition of a vehicle. General provisions of technology for diagnosing systems and components of automobiles. Methods and means of recording vehicle diagnostic results.

Topic 14. Nomenclature and selection of diagnostic equipment

Classification of technical diagnostic tools, diagnostic parameters used. Nomenclature and selection of technological equipment. Selection of devices for technical diagnostics according to technical and economic criteria.

Practical lesson:

Selection of devices for technical diagnostics according to technical and economic criteria.

Classification and characteristics of control and diagnostic equipment. Design and calculation of electronic control and diagnostic devices. Primary transformations, circuit design elements, inducing devices.

Topic 15. Determination of diagnostic frequency and residual life of vehicles

Diagnostics of the main units, instruments and equipment, components and mechanisms of the vehicle. Organization and planning of vehicle diagnostics at car service centers.

Practice 1:

Determining the frequency of diagnosis.

Calculation of diagnostic frequency taking into account the mileage and class of the car.

Practice 2:

Prediction of residual life based on diagnostic results.

Residual life indicators for assessing the technical condition of a vehicle. Determination of the main parameters of the internal combustion engine systems and its components, the chassis and braking system of the vehicle.

Section 6: Organization of vehicle service

Topic 16. Forms of organizing communication with consumers of car service services

The main objectives and indicators of the organization in the provision of vehicle maintenance and repair services. Indicators of quality, labor and material costs. Forms and methods of organizing certain types of services for vehicle maintenance and repair. Complex forms of organization of production processes. Features of planning, management and accounting in the provision of services.

Practical lesson:

Organization of maintenance and repair of vehicles.

Topic 17. Organization of main and auxiliary production for the provision of services for maintenance and repair of vehicles

Design and technological developments and experience of car service enterprises in the field of organizing maintenance and repair of vehicles. Structures and systems of material and technical support of service enterprises. Technical and economic indicators and initial conditions for organizing technological processes of the main and auxiliary production of a car service center.

Topic 18. Rationing, determining needs, accounting for consumption, storing and supplying spare parts and materials.

Main tasks of logistics. Theoretical and operational basis for determining fuel and lubricant consumption rates. Rationing, determining needs, accounting for consumption, storing material and technical assets and fuel and energy resources in service enterprises of various forms of ownership. Measures to save fuel and lubricant energy resources at ASP.

Practical lesson:

Rationing the consumption of spare parts and assemblies.

Methodology for calculating the rationing of consumption of spare parts and vehicle components. Determination of the failure rate parameter of an element per operating vehicle (unit, unit) per unit of mileage. Calculation of the need for major repairs of car engines.

Topic 19. Operational management, volume and calendar planning of maintenance and repair of vehicles.

Features of management and planning of work when providing services for vehicle maintenance and repair. The essence and influence of operational management on the efficiency of development of car service enterprises. Control, accounting and analysis of operational management. Volume, calendar planning, as well as preparation for the production process of vehicle service stations.

Practical lesson:

Calculation of production capacity (PM) of a vehicle service station (STS).

Planning of the workshop production program. Calculation of maximum, planned and annual PM separately for manual and mechanized work.

Topic 21. Distribution systems and distribution networks for the sale of cars, spare parts and materials.

Choosing a method of penetration into a foreign market. Penetration options, export, types of intermediaries. Types of distributors, characteristics of wholesale and small-scale distribution systems and distribution networks. Basic terms of the distribution agreement.

Topic 21. Relationships and settlements with manufacturers and suppliers of vehicles

Regulations of relationships and business processes. Concepts, definitions, features. Flows of goods, financial and information. Processes of relationships and settlements with manufacturers and suppliers of transport equipment, components, spare parts and materials. Development of regulations for relationships with different groups of counterparties, development of sales, marketing and service processes.

Topic 22. Methods for reducing order fulfillment times

General situation of the production cycle. The procedure for recording and analyzing the duration of the production cycle. Methods for reducing the duration of fulfillment of supply orders, just-in-time type of service. Drawing up schedules and accounting documentation for the execution of orders and loading of maintenance areas, production departments and working areas of automated production facilities.

Practical lesson:

Calculation analysis of production cycle duration.

The procedure for recording and analyzing the duration of the production cycle. Determining the time of acceptance, start and end of work, as well as the time of delivery of the vehicle. Determination and comparison of the share of the duration of technological operations in the total duration of the standard production cycle with the actual one.

Topic 23. Features of branded service during sales, during the warranty and post-warranty periods of vehicle operation.

Features of branded service. Formation of a production program for servicing the sale of vehicles. Warranty and post-warranty periods, maintenance according to service documents, obligations. Preparing a vehicle for sale.

Topic 24. Vehicle assessment technology

General characteristics of vehicle assessment. Theoretical foundations of value assessment in relation to motor vehicles. Organization of work on the assessment of vehicles. Methodological and information support for the assessment of vehicles. Regulation and organization of activities for the assessment of motor vehicles.

Practical lesson:

Assessment of vehicle technical level indicators.

Vehicle assessment report. Goals and objectives of the assessment, the object of assessment, methodological, informational and regulatory documents. Calculation of mileage, physical and moral wear and tear, residual and market value of the vehicle.

Topic 25. Environmental and social aspects of vehicle storage and disposal

Ensuring environmental safety from mechanical pollution (car bodies, tires, etc.), basic principles of storage and disposal of vehicles. Implementation of city and regional target programs for vehicle recycling.

Practical lesson:

Statistical analysis of car storage parameters.

Carrying out a statistical analysis of car parking in a certain area. Drawing up a plan for the research object and a report on the work performed.

Topic 26. Evaluating the effectiveness of combining car service services

Inventory management and specifics of warehouse activities of a vehicle service station. Recommendations for the rational placement of car service enterprises.


Independent work of students in the discipline includes:

Independent study of theoretical sections of the discipline as instructed by the lecturer;

Repetition and in-depth study of lecture material;

Studying educational and educational literature, regulations on which theoretical material is based;

Preparation of reports according to plans for conducting lectures and practical classes;

Writing abstracts on one of the proposed topics;

Solving practical problems, drawing up plans, reports and preparing for practical classes;

Preparation for tests and exams.


(for distance learning students)

1. Methodology for determining indicators of mechanization of work on ASP.

2. Calculation of production capacity (PM) of a vehicle service station (STS).

3. Business planning of car service services.


Topic 1. Collection and statistical analysis of traffic load on main roads

Calculation part:

1. Collection of information about the passage of vehicles of various types in a given area of ​​the main highway at different times of the day.

2. Calculation and construction of histograms of the distribution of passing transport by nomenclature and time.

3. Approximation of the obtained results by analytical dependencies.

The grafical part:

1. Graphic representation of the relative location of the proposed auto service facility for the maintenance and repair of the vehicle and the route.

2. Layouts of production and auxiliary areas of the designed car service enterprise.

Topic 2. Collection and statistical analysis of storage of motor vehicles in a given urban microdistrict

Calculation part:

1. Collection of information about night parking of automatic telephone exchanges in a given microdistrict.

2. Constructing histograms of the distribution of parking vehicles by distance from residential buildings and medical institutions.

3. Determination of the share of cars that have lost mobility from the total number of parking vehicles.

4. Calculation of load factors of nearby parking lots.

The grafical part:

1. Graphic image of the microdistrict with a symbolic image of the parking areas of the vehicle.

2. Layout of the proposed guarded parking lot or vehicle parking lot at an environmentally safe distance from residential areas.

Topic 3. Business planning for a car service and transport enterprise

Calculation part:

1. Calculation and justification of the commercial idea of ​​​​creating an enterprise in a given microdistrict.

2. Calculation of expected capital and current costs for the creation of TSA.

3. Calculation and justification of prices for services provided.

4. Calculation of the enterprise profitability ratio and payback period.

The grafical part:

1. Master plan and reference to the location of the enterprise.

2. Layouts of production and auxiliary areas of the enterprise.

3. Break-even chart of the enterprise.


1. Current control:

Properties of materials used in the operation of vehicles, their main range and purpose;

Carrying out control tasks and tasks;

Defense of course work (project) and test work;

Frontier control.

2. Interim certification – test and examination session:

Pass – based on the results of all forms of current control in accordance with the curriculum;

The examination is conducted orally or in writing, subject to the completion of all forms of ongoing control and in accordance with the curriculum.

3. Control of students' residual knowledge (tests).


1. The role of car service in the life cycle of a vehicle.

2. Stages of development of car service in Russia (USSR).

3. Dependence of car service on the socio-economic state of society.

4. Car service systems and subsystems.

5. General principles for the provision of car service services.

6. Goals and objectives of OKUN.

7. Requirements for car service products.

8. Basic concepts of car service technologies.

9. Requirements for car service companies.

10. The nature of operational factors of the vehicle.

11. Statistical analysis of factors influencing car service.

12. Ensuring reliability as the goal of maintenance and repair work on vehicles.

13. Diagram of the production cycle for vehicle maintenance and repair.

14. Labor intensity during maintenance and repair of vehicles.

15. Basic concepts of technical diagnostics.

16. Basics of distribution systems.

17. Distribution networks for the sale of cars, spare parts and materials

18. Monitoring performance indicators.

19. Structure of the technical diagnostic system.

20. Diagnostic standards.

21. Classification of parameters for assessing technical condition.

22. Automatic telephone exchange as an object of diagnosis.

23. Diagnostic methods.

24. Structure of the vehicle maintenance and repair system.

25. Diagnostics as the main part of vehicle maintenance and repair management.

26. Objectivity, reliability and accuracy of technical condition monitoring.

27. System of scheduled preventive maintenance.

28. Standardization of diagnostic and structural parameters.

29. Forecasting of residual life.

30. Determination of diagnostic frequency.

31. ATS diagnostic tools.

32. Structure and classification of ASP for maintenance and repair of vehicles.

33. TSA production base.

34. Leasing and its types.

35. Scheme of organizing the leasing process.

36. Economic factors of production.

37. Interests of the customer and the provider of car service services.

38. Certification of services of car service enterprises.

39. Basic concepts of operational production management.

40. Organizational and legal forms of enterprises.

41. Components of operational planning.

42. Partnerships. Their types and rights to property.

43. The essence of limited liability organizations.

44. Properties of goods and services.

45. Preparation of main production at ASP.

46. ​​Business societies. Their types and rights to property.

47. Joint stock companies.

48. Production cooperatives.

49. Determining the cost of goods and services.

50. Unitary enterprises.

51. Holdings. Their types and rights to property.

52. Factors influencing the organization of production in ASP.

53. Formation of a production program for ASP.

54. Factors influencing the duration of the production cycle at TSA.

55. State registration of legal entities.

56. Licensing of services and car service enterprises.

57. Fundamentals of economic relationships between business entities.

58. Market price.

59. TSA infrastructure.

60. Methodology for determining indicators of mechanization of work on ASP

61. Analysis of deviations of economic indicators

62. Goals of analysis of production and economic indicators of TSA.

63. Production costs and profits.

64. Definition and purpose of a business plan.

65. Procedure for developing a business plan.

66. Composition of the entrepreneur’s property.

67. Customer assessment in TSA business planning.

68. Property as an object of entrepreneurship and management.

69. Determining the areas of activity and goals of TSA in business planning.

70. Reception and processing of orders for TSA.

71. Segmentation of the car service market.

72. Functional elements of a TSA business plan.

73. Goals and objectives of working with the customer of car service services.

74. Business idea and its presentation.

75. TSA pricing policy.

76. Dismantling and recycling of vehicles.

77. Vehicle assessment.



1. Bachurin, A. A. Analysis of production and economic activities of motor transport organizations: textbook. allowance / A. A. Bachurin. – M.: Academy, 2004.

2. Bondarenko, V. A. Licensing and certification in automobile transport: textbook. allowance / V. A. Bondarenko. - 2nd ed. – M.: Mechanical Engineering, 2004.

3. Car service management: textbook. manual / ed. L. B. Mirotina. – M.: Exam, 2004.


1. Andrianov, Yu. V. Assessment of motor vehicles / Yu. V. Adrianov. – M.: Delo, 2003.

2. Volgin, V.V. Car service. Creation and certification: textbook. allowance / V.V. Volgin. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2005.

3. Volgin, V.V. Car service. Marketing and analysis: textbook. allowance / V.V. Volgin. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2005.

4. Volgin, V.V. Car service. Production and management: textbook. allowance / V.V. Volgin. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2005.

5. Leshchenko, M. I. Leasing in the transport complex: textbook. allowance / M. I. Leshchenko,
V. E. Bochkov, Yu. N. Demin. – M.: MGIU, 2004.

6. Ryabchenko, S. V. System, technology and organization of vehicle service: method. decree. on completing course work / S. V. Ryabchenko, F. P. Shpak - St. Petersburg. : SPbGASE, 2005.

7. Ryabchenko, S. V. System, technology and organization of vehicle service: method. decree. on the implementation of control work / S. V. Ryabchenko, F. P. Shpak - St. Petersburg. : SPbGASE, 2005.

8. Ryabchenko, S. V. System, technology and organization of vehicle service: textbook. allowance / S. V. Ryabchenko, F. P. Shpak - St. Petersburg. : SPbGASE, 2006.


1. Car and service: magazine.

2. Behind the wheel: magazine.


This discipline uses:

A package of application programs for solving practical problems and graphical modeling;

Technical and electronic teaching aids, educational visual materials, video and audio materials.

Compiled by: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. A.A. Kapustin, Art. teacher R.T. Khakimov of the department “Technology of vehicle maintenance”.

Reviewer: Doctor of Technical Sciences prof. Department of “Vehicle Maintenance Technology” B.D. Efremov.

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Vehicle Maintenance

Lugansk 2004

Lecture No. 1. Introduction

The promising development of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, peasant and farm enterprises and business enterprises, as well as the country's population are inextricably linked with the transport complex.

The resulting scientific and technical discoveries led to fundamental changes in the structure of the economy, including new models of machines, equipment, new materials and technologies in the sphere of production and sales; changed the organization of production and sales systems; led to accelerated obsolescence of machinery and equipment and reduced the time required for their replacement. There is a massive entry into the market of fundamentally new types of vehicles and equipment, the fleet of which has already reached millions. High performance and serviceability of the vehicle fleet can be achieved by timely and high-quality performance of work on their diagnosis, maintenance and repair.

Under these conditions, the role and importance of vehicle maintenance has increased, which has become an important area of ​​the service industry. The service that the manufacturing company provides to the client today includes, in addition to technical maintenance (TO), other types of services. The main task of maintenance is to ensure constant readiness of vehicles (TS) for operation and high efficiency of their use.

The work of the manufacturer company in terms of maintenance begins already before the conclusion of the purchase and sale contract - at the stage of design and production of vehicles, as well as during the period of preparing them for sale, which is called pre-sale technical service. Thus, in its most general form, maintenance is a set of technical services related to the sale and use of vehicles and ensuring their constant readiness for highly efficient operation.

From the essence of maintenance follow two important functions: ensuring the optimal and economic use of purchased vehicles by the buyer, as well as facilitating the expansion of their sales.

There is a two-way relationship between the demand for vehicles and the demand for maintenance. The demand for technical services is a derivative of the demand for vehicles. And at the same time, providing service for purchased vehicles expands the demand for them. Effective technical service allows the buyer to use the vehicle more efficiently and helps increase sales.

In conditions of intense competition, a prerequisite for the successful operation of a manufacturing company is the creation of an extensive and well-organized maintenance network: consulting points, service stations (STO), spare parts trains, training centers, etc. The maintenance network must be created before the producer company starts operating in the relevant market (external or internal).

In the conditions of modern production, important economic indicators of the operation of a transport enterprise largely depend on the level of maintenance of vehicles that are in operation, since a buyer who does not want or cannot provide maintenance on his own will practically not buy a vehicle until he is sure that that he will receive the necessary service.

In a broad sense, the service of a producing company includes the majority of all operations associated with a modern marketing system, where maintenance is part of the entire production and sales system of the producing company. Moreover, since the buyer expects to get the maximum effect when using the purchased vehicle, maintenance is an important part of the entire marketing program.

Modern development of scientific and technological progress has led to the creation of more complex and improved vehicles, which require improved maintenance and technical assistance to the buyer of these products. Mass mechanization and automation of production processes, an ever-increasing fleet of vehicles require the development and constant improvement of the maintenance system and the smooth operation of all its subsections.

Today, the maintenance system is a decisive factor in ensuring high efficiency of the economy, using the production potential of the state and rapidly increasing production volumes. Even minor deficiencies in the maintenance network can cause large losses for a particular region and the entire national economy as a whole.

TS maintenance is characterized by a significant variety of its organizational forms and methods. But this diversity is based on a number of general principles that have developed in the long-term practice of producing companies. The most important of these principles include the following.

Responsibility for organizing vehicle maintenance throughout the entire period of their operation and use rests, as a rule, with the manufacturing company.

TO is an important tool in the competition of monopolies for markets and spheres of influence.

The manufacturing company provides vehicle maintenance throughout the entire period of their operation (towards full depreciation). Vehicles operate for 5-10 years or more. Throughout this time, the manufacturing company provides them with maintenance.

The manufacturer's vehicle maintenance system includes a range of services: supply of spare parts, provision of technical documentation, carrying out repair work, training of specialists, studying the efficiency of vehicles, justifying their advantages and disadvantages, modernizing the vehicles that are being serviced.

After-sales vehicle maintenance is functionally autonomous and organizationally separated from the sales system.

The producing company organizes vehicle maintenance regardless of its size and territorial location.

Pre-sale service includes studying the demand for a given vehicle, the participation of personnel in research and development work, preparing the vehicle for sale, providing it with a presentation after transportation to its destination, installation and adjustment work, showing the vehicle in action, facilitating the sale of the vehicle.

After-sales service is divided into warranty and post-warranty vehicle maintenance. The fundamental difference between them is that during the warranty period all technical assistance in accordance with the instructional materials, subject to the conditions of following the vehicle operating instructions, is carried out by the manufacturer, as a rule, at its own expense, and after the end of the warranty period - at the expense of buyer.

The warranty period is the most important and responsible period in the entire vehicle maintenance system. During this period, the basis for the correct operation of the vehicle by the buyer’s personnel is laid so that throughout the entire service life of the vehicle it operates reliably, without failures. During the warranty period, the manufacturing company provides vehicle maintenance in full, starting from unloading at the destination, consultations on the operation of the vehicle.

During the post-warranty period, the manufacturing company, based on an agreement with the buyer, carries out scheduled preventive maintenance, performs routine repairs, provides the buyer with spare parts, provides consultations on vehicle operation, carries out vehicle maintenance upgrades as needed, and teaches personnel vehicle maintenance rules.

Taking into account the above factors, modern vehicle maintenance is characterized by the following forms of organization by which it is performed:

Directly by the producing company;

The producing company through its branches;

The producing company through a consortium of companies supplying individual vehicle components;

By the producing company through independent specialized firms on a contract basis;

Through agents and other intermediaries and concessionaires;

The purchasing company of the vehicle with the active assistance and assistance of the producing company.

In addition to the above basic forms of maintenance organization, in practice there are others that constitute modifications of the named forms or combinations of their individual elements. For example, maintenance can be performed by distributing functions between the producer company and the buyer of the vehicle, or the producer company and an independent specialized company, etc. But even in these cases, the producing company bears full responsibility for maintenance and helps intermediary firms or specialized enterprises if they themselves cannot fully provide vehicle maintenance.

As a result, it should be noted that the academic discipline “Vehicle Maintenance” belongs to the cycle of fundamental and professionally oriented disciplines in the direction of 0902 “Engineering Mechanics”.

The subject of the academic discipline is the basic principles and methods of planning, organizing and conducting vehicle maintenance and the use of these principles in practical activities.

The purpose of the discipline is to prepare specialists for independent performance of professional tasks in their positions in the field of vehicle maintenance, maximum maintenance of their technical readiness and durability, ensuring the required level of efficiency, economy and traffic safety with minimal material and labor costs.

The objectives of the discipline are to develop in students a body of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to solve production problems of vehicle maintenance.

As a result of studying the discipline, the student should know:

Patterns of changes in the technical condition of a vehicle, the basics of technology and organization of technical maintenance and operational repair of a vehicle, the particular influence of various factors on their performance, the procedure for organizing work to restore performance, the main types of technological and diagnostic equipment, the basics of technical diagnostics, the organization and management of a preventive system Maintenance and preservation of rolling stock.

Should be able to:

Propose, calculate and implement technical ideas aimed at ensuring the operational condition of rolling stock.

Have an idea:

On the prospects for the development of vehicle designs aimed at reducing the labor intensity of maintenance with the prospects for developing the theory of interaction of the vehicle with the environment, reducing its harmful impact on the human environment.

The objects of professional activity of an engineer in the direction 0902 "Engineering Mechanics" are enterprises and organizations of the transport complex of various forms of ownership, service and repair enterprises, company and dealer centers of transport and repair plants, marketing and forwarding services, logistics systems, wholesale and retail trade in transport equipment, spare parts, components and materials necessary for operation.

Lecture No. 2. Fundamentals of machine reliability

2.1 Quality and reliability of machines

The result of production activity is the creation of material assets intended to satisfy certain needs. The created material assets are called products, which can be products or products.

Products are products of an industrial enterprise, counted in pieces or copies. Products include machines, instruments, their parts and assembly units.

Products - products calculated in kilograms, liters, meters, etc. Products include metals, petroleum products, paints, etc. Depending on the method of use, products can be consumed or exploited.

The quality of products is one of the most important indicators of an enterprise's performance.

Product quality is a set of properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with its intended purpose; product property is an objective feature of a product that manifests itself during its creation and use. From this formulation it follows that not all properties of a product have the same importance and are included in the concept of “quality”. For example, the quality of a car will be determined by traction force, specific fuel consumption, operating time before major repairs, etc.

Product quality indicators are a quantitative characteristic of the properties of a product, considered in relation to certain conditions of its creation or operation. In other words, quality consists of properties. Each property is characterized by one or more parameters, which can take on different quantitative values ​​during operation, called indicators.

Thus, one of the parameters of a car’s fuel efficiency (property) is the reference fuel consumption, the quantitative value of which for a specific model (indicator) is 7 l/100 km.

Typically, the technical and operational properties (TEP) of vehicles are considered, the main ones of which are: weight and dimensions, load capacity, capacity, maneuverability, safety, environmental friendliness, fuel efficiency, dynamism (traction and speed), productivity, efficiency, reliability, price, etc. .

In this case, the consumer is primarily interested in two main indicators of thermal power plants: the initial value of the quality indicator and stability during operation, i.e. changes in properties depending on the operating time since the start of operation.

Stable thermal power plants practically do not change during the entire service life of the product (dimensional and weight indicators, load capacity, capacity, etc.)

Unstable thermal power plants deteriorate during operation and as the vehicle or unit ages (productivity, costs of ensuring operability, intensity of vehicle use, etc.)

The quality of a vehicle is a set of properties that determine its ability to perform its functions in accordance with the requirements. All car quality indicators are divided into several groups: indicators of purpose, manufacturability, ergonomics, unification and standardization, economic, environmental, aesthetic and patent legal.

The relationship between machine quality indicators is shown in Fig. 1.1.

2.2 Machine quality indicators

To a large extent, the stability of thermal power plants of cars is determined by their reliability.

Vehicle reliability is one of the most important quality indicators. Reliability is a property of a product that ensures the performance of specified functions while maintaining performance indicators for the required period of time or required operating time.

Operating time is the duration of operation of a product, measured in units of mileage (kilometers), time (hours), and number of cycles. There are operating hours from the beginning of product operation, operating time to a certain state (for example, limiting time), interval operating time, until the first failure, between failures, etc.

Failure is a malfunction of the vehicle (part, assembly, etc.). Damage consists of failure to operate properly.

In accordance with the reliability theory, a vehicle can be in a state of operability or inoperability, serviceability or malfunction.

Performance is the state of a vehicle or assembly units in which the values ​​of all parameters characterizing the ability to perform specified functions comply with the regulatory and technical standards (standards, technical conditions, etc.) and (or) design documentation (engine power, traction force on the hook , fuel consumption, etc.).

Inoperability is a condition of a vehicle in which the value of at least one specified parameter characterizing the ability to perform specified functions does not meet the requirements of regulatory, technical and (or) design documentation.

Serviceability is the condition of the vehicle in which it meets all the requirements established by the regulatory, technical and (or) design documentation.

Malfunction is a state of a machine in which it does not meet at least one of these requirements.

The concept of “serviceability” is broader than “operability”. An efficient machine, in contrast to a serviceable machine, satisfies only those requirements of regulatory and technical documentation that ensure its normal functioning when performing specified functions.

However, the machine may not satisfy, for example, requirements related to appearance (defects in the cabin, lining, etc.). Consequently, a working machine may be faulty, but its damage does not prevent normal functioning.

Vehicle reliability is a complex property that is characterized by reliability, maintainability, durability and storage. Each of these reliability properties is assessed by a number of technical and economic indicators, the physical essence and quantity of which depends on the design of the vehicle, manufacturing technology and operating conditions, the quality of maintenance and repair.

To assess the reliability of a vehicle or assembly unit, single and complex reliability indicators are used.

2.3 Malfunctions and machine failures

The deterioration of the technical condition of machines during operation is a consequence of the occurrence of malfunctions and failures. The moment of failure is always random. Based on the nature of the process, failures are divided into gradual and sudden.

Gradual failure is characterized by a gradual change in the values ​​of one or more parameters of the technical condition of the machine. The cause may be wear and corrosion of parts, accumulation of fatigue damage, etc. The likelihood of a gradual failure occurring increases as the machine's operating hours increase.

A sudden failure is characterized by an abrupt change in one or more machine state parameters. It is usually caused by an unexpected change in external conditions (overload, foreign objects entering the working parts of the machine, collisions, etc.). A sudden failure can occur with equal probability regardless of the operating time of the machine.

State parameter is a physical quantity that characterizes the performance or serviceability of the vehicle and changes during operation.

It is important to establish the type and causes of failures, which can be divided into the following groups: structural failures, production and operational failures.

The most common type of malfunction of parts and their connections (matings) is wear of the working surfaces.

Wear is the process of destruction and removal of material from the surface of a solid body and (or) accumulation of residual deformation during friction, manifested in a gradual change in the size and (or) shape of the body.

Wear is the result of wear, manifested in the form of changes in the dimensions and properties of the material of the part.

The main characteristics of the wear process are its speed and intensity, as well as the wear resistance of the material.

Wear rate is the ratio of the wear value to the time interval during which it occurred.

Wear rate is the ratio of the wear value to the determined path along which the wear occurred, or the volume of work performed.

Wear resistance is the property of materials to resist wear under certain friction conditions, assessed by the reciprocal value of the wear rate or its intensity.

Wear of parts has a decisive influence on the durability and operational reliability of machines. The process of wear of parts of moving joints during the period of operation of the machine before its repair can be divided into three characteristic stages (Fig. 1.2): running-in of parts (running in of the vehicle), the period of normal operation and the period of emergency (marginal) wear.

Rice. 1.2. Dynamics of the wear process:

1 -- absolute wear (U); 2 -- wear rate (V)

Knowing the pattern of increasing wear of a part or increasing the gap in the connection of parts, it is possible to determine the maximum and permissible wear of parts or gaps. For example, when measuring the size of a part during repair, its wear will be OR (Fig. 1.2). Having put this distance on the ordinate axis, a straight line is drawn from point P, parallel to the abscissa axis until it intersects with the wear curve. From point B1 a perpendicular is lowered onto the abscissa axis. If the BV segment is equal to or greater than the overhaul period, then wear is considered acceptable. Thus, wear is considered acceptable when the part (connection) can function normally for the entire next overhaul period, i.e. remains operational. With extreme wear, further normal operation of the connection during the next overhaul period is impossible.

In addition to wear caused by friction, machine parts may have other defects: mechanical damage, fatigue, corrosion, electrical erosion, deformation, loss of elasticity or magnetization, formation of soot or scale.

In the connections of parts, the most common defect is a violation of the fit due to an increase in the gap or a decrease in the interference; threaded and rivet connections in the connections are weakened. As a result of wear of parts, changes in the alignment of holes in body parts, perpendicularity of surfaces and parallelism of shafts, dimensional chains are disrupted. This leads to a loss of accuracy of the closing link, which causes increased load, heating, accelerated wear and destruction of parts.

2.4 Types of friction and wear

Types of friction. The reason for wear of machine parts is external friction. According to GOST 27674--88, external friction is a phenomenon of resistance to relative movement that occurs between two bodies in areas of contact of surfaces tangential to them. Friction is accompanied by the conversion of part of the kinetic energy into heat.

The wear of parts forming fixed joints depends on the force of static friction.

The friction force is the resistance force during the relative movement of one body along the surface of another under the action of an external force tangentially directed to the common boundary between these bodies.

Rest friction is the friction of two bodies with microdisplacements without macrodisplacement (before the transition to relative motion).

For parts included in a moving joint, wear will depend on the frictional force of movement.

Motion friction is the friction of two bodies in motion relative to each other.

Based on the nature of relative motion, motion friction is divided into sliding friction and rolling friction.

Sliding friction is kinematic friction in which the same point of one body comes into contact with successive points of another body.

Rolling friction is kinematic friction in which each point of one body comes into contact with only one of the points of another body, and the point of their contact is the instantaneous center of rotation (rolling bearings, gear engagement, etc.).

Based on the nature of the process, friction is distinguished between friction without a lubricant and with a lubricant.

Types of wear. Wear of parts is accompanied by complex physical and chemical phenomena. The wear rate depends on the material and quality of the rubbing surfaces, the nature of the contact and the speed of their mutual movement, the type and value of the load, the type of friction and lubrication, the quality of the lubricant and many other factors. In accordance with GOST 27674-88, the following types of wear in vehicles are established.

Mechanical wear is wear resulting from mechanical influences. This type of wear is divided into abrasive, water-abrasive (gas-abrasive), water-erosion (gas-erosion), cavitation, fatigue, seizing and fretting. In addition, there is wear due to electric current, corrosion-mechanical, oxidative and fretting corrosion.

Lecture No. 3. Changes in the technical condition of vehicles under operating conditions

3.1 The influence of operating conditions on the durability of machines

During operation and storage, machines are subjected to various internal and external influences, as a result of which their technical condition changes. As a result, the technical and economic performance of the machines deteriorates: fuel and oil consumption increases, operating speeds and power decrease, traction force decreases, and productivity decreases. The main reasons for the decrease in initial characteristics are violation of the initial adjustments of mechanisms and systems, loosening of fasteners, changes in the properties of materials, gaps and interference in the connections of parts as a result of wear.

External factors affecting the durability of machines include climatic conditions, level of maintenance, repair and storage, qualifications of operating personnel, etc.

Internal factors that cause changes in the initial characteristics of a machine include imperfections in the design of machines (physical and mechanical properties of the materials used to manufacture parts), technology for their manufacture or repair.

3.2 Vehicle performance

The operational manufacturability of a car is a set of properties of its design that characterize its suitability for performing all types of maintenance and repair work using the most economical technological processes. The operational manufacturability of a vehicle is determined by design, production and operational factors. Structural and production factors determine the design properties of a car; they are taken into account when creating a car. Performance factors determine the environment in which the properties of a structure are exhibited. They must be taken into account both during the creation and operation of the car.

Design and production factors include: testability, accessibility, ease of removability, interchangeability, unification of units and systems, continuity of maintenance and diagnostic tools.

Testability is an important factor in monitoring the diagnostic parameters of the technical condition of a vehicle, units and systems using various means and methods of technical diagnostics (primarily methods and means of automated and non-destructive testing). It has a decisive influence on the introduction into practice of new, more effective methods of vehicle maintenance and repair. Testability is determined by the requirements to ensure the reliability and safety of vehicle movement.

Accessibility to a maintenance and repair facility is the main factor in reducing the cost of vehicle maintenance and repair. This factor determines the working conditions for vehicle maintenance and repair, as well as the suitability of the facility for performing targeted preventive maintenance and repair operations with minimal additional work or without it at all.

Easily removable means the product is suitable for replacement with minimal time and labor. You should not confuse ease of removability with accessibility, since the car has products that are easily accessible, but replacing them during operation is difficult. Ease of removability is determined mainly by the methods used for fastening products that are replaced in service, the design of the connectors, the weight and overall dimensions of the removable elements.

The interchangeability of components (parts) means that from a variety of products (parts) of the same name, you can take any without choice and install it on a car without preparation (the use of technological compensators is allowed). Depending on the volume of preparatory work, the appropriate degree of interchangeability is determined (the greater the degree of interchangeability, the less the volume of preparatory work). Interchangeability plays a big role in reducing labor costs, materials and vehicle downtime during maintenance and repairs.

Continuity of maintenance facilities and control and diagnostic equipment means the ability to use existing facilities for servicing and repairing new car models. This factor has a significant impact on the organization of the workplace and the convenience of its performers, the timing and cost of maintenance and repairs.

Unification of vehicle units and systems is an important factor not only in increasing its operational manufacturability, but also in increasing the operating efficiency of the entire vehicle fleet, as it greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of maintenance and repair, reduces the range of spare parts in ATP warehouses and reduces the number of types of required control and diagnostic equipment. equipment.

A fairly high level of intra-factory unification of the vehicle family (75-90%) with a low level of inter-factory unification of vehicles (12%) does not allow achieving a high level of technological compatibility of the vehicle fleet, which ensures significant savings in material and labor resources in the field of operation. According to NIIAT, increasing the level of technological compatibility of vehicles by 1% due to unification of the design and corresponding improvement of technological means of maintenance and repair allows reducing total costs by 0.2%

Operational factors include: forms of organizing maintenance and repair, the state of the production and technical base, qualifications of maintenance and repair workers, completeness of satisfaction of requirements for spare parts and materials, completeness and quality of technical documentation, etc.

3.3 Vehicle failure models

The results of car reliability tests make it possible to find a mathematical description of the obtained patterns, i.e. derive the corresponding formulas by which reliability indicators can be calculated.

These formulas are usually called mathematical models. Since reliability indicators are random variables, their mathematical models should show how reliability indicators are distributed depending on operating time.

Such models are the laws of distribution of random variables.

Taking into account the fact that vehicle failures are random in nature, patterns of failure occurrence can be established on the basis of reliability theory in two ways.

The first method is based on the study of the physical and chemical properties and parameters of vehicle elements, the physical and chemical processes occurring in them, the physical nature and mechanism of failures. In this case, the current states of elements and systems are described by equations reflecting physical laws.

The second method involves studying the statistical probabilistic patterns of the occurrence of failures of many similar car models.

In this case, failures are considered as some abstract random events, and the diverse physical states of the elements of the car are reduced to two states - serviceability and malfunction (complete and partial), which are described by reliability functions. Since the first method has not yet been sufficiently studied, we will consider the second, which establishes the patterns of vehicle failures.

Rice. 2.3. Changes in the load on vehicle parts as it moves

car repair transport service

Sudden failures. The change in load (voltage) of individual vehicle parts during operation has a “peak” character (Fig. 2.3). If we assume that failure of a vehicle element occurs when the load S exceeds a certain level, then, due to the randomness of the load change, the moment of failure is also random. It is typical that failure occurs regardless of the time the vehicle element is in operation and its technical condition. An example of the formation of such a failure can be a break in the teeth of the main gear gears when the car is moving in off-road conditions, or a puncture of a car tire. In the first case, failure may occur due to a “peak” load on the main gear exceeding permissible limits, in the second - due to contact with a sharp object. In both examples, the failure does not depend on the wear of the main gear and tire, or on the technical condition of the car as a whole. For an instantaneous damage scheme, the time between failures obeys an exponential distribution (Table 2.2).

With an exponential distribution of time between failures, there is no point in resorting to preventative maintenance. Indeed, since a failure occurs only as a consequence of an external influence, the preventive work performed cannot affect the cause of the failure.

Gradual failures. The scheme under consideration corresponds to a situation where a failure occurs due to the gradual accumulation of damage (gradual aging or wear). For some operating parameters of the car and its elements, permissible limits are set in advance, beyond which is qualified as a failure. The change in parameters is caused by the aging of parts, and the time (mileage) before the parameters go beyond the permissible limit is the time (mileage) of failure-free operation. For example, breakage of the main leaf of a spring can occur as a result of the gradual accumulation of fatigue damage without the appearance of any external signs.

In the case of gradual aging and wear, the time between failures of vehicle elements in most cases obeys the normal and log-normal distribution. In some cases, it obeys the gamma distribution. Basic data on these distributions are given in table. 2.2.

Table 2.2

Relaxation model. The abrupt change in state that occurs as a result of the accumulation of damage is called relaxation. The gradual accumulation of damage may not be a direct, but only an indirect cause of failure. An example of such a scheme is the destruction of parts that occurred suddenly due to a sharp deterioration in operating conditions - overloads, high vibrations, extreme temperature conditions, etc.

Failures resulting from several independent causes. Such failures in the practice of car operation are the most typical. In relation to a car tire, it is quite obvious that two causes of failure operate simultaneously: a puncture of the tire due to sharp objects and gradual wear of the tread. The situation is similar with failures of gears, fastening joints and other vehicle parts. Their failure is possible as a result of gradual aging or design imperfections.

It should be remembered that it is not always possible to take into account all the factors influencing failure. Therefore, the failure occurrence model turns out to be approximate to one degree or another and the accepted distribution law reflects only some features of the observed phenomenon. This makes it necessary to take into account the specific needs of the problem being solved in parallel with the physical nature of vehicle failures.

3.4 Failure prevention

Failure prevention is one of the main areas of increasing the reliability of vehicles in operation. Our country has adopted a planned preventive maintenance system for vehicles that meets the principles of planned production.

Despite the fairly wide dissemination of this system, in our country and especially abroad there are still serious differences of opinion not only on the issues of planning and implementation of preventive measures, but also in general on the advisability of their implementation.

The most important consideration when considering the effectiveness of a planning and preventive system is the classification of machine failures depending on the nature of their occurrence. Based on this feature, a distinction is made between sudden and gradual failures. Unlike sudden, gradual failures can be prevented by periodically performing a technical inspection of the machine, promptly changing parts that are close to failure, or performing fastening, adjustment, lubrication and other maintenance work.

Consequently, it is impossible to talk about the effectiveness of the preventive planning system in general. The only criterion that allows us to judge the advisability of preventive repairs or maintenance in relation to a particular machine model is the proportion of the gradual component in the general flow of failures during its operation.

3.5 Determining the frequency of vehicle maintenance

General provisions. The most important condition for maintaining a given level of vehicle reliability under operating conditions is the assignment of optimal modes for their maintenance: frequency, list and complexity of operations or type of maintenance.

By optimal we mean a mode that ensures reliable operation of the vehicle and its components with minimal costs for maintenance and repairs.

Preventive maintenance includes inspection and diagnostic, fastening, adjustment, electrical, lubrication and other work. Control and diagnostic work is carried out without fail after a certain mileage, and all others - after control and diagnostic work (as needed). Thus, the frequency of vehicle maintenance, which is the main issue in justifying prevention regimes, is determined by the frequency of control and diagnostic work.

The problem of the frequency of inspection and diagnostic work cannot be solved in isolation from the reliability of individual components and assemblies of the vehicle under specific operating conditions due to the random nature of the occurrence of its failures.

During the operation of the vehicle, three characteristic periods are observed: running-in, normal operation, intensive wear, which can be approximately found by the pattern of changes in the failure flow parameter (Fig. 2.6). During the running-in stage, failures occur due to technological and design deficiencies. The period of normal operation is the longest and is characterized mainly by sudden failures. The period of intense wear is characterized by failures caused by wear and tear of vehicle parts. In addition to the duration and causes of failures, these periods are also characterized by different values ​​of the failure flow parameter, which has the greatest and uneven value during the period of intense wear. It should also be noted that the reliability of various vehicle components is not the same. Thus, the frequency of vehicle maintenance should be determined unit by unit and separately for each period of its operation.

3.6 Determining the optimal exchange fund

The theory of machine reliability makes it possible to determine the optimal exchange stock of units, mechanisms, components and spare parts for vehicles. As an example, consider one of the existing methods.

The criterion for determining the exchange fund can be the minimum downtime of vehicles due to the absence of a unit at given operating costs.

In this case, the following operational reliability characteristics are used: the failure flow parameter and the recovery flow parameter. The choice of these parameters is explained by the fact that they cover a large number of design, technological and operational factors on which the reliability of vehicles under given operating conditions depends.

The required exchange fund must be determined taking into account the age composition of cars for each enterprise separately, since the size of the fund depends on many individual factors. Throughout the year, the operation of the ATP can be taken constant, although in the autumn-winter period there is a slight increase in it. The optimal size of the exchange fund according to the nomenclature

where N is the number of cars of the same type in the enterprise; n is the number of identical elements of the exchange fund located on the car; -- failure flow parameter; -- recovery flow parameter.

Lecture No. 4. Types of enterprises by production functions

Based on their production functions, motor transport enterprises are divided into motor transport, car servicing and car repair.

Motor transport enterprises are divided into open joint-stock companies (JSC ATP) and closed joint-stock companies (CJSC ATP). OJSC and CJSC ATP have an independent balance, endowed with broad guaranteed powers and at the same time bear responsibility for the results of economic, scientific and production activities, for compliance with state interests. Their main task is to comprehensively satisfy the needs of the national economy and citizens for transportation with a high level of quality at minimal cost.

OJSC and CJSC ATP have the authority to sell, lease, exchange, provide temporary use of vehicles and equipment to other enterprises, write them off the balance sheet, as well as from other types of activities.

Automotive service enterprises that perform production functions with maintenance and repair of automotive equipment can temporarily store cars and refill them with automotive maintenance materials. Depending on their purpose, auto service enterprises are divided into production and technical plants (PTK), auto service enterprises, specialized auto centers (SAC), centralized maintenance bases (BCTO), technical service stations (STO), parking lots and gas stations (gas stations).

Automotive repair companies are specialized enterprises that carry out repairs (restoration) of automobile equipment. At automobile repair enterprises, conditions have been created for performing labor-intensive repairs (mainly of the Kyrgyz Republic) of automobile equipment.

Control questions

1. What types of enterprises operate in transport?

2. What is the procedure for registering enterprises?

3. What is the procedure for registering an entrepreneur (without creating a legal entity)?

4. What is the procedure for drawing up constituent documents?

5. How to open a bank account?

6. What is a business license?

7. What types of road transport enterprises are divided into?

8. How are car service enterprises divided depending on their purpose?

Lecture No. 5. Ensuring the reliability of vehicles under operating conditions

5.1 System of maintenance and repair of rolling stock and its place in the overall road transport system

Road transport is a complex system, the minimum organizational structural unit of which is an operational motor transport enterprise, considered in cooperation with specialized vehicle maintenance and repair enterprises. The study of the operating efficiency of all vehicles can be simplified and limited to studying the properties of an operating enterprise with auto service and auto repair enterprises as the simplest automobile transport system.

The automobile transport system can be divided into functional independent systems: commercial operation of cars; technical operation of vehicles; Car maintenance and repair. Each of these systems has its own operating process. The interrelation of these processes is determined by the common goal and the presence of one object of operation - a car, which is considered from its own side in each functional system. Management of the processes of system functioning is carried out by appropriate strategies: commercial operation, technical operation and maintenance and repair.

Operation strategy is a set of rules that ensure specified control of the corresponding operation process. Commercial operation controls the use of vehicles for their intended purpose. All strategies are closely related to it.

Thus, the automobile transport system has the features inherent in complex technical systems: the presence of a single goal, controllability, interconnection of elements, hierarchical structure.

The vehicle technical operation system includes the following subsystems: traffic management, vehicle control, organization of storage of serviceable vehicles and provision of technical assistance to vehicles on the line. This means that the system of technical operation of automobiles is a set of automobiles, means of organizing traffic, drivers, regulations and norms that determine the selection and maintenance of the most advantageous modes of operation of automobile units, as well as the maintenance and restoration of the lost performance of automobiles in the process of performing transport work.

In accordance with GOST 18322--78, the maintenance and repair system for rolling stock of automobile transport includes a set of interconnected means, maintenance and repair documentation and performers necessary to maintain and restore the quality of the products included in this system.

Maintenance is a set of operations (or operation) to maintain the operability (or serviceability) of rolling stock when used for its intended purpose, waiting, storing and transporting.

Repair is a set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of rolling stock and restore the resources of rolling stock or its components.

There may be different relationships between these two groups depending on the adopted optimality criterion and the method of carrying out the work. However, in any case, the main requirement for vehicle maintenance and repair is to ensure, with limited labor and resources, the highest probability that the vehicle can complete the task at the right time.

When forming a maintenance and repair system for rolling stock, the main attention is paid to the maintenance and repair modes (number of types of maintenance, frequency, list and complexity of the work performed). In this case, they are guided by the following: the number of types of maintenance should be minimal, the highest maintenance numbers should include the range of work of the lower ones, unnecessary disassembly and adjustments of mating pairs should be avoided, and the possibility of mechanization and automation of preventive work should be provided.

Maintenance modes are developed for several typical vehicle operating conditions. They are checked under specific operating conditions according to criteria that make it possible to determine whether the selected maintenance modes correspond to what is really necessary. The main evaluation criteria are operational reliability, labor intensity of maintenance and repairs, costs of performing maintenance and repairs per 1000 km, and maintenance efficiency.

The operational reliability of cars is determined by the average value of the technical readiness coefficient, the labor intensity of maintenance and repair is determined by timing observations, and costs are determined by experimental data in real operating conditions of cars.

The effectiveness of vehicle maintenance is assessed by the ratio of the number of failures identified during the prevention process to the number of all registered failures during the operation of the vehicle:

= nto/(nto + p),

where n is the number of failures that occur between successive TRs.

In road transport, a planned preventive maintenance and repair system for rolling stock has been adopted. Its fundamental principles are established by the current Regulations on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport.

In accordance with the Charter of Motor Transport, the Regulations are mandatory for all organizations and enterprises of motor transport, for organizations and enterprises of the automotive and related industries in terms of ensuring established standards and interaction with operating and repair organizations and enterprises of motor transport.

The first part of the Regulations defines the system of maintenance and repair of rolling stock and technical policy in road transport. The second part contains standards for car models. It is developed in the form of individual applications as vehicle designs, operating conditions and other factors change.

The appendix to the Regulations contains: the main comprehensive indicators of ensuring the operability of the rolling stock; a list of units, components and parts, the technical condition of which ensures traffic safety, economical fuel consumption and environmental protection during the operation of road transport; standards for maintenance and repair of rolling stock produced before 1972; standard chemotological map taking into account GOST 25549--82; distribution of rolling stock into technologically compatible groups during maintenance and repairs; zoning of the territory of the USSR according to natural and climatic conditions, taking into account GOST 16350--80; requirements for equipment for checking the technical condition of components and systems that ensure the safety of vehicles, etc.

Maintenance involves maintaining the rolling stock in working order and in proper appearance; ensuring reliability and efficiency of operation, traffic safety, environmental protection; reducing the intensity of deterioration of technical condition parameters; prevention of failures and malfunctions, as well as their identification for the purpose of timely elimination. This is a preventive measure that is carried out as planned after certain runs or operating time of the rolling stock, as a rule, without disassembling and removing units, components and parts from the vehicle. If during maintenance it is not possible to determine the technical condition of individual components, then they should be removed from the vehicle for inspection on special devices or stands.

Repairs are carried out both on demand (after the occurrence of a corresponding failure or malfunction forcibly) and according to plan (after a certain mileage or operating time of the rolling stock). Repair work carried out according to plan is preventive and is called planned preventive maintenance.

The purpose of preventive and repair actions is to ensure the good condition of automotive equipment. However, other things being equal, the most important factor on which the level of total material and labor costs for maintaining cars in good condition depends is the ratio of preventive and repair effects.

Determination of the technical condition of rolling stock, its units and components without disassembly is carried out using control (diagnosis), which is a technological element of maintenance and repair.

The purpose of control (diagnosis) during maintenance is to determine the actual need to perform the operations provided for by the Regulations and predict the moment of occurrence of a faulty condition by comparing the actual values ​​of the parameters with the limit values, as well as to assess the quality of the work.

The purpose of control (diagnosis) during repair is to identify a faulty condition, the causes of its occurrence and establish the most effective method of elimination: on site, with removal of the unit (unit, part), with complete or partial disassembly and final quality control of the work.

Regulatory and technical documentation for maintenance and repair includes: principles, definitions, recommendations, standards and methods for their adjustment taking into account operating conditions, technology.

Maintenance and repair facilities include: a production and technical base (buildings, structures, equipment) located in motor transport and specialized enterprises for the maintenance of rolling stock; logistics (taking into account the design of the rolling stock, mileage since the start of operation, intensity and operating conditions).

The range of professions of personnel ensuring the good condition of rolling stock includes workers of various specialties, technicians and engineers. The Regulations disclose the content of the components of maintenance and repair, and define the types of maintenance and repair.

5.2 Types of maintenance and their technical and economic characteristics

Maintenance of rolling stock according to the frequency, list and complexity of the work performed is divided into daily maintenance (EO), first maintenance (TO-1), second maintenance (TO-2) and seasonal maintenance (SO). By agreement with the lead developer, a justified change in the number of types of maintenance is allowed when the design of vehicles and operating conditions change.

5.3 Types of car repairs and their technical and economic characteristics


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    Characteristics of maintenance and repair of automobiles, construction and road machines. Description of cars and road machines operating on the site. The essence of a planned preventive system for increasing the performance of components, assemblies and systems.

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    Characteristics of enterprises engaged in the repair and maintenance of automobiles. Composition of the vehicle fleet, operating mode. Features of calculating the annual car maintenance and repair program. Maintenance and repair planning.

    course work, added 01/31/2013

    General requirements for organizing a car service station. Service station work areas, body and paint shops, utility rooms, washing. Vehicle maintenance and repair system. Equipment for diagnostics and repair area.

    thesis, added 11/26/2014

    Block diagram of technical service. Characteristics of cars serviced at the service station. Organization of technical control of cars. Introduction of advanced technologies and innovation proposals at service stations. Work in the maintenance area.

    practice report, added 12/13/2012

    Development of an annual plan for maintenance and repair of the machine and tractor fleet. Calculation of the labor intensity of maintenance and repair. Organization of technical maintenance of tractors. Organization of storage of machinery and equipment.

    course work, added 06/13/2010

    Quality, technical condition and performance of cars. Basic principles of the maintenance and repair system. The car as an object of labor. Methods for calculating production and warehouse space. Regulation of vehicle maintenance and repair.

    abstract, added 12/17/2010

    Selection of basic standards for vehicle mileage, labor intensity of maintenance and repairs. Duration of idle time of rolling stock. Number of production jobs and working personnel. Complex of technical maintenance and diagnostics.

    course work, added 06/11/2013

    Organization and technology of car repair. Description of the technological process of the site. Work of production and auxiliary areas and the department of the chief mechanic (OGM). Technology for current and major repairs and maintenance.

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Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics

Department "Car service"


for course work for bachelors in the field of study 100100.62 “Service”, profile “Vehicle Service”

Designing services in a car service center

A.V. Ivanov

St. Petersburg - 2013

Approved at a meeting of the department “Auto service”, protocol No. dated

Design of services in a car service center. Guidelines for completing coursework for bachelors in the field of study 100100.62 “Service”, profile “Vehicle Service” / comp. A.V. Ivanov. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2013. - ...p.

Compiled by: Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor Ivanov A.V.


St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics, 2013

Completing coursework


Completing coursework to improve the consumer properties of vehicles begins with choosing a topic. The topic can be given by the teacher, but it is preferable for the student to choose the topic independently, within the framework of the proposed sample topics. This provision serves several purposes:

firstly, the choice of topic accustoms the student to independence and stimulates his thinking;

secondly, this allows you to increase the student’s interest in the work being performed, because does not put him in strict search conditions in a given direction;

thirdly, independent choice of topic simplifies the student’s work due to the possibility of choosing a topic based on the most accessible or previously accumulated material. It is necessary to discuss the chosen topic with the teacher and obtain his final approval.

Coursework is completed by the student independently under the guidance of a teacher and in strict accordance with the assignment received.

Sample coursework topics

Topic 1. Development of a service for changing consumer properties (specify the vehicle brand) by tuning (retrofitting) the engine (engine brand) with the goal of (specifying the change in consumer properties) by (specifying the method of achieving the goal).

Topic 2. Development of a service for changing consumer properties (specify the vehicle brand) by tuning (retrofitting) a transmission (clutch, gearbox, final drive) with the goal of (specifying a change in consumer properties) by (specifying the method of achieving the goal).

Topic 3. Development of a service for changing consumer properties (specify the vehicle brand) by tuning (retrofitting) the chassis (suspension, braking system, wheels, etc.) with the goal of (specifying a change in consumer properties) by (specifying the method of achieving the goal).

Topic 4. Development of a service for changing consumer properties (specify the vehicle brand) by tuning (retrofitting) the body (interior, frame, etc.) with the goal of (specifying the change in consumer properties) by (specifying the method of achieving the goal).

Topic 5. Development of a service for changing consumer properties (indicate the make of the vehicle) by applying artistic (protective) coatings to the body (its elements) for the purpose of (indicating a change in consumer properties).

Work structure


The introduction reflects the essence of changing the consumer properties of a vehicle through retrofitting and tuning, and substantiates the relevance of providing services for modification (tuning) of vehicles. The introduction also needs to reflect the purpose of tuning. The optimal length of this section is 1-3 pages.

1. Analytical section

Section structure:

1.1 Selection of a vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) and (or) its unit (unit) subject to modification (tuning).

1.2 Purpose of modification (tuning).

1.3 Theoretical foundations and technical solutions to achieve modification (tuning) goals.

1.4 Conclusions on the first section.

1.1 The section justifies the choice of a vehicle and (or) its unit (assembly). The prevalence of this type of vehicle is noted (statistical data), the level of service in the region under consideration, and the demand for the service being developed for the selected vehicle is indicated.

1.2 The section indicates which characteristics of the vehicle and (or) its unit (assembly) will change and to what extent the service being developed should result.

1.3 To justify the feasibility of the chosen modification, at the beginning of the section it is necessary to provide the theoretical foundations of tuning the selected unit, unit, system, the general tuning methodology and the impact of modifications changed during the process on the characteristics and performance of the vehicle. It is also recommended to provide legal and technical regulatory documents, the requirements of which are observed during tuning.

For example: “To modify (tuning) the engine of a Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle in order to increase power, the following will be used:

Tuning exhaust system Evolution from Akrapovik, with low back pressure and inertial purge, costing 72,030 rubles;

Tuning zero-resistance air filter from Ohlins, costing 4,500 rubles;

Dynoget level 2 kit for carburetor tuning, costing 9,800 rubles"

2. Technological section

Section structure:

2.1 Development of route technology for modification (tuning) of a vehicle or its unit (unit).

2.2 Selection and justification of technological equipment and tools to ensure the implementation of the developed service for additional equipment or modification (tuning) of the vehicle.

2.3 Development of a route technological map.

2.4 Calculation of time standards for one of the operations and the entire service.

2.5 Development of an operational flow chart for the calculated operation.

2.6 Analysis of the effectiveness of the service provided.

In the second section, it is necessary to develop a route technological process for performing a service for modifying a vehicle or its unit (assembly).

Types of documents for various technological processes of manufacturing or repairing mechanical engineering products are established by GOST 3.1102-81. "Stages of development and types of documents" and GOST 3.1119-83 "General requirements for the completeness and execution of sets of documents for individual technological processes", and their completeness depends on the type of description of the technological process.

The type of description of the technological process is determined by the type and nature of production, as well as the stage of development. There are the following types of description of technological processes:


route and operational;

operating room.

For serial, large-scale and mass types of production, operational descriptions are used, and for single and small-scale production, route or route-operational descriptions are used.

In the course work, a description of the technological process of providing a service should be presented in the form of route operating technological maps, with a choice of technological equipment, time standards and worker qualifications.

The general rules for the design of text and graphic documents are regulated by GOST 3.1104-81 “General requirements for forms, forms and documents, and the composition of the form and the rules for the design of the main inscription on them are regulated by OST 3.1103-82 “Basic inscriptions”.

Text documents include documents containing continuous text or text divided into columns, such as a route map, an operational map, a technical control map, various statements, instructions, etc.

In the developed document forms, information should be recorded in the following way:

typewritten or using other printing devices - writing pitch 2.54 or 2.6 mm; handwritten - height of letters and numbers according to GOST 2.304-81; typographical; drawing by hand; drawing on plotters. tuning modification transport retrofitting

Data recording in forms should be done in the technological sequence of operations, transitions, work methods, etc.

Operations should be numbered with numbers from an arithmetic progression series (5, 20,15, etc.). It is allowed to add zeros to numbers (005, 010, 015, etc.). The procurement operation should be numbered - "0" or "000".

Transitions should be numbered using natural numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.).

Installations should be numbered in capital letters of the Russian alphabet (A, B, C, etc.).

Roman numerals may be used to indicate positions and axes.

Safety requirements in accordance with GOST 3.1120-83 should be stated in route or operational maps before describing the operation or in the technological instructions, if developed.

Safety requirements should be reflected using references to the designation of current labor protection instructions. Textual presentation of safety requirements is allowed.

In the technological process maps, in the designations of the components of the equipment (auxiliary tool - VI, auxiliary material - VM, plumbing and installation tools - SMI), personal protective equipment (working clothing, special shoes, safety glasses, etc.) should be indicated. Collective protective equipment (fences, protective screens, ventilation devices, etc.), as well as technological equipment that ensures labor safety (tweezers, tongs, hooks for removing chips, etc.).

The designation of physical quantities and dimensions should be written in the heads of the columns. It is allowed to indicate columns in the first line.

In the operational description, data entered on transitions in the “Tool” column can be written taking into account abbreviations:

when using a tool of the same code and name sequentially in all transitions of one operation, full information about the tool used should be indicated only for the transition where it is used for the first time; in the next transition, “the same” should be written, followed by quotes;

when using a tool of the same code and name sequentially in different transitions of the same operation, when repeating the entry, you should make a reference to the number of the transition where this tool was first used, for example, “see transition 2.”

In the transition where this tool was first used, it is allowed to indicate the numbers of subsequent transitions where this tool is used, for example, “caliper ShTs-N-250-0.05 GOST 166-89 (for transitions 3, 5, 8)”.

A route map (MK) is an integral and integral part of a set of technological documents for all types of descriptions of the technological process of manufacturing or repairing products.

The forms and rules for preparing route maps are regulated by GOST 3.1118-82.

In the operational description of a technological process, a route map (MK) corresponds to a summary document that indicates address information (number of workshop, site, workplace, operation), name of the operation, list of documents used in performing operations, technological equipment and labor costs.

In the MC, all operations (including control and movement) are indicated in the technological sequence, starting with procurement. The numbering of operations should be carried out in accordance with GOST 3.1104-84 (see above). The names of operations and their codes must comply with the "Classifier of technological operations of mechanical engineering and instrument making 1.85.151".

The name of the operations reflects the content of the work and is written in the column “Name of the operations and content of the work” with a noun in the nominative case (for example, “assembly”, “movement”, etc.). Operations are recorded on the card in the sequence in which they will be performed on the vehicle and (or) its unit (assembly).

Under the name of each operation, a list of work performed is written in the imperative mood. Unfasten and remove... or install and secure... - perform the necessary technological operations on the vehicle, ensuring safety regulations, free access to removal, remove the unit, unit, part and device, clean, rinse, blow off the outer surface with compressed air, install the repaired or new unit, unit, part or device, perform the necessary technological operations in reverse order.

Disassemble, assemble - perform technological operations to develop a unit, assembly or device into parts, clean, rinse, blow with compressed air, sort parts, complete parts, assemble the unit, unit or device.

Adjust (test) - install a unit, unit or device on a stand, adjust or test it in accordance with technological requirements, remove it from the stand.

For example: “Disassembly. Unfasten and remove..."; "Assembly. Install and secure..."; "Washing. Wash..."; “Moving. Move the car..."; "Control. Check (diagnose)..."

In the column “” all the necessary technical conditions for performing the operation are given, if necessary, drawings, sketches, etc. are provided.

The column “Time standard” provides the standard in man-minutes for the entire amount of work, regardless of the number of performers. Changing the number of performers does not change the time norm.

At many road transport enterprises, the use of standards established on the basis of analytical-research and analytical-calculation methods is difficult for economic reasons. In this regard, to replace summary norms, methods of integrated rationing and methods of rationing based on standard norms can be successfully used. Integrated standardization is essentially one of the varieties of the analytical and calculation method.

Time standards are intended to standardize the work of workers and establish standardized tasks for car repair mechanics, fuel equipment mechanics, battery workers, coppersmiths, tinsmiths, hand-forged blacksmiths, rubber product repairers, upholsterers, painters and washers.

The development of integrated time standards (norms) was based on the following materials:

Industry standard time standards for car repairs in the conditions of ATP (M., Ministry of Autotrans of the RSFSR, 1988);

- “Basic methodological provisions for rationing the labor of workers in the national economy”, M., Research Institute of Labor, ed. 1987;

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers; Issues 1, 2, M., Mashinostroenie, 1988;

Time-lapse observations and photographs of the working day, carried out in the conditions of motor transport enterprises;

Catalogs, reference materials.

Time standards are given per unit volume of work to be performed by one performer, indicated in man-hours, determined by the analytical and research method and calculated using the formula:

Where: T op - operating time for surgery, person-hour; (taken from the technological map).

TO- the amount of time spent on workplace maintenance, preparatory and final work, rest and personal needs as a percentage of operational time.

Based on an analysis of the same time spent, determined using a photograph of a working day, spent in the production conditions of motor transport enterprises, this value of “K” averages 13%. The time spent depending on the type of work performed is presented in Table 2.

table 2

Time spent depending on the type of work performed

Type of work

Time spent in %

Time for preparatory and final work

Time for workplace maintenance

Time for rest and personal needs

Post work

Removing units, components and parts from the car

Installation of units, components and parts on a car

Local works

Mechanical work on repair of units and components

Mechanical work on electrical equipment repair

Mechanical work on repair of power system devices

Mednitsky works

Tin works

Forging and spring work

Reinforcement and body work

Tire work

Wallpaper works

Painting works

When amendments are made to the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory, the names of professions and categories of work specified in this collection must change accordingly.

Time standards are established for the most common conditions of work, typical for most motor transport enterprises.

When introducing at enterprises a more modern work technology than provided for in standard standards, which ensures an increase in labor productivity, these time standards should be adjusted.

When developing time standards, data from the manufacturer can be used, as well as timing data from the direct execution of operations, taking into account the performance of the diagnostic and execution parts of the operations.

The standards take into account the time spent by workers preparing the workplace, obtaining materials, tools and devices, bringing them to the place of work and handing them over after finishing work, refueling and sharpening tools during work, servicing tools and equipment, receiving tasks and issuing work orders, as well as moving materials, parts and equipment over a distance of up to 30 m (including one physical education break).

Standard time for performing “Operation No. 15 Disassembly. Unfasten and remove the air filter of the Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle" will be:

The time limit for performing work to provide services for modification (tuning) of the Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle engine in order to increase power will be:

When preparing an operational flow chart, recording of transitions must be done in accordance with GOST 3.1702-79.

When describing the content of a technological operation or transition, first indicate the action that needs to be performed, expressed by a verb in an indefinite form, for example: unfasten, sharpen, etc., which is usually called a keyword in ESTD. Then indicate the name of the surface being processed, structural elements or production items, for example, a plane, a workpiece, a hub, a wheel. They also indicate additional information about the methods and nature of processing, the type of design or technological document used, the method of basing, for example: preliminarily, in solution, by marking, etc. In addition, information about the dimensions, number of simultaneously or sequentially fastened parts, i.e. variable information, can be indicated.

Based on this, the classifier has the following characteristics for classifying transitions:

action to be performed;

subject of labor or object of application of action;

Additional Information.

The route description is used in single and pilot production. In this case, the content of the operation is described without highlighting transitions, and several keywords (actions performed) that characterize the sequence of manufacturing the product in this operation can be indicated in one sentence.

The operational description is used in serial and mass production, but can be used for individual operations in single and pilot production. At the same time, the content of the operations reflects all the necessary actions performed in the technological sequence by the performer or performers in the manufacture of the product or its components at a given workplace, i.e., with a clear identification and designation of each transition

When recording the content of a transition in accordance with GOST 3.1702-79, a full or abbreviated form of recording is allowed.

A complete recording should be made in the absence of graphic images and to comprehensively reflect all actions performed by the performer or performers.

Filling out the operational flow sheet

The column “Name of transition” is a description of the content of the transition. The recording rules must be followed according to GOST 3.1702-79. Recording of information should be carried out in a technological sequence along the entire length of the line with the possibility, if necessary, of transferring information to subsequent lines.

The column “Technical requirements and instructions” - additional requirements when performing technological transition work.

Column "" - information about the technological equipment used when performing the operation. When filling out this information, you should be guided by the requirements of the relevant classifiers, state and industry standards for coding (designation) and name of technological equipment. All information on the technological equipment used in the operation is recorded in the following sequence: devices; auxiliary tool; cutting tool; plumbing and assembly tools; measuring.

The entry should be made along the entire length of the line with the possibility, if necessary, of transfer to subsequent lines. Information on each piece of technological equipment should be separated using the “;” sign.

The recording of each piece of technological equipment should be carried out in accordance with the designation according to the standard. For example, drill 15 GOST 22736-77.

Before indicating each main part of the equipment, it is allowed to use a symbol of the type: devices - PR; auxiliary tool - VI; cutting tool - RI; plumbing and assembly tools - media; measuring instruments - SI; auxiliary material - VM. For example: RI. Drill 15 GOST 22736-77.

The selected equipment and tools required to perform the tuning service should be presented in the form of a table, which will indicate the name of the equipment, model, manufacturer, main parameters, quantity and price /Table 1/. Take the table as a sample.

Table 1

List of equipment and tools




Quantity, pcs.

price, rub.

Lifting equipment:

Equipment for storing tools and accessories:

Technological equipment:


A technological map is a technological document that reflects all the necessary operations for performing the service of modifying (tuning) a vehicle, indicating technical conditions and standards. Maps appear in the form of tables, the forms of which (route and operational) are given below.

In conclusion for this section, it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of the service provided for modification (tuning) of a vehicle or its unit (assembly), by comparing the modified characteristics with the original ones and draw an appropriate conclusion.

Examples of performing subsections 2.3 and 2.5 are given below (take the tables as an example).

Route flow chart for tuning the engine of a Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle, replacing the air filter, installing a tuning exhaust system and a 2nd level Dynoget tuning kit in the carburetor (type of service) (model, make)

Total labor intensity 220 (person-min)

Name of operations and content of work

Location of operations


Labor capacity man-min.

Devices, instruments, fixtures, consumables (model, type, code, company)

Technical requirements and instructions

Washing. Wash and dry the motorcycle

Washing area

Washer “Hochdruckreiniger” NEPTUNE (220V,50Hz), Compressor AirCast СB4/С-50LB30, ISO 9000, blow gun, water, car shampoo, cleaning cloth

Avoid damaging the paintwork

Moving. Transport the motorcycle to the complex work station

Post of complex works

Master Receiver

On your own

Disassembly. Unfasten and remove the fuel tank.

Post of complex works

Combination key 13 GOST 16983-80,

First disconnect the fuel lines and wiring. Carry out the action carefully to prevent damage to parts and paintwork.

Disassembly. Unfasten and remove the standard air filter

Post of complex works

Car repair mechanic 4th category

Phillips screwdriver 250 No. 2 GOST 17199-98

Carry out this action carefully so as not to damage the sealing elements and electrical connectors.

Assembly. Install and secure the low-resistance tuning air filter

Post of complex works

Car repair mechanic 4th category

Phillips screwdriver 250 No. 2 GOST 17199-98

Disassembly. Unfasten and remove the stock exhaust system

Post of complex works

Car repair mechanic 4th category

Socket head 1/2” 13 GOST 25604-92, ratchet wrench 1/2” GOST 25604-92

Remove old gaskets

Assembly. Install and secure the Evolution tuning exhaust system from Akrapovik.

Post of complex works

Car repair mechanic 4th category

Socket head 1/2” 13 GOST 25604-92, ratchet wrench 1/2” GOST 25604-92, metal lubricant

Apply lubricant evenly to gaskets and mating surfaces

Assembly. Install and secure the fuel tank.

Post of complex works

Car repair mechanic 4th category

Connect fuel lines and wiring. Ensure tightness and reliability of connections.

Carry out actions carefully, avoid damaging the paintwork and parts.

Moving. Take the motorcycle to a fuel equipment repair station.

Master Receiver

On your own

Avoid damage and contamination of the motorcycle

Disassembly. Unfasten and remove the carburetor from the motorcycle engine

Fuel equipment repair area

Combination wrench 10 GOST 16983-80, slotted screwdriver 190x0.8x5.5 GOST17199-98

Remove old gasket

Disassembly. Disassemble the carburetor into components and parts

Fuel equipment repair area

Fuel equipment repair mechanic 5th category

Assembly. Install and secure the Dynodet level 2 tuning kit into the carburetor

Fuel equipment repair area

Fuel equipment repair mechanic 5th category

Double-sided open-end wrench 7x8 GOST 2839-80, slotted screwdriver 190x0.8x5.5mm GOST 17199-98, Phillips screwdriver 250 No. 2 GOST 17199-98, AirCast CB4/C-50LB30 compressor, carburetor cleaner

Thoroughly rinse and bleed the carburetor

Assembly. Assemble a carburetor from components and parts

Fuel equipment repair area

Fuel equipment repair mechanic 5th category

Double-sided open-end wrench 7x8 GOST 2839-80, slotted screwdriver 190x0.8x5.5mm GOST 17199-98, Phillips screwdriver 250 No. 2 GOST 17199-98, AirCast CB4/C-50LB30 compressor, carburetor cleaner

Carry out actions carefully, avoid damaging carburetor parts.

Assembly. Install and secure the carburetor to the motorcycle engine

Fuel equipment repair area

Fuel equipment repair mechanic 5th category

Combination key 10 GOST 16983-80,

Install a new gasket

Adjustment. Adjust the carburetor

Fuel equipment repair area

Fuel equipment repair mechanic 5th category

Slotted screwdriver 190x0.8x5.5 GOST 17199-98

Adjust engine operation in all modes

Moving. Take the motorcycle to the diagnostic site

Diagnostic area

Master Receiver

On your own

Avoid damage and contamination of the motorcycle

Control. Remove external power characteristics of the engine

Diagnostic area

Diagnostic specialist

Brake tester

Fill out the diagnostic card

Operation No. 15 - Dismantling

Unfasten and remove the air filter of the Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle. Performer - Mechanic of the 4th category

Transition name

Technical requirements and instructions

Devices, tools, accessories

Standard time, person*min

Remove the air cleaner cover screws

Place the screws in a special container

Phillips screwdriver 250 No. 2 GOST 17199-98

Disconnect the electrical connectors of the sensors from the air cleaner cover.

Perform the action carefully, do not damage the sensor connectors

Remove the old filter from the air cleaner housing

Use a screwdriver to remove the filter seal.

Slotted screwdriver 190x0.8x5.5 GOST 17199-98

Total time

Operational flow chart

Operation No. 20 - Assembly

Install and secure a low resistance tuning filter Performer - 4th category mechanic on a Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle

Transition name

Technical requirements and instructions

Devices, tools, accessories

Standard time, person*min

Remove the new filter from the plastic packaging

Do not allow dust to enter the oil-soaked filter surface.

Install a new filter into the air cleaner housing

Follow the marking instructions for correct installation.

Install the air cleaner cover in its original place

Do not allow the filter seal to protrude from the groove.

Tighten the air cleaner cover screws

Prevent screws from loosening spontaneously

Phillips screwdriver 250 No. 2 GOST 17199-98

Connect all wire connectors

Stick the filter logo on the cover for proper subsequent maintenance.

Manually, branded filter sticker

Total time

methodical technological consumer transport

3. Economic part

In the economic part, it is necessary to calculate the cost of the service for modification (tuning) of a vehicle or its unit (assembly). It cannot be reduced to presenting a price list for performing this type of tuning. Any indicator must be calculated according to the corresponding dependence. For example, the cost of modifying (tuning) the engine of a HondaCBR 929RR-Y motorcycle when replacing the standard exhaust system, air filter and carburetor parts with tuning ones will be determined by the following formula:

Calculation of service cost

The price of the service for the client is determined by the ratio

where: the price of performing work to provide the service; is determined by the product of the standard time for performing work to provide the service (person-hour) and the price of one standard hour - C (rub/person-hour), accepted in the SC (in course work the average for the region is accepted, in the diploma project it is calculated),

Expenses for the purchase of materials and spare parts used in the provision of services, rub.

We substitute the data given above into the formula:

The price of one standard hour accepted in the SC is 1500 rubles/person-hour.

Costs for the purchase of materials and spare parts used in the provision of services:

Tuning exhaust system Evolution from Akrapovik for the Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle - RUB 72,030.

Tuning air filter from Ohlins - 4,500 rubles.

Dynoget 2nd level tuning kit for Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle carburetor - RUB 9,800.

D = 4.21 person-hour x 1500 rub/person-hour + (72030 + 4500 + 9800) rub. =

After carrying out such calculations, the resulting cost should be compared with the price categories existing among competitors, and, possibly, adjustments should be made.

Service ranking

The price of the service provided must be agreed with the client. In case of disagreement, the price of the service must be adjusted taking into account the customer’s requirements by changing the scope of the service, the technology for performing the work, the use of tuning products from other manufacturing companies and substitute consumables. Alternative options for the developed service are calculated and presented to the client for selection and approval.

In conclusions on the economic part, the main economic parameters defined in this section should be noted. For example:

The cost of tuning the motorcycle, agreed with the customer, will be 92,645 rubles.

4. Security of service delivery processes

This section contains the basic safety requirements that must be followed when performing this type of tuning. That is, it is necessary to provide standard instructions and safety rules when performing plumbing work (in the case of installing or replacing something), safety rules when painting (in the case of applying airbrushing), safety rules when working with electrical equipment (in the case of modification ignition systems), etc., as well as fire safety requirements.

At the end of this section, it is also necessary to draw a conclusion, for example: fulfilling these simple requirements will reduce industrial injuries when performing this type of tuning.


When writing a conclusion, it is necessary to reflect the concept of the work. Conclusion should not be confused with conclusion. The conclusion, unlike conclusions, is written on the work, and not on the topic. Despite this, the conclusion of the work practically comes down to the sum of the conclusions from all chapters of the course work. A typical conclusion example might look something like this.

This work is devoted to tuning (modification) of the engine of the Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle in order to increase its power and improve the appearance of the motorcycle.

The first chapter provides an overview of methods for increasing engine power and provides a comparative analysis of these methods. Based on a comparative analysis, the technical solution in this work is the replacement of the standard exhaust system, air filter and carburetor parts with tuning ones.

The second section presents the power increase forecast. So, when replacing the air filter and the entire exhaust system of the Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle engine while simultaneously replacing carburetor parts, its power will increase, according to the manufacturers of tuning kits, by 8 hp, which is approximately 5%. The standard time for performing work to provide the service is 3.92 man-hours.

The economic part provides a calculation of the costs of modification. The cost of the motorcycle modification (tuning) service will be 89,858 rubles.

The chapter “Safety of service delivery processes” describes a set of safety measures aimed at reducing industrial injuries when performing this type of tuning.


The list of used literature is an integral part of the work and reflects the student’s degree of knowledge of the topic.


Applications are not included in the scope of work. This section is not mandatory and, as a rule, may appear when the volume of course work exceeds the established standards. In this case, the application can contain graphs, tables, drawings, as well as information that is reference or additional. The size of the application is not limited.

1. Car service: car service station. Textbook / edited by V.S. Shuplyakova, Yu.P. Sviridenko. - M.: Alfa-M: INFARMA-M, 2009.-480s

2. Burgess P., Gollan D. How to upgrade cylinder heads to increase engine power. - M.: Legion-Avtodata, 2007. - 112 p.: ill. ISBN 5-88850-295-2

3. Buralev Yu.V., Pavlova E.I. Life safety in transport: Textbook. For universities. - M.: Transport, 1999.-200s

4. Vakhlamov V.K. Cars: basic design. - M, “Academy”, 2008, 528 p.

5. Zolotnitsky V.A. Power supply system for gas-gasoline vehicles. - M.: “Publishing House Third Rome”, 2000. - 88 p., ill. ISBN 5-88924-094-3

6. Markov O.D. Car service: Market, car, client. - M.: Transport, 1999.-270 p.;

7. Labor protection in road transport. Min. Decree labor and social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2003 No. 28.

8. Patrahaltsev N.N., Savastenko A.A. Boosting internal combustion engines with supercharging. - M.: Legion-Avtodata, 2007. - 176 p.: ill. ISBN 5-1188850-164-6

9. Stepanov V.N. Car engine tuning. St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2004. - 82 pp.: ill.: ISBN 5-93392-048-7.

10. Tuning VAZ-2110, -2111, -2112. Illustrated guide. - M.: LLC Book Publishing House “Behind the Wheel”, 2008. - 152 p.: ill. - (Series “With Your Own Hands”). ISBN 978-5-9698-0209-4

11. Hammill D. How to select and adjust camshafts to achieve maximum engine power / Translation from English. - M.: Legion-Avtodata, 2007. - 68 p.: ill. ISBN 5-88850-294-4

12. Hammill D. How to configure and modify ignition systems to improve engine parameters / Translation from English. - M.: Legion-Avtodata, 2007. - 64 p.: ill. ISBN 5-88850-293-6

13. Sharipov V.M. Fundamentals of ergonomics and design of cars and tractors - M, Academy, 2007, 256 p.

14. Storer D., Jones B. Power. Engine tuning. Guide - St. Petersburg: Alfaner Publishing, 2005, 200 p.

15. Porter L. Automobile bodies - St. Petersburg: Alfaner Publishing, 2003, 280 p.

16. Musselwhite B., Jacks B. Car tuning. - St. Petersburg: Alfaner Publishing, 2003, 184 p.

17. Tuning "Samara". Production and practical publication - M: “Behind the Wheel”, 2006, 136 p.

18. M. Coombs and A. Legg. Audi 100 & A6 1991-1997, petrol/diesel. Repair and maintenance. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2008

19. G. Etzold. BMW 3 Series since 2005. Repair and maintenance. Per. with him. St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2007.

20. R. Maddox and D. Haynes. ChevroletS-10 / Blazer 94-01, GMCSonoma “pickup” 1994-2001, gasoline. Repair and maintenance manual. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2004.

21. M. Randall. FordFocus 2001-2004, petrol, diesel. Repair and maintenance. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2009.

22. R. M. Jacks. Ford Mondeo since 2003. Repair and maintenance. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2008

23. A.K. Legg, R.M. Jax. Mercedes Benz C180, C200, C220, C230&C250, 1993-2000, petrol/diesel. Repair and maintenance. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2009.

24. M. Combs, S. Randle. NissanPrimera 1990-99, petrol. Repair and maintenance. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2006.

25. J. Storer and J.H. Haynes. Toyota Camry 2002-2005. Repair and maintenance manual. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2007.

26. M. Randall. Volvo V70&S80 1998-2005, gasoline, diesel. Repair and maintenance. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2008.

27. A. Legg, P. Gill. VW Golf&Bora. 2001-2003. Repair and maintenance. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2008.

28. J. Gordon. Automatic transmissions. Diagnostics and repair. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2004.

29. L. Porter. Car bodies. Repair manual. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2007.

30. C. White. Engine diagnostics. Fault codes. Management. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2005.

31. K. Rogers and S. Randle. Diesel engines. Service manual. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2003.

32. M. Randall. Diesel engines. Manual for maintenance, diagnostics and repair of diesel engines of cars. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2006.

33. K. Rogers and C. White Carburetors. Operation and repair manual. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2003.

34. M. Randall. Engine control systems. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing 2006.

35. M. Randall. Brakes. Maintenance and repair of the brake system. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2005.

36. M. Randall. Electrical and electronic equipment of automobiles. Management. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2008.

37. F. Maitre. Scooters. Repair and maintenance. Per. from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2008.

38. P. Gill. Motorcycle tuning. Management. Translation from English St. Petersburg: Alfamer Publishing, 2006.

Internet sites

Application packages: Virtual tuning

Annex 1

Formulation of coursework

General design requirements

Unified rules for the execution and execution of drawings and other technical documents are regulated by the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD).

The rules and regulations established by the ESKD standards for the development, execution and circulation of documentation, among others, apply to regulatory, technical, technological, scientific, technical and educational literature.

General requirements for the preparation of text documents (explanatory notes, calculations, etc.) are established by GOST 2.105-95.

The explanatory note (EP) and illustrative material of the course project must be completed using modern office equipment.

The layout of PP sheets when stitching in a folder is as follows:

Title page


1. Analytical section

2. Technological section

3. Economic part

4. Security of service delivery processes




The title page is the first page of the document and is made according to the form presented in Appendix 1.

The work must be presented in a clear, concise, precise and reasoned language using scientific and technical terms, designations established by the relevant standards and regulatory and technical documentation, and in their absence, generally accepted in the scientific and technical literature. Long sentences that make the text difficult to understand should be avoided.

The following is not allowed at work:

Use colloquial expressions, technicalities, and professionalisms;

Apply for the same concept various scientific and technical terms that are similar in meaning (synonyms), as well as foreign words and terms if there are equivalent words and terms in the Russian language;

Use arbitrary word formations.

The names given in the text of the document and in the illustrations must be the same.

Sections, subsections, paragraphs must have headings that briefly and clearly reflect their content. Hyphenation of words in headings is not allowed, dots are not placed at the end of the heading. If the title consists of two sentences, they are separated by a period.

Sections should not be called “first section”, “technological section”, “economic part”, etc. The title of the section should reflect its content. For example: “Analysis of the state of the issue”, “Ways to increase engine power”, “Calculation of the cost of modification (tuning) services...”, etc.

Completed work is filed in a binder with a clamp or two hole punch holes.

A course project may be part of a diploma project, therefore the rules for their design are completely the same and are discussed in more detail in the “Methodological instructions for completing final qualifying work in specialty 100101.65 “Service”, specialization “Auto service”, St. Petersburg, GUSE, 2011.

Making a list of used literature

Bibliographic description is regulated by the state standard GOST 7.1-2003.

The list of used literature is compiled in alphabetical order or in the order of mention in the text.


Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

St. Petersburg State Economic University

Department "Car service"

Coursework in the discipline “Service design in a car service center”

Changing the consumer properties of the Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle by installing a tuning exhaust system, air filter and carburetor tuning kit

Group student

Project manager Ivanov A.V.

St. Petersburg 2014

Appendix 2

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics

Department "Car service"

Bachelors, direction of training 100100.62 “Service”, profile “Vehicle Service”


to complete course work in the discipline “Design of services in car service centers”

To student (s) Petrov P.P.

Topic:_Changing the consumer properties of the Honda CBR 929RR-Y motorcycle by installing a tuning exhaust system, air filter and carburetor tuning kit

The deadline for the student to submit the completed work is 00.00.2013.


1. Analytical section:

Justify the choice of the vehicle and (or) its unit (component) subject to modification (tuning. Indicate which characteristics of the vehicle and (or) its unit (component) change and to what extent the service being developed should lead to. Provide the theoretical basis for tuning the selected unit, unit, system and general tuning methodology, the impact of modifications on the characteristics and performance of the vehicle.Cite legal and technical regulatory documents, the requirements of which are observed during tuning.

2. Technological section:

Develop a route technology for performing services for modifying a vehicle or its unit (assembly) in the form of a route flow chart with calculation of time standards. Develop an operational flow chart for one of the route technology operations.

4. Security of service delivery processes:

Provide safety requirements that must be followed when performing this type of tuning


List of graphic materials:

Route technological map of service execution

Operational flow chart for one of the operations

The assignment was issued on 00.00.2013.

Signature of student P....

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The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of training “Operation of Transport-Technological Machines and Complexes”, profile “Automotive Service” (qualification “Bachelor”).
The state and legal basis of automobile service are considered. The reasons for changes in the technical condition of cars, the organization of their maintenance and repair are outlined. The issues of marketing at car service stations, methods of their technological design and organization of logistics are covered. Methodological instructions for laboratory work and seminars are provided.
For students of higher education institutions. May be useful for teachers, as well as specialists in road transport.

Car service concept. Types of services provided.
Market relations, changes in forms of ownership, qualitative and quantitative changes in the structure of the automobile market and the infrastructure of road transport enterprises (AT), which occurred in Russia in the 1990s, provided the conditions for the development of the service sector. One of the rapidly growing types of services is car service.

A fairly powerful AT subsystem has been created and is successfully operating in the country, which includes a wide network of car service enterprises that ensure the maintenance of a multimillion-dollar fleet of cars owned by citizens and small motor transport enterprises (ATEs) in a technically sound and efficient condition.

Car service is a set of enterprises, means, methods and methods of providing paid services for the acquisition, effective use, ensuring the performance, efficiency, road and environmental safety of vehicles throughout their entire service life.

The contractor and consumer of paid services can be legal entities and individuals.
The Contractor provides services to legal entities and individuals - vehicle owners (consumers). The consumer purchases services for the maintenance and repair of vehicles.

Chapter 1. Car service - a subsystem of road transport
1.1. Car service concept. Types of services provided
1.2. Vehicle fleet size and structure
1.3. Characteristics of car service centers abroad and in Russia
1.4. Ways to improve car service in Russia
Chapter 2. Legal and regulatory framework for the technical service of wheeled vehicles
2.1. Technical service. Basic Concepts
2.2. Legal and regulatory framework for car service activities
Chapter 3. Ensuring the operability of vehicles in operation
3.1. Reasons for changes in technical condition
3.2. Classification of types of wear
3.3. Concept and main indicators of reliability
3.4. Methods for ensuring the performance of vehicles in operation
Chapter 4. Production and technical base of car service enterprises
4.1. Characteristics of the production and technical base
4.2. Types of car service enterprises
4.3. Improving the production and technical base of car service enterprises
Chapter 5. Purpose, classification and characteristics of technological equipment for technical service enterprises
5.1. Technical equipment of PTS and general classification of process equipment
5.2. Cleaning and washing equipment
5.3. Lifting, inspection and handling equipment
5.4. Lubrication and filling equipment
5.5. Control and diagnostic equipment
5.6. Tire repair equipment
5.7. Equipment and tools for disassembly, assembly and mechanical work
5.8. Body and painting equipment
5.9. Test equipment and tools
Chapter 6. General characteristics of technological influences that ensure the performance of cars
6.1. General provisions
6.2. Types of work that make up maintenance and repair
6.3. Cleaning and washing work
6.4. Cleaning and lubrication works
6.5. Disassembly, assembly and fastening works
6.6. Plumbing and mechanical work
6.7. Inspection, diagnostic and adjustment work
6.8. Thermal work
6.9. Body work
6.10. Painting works
6.11. Battery work
6.12. Tire work
6.13. Technological documentation
Chapter 7. Organization of production activities at car service stations
7.1. Types of production activities
7.2. Organization of car trade
7.3. Organization of the production process of vehicle maintenance and repair at a service station
7.4. Organization of work at maintenance and repair work stations
7.5. Organization of work at production sites
7.6. Operational management of production activities of service stations
7.7. Modern information technologies for managing the work of service stations
Chapter 8. Marketing at car service stations
8.1. The role, importance and most important principles of marketing in the field of auto services
8.2. Sources of Marketing Information
8.3. Analysis of types and consumers of car service services
8.4. Analysis of competition in the field of auto services
8.5. Forecasting market capacity and demand for auto repair services
Chapter 9. Providing car service enterprises with material and technical resources
9.1. Characteristics of material and technical resources
9.2. Spare parts. Basic concepts and definitions
9.3. Determining the need for spare parts
9.4. Logistics methods for organizing the provision of spare parts
9.5. Parts inventory management in spare parts warehouses
9.6. Organization of warehouse facilities. Accounting for the consumption of spare parts and materials
9.7. Reduced consumption of material resources
9.8. Ways to improve the logistics of service stations and car owners
Chapter 10. Fundamentals of technological design of car service stations
10.1. Design order
10.2. Technological calculation of service station
10.3. Service station layout
10.4. Features of the development of projects for reconstruction and technical re-equipment of service stations
Laboratory work No. 1. Technology for diagnosing cars based on traction and economic indicators
Laboratory work No. 2. Diagnosing the technical condition of automobile engines
Laboratory work No. 3. Obtaining and using information for complex car diagnostics
Laboratory work No. 4. Organization of acceptance of cars at service stations
Laboratory work No. 5. Preparation of a technical service enterprise for certification of compliance with the quality of services for maintenance and repair of vehicles
Laboratory work No. 6. Determining the needs of road transport enterprises for spare parts. General provisions
Laboratory work No. 7. Parts inventory management in spare parts warehouses
Laboratory work No. 8. Determination of standard consumption and need for fuel and lubricants
Laboratory work No. 9. Development of technological documentation for car maintenance on a production line
Laboratory work No. 10. Diagnosis of components, assemblies, mechanisms and vehicle systems that ensure traffic safety
Laboratory work No. 11. Metrological support of control and diagnostic equipment
Laboratory work No. 12. Monitoring the environmental safety of cars
Legislative and regulatory materials

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