Emotionally labile personality type. Lichko A.E.

Emoteobviously- labile personality type

Different scientists define it differently uhspendthriftobviously- labilepersonality type. So, K. Leongard calls them emotive personalities, A.E. Lichko is a labile type, and P.B. Ganushkin - emotive - labile, or reactive-labile. The main characteristic feature of this type is extreme variability and instability of mood. These are the so-called mood people.

Their perception of the world depends on their mood at the moment. These people are very sensitive, impressionable and kind-hearted. Such qualities often give them the appearance of a fragile, gentle, sometimes naive creature. For the most part, in their youth they are open, cheerful, somewhat even simple-minded and naive people, but others can be impressed by touchy and capricious people.

Any, even small, trouble makes them despondent and darkens them state of mind, although not for long. Any happy message can bring them out of this state and make them cheerful and cheerful. IN mature age and with old age, the general background of mood increasingly becomes sadder. From the outside it may seem that the mood of such people changes for no reason, but this is not so.

It’s just that emotive individuals react to events that are unimportant for other people by changing their mood. It could be bad weather, and an accidentally spoken word, sad memories that came to mind, saw dirt or a stray dog ​​or cat. This may be a subtle event, so sometimes the person himself cannot give an account of why her mood deteriorated and she became sad.

Emotive people can be distinguished by their external manifestations. They are usually seen to be deeply engrossed in events. When they watch a movie with a dramatic plot or read a book with a sad ending, they can easily cry. Tears can also accompany sad stories, any sad events or stories.

The external ease of the appearance of emotions and their manifestations can create a misconception about these people as superficial and frivolous. But that's not true. They are capable of deep feelings, their friendships are faithful, and they are very loyal. In relationships with loved ones and relatives, these are wonderful parents, husbands, wives, they show true love and care towards everyone. Although such relationships may be disrupted by quarrels and insults, this is how these people are designed, and they cannot Live without it.

Emotive people are very sensitive to the opinions of others. Any reprimand, remark, reprimand or simply a sharply spoken word makes them despondent, makes them worry, and, conversely, a word of praise, gratitude, signs of attention, encouragement puts them in a joyful, upbeat mood and increases self-esteem.

Severe mental shock can have a profound effect on such people and lead to reactive depression, and then they lose the ability to resist, which can lead to a suicide attempt.

These people usually choose professions that require a subtle understanding of human emotions: poet, writer, artist, painter, etc.

So, an emotive personality is characterized by such traits that are aimed at others and attract them - emotionality, kindness, altruism, compassion, pity, empathy, kindness, a sense of duty and commitment, goodwill, emotional understanding the inner world of the interlocutor.

But at the same time, there are traits in their characters that create discomfort in relationships and cause conflicts. This is extreme impressionability, tearfulness, the need for a “hothouse” attitude towards them, and the inability to defend one’s interests.

B. Gannushkin, 1933) or “emotive-labile” (Leongard, 1964, 1968), etc. In N.I. Kozlov’s classification, this is a Person of Mood.

Brief description of the psychotype

The main feature of the labile type is extreme mood variability, rapid and hardly predictable switching of emotional state.

Rich sensual sphere, high sensitivity to signs of attention. Strong heartache with emotional rejection from loved ones, loss of loved ones and separation from those to whom they are attached. Sociability, good nature, sincere affection, social responsiveness. They are interested in communication, are drawn to their peers, and are content with the role of a ward.

Labile type and external assessment

Labile teenagers are very sensitive to all kinds of signs of attention, gratitude, praise and encouragement - all this gives them sincere joy, but does not at all induce arrogance or conceit. Blame, condemnation, reprimands, and lectures are deeply felt and can lead to hopeless despondency.

More about the labile type

Portrait of a labile type according to N.N. Kozlov

We all come from childhood. A man of mood, however, differs from the rest in that he remained like that in childhood. His soul is the soul of a child, it is bright, sincere, spontaneous and naive. Look Mood Man

Directions of development

If you observe the traits of a labile type and want to correct your characteristics, then look at the articles:

If you are rather the opposite of this type and want to develop your ability to react easily and directly, look at the Schizoid or Paranoid exercises.

Never scold yourself: if guilt is added to your variety of feelings, this company is a blessing.

Psychotype (psychological type) - a set of character traits that describes a recognizable type of person.

Very often, when a person is dissatisfied with himself and his life, he begins to scold himself for the mistakes he has made.

Different researchers identify different accentuations. The most widely used classifications are.

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LECTURE No. 3. The concept of psychogenics and personality disorders

In modern psychiatry there are many definitions of the concept “personality”. In our country, the term “personality” is considered from the standpoint of the psychology of relationships and is defined as a set of relationships to the surrounding world, primarily the social one, and to oneself. Conditioned reflex mechanisms play a significant role in this process.

The core of personality is character, which is largely determined by hereditary inclinations, is finally formed under the influence of upbringing, but can be distorted under the adverse influence of various factors, such as chronic mental trauma, organic brain damage.

1. Premorbid personality types

For diagnosis, prognosis and selection of methods of psychotherapy and rehabilitation, it is important to assess the premorbid personality type, which implies its main features, the type of character before a mental disorder arose. As a rule, this type is described from the words of both the patient himself and his relatives, when presenting the life history. One of the most convenient for assessing and taxonomy of personality types, as well as premorbid traits, is the classification of the German psychiatrist K. Leonhard - the classification of “accented personalities”. It is based on the concept of character accentuation as an excessive strengthening of individual traits, as a result of which selective vulnerability to a certain kind of psychogenic influence is revealed with good and even increased resistance to others. Accented personalities are extreme variants of the norm. In modern society, more than half of the population can be attributed to them.

There are the following main types of accentuated personalities.

The hyperthymic personality type is usually distinguished by an elevated mood, high vitality, and activity. Patients are burdened by loneliness and forced idleness, but strive for autonomy and independence. This type of personality is usually characterized by resourcefulness, the ability to deceive and dodge.

At the same time, patients do not tolerate strict discipline and a regimented regime; being interested in new things, they often do not complete the work they have started and do poorly in work that requires perseverance and accuracy. Also, these individuals have a tendency to overestimate their capabilities and abilities, and excessive optimism about the future.

The cycloid, or affectively labile, personality type is characterized by alternating periods of uplift and periods of decline in mood and tone, during which patients experience lethargy, loss of strength, decreased performance, and they become unsociable and inactive. Even the most minor troubles at these moments are experienced very hard by patients. Quite often, between periods of highs and periods of lows, there can be long periods of even mood. The duration of the periods ranges from several days to several months.

The emotionally labile type is characterized by extreme mood variability, the change of which occurs even for any reason.

In the life plan of such patients, almost everything depends on their mood: well-being, performance, sociability and attitude towards others. Persons with an emotionally labile personality type have a hard time experiencing troubles, are prone to neurotic reactions, sincerely become attached to those from whom they see care and attention, and need emotional contacts and empathy.

The sensitive (anxious, fearful) personality type is characterized by great impressionability and a sense of one’s own inferiority. As a rule, such people among strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings are timid and shy, sociable with those they are accustomed to.

Patients have an extremely developed sense of duty and responsibility. Noticing many shortcomings in themselves, they try to overcome them, asserting themselves not where their real abilities can be revealed, but in the area where they are weak, they try to overcome timidity and shyness by occupying public positions.

As a rule, anxiety and agitation are caused by the fear of making a mistake. favorable impression on other people, an unkind attitude towards oneself is difficult to experience.

The psychasthenic (pedantic) personality type combines a tendency to reasoning, indecision with anxious suspiciousness in the form of fears for one’s future and the future of loved ones. Such persons live with the idea that if they do not deviate from the established order or planned plan, then nothing bad will happen. When the decision has already been made, indecision is combined with impatience. Patients are prone to introspection; responsibility is a heavy burden for them, especially when they have to answer not only for themselves, but also for others.

The schizoid (introverted) personality type is characterized by isolation; formal contacts, as a rule, are not difficult, but emotional contacts are often an impossible task. Closedness, combined with external restraint and coldness, manifests itself in the inability to respond to the joy, sadness or fears of another person, in a lack of empathy. Also, this type of person has a greatly reduced intuition, which manifests itself in the inability to guess about the unexpressed desires of other people, to feel sympathy or hostility towards oneself.

As a rule, such patients live in an inner world filled with hobbies and fantasies that are distinguished by their unusualness, strength and constancy; patients fantasize to themselves and do not share their fantasies with others.

The epileptoid (excitable) personality type is usually characterized by a tendency to short periods of angry and melancholy mood with simmering irritation and a search for an object on which to vent evil. During such periods, affective explosiveness often manifests itself, in a state in which patients can reach uncontrollable rage.

Patients have very strongly developed instincts, especially sexual desire, which is combined with strong jealousy, and sometimes with sadistic and masochistic tendencies. Patients show authority towards the people around them. All behavior is characterized by ponderousness, stiffness, and inertia. Petty accuracy, obligatory observance of rules, pedantry are often combined with frugality, prudence and rancor.

The hysterical (demonstrative) personality type attracts attention with an insatiable thirst for power and a desire to be the center of attention. To achieve such goals, patients exhibit deceit and fantasy, feigned and exaggerated expression of emotions, a tendency to show off and pose, and excessive dramatization of events. Often, excellent acting skills allow you to get used to an invented role, misleading gullible people. Suggestibility in such individuals is selective and extends only to what is capable of attracting the attention of others.

An unstable personality type is characterized by a constant increased craving for pleasure, idleness, idleness, and the desire to evade any work, fulfillment of duties and duty. Such people live for today, do not set any long-term goals for themselves, do not feel real affection for anyone (even their relatives), and try not to fall in love with anyone, since sexual life serves only as one of the ways to obtain pleasure. As a rule, patients are attracted to any asocial company or non-standard entertainment, but cowardice and reduced initiative doom them to a subordinate role. Trying to escape from difficulties, troubles and trials, they often begin to abuse alcohol and other intoxicating substances.

Mixed types are very common, which are intermediate, in which the features of two types can be traced.

2. Personality disorders

Personality disorders (psychopathy) are pathological characters; they can be constitutional, hereditary, or developed as a result of prolonged, especially adverse influence environment, usually in childhood.

A special group is the pathological development of personality caused by severe physical defects, such as blindness, deafness, and congenital paralysis. Often, personality defects appear after severe mental illness or organic brain damage.

Clinical variants of psychopathy. There are different classifications of psychopathy. This book presents a classification that includes the most clinically recognized variants of psychopathy.

Clinical variants of psychopathy:

2) psychopathy of the anxious-hypochondriac type;

10) mosaic (undifferentiated).

Individuals with asthenic psychopathy are characterized by a tendency to shift responsibility from themselves to others. The mood of such people is unstable, characterized by a predominance of pessimistic reactions and tearfulness. In addition, they do not tolerate mental and physical stress well, as well as various irritants, such as bright light and noise, and avoid any additional stress. Quite often, for no apparent reason, people with asthenic psychopathy feel tired and powerless. Patients are vulnerable and hypersensitive to insults. When difficult situations arise, they take a passive defensive position. As a rule, people with an asthenic type of bodily constitution and autonomic lability are characterized by the occurrence of asthenic psychopathy, which occurs in combination with arterial hypotension, autonomic dysfunction and respiratory infections.

Psychopathy of the anxious-suspicious type is characterized by a constant feeling internal tension and anxiety, shyness and feelings of inferiority, self-doubt, constant aspirations to please and be good to other people, want to be other people, and also painful sensitivity to criticism from others. The two main features of such patients are great impressionability and a feeling of inferiority. Seeing many shortcomings in themselves, they are often afraid of being ridiculed and condemned by others.

Patients are prone to depressive reactions, during which they may attempt suicide or commit unexpected desperate acts that lead to serious consequences, including injuring or killing their offenders.

Psychasthenic psychopathy is characterized by indecision, tormenting doubts, excessive foresight in relation to possibly dangerous or unpleasant events for oneself, the desire to always achieve the highest results, to do everything better, extreme concern in trivial things, extreme conscientiousness, scrupulousness that interferes with the experience of pleasure, pedantry and adherence to conventions with limited ability to express warm feelings. As a rule, this type of psychopathy manifests itself from childhood, intensifying during independent living.

Schizoid psychopathy is characterized by the following personality characteristics: inability to experience pleasure, emotional coldness, weak reaction to praise and blame, decreased interest in sexual communication with the opposite sex, a tendency to fantasize to oneself, immersion in the inner world, lack of trusting contacts, difficulty understanding and assimilating generally accepted norms behavior.

A characteristic feature is isolation. As a rule, such persons live by their own interests and hobbies (hobbies), in which they can achieve unique success.

The following signs are characteristic of unstable psychopathy: disregard for the feelings of others, irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules and responsibilities, inability to support stable relationship with others, the inability to achieve what they want, outbursts of aggression and cruelty, lack of guilt, a tendency to blame others for everything and complain about failures, increased irritability.

The most pronounced feature is a constant thirst for light entertainment and pleasure, avoidance of all work, study, and fulfillment of any duties (both social and family). From childhood, patients are drawn to antisocial companies, alcohol, and drugs. In adulthood, sex life serves as a source of pleasure. They are able to fall in love and become attached to loved ones and friends, live only in the present, are weak-willed and cowardly, do not tolerate loneliness well, and are not able to occupy themselves with anything.

Hysterical psychopathy is diagnosed in the presence of a tendency to self-dramatization, theatrical behavior, exaggeration in the expression of emotions, as well as suggestibility, easy pliability, self-centeredness with a desire not to take into account the interests of others, a constant desire to be appreciated and is the center of attention of people around him. The last character trait is the most striking.

Explosive (excitable) psychopathy is characterized by excessive excitability, impulsiveness, explosiveness, conflict, even malice and aggressiveness.

Patients enter into conflicts with people around them over the most insignificant reasons, regardless of the situation, have poor control over behavior, and in quarrels they often resort to shouting and swearing, without commensurate with their own strengths and the physical capabilities of their opponent, they can start a fight. They advance slowly in their careers, as they enter into open conflicts with both subordinates and superiors, making many enemies. They behave extremely cruelly with close relatives, resort to assault, and subject children to corporal punishment. The mood changes for no apparent reason, at times becoming dysphoric.

Epileptoid psychopathy is characterized by the periodic occurrence of a state of dysphoria, that is, a gloomy, angry mood, during which patients are looking for someone to take out their accumulated evil on, and which lasts from several hours to several days. This state is preceded by a gradual boiling of suppressed irritation.

In a state of passion, they are capable of causing serious harm to others. Often sadistic-masochistic tendencies manifest themselves in the fact that patients take pleasure in tormenting, sophisticatedly mocking or brutally beating the weak, defenseless, unable to fight back. They can take pleasure in hurting themselves with cuts or burns from burning cigarettes, and they like to get drunk until they pass out.

Attempts to commit suicide can be demonstrative in order to blackmail someone with them or with the actual intention of committing suicide during dysphoria. They are often flattering and obsequious towards their superiors, they know how to force their subordinates to carry out the orders of management at any cost, they keep all matters in perfect order, sometimes successfully moving up the career ladder.

Paranoid psychopathy is characterized by patients’ excessive sensitivity to the dissatisfaction of their claims, rancor, which does not allow them to forgive insults, insults and damage, suspicion and the desire to distort the actions of others, presenting them as harmful, a tendency to pathological jealousy, increased self-confidence, a sense of self-importance, thoughts, that everyone is conspiring against them.

A characteristic feature of this type is the conviction of their superiority over others, confidence in the importance of what they are doing. Patients always want everything to be done the way they see fit. Striving for power and leadership, they usually gather around themselves people who are dissatisfied with their position. Not receiving recognition for their actions and satisfaction of their demands, they become embittered and see enemies and envious people everywhere. They persecute their imaginary opponents and real enemies with sophistication and even cruelty.

Emotionally labile personality type

Different scientists define the emotive-labile personality type in different ways. So, K. Leongard calls them emotive personalities, A.E. Lichko is a labile type, and P.B. Ganushkin - emotive-labile, or reactive-labile. The main characteristic feature of this type is extreme variability and instability of mood. These are the so-called mood people.

Their perception of the world depends on their mood at the moment. These people are very sensitive, impressionable and kind-hearted. Such qualities often give them the appearance of a fragile, gentle, sometimes naive creature. For the most part, in their youth they are open, cheerful, somewhat even simple-minded and naive people, but others can be impressed by touchy and capricious people.

Any, even small, trouble makes them despondent and darkens their state of mind, although not for long. Any happy message can bring them out of this state and make them cheerful and cheerful. In adulthood and old age, the general mood background increasingly becomes sadder. From the outside it may seem that the mood of such people changes for no reason, but this is not so.

It’s just that emotive individuals react to events that are unimportant for other people by changing their mood. It could be bad weather, an accidentally spoken word, sad memories that come to mind, dirt seen, or a stray dog ​​or cat. This may be a subtle event, so sometimes the person himself cannot give an account of why her mood deteriorated and she became sad.

Emotive people can be distinguished by their external manifestations. They are usually seen to be deeply engrossed in events. When they watch a movie with a dramatic plot or read a book with a sad ending, they can easily cry. Tears can also accompany sad stories, any sad events or stories.

The external ease of the appearance of emotions and their manifestations can create a misconception about these people as superficial and frivolous. But that's not true. They are capable of deep feelings, their friendships are faithful, and they are very loyal. In relationships with loved ones and relatives, these are wonderful parents, husbands, wives, they show true love and care towards everyone. Although such relationships may be disrupted by quarrels and insults, this is how these people are designed, and they cannot Live without it.

Emotive people are very sensitive to the opinions of others. Any reprimand, remark, reprimand or simply a sharply spoken word makes them despondent, makes them worry, and, conversely, a word of praise, gratitude, signs of attention, encouragement puts them in a joyful, upbeat mood and increases self-esteem.

Severe mental shock can have a profound effect on such people and lead to reactive depression, and then they lose the ability to resist, which can lead to a suicide attempt.

These people usually choose professions that require a subtle understanding of human emotions: poet, writer, artist, painter, etc.

So, an emotive personality is characterized by such traits that are aimed at others and attract them - emotionality, kindness, altruism, compassion, pity, empathy, kindness, a sense of duty and commitment, goodwill, emotional understanding of the inner world of the interlocutor.

But at the same time, there are traits in their characters that create discomfort in relationships and cause conflicts. This is extreme impressionability, tearfulness, the need for a “hothouse” attitude towards them, and the inability to defend one’s interests.



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Characteristics of a labile type of human character

Each person has a unique set of emotions and feelings that determine his behavior (see Personality accentuation). It is impossible to find two people who react identically at a certain moment. After all, the way a person responds to different kinds stimuli and creates an overall picture of an individual’s character.

There are times when it is impossible to accurately determine the character due to the constant variability of the reaction. This manifestation of behavior is called a labile personality type. More often, instability of character is observed in adolescents, which in most cases is only a temporary deviation and goes away as they grow older. However, too frequent unpredictable mood swings are symptoms of significant psychological disturbances.

In this article we will describe in detail the features of the manifestation of a labile personality type, and also give some useful psychological recommendations.

Important to remember! If your teenager experiences frequent unstable behavior, be sure to consult an experienced psychotherapist. Don't try to solve the problem yourself.

Psychological features of the manifestation of labile type of accentuation

A manifestation of a labile type of character is unpredictability of reactions and frequent mood swings that defy standard logical explanation. In this case, there is a psychological component to the problem, when a person cannot consciously control emotions.

Such manifestations are observed in adolescence, which is explained by the characteristics of growing up. But in the case of extremely frequent and sharp changeability of behavior, there may be an initial stage of the formation of a labile type. In this case, unimportant factors become the causes of mood changes. For example, heavy rain or a broken nail can plunge a person into a state of extreme despondency or cause an attack of aggression, which abruptly gives way to laughter due to some pleasant memory or heard joke.

Find out what meditation is: a special state of consciousness, transcendental meditation techniques.

Did you know that neuroplasticity is the foundation of a healthy and vibrant brain?

When speaking frankly during a psychological session, people with this personality type may exhibit several inconsistent mood swings within a few minutes.

Accentuation features

Negative manifestations of character include the following aspects:

  • hot temper;
  • high level of conflict;
  • undeveloped self-control;
  • hysterical attacks of crying or laughing;
  • pugnacity;
  • sudden attacks of apathy.

The relationship with the outside world and a person’s personal preferences depend on what mood a person experiences: sleep, appetite, concentration (see How to improve concentration), performance.

Despite a wide range of negative manifestations, a person with a labile personality type is often distinguished by good nature and sincerity. When choosing a friend, a person with such a character pays attention to his ability to create comfortable conditions with mood changes. Friendship for him is determined by a deep psychological attachment to those who are dear to him. A person reacts positively to flattery, gratitude, and praise without expressed complacency.

Health status

As a rule, the formation of a labile character type begins in early adolescence. Due to certain characteristics of the body during the period of growing up, almost all children are characterized by emotional instability.

A distinctive feature of the labile personality type in adolescents is the high incidence of infectious pathologies. Such children often suffer from pneumonia, sore throat, acute respiratory viral infections, and inflammation of the urinary and gallbladder. These diseases have a chronic course with constant relapses.

Adults do not have a high degree of pain, but in some cases increased susceptibility to infectious diseases remains.

Important! Variable emotionality and frequent illnesses in a child are not a direct indicator of character lability. To establish a diagnosis, be sure to consult an experienced doctor.

Cognitive abilities

This type of character is distinguished not only by its unpredictability of reactions, but also low level self-control. At an early age, learning abilities are poorly developed (see Cognitive functions), which has an extremely negative impact on a person’s further knowledge and skills. Teenagers react painfully to comments from adults (parents, teachers). The response to criticism may be crying or insults. Also, depending on the situation, the child’s reaction can be quite positive.

In the future, it is difficult for a person with a labile character type to settle into a team and conduct normal work activities. However, if the work is truly interesting, he will be fully involved in the process without the slightest sign of instability.

In order to establish positive contact, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • avoid conflict situations;
  • do not resort to aggressive methods of influence;
  • find out the reason for changes in mood and feelings;
  • encourage and praise in every possible way;
  • console and empathize as much as possible;
  • find an interesting activity that will completely captivate the person;
  • Don’t take mood swings personally (see How to calm down correctly).

Learn about the abilities of the human brain: Interesting Facts and superpowers.

Read what verbal intelligence is: diagnostics of verbal and nonverbal intelligence.


Unstable behavior and frequent mood swings are a manifestation of character lability. More often, the causes of emotional changes are minor factors. In order to establish a relationship with such a person, it is necessary to protect him as much as possible from external stimuli, providing support and understanding.

Labile type

The childhood of a person with a labile personality type is often marked by a tendency to neurotic reactions. In adolescence, the main feature of this type attracts attention - extreme variability, lability of mood, which changes too often and excessively sharply for insignificant or even unnoticeable reasons for others.

Everything depends on your mood at any given time: well-being, appetite, performance, and sociability. According to the mood, the future seems sometimes rosy, sometimes dull and hopeless, and the past appears as a chain of either pleasant, sunny memories, or continuous failures and injustices. Everyday surroundings also seem sometimes cute and interesting, sometimes boring and ugly. Such unmotivated mood swings can create an impression of superficiality and frivolity among others. However, in fact, people of the labile type are distinguished by deep feelings, sincere affection for those from whom they see love, care and attention. They are characterized by loyal friendship.

The most “weak link” of the labile is emotional rejection by significant persons, loss of loved ones, separation from them. The loss of loved ones is especially difficult to bear. The peculiar selectivity of intuition allows them to quickly feel the attitude of others - immediately, at the very first contact, determine who is disposed towards them, and who harbors even the slightest drop of ill-will and hostility. Self-esteem is distinguished by sincerity and the ability to correctly note the traits of one’s character.

Labile people love company and a change of environment, but, unlike hyperthymic people, they are not attracted to a new field of activity, but only to the possibility of new impressions.

Sexual activity is quite for a long time keeps at the level of flirting and courtship, luring, coquetry, sexual play. The drive remains poorly differentiated; therefore, a temporary deviation towards the path of transient homosexuality is possible. Among the possible pathopsychological disorders arising from labile accentuation personality, it should be noted a tendency to acute affective reactions, reactive depression, as well as neuroses, especially neurasthenia. The labile personality type is combined with psychophysical infantilism, vegetative lability and a predisposition to allergic diseases.

In emergency situations and extreme circumstances, a labile person in most cases gives neurotic reactions, mainly of the depressive type. Mental activity turns out to be paralyzed, adaptation and compensation mechanisms are not activated, active and constructive mechanisms for coping with stress are not used. In the internal psychological plane, a crisis is experienced as a state of panic, blocking the possibility of a constructive resolution of critical circumstances.

Emotionally labile personality type

This type is most fully described under various names: “emotionally labile”, “reactive-labile” or “emotionally labile”. This type is absent in G. E. Sukhareva’s taxonomy of psychopathy. However, the picture of “general” or “harmonious” infantilism described by her contains almost all the characteristics characteristic of the labile type. It is added that with age, children's infantilism can smooth out, but reactive lability remains. As you know, the problem of the relationship between infantilism and psychopathy has attracted attention for a long time. It seems to us that the most rational point of view is on infantilism, including general, harmonious infantilism, as the basis on which different types of psychopathy can be formed.

In childhood, labile adolescents, as a rule, do not particularly stand out among their peers. Only some people show a tendency to neurotic reactions. However, almost everyone’s childhood is filled with infectious diseases caused by opportunistic flora. Frequent sore throats, continuous “colds”, chronic pneumonia, rheumatism, pyelocystitis, cholecystitis and other diseases, although they do not occur in severe forms, tend to take a protracted and recurrent course. Perhaps the “somatic infantilization” factor plays a role important role in many cases, the formation of a labile type.

The main feature of the labile type is extreme mood variability. This is its significant difference from the “unstable” type, which is similar in name, in which the main defect falls on the volitional sphere. As you know, mood variability is generally characteristic of a teenager. To some extent, they are all endowed with emotional lability. Therefore, diagnosing this type in adolescence is a difficult, but still feasible task. We can talk about the emerging formation of a labile type in cases where the mood changes too often and too abruptly, and the reasons for these fundamental changes are insignificant. An unflattering word spoken by someone, a falling rain, or a button coming off a suit can plunge you into a dull and gloomy mood in the absence of any serious troubles or failures. At the same time, some pleasant conversation, interesting news, a passing compliment, a well-dressed suit for the occasion, heard from someone, although unrealistic, but tempting prospects can lift the mood, even distract from real troubles, until they remind you again anything about yourself. During a psychiatric examination, during frank and exciting conversations, when you have to touch on the most different sides life, over the course of half an hour you can see more than once tears ready to well up and soon a joyful smile.

Mood is characterized not only by frequent and sudden changes, but also by their significant depth. From the mood at this moment depends on well-being, appetite, sleep, ability to work, and the desire to be alone or only with a loved one, or to rush into a noisy society, in a company, with people. According to the mood, the future is sometimes painted with rainbow colors, sometimes it appears gray and dull, and the past appears like a chain pleasant memories, it seems to consist entirely of failures, mistakes and injustices. Alone, etc. the same people, the same environment seem sometimes sweet, interesting and attractive, sometimes boring, boring and ugly, endowed with all sorts of shortcomings.

Unmotivated changes in mood sometimes create the impression of superficiality and frivolity. But this judgment is not true. Representatives of the labile type are capable of deep feelings, great and sincere affection. This is primarily reflected in their attitude towards family and friends, but only towards those from whom they themselves feel love, care and participation. Affection for them remains despite the ease and frequency of fleeting quarrels.

Devoted friendship is no less characteristic of labile teenagers. They spontaneously look for a psychotherapist in a friend. They prefer to be friends with someone who, in moments of sadness and dissatisfaction, is able to distract, console, tell something interesting, encourage, convince that “everything is not so scary,” but at the same time, in moments of emotional upsurge, it is easy to respond to joy and fun , satisfy the need for empathy.

Labile teenagers are very sensitive to all kinds of signs of attention, gratitude, praise and encouragement - all this gives them sincere joy, but does not at all induce arrogance or conceit. Blame, condemnation, reprimands, and lectures are deeply felt and can lead to hopeless despondency. Labile teenagers endure real troubles, losses, and misfortunes extremely hard, showing a tendency to reactive depression and severe neurotic breakdowns.

The emancipation reaction in labile adolescents is expressed very moderately. They feel good in the family if they feel love, warmth and comfort there. Emancipatory activity manifests itself in the form of short outbursts, caused by the vagaries of mood and usually interpreted by adults as simple stubbornness. However, the emancipation reaction becomes more constant and directed if it is fueled by an unfavorable family situation. The craving for grouping with peers is also subject to changes in mood: in good moments, labile teenagers look for company, and bad ones avoid communication. In a peer group, they do not pretend to be the leader, but rather seek emotional contacts; They are willingly content with the position of a favorite and darling, who is looked after and protected by more scrupulous friends.

The hobby reaction of labile adolescents is usually limited to the types of hobbies that we have designated as informational-communicative and egocentric. The intoxicating excitement of games, the scrupulous meticulousness of collecting, and the persistent improvement of strength, dexterity, skills, and the heights of refined intellectual and aesthetic pleasures are alien to them. Moreover, they do not claim leadership. Communication with friends, amateur artistic activities, and even some pets ( for the most part own dog) are the kind of hobbies that provide an easy outflow of emotional energy that fills them at the time of mood swings. But no hobby lasts too long and is soon replaced by another.

Sexual activity is usually limited to flirting and courtship, and attraction remains poorly differentiated, as a result of which a deviation towards the path of transient teenage homosexuality is possible. But labile teenagers always try to avoid excessive sexual excesses.

Self-esteem is distinguished by sincerity. Labile teenagers are well aware of the characteristics of their character, they know that they are “people of mood” and that everything depends on their mood. Being aware of the weaknesses of their nature, they do not try to hide or obscure anything, but, as it were, invite others to accept them as they are. In the way those around them treat them, they reveal a surprisingly good intuition - immediately, at the first contact, they sense who is disposed towards them, who is indifferent, and who harbors at least a drop of ill will or hostility. The response arises immediately and without attempts to hide it.

The degree of severity of emotional lability in adolescence usually does not exceed the level of obvious accentuation. Cases of labile accentuation come under the supervision of a psychiatrist when mental trauma or a difficult situation causes acute affective reactions (sometimes with suicidal behavior), reactive depression, and severe neurotic states. The focus of attention is usually on these reactions themselves and the traumas that caused them, while the personality and character traits that determine the ease of such breakdowns often remain in the shadows. That is why the emotionally labile Schneider-Gannushkin type has not become widespread as a working term in psychiatric practice, despite the vividness of the descriptions and the frequency with which this type occurs.

Labile-hysteroidal variant. In the description of the labile type one can see similarities with other types. Rich emotionality, good intuition, some egocentrism, or more precisely, love of attention to oneself, favorite “hobbies” unite labile teenagers with hysterical ones. But sincerity in their attitude towards themselves and others, the absence of deliberate demonstrativeness in behavior, and the ability for warm affection distinguishes them from hysterics. Labile teenagers also have much better self-esteem of their character. Both labile and hysterical teenagers also have a tendency to fantasize. But the fantasies of labile teenagers are devoid of an intoxicating and adventurous streak, the intention to draw all the eyes of those around them on themselves with their inventions, to show off the exclusivity of their person. These are more romantic fantasies, these are rather idyllic dreams about the fulfillment of hopes, about serene happiness and joy always and everywhere, both for yourself and for your loved ones.

Nevertheless, in some cases, hysterical traits are pronounced and, most importantly, under the influence mental trauma and in difficult situations, affective reactions and reactive states acquire a distinct hysterical shade. We regarded such cases as a mixed labile-hysteroid type.

Labile-affective variant. As indicated, the degree of expression of the labile type in adolescence is usually limited to accentuation and only rarely reaches psychopathy. Only sometimes psychopathization follows the path of increasing emotional lability to affective explosiveness. Usually such cases fall into the group of excitable psychopaths. Indeed, affective outbursts here often arise for insignificant reasons, but they are quickly exhausted. In passion there is no tendency towards aggression. Constant changes in mood have a dramatic effect on all behavior, manifesting themselves as restlessness, lack of composure, distractibility, and rapid changes of interests. Studying suffers from all this, constant conflicts arise both with elders and with peers. In addition, there is usually no ability for correct self-esteem, and the inherent criticality of labile accentuation regarding one’s character. Behavior also often reveals some traits of an unstable type.

Other labile type options. Some representatives of the emotionally labile type occupy a position close to the cycloid type. They experience phasic mood swings: “good” and “bad” days alternate. We considered such cases as a variant of the cycloid type - “labile cycloids”. We also noted that emotional lability is often combined with sensitivity. Perhaps lability can serve as one of the backgrounds for the subsequent formation of a sensitive type (see sensitive-labile option when describing the sensitive type).

The labile-cycloid variant is limited to the scope of accentuation; the labile-hysterical and sensitive-labile variants can reach the level of psychopathy, with the hysterical or sensitive traits being particularly intensified. Thus, on the basis of lability, we are faced with three types of psychopathization: labile-affective, labile-hysterical and sensitive-labile.

Studying individual differences, in particular character accentuations, belongs to a separate discipline - the field. The works of many scientists - Western and domestic - are devoted to this field.

Rationale for character trait research

Why it is necessary to study the types of accentuation of differences between individuals has two objectives. Firstly, this is a research goal - to identify as many groups as possible and develop specific advice for representatives of each of them. The more classes are identified, the more effective psychological recommendations for their representatives will be.

Secondly, it is necessary to know the types so that the person himself understands the characteristics and reasons for his behavior and can, in accordance with this, correct it.

Often in this regard it is not enough everyday psychology. For example, there is a common belief that fat people are kind. Conversely, a thin person is sometimes perceived as anxious and wary. Of course, such a breakdown into categories may be partly correct. Even Hippocrates did not avoid such an error in classification, although already in the medical field: once upon a time, an ancient doctor directly linked the tendency to apoplexy with obesity.

Soviet psychologist A. E. Lichko, like the German psychiatrist K. Leongard, used the concept of “accentuation” in their research. When applied to a specific property, this term means that it is highlighted more clearly than others, as if emphasized. In other words, accentuation is the expression of a certain character trait. For a person with this or that quality, certain social situations will be very painful, while others will be easily tolerated. This article will discuss the types of accentuation according to Lichko and Leonhard.

The psychology of differences is not a strict discipline. Types of accentuation are always descriptive in nature and are practically never found in their pure form. Each person can find himself in two or more types.

It should also be noted that assigning oneself to a certain category should not be aimless. Having fun psychological tests, you need to ask yourself the question: “Why am I doing this?” If a person understands that he belongs to one group or another, he needs to develop for himself an appropriate compensation and self-help strategy. To do this, you need to study the advice given by psychologists for representatives of different classes and apply them to life.

Classification by A. E. Lichko

A Soviet psychologist studied the types of accentuation of adolescents. In total, he identified eleven groups. The features of the types of character accentuation in his theory have much in common with the classification of Karl Leonhard. Let's look at them in order.

Hyperthymic type

A high level of energy, the ability to quickly find contact with people, a desire for leadership - all this distinguishes the hyperthymic type of accentuation. Lichko considered hyperthymia to be a general characteristic characteristic of adolescence. High emotional tone makes representatives of this category leaders in any company. They are not aggressive. They can enter into conflict, but only if they encounter sharp opposition to their activity. Therefore, it is better not to stand in their way, but, on the contrary, to encourage them to act.

Superficiality of interests is a negative feature that the hyperthymic type of accentuation has. Its representatives may have many abilities, but their interests are unstable.

Cycloid type

The main characteristic of this category is mood variability. An elevated state is replaced by despondency and irritability. Moreover, this happens every two to three weeks.

Labile type

The emotional tone of these teenagers, Lichko noted, cannot be defined as consistently low or high. Their mood is unstable and can change very quickly. Within this category, two subtypes can also be distinguished: reactive-labile and emotionally labile. The former are prone to mood swings due to external factors. The condition of others is more determined by internal experiences.

Representatives of the labile type sometimes seem indifferent to others. But this is far from true - the real problem for some of them may be the ability to correctly express their feelings. Having deep attachments to loved ones, they do not know how to communicate them.

Astheno-neurotic type

Those who belong to this category are the main visitors to medical institutions. Their main difference is the concentration of attention on the state of their body. As soon as they feel unwell, they may suspect that they have a fatal illness - their suspiciousness reaches such proportions.

Sensitive type

The main characteristic of adolescents in this category, Lichko noted, is increased sensitivity, which is reflected in their behavior. People of the sensitive type are also characterized by painful irritability. Their weak point is large companies. They always feel uncomfortable in them, try to carefully observe what is happening, and sometimes copy the behavior of others. Representatives of the sensitive type can attract the attention of the entire company, for example, by going on some kind of prank. But they succeed poorly in this, and they return to the previous state only with even more aggravated timidity.

The advantage of representatives of the sensitive type is diligence, responsibility, and the ability to make and maintain deep friendships.

Psychasthenic type

Characterized by indecisiveness. Any everyday situation can become a source of painful uncertainty for a psychasthenic. They are distinguished by high intelligence and confidence in their conclusions. But the latter is rarely confirmed by deeds. Psychasthenics are prone to impulsive actions just at those moments when it is worth weighing the pros and cons.

Schizoid type

Despite the fact that they are very vulnerable internally, schizoids have virtually no ability for empathy - they are not sensitive to the pain of others. Schizoid type has accentuations positive side- They make good inventors. Most of those people who moved forward the progress of mankind were schizoid. Their main feature, which immediately catches the eye, is their eccentricity. “Not of this world,” this can safely be said about schizoids.

Epileptoid type

The most pedantic and picky type. It would seem that what is good about these character traits? But representatives of other types are difficult to imagine in some professions. For example, best teachers mathematicians or physicists are epileptoids. Their accuracy and attention to detail are undeniable advantages in teaching the exact sciences.

Hysterical type

For this category, all life is one huge stage. Some people may initially find it unpleasant to be in company with a hysterical person. After all, their main quality is a constant desire to be in the center of attention. But for certain professions, belonging to this class (its analogue in Leonhard is a demonstrative type of accentuation) is an advantage. For example, hysterics make excellent salespeople, actors, and singers.

Unstable type

Lichko's representatives of this category turned out to be the most irresponsible teenagers. These were those who had no stable interests and practically did not think about their future. Unstable people cannot concentrate on work for long; they are characterized by a constant craving for idleness and entertainment.

Conformal type

A distinctive feature of conformists is the desire not to differ from their environment. Their credo is “to be like everyone else.” Negative trait this category is the tendency to betrayal in difficult situation. A conformist person will not suffer from remorse - he will always find justification for his actions.

Types of character accentuation according to Leonard

Karl Leonhard identified twelve. In many ways, his classification overlaps with Lichko’s theory, and some types in them are identical. Leonhard created three categories: the first was associated with accentuations of character, the second with accentuations of temperament. The criterion for identifying the third group is personal characteristics (focus on oneself or the outside world).

First, we need to clarify the difference between temperament and character. People unfamiliar with psychology often confuse these concepts. But even some psychologists tend to believe that temperament and character are one and the same thing.

Temperament is the speed of a person’s reaction to current events. This quality is rather a physiological property nervous system. Temperament includes emotionality, degree of response, balance. Character is a social education. Starting from birth, those around them seem to leave their mark on the child. Such social interactions “sculpt” his personality.

So, I carried out the classification in accordance with character, temperament and personality traits, and the criteria for identifying categories were the styles of human social interaction.

Accentuations associated with temperament

  • Hyperthymic type. The main characteristics are mobility, sociability. In childhood, hyperthyms have good memory and are easy to learn. In adolescence, conflicts are possible, since the group does not always allow hypertim to take a leading position. As adults, representatives of this category remain sociable and energetic. They are easy to find mutual language, if you do not engage in opposition.
  • Dysthymic type. Sullenness, phlegmaticity, and inhibition of reactions are the main features of dysthymics. They are silent and seem to be incorrigible pessimists. The positive side of the dysthymic type is responsibility, developed sense justice.
  • Labile type. He, as in Lichko’s classification, is distinguished by the ability to quickly change mood. Even a harshly spoken word can have an effect on a representative of the labile type. A good mood can be ruined even because it rains.
  • Exalted type. Representatives of this type are non-conflict, love society, and are attentive to others. The exalted type of accentuation is distinguished by amorousness, a tendency to sublime feelings, sociability. Such people are quickly influenced by events outside world- they are easily delighted by the positive ones, and panicked by the negative ones. Many designers, musicians and artists have an exalted type of accentuation.

  • Anxious type. The main feature is a feeling of anxiety for no apparent reason. Anxious children are quickly recognized by their peers, and because of their indecisiveness, they can become an object of ridicule. Having become adults, they remain no less suspicious than they were as children. It is difficult for such people to insist on their own. However, the anxious type of accentuation has its advantages - its representatives have a rich inner world, and are also always able to adequately assess their capabilities. Among other types, they perceive reality most clearly.
  • Emotive type. It is believed that representatives of this category “think” with feelings. Their main characteristics are kindness, responsibility, the ability to empathize, and low conflict. People can feel relaxed only in the company of close people. They are soft-hearted, compassionate, and also appreciate the beauty of nature more than others. When communicating with them, their feelings are always recognized. The main value for them is a good relationship in the family and at work. Representatives of the emotive type are very vulnerable to callousness and rude behavior.

Accentuations in accordance with character traits

  • Stuck type. A person belonging to this category can carry certain feelings within himself for years. If this negative emotions, which were not correctly expressed, then they torment the stuck person for a long period of time. The pursuit of a goal is the most important characteristic of this accentuation. The stuck type will get his way no matter what. Often for this he strives to find good travel companions. Those who get stuck get out good leaders in any activity. However, if their fate is not so rosy, they may become leaders of gangster groups. In addition, like the demonstrative, stuck type of accentuation needs recognition from society. However, this must be truly deserved respect, glory that has a basis.
  • Pedantic type. Like the epileptoids in Lichko’s classification, the main features of representatives of this group are scrupulousness and attention to detail. Pedantic people are highly valued in an office environment for their responsibility and efficiency. This accentuation also manifests itself in concern for one’s own health, lack of bad habits. The other side of the coin for such people is the constant fear of making a mistake, perfectionism.

  • Excitable type. Impulsiveness, irritability, the desire to satisfy surging impulses immediately - this is what characterizes the excitable type of accentuation. People belonging to this group are usually endowed with a high level of conflict, which often prevents them from building meaningful relationships. The advantage is that they live entirely in the present.
  • Demonstrative type. It is easy to identify, starting from the age of two. Such kids, having once been the center of attention, then try to win it at all costs. If this tendency is supported by parents, then they almost always have an inflated self-esteem that is not really supported by anything. Students of this type can be set as an example to others. Therefore, it is not always easy to recognize that their abilities in a certain area are hardly above average. On the other hand, the demonstrative type of accentuation is distinguished by artistry and good taste in clothing.

Types of accentuations according to personality characteristics

  • Introverted type. Characterized by focusing on one’s experiences and avoiding social contacts. Reality for them is secondary to the inner world. Introverts are responsible, unobtrusive, and love privacy.
  • Extroverted type. Its representatives are self-confident people who love being among people and receive energy from communication. They do not tend to get hung up on aspects of their inner life and always act in accordance with what reality presents to them.

Currently, Lichko's theory is more widely used among psychologists, since the scientist conducted his research on healthy people (teenagers). Leonhard's classification is more often used by psychiatrists. Despite the names presented in both classifications, these groups have nothing to do with mental disorders. The schizoid type of accentuation, for example, in no way means the presence of schizophrenia - all terms are conditional. Various types Accentuations mean the severity of a characteristic is within normal limits.

Affectively labile, or cyclothymic, individuals are people who are characterized by alternating hyperthymic and dysthymic states. Now one or the other of the poles comes to the fore, sometimes without any visible external motives, and sometimes in connection with certain specific events. It is curious that joyful events not only evoke joyful emotions in such people, but are also accompanied by a general picture of hyperthymia: a thirst for activity, increased pride, and a rush of ideas. Sad events cause depression, as well as slowness of reactions and thinking.

The reason for the reversal of poles is not always external stimuli, sometimes a subtle turn in the general mood is enough. If a cheerful society gathers, then affectively - labile personalities They can find themselves in the center of attention, be the “ringleaders”, and entertain all those gathered. In a serious, strict environment, they can be the most withdrawn and silent.

Affectively - exalted temperament.

The affectively exalted temperament could be called the temperament of anxiety and happiness. This name emphasizes its close connection with anxiety-happy psychosis, which is accompanied by sudden mood swings.

Affectively - exalted people react to life more violently than others; they equally easily become delighted with joyful events and despair with sad ones. From “passionate jubilation to mortal melancholy” they have one step. Exaltation is motivated by subtle, altruistic motives. Attachment to loved ones, friends, joy for them, for their success can be extremely strong. There are enthusiastic impulses that are not related to purely personal relationships. Love for music, art, nature, passion for sports, religious experiences, searches for a worldview - all this can capture an exalted person to the depths of his soul.

The other pole of his reactions is extreme impressionability about sad facts. Pity and compassion for unfortunate people and sick animals can drive such a person to despair. Over an easily correctable failure, a slight disappointment that would be forgotten by others the next day, an exalted person may experience sincere and deep grief. He will feel some ordinary trouble from a friend more painfully than the victim himself. Even with minor fear, physiological manifestations (trembling, cold sweat) are immediately noticeable in an exalted person.

The fact that exaltation is associated with subtle and very human emotions explains why artistic people - artists, poets - especially often have this temperament.

Anxious (fearful) individuals.

Such people are characterized by timidity, lack of self-confidence, and there is a component of humility and humiliation. Overcompensation is possible in the form of self-confident or even impudent behavior, but its unnaturalness immediately catches the eye. Fearful timidity can sometimes turn into gullibility, in which there is a request: “Be friendly with me.” At times timidity is joined by timidity.

Emotive personalities.

Emotivity is characterized by sensitivity and deep reactions in the field of subtle emotions. It is not rude feelings that excite these people, but those that we associate with the soul, with humanity and responsiveness. Usually such people are called soft-hearted. They are more compassionate than others, more susceptible to being moved, and experience special joy from communicating with nature and works of art. Sometimes they are characterized as sincere people.

In a conversation with emotive individuals, you can immediately see how deeply they are affected by the feelings they talk about, since all this is clearly expressed by their facial expressions. Tearfulness is especially characteristic of them: they cry when talking about a movie with a sad ending, about a sad story. They also easily experience tears of joy and emotion. Emotional children are often not allowed to read fairy tales, because when the plot turns sad, they immediately begin to cry. Even men often cannot resist tears, which they admit with considerable embarrassment.

The special sensitivity of nature leads to the fact that mental shocks have a painfully deep effect on such people and cause depression. A person of an emotive nature cannot be “infected” with fun in a cheerful society; he cannot become either funny or happy for no reason.

Special interest represents “A combination of accentuated character traits and temperament.” The author does not set himself the goal of showing all possible combinations of character traits and temperament, but indicates that their combination will greatly expand the boundaries of understanding personality.

One might assume that a demonstrative personality prone to pretense would be especially pronounced in combination with hyperthymia. But this assumption is valid only for childhood, when indeed, often with such a combination, the thirst for activity entails whole line dishonest actions. In adults, on the contrary, hyperthymia often weakens immoral manifestations. Cunning, insincerity, pretense do not fit with their life attitude.

The combination of demonstrative character traits with hyperthymic liveliness of temperament contributes to the activation of acting abilities in a person.

Of particular interest is the combination of demonstrative and affectively labile traits, since both are associated with a penchant for poetic and artistic activity. Demonstrative character traits stimulate imagination, and an affectively labile temperament gives rise to emotional focus, has a softening effect on hysterical egoism.

The pedantic character softens when combined with a hyperthymic temperament, since the latter is somewhat superficial.

Simple summation is not observed when pedantic and dysthymic traits are combined. However, with this combination, the specificity of both is enhanced, i.e. the deviation from the norm is more significant.

Pedantry and anxious temperament belong to different mental planes. However, if both types of accentuation are observed in one person, a cumulative effect is possible. This is due to the fact that one of the most important signs is fear, especially in childhood.

Among the combinations of stuck character traits with temperamental properties, the stuck-hyperthymic combination is especially important. Such people never find peace; they are always in an elevated mood.

The combination of stuckness and anxiety has a special quality. Anxiety is associated with a diminishment of human dignity. Such persons are weak and helpless. Stuck individuals cannot stand this, they try in every possible way to repress it, it is very easy to undermine their pride. This is how overcompensation occurs.

Moving on to excitable, accentuated personalities, it is important that when combined with other temperaments, nothing else arises, however, interesting varieties are possible.

Character accentuations

G. Smišek developed this character test in 1970 based on the theoretical concept Karl Leonhard accentuated characters. Sometimes the name questionnaire is also used Leonhard-Smishek(Shmishek-Leonhard or simply “Shmishek” as professional jargon).

According to the concept of character accentuation, personality traits can be divided into basic and additional. Basic character traits form the core of personality, determine development, adaptation processes, and mental health.

Basic character traits in the case of pronounced expression, they become accentuations of character. When exposed unfavorable factors, character accentuations can be considered pathological. Therefore, in particular, in modern psychology, character accentuations, in many cases, are also called " character psychopathy"Personalities whose main features are clearly expressed are called accentuated personalities.

Being a test of character, the Shmishek test studies the types of accentuation of a person’s character, but precisely as a character test, the Shmishek test should be used by a qualified psychologist to obtain reliable results and their interpretation.

Accented personalities should not be considered pathological - they potentially contain both the possibility of socially positive achievements and a socially negative charge. Smišek test explores character types, breaking them down into accentuated characters, described below.

Hyperthymic type

Characterized by a good, slightly elevated mood, sociability, talkativeness, and optimism. He has a high tone, he is energetic, active and shows a desire to be a leader; he easily adapts to an unfamiliar environment.

However, he is unstable in his interests, is not selective enough in making acquaintances, does not tolerate loneliness well, does not like monotony, discipline, forced idleness, monotonous work, often overestimates his capabilities, can be the initiator of conflicts, reacting violently to events, and is characterized by increased irritability.

Anxious-fearful type

He is indecisive, has little contact, timid, unsure of himself, prone to a minor mood. He rarely enters into conflicts with others, playing a mostly passive role in them, conflict situations looking for support and support. Prone to in-depth introspection and the emergence of obsessive states.

A person with this type of character accentuation often has attractive traits: friendliness, self-criticism, and diligence. Due to his defenselessness, he often serves as a “scapegoat”, a target for jokes.

Dysthymic type

Little contact, taciturn, with a dominant pessimistic mood. He is usually a homebody, is burdened by noisy society, rarely enters into conflicts with others, and leads a secluded lifestyle.

People with such character accentuation highly value those who are friends with them and are ready to obey them. Personality traits that are attractive to communication partners: seriousness, conscientiousness, a heightened sense of justice. Negative traits - passivity, slowness of thinking, clumsiness, individualism.

Pedantic type

He rarely enters into conflicts, acting as a passive rather than an active party in them. In the service he is a bureaucrat, he makes many formal demands on others, but willingly cedes leadership to other people. This type of character accentuation tends to harass households with excessive claims to neatness.

Attractive traits: conscientiousness, accuracy, seriousness, reliability in business. Negative and conflict-promoting traits are formalism, boringness, and grumbling.

Excitable type

This type is characterized by low contact in communication, slowness of verbal and non-verbal reactions. People of this type are often boring, prone to rudeness and abuse, to conflicts in which they themselves are an active, provoking party. They are difficult to get along with in teams and domineering in the family.

In an emotionally calm state, these people with this type of character accentuation are often conscientious, careful, and love animals and small children. However, in a state of emotional arousal, they are irritable, quick-tempered, and have poor control over their behavior.

Emotive type

Having a pronounced accentuation of character according to this type, people prefer communication in narrow circle the chosen ones with whom good contacts are established, whom they understand at a glance. They rarely enter into conflicts themselves, playing a passive role in them. They carry grievances within themselves and do not spill them out.

Attractive traits: kindness, compassion, rejoicing in the successes of others, a heightened sense of duty, diligence. Negative traits: excessive sensitivity, tearfulness.

7. "Stuck" type

He is characterized by moderate sociability, boringness, a penchant for moralizing, and reticence. In conflicts, he usually acts as an initiator, an active party. He strives to achieve high results in any business he undertakes and places increased demands on himself.

This type of character accentuation is especially sensitive to social justice; at the same time, it is touchy, vulnerable, suspicious, and vindictive. Sometimes he is overly arrogant, ambitious, jealous, makes exorbitant demands on loved ones and subordinates at work.

Demonstrative type

This type of character accentuation is characterized by the ease of establishing contacts, the desire for leadership, the thirst for power and praise. He demonstrates high adaptability to people and at the same time a tendency to intrigue (with an externally soft manner of communication). Such people irritate others with their self-confidence and high claims, systematically provoke conflicts themselves, but at the same time actively defend themselves.

Attractive traits for communication partners: courtesy, artistry, ability to captivate others, originality of thinking and actions. Their negative traits: selfishness, hypocrisy, boasting, shirking from work.

Cyclothymic type

Prone to frequent mood swings and changes in the manner of communicating with people around him. His performance periodically drops, and he loses interest in work and in the people around him. Moreover, people of the cyclothymic type of character accentuation have a hard time experiencing failures, often think about their own shortcomings and uselessness, experience a feeling of loneliness, and become withdrawn.

During periods of depression, the behavior of a person with a cyclometric type of character accentuation is similar to dysthymic character accentuation, which is replaced by activity characteristic of the hyperthymic type.

In childhood, a schizoid accentuator is autistic, he sits alone, plays alone, he is taciturn, misunderstood, unkempt and thoughtful, prefers to stay among adults, sometimes he is silent for a long time, the occasion of their conversation. Does not reach out to peers, avoids noisy fun. To this is sometimes added some kind of coldness and childish restraint.

It's like he's not from here. And in fact, he's probably not here. Its isolation is the door to a bizarre inner world. A world in which everything is different, everything is complex and confusing for others, but so clear and familiar to him...

E.G., 16 years old. Difficulties in relationships with peers and parents. She is “a black sheep who is out of place.” In clothes he prefers gray, nondescript tones. Invisible. Reduced background mood, amicable, speaks quietly, monotonously. According to her peers, she is: “...strange,...abstruse,...overbearing,...thinks a lot about herself,...complicated.” In the process of psychological counseling, the girl reveals her inner world. She lives there most of the time. In this world there is a mother who is attentive to her, caring, in this world there are understanding and loving friends. She sees herself in this world as bright, beautiful, noticeable, easy to get into contact with, cheerful and cheerful. She assures that she created this world due to the misunderstanding of those around her of her complex essence, her peculiarities.

Children with schizoid accentuation are not emotional and are restrained in expressing feelings. Adolescence is a very difficult time. If accentuation persists after adolescence, all of the above characteristics remain.

They are closed, fenced off. It is extremely difficult to penetrate their inner world.

The inner life of the “I” can be bizarre, disharmonious, paradoxical. A certain pretentiousness and unnaturalness are possible.

Movements may be “broken”, angularity and awkwardness appear. They are often sloppy in their clothing.

Speech is florid, with a special subtext of statements, sometimes with complex personal symbolism of words, a tendency to reasoning

They are prone to abstraction, to flight away from reality, to mystification, to religious rituals, sectarianism, eccentricity and originality. Poor understanding of simple, concrete, natural properties (of both people and objects).

Reality should be, as it were, an illustration of their own “internal constructions” (otherwise they reject it or begin to stubbornly and unclearly reshape the environment to suit their idea).

The will can be directed towards fanciful, strange interests.

Often these are bright individualists - with certain inclinations they can achieve high results. Often these are people of art: artists, poets. People who prefer free creative style gravitating towards the new, unknown. They have a penchant for theosophy, psychology, and psychiatry. They often build abstract pictures of the world, gravitate towards schemes and systems, and love to engage in methodology. There are original systems in the head with their own strange order - but around, as a rule, there is chaos.

They do not tolerate formalities or frameworks, and feel the need for freedom of subjective choice. They react violently to an attempt to invade the world of their interests, fantasies, and hobbies.

At the same time, “emotional coldness” is manifested, sometimes even cruelty (because they do not understand well the experiences of other people). At the same time, in some cases they can be quite “refined” (a contradictory combination of sensitivity within the “I” and insensitivity outside). Frequent escapes into a fantasy world (sometimes this helps creativity, if there are inclinations). They can perform seemingly inexplicable actions. They are not interested in the reaction of others.

Such people are characterized by non-contact, but this non-contact can be of a different nature:

1) Non-communicative, emotionally cold, uncommunicative. And this satisfies them.

2) Non-contact and they worry that they are like that. They are aware of their lack of success in terms of interpersonal relationships. It is really difficult for them to communicate, especially since they are characterized by an inability to empathize. Suffering from loneliness, they withdraw more and more into themselves.

A schizoid accentuator cannot grasp “subtle things” in relationships: when to say what or remain silent, where to go or stay. His coldness is more an inability to feel the soul of another than indifference. He has no emotional resonance, so he can be cruel. He seems to be “in a shell,” but if the shell cracks, he reveals a vulnerability that is unexpected for those around him.

Personalities of this type may have sexual excesses and sexual aggression; alcoholism, as a rule, is not typical. They can become drug addicts, substance abusers, because they live in fantasies and need them due to the inability to realize themselves in a normal sphere.

A schizoid is not demanding of those around him, and it is easy to be with him if you give him the opportunity to do his own thing. He is stable in his hobbies and affections. But connecting him to another business so that he is actively involved in it is very difficult. He is not attracted to money; in general, earthly concerns concern him little.

In life, such people are usually very impractical, absent-minded, and difficult to adapt to everyday life. They have vague thinking and sometimes have difficulties in generalizing. Often they build an image based on a small, insignificant feature. Originality of thinking, originality of statements, independence of views, tendency to abstraction.

A defense mechanism during stress is withdrawal into fantasy, into the world of dreams.

As a rule, these are typical introverts. When making decisions, they do not focus on society, but rely only on their own opinion.

IN interpersonal relationships manifest themselves as pronounced individualists.

Mixed, closer to weak, type of reaction.

The motives are usually unclear.

- Schizoid accentuators need acting training and the development of stage sense and imagination more than others. It is necessary to find an opportunity for them to study in a drama studio or club artistic word, pantomimes - where their mental and physical expressiveness will develop.

Try to give them the opportunity to be in the center - to play the role of a mass entertainer, even though they will have quite natural resistance. We need to do this unobtrusively, imperceptibly involve them, give them the initiative.

It is worth encouraging them to speak louder, to monitor the imagery and brightness of speech. But this should not be a direct rude suggestion, the motivation should be unobtrusive and gentle

Such individuals should be taught to monitor their clothing - whether it corresponds to fashion trends, and taught to evaluate how their appearance looks from the outside.

During group trainings teach them to play choleric – to react to everything vividly and impulsively.

You need to learn to imitate the facial expressions and intonations of other people, try to copy their facial expressions. These exercises are especially difficult for people with schizoid (looking ahead, we can also say about a character with sharpened epileptoid features) accentuation. Sometimes it takes months before the schizoid begins to show even the slightest signs of empathy. In response to a proposal to simply imagine oneself as another person, not to mention copying their facial expressions, the psychologist will most likely hear a disarming: “But I can’t. I can not". Or more like a protest: “I am me.” Water wears away the stone, and the psychologist, drop by drop, breaks through the wall of closeness and negativism of his charges.

Recommend that the schizoid-accentuant person take up some kind of sport that develops plasticity and coordination of movements - for example, dancing or karate-wushu. If this is a schoolchild, talk to the physical education teacher, let him try to interest the student and push him to study in this direction. Be prepared for the fact that at the beginning this may not be easy, both for you in your beliefs and for him in accepting these beliefs, and even more so, in implementing your recommendations.

In relationships with people, such a person must avoid both excessive friendliness and unjustified hostility. Try to set him up for calm, even goodwill.

Hyperthymic type

Since childhood, such people are very energetic, independent, carefree sociable and talkative. These are mischievous people, prone to pranks, such as petty hooliganism and violation of discipline at school. They are prone to risk and adventure - this is their element. In particular, they are prone to gambling, which they will play to the last - they are the type who need everything or nothing. They are very cheerful, witty, and generally completely devoid of shyness. Thanks to their friendliness and sociability, they easily get to know each other, easily fit into any teenage company, and love to lead. The desire for leadership (usually informal) makes hyperthymic people the ringleaders of noisy companies, the initiators of large-scale undertakings that are rarely completed. They can make the most favorable impression on others. Active, low-fatigue. They do not accept loneliness.

An energetic hyperthymic teenager is usually restless, not systematic in his activities and has only superficial knowledge and interests. Very charming. They may be capable, but it is difficult for them to study - even with good abilities, they usually do poorly in their studies, and also experience great difficulties in complying with disciplinary standards. They are characterized by increased distractibility, restlessness, and impatience. Tendency to disorder, irresponsibility in assignments. Extremely inconsistent hobby. Plans are rarely completed. The energy of activity is scattered. They may have conflicts with teachers and parents, but after that they can easily resolve these same conflicts themselves.

They know how to find a way out of any situation. When they find themselves in dubious companies, they know how not to sink to the bottom. However, with a pronounced sharpening of accentuation, the symptoms of this group also include characteristic negative features: falling into the power of their desires, such children can join asocial companies, being in which often entails early alcoholism, drug use, delinquent behavior (often doing something... then just for company, without thinking about the consequences). Due to promiscuity in dating, early sexual relationships occur and sexually transmitted diseases are possible. Emancipation is very difficult. Representatives of this type are very independent from childhood; long-term escapes from home are possible.

A.S., 15 years old. He disarms with his optimism and overflowing cheerfulness. Captivating “sincerity”, behind which, as a rule, there are fictitious facts. Charming, inspires confidence, easily makes promises that he never keeps. Comes into contact with people of different ages right on the street, which often leads to the emergence of criminal connections. Alcohol abuse, systematic running away from home. He approaches the future with carefree ease and frivolity. He boasts of connections, friends, and is convinced that he “will not be lost.” He does not understand the dangers of leading such a lifestyle and wonders why those around him do not share his point of view.

Failures can cause an affective reaction in hyperthymic people, but not for long. They quickly move away and return to their usual cheerful state. They apologize easily.

In the life of hyperthymic people, brilliant ups and downs are possible (although in business matters these people are extremely unreliable) and sharp downfalls, which, however, are easily tolerated; hyperthymic people remain resourceful and inventive in any difficult situation. Their active orientation may also have asocial manifestations (scams, fraud, etc.).

- Advise a hyperthymic person to start a notebook to work on himself.
- In the notebook, first of all, you need to write all the immediate and distant plans, after which you should cross out half of them and forget them. It is better to plan a little than to plan a lot and not complete it.
- Let him come up with a “punishment” for himself for every unfinished business and unfulfilled promise. He still won’t punish himself too much, but he will learn to fix and control his indiscipline.
- Recommend him to ask himself (preferably in in writing all in the same notebook) - “What negative things still remain in me for others?”, “What do I need to do so that these qualities do not interfere with me and other people?”
- A hyperthymic person must be encouraged to maintain order around him - in the room, in his bag, on the table - then order in his soul will come much sooner.

Hysterical type

This personality type has two main “cores”: artistry, ease of getting used to any role (on the one hand) and the desire to stand out and attract attention (on the other hand). Often found in teenage girls.

This type is visible from childhood: here is a child in the center of the room declaring poetry - with rich and precise intonation, getting used to the image - and catches admiration. Then, when everyone has sat down at the table and everyone has forgotten about him, he again tries to attract attention to himself. If this does not work out, he spins under his feet again and again, ending up knocking over the tablecloth on himself. He is scolded, punished, he throws a tantrum - but everything is fine - he received his share of attention.

As a rule, people of this type have good artistic abilities, imaginative thinking, and an artistic disposition. He feels subtly, is overly emotional, everything is in colorful details and vivid images. But it’s difficult for him to express the essence in a dry, conceptual way; it’s “not his thing.”
He is dressed ostentatiously, takes picturesque poses, climbs into the center in company, speaks loudly and beautifully, boasts and lies with clear eyes about his merits and exploits. Can be upset or offended if someone else is the center of attention.

He can become a leader if people are interested in him and believe him, but not for long, because he easily becomes a coward and betrays. When he was found out, he says that he was disappointed in this company and goes in search of new viewers. So he easily changes both attachments and work.
Well protected inside. If his girlfriend dances with someone else, he will easily devalue it in his heart: “She didn’t appreciate me, well, in vain, I’ll go find someone else.” What matters to him is not people, but their attention.
But this is in his soul, and outwardly he is a lover of drama. His jealousy is always aimed at the viewer. He tears out the hair of himself and others, pretends to commit suicide (almost always survives, unless he makes a mistake), and to stage suicide he will do something completely insignificant (eat harmless medicines from the medicine cabinet, cut his forearm). And if he does something dangerous, he makes sure that those around him know about it and can prevent it: he makes secret confessions in advance, makes long preparations for hanging or searching for poison, and so on. But such demonstrative games, unfortunately, sometimes lead to the most tragic consequences - the teenager just wanted to scare his parents or friends, and the result is an absurd death.

N.Z., 16 years old, has a strongly accentuated, hysterical type of character. Prefers bright, provocative clothes; speaks expressively; reacts to comments sharply and impulsively. Often conflicts. But no one can do without her school holiday, she is irreplaceable on stage. She gets used to the role like a real actress. He plans to enter the pedagogical institute. Taking into account her personal characteristics and high intelligence, the choice was made correctly, because by giving a lesson, she will be able to be “on stage” every day. The prognosis in this case is very promising - presumably the development of the personality in this case will proceed favorably, its characterological features will fall into the right direction.

Characterized by self-mourning, flight into illness or extravagance. They are often into hippies, yoga and everything that is fashionable. But even in these areas they lie and invent more than they do.
Relationships with parents are ambivalent: there may be runaways from home, loud demands for freedom, independence, noisy conflicts - but in fact, the hysterical will not run far. He is attached to his parents, but not with care and gratitude, but with selfishness - after all, here is his material and emotional feeding ground, they will always warm him here, feed him with attention and care.
He is easy to negotiate with, easy-going, but not obligatory. It promises a lot, but delivers little. It flashed - and to the side. The concept of “duty” and “obligatory” is an abstraction for him. You can only talk about this beautifully.
If the hysterical person does not meet with sympathy, he becomes angry.

Suggestible, outwardly they can be captivatingly simple.
They almost always do not admit their mistakes. They humiliate the enemy for any reason. They are vengeful and vindictive towards their enemies.
The dominant role of external impressions.
They feel good in an atmosphere of scandals and gossip.
Excellent blackmailers (they threaten to run away from home - but if he has escaped, he should be looked for in a reasonable place - where they should be looked for, they blackmail with suicide, which is not typical for them). Sometimes an attempt that is demonstrative by design crosses the line and becomes true. They are not prone to delinquency, but are prone to petty fraud.

Deep feelings are not typical for them - everything is just a theatrical game for them.
Alcoholism is not typical, although they may drink in company - they drink little, but brag a lot and act out their intoxication.
They may try drugs and toxins once, but then they will talk about them for a long time.
The weak link is wounded pride, collapse of hopes for a prestigious place, debunked exclusivity.
As a rule, the hysterical type hides very low self-esteem and a very large complex.
It is interesting to observe how hysterical people react to the description of their type; as a rule, they really like the hysterical accentuation, and they begin to be proud of it. Point at weak sides character becomes quite difficult. They just don't hear about them.

The type of perception, processing and reproduction is visual-figurative, sensual, artistic.
Defense mechanisms – 1) displacement of negative information from consciousness, 2) withdrawal into illness.

- Such people need to play phlegmatic, practice quiet voice, slow movements
- Teach them how to write a report – without pauses, facial expressions, or playing with intonations.
- Give them this task: let them do a good job and not tell anyone about it. This task by hysterics meets with special approval. For them, this is just another game, but a useful game.
- Recommend that at a party or in a company they try to sit on the sidelines and keep quiet, do so not to be noticed and be glad that there are good people around.
- Invite them to pass off their idea as someone else’s. The reaction of hysterics to this task is interesting. Usually it is very similar - at first he thinks for a long time, and then with a heavy sigh he declares: “It’s hard.”
- Let him help another to be in the center of attention and be happy for him.
- Let them learn to love themselves: give themselves so much warmth and care so that they don’t need so much attention and care from others.

People with the cycloid type experience a periodicity of opposite states. Multiple “wave-like” changes of “excitation” and “inhibition”. Moreover, even with an increase, these two processes have an admixture of their opposite.
For example, sadness may occur when excited.

S.I., 17 years old. Usually sociable, happy to make contact, willing to attend classes with a psychologist, trusting, not secretive. With the onset of the subdepressive phase, withdrawal into oneself is observed. He doesn’t refuse psychological help, but during classes he remains silent, says that “everything is fine”, opens up reluctantly, takes closed poses, avoids eye contact, gets irritated, may cry.

In childhood they resemble hyperthymics (superficially active – sociability, activity, elevated mood), and in adolescence, in a difficult situation, the first subdepressive phase begins.
It should be noted here that depression should not be confused with subdepression. The difference is that depression is a painful condition, while subdepression is not.
With subdepression, energy disappears, lethargy, weakness, and lack of initiative overcome. Efficiency decreases and withdrawal from contacts is observed. The future is seen in dark tones. A person cannot gather his thoughts, sleep disturbances occur, and daytime sleepiness occurs. Failures are acutely experienced, but not in the form of a conflict outlet, but in relation to oneself. They often respond to comments and reproaches with irritation, sometimes rudely and angrily, and in the depths of their souls, they fall into greater despondency.

Then there is a rise. The phase lasts 1-2 weeks (according to psychiatrists). Sociability increases, they become sociable, promiscuity in acquaintances is possible. The background mood changes to elated. Activity and efficiency increase, and a thirst for activity is observed.

Thinking corresponds to one or another phase (according to the dynamics of mental operations). Most often, they learn the material quite easily.

If a traumatic situation continues for a long time, it provokes the manifestation of obvious accentuation, which leads to the subdepressive phase being lengthened. At this time, a person is sensitive to insults, assessments, accusations, failures and other environmental influences.

The main problem: in the subdepressive phase, a continuous emotional breakdown can occur, including suicide.

Adolescents, being in this phase, often look for shortcomings in themselves (personal reflection (from the Latin Reflexio) - turning back - the process of self-knowledge by the subject of internal mental acts and states) and, having discovered them, get scared, consider themselves different from others and worse than them. Awareness of your problems and search for solutions to overcome them in the subdepressive phase does not help. Such a teenager needs to seek help by using a helpline or turning to a psychologist.

With a patient, understanding attitude from loved ones, the sharpness of the phases sooner or later smoothes out.

- In the subdepressive phase, it is necessary to support the person with gentle advice, be careful with him, and be extremely tactful.
- In no case should you be rude, as cyclothymic can give an acute emotional reaction.
- Recommendations described for hyperthymics and hypothymics, according to the phases.

Psychasthenic type

These people are not very sociable, shy, and are characterized by fears. They are characterized by indecisiveness, self-distrust, and seeking help or advice from others. Wanting to do something, such a person doubts whether it is right. Having decided to do something, he does it immediately, and indecision begins to be combined with impatience. The work they start is completed (although they have a “boundary of entry” to which they can still turn back). When the job is finished, he starts to worry again about how well he did.

Since childhood, timidity and fearfulness have been observed. Then prudence and suspiciousness intensify. Thinking is usually correct and logical. May be motorically awkward. Prone to daydreaming and introspection.
They are often well-developed and well-read, but due to their indecisiveness they can be overshadowed by complete nonentities.

T.P., 18 years old. She has a very high intelligence, is versatile, talented, friendly and tactful, and has a pleasant attractive appearance. But she worries about everything all the time. The slightest insult causes tears in her, long-term experiences that are difficult for her to cope with on her own. If she has nothing to worry about, she will still find a reason, even the most insignificant one. The expression on his face is tense and sad all the time, with a readiness to cry at any moment.

In a difficult extreme situation are distinguished by a peculiar reaction - to everyone’s surprise, they can find fast decision and manifest complete fearlessness(which is sharply different from hysteroids).
This type often develops as a result of specific upbringing (very high requirements and expectations imposed by parents - usually authoritarian). A psychasthenic person is afraid more than anything else of not living up to the expectations placed on him. Usually attached to their parents and capable of deep feelings. They are afraid for their loved ones, afraid of death, accidents. Sensitives (they will be discussed below) worry about everything very deeply, while psychasthenics also look at things realistically and constantly analyze the situation. Such a person can create a problem where other people usually do not have one. Anxious thoughts are characteristic (when analyzing situations).

They often become pedantic and prone to rituals. They cannot afford to be late - they are overly punctual. If there are a lot of rituals, they can turn into obsessive states (neuroses). They are characterized by self-examination, dissatisfaction with themselves, and excessive philosophizing. They will never solve the problem through suicide. They are too responsible to their relatives for this.
No teenage problems. Personal problems include obsession and neurotic reactions. Character - tiresome.
These are also people with low self-esteem and very high levels of anxiety.

- When working, simulate the most terrible situations, let the psychasthenic mentally play them out, accept them and begin to look for possible solutions.
- Teach the psychasthenic a constructive attitude towards problems: “It happened. So what's now?"
- Let them violate any established order and make sure that nothing terrible happens.
- Recommend doing facial exercises. The psychasthenic has a tense forehead all the time, and his mouth feigns sadness. Let him learn to relax his forehead, portray various positive emotional states - joy, interest, confidence, pleasant surprise. Acting training and trying on heroic, brave roles are very useful - It is necessary to develop reactivity and impulsiveness. - The idea must be conveyed that only those who do nothing make no mistakes, and that without mistakes it is difficult to accumulate life experience. - The psychasthenic must be encouraged to express his own opinion without regard to the parental shadow and their condemning assessment. It is necessary to convey to such a person his right to freedom of thoughts and opinions.

A person has a mood that changes too often and too abruptly, and the reasons for these changes are often insignificant and unnoticeable to others (an unflattering word spoken, rain at the wrong time, a torn button - such little things can instantly cause a bad mood, while a pleasant conversation, a new thing, interesting idea - they can raise it).
Such people are either very active and talkative, or slow and stingy with words.

The experiences are deep and personally significant - they can affect sleep, appetite, ability to work, and communication. With a change in mood, the perception of the world, other people, even the perception of the past and future sharply changes: then everything seems hopeless, unfair, then suddenly bright prospects emerge.
This can make a person seem superficial and frivolous. But that's not true. He is capable of deep feelings, sincere affection, primarily to his family and friends. He needs close people, love and friendship. His actions are usually altruistic.

He has an excellent intuitive sense of those around him, especially their attitude towards him, and reacts instantly and sincerely.

Possible tendency towards alcoholism.

Real losses and serious troubles are very difficult to bear - breakdowns and depression are possible

E.Z., 18 years old. Talented. He draws very well. At times she is lively and cheerful, then suddenly she seems to “go limp in her chair.” He lowers his head down, his facial expression becomes disappointed and sad. The next second she is already in the center of some events, her voice stands out sharply from all the voices. Also in studies. Either she is actively engaged in concentration, then suddenly her attention switches to something else, and the activity seems to “take off with her hand.” He often quarrels with his classmates, but immediately makes up with ease. If the conflict could not be resolved immediately, he will worry deeply and try to rectify the situation.

- It is necessary to teach such a person to accept himself - to understand that a fragile child lives inside him - a delicate pink flower. This child in yourself needs to be understood, protected and admonished.
- Automotive training is required.
- It is advisable to recommend accustoming yourself to a contrast shower.
- We must learn to distinguish between a spiritual (reasonable) and an emotional being, more often identifying with the first, learn to cultivate rationality and analyticity in ourselves: cause - consequences. You need to love the emotional part of yourself, but treat it somewhat detached.
- It is useful to keep a diary in which you note each time when a change in mood occurred and why it happened. In the evening, review and analyze the recordings. With this analysis, one can imagine that these are the actions and reactions of another person. How then does the attitude towards these actions change? It is also helpful to journal about this and reflect on it.
- You shouldn’t fight the elements of emotions, but you need to learn to manage them - laugh 3 minutes a day for no reason, take on different roles with different emotional states– this will help to trace the mechanism of occurrence of this or that emotion.

Sensitive type

Since childhood, such a person is not very sociable, shy, anxious, characterized by fears (of spiders, dogs, darkness, loneliness), and hypersensitivity. Tendency to exhaustion (asthenic traits). They are impressionable, responsive to any external assessment, deeply experience failure and failure, getting stuck on their experiences. When communicating with them, one must not allow rudeness, insults, or accusations, especially false ones. In childhood, they are distinguished by a very rapidly developing morality (increased sense of duty, responsibility, super control). Adults have very high moral demands on themselves. A very deep and vulnerable type. They are characterized by self-doubt and increased conscientiousness.

Such people avoid big companies, are not inclined to communicate easily with strangers. But among people among whom they feel safe, they are quite sociable. Great affection for family. Joining a new team is painful for them, but then, having gotten used to it, they are extremely reluctant to move to another. Inspections and reporting periods are unbearably painful and alarming for them.

M.S., 19 years old. She is very shy and is perceived by others as “strange”. Communication is difficult - those around her often do not understand her high moral demands, and she does not understand the immoral behavior of her peers. She is drawn to art, is passionate about theater and reading. Spiritually developed. She is inclined towards philosophy. At the same time, she is tormented by fears. Sometimes she is afraid to be alone at home, despite her age. Free time she devotes to studies or cultural events.

There is a tendency to become tearful, usually when making too harsh remarks. People of this type are very afraid of the rudeness of others. Overcompensation is possible, expressed by excessive diligence, which exhausts them. In general, they tend to work as expected, following instructions.
In a situation of failure, a feeling of one’s own insufficiency and inferiority may develop. If you fall in love, sometimes it ends sadly. Representatives of this type prefer not to talk about their love, often believing that they are unworthy of their chosen one.

Typical problems in adolescence transition period they are not observed, but there are unexpected behavioral reactions ( inappropriate behavior– very high self-esteem).

If such a person is haunted by failure (or a chain of failures), suicide may follow (as in a cycloid in the subdepressive stage).
Reproaches and moralizing cause remorse and even despair, instead of protest.

- You should be extremely careful and tactful with people of this type.
- It is necessary to work with self-esteem, to identify fears, as well as deep work with the revision and rethinking of the value system, since too high and impossible demands on oneself can cause neurosis
- The recommendations given for the hypothymic and psychasthenic types also apply to this type.

Hypothymic (dysthymic) type

Representatives of this type are characterized by a low mood and a tendency to see their surroundings in black. A constant joyless feeling limits their activity. Increased sensitivity to troubles, anxious anticipation of misfortunes.
Joy is poisoned by thoughts about its fragility, that it will soon pass and everything will be bad again. He does not experience joy, because he immediately transfers himself to his gloomy future.
Such people often feel that others look down on them or treat them with contempt. They constantly feel guilty about something.

Because of all this, they can avoid others and withdraw into themselves (but this is not schizoid autism). At the same time, they are quite responsive to calls for help, but they themselves reveal themselves in a very narrow circle that they trust. They become very attached to the person to whom they have opened up and can be very intrusive; at the same time they become dependent on this person.
The need for love, understanding, friendship, and sympathy is clearly expressed. These people need support, positive assessment, reassurance that they are needed, exceptional and important.

A-dr. S. Calls himself a “dark person.” He has virtually no friends, is always misunderstood by everyone, wears only black clothes, writes poetry with severe depressive content, gloomy themes are constantly repeated, “overplayed.” We are constantly overcome by thoughts of suicide. He eats very little and suffers from insomnia and headaches. Abuses alcohol in hopes of numbing anxiety. This man is torn apart internal conflicts. Constantly in search of an understanding, approving person.

This type often causes difficulties for psychologists, since often it is the psychologist who becomes the person whom they want to follow, in whom they look for support, and then such accentuators look for different ways to attract the attention of a specialist, try to increase the number of sessions, complaining of severe mental illness. state. In this regard, it is very important for a psychologist to track the line between real problems and simulation, accompanied by attempts to manipulate him.

Dysthymics are fully aware of their bad mood, self-absorption and even some insensitivity, and this bothers them (unlike schizoids, who do not feel this).
In what they have to do, dysthymics see only bad things, only difficulties; incapable of sustained volitional effort, indecisive. Quite slow (internal inhibition predominates). Migraines, constipation, poor night sleep and daytime sleepiness are common. Poor appetite, dizziness.

Fearful, thoughtful, whiny in childhood. There may be psychotic outbursts (manic or depressive). A related group is psychasthenics.
Hypothymic people are responsible at work and you can rely on their word. With overcompensation, insolence and excitability are possible, and the greater the fearfulness, the stronger the excitability (with access to somatic stigmas: “signs” on the body, local redness of the skin, ulcerations, pimples).
Thinking is well developed. The style of thinking is verbal. They rely on the word, a semantic basis, and meaningful analysis.
Stop reactions may occur under stress. Activity is blocked, and often such people become thoughtless followers.
The defense mechanism is refusal of self-realization and strengthening of consciousness control.

- Such people need to communicate more. Although this can be very difficult to achieve. Very often they make a depressing impression on people, which is why, for obvious reasons, the group tries to oust them.
- They need it more than anyone else healthy image life. Gymnastics and contrast showers will improve your tone and distract you from gloomy thoughts.
- Laughter is the best medicine. We must provoke them to laugh, because this is such a rarity for them.
- Praise them more. For every task, for every piece completed, for everything you can praise - don’t be stingy, these people cannot be over-praised.
- Be sure to work with self-esteem. Help this person to love himself, let him answer the questions: “what is attractive about me,” “how can I be interesting to others.” Do not be discouraged if at first you hear the answer: “Nothing.” Patience and work - and he will definitely begin to see his positive traits. Every person has resources that help overcome all difficulties.
- Self-hypnosis: “My affairs are getting better every day in every way,” “I am sweet, kind and wonderful.”

One of the most socially difficult types for others. But you shouldn’t perceive him only in this form. As has already been said, each type of accentuation can be directed in a socially useful direction; in each one you can find something valuable that makes a person this particular person, and valuable to us precisely for these unique qualities. In addition, it is the epileptoid type that is one of the strongest male characters. “The man is like a bull, what a whim will get into his head...” - this is just about him. However, insufficiently correctly oriented epileptoid accentuation can make communication difficult.

Since childhood, such children cry a lot, and nothing can calm them down. Strong, capricious, angry, he does everything as if on purpose. In a children's company, he does not even pretend to be a leader, but to the role of a ruler: he dictates everything and everything is in his favor. Childish thriftiness of clothes, toys, everything “of one’s own.” It is impossible to take anything away from him - he is ready to kill for his own.

At school there are neat notebooks and meticulous attention to detail, but this doesn’t help much in studying. In adolescence, he is dangerous: he easily falls into uncontrollable rage, like an animal, then his face becomes filled with blood, he tries to hit the genitals, becomes cruel, indifferent to the weakness and helplessness of the enemy. He just doesn't look at it, so he also attacks the one who surpasses him in strength.
Such teenagers have a hard time experiencing emancipation.

Difficult relationship with parents. He adjusts when he needs to, and will be soulless when he needs something else. A teenager of this type (and then an adult) demands not only independence, but also his “rights” and his “share”, and may begin to hate his parents. In case of conflict, they are vindictive (they remember the insult for a long time, then they will take revenge, sometimes after decades)). As adults, they can break off relations with their parents. They claim rights to living space and material goods. They only collect what they have material value.
They are aggressive, like to put pressure on the weaker, dependent, and have a soft character. Those who resist them are in a more advantageous position. Epileptoids love strength. Sometimes they treat their superiors servilely and are ready to please, but only as long as they need it. When cooperation with a superior person becomes unprofitable, the epileptoid will gladly assist in his overthrow.

Epileptoids tend to be suspicious, picky, sticky, and fixated on feelings and relationships. . They are conflicting. Tension and anger in communication are often observed. They do not know how to compromise at all, and are not familiar with the art of argument - the ability to listen to another point of view, much less consider different points of view. When the epileptoid took up the dispute, the only thing possible reaction– listen to him to the end and do not enter into a discussion with him.

Their existence is accompanied by a melancholy and angry mood; they are characterized by explosiveness, self-centeredness and pedantry. The epileptoid constantly accumulates anger, dissatisfaction, irritation, and then a random drop can cause an uncontrollable explosion. The detente is angry and slow to pass. They boil slowly - over several hours, sometimes days. This is followed by violent affect, after which the dysphoria slowly emerges. Affect is characterized by unbridled rage - cynical abuse, severe beatings, threats of harm to others, and sometimes to oneself.

Sometimes they themselves look for reasons for quarrels, fights, and bullying others. An increased experience of the “evil melancholy” type is possible, during which such a person needs to find someone on whom to take his anger out. They react very sharply to comments and do not tolerate criticism.

The style of behavior is dominated by pettiness, stinginess, protection of only one’s own, personal, and with cruel reactions even if there is a suspicion of an attempt on one’s own. Sometimes all of the above is combined with hypocrisy, hypocrisy, even some sweetness - with their harshness and cruelty, diminutive words can be used in speech. For them, there are no authorities - when there is a looming benefit, they drown the one they fawned over.

The desire for power is highly developed. If the husband in the family is an epileptoid, he puts pressure on his wife and children. Tries to subdue them. As a boss, he establishes a strict disciplinary regime, commands everyone, interferes in everything, and interprets everything in his favor. He is more often feared than respected. He cannot stand others’ own opinions or criticism of him, he is inclined to blame himself and never admits his guilt. He is vindictive.

An epileptoid should never be given power. In this case, he will bully everyone who is nearby, imposing on them his strictly established order.

There may be excesses in the sexual sphere - they are very selfish, love themselves. It is characterized by the intensity of instinctive life and strong sexual attraction. The only thing holding him back is the “fear of infection”, so they are not inclined to have casual relationships. Love is always tinged with dark, heavy jealousy, he is very suspicious, and never forgives betrayal.

Prone to early alcoholism. They drink a lot until they pass out. No remorse, no sympathy.

With solid upbringing, their negative traits can be given a positive connotation (thrift, housekeeping, perseverance, neatness, active fight against crime, sporting achievements).

M.H. 18 years. Before the examination, it was difficult to imagine that this friendly, always cheerful, very neat young man There may be such high rates of epileptoid accentuation. The examinations were carried out one after another with the same result. In the process of work, it turned out that epileptoidism is indeed inherent in this young man, but it manifests itself in a zealous attitude towards order in the house, which is why conflicts with relatives often occur; he does not have problems in other areas of his life. He readily agreed that such housekeeping was difficult for those around him, and from then on he began to pay attention to his behavior and control it, knowing his weak points.

The epileptoid is conflicted externally and conflict-free internally. For himself, he is the only good person.

It works clearly, simply, realistically, but without flights of fancy. Creativity and creativity are inaccessible to him. As a rule, conservative and conformist. He hates everything that differs from his views.

Sometimes he is sentimental. Many representatives of this accentuation love music and singing and receive special sensual pleasure from this. They generally have good sleep and appetite.

Thinking slowly but carefully. A distinctive feature is sobriety of thought, convincing argumentation, adherence to principles, and commitment to one’s point of view.

Defense Mechanisms:
1) rationalization with devaluation of the object of frustrated need - when such a person cannot achieve something, he devalues ​​it in his own eyes.
2) reacting outwardly in an externally accusing manner (when he gives vent to anger). At the same time, he attributes to others those qualities that are characteristic of himself.

- The most important thing is to teach such a person to be more patient and friendly.

Exercise smile. A person must accustom himself to having a warm, friendly smile as his usual expression. If there is no smile, then the face should express readiness for it. This is impossible without feeling an inner smile. Otherwise, instead of a smile, you will get an animal grin.

Exercise “Peace be with you.” This is an internal phrase, an attitude. When meeting a person, he must sincerely say to himself “peace be with you.” This phrase must be given to another with all your soul, with all your heart. It is especially worth repeating this phrase to yourself during arguments. But getting an epileptoid to do such an exercise is not easy. You will need the entire arsenal of your creativity, talent, patience and desire to help this person.

- “Transfer of initiative in conversation.” Let him learn to listen actively, sincerely, interestedly and without interrupting. This is very difficult for him, the more important it is to understand the need to correct this trait.

Self-assessment: a person with epitheptoid accentuation must learn to understand how others feel from his behavior? If someone has made a mistake, draw their attention not to the fact of the mistake, but to your reaction. It is very difficult for an epileptoid to put himself in the place of another.

- “Cloud in pants” - teach him to speak more quietly, softly and less. "Feel like a cloud."

- “Approval” is necessary to be able to sometimes agree in a dispute, and not object - “You do it cleverly.” Model different types of disputes and conflicts with all sorts of possible ways out of them.

- “The thunderstorm is canceled” - the epileptoid must understand that if it is difficult for him to restrain negative emotions, then it’s hard for others to tolerate them. Teach not to swear and forgive. How long could he stand in the place of his family and friends?

Exercise “sage” - the ability to lose and contemplate. Before you make a noise, you should ask yourself, “How would a wise person react to this?”

Self-hypnosis slogans: “Business is for man, not man for business,” just like “Order is for man, not man for order” - the well-being of people is more important than the work done or not done. “You cannot make those who are far away happy by making those near you unhappy”

Exercise - “I through the eyes of others”