Formation of social competence of children of senior preschool age. Social competence of preschoolers

Lesson notes on organization research activities"His Majesty is the air"

Summary of a lesson on organizing research activities for children 6 years old

Target: Expand children's understanding of the world. Develop skills experimental research activities. Develop logical thinking. Learn to analyze and draw conclusions. Develop attention, visual and auditory sensitivity, research skills and skills.


1. Teach children to put forward hypotheses, conduct experiments, analyze an object, and draw conclusions.

2. Develop research interest, introduce children to the properties of air, and methods of examining an object.

3. Cultivate perseverance, curiosity, goodwill, and a desire to help peers.

4. Develop an understanding of the basic physical properties the surrounding world.

5. Activate speech and enrich children’s vocabulary

Methods and techniques:

Game, visual, verbal, practical, partially search, research.

Preliminary work:

Conducting a training session on organizing research activities, talking with children about the properties of air, reading and looking at illustrations in an encyclopedia for children.


Disposable cups, bread, orange, perfume, soap, napkin. a transparent glass, a bowl of water, plastic bags for each child.

Progress of the lesson.

Dunno runs into the group

Dunno: All my friends in the Flower City tell me that there is something on our planet that is everywhere and without which it is impossible to live, and I would like to know what it is?

Dear guys, we will have to go to the laboratory of little academicians. After all, we need to answer questions that interest us and Dunno.

Educator: - Are the young academicians ready?

Children: - Yes.

Vs: First, guess the riddle

Always surrounds us

We breathe it without difficulty.

It is odorless and colorless.

Guess what it is? (Air)

Children: Air

Vs: That's right, air.

V-l: What do you know about air? (children's answers - air is invisible, it is transparent, colorless).

Why do we need air? (children's answers). Do you know that man, like all living things, cannot live without air? How can I check this?

Educator: - And we know how.

The teacher asks the children to close their mouths tightly and pinch their noses with their fingers.

Well, none of you could live without air for even a minute! Who else needs air? (children, animals, plants).

And who (what) doesn’t need air? (children's answers). That's right, well done.

Educator: Where do you think the air lives? (He is everywhere, he is around people and inside us).

Think about how else you can prove that air is everywhere (around us) (children's answers).

Experience 1

Educator: - And now we will conduct an experiment. Let's try to catch the air. (palms)

Got caught?

Who can prove that they caught air?

Does not work. Let's try it with a plastic bag. (Children come to the table, take bags and catch air with them. The teacher has a bag with a hole - and the air is not caught).

Educator: - Why isn’t the air caught in this bag? (children's answers - there is a hole in the bag, air comes out of the bag.) That's right, air can only be caught in a tightly closed bag.

Why did the bag inflate? (Because there is air there).

Well done boys. What conclusion can you draw from this experience?

Conclusion: air is around us, it is invisible, transparent, colorless, elastic; air takes the shape of the object in which it is located.

Children sit on chairs.

Experience 2

Educator: - Let's take a glass. Do you think there is air in it? Let's check.

Place a piece of plasticine at the bottom of the glass, attach a napkin to it and press it to the bottom of the glass. Now I will turn the glass over and immerse it completely in water.

Do you think water will wet the napkin?

Let's check. Take the glass out of the water and touch the napkin with your hands. The napkin is dry. Why? (The air prevented the water from entering the glass)

Do we see air in the glass? (No) So he is invisible. Why can we call him invisible? (Because it is transparent and everything can be seen through it)

What else could be transparent? (glass, water)

Conclusion: Air is everywhere, it is invisible.

Experiment 3 “Storm in a teacup.”

The teacher gives each child a glass of water and a straw, the children blow into the straw, and it turns out to be a “storm.”

Educator: - Why did you get bubbles? Where did the air come from in the tubes?

Conclusion: there is air inside us.

Educator: -Well done, guys, and now I suggest you rest.

Physical education lesson “If you have fun, do this...” (teacher shows)

Experience 4

Educator: - Do you think the air has a smell? (children's answers). And this can be verified. Close your eyes, and when I tell you, you will slowly inhale and say what it smells like.

(approaches each child and gives them a smell of perfume (orange, bread, soap). One child simply inhales the air)

Who felt what? (children's answers). And you, Sasha? (the child replies that it didn’t smell like anything). And why? (children's answers) That's right, Sasha didn't feel anything, because I didn't give him anything to smell. He simply inhaled air. What conclusion can be drawn from this?

Conclusion: the air has no smell, objects smell.

Educator: Well done, guys. You did a good job today. All questions answered

Educator: Children. What did we talk about today? (children's answers)

Right. We were convinced through experiments that air is invisible, transparent, tasteless and odorless. Air is everywhere. Without air there would be no life on our Earth.

Educator: Well, Dunno, have we proven to you that air really exists Everywhere on planet Earth and that it is impossible to live without it?

Dunno: Yes, thanks guys.

Educator: And Dunno, our guys know poems about air, listen to them.

1 child: He is transparent and invisible,

Light and colorless gas

With a weightless scarf

It envelops us.

Child 2: It’s in the forest, thick, fragrant

Like a healing infusion

Smells of resinous freshness,

Smells of oak and pine.

Child 3: In summer it can be warm,

It blows cold in winter

When the frost lay on the glass

Lush white fringe.

Child 4: We don’t notice him

We don't talk about him

We just breathe it in

After all, we need him.

Dunno: Well done, thank you, and my friend Znayka gave me a letter for you, read it.

"Secret Letter"

If you make a drawing or inscription on a blank sheet of paper with milk or lemon juice. Then heat a sheet of paper (preferably over a device without open fire) and you will see what appears on the piece of paper. The improvised ink will boil, the letters will darken, and secret letter can be read.

V-l: Guys, look at the letters appearing. Now we will read this message.

" Good luck! New discoveries. Znayka."

Thank you all, this closes our laboratory of young academicians until new experiments.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 2 Leninogorsk" Municipal Municipality "Leninogorsk municipal district» RT

Abstract of the NOD on the organization of research activities in the preparatory school group “His Majesty - Air”

Prepared by teacher: Revenko M.Yu.

Summary of an open lesson on experimental research activities in the preparatory group, topic: “Soon we will go to school - what will we study there?”

Prepared by: higher education teacher qualification category Davydova Svetlana Alekseevna.


Teach preschoolers to develop research skills: identify a problem, collect information, observe, analyze, generalize, conduct experiments, draw conclusions.
Develop an interest in exploration and experimentation.
Determine the most effective ways dissolving substances in water.
Establish a connection between the structure of a bird's feather and its function.
Bring children to the conclusion about the need for stereoscopic vision for humans, develop knowledge about proper eye care, and teach how to relieve eye fatigue (from accommodative stress).
Establish the relationship between distance from the Sun and the temperature of the planets.
Explain to children through experience that the earth has a gravitational force.
To consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand.
Enrich active dictionary children.
Develop the ability to draw conclusions from research results and clearly express your thoughts.
Promote development cognitive activity children, curiosity, observation, desire for independent knowledge and reflection.
Motivate children to study at school, interest them in various school subjects.


Audio recording of a school bell.
Paintings " solar system", "Desert".
Textbooks “biology”, “chemistry”, “physics”, “geography”, “anatomy”, “astronomy”.
Magnifying glasses, flight and down feathers.
Two glasses of water for each child, spatulas, pipettes, containers with dissolved paint.
Sheets of paper, pens with caps, pictures depicting children sitting correctly and incorrectly at the table, caring for their eyes.
Desk lamp.
Satchel, notebook, pen, ruler, eraser, diary, pencil, textbook, album, colored pencils, doll, bottle with pacifier.
Plastic plates with sand, empty plates, wooden balls, table tennis balls, balls rolled from napkins, oilcloth.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys! Please tell me which group are you from? (Children's answers). From the preparatory group. This means you are the most mature among the kindergarten children. Tell me, what kind of classes do you have? (Children's answers). But very very soon the time will come say goodbye to kindergarten. Why? (Children's answers). Because you will become schoolchildren. There are no classes at school. Instead of them -... lessons. Many different school subjects you will learn in class.

What is this sound?

(The bell rings).

It rings, rings, rings,
He tells a lot of people:
Then sit down and study,
Then get up and go away.
What was that ringing?

(Children's answers).

This school bell. He announces the beginning and end of the lesson. And now we will fast forward to the future: imagine that you are already schoolchildren, studying at school and studying many interesting school subjects in class.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a chemistry lesson. (Show textbook). Chemistry is the science of substances and how they behave in different conditions. In chemistry lessons you will learn why some substances do not want to mix, while others dissolve, and others explode when mixed.

Now you can feel like students in a chemistry lesson.

Chemistry lesson - “How do substances dissolve in water?”

Using a pipette, drop paint into one glass of water. What do you see? (Children's answers). The drop dissolves slowly and unevenly in the water.
Add paint to another glass of water and stir with a spatula. What do you see? (Children's answers). The paint dissolved quickly.
What conclusion can be drawn from what you saw? (Children's answers). If we want to quickly and evenly dissolve a substance in water, we need to stir it.
In everyday life, how do we use knowledge of this feature of dissolving substances in water? (Children's answers). Stir sugar in tea or salt in soup.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to biology class. (Show textbook). Biology is the science that studies all living things. In biology lessons you will learn a lot of interesting things about different plants, about the largest inhabitants of the planet - whales and the smallest - microbes.

Now let’s imagine ourselves in a biology lesson and talk about birds.

Biology lesson - “How are bird feathers arranged?”

Birds need different feathers. Here is a flight feather and a down feather. Let's look at them. What can you say about the size of the feathers? (Children's answers). The flight feather is much larger than the down feather.

Let the flight feather fall and watch it fall. How did it fall? (Children's answers). Slowly, smoothly circling. Now do the same with the down feather. How did it fall? (Children's answers). Even slower.

Now let's look at the shaft of each feather. What is the difference? (Children's answers). The flight feather has a thick rod that is empty inside. Down feathers have a thin, soft shaft.

Flick the flight feather and down feather. How did you feel? (Children's answers). The flight feather cuts the air sharply, with sound. A down feather does not cut through the air.
Examine the feathers through a magnifying glass. Notice how the feather hairs are positioned relative to each other. In the flight feather the hairs are interlocked with each other, while in the down feather the hairs are located separately.

Let's think about why birds need such feathers? (Children's answers).

Conclusion: the flight feather and the down feather are different. The flight feather helps the bird fly, and the down feather helps it retain heat.

(The bell rings).

And this bell calls not to class, but to recess!

Dynamic pause “Change”

Children line up in a column, the first child has a backpack, the last has a set of objects, which he passes one at a time to the one in front. When the item reaches the first child, he makes a decision: should he put this item in his backpack, or does the student not need it? The assembled backpack is transferred in reverse order.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to an anatomy lesson. (Show textbook). Anatomy is the science that studies the human body. In anatomy lessons you will learn what determines a child’s hair color, how many bones a person has, and how the heart works.

Imagine yourself in an anatomy lesson.

Anatomy lesson - “Why does a person need two eyes?”

I wonder why a person needs two eyes? What if there was one big eye?
Let's find out how many eyes are better, two or one?
Place it in front of you Blank sheet paper, take a pen and make a dot on the sheet. Now stand up and try to quickly hit the drawn point with your pen. Happened? (Children's answers). It's easy to do.

Now do the same, covering one eye with your hand. What do you think? Was it easy to complete this task?
Let's try another experiment: remove the cap from the pen and quickly put it back on. Are you having difficulties? (Children's answers). No. This is a simple task. Now remove the cap from the pen, close one eye and quickly put the cap on the pen. What about this time? (Children's answers). The task was not so easy to complete.

This is because our eyes transmit two pictures to the brain that are slightly different from each other.
So how many eyes does a person need? (Children's answers). Two eyes.

You need to protect your eyes. Look at the pictures.

Who takes proper care of their eyes? Why? (Children's answers). Why can't you rub your eyes with your hands? Your hands may be dirty and dirt will get into your eyes. Cross out the wrong picture.
Now tell me, who sits correctly at the table, a boy or a girl? Why? (Children's answers). Cross out the wrong picture. You cannot lean close to a book or notebook. The eyes get tired quickly when they look at what is close to them. And if your eyes get tired of looking at what is close, then you need to look at ... (children's answers) - distant. Like what? (Children's answers). To the sky outside the window, to the ceiling.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to an astronomy lesson. (Show textbook). Astronomy, what is this science about? "Astra" translated from Greek language means "star". So what does the science of astronomy study? (Children's answers). Astronomy - the science of stars and all celestial bodies: planets and their satellites, comets and many others.

Imagine yourself in an astronomy lesson.

Astronomy Lesson - "Far and Close"

Take a look at the picture. (Show).

This is what the solar system looks like. Here is our planet, which is called what? Earth. And the Sun is a star.

What is the sun
If they ask you
Answer boldly -
Hot gas.

Let's imagine that the switched on lamp is the hot Sun. Squeeze two fists - these will be planets. Now bring one fist close to the sun lamp and the other fist away from the lamp. How did you feel? (Children's answers). The closer the fist is to the lamp, the warmer it is. The farther from the lamp, the more the rays diverge to the sides and the less of them fall on the fist.

What about the planets? Which ones are hot and warm, and which ones are cold. (Children's answers).

How closer planet towards the Sun, the hotter it is, and the further the planet is from the Sun, the colder it is. Show me the most hot planet. (Show). Show me the most cold planet. (Show). And our planet is located not very close and not very far from the Sun. And only the dear Earth is suitable for habitation in every way.

(The bell rings).

Physical education lesson

In physical education lessons you will become acquainted with different types sports, you will become strong, agile, fast. Now let's practice.

Physical exercise “Let’s play sports”

(Children perform movements to the music according to the text and the teacher’s demonstration).

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a physics lesson. (Show textbook). Physics is the science of the laws of nature. In physics lessons you will learn why planes fly, why some objects float and others sink.

Now let's imagine ourselves in a physics lesson and try to figure out why everything falls down.

Physics lesson - “Why does everything fall to the ground?”

The earth has a gravitational force. Everything we throw up will fall down to the ground. Having jumped, we will also fall down. And this is how the earth attracts various items, we will try to find out now.

Stand next to a plate filled with sand. Take three balls in your hand: wooden, plastic, paper. Which one is the heaviest? The easiest? (Children's answers).

Raise it higher and release the balls one by one so that they fall onto the sand. Pay attention which one will fall faster - will be attracted to the ground, and which one will be slower. Also pay attention to the mark left by the ball in the sand where it fell.

Tell us about the results of your observations. (Children's answers).
The lighter the object, the slower it falls - it is attracted to the ground. Heavy objects hit harder. The impact is stronger if the object falls from a greater height, then the depression in the sand increases.

Conclusion: all objects are attracted by the earth and fall, but with different strengths and speed.

(The bell rings).

The bell calls us to a geography lesson. (Show textbook).

Geography lesson

- “Geo” translated from Greek means “Earth”. Geography is the science of the Earth, the surface of planet Earth. On the most interesting lessons geography, you can get acquainted with all corners of the planet - hot Africa, icy Antarctica, mysterious Australia.

Guys, do you know what this is? (Show. Children's answers). This is a globe.

We will find cities and seas,
Mountains, parts of the world.
Fits on it
The whole planet.

What do the colors on the globe mean? Green color? (Children's answers). Green color means forests. White color? (Children's answers). Ice and snow. Brown color? (Children's answers). Mountains. What about yellow? (Children's answers). Deserts.

Show the large African Sahara Desert on the globe. (The child is called).

This is what we will talk about sandy deserts.

What is a desert? (Children's answers). A piece of land covered with sand. What word does this name “desert” come from? Listen to the word. (Children's answers). From the word "empty". And why? Because almost nothing grows or lives in the desert. But why? There is no water in the desert. There is a lot of sand that can flow. Like this? Let's try to figure it out.

Pour the sand into an empty plate. Just try to sprinkle it in a trickle in one place. What happened? (Children's answers). Where the sand fell, it formed sand hill. The sand slides, as if flowing down the slopes of the hill.
Now let's try to depict the wind. How can I do that? (Children's answers). Blow on the sand? (Children's answers). Blow lightly onto the sand. What happened? (Children's answers). The sand began to move.

Let's try to figure out why rivers don't flow through deserts. Use a pipette to pour water onto the sand. What happened? (Children's answers). The sand absorbed the water. Even if it rains in the desert, the water is instantly absorbed by the sand.
So why is there almost no water, plants or animals in the desert? (Children's answers). The sand is constantly moving, water is quickly absorbed by the sand.

Our lesson has come to an end. We haven't had time to talk about many more interesting sciences that you will study in school. You have a lot ahead interesting discoveries. I wish you to gain a lot of knowledge and a lot of good grades. Thank you! Goodbye!

Abstract open class on experimental research activities in preparatory group"Journey to the City of Masters"

Theme: “Journey to the City of Masters”

Goal: Continue to develop interest in people, consolidate children’s knowledge about the senses, their role in a person’s perception of the world around them.

Correctional and educational:

  1. generalize children’s existing knowledge about the functions of the senses;
  2. clarify the meaning of the senses for a person when he perceives the world around him;
  3. develop the ability to analyze data obtained through experimentation;
  4. discuss issues of sensory organ hygiene.

Corrective and developmental:

  1. develop colloquial speech using qualitative adjectives, replenish lexicon phrases “organ of hearing, organ of vision, Auricle, membrane, touch”;
  2. develop tactile, auditory, gustatory, visual sensations;
  3. develop quick thinking and creative imagination;
  4. expand your horizons.

Correctional and educational:

  1. educate caring and caring attitude to your body;
  2. Cultivate curiosity and the ability to listen carefully.

Methods and techniques:

  • visual (show, demonstration);
  • verbal (conversation, artistic word, logical reasoning, question - answer);
  • gaming (didactic games, surprise moment, finger play;
  • practical (drawing, exercises, experimentation, introspection).

Preliminary work:

  1. conversation about the senses of animals and humans;
  2. conversation on the topic “Different professions are important”;
  3. conversation on the topic “Vision”;
  4. conversation on the topic “Our hands”;
  5. reading fiction: “What crafts smell like”, K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “Doctor Aibolit”, A. Barto “Glasses”;
  6. plot-wise role-playing game"Hospital";
  7. learning a set of exercises for the eyes;
  8. cycle of educational situations on valeology (sense organs)
  9. viewing educational drawings;
  10. learning didactic and outdoor games.

Health saving technologies:

  • breathing exercises;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • back massage;
  • games with speech accompaniment.

Progress of the lesson:

Good morning!

We have gathered together,
To make it more interesting!
We will learn a lot of new things!
Well, children, let's begin!

There is a Skype call on the screen.

"Hello Dear Guys! I am a master Worker. A misfortune has happened in our city of Masters! The evil witch Lenya has long wanted to take over our city, but she failed. Then Laziness cast a spell on our masters, in which the masters cannot perform their favorite work: The cook has absolutely no sense of taste; The artist does not discriminate between sizes; The musician does not hear sounds; The perfumer does not distinguish between odors; The sculptor does not feel his hands at all. I ask you to help us, please, we cannot cope without you! Thank you! And so that you can get to us faster, I have prepared a map for you. She will help you find our masters! Good luck, dear guys!

Speech therapist: Well, if you decide to help, then you need to hit the road. How will we get to this city? (children’s statements, reasoning).

The phonogram sounds

“I forgot to tell you that you can get to our city through a portal......

(music plays and children walk through the tunnel)

Speech therapist: Here we are in the city of Masters!

Here is the inscription: “You can go to the city of Masters through the magic gates two times: first with with open eyes and then closed"

Children complete the task.

Speech therapist: Tell me, when was it harder for you to go through? (a second time)

Why? (eyes were closed)

So we found ourselves in the city of Masters. Zorkaya Street – the Artist lives on it.

“1) Help the Artist - what did he mess up?” (gray fox - red hare (color); big mouse and small elephant (size); ..... (shape)

2) collect puzzles (pictures with animals) and select diagrams for them.

Educator: Guys, let’s now tell our Artist how to take care of his eyes.


Don't rub your eyes with dirty hands.
You need to protect your eyes from cutting and piercing objects.
You can't watch TV for long periods of time.
You cannot play computer games for a long time.
You need to train your eyes, look into the distance.

Educator: And also, in order for the eyes to remain sharp and not hurt, you need to do gymnastics for the eyes, let's teach the Artist.

(gymnastics for the eyes)

The donkey walks, chooses, circles the circle with its eyes.
Doesn't know what to eat first.
A plum is ripe at the top, Look up.
And nettles grow below, Look down
On the left - beets, on the right - rutabaga.
Look left - right
Left - pumpkin, right - cranberry, Left - right.
Below there is fresh grass, Look down.
On top there are juicy tops. Look up.
I couldn't choose anything. Close your eyes
And without strength he fell to the ground and blinked 10 times.

Educator: Thank you guys, you helped so much that the spell of the evil sorceress dissipated from the Artist.

HINT - “If you follow the short path, you will end up with the Evil Witch; if you follow the long path, you will end up with the Sculptor.”

Children choose objects that can be used to measure distance (ball, gymnastic stick, ……..)

Educator: Guys, here is Rukodelnikov Street.

HINT – “The sculptor stopped feeling objects with his hands. Help me find out where the flour is? Sign the products. Make sentences for the diagrams"

(they approach the table on which the Sculptor is depicted; two bowls are laid out on the table: with starch, flour, chalk, salt)

Educator: Tell me which organ can help us? (hands)

D/game “Guess”(bowls with starch, flour, salt and chalk).


Describe your feelings and imagine an object that happens in reality. (each child has one product)

Let's identify these substances by touch. 1 (flour) - children describe their sensations (loose, soft, airy) 2 (starch) - dense, raw, squeaky - like what? (It creaks like snow) 3 (salt) - prickly, hard, free-flowing 4 (semolina) - loose, free-flowing, granular.

Children identify and stick the labels. Proposals are selected for the schemes.

Educator: Guys, tell our Sculptor how to properly care for your skin.

You need to wash your skin more often
Protect skin from hypothermia
Protect skin from overheating
Do not touch unfamiliar plants and insects, do not pet stray dogs and cats, pigeons, etc.
Don't play with fire.
Use sharp and cutting objects very carefully

HINT: “Collect the puzzles and get to the Fragrant Valley”

HINT – “The Perfumer has lost his sense of smell. Help me identify the smell and tell me what it is.”

D/game “Find out what smell”

Children determine by smell what is in the jar and label the cones. (lemon has lemon, orange has orange, cucumber has cucumber, garlic has garlic)

Educator: Well done, we completed this task. And in order for our noses to remain as sensitive and breathe well, I suggest doing breathing exercises.

"Let's blow on your shoulder"

Children stand, arms down, legs slightly apart.

Head straight - inhale.
Blow on your shoulder (turn your head to the left, make your lips a tube)
Let's blow on something else (turn your head to the right, make your lips a tube)
The sun is hot on us (head straight - inhale through the nose)
The heat of the day sometimes (head straight, exhale straight)
Let's blow on the stomach (lower your head, touching your chest with your chin)
As the tube becomes your mouth (take a calm, slightly deep exhale again.)

Well, now onto the clouds (Head straight - inhale through the nose)
And let's stop for now. (Raise your face up and blow through your lips again)
Then we’ll repeat it all again: (Head straight – inhale through the nose)
One, two and three, four, five (Lift your face up and blow through your lips again)
(E. Antonova-Chaloy)

Educator: Guys, let's tell the perfumer how we take care of our nose:

Protect your body from colds
Cleaning your nose
Have your own handkerchief
Don't put objects up your nose
Temper yourself
No smoking

HINT – Choose your path a certain color. Move only on the pebbles, uttering the sounds - right foot - SHA, left leg– SA.
“The cook has lost his sense of taste - “Describe the product so that others can guess what kind of product it is”

D/game: “Guess the taste”

Children put on blindfolds - the teacher gives each a piece (cheese, apple, grape, chocolate)

After tasting, remove the bandage and describe the sensations one by one. Children then guess the product.

Speech therapist: Let's remind the cook about the rules of oral care!

After eating, rinse your mouth.
Do not take sharp objects to avoid injuring your tongue.
You should not eat hot food so as not to damage the papillae.
Systematically clean your tongue of plaque to avoid infection in the body.

HINT - Only advance when you hear the beep.

If there is no signal, you must stand still.

Children follow the signal and come to the Musician.

“Help the Musician find out what I play?”

D/game: “Guess what I’m playing?”

The teacher plays an audio recording of sounds (the rustling of paper, the pouring of water, the rustling of a bag, the clicking of a pencil), and the children determine by ear and select the appropriate picture.

Speech therapist: Now try to find the same sound. Children are invited to find the same sounding ones from a variety of boxes.

Speech therapist: Thank you, thanks to you, our Musician began to hear again!

And in order to prevent any misfortune from happening to him, our children will tell you how to take care of your ears (children’s answers)

Don't pick your ears.
Do not allow water to enter.
Do not use inappropriate objects to clean your ears.

Speech therapist: Thank you very much, guys. You greatly helped the residents of the city by freeing it from the spell of the evil sorceress Leni. We now know how necessary we are, our helpers - the senses.

Speech therapist: It’s not for nothing that they say: “A person receives all the information about the world around him with the help of his senses.”

Let us also make up proverbs and sayings about the senses.

Children are invited to make proverbs from scattered words and read them.

Speech therapist: Well, guys, you completed the task! You greatly helped the residents of the city of Masters, freeing it from the spell of the evil sorceress Leni. I am proud of you! But now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

SOUND – Return through the portal.

Speech therapist: Here we are back!

There is a Skype call on the screen. Master Trudyazhka thanks the children for their help and gives the children brochures with instructions on caring for their senses.

Teacher speech therapist
highest category
Grishina L.A.,

Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, experimental activities, Senior age

Summary of a lesson on experimental research activities in the senior group of the preschool educational institution “Water and Oil”

Subject: Water and sunflower oil.

Target: Improving children's understanding of, introducing the properties of oil


Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;

formation cognitive actions, formation of consciousness;

Develop observation skills, the ability to compare, contrast, and draw conclusions;

Demo material:

Illustrations of plants, Euler circles, a diagram of the properties of water, two dark-colored bottles with sunflower oil and water.

Handout: work cards for research, red and green chips, disposable cups, spoons, salt, brushes, a set of pictures of a sunflower and water droplets, glue, napkins, boards.

Preliminary work:

— Conversation about water.

— Examination of illustrations and paintings depicting sunflowers.

Experimental activity with water, comparing stone with wood using research sheets.

A tour of the kitchen.

GCD move:

1. Conversation between the teacher and the children about the time of year.

What season?

How has things changed around you?


The phone rings.

Educator: Sorry, guys, can I answer. Perhaps something important.

(Phone call with a request to help the cook determine which bottle contains oil.)

Guys, our cook called me, she asks me to help her. It is necessary to determine which bottle contains oil and which contains water. Quite by accident, she poured water and oil into 2 identical opaque bottles. It's time to cook dinner, and she's afraid of making a mistake and ruining the food. Shall we help? Can we cope?

3. Conversation.

Educator: What is oil? Why does a cook need butter? What is oil made from and what is it called?

Title: Abstract of educational activities on educational and research activities in the senior group of the preschool educational institution “Water and Oil”

4. Didactic game “Name the plant.”

Children stand in a circle and each person is given a picture of a plant. The teacher is the first to show, name the plant and the oil that is formed. (Pumpkin, nut, olives, tomato, corn, sunflower, mustard, flax,

burdock, cotton, grapes, cucumber.)

— Please place on the magnetic board those plants from which oil is made.

5. Research activities.

We will conduct research. We need to put on aprons and take our places at the table. Do you have sheets for research, we will glue red circles, if not of this property, green circles, if the substance has this property.

Let's remember the properties of water: transparency, colorlessness, no smell, no taste, no form, solvent. (The teacher places pictures of the properties of water on a magnetic board)

Let's move on to the research.

6. Practical activities.

The children come to the table. where the experiment is being conducted.

The contents of 1 bottle are poured into cups and experimental activities are carried out.

1.Children sniff the water.

2. They taste it.

3. Add sugar and stir.

4. Pour some water into a plate.

After the experiments. Children fill out research sheets answering the questions:

- Does water have no color? (Yes - green circle)

— Is the water clear? (Yes - green circle)

Does water have no shape? (Yes - green circle)

- Has no smell? (Yes - green circle)

- Has no taste? (Yes - green circle)

- Solvent? (Yes - green circle)

— Can I wash my hands? (Yes – green circle)

7. Physical exercise.

Two sisters - two hands

They cut, build, dig,

Weeds tearing up in the garden

And they wash each other.

Two hands knead the dough -

Left and right

Sea and river water

They paddle while swimming.

8.Continue experimenting with the 2nd bottle.

- determine transparency,

Does the substance have color?

— is there a smell;

— does sugar dissolve in our case;

- Does it leave a mark on your hands?

9. Conclusion.

Let's read, children, what we got on the sheets.

Which bottle is the water in? Why?

Glue the sunflower to the line, a drop of water to the water according to the signs.

We check the teacher’s checklist.

10.Working with Euler circles.

We place signs of water in the red circle, and oil in the blue circle.

What common? What sign should we place in the intersection?

(look at the sheet)

11.Working with a microscope.

- Everything that surrounds us still has internal structure, which can only be examined and seen through a microscope.

(microscope connected to laptop).

A glass with a drop of water is placed, then a glass with a drop of oil.

— How are the images different?

(a drop of yellow oil)

Summary of the lesson.

What new things have you learned? What else would you like to know?

Did we do a good job?

In our next lesson we will talk about how butter is made.

Now we need to take the oil to the kitchen so they can prepare dinner for us.

Prepared by teacher Klishina V.V.