Sublime feelings. Sublime emotions

But in order to correctly implement these same, it turned out that a ladder was needed. I started getting material for it when I rose from my bed of weakness, with which I ended the last post and having dealt with the peeled apples, I wandered off to beat the village neighbors, who had this material and called it firewood. Somewhere they got hold of scraps from a house being dismantled, dry and apparently cheap (well done), and among them there were also some very decent ones.
The petition was received favorably and two long boards and several short slats were dragged into the garden. All morning I sculpted a structure out of them, remembering that I had to crawl on it myself and with it. I wanted it to be lighter and stronger. But how to combine these two qualities???
I sculpt. First, I carefully marked the short slats so that there were enough pieces for the entire length of the stairs, then I began sawing and pounding. He pounded internally, shuddering. I imagined that I was crawling along this structure, it naturally fell, and crawling on it, of course, I fell too. Remember in “White Sun of the Desert” the stuntman flew out of the window ( ...yes, his grenades are of the wrong system)… After all, the flight altitude was three meters, if you look closely. And I didn’t break anything...
I probably wouldn’t be able to do that, and besides, I could only fly about three meters on the roof. And also from the roof to the ground the same three meters. Total six. Moreover, I am not a stuntman, but generally disabled. It's scary already. And here’s how it all happened for me - I attached the media camera to a tripod, turned it on, and started working under its sight. What happened is here in front of you...

So how? Yes, the video is a bit long, of course, but it’s the whole thing. Well, in the sense of everything dedicated to laying the first part of the roll. In total we had to lay six...
For a normal guy, half a day of work. What about the abnormal? The one with the multiple sclerosis group?
I sent this video to my neurologist, who supervises me at the MS center. And who actually saw my tomograms and, as a specialist, knows that I’m not being a fool. Indeed RSnik.
A doctor is always pleased when his patient stays on his feet. And in order to cheer up other RS ​​players, especially beginners, with something, they say, guys, everything may turn out to be not at all as dull as it seemed at first.
But that was all I had enough for that day. On half the roof. I couldn't climb on it anymore. And it’s slowly starting to get dark
I cleaned up the garden and littered the house, pulling out the e-reader and immersing myself in the stories of Judge Dee, Robert Van Gulik. Stuck for a long time.

And there was evening and there was morning. The roof was waiting...
But it wasn't just the roof that was waiting. The cat Murzya was gloomily waiting, for whom I, of course, bought some fish, but the fish was there yesterday. She wasn't there today. The first thing I had to do was get on the lisaped and pedal towards the grocery store. In principle, I didn’t want to leave Murzya disappointed. Otherwise he will forget where to be present correctly, much to the joy of the mice. No, it’s better to let him hang out somewhere nearby, the garden will be more intact. Moreover, he loves moles.
But while I was running to the store... Suddenly it started to rain. To be honest, I was depressed. Well, they say, I didn’t have time again. But the rain irrigated the space and by the middle of the day the sun came out and more or less dried the roof to condition. At this point I didn’t wait, but gritted my remaining teeth and rushed upward. And he finally finished this roof just in time for the next rain, which is shown at the end of the video.
I didn’t take any photographs that day, I didn’t have the time. I just hammered the last nails along the edge of the roof, trembling internally with the thought that now it would rock and I, like Carlson without pants with a propeller, would end up below much faster than I would like. But ultimately...
And there was evening and there was morning. The roof no longer leaked...
It's finished. Of course, putting in three rolls in a day is ridiculous. There's a couple of hours of work here. But this is for normal couples. And for me, fumbling around alone and with my brains dying on this roof was not a thrill at all. But what a thrill came later, at the thought that roofing felt ( by the way, wow, even with slate coating) is laid and for several years you don’t have to go on this roof at all (well, maybe for apples or snow))…
Yes. It was for the sake of this thrill that I stopped smelling. Well, the day after the rooftop, we could go for a run around the garden and get ready for the city.

I still collected cucumbers, both large, pure salad overgrowths and small ones for canning. Unfortunately, there were too many overage people. I haven't collected it for a long time. And then I wandered around the garden waiting for the train.
It makes sense to travel for about 14-15 hours, then there are fewer people on transport. I clicked the pouring Antonovka and the Golden Balls, traditional for Russian front gardens. They always bloom on the eve of autumn. As they stared, that’s it... Summer is over.
Well, then he loaded up, loaded up, and walked around, dragging a backpack and a cart with zucchini. We have a recipe for these zucchini, we’ll be chewing it all winter...
I don’t remember how it went. There was only one thought racing through my brain: GET THERE. And after all, he arrived... And he brought it and unloaded it and again fell into sediment. And all of mine fell out with me. But the main thing is that the roof no longer bothers me. And this is the most important thing for now.
Good luck.

Another property of feeling is its sublimity. Let's assume that you have a very itchy itch somewhere. You immediately begin to frantically scratch this place, while feeling some pleasure, which, however, is mixed with an unpleasant feeling of itching. In this case, although the strength of the feeling may be great, the pleasure here is mixed with displeasure. You are both pleased and unpleasant at the same time.
All physiological sensations are mainly associated with the release of tension. You feel some tension (hunger, thirst or vice versa), and you need to relieve this tension. When you try to increase the stress you are experiencing (for example, by going longer without going to the toilet), you will experience both a slight increase in pleasure and a slight increase in unpleasant feelings. A mismatch of feelings arises. We will call such feelings base.
At the same time, while listening to beautiful music, you can merge so much with it that you completely forget about the world around you, and your soul will leave the ground and fly higher and higher.
The whole brain is already involved in this feeling. If at this moment you take an encephalogram of your brain, you will see that all parts of your brain work in a single rhythm, in a single harmony. The parts of your brain are aligned. This is precisely what the magical properties of music are based on.
If your whole brain experiences a feeling, then it is a sublime feeling. It is sublime feelings that form the basis of happiness.
To build sublime feelings, you must ensure that not a single little thing makes you irritated or angry. For example, if you learn about a person’s success and feel envious of him, then you simultaneously have dreams (pleasant) of the same success and the realization (unpleasant) that you do not have this success. There is a mismatch, that is, a baseness of feelings. Further to this is added anger towards this person (black envy), and at the same time anger towards oneself (feelings of inferiority). In this case, one can only feel sorry for you. Low feelings make happiness in your life impossible. Therefore, it is best to immediately uproot the slightest sprouts of mismatched feelings.
Another consequence of frequent experiences of base feelings is the appearance of many diseases. A mismatched brain sends mismatched signals to its body, immune system, and endocrine system. Trying to simultaneously follow two opposing commands, internal organs stop functioning normally. As a result, such terrible diseases are approaching you that your life can become hell.
To make it easier to remember these definitions, repeat to yourself: “A sublime feeling is when the soul sings, a low feeling is when the heel itches.”

Elevated emotions are the most important thing for the growth and development of the soul. This is the food through which the soul grows. Sublime emotions connect us with the highest, with God. They create an aura of protection around a person from any evil, create the energy of luck and healing of our body. This is the way to solve all problems.

If sublime emotions are cultivated by a group of people (Field of Love), then they are able to cure a seriously ill person, establish peace and harmony in the family and the world around them, help resolve any conflicts and even influence natural disasters.

Negative emotions, on the contrary, destroy health, attract negative destructive situations, and create the basis for failures and conflicts. And if they are cultivated by a group of people, this leads to wars and natural disasters. Therefore, it is very important to do “Time of Tears” and other spiritual practices as often as possible to cultivate sublime emotions. Listen to divine chants everywhere and look for any impressions: films, walks - anything that will create them, constantly open your heart to love, kindness, compassion, expose the lies and identifications in yourself that create negative emotions. Simply suppressing them is not enough; we must abandon ideas and attitudes that create negative emotions that are hidden under the guise of justice, and other justifications, behind suspiciousness and imagination.

Any emotion arises from identification with oneself, with the situation, with the idea or attitude that creates it. Therefore, when negative emotions arise, you need to look at what I am identified with, what is destroying me.

Next, you need to look at what lies gave rise to these emotions. Let's say the morbid imagination of something bad that might happen creates fear; stupid comparison, envy, possessiveness, jealousy, false justice - resentment, the thought that everything is supposedly wrong, not my way, anger. Often a person does not even notice the lie itself, which gives rise to negative emotions, or finds all sorts of false justifications for it.

But you need to observe yourself more and see the whole process of the emergence of negative emotions, only then will it be possible to eradicate them. It is useful to remember how as a child you learned negative emotions through suggestion and imitation of adults. Maybe the mother was jealous of the father, and he flared up with anger when something was not his way. Or they compared you with your peers, saying that you are worse than someone else, etc., etc. This will help you understand the whole process of the emergence of negative emotions.

The very basis of negative emotions is painful identification with the idea of ​​oneself, i.e. with the ego, with the false personality created by a sick society.

You need to understand that the idea is who you are, who you are, etc. completely made up. Let's say, race, nation, belonging to a state, some religious denomination, class, etc. – all these labels constitute a false personality. But this creates the basis for all negative emotions and all lies about oneself, and one must exaggerate this, treat it with humor, i.e. be able to laugh at everything that you have come to consider as yourself and your property, etc.

Sublime emotions also arise on the basis of ideas, but ideas of a different order that lead a person beyond ordinary life, such as Divine kindness, love, compassion, mercy, empathy, helping people, serving a high goal, etc. By focusing on these thoughts and experiencing them emotionally, we receive sublime emotions that connect us with the Highest. What will help here is what discards the ego, i.e. dedication, self-denial, etc.

“How we pray, How we repent...”

What is praying mechanically? How do you establish a relationship with God?

There are false positive emotions that need to be gotten rid of, because... they are simply the other side of negative emotions. Let's say that pride and vanity are the other side of self-pity. Gloating and mockery of someone is replaced by resentment, envy, aggression, when trouble no longer happens to someone else, but to you; the joy of gain - the fear that you can lose it all. Excitement gives way to disappointment. Etc.

Therefore, you must not allow yourself to get caught up in such false positive emotions.

When real sublime emotions reach great intensity, they connect with higher emotions. During this, clarity arises, it becomes clear how to live now, what to devote oneself to, etc., etc. Those. the highest revelation descends from the divine plane.

Every spiritual practice should evoke sublime emotions, only then it was successful, say, prayer, otherwise this spiritual practice was done formally, only with the mind or body.

We must more often tune in to love for people, for the whole world and feel it in our hearts, spread it to everything around us.

It’s good to combine this with full breathing.

Repentance – this is a sublime emotion of self-surrender to God, and not depression, not pessimism, not self-flagellation, not despondency. This is the renunciation of evil, mechanicalness, lies, identification. Sublime emotions can be cultivated anywhere: in transport, listening to divine chants, while eating, remembering how many people are dying of hunger, and God gave you food, etc. Spiritual practice without sublime emotions is not valid, but formal, useless. It is sublime emotions that nurture the soul and lift it to God.

Love - the basis of all sublime emotions. But in order to discover great love, one must cultivate the entire spectrum of sublime emotions. Here are the main ones: joy, generosity, forgiveness, humility, conscience, gratitude, kindness, compassion, selflessness, openness, sincerity, empathy, mercy and many others.

Singing- In ancient times and even not so long ago, people used singing while working. This was done in order to turn on the emotional center and do business with the soul, cultivating sublime emotions. We need to revive this tradition so as not to work like a slave or a horse. To do this, you need to arrange singing lessons to learn spiritual songs, and then sing these songs while working.
It’s good to sing in chorus, gathering 2-4 people in a room during physical work. If a person works alone, then he can sing whatever he wants. The main thing is to awaken sublime emotions and work with the heart, think that you are doing a good deed out of love for people, serving God

It’s also good to sing while hiking, while waiting, and in any other situation, “Sing a song!”
Further, in order to work like a person, you need to turn on the intellectual center, so that it observes, notes which centers are working, which “I” are switched on at the moment, etc.

Since this is difficult to do, everyone needs to be reminded of this using sound. In ancient times, in schools it was the sound of a bell, in churches - a chime, in Tibetan singing - cymbals and trumpets, which were played during breaks in singing. For you it could be an alarm clock on your watch or a telephone. When he calls, you need to freeze, doing the “stop” exercise. Then pray briefly, remembering God, asking him for elevated emotions and consciousness, and continue working.

In this work, 3 centers should be involved, and not just 1. If 1 center works, then a distortion and one-sidedness arises in a person.

During work and in other situations, one must fight against identification. To do this, you need to look at yourself from the outside as an outsider, or think that “I am an actor and now I’m playing a role, a film is being filmed,” do everything exaggeratedly or a little feignedly in order to create a gap between consciousness, body and false personality.

Elevated and negative emotions

Man has the greatest treasure that he does not use, enormous riches that he has buried - these are sublime emotions.

Disgusting spiders, tarantulas, scorpions, vipers live in it, which constantly create torment and suffering in it - these are negative emotions.

He must open his diamonds of sublime emotions so that in the light of this divine state all evil will leave him - this is the path to God, to salvation.

Conscious love

In John 21 (15-17), Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him consciously, since the Greek in which the Gospel was written had two words for love: conscious love and mechanical love. And Peter answered him three times that he loved him (mechanically): he still does not understand the difference between conscious and mechanical love.
This difference is especially acute when we try to love our enemies, since we cannot love them with ordinary love, but can only do this by intentionally building this feeling for them.

An ordinary person knows only mechanical love: he simply loves something or doesn’t love something. This love often goes against the ideas of the false personality. We can fall in love with a married man, with a criminal, with a person who treats us badly. And, despite all the protests of the false personality, the emotional center can feel love for such an unsuitable person. Or he may stop loving the person whom he should love according to the ideas of a false personality created from public opinion, say, a husband who may be ideal in all respects. But in addition to the ideas of the mind, the emotional center cools down towards him, and the person does not control these processes at all: he does not know who he will love and who and when he will stop loving. All this often happens unexpectedly for him and does not obey ordinary logic, but follows the irrational principles of the emotional center, about which a person knows nothing.

Conscious love arises intentionally when a person masters the work
emotional center and learns to cultivate sublime emotions. He, of his own free will, learns to build feelings for people, and among them the most important feeling is love.
The pinnacle of this action is love for enemies. A person often cannot love even himself, even his friends. Therefore, it is very difficult to love enemies.
This requires several stages.

The first is forgiveness. A person forgives his enemies, as Christ did on the cross. He said: “Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” We must see in our enemies lost, confused creatures whose life circumstances have developed in such a way that they unconsciously, without thinking about it, have become enemies. Everything in their lives happens by chance; they are slaves of public opinions and planetary influences. Life has decreed that you stand on different sides of the barricade: it made someone your friend, someone your enemy. These are just roles in God's huge play. Such reflection will allow you to see the situation differently and stop experiencing negative emotions towards your enemies.
Next, you can reflect on the fact that we are all children of God and sooner or later we will understand this. At least in a subtle way after death. And we will perceive even our enemies as our brothers and sisters in God. And we will see that only in ignorance, in delusion, did we become enemies. We are all parts of the one God, that’s why we love our enemies – the parts of God who, in this game of His, find themselves in the role of our enemies. Such thoughts will help us look at this situation differently.

And now you can tune in to love what you love and expand this feeling, transferring it to those whom you previously considered enemies.

This is how the conscious love that Christ spoke to Peter can be achieved.
“God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God. There is no fear in love, for fear is torment. He who fears is imperfect in love, but perfect love conquers fear.”
And Peter was afraid when Christ was crucified, and denied Him three times, as Christ predicted. This happened because Peter was not aware, and different parts were active in him: one loved Christ, and the other was afraid that he would be crucified with him. There was no consistency in him.
Conscious love can exist constantly, regardless of changing circumstances, since a conscious person sees all the processes occurring in him under the pressure of external circumstances, and because of this he is not their slave.

Root of Evil

What prevents people from establishing heaven on Earth, and what is needed for this?

If all people were kind, loved each other, had compassion, empathy, mercy and other sublime emotions, then the Earth would be a paradise.

Why doesn’t this happen, and instead of love, people experience hatred, jealousy, resentment, envy, greed, fear and other negative emotions that poison the life of a person himself and force him to commit evil towards other people: murder, violence, robbery, causing harm and suffering to your neighbors?

This evil begins with the division of people into friends and strangers, into themselves and others, who are divided by nationality, race, belonging to a particular state, religion, family and other types of community of people.

As soon as such a division occurs, constant wars, conflicts, and the desire for enslavement and destruction begin. This is where wars between states, national conflicts, crusades, jihad, and the destruction of “witches” come from.

Separation creates ego and conflict due to this between people. Such divisions are very beneficial for politicians. They seize upon any such division in order to lead it, and seek to set people under their influence against other communities: Christians are set against all other sects, Muslims against Christians. Hitler set the Germans against all other nations, Lenin set the poor against the rich, etc. and so on. All this created wars, conflicts, murders, violence, as a result of which both sides suffered.

The idea of ​​separation has become so deeply ingrained in the minds of people that it has created ego and now all people are in constant conflict with each other. Even within the family there is a struggle for power: over who will take out the trash, etc. There are constant competitions: who will take first place and who will remain last, who is richer, who is poorer, who will take the boss’s chair, who will advance in the service, etc. All this creates negative emotions and hell on Earth.

To stop this terrible situation, people must develop elevated emotions and remove the idea of ​​separation from their minds, begin to perceive everyone as brothers and sisters, become warmer, kinder and try not to separate, but, on the contrary, unite with each other in love, in an effort to help to each other, to do more good deeds for the people around us.

Sublimity of feeling

Another property of feeling is its sublimity. Let's assume that you have a very itchy itch somewhere. You immediately begin to frantically scratch this place, while feeling some pleasure, which, however, is mixed with an unpleasant feeling of itching. In this case, although the strength of the feeling may be great, the pleasure here is mixed with displeasure. You are both pleased and unpleasant at the same time.

All physiological sensations are mainly associated with the release of tension. You feel some tension (hunger, thirst or vice versa), and you need to relieve this tension. When you try to increase the stress you are experiencing (for example, by going longer without going to the toilet), you will experience both a slight increase in pleasure and a slight increase in unpleasant feelings. A mismatch of feelings arises. We will call such feelings low-lying.

At the same time, while listening to beautiful music, you can merge so much with it that you completely forget about the world around you, and your soul will leave the ground and fly higher and higher.

The whole brain is already involved in this feeling. If at this moment you take an encephalogram of your brain, you will see that all parts of your brain work in a single rhythm, in a single harmony. The parts of your brain are aligned. This is precisely what the magical properties of music are based on.

If your whole brain experiences a feeling, then it is sublime feeling. It is sublime feelings that form the basis of happiness.

To build sublime feelings, you must ensure that not a single little thing makes you irritated or angry. For example, if you learn about a person’s success and feel envious of him, then you simultaneously have dreams (pleasant) of the same success and the realization (unpleasant) that you do not have this success. There is a mismatch, that is, a baseness of feelings. Further to this is added anger towards this person (black envy), and at the same time anger towards oneself (feelings of inferiority). In this case, one can only feel sorry for you. Low feelings make happiness in your life impossible. Therefore, it is best to immediately uproot the slightest sprouts of mismatched feelings.

Another consequence of frequent experiences of base feelings is the appearance of many diseases. A mismatched brain sends mismatched signals to its body, immune system, and endocrine system. Trying to simultaneously follow two opposing commands, internal organs stop functioning normally. As a result, such terrible diseases are approaching you that your life can become hell.

To make it easier to remember these definitions, repeat to yourself: “A sublime feeling is when the soul sings, a low feeling is when the heel itches.”

Happy love

Now you can not only say such pleasant words as “happy love”, but also understand exactly how to achieve it.

Happy love is the experience of strong and sublime love feelings.

The more often you experience these feelings, the more happiness you will have in your life.

In order for your love to be happy, you need to constantly keep it within yourself and carefully nurture it, just as a florist carefully cares for his flowers. But a florist needs certain knowledge, otherwise his flowers will dry out and become sick. You will learn how to care for your love from this book.

Once again the most important

Let's repeat the points to remember:

1. The sources of feelings are:

– body needs

– social status

- attitude towards oneself

2. Feelings are characterized by strength and sublimity. The strength of feeling is born from the magnitude of the difficulties that a person has to overcome. The sublimity of feelings is born from the coordination of the work of parts of the brain.

3. Happiness is the experience of strong and sublime feelings.

Let's try to apply this knowledge in practice. At the beginning of this chapter we asked two questions. Why on one date everything was in a fog, but on the other you weren’t even happy with the kiss. Now we can answer these questions.

On one date - obviously the first - the result was unpredictable, and each step forward required a certain amount of courage, so the feelings of luck were very strong.

In the second case, apparently, before the date, the partners were preoccupied with something, and their relationship became a routine, which is why there were no feelings.

When we analyze other people and try to understand their behavior based on our own, we usually end up in a dead end. People behave in ways that we would never act in their place. At first glance, all people are very different and it is not possible to understand what they think and feel. Even you yourself, although well known and understandable, nevertheless constantly experience the most unpredictable feelings.

Why yesterday this girl seemed the most beautiful in the world, but today you don’t want to look at her? Why did one date pass in a fog, and touching her hand seemed like the pinnacle of happiness, and the other, although it ended with a kiss, did not cause much delight, and the kiss itself evoked the same feelings as kissing one’s own hand?

Let's try to figure out where feelings come from, how they are experienced and how their strength is determined.

Where do feelings come from?

When a person has just been born, he is not particularly versed in the intricacies of the world around him. If he wants to eat, he screams, if he gets scared, he cries. The feeling of some unmet need or discomfort leads to an emotional reaction.

If there is a nail in the shoe, then it will get out so much that the person will no longer pay attention to everything else. And vice versa, if you eat properly, you can calmly smile and enjoy life. Let us remember that the first source of feelings is the body’s need.

Subsequently, the child goes through the next stage of growing up. He begins to play with his peers and realizes that being together is interesting and fun, but being alone is lonely and boring. If you are loved, then you are given constant attention, given beautiful toys and delicious candies. If you are considered bad, then they don’t play with you, and they might even beat you up. Therefore, it is best to be sweet, charming and liked by everyone. Thus, the second source of feelings is social status.

And finally, in adolescence, a person begins to notice that there is something that separates him from others, which is called “I”, and this strange something is himself. Moreover, relations with this something lead to very strange consequences. It is enough to say to yourself “I am a scoundrel, I am a worthless person, I am a complete nonentity,” and immediately life becomes disgusting, and the consciousness is filled with exclusively disgusting feelings. So we learned the third source of feelings - attitude towards ourselves.

Therefore, the best way to spend the day is to eat well, speak in front of an admiring audience (talking to a dog while holding a sausage in your hands), and say to yourself: “Well, how lovely I am, well, I have no strength!”

Mixing feelings

Human life is always full of various feelings. After all, a person continuously breathes, continuously digests something, chats with friends and strangers, feels like the smartest and most wonderful, and all this at the same time. Therefore, feelings that arise here and there continuously mix and fight with each other.

This is where you need to remember the important principle of mixing feelings - the principle dominants: if two feelings are mixed, then the stronger feeling is strengthened at the expense of the weaker one. Let me explain.

Let's say the baby is lying in a crib and does not experience any special feelings. If you now clap your hands, he will flinch, that is, he will be scared. If we now take the baby, who is busily sucking his mother’s breast, and clap our hands again, he will not flinch, as one would expect, but will begin to suck more energetically. You can scare him now, but the sound must be much stronger for the feeling of fear to overpower his appetite.

The principle of dominance should always be kept in mind, as it has a tremendous impact on the relationships between people.

The simplest example. We see a beautiful girl who has a small mole on her cheek. According to the principle of dominance, a mole will only emphasize the beauty of a girl.

Another example. The man is terribly angry. In this case, trying to tell him something nice can completely drive him crazy.

Thus, when feelings are mixed, the weaker feeling transfers its energy to the stronger one.

Another property of feeling is its sublimity. Let's assume that you have a very itchy itch somewhere. You immediately begin to frantically scratch this place, while feeling some pleasure, which, however, is mixed with an unpleasant feeling of itching. In this case, although the strength of the feeling may be great, the pleasure here is mixed with displeasure. You are both pleased and unpleasant at the same time.

All physiological sensations are mainly associated with the release of tension. You feel some tension (hunger, thirst or vice versa), and you need to relieve this tension. When you try to increase the stress you are experiencing (for example, by going longer without going to the toilet), you will experience both a slight increase in pleasure and a slight increase in unpleasant feelings. A mismatch of feelings arises. We will call such feelings low-lying.

At the same time, while listening to beautiful music, you can merge so much with it that you completely forget about the world around you, and your soul will leave the ground and fly higher and higher.

The whole brain is already involved in this feeling. If at this moment you take an encephalogram of your brain, you will see that all parts of your brain work in a single rhythm, in a single harmony. The parts of your brain are aligned. This is precisely what the magical properties of music are based on.

If your whole brain experiences a feeling, then it is sublime feeling. It is sublime feelings that form the basis of happiness.

To build sublime feelings, you must ensure that not a single little thing makes you irritated or angry. For example, if you learn about a person’s success and feel envious of him, then you simultaneously have dreams (pleasant) of the same success and the realization (unpleasant) that you do not have this success. There is a mismatch, that is, a baseness of feelings. Further to this is added anger towards this person (black envy), and at the same time anger towards oneself (feelings of inferiority). In this case, one can only feel sorry for you. Low feelings make happiness in your life impossible. Therefore, it is best to immediately uproot the slightest sprouts of mismatched feelings.

Another consequence of frequent experiences of base feelings is the appearance of many diseases. A mismatched brain sends mismatched signals to its body, immune system, and endocrine system. Trying to simultaneously follow two opposing commands, internal organs stop functioning normally. As a result, such terrible diseases are approaching you that your life can become hell.

To make it easier to remember these definitions, repeat to yourself: “A sublime feeling is when the soul sings, a low feeling is when the heel itches.”

Happy love

Now you can not only say such pleasant words as “happy love”, but also understand exactly how to achieve it.

Happy love is the experience of strong and sublime love feelings.

The more often you experience these feelings, the more happiness you will have in your life.

In order for your love to be happy, you need to constantly keep it within yourself and carefully nurture it, just as a florist carefully cares for his flowers. But a florist needs certain knowledge, otherwise his flowers will dry out and become sick. You will learn how to care for your love from this book.

Once again the most important

Let's repeat the points to remember:

1. The sources of feelings are:

– body needs

– social status

- attitude towards oneself

2. Feelings are characterized by strength and sublimity. The strength of feeling is born from the magnitude of the difficulties that a person has to overcome. The sublimity of feelings is born from the coordination of the work of parts of the brain.

3. Happiness is the experience of strong and sublime feelings.

Let's try to apply this knowledge in practice. At the beginning of this chapter we asked two questions. Why on one date everything was in a fog, but on the other you weren’t even happy with the kiss. Now we can answer these questions.

On one date - obviously the first - the result was unpredictable, and each step forward required a certain amount of courage, so the feelings of luck were very strong.

In the second case, apparently, before the date, the partners were preoccupied with something, and their relationship became a routine, which is why there were no feelings.

Someone else's soul - darkness?

A girl goes to a friend’s birthday party and meets a young man. He is simply an ideal in the flesh and the dream of her girlish dreams. They dance all evening and he asks her out. What to expect from him and from this date?

This situation is quite typical. How to understand what a person is, how he lives, how to behave with him. In this chapter we will look at how to analyze your partner and what feelings to expect from him.

Understanding a person

People pay very little attention to each other. Therefore, we are constantly faced with misunderstandings.

The world of love experiences is the most intimate side of human life, so most often people experience disappointment because, having encountered a person more closely, they do not find in him what they themselves ascribed to him.

Disappointment is not the most pleasant feeling, so it is better to get to know your partner well before moving on to more intimate communication. We are interested in the most general analysis regarding how a person will behave in a love relationship.

The analysis consists of two stages. First we must learn to understand what a person is like in general, and then we must analyze how he might behave in a particular situation.

We will start with the second, that is, with a specific situation, since the first acquaintance always takes place in an atmosphere of lack of information. Then, if you like the person, you can get to know him in more detail, but we will look at this later.

If you see a person for the first time, and you like him or he liked you, and he begins to show signs of attention, then first determine what kind of feeling you have for him. This is very important, because if you incorrectly define what this feeling is, you will behave incorrectly, and unpleasant experiences are guaranteed.

Signs of passion

The easiest way to determine that a person is experiencing passion. Nature has designed the human body in such a way that each organ performs several functions, for example, when muscles contract, they not only perform physical work, but also help the heart pump blood. The kidneys not only remove harmful substances from the body, but also maintain the required salt balance in the blood and so on. To control the holistic reactions of the body, there are hormones. Hormones control the entire life of the body. If a person experiences anger and aggression, then many hormones are released into the blood, which increase blood pressure, increase blood clotting, increase muscle strength, and increase breathing rate.

All these processes are necessary in order to increase the body’s strength in the upcoming fight.

If there are few hormones in the blood, then the person experiences lethargy, drowsiness, laziness and a complete reluctance to exert himself.

Since sex is necessary for procreation, the most powerful release of hormones occurs precisely at the moment of sexual arousal. Those animals that reacted sluggishly to sexual stimuli have already died out, and for every sexual stimulus we simply explode a small hormonal bomb. And that’s what we call a big sexual stimulus: “sex bomb.”

As a result, every person with strong sexual arousal simultaneously receives stimulation of all body systems. His muscles tense, his pulse quickens, his breathing intensifies. He perks up, his shoulders straighten, his body becomes weightless, he is ready to jump and squeal with joy.