Russia is waiting for a new leader. The best prophecies about the new leader of Russia

Many soothsayers and clairvoyants gave prophecies about the new leader of Russia. Their predictions promise the coming to power of a strong ruler, a “new king” who will lead the country into a bright new future.

Paracelsus is the pseudonym of the German philosopher, alchemist and physician Philip Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim. He was considered the greatest occultist of his time, so his predictions can be trusted.

What did Paracelsus say about the “new Russian Tsar”?

He did not mention any specific person, but believed that after a terrible decline, catastrophes and disasters, a great future awaited the inhabitants of Russia. In the 21st century, around 20140, there will be a heyday. The country will gain many material benefits, strengthen spiritually and reach a new level of development.

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce is an American self-proclaimed healer, medium and mystic. During his lifetime, he composed several thousand answers to human questions. His “readings” also contain prophecies regarding the fate of our country and its rulers.

What Casey said:

  • Until the end of the 20th century, the communist system in Russia will collapse. The country faces a long period of devastation, restoration and development, which will last until 2010
  • After this, there will gradually be a revival of civilization on the planet, which will be led by Russia, and Siberia will become the center of the world. It is our country that will give the world hope for justice and the revival of spirituality. The principle will be restored: “to live not selfishly, but for the sake of your neighbor”
  • A previously unknown person will become a strong leader of Russia and will lead the inhabitants of the state behind him. His power will be incredibly strong, no one will be able to resist such power
  • Casey believed that the new leader would subsequently become the real Ruler of the World and humanity as a whole. His laws will bring light and prosperity to the entire population of the planet
  • The ruler is unusually intelligent, thanks to him scientists will invent many unique and very powerful technologies. He will revive not only science, but also religion, culture, create a new race and civilization

Cayce argued that the power, intelligence and strength of the new ruler and his associates would make them practically immortal and allow them to rule all of humanity for a very long time.


The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga needs no introduction: everyone probably knows about her. Her prophecies excite the consciousness of those interested. And she also did not ignore Russia and its supposed ruler.


  • She believed that a person possessing some secret Teaching would come to the Russian territory and take the reins of government into his own hands. He will spread his ancient knowledge, because of which all religions in the world will disappear, only the philosophy that he preached will remain
  • Vanga believed that all Slavic states that had previously been separated would return to the power of the Russian ruler
  • Socialism will rule the country. Cooperatives and collective farming will return. The SSSP will return, but in a fundamentally new form
  • The position of the country with the new ruler will begin to grow and will grow colossally. No one will be able to resist our state; it will become the full-fledged and irreplaceable “master of the whole world.” America will fight the longest, but it will finally surrender by 2030

Considering that most of Vanga’s predictions are negative, we can only rejoice at such an optimistic forecast.

Max Handel

Max Handel is an American-born esotericist, clairvoyant, mystic, astrologer and occultist. Thanks to his works, you can learn a lot about the future of the world.

His prophecies speak of the greatest Initiate who will suddenly appear at the end of the age. He will take the reins of government into his hands when the state is in distress.

People will willingly follow him and take his power for granted. This is exactly the Leader they were waiting for. His reign will lead to dramatic changes, the creation of a new race, and all of humanity will unite into a spiritual brotherhood.

Sergey Popov

Astrophysicist Borisovich Popov also did not ignore the new Russian leader in his predictions.

According to his astrological calculations, in 2011-12 new people will come to power in Russia, who will radically influence the situation in the country. Sergei believed that the ruling elite fully met the needs of the country. They are smart and patriotic enough to guide the state into a happy future.

Over time, the situation in the country will become better and better, sooner or later Russia will become the center of world politics and turn into a powerful superpower, which will never be equal.

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Although the data of the future ruler differs from different predictors, in any case, he will be a truly Great Leader – the Light of humanity. And it is not only our Orthodox saints who visit and predict the future of such a king, BUT EVEN THOSE who, by their nature, should have slandered him. Which means it will definitely come true!

In 2013, a change of eras occurred: the era of Pisces left and the era of Aquarius arrived. Each era has its own worldview. Worldview, a system of views on the objective world and man’s place in it, on man’s attitude to the reality around him and to himself, as well as the basic life positions of people, their beliefs, ideals, principles of cognition and activity, and value orientations determined by these views.

Over the past two thousand years, such a turning point in “programming” was the parade of planets at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, at the beginning of the Age of Pisces. It was then that the spiritual foundation of the coming era was laid: a new religion arose - Christianity. The Age of Pisces presupposed views that were based on the ideals and emotions of people. Therefore, religious forms corresponded to the worldview of Pisces. But a significant breakthrough occurred in humanity, caused by the awakening of independent thinking, from the plane of emotions to the plane of mind. Therefore, people's attention turned from religion to science! Science is now considered the leading authority for most people. The Age of Aquarius will reinforce the scientific worldview.

In many revelations and futurological forecasts that have come down to us from the past, it was Russia that was assigned the role of the next “Noah’s Ark” for humanity. No matter how skeptical people are about soothsayers, it is striking that all of them - famous or not - said that the “huge northern country” would play a fateful role and save all of humanity. Many Russian thinkers have spoken about the special role of Russia at different times.

For the first time, the idea that it was our country that would illuminate the world with the Divine light of grace, and its capital would become the Third Rome, was voiced back in the 16th century. Monk Philotheus from the Eleazar Monastery wrote that the history of mankind will end after the amazing rise of Russia. Thinkers of various stripes regularly returned to this topic - from the religious mystic philosopher N. Fedorov to the theorists of Leninism. The philosopher V. Solovyov prepared for the country the role of the so-called “third force”, which could give world history and culture a certain “special content”.

All this could have been forgotten, but in the 20th century the topic received an unexpected continuation - from the lips of famous soothsayers, one after another, specific predictions began to be made regarding the special role of Russia in planetary history.

Ranyo Nero(XIV century) in his book of prophecies “The Eternal Book” predicted the emergence of the religion of Fire and Light in Russia (in the northern country of the Hyperboreans): “The religion of fire and the Sun in the 21st century will experience a victorious march. She will find support for herself in the northern country of the Hyperboreans, where she will appear in a new capacity.”

P.A. Florensky, an outstanding mathematician, philosopher, theologian, art critic, prose writer, engineer, linguist, statesman (1882-1937) predicted the following about faith: “It will no longer be the old and lifeless religion, but the cry of those hungry for the Spirit.”

F.M. Dostoevsky wrote: “The Russian national idea, perhaps, will be a synthesis of those ideas that Europe is developing with such tenacity, with such courage in its individual nationalities.”. (PSS, vol. 18 p. 37).

Edgar Cayce."Memories": “The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and gross material passions, and restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom. From Russia hope will come to the world - not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! It will be years before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope.”

Jane Dixon writes: “The hope of the world, its revival will come from Russia and will have no connection with what communism is. It is in Russia that the most authentic and great source of freedom will arise... It will be a completely different way of existence, based on a principle that will become the basis of a new philosophy of life.”

Dennion Brinkley, another American fortune teller, said: Keep an eye on the Soviet Union. What happens to the Russians is what the whole world expects. What is happening in Russia is the basis of what will happen to the economic freedom of the world.”

Oswald Spengler: “The Russian spirit marks the promise of a future culture”...Spengler even foresees that the Russian people will give the world a new religion. This is a natural process of evolution.

Mavis, Italian fortune teller : “Russia is a very interesting country with an interesting future. Nothing terrible will happen in Russia, but her whole life will go differently. Russians are the most spiritual people by origin and purpose. It is the Russians who will begin the rebirth of the whole world. A radical restructuring of the consciousness of earthlings will affect all economic processes. I won’t say that money will stop playing a big role... But the principles of the economy will change. No one imagines how profound the changes will be..."

Tamara Globa: “The whole world knows that the future belongs to Russia, that light from Russia will go throughout the world. Russia will give the world a new, spiritual model of life - suitable for everyone".

Rev. Lavrenty Chernigovsky (+1950): “There will be a spiritual explosion in Russia! Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a powerful Kingdom. He will be cared for by the Orthodox Tsar, God’s Anointed One. Thanks to Him, all schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia.”

Appearance Rev. Seraphim of Sarov (2002): “Tell everyone what I say! The war will begin immediately after my holiday. As soon as the people leave Diveevo, it will begin immediately! But I’m not in Diveevo: I’m in Moscow. In Diveevo, having resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive along with the Tsar. The Tsar’s wedding will take place in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir.”

Saint Theophan of Poltava, 1930: « The Monarchy and Autocratic power will be restored in Russia. The Lord has chosen the future King . This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. He, first of all, will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Spirituality in it (Russia) will be revived and triumph. But the Orthodoxy that existed before will no longer exist. God Himself will place a strong and wise King on the Throne.”

Prot. Nikolay Guryanov(+ 08/24/2002). In 1997, one woman asked the priest: “Father Nikolai, who will come after Yeltsin? What should we expect? - Afterwards there will be a military man - answered Father . – What will happen next? – the woman asked again . – Afterwards there will be a King from the People - Just and Wise! - said Father Nikolai.

Eight prophets and seers unanimously affirm the inevitability of Russia’s return to one form or another of monarchy. These are Basil the Blessed, Vasily Nemchin, Seraphim of Sarov, monk Abel, Theophan of Poltava, Lavrenity of Chernigov, monk John, monk Agathangel. But only one of them names the time of this event.

The chronicles record words of Saint Basil:“Russia will live for a whole century without a tsar, and the rulers will destroy many churches. Then they will be restored, but the people will begin to serve not God, but gold.”

Thus, The time of restoration of the monarchy falls somewhere in 2017.

Indirectly, this date or one close to it is confirmed prediction by Vasily Nemchin:“The ten most terrible kings for Russia will come for an hour.” Since the revolution, exactly ten people have already been rulers of Russia. Medvedev is tenth. As we see, their time is running out.

It is also curious that the term of the future president of Russia will end in 2017.

Prediction of astrologer and clairvoyant Yuri Ovidin:“The Representative of the Universe is already on earth, he will create a religion of the future, based on the idea of ​​​​spiritual purity and universal order...”

Predictions of the French clairvoyant and astrologer Maria Duval: “Against the backdrop of a global depression, Russia faces an exceptionally bright future and the Russians are destined for an enviable fate - it is Russia that will be the first to get out of the crisis, stand firmly on its feet, acquire a strong army, continue its development and even lend money to many European countries... All of humanity stands on “On the threshold of the birth of a new world, in which new inventions await us, including a cure for old age that increases life expectancy up to 140 years, and Russian scientists and Russian researchers will play a key role in all these discoveries and inventions.”

The clairvoyant Vanga predicted in 1996: “A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear in Russia, and he will rule Russia all his life... A new teaching will come from Russia - this is the oldest and truest teaching - will spread throughout the world and the day will come when all religions in the world will disappear and will be replaced this is a new philosophical teaching of the Fiery Bible - universal peace, order and harmony. Socialism will return to Russia in a new form, where everyone will find what is dear to them. There will be large collective and cooperative agricultural enterprises in Russia, and the former Soviet Union will be restored again, but the union will be new, on a truly spiritual basis and natural laws. Russia will strengthen and grow. No one can stop Russia; there is no force that could break Russia. Russia will sweep away everything in its path, and will not only survive, but will also become the sole and undivided “mistress of the world,” and even America in the 2030s will recognize Russia’s complete superiority. Russia will once again become a strong and powerful real empire, and will again be called by its old ancient name - Rus'.”

Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce predicted:“Before the 20th century has time to end, the collapse of communism will occur in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, after 2010, the former USSR will soon be revived, but it will be revived in a completely new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world and new life. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world. Every person will live for the sake of his neighbor. And this principle of life was born precisely in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes. However, it is Russia that will give this hope to the whole world. The new Leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power. This will happen thanks to his knowledge of the laws of nature and the power of new, completely unique technologies that no one else will have to resist him. And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him. His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the entire race of people have dreamed of throughout their existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and his comrades to become fantastically strong and powerful almost like Gods, and his intellect will allow him and his comrades to become practically immortal... He will revive the Religion of Reason and Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create centers of a new culture and a new technological civilization all over the world... His home, and the home of his new race, will be in the south of Siberia...“.

Astrological forecast by astrologer Sergei Popov: “In 2011-2012, Uranus will leave the sign of Pisces, and Neptune will leave the sign of Aquarius - this will end the period of “prosperity” of the current Russian oligarchic elite, new people will come to power in Russia, patriotically oriented and in mental potential corresponding to the tasks facing Russia. Russia is a global locomotive of development, pulling everyone else along with it, the monopoly on the latest technologies will pass to it, Russia will have a “bright future” and a period of prosperity. It is to Russia that the Center of World Politics will shift.”

“Who puts the kings of the earth on the throne?writes about. John of KronstadtHe who alone from eternity sits on the fiery throne, and alone reigns over all creation - heaven and earth... The kings of the earth are given royal power from Him alone... therefore the king, as having received the royal power from the Lord... must be autocratic. Shut up, dreamy constitutionalists and parliamentarians! Get away from me, Satan! Only the king is given from the Lord the power, strength, courage and wisdom to rule his subjects.”

"We have prophecy of the greatest saint of God, St. Seraphim of Sarov that Russia, for the sake of the purity of Orthodoxy, which it professes, the Lord will have mercy on from all troubles, and it will exist until the end of the century, as a strong and glorious power... The Lord will restore Russia, and it will again become great and will be the most powerful stronghold in the world for the coming struggle with the Antichrist himself and all his hordes.”(From the book “Russian Ideology” by Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev)

Saint Theophan of Poltava(Rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy), wrote : “You are asking me about the near future and about the coming end times. I am not speaking about this on my own behalf, but what was revealed to me by the Elders. The coming of the Antichrist is approaching and is already very close. But before his arrival, Russia must be reborn, albeit for a short time. There will be a king there, chosen by the Lord Himself. And he will be a man of ardent faith, deep intelligence and iron will. This is what was revealed to us about him. And we will wait for the fulfillment of this revelation... It is approaching.”

Prophecies of the 14th century seer Vasily Nemchin:“10 Kings will rise from the troubled kingdom. And after them there will be a different person, different from all the previous rulers, he will turn out to be a sage and esotericist, possessing secret knowledge, he was mortally ill, but he will completely heal himself - the “Great Potter”. He will unveil the concept of a New State, built entirely on a completely independent economy based solely on self-sufficient principles. The Great Gonchar will reach the very pinnacle of Russian power when his two “A”s personally come together. Under the “Great Potter” there will be a unification of 15 leaders who will create a New Great Power. The Russian state will be recreated within new borders.”

The supreme rulers of Rus' themselves, the Grand Dukes and Kings of All Russia, were aware of their responsibility before Christ, the King of Kings, and looked upon themselves as servants of God: “Ah, therefore, – writes Saint John Bishop of Shanghai, – Russian tsars were not tsars “by the will of the people,” but tsars “by God’s Grace.” “...If we want the salvation and revival of Russia, – writes Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev, - then we must strive in every possible way to ensure that we again have an autocratic tsar, the Anointed of God, who, as the soul of the Russian people, will revive Russia, and it will again become great and glorious, to the fear of all its enemies, to the happiness of its people. Let us not be embarrassed by such a widespread opinion that the autocratic system in Russia has supposedly already outlived its usefulness. This opinion is directed against the Holy Scriptures in order to destroy His saving influence on us. After all, the tsarist, autocratic power in Russia was based on the words of the Holy Scripture. And these words are verbs of eternal life(John 6:68).”


Vladimir I Svyatoslavich(Old Russian Volodymer Svtoslavich, c. 960 - July 15, 1015) - Grand Duke of Kiev, under whom the baptism of Rus' took place. Vladimir became the prince of Novgorod in 970, seized the Kiev throne in 978. In 988 he chose Christianity as the state religion of Kievan Rus. At baptism he received the Christian name Vasily. Also known as Vladimir the Holy, Vladimir the Baptist (in church history) and Vladimir the Red Sun (in epics). Glorified among the saints as Equal to the Apostles. Vanga called the future tsar’s middle name: “Vladimirovich.” (Continuer of the work of Prince Vladimir.).

There is another opinion that the patronymic of the future reborn Tsar of Russia will be Nikolaevich - the successor to the work of the last Tsar Nicholas II. We will soon see for ourselves which of them is true.

Media, “New Aquarius”, No. 11 (85), 1996: “Eagle - in the Slavic language Ar, or Ur. The crown over the eagle is the sign of the Aryan country. The country of the Aryans, the country of Light, the country of Bears, as it was called on Earth, because people who came from the constellation Ursa Major lived in it. Ursa Major is a cluster of medium-sized stars. Among them is the Great Tungana, the mistress of the constellation. The second name of the Tungans is the Polar Star. Hence the settlers were called polarians - Aryans. Another name for Tungans is Vesta. West in the mirror of the Cosmos is the East - an ascending current. And so, the country of the Aryans is also translated as the country of the ascending current of Light (Uria), the country that gives birth to Light, the Sun (Ur). The name of the person who can revive the country must coincide with the name of the country of the rising current. Then and only then will the Pyramid of Light come to life, and great transformations on the Planet will begin. The appearance of such a person will cause a storm of indignation among all those who cannot withstand his Flow of Light, therefore this person is on the sidelines until the time determined by the Cosmos. His rapid ascent up the hierarchical ladder will be due to the help of light energy.”

Media, "Aquarius". №15(60): “After all sorts of cataclysms, the collapsed state will be reborn and united by its former leader - the Light (White) Bear - the son of the Big Dipper."

Venerable Abel the Seer(1801, Conversation with the Holy Blessed Emperor Paul I): “What is impossible with men is possible with God. God is slow to give help, but it is said that he will give it soon and erect the horn of Russian salvation. And the Great Prince, the Greatly Light, standing for the sons of His People, will rise in exile from Your family (words addressed to Emperor Pavel Petrovich). This will be the Chosen One of God, and on His head will be Blessing. It will be united and understandable to everyone, it will be sensed by the very Russian heart. His appearance will be powerful and bright, and no one will say: “The King is here or there,” but everyone will say: “It is He.” The will of the people will submit to the Grace of God, and He Himself will confirm His calling. His noble name is destined three times over in Russian History. Two namesake have already been on the Throne, but not the Royal one. He will sit on Tsarsky like the third one. In Him lies the salvation and happiness of the Russian State. There would be different paths to Russian Mountain again... Then Russia will be great, throwing off the Jewish yoke. He will return to the origins of his ancient life, to the times of Vladimir Equal to the Apostles, and will learn wisdom through bloody misfortune. It will be filled with the smoke of incense and prayers and will flourish, like the Heavenly Krin. A great destiny is destined for Russia. That is why she will suffer in order to be cleansed and kindle the Light in the revelation of tongues.”

Material from Wikipedia- free encyclopedia: “Hyperboreans - (ancient Greek - “beyond Boreas”, “beyond the north”) in ancient Greek mythology and the tradition that follows it, this is the legendary northern country, the habitat of the blessed people of the Hyperboreans.”

Free Encyclopedia Wiktionary: "Hyper-". Meaning: when added to nouns, it forms nouns with the meaning “exceeding any norm.” Analogues: super-, super-, huge-.”

Vasily Nemchin: “This man will turn 55 in 2012. From these years he will begin to actively act. He will go down and burst into history as a bright prince on a white horse.”

Tatiana Samofalova: “Once every 2000 years on the planetary dial, a person comes to Earth with a vibration level of the so-called Aquarius level. They are born in the transitive sign of Pisces, which opens the Scorpio-Aries circle, in a place and country having the same sign. They are born in the zone of transition of one vibration level to another level - from Pisces to Aquarius. They are placed in incredibly difficult conditions in order to harden their spirit, and begin to gradually move towards the place where the sign of the Guide’s system coincides with the sign of the system in which he was born...”

Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce: “...His new home, and the home of his new race will be built in the south of Siberia...”.

Georgian soothsayer Lela Kakulia: “The head of the new great state will be a well-educated and highly knowledgeable person... most likely with two higher educations...or great spiritual self-education... Characteristic feature - he has a scar on the shin of his right leg, or a mark on his head, but not congenital».

From the above we can assume the following:

Possible Names:Boris, Vladimir, Evgeniy, Nikolai...

Surname:Aleksandrovich, Vladimirovich, Viktorovich, Nikolaevich...

Surname:synonym for the word “Hyper” (big), “Big, huge man.”

Year of birth: 1957

Zodiac sign:Aquarius or Pisces.

Place of Birth:South of Russia.

Location:the city is above 48 degrees north. latitude (between 51 and 53 degrees)

Education:The two highest, or spiritual self-education, are direct spiritual understanding.

Feature:a scar on the right leg, or a mark on the head, but not congenital.

He was mortally ill, but completely healed himself.

A sage and esotericist who possesses secret knowledge. The Spirit understands all the laws of the universe and the principles of the world order.

All this time he was on the sidelines.

The cosmos begins to move this person to the top of the hierarchical pyramid.

And on Earth they are already looking for him. Some are looking for everything to come true. Others are looking to use it for personal purposes. Still others - “soak” so that none of this happens.

But here comes what Hegel called “the cunning of the world’s Reason” - it lies in the fact that what is destined to be will happen regardless of the desire of any forces.

Pavel Khailov, ufologist, Yekaterinburg region: “Cosmic souls are sent to Earth at particularly important moments in the development of our civilization with a specific task, for extrasensory correction of people’s consciousness. These are volunteers from the Madara Coalition (mid-level civilization), as well as volunteers and intermediaries from the higher Hierarchies. For volunteers from Madara, the memory of past lives can be blocked (like ordinary people), this is done for more successful adaptation to the earthly conditions of society, but for volunteers from the Higher Hierarchies, the memory is not blocked, and they remember all their previous incarnations.

Among the second group of cosmic souls (messengers of God) can be called Jesus Christ, Krishna, Muhammad, Buddha, etc. These high beings had special tasks on earth - the revival and strengthening of faith in the Almighty, the rise of the spiritual and moral state of people. Such souls, having inhabited the earthly body, usually become religious figures, saints, righteous people, philosophers and great ascetics. They usually do not go into politics or business, because... Dirty things usually happen there. Knowing and understanding the achievements of their native civilization, the envoys have to endure and get used to the earth’s wild customs and customs, listen to abuse, get used to ignorance and tyranny.”

Tamara Globa: “In the “elections” in the future era, when the forces of darkness will think that they have already corrupted the world and victory is “in their pocket,” the Spirit of Russia will win “by a margin of one vote”... And this will be the voice of Providence...”

Tatiana Samofalova: “The name and place of residence of the future leader of the world is hidden from the eyes of people. Only two or three people on Earth know about the birth of such a person, no more. And by a certain date they start looking. And they find him by name and deeds. For his works correspond to his name.”

..."Impossible by man is possible by God- answered Abel, - God is slow to give help, but the Scripture says that He will give it soon and erect a horn of Russian salvation. And in the exile of his land the Great and Bright Prince will rise up... This is the one about whom it was revealed to the Prophet Daniel: “And at that time Michael will rise up, the Great and Bright Prince, who stands for the sons of your people...”(Dan. 12:1).

Maxim Leskov: “By the way, the last prophecy is associated with many disputes and interpretations, the subject of which are unsuccessful attempts to calculate the name of the coming King. It should be noted that in the Orthodox community the most widespread version is that he will be Michael. This version is precisely based on the above literal interpretation of the words of the prophet Daniel. But this is also its weakness. It is too simple to keep secret the secret name of an Orthodox autocrat hidden until the end by God Himself. In fact, if we assume that Michael translated means "who is like God" then we can assume that in prophecies the future Tsar is called Michael not by name, but by image, by an allegorical description of his virtues and greatness. His name will certainly be noble and bright. Therefore, when it is revealed to us, everyone will understand this clearly.”(cm. )

“And at that time Michael, the great prince, will rise.” There are currently Mikhails in Russia, but which one is the prince? But until 1917, there were Mikhails as princes. The word “will rise” must be understood - “will be born”, Prince Michael will be born into a new life! According to reincarnation - Mikhail, this was his name in one of his previous incarnations. The name of the coming King is kept in secret, hidden until the end by God Himself.” – Website “Repentance.RU”.

“And in the late 50s, the future victorious Tsar was born in Soviet Russia and acquired an imperial worldview.”– Website: RALF007: reflections and comments in the Spirit!

“The new Orthodox Tsar by origin is a completely ordinary, poor man from the southern Russian hinterland... The new Sovereign Emperor is an ordinary person from the crowd, and his wife is also a very ordinary woman... They are Russian, first of all in their spirit, they do not know any foreign They speak only a few languages, their education is very ordinary, and they do not have their own car. People buy things and products where they are cheaper. Their children are also ordinary children. They know all the ins and outs of our life, they have experienced all its untruths. They never ate differently from what ordinary people eat and did not wear any expensive or fashionable things, traveled mainly by public transport and, like everyone else, stood in queues. But they will be the same Tsar and Queen from numerous prophecies about the last Orthodox kingdom.”

"SP": –Pavel Pavlovich, in your book “Living Fire” you wrote about the prophecies of Vasily Nemchin that he named the future rulers of Russia: “including the short-ruling Great Sovereign, “Dwarf with a black face”, “Great Rider on the White Horse”, “Golden-haired wife”, “The Great Potter”, with whom the “golden age” of Russia will be associated.” Great Sovereign - you said it was Yeltsin, the Dwarf with a black face - you said it was Putin. Who can you predict as the “Great Rider of the White Horse”? And when will he come to power?


– Nemchin is a real astrologer, doctor, lived with the father of Ivan the Terrible. The great horseman has not yet appeared; the sign of Aquarius is associated with him. Most likely, this will be a person associated with philosophy, the science of the world and military affairs.

"SP": Like Ivashov?

– Well, he’s more of a retired horseman, although I have great respect for him and his election campaign. This will be a younger man, although he will not stay in Russia for long (since he will then take up other matters), but he will stir up the country, and the process of gathering lands into the Great State will begin. This figure is still unknown, but he will very quickly emerge from the military or scientific and technical environment. ... I hope that we, too, will have a revolution from above, the boyars will fly, only they will not have their beards cut off, but their bills. And we will definitely help him from below!…


“...Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar. And other countries, except Russia and the Slavic lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist and will experience all the horrors and torments written in the Holy Scriptures.", writes Saint Lawrence of Chernigov.

... And although the data of the future ruler differs from different predictors, in any case, he will be a truly Great Leader - the Light of humanity. And it is not only our Orthodox saints who visit and predict the future of such a king, BUT EVEN THOSE who, by their nature, should have slandered him. Which means it will definitely come true!

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No, this is not what the people wanted. The current Russian society does not in any way correspond to the people's aspirations. Inefficiency. Inconceivable wealth stratification. Lack of freedoms. Property insecurity. Total corruption. Archaic healthcare. The list of shortcomings is huge.

This means changes are required. There is still a fear of change in society. Fear is completely rational. It has never been better, it has only been worse. It's scary to change - in search of the best, you can lose the good. The hardships endured by the older generation taught them to appreciate what they have.

Love for the current government is also due to an ideological factor. The Russian man does not live by bread alone. He is the bearer of imperial ideology. The feeling of inferiority caused by the collapse of the USSR is disturbing and prevents us from fully enjoying life. This is our value system, absorbed with mother’s milk.

The regime is good at using this factor to strengthen its positions. It gives people what they really need - a sense of importance (according to Dale Carnegie, this is one of the most important factors for personality).

Smart people called this the Crimean consensus. Territorial acquisitions have become an indulgence for the current government for all its sins. Therefore, Navalny’s revelations have no resonance, and he himself is not loved.

However, no matter how tight the rope is, it will still end. The patience of the people does not last forever, and soon the merits of the authorities will no longer justify its failures and shady deeds.

Then there will be a demand in society for a leader who personifies people’s hopes for change for the better.

This is not the case among current politicians. Opposition politicians are aimed at the opposition-minded part of the population. That is, 15% of those who understand that the authorities have long been leading the country in the wrong direction. This deprives opposition politicians of any chance of coming to power and gaining popularity among the population in the near future.

For fifteen years, our President has been methodically clearing the political field of figures who could damage his image. So in the system itself there are either none left, or those who know how to keep their charisma to themselves and not stick their neck out.

The new leader will be a person who will challenge the system and its leader. But only at the right moment. When the country is ready for this.

Until this moment came. But it is also impossible to say that it will not happen soon. This can happen at any time. Because there are already objective reasons, but only subjective ones are missing. Only the inertia of consciousness interferes.

As soon as the amount of latent discontent exceeds the cup of patience, the people will begin to look for a new idol.

For the time when the people will understand that no one will solve their problems for themselves will not come in our lifetime, but much later.


Paracelsus' prediction:

“There is one people that Herodotus called the Hyperboreans - the ancestors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations - Aryans, which means “noble”, and the current name of the ancestral land of this ancient people is Muscovy. The Hyperboreans will experience a lot in their turbulent future history - both a terrible decline with a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great prosperity with a great variety of all kinds of benefits, which will come at the beginning of the 21st century, i.e. even before 2040.”

Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce predicted:

“Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of communism will occur in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis, however, after 2010, the former USSR will be revived, but will be revived in a new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world. Every person will live for the sake of his neighbor, and this principle of life was born precisely in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes, but it is Russia that will give this hope to the whole world. The new Leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day, he will unexpectedly come into power... he will take all the highest power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him. Subsequently, he will become the Lord of the World, will become the Law, bringing light and prosperity to everything on the planet... His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the entire race of people have dreamed of throughout their existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and his comrades to become fantastically strong and powerful almost like Gods, and his intelligence will allow him and his comrades to become practically immortal... God will be with him... He will revive the Religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create centers of a new culture and a new civilization throughout the world...”

The clairvoyant Vanga predicted in 1996:

“A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear in Russia and he will rule Russia all his life... The new teaching will come from Russia - this is the oldest and truest teaching - will spread throughout the world and the day will come when all the religions in the world will disappear and they will be replaced by this new philosophical teaching of the Fire Bible.

Russia is the ancestor of all Slavic states and those that separated from it will soon return to it in a new capacity. Socialism will return to Russia in a new form, there will be large collective and cooperative agricultural enterprises in Russia, and the former Soviet Union will be restored again, but the union will be new. Russia will strengthen and grow, no one can stop Russia, there is no force that could break it. Russia will sweep away everything in its path and will not only survive, but will also become the sole and undivided “mistress of the world,” and even America in the 2030s will recognize the complete superiority of Russia, which will again become a strong and powerful real empire, and will again be called by the old ancient name - Rus'."

Prophecy of the prophet Max Handel:

“The Highest Initiate will appear publicly at the very end of the current era, this will happen when a sufficiently large number of ordinary citizens themselves wish to voluntarily submit to such a Leader. This is how the ground will be created for the emergence of a New Race... It is from the Slavs that the New People of the Earth will emerge... humanity will form a United Spiritual Brotherhood...”

Astrological forecast by astrologer Sergei Popov:

“In 2011-2012, Uranus will leave the sign of Pisces, and Neptune will leave the sign of Aquarius - this will end the period of “prosperity” of the current Russian oligarchic elite, new people will come to power in Russia, patriotically oriented and in mental potential corresponding to the tasks facing Russia. Russia is a global locomotive of development, pulling everyone else along with it, the monopoly on the latest technologies will pass to it, Russia will have a bright future and a period of prosperity. It is to Russia that the Center of World Politics will shift.

Predictions of the French clairvoyant Maria Duval:

“Against the backdrop of a global depression, Russia faces an exceptionally bright future and the Russians are destined for an enviable fate - it is Russia that will be the first to get out of the crisis, stand firmly on its feet, acquire a strong army, continue its development and even lend money to many European countries... Russia will become the richest power and the standard of living of the average Russian will reach its current very high level... but to acquire this power, it will have to pay a certain price - Russia will have to fight with someone. All of humanity is on the threshold of the birth of a new world, in which new inventions await us, including a cure for old age that increases life expectancy up to 140 years, and it is Russian scientists and Russian researchers who will play a key role in all these discoveries and inventions.”

Predictions of the Italian clairvoyant Mavis:

“Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects. It is the Russians who will begin the rebirth of the entire World. And no one can imagine how profound these changes will be throughout the vast world, caused specifically by Russia. In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, many new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery... Russia will reach such a uniquely high level of development that not a single most developed state in the world does not have now and even by that time will not have... Then they will follow Russia and all other countries... The former current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon be replaced by a new and precisely Russian path.”

American clairvoyant Jane Dixon, former personal astrologer of US President Ronald Reagan:

“The natural disasters of the early 21st century and all the global disasters caused by them will least affect Russia, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the World and its revival will come precisely from Russia.”

American clairvoyant Danton Brinkie:

“Watch Russia - whichever path Russia goes, the rest of the World will follow the same path.”

ANSWER: In question No. 79 “About the near future of civilization and Russia” of this section of the site it is stated: “According to the program for the development of civilization on the planet, in the next 25-30 years, Russia is destined to become the center of civilization and the leading country in the world. She will lead humanity into the Age of Aquarius spiritually. In the next 10 years, Russia will experience equal interaction with the entire civilization; the flow of population migration from other countries, including America, will increase. They will understand that in Russia there is a source of prosperity and spirituality, they will strive for complete and truthful information about life. In 5 years, glory and prosperity await Russia. President Putin is implementing his system, which will become reality... Russia is destined to pass all these tests with honor and become the leading country on planet Earth.”
The words “President Putin is implementing his system, which will become reality” mean pursuing a foreign and domestic policy based on the principles of justice, truth, goodness and respect, honesty, mutual understanding and mutual assistance, based on the equality of peoples and countries in the international arena. These principles are completely absent from the world policies pursued by the Western Anglo-Saxons and their leading country, the United States, striving for world domination.

But let us turn to the political facts of life in Russia at the end of the 20th century, preceding the voluntary departure of B.N. Yeltsin from the post of President of Russia on December 31, 1999. President B. Yeltsin had two karmic tasks recorded in the aura of his information atmic shell of the soul according to plan of the Creator, to fulfill historical tasks in the future of Russia. Firstly, he had to replace the first and last President of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, who was mired in his numerous and harmful concessions to Western leaders, thereby causing significant damage to the defense capability and sovereignty of the USSR. Trying to achieve the greatest possible rapprochement with Western countries, seeking their favor and trying at any cost to please the leaders of these countries, he himself made additional proposals to the treaties on the reduction of nuclear missile weapons, significantly exceeding those agreed upon. For example, at his personal suggestion, special trains carrying ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads and plying across the territory of the USSR were destroyed. Western countries and the United States did not have such weapons, and they were the secretive basis of the country’s defensive shield. The leaders of Western countries were delighted with such “decisive” unilateral actions by M. Gorbachev.

Secondly, the karmic task of President Boris Yeltsin was also the early end of his presidential reign at the end of 1999. The fulfillment of this task was necessary for the process of preparing and coming to power of the new future leader of Russia, who at that time was completely unknown to a wide circle of the people, but whom B. Yeltsin had to choose as his successor and legislatively prepare for taking power. He understood that before the upcoming presidential elections in the country in 2000, he had to leave and leave an acting leader in his place. new leader of the country. But the most important thing is that the message and hint about a specific person who already had his karmic destiny for his rise to power was given to the President in a dream. Therefore, knowing the name of a specific person, then working in the government structures of St. Petersburg, Boris Yeltsin did not have to choose such a leader from among many more deserved ones. Therefore, since August 1996, B. Yeltsin has been engaged in specific and targeted actions to prepare and promote Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to power as the future leader of Russia.

August 1996 - V. Putin was transferred to Moscow to the position of Deputy Administrator of the President of the Russian Federation.

March 1997 – V. Putin was appointed Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and Head of the Main Control Directorate under the President.

May 1998 - First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (for work with territories).

July 1998 - appointed director of the Federal Security Service.

March 1999 - Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

August 1999 – First Deputy Prime Minister. At the same time, for V. Putin, President B. Yeltsin introduced another 3rd position of First Deputy.

August 1999 – acting Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On the same day, by another decree of President B. Yeltsin, the cabinet of ministers headed by S. Stepashin was dismissed, and V. Putin was appointed acting head of government.

In his televised address, B. Yeltsin named Putin as his successor as President of the Russian Federation: “... Now I decided to name a person who, in my opinion, is capable of consolidating society. Relying on the broadest political forces, he will ensure the continuation of reforms in Russia. He will be able to rally around himself those who, in the new, 21st century, will have to renew great Russia. This is the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, the Director of the FSB - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin... I am confident in him.”

On August 16, 1999, the State Duma approved V. Putin as Chairman of the Government.
On the morning of December 31, 1999, President Yeltsin, in his New Year's address, announced his early resignation from the post of President with the appointment (in accordance with the constitution as Chairman of the Government) of V. Putin as acting president until early elections were held.

On March 26, 2000, V. Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation.
On May 7, 2000, he took office as President of the Russian Federation and served in this post for two terms until D. Medvedev was elected President of the Russian Federation in 2008.

Thus, B. Yeltsin fulfilled his karmic destiny of preparing and bringing into power an FSB lieutenant colonel, unknown in the country to the broad masses of that time, and resigned early from the post of President of the Russian Federation. For 3 years from August 1996 to August 1999. V. Putin, with the targeted support of President B. Yeltsin, has come a long way as a leader from Deputy Director of Presidential Affairs to Chairman of the Government and soon became President of the Russian Federation.
During the presidency of D. Medvedev (2008-2012), an amendment was made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation - from 2012, the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation was increased to 6 years. Therefore, the term of the current presidential rule of V.V. Putin will end in September 2018. This very important addition was adopted by the State Duma not by chance. Historically, it is important that V. Putin’s presidential term ends not in 2016, but in 2018, because 2016-2017 are for Russia the time of the beginning of the gradual rise and total information war and demonization of the West against Russia at all levels, including sports, as well as the time of completion of the preparatory period for the transition of our civilization to a new level of development of consciousness. In addition, in 2018, the first results of the influence of the Cosmos on people’s consciousness will already be noticeable with the help of the so-called. white energy to wash away everything negative, aggressive and negative from people’s consciousness. In addition, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, V. Putin has the right to be elected for another 6-year term in 2018. And this right, based on karmic destiny, will be supported by the majority of the people of Russia in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation.

In conclusion, I would like to leave information in verse that I received in a dream and written down one night in March 1991, which I consider my personal mantra:

Burn my candle, burn unquenchable
Through the burden of long years, all night long
And may he always be present with you invisibly
My crazy soul has a mysterious flight.
I stand at the icons, solemnly embarrassed,
Your spark of soul, flickering in the night,
And again I leave, humble, renewed,
Without feeling the inaudible cry of a candle behind my back.
God save, save, don’t let worldly rubbish
Darken the light of the best feelings, the path of Faith and Goodness,
Lost, you will come and find your way to the temple
Look for this road, go, it’s time.
Quite a few years have passed since the birth of Christ,
I’ll pray with you in the church at the icons -
And let the Divine word come down from heaven
For my Motherland - “Live, Holy Rus'”!

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The savior of the world will come from Russia

The prophecies of the most famous predictors - from Nostradamus and Vasily Nemchin to Vanga and modern astrologers - promise Russia's well-being and a leading role in world politics and economics. However, despite the signs of strengthening of the country, it is difficult to call them fully realized. Apparently, the changes that have occurred in recent years are only a preparatory period for future prosperity under new leader of the Russian Federation.

Since ancient times, various authors have left us their prophecies about Russia. While differing in details, they agree on one thing: having gone through periods of prosperity and decline, surviving incredible trials, Russia in the third millennium will not only achieve unprecedented prosperity, but will also become a guide for other peoples of the world.

Nostradamus also predicted that in the 21st century. Russia will become the center world civilization. His contemporary, the Swiss physician, alchemist and philosopher Paracelsus, argued: “In that very country of the Hyperboreans, which no one ever thought of as a country in which something great could happen, the Great Cross, the Divine light from the mountain, will shine over the humiliated and outcast and all the inhabitants of the earth will see him.”

Modern soothsayers are no less categorical. , for example, she has repeatedly said that no one can stop Russia, which is destined “not only to survive, but also to become the ruler of the world.” American clairvoyant Danton Brinkie suggested: “ Follow Russia: what Russia will go the way, the rest of the world will follow her in the same way.” His compatriot Jane Dixon predicted that Russia would have the possibility of rapid and powerful development, as a result of which the revival of the world would begin from here.

Similar predictions were made not only by astrologers and clairvoyants, but also by people who based their predictions on knowledge of the laws of socio-historical development. Thus, the Russian scientist-ethnographer, employee of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Lieutenant General Valentin Moshkov, based on the theory of 400-year cycles he developed, concluded that after a period of turmoil and decline, the end XX V. An unprecedented rise in science and economics awaits us. Literally - the Golden Age in the terminology of Moshkov himself.

However, the third millennium has already arrived, and the first children of the new era will soon step into adulthood, and we are still painfully extricating ourselves from the bedlam of the violent 90s. Were the prophets wrong?

I think not. Moreover, the latest conclusions, in particular from astrologer Sergei Popov, indicate that the vector of development of the historical process has not changed. “New people will come to power, patriotically oriented and with mental potential corresponding to the tasks facing Russia. Russia is a global locomotive of development, pulling everyone else along with it; it will have a monopoly on the latest technologies, Russia has a “bright future” and the heyday. Exactly The center of world politics will shift to Russia“, he is sure.

So it's probably not a matter of prediction errors. Maybe we should once again carefully re-read the legacy they left behind? Let's say, the same Nostradamus in his quatrains draws attention to 2025 as the start date Russia's powerful flourishing. But this must be preceded by a certain process, which he described as follows:

“Difficult changes are good for the country.

They expelled the clever ones, but he rules the country

Cautious with a noble heart.

People’s lives are changing everywhere.”

It is immediately noticeable that the date indicated by Nostradamus is very close to 2024 - the year of expiration of the powers of the new president, whom we have to elect in March 2018 and who, obviously, is called upon to carry out some changes and “drive out the clever” (by which they probably mean corrupt officials). Apparently, it will not be Vladimir Putin.

Despite the fact that Putin's support level in Russia ranges from 80 to 86%, it cannot be denied that he has already carried out almost all the changes that were in his power. And, if he could “drive out the clever,” this would have been done long ago. Add to this age and a long tenure in an extremely responsible position - and it becomes clear that changes are really coming to the country.

By the way, Vladimir Vladimirovich himself is still silent about the possibility of his re-nomination. His name will forever remain inscribed in history Russia, but it is possible that someone else will lead the country further.

But who? This is a question that staff propagandists and officials often like to ask. Oddly enough, the answer to this can be found in predictions, although this is not easy to do. The fact is that many predictors see the future fragmentarily and only in general terms. In the case of past prophets, such as Nostradamus, they often deliberately obscured their predictions for fear of persecution. After all, many prophecies are still hidden - sometimes accidentally lost, and more often deliberately hidden.

However, if we analyze the corpus predictions about Russia, some conclusions can be drawn. First of all, absolutely all predictors agree that the ruler of Russia, who is destined to lead the country to unprecedented greatness, will appear as if out of nowhere, and until the very end no one will know anything about him.

The famous Edgar Cayce believed that “he will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power.” But long before the “sleeping prophet,” the Russian monk Abel, who lived in XVIIIXIX centuries, predicted that the name of this person “will be hidden until time.” This immediately cuts off everyone who is now on the powerful Olympus.

Abel also makes a hint about the direct name of the new leader: “In the distant future Russia The Chosen One of God will reign, and his name will be destined three times in Orthodox history Russia, and on his head is the Blessing of God.” It is unlikely that the elder had in mind the pre-imperial period of the country’s history, and among the emperors the names appeared three times Peter And Alexander.

This version is partly confirmed by the testimony of Archbishop Seraphim of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. In 1959, he visited Palestine, where in one of the ancient Greek monasteries a Russian monk-researcher found manuscripts of the 8th-9th centuries. With prophecies about Russia. Unknown holy fathers also write about the future greatness of the Russian state, making an important caveat: it will flourish under a leader - a protector and unifier.

It is not surprising that the clairvoyant of the 15th century. Vasily Nemchin foresaw the emergence of a leader in the third millennium who would “unite 15 leaders and create a great Russia within new borders.” Seraphim of Sarov shared the same opinion, writing: “Russia will merge into one great sea with other Slavic lands and tribes, it will form a huge universal ocean of the people.”

However, it is unlikely that this will be a unification into a single state, but rather into a union of states. Vanga spoke about this, predicting: “ the Soviet Union will be restored, but a new one».

There is another important prophecy, found among completely different seers: the new leader will own “hitherto unknown technologies.” But we are hardly talking about the fact that this will be some great inventor: in our time it is impossible to invent anything alone without having powerful laboratories.

The meaning of the prophecy is that the new leader will support scientists and promote new technologies. As Maria Duval wrote: “All of humanity is on the verge of the birth of a new world, in which new inventions await us, including a cure for old age that increases life expectancy up to 140 years, and Russian scientists and researchers will play a key role in all these discoveries.”

Another hint was found quite unexpectedly - on one of the literary sites of the mystical poetess Aniri Sorino:

“In the beauty of the forests of Siberia, on the border of a new era,

The flame of life ignited and the seed of faith grew.

Despite the madness of the world and for souls ready to grow,

Paths to the ancient churchyard open in the Ether.”

Let's summarize. New leader of Russia will propose a plan for transforming the country, as well as a plan for uniting the currently separated states, and will actively support science and technology.

This politician will have to promote the idea of ​​​​creating the Eurasian Union, which should include not only the former republics of the USSR, but also some European and Asian countries, which will turn the Eurasian continent into an almost unified economic and political space. Secondly, it will have to have a transformation plan based on the latest technological advances.

Why is it important that soon Russia is headed by a new leader? The fact is that, as Vanga and other seers warned, “The Earth is entering a new period of time - the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us; it is coming whether we want it or not.”

Scientists who are far from mystics say the same thing. For example, British sociologist and philosopher Arnold Toynbee developed a theory according to which humanity is periodically faced with a choice - to change or perish. But today humanity stands on the threshold of one of the greatest civilizational challenges.

The problem is that absolutely all the basic systems of civilization have gone haywire - economics and culture, education and scientific progress, social and political structure. We can talk at length about the origins of crises (including resource hunger, environmental degradation and climate change), but it is obvious that man himself – and his creations – bear responsibility for their occurrence. Therefore, it will not be possible to “roll back” to relatively “grand” times, to horse-drawn carriages, kerosene lamps and class classes.

Experts say that we are on the threshold of the transition to the sixth technological order. This means not just maximum robotization of industry and the widespread introduction of computers, but also a complete restructuring of social and political systems, and even a change in the mentality of society.

Such a transition can be planned, controlled, or natural - chaotic, long and harsh. A difficult confrontation between everyone and everyone - and clairvoyants of the past also spoke about this - is an extremely undesirable alternative to a planned entry into the new world. The world is still ruled by the elites of the previous, fifth technological order, and they will cling to money and power to the last.

In any case, there is no reason to doubt that Russia in the near future will be headed by a person who has a thoughtful, justified and balanced translation plan Russia- the first, if not the only country in the world - in the reality of the sixth technological structure.

Unlike most other states (with the possible exception of the USA and China), we have the resources for this. All that remains is to find a responsible, strong and effective leader to take a leading position in the world.

Elizaveta KOLOSOVA

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