Biography of Anna Shchetinina, a sea captain. Shchetinina Anna Ivanovna - biography

Main events

world's first female captain long voyage

Top career

Associate Professor of the Department of Maritime Affairs

Hero of socialist labor,

twice Order of Lenin,

Order of the Red Banner of Labor,

Order of the Red Star,

Order Patriotic War 2nd degree,

medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945",

medal "For the Defense of Leningrad",

Medal "For Victory over Japan"

gold medal "Hammer and Sickle"

Medal "In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"

"Honorable Sir Vladivostok"

Shchetinina Anna Ivanovna born February 26, 1908 Russian empire, Primorsky region, Okeanskaya station died on September 25, 1999, Vladivostok. Captain - mentor Far Eastern Shipping Company, the world's first female sea captain. Honorary worker Navy. Honorary Member Geographical Society THE USSR. Honorary Member of the Far Eastern Sea Captains Association in London, FESMA And IFSMA. Author of the book “On the seas and beyond the seas...”.


early years

Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina was born on February 26, 1908 at Okeanskaya station near Vladivostok. Father Ivan Ivanovich was born in Kemerovo region in the village of Chumai, whoever worked in different years He was a mechanic, a forester, a fishery worker, a carpenter, and a dacha commandant in the Regional Department of the NKVD. Mother Maria Filosofovna most I was a housewife my whole life. Younger brother Vladimir worked at an aircraft factory as a shop foreman. In 1919 A.I. Shchetinina began studying at primary school in Sadgorod, but after the Red Army entered Vladivostok, all schools were reorganized. And since 1922, at the Sedanka station, Anna Ivanovna studied in general labor school, where in 1925 she graduated from 8th grade.

Military service

In 1925, after graduating from school A.I. Shchetinina entered the Vladivostok Marine College in the navigation department. While studying at the technical school, she worked as a nurse and cleaner in a dental office. I have never been afraid of the so-called “dirty work”. During my studies at the technical school, I repeatedly went to sea as a student on the steamship "Simferopol", on the security ship "Bryukhanov" and then as a sailor on the steamship "First Crab". After graduating from college, Anna Ivanovna was sent to the Joint-Stock Kamchatka Shipping Company, where she went from sailor to captain in just 6 years.

In 1932, at the age of 24, Anna Ivanovna received a diploma as a navigator. In 1933, she took over as senior mate of the steamship Orochon.

In 1935, when she was only 27 years old, the entire world press started talking about Anna Ivanovna Shchedrin. It was this year that Anna Ivanovna, as a captain, carried the ship "Chinook" from Hamburg to Kamchatka. A. I. Shchetinina commanded the "Chinook" until 1938.

In 1938, A.I. Shchetinina was appointed head of the fishing port in Vladivostok. That same year she entered Leningrad Institute water transport to the navigating department. Having the right to freely attend lectures, she completes 4 courses in two and a half years.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Anna Ivanovna received a referral to the Baltic Shipping Company. In August 1941, under severe fire from the Nazis, she drove the steamship Saule loaded with food and weapons across the Gulf of Finland, supplying our army and evacuating the population of Tallinn. In the fall of 1941, together with a group of sailors, she was sent to Vladivostok at the disposal of the Far Eastern Shipping Company. There she worked on the ships "Karl Liebknecht", "Rodina" and " Jean Jaurès" (like " Liberty") - transported military cargo through Pacific Ocean.

At the very end of World War II, on August 25, 1945, Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina participated in the VKMA-3 convoy in the transfer of the 264th rifle division to southern Sakhalin.

After the end of the war with Japan, she submitted a request to be released to Leningrad to graduate from the Leningrad Institute of Water Transport Engineers. In Leningrad, until 1949, she worked in the Baltic Shipping Company as captain of the ships "Dniester", "Pskov", "Askold", "Beloostrov", "Mendeleev". In 1947, the steamship "Dmitry Mendeleev", commanded by Shchetinina, delivered to Leningrad statues stolen by the Nazis from Petrodvorets during the occupation. And still on the same ship "Mendeleev" landed in the fog on the reefs of the island of Senar, for which she was transferred by the Minister of the Ministry of Fleet as captain of ships of Group V for one year. After the transfer, she commanded the timber carrier "Baskunchak" until its transfer to the Far East.

Since 1949, Shchetinina went to work at the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School as an assistant and at the same time completed the 5th year of the navigation faculty in absentia.

At LVIMU in 1951, she was appointed first as a senior lecturer, and then as dean of the navigation faculty. After 5 years, Anna Ivanovna was awarded the title of associate professor at the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School.

In 1960, he was transferred to the Vladivostok Higher Marine Engineering School to the position of associate professor in the Department of Marine Engineering.

In 1963, she became chairman of the Primorsky branch of the Geographical Society of the USSR

Perpetuation of memory

On September 25, 1999, Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina passed away. She was buried in the memorial plot of the Marine Cemetery in the city of Vladivostok.

In 2001, a bust was placed on her grave

2005 The Svetlana publishing house in Vladivostok published the book “Captain Anna” with numerous illustrations and memories of A.I. Shchetinina.

Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina - the world's first certified female captain, associate professor, author of a number of autobiographical books and textbooks on navigation, Hero Socialist Labor, active member of the Committee Soviet women, Chairman of the Primorsky branch of the Geographical Society of the USSR, member of the Union of Writers of Russia.

February 26, 1908 Born in Vladivostok, on Sedanka. Parents: mother Maria Filosofovna and father Ivan Ivanovich Shchetinin.

1919-1925 She studied at schools in Sadgorod and Sedanka.


autumn 1925. Entered to study at the navigation department of the Vladivostok Maritime College.

1926 Deck apprentice on the ship "Simferopol" (Sovtorgflot).

1927 Deck apprentice on the steamship “Bryukhanov” (Dalryba).

1928 2nd class sailor on the ship “First Crabcatcher” (Dalgosrybtrest)

1929 Graduated from the Vladivostok Marine College and was sent toJoint Stock Kamchatka Company (AKO).

After graduating from the Vladivostok Maritime College.

May 1929 - February 19351st class sailor, navigator's student, 3rd, 2nd and senior mate on AKO vessels: "Tungus", "Okhotsk", "Lamut", "Koryak", "Toporok", "Eskimo", "Orochen" "

March 1935 - April 1938Captain of the steamship "Chinook" AKO.

Captain Anna Ivanovna Shchetininawith crew memberssteamship "Chinook". 1936

1936 Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor “for exceeding production targets.

April-October 1938 Head of the Vladivostok fishing port.

1938-1941 Student at the Leningrad Institute of Water Transport Engineers. Graduated from 4 courses (out of five) of the navigating department.

1939-1947 Deputy of the Kirov District Council of Workers' Deputies of Leningrad.

May-September 1941 Captain on the ships “Bira” and “Saule” of the Baltic Shipping Company.

September 26, 1941 Seconded to the Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO).

November 13, 1941 - June 1946Captain on the ships “Karl Liebknecht”, “Rodina”, “Jean Jaures”, which transported cargo from the ports of the USA and Canada to the Far East, as well as providing landing operations during the war with Japan.

Anna Ivanovna in 1942

June 4, 1942 Awarded the Order of the Red Star “for exemplary performance the assignments of the government and military command and the courage shown in operations in the Baltic.

1943 Anna Ivanovna is a guest of the Twenty Century Fox film company in Hollywood.

Anna Ivanovna is the captain of the ship “Jean Zhores”. 1943

1944 Member of the Soviet Women's Committee.

1945 Awarded the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Patriotic War, 11th degree.

1946-1949 Seconded to the Baltic Shipping Company, where she worked as captain of the ships “Dniester”, “Pskov”, “Askold”, “Beloostrov”, “Mendeleev”, “Baskunchak”.

1947-1951 Deputy of the Leningrad City Council of Workers' Deputies.

1949 Delegate to the All-Union Peace Conference from the workers' union maritime transport. Participant of the 1st Congress of Peace Supporters in Moscow.

November 1949 By order of the MMF, she was seconded to the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School (LVVIMU). Assistant at the Department of Navigation. 5th year student of the Navigation Faculty.

1950 Graduated from LVIMU with a degree in naval engineering.

October 1951 Senior teacher of the Department of Navigation and part-time head of the navigation department of LVIMU.

1953-1960 Deputy of the Sverdlovsk District Council of Workers' Deputies of Leningrad. Awarded a diploma from the executive committee for fruitful work in board of trustees orphanage № 58.

1955-1983 Author, co-author and editor of textbooks and teaching aids. technical operation", "Manuals on organization navigator service" and etc.

December 1957 Awarded the medal “For Labor Valor”.

Anna Ivanovna on board the m/v "Lyuban".Photo from an English newspaper. 1957

September 1, 1960 – February 2, 1977Associate Professor, Department of Maritime Affairs, Far Eastern Higher Education engineering school. Chief practice manager on the training and production ship "Meridian" (1962-1963).

While working at DVVIMU - captain of the ships "Orsha", "Orekhov", "Okhotsk" (circumnavigation).

1962 She took an active part in the creation of the Maritime Museum in Vladivostok.

June 1963 Delegate from the Primorsky Territory at the World Congress of Women in Moscow.

A.I. Shchetinin and V.V. Tereshkova at the World Congress of Women in Moscow.

May 4, 1964 – May 14, 1970Chairman of the Primorsky branch of the Geographical Society of the USSR.

May 23-30, 1964 Delegate to the 4th All-Union Congress of the Geographical Society of the USSR.

1965-1969 Deputy of Primorsky regional council workers' deputies.

February 28-March 2, 1967 On the initiative of the Chairman of the PFGO USSR A.I. Shchetinina held the 1st Scientific Conference on problems of studying the Pacific Ocean and the use of its resources.

1968 In the Far East book publishing house book came outA.I. Shchetinina “On the seas and beyond the seas.”In the dedication to this edition of the book, Anna Ivanovna wrote: “To my glorious comrades - the sea workers - with deep respect and love.”

A.I. Shchetinina n and a judge boat among the teachers of DVVIMU during the annual rowing and sailing regatta.

February 6-7, 1969 In Vladivostok on the initiativeA.I. Shchetinina held the 2nd scientific conference on the problems of studying the Pacific Ocean and the use of its resources.

1971 Main Committee of the Exhibition of Achievements National economy The USSR was approved as a participant in VDNKh.

June 22, 1973 Organizer and chairman (until 1979) of the captains’ club in Vladivostok.

1974 Dalizdat published the second edition of the book by A.I. Shchetinina “On the seas and beyond the seas.”

December 1974 Appointed as head of the department of “Ship Control and Its Technical Operation” at the Far Eastern Military Museum named after Admiral G.I. Nevelsky.

A.I. Shchetinina discusses with a navigator cadetnavigation task on the state exam.

February 2, 1977 Appointed captain-mentor of the FESCO maritime security service.

February 24, 1978 By Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council The USSR was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

1978 The 3rd edition of the book “On the Seas and Beyond the Seas” was published in Dalizdat.

November 1988 Elected honorary member of the Geographical Society of the USSR.

1994 The Rubezh publishing house published a book by A.I. Shchetinina “Along different sea roads.”

since February 5, 1998 Honorary member of the Far Eastern Association of Sea Captains.

since February 26, 1998 Honorary member of the International Federation of Sea Captains (London).

February 28, 1998 Solemn meeting of the Vladivostok public at the Sailors' Palace of Culture on the occasion of the 90th anniversaryAnna Ivanovna Shchetinina.

On September 25, 1999, Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina passed away.She was buried in the memorial plot of the Marine Cemetery in the city of Vladivostok.In 2001, a bust made by the sculptor was installed on her grave full member OIAC V.E. Barsegov. He is also the author of the memorial plaque installed on the wall of the main building of the Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelsky.

January 8, 2002 At the Admiral Maritime State UniversityG.I. Nevelskoy formed the maritime section of the Society for the Study Amur region- Primorsky branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

February 28, 2002 Meeting of the maritime section of the OIAC, dedicated to the 94th anniversary of the birth of A.I. Shchetinina.

2005 The Svetlana publishing house in Vladivostok published the book “Captain Anna” with numerous illustrations and memories of A.I. Shchetinina. Editor-compiler, full member of the Russian Geographical Society - OIAC I.N. Egorchev.

2006 The park named after A.I. was laid. Shchetinina on the Egersheld Peninsula.

On December 5, 2006, the head of the Vladivostok city administration signed a resolution assigning the “Medium” secondary school No. 16 Vladivostok" name A.I. Shchetinina.

January-February 2008 The newspaper “Vladivostok” held the action “Let’s return the name of Shchetinina to Vladivostok.” On the pages of the newspaper, a number of leaders of maritime organizations, as well as people who knew Anna Ivanovna well, came out with a proposal to name one of the streets in Vladivostok after Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina.

February 28, 2008 In the assembly hall of Moscow State University. adm.G.I. Nevelskoy held a solemn meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of A.I. Shchetinina. To the grave and to memorial plaque Flowers were laid on the building of the Maritime University.

The compiler of the booklet is the chairman of the maritime section of the OIAC at Moscow State University named after adm. G.I. Nevelskoy full member of the Russian Geographical Society V.F. Verevkin.

When compiling the text, information prepared by full member of the OIAC L.A. was used. Ermolenko on his 90th birthday A.I. Shchetinina.

Illustrations selected from the book “Captain Anna” and personal archive V.F. Verevkina.

"Sea Wolves" in Hamburg in 1935. were in utter amazement when Soviet Russia to receive the new steamer "Chinook", former "Hohenfels", a woman captain arrived. The world press was abuzz.

She was then 27 years old, but according to engineer Lomnitsky, our representative in Hamburg, she looked at least 5 years younger.

Anna Ivanovna was born in 1908. at Okeanskaya station. The sea splashed not far from her home and beckoned her since childhood, but in order to fulfill her dream and achieve something in the harsh male world of sailors, she had to become not just the best, but an order of magnitude better. And she became the best.

After graduating from the navigating department of the maritime technical school, she is sent to, where she begins her labor activity a simple sailor, at 24 she is a navigator, at 27 she is a captain, in just 6 years of work.

She commanded the "Chinook" until 1938. In the harsh stormy waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. She managed to become famous again when in 1936 the ship was captured by heavy ice.

Only thanks to the resourcefulness of the captain, who did not leave the captain’s bridge during the entire time of ice captivity, and coordinated work team, they were able to get out of it without damaging the ship. This was done at the cost of Herculean efforts, while they almost ran out of food and water.

The first steamship of captain Anna Shchetininay "Chinook"

And in 1938 she was tasked with creating the Vladivostok fishing port practically from scratch. This is at 30 years old. She also coped with this task brilliantly, in just six months. At the same time, she entered the Institute of Water Transport in Leningrad, successfully completed 4 courses in 2.5 years, and then the war began.

She was sent to Baltic Fleet, where she, under fierce shelling and continuous bombing, evacuated the population of Tallinn, transported food and weapons for the army, cruising the Gulf of Finland.

Then again the Far Eastern Shipping Company and a new task - voyages across the Pacific Ocean to the shores of Canada and the USA. During the war, ships under her command sailed across the ocean 17 times, and she also had the opportunity to participate in the rescue of the steamship Valery Chkalov.

Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina has many glorious deeds to her name, she commanded large Oken liners and taught first in Leningrad at the Higher Marine Engineering School, then she was the dean of the navigators faculty at DVVIMU - Far Eastern Higher Engineering Maritime School named after. Adm. Nevelsky in Vladivostok.

Now it is the Maritime State University named after. adm. Nevelsky.

She was the organizer of the “captains club” in Vladivostok and the chairman of the jury at tourist song festivals, which grew, with her active participation, into a famous Far East festival of author's songs "Primorsky Strings", she wrote books about the sea and textbooks for cadets.

Her merits were highly appreciated by captains abroad; for her sake, the famous Australian club of captains, the Rotary Club, changed the centuries-old tradition and not only invited a woman to their club, but also gave her the floor at the captains’ forum.

And during the celebration of Anna Ivanovna’s 90th birthday, she was presented with congratulations on behalf of the captains of Europe and America.

Anna Shetinina - Hero of Socialist Labor, Honorary Resident of Vladivostok, Honorary worker Navy, member of the Russian Writers' Union, Honorary Member of the Geographical Society of the USSR, member of the Soviet Women's Committee, Honorary Member of the Association of Far Eastern Captains in London, etc., the irrepressible energy of this woman, her heroism were highly appreciated in her homeland - 2 orders of Lenin, orders Patriotic War 2nd degree, Red Banner, Red Banner of Labor and many medals.

Anna Ivanovna passed away at the age of 91 and was buried in the Vladivostok naval cemetery. The city has not forgotten this amazing woman.

At the Maritime University, where she taught, a museum was created in her memory, a cape on the Shkota Peninsula was named after her, not far from the house where she lived, a park was built in her name, etc.

Then other female captains came, but she was the first.

She talked about herself -

I went through the entire difficult journey of a sailor from beginning to end. And if I am now the captain of a large ocean ship, then each of my subordinates knows that I did not come from the foam of the sea!

Based on materials from Olga Igorevna Tonina: -

Anna Ivanovna Shchetinina is a captain-mentor of the Far Eastern Shipping Company of the USSR Ministry of the Navy, the world's first female sea captain.

She was born on February 26, 1908 at the Okeanskaya station near the city of Vladivostok, now the center of the Primorsky Territory, into a working-class family. Russian. In 1925, she graduated from 8 classes at the unified labor school at Sedanka station. In the same year, she entered the navigation department of the Vladivostok Maritime College. While studying at the technical school, she worked as a nurse and cleaner in a dental office, sailed as a student and as a sailor.

After graduating from college, she was sent to the Joint-Stock Kamchatka Shipping Company, where she went from sailor to captain in just 6 years, and at the age of 24 she received a navigator’s diploma. In 1935, at the age of 27, she became captain of the Chinook steamship. The first voyage as a captain attracted the attention of the world press. In June, Shchetinina accepted the cargo steamer Hohenfels, purchased in Germany, which received the new name Chinook. A month later, on July 16, 1935, a ship with 2800 tons of cargo, among which was equipment for a ship repair shipyard being built in Petropavlovsk, left Odessa for Kamchatka. The route from the Black Sea to Kamchatka via polar seas took fifty-eight days.

In 1936, she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and not for the fact that she was the first female captain, but for the difficult, truly “male” voyages across the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, from which, thanks to her professionalism and perseverance, she always emerged victorious. So, in February 1936, the ship was covered in ice for eleven days. During the forced drift, food supply came to an end. Fresh water for boilers and drinking water was also running out. The entire crew and passengers were mobilized to prepare snow. Throughout the entire day of ice captivity, Captain Shchetinina did not leave the captain’s bridge, steering the ship with her own hands, choosing the right moment to take her out of the ice. She commanded the Chinook until 1938.

In March 1938, A.I. Shchetinina was appointed head of the fishing port in Vladivostok. In the same year, she entered the Leningrad Institute of Water Transport, navigating department. Having the right to freely attend lectures, after two and a half years I completed 4 courses. The war prevented me from finishing my studies.

In the first days of the war, she was assigned to the Baltic Shipping Company. In the summer of 1941, she sailed on the steamship Saul, carrying out assignments from the military command in Gulf of Finland. In August 1941, under severe shelling from the Nazis, she sailed a ship loaded with food and weapons from Tallinn to Leningrad.

In the fall of 1941, together with a group of sailors, she was sent to Vladivostok at the disposal of the Far Eastern Shipping Company, where she worked on the ships “Karl Liebknecht”, “Rodina”, and in 1943 she received the steamer “Jean Jaurès” (Liberty type) into the USA. During the war years she made 17 voyages with military cargo across the Pacific Ocean. In August 1945, she participated in the transfer of the 264th Rifle Division to southern Sakhalin.

After the end of the war with Japan, she submitted a request to be released to Leningrad to finish her studies at the institute. Until 1949, he worked in the Baltic Shipping Company as captain of the ships “Dniester”, “Pskov”, “Askold”, “Beloostrov”, “Baskunchak”. In 1947, the steamship Dmitry Mendeleev, commanded by Shchetinina, delivered to Leningrad statues stolen by the Nazis from Petrodvorets during the occupation.

From 1949 to teaching work. First, at the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School - as an assistant and at the same time completing the 5th year of the navigation faculty in absentia. Since 1951 - senior teacher, and then dean of the school's navigation department. In 1956, Anna Shchetinina was awarded the title of associate professor.

In 1960, at her own request, the Vladivostok Higher Marine Engineering School was transferred (now the Admiral G.I. Nevelsky Maritime State University). She was appointed to the position of Associate Professor at the Department of Maritime Affairs. Gave lectures on the courses “Meteorology and Oceanography”, “Naval Affairs”, “Navigation and Pilotship”, supervised theses, has written several textbooks and books. While working at the department, she went to sea several times as a captain on the ships “Orsha”, “Orekhov” and “Okhotsk”. She worked at the institute for 17 years and became dean.

In 1968, the film “Anna Ivanovna”, shot at the Daltelefilm studio, was released across the country. For the 60th anniversary, documents were being prepared to award the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. But then they didn’t let me into the Central Committee in Moscow. In the late 1970s, A.I. Shchetinina received an invitation from the head of the Far Eastern Shipping Company to the position of captain-mentor.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 24, 1978, great merit in the development of maritime transport, training of highly qualified personnel and in connection with the 70th anniversary Shchetinina Anna Ivanovna awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle Gold Medal.

Anna Ivanovna's interests were not limited only to the sea and ships; in 1963, she became chairman of the Primorsky branch of the Geographical Society of the USSR. She wrote two books that went through several editions: “On the seas and beyond the seas...” and “On different sea roads”, and became a member of the Russian Writers' Union.

Honorary worker of the Navy, Honorary citizen of Vladivostok, Honorary member of the Geographical Society of the USSR, active member of the Soviet Women's Committee, Honorary member of the Far Eastern Association of Sea Captains in London.

Lived in the city of Vladivostok. She died on September 25, 1999. She was buried at the Marine Cemetery in Vladivostok.

Awarded two Orders of Lenin, Orders of the Patriotic War 2nd degree, Red Star, Red Banner of Labor, and medals.

In October 2006, the name of Shchetinina was given to the cape of the Shkota Peninsula on the coast of the Amur Bay Sea of ​​Japan(43 N 131 E) In October 2007 in Vladivostok, on the building of school No. 16, from which Anna Shchetinina graduated in 1925, a Memorial plaque. In the same school there is a museum dedicated to Anna Shchetinina.

Chairman of the Primorsky branch of the Geographical Society. Member of the Russian Writers' Union.

Anna Shchetinina was born on February 26, 1908 at Okeanskaya station, Primorsky Krai. Father, Ivan Ivanovich, worked as a switchman, forester, worker and employee in the fisheries. Mother, Maria Filosofovna from the Kemerovo region. Brother Vladimir Ivanovich, born in Vladivostok, worked as a workshop foreman at an aircraft factory at the Varfolomeevka station in the Primorsky Territory.

In 1919, the girl began studying at an elementary school in Sadgorod. After the entry of the Red Army into Vladivostok, schools were reorganized, and from 1922 Anya studied at a unified labor school at Sedanka station, where in 1925 she graduated from eight classes. In the same year, she entered the navigation department of the Vladivostok Maritime College.

After graduating from technical school, she worked in Kamchatka, where she worked her way up from a simple sailor to a captain. At the age of twenty-four, Anna received a navigator's diploma, and at twenty-seven she became the world's first female sea captain. On her first voyage in 1935, she became famous throughout the world, sailing the cargo ship “Chinook” from Hamburg through Odessa and Singapore to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

On March 20, 1938, Anna Ivanovna was appointed the first head of the fishing port of the city of Vladivostok. Anna met the war in the Baltic, where she evacuated the population of Tallinn under bombing and transported strategic cargo.

After the war, Shchetinina was the captain of the ships “Askold”, “Baskunchak”, “Beloostrov”, “Dniester”, “Pskov”, “Mendeleev” in the Baltic Shipping Company. Since 1949 she worked at the State maritime academy. Two years later she became a senior teacher, and then the dean of the school’s navigating department. In 1956, Anna Ivanovna was awarded the title of associate professor. In 1960 transferred to Morskoy State University named after Admiral Gennady Nevelsky for the position of associate professor of the Department of Maritime Affairs.

In 1963, she became chairman of the Primorsky branch of the Geographical Society of the USSR. Also, during this period she wrote the book “On the Seas and Beyond the Seas...”.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on February 24, 1978, Shcherbinina was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

Anna Ivanovna Shcherbinina died on September 25, 1999. A monument was erected to her at the Vladivostok Marine Cemetery.

Awards and Recognition of Anna Shchetinina

Hero of Socialist Labor (1978)
Two Orders of Lenin
Two Orders of the Patriotic War, II degree (29.9.1945; 23.12.1985)
Order of the Red Star (1942)
Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1936)
Honorary Citizen of Vladivostok (1978)
Honorary Worker of the Navy
Honorary member of the Geographical Society of the USSR, the Far Eastern Association of Sea Captains (FEAMK) ​​and the International Federation of Captains Associations (MEFAK, English IFSMA),
Member of the Russian Writers' Union

In memory of Anna Shchetinina

A monument was erected to her at the Vladivostok Marine Cemetery.

School No. 16 of the city of Vladivostok has been named after A. I. Shchetinina since 2008.

In 2010, one of the new streets of Vladivostok in the Snegovaya Pad microdistrict was named after Anna Shchetinina.

On October 21, 2013, after a major reconstruction, a park was solemnly opened on Krygina Street in Vladivostok, and a monument to A. I. Shchetinina was erected.

The image of A. I. Shchetinina is immortalized on the bas-relief of the stele “City of Military Glory”.

On February 11, 2017, by order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the name of the world's first female sea captain Anna Shchetinina was assigned to one of the nameless islands of the Kuril ridge.