The table shows the coordinates of the ship. History of navigator service

Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. DOCUMENT STRUCTURE The work program includes the following sections: 1. Explanatory note. 2. Thematic plan. 3. Calendar-thematic (lesson) plan. 4. Contents of the topics of the training course. 5. Requirements for the level of training of students in this program. 6. List of references. 7. Application to the program. Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. 1. EXPLANATORY NOTE This work program was developed on the basis of the following legal, instructional and methodological support: 1. Federal component of the state educational standard of general education (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the federal component of state educational standards primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education"). 2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2012 N 1067 (as amended on July 10, 2013) “On approval of federal lists of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing educational programs of general education and having state accreditation, on 2013/14 academic year" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 30, 2013 N 26755). 3. Curriculum of MBOU secondary school No. 11 for the 2013-2014 academic year. 4. The course “Physics” in the 11th grade is studied according to the basic curriculum and, according to the curriculum of MBOU Secondary School No. 11 for the 2012-2013 academic year, is designed for 72 hours (2 hours per week). Teaching materials for educational institutions: 1. “Physics 11” by B.B. Bukhovtsev, G.Ya. Myakishev, N.N. Sotsky Textbook. For general educational institutions, basic and specialized level, “Prosveshcheniye”, 2010; recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. 2. Levitan E.P. Astronomy 11th grade: Textbook for general education institutions. - M: Drofa, 2010 Goals and objectives of teaching physics The study of physics in educational institutions of secondary (full) general education is aimed at achieving the goal: education - mastering knowledge about the methods of scientific knowledge of nature; modern physical picture of the world: properties of matter and field, space-time patterns, dynamic and statistical laws of nature, elementary particles and fundamental interactions, structure and evolution of the Universe; familiarization with the basics of fundamental physical theories: classical mechanics, molecular kinetic theory, thermodynamics, classical electrodynamics, special relativity, quantum theory; and solving the following problems: mastering the skills of making observations, planning and performing experiments, processing measurement results, putting forward hypotheses and building models, establishing the limits of their applicability; application of knowledge in physics to explain natural phenomena, properties of matter, operating principles of technical devices, solving physical problems, independently acquiring and assessing the reliability of new information of physical content, using modern information technologies to search, process and present educational and popular scientific information on physics; development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of solving physical problems and independently acquiring new knowledge, performing experimental research, preparing reports, abstracts and other creative works; nurturing the spirit of cooperation in the process of jointly performing tasks, respect for the opponent’s opinion, the validity of the expressed position, readiness for a moral and ethical assessment of the use of scientific achievements, respect for the creators of science and technology, who ensure the leading role of physics in the creation of the modern world of technology; the use of acquired knowledge and skills to solve practical, life problems, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection, ensuring the safety of human life and society. Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. 2. THEMATIC PLAN No. Name of the educational section subsection I. Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction. II. Mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations and waves. III. Light waves IV. Elements of STO V. Radiations and spectra VI. Light quanta VII. Physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus. Elementary particles. VIII. Fundamentals of Astronomy IX. Repetition X. Reserve XI. Total Number of laboratory and control work in hours 12 ENTRANCE TEST Work Test work No. 1 “Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction" 17 Laboratory work No. 1 "Determination of the acceleration of free fall using a pendulum" Test work No. 2 "Mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations and waves" (Round diagnostic.) 9 Laboratory work No. 2 "Measurement of the refractive index of glass" Laboratory work No. 3 " Measuring the wavelength of light" 2 2 5 11 7 3 4 72 Test No. 3 "Light waves. Light quanta" Test No. 4 "Physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus" (Final diagnostic) Test Work program for the training course "Physics". Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. Legend: UONM - lesson on familiarization with new material KU - combined lesson KZU - control of knowledge and skills UOSZ - lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Topic lesson Type Content/lesson elements Practical work Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction (12 hours) Instruction on safety and industrial safety. UONM Magnetic field. Properties of the magnetic field. Closed circuit Interaction of currents. A magnetic field. with current in a magnetic field. Magnetic needle. Direction of the magnetic induction vector. Magnetic induction lines. Magnetic induction vector. Vortex field. Ampere power. Electrical measuring units Magnetic induction vector module. Ampere power module. devices. Application of Ampere's law. Ampere force direction. Unit of magnetic induction. Loudspeaker Electrical measuring instruments. Application of Ampere's law. Loudspeaker (device, principle of operation, purpose). The effect of a magnetic field on motion Modulus of the Lorentz force. Direction of the Lorentz force. Observed charge. Lorentz force. Magnetic action of the Lorentz force. The movement of a charged particle in the properties of matter. uniform magnetic field. Application of the Lorentz force. Cathode-ray tube. Magnetization of substances. Ampere's hypothesis. Ferromagnets and their applications. Magnetic recording of information. Solving problems on the Ampere force and the KU force. Problems on the topic “Ampere force. Lorentz force." Lorenz. Discovery of electromagnetic induction. KU Experiments by Colladon and Faraday. The phenomenon of electromagnetic inMagnetic flux. Direction of induction. Magnetic flux. Interaction of induction current. Lenz's rule. like with a magnet. Lenz's rule. Law of electromagnetic induction. KU EMF of induction. Law of electromagnetic induction. INPUT CHECKING WORK Vortex electric field. Induction emf in moving conductors. Demonstrations D/Z Magnetic interaction - p. 1-2 currents. The effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor. p.3-5 tasks p.6-7 tasks tasks Demonstration of experiments p.8-10 Faraday. Lenz problem rule. item 11 of the problem KZU KU Electrodynamic microphone. Self-KU Vortex electric field. Induction current in massive conductors. Application of ferrites. Induction emf in moving conductors. Electrodynamic microphone (device, principle of operation - Visual aids: clause 1213 of task clause 14 - Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. induction. Inductance. 10. Energy of the magnetic field of current. Electromagnetic field. KU viya, appointment). Self-induction. Analogy between self-induction and inertia. Inductance. Units of inductance. Current magnetic field energy. The appearance of a magnetic field when the electric field changes. Maxwell's hypothesis. Electromagnetic field. Problems on the topic “Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction". 11. Problem solving. Preparation for control work. 12. Test No. 1 “Magnetic short circuit field. Electromagnetic induction" Mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations and waves (17 hours) 13. Free and forced oscillations. UONM Free vibrations. Forced vibrations. Conditions for the occurrence of free vibrations. Mathematical pendulum. Fucking. Mathematical pendulum. DiEquation of motion of a body oscillating under the action of forces of oscillatory motion. elasticity. Equation of motion of a mathematical pendulum. Harmonic vibrations. Amplitude of oscillations. 14. Laboratory work No. 1 KZU “Determination of the acceleration of free fall using a pendulum” 15. Harmonic oscillations. The phase of oscillations is KU. Energy conversion during harmonic oscillations. 16. Forced vibrations. Resonance. Application of resonance and combating it. KU 17. Free and forced electromagnetic oscillations. Oscillatory circuit. Analogy between mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations. 18. Equation describing the processes in the KU oscillatory circuit. Period of free electrical oscillations. Alternating electric current. device microphone 15 task and loudspeaker. item 1617 of the problem problem Free vibrations item 18 of a load on a thread and a load 21 on a spring. Comparison of oscillatory and rotational motions Determination of the acceleration of gravity using a pendulum Solving the equation of motion describing free oscillations. Period and frequency of harmonic oscillations. Dependence of the frequency and period of free oscillations on the properties of the system. Oscillation phase. Representation of harmonic vibrations using cosine. Phase shift. Forcing a ball attached to a spring to vibrate. Resonance. Application of resonance and combating it. Dependence of the period of oscillation of a load on a spring on the stiffness of the spring and the mass of the load. Forcing hesitation. Resonance of pendulum oscillations. Free and forced electromagnetic oscillations. Ko- Free electrotherapy circuit. Energy conversion during electromagnetic-magnetic oscillations. low frequency in an oscillatory circuit. An equation describing processes in an oscillatory circuit. Frequency dependence Thomson formula. Harmonic oscillations of charge and current. free electroreceipt of alternating electric current. magnetic oscillations from the electrical capacitance and inductance of the circuit - clause 2224 of the problem, clause 2526, clause 2729 of the problem, clause 30 of the task. Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. 19. Active resistance. Current CU current values. 20. Capacitor and inductor in the AC circuit. 21. Resonance in an electrical circuit. Generator-CU tor on a transistor. Self-oscillations 22. Generation of electrical energy. KU Transformers. Production, transmission and use of electrical energy 23. Wave phenomena. Wavelength. Wave speed. Traveling wave equation. Waves in the medium. Sound waves. 24. What is an electromagnetic wave. Experimental detection of electromagnetic waves. Flux density of electromagnetic radiation. KU 25. Invention of radio by A.S. Popov Principles of radio communication. How modulation and detection are carried out. 26. Properties of electromagnetic waves. 27. Propagation of radio waves. Radiolocation Concept of television. Development of communications. 28. Problem solving. Preparation for the test. 29. Test No. 2 “Mechanical - KU KU KU KU KU KZU ra. Current strength in a circuit with a resistor. Power in a circuit with a resistor. Oscillogram in a circuit Effective values ​​of current and voltage. alternating current. Capacitor and inductor in an alternating current circuit - Oscillogram in a circuit. alternating current. Current amplitude at resonance. Use of resonance Electrical cutting of radio communications. The need to take into account the possibility of resonance in nans. electrical circuit. Self-oscillating systems. How to create undamped oscillations in a circuit? Operation of a generator using a transistor. Basic elements of a self-oscillating system. Examples of other self-oscillating systems. Alternator. Purpose of transformers. Design and principle Transformer design. Transformer idling. generator actions. Operation of a loaded transformer. AC and transformer. What is a wave called? Why do waves occur? Transverse Formation and expansion of longitudinal waves. Wave energy. Propagation of mechanical waves. Wave length and speed. Transverse and longitudinal and transverse mechanical waves in media. Sound waves in various environments. Sconic waves. sound growth. How electromagnetic interactions propagate. Emission and reception Electromagnetic wave. Open oscillatory circuit. electromagnetic Hertz experiment. Absorption, reflection, refraction, transverse waves. ity of electromagnetic waves. Radiation flux density versus distance to the source. Dependence of radiation flux density on frequency. Invention of radio by A.S. Popov. Radiotelephone communication. Modulation. Detection. The simplest radio receiver. Properties of electromagnetic waves. The concept of television. Development of communications. Propagation of radio waves. Radar. clause 32 of the task, clause 33 of the problem, clause 3536, clause 3742, clause 4247 of the problem, clause 4850, clause 5153, clause 54, clause 5558 of the problem. Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. “sky and electromagnetic oscillations and waves” (Diagnostic) Light waves (9 hours) 30. Speed ​​of light. Huygens' principle. For-UONM Two ways of transmitting impact. Corpuscular and wave cone of light reflection. The law of refraction theory of light. Geometric and wave theories of light. Geometry of light. Total reflection. ric and wave optics. Speed ​​of light. An astronomical method for measuring the speed of light. Laboratory methods for measuring the speed of light. Huygens' principle. Law of reflection. Observation of light refraction. Derivation of the law of refraction of light. Refractive index. Path of rays in a triangular prism. Complete reflection of light. Solving problems on the laws of refraction and reflection of light. 31. Laboratory work No. 2 KZU Measurement of the refractive index of glass “Measurement of the refractive index of glass” 32. Lens. Constructing an image in a lin- KU Types of lenses. Thin lens. Image in lens. Collecting zakh. Thin lens formula. Magnification lens. Diffusing lens. Construction in converging and dispersing lenses. Characteristics of images obtained using a lens. Derivation of the thin lens formula. Lens magnification. 33. Solving problems on lenses. KU Solving problems on lenses. 34. Dispersion of light. KU Dispersion of light. I. Newton's experiment on light dispersion. 35. Interference of mechanical waves. In-KU Wave addition. Interference. Condition of maxima and mini-interference of light. Some examples. Wave coherence. Distribution of energy during interference interference. Condition for coherence of light waves. Interference in thin films. Newton's rings. Light wavelength. Interference of electromagnetic waves. 36. Diffraction of mechanical waves. DiKU Diffraction of mechanical waves. Jung's experience. Fresnel's theory. faction of light. Diffraction grating. Diffraction patterns from various obstacles. Limits of applicability of geometric optics. Resolution of microscope, telescope. Diffraction grating. 37. Laboratory work No. 3 KZU “Measurement of light wavelength” 38. Cross-section of light waves. Polarization of light. Transverseness of light waves Observation of the refraction of light in a plane 62 parallel plate and in a triangular prism. Complete reflection of light. Obtaining images of a candle using converging and diverging lenses. Item 6365 of the Dispersion of Light problem. p.66 Interference of light. p.67Interference in thin films, Newton's rings. Diffraction of light at point 70 of a thin slit. Decomposition of light into a spectrum using a diffraction grating. Measuring the wavelength of light Experiments with tourmaline. Transverseness of light waves. Mechanical polarization of light according to paragraph 73 model of experiments with tourmaline. Polaroids to polaroids. 74 Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. and electromagnetic theory of light. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Elements of SRT (2 hours) Laws of electrodynamics and the principle of ot-UONM The principle of relativity in mechanics and electrodynamics. Blasphemy. Postulates of STR Fundamental postulates of the theory of relativity. The difference between the first postulate consequences arising from the postulate theory of relativity and the principle of relativity in the mechanics of SRT. nick. The relativity of simultaneity. Relativity of distances. Relativistic law of addition of velocities. Dependence of mass on speed. Relativity KU Dependence of mass on speed. The principle of correspondence. Reshevist dynamics. The connection between a lot of tasks. Einstein's formula. Energy of rest. and energy. Radiations and spectra (2 hours) Types of radiation. Sources of light. UONM Thermal radiation. Electroluminescence. Cathodoluminescence. Chemiluminescence. Photoluminescence. Distribution Spectra and spectral devices. Types of spectra. Spectral analysis. energy distribution in the spectrum. Continuous spectra. Line spectra. Striped spectra. Absorption spectra. Spectral analysis and its application. Infrared and ultraviolet from- KU Infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Discovery of X-ray radiation. X-rays. Gene ray scale. Properties of X-rays. Diffraction. Application of X-rays. X-ray electromagnetic radiation device. tubes. Electromagnetic radiation scale. Dependence of radiation properties on wavelength. Light quanta (5 hours) Photoelectric effect. Theory of the photoelectric effect. UONM Observation of the photoelectric effect. Laws of the photoelectric effect. Theory of the photoelectric effect Photons. Application of the photoelectric effect. KU Photons. Energy and momentum of a photon. Wave-particle duality. De Broglie's hypothesis. 45. Light pressure. Chemical action KU Light pressure. Chemical action of light. Photo. Sveta. Photo. 46. ​​Problem solving. Preparation for control - CU Problem solving. Preparation for the test. no work. KZU 47. Test No. 3 “Light waves. Light quanta." Physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus. Elementary particles (11 hours) 48. Structure of the atom. Rutherford's experiments. UONM Thomson Model. Rutherford's experiments. Determination of the dimensions of item 7578 item 7980 of the problem item 8184 item 8587 of the problem item 8889 item 9091 of the problem item 9293 of the problem Model of the hydrogen atom - item 94 - Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. Bohr's quantum postulates. Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom. 49. Difficulties of Bohr's theory. Quantum mechanics. Laser. KU 50. Methods of observation and registration of elementary particles Discovery of radioactivity. Alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. 51. Radioactive transformations. Law of radioactive decay, half-life. Isotopes. 52. Discovery of the neutron. The structure of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear forces. 53. Binding energy of atomic nuclei. Nuclear reactions. KU 54. Fission of uranium nuclei. Nuclear chain reactions. Nuclear reactor. Thermonuclear reactions. KU 55. Problem solving. 56. Application of nuclear energy. Preparation of radioactive isotopes and their application. Biological effect of radioactive radiation KU KU KU KU KU 57. Three stages in the development of the physics of elementary particles. Discovery of the positron. Antiparticles. A unified physical picture of the world. Physics and scientific and technical revolution of the atomic nucleus. Planetary model of the atom. Bohr's postulates. yes according to Bohr Model of the hydrogen atom according to Bohr. Absorption of light. Difficulties of Bohr's theory. Quantum mechanics. Induced emission. Lasers. Properties of laser radiation. The principle of operation of lasers. Three-level system. Ruby laser device. Other types of lasers. Application of lasers. The operating principle of devices for recording elementary particles. Gas-discharge Geiger counter. Wilson chamber. Bubble chamber. Method of thick-layer photographic emulsions. Discovery of radioactivity. Alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Offset rule. Law of radioactive decay. Half life. Isotopes. 95 Artificial transformation of atomic nuclei. Proton-neutron model of the nucleus. Nuclear forces. Binding energy of atomic nuclei. Nuclear reactions. Energy yield of nuclear reactions. item 104105 item 106107 problems item 108111 Nuclear reactions with neutrons. Discovery of uranium fission. Mechanism of nuclear fission. Emission of neutrons during fission. Nuclear chain reactions. Basic elements of a nuclear reactor. Critical mass. Fast neutron reactors. The first nuclear reactors. Thermonuclear reactions. Application of nuclear energy. Development of nuclear energy. Nuclear weapon. Development of skills in solving problems on this topic. Elements that do not exist in nature. Labeled atoms. Radioactive isotopes are sources of radiation. Obtaining radioactive isotopes. Radioactive isotopes in biology, medicine, industry, agriculture, archeology. Radiation dose. X-ray. Protecting organisms from radiation. Stage one. From electron to positron: 1897-1932. Stage two. From positron to quarks: 1932-1964. gg. Stage three. From the quark hypothesis (1964) to the present day. Discovery of the positron. Antiparticles. A unified physical picture of the world. Physics and scientific and technical revolution clause 9697 clause 98100 clause 101103 tasks clause 112114 clause 115118 Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. 58. Test No. 4 “Physics of the atom and atomic nucleus” (FINAL DIAGNOSTIC WORK) Fundamentals of astronomy (7 hours) What is a constellation, the main constellations. The celestial sphere and its rotation, the horizontal coordinate system, changes in horizontal coordinates, the culmination of luminaries. Astronomy in ancient times, geocentric systems of the world, the heliocentric system of the world, the formation of the heliocentric worldview. Kepler's three laws. The law of universal gravitation, disturbances, the discovery of Neptune, Kepler's laws in Newton's formulation Terrestrial planets. Giant planets. General characteristics, structural features, satellites. Patterns in the distances of planets from the Sun and the asteroid belt. movement of asteroids, physical characteristics of asteroids, meteorites. Discovery of comets, appearance, structure, orbits, nature of comets, meteors and fireballs, meteor showers. View through a telescope, rotation, size, mass, luminosity, temperature of the Sun and the state of matter on it, chemical composition. Photosphere, chromosphere, solar corona, solar activity. Proton-proton cycle, concept of models of the internal structure of the Sun. Composition - stars and star clusters, nebulae, interstellar gas, cosmic rays and magnetic fields; the structure of the Galaxy, the rotation of the Galaxy and the movement of stars in it; radio emission. Discovery of other galaxies, determination of sizes, distances and masses of galaxies; diversity of galaxies, radio galaxies and activity of galactic nuclei, quasars. Repetition (3 hours) Newton's laws. Law of conservation of momentum. Law of energy conservation. 59. Starry sky. Star map. UONM 60. Development of ideas about the Solar system. The structure of the solar system. UONM 61. Kepler's laws. Newton's refinement of Kepler's laws. 62. Planets of the Solar System. KU 63. Small bodies of the Solar system. UONM 64. General information about the Sun. Sources of energy and internal structure of the Sun. Physical nature of stars. UONM 65. Our galaxy. Other galaxies. Origin and evolution of galaxies, stars and planets. Modern ideas about the structure of the Universe. Test UONM 66. Repetition of the fundamental laws of mechanics UOSZ 67. Repetition of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and electrodynamics UOSZ Laws of thermodynamics. Basic concepts and laws of electrodynamics. UONM synopsis synopsis synopses synopses synopses synopses synopses of the problem synopsis of the problem Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. 68. Solving combined problems. UOSZ problem summary Reserve (4 hours) 69. 70. 71. 72. Solution of combined problems Solution of combined problems Solution of combined problems Solution of combined problems Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. 3. CALENDAR-THEMIC (LESSON) PLAN Weekly load – 2 hours. Annual plan – 72 hours. No. Title of the educational section I. Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction. II. Mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations and waves. III. Light waves IV. Elements of STO V. Radiations and spectra VI. Light quanta VII. Physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus. Elementary particles. VIII. Fundamentals of Astronomy IX. Repetition X. Reserve XI. Total Quantity - Practical and test work in hours 12 Entrance test work K.r. No. 1 “Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction" 17 L.r. No. 1 “Determination of the acceleration of free fall using a pendulum” K.r. No. 2 “Mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations and waves” (Rubezhnaya diagnostic.) 9 L.r. No. 2 “Measurement of the refractive index of glass” L.r. No. 3 “Measuring the wavelength of light” 2 2 5 11 7 3 4 72 K.r. No. 3 “Light waves. Light quanta" K.r. No. 4 “Physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus” (Final diagnostic) Test Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Lesson topic D/z Date plan. A magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction (12 hours) Instruction on safety and industrial safety. p.1-2 Interaction of currents. A magnetic field. Magnetic induction vector. Ampere power. Electrical measuring instruments. Application of paragraphs 3-5 of Ampere's law. Loudspeaker problem The effect of a magnetic field on a moving charge. Power Lop.6-7 renz. Magnetic properties of matter. problems Solving problems on the Ampere force and the Lorentz force. problems Discovery of electromagnetic induction. Magnetic flux. p.8-10 Direction of induction current. Lenz's rule. problems Law of electromagnetic induction. item 11 of the problem INPUT CONTROL WORK Vortex electric field. Induction EMF in moving conductors 12-13. tasks Electrodynamic microphone. Self-induction. Inductance - items 14-15. problems Energy of the magnetic field of current. Electromagnetic field. paragraphs 16-17 of the problem Solving problems. Preparation for the test. tasks Test work No. 1 “Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction" Mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations and waves (17 hours) Free and forced oscillations. Conditions for the occurrence of free oscillations, paragraphs 18-21. Mathematical pendulum. Dynamics of oscillatory motion. Laboratory work No. 1 “Determination of the acceleration of free fall using a pendulum” Harmonic oscillations. Oscillation phase. Conversion of paragraphs 22-24 of energy during harmonic vibrations. tasks Forced oscillations. Resonance. The use of resonance and steps 25-26 to combat it. Free and forced electromagnetic oscillations. Cop. 27-29 treatment circuit. Analogy between mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations. Equation describing processes in an oscillatory circuit. p.30 Period of free electrical oscillations. Variable problems electric current. Active resistance. Effective current values. item 32 of the problem Capacitor and inductor in the alternating current circuit item 33. problems Resonance in an electrical circuit. Transistor generator. p. 35-36 Self-oscillations Generation of electrical energy. Transformers. p. 37-42 Production, transmission and use of electrical energy Date fact. Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. 43. 44. Wave phenomena. Wavelength. Wave speed. Traveling wave equation. Waves in the medium. Sound waves. What is an electromagnetic wave. Experimental detection of electromagnetic waves. Flux density of electromagnetic radiation. Invention of radio by A.S. Popov Principles of radio communication. How modulation and detection are carried out. Properties of electromagnetic waves. Propagation of radio waves. Radiolocation Concept of television. Development of communications. Problem solving. Preparation for the test. Test No. 2 “Mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations and waves” (Diagnostic) Light waves (9 hours) Speed ​​of light. Huygens' principle. Law of light reflection. The law of light refraction. Total reflection. Laboratory work No. 2 “Measuring the refractive index of glass” Lens. Construction of an image in lenses. Thin lens formula. Lens magnification Solving lens problems. Dispersion of light. Interference of mechanical waves. Interference of light. Some applications of interference Diffraction of mechanical waves. Diffraction of light. Diffraction grating. Laboratory work No. 3 “Measurement of light wavelength” Transverseness of light waves. Polarization of light. Transverse nature of light waves and electromagnetic theory of light. Elements of SRT (2 hours) Laws of electrodynamics and the principle of relativity. Postulates of SRT The main consequences arising from the postulates of SRT. Dependence of mass on speed. Relativistic dynamics. Relationship between mass and energy. Radiations and spectra (2 hours) Types of radiation. Sources of light. Spectra and spectral apparatus. Types of spectra. Spectral analysis. Infrared and ultraviolet radiation. X-rays. Electromagnetic radiation scale. Light quanta (5 hours) Photoelectric effect. Theory of the photoelectric effect. Photons. Application of the photoelectric effect. 45. 46. 47. Light pressure. Chemical action of light. Photo. Problem solving. Preparation for the test. Test No. 3 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. p. 42-47 problems p. 48-50 p .51-53 p.54 p.55-58 tasks p.59-62 p.63-65 tasks tasks p.66 p.67-69 tasks p.70-72 p.73-74 p.75-78 p. .79-80 tasks p.81-84 p.85-87 tasks p.88-89 p.90-91 tasks p.92-93 tasks Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. "Light waves. Light quanta” Physics of the atom and atomic nucleus. Elementary particles (11 hours) The structure of the atom. Rutherford's experiments. Bohr's quantum postulates pp. 94-95. Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom. Difficulties of Bohr's theory. Quantum mechanics. Laser. p.96-97 Methods of observation and registration of elementary particles Ot- p.98-100 discovery of radioactivity. Alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Radioactive transformations. Law of radioactive decay, paragraphs 101-103 half-life. Isotopes. Discovery of the neutron. The structure of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear forces. pp. 104-105 Binding energy of atomic nuclei. Nuclear reactions. paragraphs 106-107 of the task Fission of uranium nuclei. Nuclear chain reactions. Nuclear reactor - item 108-111 tor. Thermonuclear reactions. Problem solving. tasks Application of nuclear energy. Preparation of radioactive isotopes 112-114 and their application. Biological effects of radioactive radiation. Three stages in the development of elementary particle physics. Discovery of the positron, paragraphs 115-118. Antiparticles. A unified physical picture of the world. Physics and scientific and technical revolution Examination No. 4 “Physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus” (FINAL DIAGNOSTIC WORK) Fundamentals of astronomy (7 hours) Starry sky. Star map. synopsis Development of ideas about the solar system. The structure of the Sol - a summary of the finite system. Kepler's laws. Newton's refinement of Kepler's laws. synopsis of the Planets of the Solar System. abstract Small bodies of the Solar system. abstract General information about the Sun. Energy sources and internal structure of the Sun. Physical nature of stars. Our galaxy. Other galaxies. Origin and evolution - outline of galaxies, stars and planets. Modern ideas about the structure of the Universe. Test. Repetition (3 hours) Repetition of the fundamental laws of mechanics summary Repetition of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and electrodynamics summary Solution of combined problems. abstract Reserve (4 hours) Solution of combined problems Solution of combined problems Solution of combined problems Solution of combined problems Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. 4. CONTENT OF THE COURSE TOPICS Physics is the science of nature. Scientific methods of cognition of the surrounding world and their differences from other methods of cognition. The role of experiment and theory in the process of cognition of nature. Modeling of physical phenomena and processes. Scientific hypotheses. Physical laws. Physical theories. Limits of applicability of physical laws and theories. The principle of correspondence. Basic elements of the physical picture of the world. A magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction (12 hours) Interaction of currents. Magnetic field of current. Magnetic induction. Magnetic field induction lines. Magnetic flux. Ampere power. Lorentz force. Movement of charged particles in magnetic fields. Television tube. Magnetic permeability. Inductance. Magnetic field energy. Electromagnetic induction. Induction emf in a conductor moving in a magnetic field. Faraday–Maxwell law. Lenz's rule. Mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations and waves (17 hours) Free vibrations. Forced vibrations. Mathematical pendulum. Harmonic vibrations. Resonance. Free vibrations in an oscillatory circuit. Period of free electrical oscillations. Alternating electric current. Generation of electrical energy. Transformer. Transfer of electrical energy. Electromagnetic waves. Properties of electromagnetic waves. Principles of radio communication. A television. Light waves (9 hours) The speed of light and methods of measuring it. Laws of reflection and refraction of light. Wave properties of light: dispersion, interference of light, diffraction of light. Coherence. Transverseness of light waves. Polarization of light. Elements of SRT (2 hours) Postulates of the theory of relativity. Einstein's principle of relativity. Constancy of the speed of light. Space and time in the special theory of relativity. Relativistic dynamics. Relationship between mass and energy. Radiations and spectra (2 hours) Various types of electromagnetic radiation and their practical applications: properties and applications of infrared, ultraviolet and x-ray radiation. Electromagnetic radiation scale. Light quanta (5 hours) Photoelectric effect. Theory of the photoelectric effect. Laws of the photoelectric effect. Photons. Wave-particle duality. De Broglie's hypothesis. Light pressure. Chemical action of light. Photo. Physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus. Elementary particles (11 hours) The structure of the atom. Rutherford's experiments. Bohr's quantum postulates. Emission and absorption of light by an atom. Lasers. The structure of the atom. Rutherford's experiments. Bohr's quantum postulates. Emission and absorption of light by an atom. Lasers. Models of the structure of the atomic nucleus: proton-neutron model of the structure of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear forces. Mass defect and binding energy of nucleons in the nucleus. Nuclear energy. The influence of ionizing - Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. radiation on living organisms. Radiation dose, the law of radioactive decay and its statistical nature. Elementary particles: particles and antiparticles. Fundamental interactions The importance of physics for explaining the world and the development of the productive forces of society. A unified physical picture of the world. Basics of astronomy (7 hours) The structure of the solar system. System "Earth - Moon". General information about the Sun (view through a telescope, rotation, size, mass, luminosity, temperature of the sun and the state of matter in it, chemical composition). Sources of energy and internal structure of the Sun. Physical nature of stars. Our Galaxy (composition, structure, movement of stars in the Galaxy and its rotation). Origin and evolution of galaxies and stars. 5. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE LEVEL OF PREPARATION OF STUDENTS IN THIS PROGRAM As a result of studying physics in the 11th grade at a basic level, the student must: Know/understand: concepts: magnetic field of current, magnetic field induction. Practical application: electrical measuring instruments of the magnetoelectric system. concepts: electromagnetic induction; law of electromagnetic induction; Lenz's rule, self-induction; inductance, electromagnetic field. concepts: free and forced vibrations; oscillatory circuit; alternating current; resonance, electromagnetic wave, properties of electromagnetic waves. Practical application: alternating current generator, radiotelephone communication circuit, television. concepts: interference, diffraction and dispersion of light. Laws of reflection and refraction of light, Practical application: total reflection, interference, diffraction and polarization of light. concepts: the principle of constancy of the speed of light in a vacuum, the relationship between mass and energy. practical applications: examples of practical applications of electromagnetic waves in the infrared, visible, ultraviolet and x-ray frequency ranges. Concepts: photon; photoelectric effect; wave-particle duality; nuclear model of the atom; nuclear reactions, binding energy; radioactive decay; fission chain reaction; thermonuclear reaction; elementary particle, atomic nucleus. Laws of the photoelectric effect: postulates Borscht law of radioactive decay. Practical application: structure and principle of operation of a photocell; examples of technical use of photocells; principle of spectral analysis; examples of practical applications of spectral analysis; design and principle of operation of a nuclear reactor. concepts: planet, star, solar system, galaxy, universe. Practical application of the laws of physics to determine the characteristics of planets and stars. Be able to: solve problems on calculating the characteristics of a moving charge or conductor with current in a magnetic field, determine the direction and magnitude of the Lorentz and Ampere forces. explain the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and self-induction, solve problems on the application of the law of electromagnetic induction, self-induction. measure current and voltage in AC circuits. Use a transformer to convert currents and voltages. Determine an unknown parameter of an oscillatory circuit if the value of its other parameter and the frequency of free oscillations are known; calculate the frequency of free oscillations in an oscillatory circuit with known parameters. Solve problems using formulas. measure the wavelength of light, solve problems using formulas relating wavelength to frequency and speed, period of oscillations to cyclic frequency; on the application of the law of refraction of light. Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. determine the boundaries of application of the laws of classical and relativistic mechanics. explain the properties of different types of electromagnetic radiation depending on its wavelength and frequency. Solve problems using formulas relating the energy and momentum of a photon to the frequency of the corresponding light wave. Calculate the red limit of the photoelectric effect and the energy of photoelectrons based on Einstein's equation. Determine the products of nuclear reactions based on the laws of conservation of electric charge and mass number. Calculate the energy output of a nuclear reaction. Determine the sign of the charge or the direction of movement of elementary particles by their tracks in photographs. explain the structure of the solar system, galaxies, sun and stars. Apply knowledge of the laws of physics to explain the processes occurring in the universe. Use a moving star map. The program provides for the formation of general educational skills and abilities, universal methods of activity and key competencies in students. Cognitive competencies: using various natural science methods to understand the world around us: observation, measurement, experiment, modeling; formation of skills to distinguish between facts, hypotheses, causes, consequences, evidence, laws, theories; mastery of adequate methods for solving theoretical and experimental problems; acquiring experience in putting forward hypotheses to explain known facts and experimentally testing put forward hypotheses; informational and communicative: mastery of monologue and dialogic speech, development of the ability to understand the point of view of the interlocutor and recognize the right to a different opinion; use various sources of information to solve cognitive and communicative problems; reflexive possession of the skills of monitoring and evaluating one’s activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of one’s actions; organization of educational activities: goal setting, planning, determining the optimal ratio of goals and means. 6. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Myakishev G.Ya., Bukhovtsev B.B. Physics. Grade 11. – M.: Education, 2009. Rymkevich A.P. Collection of problems in physics. 10 - 11 grades - M.: Education, 2006. Stepanova G.N. Collection of problems in physics. 10 – 11 grades – M.: Education, 2003. Saurov Yu.A. Physics in 11th grade (Lesson models). – M.: Education, 2005. Volkov V.A. Lesson developments in physics. Grade 11. - M.: VAKO, 2007. Odintsova N.I., Proyanenkova L.A. Lesson planning in physics for the Unified State Exam.M.: Examination Publishing House, 2009. Oskina V. T. Astronomy. Grade 11: lesson plans based on the textbook by E. P. Levitan. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006. In addition to the above-mentioned teaching materials, digital educational resources of Internet portals are used: 1. - A single window of access to educational resources. Digital library. 2. - Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources 3. - Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources 7. APPENDIX TO THE PROGRAM Work program for the training course " Physics". Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. Input diagnostic work I option 1. How far will the plane travel along the runway if its acceleration during acceleration is 10 m/s2 and its speed at takeoff is 360 km/h? A. 1 km B. 500m C. 360m D. 3600m 2. Using the coordinate equation, determine the initial coordinate, initial velocity and acceleration x=10+20t+0.5t2 A. x0=10, υ0=20 m/s, a=1 m/s2; B. x0=10, υ0=0 m/s, a=1 m/s2; B. x0=10, υ0=20 m/s, a=0.5 m/s2; G. x0=0, υ0=0 m/s, a= 0.5 m/s2. 3. How is the acceleration of gravity determined from the law of universal gravitation? A. G= mg B. g = MG R 2 C. g = GMm 2 D. R g=G 4. A body falls from a height of 20m. What will be the speed of the body at the moment it hits the ground? A. 20 m/s. B. 40 m/s. V. 200 m/s. G. 0 m/s. 5. The body moves at a constant speed. What Newton's law explains this motion? A. I law. B. II law. B. III law. D. all laws. 6. What formula is used to calculate the kinetic energy of a body? A. E=Ep+Ek B. Ek=mgh C. Ek=mgh+υ2 D. Ek=mυ2/2 7. What prefix in the name of a unit of physical quantity means its decrease by a million times? A. micro. B. milli. V. Giga. G. Mega. E. kilo 8. Which isoprocess is shown in the figure? R A. isothermal; B. isochoric; B. isobaric; V 9. Which of the following formulas expresses the first law of thermodynamics? A. Q=∆U+A’ B. ∆U=Q+A’ C. ∆U=mRT/M D. A’=Q+∆U 10. Which of the following deformations is elastic: A. bending of the rail. B. stamping of pots. B. there is no such deformation. 11. What device can measure relative air humidity: A. barometer. B. psychrometer. B. thermometer. D. dynamometer 12. A railway car with a mass of t, moving at a speed υ, collides with a stationary car with a mass of 2 t and engages with it. At what speed do the cars move after the collision? A. v. B. υ / 2 . V. υ / 3 . G. υ / 2. 13. Which of the forces mentioned below are of electromagnetic nature? D. υ / 3 Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. A. Only the force of universal gravity. B. Only frictional force. B. Only elastic force. D. Elasticity and friction forces. 14. Two forces F1=3Н and F2=4Н are applied to one point of the body. The angle between the vectors of these forces is 90°. Determine the modulus of the resultant force. A. 1N. B. 5N. V. 7N. G. 25N. 15. A body moves in a circle with a constant absolute speed. How will the centripetal acceleration of the body change when the speed increases by 2 times, if the radius of the circle remains unchanged? A. Will increase by 2 times. B. Will decrease by 2 times. B. Will decrease by 4 times. D. Will increase 4 times. 16. How will the force of the Coulomb interaction of two point electric charges change when the distance between them increases by 2 times? A. Will decrease by 4 times. B. Will decrease by 2 times. B. Will increase 4 times. B. Will increase 4 times. 17. What is the energy of the electric field in a capacitor with an electrical capacity of 100 μF, if the voltage between the plates is 3V? A. 9*10-4J. B. 4.5*10-4J. V. 900J. G. 450J. 18. What is the current strength in the circuit if the voltage in a section with an electrical resistance of 4 Ohms is 2V? A. 2A. B. 8A. V. 0.5A. G. 1A. D. 0.25A. 19. An electrical resistance of 4 Ohms is connected to a current source with an emf equal to 12V and an internal resistance of 2 Ohms. Determine the current in the circuit. A. 2A. B. 0.5A. B. 16A. G. 32A. 20. What is the total resistance of the section of the electrical circuit shown in the figure? 6 Ohm 14 Ohm 7 Ohm 4 Ohm A. 23.4 Ohm B. 31 Ohm. V. 22.5 Ohm. G. 27 Ohm. Input diagnostic work II option 1. How far will the plane travel along the landing strip if its acceleration during braking is 6 m/s2, and the speed at the moment of landing is 60 m/s? A. 600 m. B. 300 m. C. 360 m. D. 180 m. 2. Using the coordinate equation, determine the initial coordinate, initial velocity and acceleration x=15t+t2 A. x0=0, υ0=15 m/s , a=2 m/s2; B. x0=15, υ0=0 m/s, a=1 m/s2; Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. B. x0=0, υ0=15 m/s, a=1 m/s2; G. x0=0, υ0=0 m/s, a= 0.5 m/s2. 3. How is the law of universal gravitation written? A. F =G m1 m2 B. F =G m1 m2 r 2 r C. F = mg D. F= m c 2 4. A body weighing 200 g falls from a height of 20 m. What will be the kinetic energy of the body at the moment it hits the ground? A. 4 J. B. 40 J. C. 20 J. D. 0 J 5. The body is moving at an accelerated rate. What Newton's law explains the motion of a body? A. I law. B. II law. B. III law. D. all laws. 6. What formula is used to calculate the total mechanical energy of a body? A. E=Ep+Ek B. Ek=mgh C. Ek=mgh+υ2 D. Ek=mυ2/2 7. Which prefix in the name of a unit of value means its increase by a million times? A. micro. B. Giga. V. milli. G. kilo. 8. Which isoprocess is shown in the figure? A. isothermal; B. isochoric; B. isobaric; V T 9. Which of the following formulas expresses the basic equation of molecular kinetic theory? 2 2 3 m A. = mυ B. V. P= 1 n D. m0υ E = kT pV = RT E 2 µ 3 2 10. What particles are carriers of free charges in metals? A. only electrons. B. electrons and positive ions. B. electrons and protons. D. positive and negative ions. 11. 173K is: A. -100oC. B. 0oC C. 273oC. G. -173оС. 12. A railway car with a mass of t, moving at a speed υ, collides with a stationary car with a mass of 2 t and couples with it. What is the total momentum of the two cars after the collision? A. 0. B. tυ /3 C. tυ /2. G. tυ D. 3tυ 13. Which of the forces mentioned below are of gravitational nature? A. Only the force of universal gravity. B. Only elastic force. B. Forces of elasticity and gravity. G Forces of elasticity and friction. Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. 14. Two forces F1=2Н and F2=3Н are applied to one point of the body. The angle between the vectors of these forces is 90°. Determine the modulus of the resultant force. A. 1N. B. 5N. V. 13 N. G. 13N. 15. How will the centripetal acceleration of a body moving in a circle change if the radius of the circle doubles and the speed remains unchanged? A. Will increase 4 times. B. Will increase by 2 times. B. Will decrease by 2 times. D. Will decrease by 4 times. 16. How will the force of the Coulomb interaction of two point electric charges change when the distance between them decreases by 2 times? A. Will decrease by 4 times. B. Will decrease by 2 times. B. Will increase 4 times. D. Will increase by 2 times. 17. What is the energy of the eclectic field in a capacitor with an electrical capacity of 100 μF if the voltage between its plates is 4 V? A. 8*10-4J. B. 4*10-4J. V. 2*10-4J. G. 800J. 18. What is the voltage across a section of a DC circuit with an electrical resistance of 2 ohms at a current of 4A? A. 2B. B. 0.5V. B. 8B. G. 1B. 19. An electrical resistance of 4 Ohms is connected to a current source with an emf equal to 24 V and an internal resistance of 2 Ohms. Determine the current in the circuit. A. 3A. B. 12A. B. 4A. G. 6A. 20. What is the total resistance of the section of the electrical circuit shown in the figure? 6 Ohm 2 Ohm 7 Ohm 4 Ohm A. 22 Ohm B. 10.6 Ohm. 3 ohms V. 37 ohms. G. 0.5 Ohm. Milestone diagnostic work I option A1. Which of the following formulas can be used to calculate the induction B of a magnetic field acting on a conductor located perpendicular to the induction vector? F Il IF Fl l A. . B. . IN. . G. . D. Il F l I FI A2. What physical quantity has a unit of 1 Weber? A. Magnetic induction. B. Magnetic flux. D. Mutual induction. D. Induction emf. B. Inductance. D. Electrical capacity. Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. A3. A particle with an electric charge of 8·10-19 C moves at a speed of 1000 km/s in a magnetic field with an induction of 5 Tesla. The angle between the velocity and induction vectors is 30°. What is the meaning of the Lorentz force? A. 10-15 N. B. 2 10-14 N. C. 2 10-12 N. G. 10-12 N. D. 4 10-2 N. A4. When a permanent magnet is removed from the coil, an electric current arises in it. What is this phenomenon called? A. Electrostatic induction. B. Magnetic induction. B. Self-induction. G. Electromagnetic induction. D. Inductance. A5. What magnetic flux creates a current equal to 1A in a circuit with an inductance of 1H? A. 1 Gauss. B. 1 Henry. V. 1 Weber. G. 1 Tesla. D. 1 Farad. A6. What is the resonant frequency ν0 in a circuit consisting of a coil with an inductance of 4 μH and a capacitor with an electrical capacity of 9 μF? 1 1 A. 72π MHz. B. 12π MHz. V. MHz. G. 6 MHz. D. MHz. 36π 12π A7. What formula is used to calculate the period T of oscillations of a mathematical pendulum? A. 2π g . l B. 1 2π g . l V. g . l l . g G. 2π D. 1 2π l . g A8. What formula is used to calculate the frequency ω of oscillations of a load of mass m on a spring of stiffness k? A. 2π k . m B. 2π m . k V. m . k G. k m . A9. A body of mass m on a thread of length l oscillates with a period T. What will be the period of oscillation of a body of mass 1 m on a thread of length 2 A. 1 T. 2 B. 2T. 1 ? l 2 V. 2 T. G. 1 T. 4 B1. The voltage changes over time according to the law u = 40 cos10πt + D. 1 2 T. π. Determine the amplitude, rms value, cyclic frequency and initial phase of the voltage oscillation. AT 2. Find the period of oscillation of a circuit emitting an electromagnetic wave with a length of λ=3 m. AT 3. Find the period and frequency of oscillation of a mass of m=1.44 kg on a spring whose stiffness is k=166 N/m. AT 4. At what speed should a conductor, the length of the active part of which is l=1 m, be moved at an angle α=60° to the magnetic field induction lines so that an induced emf εi=1 V is excited in the conductor? The magnetic field induction is B = 0.2 Tesla. Milestone diagnostic work II option A1. Which of the following formulas can be used to calculate the force F of the action of a magnetic field on a conductor located perpendicular to the induction vector? BI B Il I A. BIl. B. . IN. . G. . D. l Il B Bl A2. What physical quantity has the unit 1 Tesla? A. Magnetic induction. B. Magnetic flux. D. Mutual induction. D. Induction emf. B. Inductance. D. Electrical capacity. Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. A3. A particle with an electric charge of 8·10-19 C moves at a speed of 500 km/s in a magnetic field with an induction of 5 Tesla. The angle between the velocity and induction vectors is 30°. What is the meaning of the Lorentz force? A. 10-15 N. B. 2 10-14 N. C. 2 10-12 N. G. 10-12 N. D. 4 10-2 N. A4. What is determined by the rate of change of magnetic flux through the circuit? A. Loop inductance. B. Magnetic induction. B. Induction emf. D. EMF of self-induction. D. Electrical resistance of the circuit. A5. A current strength of 1A creates a magnetic flux of 1Wb in the circuit. What is the loop inductance? A. 1 Gauss. B. 1 Henry. V. 1 Weber. G. 1 Tesla. D. 1 Farad. A6. What is the period T of natural oscillations in a circuit consisting of a coil with an inductance of 9 μH and a capacitor with an electrical capacity of 4 μF? 1 A. 72π µs. B. 12π µs. V. 36 µs. G. 6 µs. D. mks. 12π A7. What formula is used to calculate the frequency ν of oscillations of a mathematical pendulum? g. l A. 2π B. 1 2π g . l V. g . l G. 2π l . g D. 1 2π l . g A8. What formula is used to calculate the period T of oscillations of a load of mass m on a spring of stiffness k? A. 2π k . m B. 2π m . k V. m . k G. k . m A9 A body of mass m on a thread of length l oscillates with a period T. What will be the period of oscillation of a body of mass 2m on a thread of length 2l? A. 1 T. 2 B. 2T . V. 2T. D. 1 T. 4 D. 1 2 T. B1. The current strength changes over time according to the law i = 12 cos100πt. Determine the amplitude, effective value, cyclic frequency and initial phase of the current oscillations. AT 2. What is the wavelength created by a radio station operating at a frequency of ν=1500 kHz? AT 3. Find the period and frequency of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum whose thread length is l=98 m. B4. Determine the length of the active part of a straight conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field with inductance B = 400 T, if at a current strength of I = 2.5 A a force F = 100 N acts on it. The conductor is located at an angle α=30° to the magnetic field induction lines. FINAL CHECK PAPER I option A1. In an inertial reference frame, a force F imparts an acceleration a to a body of mass m. How will the acceleration of a body change if the mass of the body and the force acting on it are reduced by 2 times? A) will increase by 4 times B) will not change B) will decrease by 2 times D) will increase by 2 times A2. In water poured into a kettle and heated over a fire, heat transfer is carried out primarily by A) radiation and convection B) convection and thermal conductivity B) thermal conductivity D) convection A3. Two light identical balls are suspended on silk threads. Both balls are charged with the same negative charges. Which picture shows these two balls? A) a B) b C) c D) b and c Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. a b c A4. Which equation is used to calculate the work function A of electrons from the surface of a metal as a result of the photoelectric effect? E is the kinetic energy of photoelectrons, hν is the energy of a light quantum. A) A= hν – E B) A=E – hν C) A= hν + E D) A= hν ± E A5. The temperature of the iron bar is 41°C and the temperature of the wooden block is 285K. Which bar has a higher temperature? A) wooden B) iron C) the temperatures of the bars are the same, but expressed in different units D) the temperatures of the bars cannot be compared, because they are expressed in different A6 units. The electrical outlet in the room says “5A, 250V.” What is the maximum power that devices connected to this outlet must consume? A) 1250 W B) 100 W C) 0.625 W D) 0.01 W A7. The ball rolls freely along an inclined straight chute with a constant acceleration, modulo equal to 3 m/s2. In 2s, the speed of the ball increases by A) 1.5 m/s B) 5.4 m/s C) 6 m/s D) 21.6 m/s A8. Which of the following situations reflects the meaning of Newton's third law? A) The Sun acts on both satellites of Jupiter with the same magnitude of force B) The Earth acts on the Sun with the same magnitude force as the Sun acts on the Earth C) Between the Earth and the Moon there is a point at which the interplanetary spacecraft experiences equal magnitude gravitational forces from the Earth and the Moon D) The module of the Earth’s acceleration when moving around the Sun is proportional to the module of the gravitational force acting on it from the Sun A9. The phenomenon of diffraction is inherent in A) only visible light B) only sound waves B) only radio waves D) both electromagnetic and mechanical waves A10. It is known that krypton has lines in the visible part of the radiation spectrum corresponding to wavelengths of 557 nm and 587 nm. In the emission spectrum of the unknown gas, lines were found corresponding to wavelengths of 419, 441, 470, 557 and 587 nm. It follows that the unknown gas: A) does not contain krypton B) contains only krypton C) contains krypton and three other different elements D) contains, in addition to krypton, one, two or three other elements. IN 1. Determine the length of the active part of a straight conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field with inductance B = 400 T, if at a current strength of I = 2.5 A, a force F = 100 N acts on it. The conductor is located at an angle α=30° to the magnetic field induction lines. AT 2. A capacitor with a capacity C = 1 μF is connected to an alternating current network with a frequency ν = 50 Hz. Determine the capacitance of the capacitor. FINAL CHECK PAPER II option A1. In an inertial reference frame, a force F imparts an acceleration a to a body of mass m. How will the acceleration of a body change if the mass of the body is doubled and the force acting on it is reduced by a factor of 2? A) will not change B) will decrease by 8 times B) will increase by 4 times D) will decrease by 4 times A2. An example of light interference is A) the formation of rainbow spots on the surface of a puddle when gasoline hits it B) the formation of dark spots on the Sun observed through a telescope C) the formation of multi-colored stripes of the rainbow when splashing water when watering lawns D) the decomposition of sunlight into several colors when passing it through a glass prism A3. The table shows the coordinates of a ship sailing along a straight channel. Work program for the training course “Physics”. Compiled by physics teacher V.V. Sukhocheva. t, min 0 5 10 15 20 25 35 x, m 0 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 9000 According to the table, the movement of the ship is A) uniform throughout the entire observation time B) uniformly accelerated throughout the entire observation time C) uniform during the first 10 minutes of observation and uniformly accelerated from 10 to 30 minutes D) uniformly accelerated during the first 10 minutes of observation and uniformly from 10 to 30 minutes A4. Which of the situations described below reflects the meaning of Newton's second law A) The Earth acts on two kilogram weights located on its surface with an equal magnitude force B) The Earth acts on a weight with a force equal in magnitude to the force with which the weight acts on the Earth C) On the straight line connecting the Moon and the Earth, there is a point at which the weight experiences the influence of equal magnitude gravitational forces from both planets. D) The module of acceleration of the weight when it freely falls to the Earth is proportional to the module of the force of gravity acting on it A5. A light beam a falls on the interface between two media. Indicate the correct construction of the reflected ray A) B) C) D) A6. What is the potential difference for two points of the field if, when moving a charge of 24 mC between them, the field does 0.72 J of work? A) 0.3 V B) 3 V C) 30 V D) 300 V A7. The electrical circuit consists of a current source with an emf of 10 V and an internal resistance of 1.5 Ohm, a resistor with a resistance of 2.5 Ohm. The current in the circuit is A) 2A B) 2.5 A C) 40 A D) 50 A A8. γ-radiation is: A) flow of helium nuclei B) flow of electrons B) flow of protons D) electromagnetic waves A9. After white light passes through red glass, the light turns red. This is due to the fact that light waves of other colors are mainly: B) reflected B) refracted D) scattered D) absorbed A10. What is the energy of a photon whose wavelength is 660 nm? B) 2·10-25J C) 3·10-19J D) 6.6·10-17J E) 1·10-27J B1. At what speed should a conductor, the length of the active part of which is l=1m, be moved at an angle α=60° to the magnetic field induction lines so that an induced emf εi=1V is excited in the conductor? The magnetic field induction is B = 0.2 T. AT 2. A coil with inductance L=0.2H is connected to an alternating current network with a frequency ν=50Hz. What is the inductive reactance of the coil?

When completing the tasks of part 1 in answer form No. 1 under the number
measure the task you perform (Al - AZO) put
the sign “X” in the box, the number of which corresponds to the number of your
the answer you scolded.

Which of the following situations reflects the meaning of Newton's second law?

1) The earth with the same magnitude of force acts on two kilo-
gram weights located on its surface.

On the straight line connecting the Moon and the Earth, there is a point at which the weight experiences the influence of gravitational forces equal in magnitude from both planets.

The module of acceleration of a weight when it falls freely on the Earth is proportional to the module of the force of gravity acting on it.

Two books, each with a mass of m, simultaneously begin to fall in the air (Fig.). In this case, the force of influence of the lower book on the upper one is equal to

A cube of mass m moves along a smooth table with a speed v and collides with a cube at rest of the same mass (Fig.). After the impact, the cubes move as a single unit, while the momentum of a system consisting of two cubes is equal to...

1) PTG; 2) 2mv 3) - 4) O

A wooden block is balanced on a scale by a metal box in which the block can be placed. A wooden cube floats in water, immersed in it to its volume. If you put a wooden cube in a box and lower them together, then the box with the block

will float, immersed in water to a quarter of the volume of the box

will float, immersed in water to half the volume of the box

will float immersed in water more than half the volume of the box

The load oscillates on a spring suspended vertically from the ceiling, while the maximum distance from the ceiling to the center of the load is H, the minimum is h.

At a point distant from the ceiling at a distance h,

kinetic energy of the ball is maximum

potential energy of the spring is minimal

potential energy of interaction between the ball and the ground is maximum

the potential energy of interaction between the ball and the ground is minimal

A weight of 2 kg is suspended from a light lever of complex shape with a rotation point at point O (Fig.) and a spring is attached, the second end of which is attached to a fixed wall. The lever is in equilibrium, and the tension force of the spring is 15 N. At what distance x from the axis of rotation is the load suspended if the distance from the axis to the spring attachment point is 10 cm?

State the observation that shows that the speed of gas molecules decreases as its temperature decreases.

A burning match goes out if you pour water on it.

In order for the column of a mercury medical thermometer to move from mark 38 to mark 35, it had to be shaken.

A household refrigerator cools food if it is plugged into the electrical network.

A balloon shrinks in volume in the cold.

The graph shows the dependence of the temperature of water in the kettle on time. Such a course of the schedule is possible if

for the first 20 minutes the kettle was on a hot stove, and for the second 20 minutes it was on the table

the kettle was on the table for the first 20 minutes, and on the hot stove for the second 20 minutes

the kettle stood on the table for all 40 minutes

The kettle was on the hot stove for all 40 minutes

A10 In a rubber ball, the air is heated from 20 °C to 40 °C, while the pressure in it

1) practically did not change 2) increased by 2 times

3) increased by 4 times 4) decreased by 2 times

All Two containers contain different gases. The mass of each gas molecule in the first vessel is equal to t, and in the second vessel - 4 t. The mean square speed of molecules in the first vessel is v, in the second vessel it is y. The absolute temperature of the gas in the first vessel is equal to T, in the second vessel it is equal to

1) 4T 2) T 3) - 4) -

A12 Helium in an amount of two moles is isobarically compressed, reducing its volume by 2 times. In this case, the internal energy of helium

1) increases by 4 times 3) does not change 2) increases by 2 times 4) decreases by 2 times

A13 Compare the efficiency of heat engines, in

each of which is the working fluid

changes pressure and volume cyclically. The cycle corresponding to machine A is shown in white in the figure, and the cycle corresponding to machine B is shown in gray.

A14 A student, during an experiment to study the interaction of a metal ball suspended on a thread with a positively charged plastic ball located on a stand, sketched the observed phenomenon in his notebook; the thread and the ball deviated from the vertical by an angle a. Based on the figure, it can be argued that the metal ball

positively charged

not charged

negatively charged

charged, but it is impossible to unambiguously determine its sign

A15 At point A, an electric field is created by three charges. Wherein
the potential of the field created at point A by charge I is + 100 V, for-
next to II is equal to - 200 V, and with charge III is equal to + 300 V. Potential
electric field created at point A by three charges is equal to

1)+600V 2)+400V 3)+200V 4) - 200V

is connected to a current source that provides the same voltage at its ends in both cases. Current strength through the circuit section in the second case

2 times less than in the first case

2 times more than in the first case

A17 It is known that a solution of salt in water is a good conductor of electric current, and a solution of paraffin in kerosene is a dielectric.

This is explained by the fact that when salt is dissolved in water,

positive ions, and when dissolving paraffin in kerosene - negative

free ions, and when paraffin is dissolved in kerosene - free electrons

free ions, but not when paraffin is dissolved in kerosene

free electrons, but not when dissolving paraffin

A18 A proton and a neutron fly into a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the magnetic induction lines at equal speeds. How will the particles move in the magnetic field?

Both will continue to move in a straight line.

Both will begin to move in circles of the same radius

The proton will continue to move in a straight line, and the neutron will begin to move in a circle.

The neutron will continue to move in a straight line, and the proton will begin to move in a circle.

A19 A conducting frame is placed in an alternating magnetic field of an electromagnet, the current strength in the winding of which changes according to the law shown in the figure. At which of the indicated moments of time is the induced emf force generated in the frame maximum in modulus?

1) ґ = 1 s 2) ґ = 2 s

3)/ = 2.5s 4)/ = Zs.

A20 The phenomenon of refraction at the interface between media is inherent

visible light only

only radio waves

only sound waves

both electromagnetic and mechanical waves

equals F. The lens is lowered into a liquid whose refractive index is equal to the refractive index of glass, and

will intersect the optical axis at a distance equal to F

will cross the optical axis at a distance greater than F

will cross the optical axis at a distance less than F

The minimum energy of a photon capable of knocking out an electron from the surface of a plate made of silver oxide and coated

cesium is equal to 0.75 eV. This energy corresponds to photons

infrared radiation (> 800 nm)

visible light (400 - 800 nm)

A23 In the visible range of the emission spectrum of a gas of unknown composition, only two lines were detected, corresponding to wavelengths of 557 and 587 nm. In the visible range of the absorption spectrum of this gas...

only these two lines will be present

these two lines will be missing

only one line will be present, corresponding to 557 nm

only one line will be present, corresponding to 587 nm

A24 The nucleus of the isotope ^Th emits an alpha particle. In this case, in the core of the resulting particle there remains

1) 90 protons, 224 neutrons 2) 89 protons, 227 neutrons 3) 88 protons, 226 neutrons 4) 88 protons, 136 neutrons

A25 When the board under the cube is moved
with an acceleration of 4 m/s, he begins
slide across the board. The coefficient of friction between the board and the cube is 0.4. Mass of the cube
based on these data

1) equal to 100 g 2) equal to 200 g

3) equal to 400 g 4) cannot be determined

A26 bC cube A weighing 200 g is attached to a weightless spring with a stiffness of 360 N/m and a length equal to 10 cm in a non-deformed state (Fig. a). The second end of the spring is attached to a fixed wall. Then the spring is compressed and its two ends are fastened with an inextensible thread 8 cm long (Fig. b), and cube B weighing 200 g is placed next to cube A on a smooth table. What is the maximum kinetic energy of cube A during the oscillations that arose after the thread burned out and tearing cube B away from cube A?

1) 0.072 J 2) 0.036 J 3) 0.018 J 4) 0.009 J

A27 Air, the humidity of which is 100%, is in a vessel with a piston at room temperature. The piston is moved so that the air is compressed 2 times, remaining at the same temperature. Which statement correctly describes the change in air parameters in the vessel?

Air humidity

and the pressure does not change

A28 A frame containing 5 turns hangs on a thread. The wire from which the frame is made has an electrical resistance of 0.1 Ohm, and its ends with thin flexible wires are connected through a switch to a current source with an internal resistance of 0.3 Ohm and an emf equal to 4 V. The lower part of the frame is located in the gap between the poles of the horseshoe-shaped magnet 1 cm wide. Assuming that the magnetic field acts only between the poles of the magnet, the field is uniform, estimate its induction modulus if the tension force of the thread on which the frame hangs increases by 0.02 N after closing the key.

1) 0.2 T 2) 0.16 T 3) 0.04 T 4) 0.03 T

A29 The current in a coil whose wire resistance is 0.1 Ohm and inductance 0.1 H increases uniformly from zero to 4 A within 0.4 s. 0.1 s after the current strength begins to increase, the self-induction emf in the coil becomes equal to

1) 1.0 V 2) 0.6 V 3) 0.3 V 4) 0.1 V

AZO When a photon with wavelength X is absorbed by a black target of mass M, the target momentum

1) does not change 2) changes by the value Ms

3) changes by value - 4) changes by value 2 -

from the task number (Bl - B4), starting from the first cell. Write each character (number, comma, minus sign) in a separate

Q1 How long after the shot is an arrow fired vertically

up at a speed of 12 m/s, the second time it ends up at a height of 4 m?

Round the answer to tenths, considering g = 10 m/s."

B2 Flasks of the same volume contain argon and air at normal atmospheric pressure and room temperature. What is the ratio of the mass of argon in the first flask to the mass of air in the second? Round your answer to tenths.

VZ A charged speck of dust moves vertically between two large
identical horizontal plates located on
opposite each other at a distance of 0.5 cm. The field strength between
with plates 40 kV/cm. What is the charge of a dust grain if its kinetic
energy when moving from one plate to another changes
is 2 mJ. Express the answer in nC and round to the nearest tenth

The candle stands at a distance of 125 cm from the screen. At what maximum distance from the candle can a thin collecting lens with a focal length of 20 cm be placed in order to obtain a clear image of a candle flame on the screen? The candle and the lens are located on a perpendicular to the plane of the screen. Express the answer in cm.

etc.) and then the complete solution. It is recommended to carry out pre-
preliminary solution of these tasks on a draft basis, so that when
recording it on the answer form, it took up less than half the page -
form form.

At what speed do the particles moving in the densest ring of Saturn, if it is known that their period approximately coincides with the period of rotation of Saturn around its axis of 10 hours. 40 min. The mass of Saturn is 5.7-1026 kg.

What amount of heat is supplied to two moles of a monatomic ideal gas during the 1-2-3 process, if its final temperature was T3 = 600 K.

On a horizontal table, on dielectric stands of the same height, at a distance of 40 cm from each other, there are 2 charged balls A and B (Fig.). The charge on ball A is positive and equal in modulus to Q. On a straight line CD, parallel to AB and 40 cm away from it, a light uncharged arrow made of aluminum foil is mounted on a stand of the same height, which can rotate freely in the horizontal plane. When moving along straight line CD, the arrow is oriented at different angles to straight AB and only at point M, such that CM = 10 cm, is the arrow set perpendicular to straight AB (Fig.). Using these data, determine the sign and modulus of the charge on ball B.

Two diffraction gratings with a period of 2 10~5 m were crossed so that their grooves were at an angle of 90° to each other and a laser beam (X = 700 nm) was directed at them perpendicular to the grating plane. On the remote screen, parallel to the plane of the gratings, a series of spots appeared, located in the corners of a square with a side of 21 mm. What is the distance from the grilles to the screen?

A drop of black liquid with a heat capacity of 2122 J/kg-K is illuminated with a beam of laser light with a wavelength of 750 nm and a beam intensity of 1017 photons per second. In this case, the drop begins to heat up at a rate of 0.5 degrees per second. What is the mass of the drop?

A piston with an area of ​​10 cm2 can move without friction in a vertical cylindrical vessel, ensuring its tightness. A vessel with a piston filled with gas rests on the floor of a stationary elevator at atmospheric pressure, while the distance from the bottom edge of the piston to the bottom of the vessel is 20 cm. When the elevator moves up with an acceleration of 4 m/s2, the piston will move 2.5 cm What is the mass of the piston if the change in gas temperature can be ignored.

The table shows the coordinates of a ship sailing in a straight line

uniformly accelerated throughout the entire observation time

uniform throughout the observation period

uniform during the first 10 minutes of observation and uniformly accelerated from 10 to 20 minutes

uniformly accelerated during the first 10 minutes of observation and uniformly from 10 to 20 minutes

Which of the situations described reflects the meaning of Newton's second law?

The Sun acts with equal magnitude force on both satellites of Jupiter

The Earth acts on the Sun with the same magnitude force as the Sun acts on the Earth.

There is a point between the Earth and the Moon, at which the interplanetary spacecraft experiences gravitational forces of equal magnitude from the Earth and the Moon.

The module of the Earth's acceleration when moving around the Sun is proportional to the module of the gravitational force acting on it from the Sun.

A3 Three books, each with a mass of t, begin simultaneously
actually fall in the air (fig.). At the same time, the force
the action of the lower book on the middle one is equal to

A4 A cube of mass t moves along

smooth table with speed v

and collides with a cube of the same mass at rest (Fig.). Po- / I y I

barely hitting the cubes move as a single whole, while the kinetic energy of the system of two cubes is equal to

1) mv2 2) 3) 4) O

A wooden block balances on equal-arm scales a metal box in which this block can be placed (Fig. a). Then the block is placed in a box and lowered into water (Fig. b). A metal box with a block floats, two-thirds submerged in water. If you remove the block from the box, the box will sink in water

will float immersed in water half its volume

will float submerged in water to one third of its volume

will float immersed in two-thirds of the volume of water

The ball oscillates on a spring suspended vertically from the ceiling, with the maximum distance from the ceiling to the center of the ball being H and the minimum h. At a point distant from the ceiling at a distance H, the maximum

kinetic energy of the ball

spring potential energy

potential energy of interaction of the ball with the Earth

the sum of the kinetic energy of the ball and the interaction of the ball with the Earth

A weight of 1 kg is suspended from a light lever of complex shape with a rotation point at point O (Fig.) and a spring is attached, the second end of which is attached to a fixed wall. The lever is in equilibrium, and the tension force of the spring is approximately equal to 15 N. At what distance x from the axis of rotation is the spring attached if the distance from the axis to the point of attachment of the load is 15 cm?

1) 1 cm 2) 7.5 cm

The average distance between alcohol molecules in a liquid thermometer with increasing temperature...



does not change

first increases, then decreases

The graph shows the dependence of the temperature of water in the mug on time. Such a course of the graph is possible if a mug of water

the first 20 minutes stood in the freezer at a temperature of - 15 ° C, and the second 20 minutes on the table at a temperature of 20 ° C

the first 20 minutes stood on

table at a temperature of 20 ° C, and the second 20 minutes - in the freezer at a temperature of - 15 ° C

stood on the table at a temperature of 20 ° C for all 40 minutes

stood in the freezer for all 40 minutes at a temperature of -15 ° C

A10 In a children's rubber balloon, the air has cooled from 40 °C to 20 °C, while the pressure in the balloon

1) practically unchanged 2) decreased by 2 times
3) decreased by 4 times 4) increased by 2 times

There is gas in the vessel. The mass of each gas molecule is equal to m, the mean square speed of the molecules is v, the absolute temperature of the gas is T. If the absolute temperature of the gas increases to 2T, the mean square speed of the gas molecules will be equal to

Helium in an amount of two moles expands isobarically, increasing its volume by 2 times. In this case, the internal energy of helium

1) increases by 2 times 3) decreases by 2 times 2) does not change

4) decreases by 4 times

For two ideal heat engines, the temperatures of the refrigerators differ by a factor of 2, and the temperatures of the heaters are the same. Choose the correct statement.

The efficiency of a machine with a higher refrigerator temperature is always

2 times more than a machine with a lower refrigerator temperature

2 times less than a machine with a lower refrigerator temperature

more than a machine with a lower refrigerator temperature

less than a machine with a lower refrigerator temperature

The figure shows the phenomenon that the student observed during the experiment: a thread with a metal ball hanging on it deviated from the vertical at an angle a under the influence of a negatively charged plastic ball located on the stand. Based on the figure, it can be argued that the metal ball

positively charged

negatively charged

not charged

charged, but its sign cannot be determined

A15 The intensity of the electric field created at point A of the charging
house, modulo equal to 100 V/m, and field strength in the same

point created by charge II is equal in magnitude to 200 V/m. Field strength at point A, created by two charges, modulo

necessarily equal to 100 V/m

necessarily equal to 300 V/m

can lie in the range from 100 V/m to 300 V/m depending on the sign of charges I and II and their location relative to point A

can be any depending on the sign of charges I and II and their location relative to point A

A16 A section of a circuit consisting of two identical resistors connected

the first time in series, and the second time in parallel,

is connected to a current source that provides the same voltage at the ends of the circuit section in both cases. Current power throughout the entire section of the circuit consisting of two resistors, in the second case

4 times less than in the first case

16 times less than in the first case

4 times more than in the first case

16 times more than in the first case

A17 It is known that a solution of citric acid in water is a good conductor of electric current, and a solution of sugar in water is a poor conductor. This is explained by the fact that when citric acid is dissolved in water,

positive ions, and when sugar dissolves - negative ions

positive and negative ions, and when sugar dissolves - electrons

positive and negative ions, and when sugar dissolves, ions do not appear

electrons appear, but when sugar dissolves, electrons do not appear

A18 B uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the magnetic lines

Due to induction, a proton and an electron fly in at the same speed.

Particles will move in a magnetic field

evenly, straight

uniformly accelerated, rectilinearly

evenly, along arcs of circles of the same radius

evenly, along arcs of circles of different radii

A19 The conducting frame is placed in

alternating magnetic field

an electromagnet, the current strength in the winding of which varies according to the law shown in the figure. At which of the indicated times is the induced emf generated in the frame minimal in absolute value?

l)t = 0.5s 2) t= 1.5 s

3)t = 2.5c 4)t = 3.0c

A20 An example of light interference is

the formation of rainbow spots on the surface of a puddle when gasoline gets into it

formation of dark spots on the Sun observed through a telescope

the formation of multi-colored rainbow stripes when water is splashed when watering lawns

the decomposition of sunlight into several colors when passing it through a glass prism

A21 Focal length of a plano-convex glass lens in air
equals F. The lens is lowered into the liquid, the refractive index
which is greater than the refractive index of glass, and is directed at it
the laser beam is perpendicular to the flat surface of the lens, but not
cut its center. After passing the lens the beam

will go parallel to the optical axis

will intersect the optical axis of the lens at a distance equal to F

will deviate away from the optical axis

will intersect the optical axis of the lens at a distance greater than F

A22 The minimum energy of a photon capable of knocking out an electron from the surface of a potassium plate is 2.2 eV. This energy corresponds to photons

infrared radiation (>800 nm)

visible light (400 - 800 nm)

ultraviolet radiation (80 - 400 nm)

X-ray radiation (1-10 nm)

A23 In the visible part of the absorption spectrum of a gas of unknown composition
3 lines detected. It follows that gas

must contain 3 elements

must contain 1 element

must contain 3 or 1 element

A24 The nucleus of the 2C Ra isotope emits an alpha particle. In this case, in the core of the resulting particle remains

88 protons, 220 neutrons

87 protons, 223 neutrons

86 protons, 222 neutrons

86 protons, 134 neutrons

A cube weighing 200 g is placed on a rough board, which lies on a smooth floor. The coefficient of friction between the board and the cube is 0.4. "The cube is moved with an acceleration of 6 m/s2 relative to the floor, while it slides relative to the board. What is the acceleration of the board relative to the floor if its mass is 200 g?

1) 6 m/s2 2) 5 m/s2 3) 4 m/s2 4) 2 m/s2

A26 Cube 1 weighing 200 g is attached to the wall

not weightless spring stiffness

250 N/m, the length of which in the undeformed state is 11 cm. The second end of the spring is attached to a fixed wall (Fig. a). The spring is compressed and both ends are fastened together with a thread (Fig. b) 9 cm long. On a smooth table next to cube 1, cube 2 weighing 200 g is placed. What is the maximum potential energy of the spring during the oscillations of cube 1 that arose after the thread was burned out and torn off? cube 2 from cube 1?

1) 0.125 J 2) 0.075 J 3) 0.050 J 4) 0.025 J

A27 Air, the humidity of which is 50%, is in a vessel with a volume of 1 liter with a piston at a temperature of 300 K. The piston is moved so that the air is compressed to a volume of 0.5 liters, remaining at a temperature of 300 K. Which of the statements correctly describes the change in air parameters in vessel? Air humidity

does not change, but the pressure increases approximately 2 times

and the pressure increases approximately 2 times

increases approximately 2 times, but the pressure does not change

and the pressure does not change

A28 A frame containing 10 turns hangs on a thread. The wire from which the frame is made has an electrical resistance of 0.06 Ohm, and its ends are connected via a key to a current source with an internal resistance of 0.9 Ohm via a thin flexible wire. The lower part of the frame is located in the gap between the poles of a horseshoe magnet 1 cm wide. Assuming that the magnetic field is uniform, has an induction modulus of 0.04 T and acts only between the poles of the magnet, estimate the emf of the current source if the tension force of the thread on which the frame hangs is after closing the key it increases by 0.1 N.

1) 1.5 V 2) 4.0 V 3) 24 V 4) 36 V

A29 The current strength in a coil with an inductance of 0.5 H increases according to the law I(t) = I0sincot? where = 2A"<*>= - s "7. 1 s after the current strength begins to increase, the self-induction emf in the coil becomes approximately equal

1) 0.00 V 2) 0.43 V 3) 0.52 V 4) 0.87 V

AZO When a photon with wavelength X is reflected from a mirror of mass M, the photon momentum

1) does not change

3) changes by value - A,

2) changes by the value Ms

4) changes by value 2 -

The answer to each task in this part will be some
number. This number must be written down in answer form No. 1 on the right.
from the task number (Bl - B4), starting from the first cell. Write each character (number, comma, minus sign) in a separate
box in accordance with the samples given in the form.
There is no need to write units of physical quantities.

An arrow shot vertically upward at a speed of 12 m/s reaches a height of 4 m twice. What is the time interval between these two events? Round your answer to tenths.

In a 5 liter air cylinder, the gas pressure dropped from 100 kPa to 50 kPa. What is the mass of air leaked from the cylinder if the cylinder is in a room with a temperature of 27 °C. Express your answer in grams and round to whole numbers.

A charged speck of dust moves between two identical charged vertical plates located opposite each other. The potential difference between the plates is 500 V, the mass of the dust particle is so small that the force of gravity can be neglected. What kinetic energy does a speck of dust acquire when moving from one plate if its charge is 4 nC? Express the answer in µJ and round to whole numbers

The candle stands at a distance of 62.5 cm from the screen. At what minimum distance from the candle should a thin converging lens with a focal length of 10 cm be placed in order to obtain a clear magnified image of the candle flame on the screen? The candle and the lens are located on a perpendicular to the plane of the screen. Express the answer in cm.

CI - C6 tasks are tasks that, when completed,
decisions of which should be called laws that use
are available, or provide links to definitions of physical quantities. EU-
whether required, you should calculate the numerical value of the required
values; if not, leave the solution in literal form. For
record answers to tasks in this part (CI - C6) use
answer form No. 2. First write down the task number (C1 and
etc.) and then the complete solution. It is recommended to carry out a preliminary solution of these tasks on a draft basis, so that when
recording it on the answer form took up less than half a page of the form.

What is the radius of the ring of Saturn, in which particles move with a period approximately equal to the period of rotation of Saturn around its axis of 10 hours. 40 min. The mass of Saturn is 5.7-1026 kg.

What amount of heat is supplied to two moles of a monatomic ideal gas during process 1 - 2 - 3, if its final volume is V3 = 6 l and the pressure is p3 = 200 kPa

On a horizontal table, on dielectric stands of the same height, at a distance of 50 cm from each other, there are 2 charged balls A and B (Fig.). The charge on ball A is negative and equal in absolute value to 1 µC. On a straight CD, parallel to AB and 50 cm distant from it, a light, uncharged arrow made of aluminum foil is mounted on a stand of the same height, which can rotate freely in the horizontal plane. When moving along straight line CD, the arrow is oriented at different angles to straight AB and only at point M, such that CM = 20 cm, is the arrow set parallel to straight AB. Using these data, determine the sign and modulus of the charge on ball B.

Control measurement materials for preparation for the unified state exam in PHYSICS

§ 6. Methods of navigation of navigators of the Russian fleet of the first half of the 18th century

In the first half of the 18th century, ship navigation in the Russian fleet mainly consisted of:

Maintaining analytical calculations;
- determining the latitude of the ship’s location based on the meridional altitude of the Sun or the altitude of the Polar Star;
- determining the location of the ship using visible landmarks marked on the map;
- corrections to the results of analytical dead reckoning based on the updated coordinates of the ship’s location;
- solving problems of calculation using “de-reduction” cards;
- determining the magnetic compass correction;
- solving auxiliary problems: measuring, surveying and describing the coast for the purpose of correcting and drawing up nautical maps and plans, determining the time of sunrise and sunset, the time and height of high and low waters, measuring speed with a log, breaking down a log, determining corrections for bottles, etc.

When conducting analytical dead reckoning in the ship's logbook, at the beginning of each hour the following were written down:

Points according to the compass “on which the ship sails”;
- Direction of the wind;
- drift from the wind, “declination from the right bearing”;
- “right” bearings (the true course of the ship, corrected by correction for drift);
- speed (in knots).

Based on these data, once a day at noon, the reckonable coordinates of the ship's position were calculated using analytical dead reckoning formulas. The results of the calculations were recorded on the same page of the journal in the so-called “midday table.” The form of this table was different on different ships. For example, on the packet boat “St. Pavel" during its voyage in 1741, the "midday table" of the ship's log consisted of three columns (Fig. 8). The first column listed the elements of the number:

- “from Avacha (starting point of navigation) point and distance.” Distance was calculated to the nearest mile, direction to the minute in quarters;
- “compass declination” - compass correction accurate to a quarter of a point;
- “added distance.” At present, the meaning of this entry is not clear to us. In the work of G. K. Shumeiko “Navigation analysis of the voyage of 1741” this entry is deciphered as “the difference in the magnitude of the general swimming from the previous half-day: being a conditional value expressing the increment in the distance from Avacha, it is not equal to the daily general swimming.” However, this interpretation is not confirmed by the entries in the log, because in all entries the “added distance” is more than the sailing on the general course, and in some cases even more than the total daily sailing;
- “the difference in length (difference of longitudes) of the entire path”, i.e. from the departure point (Avachi), and “daily”, i.e. the difference in longitudes made during the day, was calculated and recorded with an accuracy of tenths of a minute;
- “distance” - the distance traveled by the ship during the day along the general course, sometimes recorded with an accuracy of a mile, sometimes with an accuracy of tenths of a mile;
- “rumb” - the direction of daily navigation, the daily general course was recorded in quarter counting accurate to the minute;
- “departure” to the east or west, was written on one line “to the east”, on the other - “to the west”, sometimes accurate to the nearest mile, sometimes to hundredths of a mile;
- “the difference in width” (latitude) was written on one line “to the north”, on the other - “to the south”, accurate to tenths or hundredths of a minute;
- “widths” (latitudes) were written on one line at the end of the day (“width arrived”), on the other - the beginning of the day (“width departed”).

In the second column of the “midday table” the countable values ​​of the elements of analytical notation listed in the first column were recorded. If an observation was made (determining latitude) and a notation was corrected based on the observed latitude, then the corrected values ​​of the notation elements were recorded in the third column.

In the table, the “sailing point” corresponds to the general daily sailing course, and the “distance” corresponds to daily sailing according to the general course.

The forms of recording the results of analytical dead reckoning in other ship logs also differ from the given forms. In general, in those days, entries in journals were made in free form and often not in Russian. Thus, the logs of the ship "Ormend" in 1720 were kept in English, the ships "Fredemark" and "St. Andrew" in 1721 - in Dutch, the ship "Vyborg" in 1722 - in Danish. The contents of the entries in the logs did not always make it possible to restore the ship's voyage within 24 hours. However, in all logs, at 12 noon of each day, the numerical coordinates of the ship’s location were recorded.

Neither in textbooks, nor in ship logs of the first half of the 18th century. nothing is said about graphical notation. Apparently it was not carried out: in those years, small-scale maps were compiled in the Mercator projection, corresponding to the current general maps, therefore, significant errors accumulated when maintaining graphical notation.

For graphical solution of problems of dead reckoning of a ship in the first half of the 18th century. a “de-reduction map” was used.

The first description of this map in Russian was made in 1733 in the manual “Abbreviated navigation on the de-reduction map.” The de-reduction map made it possible to graphically solve navigation problems:

  1. Using the coordinates of the departure point, course and navigation, find the coordinates of the arrival point.
  2. Using the coordinates of the departure point, course and latitude difference, find the distance of the voyage and the longitude of the arrival point.
  3. Using the coordinates of the departure point, the length of the voyage and the difference in latitude, find the ship's course and the longitude of the arrival point.
  4. Using the coordinates of the points of departure and arrival, find the course of the ship and the length of the voyage.
  5. Using the coordinates of the departure point, the ship's course and the longitude of the arrival point, find the distance of the voyage and the latitude of the arrival point.
  6. Using the coordinates of the departure point, the longitude of the arrival point and the length of the voyage, find the ship's course and the latitude of the arrival point.

Determination of the ship's location by visible coastal landmarks (mapped on the map) was carried out by measuring the compass bearing to one of the landmarks and measuring the visual (“antrenal”) distance to it. At the same time, the following entry was made in the ship’s log: “... at 12 o’clock we saw Vaua on the compass from us, WIN, at a distance of, for example, 10 minutes” (ship log of the packet boat “St. Paul” 1741). In the journal of the frigate "St. Jacob” for 1725, the observation record was made in the following form: “At two o’clock in the afternoon we saw the city of Grotto Horn on the NW, 3 miles away.”

The compass bearing was measured with an error of the order of "/4 points in good weather; when the weather was rolling, the error in the bearing could reach one point. The accuracy of measuring the visual distance depended on the experience of the navigator; the root-mean-square error in measuring the distance usually did not exceed 10% of the measured distance.

If there was an observation based on visible coastal landmarks, the coordinates of the ship's location were recorded in the ship's logbook at the end of the day.

When sailing on the open sea (out of sight of the shores), to clarify one’s position, the latitude of the ship’s position was determined. At that time, it was not possible to practically determine the longitude of a ship’s place at sea, although there were theoretical ways to determine the longitude of a place by eclipses of the Moon and Jupiter’s satellites, by lunar distances, by watches and by correction (“declination”) of the compass. These methods were described in detail in the specialized literature, however, large methodological errors in some cases, the complexity and duration of calculations in others, made them practically unsuitable for use on ships.

The latitude of a ship's position at sea could be determined by the meridian altitude of the Sun, the altitude of the North Star, and the meridian altitudes of the stars. However, in practice, the latitude of a place in the sea was determined mainly by the meridian altitude of the Sun, since in the dark it is difficult to observe the horizon line. Thus, during the voyage of captain A.I. Chirikov in 1741 to the shores of America, all determinations of the latitude of a place were made by the meridian altitude Sun. The form of the journal entry was not strictly regulated. Thus, an observation dated June 9, 1741 in the ship’s log of the packet boat “St. Paul" was written in the form: "At noon, an observation was made, according to which the compliment of the height of the Sun is 25 ° 02", the seven-diameter of the Sun is added to it 16 minutes, 4 minutes are subtracted for the height of the eye, the declination of the Sun is added 23 - 28, and according to this the width of the place considered will be 48°42" N".

In subsequent observations, the form of the entry is shortened, for example, on August 18, 1741, the following was entered in the journal: “At noon, a compliment to the height of the Sun is seen with the wrong 42.59, the declination of the Sun is 9.21 northern, and therefore the width of the place is 52.30.”

The height of the Sun, as a rule, was measured on the ship using a hail rod and corrected by corrections for the half-diameter of the Sun and the height of the observer's eye.

It was possible to determine latitude from the meridian altitude of the Sun only once a day. If at the time of local noon the horizon was not visible or clouds covered the Sun, then the observation could not be made, so latitude determinations were usually not made often. So, during the voyage of the frigate “Si. Yakov" from Kronstadt to the island of Gotland in June 1725. There are no records of astronomical observations in the ship's log. Based on the astronomically measured latitude, the ship’s dead reckoning was corrected, or, as they said then, “wrong” (“Wrong is nothing other than to bring the error known in the reckoning back into correctness.” Soymonov F.I. Extract of navigational art , 1739). Three types of “wrong” were used:

  1. The ship's course differed from the main bearings N and S by no more than two bearings to the east or west. In this case, to correct the dead reckoning, the coordinates of the departure point, the observed latitude, and the ship's course were taken as the initial data. Based on these data, the distance traveled along the course and the longitude of the arrival point were calculated and corrected.
  2. The ship's course differs from the main bearings 0st and W by no more than two bearings to the north or south. In this case, two proofreading options were used;

    a) the corrected difference in latitude, the coordinates of the departure point and the distance traveled were taken as the initial values. The course and difference in longitude were calculated from them;

    b) the initial values ​​were taken as the coordinates of the departure point, the corrected difference in latitude and the calculated difference in longitude. The course and distance traveled were calculated from them.

    In the log of the packet boat “St. Pavel" On August 10, 1741, a similar correction was recorded as follows: "On this date, the latitude of the place was corrected from the corrected width of this month on the first day and between the observations of the 1st and this number the difference in width was taken, the difference in length corrected between these widths was taken as right and According to this, the rhumb and distance were found.”

  3. The ship's course differs from the quarter bearings NW, NO, SO, SW by no more than two bearings. The correction option was as follows: the coordinates of the departure point (point A in Fig. 9.) were taken as the initial values, and the calculable difference in latitude AB, departure B"C" and distance traveled AC were plotted from this point. Then, on the observed parallel BC from the meridian of the departure point, the reckonable departure of the aircraft was plotted and the ship's reckonable course was carried out from point A until it intersected with the observed latitude at point C. After this, the segment C"C was divided in half and point D was taken as the corrected arrival point. This is how the calculable course, sailing and departure were adjusted.

Since the observed latitude of the ship’s location itself had an error of “barely less than 5 minutes,” the calculated location was corrected by the observed latitude in cases where the difference between the calculated and observed latitudes was more than 5 minutes.

During Captain A.I. Chirikov’s voyage to North America in 1741 on the packet boat “St. Pavel" 36 observations of the latitude of the ship were made during 128 days of navigation, 8 of them were considered unsuitable due to poor visibility of the horizon, in 9 cases the dead reckoning was not corrected because the difference between the calculated and observed latitude was less than 5 minutes. At the same time, to continue dead reckoning the ship’s path, not the observed, but the reckonable latitude was taken. This was recorded in the ship's log as follows: “At noon, a compliment to the altitude of the Sun was seen with the correct 45.19, the declination of the Sun was 6.37 north, and therefore the width of the place was 51.56N, and for a small difference they established themselves at a calculable width.” In 19 cases, the countable place was corrected. The arithmetic mean of the latitude discrepancy was about 3.3 miles. However, on some days the latitude discrepancies were significantly larger. Thus, between the latitude observations carried out on September 16 and 18, the latitude discrepancy was 18 miles. The largest discrepancy in latitude -26 miles north - was between the observations on July 12 and 13. This indicates not only large errors in the calculation of the ship's path, but also the lack of reliability of the observed latitudes, due to which, with a latitude difference of up to 5 minutes, no correction of the calculated places was made. No smaller errors were observed in longitude. The total discrepancy in longitude on this ship from June 5 to July 16 was 165 miles, i.e., an average of about 4 miles per day. In those days, there was no practical possibility of determining longitude; errors in longitude during a long voyage reached large values; in i/iu, the navigators of Admiral Anson’s squadron were mistaken in determining longitude by 300-350 miles. In 1761, during the journey of the English astronomer Maskelyne to the island of St. Helena, the error in the ship's reckonable longitude was 7°2G, as a result of which the estimated position of the ship was more than 400 miles away from the actual one.

The examples given show that the accuracy of dead reckoning of the ship’s path during the voyage of A.I. Chirikov on the packet boat “St. Pavel" was quite consistent with the standards of that time and was quite high.

According to the requirements of Peter the Great's charter (Chapter 12, paragraph 6), the navigator “must check the compass.” During the voyage, it was necessary to determine the compass correction or, as they said then, the “declination” of the compass. The compass correction was determined by the amplitude method, the azimuth method and by the Polar Star.

The amplitude of the Sun was the angle between the direction of true east (west) and the bearing of the Sun at the time of its sunrise (sunset). “Amplitude is the distance of the Sun in degrees and minutes from due east when the Sun rises, or due west when it sets.” The magnitude and amplitude of the Sun was calculated by the navigator using the formula:

where A, OQ, f - amplitudes, solar declination and latitude, respectively.

To determine the amplitude of the Sun using a compass, the latter is taken in direction at the moment when its lower edge rises above the visible horizon by 3/4 of the diameter of the Sun. Considering that, due to the action of refraction, the image of the Sun rises above the horizon by 36" and the visible horizon for an observer on a ship will be lower than the true one by 4", at the moment when the lower edge of the Sun is at a height of 3/4 of the diameter of the Sun above the line of the visible horizon, the center The sun is on the true horizon. The magnitude of the compass correction is found by comparing the true amplitude of the Sun with that observed by the compass.

The determination of the compass correction by the amplitude method in the ship's log was recorded as follows: “At the end of the 8th hour during sunset, its amplitudes were observed from N to W 74 and again at midnight at the 4th hour during ascent, amplitudes were observed from N to O 34, and For both reasons, it was almost on the same parallel, because according to the log, there is only a half-minute difference in width and the declination is small, the difference between setting and ascent is, namely, no more than 4 minutes, for this reason, according to these considerations, the found declination of the compass, namely 20 the eastern one is taken for the right one, and the Polar Star is also seen as a visible star above this star, then it itself is located above the pole; and if you see it under a star, then it will be below the pole.” This recommendation made it possible to determine the time to determine the compass correction based on the North Star.

When sailing in high latitudes, the North Star is observed at high altitudes, which makes it difficult to find its bearing and introduces errors into the measured bearing. Therefore, to determine the compass correction, it was preferable to use the first two methods. The entry in the ship's log looked like this: “At 5 11 o'clock in the afternoon the northern Pole Star was visible on the compass at the NNW point of view and according to this compass declination two points to the east.”

In cases where, due to weather conditions, it was not possible to determine the compass correction, the magnetic declination given in sailing directions or other sources was used to calculate the ship's path. At that time, some information had already been accumulated about the magnitude of the magnetic declination in various parts of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In 1701 the first magnetic map was published.

It was also known that there was an annual change in declination. The first change in the magnitude of magnetic declination was discovered in 1623 when measuring the magnetic declination in London. The measured magnetic declination was 6°13", not 11°15", according to the known results of 1576.

Kinematics. Option No. 10

A body, moving rectilinearly and uniformly in a plane, moves from point A with coordinates (0; 2) to point B with coordinates (4; -1) in a time equal to 10 s. The velocity module is equal to

1) 0.3 m/s 2) 0.5 m/s3) 0.7 m/s 4) 2.5 m/s

An airplane flies from city A to city B at speed relative to the air. On the flight path at a speed the wind blows, the direction of which is perpendicular to the segment connecting these cities. Determine the absolute speed of the aircraft relative to the ground.


A motorcyclist and a cyclist simultaneously begin uniformly accelerated motion from a state of rest. The acceleration of a motorcyclist is 3 times greater than that of a cyclist. How many times longer will it take a cyclist to reach a speed of 50 km/h?

1) 1/3 times 2) in
times 3) 3 times 4) 9 times

When a body falls in free fall from a state of rest, its speed in the second second increases by:

1) 10 m/s 2) 5 m/s

3) 0 m/s 4) 20 m/s

A stone thrown vertically upward from the surface of the Earth falls back to the Earth after 6 s. There is little air resistance. The initial speed of the stone is

1) 7.5 m/s 2) 15 m/s

3) 20 m/s 4) 30 m/s

N The figure shows a graph of the coordinates of a bead moving along a horizontal spoke versus time. Based on the graph, it can be stated that

Two material points move uniformly along circles of the same radius with speeds And respectively. The frequency of revolution of the first point is 2 times less than the frequency of revolution of the second. For this case, the equality is true



The ball moves in a circle with radius with angular velocity
. How will the centripetal acceleration change if the angular velocity is doubled?

A motor boat develops a speed of 4 m/s. In what minimum time can a boat cross a river 200 m wide at a current speed of 3 m/s?

In 2 s of linear uniformly accelerated motion, the body traveled 20 m, increasing its speed by 3 times. Determine the final speed of the body.

A material point moves at a constant speed along a circle of radius . How will the physical quantities listed in the first column change if the speed of the point decreases?



A) Angular velocity

1) will increase

2) will decrease

3) will not change

At what angular speed does the wheel rotate if the linear speed of points on its rim is 0.5 m/s, and the linear speed of points located 4 cm closer to the axis of rotation is 0.3 m/s?

From a window located at a height of 5 m from the ground, a stone is thrown horizontally and falls at a distance of 8 m from the house. At what speed is the stone thrown?

A ball is thrown from a horizontal surface of the earth at an angle to the horizon. The minimum speed of the ball during flight was 7 m/s, and the maximum was 10 m/s. How long will it take for the ball to hit the ground? Round your answer to tenths.

When the passenger had 25 m to reach the door of the carriage, the train started moving and began to accelerate with an acceleration of 0.5 m/s 2 . The passenger ran at a constant speed. At what minimum speed will he catch up with his carriage?

Kinematics. Option No. 11

A body, moving rectilinearly and uniformly in a plane, moves from point A with coordinates (1; 2) to point B with coordinates (4; -1) in a time equal to 10 s. The speed of the body is directed to the OX axis at an angle

1) 30 o 2) 60 o 3) 45 o 4) 135 o

Two cars are moving in the same direction on a straight highway. The front speed is , and the rear speed is 2 . What is the speed of the front car relative to the rear?

1) 0 2) 3) 2 4) -

The sled slid down one hill and drove onto another. While climbing a hill, the speed of the sled, moving rectilinearly and uniformly accelerated, changed from 12 m/s to 2 m/s in 4 s. In this case, the acceleration module was equal to

1) – 2.5 m/s 2 2) 2.5 m/s 2 3) - 3.5 m/s 2 4) 3.5 m/s 2

On the last kilometer of the braking distance, the speed of the train decreased by 10 m/s. Determine the total braking distance of the train if the speed at the beginning of braking was 20 m/s, and the braking was uniformly slow.

The table shows the coordinates of a ship sailing along a straight channel.

According to the table data, the ship's movement is

1) uniform throughout the entire observation time

2) uniformly accelerated throughout the entire observation time

3) uniform during the first 10 minutes of observation and uniformly accelerated from 10 to 20 minutes

4) uniformly accelerated during the first 10 minutes of observation and uniformly from 10 to 20 minutes

A body freely falls from rest from a height of 50 m. At what height will the body be after 3 s of fall? Neglect air resistance.

1) 0 m 2) 5 m

3) 10 m 4) 45 m

Automatically accelerated motion corresponds to a graph of the dependence of the acceleration modulus on time, indicated in the figure by the letter

In a circuit race, two cars move in such a way that at all times the radius of movement of the second car is 2 times larger than the first, and the periods of movement are equal. Speed ​​ratio equals …

4) 4

The ball moves in a circle of radius with angular velocity. How will the centripetal acceleration change if the angular velocity is reduced by a factor of 2?

1) Will increase by 2 times 2) Will decrease by 4 times

3) Will increase 4 times 4) Will not change

A swimmer crosses a river 120 m wide. The speed of the river is 1.2 m/s. The swimmer's speed relative to the water is 1.5 m/s. Determine the shortest possible time for a swimmer to cross the river.

How long after the shot does an arrow shot vertically upward at a speed of 12 m/s first reach a height of 4 m? Round your answer to tenths.

Determine how many meters the path traveled by a freely falling body in a tenth of a second is greater than the path traveled in the previous second. The initial speed of the body is zero.

A material point moves at a constant speed along a circle of radius . How will the physical quantities listed in the first column change if the speed of the point increases?



A) Angular velocity

1) will increase

B) Centripetal acceleration

2) will decrease

B) Period of revolution in a circle

3) will not change

Find the centripetal acceleration of the points on the car's wheel that are in contact with the road if the car is moving at a speed of 54 km/h and the wheel speed is 8 Hz.

A small stone thrown from a flat horizontal surface of the earth at an angle to the horizon reached a maximum height of 5 m and fell back to the ground 20 m from the point of throw. What is the minimum speed of the stone during flight?

A body freely falling from a certain height without an initial speed in 1 s after the start of the movement covers a distance 5 times less than in the same period of time at the end of the movement. Find the total time of movement.

Imagine that a ship is on the open sea. It is surrounded on all sides by only sky and water; neither the coast nor the island is visible around. Sail wherever you want! when there were no Earth satellites or radio communications?

If the captain of a ship does not know how to make astronomical observations, he will not be able to determine the location of his ship. There is only one way out - to surrender “to the will of the waves.” But in this case, the ship is doomed to almost certain destruction.

Parallels and meridians

The entire surface of the globe is covered with a series of imaginary mutually perpendicular lines, which are called parallels and meridians, and their totality makes up the so-called degree grid.

The line that is formed by a section of the globe with a plane passing through the center of the Earth perpendicular to the axis of its rotation is called equator. The equator is equally distant from both the South and North Poles.

Longitude is the distance in degrees from some “zero” meridian to the west (western longitude) and to the east (eastern longitude). Longitude is measured from 0 to 180 degrees along the earth's equator.

Latitude is the distance in degrees from the equator to a certain point lying either between the North Pole and the equator (north latitude) or between the South Pole and the equator (south latitude). Latitude is measured from 0 to 90 degrees.

The introduction of the concept of longitude and latitude is of enormous importance: it made it possible to mark and record the location of a particular distant expedition in little-explored areas of the earth's surface or to determine the location of a ship on the high seas. Latitude and longitude at the same time serve as the basis of any geographical map. The longitude and latitude of any place are determined using astronomical observations. Safe navigation in the open seas and oceans was based on these observations.

Nautical mile

The coordinates of the ship's location on the open sea were determined only by astronomical observations. This is where the value is taken from nautical miles- the basic unit of measurement of distances traveled by a ship. A nautical mile corresponds to a change in the position of any star by exactly one minute of arc.

For clarity, let’s imagine that the Sun is in the meridian and is being observed from two ships. If the difference in the heights of the Sun is one minute of arc, then, consequently, the distance between these ships will be equal to one nautical mile.

Nautical Science

The lack of accurate knowledge about the movement of celestial bodies and the inability to make astronomical observations have long served as a huge obstacle to the development of navigation.

So, there was a persistent need to improve the science of navigation and nautical astronomy. The English Parliament in 1714 awarded a prize of 20 thousand pounds sterling to anyone who proposed a method for determining the longitude of a place at sea, at least with an accuracy of half a degree.

Many people have been working on this issue for decades. It was tempting to become the author of such an important invention; it was no less tempting to receive the right to such a substantial prize. More than half a century has passed, and the task set by parliament has still not been solved.

Method for determining longitude

Finally, in 1770, the watchmaker Arnold proposed to parliament longitude determination method In the open sea. This method was based on the transportation of chronometers. The first suitable chronometers were built Harrison back in 1744.

This method was as follows. When setting sail from a port whose longitude is known, they use a properly running chronometer, which shows the time of the starting point. While on the open sea, travelers determined the local time by observing the celestial bodies. By comparing the local time with the chronometer reading, the time difference was found. This time difference is the difference in longitude of the starting point and the location.

Using this method in 1843, the longitude of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory was determined with great accuracy (up to a hundredth of a second).

Position of a point on the earth's surface

So, the position of a point on the earth's surface determined by longitude and latitude. The size of the meridian arc from the earth's equator to a given place determines its latitude. The magnitude of the arc of the equator from the prime (principal) meridian to the meridian of a given place determines its longitude. The main, or prime, meridian is considered to be the one that passes through the famous Greenwich Astronomical Observatory, located in England, not far from London.

To determine the longitude of any point on Earth, it is enough to know the clock readings in this place and in Greenwich at the same moment. This is based on the fact that the difference in clock readings at the same moment in any two places is equal to the difference in the longitudes of these places.

The entire circle, as we know, is 360 degrees, which corresponds to 24 hours; One hour corresponds to 15 degrees, and one minute of time corresponds to 1/4 degree, or 15 minutes of arc.

So, for example, the difference in clock readings for the same moment in time in Leningrad and Greenwich is 2 hours and 1 minute. Therefore, Leningrad is 30 degrees and 15 minutes east of Greenwich. Or, as they say, Leningrad has 30 degrees and 15 minutes east longitude.

Latitude is the arc of the meridian from the earth's equator to a specific place. Or, in other words, the latitude of a point on the earth's surface is equal to the angular height of the pole above the horizon. Therefore, to determine the latitude of the ship’s location at sea, a series of astronomical observations were carried out. These observations were usually made using a goniometer instrument called sextant. During the day, this instrument is used to measure the altitude, and at night, the altitude of the Moon, Polaris or some other star.

Due to the invention of radio, determining longitude at sea is much easier.

International Time Commission

A special International Time Commission, which conventionally divided the entire globe into nine zones. A special scheme has been developed, mandatory for all countries of the world, for transmitting precise, so-called rhythmic, time signals based on observations of stars. Rhythmic time signals were transmitted several times a day by radio from nine of the most powerful radio stations at various hours of Greenwich time. The most famous of these radio stations were A.Rugby in England and the Comintern station in Moscow.

Therefore, no matter where the ship was on the globe, it, using radio, from at least one of nine stations, received an exact time signal and, therefore, knew the clock reading for the main meridian at that moment. Then, using astronomical observations, the exact local time was determined and, from the difference between these two times, the longitude of the ship’s location.

About the movement of continents

Famous geologist Wegener once suggested that continents constantly several are moving. This movement, in his opinion, is so significant that it can be detected with the help of astronomical observations in a relatively short period of time.

It followed that the longitude of a place also changes, and this change can be noticed over a relatively short period of time.

The assumption made by Wegener aroused great interest among specialists. A commission of representatives of the International Astronomical and International Geodetic Unions developed a project to determine world longitudes by radio every few years. This determination of longitudes was first carried out in 1926.

Three groups of observatories were chosen as the vertices of the main testing area. The first group is in Algeria (Africa), Zi Ka Wei (China) and San Diego (California); the second group - in Greenwich, Tokyo, Vancouver and Ottawa (Canada); the third group is Manilla (Philippines), Honolulu (Sandwich Islands), San Diego and Washington. These observatories had connections with a number of observatories conducting work in the service of time.

At the same time, longitudinal observations were carried out by many observatories and temporary stations. The work was carried out successfully. Radio signals were received over vast distances. For example, radio signals from stations in Bordeaux (France) were received in America and Australia. Longitudes were determined with exceptionally high accuracy, and the error in closing the main polygon did not exceed 0.007 seconds.

In 1933, this enterprise was repeated on an even larger scale, and the technical level of the work carried out was even higher than in 1926. As a result, it turned out that the assumption made by Wegener was not completely confirmed. If there is a secular displacement of America relative to Europe, then its value, in any case, cannot exceed three centimeters per year.

It is not without interest, however, to note that from a comparison of the reception of time signals carried out systematically by observatories in Europe and America, a noticeable (about 18 meters) fluctuation in longitudes was discovered with a period of approximately 11 years, almost coinciding with the period of sunspots.