The relationship between the individual and the group essay. The problem of the relationship between the individual and the team

A person lives and develops in a system of relationships with the outside world. The system includes: the attitude of people to nature, to the objective world (spiritual and material values), the attitude of people to each other.

The active activity of people, uniting them into a community, becomes the spiritual basis of the team, its driving force. Children all enter the system of collective relations in different ways and have a reverse influence on the collective. The position of an individual in a team depends on his individual social experience, which determines the nature of her judgments, norms of behavior, etc.

Experience may or may not correspond to judgments and forms of behavior of an individual. How the relationship between the individual and the collective will develop depends not only on the qualities of the individual himself, but also on the collective. Relationships develop most favorably where the team has achieved high level development, where a form of self-government is developed. Common models for the development of relationships between the individual and the team:

1) the individual submits to the collective (conformism);

2) the individual and the team are in optimal relationships (harmony);

3) the individual subjugates the collective (nonconformism).

In the 1st model, the individual submits to the demands of the collective voluntarily, yields to the collective as a superior force, and submits to the collective only externally, formally. The team subordinates the individual to the norms and traditions of their life. In the 2nd line of behavior, two ways of development of events are possible:

1) the individual outwardly submits to the demands of the collective;

2) the person openly resists.

A common motive for an individual’s adaptation to a team is the desire to avoid conflict. A more rare phenomenon is the open resistance of the individual to collective demands; more often, the collective “breaks” the individual.

Harmony between the individual and the team is the ideal of relationships. More often than not, these are the few guys who get along in any team and who find themselves in good, highly moral teams. The typical model of relationships is existence. The collective and the individual exist, observing only formal relations. Some individuals cannot express their individuality. Relationships become more favorable if individuals manage to reveal and demonstrate their individuality, which satisfies their position in the team.

3rd model of relationships – the individual subjugates the team. Under the influence of a bright personality, a team can change for both the better and the worse.

17 Teaching a. S. Makarenko about the team

A. S. Makarenko formulated the law of the life of a collective: movement is the form of life of a collective, stopping is its death. He defined the principles of the team: transparency, responsible dependence, promising lines, parallel actions; identified the stages of team development. Stage 1 – formation of a team. The teacher forms a group, class, circle into a team, i.e. a socio-psychological community in which the attitude of students is determined by the nature of their joint activities, its goals and objectives. The organizer of the team is the teacher from whom all requirements come. Stage 2 – strengthening the influence of the asset. The activist not only fulfills the teacher’s requirements, but also imposes them on the members of the team, based on what is beneficial and what is harmful to the team. The team at the 2nd stage of development acts as an integral system in which the mechanisms of self-organization and self-regulation begin to operate. The team here acts as an instrument for the purposeful education of certain personality qualities. The 3rd stage and subsequent stages are the flourishing of the team. The level and nature of the requirements - higher demands on oneself than on one’s comrades - indicates an already achieved level of education, stability of views and judgments. If the team has reached this stage of development, then it forms a holistic, moral personality. The main characteristics of a team are common experience and identical assessments of events. The 4th stage of development is the stage of movement. At this stage, each schoolchild, thanks to the acquired collective experience, makes certain demands on himself; the fulfillment of moral standards becomes his need. Here the process of education turns into the process of self-education.

There are no clear boundaries between stages of development. The next stage does not replace the previous one, but is added to it.

All groups create their own traditions. Traditions are such stable forms of collective life that help develop general norms behavior, develop, decorate collective life. Traditions are big and small.

A. S. Makarenko called a goal that can captivate and unite a team a perspective. He distinguished three types of perspectives: close, medium and distant. Close target based on personal interest. The middle perspective lies in the event project. It should be determined by time and complexity. Distant – distant in time, but the most socially significant goal.

Features of the formed team:

1) major – constant cheerfulness;

2) self-esteem;

3) friendly unity of members;

4) feeling of security;

5) activity towards ordered action;

6) restraint in emotions.

18 To form a full-fledged children's team, capable of independently developing and influencing the formation of an individual personality, the system of additional education for children has all the necessary objective conditions:

    all activities take place in the child’s free time;

    the choice of the type of activity, teacher and group of peers is made voluntarily;

In addition, it is in the field of additional education that objectively there is a potential basis for work on team formation - all participants of the child creative association engage in one activity that is interesting to everyone. But these objective conditions can only be considered as prerequisites for the creation children's group. The decisive factor is the subjective desire of the teacher to carry out this work, based on the awareness of its necessity for the full formation of the child’s personality. A teacher of additional education as a leader of a children's group is:

    a professional who is a model for a child in his chosen type of creative activity;

    a teacher who is able to help a student become an independent and creative person;

    a teacher who can significantly influence the formation of a student’s personality;

    leader of the children's team who can contribute social development each of its members.

A teacher can influence the formation and development of a children’s team in an additional education association through:

    creating a friendly and comfortable atmosphere in which every child could feel necessary and significant;

    creating a “success situation” for each member children's association to teach little man assert oneself among peers in a socially adequate way;

    usage various forms mass educational work, in which each pupil could gain social experience, trying himself in different social roles;

    the creation of children's self-government bodies in the creative association that can really influence the content of its activities.

Here are a few simple pedagogical techniques, the use of which will help every additional education teacher in forming a children's team. This work needs to start from the first classes, when the children who have enrolled in the children's association still know each other little: it is the organization of acquaintance that can become the basis for the formation of relationships in the children's team. In order for this to really happen, it is not enough to limit yourself to the usual roll call of children, but you should conduct a small acquaintance game, during which each of those present (including the teacher) will tell everyone a little about themselves. Also, from the very first lessons, you need to start developing together with the children the rules of behavior and interaction in the children's association (this could be the “Charter of the Children’s Association” or the “Code of a Member of the Children’s Association”). Such rules, thought out and set out by the children themselves, will be necessarily observed by them without additional reminders from the teacher. An addition to these actions can be an agreement between the members of the children's association and the teacher on a system for transmitting information, which will form everyone's responsibility not only for their own activities, but also for the actions of others.

A traditionally used ritual can reinforce the initial actions of working with a children's team - admission to membership in a children's association, during which each newcomer will be given a membership card, a badge (tie, chevron, etc.) with the image of a children's association, and will be introduced to the history and the most successful students . In preparation for such an event, each of the new members of the team will learn the motto and anthem of the collective creativity of the children and the teacher. The continuation of the work begun on forming a team can be the selection of a leader. Initially, this may be the head of the study group, who will help the teacher in organizational matters - checking those present in class, finding out the reasons for absence, transmitting information (at school or by phone). A system of temporary or permanent assignments for all pupils of the children's association can be gradually introduced. Such instructions (easy to carry out) will help each child feel like a member of the team, because It is for everyone that the order will be fulfilled. Such simple tasks can be considered, for example, checking the readiness of all children for the lesson (availability of the necessary tools, materials, items of clothing, etc.), organizing duty during or after the lesson, distributing any materials or items during the lesson, preparing classroom for a lesson, preparing any information for a specific educational topic, etc. Another way to unite students of a children's creative association into a single team can be the organization of various forms of “extracurricular” activities. To unite the guys, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a team birthday, a walk around the city, or a themed club day. The most important thing is that in this event itself and the process of its preparation there is at least a small but important participation for everyone, without exception. The next stage of work on the formation of a children's team is the election of a relatively permanent children's activist (council, headman, children's parliament, etc.), which will largely determine the life of the children's creative association: it is from the children's activist that the initiative in determining the themes and forms of not only mass affairs of a leisure and developmental nature, but also academic work. For example, preparing exhibition works, competitive performances, thematic projects within school year etc. The election of such an asset should be accepted by all members of the children's team as a voluntary action, and not as a desire of the teacher. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparatory work with children, during which the teacher and the children will discuss the need to select an asset, its functions, composition, period of activity and the regularity of changing members of the asset. Only when all the issues have been resolved can the entire team hold elections. You can “reinforce” the work of an asset with a special document - a regulation on the asset, which will record all positions related to its activities. The children's team is very united by various forms of outdoor activities: specialized camp, hike, expedition, field practice, etc. Here, each of the children is visible, the condition of the entire team depends on each, and the contribution of each determines success for everyone. When organizing a children's group during these events, you can use the same techniques that were listed above, because working with a group has the same patterns, regardless of the place and timing of its activities.

PAGE_BREAK--Children's group

A developed children's team is a necessary

Condition for self-affirmation of personality. It has a commonality of goals and

Adequacy of motives for substantive and practical joint activities

Nobility aimed at the benefit of society, concern for the overall result

Tate, certain organization and the nature of communication, the wide system

The theme of collective connections. The most developed forms of relationship

Children's personalities are created in the process of purposefully organizing them

Socially approved activities: educational, organizational,

Social, labor, artistic, sports, etc. At the same time

Giving the main types of children’s activities a specific target

Directions, social significance allows not only the formation

Tear down the children's relationships inside age groups, but also build them

On a single basis. The combination of mutual responsibility, with one hundred

Rhone, and on the other hand, the need to demonstrate independence in

Organization and implementation of prosocial activities ensures

Provides conditions for the development of true independence. Maxi-

The small development of children’s amateur performances is decisive

A sign of a developed children's team.

Socially recognized activity as a means of forming

Nia of the children's collective and certain relationships of its members can-

Can be implemented if it is appropriately

Organized at once.

This should be an organization in which:

What about children different ages carry out individual parts of the overall task

Dachas, i.e. age division is carried out;

B) the significant goals of this activity are both social,

So is the personal meaning;

C) an equal, proactive and creative position is ensured

The goal of each child (from planning activities to assessing its results)

D) continuity and complication of joint activities are carried out

Body, not only in terms of activity itself, but,

The main thing is from the position of its active participant, acting at the beginning

For the “contact” team, then for the general school, and then for

District, city, society;

D) this activity is aimed at the benefit of other people, about-

To humanity. It is in developed forms of socially approved activity

The child’s ability to take into account interests and position is formed

Another person and accordingly navigate your


As an educational tool, the children's team is organized

For adults. Wherein important acquires the question of the correlation

Shenia: 1) the needs of children in communication and 2) the tasks set

In front of this team. In almost any organized children's

When combining there is actually a certain combination of data

Two factors. However, the widest possibilities for their interaction

Actions are created in the conditions of a formed children's team.

Va. Actively including children in decisions socially important tasks, ta-

Which team provides diverse forms of communication, conditions

It provides opportunities for the development of the individual as a person. Psychological

The dagogical task in this case is to ensure that the child

The team was not perceived only as a form of expediency, which

Would be in the eyes of children educational function the team retreated to

Secondary to its socially useful function. Otherwise it

The educational impact is leveled out, replaced by the influence of

Called unofficial, informal children's associations.
A children's team existing in modern general education

Telly school is a multifaceted system, inside

In which children can be members of associations of different natures

And the duration of existence.

An important role is played by the nature of the relationships that are formed

Vary between children in a changing structure of permanent and temporary

Exchange associations that guide all schoolchildren through the situation

Managers and performers, developing the ability to command commodities

Rischa and obey a comrade, creating an extensive network of diverse

Figurative connections, relationships.

A special place in strengthening intercollective connections is occupied by the chain

Directed creation of temporary associations that allow organizing

To reduce the activities of children in small groups who are assigned

It is possible to carry out short-term tasks. Psychological originality

These groups is that a schoolchild in such an association, we

Usually only a few children read and are constantly under

The influence of public opinion of comrades and cannot evade-

Xia from accepted standards behavior. In addition, it is easier for children to

Provide independent leadership to a small number of peers.

But the main thing is that only in small groups everyone

The child can determine for himself such a position in the joint

Work in which he is able to apply all his knowledge and strength

And abilities, i.e. there is an opportunity for everyone to highlight

Its role in general activities, V to the greatest extent adequate

His individual inclinations.

To the number important points in organizing a children's group

Refers to the construction of contact associations of different ages

Schoolchildren. The composition of children's groups of different ages levels out

There is no tendency that usually exists in an association of peers to close

To repent in the circle of group interests. The child is influenced

Each such group and, occupying in it specific place, at the same

Time itself influences others, optimizing its own


But this path is realized only in a multifaceted childcare system.

Who is the school staff as a whole, where in complex structural connections

There are contact groups that differ in the duration of their existence.

Vovanie, volume and content of activity.

In the school community, a completely special psycho-

Logical situation. Availability for children of different ages and activities

Tykh different types activities common interests: general school
affairs, relationships between classes, groups, brigades, headquarters, circles -

Creates opportunities for establishing expanded relationships between children

Types of relationships.

In particular, the school team ensures unity,

Friendship, camaraderie between older and younger schoolchildren.

Renewing itself annually, the school team maintains the same

The same time has its own laws, customs, traditions and requirements. In this from-

Wearing it constantly acting force, helping to create

Give, stabilize, develop the interests of contact teams

Vov. The more pronounced collective principles in the general school

Lective, the more firmly the contact associations of children are welded; how

The general goal is more significant, broader, its social character is more visible,

Them stronger connections of all children's groups in their general hierarchy.

Purposeful organization of an extensive children's team

Provides the most favorable psychological conditions for-

Worlding the collectivist personality traits of each child.

Collectivism is one of the defining relationships of personal

Nosti in her specific activity - creative attitude to ob-

Meaningful to the cause, expressing the need for a cause needed by others

To people. Such a need cannot be formed in a closed collection.

Tiva, focused only on achieving his goals, which conceals

The danger of developing groupism. Often children, showing inside

of its team, the relationship of camaraderie, mutual assistance, responsibility

tvennosti, do not demonstrate the qualities of a collectivist outside

Your team.

What is the reason for the weak formation of collectivist qualities?

Honors? One of the most serious reasons for this can be

Indicate the child’s excessive isolation in the team.

Formation of a class team, a student team, undoubtedly

Nenno, contribute to the education of children in certain attitudes towards

To your team, within the team. However, even friendly

Relationships, relationships of business independence are still in themselves

Not identical to the collectivist personality traits of individual children

Those who make up the team.

Collectivism cannot be based only on the deeds of one’s own collective.

Tiwa, because being a collectivist means not only being sick

For the affairs of your team. The main thing in collectivism is social

Naya orientation of activity, creative attitude towards any other

To the person as a goal, and not as a means of activity.

Therefore, the formation of truly collectivist personal qualities

Nosti involves “abstraction” from the affairs and goals of a specific

The team, the connection of these activities and goals with broader objectives

Other groups that form society are on this path

Adolescents and young men develop personal responsibility for general de-

La. In this regard, the data obtained in the study are indicative

To identify the conditions for the formation of collectivist qualities of personal

Nosti children adolescence. Schematically these studies

They look like this.

However, the question arose about the degree of formation of the collective

Whist personality traits of children. To find out this, we checked

Den additional experiment. Its meaning was indirect

Checking how each teenager will behave in a situation

Bora between personal and social meaningful goal. It turned out that those

Children who have worked for a long time in a multifaceted team

Focusing not on specific, although socially important goals con-

tactful groups, but for a common, socially significant cause,

They have fairly stable collectivist qualities. Act-

Body work performed for society was important to them because

That this was connected with determining one’s place in society, with

Formation of self-awareness.

Therefore, the task of adults is to organize

Tsii prosocial activities in a children's group,

Which ensures the responsible attitude of children to the common cause

In a broad sense. It is in this case that the formation occurs

The personality of a child for whom a social cause is a necessity.

Therefore, it is necessary, by developing self-government of the children’s team,

Form children’s attitudes not only towards the goal of this team

(while saving it specific significance), but also to the common cause

The data obtained convince us of the need for simultaneous

Inclusion of children in a specially organized “sliding network”

Various teams:

A) educational, labor, organizational and social, artistic

Military, sports, gaming;

B) permanent, seasonal, temporary;

B) same- and different-age;

D) small and numerous.

Such a mobile network of multifaceted teams, provided

The subordination of socially significant goals of the activities of all collectives
tives and submission to the decision common task doesn't allow the child

Close yourself in a circle of close friends.

It continuously includes a small team in a large group

Children of the same age into a group of different ages, creating a

Interweaving interdependencies, breaking the boundaries of one’s specific

Go, “our” team, bringing children into society as a whole. At-

Why is this not a formal break, when the child participates “now there, then

Here”, and a system that, on the one hand, contributes to the formation

Vania of direct personal communication between children in a team, and

On the other hand, it ensures the child’s awareness of his inclusion not

Only to this team, but also to society.

In particular, big number teams, which include

The child enters at the same time, does not give him the opportunity to become

Western opposition, and the sliding forms of a diverse team

This possibility is excluded, creating conditions for a variety of

Communication, communication in pure form, to build friendships,

Cooperation, common views, interests of children.

So, the formation of the personality of a collectivist person requires

Organization of a multifaceted children's team system, system,

And not a conglomerate of classes, groups, circles, brigades, etc. At the same time

It is important to purposefully include each child in a comprehensive social

Alno approved activity in the system is specifically

A given multifaceted team with subordination of goals

Each specific team to resolve common socially significant

Tasks. It must be emphasized that raising children in a group

Ve, which is based on a system of prosocial activities

Ti is not one of a number of important educational principles, but a special

A unique, qualitatively unique approach to the formation of a growing

A person as an individual.


The process of including a student in the system of collective relations is complex, ambiguous, often contradictory and deeply individual. Schoolchildren - future members of the team - differ from each other in their state of health, appearance, character traits, degree of sociability, knowledge, skills, and many other traits and qualities. Therefore, they enter the system of collective relations in different ways, cause different reactions from comrades, and have different influence on the team.

The position of an individual in the system of collective relations largely depends on her individual social experience, which determines the nature of her judgments, system of value orientations, and line of behavior. This experience may or may not correspond to the judgments, values ​​and behavioral traditions that have developed in the team. There are three most common models for the development of relations between the individual and the team. 1) the individual submits to the collective (he can either submit to the demands of the collective naturally and voluntarily, or yield to it as an external superior force, or try to continue to maintain his independence and individuality, submitting to the collective only externally, formally); 2) the individual and the team are in optimal relationships; 3) the individual subjugates the collective.

Relationships between an individual and a group of peers at different age stages are different. In the first year of study, they are largely determined by the teacher through the organization educational activities children. Junior schoolchildren cooperate with each other, first of all, as representatives of a certain social community– students. Their character interpersonal relationships is primarily due to the influence of the teacher, his assessment, and the establishment of humane values ​​and norms of communication in the classroom. Organizing extracurricular interesting collective activities under the guidance of a teacher helps to establish a microclimate of cooperation in the classroom. mutual assistance, understanding and friendship. i.e. create a certain socio-cultural environment for positive development personality.

IN high school the nominal formation “class” becomes real. Children develop a feeling of “we are a community”, “we are a team”, which is expressed in the desire to express themselves not only in the classroom, but also within the framework of general school life. The activity emerging at this age takes on the character of developed cooperation based on independent goal setting, development of a plan, and general anticipation of results. Teenagers' relationships become more selective and stable friendships appear. The goal of interaction is the desire to be and act together, to make a personal contribution to achieving a common result.

Taking into account the characteristics of a teenager (the desire for social community, unity with peers, combined with independence), the teacher primarily takes the position of indirect influence on the nature of collective connections and relationships, encouraging schoolchildren to show initiative and creativity. The more personally significant motives of children are involved in joint activities, the more interesting it becomes for them. By organizing micro-groups based on interests, the teacher involves students in activities in clubs, sections, and school-wide events.

A feature of relationships among high school students is the desire to “translate” significant individual qualities peers and the group’s willingness to integrate the individual manifestations of classmates for successful implementation group activities. Older teenagers are characterized by a pronounced orientation towards future life, profession, extended field social contacts, a fairly high level of development of self-awareness. Taking these features into account, the teacher creates conditions for a broad and multifaceted manifestation of independence, self-organization, and initiative. cool team. In such a team, the unique personality of a teenager is revealed in an atmosphere of creative self-realization.

Thus, throughout school age a children's team under the guidance of a teacher becomes a sociocultural entity with developed system social connections and uniting children striving for common goals, cooperation, achieving meaningful results.

Characterizing the characteristics of a children's group at different age stages, we can highlight some general points related to the entry of an individual into society. This process, according to A.V. Petrovsky, includes several phases.

1. Adaptation of the individual in a team involves active absorption it of the norms in force in a given community and mastery of the corresponding forms and means of activity.

2. Individualization of an individual in a team is generated by the contradiction between the adaptation achieved by him in the team and the unsatisfied need for maximum personalization.

3. Integration of the individual in the team is manifested in the fact that the team accepts the individual and evaluates him individual characteristics. The individual, in turn, establishes cooperative relationships with team members. During this period, she has the opportunity to most fully demonstrate her individuality and creative contribution to collective activities.

My positive role in the development of the individual, the team fully manifests itself under the condition successful completion subject of all phases, which determines the development of social orientation and the formation of the subjective position of the individual in communication and cooperation with other people.

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The question of the relationship between the collective and the individual is one of the key ones, and in the conditions of democratization of education, respect for human rights and freedoms, it acquires particular importance. For many decades, the question of the formation of a student’s personality through influence on the team in the domestic pedagogical literature was hardly considered. It was believed that the individual must unconditionally obey the collective. Now we have to look for new solutions that correspond to the spirit of the times, relying on the deep philosophical concepts of man and the experience of world pedagogical thought.

The process of including a student in the system of collective relations is complex, ambiguous, and often contradictory. First of all, it should be noted that he is deeply individual. Schoolchildren, future members of the team, differ from each other in health, appearance, character traits, degree of sociability, knowledge, skills, and many other traits and qualities. Therefore, they enter the system of collective relations in different ways, cause different CQ reactions from their comrades, and have the opposite effect on the team.

The position of an individual in the system of collective relations depends most significantly on his individual social experience. It is experience that determines the nature of her judgments, her system of value orientations, and her line of behavior. It may or may not correspond to the judgments, values ​​and behavioral traditions that have developed in the team. Where this correspondence is evident, the inclusion of the individual in the system of existing relationships is greatly facilitated. In those cases when the student has a different experience (narrower, poorer, or, conversely, richer than the experience social life team), it is more difficult for him to establish relationships with peers. Its position is especially difficult when individual social experience contradicts the values ​​accepted in a given group. The collision of opposing lines of behavior and views on life is simply inevitable here and, as a rule, leads to different, not always predictable, results.

Let us conclude: how the relationship between the individual and the collective will develop depends not only on the qualities of the individual himself, but also on the collective. The most favorable, as experience confirms, relationships develop where the team has already reached a high level of development, where it represents a force based on traditions, public opinion, the authority of self-government. Such a team relatively easily establishes normal relations with those who are part of it.

Each person, with more or less energy, strives for self-affirmation in the team, to take a favorable position in it. But not everyone succeeds in this - subjective and objective reasons. Not everyone, due to their natural capabilities, manages to achieve visible success, overcome shyness, critically comprehend differences in value orientations with the team. Particularly difficult younger schoolchildren, who have not yet sufficiently developed self-awareness and self-esteem, the ability to correctly assess the attitude of the team and comrades towards themselves, to find that place in the team that, corresponding to their capabilities, would make them interesting people in the eyes of their comrades, worthy of attention. In addition to subjective reasons, there are also objective reasons: monotony of activities and a narrow range of technical social roles which a student can play in a group; poverty of content and monotony organizational forms communication between team members, their lack of culture of perception of each other, their inability to see in a friend something interesting and valuable that deserves attention.

Scientific research has identified the three most common models for the development of relations between the individual and the team: 1) the individual submits to the team (conformism); 2) the individual and the team are in optimal relationships (harmony); 3) the individual subjugates the collective (nonconformism). In each of these general models, many lines of relationships are distinguished, for example: the collective rejects the individual; the individual rejects the collective; coexistence based on the principle of non-interference, etc.

According to the first model, a person can submit to the demands of the collective naturally and voluntarily, he can yield to the collective as an external superior force, or he can try to continue to maintain his independence and individuality, submitting to the collective only outwardly, formally. If the desire to join a team is obvious, the individual leans toward the values ​​of the group and accepts them. The team “absorbs” the individual, subordinating him to the norms, values ​​and traditions of his life.

The second line of behavior is possible different ways developments of events: 1) the individual outwardly submits to the demands of the team, while maintaining internal independence; 2) the personality openly “rebels,” resists, and conflicts. The motives for adapting the individual to the team, its norms and values ​​are varied. The most common motive that existed in our school groups was the desire to avoid unnecessary and unnecessary complications, troubles, and the fear of spoiling the “characteristics”. In this case, the student only externally perceives the norms and values ​​of the team, expresses those judgments that are expected of him, and behaves in a different situations as is customary in the team. However, outside the school community, he reasons and thinks differently, focusing on his previously developed social experience. This condition can be temporary, transitional, or it can remain permanent. The latter is observed when the previously established social experience of the individual, which is inadequate to the experience of the collective, receives reinforcement from other groups (family, yard company, etc.).

Open "rebellion" against the staff is a rare phenomenon in our schools. The guys “revolt” only occasionally and then on unprincipled issues. The sense of self-preservation takes over. The team that has broken the personality acts in relation to it as a gendarme. This contradicts the humane approach to education, and teachers have something to think about when developing new ways to improve the relationship between the individual and the team.

The ideal of relationships is the harmonization of the individual and the team. According to some estimates, comfortable conditions Less than 5% of the schoolchildren surveyed consider their life to be part of a team. In-Depth Study These guys showed that they are endowed with rare natural collectivist qualities, and therefore are able to get along in any team, have acquired positive social experience of human life and, moreover, find themselves in well-formed teams. In this case, there are no contradictions between the individual and the team. Each member of the team is interested in the existence of a friendly, long-term association.

A typical model of relations between the individual and the collective, characteristic of our recent school, is coexistence. The individual and the collective coexist, observing formal relations, while being called a collective, but not being one in essence. In most cases, the team establishes dual system values, a double field of moral tension, when, within the framework of activities organized with the participation of teachers, positive relationships, and with disorganized communication they remain negative. This is due to the fact that the guys cannot show their individuality in the team, but are forced to play imposed roles. Where it is possible to expand the range of sols, schoolchildren find positions that satisfy them in the team, and their position in the system of relations becomes more favorable.

The third model of the relationship between the individual and the collective, when the individual subjugates the collective, is not common. Still, given the activity so. so-called informal leaders, and consequently the presence of double and often triple systems of values ​​and relationships, this model cannot be ignored. Bright personality, her individual experience may, for one reason or another, prove attractive in the eyes of team members. This attraction is most often due to personal qualities, unusualness of judgments or actions, originality of status or position. In this case, the social experience of the team may change. This process can be dual in nature and lead both to the enrichment of the social experience of the collective, and to its impoverishment if the new idol becomes informal leader and orients the team towards a lower value system than the one that the team has already achieved.

Psychologists and educators note the widespread position of members school groups, in which individualism manifests itself in a hidden, veiled form. There are many schoolchildren who are very willing to take on the proposed work, especially responsible ones. To shine, to be in everyone's sight, to show their superiority over others and often at the expense of others is a frequent motive for their zeal. They are not sad bad condition things in the team, sometimes they even rejoice at the general failures of the class, since against this background their own achievements shine brighter.

Of course, the considered models do not exhaust the entire huge variety of relationships between the individual and the collective, the analysis of which in each specific case we must approach fully armed with knowledge psychological mechanisms motivation of activity and behavior of the individual, as well as patterns social pedagogy and psychology.

What is more important: mental or physical beauty?

What is more important: mental or physical beauty - this is the problem he discusses famous writer Yu. Bondarev.

This moral question, raised by the author, has worried people for a long time. The famous German philosopher I. Kant once spoke about this: “The beautiful is a symbol moral goodness“It’s not physical beauty, but mental beauty that is more important in life!” Nowadays, this problem is topical: young people react only to external signs beauty, forgetting about inner spiritual wealth.

Yu. Bondarev, talking about an incident at a disco, undoubtedly takes the side of an ugly girl on the outside, but beautiful on the inside. She was able to repel the handsome scoundrel. While drawing his heroine, the author admires her.

I share the point of view of Yu. Bondarev: spiritual beauty, which the heroine of the text possesses, is much more important than beauty physical.

I can cite the example of the hero of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”, the handsome Anatoly Kuragin. As if V.G. was talking about him. Belinsky: “Beauty elevates moral virtues, but without them, beauty in our time exists only for the eyes, and not for the heart.”

Approving the act of the proud and smart girl, I remember another heroine of L. Tolstoy’s novel - Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. Ugly, in moments of emotional excitement, opening her beautiful eyes, she became a beauty, giving many of her interlocutors moral lessons!

Thus, we can conclude that a person’s spiritual beauty is more important than physical beauty.

The connection between talent and hard work

The connection between talent and hard work is the problem that the author reflects on.

This creative question, raised by S. Petrov, is not new for society. How many critics, philosophers, public figures, evaluating works outstanding writers, artists, poets, talked about the inseparable existence of these two concepts. After all, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said that without difficulty he would not have been able to “draw the content of his poems from the depths of his soul with fearless sincerity.”

I agree with the melancholy view of S. Petrov that talent is a gift of nature, but it is also work, exhausting, often painful labor of the soul. Those who say that talent is 99% labor and 1% inspiration are right.

Inspiration is born in the process of hard work, caused by a sincere desire to comprehend, embody, and achieve what is sought.

In the work of N.V. Gogol's "Portrait" the author talks about tragic fate talented artist Chartkov, who served big hopes. But the wealth that fell upon him prevented this from happening. Chartkov became famous, but his paintings were mediocre, he simply carried out the will of the customer, there was not a drop of true creativity in his works. Without difficulty, his talent, so noticeable at the beginning, simply disappeared.

Creativity is a bright fusion of talent and hard work famous writer L.N. Tolstoy, who devoted his entire life to literature. For example, the author rewrote his novel “War and Peace,” a huge work, seven times! And this contributed to the fact that this work has become so popular in Russian and world fiction.

The tragedy of a lonely soul

The tragedy of a lonely soul is the problem that M. Yu. Lermontov pondered.

This social and moral issue has been relevant for centuries. Many writers, poets, philosophers and public figures pondered over it. So, for example, V. Hugo said: “Loneliness... The poison is contained in this word.”

I completely agree with the opinion of M. Yu. Lermontov: after all, we are often more lonely among people than alone with ourselves.

Let us recall the story of A.P. Chekhov “Tosca”. It tells the story of the tragic fate of cab driver Iona Potapov. Having lost his only son, he wants to share his grief with someone, but no one cares about the unfortunate father. Out of despair, Jonah decided to tell his story to the horse: it seemed to him that only she could sympathize with his misfortune...

Another striking example is the story of A.P. Chekhov “Vanka”. Main character of this work is the orphan Vanka Zhukov. He was given to a shoemaker to study in Moscow, where he lives hard. The boy no longer suffers from beatings, but from loneliness. He pours out his melancholy in a letter to his grandfather Konstantin Makarovich. The funny address on the envelope, written by Vanka, tells us, the readers, that the boy will remain alone in a cruel and cold world.

Relationships between the individual and the team

The relationship between the individual and the collective is the problem that the author reflects on

In the fragment proposed for analysis, N. Tatarintsev gives shining example how the student was not afraid to go against the opinion of the entire class, contrasted his point of view with the collective one and convinced all his classmates that he was right. The author is proud of his hero.

N. Tatarintsev believes that every person should always have own opinion, and also be able to defend it.

I completely agree with the opinion of N. Tatarintsev. After all, each of us must be a mature individual, have our own views, tastes, and preferences. Otherwise, a person, as an individual, simply will not exist.

Let's remember one of the founders scientific sociology M. Weber and his work “Understanding Sociology”. In it the author reflects on the problems social behavior and socialization of the individual, suggests that it is necessary for the individual to realize their potential, sometimes without reacting to public opinion.

I often have to defend own point vision among classmates, which was more than once accompanied by the development conflict situation. However, the ability to argue your opinion and prove own rightness help regulate relationships in the team.