What does credit mean? The purpose of the differential offset

If you came here looking for secret techniques for cheating during a test or exam, you will be disappointed. Cribs and “bombs” are a path to nowhere and a consequence of a much more serious problem.

A person will not be able to take anything seriously and will not achieve success until he answers the main question for himself: “Why do I need this?”

Having understood the importance and necessity of achieving a goal, you will strive for it with all your might, and you will no longer need any external additional motivation. Ask yourself this question until you get to the bottom of the truth.

Why are you studying? To get a crust? For what? To get a promising high-paying job? There, the truth will be revealed instantly, because any normal employer does not look at the diploma, but at real knowledge, skills and experience. So why? Did your parents decide that their son should definitely become a financier, although you are clearly drawn to coding? This is a very difficult situation, but there are at least two ways out of it:

  1. Talk to your parents. Explain to them that you are interested in something else, that you are doomed to a life you don’t want. Give reasons for your desires so that your words sound not like a whim, but like a thoughtful, balanced decision. Changing faculty and even universities is more than possible. Yes, you can lose time, but it’s better to waste a year than to spend your whole life doing uninteresting work, regretting what you didn’t do and envying those who had the courage to realize their dreams.
  2. Combine. This option is the golden mean and is often even better than changing the place of study and specialty. The real world is designed in such a way that a specialist in two fields has more opportunities than a specialist in one. Let's take the example of social and technical sciences. Being a developer is good, but being a developer with expert knowledge in the field of human behavior is much better, as it opens the way to big data and similar extremely promising areas. Of course, it is difficult to obtain two higher educations at once, but life in principle is not an easy thing. If the task seems impossible, ask yourself again: “Why do I need this?” If you find the answer, you will find a way to achieve the goal.

Attitude to the educational process

You won't have to catch up if you don't lag behind. Follow the curriculum and there will be no problems.

The probability of successfully passing the session is determined from the first day of the semester.

Now it is extremely important for you to understand that you are not studying in order to pass tests and exams. You study to become a specialist, an expert, a professional in your field. The session is generally secondary. It is much more important to absorb and learn to apply knowledge. In this situation, everything gives up on its own. You won’t even notice the session, because, in addition to the university program, you want to absorb a ton more information on the side. This is much more interesting and useful than some tests and exams.

Yes, self-study is an integral part of a student’s life. Our education system is imperfect; programs are often outdated, incomplete or not applicable in life. Every year thousands of qualified theorists graduate from universities, but they do not know how to work. As a result, the employer has to teach them everything. Why? Because students approach education unconsciously, they do not understand what they are doing here and why.

Imagine that you are applying for a job in your specialty right now. Search the Internet for examples of test tasks and requirements for specialists in your field. Can you complete these tasks and meet the requirements? No? Well, but now you clearly understand what you should know and be able to do.

If we talk directly about the process of acquiring knowledge within the walls of a university, then there are several universal tips that seem banal, but always work:

  1. Go to lectures, write and ask questions. This way the information is well absorbed. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them. It is very important to avoid situations where you no longer understand what the teacher is saying. If you can't recap the lecture after it's over, something is wrong. Sit down and take notes, otherwise in the next class everything will get even worse, and then again, again and again. Clear formulas and terms will turn into meaningless icons and words.
  2. Go to practice, complete assignments. This way you will learn to apply the acquired knowledge. Nobody needs theorists.
  3. Study what's happening in your specialty in the real world. Your coursework and other work should be relevant, useful, and solve problems that humanity is dealing with today. All this will have a good effect on the teaching attitude towards you, and at the same time it will go into the “Achievements” section of your first resume.

Useful tips to follow immediately before and during the test or exam:

  1. Come to the change, even if you are not ready at all. This is where probability theory comes into play. If you don’t show up for a test or exam, then the chance of passing it is zero. If you come to a test or exam without preparation, then there is a non-zero chance of passing the subject. How? The teacher may take pity and allow admission even without completing the curriculum. You may get that one question to which you know the answer. To put it simply, by showing up for the test, you can influence the situation, but by not showing up, you can’t. In the eyes of the teacher, you have given up, given up on your dream, and there is no point in helping you anymore.
  2. Be one of the first or last to answer. Usually the most prepared ones go first, aiming for an A. If you studied correctly, you should be among them. By answering among the last, you risk not getting the maximum grade, since the teacher is already tired, hungry and is no longer ready to spend additional time on a detailed test of your knowledge. The same state of the recipient of the subject can play into the hands of those who study incorrectly. The teacher will not dig deep and most likely will not even listen to your answer. All you have to do is not screw up the first few words, and a C grade is almost guaranteed.
  3. Write cheat sheets and bombs, but not to use them. Repetition is the mother of learning. When creating cheat sheets and “bombs”, you will inevitably at least somehow study and repeat what you write. Some of this will stick in your head. Roughly speaking, preparing for cheating without subsequently using it is a type of preparation for passing, and a very effective one at that.
  4. Get your preparation materials in order. If the answer to one question is scattered across three notes and two textbooks, then you will spend more time searching for information than absorbing and repeating it.

Attitude towards teachers and other students

The younger a person is, the less conscious he is. Studying at school is torture for him, and the teacher is a tyrant. This distortion of perception goes away after years and does not allow you to establish correct relationships with university teachers.

Understand one simple thing: a teacher is not an enemy, not a villain, not an adversary who is just looking for a way to fail and expel you. Giving knowledge and checking the quality of its assimilation is his job. Your job is to acquire this knowledge, internalize it, and learn to apply it. Otherwise, why are you studying?

It turns out that with the right perception, the teacher becomes your friend and you now have common goals. Accordingly, the relationship between you should be as sincere and honest as possible.

Ask the teacher a question: “What should I do to learn and pass your subject as successfully as possible?”

This way you will show your consciousness, namely, your interest in acquiring knowledge, and at the same time you will be aware of the criteria and views of the teacher on the learning process. If there are problems, such as not being able to attend all couples, report them and find out how to compensate.

Ask senior students for whom your teacher has already taught classes. What are the features? What do you absolutely need to do? Is 100% attendance required?

Classmates, classmates and senior students are your friends. You can help them, and they can help you. Maintaining friendly relations with colleagues is extremely important. You can do more if you stick together. Don’t refuse to help others, but don’t let them get on your neck either.

Attitude to yourself, your health and money

Students very rarely think about their health. Why? Because the body is young and still works like a clock. He can do almost anything. You can party until four in the morning, sleep for three hours, come to the first couple and be a cucumber. It is difficult for a person to understand something that he has not yet encountered, but then it will be too late.

An unhealthy lifestyle now causes enormous damage to your body, often irreparable. You may not notice it yet, but in the next 10–15 years everything will come back to haunt you.

You “live life to the fullest” and believe that this does not prevent you from studying effectively. In reality, you simply do not realize what you are capable of.

Notice how much better you feel just by getting a good night's sleep. How much additional strength and energy appears if you simply eat on time. Some students, trying to compensate for an unconscious approach to studying during the semester, turn to all sorts of doping during the session. This is the stupidest thing you can do on the eve of an important test or exam, especially if you have not dealt with this drug before. Do you know what side effects and individual intolerance are? In the best case, nothing will happen, in the not-so-worst case - a hospital and a failed session.

Calling on young people to adopt a healthy lifestyle is probably naive. You won't listen anyway. In this case, try to take my word for it and conduct a simple experiment: take food, sports and recreation under control for just a couple of weeks and see what happens.

  1. Follow your diet throughout the day. Learn the basics of nutrition and learn how to cook at least basic healthy meals. Proper nutrition, which, by the way, is not necessarily expensive if you prepare it yourself, will give you energy and strength for productive studies.
  2. Add daily morning exercises and 2-4 full workouts per week in addition to the university physical education program. Choose any sport that you like. Running, football, tennis, gym, horizontal bars, swimming - it doesn’t matter. Physical activity has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and brain function, endurance, general well-being and improves sleep quality.
  3. Don't sacrifice sleep. Ask yourself the question: “What is more important to me? One more game or an opportunity to rest so that tomorrow we can study well and become even closer to our cherished goal?

On the contrary, students think about finances, and a lot. This is because there is always not enough money. Try a part-time job in your specialty. This will give you not only additional funds, but also work experience, the ability to solve real problems, and a general idea of ​​what adult life is like.

The problem of an empty wallet is well solved by a conscious approach to your health. Reducing your entertainment expenses frees up a decent amount of money for more important things:

  1. Good food. Spend your money on the highest quality food possible. Seriously. Your young and still growing body needs this most of all.
  2. Educational laptop. There is no point in chasing trends and capacities. You want a workhorse that's affordable, comfortable, and highly functional without being overpowering. The laptop is inferior to the tablet in terms of mobility, but it can do much more and is much better suited for typing.
  3. Economical printer. You will have to type a lot. So many. Regardless of specialty. Even techies who are supposed to have everything digital still print hundreds of pages every semester. Obviously, printing one, even a very large piece of work is cheaper than buying a printing device, but if you look at it on the scale of the entire training time, then purchasing a printer becomes much more profitable.

Canon Pixma G are ideal printers for students. The Pixma G series is designed and created with one goal in mind - to print a lot and cheaply. Inkjet technology is not inferior in quality to laser technology, but its printing price is much lower. Large-capacity refillable Pixma G ink tanks are located at the front of the printer. You will always know how much ink is left, and if necessary, you can easily, quickly and for minimal money replenish your supply.

      A test with an assessment (differentiated test) is a form of assessing the assimilation of educational material of disciplines (sections of disciplines), as well as the implementation of practice programs.

      Graded tests (differentiated tests) are accepted by teachers who conducted practical classes in the group, or by lecturers of the stream.

      The results of passing the intermediate certification for disciplines for which, in accordance with the curriculum, the form of control “pass with assessment (differentiated assessment)” is provided, are assessed with the marks “passed” / “pass” (“excellent” / “good” / “satisfactory”), “failed” / “failure”. Evaluation criteria are formed by departments and reflected in the work programs of academic disciplines. The criteria for transferring the rating assessment to the traditional one are determined by the Regulations on the rating system for assessing the academic performance and quality of knowledge of students at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov."

      The results of oral tests with a grade (differentiated tests) and tests are announced to the student on the day of delivery, the results of written tests with a grade (differentiated tests) can be announced (and processed) later, but no later than the day the report is submitted to the dean’s office.

      Positive grades are entered in the transcript and grade book, unsatisfactory grades are recorded only in the test and examination sheet. When giving a grade, abbreviations are allowed: “excellent,” “good,” “satisfactory,” “pass,” “fail.” Next to the traditional grade in the test and examination sheet, the number of rating points scored by the student is indicated in parentheses. The number of points scored by the student is entered into the score sheet.

      If a student fails to appear for a test or retake, the teacher enters the entry “did not appear” (“n/a”) in the test and examination sheet against his last name.

      The defense of the practice report with a test with a grade (differentiated test) is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for conducting student practice.

      Test reports are submitted to the dean's office on the next working day after the test with an assessment (differentiated test), if it is carried out orally or two working days after it is carried out, but no later than the day of the end of the intermediate assessment (session), if it is carried out in writing form.

      Acceptance of graded tests (differentiated tests) after the end of the intermediate certification (session) is carried out according to an individual test and examination sheet. Individual test and examination reports are issued to teachers by the dean's office 4.

      The grades received by the student based on the results of passing graded tests (differentiated tests) are taken into account when calculating the number of “excellent” and “good” grades for obtaining a diploma with honors.” When receiving “satisfactory” grades based on the results of graded tests (differentiated tests), the student cannot apply for a diploma with honors, except for the cases set out in clause 8.7. of this provision.

What is differentiated credit?

    Many modern students of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions are faced with the concept of differentiated credit.

    A differentiated test in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution is practically the same as an exam, because based on the test results, students are given grades that are entered in the student’s record book and affect the award of a scholarship.

    With differentiated assessment, teachers give grades to students based on the results of coursework or practice, without conducting an exam on tickets.

    A differentiated test is a test in which you receive an assessment of your knowledge, usually on a four-point system. Unsatisfactory and the test was not passed, ud - satisfactory, choir - good, excellent - excellent. All possible options. Such a credit is usually more difficult to obtain than a regular one with a pass or fail mark; teachers ask more, since this is often the end of the course of the subject and a grade is given based on the results of the entire course.

    A differentiated test (from the word differentiation - division, dismemberment) is a veiled exam. When it is no longer possible to give exams in the curriculum, and the subject is important in the specialty and should be included in the list of sciences taken (that is, be recorded in the diploma), they conduct a test in which everything you know and don’t know is shaken out of you. And then they put in the record book not a general, faceless test, but a mark that is important for calculating the scholarship.

    Differentiated credit is a test that is assessed and grades are given, not only pass/fail. Grades of differentiated credits, as a rule, affect the amount of the scholarship and are included in the diploma insert.

    Everyone knows that credits do not affect a student’s scholarship. But differentiated is what makes an impact. This is a form of assessment. That is, take such a test as an exam. If you do poorly, you may lose your scholarship.

    This is a test with grades. In essence, this is the same exam, only the exams are conducted on basic courses, and tests, including differentiated ones, are taken either in special courses or in practical classes. Just as with exams, the pass grade affects the scholarship.

    A differentiated test is, so to speak, a half test and a half exam, that is, during the session, in most cases, you take a differentiated test as a test and the grade is given as in an exam. Different institutes/universities differ. the assessment is carried out differently)

    A differentiated test is not a very ordinary test, where the marks can be found only as passed or not passed. But on such a differentiated test, grades are given directly. which directly affect the picture of your academic performance, including your scholarship.

    Differentiated credit(or an oral response to an assessment) is a form of assessing the level of mastery of the content of a section of the discipline and the implementation of the practice program. The teacher can conduct this kind of control periodically. The results of the test assignment by students influence the final grade for the diploma. If a student fails to appear for a differentiated test, the teacher records the failure to appear on the checklist and a retake date is set. Differentiated credit allows the teacher to assess the level of learning and success of each student’s learning, taking into account their individual abilities. Differentiated credit is often creative in nature.

in Russia Federation is a form of control and assessment of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Conducted by a teacher as an individual or group interview, survey, practical. work, etc.

In universities, etc. specialist. uch. institutions are organized after completion of seminars and practical training. classes in a specific section of the curriculum. course, after training or production. practice, as well as the implementation of an established series of laboratory and calculation-graphic tests. works Passing all 3. stipulated by the course. plan for this semester - obligatory. condition for admission of a student or student to the exam. sessions. Course projects (works) completed by 3., production reports. practice, 3. in disciplines established by the University Council or pedagogical. advice cf. specialist. uch. establishments are assessed differentially. mark (included in the diploma insert). In other cases, the knowledge, abilities and skills of the student or student are assessed with a single mark of “passed”.

On Wednesday. general education school 3. is carried out ch. arr. in high school, in vocational schools - in general education. and societies. disciplines. On 3. large topics of study are discussed. programs. 3. organized for the purpose of consolidating and generalizing the acquired knowledge and training. skills taking into account the results of ongoing monitoring. In evening school 3. is a form of ongoing control and is mandatory for students. List 3., requirements and recommendations for preparing for them are announced to students in advance. The teacher organizes such training in lessons and special classes. consultations. The effectiveness of 3. largely depends on the content and nature of test questions, which are advisable to formulate so that the student can demonstrate knowledge of the basics in an oral response. laws of science, cause and effect. connections between phenomena, the ability to give a correct presentation of a specific topic. In accordance with the specifics of the subject, written 3 can be used. In this case, task cards, teaching materials are widely used. tables with printed base, etc.

Lit.: Credit system in evening school, ed. O. E. Lebedeva, M., 1974; Zinoviev S.I., Uch. process in Soviet higher school, M.

Of course, it is possible that you will be very lucky and the teacher will automatically certify the entire group. And if not? With a catastrophic lack of time and lack of genius, rational thinking and enterprise will help.

How to prepare for a test if you have little knowledge and time, but you need to learn a lot

Don’t even think about spending the rest of your coffee and blessed sleep time on a voluminous textbook: by the morning you will be abandoned by the sketchy ones you had. All you need to do is make bookmarks with ticket numbers. Then you can take a walk in the fresh air, but not for too long: you should get a good night’s sleep before the test.

It’s very easy to pass the test without learning the tickets

When you arrive, let your classmates go ahead. For those who were lucky enough to pass the test, as well as for those who were not lucky enough to pass it, ask not only the mood of the teacher, but also the ticket number. Mark the bookmarks with the numbers of the drawn tickets. As a rule, there are not too many exam tickets - 1-2 for each student.

Usually there are no more than five people in the room with the teacher. When there are five of you left in the corridor, divide the remaining ones among yourself and write cheat sheets for each of them. Twenty minutes is enough for this.

Mutual assistance will help all top five students pass the test successfully

When the first of the remaining five people enters the office, he should not close the door tightly behind him. Having pulled out the ticket, the student says its number out loud, loudly and clearly, so that those remaining outside the door can hear. If he prepared the answers to the questions on the ticket himself, not . In this case, you can pass the test quite successfully. If one of the classmates wrote a cheat sheet for the drawn out ticket, he enters the office next and passes what was written to the one who entered before him. It goes without saying that he also calls out his ticket number loud and clear. After the answer, the first of the five goes out into the corridor and gives the unused cheat sheets to the rest. And so on until the last student. Simple and effective. Try it!


  • how to pass the exam

Many schoolchildren and students find it very difficult to pass various testing tests, including tests. Stress, fear, improper organization of preparation for the test and ignorance of the nuances of correct behavior directly during the test are to blame here.


Review all topics and historical dates that will appear in the test questions. Write down dates and relevant events on a separate sheet of paper - this will help you remember them faster. Alternate preparation for the test with rest, change types of activities, this promotes better memory.

Don't sit all night repeating material, it won't do anything good. You won't get enough sleep, and it's impossible to learn everything in one night. It is better to carefully read the textbook before going to bed, the information received at this time is firmly absorbed by the brain.

Come to the test early. If the form of it is such that students enter the classroom one at a time, do not go in the last rows, repeating unlearned questions as you go. This will only cause confusion in your thoughts, and the tired person will be much more irritated by the end of the test.

Answer the teacher’s questions in a confident tone; don’t be confused if you don’t know any of them. You can try to organically “attach” the information you know to the required unknown. For example, a teacher may