Beauty and if in the soul. Beauty of the soul: quotes and poems of great people

It is generally accepted that a person is endowed with freedom of will and action, that he is a free creature because he has freedom of choice. But if you think about it, people one way or another depend on each other. And if something doesn’t go well for someone, then there will be someone who will also suffer because of it.

The same strikes of workers in one or another field of activity often occur due to salary cuts or even a complete long-term lack of payment of money for work. The strikers suffer no less than those who were drawn into this situation, even if not on purpose.

But, despite the fact that a person works, is busy with his family, that he has any obligations to others, he is still considered a free creature and uses the remnants of his freedom as he can and sees fit. Even if a person moves from a city to a village, he still must work to feed himself.

Outwardly (from the side visible to everyone), a person can be very busy, always running somewhere. But all this and much more cannot become an obstacle to creating your own unique inner world within yourself, where secret thoughts, desires, hopes and dreams are often stored.

The inner world of a person can be called a treasury, a container where his soul lives. It is invisible to anyone, imperceptible even by its bearer, it is truly free and has no barriers. Because even the human body is still subject to various laws and is not capable of everything. And if a person in real life also suffers from some kind of illness, then his external freedom is also very relative. But inside ourselves, thanks to the soul and what we place in it, we can feel free. It happens that in reality you are at your workplace, but in your thoughts you are somewhere far away. You fly away from everything, dive inside yourself, remember the past, think about the present and the future, and nothing stops you from plunging inside your soul.

And if in reality some long-awaited event happens to a person, then the soul sings inside him, and his eyes burn, filled with happiness and love for the world. And through the radiance of the eyes, the soul reveals its presence in a person, its jubilation and awe, because it is not for nothing that the eyes are called the mirror of the human soul.

The best thing about a person is his soul. Because a person can control the body with the help of the brain, but with the soul everything is more complicated. The soul does not and cannot have limits; it is multifaceted and immeasurable. Thomas Aquinas once said that in every soul there lives a desire for happiness and meaning. It's hard to disagree with this.

The soul, like the heart, sometimes cannot be controlled by a person, because it is alive and real, and the physical (bodily) sometimes “blurs” the soul, because it is easier for a person to live this way.

It often happens that for one reason or another a person strives to hide his soul (its kindness) from others and withdraws into himself. But if a person wants to find a way out for his good spiritual impulses, then sooner or later he will find a way out for them. Everyone expresses this differently. Some begin to paint pictures professionally or at the call of the soul for themselves and loved ones, others write poetry, children's fairy tales or do something else, because the soul urgently demands it, because through their spiritual impulses a person often gets rid of the complexes and obstacles that exist outside.

The soul is something that cannot be seen or felt, but this does not stop it from making us better, kinder and more tolerant of people and the world around us. I would like to conclude the article with the words of the German poet and playwright Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, who said the following about the soul: “The beauty of the soul gives charm to even a plain body, just as the ugliness of the soul puts a special imprint on the most magnificent constitution and on the most beautiful members of the body.” , which arouses in us an inexplicable disgust."

The beauty of the human soul- the most valuable thing on earth, and it simply cannot be overestimated. Appearance is just a shell, an external design of the inner world of a person.

“What delights us in visible beauty is always only the invisible”

Just give the inner self a chance to express itself, to shed the husks of layers that burden the soul. Accumulated over the years, our ego is in no hurry to lose ground, and those who think that cleansing the soul and returning it to its former beauty are easy and problem-free are deeply mistaken. People who have taken the path of self-development will agree with me that this process is difficult, but joyful.

Why is this necessary?

I foresee a chorus of voices objecting to me. Therefore, respecting everyone's opinion, I will not argue with anyone. Your soul, like yours, is only in your hands! You have every right to believe in the existence of a spiritual component of man. How to deal with this is also within the limitations of each individual.

Just remember that a beautiful soul loves definitely its owner, believes and waits for his insight! For she herself chose him, came into this world, goes through all the tests with him and only after

What is beauty? There have been endless debates about what is hidden under this concept since the beginning of the creation of the world. Oscar Wilde said that beauty has as many meanings as there are moods in a person. But this is about the visible, about the tip of a beautiful iceberg. And what is hidden under the dark layer of water is the beauty of the human soul. There is even more debate about it. This is what we will talk about.

The essence of the world

There is an opinion that in our time they talk less and less about spirituality, about what the true beauty of the soul is, and they pay more and more attention to the external, to what can be seen, touched, bought or sold. Is it so? Perhaps this is true. But on the other hand, the essence of the world does not change. There have always been and will be rich and poor, truth and lies, sincerity and hypocrisy, love and hate, black and white. Everything is. The essence does not change, only new means are born. This means that the conversation about what the beauty of the soul is does not lose its relevance. And it’s time to remember the words of brilliant writers, poets, great philosophers, religious figures and many others.

Where does the soul live?

Every person has a soul. It is difficult to disagree with this statement. Nobody even tries. The only thing that is still being debated is where it lives, in what part of the body, and whether it continues to live after bodily death.

On the one hand, from a scientific point of view, these are very interesting questions. On the other hand, is it really so important, where? It can be in the solar plexus, in the heart, and in the head. The main thing is that it is true, unique and inimitable, like a drawing on the tip of a finger. Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho argues that each of us is not a body endowed with a soul, but a soul, part of which is visible and called the body.

The outstanding Lebanese prose writer and philosopher Gibran Khalil Gibran also argued that the spirit is primary. He wrote that the beauty of the soul is like an invisible root that goes deep into the earth, but nourishes the flower, giving it color and aroma.

Ancient Greek philosophers

Since Aristotle, many philosophers have argued that beauty is a dual concept. There is beauty of the body and beauty of the soul. The first is understood as proportionality of parts, attractiveness, grace. The same Aristotle said that such beauty is understood and appreciated by ordinary people, who are accustomed to perceiving and feeling the world with only five basic senses. Anyone who admires such beauty is “only slightly different from animals” who rely only on their instincts.

The situation is different with the inner world of a person. Different laws apply there, which means that everything that happens among its vast expanses is captured by different senses. Plato argued that the beauty of the soul is tangible only by virtuous people, for the beautiful and the bad cannot coexist, one excludes the other.

He is echoed by our contemporary Paulo Coelho, who says that if a person is able to notice beauty, it is only because he carries it inside. The world is a mirror reflecting our true nature.

The beauty of writers and poets

Not only ancient Greek philosophers spoke about the fact that beauty and soul are identical concepts. The classics of world literature wrote about this and our contemporaries continue to discuss this. Let's give a few examples. The 18th-century German poet and playwright Gotthold Ephraim Lessing was convinced that even the most homely body is transformed by spiritual beauty. And vice versa, poverty of spirit puts some special, indescribable imprint on the “most magnificent build” and causes an incomprehensible disgust.

A century later, the Russian poet and prose writer V. Ya. Bryusov spoke about the same thing, but in different words: “After death, the human soul continues to live its invisible life that eludes us. But if one of us was a poet, artist or architect, then after the death of the body the beauty of his soul lives both in heaven and on earth, captured in the form of a word, color or stone.”

And the Russian philosopher I. A. Ilyin tried to comprehend another secret - what is the beauty of the Russian soul. He compared it to a Russian song, in which “human suffering, deepest prayer, sweet love, and great consolation” inexplicably merge together.

Poems about the beauty of the soul

Poets also write about the fact that beauty has two downsides. One of the most remarkable poems on this topic is the work of Eduard Asadov “Two Beauties”. The author, seriously and jokingly at the same time, notes that two beauties rarely end up in the same place. As a rule, one interferes with the other. But people often don’t notice this and for a long time remain “short-sighted” to spiritual beauty. And only when its antipode “decently and strongly annoys”, “embarrassed” they begin to think about the truth.

At the end of the poem, the poet comes to one conclusion - at the end of life, two beauties always change. One is getting old, decrepit, succumbing to the merciless influence of time. And the other - the beauty of the soul - remains the same. She doesn’t know what wrinkles are, age, and doesn’t know how to count years. All she can do is burn brightly and smile.

Other poets about the eternal

The beautiful Russian poet Vasily Kapnist regrets the frailty of earthly beauty. He sadly notes that everything on earth is given one term - a moment. It disappears, and with it the beautiful Aurora, the meteor, and beauty will sink into the abyss. But what can defeat death? Only spirit. Neither time nor the grave can “devour” him. And only in him the color of beauty is eternal.

The talented Russian symbolist poet Konstantin Balmont also sings of the eternal beauty of love, suffering and renunciation. In his poem “There is only beauty in the world,” he writes that the gods of Hellas, and the blue sea, and waterfalls, and “heavy mountains of mountains,” no matter how beautiful they may be, cannot compare with the beauty of the soul of Jesus Christ, who agreed to voluntary suffering for the sake of humanity.


So, if for centuries great minds have been talking about the same thing - about the eternity of the spirit and the frailty of the body, then why do we continue this senseless race for brilliance, splendor and picturesqueness? Israeli Kabbalist Michael Laitman claims that the soul is born again and again only to experience different states, as if trying on different clothes. And only after measuring everything and realizing that the pursuit of fame, wealth, external beauty and eternal youth brings nothing but emptiness and disappointment, the soul turns its gaze to the truth, looks inside itself and seeks answers to all questions only from God.

In other words, the scientist says that cultivating the beauty of the body is nothing more than a necessary stage of development. After all, it is impossible at school to immediately jump from first grade to tenth grade and understand what trigonometry is if you are still practicing how to write beautiful numbers and letters in cursive. And, as the Arab philosopher D.H. Gibran said, there comes a moment when you perceive the world not as an image that you would like to see, and not as a song that you would like to hear, but as an image and a song that a person sees and hears, even if he closes his eyes and ears.

Erase random features - And you will see: the world is beautiful.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

What is a poet? A person who writes poetry? Of course not. He is called a poet not because he writes in poetry; but he writes in verse, that is, he brings words and sounds into harmony, because he is the son of harmony, a poet.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Beauty is eternity, lasting a moment.

Anatole France

Only a bee recognizes the hidden sweetness in a flower,
Only an artist senses the trace of beauty in everything.

Afanasy Afanasievich Fet

When humanity is destroyed, there is no more art. Putting beautiful words together is not an art.

Bertolt Brecht

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity.

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

No outer beauty can be complete unless it is enlivened by inner beauty. The beauty of the soul spreads like a mysterious light over bodily beauty.

Beauty, true happiness and true heroism do not need big words.

Wilhelm Raabe

In character, in manners, in style, in everything, the most beautiful thing is simplicity.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It’s amazing how beauty and death, joy and decay are necessary for each other and condition each other.

Hermann Hesse

The beauty we see has a deep source, which we, following Plato, can define as beautiful. This essence finds its greater or lesser embodiment in matter, transforming it and creating more or less harmonious forms. In some cases we call things beautiful, and in others ugly and unsightly.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Every movement is a visible desire for the missing balance. All living things move in search of it, in search of lost harmony, in the pursuit of perfection, when peace is not the absence of movement, but the resultant of all movements.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Day and sun - all this together represents an enthusiastic hymn to the manifestations of life. This is the most beautiful expression of how Nature bows to the mystery of creation. Night and stars are an image of another mystery, the mystery of the infinite cosmos, reflected in the sky, replete with distant worlds that make us feel insignificant before their immensity. During the day we see the earth and ourselves better, and we need this. At night, twilight prevents us from seeing nearby objects, and we rather direct our gaze to the starry sky, and we also cannot live without this.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

The laws of Art originate not in the material, but in the ideal world where Beauty lives; matter can only indicate the boundaries within which artistic inspiration spreads.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Beauty is born from the contact of beauty with matter. If matter passes through itself this highest, subtlest essence, it is born harmoniously modeled, and the charm that it radiates, although being matter, is beauty. Delia Steinberg Guzman The world of beauty and the revelation of its inner harmony is one of the magic keys that allows you to penetrate the illusory secret of Mayi.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Inequality is not evil, but the basis for good, if you can harmoniously combine all the different elements of the game, forming a meaningful unity.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Almost always living in a dream and wandering with our eyes closed, we suspect, however, that it is not enough for us to observe and maintain external proportions, but we feel the need for a deeper beauty that gives charm to every gesture and deed, every word, feeling, every thought.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

To meet Maya and her Beauty, you need to rise from the roadside mud and learn to fly on the wings of her illusions. Whatever is painful and ugly in us will all fall down and be smashed to the ground. Beauty reaches the heights of eternity.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Fit for purpose is the essence of all beauty.

Giacomo Leopardi

In the heart of one who passionately strives for beauty, it shines brighter than in the eyes of the one who contemplates it.

The appearance of things changes according to moods, and therefore we see magic and beauty in them, while magic and beauty are actually in ourselves.

Everything beautiful and great in this world is created by a single thought or feeling of a person.

True beauty is a meadow emanating from the holy of holies of the spirit and endowing the body just as life flows from the depths of the earth and gives color and aroma to a flower.

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart.

A ray of beauty in a blink of an eye
Drives away clouds from the heart.

John Keats

Beauty captivates forever.
You don't get cold feet towards him.

John Keats

Enthusiasm is love and dreams of beauty and goodness, with the help of which we transform ourselves and get the opportunity to become more perfect and become like them.

Giordano Bruno

In the diversity of change, beauty remains forever new.

Dionysius of Halicarnassus

Everyone has their own idea of ​​female attractiveness; beauty is something more immutable and independent of tastes and judgments.

Jean de La Bruyère

Good is beautiful in action.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Beauty affects even those who do not notice it.

Jean Cocteau

The cup of life is beautiful! What stupidity it is to be indignant at her just because you see her bottom.

Jules Renan

The beauty of an act lies, first of all, in the fact that it is performed easily and as if without any stress.

Immanuel Kant

Beauty cannot be known, it must be felt or created.

What is beautiful does not need additional adornment; what makes it most beautiful is the absence of adornment.

Johann Gottfried Herder

Any sincere enjoyment of the graceful is in itself a source of moral beauty.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

Everything you look at with love seems beautiful.

Christian Morgenstern

He who sees beauty is an accomplice in its creation.

Christian Nestel Bouvy

Simplicity, truth and naturalness are the three great principles of beauty in all works of art.

Christoph Willibald Gluck

There is so much inherent in beauty that those who will replace us will always have something to say in praise of beauty.


The beauty of every woman is marked by her character traits, and we prefer the one whose character awakens the most lively response in us.

Luc de Clapier de Vauvenargues

The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of existence has its own high goal.

Maksim Gorky

What delights us in visible beauty is always only the invisible.

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

Everything that is beautiful, whatever it is, is beautiful in itself: praise is not an integral part of it. Therefore, praise does not make it worse or better. I also have in mind here what is called beautiful from an ordinary point of view, such as material things and works of art. And what kind of praise could something truly beautiful need? Nothing more than law, nothing more than truth, nothing more than benevolence, nothing more than decency. Which of all these is beautiful due to praise or perverted due to censure? Does the emerald get worse from lack of praise? What about gold, ivory, purple, marble, flower, plant?

Marcus Aurelius

Beauty has the power and gift to bring peace to hearts.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

To create beauty, you yourself must be pure in soul.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka

Nothing beautiful is lost without a trace. Don't be afraid to throw seeds of beauty along the roads. They will sit there for weeks, maybe years, but they will not fade like diamonds, and eventually someone will notice their shine, pick them up, and walk away happy.

Maurice Maeterlinck

Try to surpass yourself with beauty, you will not surpass your soul.

Maurice Maeterlinck

It takes very little to encourage beauty in anyone's soul. Sleeping angels are easy to wake up.

Maurice Maeterlinck

The sun is red at sunrise, and it is red at sunset as well. The great remain unchanged in both happiness and misfortune.

Wisdom of Ancient India

Beauty lies not in individual features and lines, but in the overall facial expression, in the life meaning that lies in it.

Girls want to be beautiful and attractive, remember that in order to be liked, it is not enough to wear a beautiful dress! It’s fortunate that now there is a good choice: beautiful fashionable evening dresses, mini and maxi, for fat and thin people, luxurious cocktail and club dresses, dresses of different styles and for different tastes! Please! Everything is at your service! What about the inner world? What about the human soul? A beautiful woman is not only a sleek beauty with an icy gaze, complete contempt for others and rejection. What is it, a beautiful woman?

A smile, friendliness, sociability, a good sense of humor, this is also important in a beauty, and not just her appearance! Beauty of the soul! A beautiful woman often captivates not with her cold beauty, like the Snow Queen, but with her charm and charisma! Have you met girls who are simple at first glance? You look at her - she seems like an ordinary girl, nothing special, but you just have to smile at her! And everything changes! And now she is already beautiful and delightful in such a way that it is impossible to take your eyes off her. Shining star! It’s not without reason that even poems about the beauty of a woman’s soul have been heard more than once from the lips of admiring men!

A fashionable dress is wonderful, but what about the beauty of the soul?

The beauty of a woman includes such qualities as:

  • Smile.
  • Kindness.
  • Sympathy.
  • Empathy.
  • Charm.
  • Listening skills.
  • The ability to understand another.
  • The ability to forgive.
  • The ability to give affection and care.
  • To love and to be loved.
  • Enjoy life and make others happy.
  • Be grateful to life and those around you.
  • The ability to be sincere and honest.

Watch this clip and listen to the song: “Oh, what a woman!”

A woman is beautiful who has a beautiful soul, and not just a fashionable, elegant dress she is wearing. No matter what the best evening dress she is in, if she has an angry face, it overshadows the entire effect of her efforts to make herself look beautiful.

A woman can be stunningly attractive when she is beaming with joy and happiness. She walks and as if the radiance inside her shines on those around her. Joy, love, kindness - this is what really makes a woman and people in general beautiful. The radiance of love, the radiance of happiness illuminates a woman from the inside. The beauty of her feminine soul warms those around her.

And it is not so important what dress she is wearing at the moment: a fashionable, beautiful evening dress or a simple one, fashionable this year, the main thing is that she is beautiful! A woman is a conductor of Light, Love, Tenderness and Beauty. How wonderful it is when external beauty coincides with external beauty. A delightful combination.

Singers sang of female beauty, poets dedicated poems, artists painted pictures. How many magazines, books, and time are devoted to the external side of things, female beauty, the beauty of the body, but how little they think about the beauty of the female soul.

By the way, read:

Is your soul beautiful?

The beauty of a woman's soul is a concept. about which, alas, little is said and remembered, as well. as is the beauty of the male soul. After all, a handsome man is not only one who has perfectly pumped up muscles and has a jeep in the garage, he is a person for whom such concepts are important. like conscience and honor, decency and responsibility. The beauty of a man's soul, is this concept often remembered? It seems that it is even less common than about women. But this is so important! External attractiveness is important at the first moment of acquaintance; of course, it plays a decisive role, and then such qualities as the beauty of the soul or the lack thereof come to the fore.

It happens that you look at a person’s face and clearly see greed, disdain for other people, envy, malice and irritation towards the whole world. No matter how he puts on a hypocritical mask and no matter what beautiful fashionable dress you dress him in, this man rots internally during his life. He is like a walking dead man and the stench of his soul is overwhelmed by the beauty of a luxurious fashionable dress. Naked we came into this world, naked we will leave! How can you forget about the beauty of the soul, exchanging it for a fashionable dress? It’s better to let one successfully complement the other! How wonderful it is when a young, charming lady walks down the street, beaming with happiness, dressed in a beautiful summer dress. She herself rejoices and makes others happy with her appearance! A young flower, full of fragrant happiness and beauty! Beautiful young sun! You look at her and think how beautiful she is!

Girls, girls, women and grandmothers, be beautiful not only with your body. but also with soul! Shine like luxurious stars in the sky and delight the world! You are gorgeous!

The beauty of a woman's soul is as beautiful as heaven!

Beauty according to Feng Shui

Chinese teaching says Feng Shui, a person’s thoughts are a reflection of his life. If you change your bad thoughts to good ones, life will become better.

The principle also applies to beauty; its characteristics are considered individuality and inner strength. Stylist for such famous women as Kate Moss and Gwyneth Paltrow says that in order to achieve beauty, you don’t need to change yourself, you need to return to yourself.

Chinese wisdom says that a woman owes three-tenths of her beauty to nature. The remaining seven-tenths comes from the outfit and makeup.

How you look depends on your ability to highlight your strengths. Feng Shui helps you create the appearance of your dreams. In every person there is one of the five predominant elements, it underlies a person’s worldview. The five elements are fire, earth, wood and water. In a person's life, everything changes and the elements also change. Of course, all this affects the person, his image, makeup and facial features.

People with wood elements They have adventurism, they are active, open, and sociable. Such people think clearly, they are organized in their actions, and they have a spirit of competition. A tree is always the soul of a company.

The charm of this element hides any flaws. When doing your hair, allow your hair to be slightly windy and free. Depending on the season, you can change your hair color. Always be flirty.

If in people it prevails earth element, they are usually attentive, patient, loyal, reliable, balanced, the only drawback is periodic low self-esteem. Makeup For such people, it’s not important that they wear minimal makeup or don’t wear makeup at all. But you should still use some cosmetics, they will give you confidence.

For skin care, use moisturizers. A not too strict hairstyle is especially suitable for a woman with an earth type element. By making asymmetrical bangs, you will get rid of unnecessary conservatism. The length of the hair should change imperceptibly and have some fluidity; for this you need to cut your hair with a ladder.

Man with metal element has self-discipline, focus, self-confidence, pride. Such people really look at life and strive to find out the essence of things. When it comes to makeup, a discreet classic style will suit you.

For people with this element, a strict hairstyle is suitable. You can allow yourself a variety of colors and shades in your hair. The only thing that can make your hair look heavier is expressive and contrasting colors.

Element water- this is always a romantic nature. The properties of this personality are the desire for self-improvement. Such people are conservative, dreamy, they love to learn foreign languages ​​and read books. The disadvantage of this element is isolation and poor ability to live in real life.

Makeup should emphasize the romanticism of your nature. Your appearance must be flawless because you love putting on makeup. When it comes to hairstyles, you should know when to stop. Unnatural bright shades and African curls do not suit your element. Your hair should not be bulky and pretentious.

People with fire element don't have a moment's peace. They are explosive in nature and have frequent mood swings. Such people love everything new and bright. In makeup, you are allowed to use bright, saturated colors and use makeup to suit your mood.

Don't hide yourself in your hairstyle. Let your curly hair stay curly. Make asymmetrical haircuts and dye your strands in different colors.

Beauty discoveries from China

1. Anti-aging acupuncture. Allows you to tighten your facial muscles thanks to miniature needles.
2. Reishi. This cosmetics works as a stimulator for cellular renewal.

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