Cultivating self-discipline. How to develop discipline in yourself


Formulate main reason for which you lack discipline. Perhaps as a child you were greatly looked after, protected from all difficulties, and there was simply no need to develop fighting qualities of character. In any case, rest assured that you can develop the necessary skills.

Create a motivation system. Why do you need to change yourself in principle, what will it give? What happens if you continue to indulge yourself? Clearly imagine how life will change when you can manage it yourself. Outline the result to strive for.

Stop constantly reproaching yourself for being weak-willed, as you only make the situation worse. Develop a step-by-step plan that will help you become a disciplined person. Start with basic planning of your time.

Write down all the things you need to do during the day, especially those that you tend to skip. For example, if you need to cook porridge in the morning, but really don’t want to, add this item to the list, so you definitely won’t forget about a healthy breakfast. Post your to-do list in a visible place.

Try not to deviate from the planned schedule, be punctual. At first, difficulties will seem insurmountable, do not believe this feeling, it will soon pass. Over time, you will get used to orderliness and stop feeling stressed.

Take up sports, it gives you great discipline. You can start with morning exercises, and then move on to more serious training. By constantly improving your results, you will learn to overcome laziness and at the same time find a beautiful physical fitness.

Consider a reward system for every additional commitment you make, for every small victory. Did you manage to prepare for a difficult exam in just a couple of days? Reward yourself with a trip to the cinema or a festive lunch at your favorite cafe. Remind yourself often that you can achieve a lot if you just want to.

Video on the topic

Max Weber was the first to define the term “charisma” in sociology. He described this quality as the ability to lead people and captivate them. It turns out that this is something that makes people consider someone a leader. But not all charismatic people are like this from birth, this can be learned.


Anyone who can seriously interest people in his projects should at least have them. Ideas and goals are what will give you energy and allow you to charge others with it. You must be enthusiastic and truly know your business.

Look for like-minded people. A charismatic person and not understood by anyone is different people. Those who share your interests are the team with which you will achieve your goals.

Be honest. Express your opinion without looking at authorities. Of course, you should criticize something or someone only with reason - empty talk and senseless attacks will help no one gain authority.

Important qualities charismatic person are his oratory and the ability to persuade. If you are not able to speak clearly and well in public, then it is worth working on your speech skills. The voice should be low, confident and full-bodied. When explaining your idea, don't hesitate or hesitate. Your speech should inspire people, not make them yawn.

Greetings to my blog guests! Unfortunately, not everyone can boast that everything in their life happens according to their plans and beliefs. It’s as if some unknown force is preventing you from realizing your dreams and desires. In fact, everything is more or less known, at least no one has put forward a more convincing explanation than is in the view of ancient Indian philosophy.

In this article I will tell you how to develop self-discipline and true reasons weakness and will definitely suggest methods and solutions that can help you become successful person in every way.

A clear explanation for failure

We know what's ours thin body has 7 energy channels located in the area different parts bodies and those responsible for different manifestations our life. One of them is located in the area just above the navel, called the Manipura chakra and is primarily responsible for our will, that is, for how firmly we stand on our feet, are self-confident and capable of decisive action.

When our lower channels, located below the navel, are clogged with mental “garbage” (fears, shame, far-fetched complexes, etc.), this does not allow energy to reach the volitional chakra. Since energy tends to move from bottom to top, all energy stagnates in the lower centers and cannot pass higher.

Because of this, there is not enough fire in Manipur to unlock its full potential. Plus, there are various entities that happily feed on our energy if you don’t protect yourself from them. As a result, we everywhere observe weakness, laziness and lack of self-control. own actions among the bulk of the population.

All these are signs of weakened Manipura. Fortunately, these problems can be solved and there are many ways to overcome laziness, become a confident person and move towards your goals. I present to your attention some of them. Master it!

Methods for developing self-discipline

1. Pumping the chakras

You can work on Manipura separately, or you can take a comprehensive approach to this issue, which, of course, is more effective. There is a lot of literature on this subject, as well as special music and video collections that promote the activation and harmonization of the chakras. All this certainly works if there is trust in this direction self-development.

2. Yoga practice

Regular yoga classes are a great solution for many psychological problems, liberate, relieve emotional blocks. Over time, a person begins to belong to himself more and more, to control his emotions and his thoughts, and self-control develops at all levels.

The amount of energy increases, including in the Manipura chakra, which is successfully preserved inside thanks to the practice of bandhas (energy locks) and mudras. Special attention The chakra system is devoted to Kundalini yoga, an article about which I wrote earlier, so if you wish, you can refer to it.

3. Playing sports

Playing any sport that interests you will help you develop a responsible attitude towards life. It is important to have the desire to make progress in this sport, then daily training at the same time will be easy. The point is that any activity that requires discipline also trains self-discipline. That is why it is advisable to study not alone, but in a group.

4. Meditation

The achievements that can be achieved through meditation cannot be contained within the scope of this article, so I advise you to read my articles, and to get a more complete impression of it.

Here I will only say that meditation changes a person on a deep level and willpower is one of the mandatory acquisitions when practicing it responsibly.

5. Attending trainings or courses

Nowadays, many psychologists and trainers offer various programs to gain self-confidence, develop communication skills and so on. Self-discipline is one of the gains they promise. As a rule, such lectures are given to a group of people with similar goals in a friendly environment, but now it is increasingly possible to find online remote offerings. I have a book and training on developing discipline and achieving success in any area of ​​life using the example of yoga practice. The book can be downloaded for free at link. If this is relevant to you, be sure to download and read it, the volume is small.

But in any case, no matter what anyone says, listen to your heart, find something you like, and then you won’t even have to pump up your willpower once again bother. But how nice it is to realize that you are your own boss!

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Do you do things you don't need to do when you have important things to do? Do you find it difficult to concentrate on your main job? Me too... Yes, probably many people feel this way, except really strong-willed people. Fortunately, man is an amazing creature, and you don’t need anything special to upgrade yourself, just desire, intention and a little effort.

What is Self-Discipline?

It's the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. A small tautology, but I wanted to keep it short. In general, this article is more even for me, because... I am actively working on the problem of self-discipline. Here are 6 points described, by working on which you can improve your concentration on the main thing and act more effectively. Of course, the number 6 is conditional; you could write 7, 10, 108 - that’s not what’s important; some key points are important to help you do right steps in the direction we need. Okay, let's go...

What will this give us?

If the benefits of self-organization are not yet obvious to you, here are some points:

  • Focus on what's important
  • Greater Productivity
  • Time efficiency
  • Improving the quality of work
  • Developing a Stronger Will
  • More satisfaction in life

How to Develop Self-Discipline

1. Understand yourself

It's not me 🙁

Just like in Eastern philosophy: “start understanding the world with yourself”- well, or something like that. True, this is not a joke at all: when we understand our shortcomings, our weaknesses, we can work on them, becoming a more successful and happier person.

There are two points here:

1) Understand in what “places” our discipline suffers

2) Recognize emotional factor the “correctness” of what we are doing

Let's start with the first point. Everything here is not so difficult: figure out what you need to do, and what of it you don’t like to do, so you always put it off until later. If the work needs to be done, but it constantly hangs up on you, then it is in this area that you need to “tighten up” your discipline. The thought of putting off an unpleasant activity until later essentially only gives the illusion of relief by simply putting it off. unpleasant work at the time when you are tired, there is no more energy and enthusiasm, the mind has lost freshness, etc. Now combine these factors together, and imagine how painful the unpleasant activity aggravated by these factors will be? Why harm yourself like that? It is better to do the unpleasant, but necessary, at the very beginning of the day, when you have the strength and freshness of thoughts, in order to quickly and efficiently deal with this work. As a result, you will complete it faster, and afterward you will experience a feeling of relief and satisfaction. And other things will be done faster and easier than usual. A simple psychological trick that gives excellent results.

Second point. Everything here is more subtle, and greatly depends on how accustomed you are to “deceiving” yourself. By cheating, I mean putting off unpleasant things until later, instead doing things that are pleasant but unnecessary. If we deceive ourselves too often, then our sensitivity, our “conscience,” so to speak, sleeps sweetly, and we are unlikely to hear it. However, it also happens when, while doing the wrong thing, we, somewhere inside ourselves, still hear the voice of conscience, “dripping onto our brains,” that this is not what we should be doing now! This feeling is an emotional factor. It can be called conscience, intuition or something else. From my own experience, I can say that with some practice, this factor can become quite a strong assistant in life, because... you begin to literally feel what is worth doing and what is not. But this comes with practice if we learn to listen to it, comparing it with reality (to distinguish the urges of conscience from the urges of our own mind).

So, the essence of the first key moment- V identifying your weaknesses and working to eliminate them.

2. Long term perspective

Ability to place long term goals, and working to achieve them is one of characteristic features successful people. It is not simple beautiful phrase- this is reality. If you remember your meaningful goals in life, you won’t waste time on any bullshit (life won’t wait; before you know it, the years will fly by).

I know from myself that it is difficult to constantly maintain concentration on the main thing. But I have this trick: I try to turn important things into into a habit. I have been here for many years: morning and evening. Yes, now it is of the same importance to me as food and sleep. But it was not always so. I didn’t always have the desire to do exercises, yoga asanas, pranayama first thing in the morning... At first, I was also overcome by laziness. But I just decided to turn this important activity for my health into a habit, i.e. I started doing yoga without expecting something special, as if it were just something you already do every day, like brushing your teeth, for example. We don’t expect dazzling whiteness every time we squeeze the toothpaste onto our brush and start brushing our teeth. Yes, that would be great, of course, but we already understand that we need to brush our teeth, otherwise the distance in communication between us and other people will imperceptibly begin to increase over time. The same is true here: if you have to do something regularly, but don’t like it, just try to turn it into a habit. You know what’s most interesting here: that after some time, when you stop worrying about your “new” habit, when the unpleasant activity becomes commonplace for you, others will point out to you the BENEFITS of this activity! How? They will notice a change in you better side, while for you it will be something natural. This way you can “unnoticed” or gain muscle mass, get rid of many health problems, start studying better or get more done. Just turn the necessary but unpleasant into your habit.

3. Save time

Making a schedule and acting on it means you won't waste your life. Sounds too pretentious? And you try to put all those together small segments time spent on all sorts of nonsense, instead of something worthwhile, and look how many months, or even YEARS, you have lost irrevocably, without really achieving anything! Time - interesting factor, which we are not able to conquer (at least not now), it acts always and everywhere, regardless of our desire. Ignoring it or treating it carelessly is simply stupid. You can't go back...

4. Just do it!

Nike has a great slogan “Just do it!” We can prepare a lot for something, analyze, plan, calculate, but without starting, we will never really achieve anything. Of course, this in no way cancels the preparatory actions, but practical use- this is the main thing. Often, people learn and understand more by actually starting to do it, rather than just by theorizing. I studied Hindi at university for 5 years (well, I, of course, was not the most diligent student :)), but when I came to India, I learned more in a year than in 5 years at the university! Yes, there, at the university, I received the foundation, the base - I don’t deny it; but the practical side showed me how the effect of studying and the result can differ from “theoretical” preparation. I met in Allahabad (Prayag) a man who spoke Hindi fluently, but at the same time had absolutely no understanding of its grammar, on which I once wrote coursework, but in fact I could barely connect two words...

If you need to do something, don't put it off by looking for an excuse or reason to do it; just do it - it will give you confidence, ability and satisfaction.

5. Self-encouragement

Did you do what you needed to do? Great. Secure the result with something pleasant for you. For what? Any activity, event, experience in our life leaves a subtle, invisible mark in our consciousness, which in yoga is called samskara(Sanskrit). From such “traces” a picture of our worldview, our desires, fears, grievances and hostility is formed. We may not understand why we like this and dislike that; however, behind all this, according to the philosophy of yoga and the Vedas, is the experience accumulated over many of our past lives. This is how yoga and the Vedas explain why some are born talented and others are not: it’s just that a “talented” person put a lot of effort into studying and practicing something in his or her past lives, and now we are amazed by him or her musical abilities“from birth” or powerful intellect, etc. It’s just that this personality didn’t “kick the bullshit” in the past, and now simply continues its development from where it left off. That's all.

Now, when we do what we should, but what we didn’t like, we need to somehow reward ourselves, do something pleasant in order to ASSOCIATE with the necessary but unpleasant activity positive emotions. This will help you do unpleasant work EASIER and MORE EFFECTIVELY in the future (it just won’t seem so unpleasant anymore).

That's the whole point.

6. Support

There is a phrase, I don’t remember where from: “a person is the sum of the 5 people closest to him”. Its essence is that our environment has strong impact on us. IN Vedic astrology, when calculating a person’s horoscope at birth (to determine his character, qualities and inclinations), many factors are taken into account, the most important of which is his communication, especially in the first years of life. A sinner in the company of saints can become a saint; a saint in a society of sinners can become a sinner. Such is the power of the environment.

To achieve success in activity and life, choose the right communication and company of people. This is not a narrow view, and not propaganda of ideas of alienation; this is a practical principle successful life and creating a healthy society. We are not surprised when people communicate based on interests: musicians with musicians, artists with artists, nuclear physicists in a pub with nuclear physicists, etc. If we want to develop certain qualities and abilities, we simply need to find people who already have these qualities and communicate with them. After some time, these qualities will appear in us.

This is the essence of support from others. Of course, there is also emotional support, but it can be attributed to previous point, because not only we ourselves can encourage ourselves, but also others - by seeing our successes.

Well, here are my thoughts on how to learn self-discipline. There are all sorts of trainings on this topic, books on self-discipline, but the development of self-discipline is within everyone’s control without any special costs. These points are based on practical observation in life; Perhaps yours may be slightly different. The key is to take what works for you and just do it. Then the result will come.

Personal self-control can make the difference between a good life with fulfilled plans and dreams on the one hand, and feelings of bitterness and loss on the other.

Studies conducted over many years have shown that children who, at the age of four, already have some degree of self-control and self-discipline, and in the choice of one candy, but now, or two candies, but later, choose the second option , With more likely achieve success in life as adults.

Self-discipline in itself does not lead to success and does not make a person happier.

But we know that self-control is not just a lottery of inheriting a genetic predisposition to luck: something you either have or don’t have (like blood type or eye color). We can all learn to control our immediate desires and emotions. But how to achieve this? How can you purposefully strengthen self-discipline?

Step One: Flex Your Self-Discipline Muscles

Notice the words we use when talking about self-discipline. We talk about “strong” or “weak” will: just like muscles. And according to research, the more time you spend on self-control, the stronger it becomes.

Training in one area (for example, working on a cherished project for a certain amount of time every day) will begin to strengthen self-discipline in other areas. For example, in the ability to say “no” to some invitations, where you could go earlier and listen to other people’s problems. So, each exercise will affect general state self-discipline. But, unfortunately, discipline has other properties.

Step two: don’t “over-exercise”!

Working out every day, day after day, lifting weights for hours will not make you stronger in the end because it will intensive lesson will begin to weaken the muscles, making them vulnerable.

In the same way, people who promise “to start on January 1 new life"and immediately load themselves up big amount commitments often end up with an even greater loss of self-control. When we train our muscles, it burns natural sugar(glycogen), and this leads to the muscles losing strength and the need to take a break. The same goes for self-discipline. Surprisingly, by practicing self-discipline, you burn glycogen in your body in the same way as if you were doing physical training. It has been found that stable blood sugar levels help to achieve greater success in self-control. So decide in which direction you will practice self-discipline, and do not overdo it by trying to master everything at once.

Step Three: Beware of Perfectionism

The desire to do everything at a high level can paradoxically affect quality and efficiency overall result. Do not forget that a sharp increase in activity causes an outflow of glucose in the body. Perfectionism prevents you from highlighting the main thing in a particular matter, forcing you to concentrate your attention on absolutely everything, on unnecessary details. Feeling the need to control every aspect of your activity, including those you don't care about (like what other people think and say) is a waste of energy that could be put into where it's really needed. The craving for perfectionism makes us give up earlier and quit what we started, and also raises doubts: “If it can’t be done the way I want, then it’s not worth bothering with!”

So remind yourself that you are only human and that you can be forgiven for making mistakes before you step up to the plate. high level self-discipline.

Step Four: Be Clear about the Consequences of Your Actions

The children in the self-discipline study mentioned at the beginning of the text could behave in two ways. Those who gave up one candy now in order to receive two candies later differed more developed imagination. This good example how the imagination can be used - one of man's most beautiful tools (but don't abuse it to the point of worrying yourself too much). If you need to exercise self-discipline and manage your emotions, just imagine positive result work that will be significantly superior to what is currently available. Some people use hypnosis for this, very powerful tool to enhance imagination, which helps to acutely sense future reality.

Step Five: Remind yourself of who you are and what you are striving for.

When we feel weak, we can get caught up in the “now” (sometimes “living one day at a time” isn’t so great). But it is well established that when we give in to any temptation, reminding us of our core ideas, values, out loud or silently, can give us the necessary boost of self-discipline and energy. This exercise allows us to move away from tunnel vision and illuminates the bigger picture. For example, the next time you are magnetically drawn to donuts, tell yourself: “The health and beauty of my body is important to me!” Or if the situation pushes you to take inappropriate actions towards some person, tell yourself: “Be decent person it is important for me!". Give it a try.

Finally, I would like to recall the words of the ancient Roman poet Horace: “Control your mind, or it will be controlled by desires”.

Nowadays, you can very often hear the phrase from people in response to some questions: “I don’t have enough willpower.” If we generalize this answer, then it becomes clear that the issue is not at all about willpower, as many believe, but about self-discipline. If you look in explanatory dictionaries or other reference books you can find the exact definition of the word discipline.

So, discipline is a must for everyone. members of some. collective subordination to the established order and rules. From here you can already understand for yourself what self-discipline means. Accurate definition you won’t find it, but still explain the meaning of this word Maybe.

Self-discipline is your personal goal setting that you must adhere to for greater future benefit and benefit. The following formulation “here and now” is also possible, that is, you need to take some action right now, regardless of your emotional mood. People who are studying or have already achieved good results in self-discipline already have huge advantages.


  • Well spent free time
  • More prospects open up before them
  • Copes with any goals and objectives
  • Willpower increases exponentially
  • Quality of work improves
  • people have a more positive outlook on life

These are good indicators for you to start practicing the discipline, develop it with the help of some recommendations and achieve incredible results. In order to understand how you can develop discipline in yourself, it’s worth giving an example from life.

The most important thing to remember is that everything comes with time, and not all at once. Example: a professional swimmer swims 2000 meters in a minute; he achieved this result gradually, accumulating strength and experience. The same thing happens with discipline, don’t immediately rush to sky-high results, start with a small and affordable start.
Recommendations for developing self-discipline:

Understand within yourself

Yes, yes, first of all you need to understand what is stopping you from achieving your goal? What reasons do you have for not completing such a successfully set goal? And there are many such reasons, a huge number of excuses that seem to you to lighten and temporarily separate the entire load of desired thoughts and ideas. This is where the main answer to all excuses lies: to postpone all tasks until indefinite term, time, but all this is just deceiving yourself. By deceiving yourself in this way, you get relief, but when time is running out, you are unlikely to have the enthusiasm to continue your plan; on the contrary, everything will be a burden to you. The conclusion is simple and logical.

Having set a goal for yourself, try not to put it off until later, get started right away to avoid further failures. Advice: it is believed that if a person is planning to do something or take up a new business, then in order not to lose interest, he must begin to help himself in small steps. It’s best to make a plan for the first time, an action plan, looking at it you will further motivate yourself. For example, if you are thinking about starting to watch your figure, buy sportswear right away, special literature, make an appointment with a nutritionist. With such actions you do not allow yourself to take retreat steps.

Patience and persistence

To teach yourself self-discipline, you must, of course, stock up on patience, perseverance and endurance. It doesn’t always work out all at once, everything comes gradually, with experience and skills. Don’t rush for quick results and don’t force yourself into strict restrictions, this is unlikely to lead to desired result, but can only push you to the point that you will run out of patience and you will lose faith in yourself, in your strength. Start with small tasks for yourself. Learn to do exercises every morning, in a month it will be the same for you as washing your face in the morning. It seems like a small goal, but it still teaches discipline.


Many people have such a person who causes admiration; they want to emulate him, to achieve what he has. It could be a mother, grandmother, just a neighbor or a childhood idol. Observe such a person, what distinguishes him from yourself? What goals does he set? Does he fulfill them? How does he reason? If a person is truly very successful, then self-discipline most likely helped him in this. It is unlikely that such a person wastes his free time on nonsense; on the contrary, he tries to make use and profit out of every minute.

Time is also an important factor; when you lose time, you lose years, which, unfortunately, cannot be returned. Time is beyond control. The person being studied can and knows how to give up momentary pleasure for something more worthwhile. He has everything laid out clearly and according to plan, all his desires and ideas, and most importantly, he transfers all this into reality, following his goals.


If you have a goal in mind, then initially set yourself up as if it had already happened and happened. Feel all the joy and emotions that you can get from completing your goal. Mentally set yourself the motivation to get everything positive emotions. The mood too main factor to achieve your goals, so it will help you develop discipline. Think positively, make the determination in advance that everything will definitely work out, the result will not keep you waiting. Reward yourself for completed goals and tasks, it could be a shopping trip or just chocolate, but the effect will be remembered in your head and you will want to do it again and again until the end.


Everyone knows that sometimes you want praise or encouragement, words of support. This is what happens with self-discipline. Share your idea of ​​learning discipline with a loved one, tell us about your plans, first experience, successes, or vice versa. Close person will always help, advise, give advice. It will become easier for you and you will be able to develop this feeling with even greater confidence.

It's never too late to start learning discipline. Whether you are 16 or 60 years old, if you decide what else you need to improve your life, then don’t waste your time. Self-discipline will help you refuse bad habits, look at your life from the other side, achieve incredible heights in your career, learn to control your emotions.