How to achieve success in life. How to succeed in life - advice from successful people

How to achieve success is a question many people have asked themselves. We want to succeed in business, study, family life, in many large and small endeavors, but we don’t know how to truly achieve what we want. In this article we will talk about 17 incredible rules of success that apply in any situation, for any task. We can say that they are universal, and the practicality of these rules has been tested by more than one generation of successful and rich people. If you are a reader of our column, then these 17 rules will not be a new discovery for you. After all, almost every millionaire we wrote about, in one way or another, in his lectures, interviews, and speeches, spoke about one of the rules and focused attention on it. We can say that this article contains all the wisest thoughts, all the experience of several generations, by understanding which you can radically change your life today.

Solve problems immediately

The first rule of success is that you must solve all problems as they arise, and immediately, without procrastination. After all, problems tend to accumulate unnoticed, and one fine day you will be faced with a whole bunch of unsolved problems that can take many months to sort out. Remember that successful people have everything structured, everything is clear and understandable. You always need to act confidently, quickly, decisively. No unnecessary swaying.

Work for yourself

The second rule of success is: “You must create jobs, not take them.” Get rid of the idea that you can achieve success by working for someone else. Just not in our country. Nobody values ​​workers, and it’s hard to achieve success if you give your knowledge, energy and time to someone else’s project. Work for yourself, do what you love, develop yourself, and only when your work becomes a highly paid hobby can you truly become successful.

You are above all

Personal interests, desires and aspirations should be a priority above all else. Your loyalty is unlikely to be appreciated by your superiors. Working for a company, you will bring profit to the owners, and the moment you become financially unprofitable, they will get rid of you without a doubt. The sooner you start own goals put yourself ahead of the rest, the faster you will achieve success.

Set high goals

Constantly raise your income bar. Just started a business, earned your first $1000, and don't stop there. Set the goal next month to double the amount, in half a year to earn 10 times more, and in a year to reach a level 25 times higher than earnings in the first month. Constantly stimulate yourself, be hungry for new knowledge, new goals, new victories.


Making new friends, getting useful contacts, development of partnerships and friendly relations- here is another important component of the overall success of your business. Try to communicate as much as possible, take part in various symposia, forums, and exhibitions. As they say, show yourself and look at others. Closedness and fear of communication - main enemy success.

Environment first

“Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are” - this phrase has an incredible deep meaning. If you want to be successful, rich, happy, then you must surround yourself with such people, communicate with them, adopt knowledge and visions of the world. Run away from those who do not believe in you, who say that you are worthless and will never achieve your goals. As a rule, such people are losers themselves, and communicating with them will not bring anything useful. Your friends should be optimists and winners in life.

Don't forget about responsibility

Remember that as soon as you start earning more, as soon as you start your own business, hire a team, then a burden of responsibility will fall on your shoulders. It will be different: responsibility to the employees to whom you give hope for a long and stable work, to partners, to society, and, ultimately, responsibility to oneself. Don't be afraid to be responsible for the results of your actions.

Do it here and now

Are you constantly short of money? This is a compelling argument to think about starting own business. And if there is no money at all, then the business needs to be opened today. Don’t sit with folded arms and hang your nose, look for ways out of the current situation, try to think more broadly, find interesting solutions and unusual answers. Believe me, there are always dozens of opportunities around us, we just need to learn to see them and choose the best ones for you. The main thing is the desire to do something, and the opportunity will appear.

Passive income

Another step to success is passive income. As Rockefeller said: “I would rather get 1% of the work of 100 people than 100% of my own work.” Strive to create a company that will make a profit with little intervention from you. Then there will be more free time for new things, new goals and successes.


A lot of successful people are investors. Having made money on one project, they prefer not to create a new one, but would rather invest in a successful startup. If you see a prospect in some business, then take a risk and invest money in it. Success comes to those who are determined and take risks, and where else if not in investing can one obtain such qualities.

Find a good incentive

Stimulus is what will make you move, develop, and reach new heights. Articles can be a good incentive different people, tips and tricks from millionaires, or. All necessary information you will find in the sections of our website.

Ask yourself questions

Very often a person cannot achieve success, because he does not know what to do, what to strive for, why all this. Try asking yourself questions: Who am I? What can I do and how unique is my knowledge? Why am I here? What will I do if I earn a lot of money? What do I want to achieve? Try to answer the questions posed as honestly as possible, do not deceive yourself. The path to success begins with inner answers.

Dream and strive

You must have a dream. You cannot live, develop and reach heights without having a dream, without seeing what you need to strive for. The dream will become an incentive that will force you to wake up every morning, do work, go to bed late, not get enough sleep, but know that you are not doing all this in vain, that in the end you will achieve what you dream of.

Help others

Have you not noticed that many successful people They are happy to help others, are philanthropists, donate money to charity, and open their own foundations. Some may say that they became like this after they achieved success, but I assure you that this is not so. If a person is kind, open, ready to respond to the requests of others and help in difficult situation, then fate will respond in kind. Help others, and they will help you in difficult times.

Keep a success diary

In one of our previous articles, attention was already focused on the fact that it is worth keeping a success diary. Write down all your plans and tasks in it, and after achieving them, describe the result, praise yourself and set new, more serious goals. As a rule, we can remember negativity longer, and if such a moment comes that you give up, it will come flooding back. Bad mood and the desire to work disappears completely, then take your success diary, re-read everything, remember your victories and achievements, at what cost you got them, what emotions you felt. Believe me, the blues will disappear instantly.

All great and successful people are distinguished by their individuality and unwillingness to adapt to the standards imposed by society. They always oppose established rules and established stereotypes, which is why they seem too eccentric in the eyes of many. People who have achieved real victories know what it’s like to reach the top. The women's magazine website recommends following their advice if you want to succeed in life and achieve your goals.

10 tips from successful people

  1. Don't be afraid of failure. It's unlikely that anyone likes to lose. But no one is immune from defeats, because without them it is impossible to achieve what you really passionately desire. For example, the famous American writer Stephen King, having received 30 rejections from publishers and became disillusioned with his abilities, threw his first work into the trash. Subsequently, thanks to his wife, he finally finished the novel and took it to the publishing house. As a result, Stephen received almost half a million dollars for his first work. And Thomas Edison, to whom the world owes the appearance of the light bulb, once answered a journalist’s question about what it was like to make a mistake a thousand times in a row: “I haven’t made a mistake a thousand times in a row. It just took a thousand steps to invent the light bulb.”
  2. Do what you love. A job you hate is unlikely to work out well - this is the law of the universe. According to ancient thinker Confucius, a person does not work if he does what he loves. Indeed, an activity that comes easily and brings pleasure, burdens you less and advances you faster. professional field. Entrepreneur Steve Jobs, who is one of the chairmen of the board of directors of Apple, says that when he was 23 years old, his fortune was more than a million dollars. At 24, he already had more than 10 million, and at 25, more than 100 million. But for him money is not the main thing, since he never did anything for it.
  3. Think globally. American actor Jim Carrey, who as a child experienced such “charms” of life as washing public toilets and the inability to attend school, once said, “If you give up on your dreams, then what is left?” And CNN founder Ted Turner and early childhood I told myself that I wanted to become the ruler of the world. What is this, naive childhood fantasies or programming yourself to achieve success?
  4. Don't sit idle. Film legend Bruce Lee said: “It is not enough to know, you need to put knowledge into practice. Wishing is not enough, you have to do.” Successful people don't sit around waiting for something to happen. They themselves create what they need.
  5. Become a pioneer. Don't be afraid to think creatively and come up with new ideas. Remember more often that most successful people on the planet reached heights by starting to think “differently from everyone else.” Beth Comstock, chief marketing officer of General Electric, advises: “Be where the world is going.” She is echoed by IBM CEO Ginni Rometty, calling for “to be first and alone.”
  6. Believe in yourself. In order for others to take you seriously and believe in your capabilities, you first need to gain faith in yourself. The world opens up to those who never tire of repeating the words “I want”, “I can” and move forward towards the chosen goal. President of Yahoo! Marissa Mayer advises taking risks and doing what you are not ready to do. IN worst case The limits of your capabilities will become clear.
  7. Set yourself up for hard work. There are no easy paths to success. But human laziness is unshakable and many desire fame and money here and now, without doing practically anything. Russian entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov considers work to be the main secret of success. And automobile industrialist Henry Ford expressed the point of view of a real workaholic, arguing that a person should be constantly at work and nothing else. During the day she should occupy all his thoughts, and at night she should appear in his dreams.
  8. Take risks. The great and successful believe that achieving success is always accompanied by risk. Any upward movement is fraught with danger, and without it you will simply continue to stand still. British politician David Lloyd George once advised not to be afraid and take the first step, since it will still not be possible to cross the abyss in two small jumps. A successful businessman and now US President Donald Trump has called not to limit himself to small things, but to rush to the top at all costs, to strive to get gold, not bronze.
  9. Be patient. Become restrained and you will learn to manage yourself and your life. Many of the rich, career people may not have any special talents. But they are much more patient and purposeful than many. The portal website reminds that the patience of a successful person must be forged from iron, because in the process of activity there are possible both ups and downs, both gifts of fate and problems. Popular American basketball player Michael Jordan teaches others by his example: “I shot wide almost 10,000 times throughout my career. I have lost almost three hundred matches, and I missed 26 times when I was entrusted with the decisive shot. I never gave up, although failures accompanied me. And that’s the only reason I achieved success.”
  10. Develop your leadership qualities. Don't wait for what life brings to you happy ticket, start managing it yourself. Develop organizational skills and intelligence, learn responsibility and endurance - these are the qualities that distinguish true leaders. Maximilian Robespierre, French revolutionary and famous political figure, identified 2 traits of a true leader: constant movement forward and the ability to lead people.

Of course, among the accomplished personalities one can notice the so-called darlings of fate who find themselves in in the right place and in right time, or having an influential patron behind them. But such options are rather the exception to the rule than the norm, and they do not occur so often. The bulk of successful people are those who, through self-improvement, hard work and faith in own strength achieved what they have. Isn't this an example of how to act?

We get from life what we believe in. Our faith creates our reality. You believe that life is wonderful - and it is wonderful. You believe that she is terrible - she is terrible. You believe that there is no way out, and you won’t find a way out. If you believe that there is a way out, you will definitely see it. If you believe in success, you will create it.

Many successful people who realize their goals and their potential have common features, distinguishing them from others. How does a successful person differ from an unsuccessful one?

A successful person will find an opportunity under any circumstances, an unsuccessful person will find excuses and obstacles in his way. For example, it’s trite, there is no money. A successful person will find an opportunity to earn money, but an unsuccessful person will find a hundred reasons that prevent him from earning money in such a terrible country with such a terrible economic situation.

A successful person is distinguished by decisive action, while an unsuccessful person puts things off until later. Neither laziness nor fear stops a successful person, while they are an obstacle for an unsuccessful person who prepares for a long time, accumulates knowledge, and waits for an opportune moment that usually never comes.

A successful person always craves something more, while an unsuccessful person prefers a stable and familiar situation. “It didn’t work out before, but now it will definitely work out” - these are the thoughts of a successful person. “And so it will do, everything seems to be fine, no matter how bad it gets,” thinks an unsuccessful person.

Having fallen or failed, the successful one tries to get back on his feet as quickly as possible and move on. The unsuccessful person is afraid of falling or making a mistake. And if he falls, then this is a universal tragedy and there is no further way, he is afraid and does not want to rise. It is for this reason that the biographies of successful people contain a story of many failures and defeats that did not prevent them from achieving their goals.

A successful person motivates himself, but as for an unsuccessful person, he constantly needs pushes from the outside. A successful person is motivated by passion, a desire to demonstrate his strength and a sincere interest in everything. And the unsuccessful are mainly motivated by money.

A successful person tends to take risks; an unsuccessful person constantly avoids risks. Be that as it may, life is unpredictable and any undertaking is always influenced by external, not always favorable, factors. Understanding this, a successful person steps into an unknown direction, preparing for failure and not being afraid of it.

A successful person is always patient, ready to work long and hard to achieve a goal, while an unsuccessful person wants to get everything at once. It’s not for nothing that one of the greats argued that 1% of success consists of luck, and the remaining 99% is, unfortunately, work.

A successful person is not afraid of difficult and uncomfortable moments of communication, while an unsuccessful person is simply unsettled by them. Timothy Ferris said that a person's success is total number"uncomfortable conversations" that he managed to endure.

A successful person always believes in himself, while an unsuccessful person believes only in what others think about him. This is confirmed by an experiment, which consists of the following: from large group Most people call a square a circle and only one person claims the opposite. As a result, after a while everyone who did not know about the agreement begins to agree with the point of view of the majority.

A successful person has a big, almost unrealistic goal and dream, while an unsuccessful person has small targets. As a rule, those who choose at first glance achieve success unattainable goals, many times exceeding their capabilities. The main thing is to confidently approach them.

Every person can become successful if they want and develop necessary qualities, but think about what success means to you? And does he really meet the standards of society: a well-paid job, a new car, fashionable clothes?

The opportunity to always be financially independent (do nothing) gives freedom, but rest assured, if you do not have harmony in your soul, there is no good relations in the family and with others, no positive outlook for life, then no amount of money and subsequent idleness will help you become happy. Money is, in fact, only one of the possible means to achieve success in life, and most importantly - to be loved, happy (or try to be positive), be healthy (or try to lead healthy image life), be sure to have a wonderful family, read smart books so as not to become dull of the surrounding reality, and develop and improve in any area that interests you the most.

Good habits are the foundation of wealth. They are successful wealthy man different from a loser. The last one bad habits prevail. Think about what is stopping you? Awareness is the first step to change.

In his book, Tom Corley suggests taking a piece of paper and dividing it into two parts. In the left column, list your negative habits, and in the right column, how you can change them. For example, like this.

Work on each item on the list to the right for 30 days (), and you will be surprised how your life will change.

2. Set goals regularly

Successful people are driven by their goals. There are always unconquered peaks before them. They plan their day in detail.

If you also want to succeed, think ahead. Set yourself goals for the day, week, month, etc. But a goal without a plan is like a boat without oars. Develop an algorithm that will help you achieve your goals. Take responsibility for your actions and inactions.

3. Identify root causes

If you know why you want to achieve wealth and success, you will get there faster. Setting goals is important. But what is even more important is why you chose this particular goal. Why is success so important to you? Is this your deepest inner need or, perhaps, the fear of disappointing your parents? Why do you strive to earn a lot of money? Is this your mission as the head of the family or is it a fashion imposed from outside? Think about it.

4. Get things done

The truth is as old as time: do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Everyone has fears: “What if it doesn’t work out?”, “It’s too difficult,” and so on. But successful people overcome them and see important things through to completion, no matter the cost.

Tom Corley says that for wealthy people this happens automatically. As soon as the temptation arises to put something off until later, the “Do it now!” lightbulb immediately lights up in your head. Repeat these words to yourself, no matter how boring or difficult the task.

5. Do your maximum and even a little more

To do something somehow, as long as it’s quick and as long as they fall behind - the approach of losers. Successful and wealthy people always do even a little more than is required of them. If this means staying late at work, no problem! Attach more effort- easily!

A small note. To give 200% to your work, it must not only satisfy you. She must be dearly loved. So find something you like.

6. Work on your relationships with people

Successful people are by no means egocentric. Their focus is always on other people. Some even set aside special days for meetings with friends and partners.

Networking cannot be underestimated. Successful people constantly expand their network of contacts and provide small free services to their acquaintances.

The wider your circle of acquaintances, the more names and positions you have to keep in mind. To avoid confusion, use special ones.

7. Talk less, listen more

“God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he would listen more and talk less” - says folk wisdom. When you listen, you learn. Listen carefully to what people say, this will help you out more than once.

8. Find a like-minded person

It’s difficult to say how true the saying “Tell me who your friends are...” is, but the environment influences a person - that’s a fact. Do you want to become rich and successful? Try to make friends with someone who has already succeeded, or just find someone with whom your plans for life coincide. You will be able to exchange experiences and encourage each other in difficult moments.

9. Find a mentor

Not everything can be learned from books. That's why many successful people have mentors they watch and consult with. By adopting the experience of an already accomplished person, you can progress twice as fast. In addition, communicating with him disciplines you.

10. Save

Corley writes that successful people invest 10 to 20% of their income. This is one of effective ways savings. Other secrets richest people read the planets on increasing capital.

11. Live within your means

Rich is not the one who earns a lot, but the one who spends wisely. Often a person puts himself in a financially difficult situation when he begins to live beyond his means. Do you need an expensive foreign car loan if you live paycheck to paycheck?

Organize your spending and exercise if you want to change your life.

12. Constantly improve

Successful people constantly work on themselves. They read a lot and learn new things all the time. But most importantly, they do not waste time on things that do not bring them closer to their goal.

One of the highest paid business coaches in America, Brendon Burchard, says that we spend too much time on useless activities, as a result we feel an acute shortage of time. This is true. Time is too much valuable resource. And spend it on something that does not bear fruit in terms of well-being ( computer games, disputes in in social networks etc.) is a crime.

Self-improvement is like a needle and thread: the baggage of knowledge and skills that follows you moves you forward. Work on yourself every day. It's not easy, but the broader your horizons, the more chances be realized.

13. Read daily

At least 30 minutes a day. Reading in modern world - competitive advantage. The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more you will achieve.

It will help to integrate reading into your daily routine.

14. Constantly improve your skills

Progress is becoming better at what you do every day. Improve your professional skills and expand your knowledge base every day. Eventually you will become an expert. And they are paid well, they are respected. So stay the course until you succeed.

15. Take a digital weekend

Dedicate such days to yourself (some courses or maybe a movie), walks (you can even go on a mini-trip) and communication with loved ones (they may miss you).

16. Watch your health

The rich and successful usually exercise and eat healthy. Moreover, leading a healthy lifestyle is as natural for them as taking a shower in the morning. It's simple: physical activity and a balanced diet give them the energy to achieve their business goals. Are you taking care of yourself?

17. Develop a sense of proportion

Knowing when to stop means living in balance and harmony. Be moderate in everything: work, food, physical activity, alcohol consumption, Internet surfing and so on.

Harmonious people attract others. It's easier for them to find business partners, persuade investors and move up the career ladder.

18. Be optimistic

Remember the saying “Optimists spin Earth, and pessimists run alongside and shout: “Where is this world going?” The world belongs to enthusiastic and energetic optimists. These people look for (and find) good in their surroundings and see opportunities even in difficulties.

The information field is crammed with negativity. Know how to filter information and cut off what might throw you off track. Instead, fill your feed with things that will educate and develop you.

19. Control your thoughts

Dominating your thinking and emotions is the lot of successful people, not wizards.

If you replay negative scenarios in your head, you are unlikely to succeed. Fears and doubts inevitably lead to collapse. Tell yourself “stop” when you catch yourself bad thoughts. Successful people are constantly busy creating, and they simply have no time to cultivate negativity.

20. Conquer your fears

It's normal to be afraid. Every person is afraid of something or worries about something. Only losers allow their fears to guide them, and successful people rise above their worries.

Write down on a piece of paper the fears that hinder your success and think about how you can overcome them.

21. Don't give up

Difficulties on the way to the goal are inevitable. But no matter how hard it is, you can’t give up. In order not to give up on the path to your goal even in the most difficult moments, there is at least.

Failures may force you to correct your course, but they should not stop you from moving forward.

What does success in life depend on? How to achieve everything?

Step 1: Use the Power of Imagination

In your free time from work, engage in visualization¹. Visualize your success, think about success. Draw in your imagination new image yourself - a person who has achieved his goals, achieved success in life.

Step 2: Repeat Affirmations

To make thoughts of success become part of you, repeat positive affirmations daily that inspire you. Do this any time convenient time. Say affirmations² as often as possible. Concentrate on them. This will help you program your subconscious mind to win.

Step 3: Work hard

To achieve success in life, you need to work. Nothing just happens like that. You need activity, purposeful movement towards your dream. But at the same time, you don’t need to overexert yourself. Find your rhythm and alternate work with rest.

Step 4: Plan

Success comes to those people who know how to manage their time. Make planning a habit. This way you will increase the productivity of your work and will not waste time on trifles.

Step 5: Take the first step

Don't put off your first step until tomorrow. Make it today. And then take more steps³. And so on until the finish.

Step 6. Don't forget about self-hypnosis

Use regularly various techniques self-hypnosis. Set yourself up for success. Properly motivate yourself every day. Let it be written in your subconscious new information that you can succeed. Believe it. Believe in yourself and your enormous capabilities.

Step 7: Have a Clear Goal

Step 8: Go all the way

Do not give up! Don't let failure stop you! If you start something, go to the end. Take temporary defeat calmly, learn from it and move on.

Step 9: Serve Others

If you want to be successful, your goal should be to help other people, not to accumulate wealth. Think about people, provide them with useful goods and services, and perceive money as a reward for your work.

Step 10. Change

In order for success to smile on you, you need to constantly grow and develop. You need to gain new knowledge and engage in self-development. Success must be matched by a worthy person.

Step 11. Give thanks for every achievement.

Rejoice in your successes, and there will be more of them. This is one of the most important lessons! Use it regularly. Give thanks Higher power for your achievements, and success will definitely come!