Test 15 minutes 50 questions to pass. Report on industrial practice at the military commissariat

(V.N. Buzin, E.F. Vanderlik)

Instructions. The test is designed to measure intellectual ability. The technique can only be used once. Therefore, if out of curiosity you have become acquainted with the content of test tasks or the correct answers, then with their help you will no longer be able to obtain an accurate assessment of your capabilities. Only start testing if you are well rested and healthy.

You are offered several simple tasks. Get acquainted with the sample tasks and the correct answers to them:

    "Fast" is the opposite of the word:

1 - heavy,

2 - elastic,

3 - fast,

4 - light,

5 - slow.

Correct answer: 5

    Gasoline costs 44 kopecks per liter. How much (in kopecks) does 2.5 liters cost?

Correct answer: 110

    The meaning of the words miner and minor is:

1 - similar,

2 - opposite,

3 - neither similar nor opposite

Correct answer: 3

1 - the first damn thing is lumpy,

2 - hard trouble beginning,

3 - the hut is not red in its corners, it is red in its pies

4 - not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat

5 - old friend better than the new two

Correct answer: 1.2

The test contains 50 questions and you have 15 minutes to complete the test. Answer as many questions as you can and don't spend a lot of time on one question. Work as quickly as possible. If you fail at any part of the test, do not linger on it for too long, move on to the next one.

Test material

    “Severe” is the opposite in meaning of the word: 1) sharp, 2) strict, 3) soft, 4) hard, 5) unyielding.

    Which of the following words is different from the others: 1) certain, 2) doubtful, 3) confident, 4) trust, 5) faithful.

    Is it true that the abbreviation "AD" means: "AD" ("new era")? 1) yes, 2) no,

    Which of the following words different from others: 1) call, 2) chat, 3) listen, 4) speak, 5) no different words

    The word “immaculate” is the opposite in its meaning to the word: 1) unsullied, 2) obscene, 3) incorruptible, 4) innocent, 5) classic.

    Which of the following words is to the word “chew” as “smell” is to “nose”: 1) sweet, 2) tongue, 3) smell, 4) teeth, 5) clean

    How many of the following pairs of words are completely identical? Sharp M.C. Sharp M.C. Fielder E.H. Fielder E.N. Connor M. G. Conner M.G. Woesner O.W. Woerner O.W. Soderquist P.E. Soderquist B.E.

    “Clear” is the opposite of the word: 1) obvious, 2) obvious, 3) unambiguous, 4) distinct, 5) dull.

    An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car. How many cars did he sell?

    The words "knock" and "drain" have: 1) similar meaning, 2) opposite, 3) neither similar nor opposite.

    Three lemons cost 45 kopecks. How much (in kopecks) do 1.5 dozen cost?

    How many of these 6 pairs of numbers are exactly the same? 5296 5296 66986 69686 834426 834426 7354256 7354256 61197172 61197172 83238224 83238234

    “Close” is the opposite in meaning of the word: 1) friendly, 2) friendly, 3) stranger, 4) native, 5) other.

    Which number is the smallest: 1) 6 2) 0.7 3) 9 4) 36 5) 0.31 6) 5?

    Put the words below in order to make it correct sentence. Enter the number of the last word as your answer. 1) eat 2) salt 3) love 4) life

    Which of the five pictures below is most different from the others?

    Two fishermen caught 36 fish. The first one caught 8 times more than the second one. How much did the second one catch?

    “Arise” and “revive” have: 1) similar meaning, 2) opposite, 3) neither similar nor opposite.

    Put the words below in order to make a statement. If it is correct, then the answer will be 1, if incorrect - 2. The stone is overgrown with moss.

    Two of the phrases below have the same meaning, find them: 1) Keep your nose to the wind. 2) An empty bag is not worth it. 3) Three doctors are no better than one. 4) All that glitters is not gold. 5) Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

    What number should replace the “?” sign: 73 66 59 52 45 38?

    The length of day and night in September is almost the same as in: 1) June, 2) March, 3) May, 4) November.

    Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the final one will be: 1) true, 2) false, 3) indefinite. A. All advanced people- party members. B. All leading people occupy large positions. B. Some party members hold important positions.

    A train travels 75 cm in 1/4 s. If he drives at the same speed, what distance (in centimeters) will he cover in 5 s?

    If we assume that the first two statements are true, then the last one is: 1) true, 2) false, 3) uncertain. A. Borya is the same age as Masha. B. Masha is younger than Zhenya. B. Borya is younger than Zhenya.

    Five half-kilogram packs of minced meat cost 2 rubles. How many kilograms of minced meat can you buy for 80 kopecks?

    Spread and stretch. These words are: 1) similar in meaning, 2) opposite, 3) neither similar nor opposite.

    Divide this geometric figure into two parts with a straight line so that by adding them together you can get a square:

    Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the latter will be: 1) true, 2) false, 3) uncertain. A. Sasha greeted Masha. B. Masha greeted Dasha. B. Sasha didn’t say hello to Dasha.

    A car worth 2,400 rubles was discounted by 33 1/3% during the seasonal sale. How much did the car cost during the sale?

    Three of the five figures need to be connected in such a way as to form an isosceles trapezoid:

    The dress requires 2 1/3 meters of fabric. How many dresses can you make from 42 m?

    The meanings of the following two sentences are: 1) similar, 2) opposite, 3) neither similar nor opposite. A. Three doctors are no better than one. B. The more doctors, the more diseases.

    Enlarge and expand. These words are: 1) similar, 2) opposite, 3) neither similar nor opposite.

    The meaning of two English proverbs: 1) similar, 2) opposite, 3) neither similar nor opposite. A. It is better to moor with two anchors. B. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

    The grocer bought a box of oranges for 36 rubles. There were 12 dozen of them in the box. He knows that 2 dozen will go bad before he sells all the oranges. At what price per dozen (in kopecks) does he need to sell oranges to make a profit of 1/3 of the purchase price?

    Pretentious and pretentious. These words in their meaning are: 1) similar, 2) opposite, 3) neither similar nor opposite.

    If half a kilo of potatoes cost 0.0125 rubles, then how many kilograms could you buy for 50 kopecks?

    One of the members of the series does not fit with the others. What number would you replace it with: 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/6

    Reflected and imagined. These words are: 1) similar, 2) opposite, 3) neither similar. nor the opposite.

    How many acres is a plot of 70 m by 20 m?

    The following two phrases in meaning: 1) similar, 2) opposite, 3) neither similar nor opposite. A. Good things are cheap, bad roads. B. Good quality comes from simplicity, bad quality from complexity.

    A soldier, shooting at a target, hit it in 12.5% ​​of cases. How many times must a soldier fire to hit her a hundred times?

    One of the members of the series does not fit with the others. What number would you put in its place? 1/4 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/12 1/14?

    Three partners joint stock company(JSC) decided to divide the profits equally. T. invested 4500 rubles in the business, K. - 3500 rubles, P. - 2000 rubles. If the profit is 2,400 rubles, then how much less profit would T. receive if the profit was divided in proportion to the contributions?

    Which two of the following proverbs have similar meaning: 1) Strike while the iron is hot. 2) Alone in the field is not a warrior. 3) The forest is being cut down, the chains are flying. 4) All that glitters is not gold. 5) Judge not by appearance, but by deeds?

    The meaning of the following phrases: 1) similar, 2) opposite, 3) neither similar nor opposite. A. The forest is being cut down and chips are flying. B. A big deal doesn’t happen without losses.

    Which of these figures is most different from the others?

    A printed article has 24,000 words. The editor decided to use two font sizes. When using a large font, 900 words fit on a page, and a smaller font - 1200. The article should take 21 full pages in the magazine. How many pages of small print should be printed?

Correct answers to the test

Processing the results

The table contains the correct answers to all tasks. For each match between your answer and the correct one, award yourself one point. Calculate the sum of your correct answers. The higher your score on this test, the higher your current level. intellectual development, the better your ability to further learn and cognitive activity.

Interpretation of results

If the resulting score is 24 points or more, then the level of your intellectual abilities allows you to begin mastering a wide range of professions right now. In addition, the level of your intellectual development is sufficient for you to be able to count on fairly high success in performing activities in any creative class profession.

Less than 16 points low grade. A low result may not be reliable enough due to possible errors in compliance with testing conditions and understanding of instructions. Therefore, a low test result on this test can in no way be a sign of psychological professional unsuitability for any specialty. Only testing using other methods can give reliable information about psychological contraindications to certain professions. Or an insufficiently high score on this test indicates that you will experience certain difficulties in the process of professional training and further practical activity in the field of creative class professions.

Life, full of women. Textbook on seduction Romanov Sergey Alexandrovich

What is the S-test for?

What is the S-test for?

Having passed the attraction stage, consider that you have applied for the role of a lover. But the results of its consideration depend on your further behavior. As soon as the girl got to know you a little better, that’s it: the countdown began. And if you give the initiative to a girl at this time, she herself will put you in one of the categories - on final decision you will no longer be able to influence. Would this be the category you wanted to be in? How many times in your life have you been placed in a desirable category? I mean the category of lovers; To become friends or sponsors – you don’t need much intelligence.

In order to still become a lover, and not someone else, you have to make efforts at the stage of seduction. As soon as the attraction stage is over, you must take the initiative into your own hands and start seducing the girl. If you don’t do this, then it is completely unknown what category you will be classified into. If you use my recommendation, you will either fall into the “lover” category (with to a greater extent probability), or into the “asshole” category (with a lesser degree of probability). There is always a risk that after harassment the girl will not want to communicate with you anymore. But at least this risk is justified: following this model of seduction, you will choose women, not they you.

Once a young man came to the training, whose name was, say, Pereyaslav. And what, very common in its time Old Russian name. Actually, what the parents named their son can say quite a lot about their parenting methods. In general, before the training, the guy made more than a thousand approaches to girls. Yes, he counted them and named the exact number. He never had a date. They never gave him a phone number. Naturally, he was a virgin. In the process of training, he still achieved some results, and he even managed to lure a girl to his home for tea. She did not expect any trick: he had not pestered her before.

So, they are sitting in his room, drinking tea, talking. And then our hero decides that it’s time to take decisive action. In the middle of the conversation, he gets up, unfolds the sofa and begins to make it up. The girl with a cup in her hand looks at it with round eyes. He finishes the process, points to the covered sofa and says: “Well?” Girl: “Uh-uh... what?” He: “We should have sex now.” She: “Uh... what?” Let us lower the veil of pity over this sad scene.

By the way, Pereyaslav drew conclusions from his behavior and the next date ended successfully for him. So they laughed at him - and that’s enough: he became a great guy.

How to determine that the attraction stage is over and it’s time to start seducing a girl? After all, each stage uses its own tools and achieves its own goals. If at the attraction stage you try to put your hand between a girl’s legs, she will not understand you. And if at the stage of seduction you talk to a girl about the weather or start telling jokes, they will sign you up as a friend - and that’s it, they’re done.

There is a reliable way to understand that it is time to move on to the seduction stage. This S-test. The name can be deciphered as “seduction test”. There are two types of S-test: “palm” and “contact”.

Option "palm" held in the following way. While talking, take the girl's hand. If she does not take her palm away, but, on the contrary, leaves it in your hands for 20–30 seconds, consider that you have passed the S-test. It is important to remember that the girl must leave her palm voluntarily. There is no need to hold your hand by force and mentally count the cherished seconds. Voluntariness is an essential condition for passing the S-test.

Option "contact" assumes that for a minute you sit (stand, lie) next to the girl and your bodies touch. The simplest example of this type of test is hugging.

What is the S-test for? So that you understand how far you have come along the path of seduction and what you should do next. Let me remind you: at the stage of attraction some techniques are used, at the stage of seduction - others. Many guys delay the courtship process. For example, they go with a girl to a cafe, sit for a long time, chat nicely about something, he sees her off, appears at the metro station awkward pause, before they go to different ends of the city, then she says: “Well, bye,” turns around and leaves. Then they go to the exhibition, have a nice conversation again and end up doing the same thing. Tired of these dates, the guy eventually can’t stand it and invites the girl to start dating. She usually responds to this: “I’ll think about it...”

Next instructive story. Once upon a time there lived a girl who was pretty, and who also understood well what she wanted (unlike many other women), and tried to fulfill her desires. At work she liked a certain man, and she began to hint that, in general, she would not mind.

As time passed, she courted him in every possible way. Finally, the man guessed and invited her to drink coffee. After the date, the girl lured him home to show him some photographs. She really wanted him. She was clearly aware of what exactly she needed. It was crystal clear to her that she wanted sex with him.

They come to the apartment, sit down on the sofa and begin to look at the photographs. Here they are sitting side by side, she turns to him, puts both hands on his thigh, looks intently into his eyes and smiles mysteriously - with all her might she gives signs for him to pounce on her. And he looks at her carefully and says: “Natasha, let’s you and I... let’s meet.”

She was shocked, and therefore answered: “I’ll think about it...” And she’s still thinking about it.

Look around! Quite often I see funny couples in cafes and restaurants, where from the outside it is quite obvious that the girl is ready to have sex right here and now: she fidgets in her chair, she’s literally all exhausted - I don’t want to take it. And next to her is a guy who pretends to be an intellectual, puffs himself up, demonstrates himself. She will touch him anyway, and look at him this way, unless she directly says: “I want you!” But she can’t go to such extremes: she’s not a whore. She can't jump on him and rape him. It remains to be content with hints.

But hints don't help. He sits stupidly and thinks: “I wonder if she likes me or not? How can we find out tactfully?” Simply put, he is just waiting for her to jump on him.

In fact, you just need to go and check if she likes you. And for this purpose the S-test is enough. And you shouldn't wait long. It must be carried out in the first 60 minutes of communication with the girl.

So, from now on, every first meeting you have with a girl should look like this: the date starts, you have a nice conversation with her (you’ll find out how exactly), and within 60 minutes you must do an S-test. You can get like positive result, and negative. But even bad result better than no test! If you don't do it in time, you risk getting bogged down in the meaningless and merciless swamp of friendship or sponsorship before you notice it.

Always do an S-test on the first date. You have 60 minutes to do this.

Okay, I know someday you will forget about the S-test anyway or be afraid to do it. Nothing, life doesn’t end there. 60 minutes have passed - say goodbye, go home and think about what you had to do to finally complete this test. There is no S-test - consider that your first date did not take place. Call the girl in about a week and start all over again. By the way, you should do the same if all S-tests show negative result. If you failed in Once again, talk to the girl for another five minutes in a positive way- and go home. Remember, analyze, correct mistakes.

If the result is positive, great! At least the girl liked you. She is attracted and you are a candidate for lover. Now you simply must take up the task of seducing her so that you are not assigned to another role.

If you understand that this evening your chances of success are minimal - for example, you don’t have a place where you can have sex, or you agreed to meet another girl and literally in 40 minutes you have to run away - then you need to end the date.

One of the typical male mistakes is the inability to end a date on time. Let's say you see that everything is going well, and therefore you try to extend the meeting. But people are designed in such a way that they are not able to constantly maintain high emotional condition. The longer you experience vivid emotions, the more your psyche will strive to return to a neutral position. At some point, you will notice that your wonderful communication is becoming more and more boring and eventually comes down to the exchange of empty remarks or fades away completely, and you cannot squeeze out either a joke or a joke. the simplest story. Although half an hour ago he was full of charm and wit. Unfortunately, the girl will remember best this episode, which ended the date.

To solve the problem, you should end the date at the peak of emotions, when you are full of impressions and the girl likes everything. There is no need to wait for the hour when the excitement subsides and you both become bored. But how to calculate the right moment?

End the date while it's still good, not when it's already bad.

This simple rule requires some awareness on your part. You will have to monitor your condition, even if the amazing emotions from communicating with a wonderful young lady completely absorb you. Part of your mind must observe and make decisions. If you have everything ready for seduction (there is room for sex), you should achieve your goal today. But if for some reason you can’t have sex (nowhere; you don’t do it on the first date; you critical days), you should interrupt the date while you are doing well. Say, “Okay, I really enjoyed my time with you. I'd love to see you again, but now it's time for me to run. Bye see you later!" And leave. Before this phrase, of course, you need to pay if you are in a cafe or restaurant, and generally prepare to leave.

One of my clients once seduced a girl. She worked as a designer, dressed well, took care of herself and, obviously, enjoyed increased attention from men. He was also far from a fool: together with his partners he was engaged in business in the field of transport and logistics. For simplicity, let's call the heroes Sasha and Masha.

Sasha said that they had a wonderful time together every time. Usually he felt timid in the presence of women and did not know what to talk about with them, but with Masha the fear disappeared and they chatted for hours on end. True, it’s good that they met rarely - no more than once a month. So Sasha didn’t have time to work himself up and fall in love with Masha.

However, after another such meeting, Sasha suddenly decided that something else needed to be done: there was a certain understatement, an emptiness. And instead of just taking Masha’s hand during the next walk, he planned to arrange a surprise - to meet the girl after work with a huge bouquet of flowers. I don't think it's worth continuing.

From this story we will draw a conclusion: there is no need to complicate anything. Be honest with yourself: if you like a girl, admit it to yourself. Then pluck up the courage, ask the girl out on a date and do the S-test. And then start seducing.

I understand: giving a bouquet of flowers is much easier and not as scary as taking a girl by the hand. The reaction to the presented bouquet is quite predictable, but how will the girl react if you directly say in body language: “Masha, I like you, be mine”? However, this is precisely the difference between the behavior of a real man and the actions of a friend, a sponsor... well, you get the idea.

To begin with, while you still have little experience, do this. After a successful S-test, talk for some time - about fifteen minutes. And then say goodbye until next time. Then everything will be much more interesting. Well, or try to seduce her that same evening.

What exactly happens during the seduction stage? So, the man submits an application: I want to become a lover. What's next? If you have done an S-test and it is positive, do next step– start pestering the girl, exciting her.

Since you want to become a lover, remember: women usually sleep with him. With pleasure. As opposed to "not a lover." A woman is designed in such a way that before she has sex, she needs to be aroused. Female arousal has a slightly different mechanism than male arousal. Thanks to him, at some point a woman, let’s say, loses her head. Completely stops thinking logically and relies on instincts.

If a man, by and large, is always ready, arousal can occur in a few seconds, but a woman needs a lot of time for this. On the other hand, having quickly become aroused, a man is able to cool down just as quickly. And a woman resembles an avalanche: the more excited she is, the more, in fact, she winds herself up. If she gets excited next to you, from your touch, then she automatically wants you. And we are no longer able to do anything about it.

This is one of the levers I mentioned earlier. At a certain stage of arousal, a woman loses control of herself and is ready to give herself to you almost immediately. All you have to do is take her to a place where this can happen, so that nothing distracts her from thinking about you, about sex and about sex with you.

To excite a young lady, you need to pester her. And this means that you need to touch her. The intimacy of the touches increases gradually - and at some point it turns out that you and the girl are already passionately kissing. And a minute later you get into her panties.

Keep in mind that when you actively touch a girl, you need to communicate with her no less actively. You should not talk about her work or studies, or her interests. And you shouldn’t sit silently opposite her, looking devotedly into her eyes and at the same time trying to touch her tits. You need to choose personal, very emotional topics. You need to sit next to her, hug and kiss the girl, touch her private parts.

During the training, I propose the following task: the guys, in the presence of the trainer, must excite the girl. Some guys, after doing the S-test, quickly move on to the seduction stage, after which everything immediately becomes clear. The girl either gives in and begins to get excited, or quickly “freezes off.” Her reaction depends on how the guy behaved and what he did before. In any case, she instantly writes him into either the “lovers” or the “assholes” category. And there are guys who, after the S-test, continue to chat, hug the back of the sofa instead of the girl, do the S-test again... and waste time, never understanding whether something will work out with the girl or not. The task is very good. It teaches in right moment taking risks - without this there is nowhere in seduction.

After you have aroused the girl, you should have sex with her. Please note: in the ASH model diagram, the attraction stage includes only the first date, and the seduction stage includes all the others, no matter how many there are. In practice, the process of seduction can be completed entirely in one meeting. However, for convenience, I will call the stage from the beginning of your communication until the successful S-test the first date. If on the first date you did not do the S-test or its result was negative, but the girl came to the next meeting, then your behavior and the techniques you use should correspond to the first date.

At the stage of seduction, you can meet a girl many times (by the way, again, for convenience, it is better to divide all dates into first and second: the first is the attraction stage, the second is the seduction stage). One, five, twenty-five - it depends on your persistence. I, of course, recommend doing everything in one date and will try to teach you how to achieve this. The normal result is seduction within 2–5 dates. There is no need to set too strict limits on the number of dates, but it is also unwise to spend too much time and effort on the same girl.

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Definition integral indicator general abilities.

Test instructions

You are offered several simple tasks. Read this page carefully and do not turn it over without command.

Get acquainted with the sample tasks and the correct answers to them:

  1. "Fast"
    1 – heavy, 2 – elastic, 3 – secretive, 4 – light, 5 – slow.

Correct answer: 5

  1. Petrol costs 44 cents per liter. How much does 2.5 liters cost?

Correct answer:110 cents or 1.1 dollar.

  1. Minor minor. These two words are:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite in meaning.

Correct answer: 3.

The test that will be offered to you now contains 50 questions. You are given 15 minutes to complete the test. Answer as many questions as you can and don't spend a lot of time on one question. If necessary, use paper for writing. If you don't understand, ask now. Your questions will not be answered while the test is running.

After the command “Start!” turn the page and start working.

After 15 minutes, on command, immediately stop performing tasks, turn the page and put down the pen.

Focus. Place the pen to your right. Wait for the command.

Test material
  1. The eleventh month of the year is:
    1 – October, 2 – May, 3 – November, 4 – February.
  2. "Severe" is the opposite in meaning of the word:
    1 – sharp, 2 – strict, 3 – soft, 4 – hard, 5 – unyielding.
  3. Which of the following words is different from the others:
    1 – definite, 2 – doubtful, 3 – confident, 4 – trust, 5 – faithful.
  4. Reply Yes or No.
    Abbreviation "A.D." means: "AD" (new era)?
  5. Which of the following words is different from the others:
    1 – sing, 2 – call, 3 – chat, 4 – listen, 5 – talk.
  6. Word "immaculate" is the opposite in meaning of the word:
    1 – pure, 2 – obscene, 3 – incorruptible, 4 – innocent, 5 – classic.
  7. Which of the following words refers to the word "chew" How sense of smell And nose:
    1 – sweet, 2 – tongue, 3 – smell, 4 – teeth, 5 – clean
  8. How many of the following pairs of words are completely identical?

    Sharp M.C. Sharp M.C.
    Fielder E.H. Fielder E.N.
    Connor M. G. Conner M.G.
    Woesner O.W. Woerner O.W.
    Soderquist P.E. Soderquist B.E.

  9. "Clear" is the opposite in meaning of the word:
    1 – obvious, 2 – obvious, 3 – unambiguous, 4 – distinct, 5 – dim.
  10. An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car. How many cars did he sell?
  11. Words "knock" And "drain" have:
  12. Three lemons cost 45 cents. How much does 1.5 dozen cost?
  13. How many of these 6 pairs of numbers are exactly the same?

    5296 5296
    66986 69686
    834426 834426
    7354256 7354256
    61197172 61197172
    83238224 83238234

  14. "Close" is the opposite of the word:
    1 – friendly, 2 – friendly, 3 – stranger, 4 – native, 5 – different.
  15. Which number is the smallest:
    6 0,7 9 36 0,31 5 ?
  16. Place the words below in order to make the correct sentence. Write down two as your answer. last letters last word.

    they were the only guests left after leaving

  17. Which of the five pictures below is most different from the others?
  18. Two fishermen caught 36 fish. The first one caught 8 times more than the second one. How much did the second one catch?
  19. "Rise" And "revive" have:
    1 – similar meaning, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.
  20. Put the words below in order to make a statement. If it is correct, then the answer will be P, if incorrect - N.

    The stone is overgrown with moss and gathers momentum.

  21. Two of the phrases below have the same meaning, find them:
    1. Keep your nose to the wind.
    2. An empty bag is not worth it.
    3. Three doctors are no better than one.
    5. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
  22. What number should replace the "?" sign:
    73 66 59 52 45 38 ?
  23. The length of day and night in September is almost the same as in:
    1 – June, 2 – March, 3 – May, 4 – November.
  24. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the final one will be:

    All progressive people are party members.
    All leading people occupy major positions.
    Some party members hold major positions.

  25. A train travels 75 cm in 1/4 s. If he drives at the same speed, how far will he travel in 5 s?
  26. Assuming that the first two statements are true, then the last one:
    1 – true, 2 – false, 3 – uncertain.

    Bora is the same age as Masha.
    Masha is younger than Zhenya.
    Borya is younger than Zhenya.

  27. Five half-kilogram packs of minced meat cost $2. How many kilograms of minced meat can you buy for 80 cents?
  28. spread out And stretch. These words:
    1 – similar in meaning, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.
  29. Divide this geometric figure into two parts with a straight line so that by adding them together you can get a square:

  30. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the last one will be:
    1 – true, 2 – false, 3 – uncertain.

    Sasha greeted Masha.
    Masha greeted Dasha.
    Sasha did not greet Dasha.

  31. The $2,400 car was marked down 33 1/3% during the seasonal sale. How much did the car cost during the sale?
  32. Three of the five figures need to be connected in such a way as to form an isosceles trapezoid:

  33. The dress requires 2 1/3m. fabrics. How many dresses can you make from 42 m?
  34. Meanings of the following two sentences:

    Three doctors are no better than one.
    The more doctors, the more diseases.

  35. Increase And expand. These words:
    1 – similar, – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.
  36. The meaning of two English proverbs:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 2 – neither similar nor opposite.

    It is better to moor with two anchors.
    Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

  37. The grocer bought a box of oranges for $3.60. There were 12 dozen of them in the box. He knows that 2 dozen will go bad before he sells all the oranges. At what price does he need to sell the oranges to make a profit of 1/3 of the purchase price?
  38. Claim And pretentious. These words according to their meaning:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.
  39. If a pound of potatoes cost $0.0125, how many kilos could you buy for 50 cents?
  40. One of the members of the series does not fit with the others. What number would you replace it with:
    1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/6.
  41. Reflected And imaginary. These words are:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar. nor the opposite.
  42. How many acres is a plot 70 m long and 20 m wide?
  43. The following two phrases by meaning:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.

    Good things are cheap, bad roads.
    Good quality is ensured by simplicity, bad – by complexity.

  44. A soldier, shooting at a target, hit it in 12.5% ​​of cases. How many times must a soldier fire to hit one hundred times?
  45. One of the members of the series does not fit with the others. What number would you put in its place:
    1/4 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/12 1/14?
  46. Three partners in a joint stock company (JSC) decided to divide the profits equally. T. invested $4,500 in the business, K. – $3,500, P. – $2,000. If the profit is $2,400, how much less profit will T receive than if the profit were divided in proportion to the contributions?
  47. Which two of the following proverbs have a similar meaning:
    1. Strike while the iron is hot.
    2. Alone in the field is not a warrior.
    3. The forest is being cut down, the chains are flying.
    4. All that glitters is not gold.
    5. Judge not by appearance, but by deeds?
  48. The meaning of the following phrases:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.

    The forest is being cut down and chips are flying.
    There is no big deal without losses.

  49. Which of these figures is most different from the others?

  50. A printed article has 24,000 words. The editor decided to use two font sizes. When using a font big size 900 words fit on a page, less - 1200. The article should take 21 full pages in the magazine. How many pages should be printed in smaller font?

Editor's note

Some tasks in the questions may be changed to similar ones. The roots of this are in various modifications of the test (E.F. Vanderlik, V.N. Buzin and, possibly, others). For example:

  • 16: there is salt love of life.
  • 24: All objects made of stone sink in water.
    This item didn't drown in the water.
    This item is not made of stone.
Key to the test

You must register

To see the entire material, you need to register or log in to the site.

1. No one will see your name or photo in the test results. Instead, only gender and age will be indicated. For example, " Woman, 23" or " Man, 31“.
2. The name and photo will only be visible in comments or other posts on the site.
3. Rights in VK: “ Access to your friends list" And " Access anytime” are required so that you can see the tests that your friends have taken and see how many answers you have matched as a percentage. Wherein friends won't see answers to questions and results of your tests, but you will not see their results (see paragraph 1).
4. By authorizing on the site, you consent to the processing of personal data.

Integral indicator of general mental abilities (IP) equal to the quantity correctly solved problems.

Interpretation of test results

It is advisable to begin analyzing the results by determining the level of general mental abilities. To do this, the number of correctly solved problems (IP) is correlated with the level scale.

The established level is a multi-parameter indicator of general abilities. This technique allows you to highlight these parameters and analyze them.

Ability to summarize and analyze material are established on the basis of completing tasks on proverbs. These tasks require abstraction from a specific phrase and a transition to the area of ​​interpretation of meanings, establishing their intersections and a new return to specific phrases.

Flexibility of thinking as a component of general abilities is also determined by completing tasks on proverbs. If the subject’s associations are chaotic in nature, then we can talk about rigidity of thinking (for example, tasks such as No. 11).

Inertia of thinking and switchability – these are important characteristics of general learning abilities. To diagnose them, a special arrangement of tasks in this test is provided. Alternation various types tasks in the text can make it difficult for people with inert connections from past experience to solve them. Such persons have difficulty changing their chosen way of working, are not inclined to change the course of their judgments, or switch from one type of activity to another. Their intellectual processes inactive, the pace of work is slow.

Emotional components of thinking and distractibility are identified by tasks that can reduce the test scores of subjects (24, 27, 31, etc.). Emotionally reacting subjects begin to smile and turn to the experimenter instead of being directed at the object, that is, the task.

Speed ​​and accuracy of perception, distribution and concentration of attention are determined by tasks No. 8 and 13. They reveal the ability to short time work with a wide variety of material, highlight the main content, compare numbers, signs, etc.

Language use, literacy can be analyzed based on the performance of tasks on the ability to use the language. Problem No. 8 involves basic knowledge foreign language(within the alphabet).

Orientation is established through analysis of the test subject’s strategy for choosing problems to solve. Some subjects solve all problems in a row. Others – only those that are easy for them and can be solved quickly. Determining the ease of a solution is very individual. Here, in addition, the inclinations of the test takers are revealed. Some of them look at the tasks printed on this test sheet and first select mathematical problems that have numerical content, while others, using this strategy, prefer verbal problems.

Spatial imagination characterized by solving four problems involving operations in two-dimensional space.

Thus, the CAT technique can be used to study relatively large quantity components of general abilities. With its help, a person’s learning ability and business qualities are quite reliably predicted.

  • For example, if a subject has not completed tasks No. 10, 13, then he should be recommended exercises that develop concentration and distribution of attention.
  • If the subject copes poorly with tasks of type No. 2, 5, 6, then in this case reading will help him explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries catchphrases and words, proverbs and sayings, dictionaries foreign words and bilingual dictionaries, and is also useful for solving linguistic problems.
  • If the subject performed poorly numerical problems, then collections of puzzles are useful for developing the corresponding property.
  • In the case where the subject has problems with tasks requiring spatial representation, it is important to train concentration of attention on a variety of objects, followed by the transformation of their images into representation.

The CAT test (Brief orientation, selection test, V.N. Buzin, E.F. Vanderlik) is intended for diagnosing the general level intellectual abilities. The CAT is an adaptation of the Wonderlic test. The CAT technique belongs to the category of tests of mental abilities (IQ), indicating the general level of intellectual development of an individual. In tests to determine IQ, an individual is presented with a series of tasks selected in such a way as to ensure an adequate sampling of all the most important intellectual functions to penetrate the " critical points intelligence." KOT provides psychodiagnostics of the following parameters of intelligence: the ability to generalize and analyze, flexibility of thinking, speed and accuracy of perception of material, literacy, choice of optimal strategy, etc.

The KOT questionnaire was developed as a screening questionnaire for people applying for further education. The CAT test also allows you to obtain a detailed description of the formation of a subject’s cognitive adaptation in the world as a whole. The CAT technique is used in the preliminary selection and distribution of personnel in industry, the army, the education system, career guidance work, psychodiagnostics of learning ability and business qualities of an individual.

CAT test (Short orientation, selection test,with answers,V.N. Buzina, E.F. Wonderlic. Intelligence Diagnostic Questionnaire - IQ) :


You are offered several simple tasks. Get acquainted with the sample tasks and the correct answers to them:

  • "Fast" is the opposite of the word:

1 - heavy, 2 - elastic, 3 - fast, 4 - light, 5 - slow. Correct answer: 5th

  • Gasoline costs 0.44 rubles per liter. How much (in kopecks) does 2.5 liters cost?

Correct answer: 110

  • The meaning of the words miner and minor is:

1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite. Correct answer: 3rd

  • Which two of the following proverbs have the same meaning:

1 - the first pancake is lumpy, 2 - the beginning of a dashing misfortune, 3 - the hut is not red in its corners, it is red in its pies, 4 - not all Maslenitsa is for the cat, 5 - an old friend is better than the new two. Correct answer: 1st and 2nd.

The test contains 50 questions and you have 15 minutes to complete the test. Answer as many questions as you can and don't spend a lot of time on one question. Work as quickly as possible. If you fail at any part of the test, do not linger on it for too long, move on to the next one.

Stimulus material for the CAT technique.

1. The eleventh month of the year is:

2. "Severe" is the opposite in meaning of the word:

1 – sharp, 2 – strict, 3 – soft, 4 – hard, 5 – unyielding.

3. Which of the following words is different from the others:

1 – definite, 2 – doubtful, 3 – confident, 4 – trust, 5 – faithful.

4. Reply Yes or No. Abbreviation "A.D." means: "AD" (new era)?

5. Which of the following words is different from the others:

1 – sing, 2 – call, 3 – chat, 4 – listen, 5 – talk.

6. Word "immaculate" is the opposite in meaning of the word:

1 – unsullied, 2 – obscene, 3 – incorruptible,

4 – innocent, 5 – classic.

7. Which of the following words refers to the word "chew" How sense of smell And nose:

1 – sweet, 2 – tongue, 3 – smell, 4 – teeth, 5 – clean

8. How many of the following pairs of words are completely identical?

Sharp M.C. Sharp M.C.

Fielder E.H. Fielder E.N.

Connor M, G. Conner M, G.

Woesner O.W. Woerner O.W.

Soderquist P.E. Soderquist B.E.

9. "Clear" is the opposite in meaning of the word:

1 – obvious, 2 – obvious, 3 – unambiguous, 4 – distinct, 5 – dim.

10. An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car. How many cars did he sell?

11. Words "knock" And "drain" have:

1 – similar meaning, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.

12. Three lemons cost 45 rubles. How much is 1.5 dozen?

13. How many of these 6 pairs of numbers are exactly the same?

14. "Close" is the opposite of:

1 – friendly, 2 – friendly, 3 – stranger, 4 – native, 5 – different.

15. What number is the smallest?

6 0,7 9 36 0,31 5

16. Arrange the words below in such order to form the correct sentence. Write down the last two letters of the last word as your answer.

eat the salt love of life

17. Which of the five pictures below is most different from the others?

18. Two fishermen caught 36 fish. The first one caught 8 times more than the second one. How much did the second one catch?

19. "Rise" And "revive" have: 1 – similar meaning, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.

20. Arrange the words below in order to make a statement. If it is correct, then the answer will be P, if incorrect - N.

The stone is gaining momentum overgrown with moss.

21. Two of the phrases below have the same meaning, find them:

1. Keep your nose to the wind.

2. An empty bag is not worth it.

3. Three doctors are no better than one.

5. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

22. What number should replace the “?” sign:

73 66 59 52 45 38 ?

23. The length of day and night in September is almost the same as in:

24. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the final one will be: 1 - true, 2 - false, 3 - uncertain.

All progressive people are party members.

All leading people occupy major positions.

Some party members hold major positions.

25. A train travels 75 cm in 1/4 s. If he drives at the same speed, how far will he travel in 5 s?

26. If we assume that the first two statements are true, then the last: 1 - true, 2 - false, 3 - uncertain.

Bora is the same age as Masha. Masha is younger than Zhenya. Borya is younger than Zhenya.

27. Five half-kilogram packs of minced meat cost $2. How many kilograms of minced meat can you buy for 80 cents?

28. spread out And stretch. These words: 1 - similar in meaning, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

29. Divide this geometric figure with a straight line into two parts so that, adding them together, you can get a square:

30. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the latter will be: 1 - true, 2 - false, 3 - uncertain.

Sasha greeted Masha.

Masha greeted Dasha.

Sasha did not greet Dasha.

31. Car "XXX", valued at $2,400, was marked down by 33 1/3% during the seasonal sale. How much did the car cost during the sale?

32. Three of the five figures must be connected in such a way as to form an isosceles trapezoid:

33. The dress requires 2 1/3 m. fabrics. How many dresses can you make from 42 m?

34. The meanings of the following two sentences: 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

Three doctors are no better than one.

The more doctors, the more diseases.

35. Increase And expand. These words: 1 - similar, - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

36. The meaning of two English proverbs: 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 2 - neither similar nor opposite.

It is better to moor with two anchors.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

37. The grocer bought a box of oranges for $3.6. There were 12 dozen of them in the box. He knows that 2 dozen will go bad before he sells all the oranges. At what price does he need to sell the oranges to make a profit of 1/3 of the purchase price?

38. Claim And pretentious. These words according to their meaning: 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

39. If a pound of potatoes cost $0.0125, how many kilograms could you buy for 50 cents?

40. One of the members of the row does not fit with the others. What number would you replace it with:

1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/6.

41. Reflected And imaginary. These words are. 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - not similar. neither the opposite

42. How many acres is a plot 70 m long and 20 m wide?

43. The following two phrases by meaning: 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

Good things are cheap, bad roads.

Good quality comes from simplicity, bad quality comes from complexity.

44. A soldier, shooting at a target, hit it in 12.5% ​​of cases. How many times must a soldier fire to hit one hundred times?

45, One of the members of the row does not fit with the others. What number would you put in its place:

1/4 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/12 1/14

46. ​​Three partners in JSC "XXX" decided to divide the profit equally. T. invested $4,500 in the business, K. - $3,500, P. - $2,000. If the profit is $2,400, how much less profit will T receive compared to if the profit were divided in proportion to the contributions?

47. Which two of the following proverbs have a similar meaning:

1. Strike while the iron is hot.

2. Alone in the field is not a warrior.

3. The forest is being cut down, the chains are flying.

4. All that glitters is not gold.

5. Judge not by appearance, but by deeds?

48. The meaning of the following phrases: 1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

The forest is being cut down and chips are flying.

There is no big deal without losses.

49. Which of these figures is most different from the others?

50. A printed article has 24,000 words. The editor decided to use two font sizes. When using a large font, 900 words fit on a page, and a smaller font - 1200. The article should take 21 full pages in the magazine. How many pages should be printed in smaller font?

Key (answers) to the CAT test (Short orientation, selection test by V.N. Buzin, E.F. Vanderlik. Intelligence Diagnostic Questionnaire - IQ)

The integral indicator of general mental abilities (IP) is calculated by the number of correctly solved problems (1 point for each correct answer).

Correct answer

Correct answer










2 or 4






































0.48 per dozen


































3 and 5






4 and 5













Processing results and interpreting the test CAT (Short orientation, selection test by V.N. Buzin, E.F. Vanderlik. Intelligence Diagnostic Questionnaire - IQ)

The higher your score on this test, the higher your current level of intellectual development, the better your abilities for further learning and cognitive activity.

It is advisable to begin analyzing the results by determining the level of general mental abilities. To do this, the number of correctly solved problems (IP) is correlated with the level scale.

The value of the IP level of general mental abilities:

13 or less - low

14-18 - below average

19-24 - average

25-29 - above average

30 and more - high

A low result may not be reliable enough due to possible errors in compliance with testing conditions and understanding of instructions. Therefore, a low test result using this method can in no way be a sign of psychological professional unsuitability for any specialty. Only testing using other methods can provide reliable information about psychological contraindications to certain professions.

General mental development is determined not only by the sum of points received for the number of correctly solved problems. Qualitative analysis The test is carried out according to the following parameters:

  • - which tasks were solved most successfully (verbal, mathematical, spatial);
  • - what are the characteristics of thinking (generalization, flexibility, inertia, etc.).

Thus, tasks 10.13 require the development of arbitrariness, high concentration and distribution of attention.

Tasks 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 16, 19, 24, 28, 30, 43, 47, 48 determine general level awareness and development of linguistic abilities, which characterize the quality of humanitarian education.

Level of education in the area exact sciences affects the success of implementation numerical tasks to establish patterns with geometric figures (13, 17, 22, 27, 33, 42, 44, 46, 50).

Tasks 29, 32, 49 indicate the level of spatial orientation and abstract logical thinking person.

Average arithmetic executions test for row age groups students:

Fifth grade students – 10.5 points,

Sixth grade students - 13 points,

Seventh grade students - 15 points,

Eighth grade students – 17.5 points

Ninth grade students – 18.5 points.

Median test norms.

Standardization group (persons)

Median norm

Std. off

Heads of departments, laboratories (10)

Employees of ministries and departments

MSU students, husband. (10)

Moscow State University students, women. (10)

Students (specialization - electronic equipment and programming) (60)

Telecommunications Engineers (140)

For successful implementation test required a certain level development of verbal, logical, numerical and spatial abilities. Verbal abilities are responsible for the acquisition of meaning different words, understanding verbal analogies, performing logical operations With in separate words. This quality is associated with understanding the text, the ability to distinguish between direct and figurative sense statements, interpret it correctly, abstracting from the meaning of a specific phrase. The degree of logical thinking indicates the ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships, search for patterns, and the ability to draw correct conclusions. Numerical abilities are the ability to perform quick and accurate calculations, logical reasoning, arithmetic skills, understanding mathematical operations. Spatial abilities include spatial imagination, mastery of geometric concepts, the ability to mentally operate with objects on a plane and in space.

It is within your power to further develop these qualities. The level of development of intellectual abilities is not a person’s height or blood type, which are genetically determined and which cannot be changed. Intellectual capabilities are not only the conditions of learning, but also the result of previous learning. Intelligence tests do not measure the inclinations or potential of mental development, but only the level of development of the skills and abilities of cognitive activity that you have developed today.

5 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)

- 166.50 Kb

To successfully complete the tasks you must:

1. Listen carefully to the instructions for each technique and the explanation of the leader. If, after explaining the task, questions arise, raise your hand - you will be given additional clarification.

2. Strictly follow all commands. Pencils (or pens) and forms may only be taken upon command from the supervisor. You should start completing tasks using the command “Start work!” and finish with the command “Finish work!” After this command, pencils (or pens) are placed on the table.

3. You need to work independently. It is not allowed to ask comrades for help, to talk, or to distract others from work. If a question arises directly in the process of completing a task, you need to raise your hand and they will come to you and help you.

In total you will perform three techniques.

4. Your answers and survey results should be recorded only on the registration forms, which are located on the left side of the table. You cannot make any notes in the assignment booklets.

Who has questions about general order work, raise your hand."

Before conducting the examination for each method, the supervisor reads out the following instructions:

1. For the “S - test” method.

“Take the first registration form that says “S - Test” and a pencil (or pen).

At the top of the form in the appropriate lines clearly and legibly in block letters write down the workplace number, the date of the examination, your last name, the first letters of your first and middle names and your date of birth (pause).

Let's look at an example of performing tasks in the "S - test" methodology using a demonstration poster, which shows a drawing corresponding to the figures on the first page of the registration form. Here are samples of four geometric shapes, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4. It is necessary to mentally determine which of these figures is a part of each fragment in the rows located below the images, and cross out the number under the fragment that indicates the sample number. The first fragment corresponds to the first figure, so on your registration form, under the first fragment, cross out the number 1. The second fragment corresponds to the fourth figure, cross out the number 4 under it. Now you are given one minute for training, continue to slowly complete the task, because this some of the work will not be taken into account in the course grade.”

A minute later the command is given:

“Put down the pencils (pens)! Get ready for the task! The task should be completed as quickly as possible, but without compromising accuracy.

Flip registration forms. Start work!

Five minutes later the command is given:

“Finish the job! Place the registration form on the right edge of the table.”

2. For the “Short orientation test (BOT)” method.

“Take the registration form for the “WFP” questionnaire and the “CAT” methodology. In the left top corner On the form, in the appropriate lines, clearly and legibly in block letters, write the number of the workplace, the date of the examination, your last name, first name and patronymic (in full) and date of birth (year, month, day).

You are offered 50 tasks, they require your attention and composure. Time for answers is limited. Answer as many questions as you can, without wasting too much time thinking about any one question. Mark your answers on the registration form by crossing out the appropriate letter (the registration form is shown).

Don't turn the page without a command!

Let's look at sample tasks and the correct answers to them (use a demonstration poster or explanations on the blackboard):

EXAMPLE No. 1. The word FAST is the opposite in meaning of the word:

A – heavy, B – elastic, C – fast, D – light, E – slow.

CORRECT ANSWER: under the letter "E"

EXAMPLE No. 2. Oil costs 44 rubles per liter. How much does 2.5 liters of oil cost?

Answers: A – 100 rubles, B – 110 rubles, C – 130 rubles, D – 150 rubles, E – other.

CORRECT ANSWER: under the letter “B” (i.e. 110 rubles)

EXAMPLE No. 3. MINER and MINOR. These two words are:

A – similar, B – opposite, C – neither similar nor opposite in meaning.


If you do not understand everything, ask questions now. They will not be answered while the test is running.

After the “Get Started” command, turn the page and start working.

After 15 minutes, also at the “Finish work” command, stop performing tasks, turn the page and put down the pen. WAIT FOR THE TEAM. Who has any questions?

3. For the “Military Professional Aptitude Questionnaire (MVP)” method.

Take the registration form for the “WFP” questionnaire and the “CAT” method

You will have to answer a number of questions regarding your inclinations, interests, character traits, which are formulated in the form of statements.

You must either agree or disagree with each statement. Your agreement or disagreement can be expressed categorically (“totally true”, “totally false”) or more gently (“most likely true”, “most likely false”).

Mark your answers on the registration form (the registration form is shown) by crossing out one of the four numbers indicating:

0 – completely false (never happens, cannot be);

1 – most likely false (almost never happens, unlikely);

2 – most likely true (happens quite often, very likely);

3 – absolutely true (always, very likely).

You must answer all questions. When you're done, put down your pencil and raise your hand."

During the psychological and psychophysiological examination, the supervisor gives the appropriate commands, uses a stopwatch to control the time of execution of the techniques, and monitors the subjects.

Having completed the examination and collected the registration forms, the manager organizes their processing using keys.

Processed registration forms are filed in the personal files of conscripts.

Before the medical examination, on the day of citizens’ appearance at the meeting of the draft commission, they are additionally examined using the express questionnaire “Forecast” (see Appendix 7) in order to clarify the level of nervousness. mental stability.

Before conducting an examination using each method, the supervisor reads out the following instructions:

“Before you is a questionnaire consisting of 84 questions (statements). Read each of them sequentially and decide which answer - “yes” or “no” more accurately characterizes you. If you answer the question “yes”, then you need to put a “+” sign in the empty cell to the right of the question number, if “no”, then you need to put a “-” sign in the empty cell to the right of the question number. Work independently, don't spend too much time thinking about questions. All answers must be sincere. If anyone has any questions, please raise your hand.”

Having completed the examination and collected the registration forms, the manager organizes their processing using “keys”. Processed registration forms are filed in the personal files of conscripts.

2.3. Making an opinion on the professional suitability of citizens subject to conscription military service.

During the initial registration of citizens for military registration, conclusions about their professional suitability for training in military registration specialties are made on the basis of professional suitability for classes of basic similar military positions.

Professional suitability of citizens for classes of basic similar military positions: “Command”, “Operator”, “Communications and Observations”, “Driver”, “ Special purpose" and "Technological" are determined based on the values ​​​​in points of 10- point scale(in terms of) indicators of general cognitive abilities - “OPS”, neuropsychic stability - “NPU”, indicators of individual professional important qualities, taking into account the conclusions based on the results of socio-psychological studies and in the following sequence:

1. After processing the completed registration forms for psychological and psychophysiological examination methods using the “keys”, the test results in the form of “raw” points are entered into the corresponding columns and lines of the results sheet, then the “raw” points are converted according to Table 5 (see Appendix 8) into points on a 10-point scale (in stans), which are also entered in the corresponding columns and lines of the results sheet.

2. To determine the indicator of general cognitive abilities - “OPS”, points on a 10-point scale (in stans), indicators of the “CAT-S” and “S - test” methods are summed up. The amount of points (stans) is also converted according to Table 5 into points on a 10-point scale (stans), which are entered in the corresponding column and line of the results sheet.

General cognitive abilities, depending on the value of the OPS indicator, are assessed as “high” – 8–10 points on a 10-point scale (in stans), “good” – 6–7 points, satisfactory – 4–5 points, unsatisfactory 1–2 points.

3. To determine the indicator of neuropsychic stability “NPU”, “raw” scores on the “NPU” scale of the WFP questionnaire are converted according to Table 5 into points on a 10-point scale (in stans), which determine the value of the “NPU” indicator.

The values ​​of NPU indicators, adjusted taking into account the data of socio-psychological study, are assessed on a 10-point scale (in stans) at four levels: 9 - 10 points - high neuropsychic stability, 6 - 8 points - good neuropsychic stability, 3 - 5 points – satisfactory neuropsychic stability and 1 – 2 points – unsatisfactory neuropsychic stability.

4. To determine the categories of professional suitability for training in military specialties (by classes of main similar military positions) according to Table 6 (see Appendix 9) at the intersection of the values ​​of the “OSP” and “NPU” indicators, adjusted taking into account the conclusions based on the results of a socio-psychological study » in points on a 10-point scale (in stans) is also determined in points on in points on a 10-point scale (in stans) “Intermediate indicator of professional suitability (pp)”, taking into account general cognitive abilities And neuropsychic stability, and is entered into the results sheet.

Further, according to Table 7 (see Appendix 10), also in points on a 10-point scale (in stans), the “Indicator of professional suitability (PP)” is determined depending on the “Intermediate indicator of professional suitability (PP)” and the value of the indicator “N” , reflecting the focus on military service as a whole, and is entered into the results sheet.

5. To determine the levels of expression of individual professionally important qualities that determine professional suitability for military service in general and for classes of basic similar military positions: “Command”, “Operator”, “Communications and Observations”, “Driver”, “Special Purpose” and “Technological”, values ​​of indicators of the severity of individual professionally expressed qualities on the scales of the WPP questionnaire: “N”, “K”, “Op”, “St”, “V”, “SN” and “T”, in points on a 10-point scale scale (in stans) is translated according to Table 8 (see Appendix 11). At the intersection of the indicator values ​​(PP) and the corresponding values ​​of the indicators “N”, “K”, “Op”, “St”, “V”, “SN” and “T” (adjusted taking into account the results of socio-psychological study), categories are determined professional suitability for training and military service in military positions (by classes of basic similar military positions).

6. Conclusion on the professional suitability of citizens for training in military specialties in public associations institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education is made on the basis of determining whether military specialties belong to the classes of basic similar military positions and determining the corresponding categories of professional suitability using Tables 6-8.

Categories of professional suitability for training in military specialties (classes of basic similar military positions) are entered in Roman numerals in the line “At initial military registration” of the section “Conclusion on the categories of professional suitability” of the results sheet.

During the initial registration of citizens for military registration, conclusions about their professional suitability for training in military educational institutions are made according to Table 9 (see Appendix 12) based on the values ​​of the intermediate indicator of professional suitability (pp) in points on a 10-point scale (in stans), taking into account general cognitive abilities and neuropsychological stability, and the values ​​of the “N” indicators in points on a 10-point scale (in stans), which takes into account, together with the results of socio-psychological studies, the focus on military service as a whole.


The purpose of this practice is to develop skills in drawing up various rehabilitation, adaptation, preventive, correctional, developmental and other programs during the activities of the trainee-researcher.
Practice objectives:
1. Study of the structure and activities of basic enterprises (financing, economic, legal, organizational, pedagogical, psychological, medical and social, etc. technological aspects their activities) depending on the profile of the chosen specialization;
2. Mastery of methods and technologies for working with various categories of clients;
3. Study and description social programs of a different nature depending on the chosen specialization.