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The nature of the apparent motion of a planet depends on which group it belongs to. The larger the distance between the planet and the Earth, the smaller the loop is. The planets describe loops, rather than simply moving back and forth along one line, solely due to the fact that the planes of their orbits do not coincide with the plane of the ecliptic.

The angular distance of Venus from the Sun is less than the angular distances of the Moon and Jupiter. Moon, Jupiter and Venus in evening Paris. The angular distance of a planet from the Sun is called elongation. The greatest elongation of Mercury is 28°, and that of Venus is 48°. During eastern elongation, the inner planet is visible in the west, in the rays of the evening dawn, shortly after sunset.

Sidereal and synodic periods of revolutions of planets The period of time during which a planet makes a complete revolution around the Sun in its orbit is called the sidereal (or sidereal) period of revolution (T). The period of time between two identical planetary configurations is called the synodic period (S). Earth Equations of synodic motion: for the lower planet: 1/S = 1/T - 1/T s for the upper planet: 1/S = 1/T s - 1/T where T s is the sidereal period of the Earth, equal to 1 year Problem. How often do the oppositions of Mars, whose sidereal period is 1.9 years, repeat? Given: T з = 1 g. Find: S = ? Solution: 1/S = 1/T z - 1/T; Answer: S 2.1 g. T = 1.9 g. S = T z *T / (T – T z); S 2.1 g.

Apparent movement of planets The movements of the Sun and planets across the celestial sphere reflect only their visible, that is, movements that appear to an earthly observer. Moreover, any movements of the luminaries across the celestial sphere are not related to the daily rotation of the Earth, since the latter is reproduced by the rotation of the celestial sphere itself.

Loop-like movement of planets Five planets can be seen with the naked eye - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They are not easily distinguished from stars by their appearance, especially since they are not always significantly bright.

If you follow the movement of a planet, for example Mars, monthly marking its position on a star map, the main feature of the visible movement of the planet may be revealed: the planet describes a loop against the background of the starry sky.

Configuration of planets Planets whose orbits are located inside the Earth's orbit are called inferior, and planets whose orbits are located outside the Earth's orbit are called superior. The characteristic relative positions of the planets relative to the Sun and Earth are called planetary configurations.

The configurations of the lower and upper planets are different. For the lower planets this is For the upper planets - conjunctions (upper and quadrature (eastern lower) and elongation and western), conjunction and (eastern and western). confrontation. The visible movement of the upper planets, which are best seen near the lower planets, resembles oppositions, when all movements near the Sun are directed towards the oscillatory Earth. hemispheres of the planet illuminated by the Sun.

Sidereal and synodic periods of planetary revolution. The period of time during which a planet completes its orbit around the Sun is called the sidereal (or sidereal) period of revolution (T), and the period of time between two identical configurations of the planet is called the synodic period (S).

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Visible movements of celestial bodies Space is everything that is, that ever was and ever will be. Carl Sagan.

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Since ancient times, people have observed such phenomena in the sky as the visible rotation of the starry sky, changes in the phases of the Moon, the rising and setting of celestial bodies, the visible movement of the Sun across the sky during the day, solar eclipses, changes in the height of the Sun above the horizon throughout the year, and lunar eclipses. It was clear that all these phenomena were associated, first of all, with the movement of celestial bodies, the nature of which people tried to describe with the help of simple visual observations, the correct understanding and explanation of which took centuries to develop.

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The first written records of celestial bodies arose in ancient Egypt and Sumer. The ancients distinguished three types of bodies in the firmament: stars, planets and “tailed stars.” The differences come precisely from observations: Stars remain motionless relative to other stars for quite a long time. Therefore, it was believed that the stars were “fixed” on the celestial sphere. As we now know, due to the rotation of the Earth, each star “draws” a “circle” in the sky.

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Planets, on the contrary, move across the sky, and their movement is visible to the naked eye for an hour or two. Even in Sumer, 5 planets were found and identified: Mercury,

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"Tailed" stars of a comet. They appeared infrequently and symbolized troubles.

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Configuration is the characteristic relative position of the planet, the Sun and the Earth. Ekli bird is a large circle of the celestial sphere along which the visible annual movement of the Sun occurs. Accordingly, the ecliptic plane is the plane of rotation of the Earth around the Sun. The lower (inner) planets move in orbit faster than the Earth, and the upper (outer) planets move slower. Let us introduce the concepts of specific physical quantities that characterize the motion of planets and allow us to make some calculations:

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Perihelion (ancient Greek περί “peri” - around, around, near, ancient Greek ηλιος “helios” - Sun) is the point of the orbit of a planet or other celestial body of the Solar system closest to the Sun. The antonym of perihelion is apohelium (aphelion) - the most distant point of the orbit from the Sun. The imaginary line between aphelion and perihelion is called the apsidal line. Sidereal (T -stellar) - the period of time during which the planet makes a full revolution around the Sun in its orbit relative to the stars. Synodic (S) – the period of time between two successive identical configurations of the planet

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The three laws of planetary motion relative to the Sun were derived empirically by the German astronomer Johannes Kepler at the beginning of the 17th century. This became possible thanks to many years of observations by the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe

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The apparent motion of the planets and the Sun is most simply described in the reference frame associated with the Sun. This approach was called the heliocentric world system and was proposed by the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543).

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In ancient times and right up to Copernicus, it was believed that the Earth was located at the center of the Universe and all celestial bodies revolved along complex trajectories around it. This world system is called the geocentric world system.

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The complex apparent motion of planets on the celestial sphere is caused by the revolution of the planets of the Solar System around the Sun. The word “planet” itself, translated from ancient Greek, means “wandering” or “vagrant”. The trajectory of a celestial body is called its orbit. The speed of movement of planets in orbits decreases as the planets move away from the Sun. The nature of the planet's movement depends on which group it belongs to. Therefore, in relation to the orbit and visibility conditions from the Earth, the planets are divided into internal (Mercury, Venus) and external (Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), or, respectively, in relation to the Earth’s orbit, into lower and upper.

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Since, when observed from the Earth, the movement of the planets around the Sun is also superimposed on the movement of the Earth in its orbit, the planets move across the sky either from east to west (direct motion), or from west to east (retrograde motion). Moments of change of direction are called stops. If you plot this path on a map, you get a loop. The larger the distance between the planet and the Earth, the smaller the loop is. The planets describe loops, rather than simply moving back and forth along one line, solely due to the fact that the planes of their orbits do not coincide with the plane of the ecliptic. This complex looping pattern was first observed and described using the apparent motion of Venus.

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It is a known fact that the movement of certain planets can be observed from the Earth at strictly defined times of the year, this is due to their position over time in the starry sky. The configurations of the inner and outer planets are different: for the lower planets these are conjunctions and elongations (the largest angular deviation of the planet's orbit from the orbit of the Sun), for the upper planets these are quadratures, conjunctions and oppositions. For the Earth-Moon-Sun system, a new moon occurs at the inferior conjunction, and a full moon at the superior conjunction.

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For the upper (external) conjunction - the planet behind the Sun, on the Sun-Earth straight line (M 1). opposition - the planet behind the Earth from the Sun is the best time for observing the outer planets, it is completely illuminated by the Sun (M 3). Western square – the planet is observed in the western direction (M 4). eastern – observed in the eastern side (M 2).

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Earth movement

Question 1 The reason for the daily rotation of the celestial sphere is: A) The proper movement of the stars; B) Rotation of the Earth around its axis; B) The movement of the Earth around the Sun; D) The movement of the Sun around the center of the Galaxy.

Question 2 The celestial North Pole is currently: A) very close to the star α Ursa Major; B) is located near the brightest star in the entire sky - Sirius; B) is very close to the North Star; D) is located in the constellation Lyra near the star Vega.

Question 3 The constellation Ursa Major makes a full revolution around the North Star in a time equal to A) one night; B) one day; B) one month; D) one year.

Question 4 In what place on Earth does the daily movement of stars occur parallel to the horizon plane? A) at the equator; B) at mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere; B) at the poles; D) at mid-latitudes of the Earth's southern hemisphere.

Question 5 In what place on Earth can all the constellations be observed? A) at the equator; B) at mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere; B) at the poles; D) at mid-latitudes of the Earth's southern hemisphere.

The movement of the Earth around the Sun and the apparent annual movement of the Sun along the ecliptic

The visible annual path of the Sun passes through thirteen constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. According to ancient tradition, only twelve of them are called zodiac. The constellation Ophiuchus is not considered a zodiac constellation.

The Sun spends about a month in each zodiac constellation

summer solstice - June 22 winter solstice - December 22 vernal equinox - March 21 autumn equinox - September 23

The reason for the change of seasons

Cosmic phenomena Celestial phenomena arising as a result of these cosmic phenomena Rotation of the Earth around its axis 1) shape of the Earth; 2) daily rotation of the celestial sphere around the axis of the world from east to west; sunrise and sunset; 3) change of day and night; 4) ebb and flow of the tides Rotation of the Earth around the Sun 1) annual change in the appearance of the starry sky (the apparent movement of celestial bodies from west to east); 2) the annual movement of the Sun along the ecliptic from west to east; 3) change in the midday height of the Sun above the horizon during the year; a) change in the duration of daylight hours throughout the year; b) polar day and polar night at high latitudes of the planet; 4) change of seasons

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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