A message about left-handedness. How does a left-handed person differ from a right-handed person: features, interesting facts, recommendations

Gunsmith Lefty – main character story by N. Leskov. An interesting tale that has become the plot of animated and feature films, theatrical productions, conveys the essence of the life of Russian talent.

The image and characterization of Lefty in the story “Lefty” help to understand the events of the history of Rus', to understand how and how a simple Tula gunsmith lived.

Lefty's Appearance

The master gunsmith Lefty remained known to everyone only by his nickname. Nobody knows his real name. The nickname was given for his skillful use of his left hand. It’s even more convenient for a master to cross himself with his left hand. This ability surprised the British. Overseas engineers did not even imagine that one could become a skilled craftsman without using the right hand.

Left-handed suffers from strabismus. This characteristic is even more striking. How did the scythe man manage to forge the smallest parts for a miniature flea? What is his visual acuity that he works without any microscopes or complex magnifying devices? Moreover, it performs the thinnest part of the product.

Other special signs:

  • spot on the face;
  • absence of “hair” on the temples.

\"...one sideways left-hander, there is a birthmark on his cheek, and the hair on his temples was torn out during training...\"

The teacher tore at the boy’s hair, which means the guy managed to not be particularly diligent and diligent student.

Because of poverty, the peasant dresses modestly:

  • worn-out peasant shoes (footwear);
  • Cossack on hooks.

He was walking in what he was wearing: in shorts, one trouser leg was in a boot, the other was dangling, and the collar was old, the hooks were not fastened, they were lost, and the collar was torn; but it’s okay, don’t be embarrassed.

The boy is not ashamed of his appearance. Got used to it. In the story there is no feeling of discomfort when the boy is changed, that is, clothes mean nothing to him. It's scary to read the pages where he is undressed in the hospital and left almost naked on the cold floor. Some people really liked his new suit.

The image of talent from the outback

Lefty lives in the city of Tula in a small house. A cramped mansion - this is how the narrator characterizes him. The couriers who arrived with Platov tried to enter the hut, but failed. The doors were so strong that they remained standing, withstanding numerous blows from heroic strength. The roof of the house was removed faster, one log at a time. The tightness is proved by the staleness of the air, which, when the roof was removed, rose above the house so much that everyone around did not have enough air. The poor peasant loves his parents. When he is asked to stay in England, the first reason why he refuses new living conditions is his old parents. He affectionately calls his father “daddy” and his mother “old lady”. Lefty does not yet have his own family, he is not married.

I'm still single.

The character of a hero from the people

Lefty is one of the three most skilled craftsmen in the city of Tula gunsmiths. This means that among all gunsmiths ancient city We chose only those who are very talented. It’s hard to even imagine how many real artisans live in the city weapons production. According to the narrator, the entire Russian nation hopes for Lefty and his friends. The task facing the masters is to prove that Russian craftsmen can do everything better than others, in this story, better than the British.

The craftsmen are hardworking and persistent. They did not deliver the work before completion, and without fear of the ataman’s anger, they completed everything to the end.

Special Personality Qualities

The main character has many of his own individual characteristics, but at the same time, his personality traits make Lefty a symbol of the entire Russian people, kind and talented.

Education. The gunsmith is not literate or educated, like almost the entire peasantry in Rus' in those years. His school consisted of two textbooks: “The Psalter” and “The Half-Dream Book.” Talent lives in a master by nature. He managed to open it.

Cunning. A simple craftsman does not reveal the ideas that three gunsmiths had about an English craft. He is silent in England, not trusting his thoughts to overseas engineers. He is cunning in a kind way, without evil or intent.

Faith in God. The masters did not begin the work without the blessing of the highest divine powers. They went to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Gunsmiths rely on themselves and on help from above.

Determination and courage. The master is not afraid to meet with the Russian emperor. Don't be embarrassed by torn clothes. He knows that he and his friends carried out his order and is ready to answer for the work. He boldly tells the king that he engraved his names on the horseshoes, what his work was.

Completed by Evgeniy Trubnikov,

student of class 9 “A”

Lyceum No. 369

Scientific director

Epishova Svetlana Fedorovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

St. Petersburg 2011


1. Russian national character

2. Description of Lefty

3. Russian national character of Lefty, the hero of N.S. Leskov’s tale




The mysterious Russian soul... She, the subject of admiration and curses, sometimes squeezes a man's fist, crushes concrete obstacles. Otherwise it will suddenly become thinner than a petal, More transparent than an autumn web. Otherwise it flies like on the first day of the fishing season, a desperate mountain river.(E. Dolmatovsky)

There is such a thing as Russian national character. Times change, tsars, leaders, presidents change, our country itself changes, but the features of the Russian national character remain unchanged. Both foreign and Russian thinkers constantly turned to the mystery of the “mysterious Russian soul”, because this topic has always remained and will remain relevant and interesting.

To explore this topic in my work, I chose N.S. Leskov’s work “Lefty” because he, using the form of a tale, tells us the story of a man who personifies all Russian people. " Where “left-handed” is written, you should read “Russian people” - Leskov himself spoke.

“A tale is a type of literary and artistic narrative constructed as a story by a person whose position and speech style are different from the point of view and style of the author himself. The collision and interaction of these semantic and speech positions underlies the artistic effect of the tale”*. A tale implies a first-person narration, and the narrator’s speech should be measured, melodious, and sustained in a characteristic manner. this person manner. There is no narrator as such in “Lefty”, but in other respects the work can well be called a tale. The author’s “reprimand” creates the impression that the story is being narrated by some villager, simple, but at the same time (judging by the reasoning) educated and wise. “Lefty” has a similar subtext to fairy tales, because they often contain an unobtrusive, often good-natured, condescending mockery of “those in power.”

1. Russian national character

Among all the traits inherent in the Russian national character, we can highlight some that, in my opinion, are basic: hard work and talent, willpower and kindness, patience and perseverance, courage and boldness, love of freedom and patriotism, religiosity. I considered it necessary to quote the statements of some foreigners who touched upon themes of the Russian national character, because they see us from the outside and evaluate us unbiasedly.

· Hard work, talent.

“Russian people have many talents and abilities in almost all areas public life. He is characterized by observation, theoretical and practical intelligence, natural ingenuity, ingenuity, and creativity. The Russian people are great workers, creators and creators.” The sharp practical mind of the Russian person is a source of diverse experience and different abilities. Hence - the rich development of the spirit and an abundance of talents. The talent of the Russian man manifested itself in a very successful development science and technical inventions, and the love of beauty and the gift creative imagination promote high development Russian art.

· Love of freedom

“For the Russian people, freedom is above all.
To the Russian heart closer word“will”, understood as independence,

freedom in the manifestation of feelings and in the commission of actions, and not freedom as a conscious necessity, that is, as the possibility of a person expressing his will on the basis of awareness of the law”*.

According to the philosopher N.O. Lossky to the number primary properties Russian people, along with religiosity, the search for absolute good and willpower, include love for freedom and supreme expression hers is freedom of spirit. He who has a free spirit is inclined to put every value to the test, not only in thought, but even in experience. This property is associated with the search for absolute good. IN real world it does not exist, therefore, each person makes an independent choice for himself the best way actions, one's own path.

Freedom of spirit, breadth of nature, the search for perfect goodness and the associated test of values ​​through thought and experience led to the fact that the Russian people developed the most diverse, and sometimes opposite, forms and methods. The search for absolute good has developed recognition among the Russian people high value each individual.

The Russian people had to endure many trials during their difficult history, and in each of them they showed courage and courage. Among the primary basic properties of the Russian people is powerful willpower. The higher the value, the stronger feelings and energetic activity it evokes in people with strong will. This explains the passion of the Russian people, manifested in political life, and even greater passion in religious life. The willpower of the Russian people, as N.O. writes. Lossky, is also revealed in the fact that a Russian person, having noticed any shortcoming of his and morally condemning it, obeying a sense of duty, overcomes it and develops a quality that is completely opposite to it.

· Kindness

Often Russian people help those whom they should hate with all their souls, with whom they, in theory, cannot have decent relations. For example, the Austrian German Otto Berger, who was a prisoner in Russia from 1944 to 1949, wrote in his book that while living in Russia, the prisoners understood “What a special people the Russians are. All workers, and especially women, treated us as unfortunate people in need of help and protection. Sometimes the women would take our clothes, our linen, and return it all ironed, washed, mended. The most amazing thing was that the Russians themselves lived in monstrous need, which should have killed their desire to help us, their yesterday’s enemies.”. Our Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky agrees with the opinion of a foreigner: “Russian people do not know how to hate for a long time and seriously,” he wrote about Russian kindness.

The kindness of the Russian people in all layers of them is expressed in the absence of rancor. “Often a Russian person, being passionate and prone to maximalism, experiences strong feeling pushing away from another person, but when meeting him, if necessary specific communication, his heart softens and he somehow involuntarily begins to show his spiritual softness towards him, even sometimes condemning himself for this if he believes that this person does not deserve good relations to him."*

· Patriotism

The Russian people have always been distinguished by their patriotism. Russian people could remain dissatisfied with Russia among themselves, but as soon as it was necessary to defend it, to defend the honor of the Motherland, they united and together repulsed the enemy or simply did not allow ridicule of it.

· Patience and Fortitude

“Russians have limitless patience, an amazing ability to endure difficulties, hardships and suffering. In Russian culture, patience and the ability to endure suffering are the ability to exist, the ability to respond to external circumstances, this is the basis of personality.”*

· Religiosity

Religiosity is a feature of the Russian national character that practically determined the entire Russian mentality. In my opinion, if the Russian people were not so religious, then, most likely, their history would have turned out differently. After all, many of the defining features of the Russian national character were formed precisely thanks to her. In his book “The Character of the Russian People,” Russian philosopher N.O. Lossky considers the main and deepest feature of the Russian people to be their religiosity and the associated search for absolute truth. “Russians can talk about religion for six hours straight. The Russian idea is a Christian idea; in the foreground there is love for those who suffer, pity, attention to the individual personality…” writes N.O. Lossky in his book.

2. Description of Lefty

Distinctive properties of N.S.’s prose Leskova – fairy tale motifs, the interweaving of the comic and tragic, the ambiguity of the author’s assessments of the characters - were fully manifested in one of the most famous works writer "Lefty".

Introducing us to the main character, the author does not demonstrate his attractiveness, just a few details: “ left-handed with an oblique eye, a birthmark on his cheek, and the hair on his temples torn out during training.” However, Lefty is a skilled Tula craftsman, one of those Tula gunsmiths who managed to forge the English “nymphosoria” and, thereby, surpass English masters.

When meeting the king himself, Lefty is not afraid, but “ he walks in what he was wearing: in shorts, one trouser leg is in a boot, the other is dangling, and the collar is old, the hooks are not fastened, they are lost, and the collar is torn; but it’s okay, don’t be embarrassed" Lefty, an unprepossessing little man, is not afraid to go to the sovereign, because he is confident in his rightness and in the quality of his work. Indeed, there is something to marvel at here - the craftsmen not only did not spoil the curiosity, but also surpassed the British in skill: they shod the steel flea and wrote their names on the horseshoes. This is such a miniature work that you can see the result with a “small scope”, which magnifies several hundred times, and the craftsmen, due to poverty, did all the delicate work without a “small scope”, because they “have such a focused eye.” However, Lefty's name was not on the horseshoes, since he considered himself unworthy of it. In his opinion, he didn’t do anything special, because he worked with parts less than shoeing: he forged nails to nail them.

Lefty is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of the Fatherland, in the name of the cause. He goes to England without documents, hungry (he’s on the road “ At each station, the belts were also tightened by one badge so that the intestines and lungs did not get mixed up”, to show foreigners Russian ingenuity and skill, and earns the respect of the British by his reluctance to remain in their country.

Lefty's skill and skill aroused well-deserved respect among the British, but, unfortunately, he was deprived technical knowledge, accessible to English masters, and, as a result, the savvy Lefty and his comrades “nymphosoria” can no longer dance: “ It's a shame- the British regret, - It would be better if you knew at least four rules of addition from arithmetic, then it would be much more useful to you than the entire Half-Dream Book. Then you could realize that in every machine there is a calculation of force; Otherwise, you are very skillful in your hands, but you didn’t realize that such a small machine, like the one in the nymphosoria, is designed for the most accurate precision and cannot carry its shoes. Because of this, the nymphosoria now does not jump and does not dance.”

When Lefty returns to his homeland, he falls ill and dies, useless to anyone. Thrown on the floor in a “common” hospital, he personifies inhumanity, short-sightedness and ingratitude state power– the reason for Russia’s unsettled state, according to the author.

From the entire story, it becomes obvious that Leskov sympathizes with Lefty, feels sorry for him, and the author’s comments are filled with bitterness. The image of Lefty reflected Leskov’s search for positive national hero, and in my opinion this image hits very close to home.

3. Russian national character of Lefty, the hero of N.S. Leskov’s tale

Leskov does not give a name to his hero, thereby emphasizing the collective meaning and significance of his character. The image of Lefty combines the main features of the Russian national character.

· Religiosity

The religiosity of the Russian people is manifested in the episode when Tula masters, including Lefty, before starting work they went to bow to the icon of “Nikola of Mtsensk” - the patron saint of trade and military affairs. Also, Lefty’s religiosity is “intertwined” with his patriotism. Lefty's faith is one of the reasons he refuses to stay in England. “ “Because,” he answers, “our Russian faith is the most correct, and just as our rightful fathers believed, our descendants should believe just as accurately.”

· Willpower, courage and courage

Lefty, one of three gunsmiths, worked hard on the strange flea for two weeks. All this time they sat locked up, keeping their work secret. This is where the strength of spirit manifests itself, since I had to work in harsh conditions: with closed windows and doors, without rest, so that during work you never leave their “crowded mansion”, in which “ the breathless work in the air created such a sweaty spiral that an unaccustomed person with a fresh wind could not breathe even once.”

· Patience and Fortitude

Many times Lefty shows patience and perseverance: and when Platov “ caught the left-hander by the hair and started tossing it back and forth so that tufts flew.”, and when Lefty, sailing home from England, despite bad weather, sits on the deck to quickly see his homeland:

“As soon as we left the bay into the Solid Earth Sea, his desire for Russia became such that it was impossible to calm him down. The flooding has become terrible, but the left-handed man doesn’t go downstairs to the cabins - he sits under the gift, pulls his cap down and looks towards his fatherland. Many times the British came to him warm place to call down, but so as not to be bothered, he even started lashing out.”

· Patriotism

While in England, Lefty rejects lucrative offers from the British: to settle in London, study science, visit factories for practice, get a prestigious job, get married, start a family. (“ Stay with us, we will give you great education, and you will become an amazing master”, “The British named themselves so that they could send money to his parents”, “we will marry you”, because he loves his homeland, loves its customs, its traditions. Lefty cannot imagine his life outside of Russia. “ “We,” he says, “are committed to our homeland, and my little brother is already an old man, and my parent is an old woman and is accustomed to going to church in her parish,” “but I would rather go to my native place, because otherwise I might go crazy.” get it.”

Lefty - true patriot, a patriot at heart, gifted from birth, he is characterized by high morality and religiosity. He went through many trials, but even in his death hour he remembers that he must tell the military secret of the British, ignorance of which negatively affects the combat effectiveness of the Russian army.

· Kindness

Despite his strong attachment to the Motherland, Lefty refuses the British's request to stay very politely, trying not to offend them. He does this in such a way that his refusal not only did not upset the British, but even earned them respect. And he forgives Ataman Platov for his rude treatment of himself. “Even though he has Ovechkin’s fur coat, he has the soul of a man,” says the “Aglitsky half-skipper” about his Russian comrade.

· Hard work and talent

One of the main themes in the story is the theme of the creative talent of the Russian person. Talent, according to Leskov, cannot exist independently; it must necessarily be based on the moral and spiritual strength of a person. The plot itself, the very history of this tale tells how Lefty, together with his comrades, was able to “outdo” the English masters without any acquired knowledge, only thanks to talent and hard work. Extraordinary, wonderful skill is the main property of Lefty. He wiped the noses of the “Aglitsky masters”, shod the flea with such small nails that you couldn’t see it even with the strongest microscope. In the image of Lefty, Leskov proved that the opinion put into the mouth of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich was incorrect: foreigners “have such a nature of perfection that once you look at it, you will no longer argue that we, Russians, are no good for our importance.”

The proper name of Lefty, like the names of many greatest geniuses, is forever lost to posterity, but his adventures can serve as a memory of an era, the general spirit of which is accurately and accurately captured. The image of Lefty, according to the writer, recalls those times when “inequality of talents and talents” mattered, and makes one look with sadness at the present time, when, “while favoring an increase in earnings, machines do not favor artistic prowess, which sometimes exceeded the limit, inspiring folk imagination to compose fabulous legends similar to the current ones.”


IN this work We examined the Russian national character using the example of N.S. Leskov’s work “Lefty”. Analyzing this work, finding signs of Russian national character in its main character, we discovered that “Lefty” is a work in which Leskov, consummate master tale, masterfully identified the main features of the Russian national character and showed them through the example of his heroes, especially Lefty. The author uses various language means expressiveness, such as the use of “folk” words (“nymphosoria” - ciliates, “bite” - couch, etc.). This gives “Lefty” a special “charm”.

Lefty is a symbol of the Russian people. Lefty personifies the Russian people; he is religious, patriotic, hardworking, kind and freedom-loving. Leskov is truly presented great person: talented master, with a broad soul, ardent with a loving heart, with deep patriotic feelings.

Thus, at the end of this work, it should be said that the Russian national character certainly has its own character traits, different from the features inherent in other peoples and so incomprehensible to them. Ta inner strength, the spirituality and sacrifice of the people, their kindness, spiritual simplicity, compassion and selflessness and, at the same time, inertia, illogicality and irrationality of actions, behavior justified most often only by intuition, all this makes the Russian people unlike any other people in the world. Russia, where such an extraordinary people lives, is unlike any other country in the world.

work left-handed Russian national character


1. Leskov N.S. Lefty. - Astrel, AST, 2006

2. Vyunov Yu.A. “A Word about Russians.” M., 2002.

3. Vereshchagin E.M. Kostomarov V.G. “Language and Culture”. M, 1990.

4. Ter-Minasova S.G. “Language and intercultural communication.” M., 2000.

5. “Big” Soviet encyclopedia" M, Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970.

6. Lossky N. O. About the Russian character. M., 1990.

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The image of Lefty in Leskov’s work is quite interesting and unusual. There are very few people like him, and even more so in our time. He goes with the flow, changes practically nothing, his fate is tragic, but he still enjoys life.

Lefty - a talented Tula gunsmith

When Nikolai Pavlovich, the Russian emperor, ordered the improvement of the flea brought from England by the previous emperor Alexander Pavlovich, Lefty performed the most hard work.

He forged the smallest detail that even the human eye cannot see. Of the three masters who performed the operation to improve the flea, he was the most diligent, resourceful, and talented.

Modest, inconspicuous and ugly

Despite all of Lefty's work, many underestimated him. This was usually due to appearance.

He was inconspicuous, ugly-faced, askew, and even left-handed. Almost no one knew what enormous potential was hidden in this seemingly ordinary peasant.

But, as I already said, you don’t often meet people like our hero.

Dear readers! We bring to your attention which was written by N. Leskov.

In his place, many would probably demand monetary compensation for moral damage, or a personal workshop, or some other reward for a huge amount of high-quality work done.

But Lefty wasn't like that. He calmly floated with the flow. I didn't go anywhere. Perhaps he even underestimated himself. He did not demand anything at all, although he did not live so luxuriously.

He didn’t even sign the flea’s legs, but simply made the work twice as difficult as the other craftsmen who forged the flea with him. So none of those who saw creation joint activities Russian and English masters did not recognize that not two masters, but three, worked on the work of art. And the name of the third remained unknown to the world.

Lefty's special patriotism

Despite all the difficulties that Lefty endured, he never betrayed his homeland. No matter how much he was underestimated, he always remained faithful to his beloved country. When he went to England, one can assume that he really liked it there. They offered him to stay, promising him all the necessary and comfortable conditions.

He knew that his work would be appreciated there. But Lefty remembered that he was closer than motherland, there is practically nothing for him, and it doesn’t matter what kind of people there will be. The main thing is that you are at home. I had to refuse. For some this may be business as usual, but for Lefty it was huge selection.

Dear readers! We offer in the story of Nikolai Leskov “ Old genius

Just imagine: a homeland where no one needs you, and then you are invited to another, more progressive country, where you will be appreciated...

Lefty dies

Upon arrival in Russia, something terrible happens. Our hero becomes very ill. The pain is so severe that I have to go to the hospital. His name has already been forgotten. What he did is also forgotten. Everyone has already forgotten who he is. Lefty was admitted to a hospital for the poor. While they were carrying him on a stretcher, they dropped him and the guy broke his head. That's how he died in the hospital. None of those who saw him, none of those who surrounded him or carried him in a stretcher suspected that a great master gunsmith with whom almost no one could compare was dying before their eyes. But he is still happy with what he has. This is how Lefty's life ends tragically.

Left-handed people always got it from right-handed people for being “abnormal.” In many beliefs and religions, left-handed people were considered clumsy and inept, as well as mean, malicious and hypocritical. Latin dexter means right, which is also healing, and sinister means left and harmful. In the languages ​​of other peoples left hand called dishonest, deceitful and vile, in contrast to the right - infallible, pure and healing. How long ago has left-handedness been considered a vice? It is believed that the watershed line was the painting Last Judgment in the Gospel of Matthew, legitimizing the right and putting the left out of bounds.

"Then the King will say to those who right side His: “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world... Then he will also say to those who left side: “Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels...”

Left-handed people are still ignored and subject to, one might say, cultural pressure. Examples? Have you ever wondered why it is customary for us to offer our right hand when greeting, why on wristwatches the crown is on the right, the tubes are in telephone booths hang on the right, the slot for the travel card in the metro turnstiles is on the right, working tools are for right hand, the shutter button on cameras is on the right, the door handles are placed in such a way that it is convenient for right-handed people, but not for left-handed people? Why do we say “go to the left”, “left earnings”, “get off on the left foot”, etc.

Scientists believe that in ancient times humanity was left-handed. The reasons for the prevailing right-handedness exist at the level of hypotheses. One of them says that in turbulent times, which were a series of endless hand-to-hand wars, where the shield and sword were the main ones, left-handed people were simply exterminated because they held the sword in their left hand and the shield in their right, unable to protect the left half of their chest. where the heart is located. However, the most likely reason for the decrease in the number of left-handers is the gradual activation of the role of the left hemisphere.

Man is designed in such a way that left hemisphere The brain controls the right half of the body, and the right controls the left. Moreover, although the hemispheres are similar in appearance and work together, they think and live differently. This is called interhemispheric asymmetry.

An ancient left-handed person was more active right hemisphere, which is characterized by unconscious instinctive actions, instinct and intuition, imaginative memory, deep feeling rhythm, colors, sounds, smells, touches, good orientation in space. With the advent of signs of civilization, many of the above-mentioned human properties remained unclaimed and they began to be replaced by more required functions left hemisphere controlling the right hand, such as conscious concrete thinking, mathematical and analytic skills, speech, reading and writing, ability for purposeful and differentiated actions. Having imperceptibly lost his sixth sense, the child of nature gradually turned into a child of progress with an active left hemisphere and an active right hand. Right-handedness, reinforced by religious and cultural traditions, began to dominate, and left-handers, awkward and unadapted, were driven into a corner.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, scientists unanimously considered left-handers to be degenerates, and the right hemisphere to be a secondary, minor hemisphere of the brain. In support of left-handers, poor adaptability to life, instability and fragility were noted mental activity. Today there is still an opinion that left-handedness is the result of brain dysfunction. But let's not persistently look for pathological signs. It's too easy to get away from the truth by falling into a fight for normal person and began to mechanically weed out red-haired, hunchbacked, lame, cross-eyed, pockmarked, left-handed, etc.

The historical parallelism suggests itself. Witch hunts and bonfires do not honor homo sapiens.

Let’s better understand what kind of people they are and what their role is in the life of humanity (perhaps not yet played). And having thrown away the wary and negative attitude, we will understand that they are not wrong, but simply not right.

Left-handers were: Aristotle, Tiberius, Caesar, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Newton, I.P. Pavlov, N.S. Leskov, D.C. Maxwell, Ch. Chaplin, L. Carroll, P. Picasso. Among today's notable left-handers, let's name Ronald Reagan, Paul McCartney, Bruce Willis, Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, David Duchovny. Comments are unnecessary here. Left-handers have more than proven their usefulness.

Among them are many architects, artists and musicians. Left-handed boxers are known for their advantages, as are fencers and tennis players. IN emotional sphere Left-handers have their own characteristics: they are unrestrained, often timid, impressionable, conscientious, sensual and much more pessimistic than right-handers and ambidextrous people ( special type people who are equally good with both their right and left hands. Every fifth of us is like that).

Nature has endowed left-handers with unusual (in the opinion of right-handers) properties.

They are able to perceive sounds and intonations differently, subtly identifying what right-handed people are not able to hear. They listen to music better, or rather, they hear it better.

Possess figurative memory, ability long time save impressions and reproduce vivid memories. They can see the invisible, discerning multifaceted subtext in a simple image. They have a craving for paradoxes, their own look and special color perception.

They easily navigate in space, memorizing all the moves and exits, remembering the details and sequence of actions. In addition, they freely handle time, recording in memory the sequence of experienced events and easily returning to them, as if using invisible markers.

Connected with the unconscious, even if this does not sound like something from the field of kitchen psychology. Lefties see the world differently, discovering and experiencing its other facets and qualities. This explains the phenomenal properties of some left-handers: the ability to live one step ahead and predict the future. Insight is a natural ability for them.

Compared to these amazing left-handers, we right-handers, who can handle numbers, think logically and speak coherently, look very down-to-earth. There is only one consolation - most of us are a little left-handed, but left-handedness is not pronounced, but hidden, manifested in more active use of the left ear, left eye or left leg.

By the way, scientists suggest that the female mind approaches in its properties the brain of a left-handed man. This, it turns out, is where wives get such amazing intuition and “X-ray-like” vision, which leaves no hope for their husbands.

IN former USSR studies of left-handedness were scattered and did not have a single goal. That is why, until recently, left-handers were mercilessly retrained in Michurin style, breaking and correcting their natural “disadvantage.” The result is the creation of a man who writes like everyone else, but suffers, lacks inner integrity and yearns for his left-handedness. What a great effort this retraining took, which disfigured the specific qualities of the psyche of left-handers and led children to neurotic reactions, tics, stuttering and urinary incontinence. Often, having become more independent, a person was still more willing to work with his left hand, and this did not hinder him at all - nature took its toll.

If your child is left-handed, then do not put pressure on him, but consult a psychologist and select a teacher and educational institution, capable of adapting and teaching him to live fully in our “right,” too rational world. If a left-hander is left alone without trying to retrain him, he will respond with high performance mental development, creative thinking, extraordinary abilities and achievements in architecture, music, artistic creativity. Lefties should be protected; perhaps they have not yet fully revealed their potential. They also see colorful dreams and are able to see the future.

This simple test (according to A.M. Kiselev and A.B. Bakushev) will make it clear how left-handed you are and will highlight some of your character traits.

To do this you need to take turns:

1. Interlace your fingers.

If the top one turns out to be thumb left hand, write the letter L on a piece of paper, if the thumb of your right hand - the letter P.

2. Aim at an invisible target. If you use your left eye for this, closing your right, write L, if vice versa - P.

3. Cross your arms over your chest in a Napoleon pose.

If the left hand is on top, mark it with the letter L, if the right hand is on top, mark it with the letter P.

4. Applaud. If you hit your right palm with your left palm, this is the letter L, if your right palm is more active, this is the letter P.

PPPP (100% right-handed) - conservatism, orientation towards stereotypes, lack of conflict, reluctance to argue and quarrel.

PPPL - the most striking character trait is indecision.

PPLP is a very contact type of character. Coquetry, determination, sense of humor, artistry, more often in women.

PPLL - Rare combination. The character is close to the previous one, but softer.

PLPP - analytical warehouse intelligence and gentleness. Slow adaptation, caution in relationships, tolerance and some coldness. More often in women.

PLPL - the rarest combination; defenselessness, exposure different influence. More often in women.

DILI is a common combination. Emotionality, lack of perseverance and perseverance in solving major issues, susceptibility to other people's influence, good

adaptability, friendliness and easy to get along with.

LPPL - greater gentleness of character and naivety than in the previous case.

LLPP - friendliness and simplicity, some dispersion of interests and a tendency to introspection.

LLPL - innocence, gentleness, gullibility.

LLLP - emotionality, energy and determination.

LLLL (100% left-handed) - “anti-conservative character type.” The ability to look at the old in a new way. Powerful emotions, pronounced individualism, selfishness, stubbornness, sometimes reaching the point of isolation.

LPLP - the most strong type character; inability to change one’s point of view, energy, perseverance in achieving goals.

LPLL - similar to the previous character type, but more unstable, prone to introspection, and has difficulty making friends.

PLLP - easy character, ability to avoid conflicts, ease of communication and making acquaintances, frequent change hobbies.

PLLL - impermanence and independence, the desire to do everything yourself.

), three Russian masters shoed a flea.

One of these masters is Lefty. This is a Tula craftsman who lives poorly, wears bad clothes, but is a master of his craft. He is a religious and patriotic person. Despite the fact that he is left-handed, he has no special education, and even obliquely, he performs a very delicate, invisible to the human eye, incredible work.

By order of the Tsar, he goes to England, where he introduces the savvy flea and tells what Russian craftsmen are capable of. The British really like this simple talented person. They bombard him with lucrative offers of cooperation, but Lefty, being an honest, selfless and devoted man to his country, does not agree to their tempting offers. He sees how craftsmen are treated in England, sees that they are well-fed and well dressed, but he yearns for his homeland.

Upon returning to Russia, he falls ill, no one except his new English friend takes care of him and does not want to treat him. But even abandoned by the ungrateful royal authorities, being near death, he cares and thinks about his country. He asks to convey to the king the tricks of British military affairs.

This hardworking man He does not forget about his country for a minute; he worries and cares about his Motherland until his last breath.

Essay Description Lefty

The plot of Leskov's story unfolds around the main character Lefty, who was a master from Tula. The description of the craftsman does not appear immediately, approximately in the middle of the story. The hero is a master blacksmith, he is left-handed, a patriot of his homeland, very naive, devoted to Tsar Alexander I and Platov. He has a birthmark on his cheek and his eyes are squinted, but despite this, he does an excellent job.

Lefty, together with his comrades, Platonov gave instructions to make a masterpiece, but using a steel flea. Thus, he wanted to prove to others that not only the British are capable of inventing non-standard things. For a long time, three masters puzzled over what to do to surprise the people and decided to shoe a miniature flea. Without special equipment and proper knowledge, they still succeeded. This invention shocked everyone.

After inventing an ingenious product, Lefty goes to England, not having any documents with him. The British offered the young man both training and money, but he remained faithful to his homeland and refused everything. Lefty dreamed of getting home as soon as possible.

Excessive modesty was the ruin of Lefty. In winter, he refused a cozy cabin because he believed that he was unworthy of such honors. Therefore, I spent the entire trip on deck and fell ill.

Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Lefty was robbed. Having no money or documents with him, not a single hospital wanted to accept him, only a hospital for the poor. No one even thought to save the great master, except the Englishman who brought good doctor. But, unfortunately, it was already too late. Lefty died modestly, unknown to anyone. Even in last minutes The life master wants to convey a message to the king that he should not clean his weapon with a brick.

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