Giftedness, talent, genius from a psychological point of view. Talent in psychology

Human. Let's first understand each of these concepts and give them definitions.

About deposits

So, inclinations are those capabilities with which a child is born. They begin to appear at 3-4 years of age. For example, the makings of drawing or singing. Of course, talking about the ability to sing songs or draw pictures at this age is out of the question, but attentive parents may notice a child’s craving for certain types of creativity. The inclinations should be developed. With the right approach, they can develop into abilities. By the way, inclinations are a very multifaceted concept. For example, a child with an ear for music in the future can become a composer, a guitarist, a conductor, and can also tune musical instruments. It's all about his preferences and choices.

Giftedness - what is it?

Next comes giftedness - this is a combination of several abilities, thanks to which a person can successfully engage in a certain job or type of creativity. Gifted people often succeed in their chosen endeavor. They are generally admired and appreciated by others. Although it should be noted: this happens provided that they constantly improve their knowledge and make certain efforts to obtain the required result. A person who does not grow professionally and intellectually may end up with nothing.

Let's talk about talent

Let's move on to the definition of the concept of “talent”. This is a fairly high level of development of creative abilities, at which a person can write beautiful poetry, draw beautiful pictures or sing masterfully. If you constantly develop your skills and strive for more, you can achieve great success.

Genius and talent are...

Now we come to the concept of “genius”. Psychologists say that this is the highest manifestation of talent. Brilliant people with their creativity change the lives of entire generations of people, force them to think in new ways and make grandiose discoveries.

What is the difference between talent and genius? It is difficult to answer this question. It is often difficult to know where talent ends and genius begins. These concepts are closely related. However, it is worth noting that there are many talented people, but only a few geniuses. Researchers believe that in the entire history of human civilization there have been no more than 400 of them. Speaking about them, one cannot help but recall Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, Aristotle, and Mendeleev.

There is an opinion that brilliant people are messengers of God, they came to Earth to make brilliant discoveries, invent new things, thereby pushing humanity towards development and improvement. They are like a connecting link between the Creator and people; they transmit the necessary knowledge, although they themselves do not realize it. The calling of brilliant people is to bring light in the darkness. They often have a difficult fate, since most people do not understand them and even condemn them, especially during their lifetime. Thus, they have to fight for their place in this world. We all know cases when geniuses lived in poverty and misunderstanding, and recognition and glory came to them only after death. Alas, this is true. The explanation is that genius and talent are things that are difficult for ordinary people to comprehend due to their limited worldview. Many of them don't even try to do this.

Talent and genius: similarities and differences

There is an opinion that genius and talent differ in that the latter should be developed, and genius is given to a person from above. But still nothing can be done without hard work. Imagine a genius who does not engage in the work that is prescribed for him by fate, he let his life take its course and does not realize himself at all. It is unlikely that he will create anything new or help humanity in any way. The concept of “talent” (and “genius” as well) includes tireless work, self-control and self-improvement. No wonder the American inventor argued that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. One cannot but agree with him.

It is also very important that a person’s abilities, inclinations, giftedness, talent, genius are directed in a positive direction. After all, the world also knows evil geniuses who used their abilities to harm people: Hitler, Genghis Khan, Saddam Hussein, Ivan the Terrible... These and some other people flooded the pages of history with human blood at different times. Genius and talent are the servants of Good, not Evil. Although, as we see, there are exceptions.

Psychologists say that every person is a genius in his own way, you just need to discover the inclinations in him. Talent and genius will come with time. That is why caring parents should carefully observe their baby in order to discover creative abilities in him. Regular classes with professionals will do the trick. Abilities will turn into talent, and later into talent. Whether a person can become a genius in his field will depend only on him. Is he able to work without rest, can he devote himself entirely to his favorite work, abandoning everything else. It is worth considering that family life and everyday life can interfere with genius and dull it.

Alcohol and drugs can also get in the way of a talented person. This happens often. Everyone knows of cases where creative people “wasted” their talent, ending up with nothing.

About talent development

Now let's talk about how to develop your talent.

  1. If you realize that you have abilities for a certain type of activity, develop them. Don't be afraid to improve your skills and learn something new.
  2. Connect with like-minded people. First of all, it will help you outline the boundaries of your current skill and understand how you need to develop further. Besides, no one else will understand you better than someone who has similar interests. If you write poetry, go to competitions and other creative events.
  3. Don't be discouraged if you fail. Failure should be a reason for you to move on with even greater persistence.
  4. Create, learn from professionals, but do not copy them, because genius and talent are, first of all, individuality and originality.

In recent years, it has become common to throw around the words “talent” or “genius” easily when assessing someone’s performance. But talent, and especially genius, is a gift from above, which is given to a person extremely rarely. Moreover, very few people receive the honor of being acquainted with a genius. What is the difference between talent and genius? Let's try to figure it out.


Talent- a person's obvious ability to do something, which time and experience can sharpen.

Genius– the greatest manifestation of an individual’s creative potential relative to other people, the highest degree of talent in something.


Unlike a talented person, a genius, as a rule, creates something unique, something that has not existed in this world before. A genius makes discoveries all the time, allowing society to make a qualitative transition to the next stage of development. The intelligence and performance of geniuses are truly amazing. Therefore, a genius overshadows the talented individuals nearby. For example, during the time of A.S. There were many good poets and writers about Pushkin, but we know very little or nothing about them, since they were simply lost against the background of the author of “Eugene Onegin” and many other brilliant works. The personality of a genius is inherent in a cosmic scale. Typically, a genius creates noticeably more productively and faster than his contemporaries and peers, who achieve recognition in the same field of activity much later. Moreover, such productivity at work is an innate quality for geniuses. A genius is a person of exceptional talent. They say that geniuses are born when the Universe is ready to accept them.

A talented person is also capable of creating, but he can only develop what was discovered by a genius, detailing and concretizing his inventions. Another feature of talent is that it is able to prepare the ground, to be a harbinger of the activity of a genius, outlining the path that a brilliant person will then confidently follow. Almost every person living on Earth has a talent for something, you just need to find it and develop it. Talent can be honed through tireless hard work.

Conclusions website

  1. A person of genius is naturally more gifted than a talented person. Genius is hypertrophied talent.
  2. The consequence of genius is the creation of new, unique, unprecedented, never-before-seen creations that can change the course of history, influence souls and events. The creations of geniuses live on for centuries. Talent does not create anything revolutionary.
  3. Genius is characterized by unconventional thinking, a special thought process that is inaccessible to anyone, even an outstanding talent.
  4. Genius goes beyond the ordinary, it is incomprehensible. Talent is “closer to the ground”; it can be developed and sharpened.
  5. Talent usually develops in a favorable social environment, genius is often formed in stressful life circumstances.
  6. A person's genius is often recognized after his death.


The topic of giftedness and genius in psychology is considered quite widely. “...most often the following classification of levels of development of abilities is found: ability, giftedness, talent, genius” (Yu.B. Gippenreiter).

Relevance The topics of our course work are revealed by the following provisions. A few decades ago, S. L. Rubinstein wrote: “A lot of work has been devoted to the study of giftedness. However, the results obtained are in no way adequate to the amount of labor spent on these works. This is explained by the fallacy of the initial assumptions of so many of the studies and the unsatisfactory nature of the methods that were mostly used in them.”

Unfortunately, sometimes, with the help of inexorable analysis, those bright, rainbow illusions with which a person deceives and exalts himself are destroyed and destroyed one after another. So we come to the conviction that love is, in essence, nothing more than the mutual attraction of stamens and pistils... and thoughts are the simple movement of molecules. Even genius - this only sovereign power that belonged to a person, before which, without blushing, one can kneel - even many psychiatrists put it on the same level with a penchant for crime, even in it they see only one of the teratological forms of the human mind, one of the varieties madness.

Issues of giftedness, talent, genius, as Rubinstein correctly noted above, despite the regularity of study, remain not fully understood, with such different options for cause-and-effect relationships that it is difficult to talk about any logical connection between these theories. For example, in the psychological literature, the question of the relationship between the concepts of giftedness, talent and genius often has very contradictory answers. In many sources, the concepts of “giftedness” and “talent” are interpreted as synonymous and not separated, and genius is considered as the highest degree of manifestation of talent or giftedness.

The lack of development and at the same time the importance of the topic of the course work also emphasizes the relevance of our theoretical research.

Object of study are such psychological concepts as giftedness, talent, genius.

Subject of research– features, time of appearance, development, disclosure of such aspects of the psyche as giftedness, talent, genius.

Target Our course work is to study the features and conditions of the emergence, development and disclosure of such aspects of the human psyche as giftedness, talent, genius.

The goal is achieved by the following tasks:

Give a general description of a person’s abilities, describe the levels and development of special abilities, the relationship between abilities and age;

To study the general concept of giftedness, the characteristics of children's giftedness and its types, the influence of the social environment on giftedness;

Study the theoretical and psychological foundations of talent;

Reveal the general concept of genius, the similarity between brilliant people and crazy people;

Describe the intermediate stage of genius - mattoids (according to Ch. Lombroso);

In the process of revealing the stated topic, we studied the works of such psychologists as: Ananyev B.G., A.V. Petrovsky, Gardner G., Gippenreiter Yu.B., Leites N.S., Luria A.R., Matyushkin A.M., Nemov R.S., Popova L.V., Rubinshtein S.L., Teplov B. M., Shcheblanova E.I.

Our work is written on 36 pages, consists of an introduction, 5 paragraphs with subparagraphs, a conclusion, a list of references (30 sources) and is exclusively theoretical in nature.

The first chapter of our course work is devoted to abilities as the basis of the processes we study, the 2nd chapter describes giftedness, the 3rd - talent, the 4th - genius and its intermediate level, in the 5th chapter we give general recommendations for working with gifted children .

1. Abilities

1.1 General characteristics of human abilities

M. Teplov made a great contribution to the study of abilities in Russian psychology. In addition, the theory of abilities was created by many other domestic psychologists: Vygotsky, Leontiev, Rubinstein, Ananyev, Krutetsky, Golubeva.

Teplov identified 3 main signs of abilities:

· individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another;

· features that relate to the success of an activity or several activities;

· features that cannot be reduced to existing knowledge, skills, abilities, but which can explain the ease and speed of acquiring knowledge and skills.

According to S. L. Rubinstein, “abilities are a complex, synthetic formation that includes a whole range of data, without which a person would not be capable of any specific activity, and properties that are developed only in the process of a certain way of organized activity” .

V. S. Yurkevich understands types of activities as abilities, V. D. Shadrikov understands the properties of functional systems that implement individual mental functions, etc. But we will focus on Teplov’s definition. Summarizing all the above characteristics, we get the following definition:

« Capabilities– individual personality traits, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain type of activity. Abilities are not limited to the knowledge, skills and abilities an individual has.”

It should also be noted that abilities can only exist in a constant process of development. Without development, the ability is lost. That is why the success of a particular activity depends on the development of the abilities necessary for this activity.

They highlight natural (or natural) and specific abilities . Natural abilities are biologically determined and associated with innate inclinations. Many of the natural abilities are common to humans and animals, especially higher animals, for example, monkeys (for example: memory, thinking, the ability to communicate at the level of expression). These abilities are formed through learning mechanisms such as conditioned reflex connections.

Specific the same abilities have a socio-historical origin and ensure life and development in the social environment. In turn, specific abilities can be divided into 3 more types:

· theoretical, which determine a person’s propensity for abstract-logical thinking, and practical, which underlie the propensity for concrete practical actions;

· educational, which influence the success of pedagogical influence, a person’s assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities, the formation of personality traits, and creative, associated with success in creating works of material and spiritual culture, new ideas, discoveries, inventions.

· ability to communicate and interact with people.

We also note that theoretical and practical abilities do not combine with each other, unlike natural and other specific ones. In this case, most people have either one or the other type of ability. Together they are extremely rare and mainly occur in gifted and versatile people. Abilities help a person develop and, with a certain combination of various well-developed abilities, determine the level of development of abilities, in general, for a particular person.

The prerequisite for this development of abilities is the innate abilities with which the child was born. However, abilities are not determined by biologically inherited properties. The brain contains only the ability to form these abilities. How abilities develop depends on:

1) on the quality of existing knowledge and skills, on the degree of their integration into a single whole;

2) from the natural inclinations of a person, the quality of the innate nervous mechanisms of elementary mental activity;

3) from the greater or lesser “training” of the brain structures themselves involved in the implementation of cognitive and psychomotor processes.

1.2 Levels and development of special abilities

Abilities have a complex structure, which depends on the development of the individual. There are two levels of development of abilities:


· creative

A person who is at the reproductive level only displays a high ability to assimilate knowledge, master activities and carry them out according to a given model. At the creative level, a person creates something new and original.

If humanity were deprived of the opportunity to create or did not have educational (reproductive) abilities, then it would hardly be able to develop. Therefore, some authors believe that reproductive abilities are, first of all, general abilities, and creative abilities are special ones that determine the success of creativity. And their interaction determines the development of humanity.

It is worth taking into account that these levels are interconnected; all creative activity includes reproductive activity, and reproductive activity includes creative activity. Also, both levels are quite dynamic. They are not something frozen. In the process of mastering new knowledge or skills, a person moves from one level to another, the structure of his ability changes. It is known that even extremely gifted or even brilliant people began by imitation.

The development of one or another ability takes place in several stages:

· Makings of

· Capabilities

· Giftedness

· Genius

Makings of– these are only peculiar anatomical and physiological prerequisites for the development of abilities. Abilities can be formed from inclinations only during activity and under favorable conditions. In addition, every deposit is multi-valued, i.e. under different conditions, different abilities can be formed from it.

The development of abilities is non-linear; there are three levels of their development: giftedness, talent, genius.

A person capable of various types of activity and communication has general talent, that is, a unity of general abilities that determines a wide range of intellectual capabilities, a high level of mastery of activity and originality of communication.

Definition. Giftedness is a high level of expression of abilities, providing the opportunity to successfully perform an activity.

Thus, giftedness constitutes the first level of development of abilities, which many children possess at the beginning of development due to their individual psychological characteristics and inclinations.

The next level of expression of abilities is characterized by the concept of “talent”.

Definition. Talent is a combination of abilities that gives a person the opportunity to successfully, independently and originally perform any complex activity.

Talent manifests itself in specific activities and, as a rule, arises and develops in that proportion of gifted children who begin to actively study and engage in activities that contribute to the development of their talent. If in talent the inclinations are combined with inclinations, then the child has an urge to continue to engage in activities in which he is successful. However, this may not happen, and then the talent turns out to be unclaimed by the social situation or the person himself; With the further development of talent, the highest level of manifestation of abilities arises - genius.

Definition. Genius is the highest level of development of abilities, creating the opportunity for an individual to achieve results that open a new era in the life of society, in the development of science and culture.

Talented people are often found in various fields of activity, they successfully realize themselves, but genius is an exceptional rarity, this is expressed in the saying “geniuses are born once every hundred years.”

Thus, in the process of developing and improving abilities, only a few people reach the highest point of their development, therefore one of the tasks of differential psychology is to identify gifted children as early as possible in order to continue their special training and upbringing in order to further develop their abilities.

The creative level in turn is divided into the following levels:


  • genius.

Giftedness This is a qualitatively unique combination of abilities that give a person the opportunity to successfully engage in one or more types of activity.

The term “Giftedness” has many meanings. Giftedness can be general or special. General is sometimes called mental. The range of special gifts is quite large.

When they talk about giftedness, they most often mean children, since it is a little late to talk about the available opportunities in relation to the activities of an adult; it’s time to turn them into talent.

Talent This is a high level of development of abilities, primarily special ones in their totality, which makes it possible to create original results in human activity, distinguished by fundamental novelty.

Most talented people had several highly developed abilities. Lermontov and Pushkin painted, the chemist Borodin wrote music, etc.

Genius This is the highest level of development of abilities, which allowed an individual to achieve such results of creative activity that constitute an era in the life of society, in the development of culture, have historical significance and create new directions in science, art, and technology.

Geniuses are characterized by working in a large number of directions, where they create their works (Leonardo da Vinci, M.V. Lomonosov).

Characteristics of a genius:

1)work in different areas of science and art and the creation of completely new discoveries and works of art;

2) high labor productivity (their productivity is colossal);

3)extensive knowledge of scientific and creative heritage, i.e. a genius grasps and extracts the essence from everything that was discovered before them;

4) a genius always creatively reworks the basic ideas and concepts of previous generations and, if necessary, very harshly discards outdated ideas and concepts. He can always prove his point of view and explain why he rejects it. Unrecognized geniuses cannot convince people that they are right, do not recognize any authorities and often deny without knowing the depth of the issue.

5) the results of the creativity of a genius should help the progress of humanity (in order to discard the “evil genius”). But this sign is not required.

Development of abilities.

All theories of abilities can be reduced to three groups:

1. Heritability of abilities. Already in the genetic apparatus this or that level or area of ​​abilities is transmitted. (Galton)

2. Acquired abilities. The dependence of the emergence of abilities and the degree of its development on the method of learning.

3. The ratio of natural and acquired. Abilities are formed and developed through activity.

Any inclinations must go through a long development path before developing into abilities. In the process of developing abilities, a number of stages can be distinguished:

1. The anatomical and physiological basis of future abilities is being prepared.

2. The formation of the makings of a non-biological plan is underway.

3.The required ability develops and reaches the appropriate level.

All these processes can occur in parallel, overlapping each other to one degree or another.

Rubinshtein S.L. said that the development of abilities occurs in a spiral : realized opportunities that represent abilities at one level open up opportunities for further development of abilities at a higher level.

The development of abilities is directly dependent on specific techniques and techniques aimed at developing relevant skills, abilities and knowledge transfer. The most effective way to develop abilities is to develop the child’s personality, his needs, interests, levels of aspirations, etc., i.e. impact on the whole personality of the child. It is necessary to take into account sensitive periods that favor the development of certain abilities. Most abilities begin to develop in preschool age.

Requirements for activities that develop abilities: a) the creative nature of the activity, b) the optimal level of difficulty for the performer, c) proper motivation and d) ensuring a positive emotional mood during and after the completion of the activity.

Very often people don’t even think about using these words. Sometimes the phrase “He is very talented!” and "He's brilliant!" stand in one row. So what is “talent” and “genius”? Let's try to understand these concepts.



Talent or genius?

There are quite a lot of talented people. If a person does something better than most other people, they say. that he has a talent for this, especially if it concerns creativity. But there are only a few brilliant people. These are the people who discover something completely new in some area, which is then used by all of humanity. And we often call a crazy person simply a person with unconventional thinking. Therefore, geniuses and talented people may well fall into this category.

The question posed was probably supposed to receive a definite answer. But the question was initially posed in such a way that there is no clear answer. This is a simple psychological pattern.
To this we must also add the dubiousness of the initial premise from which the author of the topic is trying to build thoughts. All logical reasoning based on a false or dubious premise is false according to the laws of logic. Therefore, in your reasoning, you need to pay more attention to basic, initial knowledge and mastery of the skill of continuous sequential thinking. Not to mention other forms of higher order thinking.

As a rule, most people do not pay due attention to these very starting points of thinking, trying to build philosophical walls on sand rather than on a solid foundation.

Our speech is connected with thinking, thinking reflects the state of consciousness.
Those people who are able to think, based on a reliable foundation of thinking and who have the ability to think in greater dimensions (greater speed and volume), are people of genius, in our opinion. Because their thinking abilities seem to be something super ordinary to ordinary people. However, it is quite possible to consider the thinking of geniuses as common. But then the thinking of ordinary people requires an appropriate assessment, which is not very acceptable for these ordinary people.

In my opinion, talent differs from genius just as the presence of abilities differs from the result of their use. Just like owning a good tool differs from the ability to create a high-quality and sought-after result with this tool. But here we are talking about the properties of thinking, so it is necessary to understand the intricacies of these differences by understanding the intricacies of thinking.

Add to this the fact that the label of “genius” is often assigned to individuals who are valuable to the Social System as role models, and not at all as examples of true genius. Just like the modern Christian church canonizes everyone, as long as there is a known sufferer. The true qualities of a person are not taken into account and do not play any role. The badge of “genius” is assigned to those whose actions benefit the System, and not to those who help humanity on the path of self-knowledge and true spiritual development. In other words, it's good to distinguish "system orders" from true genius. Because truly brilliant people are most often not needed by the system and are recognized as geniuses only after death, when they cease to be sources of social instability.

Indeed, putting your soul into your work, doing it much better than others, becoming obsessed with what you love - these are manifestations of talent. That is, besides doing the job, there is something else, something that tells people about talent. But it all starts with the use of abilities, the application of abilities in action - who will know how talented I am if I do nothing?

The highest degree of creative manifestations of personality is called genius, and the highest degree of a person’s abilities in a certain activity is talent . They speak of genius when a person’s achievements constitute an era in the life of society, in the development of culture. There have been no more than 400 such people in the entire five-thousand-year history of civilization. The activity of a talented person is distinguished by its fundamental novelty and originality of approach, but in an already defined area of ​​knowledge, beyond the boundaries of which he does not go.

Talent - certain abilities that are revealed with the acquisitionskill And experience . Modern scientists identify certain types of talent that people possess to one degree or another. In the early 1980sHoward Gardner wrote the book "Frames of the Mind". In this book, he identified nine types of talent and intelligence:

  1. Verbal-linguistic (responsible for the ability to write and read, inherent in journalists, writers and lawyers)
  2. Digital (typical for mathematicians, programmers)
  3. Hearing (musicians, linguists, linguists)
  4. Spatial (inherent in designers and artists)
  5. physical (athletes and dancers are endowed with it; these people learn more easily through practice)
  6. Personal (also called emotional; responsible for what a person says to himself)
  7. Interpersonal (people with this talent often become politicians, speakers, traders, actors)
  8. Environmental talent (trainers and farmers are endowed with this talent).
  9. Entrepreneurial talent (the thinking of a new generation imposed by time and money).

Alternative definition: Talent - the result of work experience in a particular field of activity. Does not necessarily appear from birth. Can appear at any time. So many mathematicians work in the humanities. For example, the rector of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Sadovnichy. Among them there are successful writers. The great John Nash did not like mathematics as a child, but still later he was called a genius for his achievements in game theory.

Widespread belief in geniusAlbert Einstein .

Genius (from lat. genius - spirit) - the practical embodiment of an innate high levelcreative potential personalities relative to other individuals, recognized by society. Traditionally expressed in new and unique creations, belatedly recognized "masterpieces " Sometimes genius is explained by a new and unexpected methodological approach to the creative process.

Genius is defined as innate unusually high intellectual abilities to make inventions and discoveries, original thinking, productive activity, as the highest degree of talent. Unlike most talented individuals, a genius creates qualitatively new creations and achieves revolutionary intellectual results.

As a rule, a genius creates much more productively and faster than his peers who achieve official recognition in the same field of activity. From the time ofRenaissance the general idea of ​​genius as a special kind has taken rootinspiration , encouraging innovation V craft . Since then, there has been an opinion that genius requires the universal interests of an extraordinary personality.

However, there is a significant gap between potential, genetic geniuses, and recognized geniuses who have realized their potential:

The frequency of nucleation, based on implementation in historically foreseeable periods (in optimally developing layers), is determined by a figure of the order of 1:1000. The frequency of potential geniuses who have developed sufficiently to attract attention as potential talents in one way or another is probably in the order of 1 in 100,000. The frequency of geniuses realized to the level of recognition of their creations and deeds as ingenious, probably even in the age of almost universal secondary and very often higher education, is calculated at 1:10,000,000, which suggests the presence in the middle of the 20th century of approximately a hundred geniuses per billion civilized and not suffering inhabitants from the overwhelming needs of countries. ("Genetics of genius"Vladimir Efroimson scientific and artistic creativity. In most cases, geniusmusicians (primarily performers) is based on the innate and acquired properties of the body that are inaccessible to other representatives of this field of activity.