Download fanfiction about people who got into anime. Raging Tiger Bloody Habanero

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List updated as of 01/04/2019. New works are highlighted in red.

On this moment there are 45 works on the list.

Posts from red marks- new works, with blue— information on the work has been updated.

Considering that a significant audience of this resource comes here for updated lists of works, I decided to start expanding them.

You can look at the existing collections (LitRPG, boyar-anime, hitmen, GP fanfiction) in my catalogue: .

Now I present to you the List of Naruto fanfictions.

I will try to include here all interesting, popular and well-written works, add navigation, links, descriptions, dates of addition, etc. Everything is as usual.

In dividing into subsections, I decided to dance from the fact of hitting the heroes.

Let's look at this manifestation.



Hit in Naruto
Hitting another character
New character (hit or not)
No strangers
Travel through time (and space)
LitRPG in Naruto fanfiction

At the moment, the navigation looks like this. As new works are added to the list, subsections may change and be added.

Hit in Naruto

Another story

Author's abstract: Almost a standard invader/invader in the body of the main character. I’m familiar with the world of canon, but it’s almost useless, there are serious differences. So, for example, the village authorities do not poison Naruto, they take care of him to the best of their ability and current capabilities. Kakashi does not shirk his duties as a teacher and much more... Many facts have been changed towards greater reliability (Itachi single-handedly massacred the clan? Not funny!), naturally from the author’s point of view.

From me: A story with a strong MC flavor, in which a hitman rebuilds a clan - first the Uzumaki clan quarter in Konoha. At the same time, he becomes familiar with clan and other knowledge, including his father’s. He also has an abnormal amount of chakra, which will come back to haunt him in the future.

Nine-tailed demon

Status: in progress. The third volume is being written

The work is the second in the series “Business Trips of the Prince of Darkness.”

From me: In general, yes, this is a crossover with the author’s “Prince of Darkness” - the GG from him inhabits Naruto.

The first work in this series belongs to the Harry Potter fandom.

The main characteristic of this GG is brutality and Mary Sue. So, of course, we see the same thing here.


- Hello, have you collected the information I asked you for?

"Zabuza-kun, have I ever let you down?" The guy you asked to know about is a very extraordinary person, yes, the word “genius” probably suits him best. Compared to him, your Haku is just a smart guy. Well, see for yourself. Entered the Leaf Shinobi Academy at the age of seven. Three years later he graduated and immediately joined the ANBU, where he specialized in search and liquidation. He has about two dozen nukenins to his name, and this is at his age!!!

- Yeah interesting guy this Uzumaki Naruto

From me: Falling into little Naruto (baby) with partial knowledge of the canon.

Actually, one of the most classic MC fanfictions for this fandom (although whoever got to the later episodes of the anime - there the heroes did something completely beyond the bounds).

Little genius (well, yes) Naruto revives the clan, becomes the youngest jounin of the leaf and much more in to varying degrees interesting.

At first it seemed to me that the concentration of conspiracies and intrigues would be critical, but after overcoming about 20% of the text, it became easier, and the text was addictive.

Heart of steel

Status: frozen. 744 kb.

From me: Certainly not the best of the author's two works. I really liked his fantasy “” at one time. I think even if you re-read it now, it will also be normal.

But “Heart of Steel” shouldn’t be discounted either. Several years ago, when I was still very far from the world of anime in general, and from Naruto in particular, I read this fanfic, and I quite liked it.

Here we have a magician who falls into a yellow-haired boy with a demon inside, and tries to figure out how to arrange his life in the crazy world of shinobi.

Director for Konohagakure

Status: in progress. 101 ficbook pages

From the author: Albus Dumbledore fooled death itself, but not fate. So now he learns the hard way what it's like to be the chosen orphan boy whom no one can stand. It will also show everyone that the power of love works no worse than narcotherapy.

From me: Naruto crossover with Harry Potter. Albus, after death, from that very platform, is not in the afterlife and not in the void, but in the world of Naruto, in the carcass of the main character.

Fanfic for a long time was frozen, but at the end of November 2018 there was a fresh update - so there is a good chance of completion.

It worked out well for me - one of those fanfictions that after reading I clearly remember: “if the author returns, I must remember to finish reading.” Albus is shown well.

Bad choice

Added to the list 12/18/2018

Status: finished

Volume: 824 pages according to ficbook

From reader Vyacheslav: The work is old, but persistently continued by the author. We have a hit with the System.

As a rule, a crossover with “Gamer” leads the hero to an incredible gain in power, and very quickly, but here it’s not that this is not the case, it’s just that everything is arranged very interestingly.
An original hero who buried his own conscience, and at the same time, calmly treats other politicians, without strain and desire to take revenge for everything.

Interesting characters and surroundings of the hero, and not only the second plan, but even the third, after the meeting with the GG, living their own lives.

Well, humor is the main plus. Personally, I quickly get bored with banter; the jokes are too similar, but not in this case. Here the consequences of the GG’s actions are always unexpected, mainly for the hero himself, and fully justify his name “Unknown crap.”

From me: The beginning is interesting, although quite trashy.

In general, you can check it out - a really good fic of enormous size.

Shinobi of the Gloomy Dawn

Added to the list 12/18/2018

Status: in progress

From the author: A world that has survived the apocalypse. A world invaded by hordes of demons from other dimensions. They invaded and were repulsed.
Two people who, with their deadly art, paved the way for humanity to victory. Two people who were no longer needed after the victory.
Fate gave them a second chance in another world. A world where people like them are respectfully called S-Rank. How will the history of this world change if the place of those who were supposed to determine it is taken by a sword master and a necromancer?

From me: Crossover with computer game"Grim Dawn" No knowledge of it is required. But if you played, you will get more pleasant impressions.

A thoughtful departure from the canon, quite pleasant, although sometimes ponderous, language (better this than a light syllable, but damn truncated lexicon, as often happens).

Plus, I agree with the reader who recommended it - the characters are pretty good.

In general, pay attention.

Hitting another character

Rock Lee

Information updated on 12/18/2018

From me: It’s even funny in places.

Due to a lot of overdoing with the psychosis of the main character, a feeling of the canonical stupidity of this anime is created.


annotation: I was living my life, living, but suddenly bang! That's all. And I am no longer a person and not in my world. I don’t remember my name, I don’t remember my parents and family, I don’t even remember my appearance! But now I have a mustache, paws and a tail. Even the whole nine tails! And now, in front of me is a new, unknown and so familiar world to me. But first you need to get out of your dungeon. And then I’ll turn around! Don't be discouraged and keep your tail up! Nine-tailed - sounds proud!

From me: In general, yes, this is a hit on Kurama. He communicates with Naruto, his parents. Helps the main character of the anime, but tries to find an opportunity to exist separately from him.

At the same time, canon events take place. For example, the new Kurama will have to clash with Gaara's bijuu.

Raging Tiger Bloody Habanero

annotation: A story about a prisoner. About getting into the Torah. Don't know who it is? Oh... Remember that devilish cat that all the genin hunted? This is exactly the Torah. Russians don’t give up when they get hit... When they get hit like that. In cats. And their nagging little soul strives for great achievements. And what? Isn’t the role of the Godaime Hokage’s personal cat, Bloody Habanero Uzumaki Kushina, befitting all the hit canons? In my opinion - very much so.

In the meantime, see you again on the Blog about fantasy and science fiction!

Dmitry Denisov December 16, 2018

For those interested, I present my list of books in the style of Boyar-anime on the Samizdat resource. For those who do not know what anime boyars are, a short reference:

Boyar-anime - works at the intersection of martial arts genres, science fiction and magical fantasy. Something between popular Naruto fanfiction and urban fantasy. Typically, the following plot devices are used in works of the genre: “getting caught”, supernatural abilities, superheroics, inter-clan intrigue. The place of action is usually alternate universe of our world, often reminiscent of modern Japan or modern Russia. Essentially, boyar anime is a techno-fantasy about a person entering a world that lives according to anime canons, and becoming the main character there.

The genre owes its name to the forum Cubicus Archives, where this term first appeared. And the founder of books in this genre can, with some degree of convention, be considered Nikolai Metelsky with his “Masks” series, better known on the Internet under the name “Gone with the Wind.”

The genre is now fashionable and rapidly developing. And here, in fact, is the selection best books boyar anime.

List update: December 16, 2018

Word and Purity: Projection— Alexander Zaitsev NEW
Annotation: “To whom much is given, much will be required.” Often, when we acquire something, we forget about these in simple words. It’s better for me to always remember them. I am the Knight of Fracture, my purpose is to protect the world from the threat of Breakthroughs. And I cannot refuse this “honor”. This is the condition for rebirth in this alien world, deceptively similar to the previous one, but in many ways incomprehensible. And yes, truly, much has been given to me...
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Citadels of pride. Student— Kamenev Alex NEW
Annotation: High skyscrapers megacities and sharp spiers of magic towers, lethal assault rifles and deadly combat spells, robotic systems and magical creatures - Victor never thought that he would ever encounter this in real life. A simple student of an ordinary boarding school yesterday and a member of a powerful witch clan today, he is forced to learn to fight and become one of the blades of the great Stroganov family.
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Demon of the Shose family or new life — Victor Krys
Annotation: New world, has prepared many problems and faces difficulties from the first minutes. Having found yourself in the body of a four-year-old child, you must manage to survive not only yourself but also save your newfound mother, right now. The world It only seems bright and kind, but this is far from the case.
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Guardian's Apprentice— Ivan Shaman
Annotation: The god of light has fallen. The world is ruled by the Demon Lord. Reasonable people are forbidden to develop technology, and peoples have never stepped out of steampunk into the era of electricity and internal combustion engines. In a village inhabited by half-breed outcasts, there lives an unusual young man. Strong and dexterous, he is superior to his peers in everything, but his mother stubbornly calls him Sunny. And also these strange writings that sometimes appear before my eyes...
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Intuit— Good Eeeh
Annotation: Intuitives are the elite. Masters of dancing with death, in which one wrong move or even a thought will result in more than just a trampled foot and dissatisfaction with your partner. Playing with destinies, they find a way to victory, snatching their one in a thousand chance. But does this mean that their own fate is absolutely submissive to them? And what happens if the chances become one in a million?
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Bezrodny. Blood Awakening— All Terr
Annotation: He was a sickly boy who died on his birthday. But he immediately opened his eyes, already in another world and a new body.
Now his name is Lin Tabul, the Rootless One.
Representatives gathered in the Citadel various genera from the Four Clans, as well as the Rootless, the Outcasts and even one slave. They all need to undergo training in order to discover their ancestral skills and master the Interface. Power over the elements, super hearing, the ability to fly, hypnosis - you never know the skills hidden in the Blood Memory...

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Creator of echoes— Bakovets Mikhail
Annotation: The soul of Yegor Rokotov moved into the body young guy from alternative world. A world not only different in history from the history of the Earth, where Yegor lived all his life, but also in the laws of the universe and society. Because of the fact that women on Earth-2 more men several times, almost all states adopted a special law, which was popularly called the harem law. And now the young invader will have to, by hook or by crook, refuse the imposed harem and choose girls whom he can love himself and receive love in return.
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Prince Blagoveshchensky— Vitaly Ostanin
Annotation: This world is practically no different from ours. On the banks of the Amur stands the city of Blagoveshchensk, and on the other side of the river lies the Chinese city of Heihe. Only here the Far Eastern province is not ruled by a governor, but by a prince. And magic! Damn, I completely forgot about magic! Otherwise, no fantasy or elves. And, of course, no “you are the chosen one, Neo”! Only the body of a double from a parallel world, who has screwed things up so much that everyone around him wants to kill him. But for this they will have to stand in line - I will kill this bastard first!
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Voltage: volume 3. Corona discharge— Ilyin Vladimir
Annotation: Twenty-first century, magic, cars, airplanes, university, Maxim and his path to a famous goal.
The third book in the Tension series.
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Other parts of the cycle:
The Tension Rising: Volume 2
Voltage: volume 4

Unlucky student at magic school— Sato Tsutomu
Annotation: At the end of the 21st century - in 2095, various countries worlds far from unified were drawn into a race to train Magic Operators (Wizards).
A light novel, in a sense, which became the forerunner of the genre.
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— Metelsky Nikolay
Annotation: The goal is clear, but not easy to achieve. In order not to get stuck in a web of lies and other people's intrigues, you should find your way. Nothing comes easy and you are no longer so alien to this world, what else is in store for you, are you ready to lose what you have gained or will you fight? What are you living for? Come on boy, answer me.
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Psimag: Book 1 - Footprints on the Water— Efanov Sergey
Annotation: The main character is a simple guy who has been hiding his psychic abilities from everyone since childhood. But time does not stand still and at the age of fifteen he falls in love with his former classmate, a young psychopath. Will he be able to avoid detection? Will it remain the same as before? Who is he really? And who is she?
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World of Valkyries— Kovalchuk Alexey
Author's abstract: The main character finds himself in a world slightly ahead of ours in development and where, after global catastrophe, women rule. Clans, boyar families and girls capable of wiping them off the face of the earth with a wave of their hand the whole city. How can a man who is accustomed to being strong and considers women the weaker sex manage to live in this world?
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Rock— Erlenekov Sergey
Author's abstract: So far, the usual hit-or-miss fantasy with magic, Robinsonade, a brutal hero, beautiful... hmm, well, just with women, a harem. There will be no elves. It is planned as an anime boyar with a parallel Earth, clans, intrigues, wars and so on.
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Start. Part 3— Fedorochev Alexey
Annotation: Final part adventures of Yegor Vasin.
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Warlock 3
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Summoner— Shirokov Alexey, Shapochkin Alexander
Annotation: It's good to be a strong magician or warrior. Everyone is afraid of you, everywhere you are honored, respected, a title and a princess to boot. What to do if you are stuck at the first level of power? Resign yourself, become like everyone else, work from nine to six, running around in circles day after day? This is not for Dan Wisniewski. He believes that if you don’t have the strength, replace it with skill, honor and respect - earn it, a title - and what is it for, if you have money, and the princesses themselves will catch up with it. That's just the law and capital things for common man little compatible. But what if an attempt to deceive the system results in something unimaginable?
A spin-off based on the world of Warlock. It is written parallel to the main series.
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Warlock 2. Peace and War— Shirokov Alexey, Shapochkin Alexander
Annotation: Kuzma Efimov, whose ultimate dream just yesterday was to become the commander of a mercenary detachment, is today settling in at an elite college Russian Empire, and participates on equal terms with the offspring of aristocrats Big game. Victory at the underground tournament brought him fame strongest newcomer, but also added a bunch of problems. And then Tsarevna Inna arrives as an ambassador from the First Imperial. And everything would be fine, but Kuzma is personally hired to protect her. This means the time has come to cast aside childhood fears and grievances, come to terms with your essence and become the strongest sorcerer of the generation - Warlock.
(link to book)

Gone with the wind. Book five— Metelsky Nikolay
Continuation of the most popular series in the subgenre of boyar anime.
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(alternative display on (paid)

Sliding— Cadaver
Close in spirit to the boyar anime. The author was too lazy to come up with an abstract. And in general, this is a work with a complex fate
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Rain— Chit Konstantin
Author's abstract: Nowadays, ordinary people, but something happened, and the world is no longer the same as it was yesterday.
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Spirit of Diligence 2— Gorn Andrey
From the author: Announcement. Continuation of the adventures of Sergei Konov. Will be written after the completion of the first part.
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Spirit of hard work— Gorn Andrey
Author's abstract: A teenager ends up in an imperial orphanage in the capital with amnesia after a street accident. Techno-fantasy, steampunk, AI, a little magic and boyarism.
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Absorption— Tkachev Andrey
Annotation: The world has long ago and irrevocably changed. All countries have recognized the existence of magic and espers that can control its manifestations. Everyone wants to have some unique ability to be stronger than others. But what if you, unlike all your friends, do not possess even the most useless power, you a common person. What could be worse? But everything changes when you survive where no one has survived. It turns out that you also have the ability...
The link is an excerpt. The book was published in the Boyar-anime series by AST publishing house.
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Warlock— Shapochkin Alexander, Shirokov Alexey
Annotation: Kuzma Efimov was expected to become the most gifted magician of the century, but his grandfather’s crazy experiment dashed all hopes in a single moment. Now he is known only as a strong “warrior”, especially since the young man himself now shuns everything related to magic. And although he has to study at an elite college for the children of aristocrats, he sees his future as the commander of a mercenary detachment. But everything secret becomes clear and many powerful of the world This is why we are now forced to take into account in our plans an unknown boy nicknamed “Warlock”.
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Refraction. Anomaly— Koltsov Sergey
Annotation: After a clash between parties interested in the fate of the young “Overlord,” Li Wei, nicknamed “Young Tiger,” disappears from the eyes of the special services, brides and new father... The Invader is now at a crossroads, he is faced with the question of choosing whether to remain in his element or choose a different share. Russian families, having learned about the opportunity to influence one of the seven “Lords”, also begin their game...
(link to book (Pulp)

Object number 0013 lambda (superior)— Beso Alejandro
From the author: A couple of words for readers: the genre of this work is Boyar-anime interspersed with RealRPG (the RPG part here has its own, let’s say, peculiarities, you will understand further in the text). Of course, main character there will be MC and even MSMK, that is, Marty Stu of international class. Like every respected Protagonist, he will have a piano, and not just one, like any poor soul, but several, as befits a respected Protagonist. I especially emphasize that this is a DRAFT!
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Albino from the Earth clan— Kern Maximus
Author's abstract: Be careful during thunderstorms. And if you meet ball lightning, then... It depends on your luck. A simple history teacher, Mikhail Alexandrov, was unlucky. Although, it depends on how you look at it. Fate gave him a second chance, throwing him into another world, into the body of the grandson of the head of the Earth clan, who died in a rigged duel. Magic, clans, academy, an ancient prophecy about the Four-Colored One who will destroy this world. Or will it save you?
The work is close in spirit to the anime boyars. The book has been published.
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Another student—Ddos
From the author: A crossover of Your Lie in April, Pirates of the Black Lagoon and Keniti's Strongest Disciple. Main character - younger brother Yukio Washimine. Deconstruction of the “April Lie” itself and the “Boyar” genre. AU, OOC and generally more based on motives. Of course, waiting for the second part.
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Witch Doctor. Show of power— Seth Constantine
Author's abstract: What is the name of a person who has changed the world and his bodily shell? Misfit? Invader? Or maybe a reincarnation? Doesn't matter. How can this person survive? The answer is simple, adapt to the world in which he finds himself. In a world ruled by martial artists, finding your place is very difficult, but not impossible. Moreover, you already lived in a similar world, but fate played a cruel joke on you...
New version of the "No Name" text.
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Start. Part 2— Fedorochev Alexey
Author's abstract: Continuation of Egor's adventures.
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Japanese— Wolfe Alex
From the author: Anime-themed. Completely original work. It just came flooding in. I finally decided on the genre. There won't be a harem, but there will be a lot of girls around. Magic in modern world, battles, school, humor, girls) Something like that.
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God Help Agency— Van Vietor
Author's abstract: Helped God once, earned revival. Albeit in another world. So why not put it on stream? What if it works again?
The thing doesn’t reach Metelsky’s level, but if it’s improved...
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Son of the Storm— Orel335
Author's abstract: Mages are unusual creatures. But you can become not only an unusual, but also a powerful creature. You are alone, the whole clan and your relatives are against you. But you have the wind. So let him carry you into the future and show you the way. After all, you are strong, Yagami Kazuma!
Kaze No Stigma fic. Reminds me of the Spinner's "STZ".
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Start— Fedorochev Alexey
Author's abstract: Damn, where would we be without them... Small man and all-powerful clans.
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I despise Martial Arts— Balkarov Mikhail
Author's abstract: Crazy Girls fic. Korea, harem and boobs!!! Finished. (200 parts of the original)
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Select a story— Mistov E.R.
Annotation: You find yourself in another world - learn to survive in it! This is easier said than done, especially when the boy you hit hid in the far corner of the subconscious and “painfully” responds to your actions. But this is just the beginning...
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Refraction. Counterstrike— Koltsov Sergey
Author's abstract: A world where everything is subject to the law of personal power. Martial arts masters rule here, who absorb the rules of this world with their mother’s milk, and what will happen to you here, invader. Yes, you know the rules of this world, yes, you know how to stand up for yourself, but in this world you are nobody. Yes, invader, in this world you can find your death, or maybe you will find your own path?..
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Fist of the Midday Star— Kosh Alex
From the author: The beginning of a book about a prisoner. Genre: fantasy martial arts, school. This is not fanfic, just a similar title.
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Higher magical education— Solovyov Valentin
Author's abstract: It is already 2112, 86 years since magic is not the property of fairy tales, but a completely everyday reality for the inhabitants of the earth. Life for magicians is not as easy as in fairy tales and without higher education for good workplace don't get in. Despite the absence of wars and external calm, not everything is so rosy in the world and our hero will find himself in a showdown on a global scale. But this is ahead, and it all starts with entrance exams.
The book refers to the “boyars” insofar as it is, but let it remain on the list.
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Quiet life—Toter
Fanfic. As the author claims: “Damn it, based on Crazy Girls” - there is such a manga, if anyone doesn’t know. Martial arts are present, which is why the book can be classified as a “boyar anime”.
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Great empire: Technical task — Plotnikov Sergey
Author's abstract: Then Yegor was a thirty-five-year-old programmer, and became a twelve-year-old ordinary Mongolian schoolboy... is your eyelid already twitching? In fact, everything is not so scary - we will follow his adventures four years later - we had to let the hero enter new reality... and finish your work. Which one? Yes, so, develop a program artificial intelligence for army drones, not alone and not from scratch, of course. And so, when it finally came to testing outside of laboratories, that’s when it began...
New from the creator of the “Web of Light”.
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Cat and Shredder— Demchenko A.V.
Annotation: A light, slightly frivolous read. The Empire of the May Archipelago, aristocratic families, elemental magic, seal magic and mysticism... a little bit. In a completely modern world.
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Calm flow of life (Stzh)—Spinner Arthur
Author's abstract: Despicable bastard. Crazy fanfic. But contrary to the laws of the genre, the main character (and the reader) will not immediately be able to determine where he managed to get himself into. In addition, the coolness he brought from another world does not give him too many advantages in THIS (rather, it creates problems), so it will be difficult to become an all-powerful “bender”... And the girls... the girls in the new world are beautiful, yes...
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Web of Light— Plotnikov Sergey
Author's abstract: Did you find yourself in the world of a harem “ecchi” manga? Oh, it seems that the dream has come true, and you can relax! Only in a few years they will try to kill you. And eat it. Knowledge of how to protect oneself is catastrophically lacking, and clan “power” is rather, um, specific. And between you and the crowd of hungry demons is a protective cat moving at full speed. You can try to stupidly follow the canon - with unclear prospects at the end. Or you can try to sort out the “dowry”. In the end scientific approach, even in magic, no one has canceled it.
Fanfiction based on the manga and anime “Keeper Himari” (Omamori Himari). Refers to the “boyars” because of its similarity with Metelsky’s books.
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Heroes don't come here— Vyun
Not quite anime boyars, but something similar. The project is currently frozen.
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Heir to the Rivas family— St. Sk Sa
Author's abstract: Fantasy. A completely original plot - one who ends up in the body of a child. No super-tasks, such as the fight against world evil, are set. The main thing for him is to get settled in this world, and to get settled in such a way that others will not feel comfortable.
Quite a fresh boyar anime.
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Lord of Mirages— Ilyin Vladimir
Annotation: In a world of power, military ranks and aristocracy, it is difficult for a single person to survive. Especially when you live in a foreign country, you are sixteen, and your inheritance is being hunted. Childhood immediately ends, friends turn into buddies, and everyone else tries to take advantage of you. You can only rely on yourself, your strength and cunning, to take revenge on those who betrayed your parents and find a new family.
Another work by Ilyin with elements of the “Changing Masks” universe by Metelsky.
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Third son— Ezhov Konstantin
Author's abstract: Once upon a time there lived a king. Uh…. No, just a merchant copper belt. And he had three sons. The first was a clever businessman, the middle one was also no fool, the third was Ivan. And he got ready, but no, it’s too early for them. But the king had a daughter, a princess, by the way. And he decided to choose a groom for her, unsuccessfully. She would break their arm, then their leg, and they didn’t even count their ribs and fingers. But the Queen Mother gave practical advice and they hired a matchmaker, no matter who, and according to rumors she had no misfires. But things didn’t work out for her either, right in her hearts she called the girl, with her bright face, a frog princess, for jumping indecently, while beating up the suitors. And everyone was already in despair, but somehow our bride stumbled over the merchant’s son, young, still completely innocent. And clouds gathered over Ivan’s head. The sovereign father became angry and exiled the innocent young man to the ends of the world, to fierce Japan.
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Coffin for a dead sorcerer— Klimenko Alexey
Author's abstract: Like Japan, like sorcerers, like gods, clans... like real ones. GG is inadequate and a narrow-minded loser (because he was never able to light the lumos) Special attention: Unmotivated and uncontrollable harem, and therefore read entirely at your own peril and risk.
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Hard and fast— Pekalchuk Vladimir
Annotation: The soul of an old martial artist who died in an unequal fight with a bear finds himself in a parallel dimension in someone else's body. This gives him another chance... and not only him. Note. Hard and fast - a reference to the Gosoku Ryu style, literally - "hard fast style". And its creator, master Takayuki Kubota, served as the prototype for the main character.
I couldn't help but mention this book.
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Voltage— Ilyin Vladimir
From the author: Based on the world of Metelsky, i.e. modernity, magic, clans, firearms. The book was published in December 2015. Publishing house Alfa-Kniga.
A genre item from the author of the LitRPG novel “Sheriff”.
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Flight of the Falcon— Shirokov Alexey
Author's abstract: Dreamed of other worlds? Receive and sign. But who will you be here, in this strange but such interesting world? You will remain the humble huntsman Falk, a hunter of the undead. Or you will try to make your way to the top, to stand on a par with the family aristocracy. It's up to you. At your service are magic and firearms, databases and Soul Stones that grant incredible capabilities. Take yours! Fly Falcon!
The book has been published.
(link to book)

Air gunner. Boyarich— Demchenko A.V.
Author's abstract: They say you have to live in such a way that after death the gods invite you to repeat it. If so, then this was definitely the case. Chance and will ancient deity, who brought the former military instructor into the body of a fourteen-year-old teenager with advice and orders to continue “teaching.” The only question is where to find time for such a noble cause, when some incomprehensible, but clearly smack of danger, intrigues are swirling around. Unexpectedly found relatives strive to cause trouble, or even just burn to hell, taking advantage of the Gift and the family penchant for Flame, and the long-vanished parents of his “new” body even after death manage to throw up surprises.
Three volumes have been published.
(link to book)

Gone with the wind. Book One - Changing Masks— Metelsky Nikolay
Author's abstract: Misfit. A special fighter who has achieved considerable success in the field of destruction finds himself in a world where martial arts are integral part life, on a par with combat robots, lasers and Kalash. At one point, “one of the best” turns into “slightly above average.” Moreover, people with his “strength” are valued very highly here, so highly that if the public found out about them, he would not see freedom. But I want to live free, rich and strong. Combat robots, hand-to-hand combat in the Naruto style (fireball and all that), maybe a little magic, maybe a harem.
Three books in the series have already been published. The continuation is being written.
(link to book)

That's all I have for now. But the list will be supplemented and replenished with new items.

P.S. If you know any books in the anime boyar genre that are not on the list, please post the link in the comments.

Anime fan fiction is a genre of fan fiction that has gained fame among young people, where anime is taken as the basis. The audience for anime is truly huge, and the number of fans of anime fanfiction is just as huge.
Features of books in the Anime fan fiction genre
The number of excellent anime fanfictions is growing every day. Of course, after all, a sequel to the original may come out rarely, and sometimes you won’t even see it at all. In the meantime, fans can't wait to plunge back into the world of their favorite characters, get to know them better, or simply learn a new story from the world of the original.
In anime fan fiction they write about anything: the background of the anime plot, a retelling of the original (perhaps from the perspective of other characters or with additional details), and numerous interpretations of the plot. Fan fiction talks about anything! It is in them that the authors are free to indulge their fantasies to the fullest, and inexperienced readers are always happy to read anime fan fiction on their favorite topic.
Without restrictions, authors can introduce new characters, settings and new times. A separate category occupies the so-called pairing of characters - stories about love relationships of both main and secondary characters, often diverging from the original. Imagine: if the relationship between two characters from whom everyone expected it did not happen in the original - why not read online fantasies on this topic in anime fanfiction? Among them there are a lot of works with an 18+ censor, where there is violence, erotica, forbidden relationship. But don’t rush, not all fan fiction is of this nature. The variety of authors, ideas and plot solutions is such that you can easily find strong, exciting stories, sometimes deeper and more elaborate than the original anime.

Why is it cool to read Anime fan fiction online on our portal?
On our samizdat you can easily find fascinating and fascinating anime fan fiction, available both for free online reading from the site and for downloading them in convenient formats. Our portal is constantly updated with new fan works, and we make every effort to further develop this area. Write reviews under the works you read, like them - in general, show any activity: by doing this you will help in the development of this direction on Lit-Era!
Or maybe you wouldn’t mind trying your hand at writing fan fiction based on your favorite anime? After all, this is an excellent form to gain experience in the field of writing. Your creativity will be appreciated by true fans of the genre!

I was seriously sucked in. Still reading Naruto fics. I need to write down what I read before I get confused.
Although the level of fics is quite high, I warn you - it’s better not to read them! There are very stupid mistakes, no one seems to have a beta.

upd I want to get into Uchiha or Hyuga. So that you can get acquainted with all their clan troubles from the inside)
I also want to get to Konoha good psychotherapist, he has every chance of becoming Ms. Unless they kill you, of course, for everything good)
And why are there no victims during the time of the first Hokage?
1) This is, of course, Rock Lee. A look at Rock Lee, very funny, although sometimes naive.
It all starts before Lee enters the academy. By the way, for some reason Naruto and Lee are studying in the same group here... Lee makes Naruto as comfortable as he can, treats Iruka as best he can and gets to Guy ahead of time. Non-canon, but for all the laughs that this text delivered, the author can be forgiven for anything.
At least the episode with the bells is worth it! A monument to the author, definitely))))
Rating: 8 out of 10.
2) Sasuke. N. Uchiha - adult Naruto gets into the body of small Sasuke. Progressivism and other goodies. Interesting, but not enough and it looks like there won’t be any sales (((
Rating: 7 out of 10.
3) Shinobi story - hitting little Naruto. Very good performance, minimal pianos, though development is underway. Intrigues, politicians, psychotic Sasuke, sweet and charming Naruto, lonely Anko.
Rating: 10 out of 10.
4) Naruto - Shadow of the Whirlpool - hits a non-canon character. Pre-canon, which is extremely pleasing. Very, very. There are wonderful Uzumakis and, above all, Mito, there is a young, but already very insidious Hiruzen, sannins in all their glory (although Orochimaru is behind the scenes), there are Senju, there are Hyugas, there are practically no Uchihas.
He's a bit of an MC, but everything is tolerable.
Clans, politics, a lot of training and fighting))))
Rating: 10 out of 10.
5) They hit - two hit at once, Sakura and Naruto. It’s royal and merciful, but there’s something in it. I come across some very interesting ideas.
Rating: 5 out of 10.
6) Kurama - hitting the Kyuubi. You had to manage that! Somewhat naive, but interesting. Kyuubi burns in places, Minato is a man, Kakashi tries his best.
Rating: 6 out of 10.
7) The first swearer in the village... is a hit to Hidan of pre-Katsuchi times. Very interesting, not only pre-canon, but also new point However, few people take the main action outside of Konoha. Politics, fighting and Dzyasin. A surprisingly sane fic, all the pros have their cons. Dosu, Tsunade, Kakuzu and Anko will be here (the authors love Anko))
And then there's Yoruichi! Not the same, but no worse)))))
Rating: 10 out of 10.
8) Typhoon is again a feature in Naruto, but the rationale is present, the story deviates from the canon and turns out to be very interesting. By the way, Naruto is completely awesome, more frostbitten than Kakashi.
Rating: 9 out of 10.
9) Don't make Uzumaki angry! - hitting Kushina. Non-canon and other OOS, but it’s not bad. There are pianos, but in moderation.
Rating: 6 out of 10.
10) Godaime Hokage - hit Tsunade. Interestingly, there are almost no fights, but there is a lot of politics and everyday life of the Hokage. Again they comfort Naruto, again they save Konoha. Tasty, but unfinished
Rating: 8 out of 10.
11) SPY Hit Naruto. Naive, piano-like, but fun. There are some original ideas here and there.
Rating: 5 out of 10.
12) Naruto. Again. Hit Naruto. Not much yet, but interesting, original Kakashi (the authors rarely bother with this character), funny use of clones.
Rating: 8 out of 10.
13) Shoshi. Draft. - Hit the original character. Very, very well written. There are justifications, there are wonderful descriptions of the differences in the worlds. The explanation of the local transmigration of souls is charming - after all, there is such a theory in Eastern philosophy.
Pre-canon, but even here Naruto is comfortable. Although in every new history the hell in which he lived has new facets, so no comfort will be superfluous, he deserves it!
Rating: 10 out of 10.
14) Come, come, revival - a hit in Sasuke. Funny and cute, but very piano-like. The first part is still okay, the everyday life of the Academy is impressive, but then trash and frenzy begins. The ending in all the pink snot is incredibly optimistic.
Rating: 5 out of 10.
15) Horizon light. Naruto getting into Naruto. That is, Naruto, a loser in the Fourth World War, finds himself in a parallel world and tries to change everything. And there is Hokage Danzo... It’s interesting, there are some smart thoughts, but in general they are rather weak.
And the composition of the teams and the teachers were different)))) Good idea, but the topic is poorly covered. Although the coverage of different characters is pleasing.
Rating: 5 out of 10.
16) Naruto fanfic (untitled yet) Another hit on Naruto. Everything is quite worthy, but, unfortunately, not finished.
Rating: 8 out of 10.
17) Recipe for the apocalypse from the Uchihas. Part one. Part two. Part three. A hit on Sasuke, the girl is an anime fan. Surprisingly adequately written, the author managed not to slip into Martisewism, although Sasuke is stronger than Kannon for his strength and he pays a serious price. Humor really enhances this story, and it’s especially gratifying that the whole story is covered. And what’s more, it’s finished! Vivat to the author
Rating: 8 out of 10.
18) Child of Hate. Finding the Way. The experienced hitter landed first in the Kyuubi, and then in Naruto. Piano and naive, but cheerful and sometimes funny. Bleach in the background.
Rating: 6 out of 10.
19) One-Tailed Hit Gaara - rare case, that’s why it’s valuable. So far it’s small and quite illiterate, but let’s hope for the best. By the way, Gaara is no longer small, but neither Kankuro nor Temari are. But there is Chie-sama and she rules)
Rating: 6 out of 10.
20) I am a mistake Really a mistake. A hit on a non-canon character who turns out to be the fifth wheel in the cart. Neither Naruto could really feel comfortable nor go into the shadows. But the author diligently collects goodies for him...
In general, you can read it, but not for everyone. The language is decent, it doesn’t bury much.
Rating: 4 out of 10.
21) Don’t stray from the path of a direct hit on Hinata. Surprisingly sane, loves Naruto, has problems with her father and clan, takes care of her sister. Placed on team number seven instead of Sakura.
Rating: 6 out of 10.
22) fierce Hinata - merisya, but funny.
23) Nine-Tailed Demon A hit in Naruto, very cool, but written in a funny way. You can read it, it’s a pity that it’s not finished.
Rating: 6 out of 10.
24) Let's play?... A misfit, quite sane.
25) Side effect: Getting into a parallel world. Very emotional, captivating. Not finished.
26) The mission of the "Life" rank began quite decently, but in the end the author did something clever... the hero is covered in white chocolate, and everyone around is so bad.
27) Everything was completely wrong Apocalypse from Naruto. Those who have read the Apocalypse will like it.
Rating: 7 out of 10.
28) Uchiha Hit Sasuke. Interesting, but the author is a nerd. Although interesting ideas He has a lot and the hero is adequate.
29) Change the unchanged, another hit on Hinata. Quite decent.
30) Naruto got a different story. It’s cute, but the story is really alternative, the author has already removed a couple of main conflicts (Danzo is an adequate patriot, Orochimaru is for ours, Kyuubi is tame, the Hokage really doesn’t shine) and new ones global conflicts not yet visible. But I'll hope for the best.
31) Eradicator Another stuck fic. But it’s interesting, at least there’s a cool guy from Bleach there. But he finds himself in the position of a side branch of the Nara clan, and in such a position you can’t really give a damn. The rules in the clan are strict and it seems to be post-canon.
32) From scratch A hit in Naruto, quite sane. At first.
33) Bringer of Death: Choice A very cool and frostbitten hit. That's why it's original)
34) Alternative history Tobirama ends up in Konoha seven years before the events. Not much yet, but the author is adequate, and this is very rare. I'll keep an eye on it.
35) Naruto's Golden Ribbon parallel world. And there is a family, he himself is disabled without chakra, Kyuubi is a desperate bastard and in general. Seriously addictive.
36) Onmyoji. Wrong shinobi.
37) Blooming Pool of Konoha Hitting Sakura, yes interesting points, there are stupid ones, but the potential is encouraging. Will wait.
38) Raging Tiger Bloody Habanero Hit the cat, which is what makes it original. In the first part he develops and masters, in the second he actively participates in the plot. The plot was changed so that a cat could participate in it.
39) The Will of Fire It’s awkward, naive, but I’m waiting.
40) No (that is, there is no name) Hitting an unknown Uchiha. The author is a nerd, but he writes interestingly.
41) Great Hurricane of Konoha Naruto is in Guy's team.