How to always be interesting to your boyfriend. How to remain interesting to a man? How to always be a mystery to a man? Volume, speed, brightness, rhythm - that's what catches you

How to become an interesting person to others? Focus on your own individuality and don't try to copy anyone. Many people who want to become more interesting to others are forgotten, being obsessed with their desire. And they begin to imitate their ideal, and not always successfully, completely forgetting about their own uniqueness. And this is the main mistake of many people.


If a person is thinking about how to become an interesting person to others, then there is a high probability that he is not very versatile. This is true? Then you need to start actively working on yourself. In self-development, the main point is to concentrate on your goals and desires, as well as constantly acquiring new knowledge to achieve them.

This process is impossible without self-knowledge, which implies the study of one’s personal characteristics (both physical and mental). It is very important for each person to comprehend himself, after which he establishes himself in those areas of life that are most significant to him. And the more there are, the better. Everything is simple here. The more spheres of manifestation of his personality a person has, the wider his horizons will become, the richer his inner world, the richer his knowledge base. Personality is like a painting. The more details it contains, the more interesting it is to study it.

Popular problem

If a person is worried about how to become an interesting person to others, most likely he simply does not know how to communicate. Lack of communication skills manifests itself in different ways. Some talk about something completely ordinary, uninteresting or banal. Others do not pay attention to the interlocutor, not allowing them to get a word in. Some simply don’t know what to say, and therefore all their speeches are inappropriate. The rest know neither moderation nor tact, and constantly strive to “get into” the dialogue.

And these are not all examples. But the solution for all cases is the same: you need to learn to communicate.

Competent dialogue

Well, how to become an interesting person to others? You need to learn to talk to them! It's not that difficult, just remember a few rules and follow them.

First, you need to be genuinely interested in others. People are more willing to communicate with those who show interest in them. And in most cases they show it in response, giving the interlocutor the opportunity to open up.

Secondly, don't be shy to smile. But only sincerely, not falsely! A kind smile attracts the interlocutor to you. In addition, she shows him that communicating with him brings pleasure and joy.

Thirdly, you must call your opponent by name. It would seem like a simple and ordinary thing. But many have long ago replaced their names with “you”. And in vain. After all, a name expresses individuality.

Also, if a person is interested in something, people should learn to listen. Showing attention is a powerful tool of influence. During your opponent’s monologue, you should not neglect questions, clarifications, or manifestations of emotions. This demonstrates caring. Today a person listened to his interlocutor, and tomorrow he will pay attention to him.

Bringing out your best qualities

How to become an interesting person? There are all kinds of advice, but most recommendations say: you need to be careful and notice every little detail. There is something to talk about with any person, the main thing is to find a topic, the source of which is the interlocutor himself. You just need to take a closer look at it. Did you notice a few hairs on his T-shirt? Then it’s worth casually asking if your interlocutor has a cat. He will immediately become interested in the interlocutor - he will at least be intrigued by the person’s observation skills. And then the topic can be developed. This is where education and reading are needed. People who know a lot are able to easily and imperceptibly move from one topic to another and reason in such a way that it will not be boring. Dialogue with them rarely reaches a dead end. But even if everything has already been discussed, they have a trump card. And these are questions. The kind that can spark a new round of dialogue.

It is enough just to ask what else, in addition to what was agreed, the interlocutor is interested in, or what he would like to do. Even without keeping questions in mind, you can always get your bearings. The question should only show the interlocutor its significance. Few people don't like to talk about themselves. The main thing is to be sincerely interested in them.

Personal opinion

There is one more nuance that every person who cares about how to become more interesting should learn. Tips and recommendations are numerous, and most of them say: you need to remember your own opinion. A person who has a personal point of view regarding something is always of interest if his judgment is objective, justified and reasoned. A person who is able to clearly, competently and accessiblely explain to others his understanding of something, his desires and emotions, is a valuable interlocutor.

And here it is important, first of all, to be able to correctly express your thoughts. Opinions are often shared with people who have different ideas about certain things. Therefore, you need to construct an explanation in such a way that everyone understands the essence and feels the sensation experienced by the opponent.

But that is not all. It is also important not to be afraid to speak up. Some people prefer to remain silent or simply agree in convenient situations. But this quality does not distinguish a person. What makes a person more interesting and colorful is the ability to speak out, especially if he does it competently.


Cheerful people always make people feel good about themselves. This must be remembered if a person is interested in how to become an interesting person. With a good sense of humor, you definitely won’t have to go to hell. After all, this is a valuable human ability to find something comical in almost every situation.

Plus, it is the ability to joke (and at the right moment) that makes a person the soul of the company. Such people are cheerful and funny, they do not hesitate to appear funny, and it is also not difficult for them to defuse the situation with an appropriate anecdote or witticism.

How to develop this skill in yourself? You need to constantly practice, learn from famous comedians, joke at yourself and laugh at problems. And don’t stress too much. Usually only in a relaxed state does an appropriate joke come to mind. If a person sits in tension and actively thinks about what to say so witty, it usually doesn’t turn out very well.


How to become an interesting person? For men and women who want to appear more socially attractive, there is one more universal piece of advice. They should be more open, which is sometimes difficult for many.

Socially open people are sociable and sincere. They share their thoughts, feelings and experiences with others. They have no internal barrier that could prevent them from being with people as they are. They do not hide their inner world. And that's what makes them interesting. They can be compared to an open, interesting book that you want to read as soon as possible. People are attracted to such personalities. After all, many of them would often like to become so open.

How to turn into such a person? Very simple. We need to get rid of masks, stereotypes and stop worrying about what others will say. Then the person will become not only more open, but also happier.

Many women try to conquer men with their spectacular appearance - complex makeup, perfect hairstyle, and, of course, meet them based on their clothes, but for many years they remain with those who managed to ignite a spark of interest in a man.

To be interesting is always, first of all, to be interested, because every interlocutor is pleased when they listen to him attentively and subsequently will not forget his name or position and will not even fail to inquire about the health of his grandmother, whose illness you talked about for an hour last time . Therefore, by asking relevant questions, listening carefully and with interest to the answers, and also telling general but interesting information about yourself and your life, you can show yourself as a pleasant conversationalist, and this is already halfway to success in a man’s heart.

Having hooked a man with a pleasant conversation, it is very important not to lose his interest in subsequent communication. To do this, you need to be able to keep your distance in a relationship. After all, when meeting a woman, a man feels a mystery in her, which intrigues him and keeps him awake at night, demanding an immediate solution, that is, conversation, meeting, etc. The closer the acquaintance, the more the sense of novelty is lost, emotions, adrenaline and... the man subside switches to another object of interest! Therefore, do not be afraid to demand and give personal space, do not try to control every step of a man, just as you should not retell all the topics that you discussed today over a cup of coffee with a friend. Flirt with a man, intriguing him with how and with whom you spent time. Accept and appreciate the personality of the other person, and he will answer you in the same way, and spending time together will not lose its novelty for many years.

Spend your free time not only on cooking, washing, ironing and other household chores, but also on your own spiritual development, because every man wants to not only be fed, but also just have a heart-to-heart talk. And if a woman constantly brushes it off under the guise of “my milk has run away because of your chatter,” then just as soon the husband will run away too- to where they will listen to him and talk to him.

Get yourself a hobby that you enjoy. And the less men understand about all the intricacies of countless needles, hoops, and decoupage napkins, the better, because with this you once again show your “zest” and arouse genuine interest and admiration for your mysterious pastime.

How to attract a man with your looks?

Don't forget to pay attention to your appearance. This will be pleasant not only for the man, but also for you, because catching the admiring and interested glances of passers-by is the dream of any woman, regardless of marital status.
And finally, last but not least - be self-sufficient! Be interesting and passionate about life on your own, regardless of the presence of a man in it, do not focus on relationships, but look for self-realization in other areas. Use the principle of “reasonable selfishness” - do not try to shoulder all the responsibilities in a relationship, and let the man relax, respect your partner’s needs, but do not forget about yours. This way you will avoid the very common mistake of “dissolving” in your partner, which leads to a loss of interest in a man, because who needs to see and communicate with “their mirror” every day.

Yes, men are mysterious and incomprehensible creatures, but by taking advantage of your innate feminine wisdom and intuition, as well as showing proper human attention and warmth, you can always remain necessary and interesting for men, and therefore happy in family life.

Read also:

Orthodox calendar

Wednesday, February 20, 2019(February 7, old style)
Week about the Publican and the Pharisee
St. Parthenia, ep. Lampsakian (IV)
St. Luke of Greece (c. 946)
Saints' Day:
Mchch. 1003 Nicomedia (303).
Day of Remembrance of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Sschmch. Alexandra Talyzin presbyter (1938); sschmch. Alexy Trinity Presbyter (1942).
The week about the publican and the Pharisee is continuous.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Ap.: 2 Pet.3:1-18 Ev.: Mark 13:24-31
In the morning: - Ps.70-76; Ps.77-84; Ps.85-90 For eternity: - Ps.119-133

8 effective tips from a psychologist that will help you become an interesting person! Don't waste time - act now!

Surely you, dear readers of the Success Diary, have your own concept of what qualities you should have interesting person or an interesting person.

In most cases, most people have the same idea about an interesting person, but there are also quite interesting versions.

In this article we will try to give you the most accurate and complete definition interesting personality.

By the way, if you consider yourself painfully boring and a useless conversationalist, then the information below will help you look at the situation of some things differently.

So let's get started!

An interesting person is, first of all, a person who can not only competently hold a conversation, but also is able to hear his interlocutor and give very useful advice.

In addition, an interesting person must have some charisma and have an excellent sense of humor.

Such people are respected in any company and everyone who is not too lazy wants to add them as friends.

If you want to become a truly interesting person and conversationalist, then start working on yourself.

And the following tips will help you in the best possible way!

How to become an interesting person? Don't follow the crowd!

Remember the main rule of life: if millions of people are already doing this, then you are clearly late.

Don't try to copy someone!

Instead, develop your own individuality.

Let others start copying you.

Besides, being a role model is much more pleasant than imitating someone yourself.

Allow yourself to take risks!

Sitting and being afraid is always boring.

If this is exactly what you are doing, then quit this thankless task!

Instead, do something unusual for you.

Only by stepping outside your comfort zone can you see truly enormous prospects.

Don't be arrogant!

Tell me, do you like communicating with a person who has put on a crown and imagines himself to be the navel of the earth? No? So others don't like it either.

So if your crown is stopping you from walking through doors, take it off quickly!

Nobody likes arrogant people.

Therefore, if you imagine yourself to be the navel of the earth, you will soon be left completely without friends.

Find your passion!

It is worth knowing that if you are indifferent to the fate of the organization, friends or relatives, then you will become indifferent to them.

So find some passion within yourself.

After all, there is something in life that you truly like or that you want to passionately achieve.

As soon as something you truly strive for appears in your life, they will follow you, despite all the contradictions!

For some, these cockroaches sit quietly and drink tea, while for others they dance boogie-woogie.

And when communicating, it often happens that a person with dancing cockroaches turns out to be much more interesting and individual.

That's why don't hide your cockroaches.

After all, they are the ones who make you who you are. interesting personality.

Live on the move!

All the time, without stopping, try to live!

Dance! Play! Help! Get ready!

In this case, the main thing is that you will constantly be doing something.

Boring complaints about life get boring at some point, but variety only attracts.

Share your knowledge!

Don't be afraid to share new knowledge with people.

After all, not everyone can (or wants) to study something.

And from you such people can learn some news about the world around them.

Also watch a short video with tips on what to do,

to become an interesting person:

And finally... I would like to say a few words about courage.

After all interesting person must have the courage to object to the public and take a different path.

If you only dream of courage, then you will remain a boring office plankton, discussing the latest gossip at the water cooler... Don’t be like that.

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First of all, there is only one way to achieve this - to be yourself and love your man. And the secret to a long-lasting relationship is for the people in the relationship to continue to develop. If one stops in his development, and he no longer cares about himself or his partner, the second begins to think about finding someone else.

What does it mean to develop?

It is constantly being in search of something, wanting, learning, striving, setting goals and achieving them. At the same time, try to carefully preserve and increase what you already have.

Long-term harmonious relationships are based on three important pillars: respect, compliance and maintaining interest in each other. And if everything is more or less clear with mutual respect and concessions to each other, then the cornerstone of conflicts in most unions, as a rule, becomes the third “y” - retention of interest. It is quite difficult to maintain it for many years. We all know examples of such marriages where one or the other half relaxed: she stopped taking care of herself, monitoring her weight, appearance, and forgot about signs of attention. Maintaining interest is one of the most important indicators of an alliance; it is what helps maintain strong relationships for many years.

The most beautiful and well-groomed 24 hours

It is very important to remember that for the man you love, you should always be the most beautiful and well-groomed, and be in shape. In general, this idea is inextricably linked with another - in order to achieve this, you need to love yourself, and constantly, almost 24 hours a day. I'm not talking about the urgent need to look for shortcomings in yourself and then take action. No, this is more and more global here - you need to accept yourself for who you are, love yourself for your shortcomings too, because they are a continuation of our strengths. But at the same time, do not allow yourself to become limp and relax for long. A woman who loves herself takes care of herself - and that says it all. She does not need, having accidentally learned about her husband’s affair on the side, to urgently run for new clothes and to a nutritionist. She regularly replenishes her wardrobe with things she likes, leads an active lifestyle and is happy with herself.

In addition, a woman who strives to strengthen her relationship should have her own life, separate from her husband - friends, hobbies, activities. A woman who has completely dissolved in her husband and lives exclusively by his interests and household chores quickly becomes a burden. Men are hunters by nature, even after conquering you, they need to realize that they are a little free, therefore, you can communicate with someone, and someone likes it. Therefore, a woman who has friends and hobbies outside of home is much more interesting to them than one who has neither one nor the other.

These tips will help those who want to develop creativity, learn to take risks and trust their talents and abilities. They will also be useful in your career and in everyday life.

1. Explore

Explore new ideas, places and opinions. Listening only to yourself is the lot of unbearably boring people.
  • Disconnect. Without a map, you can find places that are not marked there. By turning off your phone, you can talk to someone you meet along the way. Skip the next batch of updates on social networks and look within yourself. Gadgets tie you to a familiar world. Turn them off and plunge into the unknown.
  • Take a vacation every day. Even if not for long. Walk around the city at sunrise. Drop a letter into an unfamiliar mailbox. Read a magazine someone left at a bus stop. Take a walk in the rain. Order hot chocolate in an unfamiliar cafe. Use any free minute.
  • Keep asking “why?” Parents hate it when their children torment them with questions. Why? Because. Why? Because. Why? Because. And again and again. But try it yourself. And you will be surprised how behind a simple “why?” the most interesting “because...” will follow.

2. Share your finds

Be generous. Not everyone can go with you. Let them have the same adventures as you.
  • Be proactive. Don't put it off until tomorrow. Speak and act immediately, now. Go where you need to be. Don't wait for an invitation - invite yourself. Don't sit by the phone - call. Spread the word. Click on the buttons. Buy tickets and enjoy the show.
  • State the obvious (to you). What you know is often a sealed secret for others. What is as old as the world to you may seem like a fresh idea to someone else. For you the task is simple, for others it is an insurmountable obstacle. Your mind is full of treasures that no one else can see. Bring them out into the light. When you share ideas, they don't disappear. On the contrary, they only multiply.
  • Be the connector, not the end point. Don't just talk. Don't just listen. Meet people. Help strangers. Share what you know. This is how an idea grows like a snowball and eventually turns into an event. Be the core around which the whole community is created.

3. Do something. Anything

Dance. Write. Build. Communicate. Play. Help. Create. It doesn't matter what exactly you do, as long as you do something. Yes, just in case: this does not apply to “sit and whine.”
  • Make a choice. Any. Can't decide exactly how to manage the current day? With your life? Career? To be honest, it doesn't matter. Even carefully laid plans fall apart. And rushing around in indecision from one option to another is a surefire way to never accomplish anything in your entire life. Flip a coin. Spin the bottle. Trust your intuition. And go ahead!
  • Throw away the trash. Not every business is worth doing. Not every unpleasant job has to be done. Avoid what torments you. If there's something you can't avoid (doing laundry or filing a tax return), enjoy doing it—and once you've done it, put it out of your mind. Make room for what really matters. And really interesting.
  • Stake out your territory. Whatever you do, love what you do. Accept it. Get better at it. Own it. This is the only way to combine a sense of freedom with a sense of security.

4. Embrace your weirdness

There are no “normal” people in the world. Each has its own characteristics and unique views. Don't hide them from others - this is what makes you an interesting person.
  • Be yourself in public. When you leave the house, be yourself. Be yourself at work. Wear your individuality proudly. Don't censor your skills. Don't hide your unique traits. To stand out, you need to have personality. Only the one who does not hide it from others remains himself.
  • Stop apologizing. There's nothing wrong with being unique. There is nothing wrong with being different from others. You don't have to apologize for being an interesting person.
  • Capitalize on your features. What makes you interesting adds value to you. Only you can express what you know, do what you do, and know what you know. And you don’t need a huge niche - just a piece of land to stick your flag.

5. Live meaningfully

If you don't care, no one will care about you.
  • Spend your money on the right things. Who do you pay? Who pays you? What people and companies are you associated with? Do you agree with their policies, practices and behavior? Are they satisfied with you? If not, you can always change things up by starting to spend your money on something else.
  • Strive for the maximum. Ask yourself: is this the best it can be? If not, what is it? And get busy achieving the best.
  • Get things in order. Give the most important things the highest priority. Everything else will organize itself.

6. Keep it simple

Ego gets in the way of ideas. If your arrogance is more noticeable than your experience, people will avoid you.
  • Imagine how much you don't know. Everything you will ever know will be just a microscopic grain of sand compared to the vast, vast information of the universe. Let this sobering fact reassure you.
  • Not everyone needs what you have. Your greatest achievement, no matter how impressive it may seem to you, is a terrible nightmare for someone else. Your most valuable possession is just tasteless trash to someone else. Brag carefully!
  • Think about how lucky you are. Do you deserve what you have? Perhaps, partly. What about what you don't have? Probably not. Recognize the role that coincidences, accidents, systemic processes (and luck, of course) play in our world.

7. Try it

Try it. Try new ideas. Do something unusual. You won't grow until you leave your comfort zone.
  • Acknowledge your desires. To deny a dream means to kill it in the bud. You shouldn't feel guilty about striving for something. There's nothing wrong with wanting something. Save the guilt for when you don't give yourself a chance to at least try.
  • Go beyond your boundaries. Just because you haven't been somewhere doesn't mean you won't like it. Just because something isn't your responsibility doesn't mean you can't do it. It's up to you to decide which league to play in.
  • Take on difficult things. Know that obstacles will deter most of your competitors. In addition, as a rule, solving the most difficult problems brings the greatest satisfaction in the end.

8. Get off the wrong track

You shouldn’t do what everyone else is already doing - this train has left without you. Come up with something of your own, then admirers will be drawn to you And.
  • Squeeze into the niche. The narrower the niche, the less room there is for imitators. If you want to be interesting, do something special, not ordinary.
  • Don't go after everything that is universal. If something is found everywhere, it is not necessarily worthy of praise or participation.
  • Get noticed. To be successful, you don't have to become world famous or filthy rich. You just have to do what you do best.

9. Take courage

It takes courage to have your own opinion and take the untrodden path. If you don't have enough courage, all you have to do is hang around the cooler and discuss those who have it in abundance.
  • Start a riot. If you suddenly realize that you are working on something pointless or fruitless, stop immediately. You shouldn't fight for something you don't see value in. You will be surprised how many people will support your protest.
  • Avoid authorities. Authorities, as a rule, fetter, restrain and limit freedom. Get rid of them whenever possible.
  • Don't be afraid of friction. You don't want to impose. You don't like to make waves. You don't dare ask for what you need. But you will have to get over yourself.

10. Ignore the swearing

It's safe to be boring. When you become interesting, you will often hear angry “behave yourselves.” Those who scold you also “could”, “would like”, “would have done”. But they didn't. And that's why they are infuriated by your willingness to adventure.
  • Don't put yourself down. Is that nasty little voice in your head criticizing and putting you down? Silence him with actions that will prove him wrong. Warning: This may take years.
  • Learn from everyone. You can learn how not to live your life from the scumbags you encounter. You can learn how to live from people you respect and love. Consider this all a scientific study of human behavior.
  • Don't confuse ridicule and criticism. Only that which can be used for self-improvement is constructive.