Russian Empire during the First World War. How the Russian Empire fought in World War I

When we think of birds, we always think of small, friendly creatures that symbolize peace and freedom for us. But this doesn't always happen. Some of the birds can be very dangerous and encountering them can even lead to death. Here is a list of the 10 most dangerous birds:

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Red-tailed buzzard

Hawks are on the list of the most smart birds. The red-tailed buzzard or red hawk very fiercely and bravely defends its nest from enemies, and sees people as a source of danger, especially if its nest is located in a place that is very close to people. During the flight, the buzzard tracks its prey and quickly and quickly catches it in flight. Red-tailed buzzards have massive claws, and such a grip can cause fatal injuries.

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Falcons have very sharp talons and beaks, and they also consider humans dangerous. Falcons are birds that divide territories among themselves, so these birds do not hesitate to attack. If you come close to its nest, you are in great danger. They have a hook-shaped beak, which helps them tear off pieces of meat and also bite through the spinal cord of the victim. Therefore, these birds can be especially dangerous for people.

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The polar owl is a kind of record holder; it is the northernmost of all birds of prey on Earth. These beautiful and dangerous birds live in the tundra and in the area Arctic Circle. Owls have easily adapted to life at temperatures down to -50 C. The polar owl attacks its target with a specific strategy. If its target is a person, then the owl's talons are primarily aimed at the victim's head and face. The attacks are so violent that very often people suffer serious eye injuries.

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This bird has a second name – lambswort. Representatives of the genus of vultures tear apart the victim's carcass, so that only the brains remain uneaten. The bearded man feeds mainly on brains. He carries the bones through the air, and then drops them on sharp stones so that he can get to the best part. It is very dangerous for a person to be very close to this bird of prey.

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The barred owl is found in the swampy forests of the southern United States and weighs only 1-1.3 kg, so it usually attacks smaller prey. Their targets may not hear barred owls flying towards them due to their special feathers. The birds suddenly dive down and attack the victim's head with their sharp, as if sharpened, claws. They desperately peck their prey, tear with their claws and squeeze. Their attack can leave serious head injuries. Climbers often become victims of owls.

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mute swan

Swans seem to be very peaceful creatures, but in reality they are a bird that strictly guards its territory. It lives in Eurasia, but can also be seen in other parts of the world, including North America. Mute swan can often be found in places that are frequented by people. For example, city lakes or park ponds. When the bird feels threatened, it may attack people. Thanks to their muscular wings, such an attack can cause eye damage or even broken bones.

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The Arctic loon usually lives near lakes in wooded areas, boreal forests and arctic areas North America And Northern Eurasia. Loons weigh between 3.5 and 4.5 kg. They have very sharp sharpened beaks to tear apart caught fish. This dangerous bird killed an ornithologist, mistaking him for a predator, so it is also dangerous for humans.

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Herring gulls are dangerous birds in themselves and can pose a serious danger to people. Very often they nest within the city. Seagulls attack people when they try to steal food. This often results in injury from their extremely sharp beaks.

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At the end of our list is the African ostrich, the largest bird on Earth and the only surviving species of ostrich after the extinction of the Arabian ostrich. For us appearance ostriches with their small heads and long necks are quite comical, but

it's deceptive. Standing, his height exceeds 2 meters. An ostrich weighs about 108 kg. These birds can run at speeds of up to 70 km/h. They can attack people if they feel their young are in danger or if people get close to their habitat. It only takes them a couple of seconds to kill a person.

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The last bird on the list is called the most dangerous to humans of all known birds. These birds live in tropical forests New Guinea and North Western Australia. Southern cassowaries have unusual blue skin and ostrich-like black feathers. Cassowaries weigh more than 60 kg and reach a height of 1.8 m. They fiercely and desperately protect their territories from outside invasion. They have sharp spurs and they have the most strong force strike among the birds. In 2004 in famous Book Guinness World Records declared the cassowary the most dangerous bird in the world.

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This was an article TOP 10 most dangerous birds in the world. Thank you for your attention!


Birds are often associated with a feeling of calm, they are the first thing you hear on a sunny day, when you wake up in the morning or when you go for a walk in the park. But they can also be very cruel, leaving death and destruction in their wake.

Despite the fact that they are capable of a wide variety of cruelties, this is a kind of confirmation that we live in a world in which the trend of Darwinian sports, where the survival of the fittest, is clearly visible.

Here are ten bird species you should avoid.

10. Seagull

You might think the worst thing seagulls can do is steal your lunch or shit on your head, but these beach dwellers have... dark side, which is hidden under their feathers. And you will see this if you stumble upon their nest. When a seagull feels a threat to its chicks, it can pierce a person’s skull with the force of its blow and begin pecking at the brain.

9. Velociraptor

Yes, they existed in ancient times, during the same period as dinosaurs. But it's worth clarifying that, contrary to popular belief highlighted in Jurassic Park, velociraptors were actually clawed feathered birds, not scaly lizards. They were the most cruel birds of all time, even today the existing most evil representatives of birds are not able to outshine them. They were incredibly intelligent, hunted in packs (according to one theory), and also had stiletto-sharp claws with which they could very easily cut the throat of their prey. And the victims, as a rule, were dinosaurs, and not field mice and fish.

8. Falcon

This predatory bird pounces on small rodents and fish, tearing their flesh with incredibly sharp claws. Thanks to their unique beak shape, they can tear apart prey in the area spinal cord. These are hunting machines equipped with features that help them in their self-sufficiency. Even though they may be trained to hunt for people, they still have great potential, so they can cause serious damage, especially when young.

7. Blue-headed Ifrit

Even though this bird eats only insects, it is armed with a self-defense mechanism that helps it protect itself from the most serious predator. Eating a certain type beetle that produces a special chemical component, which turns into poison in the bird’s body, it is actually dangerous. If you take it with your bare hands, your limbs will immediately go numb and toxins will penetrate your skin. Who would have thought that such a beautiful little bird could cause such serious harm to one's health?

6. Shrike Flycatcher

This bird, like the previous one, is armed with a lethal toxin common among poisonous frogs. It lives in tropical and subtropical forests of Indonesia, Australia and Papua New Guinea. The bird has an olive color, thanks to which it is well camouflaged in trees, while producing a special musical sound, similar to a siren.

5. Pitohu

It was the first of three toxic birds to be discovered for the first time, with its skin and feathers carrying a deadly poison. Papua New Guineans call it the "trash bird" because it is inedible. Almost. Craftsmen can free a bird from poison by removing its skin and feathers and frying it over coals. But still, you shouldn’t risk eating something else.

4. Eagle

The danger of this bird lies in its potential for harm. It has a special beak structure, incredibly sharp claws and even more incredibly sharp eyesight, making it one of the most serious predators in the world. wildlife. It can fly and hold a two-kilogram prey carcass in its beak. He is extremely insatiable, being able to eat about a kilogram of fish in four minutes. These birds are a symbol of power and are taken so seriously that they appear on the coats of arms of countless countries.

3. Vulture

These birds look disgusting and ominous. They can be found hanging and circling over corpses, as they are largely scavengers, bringing dead, beginning to decompose flesh to members of their pack. The environment in their stomach is extremely acidic, which protects them from bacteria, viruses and anthrax, from which most other animals die. In addition, their urine is a powerful antibacterial agent that kills any unsanitary dirt.

2. Ostrich

These birds are the largest in the world, their height can reach 2.8 meters and weight 158 ​​kg. They are very unpredictable. They can run for 10 kilometers at a speed of 50 km/h, and his legs are so strong that they can kill a hyena with one blow. Moreover, they have very sharp claws. If they didn't have the "bashful" habit of burying their heads in the sand, you'd swear they were nothing more than an elongated monster.

1. Cassowary

This bird is considered the most dangerous bird in the world, with a criminal past worthy of frank death penalty. This bird, native to New Guinea, has a 12-centimeter dagger-sharp talon sitting on top of another talon that can kill a person. Their legs have incredible strength, and they run at speeds of up to 50 km/h. During World War II, American and Australian troops in New Guinea were warned to stay away.

We associate birds with something calm and beautiful: light, independent from the disturbances of earthly life, they have always aroused in humans something like a little envy. However, do not rush to relax - Mother Nature still has something to surprise us with. Among the huge variety of bird species, there are some that we do not advise anyone to encounter.


The goshawk is a very beautiful bird and, like all other members of the family, selfless. You shouldn’t even think about approaching the nest of this proud man: the hawk will fearlessly rush to attack the “guest”, regardless of his size.


Making an ostrich angry is not the smartest decision. These birds jealously guard their territory and attack every intruder. The speed of an ostrich can reach eighty kilometers per hour, so it will not be possible to escape. To top it all off, the ostrich has sharp claws on its paws, with one blow of which it can rip through the belly of anyone.

Bicolored Pitohui

These strange small birds live in the forests of New Guinea. Hunting them is deadly: skin, feathers and internal organs Pitohui dichrous contain huge amounts of batrachotoxin, a poison that is a hundred times stronger than strychnine. Scientists still cannot understand the reasons for this trick of nature, because this bird is far from a hunter.

Griffon Vulture

The usual diet of vultures is carrion, and this is common knowledge. However, a study published in 2011 in the journal Nature demonstrated that there may be exceptions to the rule. Griffon vultures living in northern Spain began to hunt livestock, moving from scavengers to predators. A wounded person may well be the victim of such a bird: last year, a young woman fell off a cliff and broke her leg - and the vultures managed to get to her before the rescuers.

blue jay

Blue jays seem to be quite harmless creatures. They feed on insects and nuts - but are not averse to stealing the eggs of other birds. To approach a blue jay's nest is to knowingly risk your eyes. This small bird defends its territory with the courage of an African lion: ornithologists know cases of jay attacks on hawks, raccoons, cats, squirrels and snakes.


Apart from the ostrich, the cassowary remains the only bird to have killed a human. Middle finger The cassowary is equipped with a long, sharp claw that can easily rip out the intestines of its prey. Of course, you would have to be very unlucky to meet a cassowary in its habitat - however, theoretically it is quite possible.

Red cardinal

And another small bird that can become a source of big trouble. Male cardinals are extremely aggressive, especially during mating season. They are ready to defend their territory until last straw blood - especially from brothers. Red cardinals often crash to death against the glass of houses, mistaking the reflection in them for a rival.