Reapers in the Mass Effect universe. Alternative opinion


Reapers- a race of synthetic starship creatures.


The main destroyers of all living beings in the history of the known Universe, a mechanical race that periodically appears to destroy all intelligent organic life (the game specifies a time period of 50,000 (earthly?) years, but it is unlikely to be constant for all cycles). The term "Reaper" is not a self-name of the race, but was coined to designate them by the Protheans, according to information from the Sovereign (a living inorganic ship - the vanguard force of the Reapers, left behind by them before their return). In the game, the Reapers live in the "dark space" that is located outside of our galaxy. Return to the Milky Way occurs through a mass relay, which is the giant space station Citadel. The plot of the game revolves around preventing their invasion of the galaxy, which at the end of the game is carried out by the forces of the interstellar Alliance.


The Sovereign appears in the game as the control system of a huge spaceship, which is larger in size than the largest ship ever built by other races (it is larger than the Dreadnought, the largest ship in the "starship" classification). It resembles a squid in appearance, with a long, round body and multiple weapon systems in each of its tentacles. The Overlord is equipped with a weapon capable of blowing up any ship of another race in one shot. At the very beginning, the Sovereign is considered to be simply a ship controlled by an outcast of the SPECTER organization, Saren Arterius.

This was specifically intended by the Lord to hide his true nature. It is unknown whether all Reapers resemble the Sovereign in appearance, although some believe they do. It should be noted that this form is poorly suited for capturing planets, which requires ground forces. Although indoctrination could be used for these purposes, firstly, indoctrination has a bad effect on the subject's abilities, making him a poor warrior, and secondly, according to the VI on Ilos, the Citadel was captured without delay, and indoctrination takes full effect only after a few days. In addition, there are situations where a fleet of capital ships alone is of little use. It is possible that some Reapers have forms suitable for these purposes, in the form of ground forces and small ships, or they have remotely controlled vehicles of these types. In any case, the Lord did not have such devices, and was forced to use the powers of the geth. Also, as stated in Mass Effect 2, Reapers resemble in appearance the race from whose genetic material they are created, as illustrated by the Proto-Reaper, a humanoid Reaper that was created by the Collectors.
Interestingly, almost all Reapers look like cephalopods.

Reaper Technologies

The technologies of this race are the most advanced, since not a single ship in the galaxy can compete with the Reaper in terms of firepower and protection. The Reaper has the appearance of a huge spaceship, the length of which is 2 kilometers, it also has “tentacles”, at the ends of which its main weapons are located. One shot from such a weapon at any of the ships of the Citadel fleet or any other ship completely penetrates its shield and destroys it. The Reaper himself is equipped with extremely durable armor and powerful shields, the operation of which is supported by a giant mass effect core installed inside him. This entire terrifying machine is controlled by about a thousand programs, which make up the Reaper’s personality. The Geths use the same control system, only the number of programs is less than a hundred. From this it becomes clear that the more programs interact together inside any artificially created being, the higher its intelligence becomes. Also, the Reapers, using their technologies, created relays and the Citadel, the hidden purpose of which was to become a portal into deep and dark space and thereby open the way to the galaxy for the next genocide of organic life.

Reaper Weapons

After the destruction of the Reaper Overlord, the fragments of his body occupied a large space in the station's orbit. Therefore, it was decided to remove them so as not to impede the movement of ships when entering the docking bays. The team of volunteers was recruited from turians and humans. However, the Turian Bureau of Technological Intelligence managed to introduce its own agents into these teams. They collected the remains of the Sovereign's main weapons for study and handed them over to the Turian government. As a result of research, it was found that the Reapers' weapons do not use conventional mass effect technology. The Lord's main weapons were not purely energy weapons. They used a null element core that created an electromagnetic field to hold molten parts of uranium, metal and tungsten. During the firing process, an armor-piercing charge was formed, which, when fired, reached a speed close to the speed of light. Such weapons were very powerful because they could destroy any ship. During the research process, the Turians developed the Tanix weapon as a response to Reaper technology.

Varieties of Reapers

LARGE SHIPS - Sovereign class ships are approximately two kilometers long. Each such ship is unique. They usually attack dreadnoughts, defensive barriers and industrial cities of organic civilizations. Experts believe that in each cycle the Reapers use representatives of the same race they have collected to create these giant ships. Some capital ships are capable of launching small drones equivalent to fighter jets.

DESTROYERS - or, as they are called, “Destroyers” - ships 160 m long, which are not unique and are produced according to the same type of templates. Present in huge numbers and form the backbone of the Reaper fleet. Typically, destroyers attack cruisers and smaller ships, as well as enemy communications centers and command centers. Researchers suggest that the Reapers use races to create destroyers that were not used in the construction of large ships.

TRANSPORT SHIPS - transport Husks to attacked planets and take collected prisoners to Reaper processing centers. Their hulls vary in length from 200 meters to one kilometer, but unlike capital ships and destroyers, transport ships do not show signs of self-awareness. These ships are controlled remotely by other Reapers.

PROCESSING SHIPS (aka “kill ships”) are mobile centers for the mass collection of DNA. Apparently, they, like the transport ships, are remotely controlled by intelligent Reapers.

- “Harbinger” - this Reaper is considered the oldest and largest ship in the entire Reaper armada. From the depths of dark space, he managed to control the Collectors, a race of bipedal insectoids as tall as humans, and command them to kill and kidnap people from the colonies. The Collectors became a threat to the entire galaxy, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths. Surviving colonists described the tone in which the Harbinger threatened them through the Collectors as visceral and terrifying.

Alliance intelligence suggests that the Harbinger was one of the Reapers leading the attack on Earth.

The Reapers, reflected in the mythology of several cultures, were once thought of as cosmic monsters that devoured entire stars. Archaeologists looking for the sources of such myths found only tales of all-consuming devils common to primitive cultures. Although accurate information about the Reapers is still very scarce, the galaxy already knows that the Reapers are not a myth, but a very real and extremely dangerous threat. Reaper by name "Precursor" considered the oldest and largest in the entire Reaper armada. From the depths of dark space, he managed to control a race of bipedal insectoids, as tall as a man, and order them to kill and kidnap people from the colonies. The Collectors became a threat to the entire galaxy, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths.

"Lord" was the first Reaper encountered by the modern races of the Citadel. Citadel commanders initially assumed that the Sovereign was a Geth or Prothean flagship commanded by traitor-Specter Saren Arterius. The truth turned out to be much more alarming. The huge ship had a mind of its own and Saren, as it turned out, was under its influence. Overlord's attacks on Eden Prime and the Citadel dispelled any doubt about the Reapers' technological superiority. The Sovereign's shields and firepower allowed it to hold off the combined forces of the Citadel's fleets, and its mass effect fields were powerful enough to allow the massive ship to land on the planet's surface.

"Overlord" task- to open a relay through which other Reapers could enter the galaxy from dark space - was not successful. During the Battle of the Citadel, the Sovereign merged his mind with Saren's. Shortly after Saren's death, which distorted the Sovereign's signals and disabled its shields, the Reaper was destroyed through coordinated action.

Types and classifications of Reapers in Mass Effect 3:

  • Capital ships- Sovereign-class ships approximately two kilometers long. They usually attack dreadnoughts, defensive barriers and industrial cities of organic civilizations. It is assumed that in each cycle the Reapers use the representatives of one race they have collected to create these giant ships. Some capital ships are capable of launching small drones equivalent to fighter jets.
  • Destroyers- ships one hundred and sixty meters long. Present in huge numbers and form the backbone of the Reaper fleet. Typically, destroyers attack cruisers and smaller ships, as well as enemy communications centers and command centers. It is assumed that the Reapers use races to create destroyers that were not used in the construction of large ships.
  • Transport ships- are engaged in transporting Husks to unconquered planets and transporting collected captives to Reaper processing centers. Their hulls range in length from two hundred meters to one kilometer, but unlike capital ships and destroyers, transport ships show no signs of self-awareness. These ships are controlled remotely by other Reapers.
  • Processing ships(aka “kill ships”) are mobile centers for mass DNA collection. Apparently, they, like the transport ships, are remotely controlled by intelligent Reapers.

Lord, also known as Nazara, This is the flagship of the renegade Specter Saren Arterius. The Sovereign's crew, a hulking dreadnought larger than any other ship in known fleets, includes both geth and krogan. Two kilometers long, the main cannon mounted on its back is capable of destroying a dreadnought's kinetic barriers with a single shot.

The prevailing opinion is that the Sovereign was created by the geth, while others believe that he is a Prothean relic. However, his appearance hints at a more alien and mysterious origin. The attack on Eden Prime demonstrated Sovereign's ability to generate mass effect fields powerful enough to allow him to land on the planet's surface. This proves that he has a massive element zero core and the ability to generate staggering amounts of energy.

General view

The Sovereign is a gigantic spaceship of unimaginable power and sophistication. Initially, Captain Shepard believed the Sovereign to be a Reaper ship that Saren Arterius found and was able to somehow launch. But then he discovered that the Overlord is the Reaper, a fully intelligent and incredibly powerful AI, which is why the geth obey his orders. They see the Overlord as the pinnacle of AI evolution and worship him like a god. However, the Sovereign treats the geth as mere tools needed to bring back the Reapers. He is offended by their worship; the Reaper even considers Saren to be just a useful slave.

The Sovereign was left by the Reapers in our galaxy in order to prepare the way for their return from dark space as a vanguard. He has spent the last 50,000 years in a state of near hibernation, periodically waking up to assess the level of evolution of the organic races. The ship's job was to initiate the next harvest cycle and serve as a harbinger of the return of its race, sending a signal to the guardians at the Citadel. The signal was supposed to force the Guardians to open the Citadel relay leading into dark space and let the Reapers in.

The Overlord is also able to control a member of organic life using suggestion. An imperceptible field of impulses surrounds the Reaper, gradually capturing the consciousness of living beings until they become mere shells of who they were, enslaved to carry out the will of the Master. The Lord has no other feelings than contempt for the younger races, considering them temporary and fleeting, while the Reapers are eternal. Seemingly angered when organic races claim the Citadel, he bluntly states: "This station is mine."

Mass Effect


In 2162, one of Edan Had'dah's research teams discovered the Sovereign in orbit of an unmarked planet in an unknown star system near the Veil of Perseus. Had'dah was a batarian entrepreneur who sent reconnaissance teams to find ancient alien technology, usually Prothean, and either sold it or researched it for his own profit. But when his men reported their latest discovery, Had'dah quickly became convinced that he had something exceptional on his hands.

Had'dah soon isolated the research team on the planet and began searching for an expert who could help him unlock the Sovereign's secrets. Over time, he met Dr. Shu Qian, whose betrayal of the Alliance sparked the events of Mass Effect: Revelation.

But the effect of the Lord's suggestion was already working on Kian. Even a short visit to the "artifact" affected Had'dah's mind until they both became obsessed with exploring the ship. During his investigation, Saren Arterius became interested in what he heard about the "artifact", and began to believe that the Sovereign was exactly the weapon he was looking for in his goal of bringing humanity to its knees. He killed both Kian and Had'dah and took their research data, then set out to find the Sovereign with his own forces.

Puppet Master

Saren discovered that the Sovereign was not only intelligent, but also cooperative. Although Sovereign still believed that all organic life needed to be destroyed, after the signal to the Citadel failed due to Prothean sabotage, he was presented with the fact that he needed the help of organics to achieve his goals. The Guardian assumed that this realization took many years - maybe even centuries - to come to him - the Overlord was putting the pieces of the puzzle together, working through agents, keeping his true nature a secret, because if his presence became known, then all organic races would unite against him. Gradually, the Sovereign comprehended the actions of the last surviving Protheans and learned that the Protheans were able to leave the last message in their beacons, which could lead to the Channel.

When Shu Qian's research finally led Saren to the planet where he was located, the Sovereign gained just the organic ally he needed - a powerful and well-connected Specter. He entered into an alliance with Saren, who had a noble goal - the turian wanted to prove the usefulness of organics to the Reapers in order to ensure salvation before the start of the coming cycle. Saren did not understand that this "alliance" was a lie from the very beginning: the Overlord considered it just another tool that could be easily manipulated and, after use, discarded. Saren took the Overlord as his flagship, and accepted the role of the Overlord's prophet among the geth, which meant only falling, like so many others before him, under the control of the Overlord's indoctrination. But he retained the remnants of free will, since the Sovereign needed Saren's mind to remain intact, capable of detecting the Channel and reactivating the Citadel's relay. After so many years, the Sovereign became bold enough—or desperate enough—to act openly.

When the Prothean Beacon was excavated on Eden Prime, Sovereign knew that it might contain the location of the Channel. Due to his inorganic nature, he was unable to access the visions, as the Protheans had encoded the message in such a way that only organic consciousness could understand them. The Overlord sent Saren and the geth army to the colony to take the beacon. Eden Prime was devastated by the attack, not only by the Sovereign's weapons, but also by its engines, which scorched the soil for miles around. However, the Marines transmitted a message about the Sovereign's presence just before their own death, warning the Normandy. However, after Saren used the beacon, Sovereign learned more about the Channel, a reverse relay created by the Protheans that could be used as a back door to the Citadel.

Continuation of the Cycle

Sovereign then returned to Vermire, where Saren built himself a base and an incubator for his krogan army. The base was attacked by Shepard, who used another beacon in Saren's communications laboratory and notified Sovereign of his presence. He communicated directly with Shepard through his high-tech persona, expressing his disdain for organic life and claiming that Shepard's attempts to stop the Reapers' return were futile. The Sovereign then decided to catch up with Shepard on the surface, but Shepard managed to destroy the base and fly away on the Normandy before the Sovereign appeared. The meeting with Shepard instilled doubts in Saren about the Reapers, almost depriving him of allegiance to Sovereign, so Sovereign implanted him with cybernetic implants in order to completely control the turian and subject his consciousness to absolute indoctrination.

With the help of Shiala and Matriarch Benezia - other victims of the Sovereign's indoctrination - Saren finally finds the Channel on Ilos. He moves through it to the Citadel with a small army of geth and takes control of the station from the inside. At the same time, the Sovereign leads a huge geth armada and attacks the Citadel Fleet. Saren closes the Citadel's wings as Sovereign begins to use the Citadel Tower to take control of the station and manually open the relay to dark space.

Fall of the Vanguard

However, Shepard's squad pursued Saren and fought their way straight to Sovereign's position. Saren offers the Captain a chance to join the Reapers "and experience true rebirth." When Saren fails to stop Shepard and dies (either in battle with Shepard or by committing suicide), Shepard manages to download a file given by the Guardian to temporarily deprive the Sovereign of complete control of the Citadel.

However, Sovereign creates a controlled fighter from Saren's corpse using cybernetic implants implanted into the turian's body and attempts to destroy Shepard and his squad inside the Citadel Tower, while at the same time devastating the Alliance Fifth Fleet in the battle outside. Due to both the destruction of Saren and the constant bombardment of Alliance ships by the armada, Sovereign was finally destroyed by the Normandy's fatal shot, preventing the return of the Reaper fleet from beyond the galaxy's borders and saving sentient life from complete destruction. .

Despite the Council's words, Shepard knew that Sovereign was merely a vanguard and would eventually expect the Reapers to return.

Mass Effect 2

It is stated by the Legion that the name the Reaper used to identify himself was Nazara (despite this, he still called himself Overlord to the beings who knew him by that name). The Legion describes how the Sovereign sought allies for over a millennium to restart the cycle, and sheds light on some of the more mysterious statements made by the Sovereign on Virmire, such as "Each of us is a whole nation" citing that both the geth and Reapers have multiple AI personalities contained within a single physical form (likely a much larger number in the case of the Reapers). The flashback to this quote takes place at the Collectors' base when the essence of the Reaper's creation is revealed, when it is discovered that each Reaper is built from the genetic material of a specific race, culture, or "nation".

After its destruction, most of the Sovereign's debris fell on the Residential Sectors. With rescuers searching for survivors and Guardians cleaning up the mess, few of the Sovereign's technologies could be picked up for research. Some turian scientists discovered that the Sovereign's main weapon used an electromagnetic field to fire a stream of molten metal at the speed of light. Based on this cannon, the Turians soon developed their own version, calling it the Tanix Cannon. However, the remnants were not enough to convince the Council that Sovereign was anything more than a geth creation. Some of the debris was collected by Cerberus, which was then installed into the ship's AI of the new Normandy to be used as defense against the Reapers.

It is also revealed that the Sovereign (or another Reaper acting with the same goals) was responsible for indoctrinating the queens with rachni, which resulted in their aggressive reaction towards the Citadel intelligence groups and causing the Rachni Wars. Sovereign

Who is next?

Mordin Solus



The Mass Effect universe has a number of characteristic features that distinguish this fictional world from the real one.

Zero element

Element zero is a substance designated “Ez”. Element Zero) and serial number 0 (Periodical table). All that is known about the nature of this element is that it is formed by the impact of the energy of a supernova explosion on matter and is found throughout the galaxy in small quantities.

Mass effect


Biotics is the ability to create and manipulate mass effect fields. Biotic abilities have similarities to telekinesis. The most powerful biotics are due to the characteristics of their nervous system. The development of biotic abilities in humans can be caused by the influence of the zero element on a child whose body has just begun to form (for example, in the womb). Biotic abilities, after the necessary training, are often used for combat purposes. Unfortunately, there is a widespread belief among people that biotics are also capable of reading the thoughts of others and influencing them, and therefore no one - except the armed forces - wants to hire them. . Also, the development of biotic abilities (at least in humans) is impossible without amplifier implants, early models of which are imperfect, cause migraines and more serious side effects. This became the reason for demands for compensation, which the Systems Alliance (represented by the Parliamentary Subcommittee on Research in the Field of Transhumanism) is in no hurry to pay.


Repeater in action

There is a system of devices in the galaxy called relays. mass relay), the main function of which is to quickly move from one point in the galaxy to another. Repeaters have been created, so the principle of operation has not yet been revealed to any of the races living in the galaxy, and only the Protheans were able to create an imperfect smaller version. Repeaters are divided into 2 groups: primary and secondary. The primary ones have a strictly defined pair (another primary relay), which may be located at the other end of the galaxy. Secondaries move to any repeater within range. There are many disabled primary relays, since a primary relay is usually turned on when its pair is identified - due to the non-zero probability of encountering something dangerous. People's ignorance of this rule led to the War of First Contact.

The first relay discovered by earthlings turned out to be Charon (frozen with ice), which used Pluto as a “gravitational anchor.” This was the primary relay leading to Arcturus.

To destroy a relay, a colossal amount of energy is required, and the amount released significantly exceeds the amount expended and is comparable to the formation of a supernova. The relay can survive the formation of a supernova without damage, only after being knocked out of its orbit. Taking a sample of the repeater material proved impossible.


Most types of weapons are based on the technology of accelerating a metal projectile located in a mass effect field using electromagnetic forces (the mass of the projectile varies from several grams for hand-held weapons to several kilograms for ship guns). For example, the main (and only) gun of the Everest dreadnought accelerates a “blank” weighing 20 kilograms to 1.3% of the speed of light, which is equivalent to a nuclear bomb with a yield of 38 kilotons - every five seconds. They even use a version of an electromagnetic weapon that shoots a stream of molten metal.

Energy weapons are less popular. Computer-guided lasers are used in anti-missile and anti-fighter roles, but for ship-to-ship combat they lack the range and often the power against multi-layer armor, but kinetic barriers are powerless against them. Beam weapons are the rarest type. IN Mass Effect any hand-held electromagnetic weapon could be converted into a beam weapon, significantly reducing the lethal force, but allowing some of the damage to penetrate the enemy's kinetic barriers. The Protheans, like their “descendants” the Collectors, however, brought it to an effective and powerful means of destruction: the ship's emitter destroyed the Normandy in one salvo, and the hand-held version is extremely effective against any shields and, in the Prothean version, has almost endless ammunition. The geth managed to create a plasma shotgun and a four-barreled machine gun, but the core of the plasma charges is still solid; their "pulse rifle" is actually an advanced version of the regular one, with varying rates of fire and increased shield penetration.


The fantastic world of the Mass Effect series is populated by many fictional races, and with the release of new works their number increases.


During the Reapers' invasion of the galaxy, the batarian homeworld of Khar'shan comes under massive attack, overwhelming any resistance. The batarian race is on the verge of extinction. This happened, in part, due to the fact that many government officials were indoctrinated by the dead Reaper in the system and shut down the planetary defense systems. The remnants of the batarian fleet may take part in the final battle against the Reapers.




Three geth and a walking tank

Geth Features


In Mass Effect 3, the Quarians discover a weak point in the Geth's defenses and send their entire fleet to capture their homeworld of Rannoch. In desperation, the geth voluntarily surrendered to the Reapers in order to “upgrade” their systems. Shepard can side with the quarians or geth, and with a high positive or negative reputation, save both races from destruction and lead them into battle with the Reapers.


Krogans lead a traditional way of life: they honor the clan, ritual services are provided by a shaman, the clan is headed by the strongest and wisest head, military traditions are widespread, manifested in dialogues, which the krogans also consider as a “battle in words.” Most likely, the traditional way of life was established after the nuclear disaster and the rollback of social development from the more complex forms that made the Krogan industrial society possible.

In Mass Effect 3, the krogan agree to help defend the turian homeworld of Palaven from the Reapers only if their race is cured of the genophage. After this, the head of the Urdnot clan will demand from the Citadel Council the right to populate several planets.


One of the youngest races in galactic society, the first contact with another race (the Turians) took place in 2157 and, due to the rash actions of both sides, resulted in a military conflict called the War of First Contact (or the “Incident at Relay 314”). Human technology has greatly advanced thanks to the discovery of Prothean ruins on Mars in 2148 - it was thanks to the data found that people were able to use the mass effect and a galaxy-wide network of relays. By this time, many sciences had risen to a new level, for example, in medicine, genetic engineering had become commonplace. Thanks to space resources, industry has developed and the environmental situation on Earth has improved - partly due to the cessation of population growth at around 11 billion.

Despite its “youth,” humanity has become a significant political force - depending on the player’s actions in Mass Effect, it will either receive a seat on the Citadel Council or lead the galactic government. The sudden appearance on the galactic arena “out of nowhere”, without any external help and under the roar of guns, the ability to defeat the best armed forces of the Council in the second battle, the desire for expansion, ambition, resourcefulness and flexibility almost frighten many other races, causing tension in relationships.


The Proto-Reaper is a huge humanoid skeleton



The Protheans had a decisive influence on the accelerated social and technological development of the Hanar. The Prothean cult is widespread among the hanar even 50,000 years after the beginning of the Cycle, and some hanar preachers bravely carry the cult of the Masterminds beyond the borders of Kahye, however, without much success.


Guardian in charge of maintaining the Citadel


In battle, Elcors carry huge weapons on their backs, which are controlled by their built-in VI. In fact, in battle, elcors are walking, but inactive, tanks.


The Praetorian is a strong fighting unit: all vulnerable parts are covered with armor, there is a beam weapon in the upper part of the body, and upon death the corpse decomposes, releasing toxic gas.

Most likely, it makes sense to classify Praetorians as Husks, but the Codex classifies them as a separate race. Perhaps this is one of the first attempts of the Catalyst to carry out the synthesis of organics and synthetics, which failed.


An ancient and high-tech race.



The presidium houses a system of spaceports providing cargo and passenger traffic. Races that have embassies have their own landing docks. In addition, the Presidium Tower has an emergency evacuation system for the Council.

In the Presidium ring there are expensive private residences, as well as a large number of equally expensive restaurants, bars and clubs. In the Presidium Park there is, which is considered a monument, connecting the Citadel with Ilos, a planet visited during the passage of Mass Effect.

Residential sectors

Home to millions of different races. This is where most of the station's population is concentrated - not everyone can afford to live on the presidium. There is a huge diversity of cultures and beliefs in this part of the station. The residential sectors are one of the shopping centers of the Citadel space - they contain many shops where you can buy almost everything: from video games to used ships.

Near the residential sectors there is an atmosphere held by inertia (erroneously called centrifugal force), which is not suitable for breathing, so all buildings are airtight.


The technical compartment of the station, located between the residential sectors and the Presidium ring, is officially intended for the guardians. Unofficially, it is a kind of “slum” of the Citadel.

Functions of the Citadel

The current inhabitants of the Citadel believe that this station was created by the Protheans, who for unknown reasons disappeared 50,000 years ago. It is known that for them (as well as for modern residents) it was a political and economic center. In fact, the Citadel is leading to intergalactic space - the abode of the Reapers. Activating this function of the Citadel will allow the Reapers to enter the Milky Way and destroy the leadership with a surprise blow, as well as capture all the information, possessing which, they will be able to systematically and systematically destroy all intelligent life.



The team working on the mod, led by the user under the nickname Lord_Set, have been working on creating a modification for quite some time. Their ultimate goal: to completely replace the three playable factions from the game with the sides from Mass Effect. This mod is truly global, it is not just a replacement of models, but a complete reworking of the balance and technology tree. In fact, until the moment when someone takes on a full-fledged standalone strategy game in the world of ME, Dawn of the Reapers will be the only option to independently wage the war against the Reaper Invasion, or take control of the legendary armada and continue the cycle.

Below you can find a brief description of the balance:

Citadel Council

The style of play for the Citadel Union is aimed at rapid development in order to have time to prepare to repel the attack of the Reapers. Part of the general development tree (combat part) has been changed compared to the original and looks like this:

Materials Science: focuses on researching ship hulls and armor to help the player prepare their ships to face the deadly might of the Reapers in harsh combat.

Armament: is divided into three branches: mass accelerators, Tanix guns, disintegrating torpedoes. This is all that is needed to cause serious damage to the enemy.

Planning: allows the player, as a member of the Council, to effectively manage the fleet. Starting with frigates, you will choose either powerful guns or large ships.

In the picture you can see the infiltration item. Someone will say, what kind of infiltration is this? In the original game, diplomacy plays an important role. Thanks to it, you can conclude treaties and achieve diplomatic victories. This is not the case with the modification. In Mass Effect, the Reapers are a very cunning and powerful enemy, capable of bending the will of people. Infiltration helps protect against this. The player becomes not subject to the will of the enemy. This option expands the technology tree, after which it will be possible to research the Normandy SR-1 and SR-2. It is not yet clear what ownership of such a ship gives, because in the original game the emphasis is on fleet battles, and not on isolated acts of sabotage or on foot heroes, like Captain Shepard. Time will show.

At the moment, the Citadel Council is one of the most completed factions. All models of buildings and ships are ready, the balance has been reworked. All that remains is to add textures to half of the objects.

Reaper Armada

The Council is characterized by rapid development and research. For the Reapers, things are a little different. Their side consists of three groups: Geth, Collectors, and the Reapers themselves. All groups have stronger capabilities compared to the Council, but development and research require more time and resources.


one unit. All Geth ships will have the Geth Network passive ability. Its essence is this: the more ships you gather nearby, the faster they will shoot, maneuver and cause more serious damage. The geth act in roughly the same way in Mass Effect.


They will have a similar ability called "Hive". This name is given because this race is similar to insects. If there is a Reaper among the collector ships, they will all receive an increase in their abilities, since they will be under the “direct control” of the Reaper.


Anyone who has played Mass Effect knows that the Reapers are a dangerous enemy and even alone they pose a serious threat. Reapers are quite expensive to build, but even the smallest of them can pack a punch. All Reapers will have the passive ability “subjugation of will”, familiar to us from the game Mass Effect. This ability will manifest itself in the fact that enemy ships will attack their own ships. The effect is permanent, but its effect will only be visible in long battles. At first, frigates will come under influence, and then ships in increasing rank.

At the moment, one more faction is known - Terminus systems . These are the petty bandit kingdoms, the Omega Pirates and the Batarian Hegemony. However, not a single model or concept is ready for them yet, so there is nothing to tell.