Slave or quite ordinary love? Slave of love? Or slave love.

Tonya recently met a guy. His name was Sasha. She wanted love so much that she turned a blind eye to everything bad in his character. Tonya never brought Alexander to the house, she was afraid negative attitude relatives to him. But then March came and her birthday came. Many friends were invited. Tonya dared to invite Sasha. She was only twenty years old. Guests were invited to two o'clock in the afternoon. Antonina was more beautiful that day than ever. She greeted guests in a good, festive mood. She accepted gifts and kept waiting for Sasha. Tonya warned her parents that the man she loved so much would come. But an hour passed, and Alexander was still not there. No one sat down at the table because Tonya asked to wait. And the guests danced. Another hour passed, and my beloved did not come. He didn’t call, didn’t explain why he didn’t come. The guests were already hungry and tired of dancing.
Tonya's parents told the girl that maybe she had enough of waiting and it was time to sit down at the table. It’s inconvenient, so many people are waiting for one. She agreed with tears in her eyes, but sat indifferent to everything. Everyone was waiting for her Sasha. She responded to congratulations inappropriately. Her friends tried to cheer her up, but nothing worked. As the holiday came to an end, the doorbell suddenly rang. Antonina jumped up and ran to open it. It was Sasha who finally deigned to come, and not alone, but with a friend. Both were very drunk. The parents' eyes widened; they did not expect such rudeness. Without apologizing for being late, for his indecent appearance, without a gift, Alexander began to congratulate Tonya. She beamed all over, her spirits lifted, and she led Sasha and his friend to the table. Her parents did not like this very much, and they wanted the young people to leave their house. But the daughter looked into their eyes with such pleading that the parents simply went into another room, very upset that Tony had no girlish pride. But they were powerless in this, since she has such a character.
Three months later, for some reason, Tonya had a fight with Sasha, said that she would no longer meet with him, and went on vacation to Sochi. She told her parents not to tell Sasha where she had gone. The parents were very glad that their daughter broke up with this nonentity.
A few days later Sasha called. Tonina’s mother answered the phone. He begged her to tell her where Tonya was. Sasha said that he understood how disgusted he was with them, but insisted that he loved their daughter very much. Tonina’s mother replied that she did not hide how disgusted he was with them, and that he should not seek meetings with their daughter, and hung up.
A month later, Tonya arrived, tanned and cheerful. Her parents were happy looking at her. She became even more beautiful.
And suddenly, one fine day, the phone rang. Tonya picked up the phone. It was Sasha. She beamed all over, forgot about her words that she would not meet with him. I started getting ready for the date. The parents simply gave up. We didn't think she was so spineless. But it’s no use convincing her of anything, you’ll become an enemy and that’s all. I had to come to terms with my daughter’s choice. And three months later, Sasha and Tonya got married. Tony's parents were sad in their souls; it was a pity to give their daughter to such a drinker.
They turned out to be right. All his life Sasha did not stop drinking and making scandals. And Tonya swallowed back her tears and humbly forgave him everything.

“In the train compartment, which I entered late, a man with one arm, judging by his age, a war invalid, was putting on soft slippers with rose appliqués on the toes of a pretty, youthful lady. Booted and encouraged, the lady went into the corridor, bored, looking out the window. The disabled man began to make the bed. You can’t say anything, he did this work with one hand quite deftly, although not very quickly - he was apparently used to doing household chores. But one hand is one hand, and he was pretty tired while making the bed. - Murochka! “Everything is fine,” he informed the lady and sat down at the table. The lady entered the compartment, used her fingers to adjust the sheet that was not quite cleverly tucked under the mattress and looked at me triumphantly: “That’s how he loves me!” The disabled man, like a dog, faithfully intercepted her gaze, as if confirming: “That’s how I love her!” Then they argued about the bottom place, and the lady condescendingly conceded. - Well, okay, okay! - I kissed my tired companion, my husband, as it turned out later, I wished him Good night and began to settle down in the lower place. After going to the toilet, the disabled person tried to bravely jump onto the second shelf - it didn’t work. He became embarrassed, began to apologize to me, and asked Murochka if he had disturbed her. - Go to bed, for God’s sake, go to bed! Why are you bothering? - the lady said sternly, and her husband again apologized and hurried. It ended with me having to help him climb onto the second shelf. Since we were both front-line soldiers, we somehow hushed up the awkwardness and laughed it off. We met. The disabled man was a famous architect, he was traveling from an important meeting, his wife accompanied him so that it would not be so difficult for him on the way. For a long time the architect on the second shelf could not sleep, but he was afraid to move: he did not want to disturb his Murochka. And I thought that love, of course, can be different and, probably, I understand it somehow in a simplified, straightforward way, or I no longer understand it at all. In any case, this kind of love, if it really is love, was beyond my power to comprehend.” .

And after the text immediately came task 28: “In what meaning does the author use the word “such” in sentence 23? 1) devoted, 2) slavish, 3) true, 4) proven.” Auto RU, famous writer, a man with a huge life experience, what he saw was “impossible to comprehend.” But eleventh-graders are obliged to comprehend and accurately indicate right there, during the exam. I wrote “devoted”. (While the students are doing their homework, I have to go through all the options.) Every single one of my students wrote “slave.” A few days later the answers came. It turned out that she was a slave. Everything here is vicious. Why should schoolchildren accurately define something that the author himself does not undertake to define accurately? And even in the exam, for the mark. By what right should schoolchildren judge someone else's family life and the relationship between a man and a woman quickly and unambiguously? After all, during a test test, three answers are always wrong, and only one is correct. And that's what's especially terrible. Next, graduates must complete task “C” based on this very text. But they were already told in advance, before completing the task, where to go: the compilers-provocateurs gave the key to completing the task - slavish love. So you don’t need to think for yourself. And off we go: “The problem posed in the text (and this is exactly how they are obliged to begin) is the problem of slave love.” In two classes, only one student defined this very problem in human terms: “Astafiev reflects on love, namely, what it can be and how it manifests itself in different ways.” Remember how Anna Karenina in Tolstoy’s novel says: “If how many heads there are so many minds, then how many hearts there are so many kinds of love.” But what slavish thing did my students see in this love? “Despite the fact that the man had no hand, he began to make the bed while his wife was idle and bored. And also, despite his disability, the man gave up the bottom bunk to his wife, after which he tried to climb onto the top bunk, and, having climbed, tried not to turn around so as not to disturb his wife’s sleep.” And what's so slavish about that? “In the entrance of my house,” I say, analyzing the work, “there lives a lonely man without hands. Every time I see him with a bag on his elbow, I have a desire to help him. But I understand that this is not necessary. And when he opens the door himself with the key, I also try to help him, but I immediately understand that there is no need to do this either. He himself does not want to be reminded of his disability... In the story that V. Astafiev talks about, the husband’s desire to assert himself every time and in everything as a man, and not as a disabled person, must be understood and understandable”... It’s even worse with the author’s attitude (required task: “formulate the author’s position”). “The author believes that such love is not love, but some kind of slavery.” “The author did not understand such love, slavish, not devoted, but slavish.” “The author treats this woman with contempt.” A simple syllogism: “We are not slaves, slaves are not us.” Love is slave. Therefore... By the way, the word “slave” (let me remind you once again: the word is not the writer V. Astafiev, but the would-be compilers of materials for the exam) can also have a derogatory meaning (like Lermontov: “Before danger they are shamefully cowardly / And despised slaves before power.” ), and sublime (as in Blok’s poem: “I am defeated by the power of your passions, / Sometimes a servant, sometimes a dear; / And forever a slave”)... Only four people from two classes did not agree with the concept of the compilers: “This is the most ordinary love , in which a person is ready to do anything for the sake of his loved one”; "This real love. I have not yet comprehended this feeling and I don’t really imagine what it’s like to love like that. But I think that such love is happiness”; “Isn’t that the kind of great and sincere love and trust that all people dream of? I believe that there can be no talk of any servility here.” I asked the author of the fourth work for permission, without mentioning her name, to read the answer in class: “I fell in love with young man and gave herself up to him completely. My chosen one used me for some time. And I still blindly and unrequitedly idolized him and was afraid to breathe next to him, although I knew about everything. As sad as it may be, love can be unrequited, it can be blind, it can be slavish. Still, it’s better than never loving at all.” But here’s what’s characteristic: these four also answered “slave” in answer to the 28th question. Don't lose a point. The “correct” answers to such difficult questions left an eerie impression: “Love should under no circumstances be unequal” (italics in quotes are mine throughout. - L.A.); “This shouldn’t happen if you love”; “Love must be mutual”; “Love cannot be one-sided”; “The man made a mistake by choosing such a woman as his wife”; “I believe that love is definitely good feeling. It makes our life fuller and more interesting. But in everything you need to know the acceptable limits”; “Feelings should never be left to chance, so as not to become a slave in love”; “In love there must be mutual understanding. It’s wrong when there is a manifestation of love on only one side”... Real life deeper, wider, more diverse, richer than any schemes. But - of the four proposed epithets, you need to choose only one. They chose “slave”. And, if it’s slavish, it means it’s not devoted, not tested, not verified. Trouble test tasks is that they foster one-dimensional thinking. Extremely dangerous in life and impossible in relation to literature, because, according to Yu.M. Lotman, “ artistic text doesn’t have one solution.” Now let’s think for sure: who are children being turned into on the Procrustean bed of the Unified State Examination?

Original text

(1) In the train compartment, which I entered late, a man with one arm, judging by his age, a war veteran, was putting on soft slippers with rose appliqués on the toes of a pretty, youthful lady. (2) Booted and encouraged, the lady went into the corridor , bored, looked out the window. (3) The disabled man began to make the bed. (4) You can’t say anything, he did this work with one hand quite deftly, although not very quickly - he was, apparently, used to doing household chores. (5) But one hand is one hand, and he was pretty tired while making two beds. (6) - Murochka! (7) “Everything is in order,” he informed the lady and sat down at the table. (8) The lady entered the compartment, with her finger she adjusted the sheet that was not quite cleverly tucked under the mattress and looked at me victoriously: “That’s how he loves me!” (9) The disabled man faithfully intercepted her gaze like a dog. (10) Then they argued about the bottom place, and the lady condescendingly conceded: (11) - Well, okay, okay! - (12) She kissed her tired companion, her husband, as it turned out later, wished him good night and began to settle down in the lower place. (13) Having gone to the toilet, the disabled person tried to bravely jump onto
the second shelf - it didn’t work out. (14) He became embarrassed, began to apologize to me, asking Murochka if he had disturbed her. (15) - Go to bed, for God’s sake, go to bed! (16) Why are you bothering? - the lady said sternly, and her husband apologized again and hurried off. (17) It ended with me having to help him climb onto the second shelf. (18) Since we were both front-line soldiers, we somehow hushed up the awkwardness and laughed it off. (19) We met. (20) The disabled man was a famous architect, he was traveling from an important meeting, his wife accompanied him so that it would not be so difficult for him on the way. (21) For a long time the architect on the second shelf could not sleep, but he was afraid to move: he did not want to disturb his Murochka. (22) And I thought that love, of course, can be very different and, probably, I understand it somehow in a simplified, straightforward way, or I don’t understand it at all. (23) In any case, such love, if it really is love, was beyond my power to comprehend.

(According to V. Astafiev)


Unfortunately, very often people do not notice how their love, which first manifests itself in adoration, develops into worship of another person, his deification. Some are ready to do anything for the sake of the object of their love, no matter what: neither health problems, nor the opinions of others, nor own pride and feeling self-esteem. And others take advantage of this, thereby receiving some benefit for themselves. But is it worth loving a person with such a “sick” love? Is it worth giving yourself completely to another without receiving anything in return? V. Astafiev speaks about this problem, the problem of slave love, in his text.

The author treats with understanding the main character - a disabled war veteran who, despite his limited physical capabilities, puts on slippers for his wife, makes the beds and goes to sleep on the top bunk in the compartment, although this is clearly given to him with great difficulty. He is ready for anything, for any inconvenience, for the sake of Murochka, and the “devoted look of a dog” is further proof of this. The husband loves his wife, not paying attention to how she humiliates him, and this saddens the author.

But in the description of the wife of a front-line architect, one can feel the author’s obvious irony. Speaking about her victorious look, about how she “straightened the not quite deftly closed sheet with her finger” and how she “condescendingly gave in” to her husband, V. Astafiev shows us that the heroine is unpleasant to him, since she is focused only on herself. She does not inspire respect , because she accompanies her husband formally, without helping him at all on his journey.

Of course, love comes in different forms. However, it is difficult for the author to understand the relationship between the front-line soldier and Murochka: “such love, if it really is love,” was beyond his ability to comprehend. It seems to me that for V. Astafiev it is important that relationships between close people are built on respect, sincerity and mutual assistance.

I, as a reader and as a person who is also capable of loving and being loved, also do not understand the relationships of the characters in the text. In my opinion, Murochka is unworthy of the love of a front-line soldier, and devotion should never develop into fanaticism, into humiliation, otherwise it is no longer love.

Love is a mutual feeling. And if you don't get any response, then it passes. Perhaps in the future the architect’s eyes were opened and his attitude towards Murochka changed. Or perhaps not. It’s just that, unfortunately, there are people who in life are only capable of either loving or being only loved...

1. The problem of drug addiction.


The problem of slave love.



Not what you think nature is:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

The problem of the relationship between man and dog.

Thesis: a dog cannot live without a person, without love for him. She accepts her owners as they are, and tries to understand, listen so that her soul becomes calmer


1) In Eduard Asanov’s poem about a red mongrel, the owner abandons the dog, a simple mongrel. She does not understand him and is ready to follow him to the ends of the earth, even if she sacrifices her life. Endless serene love guides the dog.

2) In the story by V.F. Tendryakov “Bread for the Dog” main character I saw a dog that no one needed and had a blank look. Nobody felt sorry for her. This dog was deprived of the feeling of love for his owner, so he turned into a wolf, a primitive, lonely beast. Without love there is no dog, but there is a shell with emptiness and anger inside.

The problem of the significance of Pushkin in our time

Thesis: A.S. Pushkin not only wrote magnificent and amazing works, he became the founder of many themes and styles of classical Russian literature.


1) Subject little man, which is found in the works of many great writers, such as N.V. Gogol, A.P. Chekhov and F.M. Dostoevsky. It was A.S. Pushkin who came up with the main aspects and problems of this topic. In the poem “The Bronze Horseman,” the poor official Eugene felt the full power of Peter I’s despotism in the image Bronze Horseman. But even after this, he bravely and courageously challenged him, which is tantamount to a challenge to the entire autocratic order. And half a century later in the story “ Garnet bracelet“A.I. Kuprin’s act was committed by the pathetic Zheltkov.

2) A.S. Pushkin outlined many topics for future poets. It’s not for nothing that he bears the title “the sun of Russian poetry.” His influence is visible in the works of M. Yu. Lermontov, as well as Tyutchev and Fet. A. S. Pushkin formed the genre of political poems. In the ode “Liberty,” the poet rebelled against the tyranny of the autocracy, and in the poem “To Chaadaev” he expressed hope for a bright future without “autocracy.” Probably, it was these works that inspired the revolutionary poets in 1917.

Total: Apollon Grigoriev: “Pushkin is our everything.”

The problem of cultivating good taste among young people.

Thesis: only with the help of a correct and complex culture can one cultivate artistic taste in young people. Manifestations of this culture can be different types creativity. However special place Among the bottom is literature. It is she who is the primary agent of influence on human mind and heart, which have become accustomed to it, like a drug, and require more and more supplements. And this is real artistic taste, which affects the rest of your life.


1) Famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva in her prose work“My Pushkin” describes the feelings that arose when she became acquainted with the work of the great poet. Who knows what would have happened to Tsvetaeva if, instead of the brilliant Pushkin, she had read Dontsova of the nineteenth century... We would probably have gotten a talented poet who could put together any rhymes without much meaning, without the “artistic vein” that taste gives birth to.

2) Ordinary people who are not cultural figures can also have artistic taste. This is felt when relating to commercial literature. For example, in the novel - L. N. Tolstoy's epic "War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky is a hero with an interesting inner world, which is shaken by spiritual suffering. The great Russian writer masterfully describes it in such a way that a person will no longer be bothered by the torment and primitive thoughts of many heroes modern works. Accordingly, this way you can solve the problem of the immorality of books; no one will read them.

Problem of conscience.

Thesis: conscientious people have a conscience that is not buried somewhere deep: it lives and operates throughout human life.

Arguments (purely texts from Linguist)

1) In the article by T.V. Moskvina “The Tragedy of the Cap,” the author compared some people with caps, special kind mushrooms, which people are not very fond of, despite its excellent taste. The same is true for people who do their job conscientiously. Their conscience manifests itself in quality work. Others are jealous of this and do not allow its presence good qualities in completely ordinary people.

2) In F. Iskander’s article “State and Conscience,” the author believes that every person has a conscience, although weakly expressed. And even those who, at first glance, do not possess this quality, once in a good environment, show their conscience; first out of fear, and then out of habit.

The problem of the art of reading.


1) In I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov,” the main character Ilya Ilyich did not like to read: the books on the shelves in his room were dusty. At first glance, Oblomov is simply lazy and cannot even pick up a book. But is it? What did Oblomov want to see in the book? In a dialogue with Penkin, he discovered the real reason reluctance to read. He lacked the man in the literature written by his contemporaries; it was too simple or vulgar for him, without a “moral load.” Oblomov's art of reading was very highly developed; he wanted philosophy everywhere: his soul demanded complex literature, and not finding her, she died quietly.\

2) Any work that gives a moral lesson.

The problem of fathers and children.

Thesis: a person of any era faces an eternal conflict. This meeting is inevitable, and it occurs at the moment when the emerging personality begins to reject the foundations on which the world stands


1) In the novel by the great Russian writer I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons,” the conflict of generations is presented in the confrontation between Yevgeny Bazarov, a young nihilist, and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a nobleman with a complex tragic fate. Bazarov rejects all universal human spiritual values ​​that Kirsanov treasured. Art and love in his understanding are nothing before the power of rationalism and science. This outrages Pavel Petrovich, who put everything on the altar of passion. In their irreconcilable struggle, two smartest man We reached a duel, we reached the boiling point.

2) In the play “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboyedov, the progressive-minded Chatsky does not find understanding in the person of the backward conservatives Skalozub, Famusov and other nobles. This generational conflict reflects the struggle between young supporters of liberalism and old opponents of all changes that could deprive them of both a “cushy” place and a special status. The first do not see the impossibility of establishing the ideas of democracy on at this stage, the second is destructive of its system as a whole.

Ecological problem.

Thesis: a person should not harm nature, it is a harmonious living being that can take revenge for disturbing its balance. A person, cut off from nature, dooms himself to a long and painful moral and physical death.


1) In the story by V. G. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera” it is shown how a person is chasing a solution own problems, can destroy the whole world With own history. The nature of this place does not want to lose its connection with the village, does not want to die under a layer of stagnant, dead water. This symbolizes the royal foliage, which they could neither burn nor dump.

2) Chernobyl disaster

The problem of bureaucracy.

Thesis: Russian bureaucrats are a special caste, standing apart from the people. They consider themselves superior to others, when in fact they should serve the citizens of their country and protect their interests first and foremost.


1) In the poem of the great Russian writer N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”, “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin” occupies a special place, where the participant Patriotic War 1812, who lost an arm in combat, was forced to search financial assistance contact city officials. But they are not at all interested in the fate of the veteran. This attitude towards the war hero shows that the bureaucracy is an immoral “mass” that can show neither respect nor compassion for other people.

2) Any arbitrariness of officials in modern Russia(Obronservis, Agroleasing, Putin’s statements about the fight against bureaucratic arbitrariness, even the famous MMM is partly also because of the officials, Colonel Kopytov). Reading the press

The problem of happiness.

Thesis: you cannot develop careless and thoughtless happiness. This can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.


1) In the novel by I. A. Goncharov, Oblomov achieved his goal, eternal peace. It would seem that this is happiness. But further fate Oblomov says the opposite. His life became like a dream as soon as Oblomov achieved absolute happiness, and in the end this led to oblivion.

2) In the story by N. S. Leskov “Lady Macbeth” Mtsensk district“We can observe a common picture for Russian society. The wife, taking advantage of her husband's departure, cheated on him with a young clerk. The reason for this was Katerina’s desire for her happiness, because of which she was completely distraught. This all led to a tragic end: main character drowns in the cold waters of the Volga, taking with it the lives of several people. The thirst for absolute happiness destroyed the relative harmony of human destinies.

Money problem.

Thesis: the thirst for money corrupts a person, makes him immoral and unprincipled.


1) In M. Gorky’s story “Chelkash” a small drama of two people played out. Chelkash, an experienced thief, was looking for an assistant and found in the person of the young peasant Gavrila, who wanted to be truly free. When they completed the job and received the money, Gavrilo, obsessed with the thirst for money, tried to take all the money from Chelkash. But, apparently, his conscience did not completely disappear: leaving Chelkash in an unconscious state, he returned to him and brought him to his senses. “The devil got me wrong,” Gavrilo justified himself.

2) M. Gorky’s novel “Foma Gordeev” shows the decayed merchant society of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Hiding its immoral and selfish thoughts behind a beautiful brochure, it is slowly dying, since there is no one to replace the old generation: Thomas, as a representative of the young merchants, cannot live unprincipled either. The power of money destroyed everything human in these people.

3) A. Belyaev “Air Seller”

The problem of the influence of music.

Thesis: music has a beneficial effect on people.


1) In L.N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace” you can see the influence of music on a person. When Natasha Rostova began to sing, Nikolai Rostov, who was due to the loss large amount money in terrible emotional state, forgot about all his worries, life began to seem easier to him, and his problems seemed solvable.

2) In I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov,” the main character Ilya Ilyich experienced spiritual death. However, having met Olga, he showed that he was capable of living “for real.” When his beloved sang the famous Casta Diva to him, he experienced a spiritual rebirth, and the possibility of a new interesting life was created for him.

3) Thank you, music, for light forests
They sound like orchestras in the fall,
We still don't believe in miracles
And you create them easily and honestly.

A. Kozlovsky

The problem of mercy.

Thesis: not everyone can perform a merciful act. It needs to be constantly trained, otherwise it will disappear. Mercy is a gift. People incapable of mercy cause contempt and irritation.


1) In M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita,” Margarita performs a merciful act. She asks Woland to help Frida, but not herself, knowing that he can only fulfill one wish. Woland fulfills the will of the queen of the ball from Satan and, surprised by Margarita’s mercy, helps her. Mercy can break down any walls and evoke bright feelings in those around you.

2) In the epic novel “ Quiet Don"M.A. Sholokhov's main character Grigory also shows his mercy even in everyday life. In the hayfield, having accidentally killed a duckling, he decided to hide it so as not to scare his sister. It would seem that what is surprising here? However, this merciful act shows the kindness and sincerity of Gregory, human qualities, which will appear in the future.

3) (Linguist) In D. A. Granin’s article “On Mercy,” the author says that mercy is the most important manifestation of morality. People should call each other to mercy. This is the duty of each of us.

The problem of the Russian village.

Thesis: the Russian village is on the verge of its existence. Endless exploitation has resulted in the village's resources as a whole being depleted. Ultimately, this will lead to the complete destruction of the traditional peasant community.


1) Russian Agriculture has become economically unprofitable and serves only to “launder” money state budget. Agricultural enterprises are closing all over Russia.

2) V. G. Rasputin’s story “Farewell to Matera” tells about the destruction of a village for the sake of building a power plant. Locals forced to leave their native habitat. People who think they are liquidating old village in the interests of civilization, are wrong: they destroy moral basis Russian world. And, to our great regret, more than one Matera suffered the same fate.

3) The poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'” shows the problems of the Russian village: drunkenness, lack of initiative, conservatism, moral backwardness. However, no one is going to solve such serious issues. But still, N.A. Nekrasov also described the virtues of the Russian village: the spiritual greatness of some representatives, the strength of moral spirit, kindness and honesty. The Russian village is both bad and good. It's important to maximize positive traits, while managing to neutralize the negative ones. This can be seen in the example of the village of Kuzminskoye, which has enormous trade potential and terrible infrastructure.

1. The problem of drug addiction.
Thesis: drugs are the “scourge” of humanity,” they satisfy imaginary needs, slowly killing the mind and heart, which turn into humble slaves of their "powder master"


1) In the story “Morphine” by the great Russian writer M. Bulgakov, the young doctor Bomgard reads the diary of his friend Sergei Polyakov, who shot himself because of his drug addiction. He learns that Polyakov received a dose of morphine purely by accident: one night he had severe pain in his stomach, and, taking pity on him, paramedic Anna administered a clear solution. The doctor immediately felt better and liked his new condition. Over and over again, he injected himself with ever larger doses of morphine, thinking that this would improve his performance. Ultimately, morphine turned into a “crystal god” for him. The meaning of his life was the search for new doses. Polyakov did not find the strength to cope with his illness, and he decided to end his shameful life, filled with horrors and hallucinations, which could have turned out completely differently and contacted Anna, whom the hero fell in love with. Morphine killed his life, just as it almost killed the life of M. Bulgakov himself, who, fortunately, was able to cope with his illness.

2) In the novel “The Scaffold” by the Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov, the main character, journalist, Avdiy Kallistratov, was tasked with investigating the ways of penetration of the drug anasha into the country. To do this, he infiltrated the group of “messengers for marijuana.” These were young people suffering drug addiction. Having received the coveted product, they began to try its effect on themselves. Obadiah could not stand the sight of people killing themselves and tried to stop them. As a result, he was beaten to a pulp and thrown out of a moving train. People have turned into animals who are ready to kill anyone who prevents them from enjoying dope. The life of another person has become nothing for them.

The problem of slave love.

Thesis: slave love is incomprehensible to others, creates inconvenience, it cannot be called a bright feeling, it is based on the relationship between slave and master.


1) In L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” Sonya loved Nikolai Rostov, but he eventually fell in love with Princess Marya, loved him deeply and sincerely. Sonya came to terms with this and, accepting her fate, began to live with Nikolai and Marya, just to see her beloved. This love bothered everyone in the house. Sonya remained an “empty flower”, in whom there is nothing but this slavish obedience.

2) In A.P. Chekhov’s story “Darling,” an example of slavish love is Olenka, for whom every new passion became the goal and meaning of life; without passion there is neither one nor the other. Olenka has turned into an obedient “slave” who completely accepts the master’s worldview and is ready to do anything for him.

3) In Francis Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, the main character James Getz fell in love with Daisy Buchanan. Being a simple officer, he could not offer her anything except his love. But Daisy wanted “everything at once,” which is why she married Thomas Buchanan. James did not give up, but set a goal for himself: to someday be reunited with his beloved. Through hard work and hard work, he became “The Great Gatsby,” the image he imagined for himself as a child. Having achieved enormous wealth for Daisy’s sake, he did not notice that she was still far from him. Daisy lost herself, she was no longer the same lover of James. He, in turn, lost the meaning of life, which is why he suffered an absurd death.

The problem of the relationship between nature and man.

Thesis: man is the son of nature, he must honor it, and not destroy it for material gain. Nature is ready to give a lot, you just need to open up to it.


1) The great Russian poet F. I. Tyutchev wrote:

Not what you think nature is:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has language.

With his lines, F.I. Tyutchev is trying to reach people for whom nature is “not a temple, but a workshop.” The poet wants to show not only his contemporaries, but also us, that nature is a unique culture, which is beautiful and fragile in its own way, and must be preserved and protected.

2) Poet S. A. Yesenin most dedicated his creativity to the worship of nature. He describes her beauty, gives her a divine origin, teaches her to admire and find inspiration in her.

Love is a very multifaceted feeling. Sometimes it takes extreme forms.

In the text, V.P. Astafiev raises the problem of slave love.

The writer talks about a meeting with a famous architect and his wife. The man was absolutely devoted to his wife, as evidenced by his behavior: despite his disability, he gave up the bottom bunk to his wife, made both beds with one hand, and put on soft slippers for the woman.

In addition, the author draws attention to the awkwardness that arose as a result of all the actions of a disabled person in favor of his wife in front of a stranger in the compartment, which is evidence of excessive submissiveness and derogatory behavior of a famous person.

I agree with this position. The feeling of love itself is difficult to explain. This fact, in my opinion, is due to the subjectivity of perception and understanding of love, that is, the fact that behavior depends on the people themselves and relationships between them can develop differently.

There are many examples where slavish love has a negative connotation.

In the novel by L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” the relationship between Pierre and Helen Kuragina is shown. The writing emphasizes that the heroine wants to remain beautiful in appearance for as long as possible, pursuing her own selfish interests. Helen achieved marriage with Bezukhov, who received the inheritance of the deceased count. We see the manifestation negative qualities heroine, cynicism and calculation, which she used to achieve her goals. But people like Helen cannot truly love.

In the work and In A. Bunin’s “Muse” we also see an example of a man’s subordination. The main character believes that it is pointless to become attached to a person, it is useless to love him, since there is a risk of experiencing the pain of loss. She burst into the hero’s life suddenly, subjugating his desires and interests. In order to see his beloved more often, the aspiring artist dropped out of school and moved to the village to meet Muse at the station every day. But love is like a toy for her, she doesn’t know how to appreciate feelings loved one, as a result, the heroine leaves the artist without explaining anything to him.

Thus, everyone passes the test of love in their own way. One of the extreme manifestations of this feeling is the slavish devotion of one of the spouses. As a rule, such a manifestation of love indicates the spiritual imperfection of a person who has subjugated another or takes advantage of his submission.

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Updated: 2018-06-19

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