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Detailed map Malaysia in Russian online. Satellite map Malaysia with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. Malaysia on the world map is a country in Southeast Asia. The western part of the state is located on the Malay Peninsula, the eastern part is on the island of Kalimantan, which Malaysia shares with Indonesia. The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur, official language- Malay. Many residents also speak various dialects Chinese language, in English and Tamil.

Malaysia - Wikipedia:

Population of Malaysia- 32,049,700 people. (2017)
Capital of Malaysia- Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur
Largest cities in Malaysia- Kuala Lumpur, Kuching, Johor Bahru, Ipoh
Malaysia dialing code - 60
Internet domains in Malaysia- .my

Malaysia is in close proximity to the equator, therefore the climate in the country is predominantly equatorial, in some regions it is subequatorial. There are no seasons as such in Malaysia, because there is constant heat throughout the year. Average annual temperature in the country - +25...+29 C. A distinctive feature of the climatic conditions of Malaysia is constant high humidity.

Sights of Malaysia- the capital Kuala Lumpur is rich in sights and interesting places: the National Mosque, the Sultan's Palace, the Sri Mahamariam Temple, which is considered the most beautiful temple in the country; Masjid Jamek Mosque and Lake Garden - a protected area where butterflies, deer, various species of birds live, and orchids grow.

There is something to see near the capital. For example, 13 km away is the National Zoo and Aquarium, home to 200 species of marine animals. In general, the country has many natural attractions, including protected areas, National parks and islands with amazing exotic nature.

Holidays in Malaysia is an exotic tourist country. It attracts tourists with its cleanliness, high level service and absolute safety. Malaysia has excellent beach opportunities summer holiday. The most popular Malaysian resort- Genting Highlands, which is located high in the mountains. It is known by its name - the Malayan Las Vegas, because this particular resort is an entertainment mecca.

What to see in Malaysia:

Guan Di Temple, Buppharam Temple, City Mosque, St. Paul's Church, Sri Mariamman Temple, Tian Hou Temple, Cheng Hong Temple, Museum of Islamic Art, National Museum Malaysia, Toy Museum, Porta de Santiago, National Monument, Petronas Towers, Fort Cornwallis, Orchid Park, China Hill, National Planetarium, Cosmos Theme Park.


(State of Malaysia)

General information

Geographical position. The state of Malaysia is located in southeast Asia, on the Malacca Peninsula and partly on the Malay Archipelago. Peninsular Malaysia is separated from East Malaysia, located on the island of Borneo and the Malay Archipelago, by several thousand kilometers. The capital of the state, Kuala Lumpur, is located on the peninsula. Near the mountainous part of the peninsula there are rainforests Taman Negara, whose age exceeds 130 million years. Currently, a park has been created here, occupying 4000 square meters. km. In the south of the peninsula there are lakes, the shores of which are inhabited by indigenous Malay tribes. The states of East Malaysia include Sabah and Sarawak, located on the island of Borneo. Sarawak is home to Gunung Mulu National Park, famous for its sharp and high limestone cliffs. Further east are the Kelabit Mountains and the granite peak of Kinabalu (4101 m), surrounded by a national park.

Square. The territory of Malaysia covers 328,550 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions.

The capital is Kuala Lumpur. Largest cities: Kuala Lumpur (1,300 thousand people), Ipoh (480 thousand people), Johor Bahru (400 thousand people), Georgetown (270 thousand people). Malaysia is a federation of 13 states and the federal territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan.

Political system

Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the supreme head (king), elected for 5 years from among the rulers of the sultanate states. The legislative body is a bicameral parliament.

Relief. Low hills and mountains predominate. The highest on the island. Kalimantan - Kinabalu (4101m).

Hydrological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains rich reserves of tin and tungsten, less significant - oil, copper and iron ore natural gas

Climate. Typical for Malaysia tropical climate. The temperature here fluctuates between +30°C (+22°C at higher elevations) even at night; all year round observed high humidity- about 75%. The main differences occur during the rainy season, which covers the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak from November to February. In April, May and October, thunderstorms hit the western coast of the peninsula. The rainy season is marked by long and heavy downpours, sometimes lasting two to three hours. In mountainous areas, rain occurs more often as clouds constantly gather over high peaks.

Inland waters. The main rivers are Pahang, Rajang, Kinabantang.

Soils and vegetation. Mostly evergreen tropical forests.

Animal world. Malaysia is home to elephant, rhinoceros, bear, tiger, panther, buffalo, orangutan, gibbon, crocodile, tapir; there are many birds and snakes, giant pythons stand out.

Population and language

The indigenous tribes, whose representatives still live on the peninsula, are called Orang Asli, that is, “first people.” Malaysia has a population of 18 million people. Currently, Malays on the peninsula make up just over 50% of the population, Chinese about 38%, Indians 10%, and Orang Asli about 1%. In Sarawak, the state of East Malaysia, representatives of native tribes make up almost 50%, Chinese - 30%, and Malays and Indians - 20%. In Sabah percentage population groups are almost no different from Sarawak.


Muslims -55%, Buddhists -30%. "~

Brief historical essay

The oldest remains « homo sapiens"were discovered in the Niah caves in Sarawak in 1958 - they are believed to have belonged to ancient hunter-gatherers who lived 35-40 thousand years ago. At the beginning of the 2nd century. n. e. Thanks to Indian merchants, Hinduism and Buddhism spread across the peninsula.

The Melaka Strait provided convenient shelter for ships forced to wait out the monsoon winds here. From the beginning of the 5th century. Ports for passing ships began to be built here. One of these ports, exceeding the others in importance, was powerful empire Srivijaya, which flourished from the beginning of the 7th century. before late XIII V. It covered the entire coast and islands around Melaka. The empire owed its success primarily to friendly relations with China. Srivijaya also became known as the center of Mahayana Buddhist teachings. In 671 AD e. There were more than a thousand Buddhist monks in the state.

Adopted in 1079-1082. For unknown reasons, the decision to move the state capital from Palembang to Melau apparently marked the beginning of the decline of Srivijaya. In 1275, the Majapahits invaded Melau and ravaged the peninsular territory of Srivijaya, obliging the inhabitants to pay tribute, which continued until the 19th century. With the fall of Srivijaya, the most significant period in the history of the Malay Peninsula begins - the formation of the Melaka Sultanate. According to reliable historical sources, a Sumatran prince named Parameshvara, who fled from Srivijaya, founded his own state in the territory where Melaka is currently located. An agreement concluded in 1405 with Emperor Chengzu of China guaranteed trade relations with Melaka and its protection from militant opponents: the states of Samudra-Pasai in northeast Sumatra and Aru in the south.

To ensure the further prosperity of the state, the second ruler of Melaka, Parameshwara's son Iskandar (1414-1424), recognized the primacy of the rulers neighboring states, in return for which Melaka received goods necessary for development. Melaka began to gain a reputation powerful state when her last ruler, Sultan Mahmud (1488-1530) undertook the conquest of new territories, including the western coast of the peninsula as far as Perak, Pahang and Singapore, as well as the eastern coast of Sumatra. But although these conquests helped him abandon the patronage of Java, he was never able to completely control the northern and eastern parts of the peninsula. In the 13th century Arab merchants began to visit the shores of Melaka more often, bringing with them their religion, Islam, which Muslim Indians preached among the Malays. The conversion of the Sultanate to a new faith helped him establish profitable trade relations. The "Trenganu Stone", dating back to the 14th century, with the basic commandments of Islam carved on it, is considered the oldest monument Malay writing in Arabic.

The Viceroy of Portugal, Alfonso d'Albuquerque, attacked Melaka in 1511 and captured it. The Portuguese held power in Melaka for another 130 years. The Dutch flag was raised over Melaka in 1641. late XVIII V. The Dutch position in southeast Asia was strong, but soon after it became clear that they would have to yield to the British in trade and navigation. After the defeat of the Dutch in the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War (1781-1783), the British established their East India Company in Melaka. The unification of Melaka, Penang and Singapore followed in 1826. British explorer James Brooke, finding that much of the colony was lawless, persuaded the Sultan of Brunei to give him Sarawak in 1841, thus becoming the first of the "White Rajahs" who ruled there until the outbreak of World War II. By 1888, the name "British Malacca" came into use, introduced by Governor Clarke. In the 1980s, agreements were concluded with the states of Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang, and in 1896 they united under the name of the Federation of Malay States, and Kuala Lumpur became its capital. In 1891, the Pahang War broke out when the Malay rulers began to protest against the diminution of their previous privileges.

By 1909 northern states Malacca-Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu united to form the Non-Aligned Group, but by the outbreak of the First World War British power extended over almost the entire peninsula. In 1888, Sarawak and Sabah were converted into protectorates. In the first quarter of the 20th century. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants from China and India began to settle across the Malay Peninsula, whose population doubled during this period to 4 million. Malaysia was not invaded in late 1941 Japanese troops. In February 1942, all of Malaysia had already been captured by the Japanese. In 1948, the Federation of Malaysia was created, which returned the former privileges to the sultans and established general government. The period of unrest that lasted 12 years (1948-1960) is not called by the Malays themselves civil war, but a state of emergency. It was practically not felt by city residents. The most notable incident of this period was the assassination of the British Commissioner to Malaysia, Sir Henry Gurney. On August 15, 1957, Malaysia gained independence, new constitution allowed the nine Malay sultans to alternate reigns and established a bicameral parliament - a house of elected representatives and a senate of delegates from each state.

Brief Economic Sketch

The basis of the economy is manufacturing, mining and Agriculture. The main branches of manufacturing industry are electrical engineering, oil refining, chemical, metallurgical, automotive, textile, food and beverage; mining industry - extraction of oil, natural gas, tin (one of the first places in the world), iron and copper ores, bauxite. The basis of agriculture is the production of natural rubber, palm oil, cocoa beans, pineapples, and peppers. Animal husbandry. Sea and river fishing. Wood harvesting. Export: oil, electronic and electrical products, agricultural products.

The currency is the ringgit (Malaysian dollar).

Brief essay culture

Art and architecture. Kuala Lumpur. Hindu temple in Batu Cave; National Museum. Kuching. Astana (Palace of the White Rajahs); Sarawak Museum; Anglican and Catholic cathedrals. Georgetown. Pagoda of Ten Thousand Yudd.Johor Baharu. Great Mosque; Sultan's Palace; Botanical Garden. Seremban. Seri Menanti Palace.

Malaysia is a country located in Southeast Asia, divided into two parts South China Sea. The western part is located in the south of the Malacca Peninsula, bordered by sea with and, in the north it has common border With . East Malaysia is located in the north of the island of Kalimantan. It borders on the north with, and on the south with Indonesia, by sea - with. The country's area is 329,758 square meters. km, population 31 million people, capital - Kuala Lumpur.

Mainland Malaysia is predominantly mountainous. Several ridges stretch from north to south of the country. The highest point is the peak of Kinabalu with a height of 4,101 m. The two highest large islands- Langkawi and Penang. Plains stretch along the coast.

The climate in Malaysia is equatorial, monsoonal, with minimal temperature fluctuations. average temperature in the year it is +25–28 °C. It is hotter in the lowlands and floodplains - up to +36 °C. It is much cooler in the mountains, especially at night. The amount of precipitation throughout the year is unevenly distributed. In summer there are strong monsoons with Indian Ocean, providing a wet season on the Malay Peninsula. In winter, the monsoons come to Borneo Pacific Ocean, bringing moist heat.

Lowland areas and the coast receive 1,500–2,500 mm of precipitation per year. Inland there are places where up to 6,500 mm of precipitation falls per year with more than 200 rainy days. west bank It doesn't rain that often. Especially difficult period in Malaysia from November to January. The heat and humidity here are such that foreigners are not recommended to come at this time.

Malaysia on the world map is located in Southeast Asia. This state is divided into two parts by the South China Sea in the west and east. As it will show modern map Malaysia, West Side The countries are located on the Malacca Peninsula. In this area the state shares a border with Thailand. East End country, as the detailed map of Malaysia will demonstrate, is located on the island of Kalimantan. In this territory the country shares borders with Indonesia and Brunei.

The administrative map of Malaysia will show that the capital of the state is located in the city of Kuala Lumpur. This The largest city countries. As for attractions, tourists are attracted architectural monuments And natural parks. A map of Malaysia in Russian will help you navigate interesting objects and nature reserves.

Trips around memorable places and excursions will allow you to get acquainted with local crosses. Therefore, it is worth taking a map of Malaysia with attractions on the road.

– a country “open” to visitors all year round: on west coast The dry season comes into its own in November-February, and on the east coast it is better to relax in May-September. The period from March to September is suitable for spending time on the beach in Malaysia, and from April to October for diving.

Malaysia: where is the birthplace of the giant rafflesia flower?

Location of Malaysia (capital - , area 329,847 sq. km) - Southeast Asia. West Malaysia (located in the south of the Malay Peninsula; with north side It borders on it, and on the south - Singapore; This part of Malaysia has maritime borders with Singapore) and East Malaysia (located in the north of Kalimantan: with south side Indonesia borders it, and Brunei borders the north; concerning maritime boundaries, they pass off the Philippine coast) divides the South China Sea.

Malaysia, highest point which is the 4100-meter Mount Kinabalu, is divided into three federal territories(Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, Putrajaya) and 13 states (Sarawak, Terengganu, Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Johor, Selantor and others).

How to get to Malaysia?

Holidays in Malaysia

In Malaysia, Langkawi should not be neglected (the sand of local beaches can cure ailments of those suffering from osteochondrosis, bronchitis and rheumatism; guests of the island visit the Taman Legenda Langkawi park, the Perdana gallery, the oceanarium, the rice museum, the Gua Gerita cave, the hot springs of the Air Hangat village, as well as view a variety of corals and meet exotic fish during diving in the marine reserve Pulau Payar Marine Park), Penang (notable for its beaches, Fort Cornwallis, the temples of the Serpents and Kek Lok Si, Botanical Garden, a bird and butterfly park, where at least 3,000 beautiful individuals flutter), Kuala Lumpur (famous for the Petronas Twin Towers, the Palace of Sultan Abdul Samad, the Jamek Mosque, the 420-meter Menara TV Tower), Heating Highlands (in 2 amusement parks there is at least 50 attractions), Cameron Highlands (tourists climb Mount Gunung Brinchang, the top of which is crowned observation deck; go on an excursion to the Boh Plantations tea plantation, to the Valley of Roses, to the bee and strawberry farms), Borneo (those who wish can go diving, go on a jungle safari, explore the Niah caves with rock paintings).

Malaysian beaches

  • Batu Ferringhi Beach: golden beach - attraction north coast Penang. Along it there is an embankment with cafes, shops, and nightclubs.
  • Kelambu Beach: Sabah beach delights holidaymakers fine sand white. Here you can go boating and water skiing, have a picnic, go diving, and stroll along the shore at sunset.

Souvenirs from Malaysia

Those leaving Malaysia should buy souvenirs in the form of models of the Petronas Towers, sea cucumber oil and balm, women's kasut manic sandals, tin, copper and rattan products, knives and daggers, batik, silk, pearl jewelry, seasonings, dried durian candies.