Consumes a black hole. Like two Suns: the longest death of a star in a black hole was captured in the pictures

Many people are interested in the question of why women live longer than men. Statistics say that women live longer than men by an average of five to ten years - this has been proven by numerous studies, and a similar trend is observed in almost every country.

Japanese scientists have stated that there are significant differences in the genetics of men and women. Men have a gene in their genetic material that interferes with longevity. This factor is the answer to the question of why women live longer. Representatives of the stronger sex are more stress-resistant and calmer than men. In addition, it is men who are exposed to serious physical stress, which also shortens their lives.

Biological factors play a huge influence on the vitality of men and women. There are many more spontaneous miscarriages among males than females. Statistics prove that while still in the womb, male embryos are less viable than female ones. Also, in the first year of life, the mortality rate of boys exceeds that of girls by more than 20 percent.

Accordingly, many factors play important role in the increased mortality of men compared to women. Immediately after birth, this factor is biological, then external unfavorable conditions influence it.

The main reasons why women live longer

According to experts, the reasons for women's longer life expectancy are as follows:

  1. Increased sensitivity and emotionality.
  2. Attentiveness and care for the condition of your body.
  3. Features of sex hormones.
  4. Genetic, biological reasons.
  5. Less quantity bad habits harming the body.
  6. Caution and accuracy.
  7. Women shift most major decisions to men.

Since childhood, representatives of the stronger sex have been less careful. This can be seen in movements, games, and handling of dangerous objects, and this trend continues in all age categories. As a result of upbringing, a woman is programmed from childhood to be balanced and cautious. Girls are instilled with prudence and accuracy from childhood. While in boys, parents instill and develop courage, initiative, and a love of risk. Health problems, injuries, suicides, poisonings, accidents, and accidents are the causes of death among young people. Some experts believe that in many cases of male death, the sex hormone testosterone, which makes a man aggressive, is to blame. After 25 years, the mortality rate of men increases due to health problems, mainly diseases associated with circulatory disorders. Such consequences arise against the background of stressful situations, everyday and work problems. By the way, it has been proven that a woman’s heart is biologically stronger than a man’s heart, and before the onset, women are less likely to experience “heart problems.” Thanks to the female hormone estrogen, a woman's blood vessels at 40 look like those of a man at 30. Accordingly, at the hormonal level, women are also more predisposed to longevity. That's why women live longer than men.

In addition, women have hypersensitivity, have a faster reaction and are highly developed. Women are careful and observant, careful, responsible and inventive. Ladies, as a rule, are more organized than men and try not to take risks. Such responsibility does not go unnoticed, and that is why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men

Men live much better than women: firstly, they get married later, and secondly, they die earlier.

D. Marzini

This is true

In all regions, women live on average 7-10 years longer than men. In Russia and Belarus, this difference is increasing, and in the next decade it (according to some forecasts) could reach 15 years.

What are the reasons for this?

7 reasons why women live longer:

1) biological (genetic) reasons;

2) different action male and female sex hormones;

3) greater caution of women;

4) health care;

5) great emotionality;

6) fewer bad habits;

7) they try to shift responsibility for decision-making to men.

The vitality of men and women. Biological factor

For every 100 fertilized eggs carrying the female sex, there are from 117 to 130 eggs carrying the male sex. For every 100 girls, only 105 boys are born. This is a direct consequence of the fact that among spontaneous miscarriages, the proportion of males is significantly higher than females.

Statistics have established that for every 100 female miscarriages, not counting early miscarriages before three months of pregnancy, there are 160-170 male ones. Registered big number miscarriages in the first or second months of pregnancy, and early stage(up to the 2nd month) there are 7-8 times more male embryos than female ones. In many cases, "boy" pregnancies are terminated initial stage- embryonic. Sometimes a woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant.

The data presented indicate that already in the womb, male embryos are less viable. It has been established that there are significantly more boys than girls among stillborns. Thus, according to statistical data, in the first year of life, the mortality rate of boys exceeds the mortality rate of girls by 24.3%. (By the way, in most animal species, more males are born than females, but the mortality rate among males is initial period life is higher and only at puberty the sex ratio levels out.)

Mortality by age group

In the period of life from one to four years, the mortality rate of boys exceeds the mortality rate of girls by 27.2%. The main reason for the predominance of mortality among boys at this age is accidents (injuries, poisoning, etc.), that is, external factors.

The question arises, why do boys get into trouble more often? Apparently, the answer to this must be sought in biological and psychological characteristics their behavior. Boys are less careful in their movements, games, handling objects, etc. This trend continues at all ages. Thus, at the age of 15-24, the mortality rate of males is 2 times higher compared to females. The reasons are the same - injuries, accidents, poisoning. The mortality rate from suicide for men is 17.2, for women - 7.5 per 100 thousand people (women often resort to blackmail, threatening their partner with suicide; they make more suicide attempts than men, but the stronger sex carries their attempts to completion significantly more often, as evidenced by the data presented).

At 25-34 years of age, the mortality rate of men from diseases of the circulatory system increases (men - 10.1, women - 3.5), arising mainly under the influence of factors external environment(work, domestic and other stressful situations).

At the age of 35-40 years, the mortality rate for men from diseases of the circulatory system is 41.1, for women - 16.5, including from coronary heart disease - for men - 24.3, for women - 3.8.

Most people in Russia die from diseases of the heart and circulatory system. Women live longer not because they have an easier life, but because their hearts are biologically stronger. Before menopause, they rarely suffer from heart disease.

The same trend continues in other diseases. It even increases in the next decade (45-54 years). The mortality rate for men from diseases of the circulatory system is 222.6, for women - 61.6. As before, men are more likely than women to become victims of injuries, accidents, and poisoning.

The highest excess mortality among men is observed at the age of 55-64 years (2 times higher than among women). The reasons are basically the same.

At the age of 65-74 years, the difference in mortality decreases somewhat. But even so, the mortality rate for men from malignant neoplasms was 971.1, for women - 640.5, from diseases of the respiratory system - 164.3 and 73.5, respectively, of the digestive system - 142.5 and 81.2, etc.

After 75 years, men in this regard deprive women of all “competition”. However, the following circumstance attracts attention: among those who died from diseases of the circulatory system, elderly and old people (over 60 years old) make up 86.5%, of which men - 70.9%, women - 93.4%. This is explained by the fact that middle aged deceased women are 8.98 years older than men (75.9 and 67 years, respectively). Women develop diseases of the cardiovascular system and other diseases on average 10 years later than men. In addition to the fact that women get sick later, they live on average 3.2 years longer than men. various diseases. This, apparently, explains the fact that the health of elderly and old women is much worse than their male peers, who continue to live thanks to good health.

According to statistics, in our country there are on average 2.5 times more old and elderly women than men, and the results of the 1970 census showed that there are 2.7 times more women aged 80 years and older.

Thus, a number of factors play a significant role in more high mortality men compared to women. At the very beginning of life decisive role plays biological factor. Then its influence decreases, but the influence of external influences increases unfavorable factors, to which men turn out to be worse adapted than women.

All this must be kept in mind - especially since last years There has been a sharp decline in life expectancy in Russia. Life expectancy for men is 57 years, for women - about 72.

It's all in the genes

Hereditary information is contained in genes.

Genes are made in the cells of the body complex formations- chromosomes. They are the material carriers of heredity. Each section (locus) of the chromosome is “responsible” for a specific hereditary trait. In the nuclei of all cells of the human body there are 23 pairs (46 pieces) of chromosomes. The exceptions are anucleate cells - red blood cells (they have no chromosomes at all) and germ cells, the nuclei of which contain half (23 pieces) of the set of chromosomes. The 22 pairs of chromosomes in men and women are practically indistinguishable, and the 23rd pair in women is represented by two X chromosomes, in men - one X and a second Y chromosome. It was this circumstance that made it possible to call the 23rd pair sex chromosomes. So, X is a female sign, and Y is a male sign. It turns out that the woman seems more woman(XX) than a man is a man (Y). It is on this basis that some researchers believe that women are more viable.

Male reproductive cells (sperm) carry either an X or Y chromosome. If fertilization occurs with an “X” sperm, in the set of chromosomes of the fertilized egg the 23rd pair will be XX - and a girl will be born, if with a “Greek” - the 23rd pair will be XY - and a boy will be born.

So conventional wisdom that it “depends” on the man whether a boy or a girl is born is not far from the truth. True, a man cannot influence this process: no one can control genes yet.

Why nature arranged it this way: heredity and variability

Sexual reproduction - the only way, in which the offspring simultaneously perceives both hereditary characteristics (X) and variability (Y). This provides the biological species with evolution and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. That is why the most advanced representatives of the animal (and living) world reproduce sexually.

Thus, the quantity of offspring is provided by females, and the quality is provided by males. Females are carriers of heredity, males - variability. If females “carry out the service” of preserving all qualities without changes, then males “carry out the service” of changing qualities with the task of “making an amendment.” Therefore, the average resistance among females is high. According to V. Geodakyan’s figurative comparison, if we unite all the males (a community of animals of the same species) into a male team, and the females into a female team, then the males will be the champions in the individual championship in all types of programs, and the females will win in the “last” competition. After all, the spread of men’s indicators will be much greater: in pursuit of variability, men deviate more (in one direction or another) from the average values, so there will always be someone with champion condition. Women cluster more around the average. This can be clearly seen, for example, in height and weight, which for women deviate from the average much less than for men.

In the interests of all humanity...

It can be said that in the interests of such biological species, How " homo sapiens“, nature sacrifices men, because in the interests of the species, a faster “turnover” of men is carried out, i.e., their shorter life.

Male and female hormones

The male sex hormone testosterone tells a person aggressiveness, which, as we will see later, leads to more accidents shortening in to a greater extent men's lives.

The main female hormone, estrogen, has been found to reduce “bad” cholesterol in the blood. As a result, the blood vessels of a 40-year-old woman look like those of a 30-year-old man. As a result, the menace of men - cardiovascular disease - does not pose as great a danger to women. As we see, at the hormonal level, a woman is programmed for greater vitality.


Since a woman is the bearer of a hereditary, conservative principle, she is programmed to be very careful and balanced in her actions.

A direct result of this is a significantly lower injury rate for women - in the same jobs with men, women are more than one and a half times less likely than men in terms of the number of injuries.

Women follow the rules more accurately, are more cautious, and are less prone to risk. Relevant injury statistics are shown in the table below.

In addition to the genetic predisposition of women to caution, the upbringing factor also plays a role: initiative and courage are developed in boys, and accuracy and diligence are developed in girls. Hence different attitude to the rules. And breaking the rules is a direct path to injury.

One of the clearest manifestations of female caution is evident when a woman gets behind the wheel of a car.

According to traffic police, a woman is 5 times safer than a man driving. Experts explain this the following features characteristic of women:

increased sensitivity allows you to react faster to changing situations;

great observation; notice new ones faster road sign, pointer, traffic light;

quickly switch attention from one object to another;

much less often they allow themselves to be reckless;

do not look for competitors in the stream of cars and do not organize competitions and races with them;

absence of the harmful habit of driving while drunk. For this reason, women actually have no road traffic accidents;

characteristic next style driving: the car is closer to the right lane, they stably keep their lane, they never occupy the left lane for no reason, the ride is smoother, the accelerator is not for jerking, but for moving;

both in life and behind the wheel, they are more diligent, careful, careful and responsible, and even inventive in their own way;

more than men respect the Rules traffic and try not to violate them;

rarely create dangerous conflict situations, rarely take risks;

they treat the car much more organized, more caringly and more tenderly;

be attentive to weather service messages, and unfavorable days You don’t often see them driving; on such days they slow down to avoid trouble;

they do not pick up random passengers, while male drivers do not neglect this.

Such responsibility does not pass without a trace for a woman. It has been established that a woman behind the wheel ages faster than, for example, while knitting or sitting in front of the TV. Maybe that's why the overwhelming number of women instinctively prefer knitting and watching TV to driving a car?

Taking care of your health

As a continuator of the family, a woman is programmed to take care of her health more than a man. There are much more women among medical specialists' visitors. Many men are literally driven by their wives to the doctor, because they don’t like to complain and don’t want to look weak. And many people treat all ailments with one remedy - alcohol, which, while providing short-term relief, only worsens the disease in the future.

Exactly biological reasons and concern for health explains the fact that women get sick with diseases of the same name on average 12 years later than men and resist them more stubbornly (they live with the disease 3 years longer than sick men).


The well-known female emotionality serves them well. Instead of accumulating negative emotions, as men do, restraining themselves, women throw them out - in the form of tears and complaints.

It turns out that they come out with tears very harmful substances- leucine enkephalin and prolactin, which have a destructive effect on the body. They are produced in response to stress. Onion tears do not contain these substances. It is no coincidence that after crying out of grief, a person feels relief.

Unfortunately, the health of men is greatly harmed by the shame for tears brought up in them from childhood: a man should not complain, much less cry.

Doctors call diseases such as ulcers gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, “male” diseases, since men suffer from them ten times more than women.

In addition, the accumulation negative emotions leads to severe disorders nervous system, to depressive states, the way out of which some seek in suicide.

Bad habits

This includes, first of all, drinking, smoking and an uneven rhythm of life. This is more abused by men, which is why these factors shorten the lives of men to a greater extent.

Statistics show that this is the case. 96% of lung cancer patients are smokers. Lung cancer mainly affects either smokers or “passive smokers” - the wives of smokers.

Smoking loosens nervous system, and, as they say, “all diseases come from nerves.”

Essentially, smoking is a type of drug addiction, although not clearly expressed: look how difficult it is to quit smoking and start again. A narcotic substances No one has ever been brought to any good.

Among smokers there are widespread myths about a certain grandfather-hero or “Uncle Vasya”, who smoked like a steam locomotive and lived up to 70 years. The narrators do not take into account that without smoking, these people with their excellent health would live up to 100 years. And also the fact that grandfathers breathed clean air, and not exhaust gases. We were engaged in physical labor and did not have the stress that we have now. They ate organic foods and did not eat pesticides, radionuclides and synthetic additives.

Drunkenness leads, on the one hand, to an increase in fatal accidents, on the other hand, it shortens life due to the destruction of personality and the development of diseases, primarily such as cirrhosis of the liver.

A car shortens your life, or Beware of the car

This is confirmed by statistics: those who own a car (with other equal conditions) live on average less than those who do not have it.

The reasons for this: 1) death in car collisions; 2) smaller physical activity(compared to pedestrians).

So the love of many men for a car does not contribute to their longevity.

Uneven rhythm of life

Men are more tired at work than women. There are several reasons for this: 1) heavy physical activity in male professions; 2) greater responsibility - there are significantly more men among managers; 3) less resistance of men to adverse influences (which has already been discussed).

Therefore, most men spend the evening immobile - in front of the TV, reading a newspaper or drinking a can of beer. Such sharp changes from daytime activity to evening inactivity are not conducive to health.

In this regard, experts consider the typical women's regimen with an even workload (working during the day and doing household chores in the evening) to be more beneficial for health. For women overloaded with such double-shift work, this may be little consolation, but it’s still better when there is a silver lining.


Nothing exhausts a person’s nervous system more than responsibility. It is known that average duration The lives of managers are shorter than those of subordinates. And this despite the best financial situation, working conditions (office) and the presence of certain privileges. The main factor that shortens the life of a manager is great responsibility. He constantly has a “headache” about the assigned area of ​​work, he constantly experiences stress and clashes between what is required and what is difficult to achieve.

Women are less likely to occupy positions of responsibility; their job in the majority is execution. They are responsible only for themselves, leaders - for everyone. And these, as they say in Odessa, are “two big differences.”

But even in everyday life, women, as a rule, try to shift responsibility onto men, gradually pushing them to take action and make decisions. Not by chance highest rating a man in a woman’s mouth serves: “Behind him, like behind a stone wall.”

How long do we live?

According to the State Statistics Committee, at the end of 1994, the average life expectancy for men was 57.6 years, for women - 71.2. Compare: in the USA, Canada, France, Germany and others developed countries these figures are 73-74 and 79-80, respectively, in Japan - 75.9 and 81.6. So, our men today live on average 16 years, and women 8 years less, than in the West. And the gap between the lifespan of opposite sexes is especially alarming - more than 13 years.

Let's try to look 15 years ahead. According to a fairly mild forecast, the life expectancy of men in Russia will drop to 55 years, women will live up to 72 years. That is, the gap in life expectancy between men and women will be 17 years. If we take into account that it is mainly adult men who are growing in mortality, then such a gap means the following: Russia will turn into a country of widows - widows without any hope of remarriage.

How can one not recall the long-standing call of the demographer Urlanis: “Take care of men!”

From the book Woman Plus Man [To Know and Conquer] author Sheinov Viktor Pavlovich

Why do women live longer than men? Men live much better than women: firstly, they get married later, and secondly, they die earlier. D. Marzini This is true. In all regions, women live on average 7-10 years longer than men. In Russia and Belarus this difference

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  • Coronary heart disease is three times more common among men.
  • There are more male suicides than female suicides in every country. age group.
  • Homicide and suicide are among the top three leading causes of death among men aged 15 to 34 years.
  • The number of women reaching the age of 85 in relation to men is 2:1.

"Why men die first"

Here are some facts given in Dr.'s book medical sciences Marianne Legato, Why Men Die First: How to Extend Your Life. The author has carried out extensive work, studying biological, cultural and personal factors, reducing the life expectancy of men.

Psychological factor

Mortality rates are higher among men because they are less mentally resilient and more vulnerable. And unlike women, who wage a fierce battle against their illnesses and are attentive to their health, men cannot boast of conscientiousness in this matter. Most often, the stronger sex ignores doctors’ recommendations, skips examinations and does not seek medical help, hoping that “everything will go away on its own.”

Health problems caused by upbringing

The man endures pain and does not pay attention to the obvious symptoms of the disease, because from childhood he was taught: “Be patient, don’t show that you are in pain, be strong, don’t complain! Then you will be a real man!” Statistics show: more than a half men seek medical help only under pressure from their spouses and relatives, or when their condition worsens sharply. Therefore, there is every reason to say that the characteristics of upbringing kill men.

How can a man live longer?

In his book, Dr. Legato calls medical community take men's health under increased control. But not last role The closest people should play in this process - spouse, mother, sister, daughter. If women can beat breast cancer, she says, they certainly can and should keep their men. The stronger sex deserves careful attention to itself.

Marianna Legato identifies several factors that provoke early death in men. Here are tips that men can follow to prolong their lives.

1. Always be honest with your doctor.

Leave the embarrassment at the office door. Women get used to talking directly about their problems with their doctors from a very early age. It may be awkward for a man to talk about some symptoms, but it is still necessary to mention them, because they can be signals serious illnesses. Lack of erection is, of course, a sensitive topic, but just think - it can be associated with diabetes and heart disease. Is such pseudo-shyness in front of a doctor really worth your life?

Legato insists that men undergo regular testicular examinations. These may not be the most pleasant sensations, but you will agree that they are much less inconvenient than prostate cancer.

2. Check your testosterone levels.

After age 30, testosterone levels in men begin to fall by about 1% each year.. Reduced level testosterone can lead to decreased vitality, muscle mass, ability to withstand exercise, dulled memory, concentration and decreased libido. All this can lead to depression, which in turn has a detrimental effect on men's health, potentially increasing the risk of developing coronary artery disease.

More high risk Diabetics suffer from significant loss of testosterone. There are several treatment methods - including gels, patches, injections - that will help quickly restore the level of this vital hormone.

3. Support your immune system.

Men's the immune system not as strong as in women. Statistics show that men are more likely than women to die from seven of the 10 most common infections, especially tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases. Protection against sexually transmitted diseases should be under control as soon as a young man begins to be sexually active. Men also tend to neglect vaccinations when traveling to foreign (including exotic) countries. Oh healthy eating the majority completely forget, citing busyness, laziness, lack of time and, funny as it may seem, “lack of willpower” - how can one resist the temptation to eat tasty (but harmful) food!

4. Don't be alone with depression.

Male depression is much more dangerous than is commonly believed. Moreover, its symptoms are not always obvious. When breakdown happens to a woman - if not all her loved ones, then many will know about it. Men try to hide such conditions until the last moment. Sometimes their behavior gives them away. Some begin to lean heavily on alcohol, some watch TV all day long, surf the Internet, and others indulge in sexual adventures. Seeing a psychologist is worth it last place on their list of methods to combat depression. While similar image life poses a direct threat to health.

A difficult period in a man’s life is “andropause,” when testosterone levels drop. Something like menopause in women. During such periods, most men tend to experience severe depression, which is difficult for them to cope with.

Remember:state of mind no less important than the physical. Tablets are not always given desired result, especially if they are taken not on the advice of a specialist, but on the recommendation of amateurs who “helped”. Sometimes a frank conversation with a psychologist can be very helpful.

Untreated depression can have catastrophic consequences. As for suicide, there are also statistics on this: while women more often make attempts to die, these attempts are “more successful” among men.

5. Don't be a careless teenager.

The reckless nature and lifestyle of teenagers makes them vulnerable to injury and unfortunate death. Men often retain this “boyishness” for a long time. Women are more reasonable. They take deliberate actions in more early age than men. Add to this a mixture of testosterone and other hormones and you get a deadly internal cocktail that is found in men. Still, control of their behavior and actions is vital. After all, from childhood, men tend to be idealists, striving to “play heroes,” firmly believing in their invulnerability.

6. Keep your risk of coronary heart disease under control.

This disease does not spare even men in the prime of life. Therefore, after 35 years of age, a man needs to consult a doctor to assess the risks. Remember, gentlemen, were there any cases of death from heart disease among your relatives under the age of 60? Find out what your cholesterol level is and control it. Have you ever fainted, lost consciousness, or had difficulty breathing? Sometimes we greatly underestimate the importance of these signals, while they should be immediately brought to the attention of your doctor.

Among other things, men genetic level more vulnerable than women. The female hormone estrogen provides women with additional level protection that men do not have. Therefore, they should monitor signs of coronary heart disease from age 35. If exists family history illness, then you should consult a doctor at the age of 30 and take all the precautions recommended by him.

Women live longer than men - statistics say so. Why? After all, it would seem that a man is physically stronger and more resilient, and a woman is a more fragile creature, moreover, susceptible constant worries and stress. American study entitled "Why Men Quit First" explains why men have shorter life expectancies and what needs to be done to reverse the trend.

  • Coronary heart disease is three times more common among men.
  • There are more male suicides than female suicides in every age group.
  • Homicide and suicide are among the three leading causes of death among men aged 15 to 34 years.
  • The number of women reaching the age of 85 in relation to men is 2:1.

"Why men die first"

Here are some facts from the book Why Men Die First: How to Extend Your Life, Dr. Marianne Legato, M.D. The author has carried out extensive work studying the biological, cultural and personal factors that reduce the life expectancy of men.

Psychological factor

Among men it is higher because they are less mentally resilient and more vulnerable. And unlike women, who wage a fierce battle against their illnesses and are attentive to their health, men cannot boast of conscientiousness in this matter. Most often, the stronger sex neglects doctors’ recommendations, skips examinations and does not seek medical help, hoping that “everything will go away on its own.”

Health problems caused by upbringing

The man endures pain and does not pay attention to the obvious symptoms of the disease, because from childhood he was taught: “Be patient, don’t show that you are in pain, be strong, don’t complain! Then you will be a real man!” Statistics show: more than half of men seek medical help only under pressure from their spouse and relatives, or when their condition sharply worsens. Therefore, there is every reason to say that the characteristics of upbringing kill men.

How can a man live longer?

In his book, Dr. Legato calls on the medical community to take greater control of men's health. But not the least role in this process should be played by the closest people - spouse, mother, sister, daughter. If women can beat breast cancer, she says, they certainly can and should keep their men. The stronger sex deserves careful attention to itself.

Marianna Legato identifies several factors that provoke early pregnancy in men. Here are tips that men can follow to prolong their lives.

1. Always be honest with your doctor. Leave the embarrassment at the office door. Women get used to talking directly about their problems with their doctors from a very early age. It may be awkward for a man to talk about some symptoms, but it is still necessary to mention them, because they can be signals of serious diseases. Lack of erection is, of course, a sensitive topic, but just think - it can be associated with diabetes and heart disease. Is such pseudo-shyness in front of a doctor really worth your life?

Legato insists that men undergo regular testicular examinations. These may not be the most pleasant sensations, but you will agree that they are much less inconvenient than prostate cancer.

2. Check your testosterone levels. After age 30, testosterone levels in men begin to fall by about 1% each year. Reduced testosterone levels can lead to decreased vitality, muscle mass, endurance, dulled memory, concentration and decreased libido. All this can lead to depression, which in turn has a detrimental effect on men's health, potentially increasing the risk of developing coronary artery disease. People with diabetes are at higher risk of significant testosterone loss. There are several treatment methods - including gels, patches, injections - that will help quickly restore the level of this vital hormone.

3. Support your immune system. The male immune system is not as strong as that of women. Statistics show that men are more likely than women to die from seven of the 10 most common infections, especially tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases. Protection against sexually transmitted diseases should be under control as soon as a young man begins to be sexually active. Men also tend to neglect vaccinations when traveling to foreign (including exotic) countries. And most people completely forget about healthy eating, citing busyness, laziness, lack of time and, funny as it may seem, “lack of willpower” - how can one resist the temptation to eat tasty (but harmful) food!

4. Don't be alone with depression. Male depression is much more dangerous than is commonly believed. Moreover, its symptoms are not always obvious. When a nervous breakdown happens to a woman, if not all her loved ones, then many find out about it. Men try to hide such conditions until the last moment. Sometimes it gives them away. Some begin to lean heavily on alcohol, some watch TV all day long, surf the Internet, and others indulge in sexual adventures. Seeing a psychologist is last on their list of methods to combat depression. While such a lifestyle poses a direct threat to health.

A difficult period for a man is “andropause,” when testosterone levels drop. Something like menopause in women. During such periods, most men tend to experience severe depression, which is difficult for them to cope with.

Remember: your mental state is no less important than your physical state. Tablets do not always give the desired result, especially if they are taken not on the advice of a specialist, but on the recommendation of amateurs who have “helped”. Sometimes a frank conversation with a psychologist can be very helpful.

Untreated depression can have catastrophic consequences. As for suicide, there are also statistics on this: while women more often make attempts to die, these attempts are “more successful” among men.

5. Don't be a careless teenager. The reckless nature and lifestyle of teenagers makes them vulnerable to injury and unfortunate death. Men often retain this “boyishness” for a long time. Women are more reasonable. They make deliberate decisions at an earlier age than men. Add to this a mixture of testosterone and other hormones and you get a deadly internal cocktail that is found in men. Still, control of their behavior and actions is vital. After all, from childhood, men tend to be idealists, striving to “play heroes,” firmly believing in their invulnerability.

6. Hold p claim of coronary heart disease under control. This disease does not spare even men in the prime of life. Therefore, after 35 years of age, a man needs to consult a doctor to assess the risks. Remember, gentlemen, were there any cases of death from heart disease among your relatives under the age of 60? Find out what your cholesterol level is and control it. Have you ever fainted, lost, or had difficulty breathing? Sometimes we greatly underestimate the importance of these signals, but at that time we should immediately contact our doctor about them.

Among other things, men are genetically more vulnerable than women. The female hormone estrogen provides women with an additional level of protection that men do not have. Therefore, they should monitor signs of coronary heart disease from age 35. If there is a family

Illustration copyright Getty Image caption Women tend to live longer than men, but no one can say for sure why this happens.

Around the world, women have longer life expectancies than men. The correspondent tried to find out what this is connected with and whether men can somehow influence the situation.

As soon as I was born, I was already doomed to die before half the other babies in our maternity ward, and nothing could be done about this curse.

It's because of my gender. Simply because I am a man, I am most likely destined to die about three years earlier than women born on the same day as me.

What is it about male nature that will cause me to die at a younger age than the women around me? And is it possible to overcome the curse of your gender?

Although about this strange phenomenon has been known for several decades; we have only recently begun to come closer to establishing its causes.

It used to be that men were driven to death by overwork. Working in a mine or in a field leads to excessive stress on the body, and the resulting injuries undermine health.

Evolution may provide the answer

However, in this case, one would expect the difference in life expectancy between men and women to decrease, since today they perform approximately the same sedentary work.

In fact, the difference in life expectancy remained stable even during periods of profound changes in society.

Take Sweden, for example, which has the most reliable statistical data for big gap time.

Illustration copyright Getty
Image caption Men's lives are shorter than women's lives, and this situation is not changing

In 1800, life expectancy was 33 years for women and 31 years for men, and today it is 83.5 and 79.5 years, respectively. In both cases, it turns out that women live about 5% longer than men.

A recently published article states: "A striking, consistent female advantage in early, late and lifelong survival has been observed in all countries in all years for which reliable birth and death statistics are available. This is one of the most reliable patterns in human biology." .

The idea that men take less care of their bodies is also virtually unprovable, although the presence of bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and overeating may partly explain why the difference in life expectancy between men and women varies from country to country.

Thus, in Russia, men on average die 13 years earlier than women - partly because they drink and smoke more. However, the fact remains that among chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and gibbons, females also consistently live longer than males of the same group, and monkeys do not usually walk around with a cigarette in their teeth and a bottle of beer in their hands.

The female advantage in terms of survival is observed in all countries in all years for which reliable statistics of births and deaths exist

Apparently, the answer to this question can be found by studying the process of evolution.

"Of course social factors and lifestyle also play a role, but, apparently, this phenomenon is rooted deeper, in human biology,” says Tom Kirkwood, a professor at Newcastle University (UK), who studies biological basis aging.

The difference in lifespan can be explained by many mechanisms, starting with DNA molecules called chromosomes that are present in every cell.

Chromosomes are arranged in pairs, with women having two X chromosomes and men having one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.

Size matters

This difference may subtly influence the aging process of cells. Having two X chromosomes means that women have a backup copy of each gene in case the first one fails.

Men do not have this reserve, so over time, as many cells begin to function incorrectly, men are at greater risk of developing diseases.

Illustration copyright Getty
Image caption Even if it’s lifestyle that’s to blame, it’s not so easy to prove.

Other possible explanations include the “trained” hypothesis. woman's heart" – it lies in the fact that in the second half of the menstrual cycle a woman’s pulse quickens, which is equivalent to doing physical exercise With moderate load. Due to this, women have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease during their lifetime.

Or maybe it's just the size. Tall people have more cells in their bodies, which means they have more more likely Dangerous mutations may develop.

In addition, a larger body burns more energy, which can lead to increased wear and tear on the tissues themselves. Because men are generally taller than women, they are at greater risk in the long run.

But probably, the real reason the difference in life expectancy is the production of testosterone, which is also responsible for most of the rest male characteristics: from low voice and a hairy chest to a balding crown.

The eunuchs had 130 times more chances live to be a hundred years old than other men. Even pampered kings could not compete with them in terms of life expectancy

Facts in support of this hypothesis were completely unexpectedly found when imperial court The Great Joseon State, as Korea was called until the twentieth century.

Recently, Korean scholar Han Nam Park analyzed a detailed chronicle of court life in the 19th century, which, among other things, contained information about 81 eunuchs who had their testes removed before puberty.

Based on the results of studying these materials, it was found that eunuchs lived for about 70 years, while the rest of the courtiers lived on average up to 50 years.

Overall, they were 130 times more likely to celebrate their centenary than the average Korean living in that era. Even the kings - the most pampered creatures in the palace - could not compete with them in terms of life expectancy.

Not all studies of other eunuchs have shown such a wide range, but in general it can be assumed that people (and animals) without testes do live longer.

After the birth of a child, a man is no longer so necessary

Exact reasons this phenomenon has not yet been established, but an employee of the London university college(UK) David Jam believes that the failure occurs towards the end of puberty.

To support this assumption, he points to sad fate people who suffered mental illness and contained in special institutions in the USA at the beginning of the twentieth century.

As part of the "therapy", some of them were forcibly castrated, and then they, like Korean eunuchs, lived on average longer than other patients, but only if sterilization was carried out before they reached the age of 15 years.

Strength and weakness of testosterone

Perhaps on short term testosterone makes our body stronger, but in the future it can cause the development of cardiovascular, infectious and oncological diseases.

“For example, testosterone can promote the production of seminal fluid, but at the same time provoke prostate cancer, or affect the cardiovascular system, increasing its efficiency in youth, but later causing hypertension and atherosclerosis,” says Jem.

Illustration copyright Getty
Image caption Differences between male and female chromosomes may influence cell aging

Not only are women free from the risks associated with testosterone production, but they can also benefit from their own "elixir of youth" that helps them cope with some of the problems of aging.

The female hormone estrogen acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing toxic substances that cause cellular stress.

Both Kirkwood and Jem believe this phenomenon is a kind of evolutionary compensation, giving both men and women best opportunities to pass on their genes.

During mating, females usually prefer alpha males pumped with testosterone.

But after the birth of a child, according to Kirkwood, a man is no longer so necessary: ​​“The condition of the offspring is closely related to the condition of the mother’s body. In short, the health of the mother is more important for children than the health of the father.”

For modern men this is little consolation. Be that as it may, scientists admit that a clear answer to the question of the reasons for the difference in life expectancy between men and women has not yet been found.

“We should not limit ourselves to explaining this phenomenon solely by differences in hormonal levels,” Kirkwood is convinced.

We can only hope that ultimately studying this issue will provide insight into how to help us all prolong our lives.