November is an unfavorable day for magnetic storms. Causes of magnetic storms

Magnetic storms are an inevitable phenomenon. Magnetic storms will pose a particular threat to weather-dependent people in November 2018. Since it is in the transition month of November that the human body is especially susceptible to climatic factors. And the negative influence of magnetic storms only aggravates the situation. Therefore, experts recommend preparing in advance for a difficult period by first finding out the schedule of magnetic storms throughout the month.

Schedule of magnetic storms November 2018 by days and hours for weather-dependent people

As the solar activity forecast shows, there will be no long periods of geomagnetic fluctuations in November. A strong magnetic storm in the last month of autumn will last no more than 20 hours. Thanks to an accurate schedule by hour and day, weather-sensitive people will be able to prepare for a difficult period.

Most people will experience discomfort, deterioration in health and insomnia on the night of November 5-6, 2018. During the night period from 12 o'clock to 6 am, a strong magnetic storm reaching 5 points will provoke strokes, heart attacks and increased blood pressure in older people.

The next geomagnetic fluctuations will take place on Friday, November 9 and Sunday, November 11. During this period, magnetic storms will last for 24 hours, in addition, the situation will worsen due to the fact that the Moon will be under the influence of the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn. Therefore, it is not recommended not to plan travel or long-distance business trips on these unfavorable days.

In mid-November, magnetic storms will attack our planet every other day, while people will react more calmly to these natural phenomena. It is not recommended to plan flights, excessive physical activity, or a large amount of work on unfavorable days - November 14, November 16, November 18. Other activities will be comfortable as the waxing phase of the moon will ease the effects of the geomagnetic storm in November 2018.

Strong magnetic storms in November 2018 will have a negative impact on the well-being of weather-dependent people

Knowing the date of increased sun activity, a person can protect not only himself, but also his family from its influence. On November 11, strong magnetic storms will occur, which will make your health worse. Stress associated with overexertion and constant lack of sleep will have a particularly negative impact on health. On November 15, it is recommended to eliminate or limit alcohol, smoking and exercise less physically.

Weather-dependent people will feel general malaise and emotional depression as a result of the atmospheric change on November 18. On this day, you should try to avoid factors that can negatively affect your peace of mind.

The strongest magnetic storm is expected on November 22, 2018, when the full phase of the Moon is under the influence of the sign of Aries. On this busy day, the number of road accidents, conflicts, suicides and stress both at home and at work will sharply increase. In addition, during the full moon, under the influence of Aries, poisoning in a cafe or restaurant and alarming events are possible.

On Thursday, November 22, 2018, you should not carry out planned operations or organize social events. On this busy day, technology can also malfunction, the consequences of which can be inaccuracies in making a diagnosis or errors. Therefore, you should plan all important matters from November 25th.

Every person understands his own health. He understands when he feels bad, why diseases appear and how to deal with them. But there are days during which severe malaise begins, exacerbation of chronic diseases and worsening mood. The cause of such ailments is often nature and its negative phenomena, namely magnetic storms.

Many people know about this process, but it causes more harm to weather-dependent people. They feel even slight changes in nature, and on days of maximum power the health consequences are colossal. In order to be able to prevent and properly prepare for the period, you need to know when there will be magnetic storms in November 2019, the schedule of which is written below.

What is the effect of magnetic storms on the body?

Each person is individual, everyone’s feelings are different, and so is their perception of reality. Therefore, it is impossible to say that magnetic storms are determined by these signs or indicators. Most often in practice, doctors diagnose the following symptoms:

  • Severe fatigue - manifests itself due to a lack of oxygen in the air; tissues and the brain do not receive the necessary element.
  • Difficulty breathing - occurs in people with bronchial asthma, hypertension and heart disease.
  • Resistance to stress decreases - the adrenal glands release large amounts of stress hormone. This entails irritability and deterioration in performance. During this period, blood sugar levels rise.
  • Anxiety and aggression - appears in people with an unstable psyche. Depression, inappropriate actions begin, and road accidents become more frequent.

Magnetic storm calendar

Astronomy specialists draw up a calendar that identifies unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people and those with chronic diseases. An approximate schedule for next year has now been drawn up; more precise dates with minute calculations can be found closer to November.

At the end of autumn, three magnetic storms with different strengths are predicted. You need to be prepared for them, so check out what dates they will be right away.

11th of NovemberThere will be a weak phenomenon on this day. However, it will greatly affect people with heart problems. Both hypertensive and hypotensive patients will feel unpleasant. Weather-dependent people and those with chronic illnesses should have the necessary medications on hand.
15th of NovemberThere will also be a faint flash. Heart patients and people with sudden changes in blood pressure need to be careful on this day. You can recognize the influence of magnetic storms by changes in mood. A person is filled with inner anger, aggressiveness, and passivity. It is not recommended to be in society for a long time, as quarrels cannot be avoided.
November 18thAt the end of the month the flare will be of medium intensity. It will be felt not only by people dependent on nature or with chronic diseases, but also by infants. Children will begin to be more capricious, there will be a weak appetite, insomnia or severe drowsiness. Changes in the solar system especially affect infants and children under one and a half years old.

How to deal with negative days?

Knowing about magnetic storms in November 2019 with a daily schedule can prevent severe deterioration in health. The calendar allows you to prepare the necessary medications or carry out preventive measures in advance. Nature can affect everyone, so even people who are not weather dependent need to be aware of such days.

  • It is advised to reduce physical stress on the body, and also to strain less mentally.
  • You need to adjust your diet for these days. During the negative period, fatty, fried, salted and smoked products are prohibited. Alcohol and coffee-containing drinks are excluded. You need to add healthy ingredients rich in proteins to your diet: vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals.
  • If the storm has affected your physical condition too much, you can take a pill. There are also tips from traditional medicine, but if the doctor did not recommend them, then you should not use them yourself. You are allowed to drink herbal tea from mint, chamomile, lemon balm.

If the unpleasant sensations began in the morning, then it is advised to cheer up with tea with certain spices. Add ginger, cardamom, nutmeg and thyme to regular black tea. Brew it all in a thermos so that there is no oversaturated aroma. It is recommended to drink in small sips.

Anyone who knows can quickly solve the problem. The weather has prepared various surprises for people, and if they can be foreseen, then you need to prepare in advance and not wait for the consequences.

Look video about the magnetic storm and its influence:

The forecast of solar activity for the last month of autumn speaks in favor of the absence of long periods of geomagnetic fluctuations. Strong magnetic storms in November 2018 will last no more than twenty hours in a row. An exact schedule of days and hours will help all weather-sensitive people prepare in advance for the attack of the solar wind from Space.

Magnetic storms November 2018: exact dates and times

For the first time, most people will experience discomfort, poor health, insomnia or decreased performance on days such as Monday and Tuesday, November 6, 2018. At night, from midnight to six o'clock in the morning, a strong magnetic storm will reach a level of five out of six possible and will provoke high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks in older people.

The next stage of instability of the Earth's geomagnetic background occurs on dates such as Friday, November 9 and Sunday, November 11, 2018. These days, magnetic storms will disturb the peace of the inhabitants of the Earth throughout the entire 24 hours, the situation will be aggravated by the fact that the waxing Moon will be in the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn. Therefore, you should not plan trips, transfers and long-distance business trips on these unfavorable days.

People will react most calmly to magnetic storms in the middle of the month, when they attack the Earth every other day. For such exact dates as November 14, 16 and 18, 2018, you should not plan large amounts of work, excessive physical activity, or long-distance flights. But for all other types of activities, this period of time will be very comfortable, since the waxing Moon will make it easier to survive the consequences of point geomagnetic storms in mid-November 2018.

Strong magnetic storm in November 2018

Only once a month will the solar wind disturb people's peace on the night before the Full Moon. Particular attention should be paid to a date such as Thursday, November 22, 2018, when a strong magnetic storm in November 2018 will coincide with the phase of the Full Moon under the sign of Aries. This will be a very stressful day, with a sharp increase in the number of road accidents, suicides, conflicts and stressful situations at home and at work predicted. The November Full Moon in the sign of Aries is fraught with the danger of unexpected adventures along the way, possible poisoning in a restaurant or cafe, disturbing news and events.

On this critical day for health, you cannot schedule scheduled surgeries, diagnose your health condition, or prescribe socially significant events. Not only will people feel depressed and feel worse, but technology may also work intermittently, which can result in errors, failures, and inaccuracies in diagnosis. Therefore, plan all serious matters for the period after the Full Moon in November 2018, starting from the 25th of the last month of autumn.

A faint echo of the magnetic storm of November 22, 2018 can be felt already at the end of the month on November 30, which can manifest itself in the form of blues, loss of strength, and a lack of desire to deal with difficulties and prove one’s competitiveness.

What to do when there are magnetic storms in November 2018

A healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, a calm rhythm of life and an impartial attitude towards possible difficulties will help you get through difficult periods for your health more easily. For those who have chronic diseases and still don’t know what to do when there are magnetic storms in November 2018, you can give advice not to overcool the body, get enough sleep, drink enough clean water, take preventive treatment, massage your back and palms and heels.

Simply ventilating a room for 15 minutes every day can reduce the risk of virus infection by five times and also improve blood circulation. And if you turn off the TV three hours before you plan to go to bed, you can be guaranteed to avoid insomnia, dark thoughts in your head and bad dreams.

On days when there are strong magnetic storms in November 2018, do not plan important conversations, long trips and sudden changes in life. Use this time to improve your health, review your diet in favor of vegetables and fruits, and give up alcohol and smoking.

Strong magnetic storm: how to behave

Scientists have found that a person is quite capable of independently learning to deal with geomagnetic disturbances, even if his body is weakened by disease. In the summer, a contrast shower and walking in the park come to the rescue, but in the fall you need to give preference to vitamin foods and healing infusions. On the days when a strong magnetic storm in November 2018 will disturb your peace, allow yourself rest and enough sleep. Be sure to pay more attention to children and elderly relatives, do not react to their whims and temporary deterioration in character.

Vegetables and fruits of yellow, red and orange colors will bring benefits: apples, oranges, bananas, persimmons, apricots and pears. You can improve the body's resistance with the help of mango fruits, as they increase tissue elasticity and vitality in general. It is enough to eat two whole mangoes per day to protect yourself from the negative effects of the solar wind. You can drink mango juice, provided that its composition includes at least 45 percent natural ingredients.

Fresh vegetables and fruits go very well with cashews, peanuts, walnuts, and raisins. The diet should include hard cheese, chicken and feta cheese, but beef and pork should be abandoned for a while.

You will receive a real antidote to magnetic storms in November 2018 if you prepare a “magic infusion” of mint, honey, lemon juice with the addition of ginger root. This healing remedy does not need to be brewed: all ingredients must be fresh and well ground. If you make this truly medicinal infusion in the evening, then the next morning you will have a powerful remedy against magnetic storms at hand!

In contact with

Already on November 5 and 6, a decrease in solar activity is expected, however, the influence of magnetic storms will be very noticeable. Experts recommend these days do not engage in heavy physical work and do not plan business meetings or important matters. You cannot overload yourself physically and mentally.

Periods when magnetic storms affect are very dangerous. It is on such days that they register more cases of heart attacks and strokes. It is better for doctors not to plan operations. It is better not to leave people who are suicidal or depressed. It is also advisable not to use gadgets or watch TV. You need to ventilate the premises more often, do morning exercises and walk more in the fresh air.

November is the so-called “transition” month, when the human body is most susceptible to climatic factors; the storm will pose a particular threat. Loss of strength, pressure surges, mood swings and other ailments, according to doctors, will be felt by everyone without exception.

According to astrophysicists, November 2018 will start unfavorably for weather-dependent people. They will feel the influence of magnetic storms from the very first days. So, on November 3-6 they will be strong, and the peak of activity will reach the 4th. People who are most sensitive to changes in the magnetic field will feel unwell and complain of decreased performance.

Magnetic storms in November 2018 schedule by days and hours. All the latest information.

“The number of heart attacks, strokes and hypertensive crises, unfortunately, is growing. In addition, mortality, the number of deaths, also increases during these periods. This is an absolutely statistically proven fact,” he added.

“The ambulance keeps a statistical record of the number of calls... If you compare stress factors and the number of ambulance calls, they coincide 100%. Considering that geomagnetic storms have a rather serious impact on our body, this can lead to serious consequences. First of all, the central nervous and cardiovascular systems are affected,” Sidorenko said.

During periods of magnetic storms, the risks to human health increase significantly. The central nervous and cardiovascular systems are especially vulnerable these days.

On November 3, at the very beginning of the magnetic storm, the most powerful solar flare activity, so this is the most dangerous day from the point of view of meteorologists. On November 4, 5 and 6, solar activity will gradually decline, but still will exceed normal. The problem with these three days can be that on the fourth day of the negative impact, small jumps are noticeable, because the general fatigue of the body affects. In addition, October 5 and 6 are the beginning of the work week, when productivity and composure are especially important. Therefore, although the brightest outbreak will occur on the 3rd, its consequences will be felt later.

Magnetic storms today. All latest information as of 11/04/2018.

Try to drink as much water as possible. Teas, compotes, and herbal infusions are also suitable. And try to refrain from coffee, strong tea and any invigorating drinks - with this you can overload the cardiovascular system. This especially applies to the time before bed - these drinks will only worsen your well-being during the period of adaptation to cold weather.

The November magnetic storm will begin on November 3, and will end only on the 6th, and with simple calculations one can estimate that the Earth’s magnetosphere will be turbulent for four whole days. Experts on our site tell you how to protect yourself from the negative effects of magnetic storms, minimize risks and not let things take their course these days.

Doctor Viktor Sidorenko, candidate of medical sciences, spoke about this when commenting on the approaching magnetic storms in November.

At the same time, according to the specialist, healthy people tolerate magnetic storms quite easily, “if they are not a child or an elderly person with concomitant pathologies.”

In such cases, you need to conserve your strength, and if you do any work, do it only lightly. It is imperative to review your diet, do not cook fatty foods, and do not eat anything fried. “Heavy” food is difficult for the body to digest, and it requires a lot of energy to digest it.

We also think it would be useful for you to learn about how you can strengthen your immune system in the fall. This is a must-do, since the end of November will also be accompanied by magnetic storms.

From November 3 to 6, Ukrainians, like all other inhabitants of the planet, will have to endure a powerful magnetic storm. This was reported by the Laboratory of Solar X-ray Astronomy of the Lebedev Physical Institute.

According to meteorologists, the most powerful outbreak of solar activity is expected on November 3, this is the most dangerous day. In the following days - November 4, 5 and 6, solar activity will decline, but will still exceed the norm.

During these 4 days, many may experience symptoms of weather dependence. This is an exacerbation of long-term or chronic diseases, a general loss of strength, nervousness, apathy, migraines, problems with sleep, appetite or blood pressure, and deterioration of the immune system. Fortunately, November 3 and 4 fall on the weekend, so workers with a standard schedule can avoid burdening themselves with work responsibilities and devote these two days to rest.

Despite the outstanding achievements of mankind in the field of meteorology and medicine, magnetic storms have been and remain a problem. Because there is little that can be done to counter a phenomenon on a cosmic scale. You can perhaps make your own life a little easier, but you need to act in advance. Therefore, will tell you now how things will be with the earth’s magnetic field in the near future.

Magnetic storms in November 2018 schedule by days and hours in Moscow. Recent events.

Many people know about the existence of the Earth's magnetic field. This is a kind of shield that protects our planet from the influence of Space. However, there are times when the Earth's protective shell is so altered by radiation that it can lead to deterioration in human health. If you want to learn about this in more detail, then you should read when and on what scale there will be magnetic storms in November 2018.

What are magnetic storms?

Our daylight never ceases to radiate billions of electron particles into the surrounding space. They are all moving in different directions at incredible speed. Overcoming enormous distances, part of this stream of charged particles reaches the surface of the Earth. They affect the magnetic shell of our planet and cause it to change. That is, the magnetic field indicators are constantly changing. There are surges and relatively calm periods. Phenomena when the parameters of the Earth's magnetic shell exceed the boundary values ​​are called magnetic storms. During solar flares, magnetic disturbances reach their limit. This causes strong magnetic storms. They create health problems for most people.

Currently, scientists studying the Sun can accurately determine the flow of erupted charged particles. Knowing their approximate speed, they can accurately determine when they will reach the Earth, and therefore know at what time the magnetic storm will occur.

Schedule by days and hours

Now there are a number of international organizations that make forecasts of the geomagnetic state of the Earth. They are prospective and are compiled on the basis of statistical data for past years and months, and there are real forecasts that are compiled several days before a certain date. The later the forecast, the greater the reliability of the event. The most accurate calculation can be obtained within a few days. Naturally, the dates currently proposed will be approximate. If you are interested in magnetic storms in November on a specific date, then you should return to the calculations of scientists a few days before the expected date.

Preliminary forecasts of the geomagnetic situation are made in order to prevent undesirable consequences.

It is not yet possible to indicate the exact time of magnetic storms for November 2018. The current calculation is based on observations of past years. As you know, the Sun has an eleven-year cycle of activity. Some events are repeated with a certain frequency, although nuances characteristic of each individual case cannot be excluded.

So, the geomagnetic situation in November will look like this:

From November 25 to November 11, 2018: there will be a strong magnetic storm. These days there will be an exacerbation of chronic diseases. People suffering from heart disease and hypertension should be especially careful. Also, you should not overload your body with excessive loads. The condition of many people will be extremely negative. They will have a headache. Cases of dizziness may also occur.
From November 15 to November 18, 2018: a moderate magnetic storm is possible. During this time, older people need to closely monitor their health. If possible, it is better not to go out until six o’clock in the evening. You should also not use the subway or take air flights. You need to keep the necessary set of medications on hand. People suffering from migraines will also experience discomfort.
From November 21 to November 23, 2018: The average magnetic storm will repeat, so the same precautions must be followed. Experts advise refraining from leaving the house until lunch.

The reason for the influence of magnetic storms on the body

Under normal geomagnetic conditions, all our internal organs operate as usual. Each component of our body arrives in a specific field and is charged differently. For example, red blood cells in our blood carry a negative charge. They all circulate freely, due to the fact that similarly charged particles repel each other. When the Earth's magnetic field changes, some of these particles reverse their charge. Therefore, the functioning of the heart organs is disrupted. Red blood cells with different charges come together, causing blood clots to form. This explains the increase in the number of strokes during magnetic storms.

Thick blood does not supply the brain well, so the following appear:

  • attacks of dizziness;
  • headache;
  • weakness and nausea.

During magnetic storms, the functioning of the sinus node is disrupted. It is thanks to him that our heart contracts. The signal from the ventricle to the atrium is modified and the cardiovascular system malfunctions. This explains:

  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • breathing problems.

During the period of magnetic fluctuations, the brain also suffers. It begins to transmit distorted signals to all organs of our body. This leads to difficulties in the functioning of almost all organs.

This is expressed in:

  • insomnia;
  • fatigue;
  • depression;
  • irritability, etc.

On days of magnetic storms, cases of suicide increase. People very often perceive ordinary things inadequately.

How to help yourself during magnetic storms

In order to more easily survive changes in the Earth's magnetic field, certain rules should be followed:

  • These days you should not overeat, drink alcohol or take drugs. Whenever possible, eat only healthy foods. You need to exclude from your diet: smoked foods, foods, strong tea, coffee, energy drinks. Instead, try freshly squeezed juices, decoctions of fruits, berries and herbs.
  • To thin the blood, drinking plenty of water is recommended. You can also try aspirin.
  • For people suffering from nervous disorders or depression, it is better to take sedatives or tinctures of motherwort and valerian.
  • People with hypertension should keep the right medications on hand and check their blood pressure more often.
  • All people need to be more aware of their surroundings. If the health of someone present deteriorates, you should call an ambulance and provide initial assistance.
  • During storms, you need to take care of your health. You should not do great physical and mental stress.
  • During this period, you can engage in relaxing procedures: take a soothing bath, listen to pleasant music, or do meditation.
  • It doesn't hurt to do what you love. Hobbies distract from pressing problems and allow you to feel the harmony of life.
  • Communicate with people you like. This gives support and confidence in the future. Thanks to them, you will also more easily endure unfavorable days: 11/07/18, 11/15/18, 11/22/18 and 11/29/18.