Writers of the 18th century and their works list. Russian poets of the 18th century


Prepared by Alena Khasanovna Borisova,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU Algasovskaya secondary school

Russian literature of the 15th-3rd century developed under the influence of the great changes that were introduced into the socio-political and cultural life countries of the reform of Peter I.

From the beginning of the XV I II century, old Moscow Rus' turned into Russian Empire. Peter I introduced something new that he considered necessary for the state.

Second third of the 18th century - important period in the development of Russian literature

Appeared prominent figures Russian fiction (theorists and writers); the whole is born and formed literary direction, that is, in the work of a number of writers, common ideological and artistic features are found that are common to all of them.

Literary directions XVIII century

The main direction was classicism

(from Latin classicus - exemplary).

Representatives of this direction proclaimed in the highest possible way artistic creativity Ancient Greece and Rome.

These works were recognized as classic, that is, exemplary, and writers were encouraged to imitate

them to create truly artistic works themselves.

Artist, in thought

the founders of classicism,

comprehends reality in order to

then display it in your work

Not specific person with him

passions, and the type of person is a myth.

If this is a hero, then he has no flaws,

if the character is satirical, then he is completely funny.

  • Russian classicism originated and developed on original soil. It was distinguished by its satirical focus and choice of national and historical themes.
  • Russian classicism gave special meaning“high” genres: epic poem, tragedy, ceremonial ode.

Since the 70s of the 18th century. a new direction is emerging in literature - sentimentalism

  • Placed in the center of the image daily life common man. His personal emotional experiences. His feelings and moods.
  • With it new genres appear: travel and sensitive story. Special merit in the development of this genre belongs to N. M. Karamzin (the story “Poor Liza”, “Letters of a Russian Traveler”). Intruded into literature A New Look for life, arose new structure narratives: the writer looked more closely at reality and depicted it more truthfully.

Antioch Kamtemir (1708-1744)

On January 1, 1732, A. Cantemir was appointed Russian ambassador in London. It is at this time that it blossoms literary talent. He writes and translates a lot.

A. Cantemir also wrote a religious and philosophical work

"Letters on Nature and Man".

Greek monastery.

V. K. Trediakovsky (1703-1768)

Poet and philologist Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky was born in Astrakhan, into the family of a priest. He received his education at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. In 1726 he fled abroad, to Holland, and later moved to France. At the Sorbonne he studied theology, mathematics and philosophy. In 1730 he returned to Russia, becoming one of the most educated people of his time and the first Russian academician. In the same year, he published his first printed work, “A Trip to the Island of Love,” a translation of an ancient book by a French author. There were also poems by Trediakovsky himself. The publication immediately made him a famous, fashionable poet.

Sincerely devoted to Russian literature, V. K. Trediakovsky was the author of dozens of volumes of translations and a brilliant expert on theory European poetry.

A. P. Sumarokov (1718-1777)

At the age of 13, A.P. Sumarokov was sent to the “knightly academy” - the Land Noble Corps. There were so many lovers of Russian literature here that a “society” was even organized: in free time The cadets read their works to each other. Sumarokov also discovered his talent; he became interested in French songs and began to compose Russian songs based on their model.

IN cadet corps for the first time they performed the tragedies of A.P. Sumarokov “Khoreev”, “The Hermit” (1757); “Yaropolk and Dimisa” (1758) and comedies. One of the best is “The Guardian,” staged in 1768.

Sumarokov rose to the rank of actual state councilor and became the most popular poet of his era. He also wrote philosophical and mathematical works.

M.V. Lomonosov (1711-1765)

Lomonosov was a brilliant son of the Russian people, who passionately loved his country. embodied in him best features, characteristic of the Russian people

The breadth, depth and variety of its scientific interests. He truly was the father of new Russian science and culture. The most remarkable thing about him was the combination of a scientist, public figure and a poet.

He wrote odes, tragedies, lyrical and satirical poems, fables, and epigrams. He carried out a reform of versification, outlined the theory of three “calms”

G. R. Derzhavin (1743-1816)

Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin was born in

Kazan in the family of an army officer. In childhood

he was frail and weak, but he was different

“extreme inclination towards science.”

In 1759, Derzhavin nevertheless entered Kazan in

gymnasium. In 1762 G. R. Derzhavin entered

for military service.

After ten years of military service, G.R.

Derzhavin was promoted to officer.

In 1784 G. R. Derzhavin was appointed Olonets

governor. Not getting along with the governor of the region, he was

transferred by the governor to Tambov.

He wrote the odes “Felitsa”, “Monument” and many poems.

D. I. Fonvizin (1745-1792)

D. I. Fonvizin was born in Moscow on April 3, 1745. In 1762, Fonvizin graduated from the noble gymnasium at Moscow University and entered the service of the College of Foreign Affairs.

Since 1769 he has been one of the secretaries of Count N.I. Panin.

In the mid-60s of the 18th century. Fonvizin becomes famous writer. The comedy “Brigadier” brought him fame. One of the most significant works D.I. Fonvizina - comedy"Undergrown."

In 1782 he retired and decided to devote himself entirely to literature.

IN last years During his life, D.I. Fonvizin thought intensely about the high responsibilities of the Russian nobility.

A. N. Radishchev (1749-1802)

Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev was born in Moscow and spent his childhood on a Saratov estate. The richest landowners, the Radishchevs, owned thousands of serf souls.

During the Pugachev uprising, the peasants did not hand them over, they hid them in their yards, smeared with soot and dirt - they remembered that the owners were kind.

In his youth, A. N. Radishchev was the page of Catherine II. Together with other educated young men, he was sent to Leipzig to study, and in 1771, 22-year-old Radishchev returned to Russia and became a protocol officer for the Senate. As part of his job, he had to deal with a lot of court documents.

Based on the information received, he writes his own famous work"Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow"

Results of the development of literature XVIII century

Throughout the 17th century, Russian

Fiction has made significant progress.

Literary trends appear, drama, epic, lyricism develops

In Russian literature of the 18th century, the first independent direction began to take shape - classicism. Classicism developed based on examples ancient literature and Renaissance art. The development of Russian literature in the 18th century was greatly influenced by the school of European enlightenment.

Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky made a significant contribution to the development of literature of the 18th century. He was a wonderful poet and philologist of his time. He formulated the basic principles of versification in the Russian language.

His principle of syllabic-tonic versification was the alternation of percussion and unstressed syllables in line. The syllabic-tonic principle of versification, formulated back in the 18th century, is still the main method of versification in the Russian language.

Trediakovsky was a great connoisseur of European poetry and translated foreign authors. Thanks to him, the first fiction novel, exclusively secular topics. It was a translation of the work “Ride to the City of Love” by the French author Paul Talman.

A.P. Sumarokov was also a great man of the 18th century. The genres of tragedy and comedy developed in his work. Sumarokov’s dramaturgy contributed to the awakening in people human dignity and higher moral ideals. IN satirical works Russian literature of the 18th century was marked by Antioch Cantemir. He was a wonderful satirist, making fun of nobles, drunkenness and self-interest. In the second half of the 18th century, the search for new forms began. Classicism ceased to meet the needs of society.

He became the largest poet in Russian literature of the 18th century. His work destroyed the framework of classicism and brought alive colloquial speech into a literary style. Derzhavin was a wonderful poet, thinking person, poet-philosopher.

At the end of the 18th century, a literary movement called sentimentalism emerged. Sentimentalism - aimed at exploration inner world human, personality psychology, experiences and emotions. The heyday of Russian sentimentalism in Russian literature of the 18th century was the works of a and a. Karamzin, in the story, expressed interesting things that became a bold revelation for Russian society of the 18th century.

Great Russian literature consists of a huge number of genres. One of the most interesting and most revealing is poetry. Famous poets of the 18th century had a significant influence on its development.

What is poetry?

This special kind art, quite complex and multifaceted. In world literature, poetry has great value. From ancient times to the present day it exists in different areas life activities of people. Suffice it to remember how people sing cheerful songs at holidays, the lyrics for which were created by poets of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. During the war, poetic lines and corresponding melodies raised the patriotic spirit of the soldiers who fought for the Fatherland.

In the Middle Ages, singing serenades under balconies was especially popular beautiful ladies- in this way men admitted their love feelings. Russians and foreign poets The 18th century (including Robert Burns) created such amazing masterpieces that in the next century there appeared fashion trend for noble gentlemen to recite poems to ladies dear to their hearts.

Thanks to poetry, it is possible to convey the emotions, feelings and mood of a person, his attitude to surrounding events. Among poetic works Lyrics, drama, novels in verse and poems stand out in particular. All of them, unlike prose, have different ways of organizing artistic speech. Today, despite the changed rhythm of life, different tastes and preferences, poetry remains faithful companion person.

The time of the appearance of poetry in Russia

Russian poetry arose in the seventeenth century. Speaking about the famous, we should mention the name of Simeon of Polotsk - the first poet, Russian professional poet. He owns solemn poems, which are rightly considered the prototype of the ode. Russian poets of the 18th century learned a lot from his most interesting essays. Simeon of Polotsk, being the main poet of his time, created two collections of syllabic poems. Another one great credit The poet's legacy is that he introduced Moscow to dramatic art by composing three plays in the spirit of medieval mysteries. These plays were staged at the royal court.

Russian poetry of the 18th century

Russian poets of the 18th century used in their works syllabic versification. Thus, they continued the foundations and traditions laid by Simeon of Polotsk. Starting from the middle of this century, syllabic versification was replaced by syllabic-tonic verse. The creators of the new poetic system were famous poets 18th century: Lomonosov M.V., Sumarokov A.P. and Trediakovsky V.K. Of the genres existing at that time, they preferred ode of praise. Great Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was no less a remarkable poet. Most often in his work he used iambic. In his opinion, it was the iambic that gave the poem special splendor and nobility. He suggested using all types of rhymes in poetry.

Russian poets of the 18th century. List

  1. Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev.
  2. Alexey Andreevich Rzhevsky.
  3. Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov.
  4. Anna Petrovna Bunina.
  5. Anna Sergeevna Zhukova.
  6. Andrey Andreevich Nartov.
  7. Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir.
  8. Vasily Petrovich Petrov.
  9. Vasily Vasilievich Popugaev.
  10. Vasily Lvovich Pushkin.
  11. Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky.
  12. Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin.
  13. Gabriel Petrovich Kamenev.
  14. Ermil Ivanovich Kostrov.
  15. Ivan Semyonovich Barkov.
  16. Ippolit Fedorovich Bogdanovich.
  17. Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev.
  18. Ivan Petrovich Pnin.
  19. Ivan Ivanovich Khemnitser.
  20. Ivan Mikhailovich Dolgoruky.
  21. Ivan Perfilevich Elagin.
  22. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov.
  23. Mikhail Ivanovich Popov.
  24. Mikhail Matveevich Kheraskov.
  25. Nikolai Nikitich Popovsky.
  26. Nikolai Alexandrovich Lvov.
  27. Pavel Pavlovich Ikosov.
  28. Semyon Sergeevich Bobrov.
  29. Sergey Nikiforovich Marin.
  30. Yakov Borisovich Knyazhnin.

Fundamental differences between Russian poetry of the 18th century and ancient Russian literature

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin emphasized in one phrase new character literature that the poets of the 18th century brought with them. What were the cardinal differences between this century and previous stages in the history of literature? First of all, in ancient Russian literature the author's principle was completely absent. A huge number of writers were nameless. Then there was impersonal literature, which corresponded to feudal ideology and in this regard, ancient Russian literature resembles folklore, where the author's beginning was also absent. There were great masters of their craft, but not artists with a bright and characteristic personality. During the Renaissance, the idea of ​​personality arose in the West. At this time there appeared new literature, where the author's beginning came to the fore. In Russia, the idea of ​​personality was born much later, in great Poets The 18th century and their works marked the beginning of a new period. Russian literature received a dynamic and rapid development. In just 70 years, such successes in literature have appeared that in other countries it took centuries to achieve.

The first steps of Russian literature of modern times

Three poets laid a solid foundation within one decade.

In 1729, from the pen of A.D. Cantemir published the first satire, which opened a whole direction. In 1735 V.K. Trediakovsky sets the goal of creating a nationally distinctive literature and carries out a reform of versification. The syllabic-tonic system proposed by the poet opened up prospects for the development of Russian poetry. Its importance and wisdom, as well as its wide possibilities, were confirmed. To this day, this system is used by contemporary artists.

In 1739 M.V. Lomonosov creates the ode “To the Capture of Khotin”, based on the reform developed by Trediakovsky.

The great Russian poet M.V. Lomonosov with his work radically changed the appearance and nature of literature, its role and place in cultural and public life countries. Our literature has asserted its right to exist in poetic genres and “spoke” to the reader in a completely new language. This was achieved by the poets of the 18th century. The Russian poems of these creators are so magnificent that for a whole century poetry occupied a dominant position. It is thanks to her that the prose that arose from the 1760s and flourished in the 30s of the 19th century is successfully perceived. Then, when A.S. lived and created his unique creations. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol. After this, prose will take its first place in literature.


Thus, the poets of the 18th century made a great contribution to the development of Russian poetry. They used syllabic versification in their works. Thus, they continued the foundations and traditions laid by Simeon of Polotsk. The creators of the new poetic system were: M.V. Lomonosov, A.P. Sumarokov and V.K. Trediakovsky. Thanks to them, poetry occupied a dominant position for a whole century. The poems of Russian poets of the 18th century are magnificent. They won the hearts of many readers.

- ...maybe our own Platonov
And the quick-witted Newtons
Russian land gives birth.
M.V. Lomonosov

Russian writers of the 18th century

Writer's name Years of life Most significant works
PROKOPOVICH Feofan 1681-1736 “Rhetoric”, “Poetics”, “A word of praise about the Russian fleet”
KANTEMIR Antioch Dmitrievich 1708-1744 “To your own mind” (“On those who blaspheme the teaching”)
TREDIAKOVSKY Vasily Kirillovich 1703-1768 "Tilemakhida", "New and short way to the composition of Russian poems"
LOMONOSOV Mikhail Vasilievich 1711-1765

“Ode on the capture of Khotin”, “Ode on the day of accession...”,

“Letter on the benefits of glass”, “Letter on the benefits of church books”,

“Russian Grammar”, “Rhetoric” and many others

SUMAROKOV Alexander Petrovich 1717-1777 "Dimitri the Pretender", "Mstislav", "Semira"
KNYAZHNIN Yakov Borisovich 1740-1791 "Vadim Novgorodsky", "Vladimir and Yaropolk"
FONVIZIN Denis Ivanovich 1745-1792 “Brigadier”, “Undergrown”, “Fox-executor”, “Message to my servants”
DERZHAVIN Gavrila Romanovich 1743-1816 “To Rulers and Judges”, “Monument”, “Felitsa”, “God”, “Waterfall”
RADISCHEV Alexander Nikolaevich 1749-1802 “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”, “Liberty”

There was that troubled time
When Russia is young,
Straining strength in struggles,
She dated the genius of Peter.
A.S. Pushkin

Old Russian literature left rich heritage, which, however, for the most part was not known in the 18th century, because most monuments ancient literature was discovered and published at the end of the 18th and 19th centuries(for example, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”). In this regard, in the 18th century, Russian literature was based on the Bible and European literary traditions.

Monument to Peter the Great (" Bronze Horseman"), sculptor Matteo Falcone

The 18th century is age of enlightenment in Europe and Russia. In one century, Russian literature goes through its development huge way. The ideological basis and prerequisites for this development were prepared by economic, political and cultural reforms Peter the Great(reigned 1682 - 1725), thanks to which backward Rus' turned into a powerful Russian Empire. Since the 18th century Russian society studies world experience in all areas of life: in politics, economics, education, science, art. And if until the 18th century Russian literature developed in isolation from European literature, now it is mastering the achievements Western literature. Thanks to the activities of the companion Peter Feofan Prokopovich, poets Antioch Cantemir And Vasily Trediakovsky, encyclopedist scientist Mikhail Lomonosov works on the theory and history of world literature are being created, foreign works are being translated, reforming Russian versification. This is how things began to happen Russian idea national literature and Russian literary language.

Russian poetry, which emerged in the 17th century, was based on the syllabic system, which is why Russian poems (verses) did not sound entirely harmonious. In the 18th century M.V. Lomonosov and V.K. Trediakovsky is being developed syllabic-tonic system of versification, which led to the intensive development of poetry, and the poets of the 18th century relied on Trediakovsky’s treatise “A New and Brief Method of Composing Russian Poems” and Lomonosov’s “Letter on the Rules of Russian Poetry.” The birth of Russian classicism is also associated with the names of these two prominent scientists and poets.

Classicism(from the Latin classicus - exemplary) is a movement in the art and literature of Europe and Russia, which is characterized by strict adherence to creative norms and rules And focus on antique designs. Classicism arose in Italy in the 17th century, and as a movement developed first in France and then in other European countries. Nicolas Boileau is considered the creator of classicism. In Russia, classicism originated in the 1730s. in the works of Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir (Russian poet, son of the Moldavian ruler), Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky and Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. The work of most Russian writers of the 18th century is associated with classicism.

Artistic principles of classicism are like that.

1. A writer (artist) must depict life in ideal images (ideally positive or “ideally” negative).
2. In works of classicism good and evil, high and low, beautiful and ugly, tragic and comic are strictly separated.
3. Heroes of classic works clearly divided into positive and negative.
4. Genres in classicism are also divided into “high” and “low”:

High genres Low genres
Tragedy Comedy
Oh yeah Fable
Epic Satire

5. Dramatic works were subject to rule of three unities - time, place and action: the action took place over the course of one day in the same place and was not complicated by side episodes. In this case, a dramatic work necessarily consisted of five acts (actions).

Genres are becoming a thing of the past ancient Russian literature. From now on, Russian writers use genre system of Europe, which still exists today.

M.V. Lomonosov

The creator of the Russian ode was Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

A.P. Sumarokov

The creator of Russian tragedy is Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov. His patriotic plays were dedicated to the most notable events Russian history. The traditions laid down by Sumarokov were continued by playwright Yakov Borisovich Knyazhnin.

HELL. Cantemir

Creator of Russian satire ( satirical poem) – Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir.

DI. Fonvizin

The creator of Russian comedy is Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, thanks to which satire became educational. Its traditions were continued at the end of the 18th century by A.N. Radishchev, as well as comedian and fabulist I.A. Krylov.

A crushing blow to the system of Russian classicism was dealt by Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin, who began as a classicist poet, but broke in the 1770s. canons (creative laws) of classicism. He mixed high and low, civic pathos and satire in his works.

Since the 1780s leading place V literary process takes a new direction - sentimentalism (see below), in line with which M.N. worked. Muravyov, N.A. Lvov, V.V. Kapnist, I.I. Dmitriev, A.N. Radishchev, N.M. Karamzin.

The first Russian newspaper "Vedomosti"; number dated June 18, 1711

Beginning to play a significant role in the development of literature journalism. Until the 18th century, there were no newspapers or magazines in Russia. The first Russian newspaper called "Vedomosti" Peter the Great released it in 1703. In the second half of the century there appeared literary magazines: "All sorts of things" (publisher: Catherine II), "Drone", "Painter" (publisher N.I. Novikov), "Hell Mail" (publisher F.A. Emin). The traditions they established were continued by the publishers Karamzin and Krylov.

In general, the 18th century is an era of rapid development of Russian literature, an era of universal enlightenment and the cult of science. In the 18th century, the foundation was laid that predetermined the beginning of the “golden age” of Russian literature in the 19th century.

Children's works occupy an important place among other types of fiction, since they largely reflect the cultural characteristics of a particular people and their value system. Each culture has its own concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly, fair and unfair. As children, we absorb values ​​that stay with us throughout our lives. The importance of literature for children, therefore, should not be underestimated.

It should be noted characteristic feature children's books - a combination of artistry and pedagogical requirements. Such literature should not only entertain, but also instruct, guide, orient. Children's writers of the 18th century (and their works, of course) sought to convey to children important knowledge about the world, instill the right values.

Let's take two countries - Great Britain and Russia - and using the example of children's works created in these countries, we will see that this is indeed the case. writers and their works are offered to your attention.

British children's literature of the 18th century

Each of us has favorite books from childhood: fairy tales "Alice in Wonderland", "The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof", "Matilda", "Thumbelina", "Gulliver's Travels" and "Robinson Crusoe" (a list, of course , everyone has their own). But suppose we grew up not in the 21st century in Russia, but in the 18th century in England, what could we read then?

From the above list, we would only have the book “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe (1719) and “Gulliver’s Travels” by Jonathan Swift (1726) in a special version for children, written in simplified language, with many pictures.

However, does this mean that English children had nothing to read in the 18th century? Let's figure it out.

The fact is that fairy tales have always existed, and there has never been a shortage of them. Even when there was no written language, they were passed down from generation to generation in the form of folklore. But in the 17th and 18th centuries, with the development of printing, more and more professional writers, in particular for children, began to appear. Fairy tales, then as now, delighted and frightened children, creating fantastic worlds that adults, absorbed in everyday concerns, did not always approve of.

Here are just the main children's writers of the 18th century and their works.

"Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe

Let's go back to 18th century England. At that time, so to speak, the real “bestseller” was Defoe’s work. The book "Robinson Crusoe" praised the courage, resilience, and resourcefulness of a person forced to exist in extreme conditions. Jonathan Swift's fairy tale was also extremely popular, in which one can feel the author's call to discover new dimensions and horizons.

"Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift

The success of Gulliver's Travels even led to the appearance of other books for children, in which there was a clear desire to imitate this work, with the words "Gulliver" and "Lilliputian" in the titles to evoke a well-known association. One of the earliest examples is the children's Journal of the Lilliputians, published in 1751, the creator of which was John Newbery, a writer from London. Another example is The Lilliputian Library, or Gulliver's Museum, in ten small volumes, published in Dublin in the 1780s. This book was published specifically for children, and its price was low so that children could buy it for themselves. The total cost of 10 volumes was only five British shillings, and individual parts could be purchased for six pence each. However, even this relatively low price was still too much for many children and their parents. Only representatives of middle-income and middle-income families high level income could afford to buy such literature and had sufficient literacy to read it.

Other books

Cheap books in the genre of popular literature existed even then and were accessible to segments of the population. They included children's stories, stories, travels, songs, prayer books, stories about robbers, robbers and murderers. These volumes were Bad quality and sold for one or two pennies.

In 1712 a translation appeared in English language famous Arabian tales"Thousand and One Nights".

As you can see, children's literature of that time was actively developing in England. What happened on Russian territory? Read more about this.

Russian books for children of the 18th century

Children's writers of the 18th century and their works appear in Russia (the first Russian books written specifically for children were created on the territory of our state back in the 17th century, the 18th century continued this tradition).

The era of Peter I gave impetus to the development of education, in particular literature for children. The king himself believed that it was very important to take care of the education of the younger generation. At this time, children's books are mainly pursued educational purpose. Textbooks, alphabet books and primers are printed.

"An honest mirror of youth"

Writers of the 18th century (Russian) open the list of children's literature with educational ones. An example is "Youth" honest mirror". This work described the rules of conduct at court, which Peter I introduced with his reforms. This book was compiled by the tsar's entourage by his personal decree. The head of the writers working on the work was Gavrila Buzhinsky. The book, among other things, included materials by spelling, alphabet, cursive. "The Honest Mirror of Youth" was intended for the future elite, the support of the king - children who were later to become courtiers. The book contains main idea that in achieving success it is not the origin of a person that is more important, but his personal merits, although the special position of the nobility was emphasized. His vices were pointed out and criticized. A special code of twenty virtues was created for girls, among which helpfulness, silence, religiosity, and hard work are especially noteworthy. Writers of the 18th century (Russian) revealed the list of female virtues figuratively, using examples, creating vivid female images in his works.

Translated literature

In the eighteenth century, translated literature, such as Aesop's fables, also spread. These fables, written in the 6th century BC. e. by the sage Aesop, are well received by children due to the opportunity to imagine themselves in the image of heroes - animals, birds, trees, flowers... Aesop's fables provide an opportunity to overcome one's vices by joking and playing and develop associative thinking.

After the 50s, children's writers of the 18th century and their works began to appear. But still, the bulk of children's literature is borrowed from the West (especially from France). Here we should note, of course, the famous 17th century French storyteller Charles Perrault. His fairy tales "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty", "Little Red Riding Hood", " Blue Beard"is known and loved by children all over the world. Not only readers, but also poets and writers of the 18th century drew inspiration from these works.

Writers of the 18th century

The list opens. This author wrote two books for children - “A Brief Russian History”, as well as “The First Teaching to Youths”. In the preface to the second book, he noted that childhood is very important time in the life of every person, since it is then that the main character traits and habits are formed. Children should read books and love them.

Catherine II

Not only professional poets and writers of the 18th century created children's books. Even heads of state considered it their duty to independently teach young people. Real example Catherine II showed this. She created a large number of works, including books for children, for example, “The Tale of Prince Chlorus” and “The Tale of Prince Thebes.” Of course, they were far from fairy tales in modern sense this word, with their bright characters and heroes. These works merely depicted vices and virtues in a general, abstract way. However, the example of Catherine II turned out to be contagious, and many famous Russian writers of the 18th century followed it, creating works specifically for children.

Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov

Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov also made an important contribution to the development of children's literature. He is the publisher of the first children's magazine - "Children's reading for the heart and mind." It published works of different genres: fairy tales, short stories, plays, jokes, etc. Not only fiction was presented in the magazine. It also included popular science articles for children, telling young readers about the nature and surrounding world, various countries, and cities, and the peoples inhabiting them. These articles were written figuratively, interestingly, in the form of a conversation. Novikov in his works preached the ideas of goodness and humanism, human dignity, which, in his opinion, should be youth vaccinate children. The magazine had big success and was very popular at the time. 18th century were published in this publication.

Nikolai Mikhalovich Karamzin

It is necessary to say a few words about Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. This writer has created and translated more than 30 various works for children. Being a representative of sentimentalism (which was followed by many Russian writers of the 18th century), so close to children's nature, he became especially loved among young readers of middle and older age. In 1789, Karamzin's first works were published in the magazine "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind." Nikolai Mikhailovich wrote for children even after the closure of this magazine. In the last decade of the 18th century he created such works as " Beautiful princess", and "Ilya Muromets". The last fairy tale reflected Russian epics. This work was not completed. Ilya Muromets, created by the author's pen, was not at all like a typical hero from epics, as we usually imagine him, but only partially resembled the latter The fairy tale does not describe battles with the enemies of Rus', it reveals the lyrical part of the soul of Ilya Muromets in communication with his beloved.In the spirit of sentimentalism, Karamzin depicted in detail the feelings of the heroes, creating vivid pictures.


Thus, the 18th century brought a lot of new things to children's literature both abroad and in our country. Literature for children actively continued its development in the 19th and then in the 20th centuries. Moreover, there is a clear sense of continuity in its development. For example, the tales of Charles Perrault various options were later used by Andersen, Pushkin, the Brothers Grimm, and Irving. That is, the motives of some fairy tales fit perfectly into others. The works of Russian writers of the 18th century were read both in the 19th and later. Children's literature of the 19th century is also characterized by great connection With fiction for adults, as well as with education and culture in general.