Survive in a crowd: How to behave in a stream of panicked people. High density crowd

In order for a large number of ordinary people to turn into a crowd with all the ensuing consequences, panic or general spontaneous aggression must occur. However, these two circumstances are often closely interrelated. At the same time, thousands, hundreds or even dozens of people (it’s not a matter of quantity) suddenly lose their individuality and turn into one multi-headed beast that is capable of sweeping away and destroying everything in its path. In order for the mass of people to become “explosive,” a kind of psychological detonator is needed, which can be general hysteria, provoked by mass protest or, on the contrary, a demonstration of loyal feelings; fear caused by fire or other disaster; an unprofessionally conducted rock concert or an overly emotional football match... The list of reasons that can turn a crowd of people into a crowd, unfortunately, goes on and on. Too often, people who succumbed to mass psychosis were later unable to understand why this happened. The explanation here should be sought at the level of primitive instincts. It was they who, in time immemorial, helped people survive together when seemingly much stronger creatures adapted to harsh conditions disappeared without a trace. But today, like any atavism, the herd instinct poses an undoubted danger to the human collective. The only thing that a truly intelligent person can oppose to such an instinct is reason. Try, if you find yourself in an aggressive crowd, not to succumb to the universal feeling, this peculiar “negative charm”. But remember: the crowd does not accept “apostates” and is capable of dealing with anyone who disagrees with the general psychosis (for the mere fact of demonstrated disagreement) in the most cruel way. It's not so easy to take and maintain your individuality when the sea of ​​people carries you nowhere. However, there is no choice: if you do not preserve your individuality, you can lose not only your human appearance, but also life itself. After all, the crowd is merciless not only towards those who disagree, but also towards its ordinary members. CROWD IN A CLOSED ROOM Let's move on to specific examples. Suppose you are among many other people at a concert or other public event, albeit in a fairly large, but still enclosed room. And suddenly someone’s heart-rending scream was heard: “Fire!!!” The whole point here is a sudden change in everyone’s (including yours) mood. After all, you came here along with everyone else in order to enjoy a concert of your favorite artist or to watch a movie about which you heard favorable reviews. And suddenly - “Fire!!!” That is, a positive mood changes diametrically to a negative one. There is extreme stress. And so people gathered in a closed room suddenly begin to all at the same time seek salvation, that is, they want to get out of this room. Of course, everything is happening chaotically, there can be no talk of any organization. This, unfortunately, happens in the vast majority of cases. People who are far from exits become especially active. They begin to push with all their might on those in front, and as a result, most of the “front” find themselves pressed against the walls. A stampede ensues, as a result of which, in a very real sense, many people can find themselves (and find themselves!) crushed between a stone wall and a wall of human bodies. Of course, those who have not lost their heads and know where the nearest exit is have a greater chance of being saved. It is especially important to rush to him before the crowd begins to move. However, when the crowd has gained full strength, attempting to move through its thickness can have the most negative consequences. By the way, when going to such a mass event, even before it starts, don’t be lazy and pay attention to where the dimly lit “Emergency Exit” sign is located. Just do it, just in case. After all, another opportunity may no longer present itself. Let's say you didn't manage to be in the first ranks of those running away. Then, in some cases, it makes sense to wait until the main flow of fugitives subsides. True, this requires considerable restraint and composure, as well as the ability to realistically assess the situation. After all, often a danger that you do not see with your own eyes may seem more formidable than the real danger. And this, by the way, also explains the mechanism of mass panic in the crowd. In general, experts believe that rushing into narrow passages when the crowd has already gained strength is permissible only in the event of a fire, which also spreads very quickly, or when, as a result of extensive combustion of plastic materials and coatings, a “gas chamber” is formed in the hall. But when rushing into the crowd, be sure to empty your pockets as much as possible (even better - completely!)! After all, almost any object under enormous pressure in the middle of a crowd can cause serious injury to both yourself and any of the people around you. Be sure to get rid of pencils and pens, wallet, calculator or notebook. .. In general, from everything that has at least some kind of rigidity. You can make an exception for paper money (just make sure that it is not rolled into a tube), but get rid of coins completely. Throw away greed: life is more valuable than any material value! Also, part with long, overly loose clothing, which is also equipped with metal parts, without regret. Anything that can put pressure on the neck, i.e. jacket lacing, tie, medallion on a cord, pectoral cross on a chain, take it off as soon as possible. This is the case when an amulet designed to bring good luck can cause death. And in general, throw any jewelry and costume jewelry, no matter how expensive they are to you, on the floor as soon as possible. Of course, glasses in such a situation should also be absent from the face. Never allow your shoe laces to come undone. While there is still time, tie them in a dead knot! An untied shoelace risks falling in the crowd, and no one has ever managed to rise in such a situation. In any case, your arms should not be pressed to your body. Let them be bent at the elbows, fists pointing up, then the arms can protect the chest. You can also clasp your palms in front of your chest. After all, the most dangerous thing in a crowd is that, as a result of compression from all sides, you will lose the ability to breathe. Try to take precautions in advance before the crowd gets too dense. And this will inevitably happen, since when a large mass of people exits through narrow doors, a “funnel effect” inevitably arises. In general, you should avoid areas of narrowing, and therefore the greatest pressure, dead ends and protrusions. Being in the middle of a crowd is definitely dangerous. But it is even more dangerous to be near the wall. Indeed, in this case, a person can be seriously injured not only by an incompletely hammered nail, but even by an electrical outlet that is quite harmless under other circumstances. Therefore, beware of walls and narrow doorways. To do this, you can try: - to get into the “main stream”, which, however, is also unsafe; - go back a little, where it’s still more free; - as paradoxical as it sounds, try to lie on top of a stream of people. Here, of course, difficulties may arise, but it is better to experience the pokes of your comrades in misfortune on your ribs than to be trampled under their own feet or to find yourself firmly grounded to the wall by some ledge. You just have to walk over heads (yes, that’s right - over heads!), rolling or crawling on your bellies. We encourage using this last technique in all cases where children are involved! After all, a child simply cannot survive in a maddened crowd of adults, and none of the adults accompanying him alone can protect him! Two adults can still try, facing each other, to create from their bodies and hands a kind of “protective capsule” for the child. If the adult has sufficient physical abilities, it can also be advised to put the child on the shoulders and in this position move with the crowd. In general, when going to any public event, do not forget from the very beginning that it is a source of increased danger. For example, the organizers of most rock concerts have been warning about this lately right on the entrance tickets. STREET CROWD As for the crowd on the street, many consider it less dangerous than a crowd in an enclosed space. By the way, they are wrong to think so. In both cases, the basest instincts awaken in people, which are almost impossible to control. By the way, it is the street crowd that is more characterized by deliberate aggressive moods, when people who are extremely dissatisfied with something or, on the contrary, extremely happy (here we can remember the fans of both a winning and a losing football team) can destroy entire neighborhoods in a matter of hours. And a street crowd is also quite capable of trampling its participants. So you should be no less careful on the street than in large gatherings of people in enclosed spaces. In addition, the street crowd, feeling its complete impunity, can deliberately destroy those people whom it considers its enemies. Thus, we can say that in terms of the number of intentional victims, a street crowd exceeds a crowd in a confined space. Of particular note is the often political nature of mass gatherings on the streets. Moreover, we can say with confidence that in terms of the degree of danger, a mass celebration is not much inferior to, for example, a political protest rally. It is no secret that teenagers and young people are more likely to take to the streets for one reason or another than older people. It is, of course, impossible to prohibit this, but advice on how to behave in a street crowd should still be given. In general, the rules of conduct during mass street gatherings are almost no different from those we cited above, but they still have their own characteristics. The first thing you should do in order not to involuntarily get lost in the street crowd: when it approaches, retreat to side streets and alleys, also using passage yards. Some survival manuals also recommend, if it is impossible to escape to neighboring streets, to use porches through which you can climb to the roofs of houses as shelter. But the entrances may be closed (which happens most often lately). Then the same manuals recommend breaking the windows of apartments located on the first floors and entering the entrances through them. I don’t think that such advice is too successful: an offended apartment owner is quite capable of meeting such guests fully armed. By the way, in almost all sources it is not recommended to run away from the crowd, heading in the direction of its movement. What to do if you find yourself in a moving crowd? Stay away from any walls or ledges. All kinds of metal gratings are especially dangerous in these cases. Your clothes should be comfortable, tightly fitting, preferably sporty (the same applies to shoes, which should be tightly laced). No scarves, ties, chains or laces around the neck, which can easily turn into a noose. Empty your pockets of items that could pose a risk of injury in a crush. It is best to empty the pockets completely. Leave all kinds of bags at home, as well as cameras and video cameras. All this equipment may well not be to the liking of both those who participate in pogroms and representatives of law enforcement agencies. On the street, you should stay at the edge of the crowd, and not rush headlong into the thick of things. While knowing the location of the nearest emergency exits can be useful in an enclosed area, knowing the topography of the area can be just as useful in an open area. For example, if you know that one of the streets ends in a dead end, then try in every possible way to prevent the flow of people from taking you to this particular street. And at the same time try to get onto the widest street. Don't try to resist the spontaneous movement of the crowd. No one, even the strongest person, has enough strength for this. Don't try to cling to walls or lampposts: your arms will be torn off! When the crowd thickens, stay away from the walls. After all, for example, an extruded glass display case “works” as effectively as a guillotine knife. Notice any parapet, lamppost, kiosk, poster stand, etc. from afar and make every effort to miss them. And remember: don’t even think about stopping and trying to lift anything. It doesn’t matter what it is: your own video camera (which, by the way, should stay at home) or someone’s suitcase with dollars. We assure you: you will never be able to take advantage of valuables for which you are careless to bend down. Also, any injury received should not cause a stop. While you can run, run with everyone else, you will be able to examine your wounds in a safer place. If possible, try to grab onto someone who will help you stand on your feet. If you fall, get up immediately! A second's delay will be enough for a sea of ​​people to close over you. At the same time, pull your legs towards you and jump up very strongly, like a spring. Once on your knees, place one foot with the full sole on the ground and stand up with a sharp push. In both cases, you need to get up in the direction of the crowd! And don’t forget to keep your hands clasped in front of your chest or your fists up, also at chest level, when moving. Your arms should not stick above your head or be at your sides, as this will deprive your body of the only protection. If, besides you, there are other people in the crowd who have not lost their heads and are able to protect children and women (their own or others’ - it doesn’t matter), then it is quite possible to organize joint actions and sooner or later get out of the dense crowd. To do this, line up in a wedge, inside which you place children and women, and then, pushing apart the scattered people around you, drift to the side. But such a drift must necessarily be carried out in the direction of the crowd and in no case against it! Phew... Well, it seems we got out of the crowd! Now, however, it may happen that you will become interested in you or even, as they say, “swept up” by representatives of law enforcement agencies. This especially applies to cases of presence at political gatherings. Well, the police are the police. It’s better to end up in the bullpen than to be trampled by a merciless crowd. Even if you had absolutely nothing to do with it and were just passing by by chance, you shouldn’t convince the police of this too emotionally. If you have been subjected to administrative detention, you must: - demand that a protocol of detention be drawn up; - ensure that the names of witnesses are recorded in the protocol; - make sure that the time of detention is indicated in the protocol; - demand that your relatives be informed of your whereabouts. Three hours after your arrest, you can safely demand that you be released, but in order to do this the day before, under no circumstances should you: - refuse to present documents at the request of police officers; - provide physical resistance to police officers or threaten them. For refusing to present documents you will face up to 15 days. But for physical resistance (and even just for threatening!) you can get up to five years in prison! So, if you don’t want to ruin your life “out of the blue,” comply with the demands of the police officers and, at least, do not threaten the police, not to mention actively resisting them. And in general, listen to the advice: if you get into the police force, sit quietly, don’t test your license, don’t yell about violating civil rights or that you have a dad, uncle, etc. - wow, what a boss! Police officers are people too, and at the moment they are at work. So don’t stop them from doing this work. They have enough problems without you, and here you are in the role of a fighter for civil rights. At all times and in all countries, law enforcement agencies require citizens to strictly comply with legal requirements. Believe me, in all capitalist countries the police behave much tougher than our “cops.” The word “cops” is used here not out of a desire to offend domestic law enforcement officers, but is completely inspired by the name of a popular domestic television series. If you have nothing to do with it, they will sort it out and let you go. And then, by the way, there are different types of policemen, and there are also unpleasant personalities (not all, of course): if you anger such a nervous and harmful person, he can beat you in the face right away. So much so that not a single medical commission will prove anything. So it’s better not to make noise at the police station.

A number of researchers believe that the crowd is a special biological organism. It operates according to its own laws and does not always take into account the interests of individual components, including their safety.

Very often, a crowd becomes more dangerous than the natural disaster or accident that created it. However, she does not look for alternative solutions and does not see the consequences of her decision, sometimes the main ones, as in a typical case of fires: jumping from a doomedly high height. A crowd can form in many cases, including during terrorist acts.

A crowd can be stopped by categorical commands, an ardent conviction that there is no danger, and even the threat of shooting alarmists, as well as a strong emotional brake or a miracle. It is among miracles that we should include cases when a strong-willed person, enjoying the trust of those gathered, managed to prevent the dramatic development of events.

Many special instructions strongly recommend physical suppression of the instigator of panic. Because it is immeasurably easier to stop the beginning psychological fire than to stop the crowd that has started to move.

The leader immediately needs to find assistants who must “cut through the crowd,” sometimes literally - holding hands and chanting.

The basic psychological picture of the crowd looks like this:

Decreased intellectual level and increased emotional level.

A sharp increase in suggestibility and a decrease in the ability to think individually.

The crowd requires a leader or an object of hatred. She will gladly obey or destroy.

The crowd is capable of both terrible cruelty and self-sacrifice, including towards the leader himself.

The crowd quickly runs out of steam after achieving something. People divided into groups quickly come to their senses and change their behavior and assessment of what is happening.

In the life of a street (especially political-social) crowd, elements such as the first stone in a shop window and first blood are very important. These steps can take the crowd to a fundamentally different level of danger, where collective irresponsibility turns every member of the crowd into a criminal. You need to leave such a crowd immediately.

How to survive in a crowd? The best rule is to go far around it!!! If this is not possible, do not go against the crowd under any circumstances. If you get carried away by the crowd, try to avoid both the center and the edge. Avoid anything stationary on the way, otherwise you might just get crushed. Do not cling to anything with your hands, they may break. If possible, buckle up. High heels can cost you your life, just like an untied shoelace. Throw away your bag, umbrella, etc.

If you fall something (anything), under no circumstances try to pick it up - life is more valuable. In a dense crowd, if you behave correctly, the likelihood of falling is not as great as the likelihood of being crushed. Therefore, protect the diaphragm with your hands clasped, folded over your chest. Pushes from behind should be taken on the elbows, the diaphragm should be protected by tension of the arms.

The main task in the crowd is not to fall. But if you do fall, you need to protect your head with your hands and get up immediately. This is very difficult, but it can be done if you use this technique: quickly pull your legs towards you, group yourself and try to stand up with a jerk. It is unlikely that you will be able to rise from your knees in a dense crowd - you will be constantly knocked down. Therefore, you need to rest one foot (full sole) on the ground and sharply straighten up, using the movement of the crowd. But, nevertheless, it is very difficult to get up; preliminary protective measures are always more effective.

This universal rule, by the way, fully applies to the beginning of the “crowd” situation itself. At a concert or stadium, figure out in advance how you will exit (not necessarily the same way you entered). Try not to be near the stage, dressing room, etc. - in the “center of events”. Avoid walls (especially glass), partitions, and mesh. The tragedy at the stadium in Sheffield (England) showed that most of the dead were crushed by the crowd on the barrier walls.

If panic began due to a terrorist attack, do not rush to aggravate the chaos with your movement: do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to assess the situation and make the right decision.

To do this, use auto-training and express relaxation techniques. Here are simple techniques from which you need to choose the ones that are closest to you.

Even breathing helps to keep your behavior even. Take a few breaths in and out.

Look at something blue or imagine a rich blue background. Think about this for a second.

To bring down the beginning emotional confusion, you can address yourself by name (preferably out loud), for example: “Kolya, are you here?” And confidently answer yourself: “Yes, I’m here!!!”

Imagine yourself as a television camera, looking at everything a little from the side and from above. Assess your situation as an outsider: what would you do if you were this person?

Change your sense of scale. Look at the eternal clouds. Smile forcefully, knock down fear with an unexpected thought or memory.

If the crowd is dense but motionless, you can try to get out of it using psychosocial techniques, for example, pretending to be sick, drunk, crazy, pretending to be sick, and so on. In short, you need to force yourself to maintain composure, be informed and improvise.

Material provided:

Regional state government educational institution "Educational and Methodological Center

on civil defense, emergency situations

and fire safety of the Krasnoyarsk Territory"

Address: 660100, Krasnoyarsk, st. Proletarskaya, 155

So, the crowd around was seized with panic. You shouldn’t run away with everyone else without looking back. Moving in the same direction as the crowd, take a quick glance at the situation around you and ask yourself, “What do I see?” If the threat is subtle, then it may be better to simply let the crowd move forward, while trying to move to its edge and thus get out of it. The best advice for getting out of a crowd is to move with the bulk of people, but gradually move diagonally towards the edge of the crowd.

More about movement

Never try to go against the crowd. You will be knocked down and most likely trampled. If the situation is completely dire, it is worth sacrificing a scarf and other things that can suffocate you and greatly restrict your movements. The position of the hands is also important. Bend them at the elbows and press them to your body - this way you can always resist people pressing from all sides, preventing your chest from being compressed and leaving you able to breathe freely. When entering premises with a large number of people, remember the location of the nearest exits.

I'm not alone

Having a child or woman in such a situation is very dangerous for their life. Place the child on your neck, and it is better to lead the woman in front of you, so she will not receive a sharp push in the back, besides, you will always keep her in sight and in case of a fall you will be able to help.

I fell

Probably the worst that can happen, but don't despair. Curl into a ball and cover the back of your head with your hands. Do not try to lean on your hands; they may be crushed and broken. Try to stand up by jerking your body and leaning on your knee.

About the eyes

In an aggressive crowd, your gaze is also very important. Don't look people in the eyes - this can cause aggression in your direction, but don't look down at the floor - you will look like a weak victim. It is best to look just below the faces of the people you meet; this will help you avoid unnecessary attention to yourself and be able to orient yourself well enough in what is happening around you.

Danger all around

Any static object in such a situation is dangerous. Avoid poles, trellises, railings, and any protruding objects. It's worth thinking about the contents of your pockets. Even harmless keys in a strong crush can cause serious damage to you.

Don't panic

The main thing is never lose your composure. Losing control of the situation is possible, and you are unlikely to be able to stop the maddening crowd alone, but as long as you control yourself, you can take the right actions that will save your life.

How to behave in a crowd?
In some cases, a crowd can pose a danger to others (for example, rioters) and to itself (in case of panic).
Watch the behavior of people around you.
When attending concerts, sports and street events, pay attention to the mood of the crowd. If you feel something is wrong or if one or two people before your eyes begin to behave inappropriately or aggressively, get out of the crowd. Beware of drunk people in a crowd - they are much harder to control and harder to calm down. If you see such people, try to move away from them.
A crush in the crowd usually occurs when the performance or event ends and people begin to leave the building or go down to the subway. Therefore, if you want to avoid crowds, leave a little early, or wait until the crowd subsides. If you have a child with you, try to make sure you always have your child's information with you in case you are separated. Hold a small child in a crowd in your arms so that he is less afraid.
If you understand that this will make you feel safer, try, when entering the building, to determine where the emergency exits are and how to get to them faster.
Knowing the right time to leave a crowd is half the success of your rescue in an emergency.

How to behave if panic breaks out in a crowded place and the crowd starts running?
Panic is one of the forms of crowd behavior. Most definitions of panic are associated with the manifestation of mass fear of a real or imaginary threat, a state of periodic fear and horror, growing in the process of mutual infection by them. This condition is accompanied by a sharp weakening of volitional self-control, when evolutionarily primitive needs, directly or indirectly related to physical self-preservation, suppress the needs associated with personal self-esteem.
Don't panic and don't let yourself fall.
In such a situation, it is important to know two things: what to do to reassure those around you, and how to save yourself if you cannot calm those around you.
It is very difficult to calm the crowd, but it is still worth trying, because your safety and salvation depend on it. You must understand that when real panic begins around you, this means that people are acting according to animal reflexes, so it is important to return them back to human form. To do this, you can use simple commands: “Pass!”, “Stop!” etc. The main thing is to pronounce these commands loudly, clearly, in a real command voice. Of course, you won’t shout to everyone, but perhaps you will be able to bring those around you to their senses. This will make it much easier. Firstly, surviving in a crowd in a group is much easier than surviving alone. Secondly, those whom you relieved of panic may be able to do the same with their surroundings. Some have the ability to control crowds from birth. If you do not have such abilities, then the main thing for you is not to succumb to the fear that gripped the crowd. If you are gripped by fear, consider that you are as much a part of the crowd as everyone else. To combat internal panic, you need to somehow distract yourself. Do whatever you want: look around, look for escape routes. Drive away fear from yourself.
If you couldn’t overcome panic and calm those around you, you need to save yourself. Set yourself a direction of movement and try to follow it, trying to get out of the crowd along the shortest path. Remember: never try to move in the opposite direction of the crowd - you will simply be knocked over. If you fall to the ground, consider yourself dead. You will be trampled. Remember that most of the dead in the crowd are those who were under the feet of those running. Therefore, hold on to those around you with your hands, push, do whatever you can to avoid falling. If you have children with you, try to pick them up. Hang the bag, if you have one, around your neck in front of you, bend your arms at the elbows and press them to your sides - this way you will create a small niche in front of you and prevent compression of the chest.
A crowd is like a wave, so the best thing in such a situation is to try to hide behind some obstacle, no matter how small. You can press yourself against the wall of the house, hide in some niche. Often a simple lamppost is enough - the crowd will simply walk around it, and with it, you.
If you have already fallen, then first of all you need to cover your head and not let them kick you on the head, as a result the crowd will run through, it is still finite, not infinite.

(Yuri Videneev, head of department of the Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow - press service)

Survive in the crowd.Cambodia is mourning those trampled by panicked crowds at a water festival in the capital, Phnom Penh. It is already known that the cause was a swaying bridge over the Mekong River, from where people watched the colorful ceremony and fireworks. The crowd decided that the bridge was collapsing, panic began and this was the terrible result. But, alas, such cases are not rare, although rarely so bloody. About mass hysteria - Alexander Ogorodnikov. Broadcast from November 28, 2010.

Panic in the square. In Holland, during an official event in memory of the victims of World War II, a crowd of thousands was gripped by panic. Queen Beatrix took part in the action on the square.

Oddly enough, winter, both in Russia and in neighboring countries, is traditionally an active season of social and political life. From going to the skating rink, New Year's festivities and open-air holiday concerts to going to rallies - everywhere you, one way or another, find yourself in crowded places. How to behave in a crowd? Here are some small but effective tips for you.

1. Don't try to get into the thick of it. As a rule, in an effort to see “what is happening there,” people themselves create a crush in which it is difficult to breathe, in which no one will see anything except the first rows, and in which it is still impossible to normally take photographs, record video or sound - not to mention it's about seeing something. If there is no seating at a public event, either arrive early to be closer to the stage, or simply sit quietly in the crowd where you can stand and move freely.

2. Do not bend down to pick up something that has fallen. If you drop a glove, a camera cap, a keychain, or a child's toy while the crowd is moving, the best thing you can do is simply move on with the crowd's move. Do not try to stop abruptly and pick up a fallen item; you may be injured or accidentally knocked down, even against your will.

3. Don’t start running after someone / catching up / running against the crowd. If you see someone you know, see that someone is already running or that someone is running away, do not start running after them. Spontaneous running in a calmly standing or slowly walking crowd (entrance to a stadium, exit from a concert, movement of rally participants) can provoke panic or is a favorite technique of those who have already decided to create panic.

4. Don’t fall for the call of “everyone forward / backward / left / right!” from an unidentified person in the crowd. Only a person from the stage from among the organizers can call on the participants of any organized event to do anything. And even then, think about the order, request or message that is voiced to you. You are not a creature without a will, so even in euphoria, joy, irritation or tension, try to think about what you personally are doing, even if everyone else around is walking, running, shouting, throwing or catching something.

5. Avoid contact with people who hide their faces with masks, bandanas, scarves, and headbands. These could be specially trained provocateurs, law enforcement officers, people with criminal intent, or simply hooligans. In any case, if they try to force you to do something, challenge you to a verbal or physical conflict, chant aggressive calls or start a fight, you should quickly get away from such people.

6. Do not try to climb onto poles, canopies, fences or barriers. In the desire to photograph or videotape what is happening, people who have never engaged in physical activity suddenly discover miracles of dexterity and think that they have become industrial climbers and professional photographers. If you are determined to break your leg, arm, or neck, fall on someone, or drop part of a fence on someone, you can safely climb higher. But we advise you to be guided by the instinct of self-preservation and common sense, because not a single successful photo in an amateur album or social network is worth your health. In addition, security at such events may misinterpret your intentions and take harsh measures against you.

7. Do not wear long scarves, dresses with hems or trains, or shoes with long laces. In crowded, crowded and confined spaces, there is a high risk of getting caught on something or getting entangled. In the case of laces and trains, you may fall; in the case of a scarf, you may injure your neck or face the risk of suffocation.

8. If you suddenly fall in a crowd, try to group yourself. If it happens that you lose your balance and fall for reasons dependent/independent of you, immediately roll over onto your side, group yourself, and try to protect your head with your hands. If the crowd is moving at this moment, try to get up on all fours as quickly as possible and crawl away from the main direction in which the crowd is moving. If you see someone falling next to you, try to pick up this person as quickly as possible and help him get out of the thick of people.

9. If you notice something unusual, get your bearings. Flashes, explosions, a fight, noise, strange movement, the appearance of a car or other vehicle in a crowd that should not be there - most likely a provocation or something that poses a threat to the health of the majority of those gathered. Do not get close to this strange event or object. Deter those who want to “go watch.” Sometimes it is better to quickly leave before the bulk reacts. Don't make noise or shout so as not to provoke panic. Whether you leave or stay is entirely your choice.

10. Leave the kids at home. Unless it's a children's party, in other cases - from a concert of your favorite band to a political rally - leave the children at home, with grandparents, family friends or a nanny. Children are always at a disadvantage in a crowd: they are smaller, lighter, slower, more vulnerable and get tired faster, succumb to panic and the negative influence of what is happening. After receiving a passport, your children can do whatever they see fit. Before that, let them still stay at home, especially if the event is tense, noisy and crowded.