Some interesting quotes.

The human brain is the main “computer” of our body. It is he who is responsible for everything we do, for our feelings, movements, memory, thinking, for everything that distinguishes us from the inanimate world. And each part of our brain has its own functions. Let's figure out how to make our main “computer” work at maximum power and why we need it. And first, let's talk about the hemispheres of our brain. How to develop the hemispheres of the brain and why is this necessary? We will tell you about this in detail.

Our brain operates at only 10% of its capacity, and even then, not for everyone. Some people's brains work at 9 or 8%, and some even less. But we can develop our brain, and to achieve maximum results, we don’t need to have superpowers.

To begin with, let's deal with the development of the cerebral hemispheres, because each hemisphere is responsible for its own functions, and only when both hemispheres work together, then we can talk about more high productivity the functioning of our entire brain.

Left hemisphere- responsible for our logical thinking. It is thanks to the left hemisphere that a person develops mathematical and analytic skills. The left hemisphere is responsible for the sequential processing of information, for our speech, for the ability to write and read, as well as the perception and memorization of numbers. This cerebral hemisphere is responsible for the right side of the body, i.e. If a person is right-handed, then his left hemisphere is accordingly more developed.

Right hemisphere - it is responsible for our Creative skills. The right hemisphere is responsible for our emotions, imagination, musicality and even intuition. Scientists have proven that this hemisphere of our brain is also responsible for our sexual capabilities. The right hemisphere processes information that is expressed in symbols and images and is responsible for spatial perception. The right hemisphere is responsible for left side bodies, usually people with a developed right hemisphere are left-handed.

As you can see, each hemisphere of our brain is responsible for certain functions, and only when both hemispheres work together can we talk about increasing the functionality of our brain. Therefore, we develop both hemispheres: one for prevention, the second directly for development.

Let's move on to exercises that promote brain development. Perhaps it will be effective neuro-linguistic programming exercise (NLP). Its essence is that in front of a person there are cards with two rows of letters written on them. The first rad, the letters L, P and V, in different orders with different repetitions. This row means our action: L – left hand to the side, R - right hand to the side. B – both hands up. The second row is the letters of the alphabet, which we must pronounce while simultaneously performing the actions of the first row. For example, given the following card:

Having pronounced the letter A, we must move our left hand to the side, B - repetition, C - right hand to the side, D - both hands up. And so on, there can be a lot of such cards, from the most different combination. This exercise simultaneously develops both hemispheres of our main “computer”.

"Ear-nose." A simple exercise that allows you to develop both hemispheres of the brain. We take the tip of the nose with our left hand, and with the other hand we take the opposite ear, i.e. with your right hand behind your left ear. Then release your ear and nose at the same time, clap your hands and switch hands - with your right hand we grab the tip of your nose, and with your left hand we grab the right ear. Repeat the exercise several times, it really helps a lot.

"Mirror drawing" For this exercise you will need a piece of paper and two pencils. Take a pencil in each hand and start writing mirror-symmetrical letters with both hands. This exercise forces both hemispheres to work simultaneously and trains our “computer”.

"Ring". We alternately move the fingers of both hands, connecting the thumb with the index, middle, ring and little fingers into a ring. This exercise gives impulse signals to our brain, developing it.

Such simple psychophysiological and neurolinguistic exercises will help develop both hemispheres of your brain, providing it with more productive work. Of course, doing these exercises is useful, but by supplementing them with other methods of training our brain, we will achieve really good results. Read more, think, analyze, solve logic problems, engage in self-development, this will be useful for each of us, because the more developed our “computer” is, the better, smarter and more capable we are. Isn’t this what every person wants to achieve? Good luck!

Brain - most important organ our body. From him proper operation depends on the condition of all organs and the person as a whole. Both hemispheres of the brain work in the system, but each of them has its own functions. The better the hemispheres interact, the more harmonious human development is.

Left hemisphere

Main function – logical thinking. That is, in the left hemisphere the information received is analyzed and conclusions are drawn. The data is processed in stages. Literal understanding of the meaning of expressions.

Recognize mathematical symbols and numbers, solve problems based on calculations.

Coordination of movements of the right-sided parts of the body.

Processing information obtained not directly, but through the perception of images, symbols, signs. That is, for intuition.

Orientation in space and location determination.

Ability to understand figurative expressions - for example, metaphors.

Opportunity to penetrate musical works. But the left hemisphere is responsible for learning music.

The ability to dream, invent, imagine, compose, draw.

Getting pleasure from sexual relations. An opportunity to indulge in sensations.

Mystical abilities, religiosity, fanaticism.

The ability to see the situation in general.

Coordination of movements of the left-sided parts of the body.

The hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different processes. Some have well-developed logic, while others have intuition. But for the harmonious development of personality, both hemispheres must work well and harmoniously. After all, what's the use of good analytical mind, if you can’t come up with anything new. Or, conversely, have many ideas, but do not implement them due to inconsistent actions.

Scientists have proven that hands - best tool brain improvement. It is not for nothing that increased attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills in children. If both hands work, then both hemispheres interact.

Music is ideal. So, to perceive music, one hemisphere works, and to learn to play an instrument, the other. And playing, for example, the piano, during which both hands work in concert - best workout both hemispheres.

There are a number of exercises to train your brain. Suitable for both children and adults.

  1. The right hand is placed on the tip of the nose, the left hand on the right ear; then they make a clap with their hands and change places: with the left hand they take the nose, with the right hand they take the left ear.
  2. With both hands at the same time they try to draw mirror, symmetrical patterns or write letters.
  3. Perform an exercise from the complex morning exercises: left hand to the right raised leg and vice versa.
  • fingers make a ring, connecting the thumb with the rest in turn. Do it as quickly as possible, from index finger to the little finger and to reverse direction. First with one hand, then with both.
  • You need to name out loud as quickly as possible the color in which the word is written.
  • These exercises perfectly train the brain and improve communication between the hemispheres.

    And to understand how adaptable our brain is, try reading the text:

    You can develop intuition and even clairvoyance through the development of the right hemisphere.

    Note that children from birth have more developed right hemisphere, because they perceive the world only through sensations.

    Intuitive perception is based on images, symbols, and subtle details. What a person notices without recording it in his consciousness. But in the subconscious, these facts are stored and processed, and this is how intuitive guesses are obtained.

    The next stage in the development of intuition will be clairvoyance. After all latest research indicate that these abilities can be developed.

    Entire teachings are based on the opinion that our thoughts are material and there is a huge sea of ​​information around us. You just need to find the path to the information you need.

    A “porridge” of thoughts is constantly cooking in our heads. This prevents you from receiving external information. But if you manage to stop the dialogue within yourself, then the brain tunes in to external environment. And, in the form of images, sounds, symbols or knowledge, a person can receive the necessary information from the information world.

    So, if you set yourself a goal - to achieve clairvoyance, then you will have to work hard on yourself. The tasks are aimed at developing the right hemisphere of the brain. After all, in Everyday life Mostly the left one works.

    Stages of clairvoyance development:

    1. It is necessary to stimulate the work of the right hemisphere of the brain. Well, if a person is creatively developed, this means that the right hemisphere is already dominant. Otherwise, you need to work on yourself.
    2. Try to perceive any object without words, relying only on images, associations, feelings, sensations. For example, what sensations arise when you see an orange.
    3. Stop the train of thought in your head. That is, you need to learn to stop thinking for a while. Meditation techniques will help with this. If the experience is successful, our brain will be freed and will be ready to accept information from the outside.

    To successfully turn off thoughts, you need:

    • relax;
    • take a comfortable position;
    • concentrate on one thought or contemplate one object;
    • You can listen to music, better without words.

    At correct execution instructions, at some time a trance state will occur.

    And finally, the most difficult thing will be to understand and accept yourself. Realize that you are the one who deserves to control your life. You need to believe in yourself, because unbelief blocks the flow of information.

    You may get the impression that it is better to develop your intuition and clairvoyance in complete solitude, so that no one distracts you. But practice proves the opposite. The fact is that inanimate objects possess not such strong energy like people. When working with a person, it is much easier to grasp the information coming from him.

    Here are some collective exercises to develop the abilities of the right hemisphere:

    1. Each participant writes their data on paper.
    2. While writing, you need to imagine how the piece of paper is charged with personal energy. Then the papers are folded and mixed.
    3. Everyone takes one for themselves. And, without opening it, he tries to feel the personality of the writer. That is, you need to describe the sensations that arise from the folded sheet. This could be a feeling of cold, warmth, anger... There could also be visual or sound images.
    4. Then the sheet unfolds and the person’s personality and the image that they felt are compared.

    The next exercise is based on tactile sensations.

    1. One of the participants has their eyes closed. And one by one the others come up and touch him: either they put their hands in his hands, or touch his forehead, or the back of his head. And the subject needs to feel information flow emanating from a person.
    2. At the beginning of classes you just need to try to feel, without analysis. With time different sensations will form a specific image.
    3. The exercise is aimed at calibrating the internal clock. You need to detect a certain time interval - a minute, two, five. Then with eyes closed, without counting, determine the same period. This should be done until The biological clock will not align with real time.
    4. If internal clock If you are in a hurry, you are hampered by a feeling of anxiety, and when you are behind, you are not confident.
    5. After elimination internal problems, you will be able to tune in to the desired wave.
    6. Develop motor skills of the left side of the body. Try to perform actions with your left hand.

    We live in an age of logic. People most often rely on facts, numbers, evidence, research. And intuition and creative perception are in the background. That is why so much is said about the development of the left hemisphere.

    For harmonious personality development, both hemispheres of the brain must work well. But if developed emotional sphere and logical perception does not work well, you need to delicately help the “lagging” hemisphere. What to do if the right dominates?

    In children, the right hemisphere is initially dominant. The left hemisphere begins to work after a year, closer to two. When does a child develop speech? Around this time modern parents send their children to development schools with a wide variety of profiles.

    If a child's development of the left hemisphere is delayed, it is difficult for him in society. How to help your child in this case:

    • The main exercises in this case will be games aimed at developing the baby’s speech and expanding vocabulary.
    • We need to teach children to express their thoughts in words, so it will be easier for them to interact with other people.
    • No less important are role-playing games. With the help of such classes, you can simply and easily teach your child how to behave in a hospital, school, or store; explain what people do different professions and much more.

    You should not get carried away with the development of only the left hemisphere. Along with intelligence, you need to pay attention and physical development, do not forget about creativity.

    The left hemisphere performs essential functions. It is very important that logical thinking is developed at the proper level. This is especially true for adults, because any work requires the use of logic.

    To develop the left hemisphere, you can perform exercises:

    • Practice solving problems in logic and mathematics every day. The bigger, the better.
    • Solving crossword puzzles is also a great exercise for the left hemisphere of the brain.
    • Try to perform most actions with your right hand.

    For comprehensive development In humans, synchronicity in the work of the left and right hemispheres is very important. After all, their functions do not replace, but complement each other. It's never too late to improve your brain function. Scientists have proven that it is possible to develop even after 60 years.

    Man moved away from the animal world and became a rational being. He began to perceive the world that surrounds him differently. People began to communicate with each other, learned to write, and mastered some engineering basics. All this was facilitated by the development of the human brain. Thinking, logic, imagination switched to new level. To understand how to develop your brain 100 percent, you first need to know what functions it is responsible for.

    A Brief Overview of the Human Brain

    The brain is the most mysterious organ in humans. Sometimes it is called a computer. People learn new things throughout their lives. Necessary information a person remembers and keeps it as long as he needs it. But what is no longer useful is “destroyed” in the human brain.

    The brain performs the following functions:

    • Thinking;
    • Speech;
    • Consciousness;
    • Feelings;
    • Coordination of movements;
    • Sleep management;
    • Drawing up plans.
    This list is much longer. Many psychologists write entire books on the topic of the brain. It is very difficult to study and any physical intervention leads to irreversible consequences.

    The human brain consists of two hemispheres. One of them is called right, and the other left. They are connected to each other by the corpus callosum. The exchange of information between the two hemispheres passes through it. If you damage the left side of the brain, it will damage the right hemisphere. The opposite is also true. Of course, there have been cases when a person’s entire left side was cut off. After that he continued to live full life. The right hemisphere began to perform the functions of the no longer existing left hemisphere.

    The human brain is divided into two parts. Each hemisphere performs its own specific functions. Their purpose is presented below.

    Left hemisphere Performs sequential processing of information. It involves step-by-step analysis. All information is analyzed in in strict order. The left hemisphere works with numbers and figures.

    Right hemisphere processes information that comes from the senses. It perceives music, colors and is responsible for orientation in the world. The right hemisphere is capable of synthesizing existing information. For this reason, it allows you to solve puzzles and act outside the pattern.

    This is enough to understand how complex the human brain is.

    How to develop brain abilities?

    Psychologist Jung compared the conscious part and the unconscious part to an iceberg. Its top is consciousness. In turn, what is under water is unconscious. It is not known to what depth the iceberg is sunk.

    The same assumption can be applied to the human brain. He uses only 10 percent of his potential. People need to develop their abilities. It is difficult to imagine what a person will be like whose brain uses one hundred percent of its capabilities.

    More likely, a new one will happen scientific revolution. Discovery after discovery will follow.

    To start developing your brain abilities, you need to follow these tips:

    Get rid of physical inactivity. It occurs in sedentary people. Drivers who like to constantly watch TV and sit at the computer are at risk. With physical inactivity, fatty acids are not broken down. Cholesterol plaques appear on the vessels, interfering with the passage of blood. Blood supplies all organs with oxygen. The brain does not receive O2 and begins to function poorly.

    It is necessary to ensure the intake of carbohydrates and phosphates in the body.If a person wants to develop brain abilities, then he needs to give up vodka, wine, etc. But if you choose the lesser evil, then drinking beer has a much more detrimental effect on neurons than alcohol. In general, any alcohol-containing drink kills neurons. Beer also contains a lot of carbon dioxide. It's a double whammy. Human brain poisoned by alcohol and carbon dioxide.

    You should drink plenty of still water. It removes from the body most toxins and wastes.
    Water helps develop brain abilities. It provides better communication between the hemispheres. For 30 kilograms of weight you should drink 1 liter of water. IN stressful situations the volume increases. Water will not make a person worse.

    Ways to maintain and develop brain activity

    • Exercise at least twice a week. Try to communicate more with other people. This communication must occur with a living person directly.
    • Eat food rich in vitamins and enzymes.
    • Let your body get enough sleep.
    • Avoid stress.
    • You should learn to relax and master relaxation techniques.
    • By adhering to these five points, you can feel that the potential abilities of the brain have increased and are slowly starting to become active.
    How to develop the hemispheres of the brain

    It is not practical to develop only one hemisphere. You can solve equations well, but still not understand the beauty of nature and all art. Also, a person who writes poetry well and draws pictures does not always know how to add or multiply two numbers together.

    It’s not for nothing that schools, technical schools and universities offer not only core subjects. For example, physicists also study the Russian language, history, psychology and other humanities. The same thing happens with philologists. Together with humanities they have strictly mathematical subjects.

    The above examples indicate that Both hemispheres need to be developed in parallel. To do this, there are exercises for brain development.

    Exercise 1.

    First you need to stroke your belly clockwise with your hand. To perform this exercise, you should tap yourself on the head vertically from top to bottom with your left hand. Having mastered this movement, a person must perform them simultaneously. At first glance, everything is simple. But after combining, almost everyone’s hands will begin to get confused. The left hand will automatically try to make circular movements. Once the goal is accomplished and the confusion stops, you should change the position of your hands.

    Exercise 2.

    Place both palms on your stomach. The left hand is strictly on the right. Now you need to exhale. It should be like blowing out a candle. One minute is allotted for this exercise.

    Exercise 3.

    This exercise allows you to actively synchronize the work of both hemispheres.

    You need to raise both arms up or in front of you. A person will be required to draw a square in the air with his left hand and a star with his right. All this is done at the same time. As soon as progress is made, the position of the hands changes.

    The exercise can be made more difficult. To do this, you will need to make drawings of other shapes. It all depends on the imagination of the person performing the exercise.

    For the development of the cerebral hemispheres, it was created special program- neurobics. Such exercises allow you to look at everyday affairs in a new way. In other words, you need to try to do something ordinary in an unusual way.

    Exercise 4.

    Try to get out of bed on the other leg. You can try brushing your teeth with your other hand. When drinking tea, sugar should be stirred with your left hand, not your right.

    Exercise 5.

    This exercise should be done with good friend. You need to blindfold yourself and walk with your companion.

    In this exercise you will need to answer the questions below.

    • How did you deal with uncertainty?
    • Which sense organs are activated?
    • What sounds stood out?
    • What did you hear that alarmed you and what did you calm down?

    How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain

    As mentioned above, it is necessary to develop both hemispheres. For example, on one day give preference logical training, and in the other to engage in imagination and art.

    At first there was a question about how to develop the brain 100 percent. There is only one way out - to develop both hemispheres.

    An imbalance in the development of both hemispheres begins in childhood. People do not know how to think abstractly and empathize.

    Exercise 1.

    A person must start drawing. The right hemisphere synthesizes rather than analyzes. Need to perceive the world abstractly. To do this, you can become a designer of your own apartment. Learn to trust your intuition when choosing wallpaper and colors.

    Exercise 2.

    In psychology there is a concept of empathy. A person must not only empathize with other people, he is required to look at the world through the eyes of another. In this case, there is a deep involvement in what is happening in the lives of other people. This exercise develops the right hemisphere.

    Exercise 3.

    A person needs to often listen to soulful music, to which one can dream or simply relax. Musical composition should not constrain a person.

    Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today we'll talk about the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logical thinking and speech, and we will also look at ways to develop and activate its functions. In the previous article, I described its “brother” - which is more responsible for creative abilities. By balancing the work of both parts, you can achieve great results and success in all areas of life, so this important thing for almost all people.

    The left hemisphere of the brain is sometimes called the dominant hemisphere. Firstly, because in 90% of people it is more developed than the right one, and secondly, its role mental functions in human activity is difficult to overestimate. Let's look at them in more detail.

    Functions of the left hemisphere


    Both hemispheres are involved in thinking, but they are responsible for different aspects. So the left hemisphere, unlike the right hemisphere, which considers the situation as a whole, processes information sequentially. It analyzes each individual fact and gives a logical assessment.

    Verbal speech

    One of the main functions of the left hemisphere is verbal speech. This is our ability to speak, read and write. People with damage to the left side of the brain have problems speech functions and difficulties in perceiving information. People with well-developed left-sided thinking find it easier to learn foreign languages.


    The left hemisphere is also responsible for recognizing symbols and numbers. With its help we decide math problems and equations, we can remember dates and phone numbers.

    Establishing cause-and-effect relationships

    Thanks to the left hemisphere, people are able to trace cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions. Therefore, the left-sided mindset is also called analytical. People who have this kind of thinking often go to work as investigators, analysts, etc.

    Positive emotions

    During the last psychological research It was found that the left hemisphere is responsible for positive emotions, and the right one for negative ones.

    Control over the right side

    The left hemisphere controls the functioning of the right side of the body, and vice versa. That is, when we write with our right hand or perform some other action, this means that the signal came from the left side of the brain.

    Properties of Left-Handed Thinking

    The functions listed above are performed by the left hemisphere in all people. But it also has properties of a narrower specialization that predominate in people with left-hand thinking. They are characterized by such qualities as determination, logic, practicality, quick learning, and organization.

    In the article about the right hemisphere, I talked about how it is responsible for creativity. But if people with right-sided thinking have a poorly developed left hemisphere, it is difficult for them to realize their ideas, due to inconsistency of actions and lack of determination. Therefore, harmonization of the entire brain is very important.

    Left hemisphere activation

    There are special exercises to help turn on the left hemisphere. But even if it already dominates in you, extra training won’t hurt.

    Problem solving

    Mathematical and logical problems are great for developing the left hemisphere of the brain. You can start with simple ones and then move on to more complex ones.

    Solving crossword puzzles is good, especially Sudoku, as they are based on numbers and require logic and analysis to solve them.

    Physical exercise

    To activate the left hemisphere you need to use right side bodies. For example, perform normal actions with the right hand (write, brush teeth, stir tea). For right-handed people this will not be difficult, but for left-handed people it will be more difficult.

    Also, while performing regular gymnastics, devote more attention right side of the body. For example, you can jump on your right leg, bend to the right, etc.


    There are many points on the human body that are responsible for different organs, including the brain. Based thumbs legs there is a point responsible for the cerebellum, and under it there are points cerebral hemispheres brain Massaging the point under thumb right foot, you activate the left hemisphere.

    Fine motor skills

    Very useful for the development of the hemispheres fine motor skills hands There is a special exercise for this. Place the tip of your little finger right hand to the tip of the thumb of the left hand, and the little finger of the left hand to thumb right. Rotate your hands so that the position of your fingers changes places. Then the same should be done with the ring and index fingers.

    But the best way to do this is to finger the rosary with your right hand. Then you immediately perform 3 functions:

    • activate the left hemisphere
    • meditate
    • massage the points on the fingertips

    Pain in the left hemisphere

    Many people suffer headache, localized on the left side of the head. The most common disease that causes such pain is migraine. Experts identify the following reasons:

    • physical and psychological exhaustion;
    • dehydration of the body;
    • stress;
    • poor blood circulation to the brain

    To relieve migraine symptoms, you need to drink plenty of water and give your body a rest. Meditation can also help with this. Pranayama is especially good. Breathing exercises will help saturate the brain with oxygen and improve blood circulation.

    But it is necessary to take into account that pain in the left side of the head may also indicate other diseases, more serious than migraine, so if you do not know what the cause is, it is better to consult a doctor.

    I have told you about the functions of the left hemisphere and its activation, but for more efficient work Both parts of the brain need to be developed. And which hemisphere is dominant for you, you can write in the comments to the article. I will also be glad if you share your knowledge about exercises to activate brain activity. Sincerely, Ruslan Tsvirkun.

    What makes a person human? There are many answers to this question, but one of the most common and true is that a person has high self-awareness, is able to think and has a brain that is many times more developed than the brain of any other person. known to science living creature. Over thousands of years of evolution, the human mind and brain have undergone a huge number of significant changes, and this progress itself is based on the ability to develop. It is for this reason that people have moved their thinking to a qualitatively new level.

    But it’s easy to guess that humanity as a whole, and each of us individually, has not yet reached the peak of our capabilities. This means that the brain is still constantly developing. But what is more interesting is that we are able to influence the development of our main organ independently. Moreover, it is also everyone’s responsibility, because first of all, personal life results, work efficiency, success in learning, mastering new skills and communicating with others depend on the degree of brain development.

    Taking into account all of the above, today we want to talk about brain development. Next you will find out interesting information about the human brain, its functions and developmental features, useful tips, exercises and training methods. All this could add up efficient system, which you can use every day. To begin with, we will say a few words about the human brain as a whole in order to better understand how to develop it as much as possible.

    Briefly about the human brain

    The human brain is the most mysterious and enigmatic organ, and many draw an analogy between it and a computer. Throughout his life, a person learns something and everything, and all the information that is useful to him in one way or another goes into his memory and is stored there as long as he needs it. If some data becomes irrelevant, the brain simply erases it.

    The functions of the brain can be listed for a very, very long time, but the main thing is that thinking, memory, imagination, speech, feelings, perception, and self-awareness depend on it. Naturally, this list is much larger, and if you want to learn more about the human brain and its development, you can find and read specialized books (Roger Sipe, John Medina, Dmitry Chernyshev and other authors).

    The brain is represented by the right and left hemisphere, connected to each other by the substance callosum, which serves to transmit information between them. If one hemisphere is damaged, the second is usually damaged as well. But there are cases when, for example, when the left hemisphere was destroyed, the right hemisphere took over its functions, and vice versa, thanks to which a person could continue to live a full life. As for these same functions, they are different.

    The left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking and working with numbers. It processes and analyzes information in a specific, strict sequence. And the right hemisphere is responsible for sensory perception And creative thinking– with its help music, smells, colors, art, etc. are perceived. This same hemisphere helps a person navigate the space around him. And thanks to its ability to synthesize existing information, a person gets the opportunity to think creatively, find non-standard solutions, solve puzzles, perform all kinds of exercises and play games to develop thinking and imagination (by the way, speaking about the development of thinking, it would not be superfluous to mention about, after completing which you can master twelve different thinking techniques).

    In principle, the information considered is more or less sufficient for an approximate understanding of how the human brain works. And it only remains to note that thanks to special exercises the brain can be developed and made more powerful. However, it is very important to pay attention to the so-called preparatory activities, because it does not matter whether the brain of a child or the brain of an adult is trained, in any case it must be prepared for this.

    How to prepare your brain for training

    There are three basic rules that you should take into account to make your brain more elastic, pliable and ready to perceive and assimilate new information, as well as its subsequent reproduction and proper use.

    These rules include:

    • Elimination of physical inactivity. This means you must provide for yourself required quantity physical activity. Physical inactivity is typical for people who lead a passive lifestyle or simply move little, for example, those whose activities involve spending large quantity time in a sitting position, for example, schoolchildren and students, those who like to play for hours computer games or . A Negative consequences physical inactivity is expressed in the fact that it does not allow fatty acids in the body to be broken down, which leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques on the vessels that interfere with normal blood circulation. Blood provides the organs, including the human brain, with the amount of oxygen they need, and if this process is disrupted, the functions of the brain are also disrupted, as a result of which the efficiency of its work deteriorates (in particular, physical inactivity negatively affects the brain of a child and an elderly person).
    • Providing the body with phosphates and carbohydrates. Here we will only say that, firstly, you need to include in your diet foods rich in phosphorus (pumpkin, wheat germ, poppy seeds, soybeans, sesame seeds, processed cheese, nuts, oats, beans and others), as well as foods With high content healthy carbohydrates (rice, corn flakes, bran, pasta, kefir, milk, shrimp, fish and others). By the way, you can read about proper nutrition. And secondly, you should minimize or completely stop drinking alcohol, which has a detrimental effect on brain neurons. In addition to harmful alcohol, alcohol contains carbon dioxide, and together with alcohol it has a very powerful destructive effect on brain cells.
    • Drinking water. We will talk about the benefits of water in detail, but now let’s just remind you that pure water helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and waste, and also promotes, supporting neural connection. To provide yourself with the optimal amount of water, you should drink a liter of water per day per 30 kg of your body weight. If you are exposed to excessive stress, then it is advisable to increase the amount of water consumed even more.

    By following these three rules, you will create a serious foundation for brain training. And any development system should be based on them - the brain of a child and the brain of an adult require special “care” and attention to themselves. And a lot more useful information on the presented topic contain subject books(Roger Sipe, Mark Williams and Denny Penman, Alex Lickerman and other authors).

    Development of both hemispheres of the brain

    Let's remember: the left hemisphere processes speech and numerical information, logic, conclusions, analysis, linearity, etc. The right hemisphere provides spatial orientation, color perception, perception of shapes, sounds, colors, rhythms, dreams, etc. In general, of course, data is perceived by both hemispheres, but each of them predominates in its own area (you can read about functional asymmetry in).

    Hence the conclusion: by developing one hemisphere, you can, for example, “train” in the ability to perceive images and become super creative, but at the same time experience serious difficulties in solving arithmetic problems. Or, conversely, you can become a pro in analytics, but be unable to see beauty in paintings or not be able to compose a banal four-line poem.

    Therefore, in educational institutions Often, not only core disciplines are taught, but also those that are completely unrelated to the specialty. Remember the same mathematicians who study literature, history and others humanitarian subjects, or philologists, whose schedule includes technical disciplines. This serves as further evidence that both hemispheres require development. And for this you can resort to performing the following exercises:

    Exercise 1

    For the first exercise you will need a partner. Let him blindfold you with something. Once this is done, take a short walk around the room or area where you are in this moment. After that, answer the following questions:

    • Has the activity of your senses increased, and if so, how?
    • What helped you overcome the uncertainty of not being able to see?
    • What sounds do you remember?
    • Was there anything that worried you?
    • Was there anything that calmed you down?

    Based on these answers, you will understand how the body reacts to the shutdown of one of the senses. And the exercise itself will help you activate additional resources both hemispheres.

    Exercise 2

    Through the second exercise, you will learn to synchronize the work of both hemispheres of your brain. It is done like this:

    • Stand up straight and extend both arms forward or up;
    • Draw a circle in the air with your left hand and a square with your right;
    • Perform the exercise until you succeed, and then switch hands.

    You can also make this exercise more difficult by drawing more in the air with your hands. complex figures. And based on the idea of ​​the same exercise, there is even special system development of both hemispheres. The point is to do the usual things in non-standard ways. You can, for example, wash dishes, brush your teeth or eat with the other hand, hold the phone to the other ear, carry a bag or backpack on the other shoulder (the word “other” means for right-handed people - left-hand side, and for left-handers – right).

    Exercise 3

    A banal and simple exercise at first glance, but in reality it perfectly helps to synchronize the work of the right and left hemispheres. This is done as follows:

    • Stroke your stomach with your right hand clockwise;
    • Now with your left hand, lightly tap your head with vertical movements;
    • After a little practice, perform the indicated movements at the same time.

    It is interesting that very often the hands themselves begin to confuse the movements: the left hand does what the right hand should, and the right hand does what the left should. The exercise is very interesting, and after the first option is mastered, simply change hands.

    It is very effective to use these three exercises when you want to influence the child's brain. But they will also be extremely useful for adults - when apparent simplicity, they perfectly train the brain, as a result of which thinking, memory, imagination, etc. improve. But it will be even better if you combine your training with the development of thinking, for example, with passing.

    The exercises of the two subsequent groups can be performed separately and together with each other, as well as in combination with those already discussed. It depends on your personal needs and preferences.

    Development of the left hemisphere of the brain

    Here we will also look at three exercises:

    Exercise 1

    The meaning is very simple - you just need to perform all actions and manipulations with objects in the surrounding world using your right hand. Although this is natural for right-handers, even for them it will be extremely unusual, and left-handers will get excellent practice.

    Exercise 2

    This exercise is not much more difficult than the previous one - to develop the left hemisphere, spend a little time every day on solving arithmetic problems.

    Exercise 3

    Again, a very simple exercise - solve crosswords and scanword puzzles for 30-40 minutes every day. Solving them is considered to be largely an analytical rather than an intuitive process, which means that the left hemisphere is involved in it.

    Development of the right hemisphere of the brain

    There are four exercises in this group:

    Exercise 1

    Systematically listen to your favorite music, and fantasize, because... This is what the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for. The more relaxed you feel, the better.

    Exercise 2

    To develop the right hemisphere, perform all actions and manipulations with objects in the surrounding world with your left hand. If in the previous block left-handers experienced inconvenience, then in this case right-handers will have to try. By the way, it will be cool if you learn to read and write from right to left, for which it is very effective to practice Arabic script. At the same time, you will train your memory.

    Exercise 3

    Because right hemisphere in more degree It is natural to synthesize rather than analyze data; spend time drawing, because it is during drawing that the abstract thinking. Set aside 30 minutes daily for this. In addition, drawing can be replaced or combined with interior or clothing design. This exercise can be called an additional advantage.

    Exercise 4

    Develop empathy. This means that you need to develop the ability to empathize and perceive the world through the eyes of other people. Taking this into account, the right hemisphere is developing just fine, and you can learn more about the development of empathy by going to.

    All the exercises we talked about, when performed regularly, will make your mind sharper and more flexible, and your brain trained and capable of serious achievements. The most important thing is to remember to pay attention to both hemispheres.

    And finally a few more good advice for brain development:

    • Play sports (go to the pool, jog, etc.);
    • Communicate with people around you on interesting topics;
    • Provide yourself with adequate sleep and good conditions for relax;
    • Eat right and eat more vitamin-rich foods;
    • Develop stress resistance and positive thinking;
    • Play educational games and chess;
    • Read educational literature and educational books (Roger Sipe, Carol Dweck, Arthur Dumchev, etc.);
    • Educate yourself and take courses on the development of thinking (course in cognitive science).

    This development system will allow you to always grow personally, train your intellect and have an active, healthy and strong brain. We wish you success and the opportunity to use your potential to the maximum!