Modality in language. Categories of modality and its role in language

YES. Paramonov, Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin

Modality is a multidimensional phenomenon, and therefore different opinions are expressed in the linguistic literature regarding the essence of this phenomenon. As is known, it has already become traditional to divide modality into two types: objective and subjective. The first is understood as the relation of the utterance to extra-linguistic reality, formalized grammatically, the second - as an expression of the attitude of the speaker (writer) to what he communicates. Researchers note that objective modality is mandatory for any statement, while subjective modality is optional.

This is a completely fair statement. Moreover, the two types of modality described are so different that it seems rational to us to separate these two terms. For the range of phenomena that fall under the concept of “objective modality”, one can use the term “modality”, and for what is called subjective modality, one can introduce the term “emotivity”. Then it will be possible to consider two universal quality statements: modality and emotivity. They will be opposed to each other on the basis of obligatory - optional. Having accepted this division, we can define modality as follows: modality is the obligatory quality of an utterance, which consists in the grammatically expressed relationship of this utterance to extra-linguistic reality.

Our remark about modality and emotivity is, of course, terminological in nature, but it should be noted that the nomination of a particular phenomenon of reality is very important, since it depends on the clarity of awareness of those features that are characteristic of this concept.

The article brought to the attention of readers is devoted to the issues of grammatical expression of objective modality.

Linguists have been talking about the fact that objective modality has its own grammatical expression for a long time. The authors of very respectable studies talk about the morphological-syntactic nature of the expression of modality , , . They are certainly right, but we believe that when studying such a complex and multifaceted phenomenon as modality, we must separately and especially consider the syntactic and morphological side of this linguistic phenomenon. This approach is consistent with the description of speech production proposed in psychological studies. Here is a diagram made by Professor R.S. Nemov:

The diagram shows that the formation and linguistic expression of thoughts has a level character.

Based on the theory of speech production, we can characterize the features of the grammatical expression of modality.

As you know, any sentence (statement) has its own denotation. It is an extra-linguistic situation.

Modality, figuratively speaking, “overlays” the denotative content of the utterance, making it communicatively oriented and valuable for communication. The described processes take place at the level of thought formation.

Moving on to the analysis of language facts, we note that we will begin our description from the syntactic level. It corresponds to the level of sentences and phrases in the speech production scheme. In the structure of a sentence (statement) there is a component that is responsible for expressing modality. We will call it the modal component of a sentence (statement). Its task is to embody modality at the syntactic level.

Let us give examples of modal components: Toward sunset the pale sun appeared (I.A. Bunin. Dark Alleys); His coat, tie and vest were always black (M.Yu. Lermontov. Hero of our time).

In the first sentence (statement) the modal component is the predicate “looked through”, in the second it is part of the predicate “were”. Thus, the concept of “member of a sentence” is broader in scope than the concept of “modal component of a sentence.” We need the latter to show the existence of the modality “gene” that is in every sentence (utterance).

The quality of the modal component of a sentence (utterance) is characterized by us as a way of expressing modality. The study of ways of expressing modality is the study of its syntactic aspect.

We know that syntactic components have their own morphological “filling”. In other words, this or that syntactic position is filled with certain parts of speech in certain forms. The modal components of a sentence (statement) in this sense are not exceptions.

So, we go down one level of speech production: to the level of morphemes and words. The forms of modality expression will correspond to it. Forms of expression of modality we call parts of speech in specific morphological forms, which are used to express modality. So, for example, in the sentence (statement): Give me a paw, Jim, for luck... (S.A. Yesenin. Kachalov’s Dog) the form of expression of modality is a finite verb used in the imperative mood.

The study of forms of expression of modality is a study of the morphological aspect of this linguistic phenomenon.

We think that when forming a statement there must be a link that connects the method (syntactic position) and form (morphological expression) of expressing modality. This link is the means of expressing the relationship between the utterance and extra-linguistic reality (modality).

So, the role of means is to connect the ways and forms of expressing modality. But some means also have another function: they help one or another grammatical form adapt to the expression of modality. We will call the first of the described means universal (this includes intonation), the second - non-universal. Let's imagine everything that has been said in the form of diagram 2. The methods and forms of expressing modality are combined into a kind of block. The means of expressing modality seem to connect the forms of expression of modality with the ways of expressing it. This is their role in the formation of statements. We emphasize that non-universal means of expressing modality relate to grammar, and universal means to phonetics. This is reflected in the diagram in the form of different levels of their location.

Grammatical means perform a dual function. On the one hand, they help forms that are deprived of mood or have a mood used in a way that is not in their direct meaning, to become forms of expressing modality, on the other hand, they thereby contribute to the combination of forms and ways of expressing modality. Let's give an example: May you leave here tomorrow!

The form of expressing modality in this case is the verb indicative mood. But it expresses the modal meaning of the impulse. And this meaning is unusual for the indicative mood. Consequently, to express such a meaning, a lexico-grammatical device was needed - the particle “so that”. It contributes to the expression of the meaning of motivation by a verb of the indicative mood and is thereby included in the modal component of a given sentence (statement).

Let us note that intonation as a means of expressing modality turns from a purely phonetic phenomenon into a phonetic-grammatical phenomenon, since it also performs a grammatical function.

So, it seems to us that an adequate description of modality can only be made based on the triad “method - form - means”. With this approach, each side of the grammatical expression of modality is analyzed. The described approach to the study of modality requires a very clear definition of the ways, forms and means of expressing modality, and not the random use of these words when describing modality.

Of course, language synthesizes all this, but the task of the researcher is to use analysis to understand the essence of language and its structure.

In conclusion, we will briefly describe the methods and forms of expressing modality.

Ways of expressing modality.

1. Predicate: The steppe is cheerfully full of flowers... (A.I. Kuprin). I immediately dived into the bathhouse - and the cold went away. Yes, anyone can come here, no one will object.

2. Partitive. If a predicate consists of more than one component, then modality will be expressed by only one of these components. In this case, we are talking about a partitive (lat. pars, partis - part) way of expressing modality. It is divided into several subtypes: a) Futural. This variety occurs when the modal component is expressed by verbs in the form of the future complex tense; b) Collocation (collocations are written in detail in the work): We agreed with the decision made; c) Phraseological. If the predicate is expressed by a phraseological turn of the verb type, then the modal meaning is expressed only by its verb part: The guys were kicking ass; d) Auxiliary verb: The car began to stop; e) Liaison: The engineer was thoughtful.

3. Comprehensive. In modern Russian, the phenomenon of a significant absence of a copula (zero copula) is quite often observed. In this case, the integrity of the sentence (statement) is not violated - it is ideally suited for communication. To prove the presence of a copula in the present tense, linguists use paradigmatic comparisons: The house is new - The house was new - The house will be new - The house would be new. And this is a research technique. The average native speaker does not perceive sentences (statements) like “New house” as constructions with missing components. Due to these circumstances, we believe that in such cases modality is expressed through the significant absence of a copula (zero copula) and the presence of a nominal part. Thus, modality is expressed complexly.

4. Independent subject. Characteristic for nominative and genitive sentences: Central Park. To the people, to the people! Of course, we purely formally consider the main members of the described one-component sentences as independent subjects. In fact, everything is much more complicated here, but the purpose of our description is to consider the grammatical aspect of modality.


Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra"


Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication


Subject: " Benchmarking modalities in Russian and English (based on the works of K. Mansfield and their translation into Russian)"

Surgut 2012


Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of modality

1 General concept of modality

2 Definition of modality

4 Ways to express modality in English

4.1 Mood and modality

4.2 Modals

4.3 Modal verbs

5 Ways to express modality in Russian

5.1 Mood and modality

5.2 Modals

5.3 Modal particles

Chapter II. Practical aspects of modality

1 Comparative method

2.2 Verb Must and Have to

3 Verbs Can and Could

4 Verbs May and Might

5 Verbs Should and Ought to

2.6 Modals


List of used literature



This course work is a comparative study of the category of modality in the Russian and English languages. In linguistics, the problem of modality has received extensive coverage. This problem was paid attention to by such scientists as Sh. Bally, V.V. Vinogradov, A.A. Potebnya, I. D. Arutyunova, A. J. Thomson, I. Heinrich, B.F. Matthies, S.S. Vaulina, N.S. Valgina and others.

Relevance of this workis that modality has been at the center of linguistic searches since the 40s of the 20th century. Its properties are still poorly understood, as evidenced by the increased interest in this phenomenon by modern researchers.

Object of studystands for modality in modern English and Russian languages.

Subject of researchmodal verbs, words, particles and inflections of the verb are used.

The purpose of this workis to identify ways to express modality in Russian and English and systematize existing knowledge about it. During the research process, we set the following questions: tasks:

.Give an interpretation of the concept of modality as a whole;

.Analyze various approaches to defining the category of modality that exist in linguistics;

.Identify the difference between modality and mood;

.Characterize the means of expressing modality in Russian and English;

.Consider the expression of modality based on the works of K. Mansfield and their translation into Russian.

The following were used when writing the course work: methods: method of analysis, method of observation, method of comparison, method of statistical processing.

Practical valueThis work is determined by the possibility of applying the research results in linguodidactics when studying literary text, in teaching elective courses and conducting seminars (on theoretical grammar, functional stylistics and other disciplines), when comparing textbooks and teaching aids.

Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of modality

1 General concept of modality

There is perhaps no other category about which so many conflicting points of view have been expressed. Many authors include in the category of modality the most heterogeneous meanings in their essence, functional purpose and belonging to the levels of linguistic structure. Meanwhile, the problem of modality and linguistic means of its expression is widely discussed in linguistics and logic, since this category belongs to the area of ​​linguistic phenomena where their connection with the logical structure and thinking is most direct. Modality is an important characteristic of a sentence, where it plays the role of linguistic unit, and on the other hand, it is considered as an essential feature of judgment as a form of thinking. Therefore, the analysis of the linguistic category of modality can only be carried out in close connection with the analysis of the logical category of modality.

2 Definition of modality

Linguistics has come a long and winding path in the study of modality, based on the achievements of logic, semiotics and psychology. However, modality has not yet received a complete explanation due to its versatility, specificity of linguistic expression and functional features. Researchers give different definitions of the category “modality”. Let's look at some concepts.

O.S. Akhmanova considers modality as “a conceptual category with the meaning of the speaker’s attitude to the content of the utterance and the relationship of the content of the utterance to reality (the relationship of the communicated to its real implementation), expressed by various lexical and grammatical means, for example, mood forms, modal verbs, etc.” Modality can have the meaning of statement, command, wish, assumption, reliability, unreality, etc. In the definition of O.S. Akhmanova says that modality can have several meanings, one of which is reliability. In a sentence, the speaker or writer expresses the idea that he wants to communicate to the listener or reader. Sentences differ from each other in the purpose of the statement, in their emotional coloring, as well as in the degree of truth or falsity of the information contained in them, that is, in the degree of reliability. Unlike declarative and interrogative sentences, which are differentiated by subjective modality, incentive sentences with a predicate verb in the imperative mood do not differ in the degree of reliability of the conveyed content. In this sentence, the modal word expresses not the degree of certainty, but the intensity of the impulse.

Thus, we have three structures of the same type, three levels, each of which has its own truth, its own lie and its own uncertainty. The level of categoricalness of the statement decreases as one moves from knowledge to confidence, and then to the area of ​​uncertainty.

Russian dictionary foreign words gives the following definition: modality [fr. Modalite< лат. Modus способ, наклонение] - грамматическая категория, обозначающая отношение содержания предложения к действительности и выражающаяся формами наклонения глагола, интонацией, вводными словами и так далее .

The large encyclopedic dictionary “Linguistics” gives the following formulation: modality [from cf. lat. modalis - modal; lat. modus - measure, method] is a functional-semantic category that expresses different types of relation of a statement to reality, as well as different types of subjective qualification of what is being communicated. Modality is a linguistic universal; it belongs to the main categories of natural language.

According to M.Ya. Flea, modality is the semantics of the relationship of denotations to reality. Modality is not considered as a specific category of a sentence. This is a broader category that can be identified both in the area of ​​grammatical and structural elements of the language and in the area of ​​its lexical and nominative elements. In this sense, any word that expresses some assessment of the relationship of the named substance with the surrounding reality should be recognized as modal. These include significant words of modal-evaluative semantics, semi-functional words of probability and necessity, modal verbs with their numerous variants of evaluative meanings.

The results of the study of language modality obtained in the works of G.A. Zolotova deserve special attention. It defines modality as a subjective-objective relationship between the content of a statement and reality from the point of view of its reliability, reality, correspondence or non-compliance with reality. “The content of the proposal may correspond reality or not match it. The contrast between these two main modal values- real (direct) modality and unreal modality (irreal, indirect, hypothetical, conjectural) and forms the basis of the modal characteristics of the sentence.”

V.V. Vinogradov in his work “Studies on Russian Grammar” adhered to the concept that a sentence, reflecting reality in its practical social awareness, expresses a relationship (attitude) to reality, therefore the category of modality is closely connected with the sentence, with the variety of its types. Each sentence includes, as an essential constructive feature, a modal meaning, that is, it contains an indication of the relationship to reality. He believed that the category of modality belongs to the number of basic, central linguistic categories, in different forms, found in the languages ​​of different systems. V.V. Vinogradov also noted that the content of the category of modality and the forms of its detection are historically variable. The semantic category of modality in languages ​​of different systems has a mixed lexical and grammatical character. In the languages ​​of the European system, it covers the entire fabric of speech.

If in Soviet linguistics the founder of the concept of modality was V.V. Vinogradov, then in Western European linguistics this role belongs to S. Bally. According to the Swiss scientist, “modality is the soul of the sentence; like thought, it is formed mainly as a result of the active operation of the speaking subject. Consequently, one cannot assign the meaning of a sentence to an utterance if at least some expression of modality is not found in it.” The content of the syntactic category of modality in the light of the theory of S. Bally combines two meanings, which he, following the example of logicians, proposes to call: 1) dictum (the objective content of a sentence) and 2) mode (an expression of the position of the thinking subject in relation to this content). “The speaker gives his thoughts either an objective, rational form, which best corresponds to reality, or most often puts emotional elements into expression in a wide variety of doses; sometimes the latter reflect the purely personal motives of the speaker, and sometimes they are modified under the influence of social conditions, that is, depending on the real or imaginary presence of some other persons (one or more).”

If we turn to English-language literature with questions about modality, it turns out that they are covered only in grammar textbooks. British and American grammarians believe that modality is transmitted auxiliary verbs, expressing different types of subjective attitude to an event or action. The meanings of obligation, possibility, probability, doubt, assumptions, requests, permission, wishes and others are recognized as modal.

The concept of modality first appeared in Aristotle's Metaphysics (he identified three main modal concepts: necessity, possibility and reality), from where it passed into classical philosophical systems. We find various judgments about modality in Theophrastus and Eudemus of Rhodes, commentators on Aristotle, and later in the medieval scholastics.

A.B. Shapiro names two main types of modality with partial identification of some varieties:

· real, in which the content of the sentence is considered as coinciding with reality (in this case we are talking about sentences in the affirmative and negative form);

· unreal with the following varieties: a) convention; b) motivation; c) desirability; d) obligation and close to it possibility - impossibility.

Analyzing the category of modality from the content side, the scientist comes to the following conclusion: “The linguistic means by which the speaker’s emotions are expressed, as well as the expressive coloring of statements, have nothing in common with the means of expressing modality in a sentence. Emotionality can be accompanied by sentences with a variety of modalities: affirmative and negative modalities can be colored with emotions of joy, sympathy, friendliness and, conversely, emotions of sadness, annoyance, regret; The same and many other emotions can be accompanied by the modalities of motivation and obligation.”

V.V. Vinogradov in his work “On the category of modality and modal words in the Russian language” classified the means of expressing modality and “outlined their functional hierarchy.” He writes: “Since the proposal, reflecting reality in its practical public consciousness, naturally reflects the relevance (relation) of the content of speech to reality, then the category of modality is closely related to the sentence and the variety of its types.” Thus, this category is included by scientists in the sphere of syntax, where it manifests itself in a modal relation to reality from the position of the speaker. He uses, synonymously, the terms “modal meanings”, “modal shades”, “expressive-modal shades”, which include “everything that is connected with the speaker’s attitude to reality”. The following are considered modal:

· the meaning of desire, intention, desire to perform or produce some action;

· expression of the will to carry out some action, request, command, order;

· emotional attitude, emotional characteristic, moral and ethical assessment, emotional and volitional qualification of action;

· meanings of unreality (hypothetical);

· quantitative and qualitative assessment of individual thoughts from the message.

N.S. Valgina in her book “Text Theory” calls modality “the most important element of text formation and text perception,” which binds all text units into a single semantic and structural whole. She also draws attention to the distinction between subjective modality, which determines the speaker’s attitude to the statement, and objective modality, which expresses the attitude of the statement to reality. The modality of the text as a whole is an expression of the author’s attitude to what is being communicated, his concepts, point of view, and the position of his value orientations. The modality of the text helps to perceive the text not as a sum of individual units, but as a whole work. To determine the modality of the text, according to Valgina, the image of the author (“personal attitude towards the subject of the image embodied in the speech structure of the text”) is very important, which plays a cementing role - it connects all the elements of the text into one whole and is the semantic-stylistic center of any work.

According to G.F. Musaeva, the category of modality is differentiated into two types: objective and subjective. Objective modality is a mandatory feature of any utterance, one of the categories that form the predicative unit - a sentence. This type modality expresses the relationship of what is being communicated to reality in terms of reality (realization or feasibility). Objective modality is organically connected with the category of time and is differentiated on the basis of temporal certainty - uncertainty. The meaning of time and reality - unreality - are fused together; the complex of these meanings is called objective-modal meanings. Subjective modality is the attitude of the speaker to what is being communicated. Unlike objective modality, it is an optional feature of an utterance. The semantic scope of subjective modality is much wider than the semantic scope of objective modality. Semantic basis subjective modality forms the concept of evaluation in in a broad sense words, including not only the logical (intellectual, rational) qualification of what is being communicated, but also different types of emotional (irrational) reaction. Evaluative-characterizing meanings include meanings that combine the expression of a subjective attitude towards what is being communicated with such a characteristic of it that can be considered non-subjective, arising from the fact, event itself, from its qualities, properties, from the nature of its passage in time or from its connections and relationships with other facts and events.

The scope of modality includes:

· contrasting statements according to the nature of their communicative attitude;

· gradations of meanings in the range “reality - unreality”;

· varying degrees the speaker’s confidence in the reliability of his thoughts about reality;

· various modifications of the connection between subject and predicate.

G.A. Zolotova distinguishes between three main modal plans: 1) the relationship of the statement to reality from the point of view of the speaker; 2) the speaker’s attitude to the content of the utterance; 3) the attitude of the subject of the action to the action. At the same time, she explains: “In works of recent years devoted to issues of modality, the terms objective modality and subjective modality are found.” Proposing to use these very concepts, G.A. Zolotova defines the relationship in the first formulation as an objective modality, and in the second as a subjective one. At the same time, the third modal aspect (the relationship between the subject and the action) does not matter for the modal characteristics of the sentence. Fair, in our opinion, are her conclusions that: a) the main modal meaning, or objective modality, is a necessary constructive feature of each sentence, subjective modality is an optional, optional feature; b) subjective modality, without changing the main modal meaning of the sentence, presents this meaning in a special light.

According to O.S. Akhmanova gives the following types of modality:

· hypothetical (suppositional) modality. Presentation of the content of a statement as conjectural;

· verbal modality. Modality expressed by a verb;

· unreal modality. Presentation of the content of the statement as impossible, unfeasible;

· negative modality. Presenting the content of a statement as inconsistent with reality.

Russian grammar of 1980 notes that, firstly, modality is expressed by multi-level means of language, secondly, it is indicated that the category of objective modality correlates with the category of predicativity, thirdly, a circle of phenomena related to the phenomena of modality is outlined:

.the meaning of reality - unreality: reality is indicated by a syntactic indicative (present, past, future tense); unreality - unreal moods (subjunctive, conditional, desirable, incentive);

.subjective-modal meaning - the speaker’s attitude to what is being communicated;

.the sphere of modality includes words (verbs, short adjectives, predicates), which with their lexical meanings express possibility, desire, obligation.

So, the linguistic material shows that at the present stage of development of linguistics (mainly Russian), modality is considered as a universal functional-semantic category, that is, “as a system of grammatical meanings manifested in different levels language". “Language modality is a vast and complex linguistic phenomenon; its features do not fit within the framework of a one-dimensional division operation as any specific grammatical category, although it is traditionally called a category. Modality is a whole class, a system of systems of grammatical meanings that manifest themselves at different levels of language and speech. The breadth and multidimensional functional essence of modality rightly determine its status as a category...”

4 Ways to express modality in English

In modern English there are grammatical and lexical means of expressing modality. The grammatical means are modal verbs and mood forms. Modal verbs convey different shades of modality, ranging from an assumption bordering on certainty to an assumption about which the speaker is not sure.

Lexical means are modal words. Some linguists speak of modal words as an independent part of speech. Their syntactic function is that of the introductory member of a sentence. The question of modal words was first raised by Russian linguists in relation to the Russian language. In foreign linguistics, this type was noted, but was not allocated to a special category.

Modality can also be expressed by mood forms. However, these categories should not be identified. Mood is a morphological category of a verb, one of the means of expressing modality. Modality is wider than inclination.

4.1 Mood and modality

Over the past 30 years, many works have appeared in which modality and mood are considered as grammatical categories. Among them we can see the works of Lyons (1977), Coates (1983), Palmer (1986), Horn (1989), Traugott (1989), Sweetser (1990), Warner (1993), Bybee (1994), etc.

The main reason to study modality and mood within grammar, according to Plank (1984), is the category's ability to represent linguistic changes in a diachronic process, such as processes of grammaticalization. Grammaticalization occurs when lexical units or even constructions used in specific speech situations, after some period of time, can turn into a special grammatical category or into a more grammatical category, and then become more general and abstract.

) there is no clear definition of the categorical semantics of mood;

) when identifying moods, various criteria are used (formal, semantic, functional);

) traditional grammars use mood systems similar to Latin, Greek and Old English grammars;

) exist various points views on homonymy and polysemy of verbal forms expressing modal meanings.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the definition, views on the number of moods, their semantics and means of expression (synthetic and analytical) are, however, very contradictory. Let's consider the main approaches to determining moods.

The generally accepted system in traditional grammar is the system of three moods: indicative, imperative and subjunctive. This system is borrowed from Latin grammar.

The indicative mood represents an action as a fact of reality. The imperative mood expresses the urge to action. The subjunctive mood characterizes an action as not a fact, but its semantic range also includes non-modal meanings (an unreal condition, a consequence of an unreal condition, a goal, an unfulfilled desire, etc.). On this basis, the subjunctive mood is divided into subjunctive 1 and 2. Subsystems include up to five moods. Moreover, the means of expressing the subjunctive mood are also heterogeneous: they include, in addition to synthetic forms, analytical ones. Thus, the system of three moods has its disadvantages.

According to the interpretation of L.S. Barkhudarov, in the English language two moods should be distinguished: indicative and imperative, and the opposition of these moods takes place within categorical form non-past tense.

The imperative form is semantically intense and expresses an impulse to action.

The form of the indicative mood is semantically extensive: its specific meanings are realized only in specific contextual conditions through various lexical-syntactic environments. At the same time, it should be noted that the leading modal meaning of this form is the correspondence of the content of the statement with reality established by the speaker.

The subjunctive mood in modern English is represented by were and may not be taken into account.

L.S. Barkhudarov, based on his well-founded understanding of analytical forms, excludes all combinations of “modal verb + infinitive” from mood forms and considers them in syntax as free phrases.

Past tense forms are excluded by L.S. Barkhudarov from among the mood forms on the basis that the features of their meaning are determined by the syntactic conditions of their use, and not by their morphological structure. The meaning of unreality is considered as a derived meaning of the categorical form of the past tense (Appendix 1).

Interpretation of the category of mood and combinations modal verbs with an infinitive, set out in the works of L.S. Barkhudarov, seems to us the most substantiated and realistically reflecting the facts of the language at the present stage of its development.

modal verb semantics mood

1.4.2 Modals

Modal words express the speaker’s subjective attitude to the thought expressed in the sentence. Modal words have the meaning of assumption, doubt, probability, confidence of the speaker in the thought expressed in the sentence.

Modal words include words such as: perhaps, may be, of course, surely, no doubt, in fact, in truth, etc., as well as words with the suffix -1у, which coincide in form with the adverbs: possibly, ргOBably , certainly, naturally, evidently, obviously, happily and others.

Modal words have a special relationship to the sentence. They are not members of the sentence, since, giving an assessment of the entire situation set out in the sentence, they find themselves outside the sentence.

Modals can function as sentence words, similar to the affirmative and negative sentence words Yes and No. However, as B.A. points out. Ilish, the sentence words Yes and No never change their status, while modal words can be sentence words (in dialogue) or be introductory words in a sentence.

Performing the function of an introductory member of a sentence, a modal word can occupy a place at the beginning of a sentence, in the middle and sometimes at the end of a sentence

Most modal words come from adverbs and coincide in form with adverbs of manner, which have the suffix -1у. Modal words differ from adverbs in meaning and syntactic function. The meaning and syntactic function of an adverb is that it gives an objective characteristic of an action, property, attribute, or indicates the circumstances under which the action is performed, and refers to one member of the sentence. A modal word usually refers to the entire sentence as a whole and expresses the speaker’s subjective attitude to the thought being expressed.

4.3 Modal verbs

The group of modal verbs includes a small number of verbs that stand out among all verbs by a number of characteristic features in meaning, use and grammatical forms. These verbs do not have a single verbal grammatical category (type, temporal assignment of voice); they can only have forms of mood and tense, which are indicators of the predicate. Due to this, and also due to their lack of non-predicative forms (infinitive, gerund, participles), modal verbs stand on the periphery of the verbal system of the English language.

By their role in a sentence, modal verbs are auxiliary verbs. They denote the possibility, ability, probability, necessity of performing an action expressed by a semantic verb. Since they express only a modal attitude and not an action, they are never used as a separate member of a sentence. Modal verbs are always combined only with the infinitive, forming combinations with it that are complex in a sentence modal predicate.

By their etymology, most modal verbs are preterite-presentational. Modal verbs are defective verbs because they do not have all the forms that other verbs have. Their lack of inflection -s in the 3rd person singular of the present indicative mood is explained historically: modern forms of the present tense were once forms of the past tense, and the 3rd person singular of the past tense did not have a personal ending.

The modal verbs must, should - ought, will-would, can-could, may-might, need can express various shades of assumption. Scientists suggest that modal verbs express objective reality, while introductory words- subjective. It can be assumed that the verbs can and may specialize in conveying possible, proposed actions, and the verbs must, should, might, in addition to the meaning of obligation, also convey suggested, probable actions, thus closely relating to the meaning of introductory words such as perhaps, possibly, probably, certainly. When modal words and introductory words are used simultaneously, in such cases we are dealing with synonymous constructions.

In a sentence, modal verbs are always combined with an infinitive (perfect and non-perfect), forming with it one combination, which is called a compound modal predicate. Modal verbs are not used as individual parts of a sentence.

5 Ways to express modality in Russian

The facts of reality and their connections, being the content of a statement, can be thought of by the speaker as reality, as a possibility or desirability, as an obligation or necessity. The speaker's assessment of his statement from the point of view of the relationship of what is being communicated to objective reality is called modality. Modality in the Russian language is expressed by forms of moods, special intonation, as well as lexical means - modal words and particles. Academician A.A. Shakhmatov decisively stated that in language there are, in addition to moods, other means of expressing modality. He wrote that modality, the nature and character of which has as its source only the will of the speaker, his emotional impulses, can receive several different verbal expressions: firstly, in the form of a verbal predicate, by changing its stem and endings; secondly, in special function words accompanying the predicate or the main member of the sentence; thirdly, in a special order of words in a sentence; fourthly, in the special intonation of the predicate or main member of a one-part sentence. In this paper we will consider the opinion of Russian scientists regarding the distinction between modality and mood, as well as modal words and particles.

5.1 Mood and modality

In speech, in a specific utterance, the relation of action to reality is established by the speaker. However, a certain type of attitude to reality is already inherent in the grammatical form of the mood itself. This type of relationship is fixed in the system of mood forms as cells of the grammatical system of the language. The speaker only chooses one or another form of mood, using its inherent grammatical meaning to express the relationship of a given action in a given specific utterance to reality.

The category of mood is the grammatical (morphological) core of a broader functional-semantic category of modality, covering not only morphological, but also syntactic and lexical means of expressing the relationship of a statement to reality.

Shades of modality, similar to the functions of verbal moods, are expressed, together with other elements of the sentence, by the infinitive: Everyone, lower your collars!

The forms of participles and gerunds are associated with the “indicative” modality in the context. For example: This ringing - strong, beautiful - flew into the room, causing the solid mirror glass of the large high windows to tremble and the cream curtains, brightly lit by the sun, to sway.

Modality, but not the grammatical category of mood, includes forms such as say, get attached, etc., expressing the unexpected onset of an action with a tinge of arbitrariness, lack of motivation, for example: Once upon a time, my deceased parent and I were carrying bread from the field, and I approach him, what, how, and why. These forms cannot be attributed to the imperative mood, with which they outwardly coincide, since they are in no way connected with it semantically. Such forms cannot be attributed to the indicative mood, since they do not possess its morphological features (changeability in tenses, persons and numbers). V.V. Vinogradov considers these forms as “the embryo of a special, voluntary mood,” noting that it is “close to the indicative, but differs from it in its bright modal coloring.” Modal coloring in itself is not a sufficient basis for identifying a special mood. The forms under consideration do not have such a semantic feature that would include them in the system of moods as an equal member, in certain relationships with other members of this system. It is no coincidence that V.V. Vinogradov speaks only of an “embryo” (germ) of a special inclination, i.e. does not place the “voluntative” on a par with the three known moods. Therefore, it seems appropriate to consider forms like say as one of the verbal means of expressing modality (one of the shades of “indicative” modality) outside the grammatical system of moods.

5.2 Modals

In the textbook of the modern Russian language, modal words are those highlighted in independent part speech unchangeable words denoting the relationship of the entire statement or its individual part to reality from the point of view of the speaker, grammatically unrelated to other words in the sentence.

In a sentence, modal words act as syntactically isolated units - introductory words or phrases, as well as word-sentences that express an assessment of what was previously said in terms of its reliability or unreliability.

According to their lexical meaning, modal words are divided into two large groups:

)modal words with the meaning of statement: of course, undoubtedly, indisputably, certainly, without any doubt, etc.;

5.3 Modal particles

This discharge of particles expresses the speaker’s point of view on reality, on the message about it. In turn, modal particles are divided into the following subgroups:

)Affirmative particles: yes, exactly, definitely, yes, yeah, etc.;

)Negative particles: no, not, neither, not at all, not at all, etc.;

)Interrogative particles: is it really, is it possible, is it possible, is it possible, is it possible, etc.;

)Comparative particles: as, as if, as if;

)Particles containing an indication of someone else's speech: they say, supposedly;

)Modal-volitional particles: yes, would, let, come on.

IN modern linguistics There is no clear opinion regarding the nature and content of the category of modality. The end of the twentieth century in linguistics was marked by an increase in interest in language not as a sign, but as an anthropocentric system, the purpose of studying which is human speech and mental activity. In this regard, many different areas of science have emerged, such as cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, ethnopsycholinguistics, psycholinguistics, intercultural communication and others. Modality is a multidimensional phenomenon, and therefore in linguistic literature there is various set opinions and approaches regarding the essence of this phenomenon. All of the listed linguistic directions pose one task - to identify those mental and psychological processes, the result of which is human speech. These mental processes are inextricably linked to modality.

It is important to note that modality is realized either at the grammatical, or at the lexical, or at the intonation level and has different ways of expression. It is expressed by various grammatical and lexical means: modal verbs, words, particles, interjections, moods and other means.

Chapter II. Practical aspects of modality

1 Comparative method

The comparative method is the study and description of a language through its systematic comparison with another language in order to clarify its specificity. The comparative method is aimed primarily at identifying differences between the two languages ​​being compared and is therefore also called contrastive and forms the basis of contrastive linguistics. Comparison as a type of comparative study of languages ​​differs from other types of linguistic comparison, although in general the comparative method is close to the general principles of typology, being applicable to languages ​​regardless of their genetic relationships. In essence, the comparative method differs from the general typological and characterological approaches not in the specificity of the techniques, but in the objectives of the study. It is especially effective when applied to related languages, since their contrasting features appear most clearly against the background of similar features. In this respect, the comparative method approaches the comparative historical method, being in in a certain sense his reverse side: if the comparative-historical method is based on the establishment of correspondences, then the comparative method is based on the establishment of inconsistencies, and often what is diachronically a correspondence, synchronically appears as an inconsistency. The comparative method is aimed at searching for similarities in languages, for which it is necessary to filter out what is different. Its goal is the reconstruction of the former through overcoming the existing. The comparative method is fundamentally historical and apragmatic. The comparative method must fundamentally deindividuate the languages ​​under study in search of a reconstruction of proto-reality.

B. A. Serebrennikov rightly wrote about all this, explaining the difference between comparative and comparative methods: “Comparative grammar has special principles of construction. In them, a comparison of various related languages ​​is made in order to study their history, in order to reconstruct the ancient appearance of existing forms and sounds.” The comparative method, on the contrary, is based only on synchrony, tries to establish the differences inherent in each language separately, and must be wary of any similarity, since it pushes towards leveling the individual and provokes the replacement of someone else’s with one’s own. Only a consistent determination of contrasts and differences between one’s own and someone else’s can and should be a legitimate goal of comparative research of languages. “When learning a foreign language has not yet reached the level of automatic, active mastery of it, the system of the native language exerts strong pressure. Comparison of the facts of one language with the facts of another language is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the possibilities of this pressure of the native language system.” "Such grammars are best called comparative rather than comparative grammars."

The historicity of the comparative method is limited only to the recognition of the historical statement of the linguistic given (not language and languages ​​in general, namely given language and these languages ​​as they are historically given in their synchrony).

Unlike the comparative method, the comparative method is fundamentally pragmatic; it is aimed at certain applied and practical goals, which does not remove the theoretical aspect of considering its problems.

The comparative method is the property of synchronic language research; it establishes a relation of contrast between the languages ​​being compared, which, depending on the level, manifests itself as diaphony (divergences in phonological), diamorphy (grammatical divergence), diataxy (syntactic divergence), diasemia (semantic divergence), dialexia (lexical divergences registered only in those cases when a lexical match is expected).

The idea of ​​the comparative method was theoretically substantiated by I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay. Elements of comparison were also found in grammars of the 18th-19th centuries, but as a linguistic method with certain principles it began to take shape in the 30-40s. XX century. In the USSR, important contributions to the theory and practice of the comparative method were made during these years by E. D. Polivanov, L. V. Shcherba, and S. I. Bernshtein. Classic. The comparative method was used in studies in the USSR by Polivanov (1933), III. Bally in Europe (1935). The importance of the comparative method is increasing due to increasing interest in the linguistic foundations of teaching non-native languages.

2 Verb Must and Have to

The verb Must has only one present tense form. Very often the modal verb must shows obligation or necessity; actions that must be performed.

She seemed to stagger like a child, and the thought came and went through Rosemary s mind, that if people wanted helping them mustrespond a little, just a little, otherwise it became very difficult indeed.

The girl staggered like a child still unsteady on her feet, and Rosemary couldn’t help but think that if people want to be helped, they themselves mustshow activity, well, at least a little, otherwise everything becomes terribly complicated.

This verb is the most categorical of the verbs of obligation, therefore, when expressing urgent advice or invitation, it can be translated into Russian with the words: absolutely must, absolutely necessary.

In the following example, the verb must is used when the speaker decides that something must be done. Moreover, his decision was caused by internal necessity.

She loved it; it was a great duck. She must have it.

She likes him very much - he’s such a charmer! She must buy it.

Thus, Must + Indefinite / Continuous Infinitive expresses an assumption related to presenttime Usually with Continuous it expresses the assumption that the action is happening at the moment of speech or during the present period of time. However, if the verb is not used in Continuous forms, then it is used with Indefinite forms. As happened in the example above. Rosemary saw the casket and definitely wanted to buy it.

Also, the verb must expresses advice that urgently must be followed.

“Oh, please” - Rosemary ran forward - “you mustnt be frightened,you mustnt"Really."

Oh please! - Rosemary ran up to her. - There is no need to be afraid, really, there is no need to be afraid.

The translator, taking into account the fact that the main character of the story, Rosemary, has just met a stranger on the street, renders the verb must as No need, but at the same time adds an introductory construction really. This was done intentionally, since in Russian culture it is not customary to give strict, urgent advice to strangers.

The verb Have to expresses the need to perform an action caused by circumstances - must, must, forced. The meaning of the verb Have to is close to the modal verb must(obligation or necessity from the speaker's point of view).

In this meaning it can be used in all forms and tenses, in sentences of any type in combination with a simple, non-perfect infinitive (Indefinite Infinitive) with a particle to. It has time forms: have / has- present tense, had- past tense, shall / will have- Future tense .

The waiting-room laughed so loudly at this that he had tohold both hands up.

Everyone burst into such loud laughter that he had toraise both hands up.

Now I had a call for twenty-eight ladies today, but they had tobe young and able to hop it a bit-see?

Today I had an application for twenty-eight girls, but onlyon young ones who know how to kick their legs.

And I had another call for sixteen-but they had toknow something about sand-dancing.

And one more application for sixteen girls, but onlyto acrobats.

Again, the translator performs a conversion, replacing the modal verb with a modal word.

You shant have to. I ll look after you.

Calm down. I'll take care of you.

There is such a translation transformation as logical development here. The translator relies on the context, which comes in the form of dialogue. Negative form of shan t have to expresses the absence of obligation or necessity and is translated into Russian by the words: not necessary, not necessary, no need. However, if the previous sentence said that the stranger could no longer live like this, then it would be a gross stylistic and factual error to translate the verb have to as not necessary. Namely:

I can't stand this anymore!

Not necessary. I'll take care of you.

2.3 Verbs Can and Could

In most cases, the verb can expresses a person's ability to perform an action.

"I cantgo on no longer like this. I cantbear it. I cantbear it. I shall do away with myself. I cantbear no more."

"I more I can notSo. I can not stand! I can't stand it! I'll do something with myself. I can't stand this!

In this expression, the verb can is translated not only as I can not, but also how I can't stand it. After the girl drank tea and forgot about fear, she decided to speak out. It is to convey the internal state of the heroine that the translator uses such verbs.

“My darling girl,” said Philip, “you re quite mad, you know. It simply cant be done».

“Baby, you're just crazy. This is absolutely unthinkable"things cantgo on like this, Miss Moss, no indeed they cant.

Keep in mind, Miss Moss, that Socontinue further can not.

In this example, we see the technique of contraction, which was used to give the dialogue laconicism and the indignation of the landlady. Moreover, both a modal verb and a modal word were conveyed.

In the following example, the verb can is used in the past tense according to the rules of tense agreement (could) and expresses a state of possibility close to certainty.

She could have said: "Now I ve got you", as she gazed at the little captive she had netted.

She looked at the little captive who had fallen into her net, and she I wanted to scream: “Now you won’t get away from me!”

This type of transformation occurs quite often, so we are dealing with internal monologue. The sentence uses the technique of holistic transformation, that is, not one word, but a whole sentence has undergone transformation. First comes the permutation along with the conversion, and then the construction could have saidreplaced by reverse I wanted to scream, which shows confidence in action.

However, if the verb Could is used together with the Perfect Infinitive, then this construction shows that some action or fact could have happened, but did not happen.

"You could have letthat room time and time again", says she, "and if people won t look after themselves in times like these, nobody else will”, she says.

You I could alreadyten times passthis room,” she said. - These are not the times now.

Design could have lettranslated into Russian in the form of the subjunctive mood could.

We also use the verbs Can and Could when we make a sentence. Could is used in formal situations.

« CanI have a cup of tea, Miss? "she asked.

- Is it possibleShall I have a cup of tea, miss? - she asked, turning to the waitress.

Adverb it is forbiddenin Russian it is used to express a request, wish or requirement. CanAnd is it possiblecoincide in function, so such a replacement is quite acceptable.

4 Verb May and Might

The verb May/Might is used when we ask for permission.

"Rosemary, mayI come in? "It was Philip. "Of course."

Rosemary, Can? - It was Philip. - Certainly.

I dare youdraw your attention, madam, to these flowers, here, on the little lady's corsage.

We use "May/Might I...?" to ask permission from someone we don't know very well.

"Madam, mayI speak to you a moment? »

"Madam, CanShould I contact you with a request?

It is important to remember that the verb May has a very formal connotation and is not used in everyday speech.

Well, I ll just wait a moment, if I may.

Well, I'll wait if allow me.

Miss Moss asks permission to wait at the Kig and Kejit office, so the emphasis shifts to another person.

What was it-if I mayask?

A Canfind out what this place was?

The verb May can express consent to a request, that is, permission.

It cost twenty-eight guineas. MayDo I have it? You may, little wasteful one.

It costs twenty-eight guineas. Can, will I buy it? - Can, small reel.

Also, the verb May expresses possibility. The construction May/Might + Present Infinitive indicates a possibility or probability in the present or future tense.

I mightjust havea stroke of luck.

AND, Maybe be, I'll be lucky.

If I get there early Mr. Kadgit may havesomething by the morning s post...

If I come early May be, Mr. Kajit will have something for me, something with the morning mail...

It gave Miss Moss a queer feeling to watch-a sinking-as you mightsay.

Looking at her, Miss Moss felt something strange, as ifEverything inside her was crumpled into a ball.

The translator makes a holistic transformation, and the verb mightconveys with a modal word as if.

With the help of May/Might + Perfect Infinitive constructions we show the possibility or probability that took place in the past.

"She may have hada College education and sung in West End concerts", says she, "but if your Lizzie says what s true", she says, "and she s washing her own clothes and drying them on the towel rail, it s easy to see where the finger s pointing".

« Letthere she graduated from at least twenty music schools and sang at concerts in the West End, but since your Lizzie says that she washes her own laundry and dries it in the room on a towel rack, then everything is clear.”

To preserve the form of reproach, the translator uses the word let, which refers to formative particles and which serves to command.

The shopman, in some dim cavern of his mind, mayhave dared to think so too.

Must be, the antiquarian, in the darkest recess of his consciousness, also boldly had this thought.

5 Verbs Should and Ought to

The verbs Should and Ought to are used to express advice, desirability, or recommendation.

One oughtnt togive way to them. One ought togo home and have an extra-special tea.

It is forbiddengive in to such moments. We need it soongo home and drink some stronger tea.

If I m the more fortunate, you ought toexpect...

And if my life turned out better than yours, still, maybe someday...

In the above sentence, a logical development is made, and the verb ought toconveyed by introductory word after alland design May be.

After all, why shouldn'ttdo you come back with me?

After all, why wouldwon't you come to me?

The verb should is expressed through the formative particle would, which forms the subjunctive form.

As for herself she didn't t eat; she smoked and looked away tactfully so that the other shoulddon't be shy.

She didn't eat anything herself. onlysmoked, tactfully turning away so as not to embarrass the guest.

The following types are used here translation transformations, as conversion, that is, replacing parts of speech, specifying and adding. Despite such changes, the translator managed to maintain the attitude of the main character to the current situation.

If we compare Should verbs and Ought to with the verb Must, then Must expresses strict advice.

The verb Should is used to express an assumption with a tinge of confidence - it probably should be, etc. In this meaning, should is used with an imperfect infinitive (less common than with must).

She put her head on one side and smiled vaguely at the letter. "I shouldn'tt be surprised."

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There's probably no other category, oh linguistic nature and the composition of the particular meanings of which so many contradictory points of view would be expressed as about the category of modality. Most authors include in its composition meanings that are the most heterogeneous in their essence, functional purpose and belonging to the levels of linguistic structure, so that the category of modality is deprived of any certainty.

Modality is the basis for the formal grammatical classification of sentences according to modality. Offers various types, divided by subjective modality, form a formal paradigmatic series. The difference between sentences in subjective modality - the degree of reliability of the content of the sentence from the point of view of the speaker - is their difference in both form and content. In the cognitive process aimed at one or another phenomenon of reality, the speaker evaluates the degree of reliability of the thought he is forming about reality. Any judgment characterized by the subjective modality of categorical certainty can be not only true, but also false, since a subjective assessment of the reliability of the thought expressed by the corresponding sentence may not coincide with the extent to which this thought actually corresponds to reality.

The purpose of the course research is to study the category of modality in the Russian language. To achieve this goal, a number of tasks must be solved, namely:

Reveal the concept and essence of modality;

Consider modality as a semantic category;

Explore what special forms moods can express modality;

Consider modal words in the work of I. Odoevtseva “On the Banks of the Neva”.

The solution to the problems was carried out using the following theoretical and empirical research methods:

Method of theoretical analysis and synthesis;

Induction method;

Method of quantitative and high-quality processing data;

Comparison method;

Classification method;

Generalization method.

The object and material of the course work is the work of I. Odoevtseva, the choice of which is explained big amount modal words used in it.

The subject is modal words as a means of expressing a subjective assessment of what is being communicated.

The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that, using the example of I. Odoevtseva’s work “On the Banks of the Neva,” the lexical-semantic features and functional-stylistic potential of modal words are considered. This information will be useful not only when studying the language and stylistics of I. Odoevtseva’s works, but when studying modal words as parts of speech in their direct use in the text.

The theoretical significance of the course work is that it examines the category of modality and the functioning of modal words in the Russian language.

The practical value of the work lies in the fact that the research materials can be used in the compilation of textbooks and teaching aids on the modern Russian language, in the course of teaching the disciplines “Morphology”, “Stylistics”.

1. Ffunctional-semantic category of modality(KM) and its implementation in Russian

1.1 Modality as a languagebasic universal

Modality (from Middle Latin modalis - modal, Latin modus - measure, method) is a semantic category that expresses the speaker’s attitude to the content of his statement, the target setting of speech, the relationship of the content of the statement to reality. Modality is a linguistic universal and belongs to the main categories of natural language.

Modality is a category that expresses the speaker’s attitude to the content of the utterance, the latter’s attitude to reality. Modality can have the meaning of statement, order, wish, etc. Modality is expressed by special forms of moods, intonation, modal words (for example, “possibly”, “necessary”, “should”); in logic, such words are called modal operators; with their help, the method of understanding judgments (statements) is indicated.

The end of the twentieth century in linguistics was marked by an increase in interest in language not as a sign, but as an anthropocentric system, the purpose of studying which is human speech and mental activity. In this regard, many different directions in science have appeared, such as: cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, ethnopsycholinguistics, psycholinguistics, intercultural communication, etc. In fact, all of the listed linguistic directions pose one task - to identify those mental and psychological processes, the result of which is human speech. These mental processes are inextricably linked to modality.

Academician V.V. Vinogradov (Professor S.I. Abakumov, E.M. Galkina-Fedoruk and others are unanimous with him) identified modal words in the system of parts of speech of the Russian language.

Modal words are words that correlate the content of a sentence with reality and act as an introductory word or a sentence word. For example, Pokorsky is incomparably taller than him, no doubt.(I.T.) She was probably sick.(F. Ch.) In the first sentence, the modal word undoubtedly indicates that what is being reported is reliable and corresponds to real reality, in the second, the modal word probably indicates that what is being reported is in fact only possible, i.e., it may not be a fact reality.

Modal words function in a sentence. One of the most important grammatical features of a sentence is the category of predicativity, which objectively expresses existing attitude the content of the statement to reality. Predicativity is a mandatory grammatical feature of a sentence in any language. The relationship of the content of an utterance to reality is expressed using the categories of modality, syntactic tense and person.

Modal relations depend on the real relations between the subject of speech (speaker), the utterance and objective reality. The meaning of modality as a grammatical category lies in the nature of these relationships.

A statement can be thought of by the subject of speech as real or unreal (surreal), i.e., a possible, desirable, required fact of objective reality. For example, a statement is thought of by the speaker as a real fact in the present, past or future: It is snowing. It was snowing. It will snow, as a surreal fact.: It would snow. Let it snow. In this case, we can talk about objective modality, which in Russian is expressed by the grammatical categories of mood, tense, and intonation. However, the speaker may have his own subjective attitude towards the objective (real or unreal) modality of the sentence. Therefore, a category of subjective modality is distinguished, which expresses greater or lesser reliability / unreliability of a fact of objective reality. The linguistic means of expressing subjective modality in the Russian language are very diverse: intonation, repetitions, word order in a sentence, modal words, modal particles, as well as units of syntax - introductory words, phrases and sentences. Thus, modal words are one of the linguistic means of expressing the category of subjective modality. The grammatical category of subjective modality is not a mandatory feature of a sentence. Wed: It will snow, of course, and it will snow. The content of the utterance in the absence of a modal word did not change.

Thus, modality is a grammatical category that expresses the speaker’s attitude to the content of what is being expressed, the attitude of the utterance to reality.

Modality in the Russian language has different means of expression: lexical - these are significant words belonging to different parts speeches: truth, lie, want, can, doubtful, confident, etc.; morphological - these are forms of mood, tense of the verb; syntactic - these are different types of sentences - narrative, incentive, interrogative and negative. Among the listed means, a special place is occupied by modal words, which have become an independent part of speech and express subjective modal meaning.

From the point of view of the speaker, judgments are divided into those that he considers true ("I know that" cf. Twice two is four), those that he considers false ("I know that not" cf. Twice two is five).

So, we can conclude that differences in the ways of expressing the category of modality are partly related to internal differences in its syntactical-semantic functions themselves, in its functional-semantic essence.

1.2 Modality as semenic category

The concept of “functional-semantic field”, which began with the works of F. de Saussure, is one of the leading ones in modern linguistics. The followers of the ideas of the great linguist formed a functional branch of linguistics, which is represented in a number of linguistic schools, the largest of which are: Prague, London and Copenhagen. In our country, the functional direction was developed by A.V. Bondarko, N.A. Slyusareva, G.S. Shchur, V.S. Khrakovsky and others, who base their research on the ideas of the luminaries of Russian linguistics V.V. Vinogradova, K.S. Aksakova, I.I. Meshchaninova, A.A. Potebnya, A.M. Peshkovsky, A.A. Shakhmatova.

As is known, the method of the functional-semantic approach consists of special interest to the semantic side of linguistic phenomena, there is a search for a connection between meaning and form, and functional grammar takes the semantic element as the main one. A.V. Bondarko points out that the identification of universals in this direction of linguistics is associated with a reflection of the actually existing structural organization specific language. This principle of consistency in the study of language structures is a mandatory requirement of functional grammar. This structural approach fully reflects the nature of language, which is not a random accumulation individual sounds, words and structures, but an internally connected, organized whole. Linguistic realities are deeply interconnected and interpenetrate each other, and this should be taken into account in order to indicate the place occupied by a particular phenomenon in the system being studied. This approach deserves especially close attention, as it allows us to consider linguistic structures from several sides. Indeed, every phenomenon in language system has not only its own meanings and qualities, but also those that are determined by its relationship with other structures. Thus, this approach seems to us the most acceptable in our work, since the linguistic phenomenon under consideration, namely modality, is a complex structure, the place of which relative to other language systems is a decisive factor in solving translation problems.

The concept of a functional-semantic field is one of the central ones in functional grammar. It is defined as a phenomenon based on a certain semantic category and representing a unity of grammatical and “structural” lexical units, as well as various combined means interacting on the basis of the commonality of their semantic functions.

The core of the FSP of modality is the morphological means of expressing modality. The predicative core of the FSP modality contains modal verbs; on the periphery - the category of mood, related to syntactic means of expression, then phraseological units related to lexical means of expressing modality. This field is monocentric with one integral predicative core.

The study and construction of semantic fields is very important, as it helps to systematize and combine linguistic elements, having a common semantic function, and select those for which this semantic feature is predominant in the core of the semantic field, and the rest, according to the degree of weakening of this feature, are located on the periphery. The use of semantic fields makes it possible to express any human thought more broadly, more accurately and emotionally.

IN modern linguistics the description of functional-semantic categories and multi-level means of their verbalization within the framework of the functional-semantic field, including the description of the functional-semantic category of modality, is becoming one of the leading methods of linguistic research.

1.3 Categories of modalityand in Russian

There are objective and subjective modalities.

Objective modality is a mandatory feature of any utterance, one of the categories that forms the predicative unit - a sentence. Objective modality expresses the relationship of what is being communicated to reality in terms of reality (feasibility or fulfillment) and unreality (unrealization). The main means of formalizing such modality is the category of verbal mood, as well as syntactic particles in some cases - the grammatically significant order of the main members of the sentence. In a specific utterance, these means necessarily interact with one or another intonation structure. All this finds expression in syntax in the forms of the syntactic indicative mood (indicative) and in the forms of syntactic irreal moods (subjunctive, conditional, desirable, motivating, obligatory). Objective modality is also organically connected with the category of time. However, mood and tense should be distinguished as verbal and syntactic categories.

Since in many languages ​​not only verbal, but also verbless sentences are widely represented, the verb with its morphological categories cannot be recognized as the only carrier of these meanings in a sentence: it is very important means, but still one of the means of their formation and expression - along with the other grammatical means mentioned above. In the morphological forms of the verb, the meanings of mood (and tense) are concentrated and abstracted, and this gives grounds to represent them as the meanings of the verb itself in the entire system of its forms. Morphological meanings tense and mood of the verb interact with other means of expressing the same syntactic meanings. A verb with its own meanings of tense and mood is included in a sentence in more broad system means of forming syntactic tenses and moods and interacts with these syntactic means V unified system expressions of syntactic meanings.

Subjective modality, that is, the expression of the speaker’s attitude to what is being communicated, in contrast to objective modality, is an optional feature of the utterance. The semantic scope of subjective modality is wider than the semantic scope of objective modality. Subjective linguistic modality includes not only the logical qualification of what is being communicated, but also various lexical and grammatical modes of expression emotional reaction. It can be:

1) members of a special lexical and grammatical class of words, as well as phrases and sentences functionally close to them; these members typically function as input units;

2) special modal particles to express uncertainty, assumption, unreliability, surprise, fear, etc.;

3) interjections;

4) special intonation to emphasize surprise, doubt, confidence, distrust, protest, irony, etc.;

5) word order, emphatic constructions;

6) special designs;

7) units of expressive vocabulary.

According to the fair remark of V.V. Vinogradov, all modal particles, words, phrases are extremely varied in their meanings and in their etymological nature. Vinogradov V.V. On the category of modality and modal words in the Russian language, Tr. Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences. T.2. M.; L., 1950.. In the category of subjective modality, natural language captures one of the key properties of the human psyche - the ability to contrast “I” and “not-I” within the framework of a statement. In each specific language, modality is designed taking into account its typological features, but everywhere it reflects the complex interaction between four factors of communication: the speaker, the interlocutor, the content of the utterance and reality.

So, we can consider two types of modality: objective and subjective, but, in any case, modality is a complex interaction between the speaker, the interlocutor, the content of the utterance and reality.

2. WITHways to express modality in Russian

2.1 Spec modality expressionsocial forms of moods

Modality is also expressed by special forms of moods. Mood is a verbal category that expresses a certain modality of an utterance, that is, the attitude of the utterance to reality established by the speaker. Traditional grammar establishes the presence of 4 moods: indicative, imperative and subjunctive and independent infinitive. However, the most commonly used method is the imperative mood.

2.1.1 Expressflax mood

The indicative mood (lat. modus indicativus) expresses the presence or absence of an unconditioned (objective) action, within one time or another, as if in contemplation of an action; different relationships the subject to this action are not determined by it and are transmitted by other inclinations.

The indicative mood does not have any special morphological features and is always formed from the base of a given tense (present, past, future) by attaching the corresponding endings to it. The person expressed by this ending, like all other moods (except for the imperative and the so-called indefinite mood, which is not a real mood), is understood in the nominative case. The injunctive forms also sometimes have the meaning of the indicative mood.

The indicative mood expresses an action that is conceived by the speaker as quite real, actually occurring in time (present, past and future): The Urals serve well, have served and will serve our Motherland. The expression of modality by the indicative mood can also be carried out by combining its form with modal words and particles: as if he had stepped, as if he had changed. The indicative mood differs from other moods in that it has tense forms.

2.1.2 Will commandspruce mood

The imperative mood (lat. modus imperativus; also imperativus) is a form of mood expressing expressions of will (order, request or advice). For example: “go”, “let’s go”, “talk”.

Already in the ancient era of the Indo-European proto-language there was a form of the verb that was intended to encourage other persons to a certain action. In Vedic Sanskrit, the imperative mood is used only in a positive sense, and only in later, classical Sanskrit does it begin to express prohibition, combined with the particle mв (Greek mu - so as not to, but not...). The same positive use of the imperative mood is found in the language of the most ancient parts of the Avesta, while in Greek its negative use is already quite common. The imperative mood primarily denoted not only an order, but also a desire, a request. Thus, the appeal to the gods in the Rig Veda is constantly expressed in forms of the imperative mood: “harness your horses, come and sit on the sacrificial mat, drink the sacrificial drink, hear our prayer, give us treasures, help us in battle,” etc. Usually the imperative mood expresses the expectation of an immediate occurrence, an action, but sometimes it also means an action that should occur only after the end of another.

The imperative mood expresses the will of the speaker - a request, order or encouragement to perform the action indicated by the verb, and is characterized by a special imperative intonation: Heart friend, desired friend, come, come: I am your husband! (P.). The main meaning of the imperative mood - an inducement to perform an action - usually refers to the interlocutor, therefore the main form of this mood is the form of the 2nd person singular or plural.

The imperative form is formed from the basis of the present tense and has the following three varieties:

With final -y after vowels (pure base): build, come on, don’t spit;

With the ending -i after consonants: carry, cut, repeat;

With a final soft consonant, as well as with a hard zh and sh (pure base): leave, save, provide, smear, eat.

2.1.3 Soslagateflax mood

Subjunctive mood (conjunctive, subjunctive, Latin modus conjunctivus or subjunctivus) - a number of special forms of the verbal mood of the majority Indo-European languages, expressing through a subjective attitude a possible, hypothetical, desirable or described action.

The subjunctive mood, which exists in Indo-European languages, dates back to the common Indo-European era and was already characteristic of the Indo-European proto-language. Not all, however, forms known under the name of the subjunctive mood go back to the ancient native Indo-European forms of the subjunctive mood; many of them are various kinds neoplasms that only have the functions of the subjunctive mood.

In its meaning, the subjunctive mood is close to the desirable, imperative and indicative future tenses. It differs from the desirable in that it denotes the will, often the demand of the speaker, while the desirable expresses only his desire. The subjunctive differs from the imperative mood in that it expresses an intention, the implementation of which depends on certain certain circumstances, and from the indicative mood of the future tense - in that it means mainly the intention, the will of the speaker, while the indicative mood of the future tense expresses mainly the anticipation of an action. However, sometimes the subjunctive mood has the meaning of the indicative mood of the future tense. Accordingly, there are two types of subjunctive mood: the subjunctive mood of will or desire (Conjunctivus volitivus) and the subjunctive mood of foresight (Conjunctivus prospectivus). The first, apparently, like the imperative mood, was used primarily only in positive sentences. The subjunctive mood is also used to ask about something that is about to happen. An example of the subjunctive mood of desire, will: lat. hoc quod coepi primum enarrem (Terence: “first I want to tell you what I have done”); example of the prospective subjunctive mood (with the meaning of the future tense): Skt. uv всoshв uchв с са n ш -- “the morning dawn has appeared and will appear now” (R. V. I, 48, 3); Greek kbYa rpfe feyt erzuy - “and if ever someone says”, etc.

2.1.4 Independentproper infinitive

An independent infinitive is an infinitive without the function of the subject or predicate of a two-part sentence and in the function of the main member of a one-part (infinitive) sentence, an infinitive that is independent of other members of the sentence. Smoking is prohibited. The thrush is to grieve, the thrush is to yearn. To be a bull on a string.

The verbs I drink, I beat, I pour, I view form the forms pei, beat, lay, wey; the verb lie down has the imperative form lie down, lie down, and the verb eat - eat, eat; With the verb food, the imperative forms are used: go - go. The imperative form of the 2nd person plural is formed by adding the affix -te to the singular form: build, carry, leave. Reflexive verbs are attached to the indicated formations of the imperative form by the affixes -sya (after the consonant and -y) and -sya (after -i and -te): don’t be stubborn, line up, cut your hair, cut your hair.

In addition to the basic form of the 2nd person singular and plural, the imperative mood has forms expressing the action of the 3rd person and 1st person plural. The forms of the 3rd person are expressed (analytically) by a combination of particles let, let, yes with the form of the 3rd person singular and plural of the present tense and the future simple: Let the face glow like the dawn in the morning (Ring); Let him serve and pull the strap (P.); Long live the muses, long live the mind! (P.).

The 1st person plural of the imperative mood is expressed by the form of the 1st person plural of the present tense or, more often, the future simple, pronounced with a special intonation of invitation: Let's begin, perhaps (P.). Attaching the affix -te to this form expresses an appeal to many people or gives the statement a hint of politeness: You, my brothers, blood friends, let’s kiss and hug at the last parting (L.).

Some verbs, for semantic reasons, do not form the 2nd person imperative form, for example impersonal verbs, individual verbs with the meaning of perception (see, hear), with the meaning of state (rot, become unwell).

2.2 Expression modalityand modal words

2.2.1 Vvoadverbs

The peculiar position of modal words among other grammatical categories has been noted in manuals on the Russian language since the beginning of the 19th century. But clear grammatical characteristics it is impossible to find this type of words there. Modal words did not stand out as an independent category for a long time. They were mixed with adverbs. It `s naturally. It is not without reason that in Slavic-Russian grammars until the end of the 17th century. even interjections were included in the class of adverbs. Since ancient times, the category of adverbs has been a dumping ground for all the so-called “unchangeable” words. However, there were other, closer historical reasons for classifying modal words as adverbs: many modal words were formed from adverbs. The grammatical uniqueness of modal words has long been striking. But shackled by the theory of ancient grammar, Russian linguists of the 19th century. they were considered as a special category within adverbs. Thus, Vostokov calls modal words adverbs, “determining the authenticity of an action and state.” Mixing them with adverbs and particles, he distinguishes five groups of “adverbs” with modal shades.

"1. Interrogative; is it really, really, really.

2. Affirmative: truly, truly, in fact, really, etc.

3. Supposed: maybe, maybe, not at all, hardly, hardly, hardly, etc.

4. Negative: no, neither.

5. Restrictive: only, only, only, only" (2).

N.I. Grech also singled out into a special category “adverbs that define the property and way of being, the existence of an object, namely:

a) with the statement: truly, truly, undeniably, accurately, certainly;

b) with an indication of possibility: maybe, perhaps, probably, almost, hardly, hardly, etc.;

c) with negation: not, not at all, not at all, not at all;

d) with the expression of the question: really, really."

2.2.2 Fashionline verbs

Modal verbs are those verbs that express not an action or state, but the attitude of a person, designated by a pronoun or noun that carries the function of the subject in a sentence, to the action or state expressed by the infinitive. A modal verb in combination with an infinitive forms a compound verbal predicate in a sentence. Modal verbs express the meaning of possibility, necessity, probability, desirability, etc.

Dictionary interpretations of the main modal verbs of the Russian language:

CAN, I can, you can, they can; could, could; powerful; mogi (in some combinations; colloquial version); nonsov., with undef. To be able, to be able (to do something). We can help. Can not understand. Can study well. This cannot be, because this can never happen (joking form).*

Maybe or maybe -

1) as an introductory word, as one might think, perhaps. He will return perhaps only in the evening;

2) an expression of uncertain confirmation, probably, apparently. He will come? - May be. I can’t know (outdated colloquial) - a polite official answer in the meaning. I don’t know, I don’t know (usually among the military). Can't be! - an exclamation expressing surprise and distrust, doubt about something. Seen Bigfoot. - Can't be! Don't pray! (obsolete and colloquial) - don’t do, don’t even think about doing anything. You cannot offend the weak (aphorism). You couldn’t even squeak in front of your boss. And I couldn’t think! (strict prohibition). How can you live? (colloquial) - how do you live, how are you? Through I can’t (do, do something) (colloquial) - overcoming impossibility, lack of strength. || owls can, I can, you can, they can; could, was able; could.

MUST, -zhna, -zhno, meaning. tale

1) with undef. Obliged to do something. Must obey orders.

2) with undef. About what will happen without fail, inevitably or presumably. He d. will come soon. Something important is about to happen.

3) to whom. Borrowed, must repay

4) You owe me a hundred rubles. * Must be introductory. sl. - probably, in all likelihood.

SHOULD (-your, -you, 1 and 2 liters. not used), -twuet, -twuesh; nesov. (book). To be due, to follow (in 5 meanings). You must agree. Take appropriate measures. || noun obligation, -I, cf.

WANT, want, want, wants, want, want, want; pov (colloquial) although; nesov.

1. someone, something, someone (with a specific noun, colloquial), with an undefined or with the conjunction "to". To have a desire, intention (to do something), to feel the need for someone. X. help (to help). X. tea. X. is. Do you want some candy? Call whoever you want (anyone). Eat whatever you want (anything).

2. someone or something and with the conjunction “to”. To strive for something, to achieve something, getting something. X. world. X. understanding from the interlocutor. Wants everything to be okay. * If you want (want), enter, ate. - perhaps, of course. He's right, say what you want. As you want (want) -

a) as you wish;

b) enter, ate, in case of objection: but still, no matter what. Whatever you want, I don’t agree. Whether you like it or not (colloquial) - you have to. Whether you like it or not, you are going. Through I don’t want (colloquial) - overcoming reluctance. Eat (drink, take, etc.) - I don’t want (colloquial) - in combination with the pov form. incl. denotes an unlimited opportunity to do something, freedom of action.

Thus, modal verbs are verbs that mean desire, intention, the ability of the actor to carry out an action: want, be able, wish, assume, intend, strive, decide, succeed, etc. They are often used in the structure of a compound verbal predicate.

3. Modd words in the workAND.ABOUTdOevtseva"Nand the banksNEve»

Odoevtseva modality Russian language

Analyzing modal words in I. Odoevtseva’s work “On the Banks of the Neva” and systematizing them, in this work we will use the classification of modal words proposed by linguists such as V.V. Babaytseva, N.M. Shansky, A.N. Tikhonov, P.P. Fur coat. Thus, we will divide all modal words into the following categories according to the modality value they express:

1) modality of reliability, confidence, conviction;

2) the modality of uncertainty, assumption, probability, or impossibility of what is being reported;

3) modality, expressing an emotional attitude towards the phenomena of reality;

4) modal words that characterize the form of the statement or its attribution to another person.

We have analyzed a fragment of the text “On the Banks of the Neva” from page 09 to page 114 inclusive.

In this passage of text, a total of 89 modal words were identified. Here is their complete list:

I) Sentences that include modal words expressing the degree of reliability, confidence, conviction:

“My memory is truly excellent”;

“I understand that this is about him, of course, Akhmatova wrote about him...”;

“No, really, it all looked more like suicide”;

“Of course, I entered the literary department”;

“He, of course, failed to inscribe “Timofeyev” on the “Charter of Ages”;

“Naturally, Gumilyov cannot even imagine what talents there are among us”;

“The handwriting is really beautiful”;

“I rode horseback from early childhood, but, of course, I had no idea about driving a car”;

“Of course, I didn’t go to Gumilyov’s lectures”;

“Vsevolodsky even asked me and another successful dalcrozist if we agreed to go to Switzerland for a year to study dalcrosis - of course, at public expense”;

“Of course, this was a purely rhetorical question - no one from the Living Word was sent to Dalcroze”;

“We, of course, treated ourselves as poets, not students”;

“On that day, of course, very weak poems were read, but Gumilyov refrained from ridicule and murderous sentences”;

“And, of course, I chose the studio”;

“Of course, I was hungry too”;

“Indeed, the “Lozinsky eye” always noticed something”;

“Have you heard, of course?”;

“But Mayakovsky, of course, didn’t hear”;

“Of course, I was not his friend”;

“And now, indeed, those who have waited for the opportunity”;

“But, of course, many imitations were devoid of comedy and did not serve as a reason for the fun of Gumilyov and his students”;

“Of course, come! I’m terribly glad”;

“But, of course, sometimes this premonition is deceiving”;

“He was joking, of course”;

“Of course he laughs at me”;

“All this, of course, is pure fantasy, and I am surprised how Otsup, who knew Gumilyov well, could create such an implausible theory”;

“But he was, of course, very smart, with some sometimes even flashes of genius and, this also cannot be hidden, with failures and misunderstandings of the most ordinary things and concepts”;

“I, of course, arrogantly dream about this”;

“Of course, this could only be a pose on Gumilyov’s part, but Mandelstam winked at me mockingly and said when we were left alone...”;

"Is it true, known fact the translation of "Cat Mine" does not indicate this";

“It’s unclear how he could confuse Chat Minet with the Orthodox Chetya-Mineaion, which the French Catholic woman, of course, could not read”;

“Of course, if I had said: “Please give me borscht, cutlet and cake,” he would not have shown displeasure”;

“It never occurred to me, nor to him, of course, nor to Larisa Reisner herself that such “glorification” could end tragically for me”;

“And this, of course, could not please the majority of St. Petersburg poets”;

“And, of course, love”;

“At the top”, having learned about the existence of a clearly counter-revolutionary “graceful poetess” slandering representatives of the Red Army, they could, of course, become interested in her…”;

“But, indeed, from the evening of May 3, I became known in the literary - and not only literary - circles of St. Petersburg”;

“Of course. I often feel it. Especially on full-moon nights”;

"No, of course not";

II) Sentences containing modal words expressing the meaning of uncertainty, assumption, probability, or impossibility of what is being reported:

“They all soon dropped out and, having probably not received what they were looking for in the Living Word, they switched to other courses”;

"Maybe more, maybe less";

"He doesn't even seem to blink";

“Perhaps someone would like to ask me a question?”;

“My long-time dream has come true - to form not only real readers, but, perhaps, even real poets”;

“When he first met me, probably wanting to force me to take up my work more energetically, he told me...”;

“Yes, it seems that I have come to terms with the fact that poetry is not over, that I have turned from a poet into a “salon poetess”;

“He’s really no worse than me”;

“A blank wall of indifference and, perhaps, even hostility again stood between him and us”;

“It must have lasted only a moment, but it seemed to me like a very long time”;

“You seem to live at the end of Basseynaya?”;

“You must not be very nervous and not very sensitive”;

“Even more ignorant than carp, apparently, I don’t understand anything”;

“And you probably looked very funny”;

“I really must have been ugly then - too thin and awkward”;

"None of them seem to have discovered what a canander is";

“Not only in his youth, but even now, it seems, Nikolai Stepanovich,” I note mockingly;

“They must have fought off their own”;

“This rumor may have reached ears that were not intended for them at all”;

“I must have really felt it”;

"Perhaps he really didn't notice";

“But maybe this is a masculine trait in me?”;

"But he seems to understand";

“But, apparently, Bely spent too much eloquence on me”;

“He’s probably ashamed of me”;

“Probably wants to see and remember “Gumilyov’s student” in every detail”;

“He apparently got tired of being silent for a long time...”;

“You don’t seem to be aware of what happened”;

“Maybe he has not only horns, but also hooves?”;

“It must be that all the other three hundred and sixty-four are like him”;

“Perhaps not like lakes, but like ponds in which frogs, newts and snakes live”;

“You and I are probably the only ones who will pray for him today, on his birthday”;

“Judging by the joyful and respectful “Thank you!” of the priest, he must have paid very well for the funeral service”;

“It seems that I really drank too much buza and the hops went to my head”;

III) Sentences that include modal words expressing an emotional attitude towards phenomena of reality:

“Unfortunately, time flies like an arrow in Spain”;

“A woman, unfortunately, is always a woman, no matter how talented she is!”;

“But, unfortunately, Ada Onoshkovich hardly became aware that Mayakovsky, Mayakovsky himself, liked her poems”;

“Fortunately, they were all not in the same class as me, and it didn’t take much effort for me to avoid them”;

IV) Sentences that include modal words that characterize the form of the statement or its reference to another person:

“However, in my opinion, there is nothing amazing about this”;

“However, it doesn’t matter”;

“However, through our own fault, and not through his fault”;

“Of my poems, they, and I myself, especially liked one”;

“He behaved, however, just as importantly, solemnly and self-confidently”;

“However, not quite suitable for a poet, perhaps”;

“However, comrade, you don’t need to be afraid”;

“However, many of the students, unlike the painters, became people, and even big people”;

“However, they laughed very good-naturedly, harmlessly and cheerfully”;

Analyzing the text of I. Odoevtseva’s work “On the Banks of the Neva,” we identified modal words that express the speaker’s subjective attitude, his assessment of a fact or event, as well as the reliability, reality, unreliability, and conjecture of what is being reported. The given examples can serve as an illustration of how modal words express the reliability/unreliability of what is being communicated, as well as the speaker’s attitude towards what is being communicated.

In the text of this work, modal words appear everywhere. The frequency of use of individual modal words is shown in the table (ORPAL Appendix).

Based on the data presented, we see that the most frequently used modal words mean reliability, confidence, and conviction. With the help of these words, the author expresses the degree of his confidence in what he is talking about. For example, in the sentence: “We, of course, belonged to the poets, and not to the students,” the author expresses his confidence in his belonging specifically to the students.

With the help of other modal words, a subjective attitude towards a certain object, action, or phenomenon is expressed. For example, in the sentence: “My memory is truly excellent” - the author evaluates his memory from his own point of view and thereby makes the reader believe in the capabilities of this very memory. The meaning of confirming a fact is also expressed by this word, for example: “Indeed, the “Lozinsky eye” always noticed something” - the author only confirms someone’s opinion.

There are also sentences with an indisputable statement in the text. So, for example: “But he was, of course, very smart, with some sometimes even flashes of genius and, this also cannot be hidden, with failures and misunderstandings of the most ordinary things and concepts” - the sentence expresses the absence of doubts about the reality and reliability of what is being reported , carries the truth and reliability of knowledge. The modal word "certainly" has an intensifying character.

In a sentence:

In the sentence: “Of course, this could only be a pose on Gumilyov’s part, but Mandelstam winked at me mockingly and said when we were left alone...” - the reliability of the assumption itself is expressed precisely thanks to the modal word “of course.”

The meaning of fear is expressed by using the word “of course” in the sentence: “Of course he’s laughing at me.” The meaning of hope is heard in the sentence: “He will appreciate them and, of course, me, their author” - I. Odoevtseva hopes that she will be appreciated.

Having examined the meanings of modal words, we can say that they express a high degree of confidence, truth, and relate to categorical certainty. The author uses these modal words in the context where he is completely confident in the truth of his judgment.

No less often there are modal words in the text with the meaning of uncertainty, assumption, probability or even impossibility of what is being reported. So in the sentence: “They all soon dropped out and, having probably not received what they were looking for in the Living Word, they switched to other courses” - expresses the degree of probability of not receiving “what they were looking for” precisely thanks to the introductory construction "must be".

This construction can also express the meaning of an assumption. For example:

“When he first met me, probably wanting to force me to get down to work more energetically, he told me...” - the author only assumes, but does not affirm the very purpose of Gumilyov’s words.

The meaning of uncertainty about what is being narrated is expressed using the modal word “seems”. For example: “It doesn’t seem to even blink” - the author only assumes, but there is no certainty in the statement.

The meaning of the probability or desirability of what is being discussed can be expressed using the modal word “maybe”. For example: “My long-time dream has come true - to form not only real readers, but, perhaps, even real poets” - here the author expresses his desire to form real poets, but there is a tinge of uncertainty about the possibility of this.

The meaning of the assumption contains the modal word “perhaps”: “A blank wall of indifference and, perhaps, even hostility has again arisen between him and us” - is of an intensifying nature.

Uncertainty in what is being reported is expressed using the words “probably, apparently should”: “And you probably looked very funny” - the connotation of the assumption is not affirmative and can easily be disputed.

In the sentence: “Perhaps he really did not notice” - the modal word “perhaps” has the meaning of uncertainty in the fact itself; the author only assumes, but does not assert.

Thus, the modal words of this group serve to express assumptions, uncertainty, and the likelihood of a statement. To make the statement more true, the author refers to the probability of what he is talking about. Uncertainty about a particular event is expressed precisely with the help of such modal words.

Modal words expressing an emotional attitude to the phenomena of reality are rarely found in the text of the work. This group of modal words is mainly represented by only two constructions: fortunately, unfortunately. With the help of these words, an emotional attitude to the statement is expressed: either a feeling of joy or grief. For example: “Unfortunately, time flies like an arrow in Spain” - the author regrets the transience of time, expressing this using the introductory construction “unfortunately.”

And in the sentence: “Fortunately, they were all not in the same class as me, and it didn’t cost me much effort to avoid them” - using the construction “fortunately” the author’s feeling of joy about the expressed fact is expressed.

The fourth group of modal words, characterizing the form of a statement or its attribution to another person, is represented in the text mainly by only one type of modal word: “however” - a modal word of a logical nature. It acts as a means of supplementing and summarizing information, for example: “However, they laughed very good-naturedly, harmlessly and cheerfully” - the author adds that despite the fact that they laughed, their laughter was completely harmless.

The meaning of clarification is heard in the sentence: “Of my poems, they, and I myself, especially liked one” - here the author seems to express his opinion and clarify his attitude to this with the help of the modal word “however.”

The meaning of unimportance, optionality can also be expressed using this word, for example: “However, it doesn’t matter” - when talking about the facts of reality, the author concludes that this is no longer so important.

The modal word “in my opinion” is an indicator of authorization, linking the reliability of information with its source. For example: “However, in my opinion, there is nothing amazing in this” - the author indicates that this is exactly her Subjective opinion using the modal word "in my opinion".

Having traced the dynamics and frequency of use of modal words, we found that modal words in the work of I. Odoevtseva are most often found in contexts where the author expresses his thoughts, opinions on a particular issue, i.e. in internal monologues-reasonings, and also in dialogues

between the heroes. This reveals the movement and direction of the author's thought, the internal struggle. Categorical affirmative judgments are strengthened with the help of modal words of approval, reliability, and conviction. The author’s uncertainty and doubts are expressed and emphasized using the modal words assumption, probability, impossibility. The emotional state is conveyed using modal words such as “fortunately, unfortunately.” Modal words enhance the meaning of a statement, serve as a means of expressing reliability/unreliability, assumption/conviction, make speech more emotionally expressed, closer to life, more intense. With the help of modal words, the author not only expresses his opinion, but also influences the reader’s opinion.

The author creates any work (artistic, journalistic), using a personal vision of the world, all the diversity of his language and culture, to influence the reader. This is where the use of modal words helps him. The reader can evaluate the statement in different ways: what is being said can be presented either as something real, or as necessary - something that must necessarily happen.

It should be noted that the gender aspect has a great influence on the frequency of use of certain modal words, because the author of the work “On the Banks of the Neva” is a woman. Gender identity determines the appearance of specific themes, plots, images of heroes in a work, determines the originality of psychological analysis and speech characteristics characters and speech of the author. The “woman speaking” becomes not only the object of the image, but also the subject of speech, the bearer of her voice in the world, the narrator of her misfortune and fate. It is the female vision of the world that is characterized by internal dialogue with oneself, uncertainty, doubt, understatement, inconsistency and sometimes absurdity. All this is manifested with the help of modal words in the text of I. Odoevtseva’s work.


In accordance with the goals and objectives of our research, we examined: modality, its types, and also determined the means of expressing the reliability/unreliability of what is being reported. Thus, modal words, although they constitute a quantitatively insignificant group, have such unique features that they cannot without stretch be attributed to any of the parts of speech that have long been recognized and should be recognized as a special category, different from others significant parts speech because they do not serve as members of a sentence and do not combine grammatically with the words that make up the sentence.

Disagreements in the characterization of modal words in the works of various linguists are explained mainly by the fact that modal words, as a special part of speech, have not yet been sufficiently studied. The semantic and syntactic nature of modal words, the ways of transition of forms of various types of words into modal words require careful study.

We took into account the differentiation of modality into objective and subjective. In addition to the obligatory objective-modal meaning for each sentence, a specific sentence may carry an additional subjective-modal meaning, which “forms the concept of evaluation, including not only the logical (intellectual, rational) qualification of what is being communicated, but also different types of emotional reaction.” Also, as the basis for this course work, we took the classification of modal words proposed by linguists such as V.V. Babaytseva, N.M. Shansky, A.N. Tikhonov, P.P. Fur coat. In our opinion, it is this classification of modal words that most accurately reflects their lexical and semantic features.

In the work of I. Odoetseva “On the Banks of the Neva”, subjective modality prevails, since the text of this work contains the opinions, thoughts, and memories of the author himself. We recorded the most frequent use of modal words in the work in contexts with internal monologues-reasonings and interpersonal dialogues. It is in these cases that the degree of confidence or uncertainty in what is being narrated by the author himself is expressed. Modal words emphasize the degree of reliability/unreliability of a statement and thereby allow you to influence the reader, convincing him of something or, conversely, denying the very fact of the possibility of this phenomenon. I. Odoevtseva expresses her personal attitude towards this or that phenomenon, the subject of reality with the help of modal words. The gender aspect plays an important role in this: a woman’s vision and perception of the world around her, her assessment of a particular situation, her attitude to the phenomena of reality determines the special language of the work, its emotionality, and the saturation of modal words of subjective assessment.

So, we can conclude, based on research on this problem, that in any segment of speech one can observe the use of various means of modality. Moreover, the differences in the ways of expressing this category are partly related to internal differences in its syntactical-semantic functions themselves, in its functional-semantic essence. The facts of reality and their connections, being the content of a statement, can be thought of by the speaker as reality and reliability, as a possibility or desirability, as an obligation or necessity.


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Modality concept

Mode and modality

Actualization categories of mode

  • modality- from the point of view of reality / unreality;
    • Modality of reality means that the content is expressed from the point of view of the speaker and corresponds to objective reality: the subject perceives what is being communicated as a real and reliable fact.
    • Modality of invalidity on the contrary, it means that the content of what is being communicated does not correspond to objective reality; the subject perceives what is being communicated as not real, i.e. as possible, desirable, conjectural, doubtful, etc. The modality of invalidity is divided into the following semantic types:
      • modality of necessity and obligation (debitive modality)
      • modality of possibility and impossibility (potential modality)
      • presumptive (hypothetical) modality
      • incentive (imperative) modality
      • modality of intention (intentional modality)
      • desired (optative) modality
  • personalization- the relationship of an action, a sign to the subject of the situation, which can be the speaker (1st person), the addressee (2nd person) and not participating in the act of communication (3rd person).
  • temporary localization- fixation of an event on the time axis or lack of such fixation. The starting point is the moment of speech. Temporal localization is manifested in the opposition: now - before - after.
  • spatial localization(optional) - fixation of an event in the space of communication or beyond, which is expressed in oppositions here-there, here-there, from here-from there, up-down, inside-outside, far-close....

Qualification categories of the mode

  • authorization is the qualification of information from the point of view of the sources of its communication. It manifests itself in the opposition “own/alien.”
  • persuasiveness - (from lat. persuasio- persuasion, opinion) is the qualification of information in terms of the degree of its reliability, manifested in the opposition “reliable/unreliable”.
  • evaluativeness (optional) - expression of positive or negative attitude speaker to positive content; general assessment of a situation, person, object according to the parameters “good/bad” (qualitative assessment), “many/little” (quantitative assessment).

Social categories of mode

Social categories of the mode are an expression of the speaker’s attitude towards the interlocutor: respectful - familiar, official - friendly. Depending on the attitude towards the interlocutor, situations of equality, “top-down”, “bottom-up” differ. Manifestations of social categories include all kinds of clauses and markings used to introduce unusual expressions.

Ways of expression

Modality can be expressed by various grammatical and lexical means:

  • special forms of moods
    • in Russian - indicative, imperative and subjunctive, as well as independent infinitive ( I wish I could rest!)
    • in English - Imperative and Subjunctive Mood etc.;
  • modal words:
    • introductory and adverbs - it seems, perhaps English perhaps, likely;
    • modal verbs:
      • in English - can, may, should And must,
      • in German - dürfen and können (to be able), mögen and wollen (to wish), müssen and sollen (to have to),
      • in Russian - I want, I can, I must, I must, I must, I can and so on.
  • intonation means.

Modality and mood

Sometimes the term modality acts as a synonym for the term mood, but more often these concepts are differentiated, considering modality a semantic category (relating not only to the verb and which may not have a mandatory expression in the language), and mood as a grammatical category of the verb (which may lose connection with modality, as, for example , conjunctive in Latin and French, dictated in some cases only by syntactic rules).

Discussions about modality in the sense of a grammatical category are conducted in several problematic directions on issues of:

  • On ways of expressing modal meanings;
  • On the composition of modal meanings (whether or not to include affirmation/negation, narration, interrogativeness, incentiveness in the composition of modal meanings);
  • About how “modal” the imperative mood is.

In Russian syntactic science, two main points of view on modality have developed:

  1. Modality is considered a grammatical category that characterizes the content of a sentence from the perspective of reality/irreality;
  2. Modality means the grammaticalized attitude of the speaker to reality.

See also


  • Zainullin M.V. Modality as a functional-semantic category. - Saratov, 1986.

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The meaning of the word MODALITY in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what MODALITY is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • MODALITY in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • MODALITY V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, g 1. In the theory of knowledge: the status of a phenomenon from the point of view of its relationship to reality, as well as the possibility itself ...
    MODALITY (music), in mode theory, a method of pitch organization, basic. on the scale principle (as opposed to tonality, the center of the structure is ...
  • MODALITY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    MODALITY, functional-semantic. a category that expresses different types of attitude of an utterance to reality, as well as the attitude of the speaker to the content of the utterance. M. may have...
  • MODALITY in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    modality, modality, modality, modality, modality, modality, modality, modality, modality, modality, modality, …
  • MODALITY in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from Middle Latin modalis - modal; Latin modus - measure, method) is a functional-semantic category that expresses different types of relation of a statement to reality, and ...
    A grammatical-semantic category that expresses the speaker’s attitude to what is being expressed, his assessment of the relationship of what is being communicated to objective reality. The content of what is expressed can be thought of as real...
  • MODALITY in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (French modalite, lat. modus way, mood) 1) linguistic. a grammatical category denoting the relationship of the content of a sentence to reality and expressed by the forms ...
  • MODALITY in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [fr. modalite 1. lingua, a grammatical category denoting the relationship of the content of a sentence to reality and expressed by the mood of the verb, intonation, introductory words...
  • MODALITY in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
  • MODALITY in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. g. A category that expresses the speaker’s attitude to the content of the statement and the relationship of the statement to reality (in logic). 2. g. Grammatical category...
  • MODALITY in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • MODALITY in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • MODALITY in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • MODALITY in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    a category expressing the speaker’s attitude to the content of the utterance, the latter’s attitude to reality. Modality can mean statements, orders, wishes, etc....
  • MODALITY in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    modalities, g. (from New Latin modalis - adj. to modus, see modus) (book). a category expressing the degree of reliability of a judgment (philosophical). - Grammar...
  • MODALITY in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    modality 1. g. A category that expresses the speaker’s attitude to the content of the statement and the relationship of the statement to reality (in logic). 2. g. Grammar...
  • MODALITY in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I A category that expresses the speaker’s attitude to the content of the statement and the relationship of the statement to reality (in logic). II Grammatical category...
  • MODALITY (PHILOSOPH.) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from Latin modus - measure, method), the way of existence of an object or the occurrence of a phenomenon (ontological M.) or a way of understanding, ...
  • SUBJECTIVE MODALITY in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    see subjective modality (in the article modality ...
  • OBJECTIVE MODALITY in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    see objective modality (in the article modality ...
  • IMPOSSIBILITY in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - a concept that captures a modality of being and thinking that is radically alternative not only to reality, but also to possibility. In classical philosophy under N. ...
  • ARCHEOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    (“L”archeologie du savoir”, 1969) is Foucault’s work, completing the first, so-called “archaeological period” in his work and constituting a kind of triptych...