Verb categorical meaning, morphological and syntactic features of the verb as a part of speech. Categorical meaning of a noun Verb as a part of speech its categorical meaning

Psychological structure of the word

The main function of a word is its denoting role (= referential function of the word). In psychology, this function is usually designated as subject-related correlation, as a function of representation, substitution of an object. A word, as an element of human language, is always turned outward, to a specific object and denotes either an object, or an action, or a quality, a property of an object, or a relationship between objects. This is expressed in the fact that a word that has a subject correlation can take the form of a noun, verb, adjective, or a connection - a preposition, a conjunction (when it denotes a relationship). This is the decisive feature that distinguishes human language from the so-called “language” of animals.

The word is a special form of reflection of reality. The word allows a person to mentally operate with objects even in their absence, to perform mental experiments on things. The word makes it possible to transfer experience from individual to individual and provides the opportunity to assimilate the experience of generations.

With the advent of language as a system of codes denoting objects, actions, qualities, relationships, a person receives, as it were, a new dimension of consciousness, he creates subjective images of the objective world that are accessible to control.

By the meaning of a word that goes beyond the scope of subject reference, we understand the ability of a word not only to replace or represent objects, not only to awaken close associations, but also to analyze objects, abstract and generalize their characteristics. The word analyzes a thing, introduces this thing into a system of complex connections and relationships.

This analyzing or abstracting function of the word is most easily seen in newly emerged compound words. Thus, “samovar” denotes an object that it cooks itself, “telephone” - an object that transmits sound at a distance (television).

Each word not only denotes a thing, highlights its characteristics, but also generalizes things, assigns them to a certain category, in other words, carries a complex intellectual function of generalization. Therefore, the word is a cell of thinking, because it is abstraction and generalization that are the most important functions of thinking.

The word is a means of communication. By abstracting a sign and generalizing an object, the word becomes an instrument of thinking and a means of communication.

There is another, even deeper and more important function of the meaning of a word. In a developed language, which is a system of codes, a word not only identifies a feature and generalizes an object, but also carries out automatic and invisible work for a person in analyzing the object, passing on to him the experience from generations that has developed in relation to this object in the history of society.

In addition, the word still has one more component. In many languages ​​(Russian, German, Turkic) the word has another part - inflection, which can change when the word is used (inkwell, inkwell, inkwell, inkwells, etc.), thereby changing the relationship that the given object has to the surrounding situations. Inflection creates new psychological possibilities for the functional designation of an object.

Therefore, language is a system of codes sufficient to independently analyze objects and express any of its signs, properties, relationships.

Categorical meaning

A generalized meaning superimposed on the specific lexical meaning of a word: for nouns - the meaning of objectivity, for adjectives - the meaning of a sign, property, quality, for verbs - the meaning of a process, action, state, etc.

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

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  • Categorical meaning of the verb. Systemic and functional aspects, N. N. Boldyrev. This monograph examines the problem of forming the categorical meaning of a verb at the conceptual, systemic-linguistic and speech levels. General issues of linguistic…



2. Initial form of the verb; question for the initial form.

3. Verb form (conjugated/unconjugated).

4. Verb stems (infinitive stem and present tense stem).

5. Verb class; verb class indicators.

6. Type of verb conjugation; conjugation indicator.

7. Verb type (imperfect/perfect); view value; verb aspect pair; methods of forming a species pair; way of verb action.

8. Transitivity/intransitivity of the verb; indicator of transitivity/intransitivity.

9. Refundability/non-refundability; return rate (postfix); function and meaning of the postfix – xia.

10. Voice of the verb; collateral indicator; the meaning of collateral.

11. Verb mood; inclination index; inclination value.

12. Verb tense; time indicator; time value.

13. Person of the verb; face indicator; meaning of face.

14.Number of verb; number indicator; number value.

15. Gender of the verb; gender indicator; gender meaning.

16.Verb conjugation paradigm.

17. Methods of forming verbs.

The verb is contrasted with the name, just as the basic elements of thought - the subject and the predicate - are contrasted with each other. But historically, the verb is closely related to the name, since it arose primarily from the names of actions. The ancient name, which denoted an action, (by transforming primary personal pronouns into personal endings) acquired specific morphological characteristics and was transformed into a verb.

The connection of verbs with other parts of speech is manifested in the same syntactic functions: in the ability to act as a subject, an object, a circumstance, and even a definition.

The verb as a part of speech is a very extensive part of speech, with an extensive system of morphological forms. Most of the verbal lexico-grammatical categories are associated with the semantics of the verb and therefore are not found in other parts of speech. This applies to person, tense, mood, aspect, voice. As for the categories of gender and number, they are not characteristic of all verbal forms and serve, as, for example, with adjectives, as a means of agreement with nouns.

Words combined in this part of speech have a generalized meaning of process and can denote action, movement, movement in space, state ( lie down, sleep), manifestation of the sign ( turn black), change of sign ( turn white, turn pale) and so on.

We usually imagine that as soon as we talk about an action, it must certainly be expressed by a verb. But this is by no means true. An abstract action can be expressed by a noun ( way out, help, transfer, telling). But the relation of action to agent can really only be expressed by a verb: the radio is playing, the guests are singing.

There are many definitions of the verb in the linguistic literature. They can even be divided into types: purely semantic (for example: a verb is a category of words expressing an action or state, -A.Kh. Vostokov); definitions that combine an indication of the meaning of the verb and its grammatical categories (such definitions are typical for grammars - AG-70); formal grammatical definitions (conjugated words are called verbs - S.I. Abakumov).

Let's try to give a definition of a verb as a part of speech, which would take into account the general categorical meaning, grammatical features and syntactic functions of this part of speech.

The verb as a part of speech is a very extensive part of speech, with an extensive system of morphological forms. Most of the verbal lexico-grammatical categories are associated with the semantics of the verb and therefore are not found in other parts of speech. This applies to person, tense, mood, aspect, voice. As for the categories of gender and number, they are not characteristic of all verbal forms and serve, as, for example, with adjectives, as a means of agreement with nouns.

Verb– a part of speech that denotes a process and expresses this meaning in the categories of aspect, voice, mood, tense and person; the verb also has the categories of number and - in the forms of the past tense and subjunctive mood - the category of gender (Russian Grammar -80, p. 582).

It remains to add to this definition that the verb, as a part of speech in a sentence, primarily performs the function of a predicate.

The meaning of objectivity, which is modified in different ways:

1) names of specific objects of the living and inanimate world: pen, student, mountain;

2) plant names: rose, willow, poplar;

3) names of substances: oil, oxygen;

4) geographical names: Magas, Grozny;

5) qualities in abstraction from carriers: blue, green;

6) actions, processes in abstraction from action producers: thinking, jump.

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A verb is a significant part of speech that denotes the action (attitude, state) of an object as a process and expresses it in the forms of aspect, voice, mood, tense, number, person or gender, acts as a predicate, (personal or conjugated forms) definition (full participle), circumstances (gerunds) of any member of the sentence, starting with the subject and ending with the infinitive.

Process in grammar is understood broadly. This word refers to a wide variety of activities: action, state, movement, speech, manifestation and change of attribute, intellectual activity, perception, relationships. These groups are not exhaustive, but the bulk is given. A process involves an action that changes over time. The temporal reference of an action is the most important characteristic of words related to a verb. All phenomena (words) are capable in their grammatical forms of denoting changes that occur in time (read, read, will read). Morphological features of the verb: conjugation (change in persons and numbers), a large set of morphological features. The verb has the most extensive system of grammatical categories. Type and pledge of appearance. universal categories. Minimum number of characteristic of the infinitive, participle; for the participle – aspect, voice, tense, case, gender, number. Personal or conjugated forms - 6 forms -> it is customary to distinguish 4 forms of the verb: conjugated (personal) in one of the moods, infinitive, participle, gerund. Personal ones form the core of the system, however, they are conjugated. And he didn’t speak. They are combined into a single form of the verb, because have a number of common features: common lexical. Meanings (read, reading, reading), commonality of aspectual and voicing formations and meanings (read-read), commonality of control (reading a book, reading a book), commonality of adverbial distribution (EXPLANATIONS OF ADVERBS). Conjugation Forms of Ch. are used exclusively in syntax. The roles of the predicate or predicate. Proverbs, verb. They can act in a secondary role. The members of the preposition are called attributive forms. The infinitive has a special place. I-in (undefined form) phenomenon. An unconjugated, unchangeable form of the verb, but included in the s-mu verb. The shape, although different. A kind of structure. Semant-ki i-v analogue Im. n. existing. (catch-catching), but with the general meaning of action, the noun denotes the action as an object, and i-v denotes the process. The inextricable connection between i-va and ch. morphs and synths are supported: expresses aspectual and voice meanings, cross - non-cross, return - non-return. By its origin, i-v is closely connected with both the name and the verb: this is the form of dat-go, local case, singular. h. Verbal noun. Subsequently, the remaining forms were lost, and the form -> in the sth chapter. Indefinite is a generalized name for an action that is indefinite from the point of view. person, tense, mood, therefore, this generalized meaning is made by i-v as the initial form of the verb. The originality of i-va is especially manifested at the syntactic level. I-v, controlling a noun, combined with an adverb, can be any member in a sentence: learning is always useful (compound nominal predicate). Ira cry (in the compound verb predicate i-v will be obligatory!!!) We want to learn. It can also be a minor member: she has a great desire to study (definition), he forced her to study (objective complement), She came to study (purpose circumstance).