From dreams to external reality. How to make your dreams come true? Reality or illusion

Do you have a cherished, sincere dream? Surely there is, because without an innermost, secret desire, the life of any person becomes boring, gray, dull and monotonous. Do you know how to make your dream come true using special equipment positive thinking? If not, then this article and the simple recommendations given in it are especially for you.

How to make a dream come true with the power of thought

  1. Remember that dreams only come true if you really want to achieve what you want. If this or that need is instilled in you by those around you and does not find a true response in your soul, then you will never be able to materialize it.
  2. Believe in the fulfillment of desires. Under no circumstances should you doubt that, sooner or later, you will meet a person who will tell you how to make your dreams come true, or you will independently find a way to make your dreams come true cherished goal.
  3. Declare your desire to higher powers, and do not state it vaguely and tongue-tiedly, but clearly, specifically, comprehensively and emotionally. Describe in detail why you want to achieve this particular goal, why it is so important to you, and how much effort you are willing to put into achieving it.
  4. Visualize your dream from time to time. Imagine that you have already become the happy owner of the desired thing, that the imagined event has already happened to you, and behave like a successful, self-realized person. This will help you attract what you so passionately desire into your life. At the same time, do not forget to thank the higher powers for the fact that you were given what you wanted, even if only in your imagination. Constantly remember that very soon you will get what you dream of, and in real life.
  5. Start taking concrete steps to achieve own goal. To make your dream come true, act, don’t sit idly by, and, most importantly, don’t be afraid to make one mistake or another. Constantly repeat that it is better to do something and regret it than to do nothing and constantly pester yourself with thoughts of missed prospects and opportunities.

If you want to learn how to make dreams come true, wish, dream, constantly think about your dream, visualize it day after day - only in this way will you be able to make it come true one day. The most important thing that is required of you is to believe in the opportunities and paths that may open before you. irresistible force your sincere desire.

When a dream becomes reality: an effective technique

Many people who have achieved success in any endeavor are confident that there is nothing inaccessible in the world. They know perfectly well how to make their dreams come true - they need to work hard and have a clear vision of the goal in front of them.

To make a dream a reality, it is worth developing a program for its implementation. The number of steps in the program may vary, depending on the scale of the plan, but in general, it should consist of following points:

Clear definition dreams. On at this stage You should clearly separate your desires from the stereotypes imposed by society and loved ones. And also find out whether the dream is the mask of some deeper desire. For example, a girl dreams of a slim figure, but in reality her desire is to please men.

Getting rid of inhibitory factors - important step to make your dream come true. The whole point is that inside everyone, even a very self-confident person, there is doubt about success, as well as many all sorts of extraneous “buts”. It is necessary to strictly prevent their occurrence, maintaining only your desire to achieve your goal. In parallel with the fight against doubts, it is necessary to develop positive thinking, very good results brings auto-training.

Position evaluation. At this stage, it is necessary to inspect and evaluate your luggage and understand how to make your dreams come true with the help of these “accumulations”. It is possible that a lack of knowledge or skills will be identified that short time will have to compensate.

Finding helpers to make your dreams come true. If you want to learn how to make your dreams come true, you can tell your friends or relatives about your dream - there is Great chance that it will be happy to provide support. It will also be very useful to communicate with people who have already walked this path and achieved some success.

Determining the timing of the dream realization. In order for a dream to turn from an ephemeral idea into something real, it is necessary to set deadlines for its implementation. It is at this stage that the dream becomes a specific goal, for the fulfillment of which many small subtasks are prescribed.

Fantasies. Add a little esotericism to your plans. Imagine yourself in the future, when the dream has already been realized. You need to draw your life in in full, having worked on every small detail. Daily “watching” of such a “film” will not only set the mood for positive mood, but will certainly bring the implementation closer cherished dream.

How to make your dreams come true after failure

The most happy people in the world, in whose company it is so pleasant to be, are those who persistently strive to achieve their goal. And if you devote all your strength to an obviously failed relationship with a loser, then you can lose your goals and end up with nothing.

Perhaps you dream of a cozy family nest, but as you build a relationship with a married man, you begin to convince yourself that sometimes being a mistress is much more pleasant than being the mistress of your own home. Or you love to move to the music and envy your friends who have signed up for a dance club and are learning. “But the Poor thing won’t stand it if I dance with someone,” you say to yourself and give up the hobby. Or maybe in your dreams you imagine that someday you will quit the stupid office mouse fuss and open a store where you will sell all sorts of things like beaded bracelets or embroidered napkins. But Mr. Controller doesn’t allow you to take a step on your own, and you’re not sure if you can carry out your plans.

If your dreams and hobbies are buried under the rubble of an unsuccessful romance, resolutely declare to yourself that today is your personal New Year's Eve. Put on paper the plans that you are going to implement in the coming year. new era your life, and think in what ways. For example, you wrote: “I want to become an artist.” So what's stopping you from enrolling? art school?

If travel is at the top of your list, start saving up for a trip around the world. If you want to have a stunning figure, sign up for a gym or swimming pool.

In fact, you don’t need to have a lot of money to make your dream come true - just be confident that you can do anything. Think carefully about what exactly you want, and also be determined to move forward towards a bright future, even if you have to build it gradually, step by step, and not have it all ready-made at once.

Let's take a little trip back to childhood. Yes, yes, exactly in childhood, when we dreamed about something and believed in miracles.

We were looking forward to New Year holidays, because they enveloped us in magic and it was as if we were in a fairy tale. We believed in Santa Claus and asked him to give us a gift New Year what we wanted most. And more often than not, this is exactly what we received for the New Year.

Then we grew up and stopped believing in miracles, in Santa Claus and in what is possible make your dream come true in life. And they stopped receiving the gifts they wanted.

Time passed, and in our youth we again believed that dreams come true and looked at the starry sky with hope.

And as soon as a star fell from the sky, we tried to make a wish.

Some people's wishes came true, but others didn't. What is the secret here: why some wishes come true, while others remain so an unfulfilled dream? How and when wishes come true?

How can we learn to dream again and how to make dreams come true?


Any journey begins with the first step. So, you need to take the first step! And remember that the one who walks will master the road.

First, let's figure out what a dream should be in order for it to come true.

If you dream about something, think about it day and night, this thought does not allow you to sleep or eat, if the thought that your desire will bring you joy or help you create something, write it down. And if possible, it’s better to take a photo or find a picture.

If, looking at a photograph or picture, you have a trembling in your chest and the thought: “this is what I want,” feel free to hang such a picture with a desire on the wish tree (I will publish how to make it a little later). And why is it not advisable to place it in the most visible place, as is usually advised, about this we'll talk in the following articles.

Conclusion: the desire should make you feel joyful.

It happens that you seem to want something, but you have doubts such as: “it’s too expensive for me,” “it’s not for me,” etc. etc., cancel out all your efforts to achieve results. You yourself, without suspecting it, are blocking your own path with your doubts!

And in order for you to stop harming yourself, you must learn one truth: “God has a lot of everything, ALLOW yourself to have it!” After all, wisdom says, “To him who asks, it is given.” The whole problem is that we don’t ask, and if we don’t ask, how can they give it to us?

Conclusion: you have to ask for what you want.

But the biggest problem is if we asked and then began to doubt.

Judge for yourself, we ask for help from the Creator (from higher powers who can do anything), and then we begin to doubt. It turns out that we no longer doubt our own strength, but the strength of the Creator. The next wisdom says: “Let it be done to you according to your faith.” If we doubt (don’t believe), well, that’s why we don’t receive it.

I want to tell you a story.

There was once a man in the world. And he had a wife. Every day he went to work, where he earned little money, which was barely enough to feed his family. But he had a huge dream to buy himself a white Mercedes and one day come home in a white suit and a white Mercedes.

His dream became more and more obsessive every day. And then one day he learned how to make dreams come true.

He cut out a white Mercedes from a magazine and hung it on the mirror. His wife and everyone around laughed at his dream: “Where will you get the money? You can barely make ends meet...”

The method consists of 7 steps! If you think that you can skip a step (not do something), that is why your wish may not come true.


One day a man came to church and asked: “Lord, help me win the lottery.” The next day he came to church again and turned to God with the same request. But the wish never came true. Every day he came to church and asked: “Lord, help me win the lottery.” After some time, he suddenly heard a voice: “Yes, I’ll help you, well, first of all, buy a ticket.”

And if you yourself have done something in order for your desire to be fulfilled, then do not anger God with your insults and reproaches.

And remember: if you are given a desire, you will always be given the opportunity to fulfill it!

As soon as a sublime goal appears in our life, we are faced with one of inner voices, who advises you to dream big and get a star from the sky. After a few days, the euphoria is replaced by thoughts of unreality and unworthiness. This is called fear, which will destroy all dreams in a row if you do not decide to defeat it one day. To prevent him from controlling your life, follow these rules.

Have a dream

This sounds strange, but fear does not allow many people not only to implement plans, but also to form them in their heads. Think about your needs and don't be afraid to talk about them with your loved ones if you don't feel uncomfortable doing so. Dedicate your heart to your dream and make it come true.

Take action

Once you decide on a goal, create a plan for its implementation. Start taking small steps towards it. It is very important to feel joy and not fear. Drive away in any way the thoughts swarming in your head “this is unreal”, “I am not worthy”.

be patient

Great things don't happen quickly. It usually takes some time for desires to come true, but final result happens on the day when we least expect it. If you feel like everything is falling apart, find another way to solve the problem or take a break. Remember that failures make us wiser.

Be persistent

Don't give up under any circumstances. If you feel uncomfortable, reconsider your desires and do what you consider most necessary and pleasant. At this point, the realization of error may come. This is normal, don’t be afraid to change plans when your soul requires it. If the dream still remains desired, imagine your life after its fulfillment and mentally vow not to give up.

Be prepared for bad days

If there were no failures, a person would not be able to experience all the beauty of moments when everything he sets out to do succeeds. It’s worth reminding yourself that failures are short-lived, just like successes. Accepting this truth will allow you to find yourself in the right way to realizing a dream.

Let Faith Rule Your Life

Once again it is worth recalling how monstrously fear and uncertainty spoil everything around. These destructive feelings too often drive our decisions without us even realizing it. An indispensable ally in the battle with them is faith in yourself, in God, in a happy future. A feeling of joy at the thought of a dream will help you overcome anxiety and act energetically, regardless of not always favorable circumstances.

Don't reject constructive critics

Listen to the opinions of people who seem to you to understand something in the area of ​​interest to you. As frustrating as it can be to acknowledge your mistakes, this process is a vital part of your journey to rapid improvement. However, differentiate between the people who genuinely want the best for you and the usual haters. The latter should be allowed to do their usual business, but the opinions and advice of those you love should be considered and used to broaden your horizons.

Do not give up

This is the point that is worth returning to again and again. Please never give up or give up on yourself. Don't give up what makes your heart flutter with happiness. Even if it takes your whole life to achieve this dream, follow it. Any goal that arises is achievable if faith, patience and fidelity become its companions.

They say that dreaming is not harmful, but not dreaming is very harmful. Whether this is true or not, everyone decides for himself, but, no matter how paradoxical it may be, dreams often put people into a depressive state.

How to make dreams come true? How to dream so that your dreams come true? So that your dreams don't get shattered harsh reality, but systematically came true, I suggest using simple rules. Their essence is in determining what exactly the dream should be. So the dream should be:

  1. Real. The most important thing in realizing a dream is to define it as accurately as possible, separating illusions from reality. For example, a dream of world peace will most likely remain a dream, just like studying at a school of magic and witchcraft hogwarts. But the dreams of “flying into space”, “living in a luxurious villa in the Maldives” or “marrying Andrea Albert Pierre Casiraghi, Prince of Monaco” are quite feasible, although difficult to achieve.
  2. Limited time. While the dream is vaguely manifested somewhere out there, on the edge of the earth, in the uncertainty of temporary space, you will not realize it. Dreams of “losing weight someday”, “buying a car in the future” simply dissolve in the time stream, they lose touch with reality and, as a result, die. It is worth replacing the addition “once upon a time” with specific number: “I want to go on vacation to the Maldives in 2014, from June 10 to June 25.” This is what your dream should sound like.
  3. Specific. The more specifically your dream is formulated, the more more chances she has for implementation. If you want a house, think through all the details of this house: how many rooms it has, where it is located, how many floors it has, what dishes are in the sideboard and how each room is furnished. The desire to have “some kind of house someday” is nothing more than an abstraction. Thanks to detailed processing and careful consideration of details, the dream will take on clearer forms, get rid of illusoryness, and therefore come closer to reality.
  4. Visual. Visualization is one of the most effective methods realization of dreams. The old and proven method is, of course, a real picture or poster. Arm yourself with scissors, magazines, glue and creatively illustrate your desires with a colorful collage. Regular viewing of “desires” brings their materialization closer. The poster can be replaced with a box with a secret; In it, store clippings, photographs, and some iconic things associated with your dream. Alternatively, you can start a blog in which you will colorfully describe your dreams, or become an active member of an online group where topics close to your dreams are discussed.
  5. Its. Someone else's door, which at first seems open and tempting, has the unpleasant property of unexpectedly slamming shut, painfully hitting you on the nose. It is useless to dream the dreams of another. Understanding the misdirection is not difficult; for example, you dream of world recognition and fame, but you don’t like people in general, you want to write a book, but you don’t like to write or read, you dream of a prestigious car that identifies you in society, but you sincerely love to walk. All these are imposed dreams that are unlikely to come true, because you want this only in projection, and not in reality. A dream must come from the heart. Therefore, try not to fall into the trap of false desires. Let your dream be yours, truly desired and sincere.
  6. Motivating. People who are losing weight often dream about sausage, fried chicken or cake before going to bed. They dream about it because they miss it. However, this doesn’t sound like a dream: it’s too simple task! After all, you can walk to the store in 15 minutes and buy yourself anything you want. Will there be serious satisfaction from fulfilling such a dream? Let's consider another group of people losing weight: they are serious about losing weight and dream of achieving their goal as quickly as possible. They imagine that when they lose weight, they will be able to wear beautiful things, get a promotion at work, and will catch admiring glances. This motivates them. Your dream should motivate you to take action, it should inspire you.
  7. Regular. The more often you dream, the better. Instead of watching the news before going to bed, make it a habit to daydream. Every day! Dream according to all the rules: carefully imagining yourself when achieving your dream and all its smallest details. By conscientiously following these seven rules, you will regularly send your requests to both the Universe and the Secretariat of Destiny, and according to the law of the dialectic of the transition of quantity to quality, you will certainly make your dream come true!

What is a dream? Fiction, fantasy or a guide to another reality? Both psychologists and esotericists argue that it is not only possible to dream, but also necessary.

And the paths to realizing your cherished desires can be different. Psychologists have developed their own methods based on scientific practice. Esoteric schools use other methods, turning for help not to science, but to the cosmos and the universe. And now, who believes in what?

What if you combine these two? opposite directions and use practical psychology along with cosmic energy? Shall we try?

Dreams of Youth

Do you remember what you dreamed of as a child, who you wanted to become, what profession to pursue? How does your reality now coincide with the fantasies of your youth? Stretch your memory, this is interesting.

When I was in school, I dreamed of becoming a translator. Travel the world, work for a foreign company, receive large fees. At that time, my desires were based, albeit small, on reality. By foreign language I was an excellent student, both grammar and Speaking. But, later, I did nothing to make my dream come true.

After school, due to some stupidity, I even enrolled in the wrong course, although I could freely go to study where English language was the main subject. My dream did not come true, I learned a different profession. Either there was not enough determination or brains to choose and do the right thing. This is a thing of the past.

Now I’m no longer a snotty little girl, but an adult woman with accumulated experience and a kind of determination. Much has already happened in life, but there are no fewer desires and dreams, and maybe even more. Are changing life circumstances, and with them come new dreams.

Dreaming like adults

First, you need to analyze your dream. It must be real (this is psychology) and positive, not carrying destructive energy (this is esotericism). If your desire can harm someone (and women are like that), then retribution will certainly follow: it will be violated mental health and space will boomerang back the neglected negativity. You shouldn’t dream about how to take you away from your family married man, “sit in” with an employee and take her place, get an inheritance by any means, and so on. All this can end badly, so I advise you to think carefully before wishing for something like that.

Avoid the temptation to dream about big lottery wins. In most cases, this is unrealistic. Of course, the incredible happens, but such “lucky ones” always pay something for such success. This is fully confirmed by one story: a woman played the lottery for 25 years and always indicated the same numbers. And after 25 years she was finally lucky, she won with this combination. But during this time, half her life, things happened to the woman. scary things: she fell ill with oncology, lost her home, and was left without a family. I don't think all these events were accidental.

Psychological approach

Psychology experts advise drawing up an action plan. Write everything down point by point on a piece of paper or create Personal diary. Each step taken (item completed) will bring you closer to the realization of your plans.

Let me give you an example: you dream of going on a trip/buying a new car/building a house, but this requires a certain amount of money that you don’t have. Therefore, it needs to be accumulated. Start with each one financial income save money for a dream.

There are two options here: save on everything (food/clothing/entertainment) or increase your income. Taking on difficult projects, but better paid ones, allows you to learn something new, that is, move forward. For the second option, you can draw up an action plan: if you need training, sign up for courses; if you need to change jobs - decide on an interview, lack self-confidence - . And do not deviate from the chosen direction.

Share your idea dream with your friends. In addition to moral support, you can also receive useful information. Tell us about your plans, what you want to buy, or where you are going to travel. Perhaps friends will provide invaluable help and give good advice.

One more thing, in order for the dream to become a reality, you need to set deadlines for fulfillment. Then it will already be specific goal, not a vague fantasy. This is what concerns material things. But there are also ambitious desires: to become a celebrity, to win a competition, to gain prestige.

Of course, to fulfill such a dream, you need to have a certain talent and constantly develop it. Work hard on yourself, study. And we remember that the dream must be real. Well, it’s stupid to dream of a big stage if you have neither a voice nor hearing, or imagine yourself as a top model with a height of 160 cm in the jump. Develop the talents that you have: maybe you can draw or create masterpieces self made, like to write poetry or dance beautifully. If you engage in creative work seriously and are not lazy, then the desire to become famous will become quite real.

There is another category of desires that we only dream about, talk about, but do not realize, although to do this we just need to make up our minds, gather up the courage and do it. For example: make a parachute jump; get a cool tattoo; learn to ski, drive a car; take part in a TV show. Yes, there are many such examples, and almost everyone has an “impossible” long-lasting dream in their stash. We must remember that time is running out and there will be no other life. Act here and now. Overcome fears, complexes, take action and say: “I have fulfilled my dream.”

And now, let's turn to esotericism

Bioenergetics works with the elements of nature (fire, water, earth, air), with cosmic energy and human mind. These people claim that nothing is impossible at all; if you really want it, you can fly into space. And they still fly - they meditate and roam the expanses of the universe.

Esoteric teachings tell us that you can make your dreams come true through visualization (seeing the future in the present tense), imagining that everything you need has already happened and you have what you want. This technique does not require special effort, the main thing is to let your imagination work. You just need to think about your dream and it will definitely come true, because thoughts have the ability to materialize. I won’t talk about vibrations of thoughts in the universe. This is too boring, I think whoever is interested will be able to find necessary information in books on esotericism.

I believe that self-hypnosis (this very visualization) definitely works, you just need to reinforce it correct settings(psychology) and add one more thing.

Feng Shui wish card

This philosophical doctrine changed the space of our houses and apartments. Now they even joke that if something is not right, then it is not according to Feng Shui. The popularity of the Chinese practice is understandable; one wants to be rich and happy. And according to Feng Shui, if energy flows are distributed correctly (by sectors), then harmony and well-being will certainly come.

We won’t touch the space (for now), today is a different topic. Let's start drawing up a wish map. This also came to us from Feng Shui. In essence, a wish map is a drawing, a collage, which is compiled on the basis of esotericism and psychology.

The map is divided into 9 sectors. Each square refers to a specific energy. And desires and dreams need to be correctly distributed across these sectors. This is what a wish card template looks like.

For example like this

Yours should be in the center real photo, and the rest of the pictures or photos can be taken from glossy magazines. Cut-out blanks are glued to large leaf Whatman paper and you get a bright colorful map that already contains your future.

Where is the best place to store a wish card? You can hide the picture from envious eyes and hang it in the closet, on inside doors. Every time you open the door, you will see your dreams and smile. Or, place it on the wall, in the most visible place. Choose your option.

Life story

I made my first wish map ten years ago. I did everything according to Feng Shui. I can’t say whether everything I wanted came true, because I don’t really remember what exactly I wrote there in all sectors, but some things exactly coincided. I can’t look at my card; it’s a thing of the past. I moved to a new place of residence and everything changed. I remember that at that time, I dreamed and really wanted to improve my living conditions. We lived with two children in one room. Now we have three rubles, a three-room apartment. I don't think this is a coincidence.

And recently, I did new map desires. I hid it in the closet so that strangers would see less of it. This is my personal secret. I won’t tell you what it is, but I noticed that some dreams are starting to turn into reality.

Well, and finally, I want to wish that your dreams come true. Don't be afraid of your desires, act and life will change for the better.

Your Glasha

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