Global warming flood map. Maps of the new geography of the earth

It is always interesting to imagine very unlikely, but in principle real things. What would happen if all the ice on Earth, which is more than 20 million cubic kilometers, melted?

National Geographic has created a series of interactive maps that show what catastrophic consequences would occur on our planet. Melted ice that would fall into the oceans and seas would lead to a rise in sea levels of 65 meters. It would consume cities and countries, changing the overall appearance of continents and coastlines, wiping out entire populations.

Scientists believe it will take about 5,000 years for temperatures to rise enough to melt all the ice on Earth. However, a start has already been made.

Over the last century, temperatures on Earth have increased by about 0.5 degrees Celsius, and this has led to a rise in sea levels of 17 cm.

If we continue to burn our coal, oil and gas reserves, the average temperature on our planet will reach 26.6 degrees Celsius instead of today's 14.4 degrees Celsius.

So let's see what happens to the continents...

In Europe, cities such as London and Venice will be under water. The Netherlands and most of Denmark will also be flooded. The Mediterranean Sea will expand and increase the size of the Black and Caspian Seas.

In Asia, China and Bangladesh will be flooded, and more than 760 million people will be underwater. Cities destroyed will include: Karachi, Baghdad, Dubai, Kolkata, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo and Beijing. The Indian coastline will also shrink significantly.

In North America, the entire Atlantic coastline in the US will disappear along with Florida and the Gulf Coast. In California, the hills of San Francisco will turn into islands, and the California Valley will become a huge bay.

In South America, the Amazon Lowland and the Paraguay River basin will become straits of the Atlantic Ocean, wiping out Buenos Aires, coastal Uruguay and part of Paraguay.

Compared to other continents, Africa will lose less land mass due to rising sea levels. However, rising temperatures will cause most of it to become uninhabitable. In Egypt, Alexandria and Cairo will be flooded by the Mediterranean Sea.

Australia will gain a continental sea, but will lose much of the narrow coastal strip where 4 out of 5 Australians live.

In Antarctica, what was once continental ice will no longer be ice or continent. This will happen because underneath the ice there is continental terrain that is below sea level.

What does Antarctica look like without ice?

Antarctica may be the largest ice sheet in the world, but what lies underneath it?

Scientists from NASA have shown the surface of Antarctica, which has been hidden under a thick layer of ice for more than 30 million years. In a project called BedMap2, researchers calculated the total volume of ice in Antarctica to predict future sea level rise. To do this, they needed to know the underlying topography, including wide valleys and hidden mountain ranges.

Some of the most impressive discoveries in Antarctica were the deepest point of all continents, the valley below the Bird Glacier, which lies 2,780 meters below sea level. Scientists also obtained the first detailed images of the Gamburtsev Mountains, which are located under a 1.6-kilometer layer of ice.

The new map is based on surface elevation, ice thickness and base topography, which were made using ground, air and satellite surveys. Scientists also used radar, sound waves and electromagnetic instruments to create the map.

Scientists from the world's leading research centers have been trying to predict the consequences of global warming for many years. The worst of them is the melting of glaciers, which will lead to an increase in water levels in the world's oceans and, as a result, flooding of a number of territories, including large cities.

The figures are different every year - some say that in just a few decades almost half of modern megacities will go under water. Others are sure: neither we nor our children and grandchildren have anything to fear—humanity will feel the serious consequences only in hundreds of years. And yet, the fear of a new global flood is becoming more and more real every year - just remember the large-scale flooding in Europe, the flood in the Far East and the consequences of Hurricane Sandy in New York.

The forecast of scientists from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Change Research (Germany) states: by 2100, the level of the World Ocean will rise by 0.75 - 1.5 meters due to the melting of continental ice.

In this case, within 100 years Venice will go under water, in another 50 (by 2150) - Amsterdam, Hamburg, St. Petersburg, and then to other large metropolises nearby.

But Russia, in this case, is threatened not so much by water as by refugees from other countries - according to scientists, if the water rises by a meter, they will be forced to change their place of residence 72 million Chinese. And where should they run if not to Russia, what do you think?

Forecast of Russian scientists

It was set out in the Climate Doctrine adopted by the Government and is perhaps the most optimistic in the world. But, nevertheless, the Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation Yuri Trutnev, presenting the draft document, said that there is a real threat to our cities in a hundred-year perspective.

Over the previous century, water levels rose by 10 cm, whereas when the sea level rises by the same amount already to 2050 -2070 In the next few years, a significant part of the territory and almost all of Yamal may be flooded.

With an increase of 20 see parts of the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions and a number of other territories of the country are at risk of flooding.

Forecast of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

The level of the world's seas may rise by 1,4 meters to 2100 year. Scientists have not calculated the consequences for Russians, but even if our experts 10 cm is considered a critical figure, imagine what will happen with an increase of almost one and a half meters!

Island states (the Maldives in the Indian Ocean or Tuvalu in the Pacific) will definitely disappear into oblivion, Calcutta will be flooded, and London, New York and Shanghai will have to spend approximately $150 billion each on flood protection. (the Americans calculated this figure for themselves).

They will become refugees 100 million people in Asia 14 million Europeans, and if the latter can still find a place for themselves in unflooded areas, the former will most likely “flock” to Russia.

World Wildlife Fund Forecast

(WWF) turned out to be quite vague - scientists do not give exact figures, but they say that by the end XXI century, the effects of global warming will threaten major cities, including St. Petersburg, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Kolkata, with flooding.

Russian experts, however, commenting on the report said that they are ready to vouch for the safety of St. Petersburg with their heads - according to their calculations, the level of the world ocean, while maintaining the current pace, will rise 100 years will increase by 30 centimeters, and nothing threatens the city on the Neva. I wonder why then their colleagues who wrote the national doctrine worry even about 10 cm?

National Geographic Forecast

One of the most pessimistic. True, it is designed for an indefinite period, but the rate of melting of glaciers is increasing from year to year, so that a thousand years may well be reduced to a couple of centuries.

According to scientists, if the glaciers completely melt, the level of the world's oceans will rise by approximately 65 meters, and the average temperature on the planet will increase from 14 before 26 degrees. In this case, Florida, the Gulf Coast and most of California will be flooded in North America.

In Latin America, Buenos Aires, as well as coastal Uruguay and Paraguay, will go under water. In Europe, London, Venice, the Netherlands and most of Denmark will be destroyed by the elements.

But scientists believe that Russia will suffer the most due to the flood of the Black and Caspian Seas. The entire floodplain will go under water, along with Volgograd, as well as parts of the Astrakhan and Rostov regions and the Republic of Kalmykia. In northern Russia, St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk and other smaller cities will fall into the flood zone.

Michael Gordon Scullion- a talented seer whose gift is currently comparable to that of Edgar Cayce. That his visions do not qualify as extraordinary is due to the operation of the usual principle that seers are not appreciated in the same degree during their lifetime as they are after some time. Cayce, Nostradamus and other great seers were treated with as much disdain as they were admired in their days, and it was not until some time later that they acquired the magnitude they now have. Humanity tends to treat its prophets as gods, exalting them to the same heights if their abilities are first recognized, and then angrily rejecting them if they are inconsistently accurate. Like children, always yearning for parents who will not abandon or fail them, they demand perfection, while they themselves are far from perfect.

Scallion, like Case, receives his visions as a result of having sent the Call, and he is considered a worthy conduit for delivering the message to humanity. Some prophets receive genuine information from extraterrestrials in the same way as the work of some people who form the channel reflects their contribution. As happens with any information a person receives when it is interpreted, what Scallion hears is also colored by passing through the prism of his own views and as a result of his presentation.

All people have preconceived notions about the meaning they hear and choose to convey to others, and act towards it. In human society there is a game similar to the one when everyone stands in a circle and whispers some statement to one another in a circle until the statement returns to the initiator, who can hardly recognize it as it was when it came out. his mouth (playing broken phone - ed.).

All people have a limited ability to comprehend the whole of what they learn. A child who heard an explanation of why an airplane can fly - about the lifting force that arises under the wings - is unlikely to be able to convey this information to others, or will do so by introducing incorrect ideas. An understood concept that is conveyed by someone is not the original concept.

When suddenly a lot of information is given, all people reach the limit of saturation. Complex concepts often require consideration of many factors at once, and so a person listening to all the factors may make sense of the end results, but may not remember all the factors. Therefore, when communicating this complex concept to others, important factors are omitted so that the other party does not develop the same end result in their mind.

All people, when they listen to a prophet, are selective in what they choose to hear. If the message is disturbing, they choose only those parts of the message that they are comfortable with. Just as witnesses to an accident often give very different accounts of what happened, so the prophet's audience remembers surprisingly different conclusions from what was said.

Interactive map of land flooding up to 60 meters

Google Mapplet shows approximate areas of flooding as sea levels change. The water rise level is set on the left in meters. The maximum possible flooding is 60 meters, but it’s a shame I’d like to see what would happen with greater flooding.

A new prophet draws maps of the future

Another card for any rising waters,50.394617&z=8&e=300

We will become a lunar community!

Gordon Michael Scullion is a contemporary futurist, writer, healer, teacher and prophet. He is the author of maps of the Earth of the future and the book “Messages from Space.” He is trying to convey to all earthlings the knowledge about the future that was revealed to him in prophetic dreams and visions.

The gift of clairvoyance came to him in 1979. One day, during a business presentation (he was then an electronics engineer specializing in communications), standing on a podium in front of a large audience, Scullion suddenly fell silent. “It was as if my vocal cords were closed,” he recalls, “it seemed like they were simply cut out for me. But I didn’t experience any pain or discomfort.” No matter how hard he tried, he could not utter a word.

An hour and a half later, in the emergency room of a local hospital, he was given an x-ray and preliminary tests. The doctors did not find any pathology, but they left him for another day for additional examination.

That's where the fun began. That same evening, while he was watching TV in his hospital room, the room was suddenly filled with a glowing rainbow mist. Strange symbols, similar to hieroglyphs, geometric figures, some formulas and three-dimensional holographic scenes-pictures began to appear from it. On them, huge expanses of land moved, went under water, others, on the contrary, rose from the depths.

Scallion just had time to think that this was a hallucination when the image of an elderly woman appeared in the air and the background changed. Now these were scenes of disaster, confusion and unrest in American cities: buildings collapsed, comets flashed in the sky, a strange aircraft appeared. The woman spoke: “You are now traveling in the stream of time. You will see pictures of the past and possible future.”

Then she disappeared, and everything else disappeared, and Scullion's voice returned. He was discharged, but he was very frightened by what had happened and went to doctors for a long time, consulting, among other things, psychiatrists. But they did not find any deviations. The visions continued, and one day Scallion noticed that the events he saw in his dreams actually happened a few days later. Panicking, he isolated himself from everyone for almost two years, trying to figure out what was happening to him. “It took me a long time to come to terms with my fears and understand that my abilities were not a mid-life crisis, not an illness, not a mental disorder, but something completely natural,” he recalls.

In 1982, he learned to fall into a state of deep trance and improved his abilities: “I realized that I could help people: heal, look for missing people.”

Later he lost these abilities, and now in his visions the living planet Earth appeared as a patient. Pictures of global planetary cataclysms returned, each of which broke up into three slightly different versions of the same event. Scullion gradually realized that the clearest and brightest images were the most probable and closest to the present, and the grayish blurry versions (overlapping each other) were only potentially possible in the distant future. He began sketching maps from memory.

His visions included: active volcanic activity in the Philippines, an earthquake in Japan (Kobe), Hurricane Andrew. Several years ago, his prediction about the earthquake in Los Angeles coincided exactly with real events. Last year, Scallion had a very detailed, vivid dream about Etna erupting and realized that it would happen very soon. And so it happened.

It was Scullion who predicted that the current hurricane season in the United States would be unprecedented in its cruelty. In the near future, he sees an earthquake in San Francisco, which should mark the beginning of global tectonic cataclysms.

And Gordon calls the period between 1998 and 2012 the “Period of Disasters.” At this time, the magnetic poles will shift, which will cause movements of the earth's crust. As a result of changes in the Earth's magnetic field, the following events will occur:

Waves of epidemics of unknown diseases will sweep across the earth, as the electromagnetic balance of the human body will be disrupted.

Active tectonic activity will begin on the planet.

This movement of the earth's crust plates will cause low-frequency infrasound radiation, which will affect the human mental sphere and cause numerous severe depressions and even mental disorders.

The orbit of the Moon will approach the Earth, which will force the human community to develop as a “lunar” one, that is, with a predominance of feminine principles: intuition, spirituality, love of peace.

Gordon considers his prophetic dreams about the spiritual future of civilization no less important. He believes that human activity: the technologies that he uses, the religion that he professes - everything spiritual and material is closely connected with the life of the planet: “We live in a kind of symbiosis, the Earth responds to our thoughts and actions. Sometimes a very small amount of energy is enough to disrupt this harmony.”

Ominous prophecies about natural disasters are interspersed in Scallion's stories with predictions about changes in the life of human society. Many of them are painted in rainbow colors. For example, in the first half of the 21st century, he saw renewed human settlements in the United States. These small villages seemed to Scallion to be completely autonomous: with internal heating and power supply systems. There were no cars, motors or mechanisms around, people looked peaceful and happy, children were laughing. They understood animals well, and children were especially good at communicating with them. Unusual flowers bloomed around, unfamiliar trees grew, from which people learned to make all the necessary medicines. Many of the diseases of the 20th century have disappeared, including AIDS and other horrors of the “Disaster Period.” Color and sound therapy dominated in medicine; doctors of the future treated many diseases with vibration. Life expectancy has increased to 150 years. According to Scullion, it will be a blissful and happy time.

In 1996, Scullion released Maps of the Future World, which incorporated all his visions of changes on the planet over 17 years.

Atlantis will float out on its own!

When the world changes, Siberia will become the breadbasket of Europe

So what will happen? How will the map of our world change? According to Gordon Michael Scullion, the changes will be global. Gardens will bloom in Antarctica, and the sunken Atlantis will rise from the depths of the ocean...


The map of the African continent will be divided into three unequal parts by a huge blue letter “U” with its base near Cape Town. This will be a giant sea route that will form new seas. One of its branches will stretch from the Mediterranean Sea to Gabon itself; the other will cut Africa from north to south. The waters of the Red Sea will spill over the territory of Sudan. The Nile bed will become much wider than it is today. The Great Giza Plateau will go under water along with the pyramids and the Sphinx. With the flooding of the Red Sea, Cairo will also disappear. Water will cover most of Madagascar, and new islands will rise from the depths of the Arabian Sea.

New mountain ranges will form to the north and west of Cape Town. Lake Victoria, merging with Lake Nyasa, will become part of the Indian Ocean, the waters of which will flood the central parts of the eastern coast of Africa.

North America

Hudson Bay and Fox Basin form a huge inland sea. The centers of survival and migration of the population of Alaska and British Columbia will be Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.

Global changes in the United States will begin with faults and separation of parts of the North American Plate, which will turn into 150 California islands. The waters of the Pacific Ocean will flood the faults and form a new coastline: the west coast will move to the east. All the Great Lakes will merge and unite with the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and the flooded Mississippi will connect them with the Gulf of Mexico. Rising sea levels will push the entire eastern coast from Maine to Florida many kilometers inland.

Vast areas on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico will be flooded. The California Peninsula will become an island, and the Yucatan Peninsula will disappear under water.

In the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of the former west coast of the United States, a new land will appear. Here they will find the remains of the ancient city of Mu (Golden City), which was the capital of the huge continent of Lemuria and disappeared 54 thousand years ago during the previous pole shift. Many documents from that ancient civilization will be found, but they will only be able to read them after several generations, when the “children of the blue ray” become adults. Only they will understand the holographic thought forms that are contained in the works of the ancient Lemurians.

Central America

From Central America, only territories above 500 meters above sea level will remain - they will become islands. A new waterway will run through Honduras and Ecuador. The Panama Canal will become impassable for ships.

South America

Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and movements of the earth's crust will cause enormous changes in South America. It’s as if someone is shaking the entire continent like a light blanket.

Huge areas of Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil will go under water. The Amazon basin will turn into an inland sea. It will completely flood Peru, Bolivia, El Salvador, part of Uruguay and the Falkland Islands. Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro will disappear. A huge inland sea will lay claim to much of central Argentina.

Part of the land will rise and, uniting with the modern territory of Chile, will become the shore of another inland sea.


Antarctica will shed its ice cover and, having been reborn, will again become a fertile continent. Here you will find cities with temples and buildings of an ancient civilization. A new piece of land will rise from the Antarctic Peninsula to Tierra del Fuego and east to South Georgia Island.


Asia will be cut through by a “ring of fire”, which will form areas of high seismic activity. This continent will become the site of the most severe cataclysms. The Pacific plate will shift by about nine degrees. Because of this, vast coastal areas from the Bering Sea to the Philippines, including Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and Japan, will disappear under water, from which several small islands will remain. Taiwan and most of Korea will sink. China's coastline will move hundreds of kilometers inland.

In place of modern Indonesia, new islands will rise from the depths, the old ones will be almost completely flooded. In place of the Philippines, the waters of the Pacific Ocean will splash.

Asia will lose huge land areas, but new ones will continue to form.

Australia and New Zealand

No more than 75% of the territory will remain from Australia. A large inland sea stretches from Adelaide north to Lake Eyre. Deserts will become fertile, they will host village-communes built on spiritual community. New islands will rise from the waters along the entire coast of the continent.

New Zealand will increase in size and again, as in ancient times, will unite with its foremother Australia - thanks to volcanic activity, an isthmus will appear between them.


During global tectonic cataclysms in the Atlantic Ocean, ancient Atlantis, which, according to some estimates, is about 200 thousand years old, will rise from the depths.

It is believed that Atlantis was located between the east coast of North America, the west coast of the African continent and the British Isles. The highly developed Atlantean civilization died more than 12 thousand years ago. The inhabitants of Atlantis violated the laws of the spiritual and physical world and paid for it. Their state plunged into the abyss of the sea within a day when the huge tectonic platform on which this continent was located shifted by several degrees.

During global natural disasters and active tectonic activity, according to the predictions of Gordon-Michael Scullion, the remains of Atlantis will be found in the Azores, Bahamas and in the Sargasso Sea region. Then the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle will be solved. Earth scientists will find giant ancient Atlantean mechanisms that run on solar energy and are still activated at certain times of the year. The revival of Atlantis will revolutionize modern science, and humanity will discover new sources of energy and ways of communication.


Changes on the map of Europe will be perhaps the most rapid and dramatic. After the failure of the tectonic plate, the entire north of the continent will go under water. In place of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark, only a handful of islands will remain. Most of Great Britain from Scotland to the English Channel will also sink, and the kingdom with the remnants of London and Birmingham will be located on small islands reminiscent of modern Scotland. Almost all of Ireland will disappear.

Almost all of Central Europe from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea will go under water. All of France will remain a small island with Paris in the center. Between it and Switzerland there will be a new waterway from Geneva to Zurich. A third of Spain, the western and southern parts of Portugal will disappear from the face of the earth.

Three-quarters of Italy will also go under water: Venice, Naples, Rome and Genoa will sink, but the Vatican will be saved - the city will be moved to elevated areas of land. From Sicily to Sardinia new lands will appear.

The Black Sea will flood Bulgaria and Romania. A great Holy War will break out in the territory from Poland to Turkey, which will leave behind ashes on the few surviving lands. Part of western Turkey will disappear under water: a new coastline will stretch from Cyprus to Istanbul.


The former Soviet Union will be separated from Europe by a huge sea - the result of the confluence of the Caspian, Black, Kara and Baltic seas. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (except for the southernmost part) will drown in it. Divided almost in the middle by an island-ridge of the Ural Mountains, it will cover the entire European territory of Russia and Siberia up to the Yenisei. The following will be under the water column: Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan (except for one third in the southeast); Uzbekistan (except for the southeastern quarter); western Kazakhstan (only islands of the northern and part of the eastern territories will remain). A small eastern section will remain from Belarus, and part of the northeastern tip from Ukraine.

Lake Balkhash will increase to the size of the state of Colorado, and Lake Baikal - to the size of Great Britain. The east of Russia will remain almost untouched, but a huge body of water will appear here - the Laptev Sea, which has spilled deep into the continent; Vast areas of the northern coast will also go under water.

All this sounds scary, but Gordon Michael Scullion promises that the climate in the remaining territories will become more moderate, and this will allow Russia to become the breadbasket of Europe. Although how much of it will remain, that Europe...

The Blue Star will change our world

We need to strive for new vibrations. One of the first signs present in a series of visions of Gordon Michael Scullion about global changes on Earth was the appearance in the sky of a blue star unknown to him. In August 1995, Scullion published an article entitled "The Blue Star", in which he explained the significance of this star for our future.

“My vision has been repeated many times since 1979. I watched as our solar system revolved around another orange star and a small Blue Star appeared from behind the Sun. This is similar to a binary solar system with two stars with a complex rotation path. But the Blue Star is the pair star of Sirius, not our Sun. It is visible in the Earth’s sky for 1,800 years in a row, then the Blue Star leaves, disappearing behind the Sun - a new cycle begins.”

Scullion learned that there was something similar in the epic of the Hopi Indians. Their prophecies say: “When the dancing Blue Star appears in the sky, the era of the Fifth World will be born. Its beginning will be the last great war - the conflict between spirituality and the physical principle. This material, physical principle will be overthrown by those who remain alive. They will become the origins of a new united world with a single power, the power of the Creator.”

The silver-blue light of this new star in the morning sky will be ten times brighter than all the stars and planets in the sky, and in the evening it will look like the Moon. At night it will be visible as a bright spot on the Milky Way. Its powerful glow will change the colors of the earth's spectrum, and the skin of the peoples of the Earth - all races - will acquire a bluish tint. The new star will have a decisive influence on human spirituality. The soul will improve through physical reincarnation and intangible sensations. The Blue Star will change the vibrational field of the Sun and Earth, and only those whose high spirit can match the new vibrations will be able to survive.

The Mayans and other ancient cultures have similar predictions. Both Nostradamus and the German mystic Hildegard wrote about the new star, who predicted that a “great nation” would survive earthquakes, hurricanes and floods caused by a huge comet. Like Hildegard, Scullion believes that after these cataclysms there will come an era of peace and harmony.

Good luck with your shopping and all the best.

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Antarctica is the least studied continent located in the south of the globe. Most of its surface has ice cover up to 4.8 km thick. The Antarctic ice sheet contains 90% (!) of all the ice on our planet. It is so heavy that the continent beneath it has sunk almost 500 m. Today the world is seeing the first signs of global warming in Antarctica: large glaciers are collapsing, new lakes are appearing, and the soil is losing its ice cover. Let's simulate the situation of what will happen if Antarctica loses its ice.

How will Antarctica itself change?

Today the area of ​​Antarctica is 14,107,000 km². If the glaciers melt, these numbers will be reduced by a third. The mainland will become almost unrecognizable. Under the ice there are numerous mountain ranges and massifs. The western part will definitely become an archipelago, and the eastern part will remain a continent, although given the rise of ocean waters, it will not retain this status for long.

This is what Antarctica will look like. The current territory is outlined

At the moment, on the Antarctic Peninsula, islands and coastal oases, many representatives of the plant world are found: flowers, ferns, lichens, algae, and recently their diversity has been gradually increasing. There are fungi and some bacteria there, and the coasts are occupied by seals and penguins. Already now, on the same Antarctic Peninsula, the appearance of tundra is observed, and scientists are confident that with warming there will be both trees and new ones.

By the way, Antarctica holds several records: the lowest recorded temperature on Earth is 89.2 degrees below zero; the largest crater on Earth is located there; the strongest and longest winds.

Today there is no permanent population on the territory of Antarctica. Only employees of scientific stations are there, and sometimes tourists visit it. With climate change, the former cold continent may become suitable for permanent human habitation, but now it is difficult to talk about this with confidence - everything will depend on the current climatic situation.

How will the world change due to melting glaciers?

Rising water levels in the world's oceans

So, scientists have calculated that after the ice cover melts, The level of the world's oceans will rise by almost 60 meters. And this is a lot and will amount to a global catastrophe. The coastline will shift significantly, and today's coastal zone of the continents will be under water.

The Great Flood awaits many paradises of our planet

If we speak, then its central part will not suffer much. In particular, Moscow is located 130 meters above the current sea level, so the flood will not reach it. Large cities such as Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg, Novgorod and Makhachkala will go under water. Crimea will turn into an island - only its mountainous part will rise above the sea. And in the Krasnodar Territory only Novorossiysk, Anapa and Sochi will be flooded. Siberia and the Urals will not be subject to too much flooding - mostly residents of coastal settlements will have to be resettled.

The Black Sea will grow - in addition to the northern part of Crimea and Odessa, Istanbul will also be taken over. Signed cities that will be under water

The Baltic states, Denmark and Holland will almost completely disappear. In general, European cities such as London, Rome, Venice, Amsterdam and Copenhagen will go under water along with all their cultural heritage, so while you have time, be sure to visit them and post photos on Instagram, because your grandchildren will probably already have done so they won't be able to.

It will also be hard for the Americans, who will definitely be left without Washington, New York, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other large coastal cities.

What will happen to North America? Signed cities that will be under water


The climate will already undergo unpleasant changes that will lead to the melting of the ice sheet. According to ecologists, the ice of Antarctica, Antarctica and those found on mountain peaks help maintain the temperature balance on the planet by cooling its atmosphere. Without them, this balance will be disrupted.

The entry of large amounts of fresh water into the world's oceans will certainly affect direction of major ocean currents, which largely determine the climatic conditions in many regions. So it is not yet possible to say with certainty what will happen to our weather.

The number of natural disasters will increase significantly. Hurricanes, typhoons and tornadoes will claim thousands of lives.

Paradoxically, as a result of global warming, some countries will begin to experience lack of fresh water. And not just because of the dry climate. The fact is that snow deposits in the mountains provide water to vast areas, and after it melts there will no longer be such a benefit.


All this will greatly affect the economy, even if the flooding process is gradual. Take the USA and China for example! Like it or not, these countries greatly influence the economic situation throughout the world. In addition to the problem of relocating tens of millions of people and the loss of their capital, the states will lose almost a quarter of their production capacity, which will ultimately hit the global economy. And China will be forced to say goodbye to its huge trading ports, which will reduce the supply of products to the world market significantly.

How are things today?

Some scientists reassure us that the observed melting of glaciers is normal, because... somewhere they disappear, and somewhere they are formed, and thus balance is maintained. Others note that there are still reasons for concern, and provide convincing evidence.

Not long ago, British scientists analyzed 50 million satellite images of Antarctic ice sheets and came to the conclusion that they melting occurs very quickly. In particular, the giant Totten glacier, comparable in size to the territory of France, is causing concern. Researchers noticed that it was being washed away by warm salty waters, accelerating its decay. According to forecasts, this glacier can raise the level of the World Ocean by as much as 2 meters. It is assumed that the Larsen B glacier will collapse by 2020. And he, by the way, is as much as 12,000 years old.

According to the BBC, Antarctica loses as much as 160 billion tons of ice per year. Moreover, this figure is growing rapidly. Scientists say they did not expect such a rapid melting of the southern ice.

By the way, the name “Antarctica” means “opposite the Arctic” or “opposite the north.”

The most unpleasant thing is that the process of melting glaciers further influences the increase in the greenhouse effect. The fact is that the ice covers of our planet reflect part of the sunlight. Without this, heat will be retained in the Earth's atmosphere in large volumes, thereby increasing the average temperature. And the growing area of ​​the World Ocean, whose waters collect heat, will only worsen the situation. In addition, large amounts of melt water also have a detrimental effect on glaciers. Thus, ice reserves not only in Antarctica, but throughout the globe, are melting faster and faster, which ultimately threatens big problems.


Scientists have very different opinions about the melting of the Antarctic ice cover, but what is known for certain is that man, through his activities, greatly influences the climate. If humanity does not solve the problem of global warming in the next 100 years, then the process will be inevitable.