Pros and cons of being a scientist. Profession scientist

Any person will answer that this is a specialist who understands a certain field, has in-depth knowledge and is capable of making new discoveries. Undoubtedly, being a scientist is a calling, and to determine whether you have an inclination for this, you need to listen to yourself.

How to Determine If You Have Talent

Remember that it is important to become a good scientist, and not just a specialist with advanced knowledge. Since everyone can learn information, you should be able to explore it and come to new discoveries

To become a young scientist, listen to yourself. You must understand which one is most attractive to you. If you love mathematics, do not look for yourself in biology, because, apart from the spoiled nerve cells and lack of desire, you are unlikely to achieve anything.

People become scientists when they are able to combine hobbies with work. If you are really interested in mathematics, then you will be drawn in by the process. in-depth study. So, if there is an area of ​​science that interests you, that you had an inclination for at school, and that came easier to you than others, then you can undoubtedly become a scientist.

Dreams rarely coincide with reality. So, if you want to become a scientist, then it is not enough just to read the literature that interests you and study information on the Internet. Unfortunately, mastering this profession requires financial investments, sometimes considerable ones.

You will succeed in becoming a research scientist if you work hard on yourself and your level of knowledge. If you are not a genius who can do without outside help do any calculations or invent a cure for cancer, then you will undoubtedly need a higher education.

Nothing is impossible, and science has known great people who, without appropriate training, made stunning discoveries, but, you see, the chance is one in a million.

  • Choose a university that offers postgraduate studies, as this is what prepares future researchers. A master's degree is also important, but it emphasizes gaining the knowledge necessary to implement practical activities, and not for making new discoveries.
  • The university must be one of the best. Read reviews, look at training programs, attend a day open doors. Please note that professors educational institution were interested in students gaining knowledge. Connect with alumni.
  • Mastering the institute's program is not everything. You need to simultaneously attend seminars, trainings in your specialty, and study information on your own. If you are interested in the field of science, then the learning process will not get boring.
  • Remember about scientific works. As you gain knowledge, you form your own vision of many scientific problems. Describe it in your scientific works. Publish articles in special collections and magazines. This will not only help you become a scientist, but will also add points when defending your dissertation.

Remember self-improvement. How to become a scientist if you don't develop as a person? Therefore, find time to relax and communicate with interesting people.

When you go towards your intended goal, all the obstacles on the way seem invisible. But sometimes we forget about important things, without which the tasks we set for ourselves are impossible. So, how to become a scientist:

  • Communicate with people in your circle. Common interests Not only will they unite you, but they will also lead to new discoveries.
  • Choose yours scientific supervisor with great ambitions. This advice is given by many accomplished scientists.
  • Be interested in everything. Your range of interests must be much larger than just your specialization.
  • Don't waste time on meaningless achievements. For example, if you are a chemist, then you should not spend your days studying mathematics.

Many accomplished scientists admit that they often ignored subjects not related to their field.

Lifestyle of a scientist

Of course, everything is not limited to scientific knowledge. Everyday life and surrounding factors contribute to the formation of personality and force one to make a choice between science and everyday life.

How to become a scientist if your family does not support you, if you live in a small unpromising town, or if you do not have enough finances to carry out experiments? Based on similar factors, we can say the following points:

  • Your family should support your desire to be a scientist. Close people must understand that you are not just late at night sit too long with books, that the experiments you are conducting are not useless. At the end of the day, what's important to you is.
  • In any case, after college you will have to spend a certain amount on your ideas. It's good if you find a sponsor.
  • Perhaps you have long-distance business trips ahead of you. This is especially true for researchers.
  • Don't be afraid to come to a banal conclusion. It is normal that new discoveries are based on already known achievements.

Play a significant role personal qualities person.

The character of the future scientist

No matter how talented a student is, he cannot become a scientist without certain character traits. To achieve your goal, develop the following qualities in yourself:

  • Ambition.
  • Persistence.
  • Thinking outside the box.
  • The ability to admit and analyze your mistakes.
  • The ability to set goals.

It is unlikely that you will be able to immediately achieve tangible results, but do not give up. The achievement of great goals is built on this.

How to treat people around you

Don't be afraid of competition. Your rivals are a source of information, communicate with them more often. Also, make friends with them. Surround yourself with people who are equal or stronger than you, this is the only way you can constantly develop. But behind friendship, do not forget about competition, because this is the engine of progress.

Opponents may, without realizing it, give you valuable advice or accidentally give you useful information. But you don't just need to consume. Don't be sorry to give helpful advice and other scientists so that your friendship will be mutually beneficial.

Misconceptions about the scientific profession

Now we will look at several myths that are fundamentally wrong. Because of them, many talented guys give up their goal, which entails the destruction of their dreams, as well as a decrease in progress in science:

  • To become a scientist you need connections. Believe me: science is practically the only industry where no one can stay through connections. If you are a promising scientist, you will be invited to participate in various studies.
  • Only experienced teacher will be able to teach the student. As practice shows, it was young and ambitious teachers who gave their students an impetus into the world of science. They have not yet settled on one theory, which they are trying to explain to everyone they meet, so they know about new achievements, are looking for ways to solve problems, and are trying to delve into science even more, which is what they teach to students.
  • Scientists earn little. Amateurs, not scientists, earn little. If a person is truly dedicated to his work, then, of course, he will reach new heights that will bring him good profits. But for this you need to be sociable in order to have sponsors interested in your business in case of any unforeseen event.
  • “A scientist is an unpromising profession.” Any branches of life may become irrelevant, but not science. Humanity needs new discoveries, so good scientists are worth their weight in gold today.

Science and politics

Any other activity, including political activity, begins with science. IN developed countries Scientists turned politicians are very good at their jobs. Agree, the Minister of Ecology will deal much better with the problems of air pollution if he is aware of them, if he has directly studied them. Or it is much easier to deal with the problem of financing in a country if the Minister of Finance is a mathematician or economist.

A person who knows how to explore a field of science and understands it from the inside is in demand in politics, because the right decision he will come faster and implement this decision better than an ordinary university graduate.

Science and writing

Very often, scientists who have achieved their goals sit down to write books and pass on knowledge to the younger generation. They are the treasure of the country. Scientists-turned-writers will teach students to memorize, analyze, and search for correct information.

Thus, becoming a scientist is a difficult but achievable task. Fight for your goal. And perhaps your name will be heard in the world of science.

I wrote this note as if in reserve. But given that the notorious reform Russian Academy Sciences comes out in decisive stage third reading in the State Duma, I think it should be published ( according to contradictory information, tomorrow on September 17 the law will either be adopted in the third reading with the most unacceptable points, or returned to the second reading, where it is also unclear what will happen). This article describes my personal point of view, which may not coincide with the point of view of colleagues and management. It's about about what scientists are, what they do and what is the benefit of it.

In conclusion, I ask you to support the initiative to reject the bill on reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences (registration on the State Services website is required).

P.S. This just arrived.

The trade union [RAS] supports the proposal to hold festivities tomorrow morning at the Duma (and in other regions), the trade union supports the appeal of the conference scientific workers RAS, the trade union calls for meetings of labor collectives, the results of which will send appeals to the president, and will initiate such meetings. Tomorrow the Duma plans to distribute Rubakov’s appeal among deputies directly in the Duma building. Applications for holding pickets in Moscow and the regions have also already begun, and then applications for holding rallies will be submitted. In fact, the actions in early September were announced as warning ones.

Posted on Sep. 16th, 2013 at 02:08 pm | | | |

I am a graduate student in chemistry, and my main activity is science.

I work in laboratories that are located in the chemical building, and the building is located far from the city center, getting there requires transfers. You understand how fun it is to ride buses to work in the morning.

I finally got onto the third bus, stood on the last step, although my bag remained outside, it was jammed by the door... But when they arrived, I was carried away just in a moment, it’s good that I stayed on my feet.

Working in the laboratory

Well, here is our home laboratory. Old, shabby, with peeling Lenolium, crooked tables, chemical utensils covered with dust and a typical chemical smell, I recognize it from afar.

Using the usual actions, practiced to the point of automaticity, I started the experiment: weigh, pour, turn on the thermostat, set the temperature, load the reagents into the reaction vessel, place the vessel in the thermostat, press the START button and... time went by. It will take an hour and a half for all this to react, but for now... no, I don’t have time to drink tea, but I really want to.

We need to assemble a distillation installation. A tile, a distillation flask, a reflux condenser (don’t ask what it is, otherwise I won’t be able to explain it in 4000 characters), a straight refrigerator (these are glass tubes one inside the other for cooling, not what you thought), a receiver. Connect all this, screw it on and, after checking the reliability and correctness of the connection, solemnly insert the plug from the tile into the socket. Let's go.

Failed experiment

Now you need to assemble a separating funnel so that the mixture that reacts is divided into two layers. I did not assemble it so quickly, because one part was lost, and for a long time I could not find a replacement for it in size. And, having collected myself and sighed with relief, I thought, well, finally, there are 8 minutes left, I can catch my breath a little. The alcohol was distilling peacefully, the reaction was going on... and then I froze, looking at one point. Oh no! I forgot to put the catalyst in the mixture and it cooks there for an hour and a half without a catalyst...

Ah-ah-ah-ah! The whole experiment is down the drain! I quickly turned off the thermostat, removed the unsuccessful first experiment, and tried the experiment again, checking six times whether I had installed the catalyst. START and all over again.

Then I heard such a dull crackling sound: “BAM.” I slowly turned around and saw that my receiver flask, where pure alcohol was poured, crashed onto the table (apparently, in a hurry, I had placed it crookedly) and all the alcohol that was there spilled over the table, emitting a heady aroma. I quickly turned off the stove and moved it as far away as possible - I still needed an explosion. She opened the windows and began to wipe the table with a rag.

If you don't have a good day, it's important not to give up

I wanted to cry like crazy, I couldn’t stop crying all day. Then the secretary of our department, the kind and charming Maria Mikhailovna, entered the laboratory to call me to sign documents for graduate student certification.

Wow, what are we celebrating?

Nothing. Today no one works here except me. – I answered in bewilderment.

Why does it smell like vodka?

I said with a guilty look that I had transferred a bunch of government-issued alcohol. Having tidied up the table, I decided not to do any more distilling today - it’s good that I was still able to drain some of the alcohol and I’ll have a supply for several days. While I was cleaning up and running to sort out the documents, the time came, it was time to finish the reaction.

I took out the reaction mixture, poured the contents into a separatory funnel and waited for separation. But then my boss came in. A sweet, good-natured scientist, professor, doctor of chemical sciences.

There is such a disease - super talkativeness

It must be said that in scientific circles, starting with the lowest degrees (not to mention professors), there is such a disease - super talkativeness. That's how many people we have doing science - everyone is sick of it. They can talk endlessly, for hours and hours. But my boss is just an Olympic champion in talkativeness.

He came by small business- find out what results I got yesterday, but somehow his thoughts and hypotheses dragged on, as well as thoughts about further development my work. And I stood and listened to him for about forty minutes, trying not to fall asleep, because after taking alcohol on my chest (even through the lungs), my head was spinning. Finally, after the eighth attempt to interrupt his speech, I delicately made it clear that my time for the experiment had come to an end, I needed to start the next one. Oleg Vladimirovich, as if waking up, said:

Yes of course. I won't distract you anymore.

Having finished separating the mixture, I was about to start the second experiment, but apparently the alcohol overpowered me, and I decided that’s enough for today. Apparently by lunar calendar Today is not a good day for science.

But surprisingly, everything that did not concern science, on this day I did it with a bang! But that is another story.

There is such a profession - scientist. It sounds very proud, intelligent and promising. But let's figure out what it is.

Who is a scientist?

A scientist is not just a representative scientific world, a specialist in any field, but an expert in his field, who has made a real contribution to scientific industry and received well-deserved recognition. A scientist must have a scientific degree (Doctor or Candidate of Sciences), obtained beyond his means mental labor, defend a relevant dissertation. In addition to high intellectual abilities, you also need to have good patience, because the process is rarely scientific activity is dynamic (unless you are going to test your own experimental developments). In any case, a true scientist receives moral pleasure from his painstaking work.

What about material satisfaction?

Let us warn you right away that if you want to become a scientist, you can’t count on a luxurious mansion on the Cote d’Azur, although you are unlikely to need it. But seriously, in our country today the prestige of such a profession is not high; it is not in demand on the labor market and, as a result, is poorly paid. So other than career growth You can’t count on more at any research institute. Although purely scientific achievements are main task scientists.

What should a scientist do?

As Comrade Lenin said, “study, study and study!” Indeed, a person who has chosen the scientific path must constantly improve himself, trying to discover not only for himself, but also for all of humanity, something new and useful, otherwise why do all this, if not? great goal? It is necessary to lead Scientific research in the area that you have chosen, collect all the data together and draw appropriate conclusions, which you can then present in scientific papers.

Signs of high qualification

These are the publication of articles in scientific journals, publishing their works in the form of books, reference books, methodological developments, constant participation in scientific conferences. Also important is pedagogical activity, transferring your knowledge and experience to the future generation. What if not an invitation to give lectures in prestigious university will emphasize the status and merits of the scientist? Unless creating your own laboratory, research center or scientific school may be more prestigious.

So, thanks to people who have chosen the scientific path for themselves, we live in such a developed and high-tech world. Therefore, being a scientist is not only a profession, it is a true calling!

An archaeologist is a historian who studies the life and culture of ancient people using various artifacts.

An astronomer is a scientist who studies celestial objects such as stars, planets and their satellites, comets, etc.

A bioengineer is a scientist who specializes in purposefully changing the properties of a living organism.

A military genealogist is an expert in finding information about front-line soldiers and people lost during the war.

A geneticist is a scientist who studies the laws and mechanisms of heredity and variability.

A genetic engineer is a scientist who specializes in changing the properties of living organisms using gene manipulation.

Hydrologist - specialist in the study water surface The Earth, its properties, distribution and processes occurring in it (water cycle in nature, etc.).

Glaciologist - scientist, ice specialist.

Art historian - scholar specializing in the history of research works of art(primarily fine arts).

Ichthyologist - a scientist who studies the structure evolutionary development, forms of life activity and characteristics of fish reproduction and, based on these studies, developing methods of rational fishing, fish farming and fish conservation activities.

A climatologist is a researcher who studies climate change issues, as well as climate processes and their reasons.

Crystallographer (from the word crystal and the Greek grapho - I write, I describe). - specialist in the field of crystallography - the science of crystals, their structure and properties.

Laboratory assistant chemical analysis- a specialist who carries out chemical and physico-chemical analysis substances in the laboratory.

A meteorologist is a weather specialist, observer and researcher of atmospheric phenomena.

A nanotechnologist is a specialist in nanotechnology, a scientist who studies materials at the molecular and atomic level and creates objects from nano-sized components. For him, atoms are bricks from which he assembles new materials.

An oceanologist is a scientist who specializes in the study of the ocean.

Paleontologist is a scientist who studies the fossil remains of extinct organisms: animals, plants, bacteria, etc.

Restorer - specialist in the preservation and restoration of objects of historical and cultural heritage