Chart of magnetic storms in December and early January. Schedule of magnetic storms in December: about the phenomenon

The influence of geomagnetic storms, according to various estimates, affects from 50 to 70% of the total population of the Earth. Medical studies say that during such periods, depression increases in people, and the likelihood of suicide, heart attacks and strokes increases by about 15%.

Each person has their own reaction to similar phenomena- some feel the approach of a storm in advance, and their health worsens 1-2 days before its onset, some feel a negative reaction from the body day after day, and for some, malaise appears after the sunny weather has passed.

To protect your body from harmful influence magnetic fields, be sure to look at the chart of magnetic storms for December 2018, pay attention to the most strong flares solar activity and worry in advance about how to protect yourself from feeling unwell during magnetic storms.

Schedule of magnetic storms in December: preliminary schedule

Any geomagnetic disturbances occurring on our planet directly depend on the processes that are occurring on the Sun at this time.

In general, November 2018 and December 2018 will most likely not upset us with frequent and strong magnetic storms. No particularly serious solar flares are expected yet, and scientists are warning us only about very minor geomagnetic fluctuations.

A two-day magnetic storm is expected in early December. It will start on December 1st and reach G1 level on December 2nd. After its end, until December 7, no magnetic storms are predicted. Magnetic fluctuations are expected on December 7th and 8th. Afterwards, until December 25, there will be a calm geomagnetic situation.

The magnetic storm schedule is a universal thing for everyone. Weather-sensitive people immediately prepare for difficult periods, and stronger people will be able to use it to explain their suddenly deteriorating health or mood.

Schedule of magnetic storms in December: about the phenomenon

In professional slang, magnetic storms are one of the types of geomagnetic manifestations. Nature this phenomenon closely related to active interaction Earth's magnetic sphere with fluxes solar wind.

Any geomagnetic disturbances occurring on our planet directly depend on the processes that are occurring on the Sun at this time. While flares occur in dark spot regions on our star, plasma particles enter space, which enormous speed rushing towards the planets solar system. When these particles reach the atmosphere of our planet, they cause geomagnetic fluctuations in the Earth. They may be one of the reasons different problems with health.

The very definition of “magnetic storm” means sudden changes Solar activity, which leads to an increase in the flow power of charged particles. As a result of the penetration of some particles through the “defense” of the planet, the natural balance is disrupted. This often leads to disruption of navigation and electronic systems, as well as a sharp deterioration in well-being in people with hypersensitivity.

Regardless of the strength of the magnetic disturbance in June 2018, if you follow some expert advice, you can alleviate your health condition during these unpleasant periods. On such days, healthy sleep, good nutrition, and routine are recommended. labor activity and rest. Also, you need to drink required amount liquids - freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, herbal teas and filtered water.

During periods of magnetic storms, you should avoid training in the gym and heavy strength loads. However, according to professionals, light exercise can help relieve general state health.

On days of magnetic disturbance, it is very important to give up all bad habits. Most time should be spent on fresh air. At this time, it is advisable to protect yourself as much as possible from all conflicts or stressful situations and disputes. Communication with people who cause negative emotions is not recommended.


  • 1 Schedule of magnetic storms in December: forecast until the end of the month
  • 2 Schedule of magnetic storms in December: negative impact
  • 3 Schedule of magnetic storms in December: tips
  • 4 Schedule of magnetic storms for December - early January: tips
  • 5 Magnetic storms - recommendations from experts on how to protect your health

The influence of magnetic storms on human health is ambiguous. Scientists have not yet come to a conclusion about who is especially at risk on days of geomagnetic disturbances, and who survives the storms steadfastly and without consequences. That is why it is better for everyone to know the schedule of magnetic storms for the month, so that if they feel unwell, they will know the cause and help themselves in the fastest and most reliable way.

According to experts, only 10% of the Earth's inhabitants are actually weather-sensitive people. The rest are exposed to solar activity and magnetic storms only periodically - at a time when the body is weakened by stress or illness. Thus, if for several months in a row you have not felt the charm of influence natural processes, and now they suddenly wilt - this is an alarming call that your health is not in the best condition.

Schedule of magnetic storms in December: forecast until the end of the month

Any geomagnetic disturbances occurring on our planet directly depend on the processes that are occurring on the Sun at this time.

In general, December will not upset us with frequent and strong magnetic storms. No particularly serious solar flares are expected yet, and scientists are warning us only about very minor geomagnetic fluctuations.

A two-day magnetic storm is expected in early December. It will start on December 1st and reach G1 level on December 2nd. After its end, until December 7, no magnetic storms are predicted. Magnetic fluctuations are expected on December 7th and 8th. Afterwards, until December 27, there will be a calm geomagnetic situation.

From December 28 to December 31, minor geomagnetic disturbances are possible. The first days of January will be calm.

Schedule of magnetic storms in December: negative impact

As soon as active motion begins in space, weather dependent people general physical deterioration begins, as well as emotional state. It is determined that a natural phenomenon can have a detrimental effect on the performance of the nervous, cardiac, endocrine and other systems. The magnetic field can have a negative impact not only on humans, but during the period of activity magnetic field On Earth, there are interruptions in communications and electricity, and there is a greater risk of traumatic incidents or global disasters.

Per person magnetic disturbance acts in a unique way, it has been proven that a natural phenomenon can have the following negative impact on the body of a weather-dependent person:

a loss of strength appears, irritability and increased aggressiveness are observed; mood swings occur, insomnia increases; pain in the joints and muscles worsens; headache, turning into a migraine; there are interruptions in the functioning of the cardiac system, etc.

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If you experience signs of emotional instability and severe deterioration in your health, be sure to consult a doctor. Remember that magnetic storms do not last long and if you set yourself up to be positive, it will be much easier to survive these unpleasant days.

Schedule of magnetic storms for December - early January: tips

To reduce the impact of magnetic storms on the human body, you need to strictly adhere to the recommendations given by doctors, as well as monitor the schedule of magnetic storms.

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People who are a little irritable by nature and have a short temper may behave more aggressively and unbalanced. Depression and unusual thoughts appear in the head.

It is best to protect yourself by taking medicines soothing herbs. On dangerous days, you should switch to proper nutrition, exclude fatty and heavy foods. It is best to eat vegetables and fruits, do it for yourself fasting days. When you eat healthy food, your head begins to work better, fatigue and headaches go away.

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You should start taking medications prescribed by doctors 5 days before the magnetic storm. Since there will be several of them in July, it is better to take maintenance pills for the entire period

Communication with emotional people, which are charged negative energy. You should not enter into conflict and not be nervous in vain.

In order for a magnetic storm to always pass by, it is important to keep your body healthy - to play sports, develop resistance to stress, not to break down in the face of difficulties and to always be in a good mood. But is this possible in modern world, where leaving home and going to work already causes stress?

Probably not. Therefore, doctors advise you to be especially attentive to yourself and your needs, at least during especially dangerous periods. So, shortly before a magnetic storm, the date of which you can easily find on the Internet, try to abandon important projects and responsible work - it is better not to bother yourself with loads during difficult periods. Try to rest more and improve your diet - give up junk and heavy food, alcohol, cigarettes.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink vitamins or herbal infusions - this way you can lighten your body a little of the load that geomagnetic disturbance will bring with it.

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During magnetic storms, you may experience headaches, weakness, drowsiness, apathy, and even depression - this means that you need to have medications on hand, as well as your favorite hobby or people you like who will help you cope with your difficult psycho-emotional state.

On dangerous days, try not to conflict or get involved in controversial situations - after that, only dissatisfaction with yourself will remain.

Spend more time on your loved ones and favorite activities, try to do only things that are pleasant to you, and walk in the fresh air.

Doctors also warn that during magnetic storms, chronic diseases, especially those of the heart and nervous system. That is why, if you have any, it is better to have all the necessary medications with you to provide you with first aid.

If the condition worsens at all, contact your doctor for help and recommendations on further actions.

In December 2018, strong flares occur on the sun, which lead to magnetic storms. They negatively affect the well-being of each of us, especially weather-dependent people. In addition, on such dangerous days, electrical appliances begin to break down and the navigation system malfunctions.

Magnetic storms can last from a few hours to several days. So that we were prepared for their influence in December 2018, experts compiled a schedule by days and hours.

Schedule of magnetic storms by day and hour in December 2018

Astrophysicists determined that the most active magnetic storms were on December 2: their activity reached 5 points on a 10-point scale. The magnetic storms on December 7 and 8 will be slightly weaker, and from December 9 their influence will become imperceptible.

On days of magnetic storms, you should not engage in physical and mental activity from 12 to 18 o'clock in the afternoon. At other times, the geomagnetic situation will be relatively calm. At the end of the month, on the 26th and 29th, there will also be magnetic storms, but not as strong as in the first days.

The human body actively reacts to magnetic storms

During the influence of magnetic storms, the human body immediately reacts:

  1. headache;
  2. irritability occurs;
  3. depressed, apathetic state;
  4. blood pressure changes sharply;
  5. the cardiovascular system malfunctions;
  6. Chronic diseases are getting worse.

With the advent of cold weather, the activity of magnetic storms may increase, therefore, the state of health will further deteriorate, insomnia and aggression will appear. People who have a heart condition or are diagnosed with hypertension should carry medications with them.

To avoid negative influence magnetic storms, it is necessary:

  1. do not get into stressful situations;
  2. do not conflict with others;
  3. don't plan important meetings, business meetings;
  4. do not overwork yourself mentally and physically;
  5. stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Every morning you need to do minimal exercise.

The most sensitive to magnetic storms are women in delicate situations, small children and pensioners. This period is very difficult for those who have chronic diseases, nervous disorders, psychological problems. Absolutely healthy people You also need to monitor your condition on days of magnetic storms and do not stay in the subway, mines, or at heights.

To prevent your health from deteriorating, you should adjust your diet to include only healthy foods, determine clear hours for sleep, reduce physical activity, drink more water. Instead of strong tea and coffee, drink compotes, freshly squeezed juices, and herbal infusions. Walk outdoors more often.

Magnetic storms are disturbances in the magnetic field of the entire Earth or a certain area of ​​it. Such storms are one of several types of geomagnetic activity.

Why do magnetic storms occur?

They occur due to the fact that disturbed streams of solar waves or solar wind enter the Earth's magnetic field. These storms have a character of development that is inconsistent in duration and activity itself. The storm development phase lasts approximately 6-8 hours (the strongest and very an important part of the whole storm), then it fades away and everything slowly comes back. Full return to normal state takes approximately 2 to 3 days.

How geomagnetic activity relates to activity on the Sun

Richard Carrington's research was based on tracking solar flares and his own observations. He noticed that during solar flares, in some areas of the Earth, geomagnetic storms. These studies and the data collected earlier helped formulate the defining viewpoint in science, which gave impetus to further research and new discoveries.

The modern view of the causes of magnetic storms is based on the fact that disturbed flows from the solar wind earth's orbit caused by interplanetary geomagnetic fields and waves.

Geomagnetic storm schedule for December 2020

In December 2020, you can expect storms at the beginning and end of the month.

Changes such as climate, weather and pressure have significant impact for almost every person. Still, those who have some health problems suffer more often than many other people from excessive activity in the Sun. For example: hypertension, hypotension, people who have had a heart attack, stroke, people with anemia and people with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Magnetic storms in early December:

December 3. A storm of moderate activity is expected this day. Few people will be able to feel it.

December 8th. Strong magnetic fluctuations are expected on this day. Sensitive people You should refrain from any activity and take proper rest.

This is where all magnetic storms end at the beginning of December and will begin only at the very end of the month.

December 26. A very strong and rather long-lasting storm is expected on this day; many people may become unwell because of it.

December 29th. This storm completes the cycle of December storms. It is not as strong as the previous one, but it will also be felt.

These dates will be very useful for people with poor health and just a little more sensitive people.

The influence of magnetic storms on the human body and its life

One of the most important elements space weather are geomagnetic storms. They affect not only a person’s health, but also their life in general.

Basically, geomagnetic storms affect different types of connections. For example: telephone and satellite. It is not uncommon for storms to cause power failures.

Geomagnetic storms also have strong influence on animals. They start to behave less active work, and this lasts until the storm and its consequences disappear.

Magnetic storms are dangerous not only for connections and animals, but also for people. This can have a significant impact on a person’s well-being and health.

Geomagnetic storms are a collection of different types activity on the Sun. During these storms, a lot of different disorders occur: from the breakdown of a communication center to poor health of a person.

In December we will feel the impact of the magnetic storm on the 3rd, 8th, 26th and 29th.
Magnetic storms affect not only wildlife, but also for the operation of communications and equipment.
The negative effects of storms can be minimized by keeping a low profile active image life these days.

  • 1 Schedule of magnetic storms for December: schedule for every day
  • 2 Schedule of magnetic storms for December: impact
  • 3 Schedule of magnetic storms for December: medical advice

Magnetic storms occur every month due to increased solar activity. This phenomenon has an extremely negative impact on the health and well-being of people, especially those who suffer from increased weather sensitivity.

Fortunately, in December 2018, experts predict a fairly calm geomagnetic situation. But this does not mean that weak magnetic storms can be ignored. Remember that in winter our body is not able to provide strong resistance to various adverse influences from the outside. Therefore, even the most minor changes in the weather and the state of the Earth's magnetic field can lead to undesirable consequences.

And to avoid troubles related to health and mood, experts recommend familiarizing yourself with the schedule of magnetic storms in advance. This is the only way sudden headaches and weakness will not take you by surprise, because you will have time to prepare, tune in and take all the necessary measures.

Magnetic storm schedule for December: schedule for every day

Any geomagnetic disturbances occurring on our planet directly depend on the processes that are occurring on the Sun at this time.

In general, December will not upset us with frequent and strong magnetic storms. No particularly serious solar flares are expected yet, and scientists are warning us only about very minor geomagnetic fluctuations.

Orthodox calendar for the first half of December 2018: Orthodox Nativity fast

A two-day magnetic storm is expected in early December. It will start on December 1st and reach G1 level on December 2nd. After its end, until December 7, no magnetic storms are predicted. Magnetic fluctuations are expected on December 7th and 8th. Afterwards, until December 25, there will be a calm geomagnetic situation.

The magnetic storm schedule is a universal thing for everyone. Those who are weather-sensitive immediately prepare for difficult periods, and stronger people will be able to use it to explain their suddenly deteriorating health or mood.

Magnetic storm schedule for December: impact

Our planet has a unique electromagnetic field. It does protective function. But, despite this, some microparticles are able to penetrate even into deep layers globe. As a result this process a reaction occurs in the earth's magnetic field, which changes its characteristics many times over a short period. This phenomenon is usually called a magnetic storm.

When the greatest activity is observed on the Sun, magnetic storms also go off scale. This primarily affects all living things on our planet, as well as people.

The body's reactions to magnetic vibrations can include headaches, insomnia, loss of strength, depression, pressure surges and disturbances in the functioning of the body's cardiovascular system. Experts assure us that only 10% of the entire world population is sensitive to magnetic storms.

Doctors advise not to overload yourself these days. physical work and get more rest. Doctors also advise walking more, avoiding conflict situations, have the necessary medications on hand and refrain from long trips.

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The most important thing is healthy sleep and good rest. Proper nutrition plays a significant role. Adjust your diet, at least these days, give up heavy and fatty foods. Don't forget to have enough liquid. But about bad habits It's better to forget it completely. Moderate physical exercise will also have a beneficial effect on your body during magnetic storms.