Lilac color influence. Lilac

Tatiana Kulinich

Purple color is one of the most mysterious in the entire color spectrum. It is located at the very end, as if it represents the crown of their development, the unity of all colors. In fact, purple is a truly beautiful symbol of the unity of opposites, because it is obtained from a mixture of two colors: red and blue. These shades are completely opposite both in appearance and in their symbolism. So, what secrets does this mysterious color hide?

Shades of purple

Most shades of purple are named after flowers. For example, lavender is a soft, slightly dusty purple, reminiscent of the color of a famous mountain flower. Lilac or lilac – light purple with a slight pinkish undertone. Violet is a rich, deep variety of this color. In recent years, fuchsia has become increasingly fashionable. This is a rather rich tone of purple mixed with dark pink. Amaranth is a purple color with a brighter pink undertone. It is named after the tropical flower amaranth.

Symbolic meaning of purple color

On a subconscious level, this color is perceived as a symbol of everything mysterious and otherworldly. This is magic, astrology, esotericism, healing. Looking at the paintings depicting various magicians and witches, you can see that most often they are wearing purple robes. Purple symbolizes the other world, with which only a select few have the right to communicate. By the way, since ancient times, purple clothes have indicated the uniqueness of the one who wears them. For example, the color purple, which is often mentioned in ancient stories about kings and priests, is closest to violet. Ordinary people did not have the right to use this shade.

In the Middle Ages, this color was considered mourning. However, it could still only be worn by members of the royal family. The custom of associating this shade with noble sorrow has been preserved in the Orthodox Church. During fasting, priests wear vestments of this particular shade. It is believed that purple promotes inner concentration, detachment from the world, which is necessary for spiritual cleansing. Another meaning of this color is transformation, the transition from one state to another. This includes pregnancy, death, and profound internal changes. If this color often appears in your dreams, this may indicate that something will soon change dramatically in your life.

Physiological and health effects of the color purple

Purple color is a cold color, which means that it has a calming, inhibitory effect on the human body. The uniqueness of this shade in comparison with other cold colors is its ability to put a person into a deep trance. Therefore, it is good to use it for relaxation after extremely difficult, stressful situations. It will clear the subconscious of negative memories and restore spiritual harmony. Purple color, like all cool shades, lowers blood pressure and reduces appetite. In the latter, it is even more effective than blue.

One of the main meanings of colors is transformation. Therefore, by meditating on this shade, you can speed up the process of wound healing, regeneration of internal organs, and restoration of health after severe operations. In esoteric teachings it is believed that it has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy, protecting the baby and mother.

Psychological effects of purple

The color violet takes you away from the world of everyday problems and puts you in a philosophical mood. It is not for nothing that this shade is so often used in the design of their temples and religious objects by both representatives of traditional religions and modern esotericists. This shade helps to establish contact with the subconscious. Under the influence of a violet person, they begin to experience insights more often. He learns to listen more deeply to himself. If you look at a purple candle before going to bed or put a purple stone (for example, amethyst) under your pillow, you can see prophetic dreams. This shade enhances intuition and makes you pay attention to details hidden from most human eyes.

The color purple enhances suggestibility. A hypnologist, a specialist in inducing hypnosis, often uses objects of this color to quickly induce trance in his patients. This property of violet can also be used by various charlatans. An excess of this color makes you sleepy and lulls your vigilance. This color is also known for its ability to positively influence human memory. He awakens the earliest, repressed memories, which are difficult to get to the bottom of without his help.

Purple color in clothes, image

The richness of shades of this color allows you to choose an outfit for any type of appearance. For cold types (“Summer” and “Winter”), girls with light eyes and pale skin, stylists recommend using lavender and violet. It can be combined with black, gray, soft blue. Representatives of the “Spring” and “Autumn” types should try on warm shades of purple: fuchsia, amaranth. In this case, it can be combined with pink or beige. The same rule should be applied when choosing the shade of lipstick and eye shadow. Fashionable fuchsia lipstick is suitable for tanned blondes or brown-haired women. Rich burgundy - for brunettes. Makeup artists recommend using shades of purple, especially in the form of shadows, in evening or holiday makeup. Gently lilac is suitable for daytime makeup.

The color purple in clothing and makeup creates the image of a mysterious, detached and romantic woman. It is suitable for people with non-standard appearance and interests. This color attracts attention, but at the same time suggests that a special approach is needed to the person wearing it. Therefore, clothes of this shade are suitable for those people who are used to enjoying only high-quality communication and want to keep overly annoying fans away.

This color is subconsciously associated with nobility. Therefore, it looks best on fairly closed clothes made of materials such as silk and velvet. The exception is the playful fuchsia color. It can be safely worn in the form of miniskirts and T-shirts.

Purple color in the interior

This shade is perfect for decorating bedrooms and personal offices of creative, unconventional people. When choosing a variety of purple for the bedroom, you should pay attention to the lilac shade. Unlike darker ones, it does not put you into a trance, but on the contrary, it encourages gentle, intimate communication. To enhance sensuality, it can be combined with pink or fuchsia. At the same time, like all types of purple, lilac promotes better sleep and increased intuition. In a purple bedroom, you will have prophetic dreams twice as often. A violet color is suitable for the office. It is especially recommended for people of creative professions. However, when decorating your office in this color, do not overdo it with its quantity; dilute it with white or silver.

For home spaces, the atmosphere of which should inspire communication (kitchen, living room), purple is not recommended as the main color. However, you can easily choose interesting accessories of this color. An exception may be the nursery, especially if your child can be called an “indigo” child, original and gifted. The color lilac in a nursery improves a child’s sleep, develops his curiosity and creativity. This shade is an excellent choice for decorating various yoga studios, esoteric and spiritual practices. Here purple will be absolutely in its place.

Purple color in advertising

This color is often used in advertising of cosmetics and luxury perfumes. In this way, advertisers try to emphasize the prestige and uniqueness of their product. This shade can also be found in advertising of psychological or esoteric services. Here purple is used as a symbol of spiritual development and self-knowledge. It is not uncommon to see subtle shades of purple in advertisements for baby care products.

Color and character: love for the color purple or its aversion

As mentioned above, purple is a symbol of everything unusual and mysterious. People who love this color are used to feeling like the “black sheep” in the crowd. They have completely different interests and tastes than most. Most often, they lead a solitary lifestyle, communicating only with a few close people. They are capable of deep relationships. Their weaknesses are passivity and shyness. They are often considered eccentrics, unadapted to the demands of real life. People who love purple may be well versed in philosophy or religion, but not know how to cook their own food or clean their apartment.

Most often, down-to-earth and rational people do not like the color purple. They are straightforward to the point of rudeness, and cannot tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty. Dislike for the color purple often indicates a rejection of everything mystical. Such people scoff at belief in omens and are not religious. They may have excellent intelligence, but lack creativity.

Violet color can surely be called the king of all colors. Its sophistication, nobility and mystery inspire artists and poets. It is not surprising that he is especially loved by representatives of symbolism, a creative movement built on the use of various allegories and riddles. Purple is the color of spiritual wealth and deep unity with the Cosmos.

Tatyana Kulinich for All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is permitted only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

Many of us have a favorite color that is lilac, but few people know exactly how it differs from purple. In purple, blue plays the main role, while lilac is an almost even combination of red and blue.

Meaning of lilac color

Lilac color, in fact, is quite lively, but in psychology it is believed that it is the color that can create a persistent feeling of anxiety. In addition, if you don’t like the color lilac, we can say that you are a person with business acumen, because the psychology of lilac color is designed for those people who always avoid a direct answer, do not know how to carry on a specific conversation, and nostalgia is their favorite pastime .

For most people, the color lilac in psychology has a subtle aroma of mystery, enigma, and it may hint at the presence of some secret.

Characteristics of people who choose lilac color

If teenagers choose lilac, it means some immaturity, even vanity. At a more mature age, such a choice characterizes a person’s vigilance, sensitivity and love of art. In addition, as psychologists note, the color lilac in psychology can mean an almost inextricable love for one’s things; for such people, parting is a kind of “little death.” Typically, this shade is chosen by sensitive, delicate people. However, even taking all this into account, the lilac color means a certain resistance to the blows of fate. In addition, people who prefer this color always come to the aid of their neighbors, without at all counting on gratitude or response.

The red component suggests that lovers of lilac are quite optimistic, but blue often leads them to depression.

Unconventionality, eccentricity - that’s what the color lilac means. Those who prefer this mysterious shade can easily find a balance between the “dark” and “light” sides of life.

What does the color lilac mean if you are choosing a future profession? Well, for you the best areas of activity will be political and creative, since it is you who can bring completely opposite things into harmony. It’s not for nothing that lilac is the main shade chosen for meditation. This is the point at which hot and cold colors meet equally.

Hello, dear readers. Today you will learn what the color purple is in psychology. Find out which people prefer it. Let's talk about its impact on human life.


If we consider the symbol of purple, then it is considered an owl. In the Middle Ages it was seen as a sign of repentance. In Catholicism, it is a symbol of temperance. In Medieval times, this color was perceived as mourning. However, only members of the king’s family could wear it. The custom of combining this shade with grief has been preserved in Orthodoxy to this day.

When thinking about what this color means, it is worth considering what its origin is - the fusion of two others, blue and also red. It brings together opposites that have completely different effects. The calmness and intelligence of blue are intertwined with the strength and energy of red. The meaning of purple depends on which shade predominates in it.

  1. When blue predominates, a dark shade of purple appears. Characterized by the manifestation of an imperious nature and rudeness.
  2. Light colors have a calming effect, even when there is severe neurosis.
  3. Has a calming effect.
  4. Increases intuition, the boundary between the other world and reality is erased.
  5. If the red tint predominates, vanity is possible.
  6. The color purple in a woman’s psychology is the desire to charm the opposite sex. It is recognized as a sign of idealism and feminism.
  7. If a person often dreams of purple things, this may indicate impending dramatic changes in his life.
  8. Promotes the manifestation of excessive sensitivity and sentimentality.

What influence does

Let's look at the impact purple things and objects can have.

  1. Helps in the presence of astheno-neurotic syndrome.
  2. Helps calm seizures.
  3. It has a positive effect on people with vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  4. It is believed that you can improve your vision in myopia by looking at purple objects for several minutes without interrupting your gaze.
  5. It is believed to increase self-esteem.
  6. Helps establish contact with the human subconscious. A person more often comes to insight, he has the ability to hear his needs.
  7. It allows you to strengthen your intuition, promotes greater attentiveness, and allows you to notice the smallest details.
  8. It helps to enhance suggestibility, which is why it is often used by a hypnologist for. Do not forget that this same property can be used by charlatans. When this color is in excess, it helps to lull a person’s vigilance, and he begins to fall asleep.
  9. Allows you to improve memory, awaken past memories that have long been suppressed in the subconscious.
  10. This color can induce a deep trance state. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to use it for relaxation, after there has been a severe shock or stressful situations.
  11. Helps reduce blood pressure.
  12. From an esoteric point of view, purple helps protect mother and baby during pregnancy.
  13. This color helps to get away from everyday problems.
  14. It is worth considering the negative effect of this color - excessive control over your feelings, an extreme degree.

In clothes and

Thanks to the wide variety of shades of purple, it can be used in clothing by people of any type of appearance.

  1. Young ladies with pale skin are recommended to wear violet or lavender colors, combining them with gray or black.
  2. Girls who have dark skin color should choose warm tones of purple, for example, amaranth. Combine such things with beige and pink.

When choosing lipstick and eye shadow, you should also apply this rule. For example, a rich burgundy color suits brunettes, while fuchsia suits brown-haired or blonde women. When choosing shadows, shades of this color are recommended for holiday or evening makeup. If it is necessary for everyday makeup, then you should choose a soft lilac color. Purple in makeup and clothing allows you to create a mysterious image of a romantic woman. This color is suitable for people with non-standard interests and appearance. It allows you to attract attention, at the same time warning about the need for a special approach when communicating with its wearer. Therefore, this color will be beneficial to people who want to avoid communication with annoying fans. This shade allows us to draw a parallel with nobility on a subconscious level. It is better to give preference to closed dresses made of velvet.

In the interior

  1. It is preferable to choose lilac color for the bedroom. Promotes tenderness and intimacy. Pairs perfectly with pink shades and enhances sensuality. Lilac influences easy falling asleep and develops intuition.
  2. If you want to find a shade for your personal office, violet is ideal. But don’t overdo it with its use; it’s better to dilute it with white.
  3. In a social room, such as a living room or kitchen, it is not recommended to choose purple walls. However, you can choose purple accessories.
  4. It is unacceptable to use purple items in a child's room. Here you can use a lilac shade, which will help improve your baby’s night sleep and develop his creativity and curiosity.
  5. Suitable for decorating rooms for meditation and yoga.

Who chooses this color

  1. People generally prefer things of this shade without thinking, acting at the behest of their heart.
  2. Such individuals are open, easily make contacts with other people, but do not strive to reveal themselves to anyone.
  3. After communicating with such a person, there is a sense of understatement.
  4. Lovers of this color are individuals who are easy to convince and captivate.
  5. Owners of purple-colored items are predisposed to empathy; they sympathize with others.
  6. If a person wears purple clothes, it allows him to get rid of irritation and balance his state of mind.
  7. It is needed by individuals with an unstable psyche, as well as with neuroses.
  8. This color may be preferred by people with, pedants.

Now you know the psychological meaning of the color purple. Remember that it is considered one of the mysterious, one of the most mysterious. It is accompanied by legends and various tales.

The color lilac symbolizes creativity, a bright future, nostalgia, vigilance, sensitivity, perseverance, patience, endurance, and mystery. This color also has negative aspects. These include inability to take advantage of opportunities, immaturity, vanity, dependence, infantility, secrecy, distrust, and spiritual suffering. Purple colour may cause concern.

Since ancient times, using color therapy to treat various diseases, purple colour was very actively used, since it is this color that influences the spiritual origin. Man contemplating purple colour, can get rid of all your internal fears, anxieties and worries.

Purple colour It is found very rarely in nature; mystical, mysterious properties are attributed to it. From ancient times purple colour used to communicate with the world of spirits and conduct various rituals. People believed that with the help of this color they could evoke charm, sympathy and reciprocal feelings.

People who prefer purple colour, are characterized by excessive attachment to home, work, family, and lifestyle. They endure any kind of separation very hard; for them, separation is equated to a “little death.”

Clothes lilac color they choose creative, talented people who will come to the aid of others free of charge at any time. They are characterized by such feelings as sophistication, patience, optimism, and uniqueness. But these people can often be susceptible to a state of depression, from which they almost always recover on their own, without outside help. Most often, clothes of these tones are chosen during adolescence.

Purple colour- very stylish and fashionable. It is preferred by everyone without exception, but especially by active people who are in constant search. They are impressionable, inquisitive, passionate about something.

Because purple colour- the color of anxiety, then clothes of this color should not be worn to important negotiations, business meetings, interviews and exams. The feeling of anxiety may increase, and the person may not achieve the desired result.

If a person deliberately avoids purple colour, does not use it in clothing, then he is a business person, straightforward. He lives only in the present, he is not characterized by nostalgia. He does not regret that he has to part with something or someone, and he does it easily.

Lilac color in the interior

Because the purple colour causes melancholy, sadness, despondency, sadness and even depression; psychologists recommend using this color in the design of rooms in which a person spends little time. This could be a corridor, hallway, toilet, vestibule or balcony, loggia. In the interior of other rooms purple colour either not used at all, or its presence is minimized, used as a background for other colors.

This color goes well with old, orange, yellow, and gold. You can decorate a workshop or office in lilac tones, as this color encourages creativity, constructive and long-lasting work.

If a person decides to use this color in living rooms - a living room or a bedroom, this characterizes the owner as a stylish, businesslike, at the same time romantic and creative person.

If the design of the living room is conceived in lilac tones, then the room should be divided into zones and a specific segment should be selected where this color will be used in a more saturated tone. On this segment you can place photographs, drawings, paintings, but not a TV. A segment saturated with lilac color will have a distracting maneuver from the rest of the lilac part of the living room. This design will not be tedious.

A person’s choice of one or another color of clothing can tell others a lot. Based on the color scheme of clothing, you can easily create a psychological portrait of a person and get an idea of ​​his personality. Preference for any one shade sends a non-verbal signal to others, revealing the essence of a person’s character and telling about his mood. At the sight of any color, a chemical reaction occurs in the human brain, affecting the emotional state and intellectual capabilities. The color purple occupies a special niche in psychology. This is explained by the fact that purple is a border color between red and blue. It combines the characteristics of blue and red colors, exerting its special influence on the human psyche.

Knowing what effect a particular color has on your interlocutor, and correctly using this knowledge in practice, you can win him over to your side:

  • red helps a person striving for success achieve their goals, eliminates doubts and encourages them to make the right choice;
  • if an important meeting is planned, at which you will need to quickly make informed decisions, you should give preference to a blue suit;
  • green helps to cope with excessive anxiety and recharges your energy;
  • white will help convince the interlocutor of the correctness of the desired point of view and win him over;
  • yellow calms, promotes creativity and mental activity;
  • Psychology attributes the color violet with the ability to enhance a person’s intuition; it also helps to overcome one’s inner fears and cope with melancholy;
  • For people seeking to make a career in trade, the color orange will help them recharge with optimism and positivity and make it easier to establish contact with partners.

With the help of the right color of clothing, you can make them think that they themselves made this or that decision.

How does each color characterize a personality from a psychological point of view?

Often, when choosing clothes, a person unconsciously gives preference to a certain color. The choice is directly influenced by the mood of the person with whom he is going to leave the house, as well as the characteristics of his character. Psychologists believe that even mental disorders in a person can be identified by the predominant color in clothing.

What character traits does the predominant color in your wardrobe indicate?

People who prefer black are self-confident, striving for career growth and professional success. They have their own opinion on everything, they do not recognize any authorities, they are guided only by personal conclusions.

Red lovers are determined, persistent, courageous people with elevated levels. They can be overly cruel, selfish and even aggressive.

The predominance of blue clothing indicates friendliness, openness, and strength of character. Such people attract people with their generosity, but at the same time they can show outright indifference.

Psychology classifies people who love the color purple as unusual, extraordinary individuals. They are mysterious, creative, easy to get along with, but difficult to truly know. They harmoniously intertwine masculine and feminine principles, despite their creative minds, they love intellectual communication.

In psychology, the color lilac is responsible for sentimentality, romance and sophistication. It is chosen by people who consider themselves different from others and striving for perfection. Such people often support creative individuals and judge a person by their first impression and appearance.

Green is chosen by people seeking self-affirmation, and this becomes the meaning of life. They are confident, balanced, persistent and even stubborn. Such people are smart and gain life experience by learning from the mistakes of others.

If there is a clear predominance of yellow in clothing, this indicates a calm, balanced character. Such people are optimistic and calm in relationships. Possessing an inquisitive mind, they value intelligence in their interlocutor. They can often show selfishness and impatience with other people's ideas, because they are pedantic by nature and believe that they could have come up with a better idea.

What does the color purple mean in human psychology?

The meaning of purple in psychology directly depends on the shade: a redder or a bluer tone. Since purple is a fusion of red and blue, the predominant color will set the mood. Essentially, these two colors are opposite to each other. Red is passion, energy. Blue - calm, balance. A person who chooses purple as his main color always has a confrontation with himself inside. However, excessive, excessive excitement is suppressed by cold calculation.

The color purple in a woman’s psychology can mean pregnancy, which she herself is not yet aware of. This color is often preferred by teenagers during puberty. At this stage of life, young people are infantile, suggestible, and seek support and psychological support from loved ones who cannot always provide it. Throughout Russia, such support is provided in a standard way and online by psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

In psychology, experts divide the purple color into three shades:

  • purple hue with a predominance of blue. People who have a weakness for this shade are by nature rude, domineering and quarrelsome in a group;
  • purple hue with a predominance of red. This shade is chosen by sentimental, sensual people, with some mental immaturity;
  • light purple hue. It is also called purple or lilac. Lovers of this shade are usually very trusting, but at the same time they are independent. This shade is chosen by creative people who are strongly attached to home and family and have a hard time experiencing separations.

The meaning of the color purple in psychology is not always duality and opposition; it can be the complete dissolution of one into the other and the emergence of something new. That is why the color purple is called mystical and mysterious; on a subconscious level it is perceived as a manifestation of something mysterious. Lovers of purple are often dreamers who live by their own rules, rejecting generally accepted norms and building their own reality with their own rules and laws.

Psychologists note that this color is insidious and prolonged contemplation can cause apathy and melancholy. It is not suitable for small children and people with fragile psyches. At the same time, purple has a beneficial effect on and is chosen by people who have not yet realized their potential in life.

The meaning of lilac color in psychology

Fans of this shade of purple are wondering what the color lilac means in human psychology. Being the “little brother” of violet, lilac also intertwines masculine and feminine principles. People who prefer lilac shades of varying intensity are sensitive, suspicious, overly sentimental, and prone to stress. Along with this, they are always ready to provide selfless help and show patience. They are distinguished by high mental abilities and strive for perfection. However, they rarely occupy leadership positions, preferring to remain in the shadows.

In a woman’s psychology, the color lilac means that she has a developed imagination; she likes to look for manifestations of mysticism in ordinary situations. Often, with obsessive thoughts, he drives himself into a state of depression or stress, from which he cannot get out without the help of an experienced psychologist. People who love lilac are distinguished by their vanity and immaturity of judgment; teenagers often choose it as the predominant color in their wardrobe. Such people are a little “out of this world”, closed in on themselves, love to dream and create. Unlike purple, lilac does not threaten to lose touch with reality; rather, it evokes inspiration and romance. Suitable for both sexes, despite its tenderness.

The influence of color on the character and formation of a person’s personality has been known since ancient times. Color therapy has been successfully used to treat various mental illnesses. The color purple helps hypnologists put the patient into a state of hypnosis. Lilac has a calming effect on the psyche and is used for meditation in many cultures. On YouTube Many videos have been posted teaching the rules of meditation as a way to deal with stress.