State Scientific Medical Library of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Prevention of the disease caused

1. Anichkov I.E. Idiomatics and semantics // Questions of linguistics. 1992. N5.

2. ANTIPOV G.A., Donskikh O.A., Markovich I.Yu., Sorokin Yu.A. Text as a cultural phenomenon. Novosibirsk, 1980.

3. Amosova N.N. Basics of English Phraseology. L., 1963.

5. Apresyan Yu.D. Language anomalies: types and functions // Res philologies. Philological studies. In memory of academician G.V. Stepanova (1919-1986) / Rep. editor ak. D.S. Likhachev. M., L. 1990.

6. Arnold I.V. Implication as a method of constructing a text and a subject Philological studies // Questions of linguistics. 1982. N4.

7. Arnold I.V. The role of quantization, textual implication and presumption in the semantics of a poetic text // Multi-level units of language in the content-communicative organization of the text. Chelyabinsk. 1988.

8. Arnold I.V. Decoding style. L, 1974.

9. Arnold I.V. Stylistics of modern English: decoding stylistics. 2nd ed. L., 1981.

10. Arnold I.V., Bannikova I.A. Linguistic and stylistic context // Style and context. L., 1972.

11. Arutyunova N.D. Anomalies and text // Questions of linguistics. 1987. N3.

12. Arutyunova N.D. Nomination and text // Language nomination: General issues. M., 1977.

13. Arutyunova N.D. The concept of presupposition in linguistics // Izvestia of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Ser.lit.and language.1973.T.32.N1.(1)

14. Arutyunova N.D. The sentence and its meaning. M., 1976.

15. Arutyunova N.D. Problems of syntax and semantics in the works of Charles Fillmore // Issues of linguistics. 1973. N 1. (2)

16. Arutyunova N.D. Addressee factor // News of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Ser.LIT. AND YAZ. 1981. T. 40. N 4.

17. Arutyunova N.D. Functions of the language // Russian language. Encyclopedia. M., 1979. (1)

18. Arutyunova N.D. Language metaphor: syntax and vocabulary // Linguistics and poetics. M., 1979 (2)

19. Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of linguistic terms. M., 1966.

20. Akhmanova O.S., Gyubbenet I.V. Vertical context as a Philological problem // Questions of linguistics. 1977. N3.

21. Babaytseva V.V. Studying semantics simple sentence at the university // Semantics linguistic units. M., 1993.

22. Babaytseva V.V. Transitional constructions in syntax. Voronezh, 1967.

23. Babaytseva V.V. Russian language. Syntax and punctuation. M., 1979.

24. Babkin A.M. Russian Phraseology, its development and sources.1. L., 1970.

25. Bakina M.A. Word creation // Language processes of modern fiction. Poetry. M., 1977.

26. Bally S. French stylistics. M., 1961.

27. Baranov A.G. Connotations of the text // Regional scientific and practical conference "Rhetoric and syntactic structures" February 1-3, 1989 Abstracts of reports and messages. Krasnoyarsk, 1988.

28. Baranov A.G. Text in the Functional-Pragmatic Paradigm. Krasnodar, 1988.

29. Baranov A.G. Functional-pragmatic concept of the text. Rostov n/d, 1993.

30. Barth R. Selected works: Semiotics. Poetics. M., 1989.

31. Barkhudarov J1.C. Language and translation. M., 1975.

32. Bakhtin M.M. Questions of literature and aesthetics."M., 1975.

33. Bezyaeva M.G. Universal and typological features in the semantics of communicative language units. M., 1993.

34. Beloshapkova V.A. Modern Russian language. Syntax. M., 1977.

35. Velik E.A. Artistic figurative means of expressing modality in literary texts of the Russian and English languages ​​// Author's abstract. dis. .cand. Philol. Sci. Krasnodar, 1996.

36. Belchikov Yu.A. Ellipsis // Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1990.

37. Benveniste E. General linguistics / Transl. from Fr. Yu.N. Karaulova and others. Collection. M., 1988.

38. Birwish M. How ordered is language processing. Translated from English. I.G. Saburova // New in foreign linguistics. Issue XX111. Cognitive aspects of language. M., 1988.

39. Bloomfield L. Language / Transl. from English M., 1968.

40. Bolotnova N.S. Harmonization of communication and lexical structure of literary text: Lecture. St. Petersburg 1992.

41. Bondarko A.V. Grammatical meaning and meaning. L., 1978.

42. Bondarko A.V. Functional grammar. L., 1984.

43. Brauda N.V. Text amplification as an increase in the semantic significance of images (based on the stories of K. G. Paustovsky) // Problems of expressive stylistics. Issue 2. Rostov n/d, 1992.

44. Brudny A.A. Subtext and element of extra-textual sign structures//Semantic perception of a speech message. M., 1976

45. Brusenskaya L.A. Does the category of numbers serve connecting element in a complex syntactic whole?//Units of syntax in the Functional aspect: Interuniversity. Sat. scientific works Rostov n/d, 1989.

46. ​​Brusenskaya L.A. Semantic and Functional aspects of interpretation of the category of number in the Russian language. AuthorF. dis. Doctor of Philological Sciences. Krasnodar, 1994.

47. Bulygina T.V., Shmelev A.D. Syntactic zeros and their referential properties // Typology and grammar. M., 1990.

48. Buslaev F.I. Russian proverbs and sayings, collected and explained using the example of Russian and English languages. M., 1954.

49. Bukhbinder V.N. On some theoretical and applied aspects of text linguistics // Text linguistics and teaching foreign languages. Kyiv, 1978.

50. Vakurov V.N. Phraseological pun in modern journalism // Russian speech. 1994. N6.

51. Valgina N.S. Punctuation marks. Why are they? // Russian speech. 1968. N5.

52. Valgina N.S. Difficult punctuation issues. M., 1983.

53. Valgina N.S. Modern Russian language. Punctuation. M., 1989.

54. Van Dijk T.A., Kinch V. Strategies for understanding connected text. Translated from English B.B. Smirnensky // New in foreign linguistics. Issue XXII1. Cognitive aspects of language. M., 1988.

55. Vannikov Yu.V. Syntactic features of Russian speech (the phenomenon of parcellation). M., 1969.

56. Vannikov Yu.V. Speech syntax and syntactic features of Russian speech. M., 1979.

57. Vasiliev L.M. “Stylistic meaning”, expressiveness and emotionality as categories of semantics // Problems of Language Functioning and the Specifics of Speech Varieties. Perm, 1985.

58. Vasiliev L.M. Modern linguistic semantics. M., 1990.

59. Vereshchagin E.M., Kostomarov V.G. Language and culture. M., 1973.

60. Winner Thomas G. Literature as a semiotic system: “The Metamorphosis” of F. Kafka as metasemiotic TeKCT//Res philologica. In memory of academician G.V. Stepanov (1919-1986) / Rep. editor ak. D.S. Likhachev. M., L. 1990.

61. Vinogradov V.V. Notes on the language of Soviet works of art // Issues of speech culture. Vol. 1. M., 1955.

62. Vinogradov V.V. About artistic prose. M.-L., 1930.

63. Vinogradov V.V. On the language of fiction, M., 1959.

64. Vinogradov V.V. Basic concepts of Russian Phraseology as a linguistic discipline // Vinogradov V.V. Selected works. T.Z. Lexicology and lexicography. M., 1977. (1)

65. Vinogradov V.V. Basic types of lexical meanings of a word // Vinogradov V.V. Selected works. T.Z. Lexicology and lexicography. M., 1977. (2)

66. Vinogradov V.V. Problems of authorship and the theory of styles. M., 1961.

67. Vinogradov V.V. Russian language (grammatical teaching about words). M., 1972.

68. Vinogradova V.N. Stylistic aspect of Russian word formation. M., 1984.

69. Vinokur G.O. Language culture. Essays linguistic technology.-2nd edition. M.: Federation, 1929.

70. Vinokur G.O. Selected works on the Russian language. M., 1959.

71. Vinokur G.O. Mayakovsky is an innovator of language. M., 1943.

72. Vinokur G.O. About the language of fiction. M., 1991.

73. Vinokur T.G. Patterns stylistic use linguistic units. M., 1980.

74. Volynskaya N.I. Much in a Few Words//Russian Speech. 1978. N 3.

75. Vorobyova T.B. Tropical occasionalisms of V. Mayakovsky// Stylistics of fiction. M., 1982.

76. Voronin S.V. Border phenomena of word formation and phonetics // Philological sciences. 1968. N1

77. Vorotnikov Yu.L. Degrees of quality in qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives // Philological Sciences. 1992. N3.

78. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech // Selected psychological research. M., 1956.

79. Gavrilova G.F. Transitional constructions in the syntax of complex sentences and their systemic relationships. Rostov n/d, 1985.

80. Gak V.G. On the problem of general semantic laws // General and Roman linguistics. M., 1972. (1)

81. Gak V.G. On the problem of semantic syntagmatics // Problems of structural linguistics. M., 1972. (2)

82. Gak V.G. Repeated nomination and its stylistic use//Questions of French Philology. M., 1972. (3)

83. Gak V.G. Pragmatics, usage and grammar of speech // Foreign languages At school. 1982.

84. Galinskaya I.L. Mysteries of famous books. M., 1986.

85. Galperin I.R. The depth of the poetic text (Based on the material of one poem by A. Blok) // Theory of language. Anglicism. Celticology. M., 1976.

86. Galperin I.R. Grammatical categories text // News of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Ser.LIT. AND YAZ. T. 36. N 6. 1977.

87. Galperin I.R. Informativeness of language units. M., 1974. (1)

88. Galperin I.R. Common problems stylistics // Linguistic stylistics. Scientific works of M. Thorez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, Moscow, 1973.

89. Galperin I.R. About the concept of text // Questions of linguistics. 1974. N6. (2)

90. Galperin I.R. Text as an object linguistic research. M., 1981.

91. Gasparov M.L. Semantic halo of meter: On the semantics of Russian iambic trimeter // Linguistics and poetics / Ed. V.P. Grigorieva. M., 1979.

92. Gasparov M.L. Linguistics of verse // News of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Ser. language or T. T.53. N6. 1994.

93. Gvozdarev Yu.A. Basics of Russian Phrase Formation. Rostov N/A, 1977.

94. Genz A. Exact inaccuracy // Russian language abroad. 1994. N2.

95. Gerasimov V.I., Petrov V.V. Towards a cognitive model of language. Introductory article // New in foreign linguistics. Issue XXI11. Cognitive aspects of language: Translated from English. M., 1988.

96. Gindin S.I. Soviet linguistics of text. Some problems and results (1948-1975) // Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Ser. lit. and language 1977. T.36. N4

97. Gindin S.I. Internal organization text. Author.ef. dis.cand. Philol. Sci. M., 1972.

98. Girshman M.M. The rhythm of artistic prose. M., 1982.

99. Glukhikh V.M. Syntax and punctuation of stories by A.P. Chekhov. A manual for the special course. Magnitogorsk, 1991.

100. Goverdovsky V.I. History of the concept of connotation // Scientific. report higher school Philologist, science. 1979. N2.

101. Goltsova N.G. Occasionality of words and occasional phraseological units // Russian language at school. 1993. N3.

102. Gorelikova M.I., Magomedova D.M. Linguistic analysis of literary text. M., 1989.

103. Gorlov V.V. Phraseology as a means of expression on the pages of a newspaper // Russian language at school. 1992. N5-6.

104. Gornfeld A.G. The torment of words. M., 1965.

105. Grice P. Further remarks on logic in conversation // Syntax and Semantics. N.Y.etc. 1978. Vol.9: Pragmatics.

106. Grice G.P. Logic and speech communication // New in foreign linguistics. Issue 16. Linguistic Pragmatics. M., 1985.

107. Grigoriev V.P. On the debate about the word in artistic speech // The Word in Russian Soviet Poetry. M., 1975.

108. Grigoriev V.P. Paronymy // Language processes of modern Russian fiction: Poetry / Ed. HELL. Grigorieva. M., 1977.

109. Grigoriev V.P. Poetics of the word. M., 1979.

110. Grigoriev V.P. Preface / Vinokur G.O. About the language of fiction. M., 1991.

111. Grigoriev V.P. Artistic speech. M., 1969.

112. Grishko F.T. Possible variation of punctuation marks//Russian language at school. 1973. N3.

114. Grishko F.T. Punctuation in texts with free direct speech // Russian language at school. 1990. N 4.

115. Gukovsky G.A. Gogol's realism. M.-L., 1959.

116. Gulova I.A. “The History of One City” by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (Typology and Functions of Repetitions) // Russian language at school. 1996. N1.

117. Gübbenet I.V. On the issue of the “global” vertical context // Questions of linguistics. 1980. N6.

118. Gubbenet I.V. On the problem of understanding literary and artistic text. M., 1981.

119. Davydov M.V. Sound paradoxes of the English language and their functional specificity. M., 1984.

120. Denisov P.N. Vocabulary of the Russian language and principles of its description. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M., 1993.

121. Dmitrieva L.K. Secondary predication with homogeneity as identification text-forming Potencies of a complex sentence // Text implementations and text-forming Functions of syntactic units: Interuniversity. Sat. scientific works L., 1988.

122. Dolinin K.A. Implicit content of a statement. // Questions of linguistics. 1983. N6.

123. Dolinsky V.A. Language modeling and extra-linguistic meanings // Linguistics at the end of the 20th century: results and prospects. T. 1. M., 1995.

124. Domashnev A.I., Shishkina I.P., Goncharova E.A. Interpretation of literary text. M., 1989.

125. Donetskikh L.I. Realization of aesthetic possibilities of adjectives in the text works of art. Chisinau, 1980.130. Dridze T.M. The language of the informant and the language of the recipient as factors of informativeness // Speech influence. M., 1972.

126. Dubois J. et al. General rhetoric. M., 1986.

127. Egorova K.L. About the so-called telescopic word formation// Scientific report higher schools. Philol. Sciences. 1985. N5.

128. Ermakova O.N., Zemskaya E.A. Towards the construction of a typology communication failures// Russian language in its functioning. Communicative-pragmatic aspect. M., 1993.

129. Efimov A.I. Stylistics of artistic speech. M., 1961.

130. Zhirmunsky V.M. Literary theory: Poetics. Stylistics. L., 1977.

131. Zhirmunsky V.M. On rhythmic prose // Russian literature. 1966. N 4.

132. Zhinkin N.I. Speech as a conductor of information, Moscow, 1982.

133. Zhirmunsky V.M. Theory of verse. L., 1975.

134. Zhuravlev A.P. Sound and meaning. M., 1991.

135. Zaichenkova M.S. Experimental onomasiological study of word-formation context. dis. .doctor. Phil.ol. Sci. Eagle, 1989.

136. Zarubina N.D. Text: linguistic and methodological aspects. M., 1981.

137. Zvegintsev V.A. The sentence in its relation to language and speech.1. M., 1976.

138. Zemskaya E.A. Word formation and text (To the seventieth birthday of M.V. Panov) // Questions of linguistics. 1990. N6.

139. Zemskaya E.A., Kitaigorodskaya M.V., Shiryaev S.N. Russian colloquial speech. General issues. Word formation. Syntax. M., 1981.

140. Zis A. Art and aesthetics. M., 1975.

141. Zolotova G.A. Communicative aspects of Russian syntax. M., 1982.

142. Zolotova G.A. Feature article Functional syntax. M., 1973.

143. Zolyan S.T. On the relationship between linguistic and poetic meanings in a poetic text. dis. .cand. Philol. Sci. Yerevan, 1982.

144. Zubova L.V. Poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva. Linguistic aspect. M., 1988.

145. Ivanchikova E.A. About one method of Dostoevsky’s affective punctuation // Culture of Russian speech. Modern Russian punctuation. M., 1979.

146. Ignatenko I.R. Problems of studying Russian incomplete sentences // Russian language abroad. 1990. N5.

147. Izotov V.P. Sinsemia // Semantics of linguistic units. 4.1. In memory of A.F. Losev. Lexical semantics. M., 1994.

148. Izotov V.P. Social and word-formation aspect of the study of new formations (based on the material of modern Russian Soviet drama). dis. .cand. Philol. Sci. Eagle, 1990.

149. Izotov V.P. Asemia. // Problems modern science. Linguistics. Materials of the regional interuniversity conference of young scientists. April 1996. Eagle, 1996.

150. Ilyenko S.G. On the semantic “radius of action” of a sentence in a text // Theory of Language. Methods of its research and teaching (To the 100th anniversary of the birth of L.V. Shcherba). L., 1981.

151. Ilyenko S.G. Syntactic units in the text. L., 1989.

152. Ilyenko S.G. Text implementation and text-forming Function of syntactic units // Text implementations and text-forming functions of syntactic units: Interuniversity. Sat. scientific works L., 1988.

153. Infantova G.G. Essays on the syntax of spoken language. Rostov n/d, 1973.

154. InFantova G.G. Organization of thought expressed by a statement with a non-verbalized link, and the semantics of grammatical Forms//. Semantics of grammatical Forms. Rostov n/d, 1982.

155. Ippolitova N.A. Text in the system of studying the Russian language at school. Materials for the special course. M., 1992.

156. Ionova I.A. Morphology of poetic speech. Chisinau, 1988.

157. Irteneva N.F. About linguistic presupposition // Problems of semantic syntax (Linguistic presupposition). Pyatigorsk, 1975.

158. Isaeva L.A. Types of ambiguous units of the Russian language // Semantics of linguistic units. Reports of the 4th International Conference. C.Z. Morphological semantics. Syntactic semantics. M., 1994.

159. Isaeva JI.A. ABOUT linguistic aspect of the analysis of the subtext of works of art (based on the story of I.A. Bunin “Cold Autumn”)//I.A. Bunin and Russian culture. Elets., 1990.

160. Isaeva L.A. On the subtextual meanings of N.A. Nekrasov’s works // Modern reading of N.A. Nekrasova. 5 Nekrasov readings. Abstracts of speeches. Yaroslavl, 1990.

161. Isaeva L.A. Syntactic homonymy: problems of delimitation from polysemy and others related phenomena/"/ Linguistics: interaction of concepts and paradigms. Issue 1. 4.1. Kharkov," 1991.

162. Isaeva L.A., Sakhnova O.G. On the distinction between syntactic homonymy and related phenomena // Philology -Philologica. N2. Krasnodar, 1993.

163. Isaeva L.A., Faktorovich A.L. Study of implicit semantics in Russian studies: retrospective and prospects // Linguistics at the end of the 20th century. T. 1. M., 1995.

164. Isaeva L.A., Fedyaev S.M. On studying techniques for creating color images in the special course "Linguistic Analysis of Literary Text" // Actual problems theory and practice of teaching Russian and foreign languages. 4.3. Krasnodar, 1993.

165. Itskovich V.A., SchwarzkopF V.C. Punctuation marks as dialogue cues // Culture of Russian speech. Modern Russian punctuation. M., 1979.

166. Kade T.H. Word-formation potential of Russian suffix types nouns. Maykop, 1993.

167. Kade T.H. Functional potential of linguistic means of the Russian language // Nature. Society. Human. Bulletin of the South Russian Branch of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education. Krasnodar, 1996.

168. Kamchatnov A.M. Subtext: term and concept // Philological sciences. 1988. N3.

169. Kamynina A.A. Incremental meanings of predicative adjectives and the main position of a separate attribute // Problems of sentence semantics: expressed and unexpressed meaning. Krasnoyarsk, 1986.

170. Kanyo 3. Notes on the question of the beginning of the text in literary narration // Semiotics and artistic creativity. M., 1977.

171. Kapralova JI.K. Semantic capacity compound sentences // Problems of sentence semantics: expressed and unexpressed meaning. Krasnoyarsk, 1986.

172. Karasik V.I. Pragmatic potential of lexical meaning: connotation, implication, subtext // Some aspects of syntactics and pragmatics of text in Romano-Germanic languages: Collection. scientific tr. Grozny, 1984.

173. Karaulov Yu.N. Russian language and linguistic personality. M., 1987.

174. Kartsevsky S.O. On the asymmetric dualism of a linguistic sign // Zvegintsev V.A. History of linguistics in the 19th and 20th centuries. in essays and extracts. M., 1965. T. 2.

175. Katsnelson S.D. To the concept of types of valency // Questions of linguistics. 1987. N3.

176. Katsnelson S.D. Typology of language and speech thinking. L., 1972.

177. Kepetsi B. sign, meaning, literature // Semiotics and artistic creativity. M., 1977.

178. Kibrik A.E. Where does it go modern linguistics? // Linguistics at the end of the 20th century. - results and prospects. T.l. M., 1995.

179. Kiseleva L.A. “Text” in the hierarchy of units of the communicative subsystem // Text linguistics. M., 1974. 4.1.

180. Kobozeva I.M. Introductory article // New in foreign linguistics. Issue HUN. Linguistics. M., 1988.

181. Kovalev V.P. Basic individual author's techniques for the expressive use of phraseological units // Questions of semantics Phraseological units. Novgorod, 1971.

182. Kovalev V.P. Expressive use of the gender category // Russian speech. 1975. N5.

183. Kovalev V.P. Language expressive means of Russian fiction, Kyiv, 1981.

184. Kovtunova I.I. Poetics of contrasts in V. Nabokov’s novel “The Gift” // Language: system and subsystems. To the 70th anniversary of M.V. Panov. M., 1990.

185. Kodukhov V.I. The function of the dash in the language of Gorky's story "Mother" // Russian language at school. 1948. N3.

186. Kozhevnikova N.A. Types of narration in Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries. M., 1994.

187. Kovtunova I.I. Poetic syntax. M., 1968.

188. Kozhina M.N. About the speech systematicity of the scientific style in comparison with some others. Perm, 1972.

189. Kozhina M.N. The relationship between stylistics and linguistics of the text // Scientific. report higher schools. Philological sciences. M., 1979.

190. Kolesnikov N.P. Culture of written speech (elimination of homonymy in a sentence). Rostov n/d, 1987.

191. Kolomeytseva E.M. Subtext in the whole literary text// Linguistic literary text research. Ashgabat, 1987.

192. Kolosova T.A. Russian complex sentences with asymmetrical structure. Voronezh, 1980.

193. Kolshansky G.V. Contextual semantics. M., 1980. (1)".

194. Kolshansky G.V. Problems of communicative linguistics. Questions of linguistics. M., "1979.

195. Kolshansky G.V. Pragmatics of language // Sat. scientific works /MGPIYA im. M. Thorez. M., 1980. Issue. 151. (2)

196. Kolshansky G.V. Correlation of subjective and objective Factors in language. M., 1975.

197. Kolyadko L.G. On the imitative nature of the statement // Grammar, lexicology and stylistics of Romance and Germanic languages. Minsk, 1980.

198. Komlev N.G. Component of the content structure of a word. M., 1969.

199. Kondakov I.B. Towards the poetics of the addressee (in the contest of the ideas of academician G.V. Stepanov) // Philological studies of the memory of academician G.V. Stepanov (1919-1986). Rep. ed. ed. ak. D.S. Likhachev. M.-L., 1990.

200. Kondakov N.D. Logical dictionary-reference book. M., 1975.

201. Koneva V.P. Simple sentence and text. Textbook for a special course. Nizhny Tagil, 1993.

202. Krasukhin K.G. Review of the book: Seriot P. Analyze du "discours politique sovetique. P., Institut d'etudes slaves, 1985, 362 p. // Questions of linguistics. 1991. N6.20 9. Krivenko V.F. Phraseology and newspaper speech // Russian speech. 1993. N3.

203. Kubryakova E.S. Nominative aspect of speech activity. M., 1986.

204. Kuznetsov V.G. Hermeneutics and humanitarian knowledge. M., 1991.

205. Kulikova I.S. Verbal aesthetic paradigms in literary text // Semantic and aesthetic modifications of words in text. Interuniversity collection of scientific works. L., 1988.

206. Kunin A.V. About structural-semantic classification Phraseological meanings // Questions of semantics. M., 1972.

207. Kunin A.V. Double actualization as a concept of phraseological stylistics // Foreign language at school. 1974. N6.

208. Kupina N.A. The meaning of the literary text and aspects linguistic analysis. Krasnoyarsk, 1983.

209. Kukharenko V.A. Interpretation of the text. L., 1979.

210. Kukharenko V.A. Types and means of expressing implication in English fiction // Philological Sciences. 1974. N1.

211. Lazarev V.V. Some aspects of the theory of presupposition // Problems of semantic syntax (Linguistic presupposition). Pyatigorsk, 1975.

212. Lazareva E.A. Newspaper headline. Sverdlovsk, 1989.

213. Lazebnik Yu.S. Images of the world: Pasternak and Mandelstam // Russian Philology. Ukrainian Bulletin. Republican scientific and methodological journal. Kharkiv. 1994. N1.

214. Larin B.A. Aesthetics of the word and the language of the writer // Larin B.A. Selected articles. L., 1974.

215. Levina A.A. Contamination formations and their semantics // Problems of modern science. Linguistics. Eagle, 1996.

216. Leontiev A.A. Signs of integrity and coherence of a text // Semantic perception of a speech message. M., 1976.

217. Lesskis G.A. Syntagmatics and paradigmatics of literary text // Izvestia AN SSSR. Ser. language or T. T.41. 1985. N 5.

218. Lisochenko L.V. Statements with implicit semantics (logical, linguistic and pragmatic aspects): Monograph. Rostov n/d, 1992.

219. Litvin F.A. Polysemy of words in language and speech: Teaching. manual for teachers universities M., 1984.

220. Literary encyclopedic dictionary / Ed. V.M. Kozhevnikova. M., 1987.

221. Lopatin V.V. The birth of a word. Neologisms and occasional formations. M., 1973.

222. Loseva L.M. How the text is constructed. M., 1980.

223. Loseva L.M. Text as a whole higher order and its components (complex syntactic wholes) // Russian language at school. 1973. N1.

224. Lotman Yu.M. Analysis of poetic text. Verse structure. L., 1972.

225. Lotman Yu.M. Redundancy in meaning-generating systems (based on the objects “text” and “culture”) // Semiotic aspects of Formalization of intellectual activity. School-seminar "Telavi-83". Abstracts of reports and messages. M., 1983.

226. Lotman Yu.M. On the content and structure of the concept of “fiction” // Problems of poetics and history of literature. Saransk, 1973.

227. Lotman Yu.M. Rhetoric /./ Academic. zap. Tartu University. Tr. on "sign systems. T. XII

228. Lotman Yu.M. The structure of a literary text. M., 1970.

229. Lykov A.G. Occasional word as a lexical unit of speech // Philological sciences. 1971. N5.

230. Lykov A.G. Fundamentals of Russian morphemics. Krasnodar, 1979.

231. Lykov A.G. Artistic speech as a linguistic phenomenon // Nature. Society. Human. Bulletin of the South Russian Branch of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education. Krasnodar, 1996.

232. Lyapon M.V. On the question of the linguistic specificity of modality // Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Ser. literature, language and art. 1971. v.30. N3 .2 H b

233. Makovsky M.M. Linguistic potential of lexical-semantic borrowing // Foreign languages ​​at school. 1970. N3.

234. Malashchenko V.P., Bogachev Yu.P. Collocations and members of a sentence // Questions of linguistics. 1984. p. 6.

235. Malevinsky S.O. On meaning and meaning in linguistics // Nature. Society. Human. Bulletin of the South Russian Branch of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education. Krasnodar, 1996.

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Having completed his biological observations, L. M. Isaev

makes a bold decision - to liquidate the territory

USSR rishta.

Location of the Tropical Institute headed by Isaev

in the very hearth of rishta - Old Bukhara - contributed

energetic pace of work and ensured prompt

leadership of it. After all, old Bukhara with its 50 thousand population

was the only large focus of guinea worm in the territory

THE USSR. However, Isaev had to face in his work

with great difficulty. They were made worse by the fact that

nowhere in the literature did Isaev find any indication of methods of elimination

rishtas. Never done anywhere in East Asia or Africa

attempts to eradicate this disease.

First of all, the question arose about the impact on the final

It was necessary to neutralize the patient by destroying him in

patients with bodies of water, in which microfilariae enter

To implement these measures, it is necessary to identify

all patients. But it was 1923! In Old Bukhara

at that time there was still a medieval way of life with

prejudices and the corrupting influence of the clergy. Carrying out

such a simple event as registering patients was

was fraught with enormous difficulties and was achieved

only gradually. However, in 1927, when

L. M. Isaev mobilized students for this work

and medical college students from local residents -

Uzbeks, registration of patients was carried out completely.

For operational organization had to fight guinea worm

make a visual survey of the entire city and apply it to

map and renumbering of about ten thousand properties.

In 1928, records were already ready for all patients.

cards. It turned out that 20% of the population of Bukhara and its environs

more than 10,000 people.

A special outpatient clinic was organized for Guinea worm patients.

Avoiding measures of forced concentration of patients,

The Tropical Institute contributed to the influx of patients into outpatient clinics,

distributing dressings and ointments free of charge.

With this, the institute successfully competed with street healers -

tabibs. In 1925, L. M. Isaev achieved the publication of a special

resolutions prohibiting tabibs from treating the sick

Guinea worms also played a well-known role in the spread of

water-carriers-mashkobs. Isaev decided to take them into special register:

Mashkobs were recorded near houses while collecting water.

The Mashkob union was involved in this case, which included

more than 400 people.

Isaev showed enormous energy in organizing treatment

sick. Dozens of people were recruited to work at the outpatient clinic.

medical workers. They called the sick

mercuric chloride, which killed microfilariae. Also in patients

live worms were extracted.

A large role in the prevention of infections was played by the number of

Lodia bandages, which were applied to an open wound,

so that microfilariae cannot enter the water.

Patients really liked collodion dressings because

brought the wound into a tidy state, and the doctors used

this method of treatment as a control: if the patient violated

regime and visited Tabiba, the callodium bandage was

removed. Isaev also made brilliant biological observations.

He found that the isolation of microfilariae is the most

dangerous in the first week after wound formation; on the fourth

week they almost completely lost their activity. So

Thus, a four-week treatment for patients with guinea worm or deaf

collodion bandage, which was not removed for 4 weeks,

almost completely guaranteed those around them from infection.

Isaev, for the first time in the history of the Middle East, widely used

To combat mass disease, health education.

This work was also carried out among schoolchildren and mashkobs.

At the outpatient clinic, patients were introduced to the routes of infection.

rishta with the help of posters and drugs that they

looked at it through a magnifying glass. Gradually, into the life of the ancient population,

with a thousand-year history, the city included boiled water,

periodic flushing hot water Khumbov-jugs

for storing water.

Patients began to understand that contact should not be allowed

affected limb with water in the house.

In 1929, a special film about rishta was created,

which attracted thousands of spectators.

The results of this work were amazing. I had to

observe cases when schoolchildren or the patients themselves brought

Guinea worm patients to the institute's outpatient clinic.

However, Isaev understood that these activities were not

can quickly lead to the elimination of guinea worm. On the way they are

There were many obstacles to the implementation. Considering this, he

decided to use the second method, which has

the purpose of influencing the carrier of the disease - crustacean -

bedbug Of course, the easiest thing would be to build a water supply system,

i.e., replace the houses with a modern technical structure,

through drinking

water. However, in

that was the time


Isaev began to use


house water, impact

on water with solutions

copper sulfate

and permanganate

potassium But

the cyclops did not die

from these funds.

Then it was decided

go another way.

Ended in 1924


study of the entire water supply

a detailed

whole plan

water system. At

this was taken into account

houses infected


By identifying

rishtose dispensary

hearth house, from

which the patient used water was immediately closed.

Mashkobs were forbidden to take water from this house, and for

so that the population would not use it, it was thickly flooded

oil. The population really stopped taking

water from such houses because of the unpleasant taste, and the machine-

would be - out of fear of bringing oil into their tursuki (waterskins). Gu¬

gambling commission 1 was administratively prescribed

cleaning and drying houses as part of labor duties.

In 1925, 50 houses were drained and 32 were cleaned; in 1926

40 houses were drained, 20 were cleaned.

This measure quickly bore fruit: contact of patients

with hauz (i.e. infection of cyclops with microfilariae) was

disrupted, thus the healthy were no longer at risk of infection

rishta while drinking water.

However, the population could not remain without water for long.

Some of the houses needed to be filled again. Then Isaev put forward

the idea of ​​periodically cleaning and drying houses according to a specific

At the same time, Isaev decided to approach the fight against the Cyclops

based on more refined biological analysis of their water

Study of the swimming ability of microfilariae and their

had a significant relationship to the saturation of water with oxygen

meaning. After careful observation, Isaev came to

conclusion that microfilariae cannot remain suspended for a long time

condition and therefore sink to the bottom. It turned out here

other detail; for a more or less long stay

at the bottom, microfilariae lose their biological

activity due to poor oxygen supply to the bottom

hauz areas and gradually die.

And the cyclops crustaceans that swallow them avoid

sink to the bottom because they lack oxygen there. This

thus developed favorably for humans. But...

in the houses, for the convenience of bathers, there was always a stone

This is a loophole for the struggle for existence. Cyclops crustaceans

the upper steps were very attractive, as they love sunny

light and they need oxygen, and microfilariae lingered

on the steps (they didn’t fall to the bottom) and got it here

enough oxygen.

Often, waiting for prey - floating filariae, crustaceans

hid in crevices and small caves formed under


Even on the top steps, well lit by the sun,

Usually a coating of blue-green algae developed. At

energetic processes of photosynthesis, it became covered with a thick layer

oxygen bubbles, and this created extremely favorable

conditions for preserving the viability of those caught

on the steps of microfilariae.

These observations, once again revealed by Isaev

naturalist's remarkable talent led him to the conclusion that

the whole problem is in the steps. Steps in the houses - he decided - not

must be covered with water, and the microfilariae are thus

will die in hauzes even without draining them, and this will give

opportunity to use water. Thus, to the houses

the access to water was reduced, which immediately lowered its level:

the steps were out of the water.

This is how Isaev used all the achievements of the theory

and practice to achieve one goal - victory over

He worked with the passion and energy of a true explorer

However, the success of L.M. Isaev cannot be attributed only to him.

This success was ensured by the Great October Socialist

revolution, rapid development health affairs in

national regions and republics, combined with emancipation

masses from feudal slavery and liberation

them from centuries-old remnants and prejudices. General

the rise of culture, consciousness of the Uzbek workers, genuine

introducing them to the culture of the Russian people helped

to perform miracles in the fight against unsanitary conditions in a short time

and diseases in Uzbekistan.

Since 1923, those located around ceased to exist.

main city house madrassa - famous Bukhara

madrassa, where students from

throughout the Middle East in order to comprehend the “wisdom of the Koran.”

About 10,000 students, grouped in the madrassa near the hauz,

was excluded from the epidemiological cycle. Together

with this, the commission of public acts in large houses was cancelled.

prayers accompanied by ablutions. It played

a major role in the improvement of the central area of ​​the city with

its famous Lyabi-Khauz.

After the ban on prayers, the next step was taken:

The city council banned washing and bathing in houses, and tabibs

were brought under strict control. Gradually switched to

pumping water out of houses using a game pump, which

increased the pace of cleanup work.

And here are the results that can be called

historical for. Soviet healthcare.

By 1925, 19 Guinea worm outbreaks had been eliminated, by

1926 -8, by 1927 -, by 1928 -14, by 1929

28 outbreaks. Old Bukhara with its surroundings - Mashka¬

diseases. In 1929, the city was registered

only 30 rishtosis patients, in 1930 74, and in

In 1931, only one and... the last patient was discovered.

Since 1932, the focus of rishta has been in Old Bukhara and surrounding villages

with a radius of about 25 kilometers ceased to exist

≪ ... S o v e t s k a i. . . science and practice

and, writes on this occasion, our well-known

g e l m i n t o l o g a d e m i k K. I. Scriabin, - what

in case of urgency, complex implementation

A number of measures indicated in all details

lyakh with all the nuances of biological development

and parasitic worms, you can achieve

complete... devastation of (destruction) department

S e r v i d e s o f h e l m i n ts to a certain extent

t e r r i t o r i i≫ .

Isaev presented the world's leading



≪ a bold question about practical implementation

e s t i v i l i t i o n in the USSR f u l l l i c v i d a t s i (virgin

a st a t i i) of pathogenic worms≫ (K.I. Scriabin).

Basic scientific principles formulated by the author based on the research:

  1. The author's definition of the concept of forensic science about the special knowledge of knowledgeable persons. The forensic doctrine of the special knowledge of knowledgeable persons is a system of scientific provisions based on the general theory and methodology of criminology on the patterns of collecting, researching, evaluating and using evidence using theoretical knowledge, practical skills and skills inherent in various types of professional or other activities, with the exception of knowledge, skills and abilities used by the law enforcement officer in the process professional activity in the field of criminal justice. The object of the teaching is the use of special knowledge of knowledgeable persons, carried out by officials authorized by law in the process of detecting and investigating crimes, administering justice in criminal cases, the subject is the grounds, procedure and directions for the use of special knowledge of knowledgeable persons by legally authorized officials for collecting, research and assessment of evidence in the interests of preventing, identifying, solving and investigating crimes, administering justice in criminal cases. The forensic doctrine of the special knowledge of knowledgeable persons in the system of scientific knowledge performs such functions as cognitive, heuristic, prognostic, political-managerial and ideological. The forensic doctrine of the special knowledge of knowledgeable persons is based on the principles of constitutional legality; scientific character; use of experience, both legal and scientific; connections with practice; quality management of the use of special knowledge; reliance on the principles of the branch of law where the need to use special knowledge arises.
  2. Justification of a complex of scientific and theoretical provisions developed within the framework of forensic science. 2.1. The author's definition of the concept of “special knowledge” and the resulting approaches to a unified terminology based on the doctrinal and legal consolidation of the concept of “a person with special knowledge”. Special knowledge is a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities of knowledgeable persons - representatives various types professional or other activities (except for the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of officials of the body carrying out operational investigative activities; representatives of the court, prosecution and defense), used in cases and in the manner determined by law, and necessary for the identification, disclosure, investigation of crimes and consideration of criminal cases in court in order to facilitate the establishment of the truth in the case. 2.2. The author's classification of procedural forms of using special knowledge in the field of criminal proceedings from the point of view of their regulation in legislation: forms declared and regulated by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (conducting a forensic examination and giving an opinion; involving a specialist in participation in procedural actions; testimony of an expert; testimony of a specialist); forms declared by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, but regulated by other laws and regulations regulations(conducting documentary checks, audits when checking reports of a crime); forms declared by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, but not regulated by current legislation (expert opinion). 2.3. The author's classification of subjects who use special knowledge in criminal proceedings, taking into account their procedural status, the scope of use of special knowledge, their role in criminal proceedings: subjects who have special knowledge and use it within the framework of their procedural status (specialist, expert); subjects who have the right, in one form or another, to involve persons with special knowledge to solve the problems of legal proceedings (for example: investigator, court, prosecutor, investigator, defense attorney); subjects who may have special knowledge and use it in the exercise of their rights and performance of duties, but who do not have the procedural right in one form or another to involve other persons with special knowledge to solve the problems of legal proceedings (victim; private prosecutor; civil plaintiff; representatives of the victim , civil plaintiff and private prosecutor; legal representatives of the minor suspect and accused; representative of the civil defendant; witness; subjects not mentioned in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, whose official activities directly or indirectly assist the authorities fighting crime (persons maintaining accounting systems, etc.). 2.4. The author's model of the key qualities of the personality structure of a person with special knowledge, from the point of view of the advisability of using this person to solve the problems of criminal proceedings: possession of special knowledge; practical skills of search, organizational and research activities (experience of participation in investigative actions or operational investigative activities; work experience in the specialty); specific properties intelligence and thinking, including the ability to analyze, generalize, systematize, model, etc.; specific psychophysiological qualities, which include: attention, observation, memory, long-term performance, perseverance. Listed qualities are key but not exhaustive. 2.5. Justification of the expediency of ordering forensic examinations before initiating a criminal case in cases where a decision to initiate a criminal case is impossible without conducting an examination. In this regard, it is proposed to supplement Art. 195 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation stipulates that “in cases where making a decision to initiate a criminal case is impossible without conducting an examination or delay can lead to irreparable loss of evidence, it can be appointed by the inquirer or investigator before the initiation of a criminal case.” In the case of ordering an examination before initiating a criminal case, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of extending the period for making a decision on a report of any committed or impending crime to 30 days with appropriate amendments to Art. 144 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. 2.6. The conclusion about the need to form the basis for the formation of a list of cases of mandatory appointment of examinations is the recommendations of private theories of forensic examinations, supported by practice. 2.7. Justification for the conclusion that in the future the list of circumstances for the resolution of which a forensic examination is required will be expanded, in particular, by establishing the mandatory appointment of an examination if it is necessary to establish the mental or physical state of a witness, as well as if it is impossible to reliably establish the circumstances of the case otherwise, except for the conclusion of a forensic examination, evidence.
  3. A set of conclusions revealing the development of Russian legislation in terms of the use of special knowledge and corresponding law enforcement practice. 3.1. A set of conclusions developed by the author about the development of the practice of using special knowledge in Russian criminal proceedings and, accordingly, the author’s classification of the stages of formation and use of special knowledge in Russian criminal proceedings. 3.2. Author's justification for prognostic trends further development use of special knowledge in criminal proceedings in Russia.
  4. A set of conclusions and proposals for improving criminal procedure, operational investigative and other departmental legislation regulatory documents, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the use of special knowledge in the field of criminal proceedings, including: a proposal to abolish the current Federal Law“On state forensic activity in the Russian Federation” and the adoption of the new Federal Law “On forensic activity in the Russian Federation”, which also regulates the activities of private experts, expert institutions and organizations; author's edition: Art. Art. 53, 57, 58, 86, 120, 122, 164, 168, 178, 195, 199, 201 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation; Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; clause 7 art. 6 Federal Law “On operational investigative activities”; provisions of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 12, 95 No. 353 “On ensuring the introduction of the polygraph into the activities of internal affairs bodies”; addition of internal normative legal acts with a provision regulating the conduct of a survey using the hypno-reproduction method.
  5. A system of recommendations for the use of special knowledge in investigative actions and operational search activities, ensuring an increase in their effectiveness: 5.1. A set of proposals aimed at optimizing the assessment of the forensic expert’s conclusion regarding the form of reflecting information about the fact of giving state expert signature on liability for giving a knowingly false conclusion; equipment certification; reliability of the expert's conclusions; use of digital forms of recording information. 5.2. The criterion for making a decision on one form or another of conducting operational-search activities - with the involvement of a specialist or using operational officer own special knowledge. This criterion should be based on the prospect of legalizing materials from operational investigative activities in criminal proceedings, taking into account their reliability, which depends on the competence of the subject applying special knowledge and the methods used. 5.3. A system of methodological recommendations aimed at optimizing the use of special knowledge during the investigation and trial of criminal cases, including those relating to the specifics of the use of certain methods (psychophysiological, hypno-reproductive, etc.), as well as digital recording of information in criminal proceedings and operational investigative activities ; the influence of the characteristics of the method on the possibility of using the results of its application in operational investigative activities and criminal proceedings.

Monographs and manuals:

1. Isaeva L.M. Special knowledge in criminal proceedings: Monograph. – M.: YURMIS, 2003. – 19.0 pp.

2. Isaeva L.M. Specialist in criminal proceedings: Monograph. – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2004. – 6.0 pp.

3. Isaeva L.M. Theoretical and applied fundamentals use of special knowledge in operational investigative activities: Monograph. – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. – 10.5 pp.

4. Isaeva L.M., Mironov Ya.A., Zonov Yu.B., Emyshev V.S., Vodopyanov V.I. Application of photogrammetric survey methods at accident sites: A manual. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. – 2.2 pp. / 0.44 pp.

5. Isaeva L.M., Zhdanova E.V., Bogolyubova T.A., Tsvetkova A.S. Investigation into the organization and maintenance of dens for consumption narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances and inclinations to consume them: A manual. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2004. – 5.5 pp. / 2.2 pp.

6. Isaeva L.M., Zhdanova E.V., Samarin S.N. Tactics and methods of documenting and investigating the organization and maintenance of dens for drug consumption and inducement to their consumption: A manual. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2004. – 4.4 pp. / 1.45 pp.

7. Expert: Guide for experts of internal affairs bodies and justice. / Ed. T.V. Averyanova, V.F. Statkus. – M.: KnoRus, Law and Law, 2003. (co-authored) – 37 pp. / 2.5 pp.

8. Guide for investigators. / Under. ed. V.V. Mozyakova. – M.: Publishing House “Exam”, 2005. (co-authored) – 79.8 pp. / 3.0 pp.

9. Article-by-article scientific and practical commentary on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. General part: Scientific and practical commentary on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. / Ed. S.I. Girko. – M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K”, 2004. (co-authored) – 33.75 pp. / 2.0 pp.

10. Isaeva L.M., Tretyakov O.E.; Vereshchagin V.A.; Merzogitova Yu. A., Smirnov P. A., Surygina N. E.; Kupriyanov A.A. Prevention, detection and investigation of crimes related to drug trafficking committed in the territories of several CIS member states: A manual. – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. – 10.0 p.l. / 0.4 p.l.

11. Alekseeva I.S., Isaeva L.M., Odinochkina T.F., Savkin A.V., Surygina N.E., Shamonova T.N., Shulga L.V. Detection, seizure, research and use of micro-objects in evidence in criminal cases: A manual. – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1998. – 10.5 p.l. / 0.3 p.l.

12. Criminal law of Russia. General part: Textbook / Answer. ed. O.G. Kovalev. – M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K”, 2006. (co-authored) – 42.5 pp. / 6.1 pp.

13. Isaeva L.M. Identification of the deceased // Legality. 2001. No. 2. – 0.3 p.l.

14. Isaeva L.M. Search: the role of a specialist // Legality. 2001. No. 6. – 0.55 pp.

15. Isaeva L.M. Preliminary investigation of attacks on cultural values ​​owned by citizens // Bulletin of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2001. No. 2 - 3. – 0.4 p.l.

16. Isaeva L.M. Presentation of persons for identification: problems and prospects // Legality. 2002. No. 10. – 0.48 pp.

17. Isaeva L.M. Construction of subjective portraits // Legality. 2002. No. 2. – 0.55 pp.

18. Isaeva L.M. The role of a specialist in the investigation of cases related to fires // Bulletin of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2002. No. 1. – 0.5 p.l.

19. Isaeva L.M. New types of photography when inspecting the scene of an incident // Legality. 2003. No. 8. – 0.45 pp.

20. Isaeva L.M. Organization of inspection of the explosion site // Legality. 2003. No. 3. – 0.43 p.l.

21. Isaeva L.M. The origin of expertise in Russian criminal proceedings // Legality. 2004. No. 3. – 0.5 p.l.

22. Isaeva L.M., Kildyushov E.M., Plaksin V.O. On the issue of identifying the person of the deceased // Bulletin of the Russian State Medical University. 2006. No. 3. – 0.6 p.l. / 0.2 p.l.

23. Isaeva L.M., Ananchenkov V.A., Vilkov V.G. Analysis of behavioral reactions during a special psychophysiological study // Bulletin “Operational-search work”. 2006. No. 4. – 0.4 p.l. / 0.13 p.l.

24. Isaeva L.M. Psychological methods // Legality. 2007. No. 9. – 0.4 p.l.

25. Isaeva L.M. Practice of using polygraph devices // Legality. 2008. No. 3. – 0.4 p.l.

26. Isaeva L.M. Some aspects of examining crime scenes and constructing subjective portraits in cases of robberies and assaults // Problems of preliminary investigation and inquiry: Collection scientific works. - M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1997. – 0.4 pp.

27. Isaeva L.M. Features of constructing subjective portraits // Problems of preliminary investigation and inquiry: Collection of scientific works. - M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1998. – 0.46 pp.

28. Isaeva L.M. Using the knowledge of knowledgeable persons in the investigation of crimes // Legal consultant. 2000. No. 10. – 0.75 pp.

29. Isaeva L.M. Inspection of the explosion site and its role in the further investigation // Investigator. 2000. No. 8. – 0.5 p.l.

30. Isaeva L.M. Some problems of conducting additional and repeated inspections of incident sites // Problems of preliminary investigation and inquiry: Collection of scientific papers. - M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2000. – 0.33 pp.

31. Isaeva L.M. Expert opinion as an element of the proof process // Legal consultant. 2001. No. 1. – 0.8 p.l.

32. Isaeva L.M. On the issue of obtaining samples for comparative research// Legal advisor. 2001. No. 3. – 0.68 pp.

33. Isaeva L.M. Verification of testimony on the spot: concept and features // Legal consultant. 2001. No. 5. – 0.7 p.l.

34. Isaeva L.M. On the issue of checking evidence on the spot // Problems of preliminary investigation and inquiry: Collection of scientific papers. - M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2001. – 0.9 pp.

35. Isaeva L.M. Features of presenting persons for identification in criminal proceedings // Legal consultant. 2001. No. 8. – 0.8 pp.

36. Isaeva L.M. Inspection of the crime scene: concept and problems // Legal consultant. 2001. No. 10. – 0.8 pp.

37. Isaeva L.M. Photographs: procedural status and role in proof // Legal consultant. 2001. No. 12. – 0.8 p.l.

38. Isaeva L.M. Identification of negative circumstances during inspection of the crime scene and their influence on the construction of investigative versions // Information bulletin of the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 2001. No. 2 (108). – 0.5 p.l.

39. Isaeva L.M. Inspection of the explosion site and its significance for the qualification of the act and further investigation // Materials of the scientific and practical conference “Problems of improving the interaction of internal affairs bodies in the fight against terrorism, illicit trafficking in weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices.” – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2001. – 0.18 pp.

40. Isaeva L.M. Specialist in criminal proceedings // Legal consultant. 2002. No. 2. – 0.8 p.l.

41. Isaeva L.M., Surygina N.E. The use of traces of biological origin in the investigation of crimes: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2002. – 1.7 p.l. / 0.85 p.l.

42. Isaeva L.M. Some features of the appointment and production of examinations in criminal proceedings // Legal consultant. 2002. No. 5. – 1.0 pp.

43. Isaeva L.M. Forged documents: concept and some features of detection // Legal consultant. 2002. No. 7. – 1.0 pp.

44. Isaeva L.M., Lozhkina E.I. The use of forged documents in theft and legalization of funds // Problems of preliminary investigation and inquiry: Collection of scientific papers. – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2002. – 0.7 pp. / 0.35 p.l.

45. Isaeva L.M. Expertise in criminal proceedings // Question for a lawyer. 2003. No. 1. – 0.7 pp.

46. ​​Isaeva L.M. Gambling // Legal consultant. 2003. No. 4. – 0.65 pp.

47. Isaeva L.M., Galakhov S.S., Paramonov I.M. Organization of interaction between criminal police units in documenting, detaining and developing criminal groups engaged in fraud by involving citizens in various lottery drawings: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2003. – 3.7 pp. / 1.23 pp.

48. Isaeva L.M. Problems of consolidating the results of application in criminal proceedings modern technologies// Legal advisor. 2003. No. 9. – 0.5 p.l.

49. Isaeva L.M., Mayorova E.I. Investigation of smuggling crimes: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2003. – 1.9 pp. / 0.95 pp.

50. Isaeva L.M. Formation, organizational forms and procedural problems of group forms of investigation // Legal consultant. 2003. No. 12. – 1.1 pp.

51. Isaeva L.M. The use of modern technologies in operational investigative activities // Materials of the scientific and practical conference “Current problems of operational investigative activities of internal affairs bodies.” Nizhny Novgorod. Part 2. – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2004. – 0.2 pp. WITH.

52. Isaeva L.M. Illegal distribution of pornography using the Internet: features of detection and investigation // Legal consultant. 2004. No. 3. – 1.0 pp.

53. Isaeva L.M. Age characteristics of the subject of a crime and the concept of age-related insanity // Legal consultant. 2004. No. 8. – 0.45 pp.

54. Isaeva L.M., Girko S.I., Kupriyanov A.A. and others. Conducting the operation “International controlled supply of drugs”: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2004. – 3.0 p.l. / 0.2 p.l.

55. Isaeva L.M., Kuznetsova N.A., Surygina N.E. Procedural design of photography and drawing up a diagram of the scene of an incident using the photogrammetric method: Methodological recommendations - M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2004. – 1.4 pp. / 0.46 pp.

56. Kukhtinov A.I., Isaeva L.M., Dondokov S.G. Introduction of automated workplaces as a reserve for increasing the efficiency of search work // Bulletin of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2004. No. 5. – 0.6 p.l. / 0.2 p.l.

57. Isaeva L.M. Commercial television as an object of criminal encroachment // Legal consultant. 2004. No. 10. – 0.8 pp.

58. Isaeva L.M., Medvedev A.S., Babayan A.S. Identification, suppression and disclosure of facts of illegal distribution of pornographic materials, including those involving children, on the Internet: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2004. – 2.5 pp. / 0.8 pp.

59. Isaeva L.M. Evidentiary value digital information and some features of its research // Materials of the All-Russian seminar-meeting “Scientific and technical support of new methods of operational intelligence activities based on the use of modern technologies” - M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. - 0.3 pp.

60. Isaeva L.M. Theoretical foundations of the use of special knowledge in criminal proceedings in Russia // Materials of the 46th Forensic Readings. – M.: Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. – 0.15 pp.

61. Isaeva L.M., Ananchenkov V.S. Problems of introducing a survey using a polygraph into the practice of solving crimes // Materials of the All-Russian seminar-meeting “Scientific and technical support of new methods of operational investigative activities based on the use of modern technologies” - M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. - 0.4 p .l./ 0.2 p.l.

62. Isaeva L.M. Classification and features of qualification of fraud committed using the Internet // Legal consultant. 2005. No. 1. – 1.0 pp.

63. Isaeva L.M. Use of special knowledge in the field of information technologies in identifying and preventing crimes // Legal consultant. 2005. No. 4. – 0.9 pp.

64. Isaeva L.M., Medvedev A.S., Yakimovich E.Ya. Detection, suppression and documentation of fraud committed using the Internet: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. – 2.8. p.l./0.9 p.l.

65. Isaeva L.M., Medvedev A.S. Analytical study of objects and documents obtained as a result of operational and technical activities: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. – 1.4 p.l. / 0.7 p.l.

66. Isaeva L.M. Forensic examination: principles of assessment and role in proof // Legal consultant. 2005. No. 6. – 0.8 p.l.

67. Isaeva L.M., Vasina E.S., Sosnovik N.F., Shurygin P.A. Identification and documentation of crimes committed by cadets, students and teaching staff educational institutions Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. (co-authored) – 2.4 pp. / 0.51 pp.

68. Isaeva L.M. The use of special knowledge by a defense attorney in criminal proceedings // Legal consultant. 2005. No. 7. – 0.7 pp.

69. Isaeva L.M., Zonov Yu.B., Belitsky A.S., Tchaikovsky A.V. The use of an automobile “black box” in solving and investigating crimes: Methodological recommendations - M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. - 2.06 p.l. / 0.5 p.l.

70. Isaeva L.M., Zhdanova E.V., Dyakov F.S., Kuznetsov A.V. Identification, suppression and documentation of facts of illegal access to information satellite communication channels: Methodological recommendations - M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. - 2.4 p.l. / 0.6 p.l.

71. Isaeva L.M. The use of psychological methods in the field of criminal proceedings // Legal consultant. 2005. No. 9. – 0.5 p.l.

72. Isaeva L.M., Dyakov F.S., Vaile S.P.; Khvoevsky S.A. Identification, suppression and documentation of facts of unlawful access to information protected by law in cash registers during the implementation of entrepreneurial activity: Methodological recommendations - M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. - 2.75 pp. / 0.68 pp.

73. Isaeva L.M. Illegal production, sale or acquisition for the purpose of sale of special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information (Part 3 of Article 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) // Legal consultant. 2005. No. 12. – 0.5 p.l.

74. Isaeva L.M., Vasina E.S. The use of digital methods of recording information when documenting illegal activities of employees of internal affairs bodies: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. – 0.8 p.l. / 0.4 p.l.

75. Isaeva L.M. Current issues mandatory appointment and production of forensic examinations // Materials of the 48th Forensic Readings. – M.: Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. – 0.2 pp.

76. Isaeva L.M., Pimenov P.V. Identification, suppression and documentation of facts of illegal production, sale or acquisition for the purpose of sale of special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information (Part 3 of Article 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation): Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. – 1.6 pp. / 0.8 pp.

77. Isaeva L.M. Theoretical foundations of the use of special knowledge in criminal proceedings in Russia // Legal consultant. 2006. No. 3. – 0.5 p.l.

78. Isaeva L.M., Medvedev A.S. Identification, suppression, documentation and disclosure of crimes related to the distribution of pornographic materials on the Internet involving minors: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. – 1.3 p.l. / 0.65 p.l.

79. Isaeva L.M., Malyshenko D.G. Identification, suppression, documentation and detection of crimes related to the distribution of modified game consoles (Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation): Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. – 1.6 pp. / 0.8 pp.

80. Isaeva L.M., Malyshenko D.G. Legal assessment of the processes of modification of game consoles // Materials of the XV International Conference “Informatization and Information Security of Law Enforcement Agencies” (May 23 – 24, 2006) – M.: Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. – 0.6/0.3 p.l.

81. Isaeva L.M., Mironov Ya.A., Zonov Yu.B., Emyshev V.S. Registration of photogrammetric survey materials when identifying and solving crimes: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. – 1.0 p.l. / 0.25 p.l.

82. Isaeva L.M., Pimenov P.A. Identification, suppression and documentation of violations of the secrecy of telephone conversations committed with the use of special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information (Part 2 of Article 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation): Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. – 1.5 pp. / 0.75 pp.

83. Isaeva L.M. The use of special knowledge in the prevention of crimes in the field of computer information // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Preventive activities of the state as one of the main means of curbing crime in the Russian Federation” (Moscow, December 14 – 16, 2005) – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. – 0.3 pp.

84. Isaeva L.M. Features of the use of digital recording of information in criminal proceedings // Legal consultant. 2006. No. 9. – 1.0 pp.

85. Isaeva L.M. Use of special knowledge by the defense in criminal proceedings // Legal consultant. 2007. No. 2. – 0.9 p.l.

86. Isaeva L.M. Control and recording of negotiations: features of formation and conduct. Modern trends in crime investigation management: Sat. scientific works: In 2 parts. Part 1. - M.: Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2007. - 0.3 pp.

87. Isaeva L.M. Features of the use of digital photographic recording of information in criminal proceedings. Current issues of criminal proceedings and criminology: Sat. scientific articles. – M. Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2007. – 0.3 pp.

88. Isaeva L.M. Current issues of organization, appointment and production of forensic examinations // Legal consultant. 2007. No. 4. – 0.8 p.l.

89. Isaeva L.M., Kadetova T.G. Detection of crimes related to illegal access to the Internet in the territories of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2007. – 2.75 pp. / 1.37 pp.

90. Isaeva L.M., Malyshenko D.G., Medvedev A.S. Identification and documentation of crimes related to changes in information contained in computers (controllers, etc.): Guidelines. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2007. – 2.5 pp. / 0.83 pp.

91. Isaeva L.M. Possibilities of using polygraph devices in the activities of law enforcement agencies // Legal consultant. 2007. No. 10. – 0.7 pp.

92. Isaeva L.M. Peculiarities of using DNA analysis results in legal proceedings // Legal consultant. 2008. No. 1. – 0.7 p.l.

93. Isaeva L.M., Medvedev A.S. Identification, suppression and documentation of facts of broadcasting pornographic materials on the Internet using a Web camera in “on line” mode: Methodological recommendations. – M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2008. – 1.25 pp. / 0.62 pp.

94. Isaeva L.M. Conducting and evaluating the results of forensic examinations // Scientific portal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2008. No. 3. – 0.5 p.l.

95. Isaeva L.M. Topical issues of the use of polygraph devices in the field of criminal proceedings in Russia: Materials of the scientific and practical conference “Problems of the use of polygraph devices in the activities of internal affairs bodies” - M.: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2008. – 0.6 p.p.

96. Isaeva L.M., Koren S.V. Psychological methods of establishing information from eyewitnesses of incidents // Questions of mental medicine and ecology. 2008. Volume XIV No. 2. (Republic of Kazakhstan) – 1.2 pp. / 0.6 pp.

97. Isaeva L.M., Bogachkin A.P., Shinkarenko N.I., Kuznetsov A.V. Information and recommendation system for the investigation of crimes committed using plastic payment cards (IRS “Plastic Card”): Electronic system - M., All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 2002. – 75.0 p.l. / 18.75 p.l.

98. Isaeva L.M., Bogachkin A.P., Shinkarenko N.I. Information and recommendation system for organizational and tactical support for the disclosure of fraudulent actions committed using lottery drawings (IRS “Gambling”): Electronic system - M., All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and GUUR SKM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 2002. – 25.0 p.l. / 8.3 p.l.

99. Isaeva L.M., Bogachkin A.P., Shinkarenko N.I. Information and recommendation system for investigating crimes in the field of the fuel and energy complex (IRS “Oil Products”): Electronic system - M., All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 2002. – 69.2 p.l. / 23.0 p.l.

100. Isaeva L.M., Bogachkin A.P., Shinkarenko N.I. Electronic reference system for organizing the detection of serial serious crimes against individuals (ESS “Serial Crimes”): Electronic system - M., All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and GUUR SKM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 2003. – 27.2 p.l. / 9.0 p.l.

101. Isaeva L.M., Bogachkin A.P., Shinkarenko N.I., Khromov I.L. Information and recommendation system for solving crimes related to foreign citizens (IRS “Foreigner”): Electronic system - M., All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and GUUR SKM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 2003. – 24.0 p.l. / 6.0 p.l.

Automated workstations:

102. Isaeva L.M., Bogachkin A.P., Shinkarenko N.I. Automated workstation of a criminal investigation officer for information and analytical support for combating the theft of other people's property (AWS - 158): Electronic system - M., All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and GUUR SKM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 2002.

103. Isaeva L.M., Bogachkin A.P., Shinkarenko N.I., Medvedev A.S., Dondokov S.G. Automated workstation of an employee of the search unit (AWS “Rozysknik”): Electronic system – M., All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and DepUR SKM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 2005.

104. Isaeva L.M., Bogachkin A.P., Mentyukov V.V., Mokhov V.S.. Automated workstation of a criminal investigation officer in the fight against theft of antiques (AWS “Antiques”): Electronic system – M. , All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. 2006.

Source: Digital catalogue industry department in the direction of "Jurisprudence"
(libraries of the Faculty of Law) Scientific Library named after. M. Gorky St. Petersburg State University

Rashkovskaya, Sh. S.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Isaev, 1880 - 1950 /Sh. WITH.
//Jurisprudence. -1981. - No. 1. - P. 80 - 85
  • The article is in the publication “Jurisprudence. »
  • Material(s):
    • Mikhail Mikhailovich Isaev, 1880 - 1950.
      Rashkovskaya, Sh. S.

      Soviet lawyers - scientists and teachers

      Sh. S. Rashkovskaya

      Mikhail Mikhailovich Isaev(1880-1950)

      A prominent representative of the science of Soviet criminal law, whose work has become widely known, M. M. Isaev was born on June 17, 1880 in St. Petersburg.

      His father was a small clerk, his mother came from peasants and was engaged in housekeeping. The family had eight children. After the death of their father, they lived poorly, huddled in three small rooms, and rented out the fourth. The Isaevs’ mother was an illiterate woman, but, according to her sons’ recollections, she was distinguished by her sober mind and strong will, and was a fair person. These qualities helped her bring all the children into the public eye. Since school years, her sons have helped her by tutoring her. One of the brothers, Leonid Mikhailovich - later a famous epidemiologist - during his school years, he also performed in the theater as an extra, receiving from 12 to 32 kopecks for this. for the evening. To somehow make ends meet, every penny had to be counted. Among the documents left after the death of M. M. Isaev, a notebook dating back to 1898-1899 was preserved, where not only impressions of the performances seen were recorded, but also the amount of money paid for the ticket was indicated. 1 By helping each other, all the Isaev children received higher education.

      In 1898, M. M. Isaev graduated from a classical gymnasium, after which he served for a year military service as a volunteer. In the autumn of the same year, having passed the entrance exams, he became a student at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. Having graduated in the spring of 1903 with a 1st degree diploma and a silver medal for an essay on criminal law, M. M. Isaev, on the recommendation of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University, remained at the university in the department of criminal law “to prepare for professorial and teaching activities.”

      In the process of preparing for an academic title, which lasted more than five years (1903-1909), M. M. Isaev was sent by the university to Germany several times, where he not only worked hard in the Berlin seminar of prof. F. List, but also thoroughly, as he later wrote, sat down with the works of K. Marx and F. Engels, observed and studied the everyday struggle of the German proletariat, which gave him the opportunity to understand “ true story criminal law". 2 In 1904-1905 In Germany, the first scientific works of the young Isaev appeared, which immediately attracted attention: “The sociological school in criminal law, as a defense of the interests of the ruling classes”, “Crime and economic factors”, “Economics and political struggle proletariat", "Criminal chronicle in the party press". All these articles, in order to avoid persecution, were published under the pseudonym M. Sursky.

      In the article “The sociological school in criminal law, as the protection of interests from the point of view of the ruling classes,” M. M. Isaev approaches the issue of the roots of crime in capitalist society from a Marxist position. Using a large amount of factual material, he proves that “the crime that capitalist society generates with natural necessity cannot be destroyed before the very foundations of this society are destroyed.” It is from these positions that he criticizes the ideas of the sociological school of criminal law. Rejecting the thesis put forward by the head of the sociological school F. List that every law is created for man, that the protection of the vital interests of man is the essence of law, Isaev writes that there are no public interests, there are only the interests of the ruling classes and that representatives of the sociological school are fighting for the class, but want to assure themselves and others that they are fighting for all humanity. 3

      In the article “Crime and Economic Factors”, based on an analysis of the literature of that period on the causes of crime, the scientist concludes that only with the reorganization of a capitalist society into a socialist one is it possible to achieve the liberation of humanity from crime. 4

      M. M. Isaev, who later became one of the most brilliant and talented representatives of the left group of Russian criminologists, gave the most profound explanation of crime as an inevitable product of bourgeois society. 5

      In the spring of 1909, M. M. Isaev passed his master's exams and was allowed to lecture as a private assistant professor at Faculty of Law St. Petersburg University. While working at the university, M. M. Isaev, then still a young associate professor, paid serious attention to the scientific training of students and the development of their interest in research work. At the faculty, under the leadership of Isaev, a student circle worked, the works of which were published in 1913 under his editorship and with his preface. In this collection, A. Ya. Estrin, later a prominent scientist in the field of Soviet criminal law, published his report on the issues of bribery and the fight against it. 6

      Isaev’s scientific activity gained wide scope after the Great October Socialist Revolution. In 1918 he moved to Moscow, where he was elected a member and professor of the Socialist Academy, and in April 1919 he was appointed professor in the department of criminal law at Moscow University.

      As a professor of criminal law, M. M. Isaev was a member of the All-Union Legal Academy, the Moscow Law Institute, and the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute.

      From 1925 until the end of his life, without interrupting his teaching activities, M. M. Isaev worked in All-Union Institute legal sciences(now the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Soviet Legislation).

      The scientific interests of M. M. Isaev were broad and versatile. Paying main attention to the formation and development of Soviet criminal law, the practice of its application, he simultaneously studied the history of Russian pre-revolutionary criminal law, criticized the criminal and prison policies of capitalist states, and developed issues of Soviet correctional labor law. The scientist was interested in subjects at the intersection of law and oriental studies. For example, he authored a review of the Persian criminal code.

      The scientific heritage of M. M. Isaev is great. These are monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, articles, reviews on the criminal legislation of bourgeois states, translations, prefaces to books by other authors.

      Among his works in the field of criminal law, noteworthy is the monograph “History of Soviet Criminal Law” (1948), of which he was one of the co-authors; monograph, co-authored with B. S. Utevsky “Soviet criminal law during the Great Patriotic War” Patriotic War"(1949); one of the first textbooks on Soviet criminal law, “The General Part of Soviet Criminal Law of the RSFSR” (1925); Criminal Law, Special Part (1929). Since 1938, Mikhail Mikhailovich was one of the co-authors of all textbooks on Soviet criminal law.

      Of significant interest are the articles and works of M. M. Isaev written in the first years of Soviet power. Among them is the “Criminal Code of June 1, 1922” “Basic principles of the criminal legislation of the USSR and Union republics” (1927); “The concept of criminal and non-criminal from the point of view of Marxism”, 8 “On intent, negligence and consciousness of wrongfulness”, 9 “The concept of social danger in the Basic Principles of the Criminal Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics”, 10 “On the punishability of related concealment and non-denunciation." 11 It should be noted that in the last article M. M. Isaev was one of the first in Soviet criminal law to draw attention to the complexity and ambiguity of this problem.

      Already in the first years of the revolution, M. M. Isaev actively advocated for criminal policy Soviet state. Characteristic of that an example is his review of articles published in Germany by attorney at law L. Zaitsev, who emigrated from Russia, the content of which boiled down to criticism from the standpoint of traditional bourgeois ideas of the first legislative acts of the Soviet state in the field of criminal law - the Guidelines on the criminal law of the RSFSR and the Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1922 d. Having subjected to a detailed examination of the provisions developed by L. Zaitsev, M. M. Isaev wrote that Zaitsev’s articles indicate “... a complete misunderstanding of the essence of the criminal law of the revolution and its dynamics”, that “serious scientific criticism of the system of our Criminal Code is for which one could only be grateful for, is not contained in them, because its necessary prerequisite is an understanding of the social basis of the Code, and such an understanding, unfortunately, is completely absent from Zaitsev.” 12

      Among the first Soviet legal scholars, M. M. Isaev actively develops problems of correctional labor law, participates in the preparation of textbooks and teaching aids in this area. 13

      During 1927-1929, a number of works by M. M. Isaev on penitentiary law were published - a textbook for universities “Fundamentals of Penitentiary Policy” (M., 1927), articles “Penitentiary Law and its Teaching in the USSR” (M., 1928) and “Reforms and prospects for correctional labor.”

      The scientist connected his creative activity in the field of legal science with practice. He participated in the preparation of such important legislative acts as the Criminal Code of 1922, the Basic Principles of the Criminal Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics of 1924.

      In 1930, he went on a business trip to study the activities of correctional labor institutions and participated in the work of examining the judicial authorities. Getting acquainted with the cases of prisoners, M. M. Isaev comes to a conclusion that is of great importance for the entire practice of work of correctional labor institutions - the need for a thorough study of the personality of convicts.

      During the Great Patriotic War, M. M. Isaev studied the practice of work, military tribunals, gave a course of lectures on criminal law and criminal procedure for employees of the Supreme Court of the USSR, for people's judges and military lawyers. In 1946, he was elected as a member of the Supreme Court of the USSR, taking direct part in considering the most complex cases and preparing guidelines for the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR. Work in the highest judicial body gave the scientist great material to summarize and comment on judicial practice. In 1948, the work “Issues of criminal law and criminal procedure in the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the USSR” was published, where, using the example of specific cases, such critical issues The general part, such as the importance of correctly establishing the objective and subjective aspects of a crime, sanity, the concept of eventual intent, issues of reckless guilt, preparation and attempt.

      In the same 1948, together with prof. A. A. Piontkovsky, (then also a member of the Supreme Court of the USSR), he publishes a collection “Issues of criminal law, military criminal law and criminal procedure in the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the USSR,” in which he comments on a number of fundamental decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR on specific cases.

      These works, which theoretically generalized judicial practice, were of great importance both for the development of the science of Soviet criminal law and for improving the level of work of courts in considering criminal cases. Practitioners were also well aware of the popular brochures on topical issues of Soviet criminal law, written by M. M. Isaev for the “Library of the People's Judge and People's Assessors.”

      A special place in scientific activity M. M. Isaev is occupied with translations of regulations of bourgeois states and introductory articles to them. Knowledge of foreign languages, combined with enormous erudition in matters of law, allowed the scientist to give a subtle and sharp political analysis of the translated material. The thoroughness, scientific integrity and literally jewelry work done by M. M. Isaev is amazing. The depth and thoroughness of the analysis is characterized by his introductory article to the translation of the French Criminal Code (1947). The preface, written by M. M. Isaev together with prof. L. A. Lunts to the book by E. Jenks “English Law” (1947). The translation and analytical work done on Cesare Beccaria’s book “On Crimes and Punishments” should be recognized as unique. M. M. Isaev not only compiled a biographical sketch of the life and work of Beccaria, but also gave his own translation of this book, which required titanic work, excellent knowledge of the Italian language, maximum scientific integrity, and a deep understanding of the philosophical culture of the 17th and 18th centuries.

      The sketch of Beccaria's life preceding the translation, which occupies 176 pages of close font, required M. M. Isaev to study a huge amount of material that helps to understand the formation and development of Beccaria as an outstanding thinker of the 18th century.

      The translation into Russian of the book by C. Beccaria, made by Isaev, was preceded by the study of the first and most important publications Beccaria's books in Italian, French and Russian. By comparing the original text of Beccaria's manuscript with these editions, Isaev was able to identify important passages in the manuscript that were changed by translators or were completely absent in translations, restore the original structure, style and language of the book, and avoid artificially separating Beccaria's philosophical views from criminal law.

      The critical edition of C. Beccaria's book undertaken by M. M. Isaev was truly an event in the history of our legal science. Without this work, it is difficult to imagine further ways of developing source studies of the history of legal thought.

      A large place in the scientist’s creative activity was occupied by the development of higher legal education in the country. In 1923, he wrote an article covering the work of the Higher Legal Courses then opened in Moscow for judges and prosecutors who had practical experience, where special attention is paid to the teaching methods for this category of students. 14

      In 1927, the magazine “Soviet Law” published an article by M. M. Isaev, dedicated to the development of higher legal education in the RSFSR, in which he writes that legal education in the Soviet state should be built on a solid Marxist basis. Curricula should include such disciplines as historical materialism, political Economy, history of socialism, history of the Communist Party. There is a need for an even greater rapprochement between theory and practice, new Marxist textbooks, and lecture course programs. 15

      M. M. Isaev paid serious attention to higher legal correspondence education. In 1929, the Bureau of Correspondence Legal Education (Faculty of Soviet Law at Home) was created at the First Moscow State University. Among the works published by this Bureau, the textbook on criminal law, the Special Part for correspondence students, attracts attention. This was the first textbook on criminal law specifically intended for students receiving legal education by correspondence. The introduction outlined the course content, recommended literature and normative material necessary for its study, assignments were given on individual topics, methodological instructions, test questions and tasks. The appendix published materials that were difficult for students to obtain. In 1943, the All-Union Institute of Legal Sciences and the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute, with the direct participation of M. M. Isaev, published materials on the Special Part of Criminal Law for students of the VYUZI, and in 1948, a methodological manual written for them, “Issues of criminal law and criminal process in the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the USSR".

      From March 1940 until his death, M. M. Isaev was a professor at the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute, taking an active part in the work of the department, especially in the training and education of young scientists, some of whom, having become prominent scientists, continue to work at the institute to this day.

      An excellent lecturer - M. M. Isaev knew how to awaken in students a love for the science of criminal law and cultivate respect for the law. Striving to give as much as possible to students in each lecture, he knew how to structure it at the same time in accordance with the plan. He prepared surprisingly carefully and with great excitement for each lecture, striving, within the allotted time, not only to present the established principles of the theory of criminal law, but also to pose debatable problems to students, to introduce them to the laboratory of his scientific research. The scientist loved the student audience, always looked forward to meeting them, and the students responded in kind.

      By decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of April 23, 1940, M. M. Isaev was awarded academic degree Doctor of Law and he was confirmed in the academic rank of professor. In 1944, for his scientific and pedagogical activities, M. M. Isaev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1945, for his services in the field of legal sciences, he was awarded honorary title Honored Scientist.

      The second son of M. M. Isaev - Boris Mikhailovich Isaev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, scientific director of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physical, Technical and Radio Engineering Measurements, twice Laureate of the USSR State Prize.

      The daughter of M. M. Isaev, Vera Mikhailovna Isaeva, is a singer. Before the Great Patriotic War, she worked on radio and at the Moscow Philharmonic. Currently, V. M. Isaeva is a vocalist and illustrator at the Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnesins.

      Completing short essay life and work of M. M. Isaev, one more important circumstance of his life should be noted - his long-term friendship with the outstanding jurist M. N. Gernet, the beginning of which dates back to 1904. It is no coincidence that M. N. Gernet, congratulating M. M. Isaev on his 70th anniversary (this anniversary, unfortunately, it turned out to be the last), wrote: “...In your... academic activity, the most characteristic feature was precisely your responsiveness, your ebullient energy and your scientific interest, which does not know old age.. .” 17

      These personality traits of M. M. Isaev - a scientist, teacher and person - are remembered by everyone who had the good fortune to work with him or study with him.

      1 See: Archive of V. M. Isaeva - daughter of M. M. Isaev.

      2 See: Isaev M. M. The concept of criminal and non-criminal Marxism, - Soviet Law, 1924, No. 5/11, p. 5.

      3 First published in Germany in the magazine “Neue Zeit” in 1904. The article was published in Russian in the book: Problems of Marxism. Collection of the second “Problem of Crime”. Kyiv, 1924, p. 107-123. Original letter from F. Liszt dated September 9. 1904 with an expression of fundamental disagreement with the position of M. M. Isaev is stored in the archives of V. M. Isaeva. List, in particular, writes that his legal views, which diverge from the views of K. Marx and the position of M. M. Isaev, are shared by “outstanding German social democrats” (apparently, this means Ed. Bernstein and his supporters ).

      4 See: Sursky M. Crime and economic factors. - In the same place, s. 178-187.

      5 See: Ostroumov S.S. Left group of Russian criminologists (from the history of Russian criminal law). -Jurisprudence, 1962, No. 4, p. 149-150.

      6 See: St. Petersburg University. Proceedings of the criminal law circle at St. Petersburg University, with a foreword and edited by private assistant professor M. Isaev. St. Petersburg, 1913.

      7 Soviet Law, 1922, No. 2.

      8 See ibid., 1924, No. 5.

      9 See ibid., 1925, No. 5.

      10 See ibid., no. 4.

      11 See ibid., 1924, No. 1

      12 Ibid., No. 2, p. 142, 143.

      13 See about this: Soviet correctional labor law. M., 1977, p. 271.

      14 See: Isaev M. M. About higher legal courses. - Yearbook of Soviet Justice, 1923, No. 15, p. 339-342.

      16 See: Isaev M. About the highest legal education. - Soviet Law, 1927, No. 6/30, p. 111 -122.

      16 About the life and work of A. M. Isaev, see: Agranovsky Anatoly. Long trail. Essay on the life of one of the creators of space technology A. M. Isaev. - Izvestia, 1972, May 16.

      17 Letter from M. N. Gernet to M. M. Isaev dated July 15, 1950 - Archive of V. M. Isaeva.

    Information updated:11.12.2003

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    Isaev Leonid Mikhailovich - Honored Scientist of the Uzbek Republic, Doctor of Medical Sciences, State Prize Laureate, Professor.

    The name of Leonid Mikhailovich Isaev is forever inscribed in golden letters in the history of healthcare in Uzbekistan. Professor L.M. Isaev and his life’s work dedicated to Uzbekistan became legendary. Everywhere and everywhere you can find traces of Isaev’s works and deeds. His whole life was a feat.

    L. M. Isaev was born on August 16, 1886 in the St. Petersburg province. While still a student of the Military Medical Academician, L. M. Isaev worked from March to May 1911 during the plague epidemic in Harbin, from July to October 1911 as part of Professor Zabolotny’s scientific expedition in Mongolia and Transbaikalia. After graduating from the Military Medical Academy with honors in 1912, doctor L. M. Isaev began labor activity in the Caucasian Army.

    During the imperialist war, Isaev was awarded the order.

    By decision of the Council of Wazirs of the Bukhara People's Republic (protocol No. 16 of December 24, 1923), the Bukhara Tropical Institute was organized, of which L. M. Isaev was appointed director. L. M. Isaev headed the institute for more than 40 years - from December 1923 until January 23, 1964 - the day of his death. The scientist Isaev grew along with the institute, and the institute grew along with the scientist. In 1967, the institute was named after L. M. Isaev. Currently, the institute is called the Research Institute of Medical Parasitology named after. L. M. Isaeva of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    In January 1934 L. M. Isaev was awarded the title of professor in July 1945. awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, in 1944 he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the Uzbek SSR. Under the leadership of L.M. Isaev, the institute carried out enormous research work to combat malaria, leishmaniasis, helminthiases, and tick-borne relapsing fever.

    An example of deep scientific research which ended with a brilliant practical result is Isaev’s work on rishta. This work revealed all of his originality as a scientist, his comprehensive talent and talent, organizational abilities, close connection with the people and understanding of the inextricable connection between science and life.

    For participation in the elimination of malaria in the USSR, L. M. Isaev in 1952. was awarded the title of State Prize Laureate, 1st degree.

    Based on his research, eradication measures were developed and a persistent focus of human visceral leishmaniasis in Samarkand was eliminated.

    The work of an outstanding scientist is highly appreciated. He was awarded orders and medals of the country.

    After his death, about 11 books from his personal library were donated to the libraries of the Institute of Medical Parasitology, Medical Institute etc.