Stopped why the prefix pre. Spelling of prefixes before and under: a rule from the new Russian language textbook

  • when - approaching, when - touching, when - arriving, when - running, when - saying, when - sitting down, when - sewing.

    pre - interrupt, pre - block, pre - unpleasant, pre - transformation, pre - transgress


  • Examples of words with a prefix at-:

    • In meaning " accession": sew, nail, glue, stick, pin.
    • In meaning " approximation": to fly, to sail, to gallop, to arrive, to run, to come.
    • In meaning " closeness to something": coastal, school, station (square), seaside (shore).
    • In meaning " incomplete action": sit down, open slightly, close slightly, get sick, bite.

    Examples of words with a prefix pre-:

    • In meaning Very: beautiful, charming, wise, generous-generous, elderly.
    • When pri is equal to prefix re-: stop, turn, argue, overcome, bend (knee).
  • Pre- and pre- are semantic. The choice in their spelling depends on the meaning they bring to the semantics of the word.

    The attachment is has the following meanings:

    1) approaching - running, mooring, leaning, landing;

    2) the proximity of something nearby, for example:

    Dnieper region, suburb, coastal, Baikal, border, station;

    3) attachment - nail, screw, tie, glue;

    4) incomplete action - burn, slightly open, powder, smack, powder;

    5) bringing the action to the end - invent, squint;

    6) accompanying action- dance, whistle, chorus, stamp, dance.

    The prefix pre- has the meaning of re- in words:

    barrier, transgress (law), interrupt;

    In the meaning “very” the prefix appears in the words:

    very funny, very curious, very curious, very dirty, wise, satiated, excessive (weight), very unpleasant, very nasty, extol, very fat (magazine).

  • On pre-:(with the meaning of the word very, very, differently)


    bend down

    open slightly

    come up with



    On pri-: (with the meaning of the words joining, approaching, bringing the action to completion)

    very large





  • Prefix PRI-

    Attachment: nail, sew, tie, attach, glue, attach, screw, baste, attach, fasten.

    Approaching: to run, to come, to drag, to bring, to bring, to roll up, to drive, to sail, to gallop up, to land, to land on the moon, to arrive, to arrive, to arrive.

    Proximity: seaside, school, Amur, station, homestead.

    Incomplete action: lie down, stand up, sit down, open slightly, press down.

    Prefix PRE-

    Close in meaning to the word “very”: charming, beautiful, wise, enormous, lovely, exaggerate, extol, most unpleasant.

    Close in meaning to the prefix re-: transgress, argue, overcome, block, interrupt, break.

    There are many words in this rule, the spelling of prefixes for which depends on the meaning: receiver - successor, implement - pretend. There are also words whose spelling must be remembered: invent, try on, be present; obstacle, despise.

  • Words with the prefix at - sit down, approach, touch, join, sew on, belittle

    Words with the prefix pre - interrupt, block, transformation, superiority, exaggeration

    When writing words with the prefixes -pre- and -remember the rules of the Russian Language

    You really can't go wrong.

  • Examples of words with the prefix "pri-":

    • accession
    • approximation
    • touch
    • arrive
    • come running
    • proverb
    • sit down
    • sew on
    • nail

    Examples of words with the prefix "pre-":

    • transform
    • interrupt
    • block
    • most unpleasant
    • transformation
    • transgress
    • cheerful

    The rule for using the prefixes “pri-” and “pre”.

    The prefix "at-" is used to mean:

    • approach (to arrive, to come running)
    • attachment (sew, nail, pin)
    • located near something (school, local, suburban)
    • incomplete action (short-term) (quiet, lie down, sit down)

    The prefix "pre-" is used to mean:

    • very (very cheerful (very cheerful), very unpleasant (very unpleasant))
    • cross (transgress (step over), block (block))
  • There are many such words that can be chosen.

    Prefix pri-: recognition, accession, chorus, approach, hide, accept, open, attract, hillock, seaside, coastal.

    Prefix pre-: venerable, excellent, transfiguration, crime, refraction, teach, overcome, exalt.

  • Words with prefix pre

    very beautiful - wonderful

    very good - kind

    very cool - excellent.

    Words with the prefix at

    sit down next to me, sit next to me, lie down next to me.

    Not all sub-clauses of the same rule. You need to learn a little.

  • Prefixes PRE and PRI and examples of words with them:

    most cheerful, wise, beautiful, most holy, most pure, despise, transform, most amusing, block, interrupt, surpass, present, stop;

    sew, gallop, run, attach, approach, look after, tie, attach, weld, glue, roadside, seaside, station, seaside, household, lie down, press, pin down, sail, fly.

    For the spelling rules for these prefixes with examples, see:

    In some words, both the prefix pre- and the prefix pre- can be used, but the words differ in their meaning. See the picture.

Spelling prefixes is an important section when learning the Russian language. Vowels in prefixes pre- and pre- depends on lexical meaning words. Their spelling principles are few and not complex. But, despite this, not only children, but also adults are confused about the rules when writing the vowel -e or -i. Consider the rule for writing pre-/pri-.

In contact with

The attachment is

Words with express:

  1. Joining and approaching. Addition, application, come, arrive, fasten.
  2. Incompleteness of action. To lull, to become poor, to jump up, to look after, to warm, to sip, to rise, to limp.
  3. Being near something. Coastal, mountainous, bedside, frontline, suburban, station.
  4. Gradual completion of the process. Taming, instilling, getting used to, addiction, reconciliation, provision.

Note! What is incomplete action? These are expressing the half-action of a person or object, i.e. doing something not completely. Stand up - stand up, sit down - sit down, lie down - lie down

learning Russian

The meaning of the prefix is can be expressed:

  1. Excellent meaning of the word. Great, most important, wise, advantage, mature, supreme.
  2. The prefix pre- can be replaced with re-. A passing moment is a passing moment (a moment that will change); swim ( obsolete form) – to swim across.

Important! In there are words in which pre- and come to the root of the word. It is difficult to explain the spelling of such words (in most cases this is the case), so it is better to remember them. Examples: president, price list, teacher, drug, throne, contender, preference, private, privilege.

Confusion in spelling may occur in Homophones – words that sound alike, but have different spelling. Implement - bring to life, pretend - close, transitory - temporary, coming - appearing somewhere; despise - hate, despise - care about someone; bow down - respectfully lower, bow down - bend over; betray - deceive, impart - strengthen the role of an object.

Spelling of pre-/pre- prefixes on verbs

The prefixes pre-/at- are often used with verbs, so we will pay special attention to them.

Words with the prefix pre- have the following interpretation:

  1. Change something. The frog turned into a princess. Spring has transformed everything around.
  2. Implement = bring something to life.
  3. Completing an action or process. Block a path, interrupt speech, stop a crime, stop an activity, impede entry.
  4. An action is above or below a certain measure. Extol, surpass, exceed, understate.
  5. Abide = live, be, exist. He lives in Rostov. = It is located in Rostov.

You can use the help site$/verb, on the page of which verbs with a prefix written -e- are presented.

Note! Most verbs with are found in works of art.

The prefix pri- is used in writing verbs in the following cases:

  1. Completion of an action or movement. To arrive, to run, to drive, to fly.
  2. A certain position of one object in relation to another. Apply a compress, glue a sheet, stick tightly, touch your hand, attach a shelf, attach parts, pin a brooch.
  3. Addition. Speed ​​up, add extra, buy things, add a balcony, increase your capital.
  4. Incomplete action. The verbs “sit down” and “lie down” can have the meaning of a short-term action. I lay down on the bed to take a little nap. I’ll sit down for a minute and run on with my business.
  5. The verbs of perception “look” and “listen” with the prefix and postfix -sya express deepening into the action - take a closer look, listen carefully.
  6. The verbs “to call” and “to attract” with the prefix - = to turn to someone, to induce to action - to call, to attract.
  7. Verbs “accustom”, “tame”, “instill” (figurative meaning), “get used to” = transfer or acquisition of any qualities, properties, skills. Parents taught their children discipline. Animal lovers can even tame a lion. The literature teacher instilled in us a love of poetry. Anyone who is used to getting up early gets a lot done.

The prefix pri- on verbs can be used not only directly, but also figurative meaning . Verbs of motion fall under this category. Let's look at examples in which the verb “to come” has a figurative meaning:

  1. Meaning "to obtain a certain result." We have come to a certain decision this task.
  2. May contain a conclusion/conclusion or agreement. After working for two years after school, he came to the decision to leave hometown and start life again. As a result of lengthy negotiations, representatives of the two countries came to an agreement on territorial problems. The commission came to the conclusion that there were no violations in the bank's work.
  3. Meaning “to agree”, “to have” common decision" We argued for a long time about where to go on vacation, and when we came to a common opinion, we decided to go to the White Sea.
  4. Meaning "understanding" or "awareness". As he grew older, he began to understand how important it is to take care of his health.
  5. Meaning "to gain power." As a result of the elections, the Republicans came to power in the country.

In verbal parts of speech, the spelling pre-/at will be preserved. To block - blocking - blocking, trying on - trying on - trying on.

Lesson topic:

Technologies: personality-oriented, work in groups, games.

Objectives: - repetition of the spelling rule governing the choice of letters e And And V

prefixes pre – and at -;

Develop the ability to distinguish the meaning and spelling of words with prefixes

pre – and at - ; development of students' speech;

Foster the need to master competent writing



Lesson summary

Lesson topic: Spelling of prefixes pre - at - .

Technologies: personality-oriented, work in groups, games.

Goals: - repetition of the spelling rule governing the choice of letters e and and in

Prefixes pre – and at -;

Develop the ability to distinguish the meaning and spelling of words with prefixes

Pre – and at - ; development of students' speech;

Foster the need to master competent writing.

During the classes:

  1. Org. moment.

II. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. Write the topic in your notebook.

1. Teacher’s word on the topic of the lesson:

Today we have a lesson - a generalization on the topic “Vowels in the prefixes pre- and pr-”. Today in the lesson we will remember what the choice of letters depends on e and i in the prefixes pre - and at - , and we will also continue to work on developing the ability to distinguish the meaning and spelling of words with the prefixes pre - and at - .

2. New topic explained:

Spelling words with prefixes PRE- and PRI-

In order to write words starting with PRE- or PRI without errors, you need to learn the following rule.

In most words, the choice of vowel I or E depends on the meaning of the prefix.

The prefix PRI- can mean:
1. Spatial contiguity, proximity: COASTAL, SCHOOL.
2. Approaching, joining: ARRIVE, LEAN, STICK.
3. Incomplete action: CLOSE THE DOOR, BEND, DECORATE.
4. Bringing the action to an end: SHOOT, IMAGINE.

The prefix PRE- can express:
1. High degree qualities or actions and have a meaning close to the meaning of the word “very”: PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS, PREVAIL.
2. A meaning close to the meaning of the prefix PERE-: TRANSFORM, TRANSFORM, BARRIER.

This rule has two notes:
1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:
DESPITE (hate) – DESPITE (give shelter), BEND (kneel) – BEND (branch), SUFFER (difficulties, misfortunes) – BEAR (to circumstances), TRANSIENT (moment) – COMING (postman),
STAY (be) – ARRIVE (approach).
2. There are words in which the spelling of the vowel cannot be explained by the rule stated above. These are Russian words in which the prefix is ​​no longer singled out (for example, NATURE, REASON, CLAIM, DEVICE, PRELESTCHAT, PREPONA, PREPOSVOVITI), as well as borrowings (PRESIDIUM, PREAMBLE, PREPARATION, PRIVILEGE, PRIMITIVE, PRIVATE, PRIORITY). In such cases, to avoid mistakes, you need to use a dictionary.

3. Explanatory dictation. (One student does it on the board, all the rest in a notebook).

Primorsky region, very unpleasant conversation, limp slightly, interrupt the story, bring the dog, dim the lights, very bad temper, think about a problem, sew on a button.

III. Updating knowledge.

1.Task in groups: fill in the missing column of the table. (The tables are shown on different halves of the board).

Assignment for group 1:

Assignment for group 2:

Rules for writing prefixes pre and at




Get up




IV. An exercise to consolidate a skill.
Differentiated – creative tasks: (work in groups)

Task for organizing group work:

1. First, everyone independently solves the problem.

2. Then shares his thoughts with the whole group.

3. Everyone listens carefully to each participant, then makes a common decision, taking into account the opinion of each participant.

4. One of the participants is having a conversation with classmates.

1 group. A.

Guys! Sos! We need help! We missed class. We don’t know how to correctly write the prefixes pre and at! Complete the task and explain to us which prefix to write in these words and why. Do you have a table to help you?

Wisdom passes over the years.

What you gain in childhood, you will rely on in old age.

The swallow flew by - soon thunder will roar.

The crane brings the sun.

I was leaving for lunch, but arrived on Wednesday.

There is wisdom in cabbage soup, and strength in cabbage.

Neither this nor that was boiling, otherwise it was burning.

If on New Year There are a lot of stars - there will be a lot of berries.

Native side. That a kind mother - pr...warms, pr...caresses. will feed.

Organization of reflection:

Tell us how you completed the task, how the result was obtained, what you learned while completing this task?

Key for checking the task:

Wisdom comes with age.

What you acquire in childhood is what you will rely on in old age.

The swallow has flown in - soon thunder will roar.

The crane brings the sun.

I went for lunch and arrived on Wednesday.

Wisdom is in cabbage soup, and strength is in cabbage.

Neither this nor that was boiling, otherwise it was burnt.

If there are a lot of stars on New Year's Day, there will be plenty of berries.

Native side. That a kind mother will warm you up, caress you, feed you.

2nd group. B.


Word combinations are given, explain to your classmates their spellings

A very kind person, a very unpleasant conversation, a very long story, a very bad character, school site, roadside patrol, station square. dear child, block the road.

Organization of reflection:

  1. group. IN.

Have a conversation with your classmates about the spelling of the prefixes pre and pre.

Organization of reflection:

How did you complete the task, how was the result obtained, what did you learn while completing the task?

2. Exercise.
1. Korotkov didn’t hear, although he kept his ear to the keyhole.

(M. Bulgakov, "Diaboliada")
2. Dasha climbed onto the stove with difficulty, covered herself with her coat, and pulled up her legs. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
3. So, I got down and went to my unit. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
4. Pro_dolevaya headache, he was all ready for the last fight.

(A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
5. This Kuzma Kuzmich was still in the carriage looking at Dasha - somehow he liked her. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
6. The siskin was constantly chirping and jumping, and the cage was constantly swaying and shaking. (According to I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
7. He pushed his hat to the back of his head, holding the rifle. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
8. Instead of sunflowers luring the sun into the small windows of the huts, only rotten stems stick out. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
9. At that moment the boat sailed. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
10. Let grief give you strength. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
11. Isn’t this advantage that there are fewer traces of lordship in them than in us? (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
12. But I cannot feel humiliated, the last of all. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
13. Why assume in advance that I am an enemy? (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
14. You will have to give up all your habits; there, alone, you will have to work... (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
15. I, despite numerous vicissitudes, have never known misfortune. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
16. Further service record is enclosed with the passport. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
17. At that moment A.V. entered the room, and the conversation stopped. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
18. Insarov read Elena’s note and immediately began to put his room in order. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
19. Agrippina walked as if tied, step by step - behind her husband. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
20. I know a nasty tavern where they will give us a nasty little lunch. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
21. Kuzma Kuzmich lined up on the bench under the stove and also couldn’t fall asleep right away - he muttered, smacking his lips. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
22. And you talk to him and look at him at the same time. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
23. Ivan Ilyich, without moving, opened his eyelids slightly. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
24. The expression in her eyes was charming. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
25. Even if you have seven spans in your forehead, you have not mastered science, and you will always make a mistake. (According to A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
26. And the girl is written badly. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
27. I advise you, my friend, to botanize: this is the best thing you can think of. (According to I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
28. You seem to be clever man: What are we supposed to do? (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
29. And good men will definitely cheat your father. (I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons")
30. The singer surrendered to the wave that lifted her, her face was transformed. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
31. Bring him to me, I’ll interrogate him myself. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)
32. Elena could no longer carelessly indulge in the feeling of her happiness. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
33. She put the lamp on the table, turned off the light, and sat down. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
34. And N.P. took out the notorious brochure from the back pocket of his coat.

(I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
35. There he saw her for the first time, she seemed to him as red as spring.

(A. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”)

Checking the completed task.

VII. Lesson summary.

1. Conclusion: - Let’s summarize the lesson. What determines the spelling of vowels in prefixes? (from the meaning of prefixes) But before we draw final conclusions, listen a short poem and think: what meanings of prefixes does it talk about?

Has the train arrived, has the ship arrived,

An astronaut flew from the universe,

In words it will come, it will fly, it will sail

It is written with no doubt.

What is the meaning of the prefix in the poem? (approximation)

Write on the board: 1st value – approximation.

Screwed the screw, screwed the wheel,

I glued it, sewed it skillfully, -

We write here, talking about everything,

What good hands did.

2nd meaning – accession.

What meanings of the prefix at - were not mentioned?

3rd and 4th meanings – closeness, incomplete action.

In a beautiful castle on the mountain,

Once upon a time there was a prefix pre -

A very brave, important, very important person,

Proud, very proud, kind, very kind

She was considered very wise

And everyone called her wise.

She had a lovely poodle

A very brave dog named Doodle.

He slept peacefully at the door,

When the prefix came in -

She said: "At dawn

I'm leaving, my friend, pre -

I'll be gone for two or three days

You work for me.

Replace me, please

Good night, I'm in a hurry."

What is the meaning of the prefix pre - mentioned in this poem?

Writing on the board: pre = very

Pre= re

But what about words in which at - and pre - have become part of the root or words in which it is difficult to determine the meaning of the prefix? (you need to remember them).

2. Homework:essay - miniature on the topic school life, using words with prefixes pre - and at -.

3. Reflection.

E.A. Makovey, Russian teacher language MOU Secondary school No. 1, Adygeisk,
A.I. Arkhipova, professor of Kuban State University

§ 2. Spelling of prefixes

Console, prefix (from lat. praefixus“attached in front”) is the part of the word before the root. In Russian words, there can be from 1 to 3 prefixes before the root: tremble, join, open. Most Russian prefixes coincide in form and partly in meaning with prepositions (bezdorozhny - without a road, verbal - from the verb, from below, from under the forehead - from under the forehead), particles (not appearing - not to appear). Among the prefixes of the Russian language there are a number of borrowed ones: A in the meaning of “not”, anti - “against”, archi - “very”, counter - “against”, pan - “all”, sub - “under”, trans - “through” and etc.

2.1. Spelling unchangeable prefixes
Most prefixes in Russian are unchangeable, i.e. Regardless of the sound in one position or another, they are written uniformly. The spelling of such prefixes should be remembered. For a list of unchangeable prefixes, see the table:

called out, stop, sediment, go numb

get there, get there, guess

belief, courtyard, cut, rely

boil, gap, trick, grow

IN special meaning: (meaning of kinship) great-grandmother, proto-language

attack, cover, overtake

wonder, prisoner, pick up, hammer


bite, crack, inscribe, tear


melt, sharpen, suggest, wait

OT- (OTO-)

give away, rest, move aside, open


trim, grind, wipe, go around

V- (VO-)

to your heart's content, to sew in, to cling to, to involve


chairman, predecessor, predetermine


humus, overflow, distortion

C- (CO-)

get lost
give up
make friends
bend over

There is no prefix in the words:
no way
and cognates.

2.2. Spelling of prefixes in ...z - ...s
In the Russian language there are prefixes in which letters alternate Z And WITH :
WITHOUT- / BES- , RAZ- / RAS-, WHO- / VOS- (VZ- / VS-), IZ- / IS-, NIZ- / NIS-, THROUGH- / THROUGH- (THROUGH- / THRASS-); walking along;; burn..burn.

The choice of consonant is carried out according to the following rule:

2.3. Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-

Words starting with pre- And at-, have in Russian different origins.
Some came from Latin. In such words the Latin prefix prae- became part of the Russian root (president, presidium, presumption, predicate, bonus, claim, applicant, prefect, precedent, preparation, presentation). The Russian language borrowed and latin words with a root starting with at (priority, privilege, private).
Others are of Old Slavonic origin. They are characterized by the Slavic prefix pre-, which is often included in modern root(obstacle, resign, advantage, wonderful). In the language, these words retain their bookish character.
Finally, many words with pre- And at- are actually of Russian origin.

It is clear that it is impossible to draw up a clear rule for all cases. Therefore, the spelling rule proposed below is suitable mainly for words in which the meaning of the prefix is ​​clearly guessed.

Let's remember some cases:

give shape, shine
bride's dowry
chapel of the temple
close the window
arrive at the train
hold the door open with a stick
lean your head to your shoulder
bow at the door
look after an orphan
get down to business
impregnable bastion
visiting doctor
make an effort
downplay (reduce a little)
put a chair
stick to
inapplicable technique
tolerate difficulties
pester with questions
to be present at the meeting

betray a friend, dreams
old legend
limit of patience
successor manager
the continuity of generations
misconception, vicissitudes of fate
bring ideas to life
be on vacation
bicker over trifles
bow your head in respect,
adamant person, old age,
bow to talent
despise cowards
break the law
has enduring significance
immutable law
downplay (reduce significantly)
repose (die)
stumbling block
an indispensable condition
undergo hardships, changes
unceasing, unceasing

2.4. Spelling of vowels in the prefixes NE- and NI- in
indefinite and negative pronouns,
pronominal negative adverbs.

Note.The rule applies to words of other parts of speech if they are formed from negative pronouns and adverbs: idleness, insignificant, worthless, worthless, draw.

2.5. Spelling of consonants at the junction of prefix and root.

Pere + skaz = retelling (-s-)
ras + skaz = story (-ss-)
race + quarrel = quarrel (-ss-)

Remember:calculation (calc + even), but: calculate (calc + count);
uncountable (bes + s + even).

In words to tear apart, to tear apart, to ruin one 3 is written.