Subordinate clause of accompanying action Russian language. Types of subordinate clauses

Answer questions about definitions ( Which? which? which?). Another name is subordinate pronouns. Join with the help of allied words: which, which, whose, what, where, when, from, etc. And also unions: so that, as, and the like, as if, etc. Rarely using particles (whether, etc.).


    [The alarm clock rang]. Alarm Which?(Which my grandmother gave to me).

[The alarm clock rang],( which my grandmother gave me).

    [The house burned to the ground]. House Which?(Where I was born).

[House,( where was I born), burned to the ground].

    [A.S. More than one monument was erected to Pushkin]. A.S. Pushkin which one?(Whose contribution to the development of Russian literature is difficult to overestimate).

[A.S. Pushkin,( whose contribution to the development of Russian literature is difficult to overestimate), more than one monument was erected].

    [That day my life changed]. In a day Which?(When I understood everything).

[In that day,( when I understood everything), my life has changed].

Explanatory clauses

Refers to a verb. Answer questions about indirect cases ( to whom? what? whom? what? by whom? how? etc.). Join with the help of allied words: who, what, which, whose, where, where, where, how, why, why, how much And also unions: what, in order, as if, as if, as if, etc.

They appear after or in the middle of the main clause.

Here the main clause is in square brackets, and the subordinate clause is in round brackets.

    [I'm definitely sure]. Sure in what?(In that the Earth has the shape of a ball).

[I'm sure of that]( that the earth is spherical).

    [He found out]. Found out What?(How many days have passed since the launch of the first satellite).

[He found out],( how many days have passed since the launch of the first satellite).

    [They understood]. Got it What?(Why did I do this).

[They understood],( why did I do this).

Subordinate clauses

Apply to the entire main part. Join with the help of allied words: what, where, where, where, when, how, why They supplement and explain the content of the main part. Often they have the meaning of a consequence.

    He was worried ,(which is why I couldn’t pass the exam successfully).

    My brother never opened the book during all this time ,(which gave me no rest)

Adverbial clauses

They have the same meanings, answer the same questions and are divided into the same types as circumstances in a simple sentence. Divided into three main groups:

    clauses of time and place;

    additional causes, consequences, conditions, concessions, goals;

    subordinate clauses of manner of action, measures, degrees, comparisons.

Clauses of time and place

Subordinate clauses indicate the time of the action in the main and answer questions When? how long? since when? How long? Unions are the means of communication barely, until, before, until, since. as soon as, when, while.

Here the main clause is in square brackets, and the subordinate clause is in round brackets.

    [It was already getting dark]. It was getting dark When?(when we arrived home).

[It was already getting dark] (when we arrived home).

    [I saw you perfectly]. I saw you until when? (while you were standing behind the crowd).

[I saw you perfectly], (while you stood behind the crowd).

Subordinate clauses indicate the place where the action takes place in the main sentence and answer questions Where? Where? where? Join with the help of allied words: where, where, where. In the main sentence they usually correspond to demonstrative words there, there, from where.

Which deals with the study of two units: sentences and phrases.

This article will focus specifically on sentence syntax. First, we will find out what the concept of a sentence as a whole means, and then we will talk in more detail about the types of subordinate clauses in the Russian language.

1. The concept of a proposal

Being one of the main ones, it is a set of one or several words, which, as a rule, contain a question (then they are called interrogative), a call to action (incentive) and the transfer of certain information (narrative).

Everything is usually divided into complex (equal) and complex subordinate clauses (these types of subordinate clauses are considered dependent. They are connected using special conjunctions or allied words).

2. How to correctly identify proposals?

By their nature, these units of syntax are very, very diverse. In order to determine, you just need to remember four main signs:

About grammatical meaning;

About the question this sentence answers;

About the part of the sentence to which it can be attributed;

About means of communication.

It is on the basis of these features that syntactic units are divided into circumstantial, attributive, connective and circumstantial.

3. in Russian

1. Definitive. Role performed: characterize the attribute of an object.

The question the sentence answers is: which one?

What does the sentence refer to: a noun.

Conjunctions and allied words: when, from where, where, which, which, whose, what, which.

Other characteristic features: demonstrative words are used - any, every, every, such, that.

For example: The camera I bought in Chicago last year takes excellent pictures.

2. Explanatory. Role performed: consider in more detail and complement the meaning of the main sentence.

The question the sentence answers is: what?

What they refer to: a verb, an adjective, an adverb, a single phrase.

Conjunctions and as, as if, so that, what, why, where, what for, when, where.

Other characteristic features: the demonstrative word “that” is used.

For example: I know I can do this.

3. Connecting. Role performed: contains an additional clarification message.

What they refer to: the entire main clause.

Conjunctions and allied words: “why”, “what”, “why”.

4. Detailed types of subordinate clauses. Subordinate clauses of this type are quite diverse and therefore also have their own classification:

  • mode of action and degree

Role performed: indicate the measure, degree and manner of action.

The question the sentence answers is: how? how much? in what degree? How?

What they refer to: a verb or an adjective.

Conjunctions and allied words: “as if”, “so that”, “what”, “how much”, “how much”, “how”.

Other characteristic features: demonstrative words - “such”, “to such an extent”, “as much”, “so much”, “so”.

For example: He screamed so loudly that he almost deafened those present.

  • places

Role performed: indicate the location of the action.

The question that these sentences answer is: where? Where? Where?

What do they refer to: the whole sentence or the predicate.

Conjunctions and allied words: “from where”, “where”, “where”.

Other characteristic features: demonstrative words - “everywhere”, “everywhere”, “there”, “there”.

For example: Where the road ended, the field began.

  • time

Role performed: indicates the duration of the action.

The question the sentence answers is: until when? When? since when? how long?

Conjunctions and allied words: “until”, “since”, “until”.

Other characteristic features: demonstrative words - “sometimes”, “once”, “always”, “now”, “then”.

For example: While you were watching TV, I finished reading the newspaper.

  • conditions

Performed role: denotes the condition under which an action is performed.

The question answered by the sentence is: in what case? under what condition?

Conjunctions and allied words: “kohl”, “if”, “times”, “if”, “how”.

For example: If you remind me, I will bring you a book.

  • causes

Role: Indicates the cause.

The question the sentence answers is: for what reason? from what? Why? because of which?

What they refer to: everything Ch. to a sentence or to a predicate.

Conjunctions and allied words: “because”, “because”, “since”.

For example: He went on foot because... I didn’t want to travel in stuffy transport.

  • comparisons

Role performed: provide explanation through comparison.

The question the sentence answers is: like what?

What does the sentence refer to: everything Ch. to a sentence or to a predicate.

Conjunctions and allied words: “as if”, “as”, “than”, “as if”.

For example: He chose to remain silent, like a fish.

Role performed: indicates the purpose of the action.

The question that the sentence answers is: for what? for what purpose? for what? For what?

What they refer to: everything Ch. to a sentence or to a predicate.

Conjunctions and allied words: “in order to”, “then”, “in order to”.

For example: I want to learn in order to know.

  • concessions

Role performed: circumstance for performing an action.

The question the sentence answers is: despite what? in spite of what?

What they refer to: the entire main clause or the predicate.

Conjunctions and allied words: “no matter what”, “despite the fact that”, “what”, “although”, “let”, “no matter how”, “whenever”, “no matter how much”

For example: Although it was cold, he was sweating.

  • consequences

Role performed: means consequences, result or conclusion.

The question that the sentence answers is: what of this?

What they refer to: everything Ch. proposal.

Conjunctions and allied words: “so”, “therefore”.

For example: Despite my hunger, I will not eat this.

Subordinate clauses in Russian are dependent parts of the main clause in a complex sentence. That is, they play the role of secondary members of the sentence. Therefore, the types of subordinate clauses are divided taking into account the role played in the sentence. You can ask one question for the entire secondary sentence, just as you do with the members of the sentence.

Main types of subordinate clauses

Four types of them are considered: attributive, adverbial, explanatory and connective. We can give examples that represent all types of subordinate clauses:

  1. The flowerbed, which was laid out in the courtyard on the left side of the porch, resembled a smaller copy of the town - a sort of Flower Town from Nosov’s fairy tale about Dunno. (Definitive).
  2. And it seemed to me that restless and funny little people really lived there. (Expository).
  3. And we don’t see them because they are hiding from us underground. (Adverbial).
  4. But as soon as we leave somewhere, the little ones come out of their hiding places and begin to vigorously enjoy life. (Connection).

Determinative clauses

These subordinate clauses in Russian define the attribute of one noun or sometimes a phrase consisting of a noun and a demonstrative word. They serve as answers to questions Which? whose? which? These secondary sentences are joined to the main part by allied words whose, which, who, what, which, from where, where, when. Usually in the main part of a complex sentence there are such demonstrative words as such, everyone, everyone, any or That in various forms of childbirth. The following proposals can be taken as examples:

  • Living beings, ( which?) who live on the planet next to people, feel a kind human attitude towards them.
  • Reach out your hand with food, open your palm, freeze, and some bird, ( which?) whose voice is heard in the bushes of your garden in the morning, will sit on your hand with trust.
  • Every person ( Which?) who considers himself the pinnacle of the Almighty's creation, must correspond to this title.
  • Whether it’s a garden, a forest or an ordinary yard, (Which?)where everything is familiar and familiar, can open the door to the wonderful world of nature for a person.

Subordinate clauses

Interesting types of subordinate clauses that relate not to a single word or phrase, but to the entire main part. They are called connecting. Often these parts of a complex sentence contain the meaning of the consequence, supplementing or explaining the content of the main part. Secondary sentences of this type are joined using allied words where, how, when, why, where, what. Examples:

  • And only next to his mother does any baby feel protected, what is provided by nature itself.
  • Caring for cubs, tenderness for one’s offspring, self-sacrifice are embedded in a creature at the level of instinct, how every creature has an inherent need to breathe, sleep, eat and drink.

Explanatory clauses

If the author of the text wants to clarify, specify one word of the main part, which has the meaning of thought, perception, feeling or speech. Often these clauses refer to verbs, such as say, answer, think, feel, be proud, hear. But they can also specify adjectives, for example, satisfied or glad. It is often observed when these types of subordinate clauses act as explanations of adverbs ( clear, necessary, necessary, known, sorry) or nouns ( message, thought, statement, rumor, thought, feeling). Explanatory clauses are added using:

Unions (so that, what, when, as if, how and others);

Any allied words;

Particles (of the union).

Examples include the following compound sentences:

  • Have you ever watched, ( What?) how amazingly the sunlight plays, reflected in dew drops, insect wings, snowflake tiles?
  • One day, a person will surely be incredibly happy about this beauty, ( what?) that I discovered a unique world of beauty.
  • And it immediately becomes clear, ( What?) that everything around was created for a reason, that everything is interconnected.
  • Consciousness will be filled with indescribable feelings of joy, (which?) as if you yourself are a part of this amazing and unique world.

Clauses of manner and degree

Adverbial clauses are divided into several subtypes. A group of dependent parts of compound sentences that relate to the attribute or action named in its main part, and denote its degree or measure, as well as image, are classified as subordinate clauses of manner of action and degree. They usually answer the following questions: how? how much? How? in what degree? The design of the connection between the subordinate and the main part looks something like this: full adjective + noun + such; full adjective + such; verb + so. The joining of these subordinate clauses is ensured by conjunctions so that, what, as if or allied words how much, how much and some others. Examples:

  • The girl laughed so contagiously, so spontaneously, that it was difficult for everyone else not to smile.
  • The ringing sounds of her laughter broke the tense silence of the room, as if multi-colored peas from a bag suddenly scattered.
  • And the baby’s face itself changed so much, as far as this was possible in this case: the girl, exhausted by the disease, could easily be called a lovely and absolutely healthy child.

Adverbial clauses

These dependent clauses indicate the place of origin of the action, which is named in the main part of the complex sentence. Referring to the entire main sentence, they answer the following questions: where? Where? Where? and are joined by allied words where, where, where. Often there are demonstrative words in the main clause there, everywhere, there, everywhere, from everywhere and some others. The following examples of such proposals can be given:

  1. It is quite easy to determine the cardinal directions in the forest thicket, where there is moss on the trees.
  2. The ants carried on their backs building material for their anthills and food supplies from everywhere, wherever these hardworking creatures could get.
  3. I am always drawn there, to magical lands, where we went with him last summer.

Adverbial clauses of time

Indicating the time of action, these subordinate clauses refer both to the entire main sentence and specifically to one predicate. You can ask the following questions about this type of subordinate clause: how long? How long? When? since when? Often there are demonstrative words in the main part of the sentence, for example: sometimes, once, always, now, then. For example: Animals will then be friendly with each other, (When?) when they grow up next to each other since childhood.

Adverbial clauses, causes, goals, consequences

  1. If the dependent parts of complex sentences answer questions in what case? or under what condition? and relate either to the predicate of the main part or to the whole of it, joining with the help of conditional conjunctions once, if, if, if, when And How(meaning “if”), then they can be classified as subordinate conditions. Example: And even the most inveterate scoundrel turns into a serious and well-mannered gentleman, ( in which case?)when he becomes a parent, be it a person, a monkey or a penguin.
  2. For questions because of which? Why? for what reason? from what? adjunct reasons answer. They are joined using causal conjunctions because, because, since. Example: For a child in early childhood, the authority of the parent is unshakable, ( Why?) because his well-being depends on this creature.
  3. Dependent clauses indicating the purpose of the action named in the main part and answering questions For what? for what purpose? For what?, are called subordinate clauses. Their connection to the main part is ensured by target unions in order to, then in order to (in order to). Example: But even then you should accompany your requirements with explanations ( for what purpose?) then, so that the baby grows into a thinking person, and not a weak-willed robot performer.
  4. Dependent parts of a sentence that indicate a conclusion or result, indicate a consequence arising from the above in the main part of the sentence, are called subordinate clauses of the consequence and relate to the entire main sentence. They are usually joined by consequence unions That's why or So, for example: Education is a complex and regular process, ( what follows from this?) therefore, parents should always be in shape and not relax even for a minute.

Adverbial clause comparisons

These types of dependent clauses in complex constructions relate either to the predicate or to the entire main part and answer the question like what?, joining comparative unions as if, than (that), as if, exactly. Subordinate clauses differ from comparative phrases in that they have a grammatical basis. For example: The polar bear cub so funny fell on his side and lifted his paws up, it looks like a naughty boy playing happily in the sandbox with his friends.

Circumstantial clauses

Dependent clauses in a complex construction, denoting circumstances in spite of which the action indicated in the main part has been or can be committed, are called subordinate clauses of concession. You can ask them questions: contrary to what? no matter what? and join to the main thing with the help of concessionary unions at least (even though), let (even though), that, for nothing, despite and some others. Conjunctive combinations are often used: no matter how much, whatever, whenever, whoever, no matter how and the like. Example: Even though the panda cubs were playing happily, their dark spots around their eyes gave the impression of sad thoughtfulness.

A literate person should always remember: when writing, sentences that are part of a complex sentence are separated by commas.

Adverbial clauses

SPP with adverbial clauses- This is a sentence, the subordinate part of which answers questions of circumstances. They are attached to the predicate or to the entire main part with the help of subordinating conjunctions and allied words.

Types of adverbial clauses Questions from the main part to the subordinate clause Conjunctions and allied words Example sentences
1. Time (indicative words may appear in the main part then, always, every time) When? How long? Since when? How long? Conjunctions: when, while, barely, only, barely, as soon as, barely, before, before, since, until, while. As soon as the December dawn began, Anya went outside. Grandfather ordered not to wake Tanya until Bye she won't wake up on her own. While she was leaving the living room, a bell was heard in the hall. As soon as the snow melts in the forest, buds will swell on the birch trees.
2. Places (indicative words may appear in the main part there, there, from there, where) Where? Where? Where? Conjunctive words: where, where, from. Go there where your free mind takes you. Ahead, Where the grove ended, there were birches. There, Where The pine trees were already thinner, and paths went in circles through the settled snow.
3. Mode of action (In the main part of the word so, thus. They always come after the main part.) How? How? Conjunctions: as, as if, as if, that, in order to. Pierre waved his arms and head So, as if mosquitoes attacked him.
4. Measures and degrees (In the main part of the word so, so, thus. They are joined by a union after the main part. They are joined with a conjunctive word before the main part, after it.) To what extent? In what degree? How much? Conjunctions: as, as if, as if, exactly, that. Forest on both sides So thick, What nothing could be seen through it. She's lost so much weight What She looked like a sixteen year old girl. Uncle sang like this How the common people sing.
Conjunctive words: how much, how much, since. People were interesting to Samghin so, how much He, looking closely at them, saw himself similar to them.
5. Conditions (have indicative words then, so, join to the entire main part) Under what conditions? If, if... then, if, if, as soon as, when (= if), times. If the sun is not put out, there will always be bunnies. Travel would lose half its meaning, if they could not be talked about. Indeed, If sit still all rainy days, That, perhaps, you won’t go far during the summer. If there are no flowers in the middle of winter, there is no need to be sad about them.
6. Reasons (with conjunctions because, for always come after the main part) Why? From what? For what reason? Conjunctions: because, because, for, since, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, in connection with the fact that, in view of the fact that, due to the fact that, especially since. The next day, Prince Andrei went to the Rostovs for dinner, because the count called him. Due to the fact that you constantly have to see trees in front of you, the eye gets tired. Every work is important for ennobles a person. We walked in silence, admiring the steppe, especially as it became more and more attractive.
7. Consequences (indicate the result, always found after the main part) Due to what? What follows from this? Union: so. The rain poured down like buckets, So It was impossible to go out onto the porch.
8. Goals For what? For what purpose? For what? Conjunctions: so that, in order to, then that, so that, in order to, if only. I began to imitate a strange sound, to lure the bird. In order to learn to tell the truth to people, you need to learn to tell it to yourself.
9. Concessions (indicate the circumstances contrary to which the action takes place) Despite what? In spite of what? Conjunctions: despite the fact that, despite the fact that, although, even though, even though, even though. The night was quiet and bright, Although there was no moon. Although it was cold, the snow on the collar melted very quickly. Even though the ink has not yet dried, words have already been given immortality.
Conjunctive words: no matter how much, no matter how, no matter where, no matter where, no matter who, no matter what. Bonfire, no matter how supported on this hazy morning, it soon went out. But How many Sashi neither thought, nothing came to his mind.
10. Comparisons (attached to the entire main part) How? Like what? Conjunctions: as, as if, exactly, as if, likewise, as if, as if, than...then, The forest stands silently as if peering somewhere. AND how the fire burned out sooner, those The moonlit night was becoming more visible. Like a tree silently shedding its leaves, So I drop sad words. Gerasim grew up dumb and powerful, How the tree grows on fertile soil.
11. Accessions (they will comment or evaluate what is said in the first part, join the entire main part) What else? Conjunctive words: what, where, where, why, why. I stay at the dacha all winter, What original and new. I had to go down into the quagmire, What it was extremely difficult because of the icy water.

Attention! It is necessary to distinguish comparative clauses from comparative phrases. In comparative phrases there is no predicate. Example: The stars were shining How little suns. How towers, the Christmas trees are darkening. In sparkles of frost, exactly in diamonds, the birch trees dozed off, bending over.

Attention! Mixing the constructions of the main and subordinate clauses leads to an error.

Explanatory clauses answer questions about indirect cases. The main part needs semantic explanation; the main part without a subordinate clause looks unfinished.

Examples: Still, it seems to me that you do not have the right to do this. (it seems that?)

Subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses answer the question which?; delivered not from the main part, but from the noun. In an explanatory clause there is always the word “which” or a word that can be replaced with it.

Examples: She sang tunes that moved me to tears. (what are the motives?)

Subordinate adverbial clauses

Adverbial clauses answer adverb questions. Since there are many adverb questions, we will divide adverbial clauses into subtypes:

The purpose clause answers the question “for what purpose?” The subordinate clause always contains the word “so that”

Examples: In order for the New Year to come sooner, we moved the clock hands forward.

Subordinate concession. In a subordinate clause there is always a conjunction “although” or another synonym (despite the fact that, that neither, no matter how...)

Examples: The prince has a stupid face, although many considered him a dull person.

Subordinate clause. The subordinate clause always contains the conjunction “so that”. A comma must be placed before so.

Examples: The boat had no oars, so we had to row it with a board.

Additional reasons. The subordinate reason always contains the conjunction “because” or its synonym (since, because)

Subordinate conditions. There is a conjunction “if”, but sometimes the conjunction “if” can be played by the conjunction “when”.

Examples: If I had known all the consequences, I would not have gotten into the water.

Subordinate modus operandi. Answers the question “how?”, indicates the method of action.

Examples: He ate as if he had not eaten for three days.

Measures and degrees.

Examples: It was so dark that I couldn't see anything.

Subordinate clause of comparison.

Examples: The air occasionally trembled, like disturbed water trembles.

Subordinate clause of time. There is always the question “when?”

Examples: When I woke up, it was already dawn.

Subordinate place. Answers the questions “where? Where? where?"

REMEMBER: The main thing for determining the type of subordinate clauses is the semantic question.

Conjunctions and allied words can add additional shades of meaning to a complex sentence.

Example: The village where Evgeniy was bored was a charming place. — This is a complex sentence with a subordinate attributive, which has an additional spatial connotation of meaning.

In the Russian language, there is a group of complex sentences, the subordinate parts of which cannot be called either attributive, explanatory, or adverbial. These are complex sentences with subordinate clauses.

Such subordinate clauses contain an additional, incidental, additional message to the content of the main part of the complex sentence. In this sense, such subordinate clauses often approach in meaning to plug-in constructions.

The means of communication in them are the conjunctive words that, why, why, why, as a result of which, etc., which seem to repeat in a generalized form the content of the main part.

For example: His enemies, his friends, which may be one and the same thing, honored him this way and that. (A. Pushkin) The coachman decided to travel along the river, which was supposed to shorten the naked journey by three miles. (A. Pushkin)

It is impossible to pose a question to connecting subordinate clauses, since in the main part of a complex sentence there is no word or phrase that would require the presence of a subordinate clause.

Algorithm for determining the type of subordinate clause

1). Determine the main part of a complex sentence.

2). Identify the reference word in the main part (if there is one).

3). Ask the question from the main part to the subordinate clause:

  • from the content of the main part as a whole;
  • from the predicate in the main part;
  • from a noun or pronoun in the main part;
  • It is impossible to ask a question to a subordinate clause (with adjuncts and comparatives).

4). Indicate the means of communication in the subordinate part (conjunctions or allied words).