Writing endings in different parts of speech. Russian language

Spelling suffixes various parts speech except -N-/-NN- is included in the Single State exam in Russian language for grade 11 (task 10).

Spelling noun suffixes

In nouns, the spelling of the suffixes -EK-/-IK- is most often checked. The suffixes -OK- and -ON- are written in a unique way.

Spelling of suffixes -EK- and -IK-

If you put a noun in the genitive case singular, and the vowel in the suffix has disappeared, then the suffix -EK- is written in the word. Otherwise - the suffix -IK-.

For example:

  • Klyuchik is the suffix -IK-, since in the singular genitive case “Klyuchik” the vowel in the suffix does not disappear.
  • Zamochka is the suffix -EK-, since in the singular genitive case “zamochka” the vowel in the suffix is ​​missing.

The suffixes -NIK-, -CHIK-, -SHCHIK-, -IN-, -ITs-, -ETS- can be checked in the same way.

Spelling adjective suffixes

In adjectives, the spelling of the suffixes -K-, -SK- and -LIV-, -CHIV-, -CHAT-, -EV-/-IV- is most often checked.

Spelling of suffixes -K- and -SK-

If the adjective is qualitative (that is, it has degrees of comparison) or it was formed from a noun with a stem ending in K, Ch or C, then the suffix -K- is written. Otherwise the suffix -SK- is written.

For example:

  • Low – the suffix -K-, because the adjective is qualitative.
  • German - the suffix -K-, because the adjective was formed from the noun German ending in C.
  • French - the suffix -SK-, since the adjective is not qualitative and it was formed from the noun French, the stem of which does not end in K, Ch or C.

Spelling of suffixes -LIV-, -CHIV-, -CHAT-, -EV-, -IV-

The suffixes -LIV-, -CHIV- and -CHAT- are always written in a unique way.

For example:

  • Quirky - suffix -LIV-
  • Assiduous - suffix -CHIV-
  • Onion – suffix -CHAT-

The suffix -EV- is written only without stress, and the suffix -IV- is written only under stress. Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

For example:

  • Flannel - suffix -EB-, because no accent
  • Truthful – suffix -IV-, because. under stress

The main thing is to distinguish the suffixes -EV-/-IV- and -LIV-, -CHIV- from each other. To do this you need to do it correctly morpheme parsing words.

Spelling of participle suffixes

In participles, the spelling of the suffixes -A-, -Ya-, -E- and -OM-, -EM-, -IM-, -USCH-, -YUSCH-, -ASCH-, -YASCH- is most often checked.

Spelling of suffixes A, Z and E

To check the vowel in a suffix, you need to contact initial form verb (infinitive) and see what suffix is ​​used there. If the verb ends in -AT or -YAT, then A or Z is written in the participle suffix. In all other cases, E is written in the participle suffix. In participles and gerunds, before the suffix -VSH- the same suffix is ​​used as in the infinitive.

For example:

  • Confused – suffix -A-, as it is formed from confuse (ends in -AT)
  • Sown – suffix -Я-, as it is formed from sow (ends with -YAT)
  • Glued - suffix -E-, as it is formed from glue (does not end in -AT or -YAT)

Spelling of the suffixes -OM-, -EM-, -IM- and -USH-, -YUSH-, -ASH-, -YASH-

To check which vowel is written in the suffix, you need to determine the conjugation of the verb from which the participle is formed. If the verb is of the first conjugation, then the suffixes -OM-, -EM- and -USH-, -YUSH- are used, if the verb is of the second conjugation, then -IM- and -ASh-, -YASH-.

For example:

  • Dependent – ​​suffix -IM-, as it is formed from the verb depend 2 conjugations
  • Cherished – suffix -EM-, as it is formed from the verb cherish 1st conjugation
  • Melting snow – suffix -YUSH-, as it is formed from the verb melt 1st conjugation
  • Gluing – suffix -YASH-, as it is formed from the verb to glue 2 conjugations

Spelling adverb suffixes

In adverbs, the spelling of the suffixes -O- and -A- is usually checked.

Spelling of suffixes -O- and -A-

If an adverb is formed in a suffixal way (only using a suffix), then the suffix -O- is written. If an adverb is formed by the prefix-suffix method (using a prefix and a suffix at the same time), then with the prefixes IZ-, DO- and S- the suffix is ​​written -A-, and with the prefixes B-, NA- and ZA- the suffix -O- is written.

For example:

  • Since ancient times - formed from the adjective long ago in a prefix-suffix way, and with the prefix IZ- the suffix -A- is written.
  • To the right - formed from the adjective right in a prefix-suffix way, and with the prefix NA- the suffix -O- is written.
  • Initially - it was formed from the adjective original in a suffixal way (although the word has the prefix IZ-, it was already in the adjective), so the suffix -O- is written.

Spelling of suffixes of verbs and gerunds

In verbs, the spelling of the suffixes -EVA-/-OVA- and -IVA-/-YVA- is usually checked.

Spelling of the suffixes -EVA-/-OVA- and -IVA-/-YVA-

To check the vowel in the suffix of a verb, you need to put it in the first person singular form. If the suffix disappears, then it is written -EVA- or -OVA-, if the suffix remains, then -IVA- or -YVA-. In nouns, participles and gerunds formed from verbs with these suffixes, the suffixes are written according to the same rule.

For example:

  • Grieve – the suffix -EVA-, since in the first person singular form it disappears (I grieve)
  • Assimilate – the suffix -IVA-, since in the first person singular form it is preserved (I assimilate)

It is worth distinguishing the suffixes -EVA- and -IVA- from the suffixes -E-/-I- and -VA-. If you can remove -BA- from a verb, and such a word exists, then it has 2 suffixes -E-/-I- and -VA-, in otherwise there is only one suffix.

Spelling suffixes in past tense verbs

The vowel in the suffix of a past tense verb can be checked by placing the verb in the infinitive. The past tense verb uses the same suffix as the infinitive before -t.

For example: offended - suffix -E-, since in the infinitive to offend the suffix -E- is written.

This benefit fully complies with the federal state educational standard(second generation).
The manual “Spelling of endings of various parts of speech” is intended to improve spelling literacy and speech culture.
The book consists of 5 sections: a theoretical block, which presents basic spelling rules; practical exercises- training at the level of words, sentences, texts; " Feedback"- tasks in the form of tests, keys and a small dictionary in which you can find “difficult” words on the spelling topic in question.
The publication can be used both by students who want to improve their literacy and by teachers of children. in-depth work on spelling with students.

In two cases we can ask ourselves this question, analyzing the words of the Russian language from the point of view of their composition.

Question 1. What is the indefinite form verb: suffix or ending? Some scientists insist that this is an ending, others consider it to be a suffix.

Those linguists who distinguish this morpheme as inflection (ending) believe that in the formation of some verbal forms (past tense, active and passive participle past tense) with the help of suffixes this part of the word is discarded, i.e. behaves like a standard ending (look - look, look, looked, looking, looking).

Another part of linguists argues differently. They believe that the infinitive is an unconjugated verb form, therefore, it cannot have an ending. The same unconjugated verb form is, in particular, a gerund, in which no one tries to highlight the ending. IN modern linguistics V to a greater extent The second of the above points of view is common: -т (option -ti) is a suffix.

Theoretical information. Basic blocks of rules: spelling endings of various parts of speech
Block I. Spelling the endings of nouns (not after sibilants)
Block II. Spelling endings of adjectives, participles, ordinal numbers
Block III. Spelling the endings of nouns and adjectives after sibilants and Ts
Block IV. Spelling verb endings
Training exercises
Exercises based on words and phrases
Training exercises based on sentences and texts
Feedback: check yourself
Test 1. Spelling the endings of nouns
Test 2. Spelling endings of adjectives, participles, ordinal numbers
Test 3. Spelling the endings of nouns and adjectives after a sibilant
Test 4. Spelling verb endings
Keys to training exercises based on words and phrases
Keys to training exercises based on
proposals and texts
Keys to tests

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Spelling: Spelling suffixes of various parts of speech(except -Н-/-НН-): spelling of suffixes of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

1. Spelling of noun suffixes

Suffixes -chick/-schik. Suffix -chick written after roots ending in d, t, z, s, zh, suffix -schik- in other cases (scout, mark, sample, subscriber, defector, porter, changer).

Suffixes -ek/-ik. Suffix -ek written if, when a word is declined, a vowel in the suffix is ​​dropped; suffix -ik it is written if, when the word is declined, the vowel in the suffix is ​​preserved (lock - lock, key - key).

Suffixes -ets/-its. Suffix -ets is written:

  • in nouns male(brother, businessman, loaf);
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the ending (writing, paltetso).

Suffix -its- is written:

  • in nouns female(street, soapbox, mill);
  • in neuter nouns, when the stress falls on the base (dress, structure).

Suffixes -ichk-/-echk-. Suffix -ichk- written in feminine nouns formed from nouns in -its-(onion - onion, mitten - mitten). Suffix -echk- written in words formed from nouns Not on -its- (nanny, little basket, Tanechka).

Suffixes -yshk-/-ushk-/-yushk-. Suffix -ysk- written in neuter nouns (the ending -o is written after it) (grain, sun, bottom). Suffix -ushk- written in masculine and feminine nouns (grandfather, girl, nightingale). Suffix -yushk- is written in words of all three genders (polyushko, dolyushka, uncle).

Suffix -ink-(-in- + -k-)/-enk-. Suffix -inc- written in words formed from nouns with a suffix -in-(straw - straw, rowan - rowan). Suffix -enk- written in diminutive forms nouns on -na, -nya, who have R. p. pl. h. not written at the end soft sign (spinner - spinner - spinner, tower - tower - turret ), as well as in words refugee, sissy, French, cherry and so on.

2. Spelling suffixes of adjectives

Suffixes -iv-/-ev-, -evat-/-evit-. Suffix -iv- written with emphasis -ev- V unstressed position(handsome, arrogant, combative, dashing). Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

Suffixes -ov- And -ev-. After sizzling and ts the suffix is ​​written under stress -ov-, without accent - suffix -ev-(brocade, pepper, reed, key, end, bucket, clothing).

Suffixes -chiv-/-liv-. Always written with And(friendly, changeable).

Suffixes -k- and -sk-. Suffix -To- is written:

  • in qualitative adjectives that have short form(sharp - sharp, low - low);
  • in adjectives formed from nouns with stems k, ch, ts, the suffix -sk- is simplified to k; the sounds k, ch alternate with c (Nenets - Nenets, Cossack - Cossack, weaver - weaver). Exceptions: Uzbek - Uzbek, Uglich - Uglich).

Suffix -sk- saved in relative adjectives with a consonant stem d, t, h, s(sailor, French, fraternal, urban) and with a base on consonants g, k, x, which often alternate (Onega - Onega).

3. Spelling verb suffixes

  1. In past tense verbs before a suffix -l- the same letter is written as in the indefinite form before -th(see - saw, facilitate - facilitated, accept - accepted).
  2. Suffixes are written in the infinitive form of the verb and in the past tense form -ova-, -eva-, if in the 1st person the verb ends in -yu, -yu(I draw - draw).
  3. If the 1st person verb ends in -I am, -I am no emphasis on A, then the suffix -yva-, -iva- persists (to think - I'm thinking, to finish - I'm finishing).

Difficult questions of spelling endings and suffixes of different parts of speech Russian language lesson in 10th grade Author: But Natalya Aleksandrovna, teacher of Russian language and Literature MOU"Veydelevskaya secondary comprehensive school Veydelevsky district Belgorod region»

Training exercises At the station.. of the youth, in the grove.., in the sky.., at the lecture.., in the sanatorium.., in the project.., in life.., at the conference.., about Marie.., Mary. .; subscriber..ik, buken..ik, foundry..ik, perevoz..ich, newspaper..ik; draws..shaft, colors..shares, disbands..wail, eavesdrops..share, calculates..we, tastes..shaft.

Training exercises 1. Write down, indicating the conditions for choosing the spelling depend..t, top..t, okle..t, build..t, plow..t, st..t, strengthen..t, fight..tsya, kat..t, se..t, hide..t, look..t, rub..t, ta..t, fuss..t, breathe..t, count..t, sway..is familiar ..t, study..tsya, climb..tsya, climb..t, rush..tsya, foam..tsya, see..t, fidget..tsya, ve..t

Write down, inserting the missing letters, indicating spelling 2. Dangling..schy, kle..schy, remembering, cherished..my, glued..my, heard..my, under construction, plowing..schy, bringing back..my memories, hating..lies, painting..painting, shaving..waterproof..my raincoat, explaining..my message, breathing heavily..who prophesies..successes

Sources 1. G.A. Bogdanova. Russian language lessons in 8th grade. M. Education I.V. Zolotareva, L.P. Dmitrieva. Lesson-based developments in Russian to A.I. Vlasenkov’s teaching and learning complex. 10th grade M. “VAKO” by Yu.A. Potashkina. Practical guide according to Russian spelling. Voronezh, T.Ya. Frolova. Russian language in drawings and diagrams. Simferopol 2005

Exercise 1. Rewrite, opening the brackets. Determine the type of declension of nouns and their case. Graphically indicate the endings.

To languish in (captivity), play on (piano), hear about (defeat), stand on (square), think about (realization) (idea), travel around ( middle Asia), in quiet (solitude), arrival (parliamentarian), walk along (path), play a role in (development) of the plot, calm down at (thought), fight (duel), come to (mother), visit (construction) , prepare for (audit), participate in (excursion).

Exercise 2. Form the following nouns into the form genitive case singular. If two forms are possible, indicate their differences (semantic, stylistic).

Shine, battle, hail, year, actor, wind, grapes, city, day, tar, income, voice, ship, peas, onion, cry, kvass, leaf, honey, milk, hammer, people, fire, pepper, miss, gunpowder, consumption, garden, table, rumor, sugar, trace, laughter, dispute, snow, brushwood, tea.

Exercise 3. From these cognate words, form the genitive case form. Indicate the endings and explain the spelling.

Son - little son, matchmaker - matchmaker, carrot - carrot, potato - potato, dream - dreaming, exit - trick, request - petition, revenge - revenge, sunrise - ascent, guest - guest, Evgeny - Evgenia, Valery - Valeria.

Exercise 4. Form forms from the following nouns:

a) instrumental case singular: night, rye, degree, path, family, nightingale, young man, station, Borodino, Pushkino, Yuryev, Rostov, Tsaritsyn;

b) instrumental case plural: night, whip, bone, daughter, church, mother, neighbor, beast, nail, guest, acorn, claw, ear, shoulder, knee;

V) prepositional case with prepositions o (about), in, on. Place emphasis. Come up with sentences with these nouns in this form: coast, beast, brooch, jam, wind, whirlwind, gas, eye, gallery, guest, guest, city, genius, house, game, oak, calm, building, wrist, tooth, edge , cue, lie, lichen, elk, bridge, moss, cape, Natalya, vacation, raft, garden, table, radiance, shadow, beehive, surname, mouth, workshop, cold, tea, closet.

Exercise 5. Form the following nouns nominative case plural. If there are variant forms, indicate how they differ. Select the nouns in which the ending -a or -ы performs a semantic distinguishing function. Place emphasis on the formed forms.

Shore, brother, wind, century, cart, pennant, eye, year, town, doctor, contract, debt, foal, mirror, inspector, root, bell, wheel, ring, camp, fur, mother, people, order, vacation, shoulder, conflagration (strong fire), conflagration (ashes), dress, professor, wire, sleeve, sickle, watchman, station, judge.

Exercise 6. From words with what meaning are they formed following forms plural?

Teeth - teeth, bodies - bodies, roots - roots, orders - orders, wires - wires, abacus - bills, currents - currents, brakes - brakes, tones - tones, flowers - colors, anchors - anchors.

Exercise 7. Form the genitive plural form from the following nouns. Highlight the nouns that have this form null ending. Place emphasis.

Orange, banana, mediocrity, ram, Buryat, slaughterhouse, fable, sparrow, cherry, gate, liar, grumbler, raven, viper, goose, preparation, heroine, hollow, bottom, melon, village, brazier, colleague, horse, cuirassier, playpen, manzhet, youngster, Mongol, nanny, sissy, eagle, towel, singer, vacation, doll, dancer, piglet, polynya, gun, trotter, gape, dormouse, son, shutter, sweet tooth, drake, sable, soldier, judge, black grouse, customs house, smart girl, reading room, naughty girl, spinning top, hawk, anchor.

Exercise 8. Indicate the features in the formation of the instrumental singular forms of the following nouns.

Chisinau, Kalinin, village. Kirsanovo, Pskov, Borodino, Sarajevo; Alexander Herzen, Alexander Green, Ivan Petrov, Charles Darwin, Charlie Chaplin.

Exercise 9. Rewrite, inserting the missing letters in the endings, graphically indicate the endings and indicate the case of the noun.

1. And below, on the mountain ash..., busty red-throated bullfinches scattered, and, alarmed, the whole hundred... flew off, and, like beads, sat on the branches of a white birch, shaking off the silver in... (S.- Mick.). 2. The next day the news of the fire... spread throughout the entire neighborhood. Some guessed the truth... and claimed that the culprit of this terrible disaster... was Dubrovsky himself... (P.). 3. Dunno quickly got dressed and climbed the creaky wooden stairs... (Nose.). 4. Icing occurs when... rain and wet snow falls, when... water evaporates, when the air temperature is very low. The most severe icing occurs when the ship is splashed in a wind force of more than five. 5. Arabic books say that in the middle... of the first millennium... the Slavs... conducted great trade with the Greeks. 6. In the morning, on the still yellow winter... only the edges of the puddles were green..., and by the evening all the winter had turned green (Prish.). 7. A cold wind blew... Many times snow began to fall in large flakes. He stretched across the road and disappeared into the spruce forest... a running hare's trail. Foxy, stitched, paw by paw, winding along the roads... (S.-Mik.). 8. One day Fedya got into a fight with Grisha... and Kopeikin... over a bottle of mascara.... It turned out to be a blot on his forehead... No one here could look at him without laughing... (Nose). 9. When a thick cloud floated over the sun..., the cold breeze intensified (Nag.). 10. Water in the tanks... remained only at the very bottom (Cat.). 11. The lighthouse was so high that not every bird could reach its top... In bad weather... the lighthouse went into the foggy heights and its top disappeared... (Home.). 12. You're going. Streams of sand... fall asleep behind your footprint (Sweet). 13. Most great love and the tame crane Vasily Ivanovich (S.-Mik.) was held in high esteem in the aviation detachment. 14. Nothing, of course, can give such an accurate feeling... of the past as a meeting with a living witness (Paust.). 15. There are words, seemingly simple and harmless, which, once spoken at the time..., appear again and again in memory... and do not allow you to live (Nag.).

Exercise 10. Rewrite by putting the nouns (in brackets) in the appropriate case form. Indicate the case of nouns and indicate their endings.

1. Gavrila was overcome by a wave of (memories) of her (village) running down the steep mountain down to (river) hidden in (grove) (M.G.). 2. So he lived with (the feeling) that he could call and come to (Lyubov Petrovna) (Sol.). 3. I sit in (half-oblivion): neither sleeping nor awake (Sweet). 4. The snow at (the foot of) the trees resembled lean sugar (Nag.). 5. I lived in (charm) (incomprehensibility) of the surrounding (Nag.). 6. In the fierce (singing) winds, the heart does not hear the correct (harmony) (Sick.). 7. And how many (deeds), (events), (fate), human (sadness) and (victory) fit into these ten (days), which turned into ten years! (Tward.). 8. The trunks of (apple trees), (pears), (cherries) and plums are painted white to prevent worms (Ch.). 9. Heavy huge clouds (T.) were still crowding in (distance). 10 Desired friend of the unknown (centuries)! You are trembling all over, you are shocked by the past! (Bruce.).

Exercise 11. Rewrite adding the necessary endings.

1. Provincial leader was in despair.... (L. T.). 2. Meanwhile, the horse stood peacefully in the middle of the meadow, buried up to its belly in various grasses... and colorful... (Sol). 3. A pig once wandered into the manor’s yard, around the stables... n... there and the kitchen... leaning (Kr). 4. There is no happiness in inaction... (Tsost). 5. It's getting brighter... autumn evenings touching, mysterious charm... (Tutch). 6. He didn’t eat, drink, or walk around the gallery at all (Lesk.). 1. Beletsky thought that Olenin only wanted to have fun, and Olenin was waiting for his fate to be decided... (L. T.). 8. At the wall of Kitai-Gorod, a group of people surrounded a man in a frieze overcoat... (L. T.). 9. And you can’t hear the chirping of birds, even though the forests in the Volga region... are rich in songbirds (M.G). 10. The Commissioner was getting worse. He lived on morphine..., on camphor... and because of this, he sometimes twitched restlessly in his bed for whole days in a state of... narcotic semi-oblivion (Paul). 11. She found ladies and young people in the garden..., in Malinka. Some ate raspberries, others... wandered through the strawberry beds... (Ch.). 12. Grandma Akulina was not at all surprised by our booty... (Sol.). 13. In the intervals between shots, one could hear the frogs timidly calling out to each other in the swamp... disturbed by the shooting (Shol.). 14. At dinner, Kazakevich told me that tomorrow, after finishing... the novel, he is thinking of going out of town (V. Bel.). 15. Jumping on a parachute... means destroying the plane (Vod.). 16. Peasant hut. Oak table. Oak benches. Image... in the corner (SAlex). 17. While in exile..., the poet often turned to his friends with a request to send him this or that book (Hesse.). 18. They have now reported his arrival... (SAlex). 19. The bear dozes, but listens sensitively to the restless life... winter forest(Zuev). 20. A huge frost-covered elk stands among the phosphorescent shine... of snow, chewing pine needles and blowing clouds of steam... (Zuev). 21. The bitterness of aspen is sweeter than sugar... (Zuev). 22. Every actor has a dream about one role... (Isb.). 23. And in a wonderful way I could forget... my movements were constrained (L.) 24. He wanted to scream out loud... to shout. 25. I felt that this god was an evil and inconvenient old man... (M. G.). 26. An ant... drags a heavy oak tree into the thicket (Marsh). 27. I was killed near Rzhev..., in a nameless swamp.... (TV.). 28. When I approached... he expressed neither fear nor surprise (Abr.).

Exercise 12. Complete the endings and explain their spelling.

Ambarisch..., bagrisch..., swamps..., veslishch..., vetrishch..., vinishch..., wolfishch..., lumps..., golovishch..., gorisch..., courtyards..., money..., heat..., huts..., caftanish..., claws..., mosquitoes..., paws..., calluses..., rogues..., boots..., strength..., mind..., tail..., human..., monsters..., cold.... Belly..., little name..., merchant..., blanket..., salary..., little thing..., clerk..., service..., old man..., bunny..., ruble..., life..., braggart..., fate..., letter..., factory..., little people..., little bed.... Started..., sang..., chimed..., crammed..., rubbed..., barked..., ate..., shone....

Exercise 13. Determine the conjugation of verbs, form the indicated forms and indicate personal endings:

a) 3rd person singular and plural present or future tense: shave, bring out, bend, gnaw, drive, breathe, reap, envy, call, depict, mow, cut, swing, cherish, catch, wave, hate, wash , receive, whistle, create, lay, stand, rub, stick out, assure, smell;

b) 3rd person plural present tense: rotate, twirl, wag, grieve, warm, row, dictate, regret, chew, introduce, go, qualify, prick, peck, paint, dip, carry, weed, sing, whip , slide, interpret, weave, darken, convince, want, bloom, draw, sew.

Exercise 14. Write down the verbs in groups: I and II conjugations.

1. I learned from many to admire a person, to think about him (M. G.). 2. We couldn’t get out, we couldn’t open the hatch - the fire was itching (Tv.). 3. The funniest laughter is to laugh at those who laugh at you (Key). 4. And in fact, the widow has already begun to look at Melita with new eyes (Lesk.). 5. It became interesting for me to compare them with the orders of other administrators (Lesk.). 6. Katyusha did not know how to save money and spent it on herself and gave it to everyone who asked (L. T.). 7. Oblomov ordered several crappy paintings to be taken out (Gonch.). 8. Pelageya Evgrafovna constantly rebelled against this habit of inviting him to dinner. 9. Metal, if you touch it without gloves, instantly sticks to your hands (Ob.).

Exercise 15. Copy, inserting the missing letters, explain the use of personal endings of verbs.

1. Sweetly dozing in the crib (Bl.). 2. He laughs - everyone laughs, eyebrows frown - everyone is silent (P.). 3. Many people also remember how Ivan Onufrich stole...at that time and how the drinking inspector thieve...val for his hair kingdom (S.-Shch.). 4. Snatch a thread with your teeth, put the material on your chest, look carefully to see if it turned out that way (Ast.). 5. And in the bags the geese are cackling and s...ing their tails (Lesk.), b. In any area human knowledge lies the abyss of poetry (Paust.). 7. And it seemed that he saw himself on the big stage... (Personal). 8. Human selfishness in a moment of danger...becomes especially disgusting (Lesk.). 9. Afonya was the first to notice the danger and rushed into the bushes (Alex.). 10. - This minute. Sit down. And I’ll fit in here too (Bob.). 11. It’s a pity, it’s a pity, he’s small-minded and writes nicely...t, translation...t (Alex.). 12. There is an opinion that mushrooms, especially after rain, grow in one night: this is unfair (Ax.). 13. In the summer you won’t see the stars... (Pan.). 14. People will clear the paths, trample...t, leave footprints, but the snow will fall again and everything will be covered...t with almost weightless down pillows (Pan.). 15. What can you see in the Meshchersky region? (Paust.). 16. And over the meadows the wind drives lead clouds (Paust.). 17. I hope you can hide in time under that oak tree over there (Paust.). 18. This, my brother, will never be forgotten - if you breathe in at least once... - you will remember it in a dream (A. T.). 19. Deep dust lay on the wide, endless road; it seemed like you were walking... in velvet shoes (Bun.). 20. The devil knows, people: no matter how hard they try to scratch their tongues, you can’t stop them... (V. Sh.). 21. In the dark gray sky, stars are blinking here and there; a damp breeze occasionally comes in a light wave; a restrained, unclear whisper of the night is heard; the trees make a faint noise, bathed in shadow. Here they put a carpet on a cart, placing a box with a samovar at its feet. The attached hedgehogs...t...s, snort...t and dapper...tread with their feet... You are...e...e...e...ed past the church, from the mountain to the right, across the dam.. The pond is barely starting to smoke. You are a little cold, you cover your face with the collar of your overcoat; you're dozing...t...sya. Meanwhile, the dawn flared...t...xia; now golden stripes are stretching across the sky, in the ravines there is a cloud of...t...s of steam... How freely the chest breathes... (I. Boon.).

Exercise 16. From the following verbs form the 2nd person singular and plural form imperative mood. Mark the endings.

Beat, worry, lead, return, pour, walk, forbid, fry, go, eat, eat, throw, writhe, lie, lie down, freeze, write, spread, chop, repeat, put, ask, put, crawl, drink, read, notify, read.

Exercise 17. Insert the missing letters, underline the endings of the verbs. Formulate a rule that governs the writing of the corresponding vowel.

Sign a letter of resignation from work. You will sign this document today. When you recover, we will leave here immediately, but please recover quickly. Leave the room, it needs to be ventilated. When you leave the forest, a vast space will open up before you. Cross the street only when the traffic light is green. If you are crossing the street, look around. Select the necessary quotes from the text. If you choose the time, visit us. If you apply a lead lotion to the bruised area, the pain will immediately subside. Make every effort to complete the work on the topic.

Exercise 18. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. Specify the verb conjugation.

1. Without wind, the water doesn't sway. 2. Ask with thunder and the answer will come in rain...i.e. 3. Both bed...sh... and sleep...sh... 4. A thin man no respect...sh... 5. Lay down softly, but sleep hard. 6, The shirt is worn out, but the good deed is not forgotten. 7. With whom bread and salt water...sh..., then go...sh... 8. A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by friends. 9. A rare guest is simply merciful, but a frequent guest can hardly be tolerated. 10. Feed...t with a spoon, and stab...t with the handle of the eye. 11. Cities are built not with language, but with rubles and an ax. 12. Out of pity, love did not emerge... 13. As it comes back, so do the responses. 14. Cowardly friend more dangerous than the enemy: Fear...sh...sya of the enemy, but rely...sh...sya on a friend. 15. Someone else’s tears did not grow...yourself joy. 16. After a case, don’t go for advice...t. 17. The horse breaks out...t...sya - catches up...sh..., but the spoken word is not returned...sh... (Proverbs and sayings)

Exercise 19. Rewrite, adding endings of participles, indicate their case form.

1. With his left hand, Zeus rested on a staff, decorated with... the figure of a sacred eagle (Dom.). 2. The legs of Zeus, dressed... in sandals, rested on a bench, supported... along the edges by golden lions (Dom.). 3. In front of the shops, in the square, along wide sidewalk There were portable tents and a crowd of traders with baskets and bags filled with... a variety of products. 4. Old Berestov internally regretted the wasted... labor and time on such useless whims, but remained silent out of politeness (P.). 5. Bottom part, consisting... of twenty-three wide steps, was solemn, the main staircase, leading... from all four sides to the temple (House). 6. Grandmother took away the exhausted... bird and began to reproach the cat... (M.G.). 7. I saw how peasant women came with buckets, unpicked a wooden nail located at the end of the deck, and placed the bucket on large stone slabs under running water (Ars.). 8. Right in front of them there was a large gate, decorated... with huge emeralds, sparkling... so brightly that they blinded even the drawn... eyes of the Scarecrow (Wolf). 9. The yard, once decorated... with three regular flower beds, between which she walked wide road, carefully sweep..., turned into an unmown meadow, on which a tangled... horse (P.) was grazing. 10. But the horse, having galloped to the ravine, had not been noticed by it before..., suddenly rushed to the side, and Muromsky did not sit still (P.). I. They said that once he [the raven] stole money from a lady’s handbag, and another time, during the lunch break, he scattered and stole the documents of some commission that came ... for an audit (S.-Mik.).