Games and exercises for developing the skill of forming diminutive forms of words, plural nouns in the Genitive case. Construction of relative adjectives

Russian language



Lesson 83 (20.01).

Topic: Formation of nouns with diminutive meaning:


– development of skills to establish the method of forming nouns, determine the meaning of suffixes, form nouns using suffixes with a diminutive meaning;

– development of a sense of language based on analysis of the structure of words and identification of various shades of meaning.

Teach to form nouns with a diminutive meaning;

Improve the skill of parsing words by composition, morphological analysis and sound-letter analysis of a word;

Development of spelling vigilance, logical thinking;

Enriching students' vocabulary.

Summarize knowledge about a noun as a part of speech;

Lesson steps

During the classes

Formation of UUD,

TOUU (technology for assessing educational success)

Ι. Updating knowledge.

- Open your notebook.

– What should I write down? (Date.)

Commented number entry.

– Write the words “Cool work.”

Introduction to the section.

– Open the textbook on p. 42. Read the title of the paragraph. Which word is difficult in it?

– How do you understand the title of the paragraph? (How nouns are formed.)

– What parts of a word are used to form new words? (Prefixes and suffixes.)

– What meanings can suffixes add to words?

Cognitive UUD

1. We develop the ability to extract information from illustrations and texts.

2. Present information in the form of a diagram.

3. Reveal the essence and features of objects.

5. Summarize and classify according to characteristics.

6. Focus on the spread of the textbook.

7. Find answers to questions in the illustration.

II. Formulating the problem, planning activities.

1 3 3

– Today we will observe what suffixes are used to form nouns with a diminutive meaning.

– Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Suffixes of nouns with a diminutive meaning.)

The teacher makes a plan together with the children.
- What were we doing now? (We formulated the topic of the lesson, made a plan, planned our activities.)

Regulatory UUD

1. We develop the ability to express our assumptions based on working with the textbook material.

2. Evaluate learning activities in accordance with the assigned task.

3. Predict upcoming work (make a plan).

4. Carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

III. Skill development.

3 4 6 1 3

1. Observation of the meaning and structure of nouns.

1. Ex. 264 – observation of words with the same root is organized in order to establish the difference in meaning due to the meaning of the suffixes that form the word.

Performed according to instructions. Students observe how they were formed from the basewindtwo other words:

wind - breeze; wind - wind.

– Why are there so many kind words in this text? (This is a lullaby

song. It conveys the love of a mother for her child.)

2. Generalization of information obtained as a result of observations.

1. Working with text in a frame on p. 44.

– Read the conclusion in the box on p. 44.

– What suffixes were found in the words of the lullaby?

– Which ones weren’t in it?

– Form using suffixes: - ushk-, -yushk-, -yshk-, -chik-, -yonk-, -onk- new words from the bases of nouns:

grass - grass bell - bell

field - little pole hut - hut

glass - glass hand - little hand

– Watch these words.

– Which of them has a more affectionate meaning? Which ones are diminutive?

– And which ones have both diminutive and affectionate meanings in equal measure?

– Pay attention to the words birch tree, raspberry in a lullaby.

– What do you think is the meaning expressed in them? (A caress, a tree and a berry are of normal size, but they are spoken about tenderly, with love.)

Draw a conclusion: what can the suffixes named in the box express, with the help of which new words are formed - nouns? (Suffixes can have not only a diminutive meaning, but also only a diminutive or only an affectionate meaning.)

2. The answer to the question after the conclusion is in the box (p. 44).

3. Work in the textbook.

1. Exercises in the formation of nouns with a diminutive meaning.

A) Ex. 266 – develops the ability to form nouns from nouns using suffixes -k-, -ok-, -ik-, -onk-, determine the meanings of suffixes.

Commented recording of words according to the model.

Methodical recommendation : It is important when performing this exercise to show that diminutive suffixes in specific words can convey different shades of meaning:

pen, small step- rather a diminutive, butlittle eyes, one small step- affectionate, evaluative.

In addition, we pay attention to the mandatory highlighting of the stems of both words, as this develops the ability to correctly find suffixes - those elements that are added to the original stems.

b) Ex. 267 – develops the ability to form nouns using the suffix -chick-, to determine the shades of meaning that it contributes.

Performed independently, followed by mutual testing in pairs.

V) Exercise “Tender words”. There are 3 columns of nouns written on the slide (board), from the stems of which you need to form affectionate words using diminutive suffixes.

The task can be performed in rows. Pupils from each row read the resulting words. If there are other options for suffixes with the help of which words with an affectionate meaning are formed, the rest of the students from the row complete the answer.

oak – ... apple tree – ... spruce – ...

fox - ... hare - ... goat - ...

sister - ... brother - ... mother - ...

sun - ... road - ... grain - ...

apple – ... berry – ... hat – ...

2. Vocabulary work.

– Write out from the columns of words (exercise “Tender Words”) only those that contain the spelling “Letter of an unstressed vowel in the root, not verified by stress.” Label this spelling.
Questions for the student who did the work (the beginning of the formation of a self-assessment algorithm):

-What did you need to do?

– Did you manage to complete the task?

– Did you do everything right or were there any mistakes?

– Did you compose everything yourself or with someone’s help?

– What was the level of the task?

– What skills were developed during this task?

– What mark would you give yourself?

- Now we are together with... (student's name) learned to evaluate their work.

Communicative UUD

1. We develop the ability to listen and understand others.

2. Construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks.

3. Express your thoughts orally.

4. Ability to work in pairs.

Personal results

1. We develop the ability to show our attitude towards the characters and express our emotions.

2. O value actions in accordance with a certain situation.

3. F We build motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.

IV. Lesson summary.

4 4

– What was the topic of the lesson?

– What new have you learned on this topic?

– What did you do best today?

– What difficulties did you have?

– Who received a mark in the diary today?

- For what?

V. Homework.

Ex. 1, 2, p. 55–56.


1. Introduce students to suffixes of diminutive meaning; teach how to form nouns with suffixes of diminutive meaning.

2. Develop spelling vigilance.
3. Cultivate interest in the subject.

Equipment: signal cards with vowels, table with suffixes, individual cards.


I. Organizational moment.

Well, check it out, my friend,

Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place?
Is everything alright?
Pen, book and notebook?
Is everyone sitting correctly?
Is everyone watching carefully?
Everyone wants to receive
Only a “five” rating.

II. Individual work (using cards):

Exercise 1. Insert missing unstressed vowels:

Br_vno, h_lmy, ch_zhi, p_ro, straight_moy, kitten, fox, l_snoy, line, st_teli, square, autumn, cr_ya, v_lna, v_da.

Task 2. Sort out the words according to their composition:

Sunrises, hikes, travels, inscriptions, departures, raids.

III. Orthographic reading of the date (day, month).

IV. A minute of penmanship:

Task 3. Practice the upper connection in combinations of letters and words. Sort by composition.

-Onk-, -onk-, -enk-, -ok-, -ek-, -ik-, -ok-.

Wind, breeze, picture, picture.

Questions for the assignment:

  • What do the words have in common? (Nouns answer the question What?, inanimate).

  • What two groups can these nouns be divided into? (Without suffixes, with suffixes).

  • What does the combination of letters look like? (These are suffixes).
V. Vocabulary work.

On the desk:

Bed, bed/k/a
V_n_gret, v_n_gret/ik
S_lat, s_lat/ik
St_kan, st_kan/chik
M_lina, m_lin/k/a
L_mon, l_mon/chick

Exercise. Use cue cards to show which vowel letter to write.

Orthographic reading of the noun of the 1st column by boys, the noun of the 2nd column by girls.

Exercise. Write down the nouns of the 2nd column from memory, indicating the spelling and highlighting the suffixes.

One student works at the board. Self-test.

Conclusion: What meaning do these suffixes add to nouns? What are suffixes used for?

VI. Learning new material.

Teacher. Read the title of the section: “Word formation of nouns.” Which word is difficult? Why?
Read a lullaby. What nouns call people and objects affectionately, tenderly?

Exercise. Write down the nouns and observe how they are formed.

Birch tree creaking, creaking,

My daughter is sleeping, sleeping...
My daughter will fall asleep -
Her sleep will take her away
He will take her to the garden,
Under a raspberry bush.
And the raspberry will fall,
It will get in my daughter's mouth.
Sweet raspberry,
Sleep, little daughter.
Birch tree creaking, creaking,
And my daughter sleeps, sleeps...

Sample entry: birch trees A - birch trees onka, daughter - daughter Enka; written on the board indicating the stem, root, and suffix. During recording, spelling words are read.

Questions for the assignment:

  • What did you observe while doing this exercise? (Formation of nouns with a diminutive meaning);

  • From what stems are nouns formed? (From noun stems).

  • Using what suffixes?

  • Why are there only kind words in this text? (This is a lullaby. It conveys the love of a mother for her child.)
VII. Physical education minute.

Singing a lullaby known to children.

VIII. Learning new material(continuation).

Teacher. Name those suffixes of diminutive meaning with the help of which we have already formed nouns.( -ok-, -points-, -k-, -hic-, -chick-, -onk-, -enk-).

What suffixes have not yet been formed with the help of? ( -onk-, -ek-, -ushk-, -yushk-, -yshk-, -chik-, -enk-)

Exercise. Using suffixes, form new words from the stems of nouns:

Grass -
Field -

Glass -
Bell –
Izba –
Hand -
Day -

Which word has an unchecked unstressed vowel?

IX. Independent work.

Exercise. Form nouns with a diminutive meaning using a suffix -chick-:

Loaf, bud, jug, orange, tangerine, tomato, lemon, drum, pancake, soup.

Teacher. What spelling did you come across? (LF).

Peer review.

X. Multi-level tasks.(2 minutes).

  1. From the bases of the nouns “apple”, “fir”, form nouns with a diminutive meaning.

  2. Make up phrases with new nouns.

  3. Incorporate phrases into sentences.

  4. Indicate suffixes of diminutive meaning.
XI. Examination.

Teacher. Who managed to complete the first task? Read the diminutive nouns orthographically.
Who managed to complete the second task?

Spelling reading.

Teacher. Who managed to complete the third task?

Spelling reading.

XII. Lesson summary.

Teacher. What piece of knowledge will each of you take away from the lesson?

All-Russian Festival of Pedagogical Creativity
(2015/2016 academic year)


Pedagogical ideas and technologies: secondary education

Job title:

Russian language lesson on the topic “Formation of nouns with diminutive meaning”

Adyakina Valentina Alekseevna, teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU "Shigalinskaya OOSH" Urmara district of the Chuvash Republic

Place of work:

MBOU "Shigalinskaya OOSH" Urmara district of the Chuvash Republic

Russian language lesson on the topic “Formation of nouns”

with a diminutive meaning"

Lesson objectives: to continue acquaintance with the suffixal method of forming nouns; introduce the formation and spelling of nouns with a diminutive meaning;

develop intellectual skills: analyze, systematize, draw conclusions; cultivate attention and kindness.

Equipment: textbooks, Ozhegov’s dictionary, Russian-Chuvash dictionary, bast products (bast shoes, souvenir - bast shoes)

TSO: computer, projector, presentation, film Russian folk song “Oh you, little night”, blackboard.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. What fabulous weather today. Indeed, our nature is beautiful at any time of the year. I go to school and observe how wonderful it is around, like in a fairy tale. It seems that a fox is about to jump out of a fairy tale and talk to me with his affectionate speech. And here is the fox herself. For what purpose did she come to us? Let's listen to her.

(I came because I decided to please you and our guests with my presence. After all, the New Year, our most beloved, fabulous holiday, is coming soon. (Gives cards). These cards are domestically produced, produced in the 6th grade of our school.

2. Checking homework, ex. 401

What exercise were you assigned for home?

(We were given exercise 401 for home: read an excerpt from a fairy tale by role, remember which fairy tale this excerpt is from.

And here comes the wolf.

(Staging of an episode from a fairy tale)

What words do the fairy tale characters use in conversation? (sister, fish..)

3. Set the mood to predict the topic of the lesson.

1) Determine how the following words are formed (on the screen):

Pisces To and the old man OK Pen yok snow inc. and the house IR lime onk and speech yenk and the mountains points and birdie Echk A

Doom ear and dishes ts e

Let's name the suffixes: -k- -ok-, -yok-, -ink-, -in-, -ochk-, -echk-, -ushk-, -yushk-, yshk-, -ishk-, -ts-, - onk-, -enk-, -ik, -ek-

2) What meaning do these suffixes give to words? (Diminutive)

3) Have you guessed what we will talk about in class? Who will formulate the topic of the lesson?

Determining the topic and objectives of the lesson.

This means that today we will continue our acquaintance with the formation of nouns, namely: we will get acquainted with the formation of nouns with a diminutive meaning, we will learn to correctly write words with such suffixes.

Working with the textbook. Let's read the quatrains of S. Marshak in ex. 402 textbooks, do they contain words with a diminutive meaning? What suffixes are they formed with?

1. Sparrows on wires

They jump and laugh.

That's right, lines from telegrams

Their feet are tickled.

2. The mouse said to the mouse: - How much I love books.

I can't read them

But I can eat them.

Are your books not read by mice? Do you like reading books? What books did you read in 6th grade?

Although the Year of Literature is coming to an end, reading works of fiction must continue.

3) Let's complete task 1: Which consonants alternate when forming the words book, line, leg? What meaning does the suffix -k- give to words?

You can often find the use of the suffix -k- in names: Kolka, Sashka, Yulka. We must remember that -k- in names has a disparaging meaning, although it seems that we call them affectionately: Pashka, Pebble. And what suffix really gives names a diminutive meaning? (Pashenka, Galenka, Yulechka).

What do your mothers affectionately call you?

Are there such suffixes in the Chuvash language? (Veruk, Annechem, Cheppemem)

Slide. Form new words with diminutive suffixes:

Mitten - (mitten), birdie - (birdie), piece of paper (piece of paper), water (water)

What suffixes were used to form these nouns? ( -echk- , -ichk-).

Let's formulate the rule ourselves when to write -echk-, when -ichk-

Students' answers.

Let's check by Slide.

In suffixes -echk- , -ichk- you need to be able to choose the right vowel:

Suffix -ichk- written in feminine nouns formed from words with a suffix -its- bowshiccup a (bowsic A). In other cases the suffix is ​​written -echk- bugashEchk a (bukashTo A)

The teacher makes a table on the board.Let's write it in the dictionary in the form of a table

1. Determine which suffixes are used to form the following nouns:


wolf cub

little man



2. What feature can be noticed in the formation of words? (alternation, the suffix in each word comes after the sibilant)

3. Why are the nouns distributed in columns like this? (1st column -ok-, 2nd -ek-)

4. What determines the choice of vowel in a suffix? (from stress)

5. What conclusion follows from this? Can you formulate a rule for spelling the suffixes –ok-, -ek-?

Conclusion: After hissing under stress in the suffix of nouns, the letter o is written, without stress - the letter e.

Let's fix the rule. Let's complete the tasks in cards. (Individual work)

Circle...k, dot...chka, cap...k, piece...k, ravine...k, worm...k, bitch...k, pie...k, dog...nka, meadow...k, hook...k, bear...k, rook... nok, bunny...nok

Mutual check on the slide, notebooks swapped, corrected in red, assessment.

The suffixes with which the names of the cubs are formed are subject to the same rule.

Circle, dot, cap, piece, gully, worm, knot, pie, dog, meadow, hook, bear, rook, little hare
Let's write this rule in the table

Work at the board.

On the desk:

Sonny ek, nose IR, cornflower ek, brick IR, bell ek

1. Label the suffixes.

2. What rule should be used to correctly write vowels in the suffixes –ik-, -ek-?

We will find this rule in the textbook (B.) on p. 100. Using the rule and reasoning, complete exercise. 251 (B.) (on tape)

Examination. Reading with justification for why you chose e or And. son we write -ek-, because when we change the vowel, the vowel drops out: son, ball - we write -ik-, because when we change the word, the vowel does not drop out: ball. Let's fill in the table on the board and in the dictionary.

Ex. 404(A)

1. Read the proverbs, inserting the missing letters.

2. - How do you understand “A saying is a flower, a proverb is a berry”?

(a saying embellishes speech, and a proverb not only embellishes speech, but also teaches how to live, educates.)

Give examples of what these proverbs teach or educate.

“Pick one berry at a time and you’ll get a box full.”

What does the word mean box? Determine the meaning of the word using the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova.

1. Vocabulary work.

Plow - plow

Body – body.1. Box made of bast or birch bark.

The bast-bast of a young linden, willow,

Bast – 1. Fibrous plant tissue through which organic substances move (special)2. Plast, a piece of bark of linden, elm and certain other deciduous trees, together with the fibrous inner part.3. Fibrous plant tissue used for making yarn

2. The body of the vehicle, cart, crew

In the old days, our hardworking ancestors widely used products made from bast wood: bast served as a building material, it replaced boards; Natural shoes were made from splint. (Showing shoes made of bast). Currently, such shoes are considered a valuable souvenir for tourists.

3. Write off: 1st option 1-3, 2nd 4-6. (Individual work)


Ex. 405

1. Expressive reading

2. Completing tasks after exercise.

This Russian folk song is still performed today. Let's listen to the song and watch the video. And pay attention to the beauty of nature. Nature is beautiful in all seasons. Let's rest a little.

Does the melody match the content of the song? (The melody, like the words of the song, is sad). Why are the words slightly different from the text in the textbook? (This is a folk song, and in folk songs, as in Russian folk tales, there are variations.

What word with a diminutive meaning was heard at the beginning of the song?

Let's get acquainted with the spelling of these suffixes in the textbook on page 153.

Slide. Introducing the suffixes –ONK- -ENK-.

Read the rule, fill out the table

Independent work

Let’s read on p. what other suffixes are used to form nouns with UL meaning 152. Pay attention to the endings of nouns.

Make an ending selection chart.

Noun neuter

masculine inanimate O

noun female

noun masculine animate A

Ex. 409. (Work in pairs)

Orally: one student reads the word, the other forms words with the UL suffix, clearly highlighting the ending.

Neighbor - neighbor, grain - grain...






-ichk- is written in words formed from nouns ending in –itz-.

In other cases - -echk-


C grade, time

-ok- (-ek-),

-onk- -onk-


After sibilants under stress it is writtenO , no accente

small river



If a vowel is dropped, it is written ek,

If it doesn’t fall out, ik

padlock - padlock



After hard consonants

After soft consonants

birch tree


--ushk-, -yushk-,

Yshk-, -ishk-

For feminine nouns and animate masculine nouns it is written at the endA,for neuter nouns and inanimate masculine nouns it is written at the endO


starling - starling

field - pole

house - little house


In m.r.

On Wednesday. p.before the accent

Wed. p.after stress

mountaineer, handsome

coat, letter



Slide. Let's get acquainted with the suffixes in which the letters e are written And And:

In m.r. -EC- (highlander)

On Wednesday. p.before the accent (paltetso) E

J. b. (gorgeous)

Wed. p.after the accent (chair) And

Now let’s consolidate what we learned in this lesson, and also repeat what we learned in previous lessons on the “Phrase” simulator.

Consolidation. Working on the electronic simulator “Phrase”.
Creative dictation. Form nouns with a diminutive meaning from these words.

Knife, hole, window, dove, case, sofa, mirror, finger, field, share, Borya, brother, rooster, river, son, pear,


Little leg, hole, window, darling, little thing, sofa, mirror, finger, little pole, little share, Boryushka, little brother, rooster, little river, little river, son, sonny, Grushenka

Homework. 413, complete all tasks after the text. Prepare New Year's costume.

Making marks.

1 Formation of nouns with a diminutive meaning. 2 Formation of nouns that name animals and their young. Assignment for work at the blackboard Assignment for work in the notebook Assignment for work at the blackboard Assignment for work in the notebook continued

3 Formation of nouns that name a person by his actions or activities. 4 Formation of nouns using the suffix –nik-. Assignment for work at the board Assignment for work in the notebook Assignment for work at the board Assignment for work in the notebook

In Russian, using the suffixes -onk-, -enk-, -ok-, -ek-, -ik-, -ochki-, -ushk-, -yushk-, -yshk-, -k-, -chik- from The bases of nouns form nouns with a diminutive meaning. For example: raspberry - raspberry hut - hut

In Russian, using the suffix -nik-, nouns with different meanings are formed: 1) names of people according to their occupations For example: wizard 2) Names of objects according to their purpose For example: coffee pot (for coffee) 3) Names of places where something grows definite Example: spruce forest

Using suffixes, form nouns with diminutive meanings from these words. Highlight the root and suffix. maiden - ……….. street - …….... starling - …... pie - ……… fire - …….. Berry - ……… hut - …….. man - …… notebook - … … field - ……….. maiden - girl street - streets starling - starling pie - pie fire - fire Berry - berry hut - hut man - little man notebook - notebook field - pole

Form feminine nouns from these words using suffixes. Highlight the suffixes. Sparrow - ……….. hare - …………………... bear - ……….. starling - ………... lion – ……………… elephant – ……………. tiger - ……………... Sparrow - sparrow hare - hare bear - she-bear starling - starling lion - lioness elephant - elephant tiger - tigress

Insert words with the suffix nick into the sentences. 1. Andersen H.K. was great...... 2. In the summer, a beautiful …… It helps to keep the street clean… Our neighbor likes to laugh, he is called a joker and ………. 5. Mom prepared ……… for lunch. with cottage cheese. 6. Milk mushrooms and berries grow in our forest, in summer and autumn a lot of …….. and …….. gather here 7. People who travel a lot around the world are called …… Andersen H.K. was a great storyteller. 2. In the summer, a beautiful flower garden was planted near the house. 3. A janitor helps keep the streets clean. 4. Our neighbor loves to laugh, he is called a joker and joker. 5. For lunch, mom prepared dumplings with cottage cheese. 6. Milk mushrooms and berries grow in our forest; in summer and autumn many mushroom pickers and berry pickers gather here. 7.People who travel a lot around the world are called travelers.

Games and exercises for formation of the skill of forming diminutive forms of words, plural nouns in the Genitive case.

Speech therapist teacher: Sarkisyan Gayane Yurievna

In the course of normal speech development, of all the suffixes available in the language, the child learns diminutive suffixes first. According to A.N. Gvozdev, the first cases of the use of forms with these suffixes are noted in the speech of children at approximately the age of 1 year, 2 months, and 22 days. In the period from 1 year 8 months. up to 2l.2m. The most commonly used suffixes are -k-, -ok-, -ochk-, -echk-.

This can be explained by two reasons. The first of them is that he very often hears words with these suffixes from adults: he is asked give a pen, brush your teeth, wash your face, go to bed etc. Therefore, the child easily remembers exactly these forms of words.

The second reason is that adding to words

Diminutive suffixes least of all change the semantic meaning of words. For example, crib it stays that way bed, that is, an object for sleeping, and only seems to decrease in size. . Adding other suffixes to words usually dramatically changes their semantic meaning.
However, despite the relative ease of assimilation of the general semantic meaning of diminutive suffixes, children at the same time cannot immediately assimilate these numerous suffixes themselves and learn to use them correctly. This leads to the fact that in the early stages of speech development they replace more rarely occurring suffixes with more common ones. So, having learned the semantic meaning of the diminutive suffix -hic-, by analogy with the word table they say little horse instead of horse, rooster instead of cockerel, lamp instead of bulb and so on.
All of the above indicates that it is very important to each provide to a preschool child timely assistance in faster and easier assimilation of both diminutives and all other suffixes.

Here are some games and exercises that will help you develop in children the correct use of words with diminutive suffixes.

1.Game “Who is the most attentive?”

The teacher gives the children cards - symbols with images of large and small circles and gives the task: “When I talk about large objects, show the card with a large circle. And when about small ones, a card with a small circle.” Next, the teacher pronounces a number of nouns in the initial form and diminutive form. Children distinguish these shapes by ear and pick up the correct card. Words are pronounced with the same intonation so that children, when differentiating, focus only on the morphemic composition of the word.

2.Dynamic pause. Ball game "Say the opposite."

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Say it the other way around.” He explains the rules: “I will talk about large objects, and you will talk about small ones,” and throws the ball to all the children in turn. Then the speech therapist talks about small objects, and the children talk about large ones.

3. Game “Mom and Daughter”.

An adult shows pictures of mother and daughter and says: “Mom teaches her daughter and performs actions with large objects. Listen. Mom ties a scarf. My daughter does the same with small objects. Tell me, what is your daughter doing?” The children answer: “My daughter is tying a scarf.” In this way, other phrases suggested by the speech therapist are also changed.

4. Game "Changers".

We will play with the ball and change the sentences. I will tell each of you a sentence and throw the ball. You change the sentence so that it contains affectionate words, and throw the ball back.

- The dog is chasing the hare. (The dog catches up with the bunny.)

Mom is knitting a sock. (Mommy is knitting a sock.)

A squirrel chews a pine cone. (The squirrel gnaws on a cone.)

Dad is reading a book. (Daddy reads a book.)

Lena puts on a skirt. (Lenochka puts on a skirt.)

5. Game “From what?”

The hero of the story “Dunno”, Siropchik, loves to cook and treat his friends with jam. Let's name the berries that we collected for our treat (raspberry, lingonberry, cherry, etc.)

6. Game “Sweets for Donut”

Did you guys find out who it is? That's right, our sweet tooth, Donut. Today is his birthday and he is most looking forward to sweet gifts. Let's treat our friend with sweets.

7. Game “Gifts for Mashenka and Vanechka”

Target: - Formation and use of nouns with diminutive suffixes;

8. Game "Fourth wheel".

Four pictures are placed on the board: three pictures depicting large objects and one picture depicting a small object. For example, a nose, a scarf, a house, a bush. Children are asked to name the pictures, highlight the odd one and explain why it doesn’t fit. In this way, five to six rows are worked out.

9. Game "Who has who?". During the game you need pictures with

depicting animals and their young.

First, the teacher asks the children a riddle about an animal. For example: “The tail is in a fluffy arc. Do you know this animal? Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed, can climb trees, he builds his house in a hollow so that he can live warm in winter. Who is this?" (Squirrel).

“What do you call a baby squirrel? (Little squirrel)."

“Now we will play the game “Who has who?” To do this, you need to remember baby animals.”

The teacher names the animals and shows pictures. Children remember the names of baby animals (fox, kitten, etc.)

10. Consolidating diminutive suffixes in poems and nursery rhymes.

1.) Ripe raspberries

Collect in a basket

And your picture

Put it in the machine.

Grew up by the path

Slender mountain ash,

And with a rowan next to it -

Nice aspen.

2.) Fox-sister

I kept drinking water

Visiting a titmouse.

From a little bird.

3) For a long time I listened to the nightingale,

Until my little head gets tired.
The swan floats smoothly, the crane flies into the distance.

11.Grammar in stories and fairy tales.

Topic: "Vegetables"

Target:- Formation and use of nouns with diminutive - affectionate suffixes;

Agreement of adjectives with nouns in number and gender.

Dispute in the garden.

One day, in the garden, the vegetables started an argument about which of them was the best.

I, carrot, am so beautiful and useful - I am the best!

No, it’s me, the cucumber, the best: I’m so green, long, crispy and tasty!

What are you saying, we, tomatoes, are the best! Look at us: we are so red and round - just a sight for sore eyes!

No, I, little onion, am the best! I have such long, thin, green feathers like none of you!

Whatever you say, you won’t find anyone better than dill in the whole garden! I'm so fragrant and green!

So the vegetables argued all day - who was the best, no one wanted to give in. And in the evening, grandma came to the garden and put carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and dill in a basket and then prepared a salad from them. Grandmother and grandfather ate this salad and said: “The salad made from our vegetables is the best and most delicious!”