Two initially resting electrons are accelerated into the electric. Problems on the topics magnetic field and electromagnetic induction

Environmental control is an integral link in the system of engineering and environmental support for industrial production, construction or other types of labor activity.

General targetenvironmental control , or quality control environment, can be defined as ensuring compliance with current environmental and resource-saving rules, requirements and standards at all stages of production, construction or other human activity associated with active or indirect changes in the state of the environment environment (or its components, including the person himself).

Environmental control must be multilateral, i.e., not exclude any area of ​​human activity that in one way or another affects changes in the state of the environment.

Main tasks of environmental control :

    formation of an information base for the state and changes of the environment;

    obtaining necessary and sufficient information on the impacts and state of the environment according to the criteria of completeness, accuracy and reliability natural environment, identification of cases of harmful effects on individual components or the natural environment as a whole, prevention of excess environmental damage and etc.

Monitoring the state of the natural environment in terms of parameters that do not require the use of special control, measuring and laboratory analytical equipment can be directly assigned to employees of production control services. The task of such services is to determine the qualitative characteristics of environmental changes and violations, promptly identify the culprits, and in special cases invite environmental inspectors for instrumental measurements and quantitative assessment of damage with the appointment of appropriate sanctions.

6.2. Engineering and methodological issues of environmental control regulation

A large number of controlled objects, stages and types of environmental control, goals and objectives of its implementation give rise to many situations related to the organization and technique of control, determines the variety of methods used technical means and control methods, requirements for the qualifications and specialization of the controllers themselves, regulatory and technical documentation.

In general, all types of environmental control can be viewed from two points of view. In one case the object of control are harmful man-made (ornatural) impacts on the natural environment. In this case, it is necessary to determine the quantitative characteristics of mechanical, thermal, chemical and other influences. The results obtained are compared with the normative ones - the maximum permissible for given natural and climatic conditions.

With environmental monitoring of this type, the following measurements are possible: linear-angular, forces and masses, electrical and magnetic, optical, chemical-analytical, etc., since control and measuring equipment for these purposes was created in different departments at different times. In other words, among the measuring and control tools you can find almost all the main types of measurements that correspond to the classification accepted in metrology.

Otherwise the object of environmental control is the natural environment itself, subject or not subject (background control) to harmful influences. In this case, as a rule, the quality of individual components or complexes of the natural environment is determined using analytical methods and mass (volume) measurements in order to identify the composition and concentration of certain substances, usually harmful. The results obtained are compared with the standards.

All its varieties are united into a single complex or system of environmental control, first of all, by the methodological and criterial commonality of standardization of the maximum permissible values ​​of controlled or measured parameters that determine the quality of environmental components or the characteristics of impacts on these components of the natural environment.

In each individual type of environmental control, one can trace the methodological continuity of the experience accumulated in a particular environmental inspection. Unfortunately, the departmental disunity of inspections does not contribute to the development of a unified criteria-based approach to the standardization of permissible impacts or concentrations, and prevents the establishment of restrictions required from the conditions of existence and development of the natural environment.

Historically, the environmental inspection service (for any type of protection of environmental components) is created in the department that allows the main harmful impacts. Naturally, the impact standards and their compliance are biased. However, a common criterion for standardizing permissible values ​​of impacts or concentrations has nevertheless emerged."

Main criteria when regulating environmental standards and tolerances, there were two functions: the usefulness and harmfulness of impacts and concentrations for humans, and then for the entire biota, i.e., including flora and fauna. The presence of criterion generality alone is not enough to combine all types of monitoring of the state and impacts on the natural environment into a single system. It is necessary to achieve methodological and organizational commonality.

The task of developing methodological and organizational commonality is somewhat facilitated by the fact that most types of control are based on analytical methods determination or comparison of certain mass concentrations. In environmental monitoring, linear, mass and volumetric measurements are also widely used, but they are usually auxiliary and are used to determine specific characteristics of concentrations and effects.

However, in all cases the final the task of environmental control is determination of the qualitative composition and quantitative characteristics of impacts, substances and their concentrations in a given measure (volume, mass, area) to compare the obtained values ​​with a given measure and evaluate the results from the standpoint of usefulness or harmfulness for biota.

It must be assumed that these requirements will make it possible to justify and develop over time:

General theoretical principles and a unified methodology for assigning norms (permissible quantitative and qualitative variations from “normal” values ​​determined by background control or other methods)^

A unified system of metrological support for environmental control, based on a set of state standard samples of the composition and properties of substances accepted as normal;

A unified system of information and reference data (database) for environmental support of production and construction;

Training programs for targeted training of specialists in integrated environmental control, etc.

Parameters and indicators of environmental control or environmental protection standards are established by a system of state standards for environmental protection. Currently, there are more than 100 different standards regulating protection standards atmospheric air, superficial and groundwater, soils, geological environment (lands, soils, subsoil), forests and other lands, aquatic and terrestrial flora, all types of fauna. A number of environmental control standards are defined by state legislation.

The variety of documents regulating nature protection and regulating environmental control makes their practical use extremely difficult. They are very difficult to collect, study and take into account, especially in places where environmental control is carried out during construction work. In addition, the overall large number of various individual environmental standards does not solve one of the main problems of environmental protection - an unambiguous, comprehensive determination of the conditions of environmental balance for any particular territory.

Rationing and control individual parameters natural environment must be carried out based on general criterion restoration or improvement of disturbed components of the natural environment, but the conditions for achieving such a state are not specified in the standards. This complicates technological design, implementation of environmental restoration work, and also quality control of projects (environmental assessment) and work (environmental control in production form).

The problem of regulatory support for environmental protection activities can be solved by developing uniform norms and rules for environmental protection, containing the necessary “squeeze” from the entire range of current normative and technical documentation (NTD) for each case of production or construction activities, as well as the life of societies in the systems “ person - object - technology - region", the widespread use of modern information and computing technology.

All current norms and rules for nature conservation are stored in a systematized form in the computer database. Then, from the database, in a targeted manner, all the necessary information is selected for a specific case - an environmental situation. The technical documentation database can function independently or as part of integrated system information support for environmental activities.


1. Concept, types and tasks of environmental control

2. State environmental control

3. Departmental and industrial and public environmental control




Environmental control is the most important legal measure to ensure rational use of natural resources and protection of the environment from harmful influences, the function government controlled and the Legal Institute of Environmental Law. Based on the role of environmental control in the environmental protection mechanism, it can be assessed as the most important legal measure. It is through environmental control that the compulsion of the relevant subjects of environmental law to comply with environmental requirements is mainly ensured. Measures of legal liability for environmental violations are applied either in the process of environmental control or with the involvement of other government bodies.

It was previously emphasized that the function of environmental control is also performed when implementing other legal measures to ensure rational use of natural resources and environmental protection - environmental regulation, environmental assessment, environmental licensing, environmental certification. But within all these areas of activity, environmental control, i.e. ensuring compliance with environmental and legal requirements is carried out objectively, incidentally, in relation to each of the named types of activities. The implementation of any of these measures, as well as environmental control, is a purposeful activity of specially authorized state bodies, carried out within the framework of the procedure established for them, on the basis of special legal norms.

1. Concept, types and tasks of environmental control

Russian administrative law distinguishes two types control activities– control and supervision. Environmental control refers to the activities of authorized entities to verify compliance and fulfillment of the requirements of environmental legislation. Administrative supervision is a specific type state control. Its essence is to monitor the implementation of environmental regulations in force in the field of management. Supervision is carried out in relation to bodies executive power, enterprises, public formations and citizens. At the same time, some government bodies exercise both control and supervision. Environmental control as a legal measure performs a number of functions – preventive, informational and punitive.

The role of the preventive function is that subjects of environmental control, knowing about the possible verification of their compliance with legal environmental requirements, are interested in complying with the law and preventing violations. The information function is related to the fact that in the process of control, the relevant bodies and persons collect a variety of information about the environmental activities of controlled and supervised objects. The punitive function is manifested in the application of sanctions provided for by law to violators of legal environmental requirements based on the results of appropriate inspections.

In environmental practice in Russia, the following types of environmental control are distinguished: state, departmental, industrial, public. The criteria for such classification are the subject on whose behalf the control is carried out and the scope of the control.

2. State environmental control

The task of state environmental control is to ensure compliance with legal requirements for rational use natural resources and environmental protection from pollution by all government agencies, enterprises, organizations and citizens to whom such requirements are addressed. State control is therefore supra-departmental in nature.

An essential feature of state environmental control is that it is carried out on behalf of the state. State control in this area carried out within the framework of the environmental function of the state largely determines the effectiveness of this function. Potentially, state environmental control, more than other types of control, can influence the process of fulfilling environmental requirements, since it, as a tool for implementing the environmental function of the state, can use not only its own state powers, but also resort to the support of law enforcement agencies - the prosecutor's office and the court. The main measures of administrative coercion in this case are measures of administrative restraint (suspension or termination of the operation of environmentally harmful facilities), administrative liability (warning, fine, etc.), administrative procedural measures (raising the issue of bringing to criminal or administrative liability, compensation for environmental damage or application of public pressure measures).

State environmental control is carried out in the form of preventive and current. The task of preventive control is to prevent economic, managerial and other activities that in the future may have an impact on harmful effects on nature. Such control is carried out at the stages of planning or designing this activity, project implementation, and commissioning of facilities. Current state environmental control is carried out by specially authorized bodies at the stage of operation of enterprises and other environmentally significant objects, in the process of environmental management.

According to the division of state environmental management bodies and environmental protection into bodies of general and special competence, state environmental control can be divided into general and special (supra-departmental). General environmental control is carried out by the authorities general competence, special – by bodies of special competence. The division of state environmental control into general and special determines the specificity of the forms and methods of its implementation.

State environmental control is carried out on certain principles. The main ones are legality, objectivity, separation of economic and control functions. The principle of legality is manifested in the fact that such control can only be carried out by authorized bodies within the competence and powers determined by regulatory legal acts. Objectivity is based on reliable data on the activities of the controlled object. The principle of separation of economic and control functions is typical only for specially authorized bodies of state environmental control. It is mainly of a doctrinal nature and is not directly enshrined in legislation. Its essence lies in the fact that the function of conducting special state environmental control cannot be assigned to bodies exploiting natural resources.

Legal basis the organization and implementation of state environmental control are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws regulating the status of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of Russia and the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, environmental legislation, as well as a number of special by-laws.

State general environmental control is carried out by the President of Russia, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, representative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the administration of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

State special (supra-departmental) environmental control is carried out primarily by bodies of supra-departmental competence. This type control is characterized, firstly, by the fact that these bodies, within their competence, control the activities of executive authorities, enterprises, as well as citizens on issues of environmental management and environmental protection. Secondly, there is no organizational subordination between the subjects and objects of this control.

The range of bodies authorized to carry out state supra-departmental environmental control is wide. The system of such bodies includes specially authorized state bodies in the field of environmental protection, use and protection of certain natural resources:

Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation;

Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources;

Federal Water Resources Agency;

Federal Forestry Agency;

Federal Agency for Subsoil Use.

Specially authorized bodies carry out state environmental control in the form of preventive and current. In this case, preventive control is carried out in relation to various types environmentally significant activities and different ways. The main ones are coordination with environmental authorities and their issuing opinions on draft decisions. So, in accordance with Art. 65 of the LC RF, construction sites for facilities that affect the condition and reproduction of forests are agreed upon with the government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the relevant territorial body federal forestry management body with mandatory state environmental impact assessment. Specific methods of carrying out preventive environmental control also include conducting a state examination of pre-project and project documentation for the construction and reconstruction of economic and other facilities that affect the state of the environment. water bodies, which is a check of its compliance with the original data, technical specifications and the requirements of regulatory documentation for design and construction (Article 80 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Current state environmental control is carried out by specially authorized bodies at the stage of operation of enterprises and other environmentally significant objects, in the process of environmental management. The Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources and its territorial bodies are called upon to exercise state control not only over environmental protection, but also over the rational use of natural resources and the protection of individual natural resources.

The most important condition for solving the tasks assigned to state environmental control bodies is the availability of sufficient powers of state environmental inspectors. Their most important powers are provided for by the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”.

In addition to specially authorized bodies in the field of environmental management and environmental protection, special functions Functional ministries and departments are assigned to carry out environmental control and supervision. For example, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia), through its departments for management of hunting resources and fisheries, carries out state control over the use and protection of game animals and hunting farm; carries out supervision of compliance with hunting rules, issuing certificates for the right to hunt and permits (licenses) for the production of game animals in the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia also exercises state control over the protection and use of water resources. biological resources; controls: the intended use by fishing enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership allocated to them public funds; operation of fish passages and fish protection structures; fulfillment of obligations under intergovernmental agreements, conventions and other agreements in the field of regulation of fisheries, protection and reproduction of aquatic biological resources.

Officials of state environmental control bodies have the right, in accordance with the established procedure:

visit enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of form of ownership and subordination, including military units, special facilities and services of the Armed Forces, internal affairs bodies and state security, get acquainted with documents, test results, and other materials necessary for the performance of their official duties;

check work treatment facilities and other neutralizing devices, means of their control, compliance with environmental quality standards, environmental legislation, implementation of plans and measures to protect the natural environment;

issue permits for the right of emission, discharge, placement harmful substances;

establish, in agreement with sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities, standards for emissions and discharges of harmful substances from stationary sources of environmental pollution;

appoint a state environmental assessment and ensure control over the implementation of its conclusions;

demand the elimination of identified deficiencies, give, within the limits of the rights granted, instructions or conclusions on the placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation of facilities;

bring guilty persons to administrative responsibility in the prescribed manner, send materials about bringing them to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability, bring claims to court or arbitration court on compensation for harm caused to the environment or human health by violations of environmental legislation;

make decisions to limit, suspend, or terminate the operation of enterprises, structures, other facilities and any activities that cause harm to the natural environment and pose a potential danger to human health.

The decisions of these bodies are binding. They can be appealed to a court or arbitration court.

An important type of state environmental control is environmental monitoring. The procedure for organizing and conducting state environmental monitoring is regulated by federal laws (the Law “On Environmental Protection”, Forestry, Water, Land Codes, laws on subsoil, on wildlife, etc.) and other acts of environmental legislation. Industry monitoring is carried out by specially authorized bodies of state environmental management for certain species natural resources.

3. Departmental and industrial and public environmental control

The essence of departmental environmental control is mainly to ensure central authorities executive power of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation to fulfill legal requirements for rational use of natural resources and environmental protection of subordinate facilities. Such objects are government agencies, organizations and enterprises subordinate to higher authorities. Let us draw attention to the fact that departmental control is carried out by state bodies, but it is not part of the state environmental control discussed above. The difference between them is, first of all, in the sphere of implementation: departmental control is limited to the industry sphere, state control is of a supra-departmental nature. Another significant difference is that the objects of supra-departmental control are not subordinate to regulatory authorities.

The functions of conducting departmental control are, as a rule, provided for in the regulations on central government bodies. Departmental control is also carried out by ministries and departments responsible for managing natural resources and environmental protection.

The scope of industrial environmental control is the production and economic activities of enterprises and other economic entities. The importance of carrying it out and high efficiency due to the fact that enterprises are the main category of natural resource users. They are primarily addressed with legal requirements related to ensuring rational use of natural resources and protecting the environment from harmful influences.

The content of production control depends primarily on the specifics of the enterprise. Environmental control is carried out by the head of the enterprise, heads of functional services (chief engineer, power engineer, technologist, mechanic, etc.) and production departments. Monitoring by environmental services may be potentially most useful.

Federal Law “On radiation safety population" establishes more stringent requirements for industrial control to ensure radiation safety. According to Art. 11, the procedure for conducting production control is determined for each organization, taking into account the characteristics and conditions of the work it performs and is agreed upon with the executive authorities exercising public administration, state supervision and control in the field of ensuring radiation safety.

Measures to suppress detected violations of legal environmental requirements within the framework of departmental and production control are taken by authorized officials. In enterprises, this is usually the manager.

Taking into account the high public danger of incorrect handling of radioactive substances The said Federal Law gives officials exercising production control over ensuring radiation safety the right to suspend work with sources ionizing radiation upon detection of violations of sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards, radiation safety rules, state standards, building codes, labor protection rules, administrative, instructive, methodological documents in the field of ensuring radiation safety in the relevant organization until the detected violations are eliminated.

The effectiveness of departmental and industrial environmental control largely depends on interaction with state environmental control bodies. Such interaction has not yet been developed. Moreover, enterprise managers and environmental services consider it their task to protect the interests of the enterprise in any way, including by concealing facts of violation of environmental legislation, submitting false information to government agencies, and sometimes even directly condoning violations. Cooperation between state, departmental and industrial environmental control bodies is an important reserve for increasing the efficiency of environmental activities in the different levels.

Taking into account the fact that a person, his rights and freedoms are highest value, in order to realize everyone’s right to a favorable environment, as well as in connection with the low efficiency of the state’s implementation of the environmental function, in Russian law environment there is an acute problem of developing and implementing a modern concept of public environmental control.

In the emerging legal mechanism of interaction between society and nature, there is a significant shift in the direction of its democratization. It is important that citizens and public environmental associations have received some opportunities to participate, within the framework of the law, in ensuring the implementation or monitoring of the implementation of environmental requirements in the business and management spheres at the stages of preparation and adoption of economic and management environmental significant decisions. It's about about the possibilities of their implementation of control functions within the framework of a number of the following procedures, more or less regulated by law.

In accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation, citizens public organizations, associations and bodies of territorial public self-government have the right to participate in the consideration of issues related to the seizure and provision of land plots for construction industrial enterprises and other non-agricultural needs affecting the interests of the population. Public control functions to verify compliance with environmental requirements are also implemented through public hearings based on the results of assessing the impact of planned activities on the environment. Important form The implementation of public environmental control over the activities of enterprises and government bodies is to require information from them about environmental protection activities and the state of the environment, the right to which is provided for by a number of laws. Based on the information received, citizens and public groups have the right to appeal decisions, actions and inactions that violate their environmental rights and legitimate interests in court. Conducting public environmental control may also involve appealing in court the conclusion of the state environmental assessment if it contradicts the requirements of the law, environmental rights and interests of citizens and public groups.


Environmental control in Russia is carried out in the form of state, industrial, departmental and public control.

State environmental control is carried out by federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities Russian Federation in order, established by the Government RF.

Decisions made by officials of state environmental control are binding on all ministries and departments, enterprises, officials and citizens. Based on these decisions, the relevant banking institutions must stop financing prohibited activities until the decision to ban them is canceled by the state environmental control body.

Decisions of state environmental control bodies and officials can be appealed to a court or arbitration court.

Industrial environmental control is carried out in order to ensure the implementation in the process of economic and other activities of measures for environmental protection, rational use and restoration of natural resources, as well as in order to comply with the requirements in the field of environmental protection established by legislation in the field of environmental protection.

Public control in the field of environmental protection is carried out by public and other non-profit associations in accordance with their charters, as well as by citizens in accordance with the law, in order to realize the right of everyone to a favorable environment and prevent violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection.


  1. Brinchuk M.M. Environmental law (environmental law): Textbook for higher legal educational institutions. M., 2004.
  2. Bogolyubov S.A. Environmental law. Textbook for universities. M., 2005.
  3. Vedenkin N.N. Environmental Law: Questions and Answers. M., 1999.
  4. Gusev R.K. Environmental Law: Tutorial. M., 2004

Russian administrative law distinguishes two types of control activities - control and supervision. Environmental control refers to the activities of authorized entities to verify compliance and fulfillment of the requirements of environmental legislation. Administrative supervision is a specific type of state control. Its essence is to monitor the execution of existing regulations.

Concept, types and tasks of environmental control

Environmental control is the most important legal measure to ensure rational use of natural resources and protection of the environment from harmful influences, a function of public administration and a legal institution environmental law. Based on the role of environmental control in the environmental protection mechanism, it can be assessed as the most important legal measure. It is through environmental control that the compulsion of the relevant subjects of environmental law to comply with environmental requirements is mainly ensured. Very often, measures of legal liability for environmental violations are applied in the process of environmental control or as a result of its results.

It was previously emphasized that the function of environmental control is also performed when implementing other legal measures to ensure rational use of natural resources and environmental protection - environmental regulation, environmental assessment, environmental licensing, environmental certification. But within all these areas of activity, environmental control, i.e. Ensuring the fulfillment of environmental and legal requirements is carried out objectively, incidentally, in relation to each of the named types of activities. The implementation of any of these measures, as well as environmental control, is an independent, purposeful activity of specially authorized state bodies, carried out within the framework of the established procedure, on the basis of special legal norms and aimed at solving their tasks.

XVI. Legal basis of environmental control

the field of environmental regulations management. Supervision is carried out in relation to executive authorities, enterprises, public organizations and citizens.

Environmental control as a legal measure performs a number of functions - preventive, informational and punitive.

The role of the preventive function is that subjects of environmental control, knowing about the possible verification of their compliance with legal environmental requirements, independently become active in fulfilling legal requirements and preventing violations. The information function is related to the fact that in the process of control, the relevant bodies and persons collect a variety of information about the environmental activities of controlled and supervised objects. The punitive function is manifested in the application of sanctions provided for by law to violators of legal environmental requirements.

In environmental practice in Russia, the following types of environmental control are distinguished: state, departmental, industrial, municipal, public. The criteria for such classification are the subject on whose behalf the control is carried out and the scope of the control.

The task of state environmental control is to verify and ensure compliance with legal requirements for the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection by all government bodies, enterprises, organizations and citizens to whom such requirements are addressed. State control is therefore of a supra-departmental nature.

An essential feature of state environmental control is that it is carried out on behalf of the state. Exercised within the framework of the environmental function of the state, state control in this area largely determines the effectiveness of this function. Potentially, state environmental control, more than other types of control, can influence the process of fulfilling environmental requirements, since it, as a tool for implementing the environmental function of the state, can use not only its own powers of a state-imperious nature, but also resort to

to support law enforcement agencies - the prosecutor's office and the court. The main measures of administrative coercion in this case are measures of administrative restraint (suspension or termination of the operation of environmentally harmful facilities), administrative liability (warning, fine, etc.), administrative procedural measures (raising the issue of bringing to criminal or administrative liability, compensation for environmental damage or application of public pressure measures).

State environmental control is carried out in the form of preventive and current. The task of preventive control is prevention of economic, management and other activities that in the future may have a harmful impact on nature. Such control is carried out at the stages of planning or designing this activity, project implementation, and commissioning of facilities. Current state environmental control carried out by specially authorized bodies at the stage of operation of enterprises and other environmentally significant objects, in the process of environmental management.

According to the division of state environmental management and environmental protection bodies into bodies of general and special competence, state environmental control can be divided into general and special. General environmental control is carried out by bodies of general competence, special- bodies of special competence. The division of state environmental control into general and special determines the specificity of the forms and methods of its implementation.

State environmental control is carried out on the basis of certain principles. The main ones:

Openness and accessibility for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and other natural resource users, regulatory legal acts establishing mandatory environmental requirements, the implementation of which is verified during state control (supervision);

Legality. This principle is manifested in the fact that such control can only be carried out by authorized bodies within the competence and powers determined by regulatory legal acts;

Frequency and efficiency of control measures, providing for their complete and fastest implementation within the established time frame;

XVI. Legal basis of environmental control

Objectivity, which is based on reliable and complete data on the activities of the controlled object;

Separation of economic and control functions. This principle is typical only for specially authorized state environmental control bodies. Previously of a mainly doctrinal nature, it is now enshrined in Art. 65 of the Law on Environmental Protection. Its essence lies in the fact that the function of conducting special state environmental control cannot be assigned to bodies exploiting natural resources;

Possibility of appealing against actions (inaction) of officials of state control (supervision) bodies that violate the procedure for carrying out control measures defined by law.

The legal basis for the organization and implementation of state environmental control is established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws regulating the status of the President of Russia, the Government of the Russian Federation and the governments of the constituent entities of the Federation, environmental legislation, as well as a number of special by-laws. The main acts include the Laws on environmental protection (Articles 64-66), on subsoil (Article 37), on fauna (Article 16) and on the protection of atmospheric air (Article 24), the Land Code of the Russian Federation (Article 71), Water Code of the Russian Federation (Article 81), Forest Code of the Russian Federation (Article 76). In accordance with these laws, the Government of the Russian Federation has approved a number of provisions on the implementation of state control over the use and protection of certain natural resources (see Appendix 1).

State control in the sphere of interaction between society and nature is also regulated by law general- Federal Law of August 8, 2001 “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision)” 1. Although this Law, judging by its name, regulates relations in the field of protecting the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision), it provides for a number of significant provisions for the organization and conduct of control that are important for the effective implementation of this most important function government controlled.

2. State environmental control

As provided in Art. 1 of this Federal Law, it does not apply to control measures, the implementation of which does not require interaction of state control (supervision) bodies with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and they are not assigned responsibilities for providing information and fulfilling the requirements of state control (supervision) bodies, as well as control measures carried out in relation to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on their initiative. In the context of the Law, a control event is a set of actions by officials of state control (supervision) bodies related to checking the implementation of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur mandatory requirements. It is obvious, firstly, that in relation to state environmental control, interaction with legal entities or individual entrepreneurs is necessary and useful for both parties, and secondly, a number of mandatory environmental requirements apply to these entities as users of natural resources.

2.1. State general environmental control

State general environmental control is carried out by the President of Russia, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the governments (administrations) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The powers of the President of Russia as the head of state to conduct environmental control are regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other acts. Such control is carried out in the form of direct control of the President and indirect control through units of his administration. The President of the Russian Federation exercises direct control through the selection and placement at the federal level of personnel related to solving environmental problems in the country. On the recommendation of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, he appoints ministers, chairmen of state committees, and heads of federal services.

Presidential control is exercised through the Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and its territorial divisions (district inspectorates), authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the Federation.

State general environmental control is also carried out by executive authorities of general competence -

XVI. Legal basis of environmental control

Government of the Russian Federation, governments (administrations) of the constituent entities of the Federation. Environmental control is carried out by them by listening to reports and reports from managers at their meetings government agencies executive power in the field of environmental management and environmental protection; control over the implementation of laws and other regulatory legal acts in this area by the relevant executive authorities; repeal of acts adopted by ministries and departments if they contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, constitutions (statutes) of the constituent entities of the Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, and government resolutions.

The governments (administrations) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercise control over the use of natural resources and environmental protection, the radiation state of the territories, compliance with approved construction projects, the state of accounting and reporting at enterprises and organizations owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2.2. State special environmental control

State special environmental control is carried out primarily by bodies of supra-departmental competence. This type of control is characterized, firstly, by the fact that these bodies, within their competence, control the activities of executive authorities, enterprises, and citizens on issues of environmental management and environmental protection. Secondly, there is no organizational subordination between the subjects and objects of this control.

General provisions on state environmental control are established by the Law on Environmental Protection (Articles 65, 66).

Detailed regulation of such control is carried out by the Regulations on the procedure for exercising state control over the use and protection of lands in the Russian Federation, approved by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation of December 23, 1993 (as amended and supplemented); Regulations on state control over geological exploration, rational use and protection of subsoil, approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 2, 1998; The regulation on the implementation of state control over the use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests located on the territories of sensitive military and defense facilities, approved by the

2. State environmental control

update of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 1998; Regulations on the implementation of state control over the use and protection of water bodies, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 1997; Regulations on state control over atmospheric air protection, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2001; other acts.

Important provisions regarding the organization and conduct of control measures are provided for by the Federal Law “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision)”.

The range of bodies authorized to carry out state supra-departmental environmental control is wide. The system of such bodies includes both specially authorized state bodies in the field of environmental protection, use and protection of certain natural resources, and ministries and departments of the Russian Federation that perform certain tasks in this area, including:

Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation;

Federal service land cadastre Russia;

State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fisheries;

Other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, Federal Supervision of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, etc. (see Section VIII “Legal basis for management of natural resources and environmental protection”) .

Specially authorized bodies carry out state environmental control in the form of preventive and current. At the same time, preventive control is carried out in relation to various types of environmentally significant activities and in various ways. The main ones are coordination with environmental authorities and their issuing opinions on draft decisions. Thus, in accordance with the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, the construction sites of objects that affect the condition and reproduction of forests are agreed upon with the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the corresponding territorial body of the federal forestry management body with the mandatory conduct of a state environmental assessment.

Current state environmental control is carried out by specially authorized bodies at the stage of ex-

XVI. Legal basis of environmental control

operation of enterprises and other environmentally significant objects in the process of environmental management. Current control can be planned And unscheduled.

The most important condition for solving the tasks assigned to state environmental control bodies is the availability of a sufficient scope of powers of state inspectors for nature protection and use of natural resources. When carrying out state environmental control, inspectors, within their competence, have right:

" to visit, for the purpose of inspection, organizations, objects of economic and other activities, regardless of the form of ownership, including objects subject to state protection, defense objects, objects civil defense, get acquainted with documents and other materials necessary for the implementation of state environmental control;

Check compliance with regulations, state standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection, the operation of treatment facilities and other neutralizing devices, control means, as well as the implementation of plans and measures for environmental protection;

Verify compliance with requirements, norms and rules in the field of environmental protection during the placement, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of production and other facilities;

Verify compliance with the requirements specified in the conclusion of the state environmental assessment and make proposals for its implementation;

Make demands and issue instructions to legal entities and individuals to eliminate violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection and violations of environmental requirements identified during the implementation of state environmental control;

Suspend economic and other activities of legal and individuals if they violate legislation in the field of environmental protection;

Bring to administrative responsibility persons who have committed violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection;

Exercise other powers specified by law.

Some significant powers of state environmental protection inspectors are established by law

2. State environmental control

in relation to other areas. Thus, according to the Law on the Protection of Atmospheric Air, they have the right to cancel permits for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and for harmful physical impacts on it or suspend the validity of such permits for a certain period if the conditions of the permits are not met; give instructions, binding on individuals and legal entities, to limit, suspend or stop emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air and harmful physical effects on it.

The above list of rights convinces us that state inspectors for nature protection and use of natural resources have the necessary powers to effectively perform the tasks and responsibilities assigned to them.

To ensure the protection of the legitimate interests of subjects of environmental law, the Law on the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs establishes requirements for the procedure for conducting control. In particular, to carry out control, the state control (supervision) body issues a decree (order). It indicates the person(s) authorized to carry out control and position; goals, objectives and subject of the control measures being carried out; legal grounds for monitoring, including regulatory legal acts, the mandatory requirements of which are subject to verification; control period.

Control can be carried out only by the official (persons) specified in the order (order). Its duration should not exceed one month. In exceptional cases determined by the Law, the period of control may be extended, but not more than by one month.

Monitoring compliance by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with mandatory environmental requirements must be planned. At the same time, in relation to one legal entity or individual entrepreneur, each state control (supervision) body can carry out a planned control event no more than once every two years.

At the same time, the Law provides for unscheduled control. Thus, unscheduled inspections are carried out to monitor the implementation of orders to eliminate identified violations in the activities of a legal entity or individual

XVI. Legal basis of environmental control

entrepreneur discovered as a result of planned control.

Unscheduled control is also carried out in the following cases:

Obtaining information from legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, government authorities about the occurrence of emergencies, changes or violations technological processes, as well as the failure of structures and equipment that can directly cause harm to the life, health of people, the environment and property of citizens, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;

The emergence of a threat to the health and life of citizens, environmental pollution, damage to property, including in relation to similar goods (works, services) of other legal entities and (or) individual entrepreneurs;

Appeals from citizens, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with complaints about violations of their environmental rights and legitimate interests by the actions (inaction) of other legal entities and (or) individual entrepreneurs related to their failure to comply with mandatory requirements, as well as obtaining other information supported by documents and other evidence , indicating the presence of signs of such violations.

At the same time, the decision of the state control (supervision) body to conduct unscheduled control must be motivated.

Environmental legislation establishes some features of state environmental control. Some of them have already been mentioned above.

The Law on the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs establishes a number of restrictions when conducting control (Article 8). Thus, officials of state control (supervision) bodies are not entitled to:

Verify compliance with mandatory requirements that are not within the competence of the state control (supervision) body;

Carry out scheduled inspections in the absence of officials or employees of the inspected legal entities or individual entrepreneurs or their representatives during the inspection;

Require the presentation of documents, information, samples (samples) of products, if they are not the objects of the measure;

2. State environmental control

acceptance of control and do not relate to the subject of inspection, as well as to confiscate original documents related to the subject of inspection;

Require samples (samples) of products for carrying out their research (tests), examination without issuing an act on the selection of samples (samples) of products in the prescribed form and in quantities exceeding the norms established by state standards or other regulatory documents;

Disseminate information that constitutes a secret protected by law and obtained as a result of control measures, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Exceed the established deadlines for carrying out control measures.

The law provides for requirements for recording the results of control. Based on the results of the control, the official (persons) of the state control (supervision) body carrying out the inspection draws up an act of the established form in two copies. In addition to data such as date, time and place of drawing up the act; name of the state control (supervision) body; name and position of the person(s) who carried out the control event; the date of the control, it indicates: information about the results of the control measure, including the violations identified, their nature, and the persons who are held responsible for these violations; information about familiarization or refusal to familiarize with the act of a representative of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, as well as persons present during the control event, their signatures or refusal to sign.

Attached to the act are acts on the selection of samples (samples) of products, inspection of environmental objects, protocols (conclusions) of studies (tests) and examinations, explanations of officials of state control (supervision) bodies, employees who are held responsible for violations of mandatory requirements, and other documents or copies thereof related to the control results.

One copy of the act with copies of appendices is handed over to the head of the legal entity or his deputy and the individual entrepreneur or their representatives against signature or sent by post with acknowledgment of delivery.

XVI. Legal basis of environmental control

If an administrative offense is detected as a result of control measures, an official of the state control (supervision) body draws up a protocol in the manner prescribed established by law of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, and gives instructions to eliminate identified violations.

If, as a result of monitoring activities, violations of mandatory environmental requirements by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur are identified, officials of state control (supervision) bodies, within the limits of their powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are obliged to take measures to eliminate the identified violations, prevent them, and prevent possible harm to life , human health, the environment or property, as well as measures to bring those who committed violations to justice.

If, during control, it is established that a product (work, service) may cause harm to the life, health, environment or property of consumers, the state control (supervision) body is obliged to bring to the attention of consumers information about dangerous goods(work, service), about ways to prevent possible harm, take measures to prevent harm, including by suspending the production (sales, performance) of goods (work, services) and (or) recalling goods from the market in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with subsequent reimbursement of costs at the expense of the guilty party.

In this case, the state control (supervision) body may apply to the court with a claim for reimbursement of expenses for conducting research (tests) and examinations, as a result of which violations of mandatory requirements were identified.

The Law on the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs establishes specific responsibilities of officials of state control (supervision) bodies when carrying out control measures (Article 11). In particular, they are obliged:

timely and fully fulfill the powers granted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to prevent, identify and suppress violations of mandatory requirements;

Comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;

3. Departmental and industrial environmental control

Visit facilities (territories and premises) of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for the purpose of carrying out control measures only during the performance of official duties upon presentation of an official ID and an order from state control (supervision) bodies to carry out control measures;

Do not prevent representatives of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur from being present during the inspection or providing explanations on issues related to the subject of the inspection;

Provide officials of a legal entity or individual entrepreneurs or their representatives present during the control with information related to the subject of the inspection necessary information;

Inform officials of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur or their representatives with the results of control;

When determining measures to be taken in response to detected violations, take into account the compliance of these measures with the severity of the violations, their potential danger to life, health, the environment and property, and also not allow unreasonable restrictions on the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Some of these duties are also provided for in Art. 66 of the Law on Environmental Protection.

The implementation of the stated provisions allows state environmental control bodies to carry out this function government controlled.

3. Departmental and industrial environmental


The essence of departmental environmental control lies mainly in ensuring that the central executive authorities of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Federation comply with legal requirements for rational use of natural resources and environmental protection by their subordinate facilities. Such objects are government institutions, organizations and enterprises subordinate to higher authorities. Please note that departmental

XVI. Legal basis of environmental control

control is carried out by government agencies, but it is not part of the state environmental control discussed above. The difference between them is primarily in the sphere of implementation: departmental control is limited to the industry sphere, state control is of a supra-departmental nature. Another significant difference is that the objects of supra-departmental control are not subordinate to regulatory authorities.

To the question of whether departmental control is carried out only by state bodies or whether it can also be carried out by non-state structures at the federal or territorial level that have jurisdiction over objects that are subjects of environmental law, the answer may be positive. Such structures are also interested, primarily economically, in maintaining environmental law and order at their subordinate facilities, since non-compliance with environmental requirements will affect the economic results of their activities and profits.

The scope of industrial environmental control is the production and economic activities of enterprises and other economic entities. The importance of its implementation and high efficiency is due to the fact that enterprises are the main category of natural resource users. They are primarily addressed with legal requirements related to ensuring rational use of natural resources and protecting the environment from harmful influences.

The content of production control depends primarily on the specifics of the enterprise. Environmental control is carried out by the head of the enterprise, heads of functional services (chief engineer, power engineer, technologist, mechanic, etc.) and production departments. Monitoring by environmental services may be potentially most useful. True, for the sake of economy and due to underestimation of the importance of this area, environmental services are often absent at enterprises. Taking into account the importance of industrial environmental control and in order to increase its effectiveness, the Law on Environmental Protection establishes the obligation

4. Municipal and public environmental control

importance of subjects of economic and other activities Provide information on the organization of industrial environmental control to executive authorities and local government bodies exercising state and municipal control, respectively (Article 67).

The main task industrial environmental control is checking: a) the implementation of plans and measures for the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection; b) compliance with the standards of maximum permissible impacts on nature established by the enterprise; c) fulfillment of other requirements of the legislation on weapons. living environment, etc.

Measures to suppress detected violations of legal environmental requirements within the framework of departmental and production control are taken by authorized officials1. with our faces. In an enterprise, this is usually the manager.

The effectiveness of departmental and industrial environmental control largely depends on interaction with state environmental control bodies. Such interaction has not yet been developed. Moreover, enterprise managers and environmental services consider it their task to protect the Hij TepecoB enterprise in any way, including by concealing facts of violation of environmental legislation, submitting false information to government agencies, and sometimes even directly condoning violations.

Cooperation between state, departmental and industrial environmental control bodies is an important reserve for increasing the efficiency of environmental activities at different levels. The initiative for such cooperation can come from any entity. Much goes into developing cooperation and ensuring effective interaction in this area due to legal status depends on the position of state environmental control authorities. It is important to implement not only administrative methods, but also methods of persuasion j! education.


Concept, types and tasks of environmental control

Environmental control- the most important legal measure to ensure rational use of natural resources and protection of the environment from harmful effects, a function of public administration and the legal institution of environmental law. It is through environmental control that the compulsion of the relevant subjects of environmental law to comply with environmental requirements is mainly ensured. Very often, measures of legal liability for environmental violations are applied in the process of environmental control or as a result of its results.

Russian administrative law distinguishes two types of control activities - control and supervision. Under environmental control refers to the activities of authorized entities to verify and ensure compliance and execution of environmental legislation. Administrative supervision is a specific type of government control. Its essence lies in the constant and systematic monitoring of special government bodies over the activities of bodies and persons not subordinate to them in order to identify and suppress violations of environmental legislation. Supervision is carried out in relation to executive authorities, enterprises, public organizations and citizens.

Environmental control as a legal measure performs a number of functions- preventive, informational and punitive.

· The role of the preventive function lies in the fact that subjects of environmental control, knowing about the possible verification of their compliance with legal environmental requirements, are independently active in fulfilling legal requirements and preventing violations.

· Information function is due to the fact that in the process of control, the relevant authorities and persons collect a variety of information about the environmental activities of controlled and supervised objects.

· Punitive function manifests itself in the application of sanctions provided for by law to violators of legal environmental requirements.

In environmental practice in Russia, the following types of environmental control are distinguished: state, departmental, municipal, industrial, public. The criteria for such classification are the subject on whose behalf the control is carried out and the scope of control.

State environmental control

The task of state environmental control is to verify and ensure compliance with legal requirements for the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection from pollution by all government bodies, enterprises, organizations and citizens to whom such requirements are addressed. State control is thus supra-departmental character.

An essential feature of state environmental control is that it is carried out on behalf of the state. Potentially, state environmental control, more than other types of control, can influence the process of fulfilling environmental requirements, since it, as a tool for implementing the environmental function of the state, can use not only its own powers of a state-imperious nature, but also resort to the support of law enforcement agencies - the prosecutor's office and the court. The main measures of administrative coercion in this case are measures of administrative restraint (suspension or termination of the operation of environmentally harmful facilities), administrative liability (warning, fine, etc.), administrative procedural measures (raising the issue of bringing to criminal or administrative liability, compensation for environmental damage or application of public pressure measures).

State environmental control is carried out in the form precautionary And current.

· The task of preventive control is to prevent economic, managerial and other activities that in the future may have a harmful impact on nature. Such control is carried out at the stages of planning or designing this activity, project implementation, and commissioning of facilities.

· Current state environmental control carried out by specially authorized bodies at the stage of operation of enterprises and other environmentally significant objects, in the process of environmental management.

State environmental control can be divided into general And special.

General environmental control is carried out by bodies of general competence, special- bodies of special competence. The division of state environmental control into general and special determines the specificity of the forms and methods of its implementation.

State environmental control is carried out at certain principles. The main ones:

Openness and accessibility for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and other subjects of regulatory legal acts that establish mandatory environmental requirements, the implementation of which is verified during state control (supervision);

Legality. The principle of legality is manifested in the fact that such control can only be carried out by authorized bodies within the competence and powers determined by regulatory legal acts;

The frequency and efficiency of carrying out control measures, providing for its complete and fastest possible implementation within deadline;

Objectivity. The objectivity of state environmental control is based on reliable and complete data on the activities of the controlled facility;

Separation of economic and control functions. The principle of separation of economic and control functions is typical only for specially authorized bodies of state environmental control. Previously of a mainly doctrinal nature, it is now enshrined in Art. 65 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection". Its essence lies in the fact that the function of conducting special state environmental control cannot be assigned to bodies exploiting natural resources;

Possibility of appealing against actions (inaction) of officials of state control (supervision) bodies that violate the procedure for carrying out control measures established by law.

The legal basis for the organization and implementation of state environmental control is established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws regulating the status of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of Russia and the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, environmental legislation, as well as a number of special by-laws. The main acts include the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" (Articles 64 - 66), Land Code RF (Article 71), Water Code of the Russian Federation (Article 36), Forest Code of the Russian Federation (Article 96), Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil” (Article 37), Federal Law “On Wildlife” (Article 16), Federal Law “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air” (Article 24).

Single State exam in physics, 2008
demo version

Part A

A1. The figure shows a bus schedule from point A to point B and back. Point A is at point x= 0, and point B is at point x= 30 km. What is the maximum speed of the bus along the entire route there and back?

1) 40 km/h
2) 50 km/h
3) 60 km/h
4) 75 km/h

Solution. The graph shows that the bus was traveling from point A to point B with constant speed, and from point B to point A - at a constant speed. The maximum speed of the bus is 60 km/h.

Correct answer: 3.

A2. A piece of ice floating in a glass of fresh water was transferred to a glass of salt water. In this case, the Archimedean force acting on the ice floe

Solution. For floating bodies, the Archimedean force acting on them is equal to the force of gravity. Since the gravity of the ice cube did not change, the Archimedean force did not change either.

Correct answer: 4.

A3. The figure shows conventional images of the Earth and the Moon, as well as the vector of the force of attraction of the Moon by the Earth. It is known that the mass of the Earth is approximately 81 times the mass of the Moon. Along which arrow (1 or 2) is the force acting on the Earth from the Moon directed and what is its magnitude?

Solution. According to Newton's third law, the action force is equal and opposite to the reaction force. The force acting on the Earth from the Moon is directed along 2 and is equal to .

Correct answer: 2.

A4. The body moves uniformly along the plane. The body pressure force on the plane is 20 N, the friction force is 5 N. The sliding friction coefficient is

1) 0,8
2) 0,25
3) 0,75
4) 0,2

Solution. The coefficient of friction relates the force of pressure of a body on a plane and the friction force:

Correct answer: 2.

A5. By doing laboratory work The student set the inclined plane at an angle of 60° to the surface of the table. The length of the plane is 0.6 m. Why equals the moment gravity force of a block of mass 0.1 kg relative to a point O when it passes the middle of an inclined plane?

1) 0.15 Nm
2) 0.30 Nm
3) 0.45 Nm
4) 0.60 Nm

Solution. Angle between gravity direction inclined plane equal to 30°. The moment of gravity is equal to

Correct answer: 1.

A6. Balls of equal mass move as shown in the figure and collide absolutely inelastically. How will the momentum of the balls be directed after the collision?

Solution. The period of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum is equal to

Increasing the length of the pendulum by 4 times increases the period by 2 times. The weight of the load does not affect the period.

Correct answer: 1.

A8. After the push, the block slides up the inclined plane. In the reference system associated with the plane, the direction of the axis is 0 x shown in the left picture. Which of the figures correctly shows the directions of the velocity vectors of the block, its acceleration and the resultant force?

1) 2)
3) 4)

Solution. Since the block slides upward, its speed is aligned with axis 0 x. According to Newton's second law, the acceleration of a body is directed towards the resultant force. Only figure 1 is suitable.

Correct answer: 1.

A9. A plasticine ball weighing 0.1 kg has a speed of 1 m/s. It hits a stationary cart of mass 0.1 kg attached to a spring and sticks to the cart (see figure). What is the total mechanical energy of the system during its further oscillations? Ignore friction.

1) 0.1 J
2) 0.5 J
3) 0.05 J
4) 0.025 J

Solution. According to the law of conservation of momentum, the speed of a cart with a plasticine ball stuck to it is equal to

Correct answer: 4.

A10. Constant mass ideal gas participates in the process shown in the figure. The highest gas pressure in the process is achieved

1) at point 1
2) at point 3
3) throughout the entire segment 1–2
4) throughout the entire segment 2–3

Solution. Let's draw isobar lines on the graph passing through points 1, 2 and 3 (see figure). In coordinates TV The greater the angle of inclination of the isobar line, the greater the pressure. Thus, the highest gas pressure is in state 1.

Correct answer: 1.

A11. The photograph shows two thermometers used to determine relative humidity. Below is a psychrometric table in which humidity is indicated as a percentage.

t dry term.Difference between dry and wet bulb readings
°C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
15 100 90 80 71 61 52 44 36 27
16 100 90 81 71 62 54 45 37 30
17 100 90 81 72 64 55 47 39 32
18 100 91 82 73 64 56 48 41 34
19 100 91 82 74 65 58 50 43 35
20 100 91 83 74 66 59 51 44 37
21 100 91 83 75 67 60 52 46 39
22 100 92 83 76 68 61 54 47 40
23 100 92 84 76 69 61 55 48 42
24 100 92 84 77 69 62 56 49 43
25 100 92 84 77 70 63 57 50 44

The relative humidity of the air in the room in which the shooting was carried out is equal to

Solution. According to the Boyle-Mariotte law when isothermal process pressure is inversely proportional to volume. When the volume increases by 4 times, the pressure decreases by 4 times.

Correct answer: 4.

A13. The figure shows a graph of absolute temperature T water mass m from time t when carrying out heat removal from constant power P.

At a moment in time t= 0 water was in a gaseous state. Which of the following expressions determines the specific heat capacity of ice based on the results of this experiment?


Solution. On the graph, the sections of the broken line correspond to the following processes (from left to right): cooling of water vapor, condensation of steam into water, cooling of water, crystallization of water into ice, cooling of ice. The heat capacity of ice can be determined from the last section of the graph as the ratio of the absorbed heat to the mass and change in temperature of the ice. The heat taken is equal to the product of power and time. As a result we get:

Correct answer: 4.

A14. A monatomic ideal gas in an amount of 4 moles absorbs an amount of heat of 2 kJ. In this case, the temperature of the gas increases by 20 K. The work done by the gas in this process is equal to

1) 0.5 kJ
2) 1.0 kJ
3) 1.5 kJ
4) 2.0 kJ

Solution. According to the first law of thermodynamics

Correct answer: 2.

A15. Heat engine has an efficiency of 25%. The average power of heat transfer to the refrigerator during its operation is 3 kW. How much heat does the working fluid of the machine receive from the heater in 10 s?

1) 0.4 J
2) 40 J
3) 400 J
4) 40 kJ

Solution. In 10 seconds, the heat engine transfers heat to the refrigerator. The heat received from the heater and the heat given off to the refrigerator are related by the relationship:

Correct answer: 4.

A16. How will the force of electrostatic interaction between two electric charges change when they are transferred from a vacuum to a medium with dielectric constant 81 if the distance between them remains the same?

Solution. The force of electrostatic interaction between two point electric charges is inversely proportional to the dielectric constant of the medium. The dielectric constant of a vacuum is 1. When charges are transferred into a medium with a dielectric constant of 81, the force of their interaction will decrease by 81 times.

Correct answer: 2.

A17. The figure shows the location of two stationary point electric charges +2 q And - q. Tension vector module electric field has these charges

Solution. Let us denote the distance between charges 2 a. Let us calculate the magnitudes of the electric field strength vectors of these charges at points A, B And C:




It can be seen that the maximum value was obtained at the point B.

Correct answer: 2.

A18. In the section of the circuit shown in the figure, the resistance of each resistor is 2 ohms. The total resistance of the section is equal to

1) 8 ohm
2) 6 ohm
3) 5 ohm
4) 4 ohm

Solution. The resistance of two parallel connected resistors is equal to


The total resistance is .

Correct answer: 3.

A19. The figure shows a graph of the dependence of the current in an incandescent lamp on the voltage at its terminals. At a voltage of 30 V, the current power in the lamp is equal to

1) 135 W
2) 67.5 W
3) 45 W
4) 20 W

Solution. The graph shows that at a voltage of 30 V, the current is 1.5 A. The current power is .

Correct answer: 3.

A20. Compare the inductances and two coils, if at the same current strength the energy magnetic field, created by the current in the first coil, is 9 times greater than the energy of the magnetic field created by the current in the second coil.

1) 9 times more than
2) 9 times less than
3) 3 times more than
4) 3 times less than

Solution. At the same current strength, the energy of the magnetic field in the coil is directly proportional to its inductance. Since the energy of the magnetic field of the first coil is 9 times greater, its inductance is 9 times greater than the second.

Correct answer: 1.

A21. Among the given examples of electromagnetic waves, the maximum wavelength has

Solution. The maximum wavelength among the given examples is the radiation from the radio transmitter antenna.

Correct answer: 4.

A22. Which of the images 1–4 serves as an image of the object AB V thin lens with focal length F?

1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

Solution. A converging lens produces a truly inverted image of objects located at a distance greater than the focal length.

Correct answer: 2.

A23. Two initially stationary electrons are accelerated in an electric field: the first in a field with a potential difference U, second - 2 U. The accelerated electrons enter a uniform magnetic field, the induction lines of which are perpendicular to the speed of the electrons. The ratio of the radii of curvature of the trajectories of the first and second electrons in a magnetic field is equal to


Solution. The radius of curvature of the trajectories is directly proportional to the momentum of the particle. The acquired impulse, in turn, is directly proportional to the square root of the potential difference. Since the potential difference for the first electron is 1/2 of the potential difference for the second electron, the ratio of the radii of curvature of the trajectories of the first and second electrons is equal to .

Correct answer: 3.

A24. Sine of the limiting angle of total internal reflection at the glass-air boundary the ratio is 8/13. What is the speed of light in glass?


Solution. Let's denote limit angle total internal reflection α. According to the law of refraction

Correct answer: 3.

A25. One scientist tests patterns of vibration spring pendulum in a laboratory on Earth, and another scientist in a laboratory on spaceship, flying far from stars and planets with the engine turned off. If the pendulums are the same, then in both laboratories these patterns will be

Solution. According to the postulate of the special theory of relativity, everything physical phenomena proceed identically in all inertial frames of reference. A laboratory on Earth and a spaceship can be considered inertial systems countdown. The patterns will be the same at any speed of the ship.

Correct answer: 1.

A26. The figure shows diagrams of four atoms. Black dots indicate electrons. Which diagram corresponds to an atom?

1) 2) 3) 4)

Solution. The number of electrons in a neutral atom coincides with the number of protons, which is written below before the name of the element. There are 5 electrons in an atom.

Correct answer: 3.

A27. What share of large quantity of radioactive atoms remains undecayed after a time interval equal to two half-lives?

1) 25 %
2) 50 %
3) 75 %
4) 0 %

Solution. According to the law of radioactive decay

Correct answer: 1.

A28. Through a series of radioactive decays, uranium is converted into lead. How many α- and β-decays does it experience?

1) 8 α and 6 β
2) 6 α and 8 β
3) 10 α and 5 β
4) 5 α and 10 β

Solution. During α decay, the mass of the nucleus decreases by 4 a. e.m., and during β-decay the mass does not change. In a series of decays, the mass of the nucleus decreased by 238 – 206 = 32 a. e.m. For such a decrease in mass, 8 α decays are required.

Correct answer: 1.

A29. In experiments on the photoelectric effect, they took a metal plate with a work function and began to illuminate it with frequency light. Then the frequency was reduced by a factor of 2, while simultaneously increasing the number of photons incident on the plate in 1 s by 1.5 times. As a result, the number of photoelectrons leaving the plate in 1 s is

Solution. When the frequency of the incident light decreases by 2 times, the photon energy equal to will become less work exit. The photoelectric effect will no longer be observed; the number of photoelectrons leaving the plate will become zero.

Correct answer: 2.

A30. The graph shows the results of measuring the length of the spring at different meanings masses of loads lying in the pan of spring scales.

Taking into account measurement errors (, ) spring stiffness k approximately equal to

1) 7 N/m
2) 10 N/m
3) 20 N/m
4) 30 N/m

Solution. Let's draw a straight line through the points of the graph (see figure).

It can be seen that in the absence of load ( m= 0 g) the length of the spring is . The spring stiffness is equal to the ratio of the force acting on the spring to the amount of deformation:

Correct answer: 3.

Part B

IN 1. The flat air capacitor was disconnected from the current source, and then the distance between its plates was increased. What will happen in this case with the charge on the plates of the capacitor, the electrical capacity of the capacitor and the voltage on its plates?

For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


Transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer form (without spaces).

Solution. According to the law of conservation, the charge on the capacitor plates will not change. The electrical capacity of a capacitor is inversely proportional to the distance between the plates. As the distance between them increases, the electrical capacity decreases. Voltage, equal to the ratio charge to electrical capacity, on the contrary, will increase.

Answer: 321.

AT 2. A load weighing 2 kg, attached to a spring with a stiffness of 200 N/m, performs harmonic vibrations. The maximum acceleration of the load is equal to . What is the maximum speed of the load?

Solution. Load acceleration is maximum at maximum acting force, which occurs in extreme positions of tension or compression of the spring. At this moment, the speed of the load is zero, and total energy equal to the potential energy of a deformed spring:


The maximum speed of the load is at the moment it passes the equilibrium position. At this moment, the total energy is equal to the kinetic energy of the load:

AT 3. The cylinder contains 20 kg of nitrogen at a temperature of 300 K and pressure. What is the volume of the cylinder? Round your answer to whole numbers.

Solution. Using the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation, we obtain:

AT 4. Straight conductor length l= 0.2 m through which current flows I= 2 A, is in a uniform magnetic field with induction IN= 0.6 T and is located perpendicular to the vector. What is the magnitude of the force acting on the conductor from the magnetic field?

Solution. Ampere's power is equal to .

Answer: 0.24.

Part C

C1. A piece of plasticine collides with a sliding towards horizontal surface table with a block and sticks to it. The velocities of the plasticine and the block before the impact are opposite and equal and . The mass of the block is 4 times the mass of plasticine. The sliding friction coefficient between the block and the table is μ = 0.17. How far will the stuck block and plasticine move by the time their speed decreases by 30%?

Solution. Let us denote the mass of plasticine m, then the mass of the block is 4 m. Using the law of conservation of momentum, we determine the speed of the block with plasticine after the collision:

The weight of a block with plasticine on a horizontal surface is equal to , and the frictional force acting on the block is equal to . Using the law of conservation of energy, we determine the required distance:

Answer: 0.15 m.

C2. 10 moles of a monatomic ideal gas were first cooled, reducing the pressure by 3 times, and then heated to an initial temperature of 300 K (see figure). How much heat did the gas receive in section 2−3?

Solution. Since during isochoric cooling the pressure decreased by 3 times, the temperature also decreased by 3 times and amounted to . In section 2–3, the gas pressure remains constant. The heat capacity of an ideal monatomic gas in an isobaric process is equal to . The amount of heat transferred to the gas in section 2–3 is equal to

Answer: 41550 J.

C3. To a current source with EMF ε = 9 V and internal resistance r= 1 Ohm connected in parallel connected resistor with resistance R= 8 Ohm and a flat capacitor, the distance between the plates of which is d= 0.002 m. What is the electric field strength between the plates of the capacitor?

Solution. The strength of the electric current in the circuit is equal to . The potential difference between the resistor terminals is equal to . The same potential difference will be between the plates of the capacitor. The electric field strength between the capacitor plates is

Answer: 4 kV/m.

C4. An inflatable raft 4 m wide and 6 m long floats on the surface of the water. The sky is covered with a continuous cloud cover, completely dispersing sunlight. Determine the depth of the shadow under the raft. Neglect the immersion depth of the raft and the scattering of light by water. The refractive index of water relative to air is taken to be 4/3.

Solution. Let us denote the width of the raft and the limiting angle of total internal reflection α (see figure). The depth of the shadow is . According to the law of light refraction:


We get


Answer: 1.76 m.

C5. Let's assume that the circuit energy levels atoms of a certain substance have the form shown in the figure, and the atoms are in a state with energy . An electron colliding with one of these atoms bounced off, acquiring some additional energy. The momentum of the electron after a collision with an atom at rest turned out to be equal to . Determine the kinetic energy of the electron before the collision. Neglect the possibility of an atom emitting light upon collision with an electron.

Solution. Let us denote the energy of the electron before the collision W. The energy of the electron has increased, which means the energy of the atom has decreased. An atom could only go from a state with energy to a state with energy. Using the law of conservation of energy, we obtain:

Answer: .