Land Registry correspondence course. Professions related to real estate valuation and management are among the ten highest paid

The terms “land management” and “cadastres” are not familiar to all people. Some heard, some didn't. Of course, this question is of interest to people with related professions, but it would still be useful for ordinary citizens to delve into this topic.

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If in the current 2017 you are working in the field of land management, want to enroll in a university in a similar specialty, or simply encounter this in everyday life and probably do not quite understand what is legal and what is not, you need to contact a specialist.

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So, land management. What is this? This is a set of activities related to land work, and more specifically:

  • monitoring legal land use;
  • organizing the development of projects aimed at improving land use and improving its quality;
  • recording and further work on the boundaries of the objects of their activities.

This raises the question, what kind of land management objects are these? This can be not only a plot of land, but also an entire municipality, region, or even the territory of the entire country.

The main regulatory document for land management issues is the federal law with the simple name “On Land Management” 78-FZ, as well as a number of other regulatory documents.

A land surveyor is very similar to a cadastral engineer, only land management is a more generalized specialization. But it can also work on the basis of a contract, a court decision or an order of a government agency. But only in order to become a cadastral engineer, you need to apply to the administration to obtain a qualification certificate, and for this purpose you will need to pass a qualification exam.

Main types of work of a land surveyor

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Having received an education in land management, in 2017 specialists can carry out various types of activities related to lands and their boundaries. Below are the main types specified in the law:

  • monitoring the condition of the earth is a generalization of processes that make it possible to identify soil defects and their deficiencies;
  • the work of a surveyor and cartographer - serves as the basis for all other main activities in land management - measuring and recording the data obtained;
  • soil and biological observations - a type of activity that is a branch of general monitoring of the state of the earth and includes the study of soils for their destruction due to natural phenomena or pollution by various substances;
  • A qualitative assessment of land is not an assessment that allows you to find out the market value of a summer cottage. Land management involves assessing quality - that is, whether the land is good for agricultural production;
  • land inventory work - carried out in order to determine areas that are not used at all (at a time when they can benefit citizens and the state) or are used in violation of land legislation;
  • drawing up projects aimed at the proper use of land and its protection - that is, this point follows from the previous one: after disturbance of the land, it is necessary to restore it, or to prevent violation of the use of land plots;
  • establishing in nature and describing the location of the boundaries of land management objects - probably the name speaks for itself;
  • on-farm land management - all the same types for the specialization “land management”, but only relating to purely agricultural lands.

Results of land surveys

Based on the results of these types of activities, specialists in this field create land management documents. They can be maps of object boundaries, atlases describing the characteristics of all lands, projects to improve the condition of the land, and much more.

All information obtained during the activities of land managers is entered and stored in the state data fund, which in 2017 is maintained by the state registration of rights service.

Briefly about the cadastre

Cadastre originally means a register, that is, a hierarchical ordered list of something.

If we talk about real estate, then in the Russian Federation there is a state real estate cadastre, which contains information about all registered water bodies, lands, and buildings.

Previously there were three separate registers, one of which was called the land registry.

Obtaining a specialty and choosing a profession

Recently, a lot of applicants have chosen the specialty “land management and cadastre”, because this is an interesting profession related to land resources, which will never be exhausted and will not go anywhere, therefore, it will always be possible to work in this area, especially at the current pace of urban development .

Graduates of this specialty work as land surveyors, appraisers, surveyors, inventory takers, cadastral engineers, technicians and even geologists. There are a lot of organizations that hire people with a specialty in land management and cadastres, starting from private offices and ending with Rosreestr, the cadastral chamber or federal government bodies.

You can work with the most profitable and popular professions. They are considered: cadastral engineer, surveyor and land surveyor. The cadastral engineer carries out surveying and establishment of turning points of boundaries on the ground. The boundary plan for one site costs on average 15-20 thousand rubles.

A surveyor creates plans and maps by measuring the earth's surface. Such specialists are indispensable in the construction of various objects: from roads to private houses, and construction projects, as we know, will continue until there is no more space for foundations and supports.

The average salary of a surveyor is 70-75 thousand rubles. A land surveyor deals with problems aimed at improving land and its use, including making observations, designing ways to correct mistakes made in land use, and may even develop draft laws that promote more rational use of land resources. A land manager receives on average 40-50 thousand rubles. Attention! All figures are for Moscow.

Professions related to real estate appraisal and management are among the top ten highest paid. But the path to big “dividends” cannot be easy: to become an expert in the field of real estate, you will have to work hard at university.

A real estate specialist is a generalist: he is a manager, an economist, an ecologist, an appraiser, a builder, a land surveyor, and an architect... In general, a jack of all trades. The education is fundamental and multidisciplinary, so graduates are snapped up instantly. One problem is that there are not so many universities that train specialists, enrollment for budget places is limited, and it will not be easy to “win” your place among the first-year students. For example, the competition for the popular specialty “City Cadastre” reaches 18 people per place! But nothing is impossible - we need to prepare and storm universities.

First of all, you should choose a suitable specialty in real estate:

  • Land Registry
  • City cadastre
  • Land management and land cadastre
  • Expertise and property management.

At first glance, the names are consonant and quite close to each other. This is partly true: the curricula of the specialties have many similarities, but there are still differences.

Land Registry

Studying abroad

State universities, as a rule, have well-established international connections, and land management universities are no exception. For example, students from Moscow State University go to study in China, State University of Institution closely cooperates with universities in the USA, Mexico, Germany, France, and Estonia. MGSU implements joint exchange programs with universities in France, Finland, China and Vietnam.

Real estate, as understood by the average person, means houses and various buildings. In fact, this term refers to any object that literally cannot be moved. Rivers, lakes, forests, land - all this is real estate. “Land Registry” is the first-born in a family of specialties related to real estate. Here they learn to explore, evaluate and distribute natural objects and, first of all, the land. Roughly speaking, land cadastre is the management of undeveloped land areas. The main valuation parameter influencing the value of land is its fertility. Hence the special list of disciplines: ecology of land ownership and land use, land survey and surveying, state registration, accounting and assessment of land, monitoring and cadastre of natural resources, etc.

Where do they teach

The specialty “Land Cadastre” (with a specialization in “land and real estate valuation”) is presented only at the State University of Land Management (GUZ). It was the first to train cadastre specialists (90 budget places are allocated here annually) and is rightfully considered the best specialized university in Russia. In particular, the university is renowned for its strong courses in economics, management and land law.

Land management and land cadastre

The specialties “Land Cadastre” and “Land Management and Land Cadastre” are practically twin brothers. The areas of application of knowledge are the same: assessment and registration of land in committees, accounting, inventory and land surveying. But if the cadastre is the measurement and registration of land, then land management is the science of the reasonable and economical use of territories. Consequently, graduates of this specialty can work as both land experts and designers. For example, a good land surveyor will never allow roads to cut up the area so that it would be inconvenient for residents to farm, will not run power lines through a park area, will not allow hazardous industries to be opened near populated areas, etc. The list of specialty subjects includes land management design, land management service, territorial organization of peasant farms, land surveying.

Where do they teach

The specialty “Land management and land cadastre” is available in two capital universities - the aforementioned State University (25 budget places) and the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK). True, if the State University of Education offers full-time education, then only evening students can obtain this specialty at MIIGAiK.

Land Chamber or Housing Office?

The list of organizations in which you will do your internship directly depends on your specialty. If you are going to study to become a land surveyor, you will find land cadastral chambers, the Moscow Department of Land Resources, the Federal Agency for Real Estate Cadastre, etc. If you have chosen the specialty “City Cadastre” or “Expertise and Real Estate Management”, prepare for internships in design and construction organizations , architectural companies, real estate agencies, housing offices and BTI branches.

City cadastre

Paid places

Unfortunately, not everyone can pass serious entrance exams and pass the competition. But in this case, every university has a saving paid department. By the way, the cost of studying is not that high! For a year of study at GUZ you will have to pay 62 thousand rubles, at MIIGAiK - 60 thousand rubles. (if you failed at some exam) or 80 thousand rubles. (if you initially enrolled in a paid department and your only test was an interview). At MGSU, a year of study will cost 73 thousand rubles, at MGUP - 50 thousand, and at MIKHIS - only 22 thousand rubles.

The specialty “grew” from the “Land Cadastre” and first appeared at the State University ten years ago. Its discovery is a natural phenomenon, because urban areas need assessment no less than rural ones. Despite its fairly young age, the “City Cadastre” is considered a more promising area of ​​training than the land cadastre. This is evidenced by the high entrance competition.

If the value of land is calculated based on indicators of its fertility, then urban real estate is assessed according to completely different parameters: the technical condition of buildings, the level of rent and taxation are analyzed. But in addition to buildings and structures, there are also urban lands that also need to be assessed and managed. It turns out that graduates of the specialty "City Cadastre" are engaged not only in the inventory of buildings, but also in urban planning, planning and architecture of urban areas. Among the disciplines of the specialty: management of urban areas, valuation of land and real estate in the city, urban planning cadastre, cadastre of built-up areas.

Where do they teach

Applicants have little choice: they can enroll in the Faculty of City Cadastre of the State University or the Faculty of Economics and Territory Management of MIIGAiK - budget places are 75 and 25, respectively. Those entering the State University (for any cadastral specialty) will have to take mathematics (orally and in writing) and the Russian language. MIIGAiK applicants will be tested in the Russian language, mathematics and, optionally, physics, geography or computer science.

Expertise and property management

The specialty is mostly aimed at the study of buildings and structures. Graduates are engaged in the examination, inspection, design and construction of residential and commercial real estate. A separate item is trade and real estate activities. The curriculum includes subjects such as construction technology, real estate appraisal and design, property management, real estate transactions and insurance, and property valuation.

Where do they teach

You can enroll in the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU), Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering (MGUP) or the Moscow Institute of Public Utilities and Construction (MIKHIS). MIKHIS offers only part-time and part-time forms of study. Specializations (“reconstruction” and “housing and communal services management”) are offered by MGSU; other universities are only planning to open them. In terms of the number of budget places, MGSU is also considered a leader - there are 50 of them, while at MGUP there are only 10, and at MIKHIS students study on a paid basis. At any university, applicants will have to take mathematics, physics and Russian.

Expert opinion

Nikolay Konokotin, head of the department of urban cadastre, State Healthcare Institution:

A cadastre specialist must be a good land surveyor and economist - it is not enough just to understand the types of real estate, it is important to be able to use space rationally. Therefore, when choosing a university, first of all look at the curriculum of your future specialty. The program should be based on three main components: geodesy, economics and land management.

Alexander Prozorovsky, head of the Department of Expertise and Real Estate Management, Moscow State Unitary Enterprise:

Most applicants entering the specialty “Real Estate Expertise and Management” think that they will be trained as people who can profitably sell luxury apartments and juggle millions of euros. This is not entirely true. The preparation of our students is much broader, and the purchase and sale of real estate is just part of the work of a future specialist.

When choosing a specific university, I advise you to go to the unofficial website and ask students’ opinions: what and how they teach here. If all the subjects are focused exclusively on real estate activities, it is worth considering: do you need such a narrow training?

And our graduates know how to design, construct, properly operate a building, and after that - sell, rent out, or make another real estate transaction. Not only highly qualified university teachers, but also practitioners share their experience with students: professional engineers, architects, appraisers, and entrepreneurs working in real estate.

Student everyday life

Irina Babysheva, fourth year student at the State University for Land Management:

When entering a State University of Institution, you must keep in mind that it is a technical university - engineers are trained here. Therefore, you will study mathematics, physics, and other difficult subjects. You will have to draw a lot, and if your soul is not in it, then the road to the profession is closed. Each student here develops his own project. For example, I “created” my own city of 8 thousand people - I took into account everything, right down to the alleys and the location of schools.
Practice is a separate issue. This is the whole life of our university - interesting, bright, unforgettable. We have our own training ground, where from the first to the third year we undergo geodetic practice. Every year we live at the site for two or three weeks and carry out geodetic measurements in order to ultimately draw up a plan for the area entrusted to us. This is incredibly interesting. And most importantly, in the evening, after finishing work, a completely different life begins, when all the guys get together, sing songs with a guitar, cook barbecue, communicate and get a lot of positive emotions!

Natalya Ilyushina, magazine Where to go to study, website

Land surveyor is a specialist in topographic surveying, measurements and land surveying. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and geography (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

A land surveyor is also called by the ancient word “surveyor,” and the imagination vividly pictures a man with a wooden measure similar to a compass. With this measure, land surveyors have been walking across fields for hundreds of years, calculating their length and width. But this is not their only function.

A land surveyor is engaged in the allocation of land for the construction of private houses, and for public needs, and for industrial enterprises, and for farms. At the same time, it not only determines the size and boundaries of land plots. He ensures that the land is used rationally, efficiently and in accordance with the law. Therefore, in universities, future specialists are taught agrarian economics, design methods in land management, etc.

In his work, a modern land surveyor uses modern geodetic instruments and photography. While examining a plot of land, he draws up a plan and reflects all the important features in it. If there are any structures on the site, he measures their area and carefully records the data. He also draws up on-farm and inter-farm land management projects. At the same time, it takes into account the requirements of environmental and land legislation. For example, it is known that it is impossible to build housing close to the river. The specialist calculates the correct distance from the house to the water (water protection zone) using a special formula.

He also monitors whether land law is being followed by the owner or tenant of the plot.

The land surveyor maintains land records, forms so-called land management files, prepares land allotment documents, and develops feasibility studies to establish the boundaries of the site. He also plans land management work and controls its quality.

The land surveyor also determines the rights to land and other real estate. Suppose neighbors in a gardening partnership have a dispute over a fence between their plots. Neighbor Ivan Ivanovich believes that the fence should go behind that rowan tree, and Ivan Nikiforovich is sure that the border runs along this stone. Whose side is the truth on? A land survey will help you figure it out. It is carried out by a land surveyor based on a court decision or at the request of the disputants themselves. The examination begins with the collection and analysis of documents. Boundaries are then set and a conclusion is drawn up.

The profession of a land surveyor is in demand and therefore pays well. However, this is by no means an office job. A land surveyor spends most of his time traveling and outdoors. In its content, the profession is close to the professions of a topographer, surveyor and cadastral engineer.


Land surveyors can work in state design and research institutes of land management, in law firms specializing in land relations, land cadastral chambers, etc.


Salary as of 04/02/2019

Russia 20000—45000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a land surveyor or land manager requires spatial thinking, good visual memory, responsibility, accuracy, organization, exactingness, and good health. A tendency to colds, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and poor eyesight are considered contraindications.

Knowledge and skills

A land manager must know the land code, environmental legislation, technology for land management work, methods of land development and improvement, systems of anti-erosion measures, and rules for drawing up documentation.

You must be able to use geodetic and aerial photographic instruments.

Land surveyor training

The Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites you to receive a specialty. The Academy specializes in providing services in the field of additional education and offers many professional courses designed for a wide range of students. Distance learning is possible.

Persons who already have any higher or secondary specialized education can take retraining courses in the specialty “Land Management”. Retraining courses provide an opportunity to obtain a new specialty on the basis of an existing professional. education. For example, if you have an engineering education, you can get a diploma in land management.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Physics - optional at university

For most people, the concepts of land management and cadastre become clear only in the case of any operations with land plots. However, due to the active development of construction, the specialty 03.21.02 “Land management and cadastres” is now becoming one of the most popular in higher and secondary educational institutions of the country.

Since land resources are inexhaustible, a graduate of such a university will always have enough work. But not only this factor determines the popularity of the profession. Considering the expanses of the country from the point of view of rational use, as well as participating in the organization and systematization of information about this use, is a very noble activity.

Admission conditions

To join the field of land management and urban planning, you must graduate from one of the universities in Moscow or another city in the Russian Federation. All educational institutions of this kind have uniform admission rules with minor differences.

Basically, students can become graduates of 11 grades of secondary school who have successfully passed the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, mathematics, physics or computer science and ICT. In this case, mathematics is considered as a core subject. If the score for the Unified State Exam is from 30 to 71, then the applicant has a chance to become a student at one of the educational institutions.

Future profession

Cadastre and land management specialists develop land management schemes and projects, and also justify the feasibility of developing any object. Often, such employees are needed in government agencies in various areas, the main activity of which is design and construction.

In the process of work, land management specialists consider the legality of using certain lands, and also organize the development of programs to improve the use of land resources.

As for the cadastral engineer, his activities often lie in the area of ​​organizing information about various land objects. You should also know that to work as a cadastral engineer you must obtain a qualification certificate.

Where to apply

After it becomes clear which subjects the applicant should take, he should choose a university. There are quite a lot of such educational institutions that train specialists in land management and cadastre. Let's name the most famous of them:

  • State University of Land Management;
  • Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography;
  • Ural State Mining University;
  • South Federal University;
  • Kuban State Agrarian University;
  • Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov.

Training period

The time required to study this specialty varies depending on the student’s choice of form of education. With full-time study it will take 4 years. If a young person prefers to combine studies with other activities and chooses a part-time, evening or mixed form, then obtaining a bachelor’s degree will take him 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

During their studies at a university, academy or institute, students become acquainted with a lot of interesting and necessary information. All of it is presented within the framework of educational subjects. Let's list just a few of them:

Acquired skills

In order to ensure the rational use of such an important resource as land, a future specialist should acquire many useful skills. And the teaching staff of universities does an excellent job. After graduation, graduates can not only independently develop projects on land management and territory planning. They also easily maintain records, registration and cadastral valuation, carry out land surveying and form real estate objects.

Often such specialists are involved to control the use of real estate in accordance with current legislation. Thanks to the study of cartography, topographic and geodetic surveys are also easy for graduates of this faculty.

Nowadays settlements are actively being built up and developed. In this regard, there is a need to regulate land and property relations, as well as resolve disputes in this area. A land management specialist and cadastral engineer will cope with these issues without effort, since they have a theoretical basis and practical skills in this area.

Job prospects by profession

Specialists in this profession are needed in both private and government agencies. If a student has just graduated from a university, then his salary can start at 25-30 thousand rubles. A more experienced employee can count on increasing this amount to 40 thousand. At the same time, the project manager already earns 50 thousand rubles or more.

Since land legislation in our country is actively developing, and urban planning is one of the promising areas, problems with whom to work for specialists in land management and cadastre usually do not arise.

If we talk about specific professions in this area, these are usually appraisers, land surveyors, surveyors, cadastral engineers and technicians.

Advantages of Master's Degree Studies

After completing a bachelor's degree, most universities offer continuing education in a master's program. Typically, this path is chosen by those for whom research activities are more attractive than practical ones. In addition, specialists who, in addition to narrow-profile knowledge, have management skills are increasingly needed.

Graduates of the master's program in "land management and cadastres" are excellent specialists who are in demand in research and design institutes, cadastral chambers, justice authorities, and insurance companies.

About the faculty

Short story. In 1991, the Faculty of Land Management was opened. He was separated from the Faculty of Land Management. Students who studied in the specialties 1517 “Land Management”, 1508 “Land Management” with the specialization “Land Cadastre” and “Jurisprudence” switched to it. The number of students was 428 students. Three departments were assigned to the faculty: land use, land law, soil science and agricultural reclamation.
In 1993, instead of one land management specialty, three appeared: “Land management”, “Land cadastre”, “City cadastre”. This led to the transformation of the university's faculties and departments. Thus, on the basis of the Faculty of Land Resources Management, the Faculty of Cadastre and Law was formed in 1993. In the 1997/98 academic year, 953 students studied at this faculty. The faculty of cadastre and law included the departments of land use and land cadastre, jurisprudence, planning and cadastre of human settlements, soil science and ecology, and land law.

The Faculty of Land Cadastre was created in 1998 in the process of reorganizing the Faculty of Cadastre and Law. At this faculty students studied in specialty 311000 “Land Cadastre”. The faculty is assigned to: the Department of Land Use and Land Cadastre, where 25 teachers worked, including 2 professors and 12 associate professors; Department of Soil Science and Ecology consisting of 14 teachers, including 6 professors and 7 associate professors; Department of Informatics consisting of 10 teachers, of which 3 are professors and 4 associate professors; Department of Physics consisting of 7 teachers, of which 2 are professors and 4 are associate professors. The faculty was headed by Professor Vladimir Anatolyevich Sindeev. In 1998, an evening department of the faculty was opened to train students on a commercial basis with the specialization “Land and Real Estate Valuation”.
In 2000, Tatyana Viktorovna Kosheleva, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department of economic theory and management, was elected dean of the faculty. By 2004, more than 400 students were studying at the faculty. Faculty members head the land cadastre section of the educational and methodological association in the field of land management and cadastres, which organizes the educational and methodological activities of higher educational institutions in Russia.
Since 2006, Marina Aleksandrovna Smirnova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Land Use and Cadastre, has been appointed dean of the faculty. The faculty is assigned: the department of “land use and cadastres”, headed by academician, professor, doctor of economic sciences Anatoly Aleksandrovich Varlamov; Department of “Soil Science, Ecology and Environmental Management”, headed by Valentin Valentinovich Vershinin, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences; Department of Computer Science, headed by Mikhail Ilyich Korobochkin, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences.
The faculty has 440 full-time students.
The Faculty of REAL ESTATE CADASTRE trains bachelors in the following areas:
03.21.02 (120700.62) – “Land management and cadastres” profiles: “land management”, “real estate cadastre”, “land and real estate valuation”.
05.03.06 (022000.62) – “Ecology and environmental management”;
03/20/01 (280700.62) – “Technosphere safety”.
The Faculty of REAL ESTATE CADASTRE trains masters in the following areas:
04/21/02 - “Land management and cadastres” profile: “Real estate cadastre”;
04/05/06 - “Ecology and environmental management”.

Every year, the Faculty of REAL ESTATE CADASTRE graduates certified specialists, bachelors and masters, so in the 2014-2015 academic year, graduates of the Faculty were awarded 170 diplomas, of which red (graduated with honors) 28.

Employment of graduates of the REAL ESTATE CADASTRE faculty
diverse, so more than 40% of graduates successfully work in the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr", in the structures of the BTI, the Department of City Property of Moscow, since 2010, more than 500 graduates of the State University have become "cadastral engineers" and work in the field of cadastral activities, in the field of real estate valuation property (in private and public enterprises).
Graduates of the REAL ESTATE CADASTRE faculty can continue their studies in postgraduate studies in the field of land management and cadastres.